DIY foundation for a barn. Do-it-yourself foundation for a barn How to fill the foundation of a barn with your own hands

A barn is the most common outbuilding. And this is not surprising, work tools, firewood for heating the stove, and various equipment are stored there. It’s convenient to arrange a workplace in the barn by attaching a workbench or machine. Taking this into account, we can assume that a barn must be built of no less quality than a house. A properly made foundation is the key to a building’s long service life for its owners. Let's look at how to lay a foundation for a shed with your own hands.

Types of soils

Let's figure out which soil is most suitable for laying a foundation. The following types of soil exist:

  • Rocky,
  • Sandy,
  • gravel,
  • Sandy loam and loam.

The most desirable option is the first one. Rocky soil does not freeze and does not form quicksand, does not sag or shrink. The only disadvantage we can highlight is that it is difficult to process - it is difficult to dig. However, this compensates for the fact that it is not possible to lay a very deep foundation on such soil.

The worst option is soil consisting of sandy loam and loam. It freezes too deeply, which is why the foundation will have to be dug very deep. In addition, this type of soil, like sandy soil, forms quicksand. Clay soil is also unsuitable for construction, as it is highly susceptible to compression and swelling.

Some people wonder how deep to dig a recess under the foundation. Since the barn is a lightweight structure, a shallow foundation is often ideal for it. It is ideal for buildings made of logs or wooden beams, and is usually laid on clay or sand. The depth of the foundation for a shed depends mainly on the type of soil and the depth of its freezing in winter, but on average it is 60 cm.

Soil properties

It is clear that a barn is a much lighter structure than a house, however, its construction also has its own characteristics. When laying the foundation for a shed, you need to take into account the properties of the soil. Depending on them, it is necessary to select the type of foundation. So, before you start digging a trench, consider the following factors:

  • Soil compressibility,
  • Groundwater rise level,
  • Presence of quicksand, freezing depth in winter,
  • Soil type,
  • Features of the area.

Mortar for pouring the foundation

Before making a foundation for a shed, you need to prepare a solution consisting of cement, sand, gravel and water. A good tenacious solution is prepared in compliance with the following rules:

  1. When buying cement, you need to check the date of its manufacture and prefer the one that is manufactured recently. For the mortar, ordinary Portland cement is suitable.
  2. For greater efficiency and reduction of cement costs, it is best to take gravel of various diameters, both large and small. Small grains will serve as a layer between larger pebbles, and less cement will be needed.
  3. Crushed stone should not contain debris or impurities.
  4. The water should also be clean, preferably potable.
  5. There should be no clay or silt mixed with the sand.

Below is a recipe for a classic masonry mortar. Mix sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 3:5, add 1 part of cement and fill everything with water to obtain a thick, homogeneous mass.

Now it’s clear to you how to fill the foundation for the shed.

Strip foundation

For building sheds, strip foundations are the most popular. For it, it is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the future building. The tape type is used in almost any soil and for any building. It will perfectly withstand both light buildings and multi-story brick buildings with heavy concrete floors. This type also allows you to equip a basement.

To begin building a strip foundation for a barn, like most others, you need to dig a trench. The depth of the ditch should be equal to the depth to which the soil freezes in winter plus another 15 cm, and the width should be about 70 cm. In this case, the width of the foundation base itself will be equal to 40 cm. A two-layer cushion is poured onto the bottom of the ditch, consisting of a layer of compacted crushed stone about 10 cm and 5 -th centimeter layer of sand.

Then they make formwork, the height of which should be approximately 20 to 30 cm above ground level. This way you will raise the base of the building, and this will protect it from getting wet. A mesh is made from reinforcement, which serves to strengthen the foundation. The diameter of the reinforcement should be 1.2 cm, and the width of the mesh cells should be 30 cm.

Next, the foundation is poured with concrete, and after it hardens, you can remove the wooden frame and seal the gaps formed with earth. The base should be separated from the foundation by a layer of waterproofing.

Columnar foundation

Simple to implement and relatively cheap compared to the strip foundation described above.

A columnar foundation for a barn is made by installing concrete or brick pillars in the corners and at the junctions of walls. They are simply dug into the soil to the depth of its freezing. Unfortunately, this type of foundation cannot be used on moving soils.

First you need to dig holes in the places where the pillars will be located. The depth of the holes should be 15 cm greater than the soil freezing depth for this type of terrain. The bottom of the holes is filled with a mixture of sand and gravel and compacted so that the final result is a 15-centimeter layer.

Now you can mount the pillars, which can be made of concrete blocks, asbestos pipes filled with concrete mortar, or represent ordinary brickwork. An iron rod must be installed inside the pillar; this increases the bearing capacity of the pillars.

If you use the last option - masonry, then it is important to treat it with waterproofing mastic. Insulation from moisture is also necessary for the wooden base of the shed. To do this, the foundation is covered with moisture-proof material and only then the base of the building is placed on top.

Foam block foundation

For this option of making a foundation for an outbuilding, foam blocks are used. This type of foundation is quite common, since its use increases the service life of the entire building. Foam block is a universal material; it can be used to make a foundation for any structure, even a house.

Low cost also contributes to the popularity of this material in construction. In addition, foam blocks are a fairly light material compared to others, so the base does not experience much stress. Based on this, it can be argued that a foam block foundation for a shed is an ideal option. Some people use foam blocks not only for laying the foundation, but also for erecting the walls of the building.

The practical part of performing this type of foundation is very similar to working on a strip foundation. Start by marking the area. Mark and dig in pegs and stretch the cord between them. Now you can dig a pit, the depth of which should be about 60 cm. The width is calculated taking into account the width of the foam blocks themselves plus another 15-20 cm.

A cushion of a mixture of crushed stone and sand is poured into the bottom of the pit, formwork and frame are installed, and everything is filled with concrete. The height of such a base should be about 20 cm. Now you need to wait until the concrete is completely dry and install the blocks.

Block foundation

Block foundations have a number of advantages over other types, including:

  1. Low temperature resistance.
  2. Resistance to acidic soil masses.
  3. Versatility and variety. From the blocks you can build any type of foundation for any building. This is due to their wide range and variety of standard sizes. Small blocks are suitable for a shed.
  4. Excellent strength properties and long service life.
  5. Ease of installation and reduction of the time required to lay the foundation.

The foundation for the block shed begins to be built from the corners, where the first blocks are installed. The blocks are placed on concrete mortar. If the soil is loose, then for the reliability of the future structure it is necessary to manufacture and install a metal mesh. The laying of the base is controlled using a level, this helps to avoid the occurrence of curvature.

After this, the external seams are expanded and filled with a composition with additives containing moisture protection. Waterproofing is also necessary for the entire outer contour of the base. After this, the trench is buried.

Thus, now you know the methods of building a foundation and its types that are most suitable for making a foundation for a barn with your own hands.

Light wooden structures that will be intended for storing light gardening tools, or will be reserved for poultry, for example, or small livestock, do not need a monolithic foundation. For such structures, a columnar foundation made from different materials is quite suitable. The most important advantage of such a foundation is its low cost compared to the monolithic version, and even a beginner in construction can build it! At the same time, such a foundation retains high performance characteristics.

Pillar foundations can be installed on any landscape, even on moving soils. Carrying out hydro- and thermal insulation work when arranging such a foundation is not a necessary measure; installation is carried out even without outside help. As a load-bearing base, pillars are most often made of concrete, brick, natural stone, foam blocks, and sometimes wooden pillars are also used. True, in the latter case, the columns must be burned and treated with special solutions that will reduce the degree of decay, otherwise the structure on such a foundation will not stand for long.

How to make a pillar foundation - step by step process

The process of constructing a foundation on pillars should be carried out in several simple steps. The first stage is preparation of the area, which includes clearing the area of ​​debris, leveling uneven areas and adding a bed of gravel if the soil on the site is clayey. Then you need to make markings, noting where each column will be located. Depending on how soft and mobile the soil is in your area, it is recommended to dig the posts from half a meter to a meter deep.

On hard soils, the depressions do not need to be strengthened, but on soft soils, a layer of reinforced concrete should be made at the bottom of each hole to protect the structure from possible subsidence. After this, we proceed to the second step - making the formwork. For this purpose, boards 15 cm wide and 4 cm thick are best suited. If you do not want to spend a long time fiddling with the formwork, make it from asbestos-cement or iron pipes, but these options cannot be removed after pouring. After installing the formwork, provide reinforcement from iron rods installed longitudinally.

When fiddling with the reinforcement is completed, fill the future columns with concrete mortar with fine crushed stone. Try to compact the solution as tightly as possible.

Then we proceed to the construction of the grillage - that part of the foundation on pillars that distributes the load evenly between all parts. Again, using wire and reinforcement we connect the lintels, make a frame from the same reinforcement and install the formwork. Fill everything with concrete and wait until it hardens completely. If you do everything carefully and evenly, then on the resulting foundation you can build a structure for a barn.

DIY foundation for a shed made of foam blocks - features

Building a strong and insulated outbuilding right away is much easier and cheaper than strengthening and insulating the structure during operation. In this regard, foam blocks are the most successful option, since foam blocks themselves are excellent insulation, and at the same time hard enough to act as a material for masonry. Although foam blocks are a lightweight material, a shed made of foam blocks also needs a solid foundation, and you can do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists. It is best to make a strip foundation, under which trenches no more than half a meter deep are dug - there is no point in making the foundation deeper, the structure will be quite light in weight.

After the trenches are dug, sand and fine gravel are poured into their bottom, in a layer no thicker than 20 cm. The reinforcement frame can be made from fairly thin rods with a cross-section of 10 mm. After installing the frame, formwork is made from boards and concrete is poured. It is extremely important to fill the entire foundation in one go, therefore, if you are doing the work without special equipment, then you will need at least 3 assistants to quickly mix the solution and deliver it to the trenches. It will take several days for the concrete to completely harden - remember to water it with plenty of water in hot weather to prevent it from cracking.

Most people believe that building a foundation for a shed with your own hands is simply simple and does not take much time. For this to be the case, it is necessary to carry out complex construction. After all, it needs to be done in such a way that the building does not collapse in two or three years.

Ready-made monolithic foundation for a barn

Before considering the types of foundations for a barn, you should decide on the type of structure itself. The following are distinguished:

The type of foundation being built directly depends not only on the strength of the future building, but also on the type of soil on which it is built.

Let's look at the types of foundations for a barn that you can build with your own hands.

Poured foundation

Before laying a poured foundation for the shed, it is necessary to make a bedding that will serve as an elevation above the ground by about 100–200 mm.

Formwork for installation of a poured foundation

Then a monolithic slab is installed: it will be the floor for the building. Such a floor will ideally cope with any loads and protect the structure from all kinds of rodents.

Columnar foundation

An ideal and simple option for constructing light buildings. On such a foundation, you can make a building from foam blocks, but before you start construction, you need to examine the soil composition: if it is homogeneous and compacted, then it is possible to make a foundation from bricks or foam blocks.

It must be remembered that building a foundation with your own hands is a job that requires patience. It is best to make a columnar foundation using poured foundations or using brick or concrete blocks, simply installing them in the corners and in places where the corner elements of the walls are located.

To build a columnar foundation, you will need to do the following:

Block foundation

A foam block foundation is the best option for outbuildings. It is the most common because it is easy to use, suitable for installing a base for all types of buildings, and can be installed quickly.

The not very high cost of a foam block foundation makes this building material even more popular. Moreover, it is quite lightweight compared to other materials.

To make a foam block base correctly, you first need to mark the area. Next, drive in the stakes and stretch the cord between them. Then start digging a pit approximately 600 mm deep.

When calculating, you should take into account the width of the foam blocks themselves, increasing the width of the trench by 200 mm.

Pour crushed stone and sand bedding onto the bottom of the trench, install formwork, and fill everything with concrete mortar 200 mm high. Then, after waiting for the concrete to dry completely, you can install the required number of foam blocks and continue work.

Strip foundation for a barn

When building sheds, strip foundations are no less popular, since they can withstand different loads, are cheap, stable and allow you to build a basement inside.

Scheme for building a strip foundation for a barn

This type of base is used on any soil and for any buildings.

Screw foundation

Although it is a relatively new technology, it has managed to gain popularity in low-rise construction. Such a foundation is affordable and durable on almost any soil.

Rapid construction technology includes:

  • Vertical installation of piles at marked points - the vertical is measured with a level. If the pile is deflected even by two degrees, it must be unscrewed and installed correctly in another place, since the density of the soil has already been lost in this area;
  • The piles are driven to the calculated depth using a crowbar or pipe in the corners and under the walls of the building. This will not cause many problems: the screw piles are equipped with a sharp end and thread, which make it possible to perfectly cut through any soil except rocky soil;
  • All piles need to be measured and brought to the same height using a grinder;
  • For strength from the inside, the pile is filled with concrete mixture. The foundation is ready, you can lay the slab.

Cinder block foundation

Cinder block is a cheap material that consists of slag, crushed stone, sand, cement and other components. As a foundation, it is perfect for small-sized buildings.

But a cinder block foundation has its drawbacks:

  • Hygroscopic due to the porosity of the structure;
  • Has high thermal conductivity;
  • Not resistant to frost.

The construction scheme for a cinder block foundation includes the following steps:

Important! To ensure that the foundation lies evenly, reinforcement is installed in the corners and a rope is pulled over it. In the future, masonry is carried out at this level.

Tire foundation

Recently, among summer residents, foundations built from used material have become widespread. Sleepers or tires can be used for this.

Example of a tire foundation for a barn

Advantages of a tire foundation:

  • Saving on materials;
  • Rubber provides excellent waterproofing;
  • Tires are a strong and durable material;
  • Tires can serve as a “cushion” in areas of seismic activity;
  • Easy to manufacture.

An important nuance is that the tires must be located at the same level to avoid misalignment.
The foundation of tires can be erected as either a strip or a columnar type. To build it, you need to clear the area, level the soil, lay the tires in two layers - the best would be to use truck tires. Then soil is poured into the column to the extent of 80% of the tire volume.

Roofing felt should be laid on top to ensure a smooth surface and waterproofing. After which the concrete can be poured. To increase the strength of the structure, you can use concrete instead of backfilled soil.

In addition to this, it is possible to use tire reinforcement for the foundation.

The construction of the foundation is one of the most critical construction stages. The supporting platform largely determines the durability of both large-scale capital projects and small outbuildings. A barn cannot be classified as a demanding object in terms of foundation characteristics, however, there are many important nuances in the technique of its construction. Moreover, this operation in most cases is carried out with a modest set of materials and technical means, which in itself forces performers to look for ways to optimize work activities. To build a high-quality foundation for a shed, it would be a good idea to use proven technologies for solving such problems at minimal cost.

Preparation for work activities

Before starting construction of the foundation, it is necessary to carefully calculate the work plan. It is important to determine the location of the facility, the area and orientation of the technological points. An approximate layout of the barn will allow for the correct positioning of the supporting platform, regardless of what technology it will be used. In order to last longer and not be damaged during the first stages of operation due to defects in the ground surface, it is important to clear the soil. The layer of vegetation must be eliminated and, if possible, the rough coating must be made not only even, but also hard. This may also require removing loose soil or using a tamping tool. The method of achieving the desired characteristics of the base surface will depend on the quality of the soil itself.

Preparation of the solution

Almost all shed foundation methods require the use of concrete. To prepare the solution you will need a basic set of water, sand and cement, but with the addition of gravel. The fraction of its elements can be any, but it is advisable to correlate it with the volume of the planned mass - the larger the pouring area, the larger the fraction. For example, gravel for a columnar foundation will have a minimum size, but for a strip foundation it is advisable to select a large fraction. It is important to maintain the proportions for the solution from which the foundation will be made; sand and gravel should be mixed in a small container in a ratio of 3:5, then add 1 part of Portland cement. Water is added with the expectation of obtaining a thick but tenacious mass.

Construction of a monolithic foundation

This is a simple technique, but quite a voluminous method of making a foundation. Its use is justified when it comes to the construction of a brick outbuilding. The essence of the technology is the construction of a durable sand cushion with the inclusion of the same gravel. At approximately 10-15 cm, a base should be laid on which the cement screed will subsequently be organized. But before this, a continuous formwork is formed around the perimeter of the working area, on which it is planned to install the foundation for the barn. We make restrictive barriers with our own hands, within which the cement mortar will be poured. They can be made from plastic or wooden slats with panels - the main thing is that they can hold the poured mass. After this, you can proceed to the installation of reinforcing bars and the direct installation of the screed. It should be borne in mind that such a foundation may take about 2-3 weeks to fully gain strength, depending on the working area.

for a post-type barn?

A columnar foundation requires less materials in volume, but its implementation requires more careful calculations. Usually a load-bearing base is formed, fixed on racks fixed in the ground. If we are talking about a small barn, then four pillars with a diameter of about 15 cm will be enough. For each of them, a hole is initially dug into which a cushion of gravel and sand is poured. Next, the pillar rod is installed and filled with cement. If necessary, you can use special equipment to drive piles. After this, the columnar foundation for the barn is covered with logs. The basis for the flooring will be formed by fastening structures, including grillage strapping, channel and profile elements.

Technique for installing strip foundations

This type of foundation is one of the most common in the construction of residential private houses, but for outbuildings it is considered too troublesome and unreasonably expensive. To implement this technique, it is necessary to make excavation lines around the perimeter of the work site. You will get trenches that are filled with sand and crushed stone. For greater reliability, a reinforcing base is also placed in earthen niches. If you are planning a strip foundation for a large barn, then trenches should be made in the central part. Next, the prepared niches with fittings are filled with the same solution. After the concrete has hardened, you can begin work on laying out the flooring, which can also serve as the floor covering for the future barn.

How to make a foundation for a shed from foam blocks?

There are two common methods for constructing a platform for a foam block shed. In the first case, it is assumed that contour support lines will be created like a strip foundation. That is, a trench is made around the perimeter, which is filled with a combination of sand and gravel, after which blocks are laid on the cement mortar. Next, a connecting structure is formed for the flooring made of metal or durable joists. The second method is used when working with objects that are demanding in terms of resistance to high loads. In this scheme, the contractor lays the foundation in blocks all over the entire site. The foam block itself is characterized by low thermal conductivity, insulating qualities, ease of processing and low price. Therefore, from the point of view of obtaining high performance qualities of a barn as a storage facility for demanding materials, this foundation option may be the best.

How to choose the best foundation option?

Before analyzing possible options for a suitable foundation, you should decide on the tasks that the shed will perform and the conditions of its operation. For a small building in a warm region, a pile foundation with several load-bearing rods will be sufficient. It is advisable to construct large-area objects on a monolithic basis - for example, from a solid or in the form of a block platform. These techniques will allow you to build a durable and well-protected foundation for the shed in the lower part. A monolith can be made with your own hands using a standard set of tools, but requires more physical effort. For example, laying a block may require the help of at least one partner.

Is it possible to build a shed without a foundation?

Of course, you won’t be able to do without a load-bearing base completely, but optimizing this structural part of the barn in some cases justifies itself. So, if there are no strict requirements for thermal insulation, then it is quite possible to confine ourselves to installing the frame on four concrete blocks distributed in the corners of the future building. You can make a barn without a foundation and on cleared soil. Such projects are typically constructed using prefabricated structures that provide a rigid wood or metal platform to replace the foundation. But it is important not to forget that the classic foundation also guarantees a horizontal surface. Therefore, it is important to initially adjust the rough coating so that it does not have serious deviations in heights over the entire area.


It would be incorrect to consider the foundation as a part separate from the main frame of the barn. Even high-quality implementation of the base without taking into account the nuances of further construction can cause many problems during operation. The main thing you should pay attention to when matching the foundation for a shed and its structural base is the technique of forming an airtight bond. The transition is usually made from concrete or wooden joists to a metal profile. Next, the main skin is produced, which can have several layers. The joining areas can be additionally treated with sealants, mineral wool and polyurethane foam.

When designing a foundation for a shed, the owner of a land plot solves two main problems. This is to reduce the construction budget and not reduce the operational life of the future structure. Therefore, the first task is solved simply - the barn and its foundation are erected with your own hands. The second depends on the correct choice of the type of foundation structure.

Do it yourself

The barn itself is an easy construction, because it is most often erected as a frame structure, which means it does not bear large loads on the foundation. A frame barn consists of four load-bearing beams installed vertically at the corners of the building, tied with timber at the top and bottom. Which means It is better to build a columnar foundation for such a structure, but screw piles can also be used.

In this case, the pillars are erected precisely at the corners of the building. If you need to build a house with large dimensions, then, based on the length of the span of the walls between the corner support foundations, intermediate pillars are poured in increments of 2 - 3 m. By the way, the fastest way to build foundation pillars is to use not concrete mortar, but ready-made concrete blocks.

The construction of a foundation for a barn made of blocks is not inferior in load-bearing capacity to either metal piles or a monolith. It is important what sizes the blocks are purchased. Their main purpose is to create a strong and reliable support, so the main thing in this matter is to accurately determine the dimensions of the foundation pillars, both in height and in cross-sectional size. From which it follows that first of all it is necessary to determine the pressure that will act on the foundation from the side of the building.

Type selection

The optimal columnar foundation cannot always be used. Much will depend on the type of soil on the construction site and the size of the construction project. If the soil at the site of the shed is heaving, then it is better to lay a slab or tape. Both options cope well with ground movements.

The only thing that is required from the technology of laying a strip foundation is take into account the level of soil freezing. True, the budget may increase due to an increase in the level of laying the structure. Therefore, it is recommended to lay either a shallow foundation or a surface foundation under the shed.

As for the slab variety, this is the most expensive option, which is used extremely rarely under sheds. In addition, its costs will largely depend on the depth of the foundation for the shed. The thicker the slab, the more money you will have to invest in it.

You need to start talking about strip foundations with the choice of materials. Since the structure is light, you can use various technologies that use different building materials.

For example: brick, the same concrete blocks, railway wooden sleepers, a monolith made of concrete mortar.

A brick foundation is one of the budget options. The main thing in this process is to correctly carry out the masonry with the banding of elements, which guarantees the strength of the structure and its long service life. It should be taken into account that such a foundation is usually laid on the surface. There is no point in laying bricks in the ground. If this cannot be avoided, then you will have to thoroughly waterproof the foundation walls, for example, with bitumen mastic.

The foundation of a shed made of sleepers is also an inexpensive option. The sleepers themselves are impregnated with oil, which increases their service life in difficult natural conditions. The main thing is to connect them correctly, why the joint between two elements is made according to the principle of a half cut. After assembly, the joints are fastened with metal staples and perforated plates with self-tapping screws.

After installation, all sleepers are treated with bitumen mastic on both sides.

And the most famous technology is to pour the foundation under the barn with concrete into the formwork. The method is not the cheapest, but in some situations it is the only possible option. If a shallow or surface foundation is being poured, then there is no need to take into account the level of soil freezing.

Work progress

Let's look at how to properly pour a concrete foundation. First of all, the parameters of the tape are determined. Its length will be equal to the perimeter of the future building. Width and depth within 30 - 40 cm - this is a surface model, width 20 - 30 cm and depth up to 70 cm - this is a shallow version.

  1. In the first case, the turf is removed along the perimeter of the barn, that is, a trench 20 cm deep is dug.
  2. A sand cushion is filled with a tamper to the edges of the soil.
  3. Waterproofing material is laid, preferably in two layers.
  4. Formwork is being installed, for which you can use boards, plywood, OSB boards, corrugated sheets, iron sheets and other durable slab or sheet materials.
  5. A frame made of reinforcement is laid inside. It is knitted in the form of two lattices, which are then connected to each other by transverse pieces. The distance between the gratings is determined by the width of the trench. They should be spaced within 5 cm from the internal planes of the sheathing. If a very light barn is being built, then the reinforced frame can not be laid in the foundation.
  6. A concrete solution is prepared from cement with the addition of a mixture of sand and gravel. The ratio of components: cement - sand - gravel, as 1: 2: 3. By the way, the mixture can be made of sand and crushed stone.
  7. Concrete is poured with uniform distribution of the material throughout the entire volume of the formwork. The main task is to complete the process in one day. In this case, it is very important to remove air from the solution that gets there during the process of mixing the ingredients. This is done either with the help of a vibrator, or with improvised means: fittings, pipes, slats and others.
  8. After 7 days the formwork is removed, after 28 days the foundation for the barn is ready to accept loads.

Here are step-by-step instructions for pouring a strip foundation for a small shed.

This is the simplest option for constructing a foundation structure in terms of speed of work. To do this, you need to select the piles themselves by size.

For one-story wooden buildings, which include a barn, it is better to use piles with a diameter of 89 mm and a blade diameter of 250 mm. This steel element can easily withstand loads of up to 3 tons.

Installation of screw piles is often carried out on heaving soils, therefore their length is chosen based on this indicator. But not less than 1.5 m for light buildings. They are simply screwed in to the required depth at the corners of the building, and if necessary, intermediate elements are installed, after which the piles are secured with a metal profile or wooden beams.

As mentioned above, a columnar foundation for a barn is the best option. It is assembled from bricks, sleepers, vertically installed concrete blocks, or a monolith is poured with the installation of a reinforcing frame.

A block foundation made of blocks or bricks requires a special approach to preparing the installation site. To do this, the bottom of the pit or the surface of the soil must be prepared.

Make a bedding of sand with a layer of 20 cm, which is covered with waterproofing material on top. If a block post is sunk into the ground, then the pillars are also lateral waterproofed, for example, by coating with bitumen mastic.

As an option for a columnar foundation - sleepers, cut to the height of the pillars to be laid and installed in prepared holes. The main task of the work manufacturer is to level the sleepers to the same level and thoroughly waterproof the areas located in the ground. This is the simplest foundation for wooden construction.

Of course, screw piles and monolith pillars have greater load-bearing capacity. A stone barn can be erected on such a columnar foundation. Although, if you correctly assemble blocks and bricks and accurately calculate their load-bearing capacity, then these materials will cope well with the loads.

The main task of building a columnar foundation for a barn with your own hands is to save money.


Video about how to make a foundation with your own hands.

From tires

A foundation for a frame shed made from tires is an original, but quite reliable option. This design is actually the simplest. It is practically cost-free in terms of purchasing building materials.

  1. To do this, holes are dug in the corners of the barn with a diameter larger than the diameter of the tires by 20 - 30 cm and a depth that determines the depth of the foundation, based on preliminary calculations.
  2. Tires are stacked one on top of the other.
  3. They are filled with crushed stone of small or medium fraction (grain sizes from 5 to 40 mm). The backfill is thoroughly compacted.
  4. After that, backfilling is done on the outer sides of the tires with sand and soil.
  5. The upper rubber element is filled with concrete mortar to increase the load-bearing capacity.

Although this option is considered original, it has long been used in rural areas.

On dense soils, it is not necessary to dig deep holes for tires. One or two is enough.

They will have to be completely filled with concrete. On soft, fragile soils, holes must be made deeper, and the foundation itself must be assembled from at least three car tires. But the more there are in the pit, the higher the load-bearing capacity of the structure.

So, let's look at how to properly pour a slab for building a shed. Usually it is erected on moving soils with minimal immersion in the soil.

Moreover, such a foundation can be laid under a shed made of blocks, bricks, under a frame structure, and so on.

In this regard, there are no restrictions, because the bearing capacity of the structure will mainly depend on the thickness of the slab foundation being poured. Therefore, under non-heavy structures, you can pour concrete mortar with a thickness of 20 cm, and under heavy structures, at least 30 cm.

  1. Dig a pit up to 30 cm deep exactly according to the linear dimensions of the future barn.
  2. A cushion of crushed stone 15 cm thick is poured into it. It is leveled and compacted.
  3. Fill a layer of sand to the level of the soil surface. It is also compacted with water and leveled.
  4. If the depth of the pit allows it, that is, the cushion was not filled to the brim, and besides, the soil in the area is clayey, then the reinforcing frame is laid in the pit on supports. If the foundation pit was not dug deep, then formwork made of boards no more than 15 cm high is installed around the perimeter of the barn. It is at this level that the frame is installed. It can be assembled from steel reinforcement, or it can be a mesh, for example, a chain-link.
  5. The concrete solution is poured and air is removed from its mass using a vibrator or available materials.

As for the load-bearing capacity, it all depends on the thickness of the concrete being poured and the number of levels of reinforcing mesh. For example, if a foundation is being poured for a shed made of foam blocks, and this is a small load, then the thickness of the poured layer can be a maximum of 20 cm, and one lattice of the reinforcing frame is laid in it.

If a shed is being built from cinder block, concrete block or brick, then the thickness of the screed should not be less than 30 cm, and a reinforced frame of two or more gratings installed one above the other must be placed in it.

In this case, it is very important to take into account the fact that the frame should extend 10 cm from the edges of the slab. And this is on each side.

The slab is considered the most expensive option for the foundation structure, therefore it is used very rarely for sheds. The main reason for the construction is mobile, heaving soils, which make, for example, columnar options unsuitable.


A self-made foundation for a light small shed should have all the characteristics, like any foundation structures. In any case, it must have such a load-bearing capacity to support the entire mass of the barn. These are not only the materials from which the building was erected, but also room fillers in the form of garden tools, spare parts for equipment, tanks with liquids and other necessary items and tools.

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