Markhaev biography. Senator Vyacheslav Markhaev: a story of lies and betrayal

Markhaev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich(born June 1, 1955, Sharaldai village, Bokhansky district, Irkutsk region) - Russian politician, public figure. Member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. First Secretary of the Buryat Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.


Born into the family of a school teacher in the village of Sharaldai. Graduated in 1977.

From 1980 to 2007 he worked in the internal affairs bodies.

In 2007, he retired from service with the rank of colonel.

Since December 2007, deputy of the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia, head of the Communist Party faction.

Since May 2008, 1st Secretary of the Republican Committee of the BRO PP "Communist Party of the Russian Federation".

In 2011-2015 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption.

Since 2015 - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Irkutsk region.

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Excerpt characterizing Markhaev, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Pierre, since his disappearance from home, had already been living for the second day in the empty apartment of the late Bazdeev. Here's how it happened.
Waking up the next day after his return to Moscow and his meeting with Count Rostopchin, Pierre for a long time could not understand where he was and what they wanted from him. When he was informed, among the names of other people who were waiting for him in the reception room, that another Frenchman was waiting for him, bringing a letter from Countess Elena Vasilievna, he was suddenly overcome by that feeling of confusion and hopelessness to which he was capable of succumbing. It suddenly seemed to him that everything was over now, everything was confused, everything had collapsed, that there was neither right nor wrong, that there would be nothing ahead and that there was no way out of this situation. He, smiling unnaturally and muttering something, then sat on the sofa in a helpless position, then stood up, went to the door and looked through the crack into the reception area, then, waving his hands, returned back, I took up the book. Another time, the butler came to report to Pierre that the Frenchman, who had brought a letter from the countess, really wanted to see him even for a minute, and that they had come from the widow of I. A. Bazdeev to ask to accept the books, since Mrs. Bazdeeva herself had left for the village.
“Oh, yes, now, wait... Or no... no, go and tell me that I’ll come right now,” Pierre said to the butler.
But as soon as the butler came out, Pierre took the hat that was lying on the table and went out the back door from the office. There was no one in the corridor. Pierre walked the entire length of the corridor to the stairs and, wincing and rubbing his forehead with both hands, went down to the first landing. The doorman stood at the front door. From the landing to which Pierre had descended, another staircase led to the back entrance. Pierre walked along it and went out into the yard. Nobody saw him. But on the street, as soon as he walked out the gate, the coachmen standing with the carriages and the janitor saw the master and took off their hats in front of him. Feeling eyes on him, Pierre acted like an ostrich that hides its head in a bush so as not to be seen; he lowered his head and, quickening his pace, walked down the street.

A very specific mythology is being carefully formed around the first secretary of the Buryat Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Markhaev. A charismatic, although not particularly smart politician, Markhaev has been trying to get involved in all political battles for many years, while carefully avoiding any responsibility.

The goal of the communist policeman is obvious: to stay afloat for as long as possible and enjoy the benefits from the Russian state. Without doing anything.

Let's take a closer look at this peculiar personality.

Vyacheslav Markhaev was born in the village of Sharaldai, Bokhansky district, Irkutsk region, in the family of school teacher Mikhail Mikhailovich Markhaev and his wife Roza Borisovna. Let us note this first important fact. Markhaev was born not in Buryatia, and in the Irkutsk region. He is from the Bulagat tribe, who have a very indirect relationship with the Buryats.

According to research by Russian scientists, the Bulagats are descendants of the Chinos tribe, who in the 13th century were taken by Bukha-noyon on a campaign to Central Asia. Later, at the end of the 14th century, in the foothills of the Mongolian Altai, near the Tien Shan, they formed the Bulagachi Khanate, which was later defeated by Timur’s troops. Those Chinos who did not leave with Bukha-noyon and remained to live along the banks of the Kuda River began to traditionally call themselves Bulagats. There are practically no family ties between the Bulagats and the Horis living on the territory of modern Buryatia.

A piquant fact that Markhaev never advertises anywhere. Because this fact is quite shameful. Apparently he never served in the army, although in his official biography the word “army” has a place. This fact alone is quite shocking for the brave riot police commander. Because in Soviet time Those who did not serve were not accepted into the police force. But Markhaev succeeded.

How did a youngster from a remote village who did not serve become first the deputy minister of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then the leader of the Buryat communists? Very simple.

For understanding, let’s compare the official and real biographies of Vyacheslav Markhaev. Watch your hands.

Slava Markhaev was a healthy and athletic teenager who never particularly strived for science. At school he was fond of many sports, but he was especially successful in the traditional Buryat wrestling, as well as in volleyball, since his height allowed him.

The choice of university after a difficult ten-year period was simple: the impassable C-grade student Slava would not have been able to enroll in any of the “smart” departments in Irkutsk universities. Therefore, he went to Ulan-Ude, where the competition for the sports department of the Buryat Pedagogical Institute was microscopic. Yes, and nationality contributed.

However, Slava Markhaev could not enter the sports department of the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute, having failed the entrance exams. I had to work as a loader at a meat processing plant for a year. A healthy young man would have stayed there. But in 1973, with great difficulty, he still managed to break into the university. He managed to graduate from the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute for the only reason: he ended up in good hands wrestling coach and began to take prizes in competitions. Such personnel were usually not expelled for poor academic performance.

In 1977, Vyacheslav Markhaev somehow graduated from the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute. At that moment, he was at the peak of his wrestling career, but was not so successful in it that he could get into the Russian or at least the republican national team. I had to go on assignment to the village of Petropavlovka, Dzhidinsky district, where he worked as a coach at a youth sports school for three years.

Important point. In Markhaev’s official biography, the period from 1977 to 1980 is a blank spot. Then comes an interesting phrase: “After the army I decided to join the police”. What kind of army can we talk about if from 1977 to 1980 Markhaev worked at the Dzhida Youth Sports School as part of a university assignment, and already in 1980 he ended up in the police? Let us remember that they served in the Soviet army for two to three years. And nothing else.

It is possible, however, that Markhaev was in the army for some time. Or I have been. Or visited. Because in his archive there is one (!) photograph of an incomprehensible year, where he poses in the uniform of a private Soviet army. The uniform is not suitable for height, the appearance is completely unregulated. There are no customary Soviet-era badges. Markhaev is dressed in an officer's tunic of the 1956 model, which by this time had already become an antique rarity. In the photo, Markhaev does not look like his own photographs aged 20-22 years. But he looks very much like himself over the age of 30. What kind of photo, where, by whom and when Markhaev served, and whether he served at all, no one knows.

It is also not advertised how children's coach Markhaev ended up in the police. Let's lift the veil of secrecy.

Markhaev ended up in Jida by assignment from a university and did not want to stay there. Even by Buryat standards, Dzhida is an endlessly depressive territory, the edge of the world, cut off from civilization.

Nobody was waiting for Markhaev in Ulan-Ude. He also did not want to return to his native village and herd cows. In 1980, for a Soviet blockhead who wanted to settle in the capital of the republic, there was only one path - to the lowest positions in the police.

Given the availability teacher education, Markhaev was appointed juvenile affairs inspector- a job usually performed by women. However, the desire for a good life was stronger than ambition.

However, his sports background played into his hands. Markhaev quickly managed to become a sports training instructor in the Dynamo system. And then all that remained was to crawl up the career ladder. During 13 (!) years of service, the future senator only managed to reach the commander of a patrol service battalion. To be honest, our hero didn’t have enough stars even in the police firmament.

In 1993, by order of President Boris Yeltsin, Russia began the formation of a special punitive unit to combat the population - OMON. The functions of the riot police included dispersing demonstrations, using force against the civilian population, and blocking mass protests. Yeltsin, who had just seized power, needed such units to fight the opposition. The most unprincipled and “frostbitten” police officers joined the riot police.

In Buryatia, not a single person agreed to lead the new unit, not wanting to fight with his own people. Only Vyacheslav Markhaev agreed. Later, this fact began to be presented in his biography as some kind of achievement: supposedly “Markhaev created the riot police of Buryatia.” This is, of course, a play on words, if not an outright lie. Riot police were created by order of the headquarters. Markhaev just said “yes” at the right moment.

Vyacheslav Markhaev never tried to expose his head to bullets. However, in December 1994, the First Chechen War, and all Russian riot police units were sent to “clean up” the territory. Riot police, naturally, did not participate in military operations due to their complete inability to carry out real combat operations. It was used only at checkpoints and in operations against civilians. Vyacheslav Markhaev also had to go to war - it was too late to reverse.

It is to this period that an extremely dubious fact in the life of Vyacheslav Markhaev dates back. Later, the fact disappeared from his official biography, but is diligently disseminated by red propagandists before each election campaign.

According to the story, which the retired policeman himself readily tells, during the Chechen conflict in December 1995, a Buryat riot police checkpoint was surrounded near the village of Novogroznenskoye. A battalion of internal troops from Altai was also surrounded nearby. According to Markhaev (remember, the commander of a riot police unit with the rank of lieutenant colonel), Russian generals did not want to save the soldiers and were ready to abandon them to their fate.

In essence, Markhaev accuses the then command of the Russian group of troops in Chechnya of betrayal. Nevertheless, to save the surrounded soldiers, federal troops were ready to advance an armored column, which Markhaev was asked to lead. Markhaev, however, refused (!) to carry out the combat order and proposed his own course of action - to go to negotiations with the militants and try to get the fighters out of the encirclement.

From Markhaev’s rather confused story, it is not entirely clear what the Buryat riot police have to do with it, who were allegedly also withdrawn from the encirclement. The OMON checkpoint was located in the village of Novogroznensky, where Markhaev himself and federal troops were present. And the encircled Altai battalion fought several kilometers from Novogroznensky, in the foothills. After a careful study of Markhaev’s stories, it seems that the “surrounded Buryat riot police” was invented later, in order to form Markhaev into the image of the “savior of the Buryat children.”

Subsequently, the story, not without the efforts of Markhaev himself, acquired even more exciting details. It turns out that on the eve of the whole story, the headquarters of the Buryat riot police in the village of Novogroznensky was subjected to prolonged shelling from the Chechens.

That day, a grenade hit the tent where Markhaev was, and he was seriously wounded. But, despite this, the next day he heroically negotiated with the militants. The fact of injury and stay in the hospital is absent from Markhaev’s official file. According to the medical encyclopedia, concussion causes severe brain damage; the patient is hospitalized for at least a month.

Let us remember that at the same time there were other federal commanders in Novogroznenskoye, including generals, under whose direct subordination the Altai battalion was. However, Lieutenant Colonel (!) Markhaev allegedly turned out to be the only one who solved the problem. The story is very reminiscent of the anecdotes of the times of late Brezhnev, when the elderly secretary general, a political instructor with the rank of colonel, began to be credited with incredible feats from the history of the liberation of Cape Myskhako (“Malaya Zemlya”) in 1943 and, in general, the leadership of the entire operation.

What's next? And then Lieutenant Colonel Markhaev went to the militants for negotiations. The negotiations ended on the militants' terms - the surrounded fighters leave all their weapons and equipment and go back to their own. It would seem that these are quite acceptable conditions - from the point of view of the average person.

But here's the nuance. Only for the accidental loss of military weapons, a serviceman faces Article 224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Voluntary surrender of weapons to the enemy is a serious matter. war crime. Vyacheslav Markhaev ordered the surrounded fighters to stop resistance, give up their weapons to the enemy and essentially surrender - in exchange for access to their own.

If this had happened not in 1995, but in 1943, then the lieutenant colonel would simply would put it against the wall, and fighters who carried out an order that directly violated the Charter would be awaited penal battalion. Best case scenario. It is clear that the Chechen war is a slightly different story. But the enemy is an enemy in Africa too. And handing over weapons to the enemy is a crime in any country.

Yes, of course, Markhaev took part in the rescue of the Altai soldiers. But, if you follow the logic of saving soldiers in war, then in any war you should immediately surrender.

In this light, Markhaev’s so-called “feat” looks extremely doubtful. This is exactly what his leadership decided. There is information that they tried to put Markhaev on trial. But the President of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov, personally stood up for him, who highly valued the brave policeman for his personal devotion and some specific services. Thus was born a legend that is not in Markhaev’s official biography.

Let's repeat it again. Markhaev did not save any “Buryat guys”. The tears of Buryat mothers shed over him at every election are the result of a massively replicated legend and propaganda. We found ourselves surrounded Altai soldiers emergency service, a huge headquarters worked to save them. Markhaev was only one of three negotiators. As a result of the negotiations, the enemy ended up with a huge amount of weapons and equipment. How many more Russian soldiers were killed with its help, only Allah knows. Do you agree that in this light the whole story looks a little different?

It is curious that the entire legend was not advertised until 2007. In 2000, Markhaev became the head of the public order department at the republican headquarters. Around the same time, a strange line appeared in his official biography: “graduated from the Irkutsk department of the Khabarovsk Higher Police School.” Nobody knows when Markhaev managed to graduate from the Irkutsk university (the duration of study is five years) without interruption from his service in Ulan-Ude.

In 2006, Vyacheslav Markhaev resigned and found himself out of work. The President of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov, came to his aid again. He invited the retired colonel to run for the People's Khural single-mandate constituency N 16.

It was then that the political strategists pulled out the legend about the saved battalion. A simple manipulation of words - and the Altai conscript soldiers removed from encirclement turned into rescued Buryat riot police. And Markhaev is a hero of the Republic of Buryatia.

Markhaev himself, a brute of two meters tall, dressed in a ceremonial police uniform, rode out to voters on a white horse and made a crushing impression on old women and women of pre-retirement age. After a convincing victory in the Khural elections, it was impossible to refuse the request of Potapov, by that time deputy head of the Presidential Administration, to elect Markhaev as the first secretary of the republican committee. The Buryat communists wiped themselves off and remained silent.

This is how the Buryat Communist Party of the Russian Federation ended and the Markhaevshchina began.

In 2015, the communist governor of the Irkutsk region, Sergei Levchenko, in gratitude for his support in the Ust-Orda Buryat district, appointed Markhaev as a senator. While remaining the first secretary of the Republican Committee of Buryatia, Markhaev moved to the capital, and practically does not appear either in Buryatia or in the Irkutsk region. Over the past three years, he managed to mediocrely leak the elections for the head of Buryatia, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation lost all municipal elections without exception.

Markhaev does practically nothing as a senator from the Irkutsk region, does nothing as the first secretary of the Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Buryat Republic, but he earns a lot of money. The village boy suffered greatly in life. Envy and learn.

A very specific mythology is being carefully formed around the first secretary of the Buryat Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Markhaev. A charismatic, although not particularly smart politician, Markhaev has been trying to get involved in all political battles for many years, while carefully avoiding any responsibility.

The goal of the communist policeman is obvious: to stay afloat for as long as possible and enjoy the benefits from the Russian state. Without doing anything.

Let's take a closer look at this peculiar personality.

Vyacheslav Markhaev was born in the village of Sharaldai, Bokhansky district, Irkutsk region, in the family of school teacher Mikhail Mikhailovich Markhaev and his wife Roza Borisovna. Let us note this first important fact. Markhaev was born not in Buryatia, and in the Irkutsk region. He is from the Bulagat tribe, who have a very indirect relationship with the Buryats.

According to research by Russian scientists, the Bulagats are descendants of the Chinos tribe, who in the 13th century were taken by Bukha-noyon on a campaign to Central Asia. Later, at the end of the 14th century, in the foothills of the Mongolian Altai, near the Tien Shan, they formed the Bulagachi Khanate, which was later defeated by Timur’s troops. Those Chinos who did not leave with Bukha-noyon and remained to live along the banks of the Kuda River began to traditionally call themselves Bulagats. There are practically no family ties between the Bulagats and the Horis living on the territory of modern Buryatia.

A piquant fact that Markhaev never advertises anywhere. Because this fact is quite shameful. Apparently he never served in the army, although in his official biography the word “army” has a place. This fact alone is quite shocking for the brave riot police commander. Because in Soviet times, those who did not serve in the police were not accepted. But Markhaev succeeded.

How did a youngster from a remote village who did not serve become first the deputy minister of the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then the leader of the Buryat communists? Very simple.

For understanding, let’s compare the official and real biographies of Vyacheslav Markhaev. Watch your hands.

Slava Markhaev was a healthy and athletic teenager who never particularly strived for science. At school he was fond of many sports, but he was especially successful in the traditional Buryat wrestling, as well as in volleyball, since his height allowed him.

The choice of university after a difficult ten-year period was simple: the impassable C-grade student Slava would not have been able to enroll in any of the “smart” departments in Irkutsk universities. Therefore, he went to Ulan-Ude, where the competition for the sports department of the Buryat Pedagogical Institute was microscopic. Yes, and nationality contributed.

However, Slava Markhaev could not enter the sports department of the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute, having failed the entrance exams. I had to work as a loader at a meat processing plant for a year. A healthy young man would have stayed there. But in 1973, with great difficulty, he still managed to break into the university. He managed to graduate from the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute for the only reason: he fell into the good hands of a wrestling coach and began to take prizes in competitions. Such personnel were usually not expelled for poor academic performance.

In 1977, Vyacheslav Markhaev somehow graduated from the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute. At that moment, he was at the peak of his wrestling career, but was not so successful in it that he could get into the Russian or at least the republican national team. I had to go on assignment to the village of Petropavlovka, Dzhidinsky district, where he worked as a coach at a youth sports school for three years.

Important point. In Markhaev’s official biography, the period from 1977 to 1980 is a blank spot. Then comes an interesting phrase: “After the army I decided to join the police”. What kind of army can we talk about if from 1977 to 1980 Markhaev worked at the Dzhida Youth Sports School as part of a university assignment, and already in 1980 he ended up in the police? Let us remember that they served in the Soviet army for two to three years. And nothing else.

It is possible, however, that Markhaev was in the army for some time. Or I have been. Or visited. Because in his archive there is one (!) photograph of an incomprehensible year, where he poses in the uniform of a private in the Soviet army. The uniform is not suitable for height, the appearance is completely unregulated. There are no customary Soviet-era badges. Markhaev is dressed in an officer's tunic of the 1956 model, which by this time had already become an antique rarity. In the photo, Markhaev does not look like his own photographs aged 20-22 years. But he looks very much like himself over the age of 30. What kind of photo, where, by whom and when Markhaev served, and whether he served at all, no one knows.

It is also not advertised how children's coach Markhaev ended up in the police. Let's lift the veil of secrecy.

Markhaev ended up in Jida by assignment from a university and did not want to stay there. Even by Buryat standards, Dzhida is an endlessly depressive territory, the edge of the world, cut off from civilization.

Nobody was waiting for Markhaev in Ulan-Ude. He also did not want to return to his native village and herd cows. In 1980, for a Soviet blockhead who wanted to settle in the capital of the republic, there was only one path - to the lowest positions in the police.

Taking into account the availability of pedagogical education, Markhaev was appointed juvenile affairs inspector- a job usually performed by women. However, the desire for a good life was stronger than ambition.

However, his sports background played into his hands. Markhaev quickly managed to become a sports training instructor in the Dynamo system. And then all that remained was to crawl up the career ladder. During 13 (!) years of service, the future senator only managed to reach the commander of a patrol service battalion. To be honest, our hero didn’t have enough stars even in the police firmament.

In 1993, by order of President Boris Yeltsin, Russia began the formation of a special punitive unit to combat the population - OMON. The functions of the riot police included dispersing demonstrations, using force against the civilian population, and blocking mass protests. Yeltsin, who had just seized power, needed such units to fight the opposition. The most unprincipled and “frostbitten” police officers joined the riot police.

In Buryatia, not a single person agreed to lead the new unit, not wanting to fight with his own people. Only Vyacheslav Markhaev agreed. Later, this fact began to be presented in his biography as some kind of achievement: supposedly “Markhaev created the riot police of Buryatia.” This is, of course, a play on words, if not an outright lie. Riot police were created by order of the headquarters. Markhaev just said “yes” at the right moment.

Vyacheslav Markhaev never tried to expose his head to bullets. However, in December 1994, the First Chechen War began, and all Russian riot police units were sent to “clean up” the territory. Riot police, naturally, did not participate in military operations due to their complete inability to carry out real combat operations. It was used only at checkpoints and in operations against civilians. Vyacheslav Markhaev also had to go to war - it was too late to reverse.

It is to this period that an extremely dubious fact in the life of Vyacheslav Markhaev dates back. Later, the fact disappeared from his official biography, but is diligently disseminated by red propagandists before each election campaign.

According to the story, which the retired policeman himself readily tells, during the Chechen conflict in December 1995, a Buryat riot police checkpoint was surrounded near the village of Novogroznenskoye. A battalion of internal troops from Altai was also surrounded nearby. According to Markhaev (remember, the commander of a riot police unit with the rank of lieutenant colonel), Russian generals did not want to save the soldiers and were ready to abandon them to their fate.

In essence, Markhaev accuses the then command of the Russian group of troops in Chechnya of betrayal. Nevertheless, to save the surrounded soldiers, federal troops were ready to advance an armored column, which Markhaev was asked to lead. Markhaev, however, refused (!) to carry out the combat order and proposed his own course of action - to go to negotiations with the militants and try to get the fighters out of the encirclement.

From Markhaev’s rather confused story, it is not entirely clear what the Buryat riot police have to do with it, who were allegedly also withdrawn from the encirclement. The OMON checkpoint was located in the village of Novogroznensky, where Markhaev himself and federal troops were present. And the encircled Altai battalion fought several kilometers from Novogroznensky, in the foothills. After a careful study of Markhaev’s stories, it seems that the “surrounded Buryat riot police” was invented later, in order to form Markhaev into the image of the “savior of the Buryat children.”

Subsequently, history, not without the efforts of Markhaev himself,... It turns out that on the eve of the whole story, the headquarters of the Buryat riot police in the village of Novogroznensky was subjected to prolonged shelling from the Chechens.

That day, a grenade hit the tent where Markhaev was, and he was seriously wounded. But, despite this, the next day he heroically negotiated with the militants. The fact of injury and stay in the hospital is absent from Markhaev’s official file. According to the medical encyclopedia, concussion causes severe brain damage; the patient is hospitalized for at least a month.

Let us remember that at the same time there were other federal commanders in Novogroznenskoye, including generals, under whose direct subordination the Altai battalion was. However, Lieutenant Colonel (!) Markhaev allegedly turned out to be the only one who solved the problem. The story is very reminiscent of the anecdotes of the times of late Brezhnev, when the elderly secretary general, a political instructor with the rank of colonel, began to be credited with incredible feats from the history of the liberation of Cape Myskhako ("Small Land") in 1943 and, in general, the leadership of the entire operation.

What's next? And then Lieutenant Colonel Markhaev went to the militants for negotiations. The negotiations ended on the militants' terms - the surrounded fighters leave all their weapons and equipment and go back to their own. It would seem that these are quite acceptable conditions - from the point of view of the average person.

But here's the nuance. Only for the accidental loss of military weapons, a serviceman faces Article 224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Voluntary surrender of weapons to the enemy is a serious war crime. Vyacheslav Markhaev ordered the surrounded fighters to stop resistance, give up their weapons to the enemy and essentially surrender - in exchange for access to their own.

If this had happened not in 1995, but in 1943, then the lieutenant colonel would simply would put it against the wall, and fighters who carried out an order that directly violated the Charter would be awaited penal battalion. Best case scenario. It is clear that the Chechen war is a slightly different story. But the enemy is an enemy in Africa too. And handing over weapons to the enemy is a crime in any country.

Yes, of course, Markhaev took part in the rescue of the Altai soldiers. But, if you follow the logic of saving soldiers in war, then in any war you should immediately surrender.

In this light, Markhaev’s so-called “feat” looks extremely doubtful. This is exactly what his leadership decided. There is information that they tried to put Markhaev on trial. But the President of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov, personally stood up for him, who highly valued the brave policeman for his personal devotion and some specific services. Thus was born a legend that is not in Markhaev’s official biography.

Let's repeat it again. Markhaev did not save any “Buryat guys”. The tears of Buryat mothers shed over him at every election are the result of a massively replicated legend and propaganda. We found ourselves surrounded Altai soldiers emergency service, a huge headquarters worked to save them. Markhaev was only one of three negotiators. As a result of the negotiations, the enemy ended up with a huge amount of weapons and equipment. How many more Russian soldiers were killed with its help, only Allah knows. Do you agree that in this light the whole story looks a little different?

It is curious that the entire legend was not advertised until 2007. In 2000, Markhaev became the head of the public order department at the republican headquarters. Around the same time, a strange line appeared in his official biography: “graduated from the Irkutsk department of the Khabarovsk Higher Police School.” Nobody knows when Markhaev managed to graduate from the Irkutsk university (the duration of study is five years) without interruption from his service in Ulan-Ude.

In 2006, Vyacheslav Markhaev resigned and found himself out of work. The President of Buryatia, Leonid Potapov, came to his aid again. He invited the retired colonel to run for the People's Khural in single-mandate constituency No. 16.

It was then that the political strategists pulled out the legend about the saved battalion. A simple manipulation of words - and the Altai conscript soldiers removed from encirclement turned into rescued Buryat riot police. And Markhaev is a hero of the Republic of Buryatia.

Markhaev himself, a brute of two meters tall, dressed in a ceremonial police uniform, rode out to voters on a white horse and made a crushing impression on old women and women of pre-retirement age. After a convincing victory in the Khural elections, it was impossible to refuse the request of Potapov, by that time deputy head of the Presidential Administration, to elect Markhaev as the first secretary of the republican committee. The Buryat communists wiped themselves off and remained silent.

This is how the Buryat Communist Party of the Russian Federation ended and the Markhaevshchina began.

In 2015, the communist governor of the Irkutsk region, Sergei Levchenko, in gratitude for his support in the Ust-Orda Buryat district, appointed Markhaev as a senator. While remaining the first secretary of the Republican Committee of Buryatia, Markhaev moved to the capital, and practically does not appear either in Buryatia or in the Irkutsk region. Over the past three years, he managed to mediocrely leak the elections for the head of Buryatia, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation lost all municipal elections without exception.

Markhaev does practically nothing as a senator from the Irkutsk region, does nothing as the first secretary of the Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Buryat Republic, but he earns a lot of money. The village boy suffered greatly in life. Envy and learn.

Markhaev, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Markhaev- Deputy of the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia of the IV convocation in electoral district No. 16. Born on June 1, 1955 in the village. Sharaldai, Bokhansky district, Irkutsk region. Higher education: graduated from the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute, Irkutsk branch of the Khabarovsk Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, First Secretary of the Buryat Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. People's Hero of the Republic of Dagestan, Honored Law Enforcement Worker of the Republic of Belarus, Knight of the Order of Courage, Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Belarus, Honorary Citizen of the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Master of Sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling, Chairman of the Republican public association“Nyutag” (Osinsk-Bohan community). Awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Vyacheslav Markhaev grew up in the family of a rural teacher, front-line soldier Mikhail Mikhailovich Markhaev. In 1973 he entered the Buryat Pedagogical Institute named after. D. Banzarova. Here the tall guy was noticed by the famous Buryat coach Valery Ivanov and suggested that he take up wrestling. Training, competitions and numerous victories. Sports brought up patience, endurance, and the desire for high results in future politics. After the army, I decided to join the police. He started as a local inspector for juvenile affairs at the Oktyabrsky District Department of Internal Affairs, worked as an instructor in physical and fire training in the Dynamo system, as a company commander and a separate battalion of the patrol service. In 1993, he was entrusted with the creation of a special police detachment. For more than seven years, Vyacheslav Markhaev was its first commander, and it was under him that the detachment became one of the best special forces in Russia. More than once, under his command, the detachment traveled to Chechnya in the zone of armed conflict.

In 2000, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich headed the department for the protection of public order (POOP) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. Soon he became Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Buryatia. In 2006 he resigned.

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