What not to eat after embryo transfer. How to behave before and after embryo replanting so that IVF ends in pregnancy

IVF is a long process that consists of several stages. The final period of artificial insemination is the replanting of "grown" embryos into the uterine cavity. If everything goes well, then the long-awaited pregnancy will come. Therefore, it is so important to follow all medical recommendations after embryo transfer during IVF.

Consider how to "help" your own body after such a responsible procedure.


With IVF, preparation for embryo transfer is the most important step. Parents must undergo a full examination and pass all tests. Then, according to an individually drawn up protocol, the woman undergoes hormone therapy. Its purpose is to ensure superovulation, during which not one, but several follicles mature. Of these, doctors "extract" from 1 to 5 mature eggs.

The next step is to combine the resulting male and female germ cells and place them in a special environment. In laboratory conditions, they develop from 2 to 5 days, depending on the requirements of the protocol. Embryo replanting is carried out after their careful selection. Only the most viable zygotes are used for fertilization.

However, for the conception of some "quality" embryos is not enough. The surface of the uterine cavity should be in a “prepared” state: the success of implantation during embryo transfer is given by the endometrium. Covered with soft villi, it provides the fetal egg with a "cozy place". The endometrium protects the embryo, providing it with all the conditions for further successful development.

To prepare the inner layer of the uterus, progesterone is drunk before embryo transfer. Rather, drugs containing this hormone. With their help, the uterus and endometrium are actively preparing to "accept" the fetal egg and provide it with conditions for development.

However, there are cases when the procedure for introducing embryos into the uterine cavity is canceled. Here are the contraindications for embryo transfer:

  • Inflammatory processes in the acute stage of any localization;
  • The risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome grade 3-4.

If these abnormalities are diagnosed, the resulting eggs are frozen to be transferred to the woman in the next cycle.

Proper nutrition before embryo transfer is another important point in the preparatory process. On the eve of the procedure, it is forbidden to eat foods that cause increased gas formation. These include cabbage and peas. Also, do not get carried away with carbonated drinks.

In preparation for embryo transfer, avoid intense physical activity and intimacy. Provide yourself with complete psychological and physical peace. On the day of the procedure, it is not recommended to use cosmetics and perfumes.

During the preparation, drink 2-3 glasses of water so that the bladder is full during the replanting of the embryos.

What day is the transfer

The day of embryo transfer is determined for each woman individually. Here's what it depends on:

  • Days for which the embryo has matured;
  • The age of the woman;
  • Individual features of the female reproductive system.

Embryo transfer on day 5 is carried out for those women who have previously had unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination. Embryos of the same “age” are implanted in patients whose age exceeds 40 years. This is due to the fact that in five-day-old embryos, all stages of division are clearly visible, so the reproductologist chooses the best “copies” for replanting. On the 3rd day of development, it is difficult to draw such categorical conclusions. Therefore, doctors use two or three zygotes at once to increase the chances of conception.

Blastocyst transfer is carried out by three methods:

  • One time (once);
  • Twice (in two stages);
  • Combined (using frozen eggs and "fresh").

How does an embryo transfer work during IVF?

Embryo transfer is a painless procedure. However, to eliminate muscle spasms, the patient may be prescribed antispasmodics.

Blastocyst transfer is carried out in the morning. After the patient is comfortably seated in the gynecological chair, the process of transplanting donor embryos into the uterus begins. Everything that happens in a woman's body is recorded using ultrasound diagnostics.

The required number of embryos is delivered from the laboratory, where they "grew" in a special environment. No special preparation for the procedure is required. If germ cells are used after cryopreservation, preliminary defrosting of the embryos is required.

An embryo transfer catheter is then attached to the tuberculin syringe. The doctor gently inserts a thin "hose" into the uterine cavity and "sprays" the contents of the syringe there. After the device is removed from the woman's body, the reproductologist carefully examines its contents under a microscope. He needs to make sure that everything is "as intended".

Whether the “implementation” of fertilized germ cells will be successful depends on such factors:

  • Complete or partial elimination of mucus from the cervical canal;
  • Viability of transplanted blastocysts;
  • The quality of the catheter;
  • Doctor's professionalism.

To increase the chances of conception, double embryo transfer is used. For this purpose, replanting is done twice: on days 2 and 5 or on days 3 and 6. This method of “introducing” prepared germ cells allows you to get pregnant by 50% more. However, it must be remembered: if the embryos are transferred twice, then the probability of multiple pregnancy also increases. Not all women will appreciate the "double" advantage. In addition, with this approach, the likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases.

Feeling good after the procedure

Embryo transfer is not accompanied by any special symptoms. After the procedure, the woman is offered to stay in the clinic for half an hour. However, this measure is necessary to ensure the psychological comfort of the patient. It does not affect the process of successful implantation.

Embryo replanting after IVF ends with conception in 40-50%. At the same time, signs of a successfully imported fetal egg appear at the same time as in a “normal” pregnancy.

The first two weeks after the procedure do not carry informative symptoms. After all, the process of attaching the egg to the uterine cavity is not physically felt. The only peculiar sign of successful implantation is a small spotting from the vagina.

Their appearance is associated with the rupture of small vessels of the uterus, when the fetal egg "enters" its cavity. However, their appearance should not be accompanied by pain and fever. Otherwise, medical advice should be sought immediately.

If, after the transfer, a woman’s stomach hurts and feels a little sick, then this is a manifestation of the effects of medications. Nausea and dizziness can “join” these symptoms, and the ovaries also often hurt. Such manifestations do not confirm or deny the onset of pregnancy. To eliminate them, you need to balance the diet and spend more time in the fresh air.

Two weeks after replanting, the first symptoms appear, indicating a successful conception. However, they are indirect signs and can become manifestations of a woman's strong desire to become a mother. Therefore, 14-18 days after transplantation, patients donate blood to determine the level of hCG in the blood or are sent for an ultrasound examination.

How to behave after replanting with IVF

In order for the embryo to successfully attach to the uterus, certain rules must be followed while waiting for the results. The attending physician will inform you about their main provisions. Consider how lifestyle should change after embryo transfer, as well as what aspects you need to pay special attention to.

The opinion of our consultant, gynecologist-reproductologist of the Repromed clinic:

- Of the unequivocal restrictions - physical activity should not be more daily habitual, an exception for 2 weeks of waiting for the result of the transfer of sexual life. Before and after replanting, a positive attitude is necessary.

Physical activity

Any sports and physical activity should be eliminated. Sitting should also be kept to a minimum. However, this does not mean that you need to act like a sleeping princess after the boost. Hiking in the fresh air is now just as necessary for you as physical and mental peace.

Fresh air will relieve negative manifestations after taking medication. A sparing physical activity will ensure a good blood flow to all organs and tissues.

Medications and doctor's prescriptions

Even if transplant after transfer is successful, it is important to "support" the developing fetus so that the uterus does not reject it. Medicines are also prescribed if the endometrium has not "grown" to the desired size.

For this purpose, hormone preparations containing progesterone are used. Most often, it is recommended to take Utrozhestan. Dosage and regimen prescribed by the attending physician. Usually the duration of hormone therapy is 14-15 weeks. However, it can be extended if the condition of the woman so requires.

At the same time, medications are indicated that reduce the risk of blood clots. With their help, the blood of a pregnant woman becomes more liquid, "helping" proper blood circulation in the placenta.

What to do with constipation

Constipation is an inevitable consequence of long-term medication, especially hormonal ones. Therefore, most women after embryo transfer face such an unpleasant problem. It must be eliminated as soon as possible, because prolonged stagnation of feces in the intestines will negatively affect the development of the fetus and the general well-being of the woman.

Constipation can be relieved in three ways:

  • Change the diet, balancing the quality and quantity of food;
  • Combine regular walking with simple exercises;
  • Take safe laxatives after consulting your doctor.

Points 1 and 2 are mandatory conditions while waiting for confirmation of a successful pregnancy. As for laxatives, during pregnancy, Duphalac is preferred. The medicine is safe for the unborn baby, acts gently and is not addictive.


Preparing for motherhood, a woman should reconsider her diet. She needs to limit her intake of smoked, fried, overly salty and other "harmful" foods. You should not use any particular diet: nutrition should be complete and balanced.

Boiled lean meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and herbs are the basis of the diet during this period. Abuse of artificial vitamins and trace elements is not worth it. They can only be taken with a doctor's prescription. In all other cases, the elements needed by the body are best obtained from drinks and food.

You also need to pay attention to the regular use of liquid in sufficient quantities. Preference is given to green tea, fruit drink and clean water without gases. Soda and "store" juices are best excluded from the diet. Drinking alcohol while carrying a child is strictly prohibited.


After replanting, intimacy is prohibited for two weeks. After successful implantation, the possibility of intimate life will be determined by the doctor.


Long-term medication, constant experiences lead to a weakening of the woman's immunity. Therefore, at this time it is very important to avoid crowded places. If, nevertheless, the expectant mother catches a cold, you need to inform the doctor about it. In this case, the replanting will be canceled, and the embryos will be cryopreserved. If a woman falls ill after the “resettlement” of the eggs has occurred, the use of medications is highly undesirable. An exception is paracetamol, which is taken to lower body temperature.

For colds, "sparing" folk remedies are used: gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs and instilling salt water into the nose. If these techniques do not help, the doctor prescribes those drugs that will have minimal impact on the developing fetus.

When will the result be known

Carrying out a pregnancy test earlier than 14 days after replanting is impractical.

To confirm or deny pregnancy, after two weeks the woman is offered to donate blood to determine the level of hCG. This analysis will determine with full certainty whether pregnancy has occurred.

The transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity during IVF is the final "chord" of the artificial insemination procedure. After the grown embryos, which have been cultured for several days in a nutrient medium, are transferred to the uterine cavity, a new, exciting and very responsible period begins. This is the time of anxious waiting for an answer to the main question - will the pregnancy take place, will the completed IVF protocol be successful.

In this article, we will tell you how to behave after implantation, and whether it is possible to increase the chances of pregnancy.

First watch

The embryo transfer procedure itself is not at all painful and uncomplicated. It only lasts five minutes. Using a thin catheter, the doctor introduces a certain number of embryos with a small amount of nutrient medium into the woman's uterine cavity. This is where the competence of doctors ends. What will happen after that in the uterine cavity is the same mystery for physicians as for the patient herself.

For at least two weeks, the question of whether the embryos were able to implant in the endometrium of the uterus remains open.

The success rate for the first IVF attempt is about 35-45%. The probability of implantation is affected by the age of the woman, her state of health, her lifestyle, the quality and viability of the resulting embryos and the state of the endometrium itself, its readiness to "accept" the fetal egg. Much depends on luck and faith, on the "higher powers", if you like. Therefore, it is believed that neither doctors nor the patient can significantly affect implantation after replanting. But do not forget about a small but important component of success - the right lifestyle and following the recommendations.

It is difficult to say whether they affect the effectiveness of the protocol, but non-compliance with the recommendations may well affect the unsuccessful outcome of an attempt.

After the embryo transfer, for the first hour, the woman is recommended to lie down in a horizontal position with her legs elevated. Most often - on the gynecological chair, on which the embryo transfer was carried out. She is then allowed to dress and leave the clinic. The doctor necessarily gives his recommendations on behavior after embryo transfer.

First days

In the first days, the embryos usually float in the uterine cavity, starting from the third day after the transfer, it is already possible that the embryo is implanted. The process of implantation after the transfer usually lasts longer than with implantation after natural conception. A woman should try to spend as much time as possible in peace. Optimal - lie down, read, watch a kind and positive cartoon. It is better to postpone all household chores or entrust one of the relatives. Sleep, proper nutrition and rest in these first days after the final stage of the IVF procedure are of great importance.

Among the common sensations after the transfer is a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen, in the ovarian region, a slightly more abundant discharge, sometimes spotting, sometimes even cinnamon or pinkish. A woman may experience dizziness, bouts of nausea, she often has a headache. This is due to the effects of hormonal stimulation of the ovaries.

If the woman feels worse, the woman has a fever, pulls in the ovarian region, bleeding occurs, there is a pronounced bloating, you should immediately call an ambulance - it is possible that symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation have appeared. This condition needs medical attention.

After a couple of days, you can spend more time on your feet. But you should not immediately rush headlong into the usual rhythm of life. It is desirable for a woman to exclude any stresses and experiences, eat well, exclude sex, breathe fresh air. You can not take hot baths, sunbathe, swim, visit the sauna and bath.

On the 14th day after the transfer, you can take a blood test for the concentration of hCG in plasma. If pregnancy occurs, the level of the hormone will be elevated. On the 21st day, you can do the first ultrasound, which can confirm the fact of pregnancy, as well as determine how many of the implanted embryos have taken root. On the 28th day after the embryo transfer, a second ultrasound is done, which makes it possible to establish the rate of development of each baby that has taken root, as well as their viability.

Up to 14 days from the date of transfer is the most difficult to live. Women describe this time as a long and painful wait. Experts recommend that you stop listening to yourself in search of signs of pregnancy and focus on organizing the right lifestyle that will contribute to the success of the IVF protocol. Let's look at some aspects of these recommendations.

Bed rest

On the first day - a maximum of two - bed and semi-bed rest is desirable. In this case, it is necessary to put a small roller or pillow under the lower back so that the pelvis is slightly higher than the body. Bed rest in the early days does not mean that a woman needs a nurse, since she cannot drink or go to the toilet. She can go to the toilet on her own, as well as go to the kitchen and pour herself some tea. But 95% of the time she still has to spend in bed.

Already on the third day, a woman can and should begin to get up, gradually alternating periods of rest with periods of light and easy activity. A longer stay in a horizontal position is unacceptable - the pelvic organs from prolonged lying will fill with blood worse, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of implantation.

A week after replanting, a woman can lead a normal life, observing the usual motor mode. The ban imposes on weight lifting, jumping, training in the gym, cycling, running. But evening walks in a park or square, away from gassed and noisy highways, will be useful.


Many women in the stimulated protocol are recommended post-transfer progesterone support. It usually starts on the day of replanting. The specific drug and individual dosage is recommended by the reproductologist who conducted the protocol.

Progesterone is important for implantation to be more successful, as well as for maintaining pregnancy in the very first days after implantation, because the accustomed fetal egg may well be rejected.

A woman should pay special attention to these drugs. Set a reminder on your phone, because it is advisable to take them every day at the same time. Skipping a pill, increasing or decreasing a dose without the knowledge of a doctor is strictly prohibited. Progesterone preparations are taken up to the diagnosis of pregnancy. If it has come, sometimes you have to drink this pill until the 12-14th week of pregnancy in order to keep it. If, according to the results of tests and ultrasound, the IVF protocol was unsuccessful, the drug should be discontinued. 2-3 days after the cancellation, menstruation will come.

No other drugs should be taken after the transfer. Any pills, suppositories, syrups must be taken only with the permission of a doctor. Often, to reduce discomfort after the protocol - pulling the lower back, headache - it is allowed to take antispasmodics - "No-shpu", "Papaverine". With an increased level of anxiety, a woman may be allowed to take light herbal sedatives - motherwort (not alcohol tincture!), Valerian (in tablets).


Nutrition should be approximately the same as at the stage of preparation for IVF - with a predominance of protein foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs in the diet. The woman can continue to take the multivitamin that was approved for her by her doctor in preparation for the protocol, folic acid.

After embryo transfer, special attention should be paid to nutrition, since it is important to avoid constipation during the first week. The delayed effect of hormonal therapy at the stage of superovulation stimulation can manifest itself right now, causing intestinal disorders, diarrhea, constipation, and increased gas formation. Not the last role in these unpleasant processes is played by the taken progesterone - it relaxes the intestines, makes it somewhat "lazy", peristalsis is disturbed.

Gas, constipation, diarrhea - all this can lead to an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Because of this, the reproductive organ will begin to be supplied with blood worse, as a result of which implantation will not take place or the pregnancy will be terminated almost immediately after implantation.

It is important to prevent constipation, taking microclysters as necessary, not to eat foods that contribute to the formation of intestinal gases - peas, muffins, yeast baked goods, kvass, white cabbage.

It is optimal to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions, avoiding a heavy dinner before bedtime. Do not forget that you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day so that your metabolism is more dynamic and correct.

A large amount of dairy and sour-milk products must be introduced into the diet. But coffee and strong tea are contraindicated.

sexual relations

Sex is contraindicated in all cases without exception. The couple signs the appropriate informed consent at the stage of entry into the protocol. The reason for the ban also lies in the high risk of uterine hypertonicity during orgasm and sexual arousal. Not only sex is contraindicated, but also masturbation, and any other intimate activities that can increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus.


Traveling after embryo transfer is not recommended. Firstly, this is due to an increased risk of complications after the use of aggressive hormonal stimulation, and secondly, a woman may need to consult a doctor at any time.

If circumstances develop in such a way that it is necessary to travel (for example, IVF was carried out in another city, and you should return home), it is better to choose travel by rail or by car. Flying in an airplane is not worth it because of the pressure drop.

Disease prevention

A cold, flu, SARS can interfere with implantation and gestation. Therefore, prevention needs to be given special attention. You should dress according to the weather. If the transfer was carried out in the cold season, after the embryo transfer, avoid visiting crowded places, shopping centers, markets, public transport during rush hour - these are the places where it is easy to get infected with any virus during the epidemic season.

The hormones that a woman took to stimulate superovulation can significantly reduce the immune defense, and the progesterone that is taken at the current stage somewhat reduces the natural defense of the woman's body. It is not excluded the manifestation of old, chronic diseases - cystitis, sinusitis, hemorrhoids and others.

If signs of illness appear, you should immediately inform your doctor. He will tell you how and what can be cured at an early stage of exacerbation without harm to the embryo.

Psychological condition

Do not underestimate the importance of psychosomatics for the success of the IVF protocol. Please note that women who from the first day begin to worry, look for existing and non-existent symptoms of a possible pregnancy in themselves, are more likely to experience failure. Women who know how to “let go” of the situation, distract themselves, switch their attention to something else, are more likely to get pregnant on the first try.

At the physical level, anxiety has a specific mechanism of action. Worry and anxiety generate stress, and stress causes the production of so-called stress hormones in the body. These hormones block the production of sex hormones, which regulate the process of implantation and subsequent development of the fetus.

The first signs of pregnancy, according to common sense, cannot appear before implantation, and it can occur on the third, fifth, and even 10 days after the transfer of the embryos. Only after the attachment of the fetal egg in the body of a woman, mechanisms are launched that restructure the work of all organs and systems for the upcoming pregnancy.

If the protocol was successful, many, even before the hCG test, starting from the 10th day after the transfer, may notice that the chest hurts slightly, there are tingling in the uterus, frequent urination appears, and drowsiness increases.

Such signs are popularly considered among the earliest signs of pregnancy, although official medicine does not recognize them, relying only on the principle of evidence, and the evidence will only be the presence of an elevated level of hCG in the blood plasma on the 14th day after replanting.

Here are some simple tips to help you keep all recommendations after completion of the IVF protocol.

  • Familiarize yourself with IVF statistics and immediately accept the fact that failure is more likely than success. This will help to calm down, reconcile and more adequately perceive the result, whatever it may be.
  • Protect yourself from quarrels, conflicts, showdowns, watching "bloody" films with scenes of violence - all this undesirably affects your mood and well-being.
  • If the work involves risks, exposure to harmful substances, toxins, noise, vibration exposure, take a sick leave and spend these two weeks in safety.

  • Various "smart" appliances (washing machines, dishwasher, multicooker) will greatly facilitate your household work and leave more time for much-needed rest and sleep after the procedure.
  • You should not rush to extremes and go somewhere on the warm sea coast in search of tranquility. Being in the sun is contraindicated, besides, acclimatization can cause a lot of trouble and interfere with the normal implantation of the embryos.
  • A woman should not drive a car for two weeks. The very process of driving vehicles cannot harm the embryo in any way, but the stressful situations that sometimes occur on the road at every kilometer may well be harmful.

The IVF protocol has ended. One or two wonderful embryos have been successfully transferred into the uterine cavity. What to do next? Says obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist GMS IVF Julia Kikina

Two weeks from embryo transfer to hCG blood test is the most difficult for a woman in the IVF program. Did it work or not? Something inside pricked, is it normal or is it all gone? Breast pain - is it bad or not? The chest does not hurt - so nothing happened? Stomach aches - so everything is gone? Doesn't the stomach ache - does it mean that the pregnancy has not come? How will my routine change now? What to eat, what to drink and in general, how to live? These and other questions in the IVF program are of concern to all expectant mothers, so we will dwell on some in detail.

Do I need to stay in bed for two weeks after an embryo transfer? Is it possible to move? When can you get up?

The most important thing to do after an embryo transfer is to relax. First of all, it is necessary to create a state of psychological support for the mother after embryo transfer in order to avoid unnecessary worries about possible problems with embryo implantation.

It must be understood that the usual behavior of a woman after embryo transfer, if it is not extreme (heavy physical activity, skydiving, scuba diving, etc.), does not affect the effectiveness of the IVF protocol. The embryo will not fall out of the uterus if you get out of bed. It won't roll out if you crouch or walk.

There is no need to freeze in bed after embryo transfer. It is usually recommended to lie down after the transfer for 30 minutes, but this is necessary, first of all, in order for the woman to calm down, so that the tone of the uterus decreases, and not at all for the embryo to attach.

Its attachment occurs within 24-40 hours after the transfer, and it does not depend much on whether the person has been lying on the bed all these 40 minutes, or leads a normal life, only excluding a number of stress factors. Moreover, there are studies that prove that the inactivity of a woman after the transfer reduces blood flow in the uterine cavity, which adversely affects the likelihood of pregnancy, and the percentage of effective programs in this case is lower than that of those who continued active immediately after the transfer.

But there are a number of points that increase the chances of implantation. After the embryo transfer, you need to start treating yourself like a pregnant woman.

Minimize stress factors: try not to be nervous, have a good rest after the transfer, follow all the doctor's recommendations - it is especially important to control hormone levels and adjust therapy in time. If you are worried about fear, take sedatives (valerian, glycine). No need to run to the toilet every two days with a pregnancy test, all this is an extra emotional burden: the hCG level may not yet be high enough to be reflected in the results of the urine test, but the stress of the fact that the pregnancy test is negative in the study ahead of time, leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus and adversely affects the course of pregnancy.

Important restrictions that are designed to help keep the embryos in the uterine cavity:

  • avoid hot water procedures (bath, bath, sauna). Shower - you can!
  • avoid heavy lifting;
  • exclude sports activities associated with intense physical activity. Bicycle not required. Running, fitness, swimming are not contraindicated;
  • avoid stool problems. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially prunes, beets;
  • exclude alcohol and smoking.

What can and cannot be eaten after embryo transfer?

In principle, you can eat almost everything, with rare restrictions. Legumes and spicy foods should be avoided - they increase intestinal motility, which can cause pain and increase the tone of the uterus. It is recommended to limit strong coffee, because it also helps to increase the tone of the uterus, and in principle is undesirable during the entire pregnancy.

As additions to the diet, especially if there are prerequisites for the development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (more than 10 oocytes received in the IVF program), it is recommended:

  • drinking plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day, preferably non-carbonated drinks);
  • protein-rich foods (meat, fish, poultry, dairy products). Other than that, eat whatever you want. More greens (there is a lot of folic acid in it), vegetables and fruits, seafood (high content of Omega-3). Keep a varied diet. And you should not try to “shove” some kind of “useful” product into yourself if your body does not perceive it - he himself knows better than any doctor what substances he lacks at the moment, and what is useful for him at this particular moment .

Can I fly a plane after the transfer?

Air travel after embryo transfer is not contraindicated, but it is recommended to refrain from long-distance travel for 2-3 days after the procedure. After three days, you can fearlessly go to anywhere in the world by any mode of transport.

Should I feel any signs of implantation?

On the Internet, many write that if pregnancy occurs, there should be signs such as breast engorgement, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, etc., so the absence of such symptoms is perceived by a woman as a failure factor. But it is absolutely in vain. Signs of pregnancy are individual. Someone from the first day after the transfer suffers from nausea and aching pains in the lower abdomen. And someone has no complaints at all and changes in the state of health. Blood tests for progesterone and estradiol given after embryo transfer are not a reliable symptom of the absence or presence of implantation. The doctor needs them to correct the support of the second phase of the cycle and no more. It will be possible to reliably determine whether pregnancy has occurred only 12-14 days after the transfer, by passing a blood test for hCG.

What about intimate life?

In principle, intimate relationships after embryo transfer are not contraindicated, but after ovulation stimulation in a fresh IVF protocol, sexual intercourse can be painful due to enlarged ovaries, possible fluid effusion into the abdominal cavity, so they are undesirable. Also, sexual arousal can lead to an increase in uterine tone after embryo transfer, which can adversely affect the implantation process. Therefore, usually after the transfer of embryos from sexual intercourse, it is recommended to abstain until a blood test for hCG.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract appeared after embryo transfer - what to do?

In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor. Spotting scanty spotting may accompany normal implantation, but in any case, this requires correction of the support. It is necessary to contact the doctor so that he gives recommendations on the abolition of some and the appointment of other drugs. In any case, you should not make a decision on your own to stop taking all medications when bleeding occurs - this, fortunately, is not always a symptom of the failure of the IVF protocol. So, briefly about the main thing after embryo transfer:

  • do not panic and be nervous;
  • there is no need to lie still for two weeks in bed, this does not increase the chance of conception;
  • small physical activity, walking, light fitness are not contraindicated;
  • you can eat almost everything that your body requires, with a few exceptions;
  • It is recommended to refrain from long trips for 2-3 days. After three days, you can use any type of transport, including an airplane;
  • you don’t need to try to investigate the level of hCG or put a pregnancy test ahead of time - these indicators can normally be negative up to a certain point, and you don’t need to worry about this;
  • if you have any complaints, contact your doctor: therapy may need to be adjusted. Do not self-medicate or discontinue medications without consulting your doctor.

And we hope that your protocol will end for you with three-digit hCG and the birth of a healthy baby!

Every woman who has undergone a huge amount of research and manipulation to diagnose the causes, the procedure of stimulation and puncture, is anxiously waiting for the day "X" - embryo replanting. Each of these patients asks herself the question - how to live these days? What can I do to help get pregnant?

Feelings and well-being of a woman after replanting embryos

In modern reproductive medicine, one or two, much less often three, embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity. Embryos can be of different ages - from two to five days. How many and which embryos to transfer, the doctor decides, based on the woman's history, the results of previous IVF attempts and the quality of the embryos themselves.

As a rule, the replanting procedure is simple and painless. After the procedure, the woman is left in a horizontal position for an hour or two, although modern research suggests that there is no need for such precautions. The embryo is not a ball and cannot roll out of the uterine cavity. Then the woman goes home to wait for the IVF result, always with a list of appointments and recommendations of the reproductologist. As a rule, in the CIS countries, this period of time involves the provision of a sick leave: the patient does not go to work and is at home. There are no such concessions in the West and the USA. Let's go through the main list of complaints and questions that arise after the embryo transfer procedure:

  • Discharge from the genital tract. As a rule, during the support period of the luteal phase of the cycle, a woman takes progesterone preparations, many of which involve the vaginal route of administration. The main vaginal discharge will be the remains of suppositories or capsules - white or yellowish flakes. A small amount of mucus may appear. With abundant mucous or spotting spotting, you should urgently contact your doctor to adjust the doses of progesterone or add estrogen, etamsylate, or antispasmodics.
  • Temperature. Some fluctuations in body temperature due to hormonal stress on the body are acceptable. Even in many cases of physiologically occurring independent pregnancy, women have a subfebrile temperature of 37-37.3 degrees. If the temperature rises above these figures, as well as additional complaints indicating an infectious process, an urgent call to the doctor is necessary. You may need to take a blood test or include antipyretic drugs in the regimen.
  • Pain sensations. After intrauterine manipulation of embryo transfer, there are often pulling pains and discomfort in the lower abdomen. This issue is discussed in advance at the doctor's appointment. The list of recommendations usually includes magnesium preparations and antispasmodics to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, frequent urge to urinate. Oddly enough, a fairly common complaint of patients. The explanations for these processes are quite logical. The bowel loops and the bladder are closely adjacent to the uterus and ovaries in the small pelvis. Enlarged from stimulation, the ovaries and uterus directly press and irritate the neighbors. The second reason for such discomfort is progesterone preparations, which have a relaxing effect not only on the wall of the uterus, but also on the intestines and bladder. Compliance with a diet, a good drinking regimen and taking activated charcoal relieves these manifestations a little.
  • In a separate line, I would like to make such a popular complaint or, rather, a joyful observation. Many patients, carefully listening to themselves these days, find "movements" or "pulsations" in the lower abdomen. Unfortunately, these sensations are not . Displaced pelvic organs, swollen intestines and pulsation of the abdominal aorta give the patient such a picture. A woman will hear real fetal movements no earlier than 17-20 weeks of pregnancy.

Not a single IVF clinic patient will go home after embryo transfer without a detailed list of recommendations. Usually recommendations take several sheets of printed text and answer the woman to all possible questions. Also in the list of prescriptions, drugs and schemes from the application are described in detail. As a rule, at the end of the recommendation part there is a phone number by which the patient can contact with questions, if any do arise. I would like to list the main points of standard recommendations:

  1. Physical rest. This does not mean that you need to lie in bed for a week. You can live a normal life, just limit the load a little. You should not run cross-country, walk with heavy bags from the store or move furniture.
  2. Sexual rest. In nature, there are no medical studies linking unsuccessful IVF attempts and sexual life, so most gynecologists adhere to the idea that it is worth abstaining from sexual activity for a long period after replanting.
  3. Strict adherence to the regimen of taking drugs and timely delivery of the necessary tests, for example, the level of estrogen, progesterone or ultrasound - control.
  4. Dieting, which I would like to talk about in a little more detail.

Feeding a woman after embryo transfer

As already mentioned, patients after embryo transfer often complain of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The so-called anti-gas diet will help solve these delicate problems:

  1. Adequate drinking regime. Refusal of sugary, carbonated drinks, strong coffee or tea. Preference is given to clean drinking water and green tea.
  2. Frequent fractional meals: 5-6 times a day in portions the size of your fist.
  3. Restriction of gas-producing products. These include spicy, flour, sweets, legumes, cabbage, mushrooms, zucchini, fresh herbs, bread, milk, red meat in large quantities.
  4. Prefer cereals, dairy products, cottage cheese, chicken fillet, fish, weak broths, potatoes, carrots, beets.
  5. Food to steam, stew or bake. Avoid frying or deep frying.

As a medical aid for bloating and diarrhea, you can take activated charcoal, simethicone preparations, a decoction of chamomile, mint or lemon balm.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for website

Useful video:

If it is not possible to conceive a child naturally for a year or more, then doctors make a disappointing diagnosis - infertility. To solve this problem, many couples turn to the in vitro fertilization procedure. For the protocol to be successful, a woman must know how to behave after the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity, as well as what should be done and what will have to be abandoned.

Of course, the main recommendations are always given by reproductologists, as well as those specialists who perform the procedure and lead the woman from the first to the final stage. But with all this, it is always useful to read more about how to behave during IVF: the advice of doctors and reviews of women who have gone through such fertilization will definitely help.

Initially, specialists perform hyperstimulation of the ovaries, after which mature germ cells are taken, with the help of which IVF will be performed. Next, the girl will have several days to prepare for the very replanting of fertilized eggs into the uterine cavity. On average, 5 days are given for preparation, and during this time the oocytes already have time to mature to the required stage.

In the process of preparation, you must follow all medical recommendations. Immediately on the day before IVF, you should refrain from having sex, as well as spend time in a state of rest.

Let us consider in more detail the day of embryo transfer itself, how a girl should behave. Before visiting the reproductive center, you need to take a warm shower, you should not use any hygiene products. Strong odors and chemicals can be a nuisance. Also, on the day of embryo transfer, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics.

Also, the girl should go to the toilet to empty her bladder about two hours before replanting. Before this, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible, but preferably water.

Also, many are interested in the first day of embryo transfer, how to behave in terms of nutrition. The last meal should be approximately three hours before the expected time of the procedure. It is better to eat light food that is quickly absorbed. So you can save yourself from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

After the transfer

Every girl should understand that after the transfer of embryos, she cannot be considered immediately pregnant. To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary that the cells attach to the uterine walls. A leading specialist will talk about how to save IVF pregnancy.

Depending on how long the taken cells were fertilized (5 or 3 days), the blood results for hCG will be taken at different times. Based on them, it will be possible to navigate whether the protocol was successful, or whether it needs to be repeated.

Every woman should understand how to behave after embryo transfer so that they take root in the uterine cavity. Lifestyle after embryo transfer will be slightly different from the usual rhythm. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.


In most cases, a reproductive specialist tells about how to behave after embryo transfer.

One of the most asked questions is: “How long should I lie down after embryo transfer?” The answer will be this. Not at all. Usually, after the transfer, the woman stays in the clinic for some time. It depends on the internal regulations of the institution. If desired, you can ask the doctor to issue a sick leave or a certificate releasing from work on the day of the transfer.

The main task is to maintain a positive attitude. And here all means are good. Someone prefers to lie down, covered with a warm blanket. Some people need family and friends. And for some, it’s even easier to unwind and spend the whole day on the move. Moreover, the movement is preferable, as it helps to avoid stagnation of blood in the small pelvis.

You don't have to worry about the egg. Since the transfer, it has been in a safe place. The villi of the endometrium, as well as the villi of the fallopian tubes, are in motion. They capture the egg and move through the uterine cavity. This movement prevents the fertilized egg from falling out and helps to find the most suitable place for implantation.

On the video you can see how the microbubble with the embryo moves (microdrop whis embryos).

Despite the fact that the embryo moves throughout the uterine cavity, it is securely held by the villi of the endometrium and is completely protected from falling out. Even while going to the toilet.


Any drugs in the period after the transfer must be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, these are derivatives of progesterone. They are prescribed to create optimal conditions for the onset of pregnancy.


Life after IVF and before the procedure is divided into two halves. This is partly due to the emotional state of a woman who could not get pregnant for a long time, and suddenly came as close as possible to the implementation of her plan. It is very important to know after IVF replanting how to behave with constipation.


In case of eating the wrong food, there may be problems with defecation. Standard recommendations for healthy eating will help solve the problem. Enough protein, fiber and fluids. An abundance of vegetables. Reasonable restriction of sweets, fried, smoked, refined and processed foods.

In any case, improving the diet will benefit both the woman herself and the unborn child.


Many girls are interested in how to behave after IVF in terms of sexual life. There are no specific recommendations in this regard. If there is sex in life that brings pleasure and strengthens the relationship of partners, it will be beneficial.


After IVF embryo replanting was performed, how to behave in the first days and hours is relatively clear. It is worth paying a little attention to the necessary medical examinations.

During the first three weeks, the girl will be subjected to the necessary diagnostic procedures. To make sure the process is moving in the right direction.

After about two weeks, they will definitely appoint a blood test to determine the level of hCG. When 21 days have passed since the transfer, IVF will be monitored by ultrasound.

Sleep Rules

Not surprisingly, most women are looking for an answer to the question of how to behave after embryo transfer during IVF. This is really important, but the main thing is not to focus your psychological attention on the same thing.

This approach will lead to the fact that the girl will begin to think that she is doing some actions incorrectly. That is why doctors often recommend reading reviews of other couples about how to behave after embryo transfer. We will give general recommendations.

Almost everyone is interested in how to sleep after embryo transfer. You can choose any position, the main thing is that the expectant mother is comfortable and convenient. Some people think that it is unacceptable to lie on your stomach, but this does not have any scientific evidence, so it is considered a prejudice.

Often behavior after embryo transfer comes down to a frequent desire to sleep. That is why, if possible, it is necessary to allocate less time for this in the evening, so that later you can take a nap during the day.

Actually, whether it is necessary to lie down after embryo transfer, whether it is possible to sleep on the stomach, and also that after embryo transfer how long it is necessary to lie is already clear. You can move on to other issues of no less interest to girls.