Private military company known as a group of Wagner. "Wagner Group" in Syria (5 photos)

https: //www.Sype/2018-03-05/kak_vyglyad_lager_chvk_vagnera_v_krasnodare.

"They lie all, son, they divide oil! In the blood, the guys earn "

What the camp looks like ChvK Wagner near Krasnodar

Igor Pushkarev

To the combat zones in the south-east of Ukraine or in Syria Krasnodar is quite far away. But here is probably the most famous private military organization in Russia - ChvK Wagner, whose fighters in just a few years have noticed in Crimea, Donbas and Syria for several years.

The fact that the Camp of this PMC is based near the farm Molkinino, which is 30 kilometers from Krasnodar to the south on the M-4 "Don" highway, in the summer of 2016 wrote a log of RBC. Journalists of the publication reached the village and talked with the servicemen of the 10th Brigade of Gear of the Russian Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation at the first PPC. What happens behind him, is there really a Camp of ChvK Wagner and what he looks like - all this remained unknown ..

From Krasnodar to Molkino can be reached by bus that goes from the bus station toward the district center Hot key, or by taxi. In one case, the tariff is 80 rubles, in the other - "Ruble", that is, 1 thousand rubles. Actually, Molkino itself is a pair of two-story brick apartment buildings, a few private, one street is an officer and one grocery store with a very modest set of goods. CAT 10th Brigade GRU is in a hundred meters from the village, on the other side of the M-4 "Don" and railwaywhich goes parallel to the autobahn.

Movement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe PPC is quite lively. Any cars are constantly driven and leaving some cars, there are people in civilianship and form. For the most part, they rush to the left - where the asphalt road goes and where the actual military unit Ministry of Defense. By the way, at the local polygon, judging by open sources, the "tank biathlon" is regularly held, as well as the game of reconstructors.

Camp ChwK Wagner, as far as it is known from the Publication of RBC, is in the opposite side.

"You see that the primer goes to the right. On her, go, you will pass one more gearbox and then, there they are, "the soldiers told me on the first gearbox. At first, admit, a stranger in my face could not want. But the phrase "in Syria" has a magical impact here. On the "second gearbox" the security is carried by another soldier GRU. Just as its colleagues on the main gearbox, he is armed with a bayonet-knife, from equipment - body armor and helmet. But attention to passing by almost does not draw. Quietly sits on a chair in a booth, listens to the radio and drink tea with cookies.

Before the camps of Wagnerovtsy to go about 10 minutes, near a kilometer. To meet me a young man in a citizen with a camouflaged backpack behind his shoulders and in headphones, a couple of cars with people in shape, but without distinction signs. Approximately 200 meters to the camp the road makes a steep turn left. From here, two-story houses are clearly visible, lined with salad colors siding, with green roofs, a grid fence around the perimeter and parking with a dozen parked machines in front of the gate.

- Is this a Wagner Brigade? - I ask a man who sits behind the handlebar "Dozens".

- Yes, here. Won gearbox, - he pointed to the gate in the fence.

Around the perimeter, by the way, the camcorders are installed, but they are addressed all lenses inside, and not outward. Apparently, no one is afraid of any actions here and much more importantly control what is happening inside the camp.

Houses are three. As it turned out a little later, it is a barracks. If judged by appearanceThe buildings are pretty fresh. A little bit, the stacks of fresh wooden boards are seen. It seems despite in the Syrian province Deir-Ez-Zor, no one is going to turn their activities here. On the contrary, the camp is planned to be completed on.

Near the barracks with several groups, about two dozen men are bile. Their belonging is difficult to install. At all a mixture of military and civilian clothes. There are several cars - two Picks UAZ and Toyota, as well as painted in blue colors of a all-wheel drive KAMAZ "WATER". On the fence - plates warning that the object mode and video surveillance is conducted.

I open the gate and go to the green classes where the guard is sitting. Before me, a man in "Zelenka" and again without signs of distinction. Once again I'm trying to make sure whether I got it: "Here is the Wagner Brigade?" In response, only nodes and a counter question: "What did you want?" I catch on myself tenacious, looking around.

Initially, it was clear that I was a journalist - there will be no glad. Identify yourself for a person who wants to serve as a contract is also problematic: not too, I look like a military.

But since I got here, I try to find out at least the fate of those whose names were sounded in the list of those killed on February 7. In the end, it is still unknown, these people are alive, they disappeared or died. My interlocutor with the words "Speak, for whom you need to learn, Branch" writes surnames on a simple piece of paper. In a second, another "Wagnerovo" appears behind my back. The steps are not heard, I guess about the second only for the first, the fact that in the booth. Leave the contact phone and retire. I guess that immediately after my departure, a list with a list came to the trash bin.

On the way back, I meet another one with a stubborn. I'm trying to talk, but I managed to find out only that tomorrow is to be sent, so something like a day in the camp. Make it possible to rest a little, put yourself in order. However, very quickly and this interlocutor calculates that before him is not a potential colleague. The look becomes cold, the conversation breaks sharply. Returning to Molkino.

Google Maps.

On the street deserted. After some time, it was possible to talk to one of the inhabitants of the village, an older man. The interlocutor introduced himself as Alexander (a name for its safety is changed. - Approx. Site). He is a former military, now he constantly lives in the village, contacts and even continues to "work" (as it was, did not specify) with military personnel of the military unit. Regularly intersects with "Wagnerov". According to him, they appeared in Molkino about 5 years ago, "Even to Ukraine." In the first year, no one even suspected about the existence of this special squad. Only then the information began at least somehow leak out.

- Why does the "Wagnerovtsy" relatives can not say anything, at least to send a news?

- They will not say anything. This is such a company that there is a complete *** (end), nothing there to know. Even I, here I live and work with them, but still little know. They have everything so much that no one should tell anything. They talk to them, and they pretend that they do not know anything, they do not understand anything about what you mean. Although the Internet is open - and everything is shown: how they were covered, how many cars, how much. And I know even the guys who were there in the epicenter right.

Site of the Ryazan Diocese

- What they're saying?

- This can not be told, mothers especially. The heart will only be ruined. Better let go hope and wait than that. There is no need to know all this, you understand?! It is only in Moscow that they were not there. 87 people who died there guys and still missing many - more than 100 people.

- Missing?

- Without a trace. They were ripped out there in pieces straight, the meat was collected along the field and sent here.

- And where did you send?

- In Rostov (refers to Rostov-on-Don. - Approx .. They will restore now on tokens and DNA who are who.

- How long will it take?

- ABOUT! Long. If none of the house is wondering, they will be silent. It is also profitable - it is not necessary to pay.

Yaromir Romanov

- How much do they pay?

- At first, the deceased 5 million paid, now decreased. I heard that 3 million is already given.

- The wounded were brought here too?

- This time also in Rostov and St. Petersburg. Half there, half here.

- And such people here did not hear that with them: Alexey Shikhov, Ruslan Gavrilov, Kirill Ananyev, Igor Costoos, Alexey Lodody, Stanislav Matveyev? (They all appeared in various lists of dead, published earlier media. - Approx. site).

- By last namements, no one knows no one. Only nicknames, call sign. They are all that "fox", then "Caban", then still knows who.

- They and documents, appear, everyone will pass there when they come?

- Everyone will pass. Passports, certificates - everything is completely. They are given tokens, and only they identify later. There now to *** (many) these tokens this time gathered. Now they will analyze it all. But the fact that no one went to captivity. (Pronounces pride.)

- They looked from the air.

- Our first started. There first their artillery, our, that is, *** (hit) on the Kurds. And the Kurds go under the Americans. Those warned still that stop. And our - no, ***! It is also necessary for the factory this refinery to select. So got. At first, the American artillery completely covered our artillery, completely destroyed. And then their drones flew and began to bomb. First, the bombs were cleansed the whole platform, leveled. Then from helicopters began. Who only moves, those immediately finished. That's the whole story. How many young boys died where they go, *** where?!

- Well, Assad urged Russia to help?

- Do we *** (bad) Kurdistan need it? For whom did they beat off this oilflower, for Putin? These *** lie we all completely! The fact that the TV speaks solid lies! Bastard! Nobody hits any Russians anywhere, son, they share oil. On the blood of the guys these *** Money earn! Who are these oil towers - for me, for you, maybe?

- And in Ukraine, why such a porridge?

- Donbass is what you think? This coal, the entire main industry of Ukraine there. Now I'm sitting deeply in the ass and further in it climb! The whole world has already fired at us, who are there in this Kremlin they hope? Okay, Chechnya was - this was our territory, and it cannot be allowed to be with us. In this Putin was the right, I do not mind. With Ukraine and so the Syak could also turn. You can still understand. But now why? They laid the head *** he knows where! In nine seas and ten lands, ***. And these boys, those who come out twice, - they are already sick on the whole head. Can't live without it, already crazy.

Yaromir Romanov

- Like this?

- Recently, one such came who was there in February. I barely saved, ***. Next to him, the projectile exploded straight, his explosive wave was discarded. He says that the guys who were near was, a man 15, right into pieces immediately broke, only flies flew. And it was just a little hooked, but it was enough. All legs in the sieve! His barely repaired, he came here on the crutches, the Christmas tree sticks, the money to receive. I received money, and he himself says: "Only let the legs heal, I want to want to eat back, for your busty"! Yes, *** Your mother, I say, God sav! He could, together with those who scattered slices, remain there. Sit at home, Live your bread! No, they are already sick already. I tell you exactly! The psyche is already all.

- Money, maybe?

- Yes, ***. Well, how much they will get there, 200? At home work only, do not booze and do not be lazy - 40-50 men will have per month. Just if, then 3 million can earn this in the year. I will never send my children in life for such ***. I won't let it rather with my own hands it scream than! Who did they do well? We left for the light of anything, and that's it!

Interview with the wife of the Ural Fighter "ChvK Wagner" who died in Syria

- They say a new batch prepare for sending?

- Today, you must send tomorrow.

- Are they sending them from the port in Novorossiysk?

- From the airfield of the military. From here buses to Rostov and Rostov with aircraft there are already there. These who came this time, will go half to Syria, half to another.

- Donbass?

- No, they do not send anyone to Donbass for a long time. These will go to Africa. (Earlier it was reported that CHVC Wagner will be involved in South Sudan. - Approx. site).

- And in Africa, what?

- ***, we all are silent, and such *** do what *** (end)! In Africa, they will not fight. Even weapons will not.

- What will happen then?

- Instructors will be trained.

- Who?

- This is against America again everything is done, their interests handle. Those against us, we are against them. Again again. Previously, they even paid better.

- Better - how much?

- 400 thousand per month with combat and even more. Slowly, slowly and now did 200. In half cut, consider. Although now they even fight the harvest than before. This is no longer Donbass, where they stood on the spot and came here and fired. There from Igil (a terrorist organization forbidden on the territory of the Russian Federation. - Approx. Site). It is no longer a kerching, guys Mate, ***. It is a pity, of course, these guys are. I knew them many.

Yaromir Romanov

- There are about 20 people there are now in the camp on the street.

- It's only on the street. While there is 150 people, the team is not going to, they are not sent anywhere. 150 people are the smallest party. This time, recruits before *** (many) scored. Old people they almost put everyone there in February. Four days ago, five buses are gone - the first batch. Now four buses will send. Five to six buses send, back two to three buses. How much this Wagner appeared there, everything goes. Two or three buses will return, and then wounded, which from hospitals are discharged, groups start five to six people, up to ten people to appear for money. So it goes.

- How much do they go?

- For six months. This time, some of the months were detained. Not all, specialists only, snipers for example. Today they have only younger commander. With them, you and Palslov will not stretch. They work the security service very well, you do not need to joke with them. They can kill themselves, if you have a cant of some kind. Then they will say that in battle died, or in such a place they will shove that they will never come back.

- They say, before they still had one base near the village of Cheerful in Rostov.

"No, they trained and sent them always from here." And Rostov only accepted, there they paid money. Now everything has changed, it is already sent here, and money gets. What is this money? Hands, no legs - and this is already a disabled person. What will he do now? If before that could, what *** went there?! What is no foot to do now - stand on the wheelchair in the middle of the road and the money to poke? If you, as it should be, for the country, give your life or give health, then this is understandable. Military pension is appointed, making mandatory. And these - who need them? This is an all illegal company, and if you even know what he visited there, is a criminal term. No one says that abroad those who were in PMC are considering murderers and judge as murderers. Do not look there, abroad, you shot you there or did not shoot! He worked in a private military company, was there everything, the killer.

Returning to Krasnodar. On the street plus 15, spring. There is a green grass on the lawns on the lawns, in the fields, people are preparing to plant potatoes. No hints on the fact that somewhere is war. In the eyes, however, dozens of police and the Cossacks-Druzhnikov rush, which took up the railway and bus station under the enhanced control. "Bums again, probably chasing. There was a lot of them again, "the saleswoman, who I take a bottle of water, suggested in the kiosk.

Two days ago, the militants of the Islamic state (a terrorist organization, prohibited in the Russian Federation) posted a video with two prisoners in the network. The Ministry of Defense of Russia hurried to report that these persons are not related to the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Later, the media learned in one of the prisoners a member of the organization "Combat fraternity. Domodedovo »Grigory Tsurykan, in another - Cossack from the Rostov region of the novel of Zabotry.

"The Brotherhood of War. Domodedovo "confirmed that Tsurkan was on the video, but as he fell into the Middle East, the organization could not say. Currently, the most discussed version: Both Russians fought against militants as part of a private military company.

Private military company, or PMC, is still an uninterrupted phenomenon for Russians. On the one hand, the news constantly appear that the fighters of the Russian ChVC are fighting in the Donbas, are present in Syria. On the other hand, in Russia, the law on private military companies is not adopted, and in fact, no domestic PMCs can exist.

Opt Slavs and Mystery Wagner

To speak exactly about Russia, in the past few years, it is mainly said about two PDCs: "Slavic Corps" and "Wagner Group". What are you known about them?

"Slavic Corps" - an organization established by Russians has official registration. But in Hong Kong in documents, it is referred to as Slavonic Corps Limited. She appeared in Syria even before the Russian army entered there. The fighters engaged in the protection of energy facilities, took part in combat clasions on the side of the troops of Bashar Assad.

Earlier on the network it was possible to find ads of the Slavic Corps about hiring fighters. Men from 25 to 45 years old with military experience. Salary promised them in the amount of five thousand dollars.

In 2014, a problem arose: the founders of the "Slavic Corps" were detained in Russia, Vadim Gusev and Yevgeny Sidorov. Then they were accused of a crime under Article 359 of the Criminal Code of Russia "Recruitment of mercenaries" and sent to prison.

Today it is difficult to understand, continues the "Slavic Corps" of its activities or not. The official website of the CHHV stop existed, but information appears in various forums, as a combat job seekers can contact the organization.

A more mythical phenomenon - PCT "Wagner Group". She has no registration in Russia or abroad. No vacancies, no one ever seen payroll. The last two years of the media connect it to the lieutenant colonel, the special forces, Dmitry Utkin, allegedly having good contacts in the Kremlin.

In December 2016, photographs of Dmitry Utkin at the official reception in the Kremlin appeared. Then a photograph of four military, including Utkin, next to the Russian president.

The most interesting thing - on our channel in Yandex.Dzen

Everything that is aware of the "Wagner Group" is solid myths, not confirmed by anyone. PCC is trained, according to unverified data, at the Molkino Polygon in the Krasnodar Territory. On the same landfill the training of GRU special forces is being prepared.

With the "Wagner group" bind fighters fighting in the Donbas, and those Russian-speaking military, which today are in Syria, including captured Tsurykan and Zabot.

Military experts told the "storm" that in organizations such as the CHVC "Wagner Group", a set of fighters occurs through internal channels: through acquaintances in service, sometimes through people close to the military office. Chief Contingent for ChvK: Professional military or resignation, or existing contract facilities. The latter are ready to go to the ChVK for the sake of a high complain.

"Since such education in Russia is not recognized by law, then, of course, an open set is not in their ranks. Their composition is replenished with proven familiar, through their closed channels. Payment there, it is necessary to assume, very high, so many consciously go to such a risk and consider it justified. As a rule, these are former military with certain experiences and merits, people who want to stay in the system, I want to earn money, "Alexander Khramchikhin shared with" Storm ".

The head of the Center for Military Prediction Anatoly Tsyganok said that the average age of such applicants is 35-45 years. These are the former military who are on "you" with weapons and military equipment. Often, people who engaged in the protection of oil objects are often found in PMC.

Previously, different unconfirmed versions about the level of wages in the "Wagner group" have arisen. Some sources said that the average salary is 240 thousand rubles. IN lately Those fighters that are in Syria, according to some reports, were transferred to direct funding from the government of Bashar Assad. As a result, their salary decreased to 160 thousand rubles.

But, as our interlocutor told us, for high-class military salary specialists can be much higher.

"My friend has finished service in special purpose troops. He was doing this all his life and became a first-class military. The year did not pass after the resignation, how his friends contacted him, offered to "expose" Donbass. The proposed remuneration is 20 thousand rubles per day. He agreed, although the person himself is not poor - two apartments in Moscow, an expensive car, "she told.

Many military experts did not want to talk on the topic "Wagner Groups". At the same time, some first reported that they consider this PMC invention of journalists, then they began to say that they still want to live. Apparently, they saw a threat to journalists who do not like when someone tries to debunk the myth.

ChvK in quotes, but licensed

There are in Russia and such a phenomenon as private security companies called themselves HF. Activities, of course, remains within the legislation on security enterprises.

Example - LLC "COO RSB-GROUP". Under the license of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow - a limited liability company, a private security organization. But informally, including on the site and in the Thanksgiving letters from customers, the organization is called PMC.

Among the Thanksgiving letters there are departure from Iraq. In the spring of this year, information appeared that the RSB-Group was engaged in demining the plant in Libya. The amount of the contract is about 10 million dollars.

The site also states that the company participated in the protection of maritime courts, for example, from Somali Pirates, ready to armed VIP clients and objects abroad.

Work in the RSB-Groups former servicemen, including the security officers of the special services who own foreign languages, even with such rare as Persian.

"Today in the Russian Federation there is no clear definition of PMC. Our task is to work in a terrorist zone, this is a commercial activity with a very high risk factor. Weapons We use the following: automatic, semi-automatic rifles with caliber 7.62 and 5.45 - nothing heavy. Although grenades would not prevent grenade launches in some situations, since the enemy is often armed better than us. There are many legitimate ways to obtain weapons for protection and security today, however, in our country to get it more difficult than in the same Africa, "Oleg Kritsyn shared with the" storm "" Storm ".

In the company, according to him, the insurance of workers' life is obligatory. For the injury, the amount of insurance payments is 30 thousand euros.

"When we, for example, worked in Rome - there was international insurance - it was higher. Salary depends on the level of competence, experience. I can say that our guys are much better trained and work than the Americans. But their contracts are more expensive, because the country is becoming the image - great Power. But on the fact, our guys with lower payments for the amount of quality make work, "Chinitin believes.

About clear salaries in the RSB-Group, Krinitin did not speak. On the company's website today there are several vacancies, among them - a doctor, preferably with knowledge frenchReady to work in Africa. The proposed salary of the first contract - from two thousand euros per month. You can guess that a good military gets a little more.

"We have a separate company that is registered abroad and officially employ employees. We are mainly the officers with combat experience go to work, since the soldiers who just ended the urgent service still hovers in the clouds of romanticism, and we need people serious, who know their job, ready to work in a team, balanced. There is such a category of people who are sharpened to destroy, kill. They may be professionals, but you never know what to wait. And therefore, we fear such people, "the owner of the RSB-Group told.

When admission to work in the RSB-Group, the applicant is inspected. A psychologist communicates with him, you need to go through a difficult test out of 500 questions, which is almost impossible to deceive.

"I decided to create this company when myself honestly served for the benefit of the Motherland, having received a combat wound, faced a lack of support and further realization. I can say that for many people PMCs is a way to continue continuing life. This is an opportunity to realize your knowledge and experience, give your family and loved ones. good life"," Svurved Konincan.

ChvK law

The fact that Russia may be useful to the ChVK law, they say long ago. In 2012, Vladimir Putin said about interest in adoption of such a law. In the past, the convening of the State Duma was made a draft law on PMC. But so far there is no law in the law, nor the newest concept of the concept of "private military company".

"I think the law on private military companies is needed. However, this topic itself is not simple: the current foreign practice has already identified the general format of the work of such formations. According to it, the activities of the ChVC should be carried out using weapons and is subject to control. And in our country, where there was no first practice of introducing companies such a format, control will need very hard. When we endured these topics for discussions with specialized departments, law enforcement and power structures could not agree on this control. Therefore, as long as the question is in the air, "the colonel shared with the" storm ", Senator of the Federation Council Franz Klintsevich.

At the same time, he noted that the emergence of the CHHV, indeed, would not lose themselves to many military professionals, and Russia itself will bring only economic benefits.

"Many know that CHVC" Wagner Group "has been fighting in Syria for a year and a half in Syria and its leadership was even awarded awards and medals. So we have experience in this sense. But the paradox is that even if there is such an experience, a document provoking the activities of the ChVC cannot accept. In particular, as I think, the profile instance confuses the issue of selling weapons. Its distribution and application will need to be clearly controlled, especially since this is not some separate weapon, which is easy to distinguish, and the same weapon that is used in the army, "said the head of the Center for Military Prediction of Anatoly Gypsies.

A big plus in the legalization of the CHHV in Russia, Gypsies saw that people who for medical testimony could continue to serve in the army would be able to find a job in such companies.

Not us

In some countries, for example, in the United States, Great Britain, South Africa or France, there are already laws regulating the work of private military companies. In principle, there is a long-time experience of public-private partnership on force operations.

If you watched the "disgusting eight" Tarantino, then you saw the hero of John Ruta - a private owner, which is officially, on behavior, is engaged in the search for criminals using weapons. In the US, in the previous year, there was a legislative decoding of the term "head hunter". We can assume that John Ruth is an official armed partner who solves dangerous tasks for money - is a prototype of future PMC.

To appear in the west of the CHVK steel in the middle of the 20th century and, as the military expert, Oleg Valetsky told us, their activities are somewhat different from the one that informal Russian PMK is engaged.

"Western PMCs are three species: some are guarded by private commercial enterprises, the second participate in military training of third countries (these are American, British, French companies), others perform other tasks, for example, the implementation of the rear supply. All of them, as a rule, fulfill the contracts of the local Ministry of Defense. The conditions for obtaining such work in England and the United States will slightly differ slightly, "said Valtsky.

In the US, this must be adequate for this (there are different levels on which the salary depends). You can work in American PMC and without admission, but then you will never allow a strategically important object, and you will not make careers. If a person sends an application for admission, he is inspected from half a year to a year to all the databases, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice find out the entire history of his life before the details.

"Well, to the UK, there is a system of wounded: the Briton must have a certificate - this is as an international security certificate. To obtain it, it is necessary to undergo learning for a period of one month and cost from three to 10 thousand dollars. A person is already going to look for a job in one of the CHVK in her arms, "Valletsky continued.

As in Russia, the main contingent of applicants for vacancies ChvK is the ex-military, which have passed hot spots.

"For the most part, this is their citizens. But foreigners from Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Romania, South Africa, Ukraine and Russia are found in their ranks. The work of the ChwC employee in the United States and the UK can be paid from six to 15 thousand dollars a month, "said Valtsky.

What the "Wagner Group" is engaged in, for example, participation in Palmyra's storming, - for foreign PCC is unacceptable. No direct hostilities on their own initiative, no offensive operations. Exceptionally security features.

Mercenary or volunteer?

The big problem of the lack of the ChVC Act - how to evaluate people who participated in hostilities abroad?

In the Criminal Code of Russia there is article 359 "mercenary". Those who recalled mercenaries, and those who became a mercenary and participated in hostilities abroad.

The article is written in the note: "The mercenary recognizes a person acting in order to obtain material remuneration and is not a citizen of the state participating in armed conflict or hostilities, which is constantly living on its territory, as well as a person who is directed to execute official duties" .

In theory, captive sick and zurkan - clean water mercenaries. Nobody officially sent them to Syria, they did not recognize them in Russia, in a military conflict, apparently, they took part. It remains to prove that they fought for the remuneration.

Moreover, the Russian who works in American PMC has a contract, too, if desired, law enforcement officers may have questions.

But, as practice shows, such people like Tsurykan and sick, do not fall under the 359th article, returning to their homeland. Proving the fact of payment for participation in hostilities is almost impossible. There were no stories so that Russians, working in foreign CHVC come for the bars.

What happened to the leadership of the Slavic Corps, which was in prison, is rather an exception. According to the head of the Moscow Collegium of the Lawyers, the Criminal Affairs Specialist Andrei Knyazev, as a rule, under the 359th article summarize those who participated in the anti-Russian military formations.

"I believe that the meaning of this article does not imply punishment for Russians who work in foreign CHVC. To him who spent ten years in some American company, which has official confirmation of this fact, in returning to his homeland, imprisonment does not threaten. The same story and an employee of the officially existing Russian ChvK - no company, no charges. So theoretically, if a captured fighters of the Mr. Russians managed to return, they would not be accused of anything. But for participating in hostilities on the side of the IG, you can get imprisonment for quite a long time, "said Knyazev.

The last week of the media and Internet users discussed the losses of the Russian private military company "Wagner". Information about what actually happened in the province of Deir-Ez-Zor on February 7 is very contradictory.

Close to Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation, the source stated that reports of the death of two hundred Russians with an international coalition air strike led by the United States are classical disinformation.

Meanwhile, relatives of the four fighters of the "private military company Wagner" in Syria. At the same time, the dates of their death coincide with the date of the USA.

Service place

"Wagner Group" is the unofficial name of the Russian private military company, which opened first in Ukraine, and after in Syria.

Since 2014, CHVC Wagner acted on the territory of the DPR and LNR. When Russian troops included in Syria in 2015, the fighters were reclined to there. According to the, "ChvK Wagner" played far from last role Many employees of this squad were marked by orders Russian Federation.

The commander of the CHVC media was repeatedly called Dmitry Utkin's reserve. Until 2013, he headed the 700th separate detachment of the special purpose of the 2nd separate team of special purpose GU General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.

Classified rude hero

In 2016, Utkin with the call sign Vagner was noticed at the celebration of the Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland in the Kremlin Palace. This fact confirmed the press secretary of the President Dmitry Sadkov. He noted that among the invited Uttin really was, but what he was notable, the sands was unknown.

Utkin himself never gives an interview, however, like his fighters. When they participated in hostilities in the south-east of Ukraine, ChvK was called the most secret division.

Contact Dmitry Utkin in 2016, even the former spouse could not even. Elena Shcherbinina appealed to the program "Wait for me".

She said that Utkin received her first award during the first Chechen campaign.

The militants captured some colonel, and Dima with his fighters beat him off. He is generally a hopeless, told Elena.

When he was appointed commander of the military unit in Pechorah, Utkin "worried that he was not fighting."

"He wanted a military career - career of a combat officer, and not rubbing his pants in the headquarters," the woman summed up.

In the lists do not mean

When "CHVK Wagner" went into Syria, the number of fighters was approximately 400 people. According to some reports, since the fall of 2015 in the spring of 2016, the group lost in battles of 32 soldiers, and about 80 were seriously injured.

CHVK exists as an independent commercial structure. It offers specialized services related to the protection or defense facility. Often, fighters participate in military conflicts, collect the development and engaged in military consulting.

Military browser Victor Baranan explained Ridus that "ChvK Wagner" in Russia exists beyond the law, since last year the State Duma private military companies.

From a legal point of view, shelling units of some private military company is not a conflict between combatants different countries... ChwC of a kind of illegals. Therefore, to present any claims to Americans for the death of Wagner's employees "the Russian authorities cannot formally, Baratan said.

At the same time, the participants of the Russian PMC mercenaries are inappropriate, the expert believes.

"By this, you pour water to the Mill of Bandits from ISIL (prohibited in the Russian Federation. - Approx. Ridus), as well as Kashevarov Igilovskaya and Western propaganda! In the same way, the detachments sponsored by the Americans, which are hypocritically called the Syrian free democratic army, rebels, "the military browser explained.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the punishment under the articles of "mercenary" and "participation in illegal armed formations".

O Between mercenaries-thugs and participants of the ChVC "Ridus" wrote at the beginning of the week.

On February seventh of February, the USA for the projection troops in the province of Deir-Ez-Zor. Later, American media reported the death of 200 Russians.

Conflict Intelligence Team, which investigates military conflicts in Ukraine and in Syria, found out that Stanislav Matveyev, Igor Bosighturov, Vladimir Loginov and Kirill Ananyev. They all served in "ChvK Wagner".

Today it became known that the likely Syrian troops and fighters "ChvK Wagner" at the time of the air strike were oil and gas fields.

Private military company Wagner in Russia is out of law. They do not speak about the state banks. But her fighters, apparently, drank in the Donbas and now in Syria.

The names of the eight killed in Syria Russians found out and unveiled the activists of the Conflict Intelligence Team organization (CIT), as well as the "media frame" edition. They died presumably on February 7, 2018 under the blows of the forces of the International Coalition at the positions of the Syrian Army in the vicinity of the village of Hisham.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation confirmed the death of five Russian citizens in Syria, noting that they are not military personnel russian army. The dead, most likely, were fighters of the so-called private military company (PMC) Wagner. Many information about it journalists and activists were collected in the latter years.

What is ChvK Wagner

Private military company Wagner or Wagner Group is an unofficial military organization that is not part of the regular armed forces of Russia and has no legal status. Military units of the ChVC Wagner numbered - in different time And according to various sources - from 1350 to 2000 people. According to the sources of the German Bild newspaper in the Bundeswehr, the total number of mercenaries reaches 2500 people. The existence of the ChvK Wagner officials in Russia denied. The Kremlin only recognizes that in private Russians can participate in hostilities abroad. The mercy is prohibited by Article 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, however, in the State Duma and the Russian Foreign Ministry, proposals are made to legitimize private military companies in Russia.

Where wagner mercenaries fought

CHVK Wagner rose, as it is believed to be from the Military company "Slavic Corps", which performed combat missions in Syria back in 2013. In the "Slavic Corps" there was a future head of the ChVC - Dmitry Utkin, call sign "Wagner". The first testimonies about the activities of the CHVC Wagner were recorded by the Ukrainian special services in May 2014 in the Donbas. In October 2017, the head of the SBU of Ukraine Vasily Gritsak declared the involvement of "Wagnerovtsy" to destroy the military-transport IL-76 in the east of Ukraine in June 2014, the storm of the Donetsk airport and the hostilities under Debaltseve. There are no independent confirmations of this information.

From the second half of 2015, the evidence of the activity of PCC Wagner appeared only in Syria. It is believed that her fighters, in particular, actively participated in the first and second storming Palmyra in 2016 and 2017. Since June 2017, the goals of mercenaries, as reported by the Russian media RBC and Fontanka, changed. "Fontanka" wrote that the Russian Ministry of Defense sharply reduced the supply of PTC with arms, transmitting only outdated samples.

Alleged ChVCs proposed to receive funding in Syria itself, including through the seizure and protection of oil and gas fields. In this regard, it is noteworthy that the attack in the Syrian village of Husham is presumably with the participation of "Wagnerovtsy" was carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oil field and, according to some data, was the goal of its seizure.
According to the British BBC, since the end of 2017, the Furnaces of ChvK Wagner were seen in Sudan.

Private Army Fighters: Who are they

A set of mercenaries, judging by the information about the dead, went throughout Russia. Many of those killed in Syria earlier had experience in conducting hostilities in the East of Ukraine. This is confirmed both relatives and familiar dead mercenaries. According to the Ukrainian SBU, those who fought in both "hot spots" have 277 people.

The recruitment of the personnel of the private army, apparently, was not limited to Russia only, but was also conducted among residents of the part of Eastern Ukraine under the control of separatists. According to the SBU in October 2017, 40 fighters with Ukrainian passports served in ChvK Wagner. Similar information without specifying accurate numbers was previously led by several Russian media.

How do and how much mercenaries pay

Mercenaries are taken to work in PMC sign an agreement on non-disclosure of information. Most of all the details reported on the work of the ChVC Wagner St. Petersburg edition of the Fontanka, which declares that it has part of the company's internal documentation. Referring to published copies of documents, Fontanka states, in particular, that all applicants fill in profiles with personal information, photography, tested on the polygraph and receive from 160 to 240 thousand rubles per month.

Ruslan Leviyev, founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team activists group (CIT), which monitors the actions of the Russian military in Syria, clarifies that the salary depends on the skills, goals and place of operation. During training in Russia, according to CIT, the salary ranges from 50 to 80 thousand, during foreign operations - 100-120 thousand, in the case of hostilities - 150-200 thousand, in the case of special campaigns or large battles - up to 300 thousand .

Where mercenaries train

"Wagner Group", according to numerous testimonies, trains at the military base of the farm Molkinino in the Krasnodar Territory, directly adjacent to the 10th separate brigade of the Sports of the Russian Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation (V / h 51532). There are no information about other training points.

Where did the "Wagner" come from and what are the interests of Prigod

Dmitry Valerevich Utkin "Wagner", 1970, is considered to be the head of the same name private military company. With this activity, he apparently took up after dismissal from the post of commander of the 700rd separate special forces of the 2nd separate brigade of the special purpose of the GRU, stationed in the Pechoras of the Pskov region. A copy of the report about his dismissal is online. Nothing is known about her authenticity, but there was no refutation either. In 2016, Utkin was seen on a special reception in the Kremlin for the military, distinguished by special heroism. Since June 2017, Utkin is under the sanctions of the United States, in the list of the American Ministry of Finance, it is indicated: "is associated with the private military company Wagner."

Some of the sources of Financing ChVC in the media are the secret articles of expenses of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as the businessman Evgeny Prigogin, close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is also called the "Cook Putin". As RBC found out, Evgeny Prigogin participated in several tenders to ensure the content of the Bagner group. Prigozhin himself, who is also under the sanctions of the United States, the connection with the CHVC Wagner denies. There are only indirect evidence of its involvement. From the winter of 2016-2017, the Russian firm "Euro Polis" LLC became interested in the development of gas and oil fields in Syria. According to RBC and Fontanka publications, it is affiliated with the prigid.

"Euro Polis" in the summer of 2017 entered into an agreement with the Syrian State Concern about what will be engaged in the protection and mining of energy resources at the local fields and to receive at its disposal of the fourth part of the volume of mines of those steps that beat off the militants from ISIL, AP reported with reference on a copy of the agreement. The functions of protection, as it is believed, the fighters of the Wagner ChwK must take on themselves.

Losses among mercenaries

Calculation of losses among the "soldiers of good luck" is complicated for a number of reasons: this is the illegal status of the CHHV and its fighters, and the unforgettable company of the government agencies and non-disclosure agreement. As a result, the relatives of the victims often only after a few weeks learn about what happened. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refuses to fix losses among mercenaries.

In October 2017, the SBU led data on 67 dead, which had the experience of hostilities both in the Donbas and Syria. For December 2017 total number The established losses from the beginning of the participation of mercenaries in hostilities in Syria journalists "Fontanka" were evaluated in 73, the CIT team is 101 people. There is still no information about the fate of the alleged ChwC Wagner Roman Zabolotny and Grigory Tsurkan.

Also, data on losses after the shelling of Proasadovsky divisions by the forces of the International Coalition in the vicinity of Hisham on February 7, 2018 are also available: they are called numbers from 11 dead and higher.

Personnel documentation of the informal military unit "Wagner Group" was at the disposal of the editorial board "Fontanka". Our story is about who and for what is dying in the Syrian Republic, not falling into the official statistics of the Ministry of Defense, and why the words of the generals are lucavia. And as long as the private war has changed after Syria has signed a document with the Russian EURO Polis LLC.

CHVK Wagner is an informal military organization who participated in hostilities in the Donbas (on the side of Novorossia) and in Syria (on the side of the Assad government). The activities of this ChVC "Fontanka" first told the fall of 2015 for the first time. Employees of the CHVK Wagner are not related to any official power Structure The Russian Federation, however, for its combat work, a combat and medals were obtained.

Who despises the Ministry of Defense

It is officially recognized that during the operation in Syria killed 39 Russian servicemen. The Ministry of Defense of the Killed and wounded fighters of the Wagner group should not contribute to their statistics, considering these losses as "the myth about the dead" contract soldiers "from the" mysterious "organization." Publication Reuters, according to which in 2016 Russia lost 36 people in Syria, and for seven months of 2017, approximately 40, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense General Major Igor Konashenkov considered "joy", worthy of contempt: "Again as sources some rumors again as sources , social network data and fictional conversations with supposedly "intimidated" anonymous "relatives and acquaintances" "(quote on RIA" News ").

If "data of social network and conversation" is not enough, it is necessary to provide documents and photos. The content of the documents available at the disposal of the editorial office confirms the assumptions that since the end of 2015 the private battalion acts in Syria in the interests of the businessman's structures Evgeny Prigogina, and the preparation of his fighters lead in the territory of the military unit of the Ministry of Defense in the Krasnodar Territory.

Unrecorded losses Palmyra

Wagner's fighting in Syria can be divided into two campaigns.

The first began in September 2015, when the company arrived in Syria. Until the beginning of 2016, large-scale actions of the unit did not learn. Serious battles and losses began in February - March, during the extraction of Palmyra. In April - May 2016, according to our data, the main building divisions of the Group, having passed heavy weapons and equipment, were derived from Syria to Russia.

According to the lists that, as we believe, were drawn up by the Administration of the Wagner Group, during this campaign approximately 32-chain fighters were killed. Heavy wounds requiring long inpatient treatment in hospitals, received about 80 fighters. Approximateness in our calculations is due to the fact that not in all cases managed to establish the fate of the wounded, which were in critical condition.

The second campaign started in early 2017. Documents available to "Fontanka" are dated June 2017. The main activity is Palmyra and the adjacent oil fields. Such accurate evidence, as in the period 2015 - 2016, Fontanka does not have. Based on the analysis of the available documents and words of eyewitnesses, we can talk about losses ranging from 40 to 60 killed and twice-three times wounded. We also could documely confirm the belonging to the Wagner group of several fighters, whose death in Syria in 2017 reported Fontanka, RBC and Conflict Intelligence Team.

In the interruptions between two operations in Syria, the collateral divisions, as well as groups of specialists who participated in local skirmishes were located. During this period, Mountain Latakia, Petroleum fields, Shairst and Aleppo, are mentioned.

Documents who have fallen into our hands are hand-filled questionnaires, copies of passports from "Personal Affairs", photos of candidates made in the Security Service - allow us to confidently talk about the ownership of fighters to the structure that is known as "CHVK Wagner" and Which in the documents is referred to as the "Wagner Group", the "Wagner battalion-tactical group" or simply "company".

The fact of the death of the fighter is more difficult to establish, but in most cases we succeeded. Comments from officials, messages in the means mass mediaEspecially in those media that can not be attributed to opposition, photographs of burials, messages of mournful relatives on social networks and condolences from friends, in our opinion, are sufficient confirmations.

Most difficult question - Confirm the place of death. "Fontanka" believes that at least ten - fifteen cases was able to convincingly prove it.

For example, in March 2016, photographs appeared on the Internet resources of the Islamic state (prohibited in Russia), which, as stated, were taken from the killed Russians who fought on the side of Assad. Among them are a few photos of a blonde guy with a memorable face in Syrian landscapes. On video frames - a disheveled body of the same person.

Fontanka set the name of the deceased. This is Ivan Vladimirovich Sumkin, born in 1987. Call sign "Varyag", explode Wagner. He from the village in Orenburg region. The urgent service was held in motorized rifle troops, then worked as an electric welder. In the spring of 2015 came to the Vagneur. March 16, 2016 died. Where Ivan Zakykina's grave is located, and whether he was generally buried, unknown - according to the "Fontanka", his body was not made from the battlefield. Ivan's wife and two-year-old son remained.

Video news about awarding the Order of the courage of Alexander Karchekova appeared on the "9 channel" of the old Oskol on November 3, 2016. It was reported that on September 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the posthumous awarding of Starokolz Karchenkova, who died with the liberation of Palmyra in the spring of 2016. Order of Widow and Mother Karcekova presented the head of the district.

Lyudmila Karchekova said that her spouse went to Syria for a contract under a contract in January 2016, and in March, he was told that he was killed "when performing a task."

Alexandra Karchenkova is not in the official lists of the victims published by the Ministry of Defense, which General Konashenkov proposes to navigate. And of course, the 45-year-old unemployed, the foreman of the stock, could not be a secret officer of the forces of special operations.

As follows from Wagner's documents, Karchekov got a job in December 2015, was in the company of material support and died on March 13, 2016. Really under Palmyra. In proof - Photo Karchenkova, made when writing to the service based on Wagner in Molkino, his own filled questionnaire, contract and subscription to non-disclosure of information.

Such stories are more than forty only with well-known last names. Syrian martyrologist "Fontanka" is the documents, photos, "Wagnerovtsy" awards. Each upon admission to "work" filled the questionnaire, everyone was photographed and checked on a polygraph. These documents were first available to readers. We publish the history of men who left to fight for 240 thousand rubles per month and found their death in the Syrian desert. Someone caused admission to "patriotism" or "change in the geopolitical position of Russia". Most referred loans and desire to improve the financial situation.

Two citizens of Russia who did not return from Syria, did not enter this list. Fighters with the calls sign "Altai" and "Beverage" (their full data is known to the editorial board) are considered missing. They disappeared on the same day when Ivan Zagkin died, whose body remains on the battlefield.

The chances of the fact that "Altai" and "Burtop" are alive and are in captivity, minimal, but there is such an opportunity, and the "Fontanka" refrains from the publication of their surnames and photographs.

How Wagner was lost in Molkino

The personnel formation and preparation of the Vagner group is held on the territory of the military base in the village of Molkino Krasnodar Territory, where the 10th separate brigade of Sports of the Ministry of Defense is deployed, writing "Fontanka", RBC, Wall Street Journal and Zeit. In social networks dozens, if not hundreds of evidence that for the device in the "ChvK" you have to go to Molkino and keep the way right on the checkpoint with the question of Wagner. But for the Ministry of Defense, this is not an argument, for it is regarded as rumors and novels.

After examining the photos of the Wagner Security Service, made during the inspection of candidates taken to "work", "Fontanka" believes that these photos are convincing convincing: the armed structure, not provided for by any law of Russia, is located on the territory of the Polygon Molkino. In the investigation of Fontanka, you can see how they are treated with the "Wagnerov" and even see the chapter of the mysterious "company security service". Read more, clicking on the banner.

Tramp, gray, Wagner and Rattibor surrounded by the president

Commanders of the "mysterious organization" do not hide persons. In December 2016, the commander of the group Dmitry Utkin and his deputy Andrei Troyshev appeared on the frames of the protocol shooting of the Day of the Day of the Fatherland Heroes in the Kremlin. In January 2017, there was a photo on the network, apparently, from the same reception where Utkin and Troshev, as well as two more men with high awards were captured together with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Fontanka learned who these mysterious Cavalers next to the president. Their name is Tramp and Ratibor, and Andrei Gogatov and Alexander Kuznetsov. One of them only freed from the colony, in which he served the term for the abduction of man and robbery. The other did not have any violations worse than the wrong parking.

Who received a reception in the Kremlin and why they are "ChwK Wagner", "Fontanka" shows on the example of documents. Read more, clicking on the banner.

Palmyra-2016 and Palmyra-2017

The Kremlin Reception of December 2016 is the highest point of the Wagner takeoff. Then something went wrong. Fighting in Syria in 2016 and in 2017, as told the "Fontanka" veterans of both campaigns, differ dramatically.

In 2015 - 2016, according to participants in the events, preparations in Molkino occupied up to two months, the ammunition to study was allocated in unlimited quantities, including expensive shots to anti-tank missile systems. In Syria, the T-72 tanks were admitted to the group, the BM-21 "Hrad", 122-mm D-30 Gaubitis. Spring states of 2016 were provided for 2349 personnel personnel, including four reconnaissance and assault companies, group management, tank company, consolidated artillery group, exploration and supply units. In the Syrian business trip at the same time there were 1.5 - 2 thousand fighters. Martial salary and premiums were paid on time, did not bother to the Order.

At the end of the spring of 2016, the first misunderstanding came. The five commanders of the Wagner group, Fontanka group were presented to the title of the Hero of Russia in the initial agreement, "Fontanka" reported several awareness of the interlocutors. Through the filter of the premium department passed two.

Before the conclusion from Syria in April - May 2016, heavy weapons and military equipment were handed over. Most of the personnel sent to the reserve is to sit at home and wait for the call on a business trip. When at the end of 2016 began to collect the team for new expedition On oil fields, it turned out that everything changed.

Now on the basis of Wagner in Molkino, there are almost no weapons left, the exception is several automata, mainly in the protection.

Reader "Fontanka"

Training is reduced to the control shooting, calculations of heavy infantry weapons (large-caliber machine guns, automatic machine gunners, machine guns of anti-tank grenade launchers) of practical firing from the "regular" weapons are not carried out.

Upon arrival in Syria in early 2017, according to the stories of returned, 20 ammunted on the machine were issued for the machine and four stores and 120 cartridges as ammunition. Arms consisted of automatic machines of the AK-47 of North Korean production obtained from the Syrian side and several machine guns of Kalashnikov PC and RPK. The second company got rotable machine guns of the 1946 RP-46. IN Soviet army This weapon in the troops was replaced by PC and RPCs in the 60s of the last century.

Reader "Fontanka"

After a couple of weeks, there were several SVD sniper rifles and one or two AGS-17, which did not solve the problem.

Instead of T-72 tanks, surrendered in the spring of 2016, four or five T-62 were obtained. Instead of Gaubitz D-30 - about a dozen Gaubitz M-30 sample of 1938, long ago removed from weapons in the Soviet army.

The exact data on losses in the battles of January - May 2017 "Fontanka" does not have. Based on fragmentary and not confirmed by documented stories, we can talk about 40-60 dead and threefold numbers. The seven Wagner fighters who died in 2017 are known, and they, apparently, have not returned from Syria, as the group's activities in the Donbas rolled.

The number of losses exceeding the loss of 2016 at times, according to the participants of the events, is due not only to the lack of weapons and military equipment, but also noticeably decreased by the quality of personnel.

In 2017, Wagner's salary policy has changed. Now, 240 thousand per month receives only a fighter of the intelligence and assault company, involved in combat operations. The protection of the plant Hayat, artilleryrs, operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, the collateral divisions receive about 160 thousand rubles per month. Unlike past years, delays happen.

Reduced quality are trying to compensate for quantities. An additional two reconnaissance hoists are deployed. Thus, the number of mouth is brought to six, and the personal composition of infantry in the group is about 2 thousand people. Today four companies operate in Syria, two companies temporarily sent to the reserve.

"Spring" in Syria

Additional source of recruitment for Wagner - the population of Donbass. Until 2017, citizens of Ukraine (or self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics) were not accepted for Vagnera. The exception was the Carpathians, formed mainly from ethnic Ukrainians. The composition of this group was planned to be used for diversions and deep intelligence in the rear of the Ukrainian troops, but, as they say, these plans have failed in connection with the weak training of personnel.

In 2017, the Group was deployed to the Spring division (on the call sign of the commander), its number was brought to 100 - 150 people. In addition to Ukrainians, the Group included residents of the Cossack regions of Russia and the fifteen-twenty-twenty-twenties of Chechnya.

Oil, gas, Euro Polis

In August 2017, according to Fontanka, the work of Wagner's units in Syria is the protection and defense of oil-bearing areas with the main object - the Hayan plant. If possible, the promotion and capture of the territory.

Reader "Fontanka"

The main base is located on a tankodrome about 80 kilometers from Homs and 40 kilometers from the Hhayan plant. In addition to Wagner on the Tankodroma, the detachments of Hezbollah, the Iranian guards of the Islamic revolution and the like divisions, including the shown Syrian "Hunters for ISIL", the heroes of the Patus PR video. They are promised to 500 american dollars For twenty days of combat operation, but Syrians, judging by the stories of Wagnerovtsev, to fight under such conditions disagree and often, having received military training, go into armed opposition or to the most prohibited ISHIL in Russia, which should have been hunted.

Reader "Fontanka"

Fontanka has already talked about the agreements reached between the Government organizations of Syria and the Russian EURO Polis LLC, which are people from the structures of the billionaire Evgeny Prigogin. Euro Polis LLC pledged to liberate and protect oil fields and plants for reimbursement of expenses on martialctions Plus the fourth part of the extracted oil and gas. That is, to do exactly what the Wagner group is occupied today (about the likely connections of which with Evgeny Prigairi we were told during the "first palmis" times). They say that now the blue jackets with a white inscription "Euro Polis" are issued to all employees of Wagner, decreasing in the Syrian business trip.

Judging by our information, since 2017, financing the Wagner campaign, its supply, appliances and ammunition is carried out at the expense of the Syrian side and is accompanied by constant delays in payments and disputes about their size.

Why Sergey Kuzhugetovich quarreled with Evgeny Viktorovich

In 2016, the Wagner group clearly did not experience such problems. Now it has become bad not only with the supply: as they told the "Fontank" eyewitnesses, interaction with army aviation and artillery (which in 2016 allegedly was ordinary) was reduced to almost zero, the helicopters of the Russian group do not take part in the evacuation of wounded Wagner battalion, which is significantly Complete their delivery to medical institutions. Military transport aviation allegedly no longer transports wounded Wagnerovtsev, and they have to be taken out almost in freight compartments of charter flights of the Syrian airline flying to Rostov.

Reader "Fontanka"

The causes of the coming cooling, according to the sources of the Fontanka, may be different.

Perhaps the conflict is caused by a weak conspiracy in the activities of a quasi-free organization. If the army teams were ready to endure an incomprehensible private structure on their territory, supply it with weapons, appliances and support fire until it remained a secret, then since the appearance of numerous information about Wagner and his team has changed. It is unlikely that the military command of the military commander wants to be responsible for the actions of the detachment that is not related to any formal laws and the law acting abroad. It is impossible not to note the coincidence: the time of urgent withdrawal of Wagner from Syria with actual disarmament and suspension of the acquisition and time of the publication of "Fontanka" about Dmitry Utkin and his team.

According to one of the versions, the reason was completely frozen for public people: a dispute about the number and dignity of the awards. The Fontanka has reason to believe that the cause of cooling is much more significant.

Investigations "Fontanka", RBC, Novaya Gazeta, other media, anti-corruption fund Alexei Navalny convincingly showed almost the monopoly position of Evgeny Prigogin in the public procurement of the Ministry of Defense and the subordinate military structures. Privacy-related legal entities receive a lion's share of orders for the construction and current repair of military townships, cleaning, occupy almost the entire military nutrition market.

Judging by open information on the site of the main military prosecutor's office, on numerous claims and industrial offenses in arbitration courts and in the courts of general jurisdiction, to companies related to the name of Eugene Prigogine and Concord Holding, since 2016 the claim shaft grows. Companies and officials are involved in administrative responsibility for violating licensing requirements and for non-compliance with labor law standards, army control bodies after checks of military dining rooms reveal and document cockroaches, products with traces of mold and rotting, after which they resort to penalties. Military prosecutors fix production construction work Without relevant documents, permits, projects and react - within the limits of authority.

At the same time, there was a situation where the same military nutrition system, for example, is completely closed on the "Concord" structures and its restructuring promises many problems. A similar situation with the maintenance and construction of military towns. The military department will not be abandoned by the military department, apparently can no longer, although the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is unlikely to be rejoicing such a situation.

Games with your own private army, when possible profits go to the corporation, and all the bumps are lying on the military who are responsible for operation in Syria, could overflow patience bowl.

Another question is the level on which the decision to use (and on the very existence) of the private battalion is made. And whose word is on the level weighs more: Minister of Defense or the owner of the Russian Kitch restaurant.

Denis Korotkov, ""