Rules for translation from school to school. How to go to another school: step by step instructions

The rules, grounds and procedure for transferring the child to another school are regulated by the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 12.03.2014 N 177 (in the current edition)" On approval of the procedure and conditions for the translating of students from one organization carrying out educational activities According to educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education, in other organizations that carry out educational activities on educational programs of relevant levels and focus. "

Translation order to a new school

The translation of the child to another school consists of two stages - deductions from one school and reception to another.

The legislation provides for the right of a child to study in any school in the presence of free places in it.

So, in the reception to the state or municipal educational organization can be denied only due to the absence of free places in it, with the exception of schools (lyceums, gymnasiums) with in-depth study Separate training items that are allowed to establish test exams when enrolling children.


In the case of the transfer of an adult study on his initiative or a minor study on the initiative of his parents, parents (adult student) needed:

  1. Choose accepting educational organization (school, lyceum, gymnasium).
  2. Contact the selected organization with a request for availability, including using the Internet.
  3. In the absence of free seats in the selected organization, contact local governments in the education of the relevant municipal district, the urban district to determine the host organization from the number of municipal educational organizations (in the education department of the corresponding area).
  4. Contact an old school with a statement about the deduction of students in connection with the translation into a host organization. The translation application may be sent in the form of an electronic document using the Internet.

Sample translation application

Application for transfer to another school is served in a simple writing. In obligatory order, it must be specified:

  • surname, first name, patronymic (if any) studying;
  • date of birth;
  • class and learning profile (if available);
  • name of the host organization. In the case of moving to another locality, only the settlement, the subject of the Russian Federation, is indicated.

The translation application may be sent in the form of an electronic document using the Internet.

Director of Secondary School No. 38 of Moscow

From ivantsova Oleg Vikotorovich -

legal Representative of Ivantsov Viktor Olegovich

Application for translation to another school (sample)

I ask you to deduct my child Ivantsov Viktor Olegovich on February 22, 2009 year of birth, studying in the 2nd grade of secondary school No. 38 in connection with his translation to school No. 65 of Krasnodar.

Ivanyuk O.V. (Date, signature).

Reference. In addition to the statement at school, a document may require a document that confirms the adoption of a child to another school. In this case, you can submit a letter signed by the director of another school, which confirms the readiness to adopt a child for training in this school.

Based on the specified statement, the school from which the child is expelled, within three days, the administrative act on the deductions of the study in the order of translation with the indication of the host school.

In a three-day sentence after the publication of this act, the school issues a certificate of child learning.

After deducting the child, the initial organization issues an adult learning or parents (legitimate representatives) of a minor study of the following documents:

  • personal business study;

Documents for enrollment to a new school

To enroll the child to a new secondary school, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  • application for enrollment of a studying school in the order of translation from the source school. The application is written in arbitrary form in the name of the director of the school, which is translated into a child;
  • originals of documents certifying the identity of an adult learning or parent (legal representative) of a minor training;
  • documents received at school from which the child was expelled:
  • personal business study;
  • documents containing information about the performance of the student in the current school year (an extract from the class journal with current marks and the results of interim certification), certified by the seal of the original organization and signing its leader (authorized person).

Important. The requirement for submitting other documents as a basis for enrolling students to the receiving school in connection with the translation from the initial organization is not allowed.

The enrollment of a student in a host organization is issued in order of translation is issued by the administrative act of the head of the host organization (authorized by him) within three business days after receiving applications and documents indicating the date of enrollment and class. The host organization, when enrolling the student in writing, notifies the original organization about the issue and the date of the administrative act on the enrollment of the student in the receiving organization.

Prepared "Personal Rights"

In the summer months, many families are becoming relevant to the translation of the child to another school. In this article we will deal with, in what cases is possible to transfer a student to another school.

At the legislative level, this issue regulates the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 12.03.2014 No. 177, according to which the procedure procedure was approved.

Reasons for the transfer of a child to another school

According to the order of the order, the reason for the translation of the child to another school for learning can be:

1. Initiative of parents (legal representatives) of a minor child

2. Initiative of the student who has achieved majority

3. When the initial institution has ceased operations

  • suspension or cancellation of the organization's license
  • suspension or deprivation of state accreditation of a license for the relevant educational program or when the term of state accreditation on the relevant education program has expired

To translate a child to another school, you will have two stages: first the deduction from one educational institution, and then the translation to another. You are entitled to transfer a child to any secondary school to your choice, but do not forget that it will be possible if the school has free places, taking into account the priority enrollment of citizens living on the specific school of territory. This is stated in clause 4 of the order approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 No. 32.


The next point is to be requested to the administration of the chosen new school to confirm the fact that it will take on learning a child.

To avoid possible difficulties that are conjugate with the translation of a schoolboy in a new educational institution, Before deducting from the previous school of a child, agree on acceptance with the head of the host school. In order to confirm this moment you, for example, can receive a letter about the possibility of admission to the child's training after it is expelled from the previous school with the seal of the institution and the signature of the director.

Application for deduction from school

The application may be filed by the students themselves, which has already reached the age of age or parents (legal representatives) of a schoolboy, who has no 18 years. The application is written in the name of the director of the school, in which the child is learning. It should have the following information:

  1. Full name of schoolchild
  2. Class and learning profile in case of its presence
  3. Date of Birth
  4. The name of the school that takes the student. If the family moves to another place, only the settlement is indicated, the subject of the Russian Federation

Important! At school, in addition to the application, a document confirming the fact of participating in another school may require. In this situation, you can submit a letter signed by the director of another school institution, which confirmed the readiness to take a child for training in this school. Based on the specified statement, the school, from which the child is deducted for 3 days, will have to publish an administrative act on the deductions of a schoolboy in the order of translation indicating the school that it takes on further training (see paragraph 7 of the order).

What documents need to pick up when changing school

It is necessary to pick up documents from school, from which the schoolchild is deducted (clause 7 of the order). Among them:

  • Personal schoolchildren
  • Papers containing information regarding the student's academic performance in the present academic year (you need to request an extract from the class journal with current estimates and intermediate certification results)

Documents must be certified by the seal of the school and fasten the signature of its director (or persons authorized to implement its functions).

What documents must be submitted to a new school

The schoolboy who has reached the age of majority or parents of a studying, which has not yet become an adult, should be submitted to the host school, the following package of documents should be submitted (in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Procedure):

  • Application for enrollment of a study school that takes a child in the order of translation from the previous school. Paper is written in the name of the director of the school, in which the child will be translated
  • A package of documents that was received from school from which the student was expelled
  • Originals of documents that student who have reached the age of majority or parent (legal representative) of a student who has not yet achieved majority

Important! According to claim 9, as a basis for enrolling a student in a host school in connection with the transfer of a child from the former school, the management is prohibited from being able to provide other documents.

Carefully examine the order of the school leader (administrative act of the educational institution) that the child is being taken to school.

The director of the school, which takes the child, is published by the administrative act within three business days after the application has been taken and the package of documents indicating the class and the date of enrollment.

Life is multifaceted and unpredictable. And therefore sometimes it is necessary to think about things that the population does not bother at normal time. For example, how to transfer the child to another school? It is this question that we will deal today! Just to embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife. And quickly cope with the task - too. You must first prepare and weigh all the pros and cons of the solution. It is possible that the problem in the field of learning a child can be solved without such serious steps.

Right to receive a service

Is it possible to translate the child to another school? Yes, parents have such right.

According to the laws, representatives of a minor can choose the educational institution to educate children, as well as the class in which the child will learn. If desired, school or lyceum can be changed.

IMPORTANT: no one has right to refuse translated into translation. This is a direct violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Few people know, but if desired, parents can even choose the form of learning. For example, give preference to home learning. But as a rule, such rights are provided only if there are good reasons. And just will not fight for them.

When can be translated

When is it better to translate a child to another school? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. A little later find out what psychologists think about it. First we study the legislative frameworks of the operation.

By law, transfer from school to school or from class to class can be carried out at any time. The main thing is to comply with a certain algorithm of actions. You will get acquainted with him below.

Important: often transfers are carried out in the middle of the year. No one can prohibit such an action.

When the establishment is required

Thinking on how to transfer the child to another school, it is important to understand parents, under what circumstances it is better to agree to such a serious step. After all, the change of educational institution is a stressful situation for a minor.

Most often, the change of place of study is necessary if:

  • parents are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided;
  • the family moves;
  • an extracurricular life is organized in the school;
  • the child is strongly ahead of the peers in development in an ordinary school or lag behind them;
  • training program does not suit the child or his representatives;
  • i want to change the place of study on a more elite;
  • conflict situations with teachers;
  • serious child conflicts with students.

IN some cases The reason for the translation is the termination of the activities of the educational institution. As a rule, such situations are almost never found.

Important: Before you choose a new place of study, subject to conflicts with a team, you need to try to peacefully solve all the problems that arise. If it failed, then proceed to translation.

Psychologists about action

Translate a child to another school in Moscow or in another city of the Russian Federation with proper preparation is not so difficult. But it will still have to prepare. And to spend the appropriate conversation with the child too.

The point is that psychologists assure: a translation from school to school and even from a class in a class seriously affects the psyche of a minor. Especially in the adolescence.

Changing the situation, teachers, work program, Circle of communication - all this first time will shock the child. And therefore you need to prepare in advance. For example, to conduct an explanatory conversation with a minor and discuss the upcoming operation.

Does the child himself require translation? Exactly this best time To implement the task.

Important: It is better not to translate a child to another educational institution in the middle of the school year. It is preferable to handle a petition or after the New Year's holidays, or wait for the end of the year.

Brief instructions

How to translate a child to another school? If you do not take into account all the previously listed nuances and psychological aspects, it will not be easy to deal with the task.

A brief guide to the translation of the child in a different educational institution looks like this:

  1. Choose a school in which you want to identify a minor.
  2. Find out whether there are free places in parents of interest.
  3. Contact an educational institution with a child's acceptance request. To do this, you will have to prepare a number of securities. You will get acquainted with their list later.
  4. Get consent to enrollment.
  5. Apply for translation to the current school.
  6. Pick up a number of children's documents. About them later.
  7. Done missing paper to a new school.

It would seem that there are no problems with the task. Only in practice everything is much more difficult. For example, there are not enough places in schools. And therefore, you can not always translate the child to the selected educational institution.

Failures in acceptance

Will the child translate to another school? If parents are confident that in the current educational institution a minor poorly or he gets a bad education, yes. But conflicts with the team better try to resolve peacefully. For example, by transferring to another class.

Can they refuse to make a child in an educational institution? By law, such right at the directors has. But it begins to act only in the presence of good reasons.

Refuse to translate if:

  • the child did not pass test tests;
  • minor performance does not comply with the requirements established in school;
  • parents did not bring binding documentation to implement the task.

The most common option for developing events is a refusal of enrollment due to the lack of places in an educational institution. With such circumstances, you need to look for another school or lyceum. There are no other options.

Important: In some educational institutions, there is a checked rule - to enroll primarily children living near school. Therefore, it is not always possible to get into the selected lyceum.

Statement for translation

At school, a child was transferred to another class, but did not pass problems with learning? Then it is better to change the educational institution. Sometimes only such a step helps to establish the learning process.

How to write a translation application? First you need to contact a new school. The request provides for the indication of such information:

  • F. I. O. Legal representatives of the child;
  • F. I. O. Minor;
  • child birth date;
  • place of registration and actual residence;
  • a request for the adoption of a child into a specific class;
  • data on child and his health.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. An application for transfer to another educational institution after receiving the appropriate permission is made up in a similar way.

Important: The form of an established application form is usually issued in a particular school. Either the text says to write under dictation.

Primary Documents

How to translate a child to another school? A huge role for the entire process is played by the preparation of appropriate papers.

For the initial appeal to a new school, you need to bring:

  • child performance referrence;
  • application for enrollment;
  • passports of parents;
  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • medical card (optional);
  • Reduss;
  • references with a propical minor.

That's all. Usually, after this, the child passes the test test, after which the decision is made regarding the enrollment. Sometimes enough ordinary conversation.

What will be issued after the deduction

The next important stage is the deduction of a minor. During this operation, parents will have to pick up a number of children's documents.

These include:

  • private bussiness;
  • medical card;
  • certificates of academic performance;
  • management Act on the deduction due to translation.

All these papers are issued to the hands of parents, after which they belong to a new school. Otherwise, the enrollment will not be held. Especially without certificate of academic performance.

"State services" to help

How to translate a child to another school? "State services" - a portal that will help to cope with the task. The main thing is to register in advance on the service and confirm the person.

The translation request for the translation has this kind:

  1. Go to the service
  2. Go to the "Education" section. It can be found in the service catalog or in the "Popular" section.
  3. Select the option "Transfer of a child to another school."
  4. To give a button "Get ...".
  5. Specify the schools in which you want to enroll the child. There may be several of them.
  6. Fill out a translation application.
  7. Download the scans of the previously listed papers. Their quality photos will be suitable.
  8. Click on the "Application" button.

It remains to wait for invitations to interviews. After that, parents decide to which school they send a child. The selected institution provides the originals of the previously listed papers.

Now it is clear how you can transfer the child to another school through the "public services". It is not so difficult to do if you choose an educational institution in advance and prepare a number of paper ideas for the embodiment of documents.


In fact, issues related to the transfer of a child from school to school are extremely important. And parents must decide themselves when they act. For example, some change schools after the initial link, and someone is solved on it immediately.

It is worth remembering that immediately after the translation, the child will need support from loved ones. He will have to adapt to the new atmosphere, a team, teachers and the program. Often the studied operation is accompanied by a decrease in academic performance. You just need to experience adaptation. When a child gets used, he will again learn well.

Perhaps a good reason for changing the school without the consent of a minor is bad educational program In the establishment or strong impossibility, providing for sessions on special programs. In other cases, you should not hurry.

Parents have a problem, how to translate a child to school, always causes many questions. How to choose a suitable educational institution? What documents are required for this? When is it better to translate? Who will have a child to learn?

Practice shows that parents are trying to transfer so that it comes at the beginning of the year (September). Less often - transfer is carried out in the middle. At all rarely, children are taken from school closer towards the end of the year, giving us, as a rule, to finish the course of the next class.

The transition is guaranteed by law

In this regard, do not worry, the transition is possible in any academic period. It does not matter - the beginning of the year, middle or end. Education in Russia is free. It, according to the Constitution, even compulsory.

Parents, if their minor child has the legal right to choose a school. No one has the right to repair them some obstacles in it.

In the education department will help you

The choice of a new school for a child is certainly quite serious. Parents should not be lazy and bring out detailed references about the new school. We will also be a preliminary visit to a new school. There you will find out in detail about everything, talk with the administration and teachers.

Be sure to learn whether there are no problems with free places in school. The rules say if the school does not have free places, then you may officially refuse. In the case when you denounce the pretext of the absence of free places in several schools, please contact local officials. In the education department you will help you.

In the former school you must deduct, maximum, for 3 days

When a question with a new school is resolved, then you need to come in the old and write a statement so that you are expelled. As a reason for your care, you will specify that we are translated into another educational institution. Indicate the details of the new school. In the case when your family decided to change the place of residence, then specify the future address.

The school administration is obliged to quickly issue an order for the contribution of the former student. On this law, the law will hold 3 working days. The order must indicate the details of the school where the child goes or point the city (village), where you intend to go.

Learning related to how to translate a child to school, it is important to know which documents you need to issue:

  • First, you owe you to hand
  • Secondly, the previous school is properly a special extract. It makes current assessments obtained during the school year and the scores exhibited during the interim certification.

Just in case, check that the school stood on all the documents received and all the necessary signatures.

School students can not appoint a trial period

In the former school, parents cannot repair the obstacles in obtaining them of documents of the child. And this must be done, including during the summer holidays. It turns out, regardless of the time of year. Refusal, from the point of view of the law, is unacceptable. You easily appeal it in the prosecution authorities.

There should no longer be documents so that your child is enrolled in a new school. Require additional documents do not have the right. Sometimes the school may ask you to bring some more references, but it should be spelled out by the charter. To avoid surprises, the secretary of the school will ask in advance what is needed.

In the near future, the school director issues an order for enrollment. The former school is notified of the translation in writing. Please note that the law does not allow any temporary orders for enrollment. For example, we credit until the end of the year with a trial period (suddenly the child will begin to break the discipline often). For students of Russian schools there is no concept as for future workers, probationary period.

Are there any options when you refuse to take to a new school?

Learning how to transfer the child to school, his parents should be aware of the existence of several options, when the school administration will be able to refuse them in the reception.

Option 1

You have chosen school, but there are no free spaces. The refusal for such a reason is possible if you are not registered on the territory that is enshrined at the school.

Option 2.

If in the educational institution you chose, there are classes with an in-depth program for individual subjects, and you could not undergo a competitive test. An educational institution in this situation has the right to verify the level of preparation of your child. This is due to the fact that in profile classes, other requirements for the training of students. That is why you may be offered to pass additional testing.

At the initial stage of education, a simple interview is often practiced, which is conducted by a teacher and a school psychologist. A school where the languages \u200b\u200bare in-depth will offer you testing in a foreign language. In the middle classes will have to undergo testing for profile subjects. In grades 10-11, the exam is also possible.

Some special cases that may occur during transition

What to do when you gathered to get away from school, and you have debt (it is customary to call academic). Do not worry, to correct the assessment in a rush order you do not have to correct. The rule is: you go to a new school, and already correct the debt.

If you persistently advise you to provide a new school sponsorship and voice the amount that you do not die, then you have the full right to make a cash contribution. The value of the contribution at the same time you define yourself. The school administration has no right to refuse you in the reception, referring to a small contribution value. It is illegal.

Be prepared for the fact that at first, classmates will experience elevated interest in the Penson "Novik." The adaptation period is usually limited to 1-2 weeks. After that, a closer interest in the "New" disappears and the school life is included in the usual channel.

What documents are needed for this, and what instances need to be visited? All these questions can be found to find answers in this article. It discloses cases where the translation is carried out both at the end and in the middle of the school year.

Search for free seats in the new school

Whatever the reasons for the translation of the child to a new school, first need to know, and whether there are free places there. This is especially true when the translation is carried out during the educational process. Usually classes are formed in advance, and in the summer the list of students is approved. After the study has already begun, squeezed into the formed class is very difficult, but not impossible.

In art. 67 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 provides for the only basis for refusing to admit a new student to a state or municipal school - this is the lack of free places.

As an exception is considered schools with in-depth study of individual items, where you need to test. The same applies to sports schools and art schools - there are appropriate skills and achievements. If the Commission considers that they are not, then the child will refuse to admit to school.

On the other hand, the School should be provided with the conditions for the reception of all students who live in the territory assigned to this general education institution. Self-governing bodies are followed by this. Therefore, if the child moved to a new place of residence, he must be taken to the school that is responsible for the training of children in the area.

Hence the conclusion: the child must be registered at the new place of residence. But nowhere in the legislation is not exhibited by the requirement for the registration should be permanent - with temporary registration, too, should also be taken to school.

Do not know your rights?

Appeal to a new school

If the administration of the chosen school was told that there are free space, then the question how to translate a child to another school, almost resolved. It remains only to pick up documents from the old school and submit them to a new one. Here are just documents from the old school to the hands of parents can not immediately. The administration will need confirmation that the child does not just stop learning, but is translated into another educational institution.

Download the shape of the contract

Therefore, you first need to contact a new school so that the child is credited there. In state and municipal schools, this occurs through the publication of the administrative act in accordance with the requirements of Art. 53 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". The role of such an act often acts as an order. If the child is translated into a private school, then parents conclude an agreement on education with this organization.

Based on the order, parents in the hands are issued a certificate of enrollment that needs to be present in an old school to obtain documents. The list of documents is established in local regulatory acts, most often these are approved in each school for reception. Usually parents must provide to a new school:

  • private bussiness,
  • vaccination certificate and medical card;
  • characteristic;
  • a copy of the birth certificate and passport, if the student was 14 years old;
  • a copy of the passport of one or both parents;
  • if the transition is carried out in the middle of the school year, then it is necessary to provide an extract for current student estimates, and those who change the school at the end of the school year are given a document with annual assessments.

When moving, parents can first and not write a child to another school, for example, if a new place is a residence in another city - then you need to discuss with the administration of the old school procedure for obtaining the necessary documents.

The deduction from the old school

In art. 61 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" among the reasons for early termination of educational relations, the translation into another school is listed. Also, according to the norms of this article, the termination of educational relations, and simply care from the school should be officially executed.

In municipal and public schools, this occurs by issuing a regulatory act, that is, the order of deduction. And parents receive an certificate certificate and the attached documents that are subsequently submitted to a new school. If the child studied in a private school on the basis of an agreement on education, then such an agreement is terminated after the publication of the order of deductions.

The question of how to translate a child to another schoolis practically not resolved on federal level, And it can somewhat complicate the procedure. In the event of misunderstandings with the school administration, you can ask them the charter of an educational institution or other act, where the rules for the admission and deductions of students are recorded. There are arranged standards that will help when designing the necessary documents.