Reception daughter Nikita Khrushchev Julia. How did the fate of the children of the "corn" Secretary General of Nikita Khrushcheva

Exactly 40 years ago, the former head of the Soviet-state Nikita Khrushchev died

The first granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, Julia, was born in 1939 in Moscow. When the war began, her grandmother, Nina Petrovna Khrushchev, evacuated with three children in Kuibyshev (now Samara), took with him and daughter-in-law of anyone with his granddaughter. Julia's father, Leonid Khrushchev, died at the front in 1943. Soon after that, on suspicion of espionage, her mother was arrested. A four-year-old girl remained in Kuibyshev with Nina Petrovna, called her mom, and Nikitu Sergeevich - dad. And still relates to them as native.

Now 72-year-old Yulia Leonidovna lives in Moscow.

"On the day of the funeral of the newspaper" Pravda "printed a brief message:" Personal pensioner Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev "died"

- On September 1, 1971, Nikita Sergeevich called us home from my cottage in Petrovo-Far, "says Julia Khrushchev. - On this day, my daughter Nina went to the first class, and the great-grandfather congratulated her with the beginning of labor life. A few days later, he was hospitalized in the Kuntsevskaya hospital. There Pope was accurate, it became a little better. But the heart of a 77-year-old man still could not stand. Doctors are not gods, especially since this heart attack was not the first ...

On the day of the death of Nikita Sergeevich in Moscow stood warm sunny weather. As soon as I learned about the death of Pope, immediately went to Granovsky Street, where he lived with Nina Petrovna. There were already Sergey, Rada (Son and daughter Nikita Sergeevich. - Aut.). We were going to discuss the place and time of the funeral, but from the Office of the CPSU Central Committee, we were told: "Khoronym on Monday at the Novodevichy Cemetery." Actually, it was not help, but the organization of the process. For some reason, the civilian memorial party was prescribed in the morgue of the hospital for 11 am. We asked to postpone the beginning of a piece of farewell a couple of hours later, so that relatives could go around, but we were refused, they say, you need to strictly follow the schedule.

I think all this was done specifically. The smaller the people would have to say goodbye to Khrushchev, the better for the authorities.

- And they achieved their own?

- Not really. On Saturday, Dad died, and on Monday, the newspaper "Pravda" printed a short message: "Personal pensioner Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev died." Then such radio stations as "Kommersant-FM" or "Echo of Moscow" was not - people learned news from the morning newspapers. And in Kiev, in Kiev there are many relatives (including the daughter of Nikita Khrushchev from the first marriage of Julia with her husband Viktor Gonarem. - Avt..), And in other cities - not everyone managed to come.

Nevertheless, many people came to say goodbye to Khrushchev. Then the procession moved to the Novodevian monastery, in which they suddenly announce ... a sanitary day. Therefore, all the approaches to the monastery blocked the police. We passed only foreign journalists and some of the Soviet, for certificates. However, one of my familiar, not a Russian appearance, similar to Tatar, was introduced by the grandson of Nikita Sergeevich, and his, oddly enough, also missed.

The funeral bus at high speed drove into the gate of the monastery and, bypassing the platform for farewell, drove up straight to a freshly burned grave. So wanted to quickly get rid of Khrushchev! Although, as you understand, no excitement could not be. People silently stood near the grave. Went through a pouring autumn rain. Sergey Nikitich said: "Today, even nature says goodbye to Nikita Sergeyevich. Father was a man to whom no one was indifferent. His or loved, or hated ... "

Then a woman was performed, one of the victims of Gulag, and Vadim, Sergey's classmate, the son of repressed. That's the whole paneel!

Mom's commemoration arranged at the cottage. There, with her, Sergei Nikitich and Sergo Mikoyan discussed which monument to put on the grave. We decided to turn to Ernstu unknown. A couple of days later, Sergey contacted a brilliant sculptor, and he began to work.

True, the monument was not allowed to establish a very long time. They said: "Make less and not black and white, but red, not marble, and some more." Finally in 1973 gave good. When the monument was installed, again, like on the day of the funeral, lilf rain.

"If our entire class leaving the lesson of astronomy, only my parents and parents of Nina Budenny called from school"

- Having become a member of the family, as they say now, a state official, in the first class did you go to the elite school?

- What are you! The school was the usual one, two steps from the house to be comfortably walking. Up to fourth grade, I studied at the 61st Kiev school on Melnikov Street, on Lukyanovka. We lived nearby, in the mansion on Osiyevskaya Street (now Artem. - Aut.). For a while after the liberation of Kiev, we still lived in Moscow, and in 1944 settled in this mansion among the greenery, chestnuts and singing birds. It is this nature that Nikita Sergeevich adored.

In January 1949 moved to Moscow. Lived in a government apartment in the Government House on Granovsky Street. Here the school was also two steps from home, on Semashko Street, now it is some kind of middle kislovsky alley. I remember, there was a terrible frost on the street, and I very much for Kiev in the cold Moscow.

- You, granddaughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, did cross-partings in school?

- If all of our class left the lesson of astronomy, from school only called my parents and parents of Nina Budenny. More nobody. And so - for any occasion. We studied with Nina Budenna in the same class, lived in the same house and are still friends.

Humanitarian objects were given to me very well, and I remember anything from natural disciplines. Unless, how much will be twice two. Somehow Nikita Sergeevich helped me solve the problem of mathematics. He easily grabbed any technically difficult things. If Dad got a higher education, he could be an outstanding engineer. I did not go to any medal, but the certificate was quite decent, with several fours on unloved subjects.

- You graduated from school in 1956. At the same time, the historical XX CPSS Congress was held, on which Nikita Khrushchev was acted with a closed report on the cult of personality ...

- This report of Khrushchev was sent to familiarize themselves only on party organizations. But in our school, the wonderful teacher of Amalia Arkadyevna taught the story. At one of the lessons, she told us about the cult of personality. In fact, in 1956, in schools, the topic of the cult of personality was not discussed. I do not think that Amalia Arkadyevna had special instructions on this matter, just she as a professional historian decided to talk about it high school students.

- Did you know that Nikita Sergeevich and Nina Petrovna are your adoptive parents?

- I knew. But the fact that my father died at the front in 1943, and my mother lives and works in Kazakhstan, he learned only before entering Moscow State University. Nina Petrovna told me about this so that I correctly filled the form of an apprentice. A year later, when I turned 17, I met my mother.

Nina Petrovna was strict, restrained, very correct. It was all: the farm, children, school. I think that with her husband she was advised only on global issues and did not jerk him on trifles.

Nina Petrovna was very responsible for their responsibilities of his wife and mother. I prepared, cleaned, well embarrassed and taught me a lot, even darling, which no one does now. Mom has always been assembled, energetic. When she lived alone in Zhukovka - and Nina Petrovna died in 84 years, - supported the ideal order in the house.

For a while before entering the university, my daughter Nina lived along with the great-grandmother and became very familiar with her. By sending a daughter to Nina Petrovna, I knew that it would be all right with her.

I am insanely grateful to Nikita Sergeyevich and Nina Petrovna for everything, including the rigor that reigned in our house.

"The day after the resignation of Nikita Sergeevich declared Nekrasov:" Late autumn. Grachics flew ... "

- What is the holiday most loved in the family of Khrushchev?

- May Day. And the favorite dish of Nikita Sergeyevich was deunuous with sour cream. Like mine. And he called them to the Ukrainian way, because the Russians say "Dianki". Nina Petrovna prepared them wonderfully. When after the death of her husband, she lived in the country, I tried to come to her without warning. Because Mom necessarily prepared for my arrival: Cooking Ukrainian Borsch, Farylas Deruna.

- Deruna go well under vodka.

- What do you! Dad was absolutely indifferent to drinking. Once at the cottage in Petrovo-Far, I traveled wine. And then he did not allow me to get behind the wheel to go back, although I did not drink, but just brought a glass to the lips!

Nikita Sergeevich loved to eat watermelon ... with white bread. I think I learned this when I lived in Ukraine.

- About the Ukrainian period, your grandfather loved to remember?

"Nikita Sergeevich loved Ukraine very much, but almost nothing told about this period of his life. He was not a very talkative man, most often spent time in reflections. He loved to listen to Ukrainian songs on the tape recorder "Dnipro". We and singing the Ukrainian Solovyov recorded on the tape recorder. And the rest of Khrushchev preferred to the Crimea, in Livadia.

He always read on the beach, sailing a bit. Neither in Domino, never played in the card. It believed that these classes were stunned. I agree with him. When I see in the hands of people, the card, the beast, just like Nikita Sergeevich.

In our big family was fond of theater. We all operas have listened to the big one. And they did not try, as now, record theater, get exclusively on the premiere. Then there was no word for such a hearing. Nikita Sergeevich could raise his eyes from the newspaper and say: "Do not go to the theater?" I still love opera, I recognize the "Eugene Onegin" from any note. In the big me from the street Granovsky went on foot, through the Alexandrovsky Garden and the Manege Square.

- Day of resignation of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU remember?

- It happened on October 13, 1964. In Moscow, there was a dry warm autumn. I lived with a little daughter at the cottage. The fact that the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU satisfied the statement of the 70-year-old Khrushchev about retirement, he learned on October 14. Immediately went to Leninsky Mountains, where the family of Nikita Sergeyevich lived in the government mansion. Moms were not, she rested in Karlovy Vary, and we spent the whole day together. He asked: "Are you free?" - "FREE". - "Do you want to go to the cottage?" - "Sure!"

In the evening I was waiting for the guests, so I wanted to call back home, warn something and clarify something. But Nikita Sergeevich said: "The phone is turned off!" And asked: "Do you need to go back?" "No, I'll go later," I replied.

With him, we collected the maple red red and crimson leaves and talked about Nekrasov. Dad loved the work of this poet very much, many of his poems knew by heart. And on October 14, in the Lenin Mountains Nikita, Sergeevich declared "Late autumn. Grachics flew ... "

- What expression of Nikita Sergeevich you remember?

"My daughter Nina lives 20 years old and works in New York." And it is very difficult for me to get used to this city. I remember how dad, telling about the event about the first trip to America, said: "I must tell you, comrades that New York is a terrible city!"

Now, having visited the daughter, I understand how this megapolis suppressed him. Nikita Sergeevich loved the forest, the river, the field, nature, and the protruding high houses and the street gorges between them they just oppressed.

And every time going outside in New York - and he is especially "impressive" in the summer, - I must say: "I must tell you, comrades that New York is a terrible city!"

Olga Izakson - the reception of the famous Russian singer Dmitry Malikova. He married Olga's mother, Elena in 1992. And since then, Elena's daughter from the first marriage began to be brought up in a new family. The girl at that time was just seven years old. Dmitry Malikov became for Olga with a new father, he loved her as his native, in every way indulged receptionAnd she did not know anything.

Contrary to the common belief that all the money in this life is doing, Olga Izakson could be able to achieve fame independently. Money of parents could not help in acquiring Olga popularity, if the girl herself did not have the abilities and talent in his chosen professional path.

Children's and Youth years of the adopted daughter Dmitry Malikova Olga Izakson

Olga Izakson was born in 1985, July 2. Olga Elena Valvskaya's mother became his wife very early, and gave birth to a daughter at 20. At the beginning of his life, Olga lived with his native father and mother. However, the marriage of the parents could not stand the tests of life and differences in characters. The family broke up.

When Elena Valevskaya was 25 years old, she met on her life path of her future husband, the popular Russian singer Dmitry Malikova. It was a happy meeting, as Elena and Dmitry's marriage became strong and reliable to this day, it is. Olga was 7 years old at that time.

Dmitry was very good to the adopted daughter Olga, loved her from the very first day. She became her native daughter and the girl never felt like someone else's or unloved. Dmitry Malikov has always been for Olga a true friend, she respects him and listens to his opinion.

In 2000, the pair of Dmitry and Elena Malikov were born daughter of Stephanie. At that time, Olga was 15 years old. According to Olga, she always Ladil's excellent with a pivot sister.

Olya from the earliest children's years was a creative child. She had many talents and abilities. She really liked to perform songs, dancing, also painted perfectly.

She studied Olya in France. Having received secondary education there, she returned to Russia and entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. However, in the course of study, Olga decided that she did not intend to associate his life, as she understood and realized that her soul was striving for a completely different case.

Talent and abilities Olga Izakson helped her to build a career of the photographer

Olga decided to associate his life with artistic art, since it was in this area that its ability was made to the most. She was always interested in the photo. At first, photographing was for Olga only passion, the hobby, which she paid a lot of free time. However, over time, its skills and skills in this matter are increasingly improved. In the end, the hobby smoothly flowed into the work of her life.

In 2011, Olga made a proposal and collaboration magazine magazine. From this point on, the girl is becoming increasingly popular and in demand. In 2015, in the Moscow City Museum, two photographs participate in the exhibition.

These works are noted by Louis Vuitton's fashion home staff and make an interesting offer. The girl creates a series of photographs of jewelry of a fashion house. Works Olga Isakson begin to be interested in many others famous companies. Olga receives an increasing number of proposals for fruitful cooperation from popular brands.

Olga Izakson works are known far beyond Russia, people admire its skills and ground subtlety in the display of reality.

Olga has been working with famous publications and magazines for a long time. Her photo shoots are a model of perfection and beauty. And to achieve such success, first of all, the presence of talent in this field of activity was helped, and not the money capital of rich parents.

Olga Isakson happy in family life

Olga married love in 2016. Her chosen was the successful businessman Jamal Khalilov. Couple brings up a little daughter Anna. They live in prosperity, happily and safely. At the moment, there is nothing in their life, which could overshadow their family happiness.

Olga often visits his parents, sister and little brother. Between relatives supported warm, mental, family relationships.

Olga pays a lot of attention to his little daughter Anya, and even often takes her with him on the shooting. Almost all of them free time The girl gives the family, however, does not forget about friends. Olga's friends and friends respond about her as a cheerful, cheerful, mental person. They also mention that money and glory did not spoil Olga, did not make it arrogant and arrogant. Despite the success in the financial sphere and ever-increasing popularity, Olga remains simple, kind and generous person.

In Moscow, the train shot down his granddaughter and adoptive daughter of the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev. This was reported by the sources of RIA Novosti in the police.

It is known that the tragedy occurred at the station "Sunny" Kiev destination Moscow railway. 77-year-old Julia Khrushchev He fell under the train Vnukovo - Moscow.

The body of Khrushcheva was discovered after a day after the train knocked down.

The fact of death of a 1940 woman was confirmed in the press service of the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the transport on the Central Federal District, but did not specify details. But in the help desk, the metropolitan ambulance reported the death of a woman with such a name and age.

"Yulia Leonidovna Khrushchev at the age of 77 died today," said there.

According to a number of media, the investigation is currently considering several versions of what happened.

"According to one of the versions, the cause of death became careless behavior on the railway platform," the report says.

However, the version of suicide is not excluded. In particular, that the investigators work out the version that the granddaughter of Khrushchev could reduce Ren-TV journalists with life indicated.

Julia Khrushchev - Daughter Leonid Khrushchev, Son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev from the first marriage. Yulia Khrushcheva's mother - Leonid Sergeevich's second wife Love Size.

Yulia Khrushchev was born in 1940 in Moscow. When the war began, her grandmother, Nina Petrovna Khrushchev, evacuated with three children in Kuibyshev (now Samara - approx. Fan), took with him and the daughter-in-law of anyone with her granddaughter. In 1943, Leonid Khrushchev, a former fighter, did not return from a combat task. Shortly thereafter, on suspicion of espionage arrested his wife to any, the mother of Julia. A four-year-old girl remained in Kuibyshev with Nina Petrovna. After that, Nikita Khrushchev has fallen a girl.

As Julia's herself recalled, that her father died at the front, and her real mother lives and works in Kazakhstan, she found out only before entering Moscow State University.

"Nina Petrovna told me about this so that I correctly filled out an applicant's questionnaire. A year later, when I turned 17, I met with my mother, "- quotes her edition" Facts and Comments ".

According to Women, Nikita Khrushchev, Nina Petrovna was a strict, restrained, very correct.

"It was all: the farm, children, school. I think that she was consulted with her husband only on global issues and did not pull him on the trifles. The wife of his wife and mother Nina Petrovna belonged very responsibly. I prepared, cleaned, well embarrassed and taught me a lot, even darling, which no one does now. Mom (as the Khrushchev family adopted her granddaughter, Julia called her so - approx. Fan) was always assembled, energetic. When she lived alone in Zhukovka - and Nina Petrovna died in 84 years old, - supported the ideal order in the house, "the granddaughter remembered the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.

"By sending a daughter to Nina Petrovna, I knew that it would be all right with her," she said.

Julia Khrushchev always added that he was insanely grateful to Nikita Sergeyevich and Nina Petrovna for everything, "including for the rigor that reigned in our house."

In August 2016, a native daughter of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev was died - Rada Ajubay. She died in a hospital at the age of 87.

The daughter of Nikita Khrushchev from the second marriage was born in 1929 in Kiev. In 1952, she graduated from Moscow State University, after which he worked as a journalist. While still a student, she married his classmate Alexei Agubey, who was then the editor-in-chief of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and Izvestia. For more than 50 years, Rada Ajubay worked in the magazine "Science and Life".

In 2007, the grandson Nikita Khrushchev died - Journalist of the Moscow News newspaper Nikita Khrushchev. He died from a stroke in the Moscow hospital named after Burdenko. As noted in the obituary, since January 2007, the grandson of Khrushchev worked in the newspaper "Union Veche" - the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Nikita Khrushchev consisted of two marriages. In the first he was born the son of Leonid and daughter Julia, in the second - Rada daughter and Elena, Son Sergey.

Not all wives and descendants of the famous Soviet political leader are lucky in life

Practically in all modern sources of the date of appearance Nikita Khrushchev Specified on April 15th. This day is in the book of the civil status records in his native village. However, Nikita SERGEEVICH himself celebrated his birthday on April 17. He was one of the few Soviet party leaders who can be called a large father. He had three marriage and five children ..

Wives Khrushchev

The first time Khrushchev married when he was 20 years old. His chosen was the red-haired beauty Efrosinia. In two years of living together she gave him daughter Julia, and another year - son l eonida. But Efrosyne itself, Fros, as her mother Khrushchev called, could not see how her children grow up. Young mother three years after the birth of the son of Leonid died of typhus.

With the first wife. Source:

Two years after the death of the first wife, I came up with a single mother by name Marusia. Their relationship did not last long, even the name of this woman is unknown. But the household later recalled that the reason for the gap of Nikita Sergeevich with Marusi became largely the mother of Khrushchev.

Ksenia Ivanovna, powerful and decisive woman, essentially survived Marus from home. True, after the separation of Nikita, Sergeevich continued to mainly support his Word's Word.

In 1924, four years after the death of the first wife, Nikita played a wedding with a 24-year-old Nina Kukharchuk. Nina also did not like Xenia Ivanovna, she said that she had no comparison with her beloved Frosya. But, nevertheless, it was Nina who entered the history of the country as the first "first lady". It was she who became the first of the wives of the USSR leaders who accompanied the spouse at official receptions, leaving him abroad and met with the heads of foreign countries.

with Nina Kukharchuk. Source:

The third wife gave birth to Khrushchev of four children (one of the daughters had been still a baby), brought his children from the first marriage, shared care of the big family with the mother-in-law Ksenia Ivanovna, lived with the leader of the USSR all his life and spent it on the last path.

Julia Khrushchev

Almost nothing about the eldest daughter of Khrushchev is unknown. The girl who lost his mother at a four-year-old age, first brought up her grandmother, and after the third wife of Nikita Sergeyevich joined this process. It is known that Julia was married for Viktor Gontaremwho was older than her for more than 10 years.

Khrushchev in 1954 made his son-in-law by the director of the Kiev opera. Yulia Nikitichna died at the age of 65, in 1981, 10 years after the death of the Father and three years before the death of Mathemia Nina.

Leonid Khrushchev

About the younger brother of Yulia - Leonid Khrushchev- It is known much more than about the sister. At the same time, his death is still enveloped by secrets and speculation.

Leonid Khrushchev. Source:

During the years, Leonid delivered a lot of trouble to his father. There were many rumors about his drunken trunks and rudeness, that the son of the party "cones" was all allowed.

During one of the parties of the Moscow golden youth, Leonid met the artist Esphyr Etinger, daughter of the famous aircraft designer. Their novel was as stormy, how many will be speedy. But it did not work easily - Esphyrus became pregnant. Leonid decided that it was not obliged to the news, and soon twisted a new novel - with actress Rosa Travas, niece of a political figure, shot with the direct participation of Khrushchev. Moreover, Leonid has almost immediately led to the crown.

According to the memoirs of a rose, when Nikita Sergeevich found newlyweds at home with a fresh evidence of marriage in his hands, he immediately broke the document and drove the daughter-in-law. Khrushchev forbade his son to meet the daughter of the enemy of the people and made the Son from Esphyre Etinger. When the boy was born, Leonid Khrushchev was 17 years old. Relations with Esphyrius did not work out.

Four years later, Leonid married the flyer by name Love. At this time, he himself had already ended the aviation school, preparing for the service in the army. Soon the daughter appeared in the family, the girl was called Julia. And a year later, the Great Patriotic War began.

In the next few years, the son of Khrushchev committed many combat departures, was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. At the front, he showed courage and courage, but outside the battlefield remained all the same walk.

In the autumn of 1942, at one of the drunken, Leonid with comrades decided to compete in the accuracy. The military in turns set themselves on the head of the bottle and other targets and shot them. Everything ended in that a drunken Khrushchev junior by negligence shot the sailor. But the time of the military - then the front will not be sprinkled. Therefore, Leonid then simply turned out to be on the battlefield.

On March 11, 1943, the 25-year-old Leonid Khrushchev did not return from combat departure. Comrades saw that his plane was bent and collapsed to the ground. But the terrain in the crash area was covered with forests and swamps, so neither a collapsed plane, nor the body of the son of Khrushchev never found.

Because of this, many rumors appeared that, in fact, Leonid did not die, and escaped to the Germans. According to one such conspiramic theory, the son of Khrushchev returned from captivity and shot on a personal order Stalin. But all these theories appeared only after the resignation of Nikita of Sergeevich himself and therefore, hardly have any attitude to reality. Julia Khrushchev's grandfather launched, since the girl's mother accused of espionage and exiled. Julia subsequently graduated from the faculty of MSU journalism. Tragically died in 2017.

Rada Ajubey

Rada was the first joint child of Nikita Sergeevich and his third wife Nina. To her, Nina gave birth to Khrushchev daughter, but she died in infancy. Virtually all his life was glad in the shadows first, the father first, and then also her husband - Alexey Ajubay.

Rada Ajubey.

The granddaughter and adoptive daughter of Nikita Khrushcheva Julia died under the wheels of the electric train in New Moscow. According to investigative bodies, a 77-year-old woman did not have time to respond to the signals of the approaching composition. The accident occurred on Thursday, June 8, at around 09:00, but it was known about it much later.

According to the press service of the Moscow Interregional Investigation Department in Transport (MMSUT), the elderly local resident of the 1940 year of birth went along the railway routes in the station Solar Kiev destination station of the Moscow Railway.

"At that moment the station passed the station by the message Vnukovo - Moscow. On the driver-feeding signals, a woman did not have time to respond and was injured, "the representative of the RIA Novosti office quotes.

From injured injuries, the victim died at the scene. Investigative bodies conduct a complex necessary events To verify all the circumstances and the causes of what happened, the MMSUT reported.

"It has been established that Julia Khrushcheva, the granddaughter of one of the Soviet leaders - Nikita Khrushcheva, is dead," Interfax passes with reference to the source.

In the press service of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Central Federal District, it was confirmed that on Thursday morning on the stations of Solar stations - Vnukovo Electric train, following the route Vnukovo - Moscow, mortally injured the woman born in 1940. The name of the victim in the transport police was not called.

At the same time, in the help desk, Moscow ambulance confirmed the death of a woman of this age with the specified name.

"Yulia Leonidovna Khrushcheva, at the age of 77, died today," - leads the words of the interlocutor RIA Novosti.

According to some information, a woman died due to the fact that the railway tracks in an unidentified place passed. This was told about this TASS a source in emergency services of the city.

  • Julia Khrushcheva with artists of the Wakhtangov Theater Irina Kozchenko and Vladimir Koval.
  • RIA News

The funeral of Julia Khrushcheva will be held on Tuesday, on June 13, on the metropolitan Trojekurovsky cemetery, Igor Macurin said her son-in-law. There will also be parting with the deceased.

"On June 13, the funeral will be held on the Troceurovsky cemetery, in the same place in the ritual hall at 14:00 a farewell will take place," informed Macurin.

Yulia's daughter Leonidovna Nina Khrushcheva told TASS that her mother worked for many years in the State Academic Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov, and the day before his death she was in the evening of memory Yuri Lyubimov.

"She loved this theater very much and Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov. She wrote the chapter in a favorite book dedicated to Lyubimov, which should soon go out. And the day before the death she was at the evening dedicated to the memory of Lyubimov. She was very happy that she went there, "Nina Khrushcheva shared.

Actress Irina Kompyko noted that they were friends with Yulia Khrushcheva for many years and Krotcheko was a shameful grandson. According to the actress, Khrushcheva for a long time was the head of the literary part of the Wakhtangov theater.

"Julia Leonidovna was very competent formed, smart person. She had many connections - and it helped the theater. She was very faithful, loyal man - like a brick, no, rather as a granite wall, "said Kompanko.

Julia Khrushcheva was born in 1940 in the family of Leonid - the Senior Son of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Nikita Khrushchev. She was his first granddaughter. In March 1943, Leonid, who fought as part of fighter aviation under an eagle, did not return from a combat job. He was declared missing, the remains were not found so far.

In 2013, the mother of Julia, the Love of Sizy, almost all his life lived in Kiev, revealed some details of his daughter's life to the Ukrainian publication. The girl was born in the 1940s, and her parents first called Her Iolande - in honor of her girlfriend, but the mother of Nikita Khrushchev, Ksenia Ivanovna, made sharply against this name.

"To the opinion of the older generation in the family listened, and we had to urgently find a way out of the current situation. We began to call the daughter with a yulka. And so her name is still, "said Size.

After the disappearance of Leonid Khrushcheva, the mother of Julia was arrested on suspicion of espionage, and then sent to the camps. In 1948, she was released, but then her with others former prisoners We sent a link to Kazakhstan.

Under 16, Julia considered Nikitu Sergeyevich by his father, and Nina Petrovna Mother and the time had come to fill out documents for joining Komsomol. Mother and daughter saw only in 1957.

"Nina Petrovna wrote that I can come and meet my daughter. Yuka opened the door, and the first thing I said: "How are you surprisingly similar to your father!" With my daughter, we immediately have a good, warm relationship. After some time, I managed to find a son, at that time he was already 25 years old, "said the love of the Size.

In August 2016, in one of Moscow hospitals in the 88th year of life, Nikita Khrushchev from the third marital was died - a journalist and publicist writer Rada Ajubey, who worked about 50 years in the magazine "Science and Life".