How does garden chamomile grow? How to grow a large garden chamomile on a plot? Preparing perennial plants for winter

Garden chamomile (Nivyanika, popovnik) is a herbaceous ornamental perennial belonging to the genus Asteraceae (Asteraceae). The growth of wild species does not exceed 80 cm; there are small specimens about 30 cm in height. In nature, chamomile can be found in fields, meadows and forest edges. Its Siberian origin has allowed it to survive in harsh weather conditions. This frost-resistant and light-loving plant has about 20 species of perennials. Today, breeders have developed varieties of garden chamomile with huge double flowers, the stem of which reaches 130 cm in length.


Chamomile has a straight, hollow, slightly branched stem with jagged green leaves, similar to blades, located alternately on the trunk. The leaf blade can be whole or dissected. The nivaria is characterized by a bushy form, mostly spherical bushes. The plant has a single flower with a yellow tubular center and white petals on the edges. Their number depends on the variety. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 6 to 14 cm.

Nielberry blooms twice per season, abundantly and for a long time. The first flowering occurs in early summer, the second in early autumn. When the flowers wither, fruits form with a lopsided crown containing the seeds. The roots of the plant are branched and red.

On average, garden chamomile lives from 5 to 7 years, but some varieties live up to 10 years.

Types and varieties

Main types of nevus:

  • meadow, or ordinary;
  • large-flowered, or largest;
  • fabulous.

Garden chamomile varieties are divided into double, semi-double and simple.

In addition to the usual white flowers, some cornflower hybrids have yellow, pink, red, lilac shades, as well as unusual brown and blue petal colors.

Large-flowered cornflower grows from 60 cm to 100 cm, oblong leaves grow on branched stems. The diameter of the white inflorescence reaches 12 cm. The seedlings bloom in the second year after planting. With repeated division of the bush, the flowers become smaller. This species is suitable for group compositions in combination with ornamental shrubs; the flowers last a long time when cut.

Main varieties:

  • Winner.
  • Alaska.
  • Edelweiss et al.

The giant inflorescences of the long-lived variety Pobeditel are distinguished by their large diameter - 14 cm. Double cream flowers are located on a meter-long stem, although some specimens reach a length of 130 cm. The plant blooms for 2 summer months, the life cycle of the bushes is up to 10 years.

French chamomile Edelweiss is a winter-hardy plant that prefers moist soil. Inflorescences – 10-12 cm. The flowers are fluffy, double, similar to chrysanthemums.

The fluffy chamomile is called Big Chrysanthemum. It really looks like a chrysanthemum; a double flower consists of 20-30 snow-white tongues that surround a yellowish center. The diameter of such a flower is 8 cm. The stem reaches a height of 70 cm; leaves with jagged edges are arranged along it in turn.

The Alaska variety is a white flower of impressive size, reaching 10 cm in volume. It has adapted to the conditions of the middle regions of the country, lives long and tolerates changes in any temperature.

The Silver Princess variety is popular due to its large white flowers (up to 10 cm). It has numerous elastic low stems up to 30 cm long. Chamomile can be germinated by seed in open ground: it does not lose its original decorative properties. The variety loves light but windless areas of the garden. It blooms twice per season: in July and mid-October.

The Little Princess variety is only 15 cm in height, with graceful white flowers.

Crazy Daisy grows about 90 cm in length and attracts attention with lush double flowers. This variety will decorate any garden plot and looks impressive in compositions with other flowers.

The magnificent appearance of chamomile was the result of crossing an ordinary and a large-flowered species of daisy. Beautiful hybrids have a height of up to 120 cm and large snow-white flowers up to 15 cm in volume. Low varieties of this species (25 cm in length) are used in border compositions.

The magnificent Shasta chamomile is characterized by a sharp, not very pleasant smell. The hybrid was developed back in 1890 in America. It resembles the common chamomile, but has much larger inflorescences.

Another variety of magnificent cornflower is May Queen. It blooms in May with white double inflorescences about 9 cm in diameter, the tubular middle is yellow. The green stem grows up to 30 cm. A large number of peduncles form spherical bushes.

Anemone - varieties, rules for planting in open ground and care features

Reproduction and cultivation

Chamomile can be propagated in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

In autumn, part of the inflorescences is left on the plants for harvesting seeds. When the flower baskets turn brown and dry, they are cut off and laid out in a dark place until completely dry. The extracted seeds are placed in paper bags with small holes for ventilation.

When you independently collect seeds and grow new plants from them, the flowers lose their doubleness.

When planted in open ground by seed, flowering occurs in the second year of the plant’s life after sowing the seeds. The seeds are planted at the end of April or in May, but can also be sown in the fall. They are deepened into the soil 2 cm and watered. Temperature for germination of seedlings: +20+23 degrees. Sprouts emerge two to three weeks after sowing the seeds. Water them often, but moderately: excess moisture will harm the roots. The seedlings grow slowly. The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place before the onset of the first cold weather. Until it takes root, it needs to be insulated.

If the seeds are used for germinating seedlings, they are sown in early March in special containers with prepared soil:

  • The trays are filled with a mixture consisting of soil, sand and peat (in equal quantities).
  • The seeds are planted and carefully watered, then covered with film material. It is not recommended to place seed containers in direct sunlight.
  • The soil must be constantly moistened, but not flooded.
  • After 2 weeks, remove the film and move the containers to the windowsill, closer to the sun. The room must be draft-free.
  • Keep the seedlings in a sunny place for two weeks until they grow to 5 cm and the first leaves appear on them. Lush bushes are obtained if the seedlings are pinched on the 4th leaf.
  • Then the seedlings are transplanted into individual containers, where they take root before being planted in open ground.

The soil for planting seedlings must be loose and fertile; for this, add 3 kg of compost to each hole and mix it thoroughly with the soil. Drainage is placed at the bottom of each hole.

Seedlings are planted in May to a depth of 30 cm in prepared holes, at a distance of 20-30 cm between the bushes. The soil is compacted and watered.

Planting of cuttings occurs in mid-summer. The basal rosettes are separated along with part of the root system and transplanted into separate holes. This method helps to get new inflorescences already in the first year of a chamomile’s life.

As for dividing the bush, in September or spring, a three-year-old plant (maybe older) is dug up and divided into several parts along with the roots. They do this carefully: the root system should not be damaged. Divided bushes are planted at a distance of 30 cm.

Features of planting and caring for Japanese kerria in open ground


The basic rules of care when growing perennial chamomile are as follows:

  • Regular watering. You need to make sure that the soil does not dry out (for 1 sq. m you will need 1 bucket of water; in hot weather, chamomile is watered 2-3 times a week).
  • Fertilizer application. In the spring months, ammonium nitrate is scattered between the rows - per 1 square meter. m will need 20 g. The bushes are dug up and compost is added, mixed with the dug up soil and watered for three days. Before flowering, ash is laid out near the bushes - 3 tbsp. l. per square meter. If during flowering the bush looks weak, urea is added to the soil.
  • Trimming. When flowering ends, the bush is pruned.
  • Removing weeds and faded inflorescences.
  • Destruction of infected bushes.
  • Mulching with dry grass and sawdust.
  • Loosening the soil.

Before winter, the nivberry stems are cut off at the root and covered with straw or leaves so that the plants can easily survive the frosts.

Nielweed grows in one place for no more than 7 years. It requires periodic replanting. Strong growth harms the plant; it needs to be rejuvenated, in particular, to separate the bushes. Hybrid varieties need to be divided every three years.

Garden chamomile (Chrysanthemum maximum) is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the genus Daisy and the Aster family. It is characterized by strong and elastic stems, the height of which, depending on the type, ranges from 30 to 100 cm.

The smooth, dark green leaves have a bipinnate shape and a light ornamentation. The flower of most species reaches a diameter of two to 15 cm and consists of a bright yellow center and flat white or yellowish petals with a delicate, sweetish aroma. Ripe fruits are very small achenes. Garden chamomile should not be confused with meadow, medicinal or Chinese chamomile, which can also often be found in garden plots.

Garden chamomile: the birthplace of the plant and options for use in garden decoration

The countries of the Mediterranean, South Africa and East Asia are considered the birthplace of modern large garden chamomile, where it grows in natural conditions. In our country it is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, discreet beauty and long flowering, it has found wide application in landscape design. It is used to decorate flower beds, mixborders, lawns and borders.

The flower is especially suitable for areas decorated in a rustic style. In this case, they are planted near the porch of the house, around tall trees and in the recreation area. In flowerbeds and lawns they are combined with mint, lemon balm, yarrow and calendula. They also look great against the backdrop of tall decorative poppies and surrounded by marigolds.

Chamomile: characteristics of plant species

Decorative garden chamomile has a large number of varietal varieties. The most common of them include:

  • North Star. This is a very common and popular variety among gardeners. A branched, strong bush grows up to seventy centimeters in height. The flowers are quite large, blooming lasts from early summer until autumn;
  • Garden princess. The most common chamomile found in garden plots. Its dense and elastic shoots reach up to thirty-five centimeters in height. Large inflorescences reach ten centimeters in diameter. This variety begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until early October;

  • Silver Princess. This variety is a low-growing plant; it reaches a height of no more than thirty centimeters. Moreover, the plant has fairly large flowers that begin to bloom in July. This species blooms before frost;
  • Alaska. This is the largest-flowered garden daisy, up to ninety centimeters high. Its flowers reach twelve centimeters in diameter. This is a drought-resistant variety that blooms briefly towards the end of summer;

  • Winner. The height of this varietal variety ranges from fifty to ninety centimeters, and the flowers reach a diameter of eight to twelve centimeters. Flowering begins in June and ends in August;
  • Aglaya. A very beautiful variety, the bushes of which grow up to eighty centimeters. Large double flowers have a chrysanthemum-like shape; around the bright yellow center there are several rows of narrow petals of different lengths, dissected at the ends. The flowering of this variety lasts from early summer until autumn;
  • Maiden's chamomile Solar ball. This bushy, low-growing varietal variety is not like ordinary garden daisies. It is compact, the height of the bush reaches no more than thirty centimeters. Its small flowers, up to two centimeters in diameter, look like air cushions and are completely painted in bright yellow. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

Garden chamomile: technology for planting and care in open ground

Regardless of what type and color of garden chamomile, the rules for caring for it are the same. They are not difficult and even beginners in gardening can do them. This flower is unpretentious, but if you pay a little attention to it, its development will go much faster, and its flowering will be much more abundant.

Site selection

To plant garden chamomile, you should choose a fairly sunny area with well-drained sandy soil with neutral acidity. If the soil is very acidic, then dolomite flour and slaked lime should be added to it in the autumn.

Features of growing garden chamomile (video)


Before planting, you need to dig up the selected area well and fill it with humus at the rate of one bucket per square meter. After this, you need to dig it up again and make shallow holes at intervals of about thirty centimeters. Pour one glass of ash into each and plant seedlings. P Water the sediment and mulch it with peat or sawdust. The gaps between the holes should be filled with ammonium nitrate, twenty grams per square meter. This will allow the plants to quickly gain green mass.

Watering and fertilizing

Since garden chamomile is a rather large plant that loves moisture, watering should be regular and plentiful. But The soil should not be over-moistened, which leads to rotting of the root system.

Feeding is of great importance for the proper development of the plant. The first time it is carried out during the formation of buds using complex mineral fertilizers. Then it is repeated every two weeks in order to obtain large inflorescences.

Weeding and bush formation

Garden chamomile does not tolerate being close to weeds, so it requires regular weeding and loosening, which will ensure air flow to the roots. In order for the bush to have a neat shape and the inflorescences to be large, secondary stepsons should be regularly removed, which are formed in the axils of the leaves.


Garden chamomile can grow in one place for up to five years. But, usually, in the third year of growth, the bushes become too dense, and their inner part begins to die off. In order to preserve the spectacular and decorative appearance of the plant, it should be replanted at this moment. It is advisable to do this in the autumn, after flowering has ended. To replant, you need to choose a cloudy day, dig up a garden chamomile bush and separate well-developed young shoots from it and plant them in a prepared area.

Preparing for winter

At the end of autumn, you need to prepare your garden chamomile for winter. To do this, you need to cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant and mulch the area. After this, it should be covered with dry leaves and covered with spruce branches. In winter, you can additionally cover the plantings with snow.

How to plant chamomile (video)

Methods and technology for propagating chamomile in the garden

Garden chamomile is propagated by dividing the bush and by seed. But in order to grow a full-fledged plant, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Propagation by seeds

Garden chamomile seeds can be sown directly into the ground in the spring. But, in this case, you will have to wait a very long time for the formation of a full-fledged adult plant, almost until the onset of autumn. That's why most often the seeds are used to grow seedlings.

To obtain seedlings, you need to prepare planting boxes with a good drainage layer and nutritious soil in early March. The seeds should be evenly distributed over its surface, sprinkled with a small layer of sand and carefully watered. Plantings should be covered with polyethylene and sent to a shaded room with an air temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees. After the seedlings appear, the shelter should be removed, and after the formation of the third leaf on them, the seedlings should be picked into separate small pots. Seedlings should be planted in open ground only after the spring frosts have ended.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush is a more effective way to propagate garden chamomile, as it allows you to get an adult flowering plant in a short time. To do this, in mid-spring or early autumn, you should select a well-developed large bush and carefully dig it up. After this, you need to clean the root system of excess soil, inspect it and remove dried and rotten roots. Divide the rhizome into several parts and plant them in separate holes, into which a little mineral fertilizer and ash should be added before planting.

There are several types of plants that are very similar in type to garden chamomile, but have colored petals:

  • Feverfew or in other words Persian (Dalmatian) chamomile (Pyretrum parthenium). The plant is an unpretentious perennial, growing from fifty to one hundred centimeters in height. On strong long peduncles there are flowers with a diameter of six to twelve centimeters, having a bright yellow center surrounded by red petals. Currently, many hybrid forms of the plant have been developed with simple, semi-double and double inflorescences of pink, crimson, burgundy and yellow colors. Pyrethrum maidens blooms in June and continues throughout the summer;
  • Erigeron or small petal (Erigeron). This perennial plant reaches a height of sixty to eighty centimeters. Its flowers are very similar to daisies and are characterized by a yellow center and narrow, densely spaced petals in blue, lilac, lilac, violet, red and pink. The diameter of the flower basket reaches five centimeters. This plant begins to bloom in early summer and continues until mid-August.

These plants can be harmoniously combined with garden daisies in various garden compositions. In addition, they have similar conditions of detention and care rules.

Why is the greatest cornflower confused with chamomile?

There are other flowers that inexperienced gardeners mistake for garden chamomile. They are called nivyanik, or leucanthemum(Leucanthemum). This is due to the great external similarity of bushes and flowers. But if a comparative description of the plants is carried out, then some differences can be seen. Nielberry flowers are larger and more powerful than those of garden chamomile. In contrast to its thin, delicate, bright green leaves, cornflower foliage is dark green, very dense and tough, and has a solid crenate shape. Chamomile bushes branch quite strongly, and there are several flowers on each shoot. In Nielberry, one shoot corresponds to one flower.

How chamomile reproduces (video)

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is not particularly difficult, and its discreet beauty allows you to refresh any garden landscape. In addition, they look great cut, combining perfectly with most other garden flowers. Bouquets made from it can decorate a room for up to ten days, maintaining their original appearance.

For many years I have been growing flowers at my dacha: noble roses, varietal tulips, clematis. And when my mother-in-law gave me several bags of chamomile seeds, she was even upset, because it was a simple, not noble flower. How wrong I was! Decorative chamomile can be so multifaceted that you will gasp! In this article I want to show you photos of the most popular types of this crop (and there are a lot of them, there are even terry ones, that is, especially lush ones). And if you are interested in these flowers, below you will find all the information on planting, caring for, and collecting the seeds of this plant. It's simple!

Many consider chamomile to be a native, Russian flower. Meanwhile, these plants of the Aster family can be seen in the wild on different continents (in Australia, South and North America and even South Africa). In our country, such flowers grow wild; they are called medicinal daisies, and many medicinal and cosmetic products are created on their basis.

However, there are also “cultivated daisies”, they are also called garden or decorative. But biologists are sure: this is not a chamomile at all, but another representative of the aster family - cornflower or cornflower. Due to their external similarity, it and some other white flowers (aster, pyrethrum, chrysanthemum, gerbera) are also called chamomile. We’ll talk about cornflower in this article, calling it chamomile - it’s more familiar...

How to plant this plant?

From seeds

They can be sown directly into the ground. This is done at the end of May, when there are no longer frosts at night. The seeds are scattered thickly over the fluffy bed, and at the end they are also dusted with earth.

When the sprouted flowers have about 3 pairs of leaves (real ones), the excess stems can be plucked off. Be careful, they are still very tender now - because of this, you even need to water them carefully.

Seedling method

He is considered the most successful. In March, seeds are purchased (if they were not selected in advance from the flower garden), a tray with cells and soil, for example, peat with sand. Up to three seeds are placed in each cell and lightly dusted with soil. The top of the tray is covered with film, the tray is placed near the window, but not on the windowsill (the sprouts will not like a large amount of sun). They should not be watered directly, but from a spray bottle.

The seeds will germinate in about two weeks. Now you can remove the film and move the tray even closer to the light (most importantly, do not open the window - the sprouts are afraid of a draft). When the seedlings grow to 5 cm, carefully pinch off the weakest “brothers”, leaving 1 sprout per cell (do not pull them out, otherwise it will harm the stronger sprout).

Sprouts can be transplanted into a flower garden a month, or even a month and a half after germination. The main thing is that it is already warm outside, and frost does not return at night.

Important: this “baby” will bloom next year!

Dividing the bush

2-3 years after planting, the daisy bush grows, after which it becomes as if empty inside (the central stem dries out first). Therefore, such a bush can no longer be regretted. In the spring it is dug up and divided into several smaller bushes - the so-called delenki.

After this, dig a hole at least 20 cm deep for each (if there are problems with the soil on your site, pour a little fertile soil inside each hole). The distance between the holes is up to 40 cm (by the way, maintain the same distance when planting seedlings). “Place” the bushes inside, press them with earth and water them. Ready!

Where and how does chamomile like to grow?

  • Plot. Decorative chamomile loves neutral soil, although it will also feel good in limestone soil. It is also desirable that the place of its future growth be sunny (with direct incident sunlight).
  • Fertilizer. Suitable complex fertilizer for flowers. The plant will also appreciate humus, compost, and peat added to the soil.
  • Care. Frequent watering of “young plants”, moderate watering of rooted adult plants. Mulching with peat after watering. Loosening the top layer of soil and weeding.
  • Many years. It is believed that a bush should not grow in the same place for more than 5 years. Therefore, you can ruthlessly dig up old plants and plant new ones.
  • Diseases. Chamomile is afraid of powdery mildew (a whitish coating on the leaves and stem), rust (red spots on the front of the leaves), gray rot (brown spots on the leaves and stem), fusarium (rotting roots, yellowing of leaves). In case of gray rot, it is better to tear out and burn the bush. For other diseases, you can use antifungal drugs (for example, “Fundazol”, “Topaz”: how to apply them is written on the package).
  • Pests. The star-winged fly lays larvae in the yellow part of the flowers, thrips and aphids suck the juice from the leaves and stems, and wireworms undermine the roots. There are different ways to fight these enemies. If insecticides (Actellik, Agravertin) help against aphids, then a trap with a piece of carrot inside will help to catch and destroy wireworms.
  • Seed collection. Dried flowers are cut off and dried indoors. After this, they are taken out of the “basket” and placed in an opaque bag or jar (but in the latter case, the seeds are not poured to the very top - they need air for storage). The seeds overwinter in a dark, cool place.
  • Wintering. From late autumn, the flower garden with this plant should be covered, first cutting off all above-ground stems. Both non-woven material and sawdust are suitable.

The most popular varieties of cornflower

Or nivnyak, popovnik, garden chamomile, scientifically Leucanthemum vulgare. This is a whole genus of plants, consisting of more than 20 species. These daisies are tall (from 15 to 60 cm) and slender, have flowers with a diameter of 2.5 to 6 cm, with white petals along the edges and a yellow “basket” inside. They are bisexual (can pollinate themselves).

This genus has been cultivated since 1500. It has many flower subspecies.

Broadway Lights

The original cornflowers are pale yellow in color.


Another lemon flowers with thin petals running in several rows. The bushes are low (about 50 cm), flowers are up to 10 cm in diameter.


Semi-double flowers with double rows of white petals: some are long and straight, moderately wide; others (near the core) are small, rounded. The choice of people who prefer everything original.

Maxima Koenig

blooming chamomile

The sizes are the same. The center is dark yellow, white petals are in two rows.

May Queen

Height 50 cm, glossy leaves, creeping along the ground.


Large (up to 16 cm in diameter) semi-double flowers, white petals are thin, of different shapes.

Real nit

Another original chamomile. Its peculiarity is that the white petals, growing in several rows, are wider at the ends than at the base.

Old court

The flower looks like a white “skinny” chrysanthemum. White petals are thin and straight. Semidouble.

Sans Souci

About a meter in height and up to 12 cm in flower diameter. The yellow center is small, white petals are arranged in several rows.

Silver Spoons (silver spoons)

A species very similar to real nit, however, the petals of such flowers are rather wide than narrow.

Snow Maiden

Interesting “chrysanthemums” with thin petals, very fluffy in appearance, when completely bloomed the yellow center is practically invisible (it is filled with white petals).

Ostrich feather

It looks like an old court, only the petals curl slightly.

Fiona Coghill

The most lush and terry version of the cornflower. The center is slightly yellow, surrounded by a mass of white petals of different sizes, running in many rows. The flowers are relatively small, their diameter is only 7, maximum 8 cm.

In addition, a very successful variety of perennial decorative large chamomile is considered largest cornflower. This is a perennial plant with a height of 50 to 100 cm, with spatulate leaves, flowers with a diameter of about 11 cm, the white petals of which are arranged in 2 rows. This garden crop has been grown since 1816.

Moreover, this variety also has several subspecies. Among them there are also double flowers with many white, slightly curled marginal petals - the central parts of such flowers are white, so many people confuse them with chrysanthemums.


Classic white daisy-like flowers with long white petals and shallow centers.


Chamomiles, which are distinguished by abundant flowering and low “growth” (about half a meter).

Victoria's Secret

A beautiful plant with slightly double flowers.

Little Princess

Neat daisies, seemingly simple, but at the same time exquisite.

And finally, there are several more species of nevus growing in the wild. This:

  • cornflower Kuril(it can be found on the Kuril Islands or the island of Hokkaido; this white flower differs from its fellows in its small size and unusual shape of leaves),

  • cornflower swamp(an inhabitant of Portugal and Spain, a low plant with palmate leaves and small flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, in which the white petals are short and the central yellow part is large).

Of course, the so-called terry daisies deserve special attention. Is it difficult to grow these “snowflakes” in our conditions, are they whimsical? You will learn about this from the video:

Garden perennial daisies are used for decorative purposes to decorate gardens and personal plots, as they are considered the most beautiful and romantic flowers. The plant is unpretentious, but with irregular care it can die. In order for the plant to please with its attractive appearance for many years, it is necessary to follow all the requirements for planting and caring for the crop.

Garden chamomile is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. The stem, on which alternately bipinnate leaves are located, can reach a maximum height of 60 cm. The top of the plant is decorated with a large inflorescence, collected from many reed and non-reed flowers of white and yellow shades. The plant is characterized by active growth and early flowering.

Difference from real ones

Chamomile is considered a Russian folk flower, but this species can be found on many continents in cultivated form. In the wild, medicinal chamomile grows in meadows and fields, which is actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

According to biologists, garden chamomile has nothing to do with the wild plant. Because this is a nivberry, which differs from it in that it has less pronounced white petals, a thinner, dissected leaf blade and a rich aroma.


Garden chamomile is distinguished by a strong and elastic stem and a dense, bright bud with snow-white petals and a yellow center. The plant can bloom for a long time, and sometimes throughout the summer. It looks great when cut and can maintain its original appearance for a long period.


The most popular types of garden chamomile, preferred by most gardeners.


The plant forms a bush, endowed with numerous straight stems reaching 90 cm in height. On each branch there is a bud, which is a yellow basket with white reed flowers.


Refers to late-flowering garden daisies, which grow no more than 20 cm. The root system is compact and strong. The maximum diameter of the inflorescence is 8 cm.


Quite a low species, reaching a height of 25 cm. Capable of forming a lush bush. The leaves have a bright green color, and the lateral flowers in the inflorescence are snow-white. The flower is characterized by an interesting shape, which is why the plant is often called chrysanthemum.


The plant reaches 1 m in height. The rhizome is localized on the surface. A large bud with a diameter of up to 10 cm has white petals arranged in several rows and a yellow center.


Bush garden chamomile is large in size and is considered one of the largest species. The stem grows up to 90 cm in height, the bud itself is more than 15 cm in diameter.


The decorative perennial has impressive white flowers, a stem whose length varies from 50 to 100 cm. The inflorescence has a diameter of 10 to 12 cm. It begins to bloom from the beginning of June to the end of August.

Popular varieties

The culture can boast of such varieties.

Grandiflora Alaska

The inflorescence has snow-white petals and a dark yellow core. The bud can reach 10 cm in diameter, and the bush itself is 80 cm in height.

Crazy Daisy

The herbaceous plant has a straight stem up to 1 m high, on which there are oblong, pinnately dissected leaves with a serrated edge. The buds reach 12 cm in diameter and can be single or double.

May Queen

The bush up to 90 cm high is distinguished by double or semi-double inflorescences. It has a white tint to the ligulate flowers along the edges. Pleases with long flowering.


A small plant that grows no more than 30 cm in height. The diameter of the inflorescence is 8 cm. The plant blooms for no more than a month, but if you cut off the old bud, there is a possibility of extending the growing season.

It differs from other varieties in the presence of thin pointed petals collected in baskets. The width of the bud is 16 cm. The branched stem can grow up to 45 cm in length.

garden princess

A branched compact plant no more than 35 cm in height, has a large number of inflorescences more than 10 cm in diameter. The stems are characterized by density and elasticity.

Silver Princess

A small plant up to 30 cm in length, which forms new stems during the growth period, thanks to which it blooms throughout the growing season. It has large inflorescences with long white petaled flowers.


The variety is capable of reaching more than 90 cm in height. It became popular due to the large number of impressively sized buds with snow-white petals. It blooms from June to August for several years without replanting.


You can plant garden chamomile in several ways, namely by seedling method, sowing in open ground. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Using seeds

Seeds can be sown directly into the ground. This method is fast and does not require significant expenditure of time and energy.


Chamomile seeds have increased resistance to frost, so they are sown both in spring and autumn. Sowing before winter will not only ensure guaranteed germination of strong plants, but will also significantly save time in the spring. When planting in spring, make sure that the air temperature is 16 degrees.

Planting scheme

When planting garden chamomile seeds in open ground, carefully study the planting algorithm:

  1. Thoroughly fluff up the soil saturated with mineral fertilizers.
  2. Scatter the seeds thickly over it.
  3. Sprinkle a little soil on top of the seeds.

The plant does not react well to wetlands, so care should be taken in advance to have a neutral area for planting.


To ensure quick and guaranteed seed germination, it is recommended to use covering material. It is best to sow garden chamomile seeds under agrofibre.


After the germinated plants have 3 pairs of true leaves, it is recommended to pinch off excess stems in order to speed up the growth of the main branches and improve their quality. The plant categorically does not tolerate condensation, so it needs timely thinning.


Water with extreme caution, since plants that have not yet matured may suffer under the influence of sharp streams of water.

Features of the seedling method

The method is considered the most successful. Seeds are selected in advance from the flower garden or purchased in March. They can be planted within a month after the first shoots, depending on the temperature and weather conditions.


No more than three seeds should be planted in a tray with cells, and then covered with peat and sand soil. Cover the top with a special film and leave it near the window so that a minimum of sun rays fall on it. Watering is carried out using a spray bottle so as not to harm the root system.


The sprouts will begin to thin out within 2 weeks after planting. Then you can get rid of the film and place the trays on the windowsill closer to sunlight. Also, an open window can negatively affect the development of seedlings, so drafts should be avoided.


After the seedlings reach 5 cm, it is necessary to carefully pinch off the weakest specimens, leaving one bore per cell. You should not pull them out, as there is a possibility of harming more developed shoots.

How to plant in open ground

When the sprout is fully formed and ready for transplanting, it must be moved to open ground. This is a rather painstaking process that has its own nuances, which you should carefully read.


Plant seedlings precisely at the time when the threat of frost has passed. The most optimal time for this is considered to be the end of May, when the nights will be warmer.

Selecting a location

Chamomile takes root well in neutral soils; increased or decreased acidity can negatively affect the growth and development of the plant. Wetlands are the main enemy of chamomile.

Soil preparation

For the full development of garden chamomile, before planting, enrich the soil by applying mineral fertilizers.

Planting scheme

Planting seedlings in open ground has its own characteristics, which determine the durability of the plant as a whole, as well as the quantity and quality of buds in the future:

  1. Loosen the soil a little.
  2. Prepare small holes, calculating the size for the root system of the seedlings, at a distance of 35 cm.
  3. Place 2-3 bushes in each hole.
  4. Cover the root system with soil substrate and strengthen it in the soil.

When replanting, you should pay special attention to the root system, since it is thin, delicate at this moment and can easily be damaged.

Watering and loosening

Perform watering and loosening immediately after planting and repeat the procedure as necessary during the period of chamomile growth and development.


In order for the plant to grow normally and attract attention with its bright and healthy appearance, you need to perform a number of care measures.


Abundant weeds can negatively affect the growth and development of garden chamomile, so weed and loosen regularly. The root system needs not only fertile soil, but also that the root system receives enough air.


It is important for the crop to receive the required amount of water daily, so the soil should be regularly checked for moisture. Watering should be done in a timely manner, using a large volume of water.


Immediately after each watering, the soil should be loosened so that the water does not stagnate on the surface, but penetrates deep and is absorbed by the lower tier of the root system. This process will help not only speed up the growth of garden chamomile, but also help it avoid a number of diseases associated with excess moisture.

Top dressing

Mature plants need fertile soil no less than growing ones. For fertilizing, urea should be used in a proportion of 20 g of the substance per 1 square meter. After applying the fertilizer, water thoroughly. If the leaf blade begins to turn pale and dry out, it is worthwhile to carry out additional feeding.

Alternate minerals with manure to eliminate the possibility of soil acidification, which has a negative effect on plant development.

After flowering

As the chamomile fades, fertilize the exhausted soil with mineral complexes and organic matter and begin to prepare the bushes for winter.

Preparing for winter

Garden chamomile does not tolerate low temperatures well, so it should be carefully prepared for cold weather. To do this, cut off all ground stems and cover the plant. Use sawdust, dry leaves or non-woven material as a covering.


The plant propagates by dividing the bush or collecting seeds.

Collection and storage of seeds

When the flower on the stem dries, seeds form in the core. They fall out when pressed and have a brown tint. They must be removed from those inflorescences that, compared to the rest, seemed stronger and healthier. Then spread it on a napkin and let it dry a little. Next, place them in a bag and store them in a dark and dry place.

It is important to collect and properly dry the seeds in time to achieve high germination.

Dividing the bush

Garden chamomile also reproduces by dividing the bush. 2-3 years after planting, the bush grows, and a void forms in the middle as the central trunk dies. In the spring, dig up such a bush and divide it into several parts.

Diseases and pests

Like all ornamental plants, garden chamomile is weak to certain diseases and pests. When cultivating it, you can encounter some of them, so it’s worth arming yourself in advance with information about common diseases and promptly taking the necessary measures.

Powdery mildew

A coating similar to white powder forms on the leaves.

Gray rot

Symptoms of the disease are brown spots on shoots and leaves, which quickly increase in size and become covered with fluffy gray mycelium.


Forms uneven spots of a reddish hue on the leaves and stem.


The plant dries out and turns brown.

The fight against diseases and pests involves not only the implementation of chemical and biological measures, but also properly organized care .

How to transplant to a new location

For a high-quality transplant, dig up a bush with a lump of earth so as not to damage the root system, move it to a hole prepared in advance, water and mulch.

Combination with other plants

Garden chamomile forms beautiful compositions in combination with plants such as calendula, cornflower, pyrethrum, and poppy. Low-growing varieties will look impressive along the edges of lawns and paths.

Answers on questions

How often should I replant the plant?

How to prune a bush?

After the plant has flowered, trim all the stems to 10-15 cm from the ground. This will strengthen the rhizome and stimulate the formation of new shoots. Garden chamomile will decorate any home area, garden, or flower bed with delicate flowers. And cut flowers will last in a bouquet for a long time, without losing their freshness and maintaining their attractiveness.

Chamomile is difficult to confuse with other ornamental flowering plants. There are many varieties with fancy, chic forms of inflorescences, but the harmonious combination of yellow and white flowers in her outfit always remains unchanged. Therefore, daisies in the country will perfectly complement any landscape, making it more impressive and harmonious.

This article will talk about how to plant perennial daisies in your summer cottage, how to properly care for them for abundant and beautiful flowering, and fight pests and diseases.

Large perennial garden chamomile

The large garden chamomile, which is so idolized by flower growers, also has another name - the greatest popovnik. Representing a perennial from the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family, this crop has the following botanical description:

Large perennial garden chamomile

  • The stem is erect, faceted, depending on the variety, it can have a height from 15 to 70 cm;
  • The leaf is spatulate and oblong, unevenly toothed along the edges of the leaf blade. The leaves in the upper part of the stem are relatively small in size, the lower ones are larger, collected in a basal rosette.
  • Color - the inflorescence is a basket with a diameter of 2.5 to 12 cm, the middle of which consists of small tubular yellow flowers, along the edge there are long false-ligulate white flowers.

Important! Often in meadows and fields there is a pharmaceutical type of chamomile, which is considered a valuable medicinal plant. Unlike garden chamomile, this type of chamomile has white marginal flowers 2.5-3 mm wide that are bent downwards, and the broken core and stem are hollow.

  • The fruit is small, slightly bent cylindrical achenes, up to 2 mm in size.
  • The root is a tap root, slightly branched, growing shallow in the ground.


You can make the planting material yourself, but you will have to work hard for this: after full ripening (the basket and stem become brown), the inflorescences are cut off, the seeds are selected and dried well. But it is not enough to collect the seeds; they should be stored correctly: paper bags and bags made of loose material are best suited for these purposes. The main thing during storage is to provide access to air; without it, the seed material may lose germination.

Many amateur flower growers do it simpler: they buy ready-made chamomile seeds in a store, where they can quickly and easily choose any popular variety or purchase new varieties of modern selection.

Chamomile seeds

Landing location

Preparations for planting begin with choosing the most suitable place for growing chamomile on the site. The plant prefers to grow in open places where there is a lot of light and sun. The groundwater table must be deep enough, since the accumulation of water after melting snow and heavy rains can cause the soil to become waterlogged, the rhizome will rot, and the plant will die in early spring.


In the area where they plan to grow chamomile, the soil should be slightly alkaline or neutral. If the soil acidity is high enough, dolomite flour and lime are added to the soil.

How to plant large garden chamomile

When it has been decided where in the dacha the chamomile will show off, they begin to plant it. The most favorable time for sowing seeds is the end of May. The top layer of soil is slightly loosened, since the seeds are very small, then shallow rows are made under them, no more than 2 cm, the soil is slightly moistened. The seeds should not be covered heavily with soil; they should only be lightly pressed down, then sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.

In order for adult plants to feel free (usually a bush grows in one place for 3-4 years) and not shade each other, the distance between adjacent rows when sowing is made at least 30-40 cm.

You can plant chamomile seeds in open ground in the fall. At the end of August, you should collect seeds from the varieties you like, then sow them on a previously prepared site. The plant blooms only in the second year.

Note! If you plan to prepare seedlings for planting in open ground, then the seeds are sown in specially prepared containers (containers, pots, boxes) already in early March.

Caring for daisies in the garden

What does a gardener need to know and do and how to properly care for daisies in the garden?

Not only newly planted seedlings, but also early seedlings in open ground need frequent watering. Initially, the young plant is watered very often, but when the root system takes root well and becomes stronger, it is watered less frequently, 2 times a week. After watering, constantly loosen the top layer of fertile soil, do not forget about weeding and removing weeds. Several times a season, the soil near the plant is mulched with a thin layer of peat, 2-3 cm thick.

Top dressing

Like any plant, throughout the growing season chamomile needs constant feeding, for which both complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter are used. At the beginning of summer, when the plant is in the budding stage and will soon bloom, it is fed with nitrophoska at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water. As soon as flowering is completed, proceed to the next feeding using superphosphate or potassium sulfate in a proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water.

For abundant flowering, organic matter is often added: compost, well-rotted manure, peat.

Important! Growing and caring for large garden chamomile without the use of fertilizer will lead to its weak, not abundant and short-lived flowering, poor overwintering, and reduced resistance to damage to leaves and roots by pests and diseases.


Chamomile is a flower that can bloom for a very long time from June to September, but autumn comes and winter is just around the corner. The plant begins to gradually fade and dry out. Flower growers often have a question when daisies have faded, what to do next with them. In this situation, experts advise carefully cutting all the stems at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground with garden shears and removing the cut mass away from the planting crop.

When and how to replant daisies

How and when to replant large daisies is recommended by experienced flower growers.

If it is spring, then it is impossible to clearly indicate the timing of planting seedlings in open ground, since everything depends on the weather. Seedlings need to not only be grown strong, but also protected from cold and frost. When the seedlings have grown sufficiently and 4-5 true leaves have blossomed, they can be planted in open ground provided that the air temperature is + 15 °C or more.

Before planting chamomile seedlings in open ground, the soil is well dug up and fertilized with special preparations for flowering garden plants. After which the bushes need to be planted in groups of 2-3, at a distance of 30-40 cm.

Very often a situation arises where you need to quickly decide where and when it is best to plant perennial adult daisies. This happens when a plant is forced to be transplanted from a flower bed near the house due to construction work or the flower bed is moved to another place. Thanks to the peculiarities of the culture, the way out of this situation is quite simple - this flower is unpretentious and hardy, painlessly takes root in another place. Carefully enough, so as not to damage the roots, dig up the flowering plant with a lump of earth and move it to a new place, then water it generously.

How to propagate garden chamomile

To propagate chamomile, they resort to simple traditional methods:

  • seed (growing seedlings from seeds);
  • vegetative (dividing the bush).

You can sow seeds both in spring and autumn directly in open ground, shoots will appear, but it is safer to grow seedlings. In March, the seeds are sown in a special soil mixture of peat, garden soil, sand (1:1:1). To avoid washing the seeds out of the soil, water them carefully, then, to create a greenhouse effect, cover the container with film and place it in a dark, warm place. To avoid drying out the soil, it is constantly sprayed with water. As soon as the first shoots appear (usually this happens after 10-12 days), the film is removed and the boxes are transferred to a sunny place.

Chamomile can also reproduce by dividing the bush. Despite the ability of chamomile to grow in the same place for several years, it should be renewed periodically (every 4-5 years). New planting material is being prepared in September. An adult bush is completely dug out of the ground, after which younger root shoots are selected from it for planting.

Diseases and pests

If a flowering crop is not cared for as it should be, it quickly weakens and becomes most vulnerable to various dangerous infections and pests.

Large garden chamomile can be susceptible to the following diseases:

  • rust - convex bright red spots appear on the leaves;
  • gray rot, powdery mildew - leaves and stems become covered with a white, dark gray coating;
  • fusarium - causes damage to the root system of the plant.

If treatment is not started on time, the plant may simply die.

The disease can be cured quickly if you resort to the use of fungicides such as:

  • "Oxyhom"
  • "Topaz",
  • "Diskor"
  • Bordeaux mixture,
  • copper oxychloride.

The most dangerous pests of chamomile are aphids and star-winged flies., wireworm, slugs.

Important! Among pests, wireworms cause significant damage. By gnawing small roots, it weakens or leads to the death of the plant. To combat it, it is better to plant chamomile on soils with an environmental reaction close to neutral. The pest is practically not found in such soil.

For spraying against pests, insecticides such as Iskra, Imidor, and Fitoverm are used.

On a note. If your favorite flower needs to be saved urgently, plain soapy water is often used. To do this, take a spoonful of liquid soap for 0.5 liters of warm water, add 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, then mix everything thoroughly. The prepared composition is sprayed on flowers for several days.

Growing chamomile in a pot

The article provides examples of how to plant and grow perennial daisies in your garden. But it turns out that daisies in a pot can also decorate your home interior. This is not a giant bush, but a low-growing and compact nevus (another name is pyrethrum), only 10-20 cm high. To grow a flower, a well-lit windowsill and a small and spacious pot are enough. Nutrient soil for growing pyrethrum can be purchased at the store. It blooms for quite a long time; after pruning, it is placed in a bright but cool room and watering is limited. In February, it is again transferred to a warm place, but they begin to water it abundantly only when the first buds appear in the rosette.

  • For propagation, it is better to choose a double variety of garden chamomile, since the flowers are larger and more beautiful, there are always many buds, and re-blooming is possible at the end of summer.
  • Despite its frost resistance and hardiness, the flower can freeze in a winter with little snow, so it is sprinkled with a thick layer of peat, straw, and covered with spruce branches.
  • Chamomile gets along well with any ornamental plant: with the beautiful lily and rose, field poppy and cornflower.
  • In the search engine results for the query “garden chamomile, large perennial planting and care,” sometimes there are articles devoted to chamomile, which is a related, but still completely different medicinal wild plant. The technology of its cultivation and use differs from decorative chamomile. Therefore, you should carefully read the text of the article to determine what type of chamomile (decorative or medicinal) we are talking about.

Garden chamomile is considered not only an adornment to any landscape design, but in many ways it brings love and good luck to the house, where household members begin to live in peace and harmony. Combining well in height and size with other flower crops, it fits harmoniously into any flower garden, giving it a unique and eye-catching appearance.