How fast does bamboo grow? How many meters tall does bamboo grow?

In history class we were told about terrible torture with bamboo in Ancient China. I remember this: bamboo seeds were planted in the ground, then a tied person was placed on this area and secured so that he could not move much. The bamboo began to grow quite rapidly and penetrated the poor fellow’s skin. Then I thought, does bamboo really grow that fast?

Bamboo growth rate

It turns out that bamboo is the fastest growing plant. In general, bamboo reaches tens of meters in height, and the trunk diameter is about a meter. The growth rate depends on the specific variety. But on average, the plant usually grows 10 cm, and many species grow up to half a meter per day.

In Japan, a special laboratory was able to record a growth record. Just imagine, in one day the plant reached 120 cm in length! The Japanese claim that if you continuously look at a plant, you can easily notice how it grows. I wouldn't mind watching this.

How is bamboo used?

The rapid growth of bamboo is of great importance for humans. After all, the rapid restoration of bamboo groves makes it possible to use this material everywhere without fear of its disappearance. The times of brutal executions are far behind us, so there are many peaceful uses for bamboo:

  • In construction: bamboo is an inexpensive and easily accessible material. In Southeast Asia, even entire houses are built from bamboo!
  • In food: while the plant is less than 10 cm, it has a pleasant taste and soft consistency. The seeds are thrown into the ground and within a few hours they are harvested.
  • In medicine: bamboo is good for teeth and bones; it is actively used in Chinese medicine.
  • In production: it produces high-quality furniture, decorative elements, and even cases for all sorts of computer gadgets.
  • Bamboo is loved by the cutest bears on the planet - pandas.

By the way, in China, bamboo is considered a symbol of longevity, in Japan - the personification of purity, and in India - a sign of friendship. I heard that according to Feng Shui, bamboo brings good luck, so they decorate the living room with beautifully decorated bamboo branches.

Frost-resistant garden bamboo for growing in Central European and Northern European climates in the garden. In nature, in the Central European and Northern European climate, frost-resistant bamboo growing in nature is rare, but the facts prove that before the Ice Age there were bamboo groves in Europe; bamboo fossils are found as supporting evidence. And today, frost-resistant bamboo is increasingly found in European gardens, in central and northern Europe, growing in open-air gardens, as an element of exotic landscaping.

Frost-resistant garden bamboo is the most effective plant in landscaping garden plots among representatives of ornamental plants. Garden bamboo gives the garden an exotic charm. Frost-resistant bamboo fits into any garden, large or small. Bamboo is an evergreen plant, the leaves remain green even in severe winter, some types of frost-resistant bamboo shed up to 30% of their leaves in the winter to give more strength to the remaining leaves, but even after dropping the leaves it remains lush, and also in the spring some of the old leaves fall off, when new leaves begin to grow. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant and is hardy. The bamboo in the garden in winter is a unique sight, the bamboo standing defiantly under the snow, with the knotted structure of the stems with green thick leaves, this fabulous sight produces a simply stunning impression.

Frost-resistant giant bamboo reaches full maturity of stems for economic use in 5-15 years, and after cutting down, replanting is not required; the bamboo forest is regenerated from the roots. Bamboo wood is very durable and known for its endless versatility, and today with a growing demand for bamboo stems for industrial bamboo products, there is now an incentive to invest in the research and cultivation of frost-resistant bamboo. Bamboo groves are unique both in their decorative and technical properties.

Garden bamboo can serve as a backdrop for flowering perennials and shrubs, and bamboo also looks very attractive as a single plant. Garden bamboo looks magical growing along the banks of ponds or reservoirs. Frost-resistant bamboo looks great growing near the front door, and bamboo can give a patio a very special atmosphere. And also garden bamboo is an excellent plant for living evergreen hedges of different heights, molded and freely growing, bamboo tolerates cutting well. With the help of garden bamboo, every garden owner can realize his special imagination and dream in the garden, only before he buys frost-resistant garden bamboo, you need to choose the right types.

Buy frost-resistant garden bamboo for growing in Central European and Northern European climates in an open-air garden; bamboo does not have much cultivation practice in our latitudes, and is still a fairly new ornamental plant in our gardens. But thanks to modern scientific data on the frost resistance of certain types of bamboo, as well as the practice of growing and propagating frost-resistant bamboo by gardeners in the Central European climate, it has become much easier to select frost-resistant species for growing in the garden. And today we know much more about frost-resistant garden types of bamboo, many ways to use bamboo, a large number of species, from forest giants to ground cover species in landscape gardening in our gardens, and now we can confidently say that bamboo can be used in almost any garden .

Frost-resistant bamboo for the garden from forest giants to ground cover

Tall frost-resistant Phyllostachys bamboo

Tall frost-resistant running bamboo Phyllostachys (Phyllostachys). Phyllostachys is the main genus of bamboo, along with the shrub bamboo Fargesia, for garden design in Europe. Phyllostachys is one of the most impressive, tall ornamental genus of bamboo to be grown in our latitudes. The stems and leaves come in a wide range of colors. The final height of Phyllostachys bamboo stems is reached after 10-15 years, depending on microclimate factors: care, soil composition, air humidity and watering, fertilizers and mulching, the amount of sunlight and wind on the planting site. The genus Phyllostachys is undemanding to soils. It is pH tolerant and grows in sandy, clay or peaty-humus soils. Only avoids places with standing water.

Most Phyllostachys species were brought from China. Bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys forms long underground rhizomes, running bamboo, and new shoots can grow far from the mother plant. When growing bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys, you need to control the root, cut around with a bayonet shovel in an area beyond which the rhizome should not extend, at least twice a year, or put a root barrier. Species of the genus Phyllostachys are the main species for growing bamboo large edible shoots. Phyllostachys stems are used for furniture, house construction, and numerous bamboo products.

The Phyllostachys species is undemanding to soil, tolerates all cultivated, not too poor garden soils, prefers deep, fresh, moist, nutrient-rich, well-drained substrates, from slightly acidic to alkaline. During the growth phase, it requires abundant watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfume"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfume" is most known as the "Green Perfume". "Green Perfume" is a fast-growing, tall 4-7 m with thick strong stems, stem diameter about 7 cm. Phyllostachys atrovaginata bamboo occupies a special place in the group of the genus Phyllostachys. It has air channels in its roots and can grow in very wet, heavy soils, as well as in flooded areas, but not in a swamp. And also another amazing feature: when you rub the stem, it gives out the smell of incense or sandalwood, this smell is also released on hot days. Phyllostachys atrovaginata "Green Perfumer" is the most popular type of bamboo with thick, strong, straight, tall, dark green stems, and only over the years the stems change color, from yellow-green to gray. This is an excellent type of bamboo for tall evergreen hedges and bamboo groves.

Phyllostachys atrovaginata

Phyllostachys aureosulcata

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C Phyllostachys Aureosulcata is an unpretentious tall type of bamboo 5-9 m, dark green stem with a yellow stripe in the groove, green, glossy leaves.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C, drought and wind-resistant, Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" is also called "Golden Bamboo", has a number of remarkable features, it grows in a dense cluster of stems, height from 5 to 7 m, in small areas and is ideal for tall, colorful hedges and fences. Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" is considered one of the hardiest, drought-tolerant tall bamboo species. Very decorative, the contrast of bright yellow stems with lush dark green foliage, which is especially impressive when the sun is at sunset. The stems are rigid, vertically growing and do not bend under the weight of snow; young stems in a sunny place are red in color. For evergreen lovers with small gardens, this is an invaluable type of bamboo.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" ...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Alata"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to -24 ° C Phyllostachys aureosulcata ’Alata’ tall bamboo 4-8 m, stems are dark green, like most Phyllostachys, some stems are zigzag in the lower part, older stems are yellow.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Alata" ...

Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 24° C Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ bamboo, which really stands out for its excellent properties. Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is also one of the hardiest bamboo species, has an upright growth habit with stiff stems up to 3.5 cm thick, yellow stems with a green stripe in the groove, it is not for nothing that it is called “Spectabilis”. Even after wet snow or heavy rain, the stems are erect. Phyllostachys Aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is ideal for tall, colorful hedges and bamboo groves up to 8 meters high. The leaves have thin white stripes along the leaf, glossy green on the top, with slight light variegation on the inside and wagging in the wind, creating a double decorative effect. Bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’ is a favorite in private gardens and parks in Europe.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys aureosulcata ‘Spectabilis’...

Phyllostachys "bissetii"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 24 ° C Phyllostachys "bissetii" is one of the hardiest types of bamboo, very reliable bamboo for growing in harsh climatic conditions, "bissetii" is resistant to cold and winds, even tolerates very cold winters with minimal loss of leaves. Phyllostachys "bissetii" is hardy enough to survive the winter in pots on the balcony or terrace. Phyllostachys bissetii is an excellent bamboo for tall opaque hedges, 4-7 m in height, very fast growing bamboo and reaches full height in a few years. Phyllostachys bissetii tolerates pruning well and can be trimmed to the desired height. Looks very nice when planted at the entrance of restaurants and bars. Phyllostachys bissetii can be planted in full sun to full shade. Phyllostachys bissetii has gray-green stems dusted with white flour that discolor to an olive-yellowish color in the sun. Particularly attractive in Phyllostachys bissetii are the shiny, glossy, dark green leaves. Phyllostachys "bissetii" is the leader and enjoys greater popularity in the garden design of gardens, parks, and entrance areas in Europe.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys "bissetii" ...

Phyllostachys nuda

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Phyllostachys nuda is unpretentious, tall 4-7 m. in China reaches up to 12 m, a type of bamboo considered the most frost-resistant and hardy of the Phyllostachys genus, it is also called “Stone Bamboo”. Phyllostachys nuda bamboo has straight thick-walled hard stems, young stems are dark purple almost black in color, as the leaves appear they turn dark green, sprinkled with white flour, the stems are stable and do not break under the weight of snow. The stems of Phyllostachys nuda are used for bamboo furniture.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys nuda...

Phyllostachys humilis

Frost-resistant bamboo down to -26 ° C Phyllostachys humilis is the shortest of the genus Phyllostachys 3-5 m. Instead of producing large stems, it multiplies quickly and makes impenetrable thickets. Phyllostachys humilis is an extremely cold-resistant and wind-resistant bamboo species. Phyllostachys humilis is ideal for evergreen living walls and hedges in both large and small gardens. Phyllostachys humilis does not require much space, an excellent type of bamboo for narrow areas and for thin living walls and hedges, for small areas where you need to benefit from having more space available. Garden bamboo Phyllostachys humilis is very fast growing and spreads quickly, tolerates pruning well, the stems are dense with a dense mass of leaves almost to the ground.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Phyllostachys humilis...

Medium frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia

Most Fargesia species come from the mountainous regions of China, and are therefore one of the most winter-hardy bamboo species. They reach a height of one to six meters, with stems up to 2 cm thick. Most Fargesien have small leaves growing on numerous lateral branches from the stems and form dense, impenetrable thickets, not blown by the wind and good at absorbing noise. Fargesia is a bushy bamboo and therefore a root barrier is not required. Fargesia is highly frost hardy and has green leaves all year round, making it an ideal genus of bamboo for our gardens. And even if the leaves are frozen, they are restored in early spring. Once a Fargesia species blooms, it dies, and this only happens every 80 to 120 years. But at present, most of the Fargesien, whose seedlings are sold in the coming years, have flowered.

The Fargesia species is generally undemanding to soil; it grows in all drained, wet, fresh (moderately dry), fertile soils, from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Loves high air humidity, especially in winter; when dry, the leaves curl for self-preservation.

Fargesia murielae

Frost-resistant bamboo "Umbrella Bamboo", frost resistance: - 27° C, Fargesia Murielae is, of course, a leader in ornamental gardening, and one of the very first types of bamboo that is used in landscape gardening of gardens and parks in Europe, has been used in ornamental gardening since 1910. Fargesia murielae is one of the hardiest, most unpretentious, frost-resistant, and most beautiful of all bushy bamboo species. Perfectly suitable as a separate growing plant, and in groups with other plants, for high and medium-sized evergreen living walls and hedges, both free-growing and formed up to 4 m in height, grows well in containers. Bamboo Fargesia Murielae has young stems with a light blue tint, over time green-yellow, olive in color, with a heavy mass of lush, dense leaves, the leaves droop and form a cascade, resembling the shape of an umbrella. Fargesia Murielae bamboo is very resistant to winds and cold; even in the harshest winters in the Central European climate, it remained evergreen, although it sheds a few leaves in late autumn. The Fargesia murielae bamboo has only recently flowered and a new generation of Fargesia murielae bamboo is now on sale.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae...

Fargesia murielae "Simba"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C Fargesia Murielae "Simba" is a beautiful low bamboo up to 2-2.5 m, with a very dense compact bush shape, perfect for low evergreen hedges, the best choice for growing in small gardens and other compositions large bamboos.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae "Simba" ...

Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’

Frost-resistant bamboo “Hedge” up to - 27° C Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’ bamboo with a dense mass of small light green succulent leaves, the bush grows densely in a compact cluster, tolerates shearing well. Bamboo ‘Green Hedge’, as the name suggests, is the best choice for medium and high hedges of 2.5-3.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia Murieliae ‘Green Hedge’ ...

Fargesia murielae "Jumbo"

Frost-resistant bamboo -25 °C Fargesia murielae "Jumbo" frost-resistant unpretentious bamboo, has green stems and fresh delicate green leaves, the shape of the bush is spreading, fluffy, perfect for medium-sized hedges of 2-3 m, both trimmed and not trimmed .

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia murielae "Jumbo" ...

Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 28° C Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" is a colorful type of bamboo, also known as red fountain bamboo, red dragon bamboo, red panda bamboo. Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" vertical growing bamboo, very hardy bamboo, resistant to frost and cold winds. Its thin leaves give it a very delicate appearance. If desired, red stems should be planted in sunny areas; red stems remain from spring until autumn. Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" flowered in the late 80s. If young shoots do not grow in the spring, there is nothing to be afraid of; with the onset of heat, rapid growth of young shoots will begin; in the Central European climate, the average height is 2.5-4.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia "Jiuzhaigou 1" ...

Fargesia Nitida "Creat Wall"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 26° C "Great Wall of China" Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall", an unpretentious, fast-growing type of bamboo, and one of the most decorative of the Fargesia genus. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" has oblong, narrow, dark green, velvety leaves that have a blue tint in the sun. The stems are bare, tall, smooth, dark purple-black in color, growing vertically in a dense clump with lush, delicate foliage hanging on top, black stems with green foliage create a very enchanting composition. For those who want to have in the garden, the frost-resistant black-stemmed bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is the type of bamboo you need. Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is a frost-resistant bamboo, and even if in severe winters the foliage is completely frozen and has fallen off, it is the first to restore foliage in early spring. Bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Great Wall" is an excellent choice, as the name "Great Wall of China" suggests, for tall living walls, 3-4 m high, and the best choice for planting in narrow spaces in the garden.

But also beware of laboratory-propagated seedlings; they are unlikely to grow quickly and are less hardy.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia Nitida "Creat Wall" ...

Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 27 °C Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" is a wind-resistant, tall, bushy type of bamboo that has proven itself to have very good winter hardiness. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster 1" flowered and was collected in the 80s, in China at an altitude of 2400 - 3500 m. Fargesiadenudata "Lancaster 1" is an elegant bamboo, with stems arching in a dense cluster at the bottom, reminiscent of a waterfall. The stems have many branches with a dense heavy mass, small, glossy bright green, slightly wavy leaves. In extreme weather conditions, of course, it rolls up the leaves to reduce the evaporation of moisture in the leaves. However, it is not as pronounced as in other Fargesia. Fargesiadenudata 'Lancaster' tolerates pruning well and is the best choice for live molded evergreen fences and hedges 3-4m high. If not trimmed it requires a lot of space. Bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" is also a very good choice for growing in large flower pots and containers on terraces and balconies. The bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" prefers to grow in a partially shady location, but also thrives in full sun. Fargesia Denudata "Lancaster 1" is the hardiest of the winter-hardy bamboo plants.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia denudata "Lancaster 1" ...

Fargesia rufa

Frost-resistant "Fountain Bamboo" up to - 26° C Fargesia rufa is considered one of the hardiest, if not the hardiest, bamboo for our climate. The advantage of Fargesia rufa is that it does not cause leaves to dry out in full sun or frost. Bamboo Fargesia rufa has thick elegant light green shiny glossy leaves hanging on arching stems in a dense cluster with numerous branches like a fountain; it looks very decorative when planted near water bodies, the leaves hang down to the water itself. Fargesia rufa bamboo is popular for its neat, no-trim, rounded bush, and is very decorative as a free-standing specimen. Fargesia rufa forms a tall, dense, impenetrable bush and is ideal for molded and free-growing evergreen hedges and hedges 3-4m high along garden boundaries to provide protection from wind, noise and dust. Fargesia rufa is also a very popular type of bamboo for growing in tubs, large flower pots and containers. Fargesia rufa is ideal for planting in full sun and shady areas with humus-rich soil. Bamboo Fargesia rufa, when planted in places in full sun, has a more spreading appearance, preferring to grow tall in shady areas. Bamboo Fargesia rufa is a very popular type of bamboo among gardeners and landscape designers in Europe, and is often propagated in the laboratory to produce large numbers of seedlings as quickly as possible. For this reason, you should only buy from specialized suppliers who grow using traditional methods of propagation. Laboratory propagated seedlings are less frost-resistant and may differ slightly in appearance.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Fargesia rufa ...

Low frost-resistant bamboo of the genus Shibataea, like Phyllostachys, forms long underground rhizomes, running bamboo, and new shoots can grow far from the mother plant. When growing bamboo of the Shibatae genus, a root barrier must be installed.

Shibataea kumasaca

Frost-resistant "needle bamboo", "butcher's broom" frost resistance up to - 27° C. Shibataea kumasaca is a low compact type of bamboo. The bamboo Shibataea kumasaca, although a running bamboo, grows in a dense cluster; the leaves of Shibataea kumasaca are used for tea. The bamboo Shibataea kumasaca is called needle bamboo, it produces many new leaves at the same time, the new leaves are tightly curled and the bush is like a hedgehog. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo is most often used for molded and unshaped evergreen borders, and low hedges up to 1.5 m. Shibataea kumasaca bamboo thrives in the shade and is excellent as an understory. It also grows well in acidic soils.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Shibataea kumasaca ...

Frost-resistant ground cover bamboo

In gardens in climate zone 5, less hardy frost-resistant low types of bamboo can be grown as evergreen ground cover plants, undergrowth, low hedges, living borders, with minimal shelter for the winter, sprinkled with snow, and covered with spruce branches in cases of snowless severe frosts. Snow is the best protection for evergreen plants; the leaves, covered with snow, do not fall and remain green.

Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi" is a low type of bamboo 1-1.5 m, tends to spread quickly, "Tsuboi" is used as a ground cover plant.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus shibuyanus "Tsuboi" ...

Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 25° C Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus" for living borders, as an evergreen groundcover, can reach a height of 0.8 -1.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus pygmaeus "Distichus" ...

Pleioblastus viridistriatus

Frost-resistant low bamboo up to - 25° C Pleioblastus viridistriatus with yellow leaves, suitable for bright low living borders and ground cover, can reach up to 1 m in height.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Pleioblastus viridistriatus ...

Sasa Veitchii

Frost-resistant up to - 24° C low Japanese bamboo Sasa veitchii, decorative bamboo, it is also called “Japanese picture bamboo”. Bamboo Sasa veitchii changes the color of its leaves depending on the season, it is ideal as a ground cover plant, it is dark green in summer, and from mid-autumn it has a gorgeous variegated lawn, reaching a height of 0.4-1.5 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa Veitchii ...

Sasa kurilensis

Bamboo Sasa kurilensis is the most north-growing bamboo in the world, frost resistance up to - 25° C. Bamboo Sasa kurilensis is distributed in nature in the Kuril Islands. Sasa kurilensis is a small, invasive bamboo that develops quickly. Used as understory, evergreen ground cover, living borders and low, medium-sized hedges 0.5-2 m., perhaps more than 2.5 m. in Japan 4 m.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa kurilensis...

Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa"

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22° C Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" is the largest species of the genus Sasa reaches a height of 1-3 m, northern Europe up to 2 m, Japan: up to 4 m, in the spring one of the very first types of bamboo produces shoots. Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" is an exotic bamboo with edible large leaves up to 30 cm in length.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa Palmata "Nebulosa" ...

Sasa tsuboiana

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22° C Sasa tsuboiana is a very tenacious aggressive type of bamboo, it grows quickly and is used in low hedges and borders. Sasa tsuboiana reaches 1-1.5 m..

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Sasa tsuboiana...

Indocalamus tesselatus

Frost-resistant bamboo up to - 22° C Indocalamus tesselatus bamboo with the largest decorative wide leaves up to 60 cm. The stems are thin, green, flexible at the beginning, straight, and eventually bend under the weight of large, heavy leaves. Indocalamus tesselatus grows very compactly and forms a lump of graceful mound up to 1-1.5 m high. In China up to 2.5 m. Indocalamus tesselatus bamboo looks decorative as a ground cover plant and undergrowth under large bamboos, trees and shrubs, creating a picture of a green sea of ​​flowing leaves.

Detailed description and photo of frost-resistant bamboo Indocalamus tesselatus...

Reproduction: bamboo blooms and bears fruit very rarely, on average from 60 to 120 years. Bamboo from seeds develops slowly, so bamboo is propagated by the vegetative method, division of rhizomes, and root suckers. Bamboo seedlings planted in the ground need frequent, abundant watering.

Location: most types of bamboo are light-loving plants and grow faster in full sun. Bamboo is often planted near bodies of water. In winter, bamboo is much better in sheltered from the wind, semi-shady places.

Soil: bamboo is not picky about soil, but it grows much better in humus-rich, fertile soil; it is also not uncommon for running bamboo to develop faster in sandy, light soil.

Soil mixture: mix as follows: 1/3 peat or humus, 1/3 pine bark with a particle size of 7-14 mm, 1/3 your garden soil. Bamboo prefers non-drying soil, mulched with a thick layer of humus; in winter it is advisable to prevent the soil from freezing; bamboo is an evergreen plant, moisture is needed all year round. Most types of bamboo prefer a lot of nitrogen, before planting bamboo seedlings, add manure to the bottom of the planting hole and sprinkle about 10 cm with soil, the bamboo root will be provided with nitrogen for two to three years, and this will also help in the first years in winter, the manure will rot, and give off heat. Soil acidity should ideally be close to pH 5.

*NOTE: The stated winter hardiness does not apply when growing bamboo in containers! When growing in containers, the root ball should never be allowed to freeze completely. If the root ball freezes completely, the bamboo will not survive!

We wish you to buy frost-resistant garden bamboo that is suitable specifically for your garden, so that with its presence and healthy growth in the garden you and those around you, relatives and friends.

Bamboo... Where does this amazing plant grow? Is it a tree or a grass? In fact, it is a cereal crop that has high strength and flexibility. It can reach a height of forty meters. The high growth rate of the plant amazes and delights at the same time.

What is this

Bamboo is a plant that in appearance resembles both tall grass and a tree. It has a straight stem and wedge-shaped leaves. This oriental cereal combines calm, soothing colors - yellow and green. There are many types of it. The plant is found not only in the wild. It is actively used by people in landscape design, decorative gardening, for the production of furniture, interior items and even in cooking.

The stem has a fibrous structure. The roots and rhizomes are located horizontally underground. Buds form on the rhizome, which gradually turn into sprouts. Most bamboo species bloom once every sixty or one hundred and twenty years. The plant reproduces quickly - through rhizomes or seeds. In the latter case, this happens quite rarely. The bamboo stem is very strong, shoots with leaves extend from it. Thickenings form on the trunk where the shoots emerge. They are called nodes, and the part of the stem between them is called internodes.

What does it look like

Bamboo (photo can be seen in the article) grows only in conditions of high humidity and warm climate. It is the climatic conditions that determine its appearance and active growth. The stem of this plant resembles grass and a tree trunk. Bamboo is very tall, its crown is branched. The shoots of the plant are hard inside and out. In the middle of the trunk, the bamboo has a bright yellow color and there are hollow areas.

The leaves of the grass are lanceolate, with short petioles. Spikelets with large inflorescences are attached to the branches. On the branches there are scale-shaped bamboo leaves. The root is well developed. It is capable of growing over long distances. The rhizome produces many powerful stems. Bamboo produces fruit only once every few decades due to rare but abundant flowering.


Bamboo. Where does it grow, what climatic conditions are comfortable for this crop? The tropics are considered to be the birthplace of bamboo. It can be found in Australia, America, Asia. It is thermophilic and is poorly affected by frost and cold winds. Some species feel comfortable in the cold. However, northern and temperate climates are not suitable for cereals, as is extreme heat. Frost-resistant varieties of the crop are unpretentious. Their rhizomes develop in any soil. The plant also takes root in Russia, but only as an indoor inhabitant.

Bamboo is evergreen. The life cycle is long. Does not tolerate extreme heat, cold and drought. Able to survive in any conditions with proper care.


Is bamboo a grass or a tree? It is considered to be a plant or giant grass. There are about a thousand varieties of bamboo in the world. They all differ in height and width of the stem. Some species look like bushes. Absolutely all of them adapt to new living conditions over time. One of the most popular types is considered to be “lucky bamboo”. This is a small indoor plant that grows in soil or water. It cannot be called a direct relative of culture.

The plant requires careful care and does not tolerate cold weather. Bamboo does not like clayey, waterlogged soil. Keep this in mind if you want to grow the crop at home. If the crop grows at home in an indoor pot, it is important to provide it with moderate humidity and warmth, but keep it away from the heating system. It is recommended to wipe the stem and leaves with a damp cloth.


What features does bamboo have? Where does it grow and why is it able to quickly adapt to different climatic conditions? The most interesting and, perhaps, the main type of bamboo grows in the East Indies. Its trunk reaches a height of twenty-five meters and a diameter of thirty centimeters. The structural features of bamboo allow it to be used in construction. In addition, the old stems of the plant produce a sweet-tasting liquid that is used to make polishes and porcelain. Features include rapid growth, massiveness, and plant properties. Young crops are eaten, the stem is used in the interior, household, and industry, including textiles.

Areas of use

Where is bamboo used? Where does this crop grow and what is its significance for the economy? The scope of use of cereals is huge. Houses are built from the bases of trunks of large species and musical instruments are made. Bamboo is highly valued in the textile industry. Bamboo fiber is used to sew clothes, linen, blinds, wallpaper, carpets, blankets, pillows and much more. The material made from bamboo threads has amazing properties. It perfectly absorbs moisture, hypoallergenic, antibacterial and very soft. In addition, things made from it are durable, practical, and beautiful.

Today, bamboo is actively used in interior design. Decorative partitions, furniture, and accessories are made from it. It brings naturalness, environmental friendliness, and naturalness into the room. In countries with warm climates, durable dwellings are built from the crop, and the shoots of young plants are eaten. The popularity of bamboo is due to its resistance to climate change and mechanical stress. Bamboo is also used to make thick silk paper and tableware.

Growth rate

The fastest growing plant in the world is bamboo. A photo of this cereal shows what it looks like and how tall it reaches. Young bamboo can increase in length by ten centimeters per day. Some types of this crop grow fifty centimeters in 24 hours! The main difference between bamboo and wood is that the former grows to its final height in a season, while the latter takes years to do so. The reason for the high growth rate is the internodes. They simultaneously stretch, increasing in size. However, the growth rate is uneven and decreases from the root to the top. During the growing period, the plant not only grows upward. Its stem thickens and the nodes become larger. There is evidence that a babook can stretch one meter in just 24 hours!

According to many botanists, bamboo is considered one of the most amazing representatives of the world of flora, as it grows so quickly that it can reach a height of several tens of meters in a short period of time. It is the rapid growth and unusual characteristics of this plant that have made it popular for use in various areas of human activity.

Short description

The bamboo subfamily belongs to the grass family (poagrass), has almost 1200 genera, among which there are woody plants with a slender and tall trunk. There are also those that grow as grass about 1 m high. The stem circumference is on average 0.8 m, in diameter - 0.25 m. The rhizome of this evergreen perennial grass produces many young shoots that grow up to 18 m.

For several decades there is no flowering, but at the end of this period there is abundant flowering and fruiting, after which the above-ground part dies off, but the rhizome remains.

A huge specimen of Bambusa gigantea can bloom once every 30 years, and some genera are also known to bloom only once a century.

Experts still cannot come to a consensus regarding the rare appearance of flowers on this amazing plant, but the main idea is based on evolutionary adaptation. Considering that bamboo dies immediately after flowering, an important task today is to prevent color and seed ripening in order to preserve bamboo groves and numerous populations.


When studying bamboo in detail, it is interesting to know how it grows in nature, because it is a real record holder for increasing the height of the stem. It is known that the maximum height of some specimens of this subfamily was 40 m.

24 hours

Through systematic observations and measurements, naturalists established how quickly bamboo grows per day. It became known that the maximum value of this value is 1.2 m, the average number varies between 0.1-1.0 m.

30 days

Bambusa tulda is widespread on the Indochina Peninsula; individual specimens of this genus grew a record 22 m in a month. Of course, this is only possible under favorable environmental conditions, optimal temperature and humidity.

How long does it take for bamboo to grow? On average, the life expectancy of representatives of the subfamily is about 20-60 years, in some cases – 100-120 years.


The homeland of this plant is currently unknown, but bamboos grow in tropical and subtropical zones and are widespread in both hemispheres of the Earth on the territory of almost all continents.


On this amazing continent, where flora and fauna still never cease to amaze researchers with their diversity, as well as on the coast of the island of Tasmania, groves with the tallest grass are often found. It is here, in the shade of huge straws, that marsupial kangaroos, which are considered the symbol of this incredible region, hide from the heat and heat.


Here this plant can often be seen in almost all countries, but the bulk of such forests is concentrated in China and Japan.

Many years ago in China, the death of bamboo plantations after flowering led to the complete disappearance of such an animal as the giant panda, because its diet consisted almost entirely of young shoots of this plant. Of course, in the future, plant growth from powerful roots was restored in this area, but this took several years.

In the Huangshan region of China, the Bamboo Ocean National Park is home to many paths and alleys for walking. Many visitors come here every year to see with their own eyes the grandeur of this forest.

It is known that in Chinese medicine, bamboo sap - tabaxir - is often used - an effective remedy for asthma and cough.

The Japanese have the most reverent attitude towards this cereal crop, considering it a symbol of purity and happiness, and also honoring it along with pine and sakura.

In Japan, there is a tradition of decorating your home on New Year's Eve with pine and bamboo - they are tied together, in this way inviting happiness and luck.

The city of Kyoto (Japan) is considered one of the popular tourist destinations, because the large Sagano bamboo forest is located here, which covers an area of ​​16 square kilometers. Walking along the path in this park, tourists from all over the world enjoy the incredible views around and the sound of the wind that blows between the giant straws.

Some species are known to grow at altitudes of about 3800 m in the Himalayan mountains.


Considering that a significant part of the continent is occupied by the Sahara Desert, whose dry climate and arid winds are very unfavorable for the plant world, the main growth areas of common bamboo are concentrated in the tropics of Tanzania and on the island of Madagascar.

There are 3 most common types here:

  • golden with thick walls and a yellow trunk;
  • with a green trunk;
  • Bambusa vulgaris var. Wamin, which grows up to 3 m.

In the jungle villages of Ethiopia, bamboo is considered the main building material, since almost all the dwellings of the local population are made of it.

A significant part of the African population (about 80%) uses firewood in their everyday life; deforestation on the mainland has reached its critical level. By destroying forests and burning trees, humanity does not think about the fact that dramatic climate change and significant air pollution are occurring. In the near future, this will lead to significant deviations in the climate of areas close to Africa.

The International Bamboo and Rattan Network (INBAR) plans to help solve this global problem in collaboration with China, which together have developed an alternative program for replacing wood fuel with bamboo charcoal.


Excavations that were previously carried out on the territory of the European part of Eurasia showed that even before the Ice Age there were large bamboo populations here.

Today, the Japanese species Bambusa metake, as well as some species from China, are widely found in such Central European countries as:

  • Hungary;
  • Bulgaria;
  • former Yugoslavia;
  • Germany;
  • Spain;
  • Romania.

Russian Federation

The cultivation of this cereal in the country began at the beginning of the 20th century in greenhouse nurseries in St. Petersburg. The areas where bamboo grows now in Russia are the Krasnodar Territory, Dagestan, the Caucasus region, Sakhalin and Karachay-Cherkessia. Basically, the same species grow here as in the European part, only on the Kuril Islands the Sasa species predominates, which grows without human intervention. Basically, all these species are frost-resistant and survive northern and temperate climates without significant damage.

Successful cultivation of crops in these latitudes is possible provided there is an optimal balance of all necessary agrotechnical factors: air temperature and humidity, soil acidity, irrigation and other conditions.

North and South America

The climate of a certain part of the continents is considered favorable for the growth of this crop, which is confirmed by the large number of bamboo populations.

One of the popular vacation spots for residents and guests of the United States is the Quayle Botanical Garden, located in South Carolina. Among the incredible diversity of vegetation presented here, giant bamboos stand out.

The beauty of the Hawaiian Islands, which many travelers talk about, is, of course, complemented by the slender giants growing in Honolulu.

Large forests are also found in countries such as Argentina and Chile in South America. It is interesting that these groves can be located at an altitude of 4700 m in the Andes mountain system, forming difficult to pass places.


Indoor bamboo has nothing in common with the one that grows in the wild. Their differences are visible to the naked eye. Wild bamboo is considered a grass, but despite this, it can reach a height of up to 40 meters. At home, they grow a miniature plant that belongs to the genus Dracaena and is called Dracaena sandera or dragon tree.

General information

Bamboo is a plant with a bare stem, which only has several branches with leaves on top. The trunk of bamboo can be either straight or curved in the form of a spiral. Most often, the domestic variety of bamboo has a green tint, but there are also types with golden foliage and stems.

The Chinese believe that bamboo brings good luck and material well-being. If you adhere to the philosophy of Feng Shui, then this plant should definitely appear in your home, as it will not only bring prosperity, but will also diversify your flower collection with exoticism and beauty.

Types and varieties of bamboo

Bamboo Indoor - is a miniature plant with a smooth or spiral-shaped bare trunk with shoots and leaf blades at the top. Bamboo leaves are hard and glossy. They have an elongated lanceolate shape and a light green tint. At home, the plant rarely blooms, but if this happens, it throws out a long arrow with white, pleasantly smelling inflorescences. Peduncles appear in mid-summer.

- is an evergreen semi-shrub perennial with a bare trunk, on the top of which leafy shoots grow. The leaf blades are hard and dense, with a rich green tint. The plant blooms extremely rarely. Flowering time occurs in mid-summer.

– bamboo of this species grows up to 20 meters in the wild. The thick, knotty stem has a bright yellow hue with green stripes and rich green glossy, elastic leaf plates. This plant rarely blooms. There are no seeds. It is propagated by bush division.

– the natural habitat of the plant is Nepal and the Himalayas. This type of bamboo grows in the form of a bush, consisting of individual plant trunks. This variety can grow up to 40 meters in length and has a thick, flexible and slightly gnarled stem. The leaf blades are hard, glossy, dark green. In nature, the plant blooms extremely rarely and often dies after that.

This type of indoor plant can grow up to 300 centimeters in length. It has thick, gnarled, dark green stems with thin branches and lush, green, glossy foliage. Bamboo does not bloom indoors, but it has excellent decorative properties.

– This variety is known as giant bamboo. This plant is very popular in the USA. The bamboo stems are dark green in color and slightly knotty. They are elastic and can reach a height of up to 40 meters. Bamboo branches are short with lush, green, glossy leaf blades. The plant blooms extremely rarely, since flowering greatly depletes it and leads to death.

– The natural habitat of this plant is tropical Asia and the Philippines. This type of bamboo can be compared to blackthorn. It can grow either as a bush or as single individuals. The stems of bamboo are thin gray-green. They bear branches with dark green foliage and small spines. Spiny bamboo does not bloom or bear fruit.

– grows in Indochina, Tibet and Iraq. Its stems are used to make paper. Young bamboo trunks are bright green, but after several years they become light gray and knotty. The trunk is covered with sparse thin branches with green foliage, which become denser towards the top of the trunk. In rare cases, bamboo throws out a flower shoot, which is covered with white, pleasantly smelling inflorescences. However, most often, flowering leads to depletion of the plant and its possible death.

– The plant grows in Bangladesh and Australia. Bamboo reaches a height of 8 to 15 meters. The trunk of the evergreen plant is almost bare, knotty, and of a rich green hue. A large number of shoots are formed closer to the top. They are covered with tough, sharp, green leaf blades. Only mature plants bloom, after which they often die.

Bamboo indoor care at home

Growing bamboo at home is not difficult, the main thing is to follow a number of rules and then you will be able to grow a healthy and beautiful plant that will become a real pearl of your flower collection.

Dracaena sandera can be grown both in soil and in water. Wide, slightly flattened pots, similar to bowls, are suitable for bamboo. The plant should be properly fertilized, watered and yellow leaf blades removed; if these rules are not followed, it may die.

Bamboo is a very light-loving crop. Light affects not only its growth and development, but also the color of the leaves and the height of the stems. Despite the fact that dracaena loves light, it should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

However, lack of light also negatively affects the plant, it becomes dull and slows down growth. Bamboo, deprived of solar energy, begins to reach for the sun, its stems become crooked and unattractive, and its leaves become faded and turn yellow.

Dracaena Sander requires moderate temperature conditions. The plant does not like drafts. For its normal growth, the temperature should range from 18 to 30 degrees. Temperature readings should not deviate from the norm, otherwise the bamboo may get sick.

Humidity, as well as temperature, should be moderate. In the hot season it should be 50%, and in the cold season 35%. To ensure comfortable conditions, you need to place an air humidifier next to the dracaena, and also spray the leaf plates with a sprayer. If the plant does not have enough moisture, its trunks will begin to crack and the dracaena will dry out.

Dracaena is a member of the Agave family. It can be grown with care at home without any problems if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Growing bamboo in water or soil

As mentioned above, the plant can be grown both in water and in soil.

When growing dracaena in the ground, you should pay attention to the pot for planting, since the size and height of the bamboo will depend on how freely the root system grows in the container.

Since the plant is usually planted in small pots, bamboo stems do not grow tall, and they are also thin and less knotty than tall bamboo. To achieve miniaturization, dracaena should be replanted every three years, completely changing the soil.

The soil for the plant must be breathable with good drainage. Watering dracaena in the ground should be moderate, but you should not over-water it, as this will lead to rotting of the root system and death of the plant.

You can also grow bamboo in water or hydrogel. But in this case, it should not be planted in an ordinary pot, but in something like a large test tube or glass vase. To plant a plant in water, the roots should be washed and inspected for damage. Then the plant needs to be moved into a glass container and carefully filled with pre-boiled pebbles.

When using hydrogel, the plant must be placed in a container for its further growth, pour the hydrogel into it and fill it with distilled water. It is best to choose a gel with small granules, as it will not allow the root system to be exposed and it will not dry out.

Caring for dracaena in hydrogel is simple. It is enough to add settled water to the container once every few weeks and feed the plant once every six months.

Watering bamboo

Dracaena needs regular watering, but it will depend on where exactly the plant is grown. If it grows in water, then the liquid must cover the roots. The water in the container with bamboo should be changed to distilled water every week.

Bamboo in the ground should be watered once every three days, and spraying should also be carried out at the same time interval. Even if the top layer of soil has dried, there is no need to increase watering; you must adhere to the specified interval so as not to cause rotting of the root system.

Soil for bamboo

Dracaena Sandera will grow much better in soil than in water. This feature is due to the fact that bamboo does not really like it when the root system is in liquid for a long time, and water does not stay in the ground for long.

You can choose any soil mixture for growing bamboo, the main thing is that it is loose and allows water and air to pass through well. In a flower shop, you can ask the seller to select a suitable soil or make it from washed sand and 1/3 peat moss.

In general, any well-draining soil with an acidity between 5.5 and 6.5 pH will do. After planting the plant, the soil should be lightly pressed to remove air and watered.

Transplanting bamboo

Replanting should be done in the spring every year. If a gardener grows large varieties of plants, then they need to be replanted every three years. It is very important to choose the right pot for replanting. The root system should not come into contact with its walls; there should be a distance between them of 5 to 7 centimeters. During replanting, you should change not only the container, but also the soil mixture due to the fact that it loses its nutritional properties over the course of a year.

When the dracaena is four years old, the frequency of transplantation should be reduced to once every three years. The soil mixture for bamboo should consist of either loam and humus, or moss and washed sand. Drainage is also a very important parameter when replanting; it should be placed at the bottom of the pot in a layer of 3 centimeters.

After transplantation, the plant acclimatizes for one and a half months, after which it begins to develop as usual.

Fertilizer for bamboo

Dracaena sandera should be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers. It is best to buy fertilizer at a flower shop intended for dracaenas; it is ideal for bamboo, as it will be rich in the substances it needs.

In autumn and winter, fertilizing should be reduced to 1 time. In the warm season, bamboo needs to be fed once a month.

Bamboo blossom

The plant blooms once in its life. Since this process takes almost all the dracaena’s strength, most often it dies after this. However, it should be noted that indoor bamboo blooms extremely rarely. If this happens, the gardener notices an arrow on which, over time, white inflorescences with a very pleasant aroma appear.

Observations have shown that most often flowering occurs in the summer. If the bamboo still blooms, but the gardener does not want the plant to die, the flower shoot should be carefully removed and the cut area should be treated with charcoal.

Bamboo trimming

Bamboo tolerates pruning well, so the grower can shape it the way he wants. However, pruning and shaping should only be done when the plant has taken root and is completely healthy.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • First, dry and excess stems located at ground level are removed.
  • The stems are then fixed at a certain height and cut above the branching point. This must be done so that the stem stops growing upward.
  • At the end, to give the plant a decorative appearance, you need to remove excess shoots.

If the grower wants the plant to grow vertically, he should regularly thin out the branches. Dracaena Sandera can be either straight-trunked or have a spiral-shaped trunk, everything will depend on the type of bamboo.

Caring for bamboo in winter

With the onset of winter, bamboo enters a dormant period, which means caring for the plant changes slightly. This concerns watering; it should be carried out once every five days, combining moisture with spraying.

The temperature in winter should not fall below +18, and humidity - below 35%. You should also provide additional lighting to the dracaena by purchasing a phytolamp for it. At the end of the winter period, bamboo care returns to normal.

Bamboo from seeds at home

Dracaena Sander is propagated by seed, cuttings and apical shoots. It is extremely difficult to propagate bamboo using apical shoots, especially if the grower does not have experience in this. The same applies to the seed method.

You can grow a plant from seeds in open ground; it is almost impossible to propagate cultivated varieties indoors. The chances of germination are extremely low. In addition, sowing seeds, the appearance of sprouts and caring for them is a labor-intensive and very lengthy process. Therefore, gardeners prefer to propagate bamboo using cuttings. This method is the simplest and most accessible.

Propagation of bamboo by cuttings at home

Dracaena should be propagated by cuttings in the spring. For planting, it is necessary to use young branches that appear on a plant that has reached maturity. Planting material should be separated from the stem and planted in the ground so that it takes root.

The soil mixture for rooting should be the same as for planting the plant. Since bamboo grows very quickly, roots will appear within a month. The pot for cuttings should be spacious and medium in height, since after some time it will be completely filled with the roots of the planting material.

To make propagation easier, it is often combined with replanting mature bamboo, which is carried out once a year. The growing season is not only a favorable time for transplantation, but also for cuttings. Also, do not forget that after transplanting the cuttings into the ground, they should be carefully looked after in order to avoid problems with the growth and development of young plants in the future.

Diseases and pests

Bamboo can only get sick if it is not cared for properly. If dark spots begin to appear on the leaf blades of the plant , then most likely, the dracaena began to develop a disease of fungal etiology, which was caused by waterlogging of the soil. To cope with it, it is necessary to treat the plant with a special fungicide, reduce watering and ventilate the room more often.

When the plant develops slowly and the stem or leaves turn yellow may suggest a lack of nutrients. In this case, bamboo can be helped by correct and dosed feeding with a special fertilizer, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

If the gardener notices that the leaf plates of the dracaena have begun to crumble, darken and become soft , this means the plant is kept at the wrong temperature. The normal temperature for growth and development is considered to be 18-30 degrees.

The plant can also be threatened by pests such as aphids and spider mites. If the grower notices cobwebs or sticky leaf blades , he should carefully examine the dracaena for the presence of these insects. If they are detected, it is necessary to remove damaged leaves and spray the plant with the Aktara insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

Proper care of bamboo will completely eliminate the occurrence of pests and diseases listed above.

Why does indoor bamboo turn yellow?

Dracaena Sandera is an evergreen plant that periodically sheds its leaves. First, the leaf blades turn yellow and then fall off, and this is absolutely normal. Most leaves fall in the spring. However, the natural feature of the plant does not always lead to leaf fall.

Yellowing of bamboo foliage can occur as a result of:

  • Lack of nutrients in soil or water;
  • Excessive application of fertilizers;
  • Lack of moisture and light;
  • Insufficient drainage;
  • Incorrect temperature conditions;
  • Low air humidity;
  • Drafts;
  • Watering with unsettled water.

If no violations were made in caring for the plant, then the yellowing is the preparation of the bamboo for shedding old foliage, which will soon be replaced by new ones.

Bamboo in the house - signs and superstitions

Bamboo is highly valued in China due to a number of its magical properties. According to Feng Shui philosophy, the plant brings good luck, financial well-being and health to the house.

For Dracaena sandera to “work”, it should be placed in the south-eastern part of the home. However, if there is little light there, then it is necessary to additionally illuminate the bamboo using a phytolamp, otherwise it may simply die. If a florist wants to attract love into his life, he should place bamboo in the bedroom; if he wants to confidently walk up the career ladder, he should place dracaena in the office.

The number of bamboo stems also determines its influence on a particular area of ​​human life. A plant with three stems brings good luck in all endeavors. Bamboo with 5 stems can improve personal life, and dracaena with 7 stems will make its owner healthy and successful. If a gardener wants to improve all aspects of life, he should get a dracaena with 21 stems.

To enhance the magical properties of bamboo, it must be supplemented with a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth or a special Chinese vase depicting the sacred animals of the Land of the Rising Sun. The frog should be placed in close proximity to the plant, but only not high, otherwise it will “work” in the opposite direction, bringing failure and poverty.


Growing bamboo is not difficult, the main thing is to create the right microclimate for it and provide proper care. Then the dracaena will not only attract good luck to its owner’s house, but will also become an element of unusual living decor that will not leave anyone indifferent.