Berry Charmel Cranberry in the sugar powder - "Cranberry in Sugar: Low-calorie dessert and limitless pleasure. (Photo, composition) "

How much is the cranberries in the Sahara (the average price for 1 package.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

The cherished white balls with a red filling probably were the desired dream of every Soviet child along with air corn sticks in sugar glaze and sweet soda with millions of poorest bubbles.

In the fact that the cranberries in the Sahara today did not lose its popularity among the countless number of overseas sweets there is nothing surprising, because the perfect harmony of sweetness and light souries of cranberry berries will not leave anyone indifferent.

Agree, many of us in the action were surprised how to shove the clusin in sugar. And intact, the juice that does not seep through a snow-white sugar shell and does not paint it into pink color. Today, when you can find an incredible amount of the most sophisticated culinary sizes on the Internet, the recipe for cooking cranberries in sugar is not forgotten and many mistresses are enjoying them.

So, to independently make your favorite delicacy, you just need to have 3 components at hand: directly fresh, sugar powder and egg squirrel. The composition of cranberries in sugar, like all ingenious, simple, isn't it? For the preparation of dessert, one-piece large berries are thoroughly washed and thoroughly dry.

Chicken eggs are divided into protein and yolk (the latter can be used for other culinary creations). The protein is a bit whipped to the foam, in which you need to mix the berries of cranberries. If you do not have sugar powder, you can easily make it yourself using a coffee grinder. White sweet pollen is evenly distributed on a flat surface and protein-covered berries with fingers roll along it to the increase in the sugar layer.

Cranberry benefits in Sahara

The unconditional use of cranberries in the Sahara, along with the excellent gastronomic qualities of this product, make it so popular. Beneficial features Cranberries are known to almost every person. First of all, it is a natural source of ascorbic acid, which is simply necessary for the human body in the season of colds and infections. In addition, the composition of this berry has a rather rare vitamin RR, which contributes to the absorption of vitamin C.

Despite the fact that this sweet product contains a lot of sugar, due to which they are not particularly abused by people, prone to the completeness and development of caries, the use of cranberries in sugar is obvious, as it is present in it natural antibiotics - Fitoncides. Thanks to these substances, the berry is often used as a prophylactic agent from stomach disorders.

Cranberry Calorie in Sahara 190.13 Kcal

The energy value of cranberries in the Sahara (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - BZH).

Cranberries has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Its composition is represented by vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, RR, calcium minerals, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus.

Calorie of dried cranberries per 100 grams of 307.9 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 0.1 g of protein;
  • 1.4 g of fat;
  • 76.6 g of carbohydrates.

Dried cranberries is saturated with vitamins of the group B, E, C, PP, MANGAND minerals, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, iron, magnesium. Due to the large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, the product is contraindicated during weight loss and during a diet.

Calorie of dried cranberries per 100 grams

Caloriciness of dried cranberries per 100 grams of 280 kcal. In a 100 gram portion:

  • 2.6 g of protein;
  • 0.55 g of fat;
  • 57 g of carbohydrates.

The useful properties of dried cranberries for the prevention of metabolic disorders, diathesis, cold illness. Due to the saturation of rapid carbohydrates from the dried berry, it will have to abandon with inflammatory processes in the stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines.

Cranberry Calorie in Sahara per 100 grams

Cranberry caloric content in Sahara per 100 grams of 188 kcal. In a 100-gram portion of sweets:

  • 0.2 g of protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 48.8 g of carbohydrates.

For the preparation of cranberries in the Sahara need:

  • rinse thoroughly 100 g of fresh berries;
  • prepare sugar syrup by dissolving in 2 tablespoons of water 50 g of sugar and bringing the resulting mixture to boil;
  • the cranberry is dipped on each side in the resulting syrup and after that it is quickly collapsed in the sugar powder (a total of 65 g powders will be needed);
  • berries are dried.

Calorie of frozen cranberries per 100 grams

Calorie of frozen cranberries per 100 grams of 18 kcal. In 100-gram portion of berries:

  • 0.5 g of protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 3.9 g of carbohydrates.

It should be remembered that during the freezing the cranberries loses a significant part of the vitamins and minerals. This product is widely used to prepare cakes, pies, pies and other sweet flour products.

Cranberry benefits

Known Next use of cranberries:

  • cranberries is saturated with vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen immunity, preventing colds;
  • with regular use in food fresh berries, the risk of development of varicose varicose and hemorrhoids is reduced;
  • cranberry amino acids are needed to maintain vessel elasticity;
  • some studies have confirmed the beneficial properties of the berries to prevent the stomach cancer;
  • cranberry compresses are used to reduce pain symptoms with headaches;
  • high efficiency is characterized by ointment from cranberries for the treatment of burns;
  • cranberry juice tones and rejuvenates the skin.

Cranberry harm

From the use of cranberries will have to abandon when:

  • individual intolerance to the berries;
  • tendency to food allergies;
  • when breastfeeding and in childhood up to 3 years;
  • if the acidity of the gastric juice is increased;
  • in case of teeth diseases: cranberries is saturated with acids that destroy dental enamel. That is why after the use of berries is recommended to rinse the mouth with water.

Salute friends!

My acquaintance with this dessert began with the laudatory feedback from my fellow men. I treated them skeptical: "Cranberry in Sahara, what could be so interesting in this?".

I note that the independent preparation of such a delicacy requires not small skill and time. And kilograms have such sweets, with all its essential advantages - there is no desire. Why? I will explain below.

At first sight i fell in love with this cute packaging.

It was because of her I bought this goody: box Beautiful, Compact, WhiteFlashing an interesting description:

And no less interesting, attractive and pleasing eyes with natural composition:

Open the box, and there, at all, not familiar to us "Sharmelev" film, and food paper. With packaging manufacturers tried - very pretty.

Reveal paper and see sugar balls (by the way, in the photo is already a good half of the remaining destructiveness of destruction).

Each Little fresh cunning Willow sweet crust with sugar powder.

Emergency Food: Take a sweet crust and in the mouth burst a little cranberry bubble.

I love the cranberry in any form (compote, pies, and even fresh can sit and just burst one thing).

But in this delicacy, especially for those who do not like sour, the acid is so much significant and is appropriate for all the sweetness of a sugar crust that you get this satisfaction from everything: from the appearance of the dessert from its sugar smell, the most important consistency and the eating process .

But, as I pointed up above - many such cranberries eat. Even me, a big sweet tooth, so m alute packs weighing 120 gr. - Enough for two days.

She does not want to burst at all at all. On the contrary, having enjoyed eating each cunning, somehow unnoticed by sweetness. Yes, and tea in the circle quickly ends.

It cost such a pack 97 rubles, And was bought in the local stall "Snoen".

And, even though the price and a little "bite", the ratio of natural composition, quality and taste - on solid five stars Without a gram of doubt. After all, such a dessert can even be treated even a child.

Thank you for your attention!


Some sweets:

Ice cream:

Much a lot of chocolate:

Cranberry is a very useful berry, and thanks to low calories, there is also a good helper with weight loss. Learn how many calories in fresh, dried and dried cranberry, get 7 recipes and lose weight with benefit!

Cranberries - a red berry with a pronounced sour taste, fresh aroma and a mass of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on almost the entire human body. Along with a rich vitamin and mineral composition, cranberry caloric content is only 28 kcal per 100 grams, due to which it is widely used not only in health purposes, but also in dietary nutrition. The use of these berries during the loss period allows to significantly enrich the diet and make the process of weight reduction less stress. At the same time, it should be revealed that said caloric content only applies to freshly remedy products, and the recycled has another energy value, an increase or decrease of which depends on the processing method.


Cranberry is best to use fresh. As mentioned above, calorie content in this case is 28 kcal / 100. Lower energy value has only frozen - 17 kcal / 100 g, however, together with a decrease in calorie, the vitamin and mineral composition of the berries.

Important! In case of freezing, cranberry calorie decreases, which makes it a more popular component of any diet for weight loss. But it should be borne in mind that after any freezing, a significant part of the vitamins and minerals is destroyed, so the product becomes less useful for health and the body as a whole.

Freeze Cranberry does not make sense for another reason. "Northern Lemon", as often refers to this plant for characteristic pronounced acid, has unique bactericidal properties due to presence in the composition of natural preservative - benzoic acid. Due to this substance, berries for a long time do not deteriorate and do not lose its original taste.

In order to preserve freshness for a long time and even slightly reduce the calorie content of cranberries, you just need to pour it cold boiled water. If a lot of raw materials use enamelled pans that are installed in the basement or in another cool place. With a small amount, the cranberry is faced in a similar way in banks and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such products is several months. And even with a longer storage, the berries will not be ruined, but simply absorb the liquid in which there are. This will not affect the beneficial properties, only the taste becomes less saturated.

Fresh cranberry fruits have antiseptic and antiviral properties, they are recommended to be used to treat colds and for prevention during seasonal colds. Due to the low caloric content of cranberries can be an excellent addition to any dietary diet. But it should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of fresh berries can adversely affect the state of the dental enamel and the gastrointestinal tract, especially with ulcers or gastritis with increased acidity.

Buying fresh berries, you should choose dry, intact, without signs of rotting and mold. Frozen products should consist of separate fruits that are not fatal in lumps.


There is an erroneous view that dried cranberries, the caloric content of which is 308 kcal / 100 g, is not suitable for those who are sitting on a diet. But it is necessary to understand that in the process of drying the liquid evaporates from it, it decreases in volume and weight, and the composition becomes more concentrated. According to grams, and calorieness increases accordingly. If measured this indicator By the number of berries, it remains unchanged.

For the same reason, dried fruits are characterized by a more rich taste and aroma. They are perfectly stored at the expense of their own natural preservative, therefore their production technology does not provide for the use of any additives traditionally used to increase the shelf life of other dried fruits and preserve their external attractiveness.

In addition, due to a higher maintenance of valuables, regular use of dry cranberry fruits has a beneficial effect on health, providing the following results:

  • the exchange of cholesterol is normalized;
  • free radicals are output;
  • inflammation and infections are eliminated in the oral cavity;
  • the severity of carious processes is reduced;
  • gently cleans the intestines;
  • slags and toxins from cells are derived;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • the development of atherosclerosis is slowed;
  • the treatment of cystitis, other infections of the urinary system and gynecological diseases is accelerated;
  • avimmines are eliminated, immune defense is strengthened.

In the medical and recreational purposes of dried cranberries, chasters are prepared, compotes, infusions. It is also widely used in ordinary daily nutrition in the preparation of sauces, desserts, baking, etc. The beneficial properties of Northern Lemon are so universal that doctors and nutritionists recommend regularly in their diet to residents of large cities, as well as Now people who often sit on diets.


Drier berries are made using a special drying method, as a result of which are not too dry, but not so dense and fleshy fruits as fresh. They are often used to decorate various dishes, instead of raisins or zucats in pastries, as well as as an independent dessert or vitamin additive to tea. In addition, it turns out very tasty, saturated with natural vitamins of drinks - compotes, kisins, frost, kvass.

During the processing process, cranberry calorie rises to 280 calories per 100 grams. This is due not only to the evaporation of the fluid, as with the usual dryer, but also using sugar syrup. Therefore, such a product is obtained in saturated as useful complex and harmful simple carbohydrates. This makes it an undesirable component of dietary nutrition when weight loss or the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas.

In addition, due to the characteristics of the technology involving pre-cooking and subsequent drying at elevated temperatures, some important vitamins and minerals are destroyed in cranberries. For this reason, it is perfect for use as a useful dessert, but not recommended for treatment or recovery.


Cranberry fruits are widely used in cooking in all types described above. They prepare a variety of dishes and drinks, and also add to vegetable and fruit salads, cold snacks, baking and desserts. Due to the low calorie content of cranberries, its inclusion in a particular recipe reduces the total energy value of the finished product. BUT B. some cases Due to the combination with too nutrient components, for example, with sugar or powdered sugar, cranberry calorics, on the contrary, rises. Therefore, if this factor matters, you need to choose more useful dishes for the figure. Also in some recipes, fresh cranberry fruits can be replaced with frozen, since the quality of the dishes and their taste characteristics are not affected. However, it should be borne in mind that as a result of freezing, a certain part of the valuities is lost and the product becomes less useful for health, especially after further heat treatment.

In sugar powder

Washed and well-dried fresh cranberry fruits are mixed with pre-whipped egg whites. Lay out onto the sieve or sieve to the glasses of excess protein foam. Take portions and calculated in the sugar powder, then dried on parchment for 2-3 hours. Store in cardboard boxes. 1 kg of berries will need 1 kg of sugar powder and 2 protein. With such a set of components, the calorie content of cranberries will rise to 185 kcal / 100 g.

In Sakhar.

First, the syrup is prepared for which 100 g of sugar and 4 tbsp are mixed. l. WATER, then the mixture is heated on a small heat until complete dissolution. Leave for cooling to warm state. We move and wash 200 g of fresh berries, pour them into warm syrup and gently stirred so that their surface is covered with liquid from all sides. Quickly remove and roll in sugar sand, then lay out on the parchment paper and allow it to dry. Cranberry calorie in sugar prepared on this recipe will be even higher and will be about 200 kcal / 100 g.


Cook dried berries can also be at home. For this, they are poured with syrup (the ratio of water and sugar 1: 1) and boil until they start to burst. Remove from the fire, they give cool and lay out on the baking sheet, covered with parchment paper. Placed in the oven, preheated to 60 ° C, and are kept for 3 hours. After that, remove from the oven, change the parchment and knit another 4-6 hours at the same temperature. After cooking caloric content of cranberries rises to 280 kcal / 100 g.


Move through a sieve 500 g of fruits. The resulting juice is left, and the pulp is mixed with 160 g of sugar sand, 1.5 liters of water are added, adjust to boil and boil for 5 minutes. They give to cool and brew, then filter, pour juice into it and stir well. When using this recipe for the preparation of cranberries, the calorie content of the finished drink will be 39-40 kcal / 100 ml. If the sugar is replaced with honey in a ratio of 40 g per 1 liter of water and 200 g of berries, then the energy value of the product will decrease to 16.5 calories per 100 ml.


Conduct 1.4 liters of water to boil, 3 cups of cranberry fruits and 1 cup of sugar are suited. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes. They give to stand, filter and again put the resulting compote on fire. Separately bred 5 tbsp. l. Starch in a small amount of cold water is well stirred until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. When the compote boils, the starch mixture is poured into it with a thin rod with constant stirring to prevent the formation of clots. Give the jelly boiling, without ceasing to stir. Use cold.

In the preparation of cranberry cooking, the calorie content of the conventional compote, which makes up the basis of this drink, is significantly increased - up to 58 kcal per 100 ml. This is explained by the addition of starch, which gives it a jelly-shaped form, but it is almost a pure carbohydrate, and, it means that the supplier of an increased amount of extra "empty" calories.


Break 1 tbsp. l. Gelatin in 200 ml of boiled water (or according to the instructions on the package) and leave for swelling. Separately, 1 cup of berries and ½ cup of sugar sand in 500 ml of boiling water are boiled, boiled for 2-3 minutes. They give a little cool and focusing through the sieve, mother-in-law with the flesh. Once again, adjusted to a boil, remove from the fire. Purify swelling gelatin, thoroughly stirred until complete dissolution. Spilled by forms, cooled in the refrigerator to frozen.

When cooking jelly from cranberries The calorie content of the finished dish, which also having a jelly-shaped shape, like a jelly, will be slightly lower - only 49.6 kcal / 100 ml. Moreover, the gelatin is a protein product. Despite the relatively high calorieness, in the diet plan it is more useful than starch, since its calories are not "empty."


3 eggs and 100 g of sugar are whipped, 250 ml of milk and 100 g of pre-melted cream oil are added, mixed thoroughly. Separately mix 250 g of flour and 1 tsp. The baking powder is poured an egg-milk mixture and stirred again, whipping up to uniformity. 100 g of fresh or frozen (not deficing) cranberry fruits with starch (enough 1 tbsp), and then enter them into the dough and are neatly stirred. The mass is laid out in a lubricated oil and fluffed with flour shape, they are installed in a heated to 180 ° C oven. Baked 1 hour by checking the readiness of the dough toothpick (it should be dry). The finished cake with cranberry stuffing has a delicate texture and original sour taste. His energy value - 286.9 kcal / 100 g.

The nutritional value

Cranberries is a valuable source of a large amount of nutrient elements, which, along with low caloric content, makes it a very popular food product. The composition of the berries includes pectic substances, various organic acids, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, ash, many vitamins, minerals and other macro and microelements. Their presence demonstrates the obvious benefits of Northern Lemon for human health.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Cranberry fruits are used not only in the fresh, but also in the processed form. Since, as a result of any processing, the caloric content of the berries is changing, then the content in them the main macronutrients is also varied. Thus, the amount of BPU is 100 g, depending on the state of the berry, will be as follows:


  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.7 g

In frozen:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.9 g.

In dried:

  • proteins - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 1.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 76.5 g

In dried:

  • proteins - 2.5 g;
  • fats - 0.55 g;
  • carbohydrates - 57

Important! We should not forget that the content of BJW, as well as the caloric content of cranberries in natural form, that is, fresh or treated without adding sugar and other components, remains unchanged in recalculation of clean weight. Husk (moisture evaporation) or absorption of pure water changes only the concentration of basic macronutrients, but do not affect their ratio.

Macro and microelements

The wealth of macro and trace elements puts "Northern Lemon" in one row with natural drugs. Especially rich in these berries such important elements as:

  • potassium - improves the work of cardiac and skeletal muscles, is functionally connected with sodium, while interacting with which the development of the membrane potential, the occurrence of muscle contractions, maintain the acid-alkaline and normalization of the water balance;
  • sodium is functionally connected with potassium and performs the above steps;
  • magnesium - is a cofactor of a significant part of enzymatic reactions, maintains the normal state of the nervous system and the heart muscle, has a vasodilatory action, increases motor activity intestine, stimulates bile;
  • calcium - regulates blood coagulation and various intracellular processes, including the secretion of hormones, muscle contraction and others;
  • phosphorus - strengthens bone and dental fabric;
  • iron - improves blood formula, increases the supply of oxygen to cells.

The unique properties of cranberry fruits are determined by the content of not only minerals in them, but also some specific substances. Thus, the benzoic acid contained in cranberry is not only an excellent antiseptic, but also very successfully fighting the bacterium Helicobacter Pilori, the presence of which in the stomach causes the development and aggravation of gastritis or ulcers. But it is possible to use this berity only for prophylaxis, since in the presence of such diseases it is contraindicated.

In addition, benzoic acid is able to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics and is recommended in comprehensive treatment to speed up obtaining the result. Additional antimicrobial protection provide and contained in the cranberry fruits of tannins and phenol, which in this plant is greater than in any other berries. Phenol also has pronounced bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties, helping to treat various infectious diseases.

Another valuable component of the product is ursolic acid. Her useful actions are to normalize metabolism due to stimulation of insulin production. For this reason, cranberry juices and fruit are recommended to use if sugar diabetes. In addition, such drinks are recommended for both healthy people, because they are charged with cheerfulness not worse than energy, but they do not give any side Effectscharacteristic of caffeine-containing products.


Cranberry is made by American doctors to the list of products as useful for humans. This is due to the fact that its fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • C - contributes to strengthening capillaries, is one of the main participants in the formation of non-specific immunity;
  • K is a group of vitamins providing protein synthesis, without which it is impossible to maintain a sufficient level of coagulation (blood coagulation);
  • A and β-carotene - the strongest antioxidant, especially useful people in a state of peroxide stress, the cause of which chronic diseases may become, an incorrect diet, elderly age, etc.;
  • E is an important antioxidant and antihypoxant, which is capable not only to protect the cell membranes from oxidative damage, but also stabilize the mitochondrial membrane, providing economical oxygen consumption by cells;
  • B1 - speeds up the processes of metabolism, maintains the normal operation of the heart, nervous, digestive and hormonal system;
  • B2 - participates in the formation of erythrocytes and antibodies, regulates growth, reproductive functions of a person and the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • B6 - stimulates the metabolism, regulates the absorption of protein, accelerates the production of blood cells and hemoglobin, ensures uniform supply of glucose cells;
  • B9 is a participant in various metabolic processes, stimulates the synthesis of amino acids;
  • PP - participates in redox reactions, contributes to the formation of enzymes, speeds up the exchange of lipids and carbohydrates in cells.

Specified healing properties And the low calorie content of cranberries contribute to health promotion, the preservation of youth and harmony of the body. It is recommended to include in the diet to all people, regardless of age and health status. Only individual intolerances or acute inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract can be contraindicated to the use of "Northern Lemon". In any case, if there are some doubts, it is necessary to consult with a doctor or a nutritionist, and also closely monitor the body's response after the use of berries.