What technologies won the presidential elections of France? The inauguration of the presidents of different countries of the world is interesting facts and features inauguration in France features.

France. Today, Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the country, Laurent Fabius proclaimed French policy by the president, reports the site with reference to TASS.

"You are entitled and become the eighth president of the French Republic," said Fabius, emphasizing that more than 20 million French voted for Macron. "
He also called the past election campaign in the country unprecedented on his tensions and confrontation of candidates.

The inauguration of Macron passed in the Champs Elysée Palace

The inauguration ceremony of the eighth president of the French Republic was held in the Champs Elysée Palace. She began with a meeting between Francois Hollande's five-year reign and the winner of Emmanuel Macron's election winner.

Laurent Fabius in his speech reminded the new president of France, which standing on the highest post in the country, he simultaneously becomes the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the country. "You are implementing the hopes of France now," said Fabius. He called on a new president to promote stability in the republic and "calm the passion", referring to the confrontation between the right, centrist and left forces, as well as the radicalization of the part of the country's Muslims.

Laurent Fabius in his speech reminded the new president of France, which standing on the highest post in the country, he simultaneously becomes the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the country. "You are implementing the hopes of France," Fabius said.

He called on a new president to promote stability in the republic and "calm the passion", referring to the confrontation between the right, centrist and left forces, as well as the radicalization of the part of the country's Muslims.

The new president spent Holyland before exiting the palace

Earlier on the porch of the Elysee Palace, a farewell ceremony of Macron and Holyland was held. She took place after the conversation of two politicians in the presidential office, which lasted more than an hour, although it was originally not to take over 25 minutes.

Then Macron and Hollande broke up, saying to each other warm words and firmly shook hands. Emmanuel Macron spent Holland to the car, descending with him on the stairs of the porch of the palace, that according to the protocol is a demonstration of respect for the leaving politics. Olland himself in 2012, standing up for the presidency, did not accompany Nicolas Sarkozy from the door of the palace, quickly turned away from him and left that he was perceived in the political world as a frank insult to the former head of state. Alland then had to publicly apologize for what happened.

Along the red carpet of Hollande under the outbreak of cameras and the applause of the gathered reached his car, standing in the middle of the main yard of the residence. From the Champs Elysae Palace ex-president France went to the opposite coast of the Seine, to Solferino Street, where the headquarters of the French Socialist Party is located. Thus, Hollanda repeated the path that in 1995 he had done his predecessor-socialist Francois Mitteran.

In the building on Solferino Street Francois, Hollande will have a meeting with the leaders of the party, its deputies and senators. In the evening, the former president will be headed in a small circle of friends Gala dinner.

Who left the post Olland in accordance with existing rules Get a service apartment from the state, several paid assistants, security, chauffeur and the car. According to unofficial data, the apartment Francois Holland will be located on the prestigious street of Rivoli.m

Macron welcomed the volley from the guns

The ceremony ended at noon. Macron, who also became the commander-in-chief of the country, walked around the ranks of the Palace of all kinds of troops built in the garden. National Anthem of France sounded - "Marselyza".

Then 21 salts of artillery guns used by French troops during the First World War followed. They are installed by tradition on the opposite bank of the Seine on the Esplanade of the Cathedral of the Disabled.

Celebrations will continue in the near future on the Champs Elysees. Emmanuel Macron will slowly erupt on them, welcoming the gathered French. Then, he, according to the established tradition, will light fire on the grave of an unknown soldier, located under the triumphal arch on Charles de Gaulle.

It proposes to compare, how inaugurations in different countries and in Georgia are held.


Inauguration of the fifth president of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili will be held in the Batonis-Cihe fortress built in XVII - XVIII centuries In the city of Telavi in \u200b\u200bthe Kakheti region. This place Zurabishvili chose, as he lost in this district.

According to the Protocol, Zurabishvili must meet the Chairman of Parliament, Prime Minister, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Chairmen of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts and the Chairman of the Central Election Commission. At the beginning of the inauguration, the "President of Georgia" will be announced, and Zurabishvili, together with the meeting, will take place next to the tribune.

At first, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court must say and invite the president to bring an oath. The president puts the right hand to the Constitution and gives an oath. After that, the state anthem of Georgia will sound, seven artillery salts will be carried out and the Georgian flag will be raised.

The innovation in the inauguration of Zurabishvili will be the fact that the current president of Georgia Georgy Margvelashvili before the beginning of the ceremony will receive a report from the commander-in-chief of Georgia's armed forces on readiness for the ceremony.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Umikashvili.


Traditionally, the inauguration of the president Russian Federation It is carried out in the Greater Kremlin Palace of the Moscow Kremlin and since 2000 is accompanied by the festive prayer Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Some of the inauguration traditions are borrowed from the ceremonial Russian Empire. The inauguration of 2018 was remembered by the "Prime Minister" of the Russian-made limousine from the project "Court".

© Photo: Sputnik / Sergey Guneev


According to the protocol, the outgoing and newly elected presidents of France are found on the steps of the Elysée Palace. Then the old head of state conveys a new so-called nuclear suitcase and leaves his former residence. A mandatory part of the inauguration is the insight of the eternal flame and the laying of a wreath to the grave of an unknown soldier in the Triumphal Arch. The peculiarity of the French inauguration is that the president does not give any oath.

© Photo: AFP 2019 / Sebastien Bozon


Donald Trump inauguration as the 45th US President, held on January 20, 2017, became the most expensive in the history of the country: it cost taxpayers at 90 million dollars. By tradition, almost all of his Healthy predecessors come to congratulate the new chapter state. The Constitution of the country and the Bible during the pronouncement of the oath Trump held His spouse Melania.

© Photo: AFP 2019 / Mandel Ngan

Czech Republic

The feature of the inauguration in the Czech Republic is that the slightest slowdown or the text of the oath is the basis for the immediate cancellation of the results of the elections and the appointment of new ones. It is spelled out in the country's constitution.

© AP Photo / Petr David Josek

South Korea

The inauguration of the presidents in South Korea is held before the building of the unicameral National Open-air Assembly. Guests are searched on chairs in front of the Tribune, which is the new head of state. Everyone who is present on the inauguration gives a plastic rain rain.

© Photo: AFP 2019 / Ahn Young-Joon


The country's constitution is registered that the mandatory part of the inauguration is to pronounce the presidential oath. The rest of the events on this day are part of the tradition. The new head of state solemnly drives along the capital in an open vehicle, then a military parade and public appointment of several senior officials, including the Minister of Justice and other members of the government.



The first and so far the only president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during the fifth inauguration arrived at the palace of independence, accompanied by an honorary escort of motorcyclists and read the oath in Belarusian. All over Minsk on this day a festive illumination is included.

In France, a week after the second round of the presidential elections, the inauguration of the youngest head of the state of Emmanuel Macgron was held. In the election, he was ahead of his rival - the head of the National Front, Marin Le Pen, gaining 66% of voters.

The inauguration ceremony in France is a well-established ritual whose mechanism is turned before the details.

France President Francois Hollande met his successor to Emmanuel Macron on the steps of the Elysees Palace. After that, they had a half-time conversation, on which Hollande handed Macron nuclear codes and important documents. Then Macron spent Holland to the door, and he left the palace already as an ordinary citizen.

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The inauguration itself began immediately after the meeting of two presidents. In the Hall of Celebrations, the Chairman of the Constitutional Council announced the results of the elections and officially announced Macgron with the new president of France. He was given a chain of the Grand Master of the Order of the Honorary Legion, then he uttered the first speech as president. After Macron made a view of the Republican Guard, the anthem sounded, and the guns in the complex of the house of persons with disabilities produced 21 solemn salvo.

The new president proceeded in the car, accompanied by an equestrian escort, according to the Champs Elysian fields to the Triumphal Arc, where the flowers laid the tomb of the unknown soldier.

At the inauguration ceremony, the wife of the new president of France Bridget Macron and the two of her daughters from the first marriage of Lorans and Tiffany were also attended at the Yelsei Palace.

Bridget macron. Photo: Reuters.
Junior daughter brigade Macron Tiffany and her young man Antoine. Photo: Reuters.

Emmanuel Macron will make his first presidential visit on Monday. He will go to the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, as the two predecessor - Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande. Merkel herself supported Macron's candidacy in elections.

Paris, May 14th. / Corr. TASS Mikhail Timofeev. Emergency measures are accepted in Paris to ensure security when conducting the inauguration ceremony of the New President Emmanuel Macron. More than 1.5 thousand police and gendarmes were mobilized in the city, military patrols on duty.

Special Street

Armed with automata policemen with buses blocked nearby near the TASS department Claire Street, on which from mid-2016 in the big apartment house Living a married couple of marshs. Several times through the cordon passed groups of all new police officers in civilian clothes, one of whose tasks is to ensure security in this house.

It is from here with a large escort of Macron in an armored car will go to the Champs Elyséi Palace, on the Red Carpet Track of which it should join exactly at 10:00 (11:00 Moscow time). His spouse brigade will arrive separately in 10 minutes. This is due to the fact that, according to the protocol, it should, together with her husband, climb the Palace's stairs to meet Francois Holland, because he is not married and will meet them alone.

Claire Street After the second round of the presidential election and victory on them, Emmanuel Macgron is constantly overlapping at the time while there is a future president in his apartment. Local residents can get into their homes can only upon presentation of documents. Nevertheless, despite the strict security measures of his spouse bright almost without protection periodically appears in the quarter and gladly photographed with its inhabitants.

Fields under control

Security regime is tougher in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Charming Palace. Overlapping or taken under tight control all the nearest streets. The Bovo Square was almost inaccessible, located between the Elysee Palace and the main residence of the Minister of the Interior of France. In all the streets closest to the Charming Palace, the police checks the bags from passersby.

Additional divisions of the police and gendarmerie will be transferred soon to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Elysee fields, as at noon, after the completion of the inauguration ceremony new President Proily follows this chief prospect of the capital to the Triumphal Arch, where the fire ceremony will be held at the grave of an unknown soldier. The police warned that the public would be removed on a large distance from Charles de Gaulle's area, on which there is a triumphal arch.

In all the Champs Elysees, the barriers to which the audience wishes to see the passing president will be allowed only after careful inspection and testing of metal detectors. On the roofs of the surrounding houses there are snipers of special divisions of the police and gendarmerie. An extensive zone around the avenue will be completely closed for a car movement, it almost paralyzes the western part of the French capital for several hours.

Meeting in the city hall

In the evening, the security zone move to the Paris City Hall area - there is a new president of France Emmanuel Macron will arrive for meeting with the town of Ann Idalgo. As expected, they will discuss measures taken to elevate Paris as a venue of the Olympic Games of 2024.

10:40 Francois Hollande met Emmanuel Macron at 10 am at the entrance to the Elysée Palace, after which two presidents met behind closed doors, during which, in particular, the outgoing head of the state and the commander-in-chief of the army passed its successor code from the so-called "nuclear suitcase".

François Hollande Greets Emmanuel Macron RFI / Pierre René-Worms

10:50 Emmanuel Macron arrived in the Champs Elysees Palace alone. His wife brightened, as well as other family members arrived at the ceremony earlier, along with the rest of the guests.

Reuters / Gonzalo Fuentes

Emmanuel Macron Court crosses the bridge Alexandra III On the way to the Elysee Palace Reuters / Francois Lenoir

At the ceremony in the Champs Elyseysk Palace there are two daughters brick Macron from the first marriage: Lorans and Tiffany along with their families.

Among the guests at the ceremony there is also a team pre-election headquarters Macron and the leader of the Centerrs Party Francois Bayru, the first of major politicians supporting the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron.

11:15 After the meeting of Tet-A-Tet \u200b\u200bbetween Hollandes and Makron, the new head of state conducted a leaving leader to the car. From the Champs Elysees Palace Francois Hollande headquartered at the headquarters of the Socialist Party, where the banner "Thank you!" Hung on the building.

Francois Hollande and Emmanuel Macron. 14 May 2017 RFI / Pierre Rene-Worms

11:20 New Head of State Emmanuel Macron returned to the festive hall of the Elysee Palace, where in the presence of invited guests and officials The head of the Constitutional Council Laurent Fabius announced the official joining the position of new president.

Reuters / Francois Mori / Pool

11:27 Supporters of Francois Holyland meet the ex-president at the headquarters of the social parties on Solferino Street.

11:40 As reported from the Elysées Palace Special Correspondent RFI Ksenia Gulia, right before the arrival of Macron, there was heavy rain, and the journalists began to joke that Makron was destined to repeat the fate of Holland, who spent his entire presidential period in the rain. The meeting of Oldland and Macron delayed. She lasted instead of the scheduled half an hour for almost an hour.

11:56 in Ov inaugural speech Emmanuel Macron remembered the merits of each of its predecessors in the Champs Elysées. He also noted the importance of today for the whole world: "The world and Europe never needed in France, as now. They need France, which is capable of inventing the future ... My mandate will be devoted to returning the French faith in itself ... Europe, in which we need, will be rebuilt and restarted ... We need Europe more efficient, more democratic. We have to build a world that our youth deserves. Together we can write one of the best pages of our history. "

Reuters / Francois Mori / Pool

12:02 At the ceremony in the Challenge Palace, Etienne Cardles is also present, boyfriend shot on April 20 on the Champs Elysees, a few days before the first round of the presidential election, Policeman Xavier Juzhel.

12:20 After the solemn ceremony in the festive hall of the Charming Palace, where the head of the Constitutional Council Laurent Fabius announced the official results of the elections, the field of which Emmanuel Marcon was produced into the great masters of the Honorary Legion.

Emmanuel Macron proclaimed the Grand Master of the Honorary Legion Reuters / Francois Mori / Pool