Whether children in apple savage. Interesting and delicious traditions: Apple Spas

Unfortunately, often an Orthodox Christian or his parents after the sacrament of baptism put a bold point.

Painped, thank God! The required minimum committed. The duty before the Lord and the soul of the child was performed. Further only earthly: upbringing, health, studies, work, army, marriage. Well, still in the church you can go twice a year: to devote to Easter the cakes, meat and eggs and the baptism of the Lord - the driver of the chaired to dial. The one who believes is stronger (if, of course, there will be time!) Even to the Palm Resurrection will devote the Verq, on Honey Saving Honey and Apple Savior Apples and Grapes. Well, now it's already enough.

Everything. Enough.

In the consciousness of such a person, Orthodoxy is just an old good grandmother's tradition. No more. And the whole mysterious saving life of the church passes by and completely unnoticed for him.

But it is necessary to understand that the sacrament of baptism is not an end, and the beginning. This door to the premium and deepest world of the Church is the world of Orthodoxy. I was baptized, and I became on the first step of the staircase into the sky. Christ himself took me by the hand, and instead of pulling her out of his father, and leave again, as if nothing had happened to the world with his hurry, emptiness and passions, grace of the Holy Spirit, obtained in Epiphany Fike, calling me up - In the kingdom of heavenly chamber behind the chamber, step behind the step, second in the second. All up and up, not down and down.

The sacrament of baptism is not only a huge grace, but also colossal responsibility. I received a gift in baptism and worldware, was given to the vine of Christ, connected through him with God the Father and got the graceful gifts of the Holy Spirit for a firm and decisive life in Christianity. I am a new creature, no longer a person, but an updated earthly angel, a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. All sins are washed with me, it happened to me here - in the baptized font - the miracle of my personal resurrection. There was a birth of a new god-like creature - the son or daughter of God - God with a small letter. That's what the sacrament of baptism.

But instead of faster from the reverent and sacred horror in front of an immeasurable depth of the sacrament, I perceive it as a purest formality - like a stamp in a passport and go live-sinning further ...

This is my dear brothers and sisters, the same thing that put the holy icon in the dirt and flooded with her legs. After all, what is the sacrament of baptism as not the image of God in the heart and the soul of man?! And the one who does not purify does not adapt him, does not put it on the throne of his inner heart altar - makes a terrible sin.

Because the Lord gave me a premium gift, and I will contribute to me and asked: "How and what did this gift I used to use?"

Now, from the point of view of the divine church iconomy (condescension), we get the great gift of the sacrament of baptism just like that. But it was not always so. Once he died for him a lot of Orthodox, and to become a Christian, it was necessary to pass the art and announcement, so that in the complete consciousness of the shrine of baptism to enter the water and get out of it with a new person.

The same can be said about the perceptuals (the people of "Kumany"). You take responsibility for the soul of the child. From now on, and forever you will be associated with it with parental uzami - spiritual invisible link. Before the holy throne you give an oath that you will raise the child in the Orthodox faith. Speaking figuratively, you with a child like climbers walking in a bundle on the mountain of life. Baby will grow, will become a bad man and after death it will turn around, will fly down - in hell, it is quite possible to go to him and you. Because your omission. Or, on the contrary, it will become a good Orthodox Christian and after death will fall to heaven, after him, maybe you will be taken and you, because in that and your merit.

Excuses like "I'm old old and live in Ukraine, and my kleyman is sixty, and, by rumors, he is not accepted in Australia. You gave an oath for him before God. As a spiritual parent, you, at least, should pray for him.

Therefore, parents, both biological and spiritual, should not think after the sacrament of baptism: "Fu-y-yh! Finally ended, now at the table and at home. " But you have to think: "What's next? How to live now? How to pour a gift obtained in baptism? "

The answer is simple. More often to enter high temple vaults. And live church life. And then the Lord will tell.

Mother with a child needs to come after baptism in the temple and hold the rite of squeascular. It follows the parents themselves to learn the main prayers of "Our Father" and "Symbol of Faith", to teach these prayers of the child. Give him the icon of his heavenly patron. Of course, it should be prayed for the child. It should be remembered that the main shrine of Orthodoxy is the body and blood of Christ. And, according to the Savior, "if you do not have the flesh of the Son of Human and drinking it to him, then you will not have a life in yourself" (John 6:53). An adult man needs to be prepared for a long time to compete, and a baptized baby can simply bring under the bowl so that he can take the greatest shrine of the Eucharist. It is very important. The body and blood of Christ, taken by the child, will be fully cleaned and enlighten it, feeding spiritual and bodily health. Of course, after that, you need to read thanksgiving prayers for the Saint Communion.

And in general, it is necessary to strive every Sunday with a child to visit the temple so that the church becomes not a frightening place for him, but the native home. And so gradually step by step to go up from the measure to the measure, discovering an amazing and deep world of Orthodoxy. After all, in essence, the sacrament of baptism is only the beginning of the journey. Next you will be waiting for a long shiny road. Hollowing on it, we will find such gifts of the Holy Spirit, in front of which all the treasures of the world will die.

The main thing is not to go past her ...

Hello. We continue to get acquainted with the Summer Orthodox Holidays. Apple Savior - the second holiday in August.

Consecration of the fruits of the new crop

August is rich not only on the harvest, but also on the Orthodox holidays. First, on August 14, all the believers celebrated Honey saved. Behind him follows apple saved. What date is this holiday marks? Every year, as well as in 2017 - August 19, the date never changes.

On this day, believers carry in the temple for sanctifying honey, apples of the new crop. During this period, the Assumption post is underway, which will last until August 28.

From the history of the holiday

Holiday history with its roots goes in the IV century. According to the legend, the Savior with three students: John, John and Peter, went up to the mountain of Favor to start her prayer. It was here that Jesus Christ found out that he had to sacrifice himself for the sake of rescue people, here he fell very bright divine light, denoting his purpose. Therefore, the holiday is called the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Jesus forbade his disciples to talk about what he saw, but told all people to collect fruits for consecrated in the temple. This event occurred 40 days before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.

What is the essence of the holiday? In understanding that Jesus Christ, combined the divine and human. It was on this day that the Son of God revealed to his students a real essence of his divine origin, that he is not an ordinary philosopher, and that he carries people a new faith. Pupils with their own eyes saw how their teacher transformed, showing the divine face and white, shining a wonderful light of clothing. All people surrounding Jesus understood the true meaning of his mission on Earth.

What does apple saved for the people mean? It is also commemoration of the completion of summer works and the beginning of even more diligent harvesting works.

Ban for women

Women are forbidden to eat apples until the very holiday, especially those who have children died in infant age, were miscarriages or abortions. For example, it is impossible to eat apples to apple save? It is explained by the fact that small kids sitting in the sky will see their mothers and so much to cry. If a woman did not eat apples, then the Mother of God will give a child a paradise apple for happiness and good luck. In Scripture, it is not said about this, but believing still lives.

Many ask the question: Is it possible to baptize on the apple? Yes, you can!

Apple Savior - the end of summer

Signs that come true.

  1. Having faced the first apple to saved, when biting the last piece, do not forget to make a desire. They say everything comes true to the first snow!
  2. What will happen this day, so there will be a cover (October 14) and all January 2018.
  3. If there is no rain, then autumn will be dry, if it rains, then wait for the rainy autumn.
  4. If this day is clear, winter will be harsh.

The traditions of the rescue come to life - to treat all apples and honey. Previously, during the massive walk, everyone who had an apple garden was put on a TV street with a new harvest to distribute them to passersby. The same who did not do this, considered greedy, dishonest people.

On this day, fairs and folk festivities were held, it was noisy and fun, people went to visit a friend. Tables broke from treats. For children organized funny Games. Today in kindergartens, also conduct Spassky games.

Festive dishes recipes

  • Take apples of the same size.
  • Cut the "Lid", remove the seeds and core.
  • Blender, fright cottage cheese, sugar powder, a little starch, vanilla, yolk.
  • Fill this weighing apples.
  • Put in the oven for 30 minutes.

Caramel pancakes


  • 6 apples.
  • 120 gr. flour.
  • 250 ml of milk.
  • 125 ml. water.
  • 150 gr. Sahara.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 lemon.
  • ½ CHL Cinnamon.
  • 2 tbsp. Butter.
  • 250 ml sour cream.
  • 3 tbsp. sugar powder.
  • salt.


  • In a bowl, put flour, milk, water, eggs, 50 gr. Sugar, salt. All beat.
  • Bake pancakes.
  • For the filling of purified apples, cut into cubes, add cinnamon, zest and juice lemon, 30 gr. Sahara.
  • In the pan melted butter, add 70 grams. Sugar, constantly stirring, prepare caramel.
  • When sugar acquires caramel color, remove from the fire, add apples, put on fire.
  • Still before impregnating apples caramel, then remove from the stove.
  • On each pancake, put the filling, along with the sweet sour cream.

Festive rites

For the transformation of the Lord, people made various magical rites for love and wealth.

Urgently remove the damage

Many diseases are caused by damnings. Take honey and birch bark, do such actions:

  • Wake up on August 19, when just starts light.
  • In the clay pot type water from the spring, lie to bed.
  • At noon, smear the bark with honey.
  • Stick the bark to the forehead.
  • Say a plot.
  • Clear water from the spring, the residues pour under the birch.
  • Rinse, dry the bark so that it becomes your faucet, we always wear with you.

"Strong health, happiness and joy, go into my soul, healed the body. Scary firm and past grief, leave away, learn to the ground. Delicious honey floral, lime and bee. Let sweets fill my life. May it be so".

On wealth

  • Take 3 linden twigs, put them in the bedroom.
  • In the morning, within 9 days, until noon, spend the ritual.
  • Go around your home, beat with sprigs in the corners and, read the plot. After 9 days, we dry the twigs, keep them until the next apple save.

"Lipen money to money, and lost coins are returned. If that Istrachka, I will get a storm back. Money sticks to money, wallets are connected together. Sturdy my words. Amen".

Dear friends, prepare for the holiday, attract children so that they also learned the history of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Signs and superstitions: Is it possible to baptize the child 2018-12-16 14:15 4200

Religious beliefs are an integral part of any culture, and they always establish certain canons of behavior in society, including all sorts of bans. However, sometimes these taboos are not too well known to people. That is why young parents often have a question about the possibility of an invitation to the godfather of their child a pregnant friend or relatives.

For many centuries around the future mother, there were many different superstitions and restrictions, including bans to participate in church rites. At the same time, today there have been more progressive signs that do not prohibit women in the position becoming cristed even before the birth of their own child. On which beliefs to pay attention can only be solved by the man on the basis of his convictions and views, the Spellon You will write.

A couple of centuries ago, our ancestors were firmly confident in the danger of baptism's rite for a pregnant woman. They believed that the godfather or son would pick up the well-being not yet born baby and the love of his mother. Therefore, a native child at the time of baptism in the womb may appear on the light with a programmed unfortunate destiny.

An even more gloomy belief argues that agreeing to become a godfather, a pregnant woman already acquires a child who will take the place of her own child in life. In this case, the baby may be born already dead.
Nowadays, the official church does not consider pregnancy an obstacle to the participation in the rite of baptism. Quite on the contrary, the priests are confident that future mother Better than any other woman can penetrate the spirit of love and care for the baby, and at the same time and "try" future parental responsibilities for themselves.

However, now for the lady in the situation there are certain "contraindications" to participate in the rite relating to her well-being. If a woman is hard to carry pregnancy, then it is worth considering that the ceremony is quite long in time and requires the ease of endurance and some physical efforts. If you are not sure that you can spend on your feet for a long time, and at the same time keep the baby on the hands of the baby, and sometimes a rather adult baby, then you should not expose your health to such a test.

Before taking a proposal to become a godfather, a woman in a position should be thought if she can fully fulfill his duties towards a kid, having his own toddler on his hands. After all, this role does not boil down to the purchase of birthday gifts, but implies a full-fledged participation in the life of a child and spiritual leadership of the development of his personality.

On this day, there are practically no faces between the worlds. Bright energy prevails. Therefore, in the transformation of the Lord, the signs are accurate, and white magic conspiracies and rituals have particularly powerful power. Apple Savior - the time when you can change your destiny, clean the inner energy, get the protection of higher strength. It is filled deep sacral meaning. This is the day of positive energy flows that can be used for yourself. How? Let me prompt perennial observations, signs, various ritual actions, which are particularly reliable and effective.

Traditions and signs for Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord)

Ask to savage you can choose about anything, but it is necessary to do it sincerely and without mercenary thoughts

The Transfiguration of the Lord is a big Christian holiday with a fixed date that never changes. Therefore, in 2018, it, as always, is celebrated on Sunday on August 19.

In the people of the holiday parallelly called apple or second savage, savage on the mountain, a pea afternoon, the first aspensets.

This is one of the three permissions, which are traditionally celebrated in August. The energy of the holiday is optimistic, filled with light, good and merciful. August 19 - the real opportunity to change life for the better, transformed along with nature. Special energy powers are endowed with consecrated apples in the church.

What is forbidden to do on this day

There are apples to the save not allowed, especially women

In antiquity, the Slavs existed a strict ban on coming fruits before holding a special ritual. The tradition of the blessing of the crop has been preserved now. So far, apples, pears, grapes in Apple Savior will not sanctifies the priest in the temple, cook, can not be consumed. The most stringent prohibitions touch apples. Moreover, the consequences of the disorder of the taboo are more delicious for women who make on the original sin of Eva.

What else can not be done on this day:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to work. It is allowed to prepare food and care for the garden. It is impossible to perform field work, to build anything, knit, sew, clean in the house. It is believed: gather grain to saved - it will deteriorate very quickly. The entire harvest must be removed before the transformation of the Lord.
  2. There is a strict ban on the use of apples to women who have children died. Tabu concerns mothers who have lost kids. However, moms, losing adult son or daughter, also prohibit themselves to use apples and dishes from them before the onset of the second Savior. All because of ancient legend, in which in Russia they still believe. In the afterlife on this day, children get gold apples. We remain without wonderful fruits only those whose moms ate apples to apple save.
  3. Non-native guys apples are also better not to transform the Lord - the wife will cast and ugly.
  4. It is forbidden to swear, having fun, eating any alcohol, meat, fatty dishes, eggs, because the holiday is celebrated on the day of the Assumption post. On the table can only be vegetable and fish dishes, as well as all sorts of apples and other fruits.
  5. It is not worth the second saved to kill flies. If she sat down twice in hand, this is a sign, symbolizing the fulfillment of desires. The insect should not be driven - it is better if it flies on his own will.

What needs to be done on the day of the second save

The first thing they do is take a fruit basket and go to the temple service, where, after the festive prayer, the priest in snow-white clothes will sprinkle the fruit of holy water. Need to remember: the harvest bring to the church primarily as a sign of gratitude to God. Only then will they acquire special properties.

It is believed that the consecrated apple will give health, happiness and good luck. Anyone who did not eat such a fruit on apple saved, may be hurting and suffering for a whole year before the next transformation. Apples collected on August 19, even if they are late varieties are perfectly stored. The first torn from the tree must be eaten, saying: "What is contrived - it will come true, which will come true - it does not happen." So do desire to be fulfilled.

Brunette children in apple saved is not prohibited, on the contrary, on this festive day of the shag there is even a little more than on weekdays.

Folk signs on August 19

You need to be attentive to signs and do the following:

Weather for the holiday - forecast for January: if it is raining - snowy winter, a sultry dry day - frosty January without precipitation. Rainy transfiguration of the Lord - rains in the fall will go often.

Rituals, fortune telling and conspiracy

Apple, round symbol, maybe on this day to participate in a variety of rituals

Magical rituals made in apple saved, will be easily and efficiently, and fortune telling will be reliable. Special personal energy costs will not be required. Important faith in ritual, bright thoughts and feelings.

Fortune telling on apple leather for unmarried girls

Cut the apple so that the cut-off peel was in the form of a ribbon. If you cut off, and the ribbon is broken - this year you will not marry. In the case when the long tape is obtained, the peel with the left hand rushes over the shoulder. The Sawl, who turned out after the fall, will tell further the fate of the girl: he will remind the first letter of the name of the future spouse.

Divination for unmarried

Take apples by the number of men who are interested in you. Write on each name. Then refer to the night in the garden or on the balcony. Early in the morning, see the result:

  1. There will be nothing sensible if the fruit is spoken by birds.
  2. The appearance of a dangerous rival will say an apple that birds ate almost completely.
  3. Fruit that fell on Earth - relations with this man will bring tears and pain.
  4. The fetus disappeared at all says that the paths with the guy will disappear.

Youth fortune telling on apples

A group of girls and guys take on a consecrated apple, each of which is consolidated on the rope. Dilute the fire and promotion fruits with the greatest force. Who has faster an apple falls into the fire, he used to marry or marry. The one who will be the last thing about the wedding should not dream of the next resca.

Simple ritual for wealth

The more apples distribute close and poor, the richer will be this year

To avoid money problems, sanctify apples, distribute them to the poor. One eat yourself, saying: "Peeling the need, wealth of health resort. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! May it be so!"

Love Conspiracy

To draw attention to yourself, you need to cut an apple in half. Between the halves there are three sheets of nettle, connecting the fruit together. They bring up to her lips and sentenced: "Fly here, like nettle, what burns fiery passion, for us the most beautiful. May it come true for the benefit of loved and loved ones. " The conspiracy apple is hiding in a secret place. After it rotates, you bury the residue near the housing of the beloved.

A strong conspiracy, improving relationship with the boss

So that contact with the leader was friendly, in the temple put a candle for health and say: "The Lord Almighty History of His Epos, Smoy Over Your Slave (chief name) and I need me (name). From now on and will be like that. "

Apple Savior Love in Russia. This is a holiday of gratitude and light, positive changes and faith in the future. Nature is transformed by itself and gives us strength to change the course of fate for the better. The conceived will surely come true if the heart and soul on this day will be filled with light feelings. Let the outgoing summer remain a kind memoil, and the coming autumn will bring wonderful changes to the better.

* Photos of Olga Kasyanchuk and Alexander Taldin

Number of records: 16441

Hello, it is possible to unresolved to wear a cross is not like a decoration, but as a sign that I believe in God, but I don't decide to be baptized, I think it's already late.


Breeding never late. If you believe - prove it in practice, because baptism is the oath of God in loyalty.

deacon Ilya Cokin

Hello! Is it possible to baptize a child of a pregnant godfather?


Yes, you can, there are no prohibitions about this.

deacon Ilya Cokin

Hello. Answer, please, at my questions. If a person tells me to steal something, and I listen to him, what to do if I'm a little afraid of him? In our family do not read prayer before eating and prayer after eating. I am shifted to read (talk) prayer. I tell them about yourself or very quiet. What if I'm shy? If a person takes a thing without demand and returns her, but the owner of this thing does not know anything about it, then is it called? Is it probably not theft or not? Thanks.


You can read prayers for yourself, nothing terrible. But take someone else without demand, even for a while, it is impossible, this is theft. Do not be afraid to refuse to man in what is a sin, because if we are on someone else's requirement to make small sins, then in the time you will be able to make a serious sin. What to do then?

deacon Ilya Cokin

Hello! Tell me, please: is it true that the parents of deceased children can not eat apples throughout the year before the transformation (apple rescue)? Is it only about young children, or about children of any age towards parents? Or all this superstition? Just grandmother always said: "We do not eat apples, and then nastya (her deceased little son) on that light on the holiday apple will not give." thanks


Good evening. We have a little girl. We want to baptize children in one day. She will baptize my girl, and I am her. Is it possible to do so?


Yes, so you can do.

deacon Ilya Cokin

Hello, I saw several times how in the church put a candle with a fityl down, and and left. I understand, well, suddenly a man was mistaken, but no, it was done intentionally. What does it mean?


If it was done maliciously, then perhaps this is a naive attempt to bring "damage" to a person. If so, then such an act only testifies to the stupidity of man - God does not help in bad things.

deacon Ilya Cokin

The husband committed suicide on August 4, hard, tears shed, we have two children left, one for 2.5 years, it is a pity that Vadim will not see how he grows. In our church, I was allowed to put a candle on the memorial table, and the other Batyushka is rejugal, said it is impossible. How to facilitate the fate of her husband there and calm down the soul is breaking away from grief.


Hello, Natalia. Help you God. First of all, believe in two. You can remember the unfortunate such prayer: "We have a slave, Lord, the deceased soul of your slave (name): It is possible to eat, humbly. Thieves are invariating. Do not put me in the sin of the prayer of this, but yes there will be a holy will of yours. " Candles can be lit, and you can serve alms. Only church remembrance is not allowed, for public services.

ieria Alexander Beloslud

Good day. Is it possible to study the book of their publication "Approach Jehovah" with Jehovah's Witnesses? I am Orthodox. Communion.


Hello. Vasiliy. In no case. It will be a crime of Judino. In general, stay away from Jehovists away. This is a totalitarian sect, a sorting personality. Learn the gospel on the pushing of the Bell's Feofilakt.

ieria Alexander Beloslud

Hello, tell me why Seraphim Sarovsky took a prayer feat to pray on the stone?


Hello, Nikolay. Saint Seraphim was in his youth a very strong person. He saw that ordinary monastic works leave most of these forces in idleness. A festival is a source of temptations, especially for the ink, who has chosen a secluded lifestyle. This monk inevitably begins to be numerous demonic temptations. Therefore, he took over the big works. I wore Verigi, I worked a lot physically, and I made a prayer to Jesus, standing on my knees. We do not repeat this. Do not even try.

ieria Alexander Beloslud

Hello, father! I really need your advice. My name is Victoria, I am 17 years old. I recently hit me a bunch of diseases, I need an operation on the jaw because of the wrong bite, there were constant pains for the jaw because of the nerves, then made two operations to remove the nail on the finger, then I learned that I was not all right with Stomach, with a neck, head, breathing, I found flatfoot and scoliosis, problems with vision. I'm going to go to the psychiatrist, there were thoughts about suicide ... I just want to ask: why are these tests sent to me? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I sin much? Help, please figure out what to change?


Hello, Victoria. Griefs may have three different sources. The first source, the most important, is our nature. Not nature that surrounds us with her environmental problems, and our own, human, nature. Diseases are its component. This is the consequence of the Fall of Adam and Eve. We get the ability to mourn, subordination of diseases and inevitable mortality from them through the law of natural birth. In nature, it is impossible to change, but we expect a "new sky and a new land" after the second glorious coming of Christ, and the universal resurrection. However, there are funds, and legitimate and beigents, to facilitate the cargo of this heritage. This is the life of Christ's commandments, life in the gospel. The gospel must not just read, but try to live them. The second source of sorrows is God's God. The Lord burns to suffer sorrow and attack those who love them so that they can increase spiritually. For this, before sorrow, it gives the necessary fertile forces for their carrying. Such sorrow never lead to despair, because the grace of God surpasses exhaustion. The third source of sorrows and temptations is a devil. He multiplies sorrow with one goal: lead to despair, petition and despair. In such states, a person forgets that there is God that no hair falls from his head without his will. It ceases to pray, ceases to file himself for the commandments. Torn. Flows into blasphemy and blasphemy. And the devil is necessary, it is rejoicing. But if a person in the sorrows continues to file himself to prayer, reading the Gospel, to the post, to the communion, to repentance, and no matter how the grief intensified, for everything thanks God - this can not bear it. And never does he bringing the person to God. When he sees that the troubles caused to him, do not disturb him from God, but on the contrary, contribute to the strengthening of his prayers, the multiplication of Thanksgiving, immediately stops the person and retreats from him. Follow this path as much forces. And everything else trust the Lord God.

ieria Alexander Beloslud

Hello! I had such a situation in my family: my parents do not allow me to fast. Sometimes I start to fast so that they do not notice it, but when notice - they are offended by me, sometimes it comes to small and short quantities. My ban is explained by the fact that I have a weak growing organism (I am 17 years old) that I am very thin, and therefore I should eat well. Perhaps remember my faint two years ago. Now there is no fumbness, only sometimes becomes unable. A semi-resistant state personally, I explain to the fact that I also go to the church and, therefore, rarely confess to and communion (here too, we often argue with my parents). In the hospital they say that health is in order and there are no strong deviations. How to convince parents? After all, I am very rare in the church, and, if you still stop fasting, then I just don't know what will happen to me! Thanks in advance for the answer!


Hello, Anastasia. With parents do not need to conflict, it will only be more disorder from it. Lack in small, get more. Well, insist on the use of rapid products, eat, but not to satiety. Discard what you love. For example, do not put sugar in tea. In a word, something that you will certainly feel, but it will not get into the eyes, will not be annoying parents. The main thing in the post is the principle of abstinence, moderation in everything. Of course, the composition of food plays a big role, but if there is no freedom of choice, there is no sin, in the fact that you eat what is bidded to eat. When you can fully provide, and you will be able to cook food, you can fast, even if you want, in the monastic charter. Observe moderation in everything. Even from the spring water you can die if you drink a whole bucket. Hold your entertainment in the post. From empty conversations, on the contrary, immerse yourself in reading the gospel, and the holy fathers. Read in two weeks "Shorty teachings" of Avva Dorofei. Seeing your preferabity, parents will not be objected to visiting Sunday services. And the preparation for confession and communion is generally secret. Angel to help.

ieria Alexander Beloslud

Hello. Tell me, please, how to be. My young man wants to live a civil marriage, and I am not. I am looking for ways to convince him.


Olga, on the site in the heading "My Fortress" there is an article "Civil marriage labyrinths". Your young man just does not want to answer for his actions, take responsibility for your life and your honor.

archpriest Maxim Hiji.

Hello. My husband and I can not conceive children. Motherly we want this family happiness. Tell me, please buy what to buy an icon and what prayer to read about the wonders of the children? Thank you in advance for taking time.


Ira, you are still very young, it happens. It is necessary to pray to Mother of God. But I am very advised to refer to good doctors. They also sends God too.

archpriest Maxim Hiji.

Batty, bless. How does church refer to kisses and arms before marriage? Is it sin? It is difficult because to support relationships with a young man only on one communication. Explain, please, what is lust and lust? I have long confused this question. Help disassemble, save my God.


You can only kiss the bride - a girl (woman), with which everything has already been decided. The one who loves is waited still to spare his love, and not to force it to hasty decisions. Here you ask: "What is lust and lust?". The answer may be short: "Lust is, when there may be another woman in your place." When there is only one interest - sexy, like a person you are just uninteresting for a young man.

archpriest Maxim Hiji.

Hello. My husband left me for the second time, we have three kids. The first time changed, also hesitated for a long time, and left. Then he asked for forgiveness, agreed, the third gave birth. I am tormented if I did it right, is there no sin on me? Marriage is a weddish, but the husband is not particularly churched.


Olga, you had the right to divorce after the treason of her husband. Now you do not have a very understandable situation: if he left to cohabit with someone, you can apply for a divorce yourself. But, as I understand it, you have something wrong with your husband. It is no coincidence that the topic of intimate relationships came out. Important, by the way, the topic. Many who have disappeared from this with the words "the main thing - spiritual unity" was very expensive for hasty frivolity. By themselves, married relations are not saved by the family, but they are a continuation of normal love, mutual feelings and sympathies of spouses. You need to think firmly when and why the alienation began in the family.

archpriest Maxim Hiji.

Good health to you, Patty! Thank you for the previous answer. I'm interested in the story of Russian Orthodox church. Question: During the study of the material, I came across the "update" at the beginning of the 20th century. Many material, but I am interested in the difference between the ROC, what they wanted, and the opinion of the ROC about this course.

Onuchin Pavel Valentinovich

Dear Pavel Valentinovich, your question is a lecture. Therefore, I will limit the recommendation to read on this topic of the work of one of the best historians of the Church of Sergei Lvovich Firsov. They are online. Pay attention to the prot. George Mitrofanova.

archpriest Maxim Hiji.

Mom died, brother insists up to 40 days to hold the rite of consecration of the apartment in which she lived. Father continues to live in this apartment, his mother does not bother him. Why do you need the lighting of the apartment in principle, and especially up to 40 days, how does the brother insist? Brother lives separately.


Irina, the sanctification of the dwelling after a forty-day mourning - tribute to tradition. In general, the sanctifying housing, we ask the blessing of God to this house, as a Christian must resort in any situations primarily to God, hope for his help and blessing.

ieria Vladimir Shllykov

Hello, dear fathers. I baptized, baptized quite small, I do not even remember the godfather, lived in different countries, the godfather has already died. It so happened that I don't have a cross, because they baptized in early childhood, I don't know where my cross, in which was directly baptized. Mom also can not answer this question. For a while wearing a cross from a set of Matrona, but it was wooden, all soooed. Soon I go to the niece myself, the question is: if I can go to church and buy a cross myself, whether you need to go to the father? Thanks.


Marina, you can buy a cross ourselves. If you do this in the church shop, and not in the jewelry store, then you do not need to go to the father for consecration. Just wear and be worn.

ieria Vladimir Shllykov

Good day. Daughter marries. I want young blessings. Icons Two, I buy in the book bench at the church, you need to go to the father, ask for a blessing? How is this procedure going home, what words I, mom's bride, should they pronounce? Very worried, tell me.


Tatiana, the church blessing of the marriage is performed in the mystery of the wedding. And the parents bless young houses internally with the words "in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". The bride and groom kiss icons, after which you can give them your parental instruction.

ieria Vladimir Shllykov