Features of the massage with flat feet. Treatment of children's flat feet with massage Professional foot massage for a child with flat feet

Foot massage for flat feet

To improve the patient's well-being when diagnosing flat feet, a relaxing and tonic massage of the limbs is actively used to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscle tone. How to properly massage with flat feet in adults - features and recommendations of specialists.

Foot deformity massage is an obligatory medical procedure

Foot massage techniques for flat feet help eliminate swelling, pain, relieve inflammation, accelerate lymph flow, and improve the depreciation properties of the foot. For the treatment of deformity of the lower extremities, it is important to carry out the procedure regularly, at least 15 sessions per month. The duration of the session is at least 10 minutes.

There are several methods for performing the procedure:

  • Stroking - a gentle superficial movement with the palm (hand relaxed), held across or along the muscles, used to relieve spasms, relaxes the skin, normalizes blood circulation;
  • Squeezing - fingers form a bird's beak, movements are performed with the edge of the little finger or thumb, the entire palm is involved in massive areas;
  • Kneading - done in 2 stages, muscle capture, compression / rolling, deep-lying tissues are intensively massaged;
  • Rubbing - the hands are folded in the form of an arch, movements are carried out from the bottom up, and the outer side of the joint is rubbed with the thumb (blood circulation of the muscle fibers improves);
  • Tapping - activates blood circulation in the massaged areas, increases muscle tone, strikes are applied with different intensity, with the edge of the palm or the back of the fingers.

Particular attention when performing a massage from flat feet at home should be given to the back surface of the lower leg, where the heads of the calf muscles are located. The pain zone is rubbed with gentle patting movements, without indentation and pain.


Professional massage is used not only to stimulate active points on the sole, but also leads to the strengthening of the protective properties of the body, regulates the work of other organs.


Massage of the lower extremities is not performed at a high temperature in a patient, circulatory failure, allergies, tuberculosis, the presence of tumors, purulent bleeding processes, while carrying a child.

Massage techniques for flat feet

Before doing a foot massage with flat feet, it is important to carry out foot baths with the addition of sea salt, a decoction of medicinal plants, and coniferous extract to a container of water.

To correct flat feet, 2 main techniques are used, which correspond to the degree of foot deformity. Step by step:

  • Patting movements are carried out to warm up the skin, after which the areas from the fingers to the knee are processed;
  • The lower leg is subjected to comprehensive massaging using the technique of rubbing, squeezing and tapping;
  • After the plantar part of the foot is processed;
  • In conclusion, the thumb is massaged with active movements.

Second technique:

  • The calf muscles, the outer part of the lower leg, foot, sole, heel are processed sequentially;
  • Finally, the plantar part of the foot is massaged.

The stages of massage are determined by the peculiarities of changes in the muscles of the feet and legs. It is important to effectively distribute the load on the lower limbs in order to get rid of signs of foot deformity.

Self-massage for foot deformity

If it is not possible to visit a qualified specialist for a massage, you can perform it yourself. Step by step instructions for massage at home:

  1. Pull up the little finger, lower the ring finger, change their location in the opposite direction - the number of approaches is at least 10;
  2. Hold the heel with your hand, and with the other, stretch all the toes one by one. 10 approaches;
  3. Rub the palms of the plantar part of the leg and lower leg;
  4. Treat each finger with patting movements, and then go to the heel zone;
  5. Place your palms on your knee, stroking movements to move to the thigh;
  6. Knead and rub the skin of both legs for 10 minutes;
  7. At the end of the massage, stroke the leg from the foot to the groin area, apply a nourishing cream.

Experts recommend during the treatment to concentrate their movements on the calf muscle, make rubbing movements with the crest of the fist. When massaging the calcaneal tendon, it is necessary to move in different directions - in a straight line, in a circle. Rubbing, stroking and pressing apply in turn.


As a gymnastics, it is useful to bend / unbend the feet, turn them in and out, squeeze and unclench your fingers, collect small objects from the floor - balls, pencils, clothespins.

Self-massage has some disadvantages:

  • General overwork of the body with the involvement of the muscles of the entire motor apparatus;
  • Improper performance of massage actions can aggravate the course of the disease.

This option is always available and can be performed at any time, not only to treat foot deformities, but to relieve general muscle fatigue. Self-massage can be effectively combined with water procedures, therapeutic exercises, paraffin and mud applications, body wraps.

Features of children's foot massage

Massage for flat feet in children must be done with caution, delicately, without causing pain to the child. Perform all basic manipulations in the position - lying on your back, at the end, the baby turns over on his stomach and the foot massage continues.

The therapeutic procedure for the legs is divided into 2 parts - a general massage before a gymnastics lesson, and a restorative one, for 5 minutes. Close attention is paid to the calf muscles, the Achilles tendon, the outer side of the lower leg.

Foot massagers

Self-massage can be performed using special foot massagers for flat feet:

  • For manual use - wheels with spikes, the pumping of which provides stimulation of reflex points;
  • Electric devices for self-massage of the skin of the legs;
  • Hydro massagers - effective elimination of symptoms of flat feet (fatigue, pain in the legs, swelling, hypertonicity), such a massage has a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, excellent prevention of problems with the lower extremities.

In combination with a foot massage, a tonic warming bath, contrast dousing of the feet, and cleansing procedures using pumice to remove rough skin are necessarily performed. Aromatherapy enhances the effect of massage.


Positive results are achieved by active and regular exercises. It is important to practice foot massage before going to bed, combining it with therapeutic exercises, thermal procedures.

Flat feet change the classical constitution of the foot, and if left untreated, it leads to violations of the entire locomotor apparatus. Take care of your feet and be healthy!

Flat feet - flattening of the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot. The occurrence of this problem is characteristic of childhood. The process of flattening of the foot can begin as early as 2-3 years of age, and by 7-8 years of age, untreated flat feet are likely to remain for life. There is congenital flat feet, but less often. Many people live with this, they just want to follow some rules in connection with their problem. Over the past 30 years, this problem has become more acute. People began to move less, wear beautiful, but not always the right shoes.

When to diagnose?

The sooner the better for treatment. It is very important not to miss in childhood, at the age of 2-5 years. During these years, it is necessary to especially monitor the arch of the foot, and this is also the time when orthopedic problems with the legs most often appear. An orthopedic doctor deals with the diagnosis of flat feet, and he should also be observed with this problem.

Risk factors for the development of flat feet in children:

  • Children with reduced overall muscle tone are especially susceptible to the development of flat feet.
  • Leg injuries with subsequent plastering are also very dangerous, because. the muscles in the cast are immobilized and gradually flabby, even after removing the cast or splint, it takes time to recover, and all this time the bone skeleton grows.
  • Wrong shoes.
  • Overweight against the background of reduced tone.
  • Heredity.

Flat feet in children treatment.

I must say, this is a very difficult task, long and tiring for children. It is necessary to treat it comprehensively, shoes, physiotherapy exercises (LFK), massage. One massage mat is not enough, only time can be lost. Treatment is effective up to 7-8 years. The most important thing in treatment is to create and hold the muscle corset of the foot and lower leg during the most active growth of the leg bones. Strong muscles and ligaments tighten their attachment points, the bones become in the right direction and grow. Like a tree, while small, you can set the direction of growth for it, but when it grows, you can’t straighten it out. It is necessary to treat flat feet in children at 2-3 years old, and not at 10 years old.

In adults with flat feet, the muscles of the sole and some of the muscles of the lower leg are stretched. Even if with the help of exercises the necessary tone / strength is achieved, the bones of the foot still do not grow, and the point of no return has already been passed. Therefore, it is necessary to treat flat feet in children on time. In fact, we simply create the necessary conditions for the body, and it does the rest itself.

The role of footwear in the treatment of children's flat feet.

Children's orthopedic shoes play the role of a foot fixator in the correct position, but there is one significant point, the muscles do not work much in shoes. You should not rely only on shoes and wear them all the time, muscles and ligaments should receive a load. Wearing orthopedic shoes should be dosed, about 25-30% of the daytime you need to be without it. Orthopedic shoes for the treatment of flat feet should have a high back, above the ankle joint, arch support and a small heel. In the case of flat feet, an arch support with a heel is important, and a back is needed if there is a valgus, flat feet are often combined with heel valgus.

Prices for children's massage in Moscow:

  • Newborns and children under 3 years old cost 1,500 rubles per session
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old cost 1,600 rubles per session
  • Children from 7 to 15 years old cost 1,700 rubles per session

Massage is carried out in combination with therapeutic or restorative gymnastics. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes.

Departure of a children's masseur within the Moscow Ring Road is free!


8-499-394-17-11 or 8-926-605-74-70

From 9.00 to 21.00 daily.

Massage for flat feet in children.

Massage with flat feet is correct to start from the lumbar back, and more precisely from the lumbar and sacral spine. Nerves from the lumbar spinal cord descend to the muscles of the lower extremities for their innervation, so you must first reflexively act on the neuromuscular apparatus, and then directly on the muscles. Next, the thighs, legs and feet are massaged. Massage toning. You can do courses of 15-20 procedures with a break of 1.5-2 months.

Exercises for flat feet.

There are many exercises, all aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments. It is advisable to do gymnastics with flat feet 2-3 times a day, daily, without interruptions, unlike massage.


1. A child sitting on the floor stretches his toes to the floor, straight, together.

2. The position is the same, the feet are turned with the soles towards each other, the foot is perpendicular to the floor.

3. The position of the child sitting on the floor with his hands resting on the floor behind his back, legs bent at the knees so that the feet are on the floor, in this position we raise and lower the heels and the toe on the floor.

4. Standing, rise on toes, on the side, legs together.

5. Walking on toes, on barrels, on heels.

6. Standing on toes, turn the heels to the sides, together.

7. Sitting, the feet are on the floor, alternately tighten the diaper with the toes of the right-left, we rake (collect) under the foot.

8. Take small objects (pencils, balls, rubber bands) from the floor with your fingers and put them in a container.

It is advisable to massage children with flat feet before exercise.

What else?

In order to effectively treat flat feet in children, it is necessary to strengthen the child's body in general and the muscles of the body and immunity. Often ill children are usually weakened, and this is a big hindrance in strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

The impact of flat feet on the life of a child and an adult.

The arches of the feet for a person are like springs for a car, they provide springing of the entire body weight when walking, and also, when a person is walking or standing still, the foot is like a stand for stability.

Children with flat feet are unstable, cannot stand on one leg without support, and complain of leg fatigue. In general, various problems may arise along the chain over time. One violation leads to another.

In adults, due to flat feet, there may be problems with the joints of the legs and the spine, because there is no depreciation and vibration when walking is not damped, but is transmitted directly to the joints.

Frequently Asked Parents:

Does flat feet get better at all?

In most cases, it is corrected, but it is worth starting to deal with it as early as possible. And also remember that the best treatment is prevention. The child must be strong, and the phrase “I don’t have athletic children” is often an excuse. If you do not know how to deal with the child yourself, hire a professional.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment of flat feet can take from one to several years. In children, it is important to cure it before 7-8 years. Treatment lasts almost constantly. Massage courses, gymnastics every day, shoes most of the day. It is important that there are no gaps in treatment, like, for a month or two, they relaxed, then continued.

How much does a massage with gymnastics cost for flat feet for children?

Prices can be specified on the page with prices or by calling us by phone 84993941711, 89266057470, or by writing to us [email protected]

Where do children get massage for flat feet?

We go to the house in Moscow in all areas. We do at home.

What does a session consist of?

General massage with an emphasis on the legs (feet, shins) and exercises to correct flat feet.

What are the qualifications of the specialists?

All our children's masseurs have professional medical training in this specialty. If you need a professional baby massage for flat feet for a child, call us, we will select an experienced specialist for you. You can also see reviews of children's masseurs on our website.

All fascia, ligaments, muscles of the foot must function in conjunction with the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. If there is a flattening of the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot, which provide the properties of its depreciation, flat feet appear. If, when the first symptoms appear, traditional treatment is started, the results will not be long in coming. This is especially true for children. Massage for flat feet in a child is an important part of therapy, has its own technique and specifics.

Functioning and significance of muscles in the development of flat feet

The foot normally contains a large number of small bones that are interconnected with the help of joints and ligaments. Muscles and tendons are responsible for their movement. When the leg moves, the muscles become either longer or shorter, as a result of which its shape changes. Foot massage should be scheduled in a timely manner.

The totality of the muscles of the foot can be divided into two groups.

  • Those that are on the sole, and the muscles of the back side: they are important in mixing / breeding, flexion / extension of the fingers.
  • The muscles of the sole are subdivided into the muscles that elevate the little finger, and the muscles that elevate the middle group of muscles and the thumb. The latter are much weaker than the plantar ones.

Also in the functioning of the foot, the anterior and posterior tibial muscles of the lower leg are of great importance. The condition in which they are determined by the smoothness, lightness and stability of the gait.

Massage for flat feet in a child is used quite often.

Foot development in children

Up to a certain age, the foot in children looks flat, since its plantar part in a baby, compared to an adult, is wider and shorter. The heel of the child looks small, and the fingers diverge like a fan. The plantar part contains a layer of fat that smoothes the arches of the foot. Such a structure of the foot and the omission of the arches affect the fact that a child up to about three or four years old quickly gets tired while walking. Later, the legs take on a normal shape. One of the reasons for the appearance of flat feet can be muscle weakness due to injuries, paresis, paralysis, various diseases suffered by the child, as well as high physical exertion on the sole. One of the stages of complex traditional therapy is foot massage, which has a positive effect if used in conjunction with the wearing of special shoes and insoles, with therapeutic exercises.

What happens with flat feet

When flat feet develop, the ability of the foot to resist loads decreases very much, the muscles of the legs and feet get overstrained, the baby's legs get tired too quickly. According to experts, massage in this case is a mandatory procedure. If the parents did not notice the alarm signals in time, then in the future the child may show deviations in the general development during the development of jumping, running, stereotypical walking. Because of the rapidly advancing fatigue and pain, he will not be able to play on a par with his peers.

In pediatrics, massage for flat feet in a child is usually combined with a firming body massage. Many experts believe that foot massage alone is not an effective procedure, since the muscles of the lower extremities are controlled by nerves that begin in the spinal cord (lumbar region), and therefore each such massage should begin from the lower back.

Rules for baby massage

In the presence of flat feet, massage in children is determined by the following basic rules:

  • first you need to use the simplest techniques, and then gradually move on to complex ones;
  • all manipulations should be carried out very carefully, when the child cries or cries, immediately stop, since the reason may be the lack of experience of the medical worker or careless movement;
  • manipulations are carried out only in a supine position, so that there is no load on the baby's musculoskeletal system; his ligaments and joints are not yet fully developed, and sharp shocks can cause injuries to the skeletal system.

Special mention deserves a massage for flat-valgus (varus) deformity, in which the developing flat feet is accompanied by a collapse inside the feet or outward deviation of the heels. In this case, not only the feet are deformed, but also the femoral, knee, ankle joints. Foot massage for flat feet in children should be carried out very carefully so that the child does not experience discomfort.

Massage technique

The child must be placed on the stomach and then carefully turned over on the back. The massage begins from the thigh, then gradually falls lower, the shin is well massaged, and then the foot itself.

For the treatment of children's flat feet with massage, there are several methods: kneading, rubbing, stroking, light vibration movements carried out by a special massager.

Special attention

In the massage procedure for longitudinal flat feet in children, it is important to pay special attention to the back and front surfaces of the lower leg, as well as directly to the foot. Rubbing the muscles and pressing a little on them, you need to try to slightly move the muscles of the foot. Various effects on stretched ligaments and muscles relieve their tension, bring their functioning back to normal.

How to massage a child with flat feet, you can check with your doctor.


The massage session should last about ten to fifteen minutes. Experts advise to carry out these procedures every other day for a month. If at the same time physical therapy exercises are performed, the effect will be achieved faster. Such an integrated approach will not only correct flat feet, but also have a beneficial effect on metabolism and strengthen the growing body.

In the presence of flat feet, the emphasis is on the transverse, external and internal arches of the foot. All manipulations should be carried out from the fingers to the heel and then to the ankle. There are massage lessons for flat feet in a child.

Important Points

The important components of the procedure are as follows:

  • muscle relaxation - stroking and fixing the foot with one hand;
  • sole massage - done with an emphasis on kneading the muscles at the beginning of the thumb and along the inner edge (the main stage of the session);
  • foot plastic surgery - giving the correct shape to the ankle during the procedure, deepening its arch, fixing the foot five or six times; in this position, the foot must be held for fifteen seconds;
  • toning points - pressure on the points of the outer and inner surfaces of the feet, along the ankle joint.

When performing a massage, the child's leg should be bent at the knee and then rub the back of the foot and the sole in the direction from the toes to the ankle for twenty seconds. Then lower the little finger with the right hand, raise the ring finger with the left, and then vice versa. Such manipulations on each toe are carried out six times. Then, with the help of strokes, the foot is massaged in the direction from the toe to the heel for thirty seconds. You need to hold the heel with your left hand, and lower and raise all the fingers at once five or six times with your right hand. Then for thirty seconds with both hands you need to rub and knead the bases of the toes and heels.

Brushes need to clasp the right leg in the ankle area and stroke to the knee. You need to repeat the procedure ten times, then the same amount of kneading in this direction and again stroking. Similar manipulations are carried out with the left leg. Then at least ten times in the direction from the knee to the groin, the thigh is massaged. The end of the massage procedure is stroking the legs from the foot to the groin. Each leg must be massaged with both hands: first with the left, then with the right (ten times each).

In addition, passive movements, which are made by the child himself, can be added to the main composition of the massage for valgus flat feet in children. He should not strain the limbs during movements. When they are performed in the joints, care must be taken to ensure that the leg is relaxed to the maximum. When working with joints, the massage therapist must pay close attention to their anatomy. Classes with a child on a special rug that strengthens muscles will also be beneficial. Together with a massage for flat feet in a child, additional procedures will produce the desired effect.

Flat feet is a problem that requires an integrated approach. The rate of progression of the pathology, the development of complications from the musculoskeletal system depends on the correct choice of medical procedures, their regular and consistent use. Physiotherapy exercises and massage are necessarily applied at all degrees of deformation.

Foot massage for flat feet is one of the necessary therapeutic effects. With regular practice, massage procedures not only lead to relief of the patient's condition, but also help to fully or partially restore foot function, reduce the risk of deformity complications, and improve the prognosis for pathology.

Positive effects that can be achieved with flat feet with massage:

  • strengthening the muscles of the foot;
  • the formation of the correct arches;
  • reduction of muscle fatigue;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • improvement of the depreciation function of the foot;
  • increasing the tone of weakened muscles along with the removal of spasms in tense muscle structures;
  • improvement of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the leg and foot area.

Massage technique

To perform a massage, the patient is offered to lie down in one of the following positions:

The stages of massage for flat feet are determined by the characteristics of changes in the muscles of the feet and legs. The flattening of the vaults leads to a deterioration in the depreciation properties, while some muscles develop functional insufficiency, while other muscle groups are forced to take on an unusual load.

Therefore, massage has two main goals:

  • relaxation of tense muscles - for this, massaging begins with sedative massage techniques;
  • a tonic effect on weak stretched leg muscles - for this purpose, at the second stage, they are affected by kneading and vibration.
With flat feet, foot massage is recommended in a certain sequence:
  • start with stroking techniques, heading from the feet to the groin;
  • then massage the back surface of the lower leg;
  • go to the front of the leg;
  • massage the inner and outer sections;
  • knead the area of ​​​​the ankle joint;
  • start massaging the plantar surface.

An experienced specialist will select a massage technique suitable for a particular situation. In particular, if it is expedient, massage techniques alternate with therapeutic exercises of a reflex nature.

Massage techniques for flat feet

Massage for flat feet in adults has its own characteristics. When flattening the arches of the foot, not only the sequence of massage is important, but also the technique used at one stage or another. Stroking at the beginning of the session is carried out on the front and back surfaces of the limbs. The anterior region of the knee is not massaged, the patella is bypassed from below each time.

Lower leg massage is carried out in the direction from the bottom up, using different types of techniques:

  • stroking options - comb-shaped, longitudinal;
  • varieties of squeezing - longitudinal, girth;
  • kneading - usual, tongs, with the help of finger phalanges;
  • rubbing - with the edge of the brush along the front of the lower leg;
  • percussion techniques of low intensity - chopping, tapping.

The ankle joint is massaged by rubbing and circular stroking. Rubbing should be done carefully so as not to increase the looseness of the joint. Massage is supplemented with passive movements: plantar flexion, turning inward, smooth circular movements of the foot. It is not allowed to perform pronation (deflection) of the foot, since this technique can aggravate the pathology of the ligamentous apparatus.

The next step is directly foot massage. When manipulating the soles, the patient should lie on his stomach. The angle of flexion at the knee is 45°.

On the foot, the following techniques are used:

  • stroking with the back of the hand, comb-like;
  • squeezing - transverse;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • tapping with fingers.

The direction of movement is from the toes to the heel. Reflex techniques on the sole are performed by pressing on the skin at the base of the fingers. The result of the exercise will be the flexion of the toes. Movement along the outer surface of the foot from the toes towards the heel causes an extension reflex. Exercises are repeated three times for each foot.

The massage lasts 15 minutes. To obtain the effect, it is necessary to carry out several procedures with a frequency every other day or daily. The optimal number is 10-15 sessions per course.


Video - Massage for flat feet

Features of massage for children's flat feet

In children, flat feet are considered a physiological phenomenon. Massaging the child's leg is useful for preventing pathology and accelerating the formation of arches. Massage for infants and at an early age should be carried out with special tenderness. Movement should be light and careful. The most effective massage for preschool children. Procedures are combined with physiotherapy exercises. With flat feet, massage is prescribed before and after gymnastics.

The use of massage tracks for massaging the legs is recommended. While walking on an uneven surface, the child involuntarily tightens his fingers. The weight of the body is transferred to the outer edges of the feet. As a result, the formation of the arches of the foot is accelerated, and they are strengthened. A massager or massage mat for flat feet can also provide similar therapeutic effects. Positive results are achieved by active and regular exercises. Therefore, it is best to make small physical exercises habitual, as well as practice baby foot massage before night and daytime sleep.

Self-massage for flat feet

Most often, it is not possible to regularly visit a massage room, in which case the procedure can be replaced with self-massage. Choosing the right technique and using it for a long time gives good results. At the beginning of the procedure, you need to take the starting position. With flat feet, in addition to the feet, you need to massage the legs and thighs, for this, with the massaged foot, you need to lean on a stand or a small chair with a height of about 25 cm. When massaging the sole, the foot is placed on the knee.

Self-massage exercises:

  • With one hand, the little finger is pulled up, and with the other, the adjacent finger is simultaneously lowered, with the next action, the direction of the movements of the toes is reversed. Repeat the exercise for all fingers 10 times.
  • Holding the heel area with the hand, the second is moved alternately down and up the toes. Repeat 10 times.
  • The foot is stroked for a minute, slowly moving from the toes to the heel region.
  • With two hands, rub the toes at the base for half a minute, after which they move to the heels.
  • Intensively rub the lower leg and sole for 30 seconds.
  • They place their palms at the level of the ankles, after which they intensively and quickly rub the leg towards the knee. Repeat these steps about 10 times.
  • Place the palms on the knee area, and then move along the thigh with rubbing movements.

Having completed the massage techniques on one limb, proceed to massaging the second leg.

Self-massage has both advantages and disadvantages:

  • This massage option is always available and can be performed as needed.
  • A person massaging himself, according to his feelings, can change the intensity of the impact.
  • This type of procedure can be used after exercise to relieve muscle fatigue.
  • Self-massage can be combined with water procedures, therapeutic exercises, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of the sessions.

At the same time, massage requires effort and tension of some muscles, so general overwork makes the procedure undesirable. With flat feet, incorrect performance of massage techniques can aggravate the pathology. Therefore, before using the technique independently, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Self-massage with flat feet can be carried out using special devices, such as rugs, massagers, and massage balls. There are many types of foot massagers for flat feet. Among them, there are two main groups: mechanical and electric massagers.

To choose the best option for a particular situation, it is better to consult an orthopedist.

Contraindications for massage

For some health problems, you should not use any massage options. In case of local injuries or diseases, it is recommended to refrain from massaging the legs or feet until the symptoms of the pathology are eliminated.

There are the following contraindications to massage:

Very often, small children during a long walk begin to act up and ask to be held. For such fatigue of the baby's legs, there can be a serious reason - developing flat feet. In fact, almost all children are affected by it. The statistics of leading pediatricians show that it is recognized as the most common childhood disease of the musculoskeletal system. Up to 5-6 years, it is practically impossible to diagnose a deformity of the arch of the foot in a child due to the fact that the notch of the foot in babies, mainly up to a year old, is filled with adipose tissue, which makes it difficult to recognize flat feet. Massage for flat feet in children can help solve the problem with prevention.

Clinical practice considers flat feet to be a straightened longitudinal arch of the foot, due to which the load on its inner edge is noticeably increased. This anomaly is formed as a result of injuries, increased physical activity on the legs, muscle weakness, or as a result of rickets. True flat feet, in which the appearance of the foot is changed, is very rare in babies, usually doctors talk about a flat-valgus change in the feet.

The reason for this situation is the softness of children's bones, which are easily stretched and deformed. At the same time, the ability of the foot to counteract the load is significantly reduced, the muscles of the feet and legs are overstrained, and the child's legs become tired.

The structure of a normal foot contains many small bones that connect the ligaments and joints, and the coordinated movement of all links is provided by tendons and muscles. The disease occurs if the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot becomes flat, providing cushioning. When the foot is deformed, specific muscles and ligaments are stretched or contracted, their excitation is reduced, they act incorrectly due to the incredible position of the foot. To return them to normal functioning, you need a massage, which is the most common solution to the issue.

Causes of flat feet

Congenital flat feet in our days can be found sporadically. This deviation usually develops under the influence of environmental factors and many other features. In the first place in terms of frequency of reasons is the use of shoes that do not fit. The formation of a child's foot should take place in natural conditions, so orthopedists recommend that children wear the right shoes of the right size with a firm heel and a heel not exceeding 0.5 cm.

The cause of the disease can also serve as a hereditary predisposition. Children whose parents had the same problems should be checked regularly by an orthopedist. Babies who are overweight are also at risk of this disease due to a serious load on the foot. Various foot injuries and diseases (rickets, polio) increase the likelihood of flat feet.

Diagnosis of flat feet

Foot massage for flat feet in children is considered a necessity. In older preschool age, flat feet are expressed by pain in the process of walking and standing still for a long time. A hint for diagnosis may be the condition of the shoe - a worn tread on the inside of the sole.

The main symptoms of beginning flat feet:

  • pain in the foot area;
  • morning swelling of the legs;
  • the occurrence of cramps in the calves;
  • inability to maintain balance in the process of squatting;
  • shoes that have become small;
  • a radical change in gait;
  • violation of posture;
  • development of the lateral bone.

The doctor for diagnosis has his own methods:

  • plantography - an imprint on paper of the contour of the foot using a specific paint;
  • podometry - measurement of all the main values ​​​​of the foot to compare them with normative indicators, even a microscopic deviation from which indicates the development of the disease;
  • electromyography - the latest research using modern technologies;
  • X-ray is the most common method for determining flat feet, which gives an idea of ​​the degree of damage to the foot.

The seriousness of the disease lies in the complications: impaired depreciation of the foot, increased articular and muscle tension. Incorrectly distributed load becomes an additional burden on the spine, which can cause problems for the whole body. Increasing the load on the lower part of the spine increases the risk of a herniated disc. In toddlers, fatigue can affect mental and emotional well-being.

Tasks of massage for flat feet

How to do a foot massage with flat feet for a child? Parents can learn this on their own. Pediatricians recommend performing a foot massage simultaneously with a general massaging of the whole body. Since the muscles of the lower extremities are controlled by nerves located in the lumbar part of the spine, therefore, massaging the limbs should begin with this department. Foot massage for flat feet in children should be energetic and carried out symmetrically in the position of the child, lying on his stomach with a medium-sized roller placed under the ankle.

Competently and systematically carried out procedure has a positive effect on the well-being of the baby:

  • relieves pain in the legs;
  • reduces muscle fatigue;
  • enhances the supply of tissues with blood;
  • regenerates the impeccable activity of the feet.

This ailment has a negative effect on the entire body of the baby, which is why it is recommended to massage not only the foot, but all the muscles of the legs, buttocks and lower back.

It is important to carry out the procedure regularly. For infants with congenital deformity, massage is an exceptional means of getting rid of the disease. In order to avoid painful sensations, it is recommended to combine massaging with inert gymnastics, starting from the age of one and a half months.

Regular children's massage with flat feet can remove soreness and swelling, can stop the deformity of the feet. Timely initiated procedures, as well as the use of physiotherapy exercises and special orthopedic shoes, contribute to the correction of the feet. Muscle fatigue, pain syndrome are removed, the natural blood supply to the legs is restored.

Procedure procedure

Foot massage for flat feet in children is a holistic treatment course. The recommended duration of the procedures is approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Moreover, experts advise starting a massage by rubbing the lower back, where the nerve endings responsible for the activity of the limbs are concentrated. Preliminary massaging of the lower back fragment, as well as the hips and buttocks, will increase the impact on the legs. There are various complexes of massage techniques, the choice of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of the disease.

Most of the massage of the legs, feet and Achilles tendon is carried out in a position when the baby is lying on his back. In a child lying on the tummy, the calf muscle and soles are massaged using a whole range of techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration and tapping, and with pressure on the foot, sufficient effort is allowed.

At the 1st stage, massaging the lumbar and buttocks, the child is placed on the tummy and stroking is carried out from the buttocks to the sacrum in the direction from the bottom up. Then they move on to rubbing, which is performed using the sides of the palm. The lumbar region is treated until a slight redness appears. Then stroking is carried out again. In the process of any type of massage, each of the alternating techniques ends with stroking. There is no need to knead the buttocks and lower back, therefore, immediately after rubbing, they switch to vibration. The session ends, naturally, with stroking.

At the 2nd stage, when massaging the calves, they begin with stroking the upper part of the legs from the ankle to the buttocks, then rub them to a slight redness, preparing the ankle muscles for the following techniques. Kneading should be done carefully so as not to cause discomfort and pain in the child. If you press too hard, you can provoke convulsions in the baby. After the next stroking, the last reception is performed. To carry out felting, the calf muscle is captured in the palm and oscillatory manipulations are performed with it, without breaking away from the point of contact. Finish massaging with strokes.

The last, stage 3, which includes massage of the foot itself, is the most serious procedure, not only relieving fatigue and relieving pain, but also giving the baby's foot an impeccable look. First, relieve the tension of the ligaments and muscles. As a result of stroking, the foot should be completely relaxed, holding it with the other hand. Then the massage therapist performs manipulations with the foot without any effort. With the help of this technique, shortening of the ligaments and muscles is achieved. The massage therapist should give the correct shape to the foot with the thumb, and hold it in this position for at least 15 seconds. The session ends with stimulation of active points located on the inside of the foot near the base of the big toe.

Massage with a flat-valgus foot in children will bring a greater effect if it is combined with manual therapy, physiotherapy exercises, work with special simulators and exercises on an orthopedic rug.

Parents themselves can help their child by learning how to massage the legs and perform special exercises with them for flat feet. An accurate diagnosis must be made by a doctor who will adjust the treatment. As a result of a correctly and regularly performed massage, the elastic properties of the foot and all its general functions are restored. During the session, not only the foot itself is processed, but also the entire surface of the limb, which needs to be relaxed with this deviation.

Karina is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

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