How long curd mass is stored. How long does cottage cheese keep in the refrigerator? Terms and conditions of storage of cottage cheese

All natural dairy and sour-milk products spoil rather quickly. But each product has its own shelf life. How much and how can you store cottage cheese?

Despite careful processing with the use of one or another type of preservatives, the process of so-called fermentation (reproduction of starter bacteria) does not stop. You can't stop it, you can only slow it down. In addition, these bacteria are of different types. Some are present in the product initially, others are introduced from the outside during processing and storage.

Shelf life of cottage cheese

Natural cottage cheese is a perishable fermented milk product. The terms of its storage are regulated by sanitary standards. Cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator from 2 to 14 days, depending on the packaging and pre-treatment.

Pasteurized (closed) cottage cheese can be kept in the refrigerator for 5-7 days at a temperature of 0 °C to + 6 °C. If the package is opened - only 1 day.

Homemade cottage cheese can be stored for no more than 2 days at temperatures from 0 °C to + 3 °C.

There is a long-term storage product, sold in sealed packaging, its shelf life is about 14 days at temperatures from 0 °C to + 6 °C. This is if you do not open the package.

Before placing homemade cottage cheese in the refrigerator, it should be transferred to an enameled container with a tight-fitting lid. It is recommended to place several pieces of sugar together with the product in such a container.

If the cottage cheese has been stored for more than 1 day, it is best to heat it and use it for dumplings, casseroles, cheesecakes, etc. However, its taste may still be quite acceptable.

How to save useful properties?

If cottage cheese is purchased by weight, especially not homemade, then a number of important things should be taken immediately. It is necessary to transfer the product from its original packaging to a plate or bowl. The container for storing the product must be enameled or plastic. It is very important that the dishes in which the product will be stored can be tightly closed with a lid. Before shifting, you need to put a cloth napkin on the bottom of the plate.

Advice from culinary experts: if there is no lid that will tightly close the container, you can use the well-known cling film. If there is a lot of cottage cheese, then it is worth dividing it into small portions.

Of great importance is the fat content of the product. If we compare cottage cheese with a minimum amount of fat and a maximum one, then low-fat cottage cheese will be stored much longer than fatty one.

For long-term storage of fatty cottage cheese, you need to put a piece of sugar on the bottom of the container. Thus, it is possible not only to increase the duration of storage, but also to improve the taste of the product.

Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese?

Freezing dairy products as a way to store them for a long time was known long before the invention of refrigerators. In the Far North, this method of storage is still practiced in specially equipped glaciers. The preservation of almost all nutritional properties in food after defrosting has been proven theoretically and in practice.

It is possible and necessary to freeze cottage cheese if it is not planned to be used in the near future, but this must be done correctly. At a freezing temperature below -12 degrees, its shelf life will reach a month. However, sometimes they keep it longer. When defrosting the product, the taste will remain the same, but there is a high probability of a change in consistency. Frozen cottage cheese will already be curd mass.

How to freeze cottage cheese?

Properly freezing cottage cheese in the freezer is not difficult. But after that, it is important to observe a constant temperature regime - it is impossible to defrost and freeze again. Before cooling, homemade cottage cheese should be divided into portions for single use. Portions can be packaged in freezer containers or cling film bags.

Preference for freezing should be given to granular cottage cheese, and not pasty.

The cottage cheese bought in the package is frozen as is, without opening the package - this way it will be stored longer.

Before eating, you need to get the portion that will be used and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There is a minimum temperature in the entire refrigeration system. This is necessary in order not to expose the protein to sudden changes in temperature, because in this case its original properties are lost.

If you plan to fry cheesecakes or bake a pie from the frozen cottage cheese of the product, then you can defrost immediately at room temperature. After defrosting the product, it is best to use it immediately. The maximum shelf life after defrosting is one day.

It should be understood that the longer the product is stored in the freezer, the worse its taste and texture will be when defrosted. But, as said earlier, it loses its texture and crumbles when it is thawed.

Subject to the above rules, the cottage cheese will remain fresh for a long time. It will not change its properties if stored fresh and of high quality.

Does not have a long shelf life. It is recommended to consume this product within a few days after purchase. When storing cottage cheese, a number of important rules must be observed. Otherwise, its surface will wind up, the moisture will evaporate, and the taste properties will change to a large extent.

The nuances of storing cottage cheese at home:

  • if the cottage cheese was bought in a plastic bag, then it is not recommended to continue storage in this way (in polyethylene, the cottage cheese will deteriorate faster);
  • cling film and plastic bags greatly accelerate the process of curd oxidation due to the likelihood of condensation accumulating;
  • ideal containers for storing cottage cheese are enamelware or ordinary glass jars (containers must be with lids);
  • plastic containers are also suitable for storing cottage cheese;
  • to preserve the freshness of the cottage cheese, it is recommended to put a piece of sugar in the container (the oxidation process in this case will slow down);
  • homemade cottage cheese is best stored in the refrigerator using parchment paper or foil;
  • in the refrigerator, cottage cheese should be placed in the coolest possible areas;
  • foil or parchment can be replaced with gauze (the fabric will prevent curd from airing and maintain the required level of humidity);
  • it is not recommended to store cottage cheese for a long time at room temperature (the process of oxidation under the influence of heat occurs very quickly);
  • if the cottage cheese was stored in the refrigerator for more than 3 days, then it is better to use it only with heat treatment (for making desserts, casseroles, and other types of pastries);
  • if the cottage cheese was bought in a vacuum package, then it is not recommended to remove the product before eating it (the expiration date in this case will correspond to the information on the etiquette);
  • it is not worth storing cottage cheese with signs of oxidation (such a product is already spoiled, and storage will only prolong its oxidation);
  • you can freeze cottage cheese no later than 4 days of its storage (a product with signs of oxidation should not be frozen in any case);
  • it is better to freeze cottage cheese in portions (this product cannot be subjected to repeated frosts);
  • you can also freeze cooked products from cottage cheese (pancakes, cheesecakes).

In no case should you eat expired cottage cheese or a product with a pronounced sour taste. Sour cottage cheese can cause serious indigestion or even poisoning.

How much and at what temperature to store cottage cheese

On average, the shelf life does not exceed seven days in the refrigerator. In this case, the temperature should be in the range from 0 to +7 degrees. Temperature fluctuations adversely affect the structure and consistency of the product. Under the influence of heat, it becomes sour and deteriorates at a rapid pace. The optimal storage temperature for cottage cheese is +2 to +6 degrees.

When determining the shelf life of cottage cheese, one must take into account the fact that a fatty product will have a short shelf life. Lean varieties of cottage cheese are stored a little longer.

Temperature and shelf life of cottage cheese:

  • from +2 to +6 degrees - 3 days;
  • from 0 to +7 degrees - 2 days;
  • from +3 to +4 degrees - 4 days;
  • above +7 degrees - 1 day.

At room temperature, the maximum shelf life of cottage cheese is 5-6 hours. If heating devices are operating in the room or the product is located near other heat sources, then the rate of its oxidation will occur rapidly. In no case should cottage cheese be left under the rays of the sun (for example, on a windowsill).

Curd can be frozen. It will keep in the freezer for several months. After thawing, the taste properties of the product will not change, but the consistency may change. Frozen cottage cheese will not be crumbly, but the consistency will be more like curd mass.

One of the most delicious and healthy fermented milk products, cottage cheese, has long firmly taken its place in the diet of almost every family. It is an invariable component of a huge number of diets, allowing you to keep the body in good shape. Yes, and just taste this delicacy, many strive.

And in order for this most important storehouse of substances necessary for the body to remain fresh as long as possible, you need to know how much cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator and how to do it correctly.


In the photo - proper food storage is an important part of household use.

Cottage cheese deservedly gained its popularity, because it contains many:

  • vitamins;
  • proteins;
  • mineral salts;
  • fats.

For sick people, this fermented milk product helps to restore health and strength, for healthy people - to prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. To correctly understand how much cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator, it is important to determine its type.

There are several categories here:

  • at least 18% fat content - fat cottage cheese made from whole selected milk;
  • about 9% fat - semi-fat product, the main components of which are whole and skimmed milk at the same time;
  • less than 9% fat - skimmed curd, which is made only from skimmed fresh skimmed milk.

I want to note that the last, fat-free curd is the most easily digestible type, due to the fact that it is full of nutritious milk proteins.

Despite the many advantages of fermented milk treats, the question of how to properly store cottage cheese in the refrigerator is one of the most relevant. I will talk about this in the next section.

Optimal shelf life

The first thing you need to remember: cottage cheese is one of the most perishable types of food, which is strongly not recommended for long storage. After a short time, it loses its excellent taste, acquiring an unpleasant bitterness.

In general, the shelf life of cottage cheese in the refrigerator is due to two important factors:

  1. Continuous processes of vital activity of product bacteria.
  2. The activity of enzymes and microflora.

I cannot but note that even the type of packaging significantly affects the shelf life of this product.

In the fridge

Did you know that in ancient times, when a refrigerator was not part of the mandatory home appliances, the storage of fermented milk products was done by wrapping them in a pre-moistened cloth? After that, the food was placed in a cool, dry place where the temperature did not exceed 15 degrees.

Now, the conditions for storing food are much simpler, and you can find out how much to store cottage cheese in the refrigerator by the power of the unit itself.

There are two options here:

  • if you purchased fresh cottage cheese, then you can store it for exactly 2 days. The main thing is that the temperature does not exceed 8 degrees, the best indicator is 2-6 ° C;
  • if you have a powerful refrigerator that freezes food hard enough, the shelf life is automatically doubled to 4 days.

There are also several nuances that any housewife will not be superfluous to know about.

  1. Before placing the cottage cheese on the shelf in the refrigerator, wrap it in foil or parchment paper.
  2. An excellent option would be to place it in an enamel bowl, in which you should also add a few pieces of refined sugar. In this case, you will be able to achieve the maximum shelf life of this type of food.
  3. Having learned how to store cottage cheese in the refrigerator and keeping it for half of the allotted time, it is better to subject the remaining product to heat treatment. I mean you can use them to make casseroles, dumplings or cheesecakes.

In the freezer

How much open cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator, or rather in the freezer, again depends on the temperature existing in it.

  1. If the temperature in the chamber reaches -35 degrees, cottage cheese can be stored for about one to two months. Agree, it is very convenient to always have such a valuable and useful product at hand.
  2. At a temperature of -12 - -18 degrees, the storage time is significantly reduced, but still far exceeds the shelf life in the refrigerator. In such a freezer, the product can be stored for about two weeks.
  3. If the freezer temperature fluctuates between -2 and 0 degrees, you can contain such a useful delicacy in it for 6 days.

I will reveal to you a little secret of how to extend the shelf life of your favorite treat with your own hands. Lay a regular paper towel in the bottom of a plastic food container and fill it with crumbled cottage cheese. Cover the container tightly with a lid and immediately place it in the freezer.

Additional storage information

I have already described how much cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator in a bag or enamelware, but this is more related to the usual purchased product. Homemade food, not subject to additional processing and the addition of preservatives, has its own storage conditions.

Homemade cottage cheese

The question of how long homemade cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator is quite difficult and does not have a definite answer.

Everything will depend on the freshness of the product itself.

  • The shelf life of homemade cottage cheese in the refrigerator, prepared with your own hands, can reach about 48 hours.
  • A product purchased from a grandmother in the market (albeit a verified one) is best eaten on the day of purchase. Taking risks and relying only on appearance is more expensive for yourself. The price for such confidence is poisoning with a serious course of the disease.

Vacuum packaging

Vacuum-packed cottage cheese is a real record holder in terms of shelf life. The vacuum allows the product to remain fresh, tasty and usable for about a month. Agree, this is much more than the food content in ordinary paper.

The instructions on the packaging will tell you the most optimal temperature for storage, you just have to choose the appropriate one for it in the refrigerator.


In this material, I examined the features and shelf life of a particular type of cottage cheese, and also told you in which container it is best to do it. By adhering to the basic recommendations and elementary safety rules, you will always consume only fresh and unspoiled product.

Cottage cheese- a perishable product, it can be stored no longer than a few days. The question is not worth it - how much cottage cheese is stored, but how accurately you follow all the storage rules. It depends on how long the cottage cheese can stay fresh and usable. If the conditions are not met, then the surface of the curd will dry out and harden, losing its taste.

Basic rules for storing cottage cheese

You should not store cottage cheese in a plastic bag - if it was bought in this form, then transfer it to a container or any other, more free container. This also includes cling film - it, like polyethylene, helps to accumulate condensate, due to which the properties of cottage cheese are lost and it deteriorates.

Choose enameled dishes or glass - in jars, cans, enameled pans, cottage cheese will last longer. Don't forget the lids. If there is no such container, then plastic is also suitable - the containers should be tightly closed.

Homemade cottage cheese is best stored in the refrigerator in foil or parchment paper. It is worth choosing an area for storage that is as cool as possible. If there is no foil, use gauze. She, like a sponge, absorbs excess moisture and does not allow the curd to wind. Our grandmothers are still opponents of any dishes for storing cottage cheese - a clean napkin, scarf or waffle towel - this is the best time-tested container.

Do not store cottage cheese at room temperature - it does not tolerate heat, the oxidation process accelerates, the product deteriorates. If you can't put the cottage cheese in a cool place, try to use it or eat it within 2-3 hours.

3 days - the maximum storage time for cottage cheese for direct consumption. If you store the product longer, then it is better not to eat it raw, but to use it for making desserts and pastries. Heat treatment will be useful for stale cottage cheese, and the muffin based on it comes out very tasty.

If the product has already begun the oxidation process, then it can no longer be stored. You will not be able to slow down the oxidation, the cottage cheese will deteriorate in a matter of hours. It is also impossible to freeze such a product; only fresh cottage cheese stored for no more than 4 days is suitable for freezing.

When freezing cottage cheese, divide it into portions - you cannot defrost and freeze it several times.

For freezing, not only cottage cheese itself is suitable, but also products and pastries based on it. Frozen cottage cheese becomes dry, so it is more suitable for use in cooking than for eating raw. Defrost the product slowly - in no case should it be poured with boiling water or placed in a warm place. The bottom shelf in the refrigerator is a great place to defrost. Remove the product from the freezer, put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, and use it to your heart's content. Cottage cheese does not tolerate a sharp change in temperature, keep this in mind.

Curd storage temperature - +2 - +6 ° С. The term at this temperature is no more than 3-4 days. It depends on the packaging and temperature whether the curd stays fresh for one or two days, or if it spoils ahead of time. In the freezer compartment, the cottage cheese is stored for up to two weeks, make sure that there are no products nearby from which the cottage cheese will absorb unpleasant odors - fish, meat, bright-smelling herbs. If you bought cottage cheese in a vacuum bag and do not open it, then it will be stored for 30 days, provided that the package is not damaged.

If we talk about the storage of cottage cheese in warehouses and catering establishments, there should be separate shelves for dairy products in refrigerators. Cottage cheese is stored in airtight barrels, temperature - +2 - +6 °С, air humidity - 80-85%.

Shelf life of cottage cheese

  • According to GOST, cottage cheese products, like cottage cheese itself, have a shelf life of 72 hours.
  • If the product has undergone heat treatment, then the period increases to 5 days.
  • Any dishes made from cottage cheese (patties, cheesecakes, dumplings) - 24 hours.
  • Baked products with cottage cheese - 48 hours.
  • Children's products with cottage cheese - 36 hours.

The manufacturer himself can increase the shelf life of the product if he uses special processing and other packaging methods.

Curd products are stored longer than pure cottage cheese, since in this case the product has undergone heat treatment. Pancakes, pies and other products with cottage cheese can be stored at the right temperature for 24 to 48 hours, depending on the complexity of the dish and its ingredients.

Before you determine how long homemade cottage cheese is stored, you need to choose it correctly (unless, of course, this is a product of your own preparation). The disadvantage of purchased dairy products is that we cannot be completely sure when exactly it was produced, and how long it has been stored, not sold. A properly stored product, which can be kept in the refrigerator for several more days, should smell like milk - this is the first sign of freshness. If the cottage cheese is fresh, then it did not have time to oxidize, the smell of milk will kill all the others. The color of the product also plays a role - the cottage cheese should be white, the gray mass means that it has been stored for more than one day, and will soon become unusable.

Commercial storage

Speaking about the timing of the implementation - the sooner you sell the cottage cheese - the better.

The longest sales period for store-bought cottage cheese is 7 days, and then, if you store it in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than 0 degrees.

Cottage cheese for sale cannot be frozen, it must be fresh, the frozen product is evaluated and sold according to other parameters. Dairies have long learned to add preservatives to cottage cheese, thus increasing the sale time, therefore, pay attention to the packaging, where the packaging date and expiration date should be - only they can be used in this case.

If you learn how to freeze cottage cheese correctly, then its shelf life can be extended. up to 6 months.

The freezing process itself is not that complicated. It is important to remember that for this it is necessary to take a fresh product, and not one that has already lain for several days in the refrigerator.

Fresh cottage cheese is packaged and frozen at -35 °C. It is stored at -18°C. This method of storage is used on an industrial scale - in restaurants, cafes, confectioneries.

We always want to eat only fresh products, of which we can be completely sure. If it is not possible to increase the shelf life of cottage cheese, do not risk it, it is better to cook something tasty on its basis, and then the product will definitely not be wasted.