How to perform throwing ball. Learning Technique Molding Small Ball

Technique and methodical sequence of learning ball throwing,

as a means of physical education.

1. Throwing - a means of physical education.

Light athletics is a complex sport, which includes various types of disciplines. She is rightfully considered the "queen of sports", no wonder, two of the three appeals in the motto "faster, above, stronger," you can not think about the athletics disciplines. His position of athletics was able to conquer at the expense of simplicity, availability and naturalness of their competitive disciplines.

Light athletics is a set of sports that combines such disciplines as walking, running, jumping, throwing and light-coatletic all-around. It is one of the main and most massive sports.

Throwing is part of the Schoolflow Easy Athletics section and is a mandatory motor action for studying schoolchildren with junior classes.

Throwing is one of the tools of physical education and special training of schoolchildren and is an applied, coordination and complex motor action, in the process of which a large number of motor units of the body participates, when we need consistency in their movement, consideration of efforts in space, in time and Muscular effort.

Exercises with balls and thumbnails contribute to strengthening major muscle groups, especially the muscles of the shoulder belt and hands; develop dexterity, strength and speed; Eyemer and accuracy; Orientation and all types of coordination (V. I. Lyakh, 1987), a sense of rhythm.

When the ball is in contact with your fingers, it develops a brush as a "cognitive" body (form, volume, density, temperature), contributes to the development of shallow motility of hands, which is closely related to the level of development of mental abilities (L. G. Kharitonova, 1999 ).

Throwing relates to military-applied tools and is an important part of the preparation of young people to service in the army, as it contributes to comprehensive physical development.

Performing thumbnails in complete coordination, with the participation of large muscles of the body and limbs contributes to the formation of the physique, which is an important condition for ensuring the vital activity of a developing body.

2. Fundamentals of the technique of throwing.

2.1. Comprehensive machine throwing techniques.

The ball throwing is a speed-power, cyclical-acyclic exercise, which refers to complex spatial motor actions. According to the technique of execution, it is similar to the technique of throwing a spear and grenades.

In the lessons and training in the gym guys, tennis and rag balls are met, as they are safe to use; And at the stadium: molded rubber balls weighing 150 grams, grenades 300, 500, 700 grams; In winter: snowballs, balls in bags with ribbon.

In accordance with the school curriculum, throwing from space and from running, to a vertical and horizontal goal. Throwing from space is usually used to study and master the movements associated with the release of the projectile.

The ball of the ball is influenced by:

    The speed of departure ball.

    Departure angle.

    The height of the departure point.

    Air resistance.

The speed of departure of the ball depends on the effort attached to the schoolchildren to the ball; From the length of the path traveled by the ball in hand, from time to which the ball goes through this path. The greater the path and less application time effort, the higher the initial speed of the ball and the above result. This is achieved by running around and "overtaking" the ball in the final part of the runway.

A decrease in the exposure time of a schoolchildren on the ball depends on its strength and the speed with which he affects it. Therefore, one of the main tasks of training a schoolboy is to improve strength and speed.

Angle of departure of the ball For the highest range is 45 degrees. In practice, the angle of departure is less (from 30 to 40 degrees).

The height of the point of departure ball Depends on the length of the hands and growth of the schoolchild.

The air resistance reduces the horizontal speed and the range of light tennis balls; On cast rubber balls (grenades), the air environment has a slight effect.

Mounting ball - Pretty complex exercise. All preliminary actions and preparation for the throw are performed during the rapid running process, and the final force - after a sudden braking of the run, which makes it possible to better use the inertia of the runway and the elastic properties of the muscles involved when throwing. The ability to use this feature allows you to throw the ball much further than from the place.

The difference in the range of the ball of the ball in schoolchildren depends on the level of technical and physical fitness, since the specific features of the technique of throwing the ball require good coordination of movements, flexibility and mobility in the joints, dynamic and explosive force, the feelings of the rhythm and the ability to control individual blocks of the body.

Technically throwing the ball from the scene is easy (1- 2 classes). Throwing the ball from the runway is technically more complex and load, since the load increases with increasing strength and speed. Muscles and ligaments of hands, hip joints are maintained. At the same time, the load is so big that with good technique, but with insufficient heating during the warm-up, stretching and breaking bundles, muscles, joints and legs are possible.

In throwing the ball, all the muscles of the body are involved: first the muscles of the legs, then the torso and in the final force turns on hand with the ball.

To achieve good results in throwing the ball, a systematic work is needed on the general physical development of schoolchildren and continuous training, improving the technique of throwing using special exercises with a variety of objects.

2.2 Studying a small ball start from grade 1 .

The overall structure of all movements remains from the guys to the fourth grade, but at the same time the system of movements itself is improved by increasing the path of impact on the projectile during its acceleration, improving the consistency of the movements of body parts, increasing the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of the motor action.

Curriculum It is provided for training first-graders throwing a ball with two hands from behind the head, throwing and catching the ball, throwing a small ball in the target and at a given distance.

Students get acquainted with throwers and objects, with receptions of various actions with a ball - shifting, throwing, rolling, fishing and transmission, with throws, with the main ways to keep the ball with one and two hands, ways of throws and catching various balls.

In lessons, when performing exercises with balls, various plates with balls and throwers, game assignments and mini competitions are used. During the games, the relay and performing tasks, schoolchildren fix the skills and skills in fishing, throwing, throwing balls, improve the ability to control movements, differentiation of efforts, taking into account the size and mass of the balls, develop dexterity, sense of space.

Games and relay with elements of throwing, I spend after working out these movements in pairs, in the throws into the grid, into the wall, in the target, as such tasks require a higher level of technical preparedness from a schoolboy.

Teaching throwing from first class, i applyspecial exercises Available in age and physical development, which makes it possible to achieve good results:

    Riding the ball with hand in place and in motion.

    Riding two balls with your fingers.

    Riding the ball in Kegley (bowling).

    Reference and catching the ball with two hands (small tennis, rubber, volleyball, basketball).

    Reference and catching the ball with one hand.

    Reference and catching the ball with turns, with squatting.

    Pumping and catching the ball in motion in pairs.

    Rights the ball through the volleyball net in pairs from the bottom up, bottom to be upward, due to the head, from the chest with two, one hand, standing face, back, sideways to each other.

    Blowing hand over the ball from above, from below, on the side.

    Keeping the ball with one, two hands, with hands on the hand in place, in motion.

    Catching and transferring volleyball (small basketball) ball with two hands in place and in motion.

    Throwing the ball with one hand because of the head over the shoulder to the vertical and horizontal goal from the place and from the run.

    Throwing the ball on the range and the predetermined distance.

    Games: "Ball Country"; "Play, play, do not lose the ball"; "Race of balls" in a circle, in a column, in the rank, in motion; "Do not let the ball of water"; "Bouncers"; "Hunters and ducks"; "The ball average"; "The most damage"; "Ball is watering"; "Ball in the basket"; "Get into the hoop"; "Bowling"; "Pioneerball".

3. Throwing the ball consists of three phases:

    holding the ball and running;

    final effort (throw);

    brake (save equilibrium after throwing)

3.1. Holding the ball: The ball holds the phalanges of the fingers of the casting hand; Three fingers (index, medium and non-name) are placed behind the ball, and the little finger and the thumb support its side; The ball to the palm is not pressed.

Before starting running, the schoolboy holds the ball over the shoulder in a bent hand, the elbow of which is at the ear level.

This position of the throwing hand is considered to be the most effective before performing the second part of the runway and preparation for the throw.

Run: Range is performed in a uniformly accelerated rhythm and consists of two parts: from the start to the check mark and from the check mark to the plank. The length of the runway depends on the individual characteristics of the schoolchild. And it can reach up to 20 meters.

The first part of the runway (preliminary) It starts from the initial position to the check mark. The task of this part is to dial the initial speed and accurately get the left foot on the check mark. Range is performed by the usual running step on the front of the foot. The length of the runway is 6-12 running steps. Using a clear number of steps, the schoolboy gets his left foot on the check mark.

Second part of the runway (final) Depends on the speed of promotion, the length of the steps and the stop method after the throw. It starts from the check mark and ends with a place where the final effort is performed, so the second part of the runway is called preparation for the throw (final effort).

The task of the second part is to decorate the projectile (ball, grenade) to perform its "overtaking" and in maintaining the optimal speed before the final movement.

Steps in this part of the runway are called shifts and are performed with a slight acceleration. The number of steps depends on the method of the opening of the projectile and ranges from 4 to 6 shifting steps.

In practice, there are several ways to drive the ball at the time of the execution of shifts, and they are all directed to the "overtaking" of the lower part of the body (legs) of the upper. This is necessary to increase the path of the application of force to the projectile of one of the main factors affecting the result in throwing.

This: the lead "straight - back", "Arc forward - down - back", "Arc up - back". Schoolchildren successfully mastered the opening of the projectile back from the shoulder with a simultaneous turn of the shoulder side in the direction of throwing.

However, when throwing a small ball in the simplest and most common way is the leading "right - back", which I teach my schoolchildren. This method is easier to master; facilitates the preservation of a straight race on a sparing; The ball leads is performed on four shifted steps.

Finding on the check mark with the left foot, the schoolboy performs the first shock step right. The foot is put on the sock right along the movement, the position of the pelvis remains the same, as in the first part of the run. But begins the turn of the shoulders to the right and the gradual head ago bent in the elbow joint of the right hand with the ball. Left hand, bent in the elbow joint, moves forward.

The second step with the left foot from the sock is accompanied by a further turn of the shoulders to the right and the full straightening of the right hand with the ball, turning the pelvis right. Brush hands with a ball is slightly above the same (right) shoulder. To maintain the velocity torso is in a vertical position. The chin is at the left shoulder. Moves should be active, spring and run like rooting from the projectile. After the second step, a complete hand is ends with a ball.

The third, the penultimate step is called "scratch". It is a link between the preliminary and final part of the projectile overclocking. The main task of the "crosst" step is to "overtaking" the ball and the removal of the left leg forward when setting the right leg on the support.

The "crosst" step is performed by an energetic repulsion to the left and inhabitant of the right leg. The right foot quickly takes forward and puts with a heel with a deployed toe outward; shoulders and pelvis turn to the right; The torso leans to the right - back; Right hand with a ball straight palm up at the shoulder level, the left hand is bent in the elbow joint and is located in front of the breast. Finishing the "fragrant" step, the stop of the right leg with the heel and the external arch gets on the entire foot at an angle of 30 degrees to the runway line. When performing a "scratcher" step, ahead of the legs and pelvis of the top of the body and hands with the ball increases even more compared to the second step. In this way, the "overtaking" of the projectile occurs, as a result of which the tension of muscle groups participating in the final effort.

The fourth shock step is performed by the active stopping formation of a straight left leg forward from the heel and the inside of the foot to the sock inside. A hand with a ball and an axis of the shoulders are on one straight line with a runway run.

3.2. Final effort (throw): as soon as the straight left leg touches the heel and the inside of the foot (thumb) lines of running, begins turning the foot of the right leg to the heel, and the thigh inside the direction of running with the simultaneous extension of the legs in the knee. From this point on, the "capture" of the ball begins. The element of "capture" is necessary to tension the muscles of the body and throwing hands involved during the release of the ball.

After the "capture", the right hand with the ball bends in the elbow joint, and the forearm and brush, turning to the back of the head and shoulder, is suspended. The left hand at the same time begins to get left left and is entering. The extension of the legs in the knee promotes the pelvis forward - up, ahead of the shoulders.

Straightening the right foot and turning the right side of the pelvis forward - up, a schoolboy, carrying out the "craving" of the shell, comes forward, takes the right elbow forward - up and goes to the "stretched bow", called because of external similarity, where the right hand with a projectile Folded torso and right leg forms arc.

Then, by reducing stretched muscles, the body is extension and breastfeed movement. From this position, the right leg continues to straighten into the knee and foot, left, resting in the floor (soil), contributes to the advancement of the pelvis up - forward and retains the tension of the muscles of the whole body. Meting hand with a ball moves through the shoulder past the ear, even more flexing in the elbow joint, leaving the forearm and the brush with the ball as if worried about. These actions affect the increase in the power of the force application to the projectile and the initial speed of its departure.

Simultaneously with the movement of the schoolchild's body, the left hand begins to move behind his back elbow, palm outward (pronation), contributing to moving the body ahead. When the elbow is approaching the casting hand to the ear, the shoulders have finished turning in the direction of throwing and begin a sharp movement forward. Meting hand, passing above the shoulder, straightens in the elbow joint and the holling of the brush throws out the ball. Left leg at the time of the throw stops movement and completely straightened.

All elements of the final effort are performed as a single movement. The efficiency of the throw depends on the inhibition sequence of body links in the final, starting with the lower and ending with the upper, to transfer the total amount of movement to the projectile.

3.3. Brake (save equilibrium after throwing ): After the release of the ball to repay the inertia of the movement, the schoolboy performs a jump on the left leg on the right before the arc that limits the place of execution of the throw. The jump is performed due to the rotation of the body with the right side, the arrangement of the right leg at the angle of 45 degrees and bending in the knee joint.

4. Stages of learning to throw the ball.

    Throwing the ball from the place, standing right in the direction of the throw.

    Throwing the ball from the place, standing sideways towards the cast.

    Throwing the ball from one step.

    Mounting ball from two steps.

    Throwing the ball from three steps.

    Throwing the ball from four steps.

    Throwing the ball with a short run.

    Throwing the ball with a full run.

5. Tasks for learning the technique of throwing the ball.

1-2 classes.

    To teach the right holding and throwing the ball with a hollow brush movement.

    Learn (grade 1) and continue to teach (grade 2) throwing the ball with a place "from behind your shoulder" from the source position, standing in the direction of throwing.

    Learn (class 1) and continue to teach (grade 2) throwing the ball into a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 places (grade 1), 5-6 meters (grade 2).

3-4 classes.

    Continue to teach a hollow-like brush movement when throwing.

    Secure the ball of throwing the ball from the scene, standing face and sideways in the direction of throwing on the range and the predetermined distance.

    Learn the technique of throwing the ball from the step, from 2 steps, from three steps, from four steps (grade 4) from the initial position, standing sideways in the direction of throwing with the hand to hand.

    Continue to learn the ability to throw the ball into a horizontal and vertical goal from a distance of 5-6 meters.

5-6 classes.

    Continue to teach and fasten the holling movement of throwing hands in the final effort.

    Learning the technique of hand head with a ball for two steps and throwing a ball with four shifting steps.

    Learning the technique of a scratched step.

    Continue to learn the output to the "stretched bow" in the final effort.

    Continue to learn the ability to throw the ball into a target from 6-8 meters (grade 5), 8-10 meters (grade 6).

7-8 classes.

    Continue to learn the technique of making a scratched step.

    Secure the ball of throwing the ball with four shifted steps.

    Continue to teach your hand with a ball for two steps and throwing from four shifted steps.

    Teach technology throwing a ball with a short (grade 7), with full runs (grade 8).

    Learning braking (stop) after throwing.

    Secure the ability to throw the ball into target from a distance of 10-12 meters (grade 7), 12-16 meters (8th grade).

Grade 9.

    Continue to teach braking (stop) after throwing the ball.

    Improve the technique of throwing from the place and from running to the range.

    Fasten and improve throwing into a horizontal and vertical goal from a distance of 12-18 meters.

6.Mometic sequence of learning to throw the ball.

The main components of the basics of the technique of throwing are the correct execution of a shrink-shaped movement by hand and the sequence of the body links, allowing to use the efforts of the entire musculoskeletal system.

The sequence of learning to throw the ball inversely, that is, first we teach the final phase, then go to the previous phases of movement.

Task 1. Acquaintance of students with a ball throwing technique.


Methodical instructions

Short story about the history and technique of throwing the ball

The story shaped and takes no more than 5 minutes.

Showing the technique of throwing the ball from the place in the target and from running to the range.

At first I show the technique of throwing on the side, then at the back, drawing the attention of schoolchildren to individual phases of movement.

Demonstration of brand techniques on kinograms, drawings, posters.

I draw the attention of students to the positions of the elevator body links into separate key points of movement.

I will introduce the rules of the competition for throwing the ball.

Throw only one way; On the right side, do not stand; Without a teacher's team, do not throw and do not go beyond the ball.

Task 2. Training to keep and throwing the ball.

To go far and accurately throw the ball, you need to keep it right; Therefore, I start learning from throwing large in size, but not heavy balls (basketball, volleyball, rubber), allowing you to properly perform this exercise. The position of the brush when holding a large ball allows the guys better to feel it. Then I turn to throws, throwing a small ball.


Methodical instructions

    Performing a small ball grip.

    I.P. - Feet apart on the width of the shoulders, hand straight ahead. Throw the ball with a shirtless movement of the forearm and brushes.

    I. p. - Feet apart on the width of the shoulders, hand straight ahead. Throw the ball with a shirtless movement of the forearm and brushes.

    I.P. - Left leg ahead, hand with ball at the top. Throw the ball with a holly-shaped movement of the forearm and brushes after removing the elbow forward.

    I.P. - Feet apart on the width of the shoulders. Throwing the ball back-up because of the head with two hands.

    I.P. - Feet apart on the width of the shoulders. Throwing the ball because of the head with one hand forward.

    I.P. - Feet on the width of the shoulders, throw the ball because of the head into the target vertical and horizontal.

    I.P. - standing face in the direction of throwing, left leg ahead. Throwing the ball due to the hollow hand movement due to the head.

    I.P. - Standing left side in the direction of throwing, left hand in front, legs straight. Throwing the ball due to a hollow hand movement.

    I.P. - Standing left sideways, right hand straight, reserved back, left hand in front of breasts, body weight on a slightly bent right foot, the body slightly tilted back. Throwing the ball due to a hollow hand movement.

    A variety of throws, throwing, throwing the ball up, top-down, back-up one, two hands and fishing one, with two hands on top, from the bottom in the air, from the floor from the floor, from the wall, from the partner.

    White-shaped blows with a brush on a volleyball ball.

To achieve an unbalanced holding the ball.

Multiple performing the movement "Goodbye" with a brush.

Actively repetition of the movement "Goodbye" forearm and brush.

The left foot is straight, deployed inside, shoulders straight. Repeat movement "Goodbye".

The left hand holds the right behind the wrist, the legs are not flex.

Pay attention to the work of the brush when throwing, the shoulders do not unfold.

Thursts are performed in a target from a distance of 3 - 4 meters in the 1st grade; 5 6 meters in 2nd and to 12 meters in the 9th grade. Vertical target at an altitude of 2-3 meters. The elbow of the bent hand is at the ear level.

Monitor the straight left foot so that it does not bended in the knee joint.

Pay attention to the rotation of the body when the ball leads back behind the back and bending the right leg in the knee.

Follow the two-area leg position, the left foot is straight. Brush in the "Goodbye" position, an accelerated brush movement.

Monitor the movement of the brush and straightness of the shoulder.

To work out a brush "Goodbye".

Errors: The wrong outlet of the ball is often explained by the total tension of the muscles of the whole body, so to achieve relaxation and freedom of movement, the following exercises were performed in the lessons:

    I.P. - Leg rack is wider than shoulders. Sharp turns to the right and left, hands freely "rejoicing" around the body.

    I.P. - Rack of legs together, torso in the slope forward, the hands are freely hanging down. Rod arms back behind the back with a free lowering of the hands down and "walking" they around the chest and sides.

    I.P. - Left leg ahead in a wide step, torso tilted forward, "hang". Swinging hands back and forth with spring-sided swings on the legs.

    I.P. - Rack, hands at the top. Relaiming the muscles of the hands and shoulder belt, freely omit (quit) hands down.

    I.P. - legs on the width of the shoulders, in the hands of grenades (dumbbells, plastic bottles, sand bags). Circular rotations with hands in facial and lateral planes.

    I.P. - Left leg ahead, in hand a dumbbell (pomegranate, a bottle of sand), a hand at the bottom. Hand shuff back - up, up to break the hand at the elbow joint.

    I.P. - Standing in a step, hands with honey for head. Free extension of hands in the elbow joint.

    Rotation with a brush of the relay stick, a gymnastic stick.

Task 3. Training students throwing a ball from a place.

To throw the ball from a place to proceed after the creation of the muscular feeling of breastfeeding in a good support on the legs. The jerk of the chest is performed forward in the direction of throwing with the active spring work.This sensation is created with the systematic execution of the following exercises:

    Pushing under the blade forward, while holding the hand of the right hand from the rack in a step, hand over his head over the shoulder.

    Pushing under the blade forward, pulling over both hands back, breastfeeding out of the rack in a step.

    Breast output forward from Visa, standing back to the gymnastic wall, the grip of the hands for the slaughter at the head level.

    Breastfeeding forward from Visa crop, the grip of direct hands for the rail.

    Breast outlet forward from Visa, standing in a step back to the gymnastic wall.

    Breast outlet forward from Visa, standing back to the wall, partner under the engaged and rests on his shoulders to the blades area. Straightening her legs, the partner raises the engaged and shake it.

    Exercise in the "Salt" pairs, hands straight up or taken under the elbows, standing back to each other. Shake partner on the back in the slope forward.

    Breast outlet forward, standing in a step back to the gymnastic wall, holding a rubber harness in a throwing hand, fixed for the rail at the shoulder level.

    Standing in a step, hand behind head holds rubber harness, the other end of the harness under the stop behind the standing leg. Straightening your hand, stretch harness.

    Breast outlet forward from the rack sideways to the gymnastic wall, keeping with throwing hand over the shoulder level.

    Breastfeeding forward, standing sideways to the gymnastic wall, holding a throwing hand for the rubber harness, fixed for the rail at the shoulder level.

    Breastage forward, imitating the "taking" of the projectile (ball) on himself in a rack in a step, resting the gymnastic stick into the wall or holding it in his hands, the imitation of the "capture" of the shell.

    The slopes forward, flexing in the lower back, dropping to the floor and climbing up with a supporting hands on the rims of the gymnastic wall.


Methodical instructions

Throwing the ball from behind the head with one hand, two hands, standing in a step, chest in the direction of throwing.

To achieve the preservation of the two-air position of the legs and the jerk of the breast forward.

Throwing the ball from the rack in a step with the transition through the left foot after the release of the ball.

It is necessary to achieve the active foot of the foot and jerking the breasts forward.

Throwing the ball into the vertical and horizontal target from the rack in a step from - the head over the shoulder.

To achieve the deflection of the body and maximize the ball of the ball back, with the transfer of body weight on the right leg. Elbow throwing hands ahead.

Throwing the ball from the rack in a step left side to the direction of throwing.


    at the starting position (the hand with the ball is reserved back, the left at the height of the shoulder is slightly straightened forward, the severity of the body on the right foot, the left in front of the straight sock inside);

    For the "lateral pull" (promotion forward on the right foot left sideways);

    "Taking the projectile for yourself" (while turning the body with the end of the right hand);

    Over the turn of the left primer to the position of the "stretched bow";

    Behind the jerk of breasts ahead and a hollow brush movement.

Games in "Pioneerball", "Fight for the Ball", "Bouncer", Basketball, Volleyball with Throw Elements, Handmade Ball.

Follow the passage of the breastside forward through the straight left foot and the holly-shaped movement of the hand of hand.

Task 4. Training student running with the ball.

When running the student holds a hand with a ball over the shoulder. Training runs occurs by running various segments from 10 -20-30 -40 meters at low speed. It is necessary to run like with a smooth run. The speed increases as running the run and communicates to the maximum.

During the run, I follow the free, unattended break of the ball over your head.

A difficult in learning is running sideways with a reserved ball, but multiple running in this position pretty quickly gives a good result.

At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the accented lifting of the knees and moving forward a sideways and a small slope of the body to the side opposite to throwing. The look should be directed to a specific goal. Jogging with the ball is performed evenly and equally.

Training running with the ball is carried out in parallel with learning throwing from the place.

Task 5. Learning students to assign a ball back.

Hand collapse with the ball right - back is the most common variant of throwing.

The ball leads occurs at 2 steps with a turn of the shoulders right into position side in the direction of throwing.

If you choose your hand with a ball in motion, each score corresponds to the executed shifting step.

For the development of flexibility and mobility in the shoulder joint and flexibility in the thoracic spine in the lessons were systematically performedthe following special exercises:

    Freaks with both hands with a stick;

    Early frills with both hands;

    The coups are fried in Visa on the crossbar;

    Rotational, fly movements with hands (with dumbbells, with sand bottles or water);

    Extension of hands due to head with cargo;

    Bending back from different source positions (standing, lying on the stomach, standing on his knees, standing with her back at the gymnastic wall).

    "Bridges" from the legs of the leg apart on the knees; From the legs of the leg apart; From the stop on the forearms; From the position of lying on the back; From the leg of the leg apart back to the gymnastic wall, keeping the rail;

    Tilts forward with straight legs, standing on the bench, on the floor; sitting on the carpet in the barrier step; From the position of lying on the back, sitting on the floor legs together and apart.

    A variety of fitters forward and back;

    Locks back, forward through the hand on hand;

In parallel with the exercises on flexibility, exercises were performed on the development of muscle strength participating in throwing:

    Multi-around with printed balls (ball throws with two, one hand from different source positions).

Throwing the stuffed balls due to the head with the extension of the hands and the movement of the body is ahead creates a muscular sense of work of the legs and torso.

    Jumping, jumping, jumping up, jumping with a rope on two legs and on one. Jumping strengthens the feed strength and activate their work when throwing.

    A variety of exercises on the straight and lateral muscles of the abdominal press and back. They strengthen the muscles of the body. The schoolboy receives the right sense of the final effort.


Methodical instructions

I.P. - Standing in a step on the spot, the ball in hand over his head. Collapse of the hand with a ball with a turn of shoulders to the right to two scores.

Follow the freedom of the movement of the hand and the liberation of the body. Perform imitation for the expense.

Standing in a step in place, ball in hand over head. Collapse of the hand with a ball for two walks of walking.

Three lines are drawn on the floor, the distance between which is three feet. Perform slowly with stops in each step; Follow the position of the hand with the ball.

Standing in a step, ball in hand over head. Hand head with a ball for two steps in running.

The distance between the lines in running increases. Between the first line and the second to 5-beds, between the 2nd and 3rd - up to 6 or feet.

Standing in a step, the ball over the head. Hand collapse with a ball with a cast imitation.

Exercise is performed first separately, then it is poured. At the expense of "Once" shoulders turn to the right, the left hand is excreted forward, the right foot bends. At the expense of "two" hand with a ball fully assigned back. At the expense of "Three", flexing the right leg, turning his breasts forward, and withdrawing a hand with a ball elbow forward - up, the student goes to the position of the "stretched bow". At the expense of "four" imitates a ball throw.

Standing in a step, the ball over the ball above the head. Collapse of the hand with the ball on the spot and throw the ball into the target.

Running 15-20 m, hand with ball over head.

Running 10 - 15 m, hand with ball over head. Hand head with a ball for two steps in running.

Serial fulfillment of imitation handwhack with a ball in walking, gradually turning into running.

Over two steps ahead and two steps return to the starting position, first slowly, and then as the movement will gradually increase the speed of running.

Performing throwing from 4 - 8 steps running out with a ball assignment with a ball.

The first 2-4 steps are walking, the rest - running with a ball assignment and throw. As you develop, increase the length of the run

Task 6. Learning students in a crossed step.

The correct execution of a fragment step in many respects determines the final result in throwing. "Overtaking" kicks the body, which increases the path of impact on the projectile (ball, grenade) depends on the rhythm and speed of movement.

Learning in a fraud (last one) Step starts without a ball with imitation, and then with the ball.


Methodical instructions

I.P. - Stand in a step left sideways in the direction of the throw by line, drawn on the floor. The left foot is straight, the stop is directed inside at an angle of 45 °. The severity of the body on the right foot. The right hand is reserved back at the shoulder level, the left hand bent in front of the breast.

At the expense of "Once" - the crosst step with the right foot before the left to the pre-drawn line;

at the expense of "two" - return to its original position

Follow the outlet of the right leg with the heel on the entire foot with the extended toe outward. Stage length 1-2 feet.

The same initial position, but another schoolboy (rubber harness) holds for the brush of the right hand).

    Cross step right foot forward

    Initial position

Follow the slope of the body in the opposite throwing of the side (right) and the "runaway" of the legs forward.

I.P. - Rack sideways in the direction of throwing on the left foot with the right foot scratch before the left.

Light jump from the left leg on the right.


    the slope of shoulders to the right along the runway line;

    holding a straight right hand at the level of shoulders;

    "Running" legs forward;

    laying legs on one straight line (left leg sock on one straight straight with the heel right);

    cross step, not an inlet;

    stretching the left straight feet

I.P. - The same thing that exercise number 3.

A light jump from the left leg on the right with the layout of the left leg forward to the toe insight.

I.P. - Rack sideways with the left right hand back. Body weight on the right leg, left hand bent in front of the breast.

At the expense of "Once" - a crosst step jumping forward;

at the expense of "two" - setting the left leg forward to the emphasis.

The same thing that exercise number 5, but the left leg is raised up in the initial position.

At the expense of "Once" - setting the left leg on the ground;

at the expense of "two" - a scratched step with right foot forward over the left;

at the expense of "three" - a step with left foot

Machine steps in walking without a ball and with a ball

Make a scratched step with a runway and without a ball

Task 7. Training students throwing a ball from a scratched step.

The non-stop transition from running to the ball throw depends on the rapid work of the legs in the third (fragrant) and fourth steps. Throwing occurs when the crossed step is performed with the transition to the starting position for the throw. Acceleration in the execution of a scratched step, the rapid production of the left foot in the fourth step and the non-stop transition from running to the throw with the consistent inclusion of the muscles to determine the correct rhythm of the movement movements.


Methodical instructions

I.P. - Rack on the left leg side to the direction of throwing,right leg raised fragrant before the left The hand with the ball is assigned to the side, the left hand bent in front of the breast.

At the expense of "Once" - active setting of the left leg to the ground;

at the expense of "two" - a crosst step with right foot forward over the left in walking;

at the expense of "three" - a step of direct left foot to the emphasis;

at the expense of "four" - the transition to the starting position for the throw.

Follow not:

    falling shoulders forward and left;

    lowering hands with a ball down;

    big fourth step;

    flexions of the left leg in the knee at the stop on it;

    flexing torso when throwing left.

I.P. and exercise number 1. As the crossed step is mastered in walking, perform it with a jump in running.

Follow the full performance of the scratched step.

Multiple repetition in imitation.

I.P. - Rack left sideways, legs on the width of the shoulders, the severity of the body on the right foot, the torso is tilted to the right and makes up one line with his left foot and right hand.

Throwing the ball from one step; from two steps; From three steps.

Monitor the execution of shifted steps in a straight line; The slope of the body to the right and the "runaway" of the legs forward in the fragment step.

Task 8. Learning students throwing a ball with a run

In order for training more successfully, it is better to slowly perform the beginning of the runway, and then gradually increase the speed of the second check mark. In the future, to achieve a high result, the speed of running is to increase. The speed of scattering increases smoothly and gradually.


Methodical instructions

I.P. - Rack in a step face towards throwing. Hand with ball over head, elbow near ear.

    Walking (four - six steps) to the control line;

    Collapse of the hand with a ball for two steps along the lines;

    Cross step with right foot over the left;

    Side step with left foot forward with a stopping point for the soil;

    Throwing the ball from the position of the "stretched bow".

On the ground (semi) to draw seven horizontal lines and one vertical in the direction of throwing:

    1st: Start of running;

    2nd: Control line;

    3-6Y: line for four shifted steps;

    7th: Line to stop after throw.

The length of the steps from the check mark in the run:

1st step - 5-6 feet

2nd step - 6-7 feet

3rd step - 4-5 feet

4th step - 5-6 feet

The same as №1, but in a slow run of marking

Follow the slope of the body in the third and fourth steps, holding a straight arm with the ball at the level of the shoulder behind the back, behind the "overtaking" of the ball with my feet.

The same as №1, but with a short run and with an increasing speed of marking

Pay attention to the rapid execution of a crosst step.

Monitor your hand to two steps and rhythm.

Throwing the ball with a complete runway increasing in length, and with an increase in speed at the distance and goal

Monitor running in a straight line in the thrust steps, for the output to the "stretched bow".

Task 9. I teach students acceleration in shifty steps.

The speed in the thrust steps begins to rise from the first step and reaches the optimal value in the third step. The accelerated fulfillment of the third step begins to the active lifting of the right leg, the left leg is also actively put on the ground.

In this case, you can notice the rapid mixing of the thighs. After a fragile step, the right leg is also actively placed on the ground. This task is solved when throwing a ball from a run.

All shifted steps are performed by spring, and hips are accumulated actively. This will lead to continuous and accelerating movement and to the optimal length of the crosst steps.


    Running with shifted steps without a ball 15 - 20 meters with the hand to hand.

    Running by shifted steps with a ball with a hand to hand (hand at the level of shoulder).

    Running 20-30 meters for speed.

    Shuttle run 3 10 meters for speed.

Special exercises throwing the ball from the place and holding the ball.

Multi-around with printed balls.

Task 10. Improving the technique of throwing the ball, taking into account the individual characteristics of students

Mounting the ball directly, you can teach all schoolchildren of any growth with fast movements.

Schoolchildren with small mobility in the shoulder joint, perform the final effort due to the rotation of the body.

The growth of the results depends not only on the improvement in the technique, but also from the constancy of the development of the physical qualities of the student.

The strengthening of ligaments of the elbow and shoulder joints occupies a large place both during the period of study and in the period of improvement in the technique of throwing the ball.

The following exercises were performed as preventive measures:

    Compressing with a brush of tight rubber balls;

    Hounding on a rope stick, tightening a volleyball mesh torch;

    Rising and rotating hands with burden in different directions and planes (dumbbells).

After mastering the funds of the technique of throwing the ball, the schoolchildren systematically worked on the accuracy and freedom of movements carried out along a large path with an increasing acceleration.

Studying new details of technology, we repeated and improved earlier skills.

Simultaneously with improvement in the technique of throwing, they systematically worked on the development of flexibility and mobility in the joints, muscle force and speed of movements.

For faster movement positive results In throwing the ball systematically used special exercises of the thrower.

They helped me quickly and intelligibly explain to the guys, how to properly perform this or that movement. They helped the guys musculously feel every element of the exercise.

Exercises for flexibility and power of muscular groups .

Multi-around with a ball.

Exercises for flexibility.

7. Typical errors and methods of their correction.

Due to the various physical fitness of schoolchildren, some errors that were taken into account when planning work with the class have occurred.

Possible mistakes

Error correction


In I.P. Feet are located on the same line. This does not give a stable position of the body in the final part of the throw.

To draw a chalk line on the floor and put the foot of the student so that the thumb left behind the left foot was on the same line with the heel of the right foot.

A hand with a ball is lowered below the shoulder line and bent in the elbow joint. This leads to the fact that there will be no distant throw, possibly obtaining the injury of the elbow joint.

Use exercises to strengthen the shoulder belt. Monitor the original position of the hand.

The left hand is lowered down while performing a throw. This leads to the "spinning" shoulders and the ball will fly away from the thumbnail sector to the left.

To draw the attention of students to the position of the left hand aimed at a certain landmark.

The chin is lowered, and the look is directed down. It does not give the opportunity to control the corner of the shell's departure.

Chin is directed up, the look is directed to the point of throwing. With this position, the chin ball will fly along the desired trajectory.

With the deviation of the body and the head before the final force, the line breaks down: the left foot is torso. Throwing will be carried out only by hand, excluding the bottom links of the body.

Use more imitation simulations in place. Focus on the correct position of the body when the exercise is displayed.

The "capture" of the projectile is not performed, there is no rotation on the right foot knee inside. Do not deploy your shoulders forward, leaving the right hand far from behind. Prematurely tolerate body weight on the left foot. Therefore, the position of the "stretched bow" will not be performed, there will be no sharp throw.

Use imitation of rotation on the foot knee inside. Help the student correctly perform this movement slowly, taking it for the right brush, to help him deploy his shoulders with his left hand, pushing it under the blade ahead.

Movement of throwing hands face.

Perform a throw without turning the shoulders. I miss the "capture" of the projectile and do not perform the position of the "stretched bow". As a result, there is no distant throw.

The teacher should help feel the disciple the correct movement of the shoulders and legs when performing the "capture" of the projectile.

The hand works slowly when performing the throw itself. No holly movement with hand. Excessive eligibility of the right hand.

Explain what "chleerstorm" is, using comparisons that are understandable to children ("Knut", "shield", "goodbye"). Use more moving games with throwing elements and exercises for the development of "Chlesti".

When performing the final effort, the left leg in the knee joint is flex. The throw goes down, there is no good position "stretched onion", the lower links of the body turn off, the cast range is significantly reduced.

Slowly perform imitation of a throw from the place, paying attention to the fact that the left leg should be straightened in the knee joint until the end of the throw and perform the function of the rigid support. Use exercises to strengthen the leg muscles (many jumping work)

Single step

From the initial position - standing left side on the right foot, the left behind on the sock, performing a step, turn the torso in the direction of the throw. With this position of the body, there is no "capture" of the shell and decreases the length of the lever, therefore, the path traveled by a projectile. Errors arise due to insufficiently developed leg muscles, back muscles, abdominal press, abdominal muscles.

Strengthen the leg muscles with exercises: "pistols", squats, jumping out of the squats, jumping benches, barriers.

Use the imitation of the execution of the throw from one step.

Throw from two steps.

From the rack left sideways in the direction of the throw, with the right foot, the inclice of the shoulders left, with the decree of the left foot - the slope of the body to the left;

falling shoulders forward;

holding hands with a ball down;

flexing the left leg when the stop at it.

Multiple execution of a fragment step holding a schoolboy for the right straightened hand, reminding about the correct position of the body and running forward.

Throw from three steps.

The first and second steps are performed by a jump. The shoulders "go" ahead and no position of the "stretched bow", there is no distant throw.

Learn the rhythm of performing steps using various methods, including sound (blows in your hands in the right rhythm).

No shuffle's legs after making a scratched step. The crosst step is carried out with a step, not a jump.

Not complied with the right rhythm of shifting steps.

Learn to fulfill a scratcher using a gymnastic bench (from I.P. Standing left side to the bench the impetus left foot jump on the bench right foot, pulling out the right leg bent into the knee screensally left leg).

Use the imitation of the fraud (I.P. - Standing, left leg ahead, breasts in the direction of the throw. The right leg bent in the knee, takes forward with the simultaneous turn of the body to the right, after the foot rendered forward, returns to I.P.

Learn the rhythm of the shifted steps (the first step is calm, and the second and the third are performed with the growing speed. The fastest is the third step.

Throwing the ball from running.

During running, a hand with a ball is too tense. Difficult to the ball is difficult, the rhythm of the thrifty steps is disturbed.

Multiple jogging with the ball, seeking free holding the ball with the restricted muscles of the shoulder belt and hands

Running on strongly bent legs. As a result, the schoolboy is hardly gaining speed in the running and overtakes the ball.

Multiple jogging on the socks of foot with a strong pushing from the floor (soil). Strengthen the leg muscles by jumping exercises.

The speed of running to the second check mark is increased by stretching steps. Disrupted acceleration rhythm. It makes it difficult to go to the thrown part of the runway and overtaking of the projectile.

Running on scattering. To achieve an increase in speed when switching to a second check mark due to the frequency of steps. Reduce the distance between the first (start of running) and the second (start of the ball leads) checkmarks.

Reducing the runoff speed to the final effort. Throwing is performed almost from the place. There is no running speed in the shifted steps.

Running on a spelling with an increase in speed to the final without a throw with a rebound from the soil at the end of the run. Strengthen the leg muscles using jumping exercises.

Premature turn of shoulders to the right from the second check mark. As a result, there is a turn of the right foot of the dudder, the body is spoken back.

Hold the torso in a vertical position, running to the second mark. Follow the correctness of the setting of stop socks strictly ahead on a split.

Full straightening of the right hand with the ball in the first step from the second check mark. It makes it difficult to accelerate in the thrust steps, leads to the tension of the muscles of the shoulder and hands, and changing the angle of departure of the projectile.

Multiple hand lead with a ball on a place in two accounts; In the course and in running into two accounts; In the course and in running two steps without throwing.

To seek a soft smooth hand head with a ball into two shifted steps in combination with a turn of the body and shoulders to the right.

When performing a scratched step, the right foot is not fragile over the left, and performs anxal step. It will not be "overtaking" shoulders with legs.

Perform throwing at low speed. Learn throwing steps (along the line walking crossed steps with a gymnastic stick on the shoulders, and then run by shifted steps through the line). Watch that there is no shoulder rotation around the vertical axis and the promotion was left late.

Right foot in the crossed step is set:

Directly without turning the dust, the resulting incogration of the projectile and the arrival in a favorable position for a throw;

On the sock, and not on the heel and the external arch of the foot, as a result there is a falling, that is, the rate on the right foot is lost, the speed is lost, the "capture" of the ball and the accuracy of the application effort is hampered

Make the ball with a different degree of intensity, control the correctness of the decree of the right foot at the end of the crosst steps

Low lower right hand with a ball (below the shoulder axis) on the first two shifters, as a result, it is difficult to perform a "capture" ball in the initial phase of the final effort and accurately make efforts when throwing

During running at different speeds to divert the hand with the ball, seeking the right position of the right hand

Loss of straightness of the movement in the spread (deviation to the left in the last shifters). Difficult to use efforts to the center of the projectile for the sector

Move from three steps and with full run. Control the straightness of Maha's right leg with a fragment step and laying the left side of the runway (the thumb left is on the same line with the heel of the right foot).

PCAg-jump from the second mark, a short or very long scratcher step, a distant setting of the left leg in the fourth step violates the correct rhythm of the runway, reduce the speed in the thrifty steps and make it difficult to continuously transition from running to the throw

Control the length of steps, laying the stop in the footsteps, at the marks of each shifted step on the track. Throw a ball with full run

The lack of acceleration in the thrifty steps makes it difficult to transition from running to the throw, causes a stop before the throw, violates the right rhythm of throwing.

Throw the ball from three, with four shifted steps, from a fracture on an arbitrary length of a segment, with a complete run. Eating an individual ratio of length and speed of each step.

Deviation of the body to the left of the direction of throwing. Left leg becomes far left, and when throwing bends. The initial rate of departure of the ball is lost, the flight range decreases.

Exercises, imitating the right "capture" of the ball. Control laying legs in the third and fourth step and straightening the left foot in the final phase of the throw. Start the final efforts with the "closed" position of the body.

Easy stopper left leg due to her setting over the line right or somewhat fragile before it prevents advancement, it gives speed and even causes a stop before throwing

Performs running on the stamps in the thrifting and throwing in different ways of running and tempo

Premature "breast dumping" forward with late "capture" early turning of the body and started a final jerk angle of departure the ball decreases.

Throw projectiles in different ways of running and tempo


Collapse of the hand with a ball for two steps .

Cross step.

Multi-athletics attacks include four types: the pushing of the kernel, throwing the disk, hammer and spears. The school curriculum includes applied types of throwing: throwing a small ball and grenades. Movements in throwing pomegranates and the ball are identical among themselves and aimed at creating conditions for the maximum range of their flight. Throwing is performed from various positions: with a run, standing, from the knee, lying. We consider throwing ball and grenades with a weakege. The technique of this type of throwing consists of four main phases:

    holding a shell;

    running, during which there is an increase in the speed of the thrower with the projectile;

    final force (throw), when the thrower speeds up the movement of the hand with a projectile to the initial departure rate;

    preservation of equilibrium and braking.

Holding projectile. Holding grenades is carried out in two ways. With the first method, the pomegranate is held behind the lower half of the handle by capturing it with four fingers, the thumb is located along the axis of the handle (Fig. A). In the second method, the pomegranate is kept behind the handle by tightly gripped with compressed fingers, while the thumb is superimposed on the index (Fig. B). In both cases, the muscles of the hand are relaxed, the brush is not tense. Small ball (as such a projecting you can use a tennis ball) is held with three medium fingers, and the little finger and thumb support it from the sides (Fig. B). Thus, the ball is captured by fingertips and, depending on the strength, the brush is closer or further from the palm (see Fig.).

Range. The optimal length of the runway is 13 steps, of which 8 steps are performed in a preliminary part of the runway and 5 steps - in the final. These parts are usually marked with checkmarks: one - at the beginning of the runway, the other - before the final part of the run. The running is performed with acceleration on the front of the foot, while the step length is approximately 30 cm less than in the short distances. When running a grenade or tennis ball, you can keep below, above the shoulder and in front of you.

The task of the final part of the runway is to, without reducing the speed of running, perform the opening of the projectile and approach the most advantageous position to the phase of the final effort. Once on the check mark with the left foot, with a step of the right leg begins a lead and extension of the hands with a projectile back. The brush, at the same time, does not fall below the shoulder level, the body is kept vertically (to preserve the speed of movement). Continuing the movement of the hand with a projectile back, the thrower performs the second step from the left leg. The third step, performed by the right foot, is called a curly: the foot is placed from the heel with a slightly unfolded stop. A hand with a projectile at this point is completely straightened in the elbow joint, and the torso is deployed to the right and rejected as possible. The thrower, as it were, "runs away" from the projectile. By this, he performs the so-called "overtaking of the projectile". Finishing the fourth ("stop") step with the left foot, the thrower comes to its original position before the final force, while maintaining the body weight on the right foot.

Final Effort Begins with the movement of the legs. The left foot rests on the projection of the Body Body Projections along the line of the sock inside, the right - extension and turns the heel outward. Due to this, the movement of the right side of the pelvis around the vertical axis of the body and perpendicular to the direction of running. The movement of the pelvis carries the body and leads the thrust in the position of the "stretched onion", after which the hand with the shell with a hollow-like movement is taken forward and the ball is released at an angle of 45-50 0. The rapid movement forward, which occurs under the action of the inertia of the runway, must be repayed on a short segment. This is achieved by performing a jump - the rear on the right leg through the left. In fig. The final part of the runway and the final effort during pomegranate throwing is presented.

Preservation of equilibrium and braking. The thrower, so as not to cross the line of throwing, limited by a plank or other markup, after the release of the projectile, extinguishes the inertia of the body movement forward through the leather with the left leg on the right. Due to this, the braking of the thrower is carried out and equilibrium is held.

Consider a sequence of training technique on the example of throwing the ball.

Exercises for studying the right holding ball.

Exercise 1. Performing a grip of the ball with a hand with simultaneous movements in the rayscass, elbow and shoulder joints.

Exercise 2.Run the ball roll down and forward at the expense of the preservation of the brush.

Exercise 3. Hand collapse with the ball back and down with the subsequent imitation of the throw due to the head (the ball is not released).

Exercise 4.The same, but with the help of a teacher or partner (see Fig.).

Exercise 5.Throwing the ball from the original position, standing face toward the throw.

Exercise 6. The same, but standing left side to the side of the throw.

Exercise 7.Throwing the ball from the step.

Exercise 8.Throwing the ball with 3-4 steps.

Exercise 9. Throwing the ball as a whole with a full run.

Exercise 10.Throwing the ball with a full run with a gradual increase in the cast range and extension of effort.

Improving the technique of throwing the ball is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved. At the same time, various options and elements of the technique of throwing are tested, throwing on the result, competitions are carried out.

Answers (4)

Athletics: Throwing throwing is the exercises of athletes, requiring "explosive" muscle efforts (short-term, but maximum voltage). The purpose of any throw is to move the sports projectile to the distance as far away from the athlete. Throwing the ball, and everything begins with it, helps to develop power, dexterity and speed of action. In addition, a person has an understanding of the optimal ratio of these efforts. Despite the seeming simplicity, throwing is a rather complicated exercise. Throwing out the ball, it is necessary to evaluate the speed and strength of the hands, relate them to running around and understand what time you need, in fact, "let go of" the ball, so that he flew away, and the athlete remains to stand (and did not fall, for example, or prohibited ). All this allows you to develop more and analytical abilities: Analysis of the most advantageous initial position, rapidness of running and scope, and finally, determining the point of application of maximum effort when throwing. There are three types of throwing: throwing a small ball, grenades, spears. These shells differ ease. They are thrown because of the head after the rapid runway. Throwing various disks (the main distinguishing feature of the projectile - weight). Disks overclocked through the rotation of the housing of the athlete. All sorts of kernels. The kernel does not "throw", but "pushing". The kernel is the hardest projectile, so before you push it, the athlete needs to make a "jump" (literally, jump and in higher point Push the kernel from the shoulder). Basics of throwing Modern light athletics does not consider throwing shells to target. Throwing a small ball on the range is the first priority exercise. The throw can be performed in any way: standing because of the head, because of the head from the runway, throwing out the projectile with his sprawling, pushing from the shoulder. The method of throwing is selected depending on the projectile (its size and weight). Based on the age and physiological characteristics of the athlete, a sports projectile is selected. At the very beginning of the classes, this kind of sport is not recommended to apply maximum power. Muscles and joints are not yet prepared and "do not know" tasks, and this is fraught with dislocations and stretching. Training TECHNOLOGY Metaling The ball begins yet with throws for the purpose (accuracy). Gradually, the task is complicated, and the distinction is added to the accuracy. In the future, with a serious lesson, throwing to other heavier and complex projectiles. What should I consider when throwing so, what does the flight distance depend on? Experts allocate four conditions that define a successful throw: the speed of departure of the projectile, angle, the height of the point in which the shell breaks away from the athlete and the resistance of the air. We'll figure it out in order with each factor. The initial speed is influenced by an effort that applies an athlete at the time of ejection. Further, the length of the ball path, which he passes in the hand of the athlette. And finally, the time for which this path is in hand overcomes. Accordingly, the longer the path and less time, the greater the speed of the chopped projectile. Throwing the ball from the runway implies the speed of the scatter itself, turning the housing and the jump of the thrower. At the end of the runway, the thrower creates an "overtaking" of the athlete shell. For throwers of the ball and spear - these are the last steps of overclocking, for discolobols - overtaking is created during the corps turning, and the last seconds of the jump are important for the kernel pushers. The run time can only be reduced by accelerating the thrower. Therefore, learning throwing the ball includes workouts on a run with acceleration. At the last step of the runway athlete pushes a shell not only forward, but also up. When throwing the ball an important point It turns out an angle of flight towards the horizon. Knowledge of elementary geometry and trigonometry laws make it possible to assert that the maximum range is achieved at an angle of departure at 45 °. Practically achieve such accuracy is not possible.


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Athletics: Throwing throwing is the exercises of athletes, requiring "explosive" muscle efforts (short-term, but maximum voltage). The purpose of any throw is to move the sports projectile to the distance as far away from the athlete. Throwing the ball, and everything begins with it, helps to develop power, dexterity and speed of action. In addition, a person has an understanding of the optimal ratio of these efforts. Despite the seeming simplicity, throwing is a rather complicated exercise. Throwing out the ball, it is necessary to evaluate the speed and strength of the hands, relate them to running around and understand what time you need, in fact, "let go of" the ball, so that he flew away, and the athlete remains to stand (and did not fall, for example, or prohibited ). All this allows you to develop more and analytical abilities: Analysis of the most advantageous initial position, rapidness of running and scope, and finally, determining the point of application of maximum effort when throwing. There are three types of throwing: throwing a small ball, grenades, spears. These shells differ ease. They are thrown because of the head after the rapid runway. Throwing various disks (the main distinguishing feature of the projectile - weight). Disks overclocked through the rotation of the housing of the athlete. All sorts of kernels. The kernel does not "throw", but "pushing". The kernel is the hardest projectile, so before you push it, the athlete needs to make a "jump" (literally, jump and at the highest point push out the kernel from the shoulder). Basics of throwing Modern light athletics does not consider throwing shells to target. Throwing a small ball on the range is the first priority exercise. The throw can be performed in any way: standing because of the head, because of the head from the runway, throwing out the projectile with his sprawling, pushing from the shoulder. The method of throwing is selected depending on the projectile (its size and weight). Based on the age and physiological characteristics of the athlete, a sports projectile is selected. At the very beginning of the classes, this kind of sport is not recommended to apply maximum power. Muscles and joints are not yet prepared and "do not know" tasks, and this is fraught with dislocations and stretching. Training TECHNOLOGY Metaling The ball begins yet with throws for the purpose (accuracy). Gradually, the task is complicated, and the distinction is added to the accuracy. In the future, with a serious lesson, throwing to other heavier and complex projectiles. What should I consider when throwing so, what does the flight distance depend on? Experts allocate four conditions that define a successful throw: the speed of departure of the projectile, angle, the height of the point in which the shell breaks away from the athlete and the resistance of the air. We'll figure it out in order with each factor. The initial speed is influenced by an effort that applies an athlete at the time of ejection. Further, the length of the ball path, which he passes in the hand of the athlette. And finally, the time for which this path is in hand overcomes. Accordingly, the longer the path and less time, the greater the speed of the chopped projectile. Throwing the ball from the runway implies the speed of the scatter itself, turning the housing and the jump of the thrower. At the end of the runway, the thrower creates an "overtaking" of the athlete shell. For throwers of the ball and spear - these are the last steps of overclocking, for discolobols - overtaking is created during the corps turning, and the last seconds of the jump are important for the kernel pushers. The run time can only be reduced by accelerating the thrower. Therefore, learning throwing the ball includes workouts on a run with acceleration. At the last step of the runway athlete pushes a shell not only forward, but also up. When throwing a ball, an important point is an angle of flight towards the horizon. Knowledge of elementary geometry and trigonometry laws make it possible to assert that the maximum range is achieved at an angle of departure at 45 °. Practically achieved such accuracy is not possible

The history of development in ancient times Residents of different states (rather even territories) constantly fought with each other. Some defended, others, on the contrary, won new territories. Before the appearance of a gunpowder, all weapons were swords, peaks, spears and arrows. The strongest and most prominent. One who more accurately falls into the goal, the one who could correctly appreciate his strength and in time to get away from the hand-to-hand fight, a reproper or peak. This skill was a straight road to survival and victory. That is why in peacetime warriors did not stop training. In order to evaluate your skills and compare them with the skill of other warriors, a speech and peaks have been arranged. Most often, these were competing a cast range and the accuracy of hitting the target. In modern conditions, the athletes are mastered by throwing the ball into the target, not a weapon. . To this day, the athletes compete in a spear throw, disk, kernel. All these sports belong to athletics. We get the first skills even at school, when we master the ball throwing on the physical culture.

Throwing as a means of physical education throwing is one of the tools for physical education and special training of schoolchildren and is an applied, coordination and complex motor action, in the process of which a large number of motor units are involved, when we need consistency in their movement, consideration of efforts in space , time and muscular effort. Exercises with balls and thumbnails contribute to strengthening major muscle groups, especially the muscles of the shoulder belt and hands; develop dexterity, strength and speed; Eyemer and accuracy; Orientation and all types of coordination (V. I. Lyakh, 1987), a sense of rhythm. Throwing relates to military-applied tools and is an important part of the preparation of young people to service in the army, as it contributes to comprehensive physical development. Performing thumbnails in complete coordination, with the participation of large muscles of the body and limbs contributes to the formation of the physique, which is an important condition for ensuring the vital activity of a developing body.

What to study? One of the means of physical development and special training of schoolchildren and young people is throwing small balls. According to the technique of performance, it is largely similar to the technique of throwing grenades and spears. Therefore, at the initial stage of training, the ball throwing becomes an effective tool used to master the technique of this species. In accordance with the school curriculum, the throwing of small balls is carried out on a range of space and from the runway, when the technique of movements is mainly identical to the technique of throwing spears, as well as vertical and horizontal targets.

Throwing is part of the Schoolflow Easy Athletics section and is a mandatory motor action for studying schoolchildren with junior classes. Throwing is the exercises of athletes, requiring "explosive" muscle efforts (short-term, but maximum voltage). The purpose of any throw is to move the sports projectile to the distance as far away from the athlete. Despite the seeming simplicity, throwing is a rather complicated exercise. Throwing out the ball, it is necessary to evaluate the speed and strength of the hands, relate them to running around and understand what time you need, in fact, "let go of" the ball, so that he flew away, and the athlete remains to stand (and did not fall, for example, or prohibited ). All this allows you to develop more and analytical abilities: Analysis of the most advantageous initial position, rapidness of running and scope, and finally, determining the point of application of maximum effort when throwing.

Basics of grade technique. Throwing the ball consists of three phases: 1. Holding the ball and run. The small ball is held, not pressed to the palm, the phalanges of the fingers of the casting hand. Indicating, medium and ring fingers like the lever are placed behind the ball, and the thumb and the little finger hold it to its side.

Before starting running out, the ball holds above the shoulder in a bent hand, the elbow of which is at the ear level

Run: Range is performed in a uniformly accelerated rhythm and consists of two parts: from the start to the check mark and from the check mark to the plank. The first part of the runway (preliminary) begins on the initial position to the check mark. The task of this part is to dial the initial speed and accurately get the left foot on the check mark. Range is performed by the usual running step on the front of the foot. The length of the runway is 6 -12 running steps. The second part of the runway (final) depends on the speed of promotion, the length of the steps and the stop of the stop after the throw. It starts from the check mark and ends with a place where the final effort is performed, so the second part of the runway is called preparation for the throw (final effort). The task of the second part is to decorate the projectile (ball, grenade) to perform its "overtaking" and in maintaining the optimal speed before the final movement. Steps in this part of the runway are called shifts and are performed with a slight acceleration. The number of steps depends on the method of the opening of the projectile and ranges from 4 to 6 - the shifted steps.

In practice, there are several ways to drive the ball at the time of execution of shifting steps. This: the lead "straight - back", "Arc forward - down - back", "Arc up - back". However, when throwing a small ball, the simplest and most common way is the leading "right - back". This method is easier to master; facilitates the preservation of a straight race on a sparing; The ball leads is performed on four shifted steps.

Finding on the check mark with the left foot, the first shock step is right. The foot is put on the sock right along the movement, the position of the pelvis remains the same, as in the first part of the run. But begins the turn of the shoulders to the right and the gradual head ago bent in the elbow joint of the right hand with the ball. Left hand, bent in the elbow joint, moves forward. The second step with the left foot from the sock is accompanied by a further turn of the shoulders to the right and the full straightening of the right hand with the ball, turning the pelvis right. Brush hands with a ball is slightly above the same (right) shoulder. To maintain the velocity torso is in a vertical position. The chin is at the left shoulder. Moves should be active, spring and run like rooting from the projectile. After the second step, a complete hand is ends with a ball.

The third, the penultimate step is called "scratch". It is a link between the preliminary and final part of the projectile overclocking. The main task of the "crosst" step is to "overtaking" the ball and the removal of the left leg forward when setting the right leg on the support.

The "crosst" step is performed by an energetic repulsion to the left and inhabitant of the right leg. The right foot quickly takes forward and puts with a heel with a deployed toe outward; shoulders and pelvis turn to the right; The torso leans to the right - back; Right hand with a ball straight palm up at the shoulder level, the left hand is bent in the elbow joint and is located in front of the breast. Finishing the "fragrant" step, the stop of the right leg with the heel and the external arch gets on the entire foot at an angle of 30 degrees to the runway line. When performing a "scratcher" step, ahead of the legs and pelvis of the top of the body and hands with the ball increases even more compared with the second step. In this way, the "overtaking" of the projectile occurs, as a result of which the tension of muscle groups participating in the final effort.

The fourth shock step is performed by the active stopping formation of a straight left leg forward from the heel and the inside of the foot to the sock inside. A hand with a ball and an axis of the shoulders are on one straight line with a runway run.

2. Final effort (throw): The final phase of the throw begins until the left foot setting in the fourth shifting step at the time of the passage of the OCMT over the right support foot. This step is performed without a flight phase. In the final motion, the speed scanned in the scatter, to maximally increase at the time of the throw: after passing the OCMT, the right leg begins to be clarified, turning the thigh into the direction of running. From this point on, the "capture" of the projectile begins. The "capture" element is necessary for the subsequent tension of the muscles of the body and throwing hands involved during the release of the projectile. . Left leg, almost straight, puts with heels at a distance of about one foot left from the runway line with a further transition to the stop on the entire foot. This is necessary to create the conditions of rotational and progressive movement around the axis, conditionally passing through the left foot and left shoulder. At the moment (after "capture"), the right hand with a projectile bends in the elbow joint, and the forearm and brush, turning to the back of the shoulder, are suspended. The left hand at the same time begins to get left left and is entering.

Straightening the right leg and turning the right side of the pelvis forward, the thrower, carrying out the "craving" of the projectile, turns the booster forward, leads the right elbow forward and turns into the position of the "stretched onion", named so because of the external similarity, where the right hand with a projectile Folded torso and left leg form an appropriate arc. Further, by reducing the pre-stretched muscles and the use of the inertia of the "thrower-projectile" system, the bodybag and breastfeed movement occurs. The final part of the final effort is carried out by the most powerful movement - "jerk". The release of the projectile ends with a chop-shaped movement of the forearm and brush of the right hand. Hand with a projectile passes over the shoulder. The left foot at the time of the throw stops movement and completely straightened. All elements of the final effort are performed as a single movement. The efficiency of the throw depends on the inhibition sequence of body links in the final, starting with the lower and ending with the upper, to transfer the total amount of movement to the projectile.

3. Brake (save equilibrium after a throw): After the release of the ball to repay the inertia of the movement, the crossroads are performed on the left leg on the right before the arc that limits the place of execution of the throw. The jump is performed due to the rotation of the body with the right side, the arrangement of the right leg at the angle of 45 degrees and bending in the knee joint.

Typical errors The hand with the ball is lowered below the shoulder line and bent in the elbow joint. This leads to the fact that there will be no distant throw, possibly obtaining the injury of the elbow joint. The left hand is lowered down while performing a throw. This leads to the "spinning" shoulders and the ball will fly away from the thumbnail sector to the left. The chin is lowered, and the look is directed down. It does not give the opportunity to control the corner of the shell's departure. A throw is performed without turning the shoulders. The "capture" of the projectile and the position of the "stretched bow" is not performed. As a result, there is no distant throw. The hand works slowly when performing the throw itself. No holly movement with hand. Excessive eligibility of the right hand. The deviation of the body to the left of the direction of the throw of the ball and bending the left leg in the knee at the moment of pushing the projectile. This leads to the inevitable loss of the initial speed of the ball of the ball.

Flight of sports shells The trajectory (in particular, the distance) of the shell's flight is determined: the starting speed of the departure, the angle of departure, the place (height) of the projectile, the rotation of the projectile and the air resistance, which, in turn, depends on the aerodynamic properties of the projectile, strength and wind direction , air density.

The initial departure rate is the main characteristic that naturally changes with the growth of sports skills. In the absence of air resistance, the road range is proportional to the square of the departure speed. The release height of the projectile affects the range of flight. The projectile flight range increases about as much as the height of the projectile is increased.

Corners of departure. The following main departure angles are distinguished: 1. The angle of place is the angle between the horizontal and the velocity vector (it determines the movement of the projectile in the vertical plane: above - below). 2. Azimuth - angle of departure in a horizontal plane (the right - left, is measured from the conditionally selected direction of reference). 3. An angle of attack is the angle between the departure speed vector and the longitudinal axis of the projectile. The speakers of the spear seek the angle of attack to be close to zero ("get exactly in a spear"). Disk throws It is recommended to release a disk with a negative attack angle. When flying the balls, the nuclei and the hill of the angle of attack.

Rotation of the projectile and air resistance The rotation of the projectile has a double effect on its flight. First, rotation as it would stabilize the projectile in the air, without giving it to "tumbling". Secondly, the rapid rotation of the projectile twists its trajectory (the so-called Magnus effect). If the ball rotates, then the speed of the air flow on different sides will be different. Rounding, the ball carries the adjacent air layers that begin to move around it (circulate). In those places where the speed of progressive and rotational movements are folded, the speed of the air flow becomes greater; From the opposite side of the ball, these speeds are deducted and the resulting speed is less. Because of this, the pressure from different sides will be different: more from the other side where the speed of the air flow is less.

Rotation of the projectile and air resistance If the air flow flows down the shell at some angle of attack, the air resistance force is directed at an angle to the stream. This force can be decomposed into the components: one of them is directed over the flow - this is the windshield, the other perpendicular to the flow is lifting force. Significantly remember that the lift force is not necessarily directed up; Its direction may be different. It depends on the position of the projectile and the direction of the air flow relative to it. In cases where the lifting force is directed upwards and balances the weight of the projectile. He can start planning. Planning a spear and disk significantly increases the results in throwing. If the air flow pressure center does not coincide with the center of gravity, the rotational moment of force arises, and the shell loses stability. A similar picture and the problem of preserving stability arise in the flight phase in ski jumps. The absence of rotation is achieved by choosing the correct posture in which the center of gravity of the body and the center of its surface (the air flow center) is located so that the rotational moment is not created.

The force of action in the moving movements is usually manifested by the final links of a multi-part kinematic chain. In this case, individual links can interact in two ways: 1. In parallel - when the actions of the links are possible; If the force manifested by one of the links is insufficient, another link compensates for this greater force. Parallel interaction is possible only in branching kinematic chains (two hands or two legs). 2. Sequentially - when the interconnection is not possible. With a consistent interaction of the links of a multi-part kinematic chain, it often happens that some kind of link turns out to be weaker than the rest and limits the manifestation maximum power. It is very important to be able to recognize such a lagging link with the aim of either it is purposefully strengthened, or change the technique of movement so that this link does not limit the growth of the results.

List of sources used by Zhilkin A. I. Athletics: Tutorial for universities / A. I. Zhilkina, V. S. Kuzmin, E. V. Sidorchuk. - M.: Academy, 2008. - 464 p. https: // infourok. RU / Metodika_obucheniya_Metaniyu_Myacha. 570072. HTM HTTP: // MedBookaide. RU / BOOKS / FOLD 9001 / BOOK 2061 / P 13. PHP HTTP: // MyStud 2011. Narod. RU / DOCS / TEMA 8. PDF http: // www. Studfiles. RU / PREVIEW / 6211824 / Page: 4 /

During the elementary throw of the tennis ball, the muscles are trained not only hands and shoulders, but also the rest of the muscles. And when driving a projectile, the goal also develops the eye meter. About how to make a small ball rolling in several ways, will be discussed in the article.

Small Ball Molding Technique

This projectile can be thrown without going off, but you can do it after a strong run. For this purpose, different types of techniques are applied.

Did you know? In addition to athletics, spears, hammer, disc, grenades, ball, as well as nucleus pushing, there is also a sports throwing knife. It turns out that this is an independent discipline of the sports type "Universal Fight".

From place

This method of throwing is characterized by such a movement of a hand with a sports object, which is carried out on top of the shoulder due to the head with the involvement in the process (sequentially) of the leg muscles, as well as throwing the sports object and the other parts of the body.

To properly perform this speed-power exercise, you need:

Method technique of a small ball from the place: video

With runway

Typically, a walkway is allocated to 20 m long. However, in reality, this distance varies depending on the individual qualities of the thrower. The optimal is considered to be razved, consisting of 13 steps, 8 of which fall on the presequent part, and the remaining 5 - for the final one.
To be able to scatter the projectile as far as possible, it is necessary:

  1. Capture the ball with fingers of the hands, holding it while running in front of the chest above the shoulder or downstairs (to choose from).
  2. Start moving with the right leg.
  3. Running is carried out with acceleration, at which a step width is 30 cm in short, than while running on sprint distances.
  4. When leaving finish stage Range to deploy your shoulders to the right.
  5. Depending on the initial arrangement of the hand with the ball, to lower it or raise the shoulder level and start slightly backwards.
  6. Implement a scratched step, during which, due to the preservation of the position of the body split to the right, the body is tightened.
  7. Then left the left nail along the line of movement, break the right.
  8. Location the axis of the pelvis at a right angle to the vectors of the movement.
  9. With the help of the poses created in this way, which is called "stretched onion", a sharp sentence to send the ball forward, trying to approach 45 ° to the trajectory.
  10. Crossing with left lower limb On the right, repay the inertia of the run.

Did you know? Light athletics originated in Ancient Greece 2794 years ago, when the first competitions on the run were held within the framework of the Olympic Games.

Small ball throwing: video

During the study of the technique of throwing, a consistent acquaintance methodology is usually used with the essence of training and their foundations.

For this apply:

  • familiarization with exercises intended for the development of competent treatment technique with a projectile;
  • detailed coverage of the technique of throwing sports subjects and from the runway (with a description of the steps of the athlete's movement during throwing);
  • teaching the optimal grip of the projectile with your fingers and the subsequent successful throw;
  • acquaintance with the safety regulations and the conditions for holding competitions.

Technique and technique learning throwing balls in target

Actions during throwing a sports subject in the direction of the goal are similar to the finishing stage of the ball throw from the runway. Differences are only in goaling. During the throwing of the projectile, the target requires not the maximum range of its flight, but the accuracy of a predetermined target.
Nevertheless, ways to teach, the choice of training tools and the corresponding methodological techniques are practically the same as when teaching the technique of the grip of the projectile and the implementation of final actions during the throw of a small ball from the runway.

Important! All methods of throwing a small ball, with the exception of throws from the place or with a run by the "over the shoulder from behind the back", during the competitions are prohibited.

Exercises for mastering the ball throwing technique

To master the techniques of throws into the target, the exercises, the most approaching the newcomers to the best results.

These exercises are in mastering such skills and skills:

  • development of optimal movements when casting a projectile in a target from the front rack;
  • throwing a shell from a six-meter distance to the shield to achieve the maximum rebound range of the ball;
  • throwing a sports subject in a certain sector for a distance in different ways;
  • training in pairs during which a partner helps throwing final movements to compelate;
  • throwing a projectile when casting stands sideways to the direction of movement of the ball;
  • throwing a small ball within a ten meter corridor, located sideways, and from one step as a contest between several participants.
  • throwing a projectile with the help of one step when a partner is located at a distance from throwing, which will allow them to catch the projectile after being rebound from the surface.

Regulations on distance

Since small balls weighing up to 150 g are used primarily by children of adolescence and younger, and senior schoolchildren and adults enjoy heavier shells weighing half a kilogram, standards for the range are based on school assessments. The norms of the GTO are also successfully used.

For example, these norms for children on small ball throws weighing 150 g per target and on the range to get a gold, silver or bronze icon, look like this:

class \u003d "Table-Bordered"\u003e

Typical errors

With the apparent simplicity of throwing movements, they are fraught with errors that affect the results of attempts.

The most typical includes:

  • low pace with acceleration at the preliminary stage of running;
  • excessively frisky start when running on semi-bent legs;
  • ripped rhythm running on the preliminary division of runway;
  • excessive width of shifty steps;
  • excessive deviation of the body back during the first two steps when throwing;
  • some braking during a fragile step;
  • together with the bend in the left hip joint, the body goes left;
  • throw bent hand;
  • side throwing;
  • flexing the left lower limb in the knee joint immediately before the release of the object.

Safety regulations

During the throws, there are traumatic moments that can be avoided using the following safety regulations:

  1. It is necessary to place those engaged in throwing people at a safe distance from each other.
  2. Do not allow projectile throws towards each other.
  3. Observe the strict oddness of the shells.
  4. Throwing and collecting shells to exercise only at the Teacher or Trainer team.

Important!The lack of proper skills in sports throws acquired during training, can lead to the dislocation of the shoulder joint or stretching the ankle ligaments.

In an air athletics, raising shells is far from last. And such an unpretentious, at first glance, the exercise as throwing a small ball, besides possession of their internal advantages, is also one of the main types of training exercises for kopseneters, representatives of an ancient sport.