Massage and exercise therapy for flat feet in children: gymnastic exercises and exercises for the feet at home. Foot massage - acupressure, with flat feet, with valgus foot, for a child Treatment of flat feet with massage

A child's foot is different from an adult's foot. The muscles on the leg of babies are still underdeveloped, they cannot withstand the weight of the body. Under the weight of the arch falls, so there is a physiological flat feet. As the bonds form, it passes. By the age of three, the sole takes on the appearance of an adult foot. A clear arch is drawn on it between the toe and heel, and the fat layer disappears. Massage with flat feet is appropriate for the prevention and treatment of dystrophy.

Causes of the disease

The vault is necessary to cushion the skeleton during movement and jumping. It is formed during the first 5-6 years of life, but sometimes, due to the physiological characteristics of the body, the process can take up to 12 years. Thanks to the arch, the load on the spine is extinguished during physical activity. You can determine the degree of development of the foot by the wet print of the foot.

The reasons for the deformation are:

  • overweight;
  • incorrectly selected shoes;
  • defects in the development of bones, ligaments and muscles;
  • heredity, cerebral palsy;
  • leg or foot injuries;
  • weakening of bone tissue due to polio or rickets;
  • insufficient motor activity;
  • lack of calcium and phosphorus.

There are two arches: transverse and longitudinal. They combine to cause valgus flatfoot. It is also called longitudinal-transverse. Pathology is characterized by a "spread foot" with a bone protruding on the outer part. Longitudinal flat feet in children does not appear, it is characteristic of adolescence. It is determined by the absence of arch between the toe and heel. Transverse occurs in people older than 35 years. Depending on the severity of the deformity, there are:

  • I degree - flexible deformity, which is easy to correct after exercise therapy, it does not require treatment and disability registration;
  • II degree - shortening of the Achilles tendon is characteristic, with prolonged walking and running it causes pain, in the absence of therapeutic and preventive measures it becomes severe;
  • III degree - severe deformity, it is impossible to correct it manually, it occurs with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system or the presence of congenital pathology of the legs.

The first and second degree is widespread in children and adults. By the age of 4-5, the child's foot is practically formed. If the baby does not have a rise in the medial edge of the foot while standing, the leg rests completely on the floor, then this is the first sign of a developmental disorder. It is recommended to show the baby to an orthopedist. In some situations, development continues up to 9-12 years. During this period, the formation of the foot by wet footprint should be carefully monitored.

The benefits of massage for different types of arches

Treatment of foot deformity with medical methods is impossible. Children's massage for flat feet in children is aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments in order to correct the defect. It is necessary for violation of gait, clubfoot, complaints of pain in the back and legs, difficulty with squatting, obvious deformity of the foot.

Sessions are carried out in combination with physiotherapy exercises for the following purpose:

  • strengthen muscles and ligaments in the legs;
  • improve blood flow, remove congestion in the veins;
  • relieve tension in certain muscle groups;
  • restore foot function.


Therapeutic foot massage is indicated for children over 5 years of age. It is not carried out for young children, since the foot is not fully formed.

Massage for flat feet in children reduces pain during normal exercise, restores the shock-absorbing ability of the foot. It is an important stage of treatment aimed at restoring the correct structure of the foot. During the procedure, all joints and muscles are worked out, blood circulation is stimulated. Restored joint tone and blood circulation help the feet to take the correct anatomical shape.

Indications and contraindications

In ancient China, sole massage was given great attention. The feet were considered second in importance after the heart. Energy lines run along them, which were called meridians. The procedure eliminates clamps, makes the body work clearly. It affects the body as a whole, so there are contraindications.

These include:

  • diseases of the legs and joints with an acute course;
  • benign neoplasms and oncology;
  • thrombosis, varicose veins, burns, gangrene;
  • insect bites, skin damage;
  • heart disease and abnormalities in its work;
  • convulsions and epilepsy, stomach ulcer;
  • there are warts and papillomas in the body;
  • sprains, injuries, wounds.

Chinese healers believe that the "map" of the whole organism is located on the sole. About 300 nerve fibers pass through the active points. By clicking on them, the work of a certain organ or system is activated, the inflammatory process is removed. After the procedure, sleep improves, the work of most organs and systems improves, and anxiety decreases. It can be done by the child himself. The main thing is to know how to massage correctly.

Massage Techniques

  1. Stroking - it is performed with the knuckles on the fist in the direction from the ankle to the foot.
  2. Kneading - through pinching. The inner and outer surface of the foot is processed.
  3. Vibration is an imitation of vibration. Fingertips press on the active points, lightly shake the foot.
  4. Rubbing - performed with the inside of the palm. Rub the foot and lower leg in a circular motion.
  5. Movement of the joints - in preschool children, they are performed forcibly, the elders are offered to move the joints on their own, then the procedure is continued forcibly.

Special attention

During baby massage with flat feet, it is important to choose the strength of the impact. Light stroking and too gentle touch can make the child feel ticklish. Confident calm movement soothes and relaxes. Intensive effect activates the work of the body, gives vigor.

No massage movements should be accompanied by severe pain or discomfort. On the front of the legs, strong pressure, tapping and other sharp and intense impacts should be excluded.


Massage is performed after moisturizing the hands with baby cream or baby oil, otherwise manipulations can cause discomfort and damage to the skin. You can use calcined vegetable oil in a cooled form. Massage oil, aromatic oils and other products that are not intended for children's skin can provoke a local allergic reaction.

A positive result occurs after the first course, if the massage is combined with amplipulse and other physiotherapy, wearing orthopedic shoes and medical insoles, which are made individually according to the doctor's prescription. Additionally, perform a set of exercises for the legs and feet. Swimming is recommended, it will reduce muscle tone, relieve tension and relax.


A visual positive result is achieved only after several massage courses. The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes. One course involves 10-15 procedures. It is recommended to conduct at least two courses with an interval of 1 month. The tactics of treatment and the number of sessions in one course are recommended by the orthopedist, taking into account the degree of curvature of the foot and concomitant diseases.

Massage for flat feet in children is performed in the direction from the bottom up in the position on the stomach. The buttocks and sacrum are stroked with confident movements, but without strong pressure. The lower back is rubbed in a circular motion until redness, at the end they are stroked with soothing movements. The area is then vibrated. Finish the procedure with a soothing stroking of the lumbar and buttocks.


In the kidney area, tapping, intense and sudden movements are prohibited.

The child continues to lie on his stomach. Here massage movements are varied. They include:

  • rubbing and stroking;
  • kneading, patting and pinching;
  • vibration and shaking;
  • sawing and chopping.


No impact under the knees is allowed. This is a sensitive area that causes discomfort and pain.

A large bone is palpated, separating soft tissues in the middle. The calf muscle is located in this area. They pass along it with probing movements in the direction from top to bottom.

Additionally carry out:

  • light stroking of the entire surface;
  • with a pillow of the thumb rub the leg on the sides;
  • pressure is applied in the ankle area;
  • pinching to activate blood circulation;
  • tapping and chopping in the calf muscle;
  • rubbing with sawing elements.


The ankle area is very sensitive. Do not allow movements that cause pain. Discomfort can cause convulsions in a baby predisposed to them.

Attention is paid to the inner area of ​​the sole and growth points of the fingers. In these places there is a flattening of the vault.

The complex of massage movements is performed in the following order:

  1. Confident stroke. The movements should be of medium intensity, a light touch causes tickling.
  2. Rubbing the foot in the direction from heel to toe with the edge of the palm.
  3. With strong pressure of the thumb, longitudinal lines are drawn along the foot, carefully working out the inner edge.
  4. The transverse arch is massaged with the thumb in the same way, then both sections are combined by drawing a seven on them.
  5. Heel massage by pinching and pushing.
  6. I process the fingers one by one in a circular motion, paying attention to the space between them.
  7. Holding the thumb, fix the sole in the correct position for 15 seconds.
  8. Active points are worked out by tapping on each zone.

Foot massage is necessary to relax the muscles, increase their elasticity. After the procedure, the child must be put on orthopedic shoes to fix the result. To obtain a stable positive effect during the year, it is recommended to perform 3-4 courses.

Passive movements are the final stage of massage for flat feet. They are aimed at holding and strengthening the arch. The masseur performs the exercises for the child. The baby is in the supine position.

The set of exercises includes:

  • flexion and extension of the legs in different directions;
  • raising straightened legs without lifting the buttocks from the massage table;
  • flip on the stomach in order to perform other types of movements;
  • bending the legs at the knees while lying on the stomach, the sole is pulled to the buttocks;
  • foot turns left and right, circular movements;
  • finger movements, squeezing the sole.


You can not set a fast pace of exercise, as well as overwork the child with a large number of movements. The number of exercises and their variety are selected taking into account age, health status and physical development.

Passive movements are not recommended for a baby with rhinitis. Physical activity involves relatively free breathing through the nose. Lack of oxygen due to nasal congestion causes dizziness and fainting. During the period of colds, accompanied by fever, massage and passive movements are canceled until the condition improves.

Important Points

A massage session begins with a general effect of stroking movements from the lower back to the feet. Then massage the front and back of the thigh and lower leg in the direction from the foot to the groin. In the area of ​​​​the patella and the joint, no manipulations are allowed. At the end, each zone is worked out separately in the following order:

  • lower back and buttocks;
  • hips;
  • shins;
  • feet.

The sole, the arch is massaged in the position on the stomach. For children under 3 years old, the procedure is performed on the back. The lower leg is fixed at an angle of 45⁰. For this, a large rolled towel or sofa cushion is suitable. The whole complex of movements is carried out in the direction from the fingers to the heel.

  • balls of different shapes and diameters, they are rolled without taking your foot off the ball;
  • wooden sticks with a diameter of at least 4 cm are used for skating;
  • special rounded sticks for Thai massage;
  • rolling massagers with different types of teeth;
  • orthopedic rugs with different types of relief.


A foot massager must be used for flat feet, if the deformation of the sole is accompanied by a violation of posture.

A flat foot massager does not replace the work of a massage therapist, but trains the foot and consolidates the result. It is used immediately after the session or at any time several times a day without reference to the procedure. Simulators are also appropriate during the period of remission between massage courses. Such exercises can be performed for a long time.

To train the leg muscles, it is recommended to lift a variety of small, non-sharp objects from the floor, grabbing them with your toes, without involving your hands. Suitable pens, pencils, erasers, small balls. It is recommended to walk barefoot on sand, grass. For children with a formed foot, you can sew a massage mat, which is a bag with chestnuts inside. Walking on such a rug perfectly stimulates the active points and muscles of the sole.

Flat feet is a type of deformity of the lower limb, which is a pathological straightening of the arch of the foot. The disease develops and manifests itself in childhood. The arch of the foot is formed in children by the age of five. Therefore, it is important to take care of the health of the child's musculoskeletal system from his first step.

Reasons for development

In order to know how to treat flat feet, it is important to study the causes of its occurrence. This is necessary in order to eliminate the factor that can provoke or aggravate the development of straightening of the arch of the foot. The most common reasons are:

  • Pathological development of the lower limb in the womb.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Prolonged wearing of shoes.
  • Uncomfortable or poor quality shoes.
  • Reduced motor activity.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Injuries of the lower extremities.
  • Rickets.
  • Overweight child.


There are three types of flat feet:

  1. Longitudinal curvature characterized by compaction of the inner and outer arches of the foot. This is the most common type of this disease.
  2. Transverse curvature characterized by compaction of the transverse arch of the foot and its front part.
  3. Combined view is a complete seal of the foot in all directions.

Also distinguish the severity of the disease:

  1. At the first degree of severity The child complains of weakness and pain in the legs during long walking. Examination of the foot showed no deformity.
  2. At the second degree children complain of the appearance of painful sensations not only during physical exertion, but also at rest. If you examine the feet, you can notice the expansion of the foot in the middle. When walking, it is manifested by clubfoot.
  3. At the third degree severity pain is localized not only in the legs, but also in the back. Visually noticeable deformation of the foot, which is accompanied by the development of scoliosis.


Depending on the age and severity of the disease, the complaints of children differ. Adolescents may be bothered by pain in the legs, back, especially after a physical education lesson or a long walk. The pain can be so intense that the child will ask for pain pills from the parents. At the same time, a small child may notice increased fatigue, tearfulness when walking.

Babies also complain of pain in their legs, asking to be held by their parents. When walking, you can notice clubfoot in children with flat feet.

If you notice these symptoms in your child, consult an orthopedic doctor who will give recommendations on the treatment of flat feet.

Non-drug treatment

Massages are very popular in the treatment of flat feet in children. With it, you can relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, strengthen muscles and ligaments, improve blood circulation and lymph flow.

Therapeutic massage is aimed at restoring the functions of the foot. With it, you can act on the compacted areas of the arch of the foot. Preventive is aimed at preventing this pathology. It is also effective in the treatment of flat feet of the first degree of severity, when the deformity of the foot is not particularly visible.

It should be taken into account that therapeutic massage should be performed by a qualified specialist, but parents can also perform basic exercises at home, having carefully studied the technique.

It is important to perform certain actions during massage:

  • During the procedure, the child should lie on his back or stomach.
  • Massage begins with stroking in order to establish tactile contact with the baby.
  • Rubbing is used to improve the blood supply to the massaged area. Start rubbing from the back, finish with the feet.
  • Kneading is carried out with light movements of the hands without pressure.
  • Vibration - light tapping with the side surface of the hand.
  • Pressure is used to influence the compacted pathological part.
  • Finish the massage with repeated stroking to relax the baby after the procedure.

At home

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to act on the back, especially on the lumbar region, buttocks, hips, and then proceed to the legs and feet. Since foot damage can provoke diseases of other parts of the musculoskeletal system, the duration of the massage course for flat feet in children should be at least a month.

In the lumbar and gluteal region, it is important to perform all the techniques in sequence. But special attention should be paid to rubbing in the sacral triangle and the area along the spine, starting from the cervical region. It is not recommended to use kneading and pressure in the neck area.

In the femoral area, it is worth increasing the duration of kneading and pressure techniques in order to tone the thigh muscles and improve blood supply to the knee and hip joints.

The direction of massage of this area is from the bottom up, from the knee to the hip joint.

The lower leg area is massaged in the same direction, trying to influence the calf muscles. It is not worth making an effort, as this can cause pain. The tendons in this area are given special attention. They are rubbed for a longer time. It is also important to stimulate the outflow of lymph from the muscles of the lower extremities.

Of particular importance, of course, attach foot massage. To achieve the effect, the massage of this area takes more time than the rest of the zones. The main emphasis is placed on that part of the foot, the arch of which is affected - the inner, outer or transverse surface.

Start massaging the foot from the toes to the heel. First you need to relax the muscles by stroking. You can't skip this trick. because otherwise the following will bring discomfort to the baby. After that, they begin to massage, starting with the thumb. The emphasis is on the inner edge, affecting all points of the arch of the foot.

After this procedure at home, it is recommended to let the child lie down for half an hour, and it is better to put him to bed.

It's important to know that young children should not be massaged for a long time, unlike teenagers. Flat feet have their own characteristics at each age. At an older age, this pathology of the arch of the foot cannot be completely cured. At the same time, massage in young children can lead to recovery.

It is useful to combine massage with physiotherapy exercises. Exercise therapy is one of the effective methods of treating flat feet in children. Gymnastic exercises lead to the strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles of the foot. Also recommended are cycling, swimming, rope climbing, walking barefoot on the ground, sand. This combination of actions can lead to a faster recovery.

Also at home, you can use a massager, which will also enhance the supply of oxygen to the affected area.

The orthopedist can advise orthopedic insoles. They are an effective treatment, especially in adolescence. They can be used for both treatment and prevention. Therapeutic insoles are made individually for each child, based on the characteristics of the defect in the arch of the foot. Preventive ones can be purchased at any specialized shoe store.

A massage mat can be bought at any pharmacy. It is easy to use, used for the treatment, as well as for the prevention of flat feet.

It enhances blood circulation, restores trophic processes in the lower extremities, improves the immune system, the tone of the skin and muscle tissue of the foot.

How to make a massage mat with your own hands, see the following video.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of flat feet in children. The advice is so simple that

And) many are susceptible, but this does not at all mean that this disease cannot harm a person. In fact, the entire musculoskeletal system can suffer, because a huge load is placed on the spine and other bones. And how to do a foot massage with flat feet?


To begin with, we list the effects that can be achieved using this procedure:

  • First of all, after the session, blood circulation in the lower extremities improves, blood rushes to the feet. All tissues receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Blood rushes to the ligaments, strengthening them (and it is precisely their weakness that is the fundamental moment of this condition).
  • With the help of procedures, joints can be developed. The production of joint fluid has a positive effect on their functioning.
  • Muscles also receive nutrition, due to which they become stronger and begin to work better, which is also important in the described disease.
  • With the help of massage, you can even change the position of the arch of the foot and fix it.
  • The arch of the foot is strengthened, which prevents further changes and deformations.
  • It is believed that there are many important biologically active points on the feet that are responsible for the work of certain organs, so the procedures will help improve overall health.
  • In addition, lymphatic drainage will certainly improve, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the feet.

Techniques and tricks

Massage for and adults involves the use of various techniques. We list some of them:

  • Stroking. It can be planar (the entire surface of a straight palm) or encircling. You can also use this technique with the help of the knuckles with the palm clenched into a fist.
  • Trituration. It can be done with the palm of the hand, the edge of the palm, several fingers connected to each other, their knuckles, pads or one finger. This technique also implies different directions: straight, spiral, alternate, tongs.
  • It is also possible to knead (circular, ordinary or combined) with the fingertips, the edge of the palm or knuckles with a clenched fist.
  • Passive flexion and extension (that is, the masseur himself flexes and unbends the feet or fingers).
  • Turns and rotations. Such manipulations should be performed not abruptly and very carefully, since the ligaments with flat feet are rather weak.
  • Stroking is similar to stroking, but involves a certain amount of pressure on the surface of the limb.
  • Vibration includes point impacts: pressing with fingertips, tapping, shaking the foot, patting, and so on.

How to do?

Massage is done not only using a certain technique, but also in a certain sequence. For example, you need to use not only the foot and all its parts (ankle, Achilles tendon), but also the lower leg, because if you strengthen the muscles of the foot and forget about the lower leg, then there will be practically no effect.

Usually the procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Work out first.
  • Then they move on to the Achilles tendon (it is located above the heel).
  • Then they move on to the outside of the leg.
  • Now you can massage the back of the foot.
  • Then you can move on to the sole.
  • Then we switch to the calf muscle
  • And we finish the massage with the study of the sole.

Now about everything in more detail. Step by step instructions for you:

  1. A person should lie on his stomach, it is desirable and even necessary to place rollers under his ankle joints (this can be a rolled towel).
  2. Massage your calf muscle. First, use straight and alternate stroking, then beak-shaped or transverse squeezing techniques are used. Do not forget about rubbing, it is also necessary.
  3. Now start working on the Achilles tendon. Use spiral, ring and direct rubbing techniques. Massage the area with the phalanges or fingertips.
  4. The person should now lie on their back. The roller moves under the knees. Start massaging the outer side of the lower leg, first using various stroking options, then moving on to kneading (they are produced by the edge of the palm, fingers, phalanges and knuckles when the palm is clenched into a fist). In conclusion, do a squeeze with the base of the palm.
  5. Move to the back of the foot. With the hand that is closer to the leg being worked out, grasp the foot, and with the far hand, perform all the manipulations. Stroke the entire foot, starting from the toes and moving towards the ankle joint. Rub the spaces between the metatarsal bones with your fingertips. Rubbing with the pad of your thumb, and then start rubbing with the edge of your palm.
  6. Now massage the sole. To do this, first stroke it with the back of your hand. Then, from the fingers to the heel, make a circular rubbing, first with the pad of the thumb, then with all the fingers. Then move on to straight-line rubbing up and down using your fist or the edge of your hand. Lightly remember the foot.

The feet are an important part of the musculoskeletal system, their correct structure allows a person to move on two legs and maintain balance, while there is no negative impact on the joints of the legs and spine. If the foot is deformed, then the load is distributed incorrectly, bones suffer, joints and legs begin to hurt.

One of the most common types of deformity in children and adults is flat feet. In this case, the foot flattens, the foot ceases to perform a shock-absorbing function and deforms externally. In childhood, the pathology is successfully treated by conservative methods, and in adults only by surgery, so it is very important to identify the signs of the disease in time and undergo a course of therapy.

Flat feet is a disease in which flattening of the foot occurs. Flat feet in children is not always a disease, for example, during the first years of life, the foot is flat in all children, and this is a feature of the development of the baby. Over time, the legs grow, and the feet take on a special curve, which provides a shock-absorbing function.

In most children, the correct arches are formed between the ages of 7 and 12, so the degree of flat feet is usually not established for babies, the doctor can only recommend that parents use preventive measures. If after 12 years the legs do not acquire the correct shape, then they are already talking about the presence of a disease.

There are 3 degrees of flat feet:

  • The first degree is characterized by the presence of flexible flat feet, in which case the child is not bothered by anything and only preventive measures are required so that the foot develops correctly further.
  • The second degree is observed in babies infrequently, while shortening occurs. Such a pathology causes pain to the child and interferes with normal development.
  • The last degree of flat feet is the most common pathology, while the foot is stiff, the child may complain of pain during movement.

If flat feet are not treated in children, it gradually progresses, the legs not only flatten, but also deform, negatively affecting not, and, the spine and spinal cord. The consequence of neglected flat feet in adulthood is scoliosis, and other serious pathologies.


Flat feet in a child can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology is rare, it is associated with pathologies of development in the womb. In the vast majority of cases, the disease develops due to the wrong lifestyle of the child.

First of all, you need to pay attention to shoes, the child should walk in shoes with a hard back, a small heel and a soft arch support. Baby shoes should not be flat. It is also not recommended to wear shoes at home without a doctor's prescription, the child's feet develop better when he moves barefoot.

Physical activity plays an important role, so much attention in the treatment of pathology is paid to exercise therapy for flat feet. If the child leads a passive lifestyle, the leg muscles weaken and cease to support the weight of the body, as a result, deformation occurs.

Also, parents need to pay attention to the nutrition of the baby, it should be healthy and balanced, and the development of obesity should not be allowed. In the first case, the tissues will not have enough nutrition and they will stop developing properly, and if there is excess weight, the load on the baby's foot will greatly increase.


The easiest way to find out if a child has flat feet is to see a doctor. It is usually difficult to identify pathology with the naked eye, especially in babies of the first years of life, physiological flat feet are always observed.

An easy way to suspect flat feet in adults is to apply thick cream or paint to the feet and leave an imprint on a piece of paper. The resulting trace must be measured with a ruler, the width at the narrowest point should be less than 2 times the length of the foot. For children, this method is uninformative, due to the peculiarities of the development of the foot.

Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms, which may indicate the presence of pathology:

  • the child limps, complains of pain in the legs;
  • the baby bends his fingers inward, clubfoot;
  • observed or deformity of the legs.


Flat feet in children are effectively treated with conservative methods, since the baby's body is still developing and growing, deformities can be corrected. The child is prescribed to perform exercises from flat feet, undergo a course of massage and physiotherapy, and wear shoes.

Exercises for flat feet in children is the most important part of therapy, since first of all it is necessary to strengthen the muscular frame in the tissues of the legs. In this case, the feet will quickly return to a physiologically correct state.

exercise therapy

Exercise therapy for flat feet is prescribed by a doctor, and it should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The orthopedist directs the child to a physiotherapy room, where a physiotherapy specialist regularly conducts classes.

When the child fully masters the program, he will be able to independently carry out training at home. Gymnastics with flat feet is effective only when it is performed every day, for a long time, and better than life as a preventive measure. With flat feet in adults, exercises from this complex can serve as a preventive measure.

Consider a few effective exercises that can be performed at home for treatment and prevention:

  • Rolling a rolling pin and a tight ball helps with flat feet. To do this, the child needs to sit on a chair, straighten his back, put a rolling pin under his foot and roll it from heel to toe and back for several minutes. Then repeat with the second leg.
  • For the treatment of flat feet, it is recommended to walk across the stick. To do this, you need any stick with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of at least 1.5 meters, a regular mop is perfect.
  • To improve blood circulation, walking on toes and on the outside of the foot, as well as rotating the feet, helps well.
  • To strengthen the muscles of the legs, you need to sit on a chair and straighten your back, you need to raise your legs and hold for a few seconds, repeat at least 10 times.

It is also recommended that a child with flat feet regularly visit the pool, swimming helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms and back, this will help get rid of the flattening of the foot, as well as prevent the development of scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the spine.

In order for exercises from flat feet for adults and children to bring a good effect, it is recommended to combine them with massage. for flat feet in children should be carried out by a specialist as prescribed by a doctor. Usually this procedure is combined with a foot and back massage to improve blood circulation throughout the body.

The specialist uses a special technique that allows you to return the foot to its normal position, normalize tissue nutrition and relieve fatigue from the legs. At home, massage for flat feet in children can also be carried out by a parent, for this, the baby's legs need to be stroked, rubbed, it is impossible to apply too much pressure without preparation so as not to hurt the child.

It is effective for flat feet and, but a doctor should prescribe such a procedure, self-medication is not recommended. To carry out such treatment, you need to buy paraffin in a pharmacy and heat it in a water bath, warm liquid is applied to the legs in several layers to make boots.

From above, the paraffin compress should be wrapped with a downy scarf and left for 20 minutes, then removed and massaged. This procedure is usually carried out in a clinic, but at home, you can do a massage with paraffin. Recommendations for performing the procedure at home are given by the orthopedist during the consultation.


Flat feet is a serious pathology that, if left untreated, can even make a child disabled, which is why the prevention of flat feet in preschool children is so relevant.

To prevent the disease, parents should follow the following recommendations:

  • first of all, it is necessary to regularly undergo an examination by an orthopedist, who will be able to timely identify the pathology and prescribe treatment;
  • it is very important to choose the right shoes and not to abuse wearing them;
  • the child must correctly and should not be allowed to develop obesity;
  • An important role is played by exercises for the prevention of flat feet, the child must do morning exercises every day, attend sports sections or a swimming pool.

About flat feet (video)

Flat feet - flattening of the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot. The occurrence of this problem is characteristic of childhood. The process of flattening of the foot can begin as early as 2-3 years of age, and by 7-8 years of age, untreated flat feet are likely to remain for life. There is congenital flat feet, but less often. Many people live with this, they just want to follow some rules in connection with their problem. Over the past 30 years, this problem has become more acute. People began to move less, wear beautiful, but not always the right shoes.

When to diagnose?

The sooner the better for treatment. It is very important not to miss in childhood, at the age of 2-5 years. During these years, it is necessary to especially monitor the arch of the foot, and this is also the time when orthopedic problems with the legs most often appear. An orthopedic doctor deals with the diagnosis of flat feet, and he should also be observed with this problem.

Risk factors for the development of flat feet in children:

  • Children with reduced overall muscle tone are especially susceptible to the development of flat feet.
  • Leg injuries with subsequent plastering are also very dangerous, because. the muscles in the cast are immobilized and gradually flabby, even after removing the cast or splint, it takes time to recover, and all this time the bone skeleton grows.
  • Wrong shoes.
  • Overweight against the background of reduced tone.
  • Heredity.

Flat feet in children treatment.

I must say, this is a very difficult task, long and tiring for children. It is necessary to treat it comprehensively, shoes, physiotherapy exercises (LFK), massage. One massage mat is not enough, only time can be lost. Treatment is effective up to 7-8 years. The most important thing in treatment is to create and hold the muscle corset of the foot and lower leg during the most active growth of the leg bones. Strong muscles and ligaments tighten their attachment points, the bones become in the right direction and grow. Like a tree, while small, you can set the direction of growth for it, but when it grows, you can’t straighten it out. It is necessary to treat flat feet in children at 2-3 years old, and not at 10 years old.

In adults with flat feet, the muscles of the sole and some of the muscles of the lower leg are stretched. Even if with the help of exercises the necessary tone / strength is achieved, the bones of the foot still do not grow, and the point of no return has already been passed. Therefore, it is necessary to treat flat feet in children on time. In fact, we simply create the necessary conditions for the body, and it does the rest itself.

The role of footwear in the treatment of children's flat feet.

Children's orthopedic shoes play the role of a foot fixator in the correct position, but there is one significant point, the muscles do not work much in shoes. You should not rely only on shoes and wear them all the time, muscles and ligaments should receive a load. Wearing orthopedic shoes should be dosed, about 25-30% of the daytime you need to be without it. Orthopedic shoes for the treatment of flat feet should have a high back, above the ankle joint, arch support and a small heel. In the case of flat feet, an arch support with a heel is important, and a back is needed if there is a valgus, flat feet are often combined with heel valgus.

Prices for children's massage in Moscow:

  • Newborns and children under 3 years old cost 1,500 rubles per session
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old cost 1,600 rubles per session
  • Children from 7 to 15 years old cost 1,700 rubles per session

Massage is carried out in combination with therapeutic or restorative gymnastics. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes.

Departure of a children's masseur within the Moscow Ring Road is free!


8-499-394-17-11 or 8-926-605-74-70

From 9.00 to 21.00 daily.

Massage for flat feet in children.

Massage with flat feet is correct to start from the lumbar back, and more precisely from the lumbar and sacral spine. Nerves from the lumbar spinal cord descend to the muscles of the lower extremities for their innervation, so you must first reflexively act on the neuromuscular apparatus, and then directly on the muscles. Next, the thighs, legs and feet are massaged. Massage toning. You can do courses of 15-20 procedures with a break of 1.5-2 months.

Exercises for flat feet.

There are many exercises, all aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments. It is advisable to do gymnastics with flat feet 2-3 times a day, daily, without interruptions, unlike massage.


1. A child sitting on the floor stretches his toes to the floor, straight, together.

2. The position is the same, the feet are turned with the soles towards each other, the foot is perpendicular to the floor.

3. The position of the child sitting on the floor with his hands resting on the floor behind his back, legs bent at the knees so that the feet are on the floor, in this position we raise and lower the heels and the toe on the floor.

4. Standing, rise on toes, on the side, legs together.

5. Walking on toes, on barrels, on heels.

6. Standing on toes, turn the heels to the sides, together.

7. Sitting, the feet are on the floor, alternately tighten the diaper with the toes of the right-left, we rake (collect) under the foot.

8. Take small objects (pencils, balls, rubber bands) from the floor with your fingers and put them in a container.

It is advisable to massage children with flat feet before exercise.

What else?

In order to effectively treat flat feet in children, it is necessary to strengthen the child's body in general and the muscles of the body and immunity. Often ill children are usually weakened, and this is a big hindrance in strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

The impact of flat feet on the life of a child and an adult.

The arches of the feet for a person are like springs for a car, they provide springing of the entire body weight when walking, and also, when a person is walking or standing still, the foot is like a stand for stability.

Children with flat feet are unstable, cannot stand on one leg without support, and complain of leg fatigue. In general, various problems may arise along the chain over time. One violation leads to another.

In adults, due to flat feet, there may be problems with the joints of the legs and the spine, because there is no depreciation and vibration when walking is not damped, but is transmitted directly to the joints.

Frequently Asked Parents:

Does flat feet get better at all?

In most cases, it is corrected, but it is worth starting to deal with it as early as possible. And also remember that the best treatment is prevention. The child must be strong, and the phrase “I don’t have athletic children” is often an excuse. If you do not know how to deal with the child yourself, hire a professional.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment of flat feet can take from one to several years. In children, it is important to cure it before 7-8 years. Treatment lasts almost constantly. Massage courses, gymnastics every day, shoes most of the day. It is important that there are no gaps in treatment, like, for a month or two, they relaxed, then continued.

How much does a massage with gymnastics cost for flat feet for children?

Prices can be specified on the page with prices or by calling us by phone 84993941711, 89266057470, or by writing to us [email protected]

Where do children get massage for flat feet?

We go to the house in Moscow in all areas. We do at home.

What does a session consist of?

General massage with an emphasis on the legs (feet, shins) and exercises to correct flat feet.

What are the qualifications of the specialists?

All our children's masseurs have professional medical training in this specialty. If you need a professional baby massage for flat feet for a child, call us, we will select an experienced specialist for you. You can also see reviews of children's masseurs on our website.