DIY L-shaped staircase - how to make a corner staircase. How to calculate a staircase with winder steps Section of a staircase with winder steps

With good design, a corner staircase will look great in your home.

How to calculate a winder corner staircase

The main disadvantage of a direct march is the high requirements for free space. Therefore, this design is not suitable for every home. Less demanding on free space - a corner staircase with a 90° turn.

Stylish corner staircase that takes up minimal space.

Short description

A distinctive feature of a winder staircase with a 90-degree turn is the absence of a landing. In its place are several wedge-shaped steps. Together they form a smooth turn from one march to another. To do this, one part of the steps is made narrow and the other wide.

This turn of the stairs is no less convenient than with a landing.

In fact, a winder staircase is a combination of a spiral and a marching structure. From the first variety it received space savings (albeit not too significant), from the second - ease of use.

It will be more convenient for one person to climb the winder stairs.

Such structures are usually installed in the corner of the room, although in some cases they can be placed directly in the center of the room. In the first case, the load is partially transferred to the walls, in the second, the structure is supported by 2 load-bearing beams.
Making a staircase with a 90-degree turn is quite a difficult task. This will require precise execution, the availability of the necessary tools, as well as the production of complex parts. However, with the right approach, this is a completely doable task.

An interesting option for installing a corner staircase is to an attached load-bearing wall.

Pros and cons of winder design

The advantages of a staircase with a 90-degree angle include the following:

  • Saving free space. Compared to straight marching products, winder models take up less space.
  • Ease of use. If the steps are not too narrow, then going up or down the corner stairs is almost as convenient as going up or down a regular flight of stairs.
  • Good reliability and load capacity. Marching varieties are the strongest and most reliable structures.
  • Wide possibilities for design. The variety of materials, shapes and details allows you to create a staircase with a unique design.
  • Interior element. Turning stairs fit almost any room, giving the interior a new and unusual look.

Like all staircase structures, winder staircases have not only advantages, but also some disadvantages. Among which it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • High price. The cost of manufacturing or purchasing a finished structure remains high.
  • Difficulty of manufacturing. To create a high-quality product, complex calculations and a lot of time for manufacturing parts will be required.
  • Difficulty in installing the structure. Installing a staircase with a 90-degree turn will require considerable effort and at least 2 people.

A simple version of a winder staircase.

Material used

In the modern world, many materials are used to produce stairs. For example:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • fiberglass, etc.

The design of a concrete winder staircase is quite complex.

In most cases, there are models made of wood or metal. The high popularity of these materials can be explained by two factors: reasonable cost and good strength.
Working with wood is quite simple - no special skills or complex equipment are required. Also, wooden stairs look presentable and give the room a certain coziness. However, it is worth considering that to protect the surface, it is necessary to cover it with protective agents from time to time.

A wooden winder staircase will fit perfectly in a country house.

All-metal products are less common. The fact is that the manufacture of such structures requires knowledge of welding and the availability of appropriate equipment. In addition, metal stairs with a 90-degree angle look quite specific and are not suitable for every interior.

In some cases, a combined approach can be used. For example, make load-bearing beams from metal and install wooden steps on them.

Metal staircase with wooden winder steps.

Despite the similarity of the winder corner design with marching models, going up or down such stairs is less convenient. The main negative point is the winder steps, which have one end narrow and the other wide. It is this structure that increases the risk of injury and the likelihood of slipping off a step.

This corner staircase is not very safe, so you should go down closer to the wall.

The size of other elements also affects ease of use. For example, high railings are not suitable for children, and climbing narrow steps will not be very convenient for everyone without exception.

Therefore, to increase the comfort of use, you should consider important points:

  • the minimum depth of the narrow part of the winder step is 10 cm, the middle part is no less than 20 cm, the wide part is no more than 40 cm;
  • the optimal step height is 15-20 cm;
  • the dimensions of winder and straight steps must be consistent throughout the entire flight of stairs;
  • recommended railing height – 80-100cm;
  • the optimal distance between balusters is 12-15 cm;
  • minimum height of the opening (free space above the stairs) – 2 m;
  • the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is 30-45°;
  • The minimum width of a flight of stairs is 90 cm.

Optimal dimensions of a winder staircase.

Calculation of steps

  • N = number of stages;
  • H1 – floor height;
  • H2 – step height.

Calculation of stairs with winder steps.

But in some cases, the integer value may not work. In this case, you can go in three ways:

  • change the height of the steps;
  • make the first step of a non-standard size;
  • install a platform under the stairs to “adjust” the structure to the desired height.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the winder steps - it is not recommended to install more than three to five of them. If there are more of them, then the depth of each tread will be too narrow and climbing such stairs will be inconvenient or even dangerous.

Enlarged winder step.

Making a winder staircase with your own hands

Unlike purchasing a finished product, creating a winder staircase with a 90-degree turn yourself will avoid large financial costs. However, it is worth considering that this is a long and complex process.

A more complex type of winder staircase design with a 180 degree rotation.

For greater clarity, it should be divided into several stages:

  1. carrying out calculations;
  2. manufacturing of parts;
  3. installation of the structure.


Design is the most important stage in creating a staircase. It is at this stage that the dimensions of the elements, as well as the appearance of the structure, are determined. For this reason, special attention should be paid to preparation.

Design consists of 3 stages:

  1. taking measurements;
  2. making payments;
  3. drawing up a diagram.

First of all, you should determine the location of the flight of stairs and take appropriate measurements. In particular, the length, width and height of the space under the stairs. It is the location of the winder product and the free area that influence the dimensions of the structure.

A good calculation of the space for the winder staircase.

The next step is to carry out calculations. Here you should build on the previous stage, and also take into account the optimal dimensions. For example, the angle of inclination of the stairs, the number of steps, etc.
Produced drawing of a winder staircase with a 90 degree turn.

The winder staircase diagram serves as a visual aid. In addition, a careful and unhurried approach to drawing up a drawing will avoid many problems in the next stages. For example, questions about the size of individual elements or their compliance with the recommended parameters.

Execution of work

To manufacture parts and install the structure, you will need the following tools:

  • saw;
  • Sander;
  • drill;
  • welding machine (if there are metal elements in the stairs);
  • fastening elements (bolts, anchors, screws).

Manufacturing and installation of the structure occurs in a certain order:

  1. load-bearing beams are manufactured and attached to the wall;
  2. a support pillar is installed;
  3. steps are cut out;
  4. the steps are installed on supporting beams (they should be mounted from the bottom up);
  5. balusters are inserted into the supporting beams;
  6. Handrails are placed on the fence posts.

Space saving and pleasant appearance - this is a brief description of a corner staircase with winder steps. This design will look great in any room, literally transforming it. Therefore, in order to get a beautiful and high-quality product, you should act very carefully and slowly at all stages of production.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, working with texts.
Education: Kharkov State Academy of Culture, specialty “Culturologist.” Teacher of history and cultural theory." Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

A turning staircase is the most popular type of structure in two-story houses. Its main advantages include its compactness and the ability to be placed in a corner, resulting in significant space savings.

What are the main advantages of a turning staircase?

This design is ideal for small spaces where it is important to save more space. In this case, the key feature is the ability to install additional steps if the opening width is about a meter. The staircase can be rotated in several ways - 90° and 180°, and the latter design looks very “fragile” in appearance, but does not take up much space.

Types of turning stairs:

  • Curvilinear, used quite rarely due to the fact that you will not be able to feel the necessary stability under your feet, because when creating it you will have to strictly observe the width of the fitting end - it should be at least 10 cm;
  • A curved staircase is considered the most economical type. Such designs, in turn, are divided into screw, quarter-turn and half-turn, differing in the angle of rotation. However, it is worth mentioning separately, which are considered the most practical, especially if you place the rack in the middle when arranging. They are most often made of either wood or metal. Their key feature is the possibility of arrangement in a small area, but there is also a minus - metal stairs are not entirely convenient.

Wooden staircase with winder steps

The most famous type of turning staircase is this option. It looks like a plate with edges that differ in width. In this case, the dimensions vary taking into account several factors: the width in the narrowest part should not be less than 100 mm, in the middle - at least 200 mm.

This is dictated by key points: one foot must rest on the wide part to obtain the required area for normal support, while the second foot ends up in a narrow place, which means it will not receive proper support.

By the way, this factor is the main disadvantage of such a staircase - it is inconvenient and quite dangerous to climb and descend, since there is a high risk of slipping. If you make the steps smaller, the staircase will be unusable. And this problem can be solved if wood is used as a material for the stairs.

However, a rotary staircase with winder steps is most often installed in small rooms, since this design will save space, and it can also be mounted either in the center of the room or near the wall - it all depends on the design of the room. The simplest version of a staircase is the connection of several straight flights with steps in a turning area. The most difficult moment when creating a staircase is the middle step of the turn, which is most often performed in the following variations:

  1. The step will be adjacent to the corner of rotation so that its wide part rests against the walls of the opening, located perpendicular to them.
  2. The edge of the top step should be adjacent to the corner between the walls. In this case, one step will rest against the wall, the next – against the wall, which is located perpendicularly. Moreover, their shapes and sizes should not be different.

The site’s site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required dimensions of the stairs.

Do-it-yourself turning staircase: the work of a professional

To make a practical and beautiful staircase, you need to correctly calculate it, select the material used, and purchase the required tools if necessary. The first thing you need is to calculate your future project. The standards clearly show the key characteristics of structures: width and height, as well as railings (fencing). And only if you take into account all these factors can you get a positive result. Naturally, you can’t do without tools - hammers, a grinder, if you need to “bring it to mind,” bolts and bowstrings, screwdrivers. It is advisable to stock up on this in advance so as not to be interrupted from the work process in the future.

How to make a turning staircase with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Carry out calculations

To calculate the required number of steps, you need to proceed from the height. Practice shows that the optimal height is about 15-20 cm and no more than 30 cm, since higher or lower steps make the climb dangerous. You need to think about the width: it is necessary that it can guarantee full support for the legs - from 20 to 30 cm. The width of the staircase itself is also important - it is undesirable to make it less than 1.2 m. By the way, for many it is considered the most difficult step, so just try find a scheme that suits you on the Internet.

Step 2: Installing Treads and Risers

To secure elements such as treads and risers, you should cut out ledges on the strings into which we insert the stair tenons. If the “sockets” (ledges) are on the lower part of the string, then we first put it in place, and then install the steps themselves from below. Bowstrings can be installed on the platform beams using a variety of methods. The most reliable type of fastening is using a bowstring with end spikes.

There is also the option of using brackets, but in this case one should not talk about the practicality of the construction. By the way, you can use bolts instead of a bowstring, since such fasteners are considered the most effective today. Despite the fact that the structure will be very fragile in appearance, such fasteners are very strong and reliable - if you use bolts, your staircase can withstand loads of up to 1500 kg.

Step 5: Decorating the stairs

Our last stage is decorating the structure. Since we used wood in our work, it is necessary that the material we use not only decorates the wood, but also becomes a kind of protection. Therefore, it is best to purchase translucent paint or simple varnish. At the same time, it is advisable to carry out painting work in warm weather, and the wood itself should be dry. The stairs are painted with a roller or brushes from top to bottom, painting the railing and steps at each level. The average drying time for the material is about three days.

By the way, In order for the wood to serve you as long as possible, it must be stored for several days in the room where the repair will be carried out so that the difference in temperature does not affect the structure and quality of the wood. Thus, turning staircases to the second floor are, although quite complex to create independently, but also the most practical designs. Saving space, the ability to install both near walls and in the center of the room are not the only advantages!

If an L-shaped staircase is installed in the room, then a situation is possible when, in order to reduce the size of the staircase opening and save space, it is necessary to abandon the platform and make winder steps instead.

A staircase with turning steps is more compact than a design with an interstaircase platform. At the same time, winder stairs have a number of disadvantages, the most important of which are the radial steps of irregular shape and the resulting features.

In this article we will tell you how to properly design a staircase with winder steps so that it is convenient and safe to use.

Safety requirements for stairs

To smooth out design flaws, corner stairs must be properly designed by calculating the winder steps taking into account the following requirements:

  • the depth of the steps in the widest part should not exceed 40 cm, and in the narrow part it should not be less than 10 cm;
  • in the middle, all winder steps must be of the same depth, but not less than 20 cm;
  • the height of the step can vary from 12 to 22 cm;
  • the edge of the tread should not protrude more than 4 cm;
  • When designing L-shaped stairs, make sure to follow the following formulas (where e is the depth of the step, j is the height of the riser):
    1. convenience formula: e - j = 12 cm;
    2. safety formula: e + j = 46 cm.
    3. step formula: 2 j + e = 62 (60-64) cm;
  • if a staircase with a 180-degree turn is being built, then the distance between the flights must be at least ¼ of the width of the step, otherwise the depth of the turning step in the narrow part will be too small (less than 10 cm), which is unacceptable;
  • the distance from the flight of stairs to the ceiling must be at least 200 cm;

Calculation of stairs with winder steps

After the main dimensions of the curved staircase are determined based on the video, you need to calculate the configuration and number of winder steps.

U-shaped staircase

First of all, it is necessary to mark the center of the arc coinciding with the inner radius of the staircase, that is, point “A”. Then determine the number of turning steps: the more there are, the smaller the angle of rotation for each and the more comfortable it will be to move up the stairs.

Let's assume that the winders will be steps up to the seventh inclusive. Then a straight line DE is drawn through the beginning of the eighth step. Line AB divides the staircase into left and right parts. It is necessary to draw a curve in the middle of the march ac, corresponding to the line of movement. From AB on the line of motion a section equal to ½ b, Where b– the width of a regular step. We get point 1. Next, we lay off a segment equal to b and mark point 2. Similarly, at equal intervals, mark the remaining points 3-7.

Next, through point 1 and A we draw a straight line until it intersects with DE. We also draw a straight line through points 2 and A. On section DE we obtain points 1 and 2. We lay off segments on line DE equal to section 1-2 and mark them with numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively. Now we connect point 3 on the line of movement ac with point 3 on line DE, then connect the corresponding points 4, 5, 6, 7. Thus, the configuration of the steps is determined. A similar calculation is made for the right side of the staircase with turning steps.

As in the case of a U-shaped staircase, point “A” is located and straight line AC is drawn. There are two options for the arrangement of steps:

  1. straight AC divides the corner step in half;
  2. two steps are adjacent to straight AC with their edges.

In the second case, similarly with a U-shaped staircase, a line of movement is drawn ac. On a curved section, segments of length b(width of a straight step). The number of winder steps is determined. Suppose these are steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then straight line EB is drawn through the end of step 4, where “B” is the intersection of straight lines EB and CA. Next, segment AD is arbitrarily drawn from point “A”, and points 2, 3 and 4 are marked on it so that segment A2 is equal to two parts, segment 23 to three, 34 to four. An arbitrary segment equal to 1 conventional unit (cm, dm) is taken as one part.

Now we connect points 4 and B. From points 2 and 3 to the intersection with AB we draw straight lines parallel to segment B4. The resulting points on section AB are connected, respectively, to points 3 and 2 on the line of movement ac. These lines determine the configuration of the winder steps.

In the case where the straight line AC divides the step in half, the calculation of the winder staircase is performed in a similar way.

Staircase with a 90 degree turn - how to make it yourself

We will show how to make a winder staircase using an example of a design with the following parameters:

  • the length of the staircase opening is 2294 mm;
  • width - 930 mm;
  • ceiling height - 2683 mm.

The corner staircase consists of two flights. There are 8 steps in a long flight, and the top one coincides with the landing of the second floor. There are 2 steps in the lower flight. And three winder steps, the angle of rotation of which is 30°. The wooden staircase project will look like this:

A wooden staircase with a turn is made on two stringers with dimensions of 50x300x3000 mm, one of which is mounted on the wall, and the other on a support post with dimensions of 100x100x2500 mm. It is also necessary to purchase steps measuring 900x300x40 mm, a turning platform 900x900x40 mm, from which the winder steps will be cut, and balusters.

A wooden staircase with winder steps, having this shape and parameters, is manufactured in several stages.

Making stringers

First, you should prepare a template, which is a right triangle, the legs of which are equal to the depth of the tread and the height of the riser. For convenience, the triangle should be secured to the guide rail, as in the photo. Using this template, mark the stringer and cut out the excess with a circular saw. It must be remembered that in the thinnest part the width of the stringer should not be less than 15 cm.

In the corner we build an improvised support structure, which will expand the wall stringer and serve as the basis for the winder steps.

We secure the upper ends of the stringers with metal corners.

After the load-bearing elements are secured, the following should appear:

When installing stringers, it is important to monitor the level so that subsequently the steps lie strictly horizontal. The most common mistake made by inexperienced craftsmen is that parallelism to the floor is taken as horizontal. But the floor may be uneven, so this parameter must be determined only using a level.

How to make winder steps

Winder steps are cut from a rectangular board 900x900x40 mm. For a staircase with a 90-degree turn, three steps will be enough. To make them, we divide the board into three parts with lines coming out of one corner. We adjust the cut steps to length.

Having decided which varnish to cover the stairs, apply at least 3 layers to the steps.

Installation of stairs with winder steps

To secure the winder steps, grooves are cut into the pillar, the height of which is slightly less than the thickness of the board. This way we will ensure reliable fixation of the steps on the inside of the stairs. And on the outside, we are modifying the supporting structure so that steps can be placed on it.

From the outside of the flight of stairs, the turning steps are screwed to the supporting frame using self-tapping screws. The inner ends of the steps are inserted into the cuts and, to strengthen the structure, are glued with PVA glue mixed with sawdust.

We cut the end of the bowstring at a right angle to the floor so that the entrance pillar can be installed.

Installation of railings

Now you need to install the balusters. Sometimes they are attached from below through the steps using self-tapping screws, but this method is unreliable. It is better to use dowels - cylindrical wooden rods.

To do this, a hole is drilled in the steps, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the cross-section of the dowel, and filled with glue. A similar hole is made in the balusters, and it is very important that it is exactly in the center. If the baluster has a rectangular shape, then the center is determined as the intersection of the diagonals of the rectangle. Try to drill the holes as accurately as possible so that they turn out strictly vertical, because the position of the balusters will depend on this.

A rope is stretched between the first and last pillars, along which the angle of inclination of the railing is marked on all balusters. Next, according to the applied marks, the tops of the racks are cut off. In this way we prepare the balusters for installing the handrail.

The handrail can be secured using simple self-tapping screws (hidden), and the attachment points can be hidden with putty.

The single-flight staircase with winder steps is ready. This is what we got.

With this manufacturing method, the load on the lower turning stage will act along the grain of the wood, which is undesirable, as it weakens the structure. In this case, it will be necessary to additionally strengthen the step with support, which is what we did.

If, when building a new house, you are thinking about what type of staircase structure to prefer to connect floors, then you should pay attention to such an option as a staircase with winder steps.

Winders are steps located in a circle, continuously. One of their ends, the one located on the inside, is narrower than the outside. When turning the stairs, they are used instead of an intermediate platform. There are two types of stairs with winder steps:

  • U-shaped - such stairs rotate 180°;
  • L-shaped - such stairs rotate 90°.

Winder steps have a number of advantages, for example:

  • take up less space than marching ones;
  • visually make the room wider;
  • have an aesthetic appearance.

Their disadvantages include the following features:

  • the narrow edge of a step when climbing stairs causes psychological discomfort. It seems like there is nowhere to put your foot;
  • such stairs have a rather complex design and therefore it is difficult to make calculations for them;
  • not as comfortable to use as stairs with platforms;
  • The design of such a ladder must be approached with the utmost care and responsibility, because if it is not designed correctly, the risk of falling and serious injury will increase.

What you need to consider to make the design as safe as possible

To eliminate possible troubles from the shortcomings of winder steps, the staircase must be designed correctly, taking into account the following nuances when calculating it:

  • the depth of the outer edge of the step should be no more than 400 mm, and the inner edge should be no less than 100 mm;
  • the middle of each step must be at least 200 mm deep;
  • in height, each step can occupy from 120 to 220 mm;
  • the maximum protrusion of the edge of the tread should be 40 mm;

  • When calculating an L-shaped staircase, the following formulas must be observed:
    • for comfortable use - a (step depth) - b (riser height) = 120 mm;
    • for maximum safety – a + b = 460 mm;
    • step formula - 2b + a = 620 (600-640) mm.

  • when building a U-shaped staircase, the space between the steps should not be less than a quarter of the width of the steps. Otherwise, the winder steps from the inner edge will be too narrow;
  • the gap between the ceiling and the flight of stairs must be at least 2 m.

How to calculate a winder ladder

To make a calculation for a U-shaped structure, you need to proceed as follows:

  • mark the center of the bend coinciding with the radius of the inner side of the stairs;
  • calculate the number of winder steps: the more there are, the more comfortable you can use the staircase;
  • winder steps, photos of which are given below, from the first to the seventh inclusive. Through the next, eighth step, or rather through its beginning, the line DE is drawn. Straight AB divides the staircase into two sides - right and left. The middle of the march should be marked with a curve ac, which corresponds to the line of movement;
  • On the line indicating movement, from AB we set aside a section equal to half the width of an ordinary step. Thus, we find point 1. From it we draw a segment equal to the width of the step and mark point 2. Using the same principle, we find the remaining points from the 3rd to the 7th;
  • through points 1 and A we draw a line intersecting with DE. We draw another line through 2 and A. On line DE we mark points 1 and 2;
  • on line DE we measure intervals of the same length as 1-2 and designate them with numbers from 3 to 7;
  • then we connect point number 3, located on line AC, to point number 3, located on line DE. We do the same with points 4,5,6,7;
  • the same calculations are made regarding the other half of the staircase with winder steps.

For an L-shaped structure, as in the case described above, find point A and draw a straight line AC. There are two ways to arrange the steps:

  • line AC divides the corner step into two equal parts;
  • line AC coincides with the line of the junction of two corner steps.

If the second option is chosen, then the same as in the case described above, the line of movement ac is indicated. On the curved segment, lines b are indicated, equal to the width of ordinary steps. The number of turning steps is determined. If these are steps numbered 1,2,3,4, as in the figure above, then a straight line EB is drawn through the end line of the 4th step. Point B here marks the intersection of EB and CA. After this, straight line AD is drawn arbitrarily. Points 2,3,4 are marked on it, while segment A-2 should be two parts, 2-3 – three parts, 3-4 – four parts. One part in this case is a segment equal to 1 of any conventional unit, for example a centimeter or decimeter.

Next we draw line 4B. From points 2 and 3 we draw lines intersecting AB, parallel to segment B4. The points obtained on the segment AB are connected by a straight line to the corresponding points on ac. These lines determine the shape of the turning steps.

If the AC line divides the corner step into two equal parts, the winder steps are calculated in a similar way.

Tools and materials needed to make stairs

To make your own stairs, you need to stock up on good quality wood. Of course, dark oak is the best choice, but it is very expensive. Maple is also excellent for this purpose - its cost is much less, and finding it in the right quantity will not be difficult.

In addition to the tree, you should prepare:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • fasteners;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette.

DIY staircase with winder steps

Let us consider the sequence of manufacturing a winder staircase using the example of an L-shaped structure with an opening length of 2 m 29.4 cm, a width of 93 cm, and a ceiling height of 2 m 68 cm.

The turning staircase has two flights: one of eight steps, the last of which coincides with the landing of the upper floor, and the other of two. There are three winder steps, with a rotation angle of 30°.

For a turning staircase made of wood, it is necessary to create two stringers 5x30x300 cm. One of them is fixed on the wall, and the second rests on a pole measuring 10x10x250 cm. You will also need steps 90x30x4 cm, a turntable 90x90x4 cm, from which the turning steps and balusters will be made.

The process of creating a winder staircase of this design is carried out in several stages:

  • production of stringers;
  • production of winder steps;
  • assembly of staircase structure;
  • installation of railings.

Consider each stage in detail. The sequence of making stringers is as follows:

  • We make a template in the form of a right triangle. Its legs should be equal to the height and depth of the step. To make the template convenient to use, you need to attach it to the guide rail. Using it, we mark the future stringer and cut it out using a circular saw. At the same time, we must not forget that the thinnest part of the stringer should be at least 150 mm in width;

  • we install a pillar for support, having previously hollowed out a groove in it into which the stringer will be inserted;

  • in the corner we mount the base for the turning steps, which will also expand the stringer located near the wall;

  • We attach the stringers on the top side with metal corners.

The general view of the structure after securing the stringers should be like this:

When installing stringers, you must ensure that they are strictly opposite each other, otherwise the steps will not lie strictly horizontally. In this case, you need to focus not on the floor surface, because... it may not be level, but at the building level.

Now we move on to the second stage of making the stairs - cutting out the winder steps:

  • To turn the stairs 90° you will need 3 steps. We cut them out of a board 90x90x4 cm. To do this, we divide it with lines coming from one corner into three sectors;
  • Having cut out the steps along the lines, we adjust their length to each other;

  • Next we varnish all the steps. Apply the varnish in three layers.

At the next stage, we assemble the staircase structure:

  • To secure the rotary steps in the column, we cut out grooves, the width of which should be slightly less than the thickness of the board. This is necessary in order to securely fix the steps from the inner edge of the stairs;

  • so that the steps from the side of the wall can be placed on the base, we modify it with pieces of wood;

  • we insert the inner sides of the winder steps into the prepared cuts, having previously coated them with PVA glue, and attach the outer sides with self-tapping screws to the base;
  • We fix ordinary steps with long self-tapping screws;

  • to hide the protruding corner of the turning step, we make the flight of stairs located below on a bowstring;
  • We cut the edge of the bowstring at an angle of 90° to the floor to make it possible to install the entrance pillar.

The next stage is the installation of the railings. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • installing balusters. They can be attached to the steps with self-tapping screws, but if you use dowels, the structure will be much more reliable. We make a hole in the baluster and in the steps, slightly smaller than the dowel, and fill it with PVA. The holes must be drilled with maximum precision, strictly vertically and in the center of the balusters so that they take the correct position;

  • We stretch a cord between the first and last pillars, and along it on each baluster we mark the angle at which the railing will be located. Then, focusing on the markings, we cut off the tops of the racks. Now the balusters are ready for the installation of handrails;

  • We secure the handrails with countersunk self-tapping screws.

This online calculator has an integrated system so that you can calculate a staircase to the second floor with a 90-degree turn and winder steps without having the skills of a designer or having any special knowledge in the field of construction. This program was created by people, for people. Simplicity and ease of use, a logically understandable interface will help you make seemingly complex calculations in just a couple of clicks. By following the general instructions and rules, you will receive an accurate calculation of materials, as well as clear drawings that exclude any errors.

This simple program is capable of producing high-precision automatic calculations for you, be it wooden or metal stairs. Let's try to figure out together what the design of a staircase with winder steps is, first of all. This type of staircase not only serves for convenient movement between floors, but also significantly saves space in comparison with conventional flight stairs. Due to the absence of an inter-flight platform as such, its aesthetic appearance is enhanced, thanks to which it fits perfectly into any modern decor. Due to the fact that the interfloor platform is made in the form of steps, you save on material when constructing this structural element.

To calculate a staircase with winder steps with a 90-degree turn, you will need some initial data:

  • Standard sizes, lengths and widths;
  • Dimensions of the opening where the winder staircase will be located;
  • Well, perhaps the most important thing is the geometric dimensions of the steps.

In the last point, you need to know and take into account some features.

  • In narrow areas, 100 mm is considered the most convenient size.
  • In the central part of the step, the average size must be reduced to 250 mm.
  • Well, on the widest area, experts recommend using a step depth of no more than 400 mm.

In this case, it is better to take the step height according to the standard within 15-20 cm. And the slope of the stringer for convenient ascent and descent is 30 - 40 degrees. You should also take into account the characteristics of the material from which you plan to make the staircase itself. It can be metal and wood, concrete and even glass. The last thing you should not forget about when calculating a staircase is the overhang of the tread over the riser; the maximum size for this type of staircase should not exceed 5 cm.

Calculation results.

If you follow the rules and recommendations and enter the initial data correctly, as a result you will receive: the most accurate drawing of an L-shaped staircase to the second floor, a calculation of the staircase itself made in accordance with all GOST rules, as well as a safe and comfortable design after its installation.