The conversation with the children of the senior group "Sad time! Ocho charming! .... Abstract of directly educational activities in the senior group

Conversation with older children preschool age "Sad time is charming!".

Objectives: 1. Designate the knowledge of children about autumn.

2. Help establish links between changes in inanimate and wildlife.

3 Intensify the dictionary: leaf fall, golden autumn.

4. Learning to see the poetic beauty of autumn.

Preliminary work: conversations on the topic "Autumn". Consider illustration with the image of autumn landscapes. Riddling mysteries, learning poems, reading fiction on this topic. Drawing.

Travel course.

  1. Organizing time
  2. Main part.

The educator reads the poem A.S. Pushkin:

Sad time! Ocho charming!

It's nice to me your farewell beauty -

I love my lush nature fading,

In the bazhret and gold dressed forests ...

Question: "What time of year is we talking about?" How did you guess? (Children's responses)

What do you think, why Alexander Sergeevich said so about autumn? (Children's responses).

How was the forest at the beginning of the autumn? What is the name of this time, when all trees, shrubs, grass painted in yellow, red, orange paints? (Golden autumn).

This time of year love both adults and children. Poets write poems on the autumn, song composers, paintings artists. And who of you knows the verses of autumn? (Children read poems)

Guys, when the wind blows, the leaves fall from the trees to the ground. What is the name of the rain from the leaves? (Leaf fall)


Leaves autumn quietly circling

The leaves under our feet quietly fall.

And under their feet rustle, rustle,

As if they want to cry again.

(Children are circling, putting hands on the sides.


Hand movies left-to the right.

Run on the socks again.)

N. Nishchev

Iv.Bype, why fall leaves on the trees yellow and fall? (Children's responses).

But people love autumn not only for beauty. Autumn generous gifts. What? (Children's responses).

And how do they look like fields, gardens and gardens? (Children's responses)

Will we hear in the forest singing birds? Why do many birds fly away? (Children's responses)

V. Guys, if you were artists, whatever the paints did you paint the autumn forest? I suggest turning into artists and draw the autumn forest. (Children draw autumn forest).

Vi. Summarizing.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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The abstract of the direct-educational activities of the educational region "Cognition" with children of senior preschool age "An experimental laboratory with children of senior preschool age" in ...

Before plunging into the atmosphere of creativity, let's walk along the autumn park. Autumn park does not like noise, he is silent. Around silence and such a beauty that I want to climb and forever remember this amazing picture of the "lush fading" of nature.

Preparation for perception

The play of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song" ("October"), the video sequence of landscape paintings.

    The music that has now sounded, written by the Great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Autumn was one of the favorite seasons of the composer. And it is not by chance, because the autumn is so amazing time.

    Guys what impression was the excursion made you in the autumn park? Express your feelings, emotions: - I admired ... - I was surprised ...

I admired me ... - I can't look ...

    No time of year has such a palette of paints like autumn. What paints prevail in the autumn landscape?

    Pick up expressive synonyms for the words denoting the color:

    yellow (Golden, Lemon, Amber)

    red (crimson, crimped, purple, burgundy)

    green (Emerald, Malachite)

    blue (azure, turquoise)

    Still in the autumn palette copper and bronze Colour. What shades have these colors? (Golden Brown)

    And what mood gives us a composer in your music?

    What is the character of this work? What do you imagine listening to this music?

    For many poets, autumn - the time of inspiration, awakening to creativity.

Primary reading

These lines were written by the poet in the Bolden Autumn of 1833. They reveals all the love of A. S. Pushkin to Russian nature, to autumn lush and solemn beauty, her life-affirming power. Fall - favorite time The year of Pushkin "And with each fall I will bloom again," the poet wrote. It is not by chance that one of the most fruitful periods of creativity at Pushkin is autumn.

Check primary reading

    Guys How do you understand the meaning of the words Bagretz, Mist, Song?

The word Bagretz occurred from the word crimson, denoting shades of red.

Maggred - opaque air (by S.I. Ozhegov).

Seni - in the village of Rustic hut in Starin, a room was called between a residential part of the house and a porch.

    What mood causes this poem?

    What does the Poet draw? Why?

Repeated reading

    Sad time! Ocho charming!

It's nice to me your farewell beauty -

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,

    Indeed, autumn is sad: with monotonous rains, low gray clouds, damp damp and wind. But no other time of year can be compared with the bright solemn paints of the "charming" golden autumn.

    In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,

And the haired wavy covered skies,

And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

    "Wind noise and fresh breath" bring the heart of the poet message that nature begins to prepare for long winter sleep. However, who can scare "distant gray winter threats" if all the magnificence of nature reveals before our eyes?! With summer leaving, we begin to appreciate the "and rare sun ray", and cooling the warmth of the day. Coolness of the evening, and after them and the first frosts are better than any words, they are convinced to appreciate every second all shortening days.

Analysis of the work

    What picture did you have?

    What artistic remedies help us present the autumn picture?

    What lines seemed unusual?

    How could a poem be called?

    And what associations causes you autumn?

Generalizing conversation

    What do you think for what the poet wrote this poem?

    What made you the greatest impression?

    Do you like autumn? What exactly?

    Imagine that in front of you easel with a palette of paints. What kind of paints you used to write a picture "Sad time!"?

For Pushkin, the "magnificent" withering of nature is in itself perfect, he sees a mighty manifestation of life in it. Autumn entails him to himself, "as an unloved child in the family of the native", "Krasoye Quietly, shine humbly." Perhaps the poet and himself can not accurately explain what this "dull time" manites, why it is the "farewell beauty" causes such exciting feelings in his soul. But in a modest autumn landscape there is genuine beauty and charm.

Picturesque, bright and at the same time with transparent paints draws the author of the autumn paintings. It seems beautiful not only the rich decoration of autumn nature, dressed "in the Bagretret and Gold", but also covered by the sky clouds, and the invigorating chill, and the first frosts that resemble the ambulance. And the beauty of nature awakens all the best in the heart of the poet, the fall of his soul blooms, overflowing sincere love.

Creative activities

    Learn a poem by heart.

    Draw an illustration to a poem.

    Compose your poem about autumn.

The poem in the Octaves "Autumn" A. S. Pushkin is written in the fall in 1833 during the second arrival of the poet in p. Boldino, by objection from the Urals.

As in prose, and in verses, A. S. Pushkin repeatedly wrote that autumn was his beloved time of the year, the time of his inspiration, creative lifting and literary work.

The poet of no accident was glad of autumn and considered it the time of his heyday: the second autumn A. S. Pushkin in the estate of Boldino with a length of one and a half months was no less fruitful and rich in the work than the first, Epochal, Boldin Autumn of 1830.

The most famous excerpt "Sad time! Ocho charming! "The VII of the octave poem" Autumn "belongs to the landscape lyrics A. S. Pushkin. Rows of the passage are a complete picture, realisticly accurately transmitted to the awakening of poetry in the soul inspired by his beloved sometimes of the poet.

Pooh Size Overweight - Sixtust Yam; Stroof poem - Octava.

Sad time! Ocho charming!

The work of "Autumn", and in particular, the excerpt was not published during the author of the author, for the first time it was published by V. A. Zhukovsky in the posthumous meeting of works A. S. Pushkin in 1841.

We bring to your attention and the text of the poem fully:

October has come - the grove docks

The last sheets with the naked branches;

Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes.

Zhurch still runs for the mill of the stream,

But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry

In the departure of the field with her hunt,

And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,

And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.

Now my time: I do not like spring;

I am bought to me thaw; stench, dirt - I am sick in the spring;

Blood wanders; Feelings, mind is constrained.

I am more pleased with the harsh winter,

I love her snow; In the presence of the Moon

Like an easy run with a girlfriend, fast and waven,

When under the sable, sogret and fresh,

She's hand to you, dusty and trembling!

How fun, shoe iron sharp legs

Slide on the mirror of standing, smooth rivers!

And winter holidays brilliant alarms? ..

But you need to know and honor; half a year snow yes snow

After all, it is finally a resident of Bergogov,

Bear, get bored. It is impossible a whole century

Ride us in sleigh with armidines

Ile kicker in front of windows double.

Oh, summer red! I would love you

When without knowing, yes dust, yes mosquitoes, yes flies.

You, all spiritual abilities

We torment us; As fields, we are suffering from drought;

Just how to drink, and refresh yourself -

There are no thoughts in us, and pity the winter old woman,

And, having spent her pancakes and wine,

Commemoration to her by creating ice cream and ice.

The days of late autumn are born usually

But she is her Mila, the reader is dear,

Krasoye quietly brilliant humbly.

So unloved child in the family of native

To myself entails me. Tell you frankly

From annual times I'm glad only to her one,

There is a lot of good; Lover not vain,

I found something in her softening.

How to explain it? I like her,

How is probably a consumers' virgin

Sometimes I like it. Death is convicted,

The poor thing is cloning without ropot, without anger.

Smile on the mouths faded visible;

The gravestone is not heard of the grave;

Playing on the face still crimson color.

She is alive today, tomorrow is not.

Sad time! Ocho charming!

It's nice to me your farewell beauty -

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,

In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,

And the haired wavy covered skies,

And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

And with each fall, I bloom again;

My health is useful to Russian cold;

To the habits of being again feel love:

Well, the dream flies, twready finds hunger;

Easy and happily plays blood blood,

Desires boil - I'm happy again, young

I'm full of life full - this is my body

(I suppose I forgive unnecessary prosecasis).

Lead to me a horse; in split open,

Mahaya Grivoy, he carries a rider,

And knelling under his glistening hoof

Rings a frozen dollars and the ice cracks.

But the short day goes out, and in the chamber forgotten

Fire is again lit - then bright light sick,

Then slowly slowly - I read it before him

Il Duma long in my soul I dwell.

And forget the world - and in sweet silence

I sweetly satisfied with my imaginum,

And awakens poetry in me:

The soul is hesitated by lyrical wave,

Trembles and sounds, and looking, as in a dream,

Finally free manifestation -

And here it is the invisible swarm guests,

Dressy long, my dream fruit.

And thoughts in the head worry in the courage,

And rhymes are easy to meet them run,

And fingers ask for Peru, feather to paper,

Minute - and poems will flow freely.

So sleeping real estate ship in remitant moisture

But Chu! - Sailors suddenly throw, crawl

Up, down - and sails inflated, wind is full;

The grudge moved and dissects the waves.

Swim. Where are we sailing?. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Abstract of direct educational activities in
senior group.
Topic: "Sad time! Ocho charming! "
Integration of educational areas: " Cognitive development»; « Speech development"; "Socially communicative development"; "Artistic - aesthetic development"; "Physical development".
1) Create the presentation of children about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena in nature. ("Cognitive development").
2) learn to make up descriptive story Autumn content, intensify complex proposals in speech. ("Speech Development").
3) To form in children the correct pronunciation of sounds with, c. Learning to differentiate these sounds on rumor, clearly utter words and phrases with these sounds. ("Speech Development").
4) Develop a figurative perception, aesthetic feelings, considering the reproduction of the golden autumn picture, to form the ability to work in the technique of "Plasticography". ("Artistic - aesthetic development").
5) To introduce children with a poem A. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charming! ", Promotes the figurative perception of the feeling of the beautiful,
interest in the artistic word. ("Artistic - aesthetic development").
6) develop in children motor activity and a shallow motorcy through gaming motor tasks. ("Physical development").
7) To form a readiness for joint activities with peers. Educating goodwill, independence, initiative. ("Socially communicative development").
Methods and techniques:
Practical: Didactic game: "Call Sound"; Finger game "Autumn leaves"; Fisminet "Autumn".
Visual: Demonstration of reproduction paintings with autumn landscape.
Wonderful: children's story about autumn; conversation; Reading the poem A. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charm! ".
Materials and equipment: ICT products: slides (autumn landscapes); Reproduction of the painting I. I. Shishkin "Golden Autumn"; Cardboard, stacks, napkins Paper, fabric napkins, plasticine, molding board.
Forms of organization of joint activities.
Children's activities form and methods of organizing joint activities.
Motor fizminet "Autumn"; Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves".
Game Didactic Games: "Name Sound", "Nazis Laskovo".
Communicative conversation; Drawing up a story on the topic: "Autumn has come"; Repeat cleaning.
Fine layer
Perception (fiction and folklore) told; reading; discussion.
Elementary household work (indoors and on the street)
-Simo serving self-service.

Logic of educational activities.

No. Educator Activity Activity Pupils Expected Result
1 The teacher makes a mystery:
In the parks, the leaves were shielded,
Birds south flight
Rain Cold beats the window ...
What came during us? Children guess the riddle. Determine the subject on its signs described in the riddle.
2 The educator shows the reproduction of the picture of I.I. Chishkin
"Golden autumn".
Shows slides with landscapes of autumn nature with musical accompaniment. Children view the reproduction of I.I. Lichkina "Golden Autumn", look through the slides to the music of A.Vivaldi "Seasons of the Year." Determine the signs of autumn in the artwork art.
3 The educator asks the children to make a story in the picture I. Shishkin "Golden Autumn". Asking questions:
- What is the name of the picture?
- What is shown on it?
- What colors the artist portrayed autumn?
- What does such a color combination look like? Children make up a story in the picture of I. Shishkin "Golden Autumn", answer the questions of the tutor. Conditions to make a story on autumn topics, developed figurative thinking.
4 The educator suggests to listen, as tells about the autumn A.S. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charming! ", Reads a poem:
Sad time! Ocho charming!
It's nice to me your farewell beauty -
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests,
In their saint wind noise and fresh breath,
And the haired wavy covered skies,
And rare sun ray, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
Children listen to the poem A. Pushkin "Sad time! Ocho charming! " A new words are used in speech: the beauty, fading, baggage, hay. Caused interest in artistic word.
5 The tutor holds a conversation on the content of the poem, asks questions:
- What colors are autumn in poem?
- What is this poem?
- What happens in autumn in nature?
-What did you feel when I read the poem?
Children give full answers to the questions of the educator. Answer questions with a complete proposal. Conditioning dialogue.

6 The tutor spends the Fizminutka "Autumn":
Clouds in the sky are circling;
That neither step, then a puddle.
Autumn day frowning
Listfall on the street.
On the way it is stele
Yellow Metelitsa. Children perform movements:
Smoothly swaying from foot on foot.
Walking on a place with a high raising of the cure.
Hands on belt, turns to the sides.
Spin on the spot.
Easy running in a circle.
Perform movements in accordance with the text, remove muscle tension.
7 tutor conducts didactic game "Name Sound", reads quadruses (clean paintings):
- Heron walks on the swamp.
Waiting for her chicks in the nest.
Circus will open on Saturday.
We came fighters.
- Hurry up somewhere cricket.
Found a cricket patch
Replaced the patch on the hook,
Hook changed on icon. Children listen to cleanbooks and noted which sound is often repeated. Could clearly utter words and phrases with these sounds (C and C).
8 The tutor spends his finching gymnastics "Autumn leaves":
One, two, three, four, five,
We will collect leaves.
Birch leaves, rowan leaves, oxis leaves, oak leaves, we will collect.
Mom autumn bouquet should be taken. Children perform finger gymnastics in accordance with the text:
Bending thumbs starting with big.
Compress and squeeze fists.
Finger bend, starting with big.
"Walk" on the table. Children perform finger gymnastics in accordance with the text.
9 The educator invites children to cut off the leaflets in the technique of "Plasticography". Children perform modeling ready-made templates using the Plasticography technique. Perform work on the presentation from nature by a plastic manner, smoothing the surface of the form. Small pattern details shall.
10 The educator draws the attention of children to the workplace and offers to bring it in order. Children clean the plasticine, stacks, boards for modeling. Remove the workplace behind them.
11 The educator proposes to consider crafts. Children combine the winged leaves into the composition. Could work in the team.

Final event: an exhibition of children's work for children of kindergarten.

List of references:

1. Gorkyova L. G., Kochergin A. V., Obukhova L. A. Scenario for environmental education classes: average, senior, preparatory groups. - M.: Wako, 2010. - 240c (preschooler: Learn, develop, bring up ).
2. Korzun A. V., Kishko S.V. Environmental education of children of secondary and senior preschool age. TRIZ - pedagogy. - Mozyr, 2003.
3. Young Holidays for children. Minsk, 2001.