The introduction of the USSR in the 2 World War. Entry of the USSR in the Word War

ABOUT chen would like to answer this question clearly and clearly, as in the Soviet school: June 22, 1941. Yes, to add to the top five: as a victim of the aggression of the German-fascist invaders. But - it does not work.

After signing on August 23, 1939 with Hitler's Germany, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant and the Secret Additional Protocol (on the section of Europe, and above all Poland), the USSR was already preparing for war and not as a victim. And when on September 1, 1939, with the invasion of German troops, the Second World War began, the Soviet Union began to actively help the aggressor. The radio station in Minsk worked as a lighthouse for the filing of German aircraft for purposes in Poland. Violating international blockade, the USSR sold Germany strategic raw materials, sometimes even by repeating it from other countries. And, finally, on September 17, 1939, the Red Army entered Poland - not at all to help reflect the Hitler's aggression, just, on the contrary, in line with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant and the Secret Additional Protocol and in violation of the nonsense agreement with Poland.

But even before September 17, the Stalinist regime provided military assistance to Hitler. This is what the historian found out Sergey Svali (see the Russian History Magazine No. 5, 6, 2000).

The main command of the German Fleet of Germany "literally from the first days of war ( beginning of September 1939. — O. Kh.) I decided to use the advantages arising from the "benevolent neutrality" of the USSR, and, by connecting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, enlisted the consent of the Soviet leadership to use the Murmansk port as a transshipment point for German cargo, following railway In Leningrad, from where they, in turn, went to the ports of the Third Reich. ( see the telegram of the head of the Political and Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Political Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Embassy in Moscow, September 6, 1939 \\\\ ADAP, D, BD. VIII, DOK. 15, S. 12.)…

The anti-British interaction of two powers to the sea was particularly convincingly manifel to the history with the "Nord Base" on the Kola Peninsula. Crygsmarine was provided by the Western Cove, in which the Navy Reich could do what he wants, and he is allowed to exercise any intentions that he deems necessary "(KTB SKL, TEIL A, BD. 2 S. 136 ( record from October 17, 1939). At the same time, an approach to this bay of German warships of all types was authorized. The decision to provide it was associated with the concerns of the Kremlin about the "insufficient isolation" of Murmansk from prying eyes and was undoubtedly the "act of a true fighting side" (Philbin T. R. Op. Cit. P. 82).

As you can see, not only mutual dislike for Poland, but also to the UK combined two totalitarian regimes. And in the second world War The Soviet Union entered not even on September 17, when the Red Army crossed the border of Poland and took the Polish servicemen in captivity, and a little earlier - when he entered into cooperation with the German Navy "against England". Nevertheless, the first shots in the Second World War of the USSR made in Poland. They became the direct consequence of the secret additional protocol to the hammerbbentrop pact.

The Protocol itself and some of the documents that followed it are publishing on the book of the doctor of Historical Sciences Yuri Felshtinsky "announcement is subject to: USSR - Germany 1939-1941 (documents and materials)." - M., Moscow worker, 1991 in the preface to the book of its author and the compiler writes:

"The collection is based on two types of sources. The first are diplomatic documents of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1948, they were published in German and english State Department of USA. All diplomatic documents used in this compilation are borrowed from this publication of the American government. In addition to this, the collection includes some materials published in the Pravda newspaper. On the one hand, they are illustrated by the Pronocister policy, which was led by the Soviet government at that time, and on the other hand, they disclose the principles of the Soviet propaganda machine ... Transfers of all documents were made by the compiler. "

pay attention to

As always on June 22, we celebrate the day of memory and grief, when we remember the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and those are truly countless victims from our people. And as always, on this day, people with inflamed liberalism happen incontinence of conscience, and they rush to remind us of their "truth".

"I want to recall once again that the Soviet Union entered the second world war on June 22, 1941, and on September 17, 1939. It seems to me, you should not forget it, "the history teacher writes in one of the Moscow schools of Tamara Natanova Eidelman.

The old song that the USSR was in the Second World War of the aggressor, Stalin was the "ally of Hitler", and, it means that we received a fetchement on June 22. In propaganda publications, you can, of course, write anything, at least the fact that the moon was founded by the first hetmans of Ukraine in x Millennium BC. But what is allowed to the negligent schoolboy, the teacher - still a little indecent.

World War II was a war of two coalitions, one of which is traditionally called the "axis", which was the basis of Nazi Germany, to which Italy, Japan and other countries were gradually joined. The other in our and world historiography is traditionally called the "allies" - the basis of this coalition was the Anglo-French Union, which in September 1939 declared war in Germany after the attack of that to Poland. Other countries were also gradually acceded to these allies, which by 1945 became very and quite a lot.

The Second World War was the war of these two coalitions - allies and axes. And to join this war it was required to be in a state of war with one of the parties and join the other. In order to join the war on September 17, 1939, the Soviet Union was to be in a state of war or with Germany or with England-France-Poland. But neither one nor the other happened.

Yes, the USSR introduced his troops into the territory of Poland (most of it, however, was seized from Russia after the Soviet-Polish war of 1920, according to the Riga Peace Treaty). But the Soviet government substantiated these actions by the decay of Polish statehood and the termination of the functioning of the Polish government, which by that time moved to Romania. Neither the Soviet Union did not declare the War Poland, nor Poland, although its officials called the USSR's actions by act of violence and violation of international law, did not declare the USSR war. Moreover, many Poles considered the actions of the USSR as an attempt to limit the area occupied by Germany and at least the first time welcomed the actions of the Soviet government.

All the more planned to declare the war of the USSR of the British and the French. The pragmatic motivation of the actions of the Soviet government after the defeat of Poland, Germany, was obvious and did not have allions to ensure that the Soviet Union was to push the Soviet Union with any unfriendly steps. On September 18, 1939, the British Cabinet stated that British guarantees for Poland apply only to the threat from Germany and no reason to exacerbate Soviet-British relations. Therefore, the Soviet Union was not sent to the protest. Moreover, part of the allied press began to express the opinion that the establishment of a line of contact of the Soviet Union and Germany will inevitably bring the collision of these powers and objectively contributes to the entry of the USSR into the allies camp.

Of course, in the middle of the Allies at that moment did not know about the secret agreements of the USSR and Germany, which attached to the nonsense in the Covenant, but it is extremely doubtful that these agreements, be known, pushed the British and French to declare the USSR war.

Thus, no accession to the USSR in the second world war did not happen on September 17, 1939. The Soviet Union was not in a state of war with Germany, with whom secret agreements adhered to a number of issues (but there was no common union between the countries), nor with allies that did not consider the actions of the USSR against Poland Casus Belli or even with Poland herself , which, being defeated, did not have any desire, nor the opportunity to complicate his position, announcing the War of the USSR.

Not being able to a state of war with one of the parties to the world conflict, the USSR was not, of course, and the participant of the Second World War, regardless of which hostilities he led in a separate manner. Just like Japan, although continuously fought in China, was not a participant in World War II until December 7, 1941, when attacked the United States and the United Kingdom. And no matter how the monstrous crime was Nanjing Massan, it cannot be considered "one of the crimes of the Second World War".

The teacher of history would make sense to remember, not to be interested in schoolchildren or readers to arbitrary interpretations of dates and facts. Moreover, if you leave chronological boundaries on creative imagination, there is no reason to start the second world war on September 1, 1939. Why not start it with anchlus Austria? Or with the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia? And then, for example, Poland is a member of this war from September 30, 1938, when the Teshin region annexed from Czechoslovakia? You can move long and with the enthusiasm to move the historical framework, although it will all have a very weak attitude to science.

The Second World War began on September 1, 1939, and ended on September 2, 1945. And the USSR joined it on June 22, 1941, when Germany declared war on us, and the Great Patriotic War began.

It's all in memory. Without clear memory, a person is not a person, society is not a society. The memory is needed to avoid in the future errors, delusions, avoid what is embarrassing. But historical memory, the memory of the people is formed not as a person, but much more difficult, and most often it is clogged by myths, legends, or even a straight lie.
We lived too long in lies, we were so mired in her, that we are not enough courage to look at the story. But we have to. At least in the days of memory.
War is not a natural disaster, not swinging nature. In the fact that the war occurred, concrete people, specific political forces, are to blame. "What's the question? "They will tell me," Fascist Germany, Hitler unleasted the war. It was impossible to avoid war, they just attacked us and forced to defend them. "
Now let's discuss this question: it was possible to avoid war.
To begin with, we will remind myself that the Great Patriotic War - Composite part of World War II. (By the way, most of the population of our country to the question when the Second World War began, is responsible - June 22, 1941).
... in the summer of 1939, the English and German delegations were saturated in Moscow, which did not meet, understandable, among themselves. Molotov in every way tightened negotiations with England, every time since the beginning. At that moment, Stalin had the opportunity to enter the block with democratic countries - England, France. It was a chance to keep the deliberate aggressor. This was directly wrote in his letter to Stalin Fedor Raskolnikov, for which he was thrown out of the window.
But there was a different choice. On August 23, a non -parement pact was signed between the USSR and Germany. The contract caused shock in democratic countries, but this shock would be even stronger if it became known about the secret part of the contract. And there was the whole point in her, and she was exposed quickly enough.
A week later, on September 1, 1939, the Second World War began to the invasion of Hitler to Poland.
Did the USSR participated in World War II from the very beginning, from September 1939? It would seem, - no. This Hitler participated, seizing half of Poland, then Denmark and Norway, and already started a wide offensive through Belgium and the Netherlands to France.
But at the same time, Stalin, in the same way, at the same time, captured the military force of the territory of neighboring states.
Poland Hitler and Stalin divided equally on a predetermined boundary.
War with Finland was even declared and ended with the seizure of the Karelian Isthmus and Pechenga.
It was absolutely clear then that the Baltic States could not be captured without the consent of Hitler, given the traditional German influence and a significant amount of German population, especially in Latvia and Estonia.
We generally referred to the seizure of Besarabia, but it is clear that it was also due to the contract that determined the section of Europe between Stalin and Hitler.
The entire Western border of the USSR for the year was postponed towards Europe. It was a military expansion. How should all this be perceived, say, English taxpayer and voter?
During this period, there was still no real resistance to aggressors, there were no lines of fronts, the artillery cannonade, the destruction of cities, that bloodshed, which will be fulfilled later. European countries unable to resist, captured Hitler and Stalin rapidly. Therefore, it seems to us that we have not yet participated in the war.
But the war is counting precisely from September 1, 1939, and our troops entered someone else's territory immediately after that.
And whether it is necessary to explain who was our ally during this period of war ... With whom we agreed on the section of Europe, who was supplied to oil for tanks carrying in the fields of France and bread as well as June 22, 1941.
Allies were dictators.
We already inspired this after the war that we had always seen the enemy in Hitler. Meanwhile, Stalin with Ribentrop was very friendly in front of a movie camera. And in our newspapers of this time, the Germans appeared best friends. Check if you do not believe. Even German names at that time were in fashion.
Hitler bluffed in large, and Stalin believed him as a friend. Therefore, his will turned out to be paralyzed in the first days after June 22. But Churchill immediately sent a telegram: "From that day we are allies."

The monstrous wines of Stalin consists in the fact that the USSR turned out to be absolutely not ready for war.
The army was beheaded. Mass repressions in the army - from Marshals to the battalions commanders - led to the fact that at the beginning of the war, lieutenants commanded the shelves.
The previous border fortifications were dismantled, and the new ones were not built.
The best designers of military equipment were destroyed or planted, their achievements were not in a timely manner.
A false strategy was dominated in military school.
Repression in new territories gave rise to hostile mood of the population.
All this was too tempting for Hitler, anticipating easy prey.
All this predetermined the development of events in the first months of war, loss of territories, resources, human losses.
Therefore, the Great Patriotic langed four years, so we gave twenty-seven million lives.
Almost blasphemy - to engage in arithmetic, but the Germans died seven and a half million, such a victory.
In history, as you know, there is no subjunctive ignition "if if". But this does not mean that political decisions are not subject to evaluation and court of history. Wars could not be, or war would not have had such a catastrophic in nature if the USSR would have made a choice in favor of the democratic states of Europe.
Against the war there is only one radical means - democracy. Non-democracy, i.e. Dictatorship, always fraught with war.
We must think about it, and not to sing frivolously on May 9 veterans: "When Comrade Stalin will send us into battle." No need to be shy every time remind of the truth. It is Taldychik, as in school that the truth becomes the property of everyone, and not only the notorious intellectual layer. So at least the younger generation correctly answered the question: "When did the Second World War start?"

A suspensive survey for this study was a sociological survey for the authorship of the chief editor of the echo of Moscow Alexey Venedikov.

He asked readers when, in their opinion, the USSR entered into the second world war, offering two dates: September 19, 1939 (the introduction of Soviet troops to Western Belarus and Ukraine) or on June 22, 1941. At the same time, the chief of echo himself considered the right first date, directly stating that "the USSR joined the war on September 19, 1939 in the Union with fascist Germany."

Thus, once again, the thesis was issued by liberal journalists that "the USSR joined the war on September 19, 1939 in the Union with fascist Germany." It consists of two parts - from the statement that Germany and the USSR were in the Union, and that the USSR joined the war on September 19, 1939.

We will analyze these two parts alternately.

Was the union between Germany and the USSR?

If we look at the content of the nonsense agreement between Germany and the USSR (known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant), they will not find the words "Union" or something similar in it. There is no concept and in additional secret protocols.
Moreover, even if we study a prisoner of the friendship and border of September 28, 1939, then the word "Union" is not mentioned anywhere. It is necessary to add that this agreement was signed already after the dates of interest to us (September 19), and therefore, not applicable in this dispute.

Moreover, the word "friendship" in the title of the agreement should not mislead us. Friendly relationship - the norm in international LawAnd the union can not be considered. Take, for example, an agreement on friendship and union between the USSR and China of 1945. Friendship is one, the Union is completely different.
But maybe this is all legal formalistics, and we should take into account the real provisions of the document (especially set forth in the secret protocol)?
However, in this case the contract cannot be considered an alliance. The Molotov Ribbentrop Pact does not contain provisions providing for military support of the parties in the event of an attack on one of them by a third party. Instead, the agreement provided for compliance with neutrality - with the distinction of the spheres of influence. By concluding a pact, the USSR understood that he would have to fight with Germany, and considered him as a temporary compromise.

Even Churchill characterized the pact as follows: "both were aware that it could only be a temporary measure dictated by circumstances. Antagonism between the two empires and systems was fatal. Stalin, no doubt, thought Hitler would be a less dangerous enemy for Russia after a year of war against the Western powers. Hitler followed his "one" method. The fact that such an agreement was possible, marks the entire depth of the failure of the English and French politics and diplomacy over several years. "

Thus, formally and informally the union between the USSR and Germany was not. To assert other things - means only to show illiteracy in matters of international law.

Poland: Victim or aggressor?

On September 30, 1938, the so-called "Munich collusion" was signed, which decided the fate of Europe and the whole world, making a war almost inevitable. Western countries hung his signing to raise Hitler to the USSR, leaving the last in international isolation.
But even before signing the agreement in Munich, on September 21, 1938, Poland, consistent with Germany and other Western countries, introduced his troops to the Tershinsky region of Czechoslovakia, putting ultimatum on the transfer of this territory to it. What is characteristic, the arguments were used similar to those that in the future uses the USSR with the accession of Western Ukraine and Belarus: the protection of the local Polish population. That's just Poles in the Team region were only .... 80,000 against 120,000 Chekhov.

Thus, if it is permissible to raise the question of "joining the USSR world war in alliance with Germany", then for a start it should not be forgotten that for a year before the USSR "in the world war entered" Poland, having implemented an indisputable military annexation. And she did it in the Union with Germany and other Western countries.

However, for some reason, no one comes to mind saying that the Second World War began in 1938 with the filing of Poland, in connection with the annexia implemented by it. But in relation to the USSR, the standards are completely different.

Whether the USSR participated in the war against Poland

We now move directly to the events of September 1939.
On September 1, Germany attacks yesterday's aggressor - Poland. Literally within a few days, the Polish army turns out to be broken. The Polish government emigrates, there is no more legitimate leadership in the country. There is no commitment to this guide (or rather recent military criminals).

But there are Western Ukraine and Belarus inhabited mainly by the Russian-speaking population, rejected by Poland on the rings of the Riga of 1923.
Millions of Russian people in respect of which the choice was simple: either to give them to the slavery Hitler, or reunitely historically belonged to Russia. How should Stalin have been done in this situation?

Does the West sought the accession of the territories of Western Ukraine and Belarus of the "military aggression" of the USSR against Poland? Indeed, according to a contract with Poland, in the case of military aggression, these allies were obliged to declare the war against the aggressor (which was made on September 1 at the German attack).

So why do France and England have not declared the War of the USSR? Because Western countries perfectly understood everything outlined above and did not consider the USSR by the aggressor. They did not even send protest notes in defense of the "ally", de facto recognizing the accession of Western Ukraine and Belarus to the USSR.

This is the answer to the question, whether the USSR fought against Poland in the Union with Germany.

Key findings

1. If you associate the use of the USSR into the world war with the accession of the territories of Poland, the USSR only acted in accordance with the law enforcement practice, which Western countries (including Poland itself) have already formed. Reviving with the dates of entering the war has a counterproof to put the USSR not a victim (as it was actually), but the hearing of war.
2. Talk about the USSR Union with Nazi Germany - illiterately from a legal point of view. This goes beyond the political "struggle with Stalinism", serves the reason for the justification of the crimes of Nazism (the relevant article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the responsibility for the dissemination of false information about the activities of the USSR during the Second World War, no one has canceled).
It is unacceptable to insult the memory of tens of millions of our fellow citizens who fell in the fight against the real aggressor.

Encyclopedia of delusions. War Temirov Yuri Tezhabaevich

When did the Soviet Union entered into the Second World War?

The answer to the question of when the Soviet Union entered the Second World War, for many decades soviet people did not cause the slightest difficulties. Everyone, without thinking, could give him an answer: "On June 22, 1941, when fascist Germany attacked the USSR." It was with this date that the Soviet Union entry into war was associated. And at present, few understand that this is an absolute misconception! In fact, the Soviet Union entered the second world war much earlier! When did it happen?

The relationship between two dictatorial modes was difficult. In Moscow, they could not not understand that in the end, the collision with Nazi Germany could not be avoided. At least, the Hitler's plans set out in the "Main Campf" left for it a little chance. Nevertheless, economic and military-technical cooperation developed between the two countries. Many historians, as we have already written above, are quite reasonable to conclude: the Nazi sword was in the Soviet Union.

If not allies, then, at least partners, the Bolshevik Moscow and Nazi Berlin have become after the breakdown of the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations and signing on August 23, 1939 of the nonsense agreement (the so-called "Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant"). In accordance with this document, the parties agreed under no circumstances to apply weapons against each other; maintain neutrality in case of war one of the parties with a third party; Do not participate in any associations, directly or indirectly harm one of the parties. The contract was for a period of 10 years and automatically extended for another 5 in the event that one of the parties does not denounce it a year before the expiration date.

The news of the signing of the German-Soviet Covenant attacked the whole world in shock. The anti-fascist position of the Soviet Union changed to the opposite. So, for example, the newspaper "True" wrote: "The enmity between Germany and the USSR put an end. Distinction in ideology and in political system It should not and cannot be an obstacle to establishing good-neighborly relations between both countries. "

The contract itself did not contain open aggressive plans and could be regarded as an attempt to prevent the war with Germany. But the secret protocol in the 199ths of the 20th century, which was the secret protocol to the contract, which said on the satisfaction of the territorial appetites of both powers, should be regarded as the blessing of the upcoming aggression. In accordance with the agreements enshrined in this Protocol, Stalin received the opportunity to expand the territory of the USSR almost to the size of 1913. The secret application said directly:

When signing the non-aggression agreement between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the following subsequent authorized by both parties discussed in a strictly confidential procedure, the question of the delimitation of mutual interests in Eastern Europe. As a result of the negotiations, the following agreements were achieved:

1. In the case of the territorial and political reinforcement of areas that are part of the Baltic states (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern border of Lithuania is at the same time the border of the interests of Germany and the USSR. In this regard, interests in Lithuania, in the region, are recognized by both parties.

2. In the case of the territorial and political reorganization of areas that are part of Polish stateThe border of the interests of Germany and the USSR will approximately pass along the rivers of Narev, Vistula and Sana.

3. In Southeast Europe, the Soviet side emphasizes its interest in Bessarabia. The German side does not have interests in this area.

It is the territorial acquisitions that the division of the influence and dissemination of the Nazi and Soviet regions into new territories were the main goal of the Soviet-German Covenant.

What happened seven days after signing the contract, the reader probably knows. On September 1, 1939, Germany began aggression against sovereign Poland connected by the Union obligations with England and France. The Second World War began. In the meantime, the Soviet leadership creates the Ukrainian front headed by Semen Tymoshenko, whose troops on September 17, 1939 joined the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. The official goal is to "take the life and property of the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus."

The main task of Soviet troops was as soon as possible to take Lviv, and on September 22, part of the 2nd Cavalry Corps of the Red Army are included in the city. In the evening of the same day, a joint parade of Soviet and German troops was held in Brest Litovsk in honor of the successful completion of the Polish campaign. So the USSR started martialctions In World War II.

Getting rid of some delusions, you should not capture others. At the turn of the 80-90s of the 20th century, a wave of the exposure criticism of the Soviet Union as a violator of international legal and ethical standards was raised. Without the goal of aging the Stalinist regime, pay attention to some of what causes circumstances. Morals in the then world politics and there was a little. England and France were hostage to Germany Czechoslovakia. He did not come to the rescue of Poland, although they were obliged to do this in accordance with mutual assistance treaties. Poland, in turn, took advantage of the weakening of Czechoslovakia and "delayed" in 1939 the controversial part of Silesia.

By the way, Churchill if he did not support, then reacted to the actions of the Red Army in Western Ukraine and Belarus with understanding. "Russia conducts a cold policy of its own interests," the British prime minister wrote. - We would prefer the Russian army to stand in their current positions as friends and the allies of Poland, and not as the invaders. But to protect Russia from the Nazi threat, it was clearly necessary that Russian army stood on this line. In any case, this line exists and, therefore, created Eastern frontFor which Nazi Germany will not dare to attack ... "Thus, the actions of the Soviet Union against Poland were also cynical, but realistic.

Signed on September 28, 1939, the new Soviet-German treaty on friendship and borders secured the inclusion of the territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus in the USSR. In the fall of the same year, Moscow begins to implement his "right" to the Baltic States. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are imposed by the Covenants of mutual assistance, which allowed the Soviet garrisons on the territory of the Baltic states. In June 1940, until Germany fought in France, Stalin introduced additional troops to the Baltic states, and next month, the "unanimous decision" of the parliaments of these countries were organized on joining the USSR. Without giving cooling gland to cool, on June 26, the Soviet Union directs Romania's note, demanding to return Bessarabia and North Bukovina who captured it in 1918. Bucharesta had to agree. If you add here the fact that the USSR in November 1939 unleashed the war with Finland, then the statement about his entry into the second world war on June 22, 1941 looks at least controversial. The German attack did not make the Soviet Union by the participant of the war (he already participated in it), it turned two states in irreconcilable opponents.

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