Fortune telling for sale. Conspiracies for the sale of an apartment

Conspiracies and rituals for the sale of an apartment

Almost every one of us at least once in his life is faced with the question of "how to sell an apartment or house." Numerous new buildings beckon with the dream of expanding their housing, acquiring something new, bright and spacious, so that everyone in the house can find their own corner. Before that, of course, it is necessary to sell the old housing. Someone seeks to enlist the help of a professional realtor, someone tries to carry out all the necessary actions on their own. Regardless of this, we will tell you a few small
secrets that were known to our grandparents and which have not lost their relevance in our time. These are rituals and conspiracies for the sale of an apartment, it is about them that we will talk.

What are conspiracies for the sale of an apartment?

As in other cases described on our website, the operation of a conspiracy to sell an apartment can be based on turning to elemental forces, using items prepared during the corresponding ceremony, and even referring to the brownie as a creature that lives in your house. and can also be considered its tenant. Consider all the options in order.

Conspiracy for the successful sale of an apartment or house

This ritual should be performed on Wednesday or Thursday at sunrise, always with the growing moon. (In general, all positive and constructive conspiracies are carried out only with a young moon.) First, read the Our Father prayer 12 times, then the words of the conspiracy:

  • “Thresholds are golden, mothers are yakhon, windows are silver, floors are malachite, walls are diamond.
  • Admire the house, but do not bargain, no matter where you go, you will not find it better. Amen"


The question often arises: are conspiracies for the sale of an apartment suitable for selling a house, cottage or room? - The thing is that at the time when all these conspiracies were created, most lived in houses. Small, big, it doesn't matter. The very concept of an apartment became widespread only with the beginning of the development of an urban lifestyle, 100-200 years ago. Therefore, now it is possible to use a plot to sell an apartment without any problems, even if it is the house that is mentioned in the text. Change existing text
worth it, read it straight as it is. The experience of many people who have applied these little secrets to real estate sales shows that everything works great anyway.

Conspiracy to urgently sell an apartment

This method already provides for an appeal to the brownie, his direct participation. When you urgently need to sell an apartment, read this plot. You should wash the floor, carefully collecting all the dust and dirt, even in hard-to-reach places and far corners behind the furniture. Then, over a bucket of already dirty water, you should read the words of the following conspiracy three times:

  • four corners,
  • my domina and brownie,
  • I renounce you
  • from doors, locks,
  • from the four corners and the brownie.
  • Who will bring me money for you,
  • he will take you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then the bucket should be poured on the road. Pay special attention, no one should catch you during this procedure and should not talk to you. If this does happen, don't fret. Repeat the ritual the next day.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment with grains

In order to quickly and profitably sell an apartment, take grains so that it is enough to put in every corner. On Wednesday at dawn, with the growing moon, put a grain in each corner of the apartment and read over each the words of the following conspiracy:

  • “Golden grains, lie in the corners,
  • Keep happiness in the house.
  • When a rich merchant comes, you call him,
  • how wonderful and comfortable here tell me,
  • tempt with sweet life.
  • So that he decides to stay here forever,
  • and part with your money.

Let them lie until the successful sale of the apartment. After the deal, as you start moving, collect all the grains and take them somewhere to a remote place (to the forest, to nature). There, just plant them in the ground and thank them for their help.

Another conspiracy for the sale of housing

This conspiracy to sell an apartment will require a small ritual. Take the key to the front door, a new pot of water. Boil the key and drain the water into a clean bowl. It is better to do this before sunrise. Then, as soon as the water has cooled, read over it the words of the following conspiracy to sell a home:

  • “How can a people live without an iron key and a lock,
  • so they can't live without it. Amen"

Before meeting with a potential buyer of an apartment, wipe your hands with this water.

We hope that the conspiracies and rituals for the sale of an apartment given here will help you quickly find a buyer. When you solve your housing problem, you will certainly find it useful when buying an apartment and other interesting materials that we have prepared for you on our website.

We would sincerely appreciate if you leave your feedback and comments.

The familiar situation is when it takes time to sell something, you have to wait an indefinite period. When it comes to such a large-scale event as the sale of an apartment, the wait can be even longer. Sometimes apartment owners cannot remain in the dark when money is needed literally today, but there are still no buyers.

In such a situation, magic will come to the rescue with strong conspiracies to attract those customers who come to you with an offer to buy an apartment.

Water plot for the sale of an apartment

For a successful sale, the apartment must be kept clean at all times, special attention must be paid to sparkling windows, they must be washed to a shine, it is also necessary to get rid of cobwebs.

You need to get a bucket of spring water and put it in a dark corner in the apartment.

Then they take a clean rag, if possible remove all rugs and carpets and thoroughly wash the entire floor surface, including hard-to-reach corners, while saying:

“How long I lived in this house, everything was fine, now it's time to leave. My house, let me go, I renounce you, I'm leaving. Whoever pays me the money first will live here. Amen".

Water must be poured out not in the house, but taken out into the street, and the rag is also thrown away. If necessary, the ritual is repeated.

Helping a brownie to sell an apartment

Much in the sale of houses and apartments, especially those where the same owners have lived for decades, also depends on the brownie. He becomes attached to his owners and is known for his dislike of new people. The brownie may well interfere with the sale of the house, invisibly creating a negative aura for incoming buyers.

To do this, prepare porridge in the evening, spread the first portion on a saucer for the brownie and put it in the darkest far corner, while saying:

“Domovoy, I thank you for your good service, just as you didn’t offend us, don’t offend the new owners, accept them, but don’t frighten us in vain. We will remember you with a kind word, the owner of our home. Amen".

After the brownie, you need to bow at the exit without looking back, until the morning the porridge is not removed.

Ritual with a pin and salt to quickly sell an apartment

A great way to sell an apartment in a short time is to make a plot with a pin, you need to purchase a new item, you will also need half a glass of salt, sugar and rice. A homogeneous mixture is made from bulk material and poured into a tall vessel, a pin is stuck in the center and whispered:

“For happy and prosperous days, I want to sell the house, I will have a new home better than the old one, and more beautiful. My house, do not hold me, let me go in peace, you will be good hosts. Amen".

They do the ceremony on the waning moon, the vessel is removed behind the closet next to the front door where buyers will walk past and hold until the transaction is completed and finances are received, and then you need to bury the mixture with a pin in a vacant lot in order to enter a good apartment yourself.

Conspiracies for apples for the sale of an apartment

An effective rite is considered a conspiracy for apples; some realtors resort to it. It is necessary to buy 10 of the largest and most attractive red apples on the waning moon, they are laid out in a wide plate and the following conspiracy is read over them:

“Dear buyers, take a look at these beautiful apples, which are as beautiful as the apartment, as apples attract the eye, so you will like my apartment, it will seem clean and comfortable, and the windows are spacious. As soon as you taste the apple, you can buy a house without bargaining, give as much as I ask for it. Amen".

It is advisable to carry out the ritual the day before the arrival of one of the buyers. When talking with him, you need to try to treat him with an apple so that he can taste it right in the apartment, or take it with him.

Apples should not be eaten by yourself or treated to friends. If the apartment is sold, but the apples are left, they are taken to the church or treated to passers-by.

Video: Magic conspiracy to sell real estate

From time immemorial, people have been striving to possess the desired home, in which they will feel comfortable and cozy. Of course, buying an apartment becomes the most important event in the life of any family. And today is the most emotional investment. In search of what they want, people take various actions, renting, moving, buying and selling such objects. Such large purchases (sales) are made by a person quite rarely throughout life, which leave their mark on a serious approach to the decision.

The time for making such decisions, according to market experts, is about two months. Weighing all the pros and cons, a person will not always be able to take into account the nuances that he may not even be aware of. And here advice from Tarot cards can come to his aid, showing the pros and cons, timeliness and hidden factors of the present and future.

In what situations can you use Real Estate Tarot spreads?

The Tarot real estate layout is recommended to be used when a person doubts the correctness of his choice and cannot stop at the proposed options in the event of a purchase, exchange, sale or lease. What are the possibilities for the implementation of plans, where are the points of tension.

He may also be concerned about the condition of his home. It is extremely important to know where we live. The energy background of the apartment (house) itself, the environment, the environmental friendliness of the area, the friendliness of the neighbors, or, on the contrary, tense relationships have a very strong effect on our emotional plane. And, as a result, throughout our lives as a whole.

The layouts are useful for people who find themselves in a difficult situation at one of the crossroads of their lives. The Tarot gives a clear and direct answer in which direction it is preferable to move on, when it is time to start and how long this path will be.

The positions of the alignment will show whether the transaction will be successful, and indicate errors in behavior: is there any cunning and deceit in such transactions. This may indicate hidden defects (eliminating them, you can lose a lot of money), problems with documents and the legal cleanliness of the object.

The layout on the Tarot cards can indicate what kind of income you should count on (your own or others), whether it will be borrowed funds, and in what amounts. What difficulties may arise in the future with a mortgage or payment. Sometimes people run after elite housing, investing to the last penny, and then unexpected events come up that knock the ground out from under their feet, driving them into financial dependence - and a person has to assign rights, or urgently sell it. It is much easier to pass through an obstacle knowing about it.

Real estate tarot spread

This layout is convenient to use to determine the potential of real estate. Her condition, inventory condition. Whether it requires repair or cardinal structural changes.

The alignment is done on a full deck. 8 positions are laid out on one card. Pay attention when the Major Arcana cards fall out. They will point out the most significant points in the layout, which you need to pay special attention to.

The meaning of card positions

  1. The attitude of the questioner to the apartment, house, housing
  2. The condition of the house (housing) in material terms
  3. The need for repair, modernization
  4. The condition of the inventory (furniture, plumbing, wiring) in the house
  5. Structural changes in the home (material, or changes in family composition)
  6. Possibility or need to move
  7. Unexpected changes
  8. Implementation of planned changes

Layout scheme

From the book "Layouts and the experience of interpreting the Tarot." Alicia Shkhanovskaya, Klyuev's interpretation.

Tarot layout "Purchase" for the purchase of real estate

The Tarot layout "Purchase" is used in cases where they plan to purchase real estate and want to know what condition it is in, whether the price is adequate, whether this transaction will take place at all.

The alignment is done on a full deck. Card positions consist of 9 blocks. Lay out one card at a time. You can slightly modify this moment by laying out only the Major Arcana, and then, for clarification, report 2 cards each with the Minor Arcana. Thus, you will get a more detailed picture.

Each block contains a specific set of questions. They can be set in the variant in which they suit the querent.

Layout scheme

The meaning of card positions

  1. Block (terms of search and purchase). Will I be able to find the right property within the given timeframe (whether the moment for buying is well chosen)
  2. Block (property condition). What condition is the property in (physical and energy state of the property). Real estate through the eyes of the buyer and seller. Does the property require an investment of money in terms of repairs now or in the future
  3. Block (cost). Does the value of real estate correspond to its price (area, condition, location and other factors). Is there a good bargain. Will I be able to cope with the payment on my own, or do I need a loan and outside help. Will additional investment be required?
  4. Block (help from third parties). How the buyer and the seller will be able to reach each other (through an ad, an intermediary, a realtor). And will he need help?
  5. Block (unforeseen problems, deceit). Is there any fraud on the part of the realtor or the seller. Financial cleanliness of real estate. What can be the problem during the purchase process
  6. Block (the impact of the purchase on the buyer in the future). Will I be satisfied with the purchase (will you be happy there, will its energy suit you, neighbors, etc.). How it can affect life (what will it bring new, what will you have to part with)
  7. Block (terms of the deal). Whether the transaction will take place at the agreed time. How long will it take to conclude
  8. Block. Outcome
  9. Block: Board

Author's layout of the Tarot "Sale" for the sale of real estate

The tarot real estate sale spread can show if the moment is right for the sale. Identify possible pitfalls and obstacles, give advice on whether the proposed price is worth the cost, help assess your real ability to cope with it alone - or perhaps you should seek help.

Fortune-telling involves the cards of the Major Arcana. First you need to guess the desired time for the sale of real estate. The significator in this case will be the property itself.

Layout scheme

The meaning of card positions

  1. Relevance of the sale (whether the time is good for this)
  2. What hinders the sale and what you should pay attention to
  3. Is the price set correctly? Is it worth it to make concessions with buyers
  4. Participation of third parties in the sale. How will the sale proceed without outside interference?
  5. What steps need to be taken to expedite the sale
  6. Outcome for the specified period
  7. tarot card board
  • S - Significator (real estate)

The layout of the "Key to the apartment" on the Tarot cards

The following layout is suitable for a situation where, when making a decision to buy an apartment (house), all suitable options have been studied, and you should make a choice (which option is most preferable). Usually, at this stage, men prefer the logic “promptly, profitably, costly”, and women are guided by the emotions “cozy, comfortable, good atmosphere”. And as a result of the intersection of all the nuances, a solution is born

With the help of this layout, you will learn about the physical, energetic state of the property, neighbors, environmental conditions, as well as how this purchase will affect your life.

The alignment is done on a full deck. For each proposed option separately. Then you need to compare the options and choose the most profitable.

The meaning of card positions

  • 1, 2, 3 and 4 - The physical condition of the apartment
  • 5, 6, 7 and 8 - Energy state of the apartment
  • 9, 10, 11, 12 - Neighbors
  • 13, 14, 15 and 16 - Ambient conditions
  • 17, 18, 19 and 20 - What will life in this apartment bring
  • 21 - Council

Layout scheme

The layout is taken from the book “Layouts and the experience of interpreting the Tarot” by A. Klyuev, E. Kolesov, A. Kotelnikova.

Combinations of cards of each position are interpreted as follows:

  • bottom map - soil
  • left vertical card - hidden strengths, reserves or weaknesses
  • right vertical card - openly acting forces or strong side
  • top card - prospects or opportunities

Author's layout of the Tarot "Housing rental"

This alignment is useful when it is necessary to assess the benefits of renting an apartment (office) or renting it out. With it, you can determine how the relationship with the landlord (tenant) will develop, whether any unforeseen surprises await you and how this will affect your financial condition, whether your decision is correct.

The alignment is done on a full deck. As a Council card (pos. 12), you can use another deck. Pay attention to those points in the alignment that the Major Arcana will fall into. They will show the significance of this position. The top row describes the advantages and benefits of the offer (pos. 2,4,6,8,10), the bottom row - difficulties, troubles, losses, disappointment (pos. 3,5,7,9,11).

Layout scheme

The meaning of card positions

  1. Characteristics of the variant (state of the property)
  2. Is this a good option for me (my business). Is it good for me?
  3. What events are expected as a result of renting (leasing) a house (apartment, office)
  4. How suitable is this option for me? (comfort, energy, neighbors)
  5. Unexpected events that may occur (early termination of the contract, increase in rent, theft, flooding, fire)
  6. Implicit benefits of this option
  7. Hidden disadvantages of this option
  8. What will I get as a result and will I be satisfied?
  9. Does the proposed price correspond to the quality (condition) of the premises?
  10. Will there be any changes in income during the rental period?
  11. Will I be able to pay the rent on time (whether the tenant will regularly comply with the contract)
  12. Advice of cards (does it make sense to accept this offer, or is it worth looking for another option)

Fear of the future prevents you from enjoying many things in life. Compare the best scenarios with the worst, trust the cards and use common sense. Clarify the situation and consider those issues that really bother you and need to be addressed. Set priorities and gradually plunge into your investment projects, passing obstacles and feeling confident in yourself.

The whole world is divided into buyers and sellers. And you and I alternately act in one or another role, unless, of course, buying or selling is your main activity, and you do not perform these actions every day. In the case when you need to make a purchase of an expensive item, house, apartment or car and are afraid of making an irreparable mistake, we recommend that you consult a tarologist.

Tarot - a necessary "assistant" when buying expensive goods

Tarot spreads are made for any life situation. The key to these layouts is the significator. In the layouts for love and relationships, the personality of the fortuneteller is the significator. In the scenario for the purchase, it is the object of the purchase.

The meaning of Tarot cards in divination is of extraordinary importance. Their interpretation is a very serious and responsible task, on which a person's future life may depend. Therefore, the one who interprets the meaning must certainly have the necessary life experience and professional training. In the Tarot for the purchase you will find answers to the questions:

  • Do you need this purchase at this time?
  • Perhaps it is worth postponing it until better times?

As you know, when buying real estate, both the seller and the buyer play an important role. Depending on whether their biofields match, the outcome of the transaction may be different. Even if the transaction takes place, and the seller participated in it out of coercion or out of desperation, then this purchase will not bring the buyer proper satisfaction, and the consequences of such a transaction may be the most unexpected.

The meaning of the cards in the deal for the purchase

What Tarot cards reveal cannot be underestimated. After all, it is the meaning of each card that will tell about:

  • whether the purchase will take place at all;
  • what condition is the object of purchase in;
  • whether there are hidden defects in it or any other surprises;
  • Is now the right time to make a purchase?
  • whether this purchase will bring you satisfaction.

Well, if all the questions of the card are answered in the affirmative. But, in life there are many other scenarios, and one or more cards will give an unfavorable answer. It is necessary to understand each situation. You can make a deal for a specific person. If you are not satisfied with the result, fortune-telling can be repeated, but only on another day.


Situations with the purchase and sale of an apartment, cottage or land usually make us pretty worried. Will the deal go through, will it be possible to find a suitable option, what problems will you face, will the seller or buyer be honest? All these questions can bring a person to real stress. But it turns out that all these nuances can be learned in advance with the help of a magic deck of cards. And today we will look at the Tarot real estate layout, which will help you figure out such cases.

In what situations can real estate spreads be used?

Such fortune-telling can be carried out on absolutely any situation, if you are selling, buying or exchanging a country house, apartment, townhouse, plot of land, in a word, you are going to carry out an operation related to real estate. With the help of the Tarot layout for the sale of real estate, for example, you can find out in advance whether the apartment will quickly find its buyer, whether it will be possible to sell it for the desired price, whether potential applicants will refuse the transaction at the last moment.

Fortune-telling for the purchase of real estate will help you evaluate the prospects of the chosen option, find out if there will be any problems in the new place, if the seller is hiding something from you. Also, some layouts can be used if you want to rent a house.

Tarot layout "Real Estate" from Anna Kotelnikova

This Tarot layout for real estate, presented in the book of Anna Kotelnikova, can be used both in case of purchase and in case of sale. It will allow you to evaluate the pros and cons of buying or selling a home, and also tell you what effect the transaction will have on your life.

The layout is performed with a full deck, from which, after formulating the question and mixing, 11 arbitrary cards are selected. We lay out the cards in accordance with the picture.

The meaning of the positions

  • Cards 1, 2, 3 will tell you about the physical condition of the property you are buying or selling.
  • Positions 4, 5 and 6 will describe the energy state of the premises being sold or bought
  • 7, 8 - will give an answer to the question of what will leave your life along with the sale or purchase
  • 9, 10 - they will say what this deal will bring into your life if it is concluded
  • 11 - Advice from the cards on what you should do

Tarot layout "Purchase" for the purchase of real estate

This alignment for the purchase of real estate Tarot was proposed by Andrey Kostenko in the book “Tarot Waite as a system. History, theory and practice”. With it, you can assess the possible risks, learn about the pitfalls of the housing being sold, and also understand whether you will be satisfied in the end if the transaction goes through.

Divination is carried out in the standard way on a full deck. The diagram is shown above. Card positions are interpreted as follows:

  • S - Significator describing what you are going to buy
  1. Will this deal go through?
  2. What is the condition of the property for sale?
  3. Is now the right time to buy?
  4. Compliance of the declared price with the real value of this property
  5. Will the questioner be satisfied with the purchase if the deal goes through?

Tarot layout "Sale" for the sale of real estate

We present you another fortune-telling from the book of Andrei Kostenko - this time we will talk about selling an apartment, house or cottage. The alignment is best done when you already have a potential buyer, and you want to know if this deal will take place, if you have underestimated the price, if your home will fall into good hands.

Position values

  • S - Significator describing what you are selling.
  1. The answer to the question "Is it necessary to carry out this transaction?"
  2. Will the property for sale fall into good hands?
  3. Is now the right time to sell?
  4. Correspondence of the real value of the given housing, assigned by the asking price
  5. Result, will this deal go through

The layout of the "Key to the apartment" on the Tarot cards

If you are going to buy or rent an apartment and are considering several options, try to make a Key to the Apartment Tarot spread for each potential home to see which one will turn out to be better in terms of condition, energy, living conditions, neighbors. Fortune-telling is carried out with a full deck, laying out cards according to the scheme given above.

The meaning of the positions

  1. Describes the physical condition of the apartment (whether repairs are required, the presence of hidden flaws that the seller is silent about)
  2. Describes the energy state of the dwelling (what kind of people lived in the apartment, did any accidents or deaths occur in it)
  3. Tells all about future neighbors
  4. It will show how comfortable the environmental conditions and infrastructure in the chosen place will be for you
  5. What will this apartment bring to your life if you buy or rent it?
  6. Advice from cards on what to do

Tarot layout "Housing rental"

This fortune-telling, found on the Internet, is suitable for those who want to rent out housing for a long time and are afraid that some problems will arise with tenants. Guessing on a full deck.

The meaning of the positions of the cards in the Tarot real estate layout:

  1. General description of the situation
  2. How will the process go, will there be any unforeseen difficulties before the tenants move in and the contract is concluded
  3. How will your relationship with the new tenants develop?
  4. What feelings will you experience during the period while strangers live in your housing
  5. In what condition will the tenants maintain the apartment?
  6. Will you be able to agree with them on the amount of rent you want to receive?
  7. What is the real cost of renting this property?
  8. What are the hidden disadvantages of your home, what is better to keep silent about
  9. What are the advantages of renting an apartment, which should be mentioned
  10. Advice from cards on how to act

As you can see, real estate tarot spreads can be great helpers in such a troublesome business as buying, selling and renting a home.