How to bleach tulle with yeast. How to bleach tulle at home quickly - effective ways for different materials

Windows decorated with snow-white tulle give a special lightness, freshness and elegance to the home. But, like all white fabrics, synthetic tulle accumulates dirt and loses its glare rather quickly. The sun's rays "burn out" the structure of the fabric, street dust pollution penetrating inside, particles of kitchen soot and burning eventually change the whiteness of the tulle to a dull grayish-yellow hue, and are saturated with cigarette smoke if there are smokers among the household.

The most radical and impatient housewives are beginning to think about changing the tulle curtains. But let's avoid hasty purchases. The radiance of tulle will definitely return if you follow time-tested tips that will teach you how to whiten your favorite tulle at home with folk remedies at minimal financial cost.

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Revealing the secrets of whitening

When the critical mass of pollution and the patience of a neat housewife reach the limit, the curtains go to the wash. But with tulle, paradoxically, permanent washing does not help save the situation, but leads to the opposite result. The whiteness of the fabric is not restored, but, on the contrary, stubbornly acquires a smoky shade.

Either industrial household chemicals or folk methods of our mothers and grandmothers will help us to whiten the tulle.

Chemical bleaches

The modern chemical industry offers a great variety of bleaches with both bleaching and additionally stain-removing effects.

When bleaching, follow the instructions for the purchased product and follow the rules of chemical protection. But remember that the frequent use of chemicals destroys the fibers of the fabric to the formation of holes.

Chemical bleach is added together with washing powder to the machine tray or tulle is soaked separately for 20-30 minutes in bleach after washing. Rinse thoroughly.

Home bleach and how to use them

All whitening products are usually available in any home at hand. They are inexpensive, the method of application is simple even for novice housewives, the efforts are minimal, and the result is snow-white and shining.

It is very important that household bleaches do not lead to allergic consequences.


The genius of simplicity is confirmed by ordinary table salt, which perfectly removes pollution without being an allergen. To bleach the tulle, we need 3 tbsp. spoons of coarse grinding of non-iodized salt, which we mix with 10 liters of water and half a glass (per eye) of washing powder. Leave the tulle in this solution ideally all night or at least 3 hours. After the time has passed, wash either by hand or in a washing machine, and rinse thoroughly several times.


A funny combination of “whiten with brilliant green” ... Nevertheless, we are not joking, because the result is precisely that the tulle will turn out really snow-white, and even for very yellowed curtains.

Stir in 200 ml of water pharmaceutical brilliant green (brilliant green) in the amount of 10 drops. You can add to enhance the effect of 2 tbsp. heaping tablespoons of salt. We look after a couple of minutes to see if a precipitate has formed. If yes, then mix until complete uniform dissolution in order to avoid the formation of green streaks during bleaching. Pour the finished concentrate into a basin filled with water and rinse the tulle curtain for the final time. You can hold it for 5 minutes in the pelvis, periodically turning over. Having taken out the tulle, we do not squeeze it out, but hang it up and let the water drain, and then, in a straightened form, dry it to the end.


We immerse the pre-washed tulle in a container for bleaching, in which one cap of blue is dissolved in 10 liters of water. We check the solution for the absence of sedimentary lumps that can cause stains on the fabric. We rinse the tulle alternately in blue, then in water. When washing in an automatic machine, add a cap of blue to the rinse aid tray.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

An excellent folk remedy for bleaching sensitive nylon tulle and organza is ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide. They are available at any pharmacy and are inexpensive. Depending on the availability of time, we choose different methods of whitening.

Express method. In water above 50 degrees, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia and 2 tbsp. spoons of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well with a spoon. We soak the bleached fabric in it for half an hour, periodically turning it over. Then rinse well. Without wringing out, we hang the straightened tulle to dry.

night method. We stand the whitening tulle all night in a solution of water and a vial of ammonia. Rinse thoroughly in the morning and hang to dry.

Bleaching with washing in the automatic machine. Add 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution to the laundry detergent tray along with it. Set the washing mode to "delicate".


Pre-washed by hand or in a machine, we lower the tulle for rinsing into a basin with a mixture of 200-300 grams of starch and 10 liters of water. We leave the curtains for 5 hours, after which we hang them out to dry without push-ups. The advantage of starch is not only in its bleaching properties, but also in giving relief forms to tulle.

Laundry soap

Grate a briquette of laundry soap on a coarse grater and pour it into a metal container with water. Let the mixture boil and remove from the stove. Cool the soap solution by diluting it with slightly cool water until a warm mixture is obtained. Soak tulle in it overnight. Wash the tulle in the morning and rinse well.

Whitening nylon curtains

Nylon tulle, for all its structural strength, requires a careful approach when washing and bleaching. It is extremely sensitive to chemicals, so it cannot be washed with bleach.

Make sure that the water temperature during washing does not exceed 30 degrees, and the machine wash mode is carried out at 400 rpm.

If during the general cleaning you stopped before the problem of how to bleach the tulle, then the best choice for this is soaking in salt solutions (one glass per 10-liter volume of water) or rinsing in an aqueous solution of brilliant green or blue. Bleaching with a solution of potassium permanganate works similarly, in everyday life - potassium permanganate. We dilute grains of potassium permanganate in a three-liter jar of water until a slightly pink tone is obtained. Add half a bar of planed laundry soap and mix until smooth and foamy. We place the tulle in the solution for half an hour. Then we wash in the automatic machine in the "Hand wash" or "Delicate wash" mode.

Bleaching organza curtains

Organza tulle is very delicate, therefore, it requires a careful approach both when washing and when bleaching. Do not heat water above 40 degrees for both processes. For bleaching, soaking in brilliant green, blue, salt or hydrogen peroxide with ammonia is suitable.

Starch bleaching is considered the best for organza, giving it a relief of forms and a radiant white color.

After rinsing, the tulle is immediately hung up without twisting.

Whitening old tulle curtains

Over the old and strongly yellowed tulle curtains, you will have to work longer to bleach them to their original whiteness. Here you should combine several sequential techniques:

  • first - wash in the machine;
  • boil by boiling in a strong solution of laundry soap;
  • bleach by soaking in a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia;
  • rinse in saline;
  • rinse in a starch solution - at the end.

Whitening in the washing machine

To minimize effort and with a shortage of time, it is possible to bleach the tulle in the washing machine. For this you need:

  • pre-wash the tulle by hand;
  • before using the machine, make sure that the drum is clean and that there are no colored laundry forgotten after the last cycle in it in order to avoid accidental staining;
  • place the tulle in a special mesh bag to prevent fabric deformation;
  • wash in the "delicate" mode with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees and a speed of 400.

  • after removing the curtain, shake the tulle well outside the house to remove dust particles as much as possible so that they do not then soak into the fibers of the fabric;
  • soak very dirty curtains before washing overnight in water with powder;
  • tulle should be washed at a water temperature not higher than 40 degrees, so that the yellowness does not permanently eat into the fibers of the fabric;
  • always wash curtains before bleaching;
  • during hand washing, do not rub the fabric, but only lightly squeeze it by turning it over;
  • relatively new tulle can be washed with the addition of store bleach;
  • bleached curtains should not be twisted and wrung out by hand, including the washing machine's spin program. Having taken out the tulle from the basin, we hang it so as to let the water drain, and then, in a semi-wet state, we hang it on the eaves. The folds straighten out under the weight of the tulle's own weight;
  • when ironing, we use a slightly heated iron so that synthetics do not become yellow again under the influence of high temperatures;

We hope that folk technologies based on long-known home remedies will help you whiten tulle at home and breathe new dazzling white life into it, giving a feeling of freshness and aesthetic pleasure.

Despite the variety of curtain models, white tulle always remains a favorite. In any situation, it looks appropriate and visually makes the room lighter and more spacious. Unfortunately, over time, its whiteness fades and acquires a grayish or yellowish tint. You can avoid this trouble if you know how to properly bleach and wash the tulle in an automatic machine or by hand at home.

How to wash tulle

Before returning the whiteness of the tulle, if it has turned gray or yellowed, it must be washed. Wash tulle in a typewriter or by hand, you decide for yourself, based on the characteristics of the curtains and your capabilities. For example, it is better to wash old tulle curtains by hand. This will minimize the risk of damage to them.

The initial procedure is the same in both cases:

  • First you need to rid the curtains of dust. To do this, they are removed from the window and carefully shaken out on the street or balcony.
  • Very dirty tulle is soaked for 30 minutes in warm soapy water, and the most problematic areas are treated with laundry soap.

Before figuring out how to properly wash tulle in a washing machine, we will answer frequently asked questions about this:

  1. Q. Can the tulle be washed in the washing machine?
    A. In the past, tulle curtains were washed only by hand: activator-type machines did not differ in a variety of modes and could damage the delicate material. Today, washing tulle by hand is not at all necessary.
  2. Q. What mode to wash tulle?
    A. It all depends on the composition of the material of manufacture. It is recommended to wash tulle and curtains from delicate fabrics at home on a gentle cycle, from linen and cotton on a regular program, but without spinning and with an additional rinse.
  3. Q. At what temperature can tulle be washed?
    A. Here, too, everything depends solely on the type of textile. If the product label does not specify how many degrees to wash the tulle, use water no higher than 35-40 degrees and a delicate cycle without spinning.
  4. Q. How to bleach tulle in a washing machine?
    A. Bleach or an improvised remedy, for example, 100 ml of a solution of potassium permanganate or blue is poured into a container instead of an air conditioner.
  5. Q. How often should tulle curtains be washed?
    A. Once every 3-4 months is enough. This mode will prevent old pollution, and not injure thin material by washing once again, without special need.
  6. Q. How to wash tulle without ironing?
    A. Tulle curtains will straighten out under their own weight if you first let the water drain from them over the bath, and then hang them without wringing them on the eaves.
  7. Q. How to wash kitchen tulle from greasy stains?
    A. This will help as improvised antioxidants: salt, peroxide and ammonia, laundry soap, and any dishwashing liquid. It is worth mentioning table vinegar. It will not only fix the color of the curtain and give it shine, but will also serve as an excellent way to remove greasy stains on tulle.
  8. Q. How to wash tulle from soot and soot?
    A. Treat the stain with dishwashing gel and soak the entire curtain for 8-10 hours in warm water with soda (a tablespoon per 5 liters of water).
  9. Q. How to remove rust from curtains?
    A. Moisten gauze with lemon juice and iron the problem area through it. The stain should be gone.

Automatic washing

  • Before washing the tulle in the washing machine, decide at what temperature to wash, based on the composition of the fabric. Set the desired mode, but without spinning and with an extra rinse, and add detergent to the container.
  • Load the curtains into the drum and start the process. In order not to damage the delicate curtains, they are individually placed in special bags. If they are not available, you can use white cotton pillowcases.
  • When the wash is completed, the curtains are taken out and lightly wrung out by hand. It is better to do this with a terry sheet. The curtain is carefully wrapped in a sheet and, pressing on it, remove excess water.

Clean, semi-moist curtains are hung on the ledge. They flatten out under their own weight.
In automatic washing, the curtains are bleached directly in the process, using a special powder or adding bleach to the conditioner container.


  • In a basin with warm water, a detergent is diluted, soaked curtains are lowered into it and gently and carefully washed for 5-7 minutes.
  • The curtains are rinsed, constantly changing the water until it is clean.

Then you can start bleaching. It is not necessary to dry the curtains before this, it is enough just to wring out a little. After bleaching, the curtains are recommended to be washed a second time.

Which laundry detergent to choose

The choice of modern means for washing tulle and other curtains is quite wide:

  • Laundry detergents by type of fabric. They perfectly cope with pollution and are able not only to bleach, but to starch the canvases. Minus - high cost. It makes sense to acquire them only for elite curtains that need special care.
  • Shampoos and gels for delicate washing. Designed for washing at a temperature not exceeding 30-40 degrees. Effectively removes dirt even in cold water and rinses out easily without residue.
  • Children's powders and gels. They have good whitening properties and are hypoallergenic. Curtains in the nursery they need to be washed unambiguously. In addition, it is advisable to give preference to them when cleaning the room where allergy sufferers live.
  • regular powders. Differ in affordable price. You need to choose them in accordance with the colors of the curtains (separately for colored and separately for white), carefully monitor the dosage recommended on the package and rinse thoroughly.

How to bleach tulle with folk remedies

There are many ways to whiten tulle from yellowness at home. Let's get acquainted with the most proven and affordable of them.


Our great-great-grandmothers also knew how to whiten a canvas with salt.


  1. Collect warm water in a basin and dissolve 5 tablespoons of salt and 50 g of powder in it.
  2. Soak the tulle with salt overnight (at least 4-5 hours).
  3. Then the curtains should be washed with a small amount of powder and rinsed well.
  • Whitening will cost almost nothing, since salt and ordinary powder are usually not a problem in any home.
  • Curtains after washing with salt become stronger.

The disadvantage of bleaching with salt is that soaking takes several hours.

Laundry detergent and baking soda

When choosing a powder, make sure that it is designed for hand washing, and not for washing tulle in a washing machine. Otherwise, it will be difficult to rinse it out.


  1. Collect warm water in a basin and dissolve in it one tablespoon of soda and powder.
  2. Before soaking the tulle in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours, carefully fold it to avoid creases.
  3. Then the canvas must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Affordable price.
  • The method is not laborious and fast enough.

There are no significant disadvantages when bleaching curtains with soda and powder.


Blue - a tool designed to bluish textiles, it is especially good to use for curtains with a gray coating.


  1. A teaspoon of blue is carefully diluted in 10 liters of water (no lumps should remain).
  2. Curtains are lowered into the resulting solution and rinsed for 2-3 minutes.
  3. The water with blue is drained, and the canvases are rinsed several times in clean running water.
  • You can make tulle boiled in minutes.
  • Finding blue on sale today is problematic.
  • Before washing the tulle, the blue must be thoroughly dissolved in a small amount of water and only then added to the powder compartment or a basin of water, otherwise its grains will leave hard-to-remove stains on the canvas.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate not only whitens, but also removes greasy stains from tulle.


  1. 100 g of 72% laundry soap is grated and dissolved in warm water.
  2. A small amount (literally a pinch) of potassium permanganate is diluted in a mug, leaving not a single whole grain. The water should take on a deep red wine color.
  3. The resulting solution is poured into a basin with soapy water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees and mixed.
  4. Cloths are soaked for 30-40 minutes, and then rinsed.
  • After such processing, the snow-white tulle remains for a very long time.
  • Potassium permanganate and laundry soap are cheap.
  • The method is rather laborious.
  • If potassium permanganate is not completely dissolved, it will be problematic to wash tulle curtains: difficult-to-remove stains will remain on them.


With the help of brilliant green, the yellowed fabric acquires its original whiteness in a matter of minutes.


  1. From a vial of brilliant green in an alcohol solution, add 10-12 drops to a glass of water, stir and leave to stand for 5 minutes.
  2. The resulting liquid is poured into a basin with warm water. If there is a precipitate, the solution is filtered before pouring.
  3. The water in the basin is mixed so that it is uniform in color, and curtains are lowered into it for 5 minutes. During soaking, they need to be turned over a couple of times.
  4. Then the curtains are lightly wrung out and hung out to dry on the eaves.
  • Zelenka is very cheap.
  • The method is simple and labor-intensive.
  • Whitening only takes a few minutes.

The only negative is that if, before bleaching the tulle with brilliant green, you do not dissolve it thoroughly enough, hard-to-remove greenish stains will remain on the curtain.

Laundry soap and starch

Another old and trouble-free way to make the fabric white.


  1. 100 g of 72% laundry soap is rubbed on a grater, dipped in a pot of water and put on gas. As soon as the water boils, the soap is stirred until completely dissolved and the gas is turned off.
  2. The soapy solution is poured into a basin of water, the curtains are soaked in it for 5 hours, and then rinsed.
  3. 250 g of starch are stirred in a bowl of warm water.
  4. The rinsed curtain is dipped in starch water for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Starched curtains, without squeezing, are hung to dry over the bath.
  • Starch and soap are cheap and always available.
  • Curtains made of delicate textiles not only become snow-white, but also keep their shape well.

The disadvantage of the method is that it will take several hours to soak in a soapy solution.

If it is enough just to slightly refresh the tulle, then all manipulations with soap can be omitted and simply starched to give it shape.

ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

In order not to damage the skin on the hands, it is advisable to carry out all work with ammonia and peroxide in medical gloves.


  1. In a basin with water heated to 60 degrees, add a tablespoon of ammonia, 3 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix.
  2. In the resulting solution, the canvas is soaked for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Then rinse thoroughly, wring out lightly and hang to dry.
  • Even old tulle curtains become snow-white.
  • All components are cheap.
  • The method is easy and fast.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is only suitable for cotton and linen fabrics.


This method is considered obsolete. However, he also has the right to exist.

Many housewives doubt whether it is possible to boil tulle? In principle, it is possible if it is cotton or linen. Synthetic or natural, but silk or chiffon fabric should not be boiled.


  1. Dissolve 100 g of powder or grated laundry soap in warm water.
  2. A bucket of soapy water is put on fire, brought to a boil and the gas is reduced.
  3. The curtain is lowered into water and boiled for an hour, constantly stirring and turning over.
  4. Then they are taken out, rinsed, squeezed lightly and hung out to dry.
  • When boiling, even old stains come off the canvas.
  • Sometimes there is no other alternative to bleaching old tulle.


  • Boiling requires constant presence.
  • If you are not careful, you can get burned.

To bleach old tulle at home, you will have to use a combination of several methods. For example, first boil, and then soak in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

Whiteness and chemical bleaches

In order for the fabric to be snow-white, it is not necessary to wash the tulle using "old-fashioned" methods. The industry produces a huge number of effective preparations for whitening tulle at home. But they also have disadvantages:

  • Whiteness and other chlorine-based products destroy the fabric. Already after 3-4 applications, it becomes thinner and acquires a dull yellowish tint.
  • Household chemicals return tulle whiteness only upon first use. To make it white next time, you will need improvised folk remedies.
  • Innovative preparations on a natural basis do not spoil the fabric, and you can refresh the tulle with their help repeatedly. But they are very expensive, and the result from them is exactly the same as from practically free improvised means.

An excellent solution for whitening gray tulle at home is to use a gel with an optical effect that refreshes the color of the curtains due to the reflective particles it contains.

The helpful tips for bleaching and washing tulle curtains above have stood the test of time. This is how our mothers and grandmothers washed tulle at home, and you can also safely take them into service. Thanks to such care, delicate and thin curtains will not lose their attractiveness for a long time, and will decorate your home for many years.

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Despite the presence of a huge number of window design options, classic white remains the favorite of most housewives.

Allowing you to profitably beat the opening and make the room spacious and bright, the material, unfortunately, has a “capricious” character and over time noticeably changes its color to pale yellow or grayish even in a perfectly clean room.

However, knowing several ways to whiten tulle at home, you can safely close your eyes to this small drawback!

In this article, we tried to collect all the effective methods, including those that have been proven for decades and are still known to our grandmothers.

Salt whitening

What to cook?

  • 3-5 tablespoons of table salt (the most common - large);
  • washing powder (not necessarily bleaching);

What to do?

Dissolve the salt and powder in warm water and immerse the tulle that has lost its whiteness in the resulting solution. Leave it to soak for at least 3-4 hours (ideally overnight). For heavy soiling, wash the fabric in a typewriter, for light ones, just rinse well.

For "prevention", the washed tulle can be rinsed in a saline solution after washing for several minutes.

Pros and cons of the method

  • High-quality whitening will cost you a few rubles.
  • You don’t have to look for salt specifically - it is in every kitchen.
  • This method can be used to wash curtains from a nursery - salt is not an allergen.
  • Salt bleaching will take several hours.

Whitening blue

What to cook?

  • Blue;
  • pre-washed tulle.

What to do?

  1. 1 Wash by hand. Dilute half a teaspoon of blue in 7-10 liters of warm water, make sure that there are no "lumps" in the solution (they can stain the fabric). Rinse the tulle thoroughly, first with blue, and then in clean water.
  2. 2 Machine wash. Place the material in the drum and add your regular laundry detergent. Instead of a conditioner or rinse, use blue in small amounts (1-1.5 caps).

Pros and cons of the method

  • The whitening process does not take long.
  • As a result, the tulle becomes really snow-white.
  • Finding blue in supermarkets or chain stores of household chemicals is almost impossible today - the search for "bleach" can be delayed.
  • If you do not mix the powder thoroughly enough, stubborn stains will remain on the fabric. It is for this reason that it is better to rinse tulle with blue by hand - some machines "sin" by insufficient dissolution of the bleaching agent (whole pieces can get directly into the drum).

Whitening green

What to cook?

  • Zelenka;
  • cup;

What to do?

  • Stir 5-10 drops of greenery in a glass of warm water and leave it for a few minutes.
  • Evaluate the result - if you do not see sediment, the solution is ready and can be poured into a basin for rinsing (7-10 liters of warm water).
  • If there is still sediment, mix the contents of the glass well again or strain it before “sending” it into the basin.

Tulle, pre-washed in the usual way (by hand or in a typewriter), place in a basin with a solution of brilliant green and leave it there for 3-5 minutes, turning the material over a couple of times. Hang up the curtain and let it drain.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Zelenka is in every home first aid kit.
  • A solution of brilliant green is very cheap compared to household chemicals.
  • The return of color to tulle takes a minimum of time.
  • If you do not mix the green paint well enough, the material will not acquire a snow-white hue, but light green stains, which are quite problematic to remove.

Whitening with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

What to cook?

  • Ammonia;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide.

What to do?

In a basin with water heated to 60 degrees, add 1 tablespoon of alcohol and 2-3 tablespoons of peroxide, mix the solution well. Dip the tulle into it for half an hour. After this time, rinse the fabric well, wring out without twisting, and hang to dry.

Pros and cons of the method

Cheapness: one whitening costs less than 10 rubles and at the same time gives an excellent result.
You will spend a minimum of time on washing - no soaking overnight is required.
This method should only be used for bleaching cotton fabrics.

Whitening with starch

What to cook?

  • Starch;
  • large capacity (basin or bucket).

What to do?

Clean the tulle from dust, and if it is heavily soiled, wash it as usual in the machine. Place the prepared material in a basin with warm water, in which 250 grams of ordinary starch are thoroughly mixed beforehand. Leave the curtains in the solution for 5-6 hours, then hang them without wringing.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Minimum cost of bleaching
  • Starch can be found in any store.
  • Tulle will not only become snow-white, but will also keep its shape well.
  • You have to spend a few hours.

Whitening with potassium permanganate

What to cook?

  • Potassium permanganate;
  • laundry soap (72 percent);
  • cup;
  • grater.

What to do?

Finely rub 100 grams of soap and stir the resulting mass in warm water; dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate in a glass of water, make sure that there is no sediment and pour the resulting solution into a basin. The result should be slightly pinkish water with a small amount of soapy suds.

Soak the tulle in the basin for half an hour and wash it in the usual way (by hand or in a washing machine).

Pros and cons of the method

  • An excellent result that lasts for a long time.
  • Minimum time spent.
  • Finding potassium permanganate today is quite difficult.


What to cook?

  • Bucket or large pot;
  • washing powder or laundry soap.

What to do?

Dissolve powder or soap in water, put tulle in a container and put it on fire. Wait until the water boils and boil the fabric for an hour, stirring occasionally.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Cheapness.
  • The method requires constant presence nearby.
  • The method is quite inconvenient and really morally outdated - we recommend boiling tulle only when fighting yellowness, which other washing methods have not “taken”.

What to do with strongly yellowed tulle?

It is difficult to “reanimate” material that has been badly burned out in the sun by one of the listed methods: in this case, an integrated approach is needed. The yellowed material should be boiled in a soapy solution, washed in ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, and only then bleached first in salt, and then in starch.

Are whiteness and modern bleaches effective?

It was not for nothing that we did not mention in the main material about traditional whiteness and modern bleaches, in which, according to the assurances of the manufacturers, innovative formulas are used.

Undoubtedly, the listed funds give an excellent result and, importantly, do not require a lot of time to achieve it. Strictly speaking, this is where their virtues end.

Whiteness literally "destroys" the fabric and after 2-3 applications, thin tulle can tear from any careless movement.

In addition, after the second wash with whiteness, the material becomes not snow-white, but close to yellow.

The same applies to innovative products: having a considerable cost, they give excellent results only at the first application.

  1. 1 Be sure to shake out the tulle before soaking.
  2. 2 In all cases (except where indicated) do not use too hot water: a temperature of 30-35 ⁰С is optimal. Washing in boiling water will “seal” stains and yellowness, and not remove them.
  3. 3 Wash and soak the tulle after carefully folding it. If you throw crumpled material into the basin or drum of the machine, the creases that appear will be very difficult to iron out.
  4. 4 When washing, add a tablespoon of table vinegar to the water - the smell from such an amount will not appear, and the curtains will shine in the sun.
  5. 5 Do not iron the tulle after washing - wring it gently (without twisting!) And let it drain. Wet curtains can be hung on the eaves - they will straighten out under their own weight.

The tips listed above on how to whiten tulle at home have passed the most important test - the test of time. You can safely follow these recommendations without fear of damaging the thin and delicate material.

Nowadays, there are many options for how to hide in an apartment from direct sunlight, but despite this, modern housewives still consider tulle to be the most comfortable interior detail. That's why, how to bleach tulle, is still of interest to many housewives. Sometimes there is a desire to decorate windows in bright colors or colors of warm shades, but it is snow-white tulle that creates a feeling of celebration and solemnity.

But even the highest quality tulle can lose its snow-white appearance and acquire a yellowish-gray tint after a few years. Despite this, do not rush to change it to a new one. It is enough to know a few secrets, applying which, without any problems, you can return the old novelty to your favorite tulle.

How to whiten at home?

In order to qualitatively whiten tulle, there are many ways - from the use of traditional means to folk methods. Traditional remedies include all kinds of bleaches and stain removers, and folk remedies include the simplest ingredients that are in the house of every housewife: salt, hydrogen peroxide, starch.

In the first case, it is enough to go to any store and buy bleach and stain remover, brightly full of colorful labels all over the display case. But do not forget that frequent use of white to bleach tulle can gradually destroy its delicate structure, and one day you can get a long piece of fabric out of the washing machine, which just before your eyes will begin to spread into thin threads. It should also be remembered that bleach is not suitable for all types of tulle, therefore, carefully study the instructions for use and recommendations for which fabrics this chemical is suitable so that during bleaching you do not acquire new yellow spots. If you use white often, it can cause the fabric to adapt to it, so it is possible that if you need to bleach the tulle again, this remedy may no longer help.

There are cases when you can only deal with the problem with bleach, for example, if you need to bleach kitchen tulle, which has already absorbed traces of soot and grease.

Now let's get started whitening tulle. To start this procedure, you need to take a deep basin, directly the bleach itself and gloves for soaking, so as not to burn the skin with chlorine. We take three caps of whiteness for six liters of hot water, mix everything thoroughly, dip the tulle into it and leave it for several hours. After that, rinse well and put the washing machine on gentle mode, adding fabric softener. After this procedure, we hang the tulle in the fresh air so that the smell of whiteness is well weathered.

Now let's try bleach tulle with stain remover. It also has an effective fabric bleaching property, but is more gentle on its structure and has a pleasant smell, so after getting rid of stains and yellow deposits, an additional wash to eliminate the smell can be omitted.

If there are any stains on the surface of the tulle, then you must first treat them with a stain remover, and then leave the fabric to bleach for 45 minutes. At this time, a soaking solution should be prepared: add as much of the substance as indicated in the instructions to the basin with warm water, stir thoroughly, immerse the tulle in water for several hours, but for more effective bleaching, you can leave it overnight. After bleaching, the tulle must be thoroughly rinsed, allowed to drain excess moisture without twisting, after which the snow-white tulle can be hung again in fresh air.

Thinking about how else you can effectively whiten tulle, do not forget about the well-proven method digestion of linen. But use this method only for natural fabrics made of cotton or linen. In order for the white fabric not to acquire a reddish tint of rust when boiled, you need to use stainless steel or enameled dishes. In order to periodically stir the tulle and to achieve the maximum whitening effect, you will need a wooden stick or a wooden spoon, which, most likely, every housewife has at home.

In the prepared water, it is necessary to dissolve the bleach, which is suitable for boiling and laundry soap, you can also add a little soda: it will make the fabric structure a little softer and the stains will be removed more easily. It is necessary to bleach tulle by boiling In one hour, then you can get the tulle and transfer it to warm water for a thorough rinse, and then to cool water. Let the moisture drain without twisting and hang the tulle in fresh air.

If the tulle does not have any special pollution and stains, then it can be bleached with normal washing. Immediately before putting the tulle in the drum, it is necessary to clean it of accumulated dust, after that we soak the tulle for thirty minutes in warm soapy water, then you can immerse it in the machine for a delicate wash cycle or wash it by hand. After washing is completed, either allow excess moisture to drain without twisting, or put it on a light spin mode in the washing machine, setting the minimum speed.

Whitening folk remedies

You can bleach tulle at home with a variety of folk remedies.

One such remedy is 3% hydrogen peroxide(H 2 O 2) and ammonia(ammonium hydroxide). This composition has a very effective bleaching property, therefore, using this mixture, you can quickly and efficiently return the snow-white look to your tulle, and indeed to any white things. It is necessary to pour ten liters of water with a temperature of 30 degrees into the container of your choice, diluting two tablespoons of 3% H 2 O 2 and one tablespoon of ammonium hydroxide. Before soaking the tulle, it must be washed so that there is no accumulation of dust on the surface. It is necessary to immerse the tulle completely so that not a single island of fabric remains on the surface, because as a result of uneven immersion, yellow spots may appear, and the whole bleaching process will be in vain. Leave the tulle to bleach in this solution for 30 minutes, after which the fabric can be thoroughly rinsed and hung outside in direct sunlight, as they are also an excellent natural bleach.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia is the most effective composition for bleaching synthetic fabrics, since they cannot be washed at high temperatures and boiled, and in general the components of this solution are excellent at fighting yellowness and gray deposits on white things.

The simplest method of whitening tulle at home using H 2 O 2 is washing machine. To do this, you need to immerse the tulle in the drum, set the temperature to 40 degrees, you can not set the spin mode at all or the very minimum. Put 10 tablets of hydroperite into the container for powder and detergents and wash on a delicate cycle.

You can bleach tulle at home with salt. The method is very simple, and most importantly, accessible to everyone. Before the bleaching procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly shake off the dust from the tulle and wash it in warm soapy water. If you use this method for nylon tulle, you need to make sure that the water is barely warm, otherwise the nylon tulle will turn yellow during the bleaching process.. To make a solution, you will need ten liters of water, washing powder (preferably gel) and ten tablespoons of rock salt. For maximum whitening effect, tulle is best left in this solution overnight.

Salt can also bleach synthetic tulle, but the bleaching procedure is somewhat different. First you need to wash the tulle well, rinse, and after that, instead of the second rinse, soak the tulle in a strong saline solution. This should be done as follows: fill a bucket of water halfway, add five tablespoons of ordinary rock salt and immerse the tulle for twenty minutes. In this case, when soaking in salt is the final bleaching step, the solution will give the fabric a slight stiffness. In addition, to bleach nylon and organza tulle, before washing, soak them in saline at the rate of five liters of water, five tablespoons of salt, because salt perfectly absorbs all the dust.

Another effective folk remedy for whitening tulle is. To do this, place the tulle in slightly hot water, in which the starch has already been dissolved. It is necessary to keep the tulle in such a solution for thirty minutes, then rinse and hang out in fresh air. Thanks to this method, you will not only return the snow-white look to your tulle, but the fabric will also acquire a little stiffness. This is a great way to further get rid of soot and dirt, since the starch particles will accumulate all the dust like a magnet, and with the next wash, all dirt will be easily washed off.

The following method of whitening tulle at home will seem bizarre to you, because we will use potassium permanganate. Few would believe that raspberry-colored water can restore a snow-white appearance to fabrics. But this is exactly how a solution of weak potassium permanganate and laundry soap will behave. This method will perfectly cope with the gray tint of your tulle. First you need to dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in a glass of water. In a bucket or basin, dilute 150 grams of 72% laundry soap in warm water and gradually introduce a manganese solution there. For the maximum effect of whiteness, the tulle is kept in this solution for 30 minutes, then, according to the usual procedure, it must be thoroughly rinsed. You can somewhat simplify this method by simply lathering the entire tulle with laundry soap and lowering it into a solution of potassium permanganate. According to many housewives, it is this method that is the most effective in the fight against yellowness and gray plaque.

The most ancient substance for giving a fresh whiteness to tulle is blue. To whiten the tulle in this way, dilute one and a half caps of blue in warm water (30 degrees) and lower the tulle into it for 20 minutes. At this time, it is imperative to stir the contents so that there are no blue spots on the tulle and the entire fabric evenly acquires whiteness. If you want to wash the tulle in the washing machine, you can add a cap of blue to the detergent container. The result will be the same.

We bleach tulle with greenery

After reading this heading, it is unlikely that any of you believed that with the help of brilliant green you can bleach tulle. But it is true, and this method is very effective in combating the yellowness of your favorite curtains. Of course, in order to achieve the maximum result, you will need to tinker a bit, but at the end of the procedures you will be delighted.

First you need to wash the tulle, ridding it of accumulated dust and soot. To do this, soak the tulle in warm soapy water overnight. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, otherwise you may not get rid of the yellowed areas and the gray tint of the fabric.

In the morning, the tulle will need to be washed. If you decide to do this in a washing machine, then choose a delicate mode, but if you do it manually, then do it in slightly warm water (25 degrees), adding a soapy solution. After washing, place the tulle in a basin and fill it with water (5 l). Separately, we make a saline solution by dissolving six tablespoons of rock salt in a liter of water, we introduce this solution into the water with tulle.

After two hours, it is necessary to rinse the tulle several times. During the last rinse of the fabric, you need to do the following manipulations:

  • dilute 15 drops of brilliant green in a glass of water, stir the liquid well and let it brew for 5 minutes;
  • next, you need to check if there is a green precipitate in the glass, otherwise all your tulle that you want to bleach with brilliant green will be covered with corresponding spots;
  • we enter the contents of the glass into a basin of water, mix thoroughly and put tulle in it for 10 minutes, turn the fabric over all the time for even bleaching;
  • after these procedures, you need to rinse the curtains well and let excess moisture drain without twisting the fabric, then evenly hang the tulle on a clothesline.

After completing all the procedures, you will be surprised by the result: - salt will give elasticity to your tulle, and brilliant green will return its former snow-white color. This method has been proven over the years, so don't be afraid to entrust your favorite green tulle.

Features of whitening tulle from organza and nylon

If your tulle is made of nylon fibers or organza, it requires especially gentle care. It is generally accepted that nylon tulle is very capricious, very quickly loses its original whiteness and acquires a yellow tint.

Consider the procedure for bleaching nylon tulle (everything must be done in cold water):

  • first of all, you need to wash the canvas in a way that is most acceptable to you;
  • after getting rid of the dirt, we immerse the tulle in a strong saline solution, which we prepare as follows: for every four liters of cool water, add five tablespoons of extra salt;
  • immerse the tulle in water and leave for 15 minutes;
  • in no case do we rinse the nylon tulle, we just let excess moisture drain, after which we hang it on the cornice, where it will smooth out under its own weight.

In many homes, preference is given to curtains that are made from organza. This is a very beautiful material that has many shades and transmits sunlight well. But, despite the fact that organza is not capricious in care, it requires as much attention as tulle from other types of fabric. Polyester cannot retain color for a long time, this type of fabric fibers perfectly attracts dust.

Since organza has sufficient rigidity, it will be quite difficult to bleach such a tulle, since you cannot avoid the effect of wrinkling after washing and twisting.

The most effective remedy to help you whiten organza tulle is starch. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 300 grams of starch in slightly warm water and immerse the tulle in the solution for several hours. After that, you should get the organza, but in no case twist it. Hang it on a clothesline, carefully smoothing out any folds. The relief and deep color of starched tulle will surprise you, and this bleaching method will win you over with its simplicity and efficiency.

Air curtains made of white sheer tulle have been a classic in window decoration for many years. Regardless of the material of manufacture, window curtains lose their whiteness over time under the influence of the sun, dust, rust and salts of washing water. Buying new quality curtains is not cheap, as is washing them in dry cleaning conditions.

You should not be upset, there are many inexpensive home remedies that will help you cope with the task without spending much money and time. Experienced housewives are happy to share secrets on how to whiten tulle from dullness at home.

Chemical bleaches

The first word is about whitening products, which can be purchased without problems in any department of household chemicals. This method can be used no more than once and that is not desirable. The fact is that such preparations destroy the delicate structure of tulle, especially from natural fibers, and soon lead to strong yellowing, which is very difficult to remove.

Any washing powder or liquid laundry detergent is diluted in warm water, and three to five tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt are added to the solution. The tulle is soaked for a period of at least 3 hours, ideally overnight. If desired, you can still stretch the curtain in the car as usual, or rinse immediately after soaking. To fix the result, salt can also be added to the water for rinsing from the powder.

The only drawback of this method is the long soaking time.

Already pre-washed tulle is blued in such images. The procedure can be carried out both manually and in an automatic machine.

With manual rinsing, after washing, the curtain is dipped into the prepared bluing solution. Proportion: half a teaspoon of the product to a bucket of water. Second rinse - no bluing. The curtain is immediately shaken and hung up.

When washing in an automatic machine, a small amount of blue is added to the conditioner section.

The disadvantage of the method is that blue particles that are not thoroughly mixed can form stains or spots. For this reason, manual rinsing is more reliable.

To prepare a solution, 5-10 drops of brilliant green are settled in a glass of water, then carefully filtered through cheesecloth and mixed with 10 liters of warm water. Pure tulle is soaked in the prepared liquid for 5 minutes, constantly turning the fabric over.

Minus: an improperly prepared solution with sediment can ruin the fabric with green spots.

Peroxide and ammonia

This method works very well, but only for tulle made from natural fabrics. The proportions of the mixture for bleaching: 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 2-3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in a bucket of hot (50 - 60o) water. A clean curtain is soaked in a basin for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed and wringed out easily.

Starching not only makes delicate curtains whiter, but also adds shine and long-lasting shape to them.

For starching, a paste is brewed like jelly, based on each liter of water - 1 tablespoon of starch.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no lumps in the resulting solution. After washing, the tulle is soaked in starch water for 5-6 hours, dried without wringing.

Potassium permanganate and laundry soap

These products combined provide unexpectedly brilliant and long-lasting results. Tulle curtains are washed in a soapy solution with the addition of potassium permanganate, after soaking for half an hour.

For a solution, the soap is rubbed on a grater and poured with boiling water. Mix a few crystals of manganese in a separate bowl and pour into the soap in such an amount that the water becomes a little pink.

Disadvantage: for some reason, potassium permanganate has disappeared from pharmacies.

Lemon acid

A sachet of citric acid is added to the rinse for prevention when washing relatively new curtains. Can be used in a washing machine. Attention! Citric acid in the washing machine washes away all deposits of rust and mineral deposits, so it is better to clean the machine before washing the tulle.