Cherry Tian Shan Decorative trees and shrubs. Best Decorative Trees and Garden Shrubs


Northern Tien Shan Flora is practically not studied, but is of interest to the rare endemic species of trees and shrubs, primarily an apple tree of Siversa, an apricot ordinary, Musketovka Curchaem and endemic types of kizylnikov. Mountain forests and shrub communities are the habitat and feed base of animals and birds. In the mountainous forests of Northern Tien Shan inhabit herbatous perennials included in the Red Book.

A large scientific value is a selection of the results of studying wood-shrub flora of the region in more than a century.

The main part of the book is represented as a determinant of trees and shrubs with a brief standard description and photographs. Photos of many species of trees and shrubs are presented for the first time, including species listed in the Red Books. Views are located on the Engler system.

According to the determinants of the flora, published earlier, with bad, not enough accurate, patterns, it is often difficult to identify the plants. The determinant with color photographs of plants offered by the authors, no doubt, is already in demand not only by students, but also by scientists and teachers. In addition, the book contains valuable information for environmental organizations for the creation of specially protected areas for the preservation of wood-shrub flora of the region.

Bibliographic reference

Kokorev I.I., Otradnaya I.G., Eatina I.A. Northern Tien Shan Plants. Trees, shrubs and lianas (determinant of trees and shrubs) // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2015. - № 12-1. - pp. 61-61;
URL:\u003d8697 (date of handling: 07/21/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"


Gardens and giving new waves - stylish cottages, with a comfortable platform for resting citizens, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. Traditional cottage, the main function of which is to obtain a crop, also necessarily includes the recreation arealovingly decorated with the owners. It is for a spectacular design of the backbone, a beautiful lawn, a game playground, or decorative plants and trees that are worth talking in detail.

In addition to the natural aesthetic function, to give a person to enjoy the beauty of nature, decorative trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical tasks. Visual expansion of too narrow, or very small plot. Decorating household buildings, strengthening inclined sites and odors. Zoning of the site, the creation of dividing shirms between the garden and the nice zone. Protection of individual space small dacha From prying eyes, without the construction of the fence.

Popular decorative trees in the garden and in the country

The current trend in gardening is a beautiful, fruitful garden that does not require tremendous physical costs of care and maintaining decorativeness. In priority, the beauty and unpretentiousness of the trees; The practical benefits of plantings goes to the background. This explains the popularity of new forms of fruit and forest trees represented by modern selection.:

  • compact stambling trees with a spherical crown;
  • dwarf molds fruit and forest trees;
  • breaker forms;
  • colon's hybrids usual trees.

Interesting novelty - Using forest trees for registration cottage plot. For example, grab seedlings are sold nurseries at random prices. Grab is great for creating alive hedges, decorative backdrops and walls.

To create spectacular compositions, edging of the puddles, use trees of different heights:

  • tall (up to 6 m);
  • average tall (up to 3 m);
  • little and dwarf trees (up to 1.5 m).

From high trees a backdow is formed (wall, or focal point), which is complemented by trees and shrubs down. The front plan of the composition is formed from the lowest. Trees can be decorated with gravel sinking, located on an open lawn, solo, or unite into embossed, multi-tiered groups.

The highest planted in the background, then medium. Low trees and shrubs have ahead.

Recognized leader - coniferous trees

Adult plants practically do not require care. Coniferous plants are decorative all year, including the winter period. At the beginning of spring, many species bloom with bright lilac candles resembling Christmas toys. Then the time of active increment comes, the young piglery is much brighter last year's branches. During this period, all coniferous trees look particularly elegantly.

The fir grows well on the swampy soils, this is especially true for the Moscow region. Pine drought resistant, well tolerate pruning, which allows varying height and decorative shape. For low hedges, walls can be recommended TIS. Tis is perfectly holding a form, there will be no significant trimming.


Unpretentious one can safely choose as the main decorative element Garden, which will unite landing in a single plan. Tui of different varieties will perfectly fit into the composition with low-spirited shrubs, volatile and blooming trees.

In the nursery, you can choose a variety of pyramidal, ellipsis, or a spherical shape. It looks very interesting to the garden wall of the thuy lined with a smooth line. This allows you to unusually beat even the standard country area.

For the middle band, varieties and hybrids of the Tui Western hybrids are recommended. Unpretentious grade Brabant is suitable for wall formation, scenes. Single thuja will grow wide, close landing of the car (after 0.5 m) will form too low wall. The optimal distance between the seedlings of the Brabant variety is 1 m. An interesting grade Wagner, having a rounded shape, lowering growth. Thuja loves shower, spraying, sprinkling.

Decorative maples

Most popular Maple Canadian, planene-shaped, ostalistic maple with burgundy foliage. They are perfectly soling on an open lawn, good in compositions and on the background of living ingredients.

Maple isolate or plain-shaped burgundy color

Like most plants with a bright painted sheet, decorative colored maples prefer a sunny place. In the shadow, natural color will be faded. Maple prefers fertile soil, with neutral acidity. Young seedlings should be stolen by winter. An adult plant of a frost-resistant variety will no longer require.

Exotic for lovers


It can be formed as a bush, but it can grow a full-fledged tree with a picturesque crown. Blooming magnolia - Exotic spectacle, most varieties have gentle, vanilla - citrus fragrance. Magnolia is sleeping with large flowers (length of buds up to 12-15 cm). The color gamut and the form of the blurred flower in different varieties of magnolia differs quite fundamentally.

Magnolia's whimsality is greatly exaggerated, several rules are enough to follow successful cultivation. When landing magnolia, special attention should be paid to the root system and the selection of landing sites. You need to buy magnolia with a roasting room (in a plastic container), preferably in the nursery, or garden center. When landing, try not to injure the roots of the seedling. Magnolia loves the bright sun, does not tolerate drafts and winds. The optimal landing site is under the southern wall of the house, any economic building. Does not like lime soils, so such lands need to acidify peat. Caring for an adult plant will not need only minimal sanitary trimming. For growing in the gardens of the middle strip, leaf fallal forms of magnolia are recommended, and the corresponding hybrids.

Young seedlings, even resistant to frost grades, it is worth covering for the winter (mulch roots and close the crown by agrofrix).


The Japanese relative of the usual cherry, is famous for the whole world with its magic blossom. Current conditions for sakura and magnolia are identical. Solar place without drafts; neutral, or weak soil. Like ordinary cherry, Sakura will need a seasonal spraying from pests, abundant irrigation, substantial trimming.

Sakura is not necessary to buy, it perfectly multiplies with stalling. It is much cheaper than buying a sapling. In August, the cuttings are vaccinated on the traditional cherry (or cherry), the method of eyepiece (eye, kidney).

Decorative forms of fruit trees

The usual apple tree has many decorative subspecies that bloom is plentifully simple apple trees. Blooming with aluminum flowers, an apple tree of Ola is simply filled with flowers so that it is not visible branches.

Apple tree color Ola.

Decorative varieties are grown in the usual agrotechnology, familiar gardeners for the care of the apple tops of traditional varieties. Fruits - small (paradise) apples to deep autumn decorate the garden. Yellow, red, purple - look perfectly on branches. They are attracted to the birds of birds, this is a modern version of the natural solution to the pest problems. From paradise apples, an original jam is obtained. We are especially interested in crib, with a motley and colored sheet.

Decorative shrubs in landscape design

Shrubs in the garden technically perform the natural function of the undergrowth. From aesthetic point of view - shrubs harmoniously complement garden trees and flower bedsBy performing a middle role. This is an extensive class of a variety of plants, let's stop at particularly popular species.

Juniper: Type and variety of bushes

The underlined decorativeness, a wide variety of forms and varieties, the name of the most common is shown below. Having phytoncides, juniper is significantly cleaned air. In sunny weather near such a plant, healing aroma. The general plus juniper - frost resistance. Bath lovers will suit the young juniper sprigs, which are added to the bathing brooms for fragrance.


Refused varieties include juniper Variagat. Flat, with scaly azure cheese, and contrasting sand brushes at the end. Shrub shadowed, but in a sunny place, decorative brushes of the Variagat will be brighter. An adult plant on a sufficient area will have a kind of lush flower beds.


The unpretentious smoky color plant prefers light soils, it looks great in compositions with volatile hosts, ordinary and tree peony. Loves loosening and sprinkling branches. When transplanting a pit should be 2 times the root coma. Juniper do not oppose pruning, although there are no need for mandatory trimming.

Between the bushes of Cossack juniper should be at least 1 - 1.5 meters. In adulthood, this is an empty, lush bush.

Skye Rocket

High Blue Juniper - Rock Skye Rocky. In diameter up to 1 meter, high to 7 meters. Looks like a slim tree, remotely resembles cypress.


Low glaze juniper (up to 30 cm)can grow wide up to 3 meters wide. The powerful root system of this plant allows you to strengthen the slopes if necessary. This is a suitable plant for the first plan of the garden composition.

Mint Julit

The fastest growing average juniper - Mint Julit, reaches 3.5 m wide, to 1.5 m in height. Blue Carpet is an active aggressor, occupies an extensive space. The trimming reacts with reinforced growth. This must be considered when landing, and you can use for your own purposes.

Barbaris - add bright accents

An interesting shape of a bush, gentle branches, bright foliage inherent in various varieties allows barberries to leading among colored shrubs. Actively blooms in spring. Crown of purple, red, purple, lettuce in the summer, incredibly transformed in the fall. This is a real carnival of paints, from lemon to wine-colored foliage, scarlet borders of fruits. Barberry berries - excellent seasoning to the pilaf, meat dishes.

Barbaris looks great in solitary and group landing. The parisader, the Alpine slide, the edging of the Pollas - all these compositions successfully complement the barberries like the varieties and colors. Barbaris of different growth (from 30 cm to 1.5 m) can be interesting to beat in the Mixboro national team. Barbaris Tunberg is good in combination with coniferous plants. Little pillow-shaped barbaris green carpet is used for stony compositions in Japanese style.

It is well evolving in an open, sunny place, not pending soils. Does not carry stagnation of the soil inputWhen landing, Barbaris should provide a high-quality drainage pillow.

Little shrub (up to 80 cm) in i look very exotically, it blooms abundantly orange-red flowers.. In the summer and autumn, decorated with fruits resembling paradise apples. Used for flower beds and rosary.

Japanese quince grows well on the lungs of the soils, loves illuminated places. From the fruit of the hostess is boiled by an excellent jam.

Red viburnum

The usual shrub, never ceases to delight with its beauty and useful berries. Kalina is very good in bloom, in the fall painted with a crimson - yellow, red borders of berries glow in the sun.

Kalina loves shady places, the bush can grow pretty extensively. This property of viburnum can be successfully used to decorate economic buildings, deaf walls of Sarai. Loves good watering, land for landing is mixed with humus (1 × 1). The land under a bush of viburnum should be closed by wooded bark, it will help the moisture-loving plant to develop.

It grows in a wild state in the central and southern Europe, in North Africa, in the European part of Russia, mainly in its middle part and in Malaya Asia. It is rarely found in the West and the North of Russia. Kalina can be found in Central and Western Siberia, as well as in the eastern and northern regions of Kazakhstan. Kalina ordinary is not growing in Central Asia and in the Far East.

Familiar in room forms, hydrangea large garden - a find for lovers of bright, actively flowering plants. Big inflorescences (12 - 15 cm) bloom in July, remain on branches until autumn. Adult wisteria bush is not high (up to 1 m), can reach two meters in diameter, it is necessary to consider when landing. Large inflorescences are white, greenish, raspberry, pink and even blue.

Hydrangea loves quite illuminated places, but the straight sun rays are harmful to it. It will take wet, weakness soil, abundant watering, feeding. When landing in an earthy mixture, peat, sand, coniferous forest ground are added. Feeding hydrangea drugs of iron, lovers achieve from hydrangea of \u200b\u200bbright blue color of inflorescences. It is advisable to mulk cheese to be mounted, use for watering slightly acidified water. For the winter, hydrangea should be covered.

Interesting novelty: Colon's fruit trees

Compact, yield trees, covered with the fruits of the usual size, fascinated many gardeners. The columns are fruitful for the second year, it takes little space, it is convenient for them to care. The life of such a tree is up to 15 years old, unlike the usual longevity of ordinary trees of fruit and bone crops.

What are the colon-shaped trees

Colon's apple tree - short, dwarf (relatively standard) strabr. Checked, high-quality varieties - Arbat (red apple of the middle time of ripening), bolero (winter), gin (summer grade).

For sale there are seedlings of colon-shaped trees of the newest selection: Plums, Alyci, pears, peach. The main problem is the instability of the variety. Demunning the lower branches, changes in the form of the crown (the formation of "brooms"), frozen growth kidneys, rebirth of the variety. Frank fraud sellers meet. If you decide to grow colons, buy adapted seedlings in proven regional nurseries.

At the moment, only a colon-shaped apple tree boasts a large number of stable selection varieties. The remaining colon's novelties can only be acquired at their own risk.

Features of planting and care of fruit fruit trees

Columns are very comfortable for processing and care, organization of drip, or point irrigation. Growth of an adult fruit tree - about 1.5 m, grown in familiar agrotechnology, as well as ordinary fruit and bone trees. Depending on the variety, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 0.4 - 0.7 m from each other. The distance between rows 2 - 2.5 m. It will take seasonal trimming, pest treatment, feeding, loosening the roar circle.

After planting a one-year seedling, the plant will show its grade already in the first year. For this, there are 2-3 floral wounds on the tree, the remaining flowers in the first year better remove. The seedlings are needed for adaptation in a new place, forming a healthy root system.

Selection does not stand still, in demand varieties are constantly improving. Experimenting whether with original novelties, or choose the decorative variety proven for years is the constant temptation of the gardener. Based on its taste preferences, you can choose the original decoration for your favorite garden.

Cherry ordinary - Cerasus vulgaris Mill.

In the wild form is unknown, but widespread in culture. It can be used not only as fruit, but also as a very decorative plant of group and edge landings, in alive hedges.

A tree is up to 10 m high, with a scattered crown, smooth bark, and scaly peeling crust. The leaves are wide-elliptic, pointed, gorgeous-gear along the edge, smooth, shiny, bright or dark green, below lighter, up to 8 cm long, cherry. White flowers, fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, on long blossoms, 2-3 in umbrella inflorescences. Duration of flowering 10-20 days. Fruits are dark red, spherical, fleshy, usually on top of flashed, sour-sweet.

Fastrantizing, shadowing, frost-resistant and drought-resistant breed. Smoke and gaspads. It is better developed on loose soils rich in humus. Good responds to content in the soil of lime. Forms numerous root offspring. Some scientists consider it a natural hybrid between the cherries of shrub and sweet cherries, which emerged and repeatedly repeated in places of co-growing maternal species.

In addition to numerous varieties, it has been glad forms, interesting only from a decorative point of view: sharovoid (f. Umbraculifera) - a low-spirited tree with a compact spherical crown and small leaves; mahrew (f. Plena) - see photo, with white semi-grade colors; Rax (f. rexii) - with white terry flowers; persic Color (f. Persicifolia) - with light or bright pink flowers; always blooming (f. Semperflorens) - a small tree or shrub with smaller leaves and flowers at the ends of shortened shoots four, blooms all summer; pestruya (f. aureo-variegata) - with yellow and white-motley leaves; aucubodyniste (f. Aucubaefolia) - with yellow spots on the leaves; ivolometry (f. Salicifolia) - with large leaves, up to 13 cm long, with a width of 3 cm.

S. vulgaris "Rhexii" - V. Ordinary "Rhexii"Tree up to 3 m height. Cultivated in the Botanical Gardens of Europe, North America, East Asia. Wireless mesoterm, mesotrof. In GBS since 1956, 1 sample (1 copy), graft plants, cuttings are obtained from LSos. At 33, height is 3.6 m, the diameter of the barrel is 6 cm. Vegetables from 7.V ± 8 to 15.x ± 7 for 161 days. Rose growth rate. Flowers from 25.V ± 7 to ± 10 for 7 days. Not fruits. Winter hardiness high. Propal by vaccination and summer cuttings (60% is rooted when processing 0.01% IMC solution for 16 hours). Very decorative thanks to terry, large, white flowers.

Decorative forms are good as a single or small-scale landing in the foreground, and vigorous - in complex compositions.

In the middle lane of Russia varieties: Vladimirskaya, Lyubov, Shuiskaya et al.; For the Leningrad region Standard varieties: Korostnskaya, Plinka, Ostramimsky, etc. The most famous Michurin varieties are: fertile, Michurin, pioneer, jubilee, polka, etc.

Close view Cherry sour - S. Austea. (L.) RyMM. Tree up to 10 m height. Kostyanka is easily separated from the pulp; Juice dark red, coloring. In culture everywhere in Russia, north to the latitude of Karelian stakes - Sverdlovsk. In the forest-steppe and south.

Photos of EFSR.

We all want to grow fruits and berries on their plot. And what to do, if the climate, how to say, not soft? !! Dear friends, I offer you a list of fruit, as well as decorative trees and shrubs of frost-resistant varieties.

Frost-resistant shrubs and trees.

Very frost-resistant (up to -35 ... -50 °)

Trees: Fluffy birch, Eli Ordinary and Siberian, larch Dauroskaya, Siberian, Cedar Siberian, Aspen, Poplar Balsamic, Juniper ordinary;

Shrubs: Hawthorn. Crimson, elderberry red, Siberian dend, yellow, cedar slannik, silver shock, pine mountain.

Morozostoyy (up to 25 ... -35 °)
Trees: Fir Canadian and Engelman, Barbed and Tien Shanskaya, Iva Belaya, Ilm (Elm), Heat-shaped oak, Maples OstroVite, Lipa Melklaste, Metaexual, Nuts, Manychur and Gray, Rowan, Ordinary, Cherry, Ordinary; Shrubs: Hawthorn Ordinary, Honey Tatar, Irga, Valina, Rosamorschiny, Ordinary Lilac, Western and East Tui.

Moderately frost-resistant (up to-15 ... -25 ° С)
Trees: White or Robinia Acacia, Globyia, Beech, Grab, Lyetsuga Teset, Catalpa Magnificent, Kanchin Konsky, Maple Field, Linden Silver, Large and Crimean, Sofa Japanese, TIU Berry, Cedar (with short cold), Cypress Arizona, Pistachio, Mulberry White and Black, Platan Clenp, Gingko, Pomegranate, Rosemary; Shrubs: Samshet, Lavirovnya, Turkey Ordinary, Iiva Japanese, Dale, Kalina, Loch narrow-mounted, Golden Skump, Spiray, Chubushnik or Jasmine, Rosehip.

Well, just in case a list of not frost-resistant varieties:

Nevoraozostruy (up to-10 ... -15 ° С)
Trees: Iva Babylonian, Cypress ordinary, cedar (with long cold), Pavlovnia, Eucalyptus, Pines of Primorskaya and Himalayan, Italian or Ponyan, Sequoia Evergreen, Chinara or Platan East; Shrubs: Hydrangea Large, wisteria, olives, fragrant, yukka.

The least winter horse (not lower than -10 ° C) Subtropical Wood breeds - Palms, evergreen deciduous and some conifers.

Frost fruit fruit.

Apple tree. The best Russian varieties of folk selection are best adapted to the harsh winters: Grushovka Moscow, Antonovka ordinary Babushkino, cinnamon striped, Korobovka. Pleased with the gardeners and some breeding varieties of the Soviet period - Michurinskaya, Bornberry, July Chernenko. After crushing frosts 1978/79. gave their ordinary abundant variety harvest GRANKE Early, autumn joy, Russian, young naturalist, cypress, student.

Torn striped

Pear. The most winter-hardy varieties - Lada, Chizhovskaya, Cafedry. Deserves the attention of the grade Veles.


Plum. Most cold-resistant plum grade Ussuriyskaya and Canadian - They are withstanding frosts up to -40 ...- 45 ° C, but unfortunately, they are frozen with small frosts after thaw. From the varieties of plums home most endless Rotsenger Red, Hungarian Moscow, Blue Dar, Employed, Cantemirovka and Alexy - winter-hard-resistant, self-dodged, yield late debris variety of plums.

Blue Dar.

Cherry . For the central region, cherry varieties are recommended: Youth, memory of Yenikeeva, Rastorguevskaya, Assol, Bulanikovskayaas well as received from the cherry steppe Malinovka, generous, Shakirovskaya and cherries Japanese Rusinka.


Sweet cherry . Most hardy Bryansk Pink - the yield variety of cherries late ripening time, Iput, Jeep, Fatech, Tyutchevka. Spring frosts are more resistant Fate and Italian. Leningrad Black - Middle ripening cherry, high-yielding grade.


When planting fruit trees and shrubs.

Theoretically plant trees can round year, If only the land was not frozen. The most important for the planted village is the most complete contact of the roots with the ground. If the soil is frozen, it will not be able to compact so much to ensure such contact. If the roots of the tree will hang in emptiness, it will not be able to fill the moisture, evaporated the above-ground part. After all, the fact that the trees in winter "sleep" does not mean that they do not lose moisture. If you put a tree in the middle of summer, for example, the greatest problem will be the highest evaporation of moisture, which, however, can be filled with frequent irrigation.

It is possible to plant plants with an open root system in the spring from the moment of thawing the soil to swelling of the kidneys (this is only 10-15 days), in the fall from the beginning of the mass leaffall before the onset of frosts. Only now it is necessary to plant in the fall ? If winter is extremely cold, planted trees can frozen. In addition, they can damage heavy snowfall, ice, wind and other weather cataclysms. In the fall, planted trees can damage rodents either they can be simply stolen if your garden remains without supervision during the winter. At the same time, there are advantages of landing in the fall - in the fall, a rich selection of planting material, since it is during this period that the nurseries begin to implement seedlings. If we plant trees in the fall, one watering will be enough, cool and frequent rains will take care of your pets and without your participation.

And what about the spring landing? With a spring landing, it is necessary to pour a seedling twice: when landing and after a day, shry the earth and cover the mulch. Next you have to often water the planted tree, especially if it is hot or windy weather.
If you are late with the spring boarding, then the planted wood will significantly reduce the chances to survive. If the tree has not yet made, as it should, and already went down, then it will turn out only, providing special care that it knows not every amateur gardener.
In the spring, the landing material market is poor - much is sold out in the fall.

However, for the winter you have the opportunity to prepare theoretically, to draw up a plan for landing, on the basis of which the seedlings can already be ordered, - there will be no vacant decisions. If you put the trees in the spring, they get for one year of the growing season more, - with autumn landing you would have harvested for a year later.

Apple trees, pears and bone crops plant in spring as soon as possible, the seedlings of fruit shrubs are planted, even when the kidneys have already blocked a little. Saplings in containers are planted throughout the season, from mid-April to mid-November. Summer landing of licritors from containers is better to spend on cloudy, rainy weather.

General rule when planting all fruit seedlings: The container with a seedling before planting must be immersed in water capacity for 1-2 hours, so that the earthen car is soaked with water. The depth of planting is just as important. The root cervix should not be bundled.

When planting the soil around the seedlings compact, and the earth rollers with a height of 10-15 cm are suited from above along the contour of the landing pit, and regardless of the weather, they are abundantly watered (2-3 water buckets for each plant). After watering, the well is mounted with a layer of peat, compost or old foliage. It will not allow moisture to quickly evaporate and the crust is not formed on the surface of the soil.

After planting (after 7-10 days), the rooting stimulant is watered and extraxnealing feeders are carried out. Good results give epin (7-10 drops on a glass of water) and zircon (1 ml on 10 liters of water).Weighing all the pros and cons, pick the most suitable time for you to plant trees. Be sure to take into account local weather conditions and features.

Good luck in endeavors, dear gardeners and gardeners!

Can someone tell me a variety of sweet cherry, which grows on your site? I want to know different opinions of experienced gardeners.

By the way, leave comments now easier - no need to enter e.-mail,just only the name! We will be grateful for comments! We read everything. We answer if possible!

Spring phenomenon - decorative cherries in the color of their beauty eclipses other spring plants.

Decorative cherries - stars in the genus Prunus. From a huge number of species and varieties of decorative cherries, cherries of Japanese origin have the greatest value. These include species growing in Japan and China, as well as created on the basis of their variety. Decorative cherries are represented by powerful branchy shrubs and trees grown in wood nurseries in semi-sufficient and high-private forms. The decoration of plants are flowers that bloom in an extraordinary, simply stunning quantity. The leaves of many grades are painted in yellow, orange or scarlet colors. In winter, you can admire the unusual crust of cherry trees.

Cherry Melkopilica, or Sakura, and the varieties obtained on its basis bloom from April to May. Kanzan (frost-resistant variety) refers to the number of classic varieties of this cherry. Some varieties are distinguished by gentle-pink terry flowers, he has a mocking crown. There are also varieties with light pink slightly terry fragrant flowers (6m plants height) or differ in pink terry flowers, flowers can be both white as simple and terry, also varieties can vary with high and empty crown. In any case, pick up the plant that you fits you.

Cherry short-profile is the object of centuries-old breeding of Japanese breeders. The varieties obtained on the basis of this type perfectly feel in small gardens, the varieties may differ in dark pink flowers, pink, with fragile hanging branches or with white semi-grade flowers, which sometimes bloom in November. You can also find varieties with a scattering crown. Spring cherry is covered with pink flowers.

Cherry Tokyo - one of the most beautiful types of Japanese decorative cherries cultivated from ancient times. This plant is a branched shrub, whose flowers on early stage They have a gentle pink color, later white. The cherry blooms very lush and at the same time exudes an amazing flavor. Autumn with trees fall yellow and brick-red leaves.

Most species of decorative cherries are low trees that look good in a small garden. Do not interfere with the natural growth of decorative cherry - its beauty is brighter than all in the trees - single. Decorative cherries are well combined with many blooming in spring plants. Bulb plants, such as yellow or white daffodils, tulips of all colors, proleski and chinodox, are an excellent supplement for cherries with white flowers. Pink varieties of decorative cherries do not combine with almy tulips and ripples. The elegant autumn composition of the cherries make up with cereals and perennial plants, such as a peristrowthine, shaggy and clerk visible.

Planting time - spring or autumn. Shoot the hole twice the root coma. Mix the soil with compost Ohm and fertilizer. At the bottom of the pits fasten the enriched soil. Give the seedling and put it on that depth on which he grew earlier. Next to the earthen room, learn to the depth 50cm, which in no case should touch the crown of the tree. Pet fill with soil mixture. Solid substrate, at the same time forming a watering circle. The plant is abundantly watering. The trunk of decorative cherry tie to the peg of a hemp rope or another suitable material for this. In the fall, mulch the priest circles with a compost. To protect against wild animal trunks, wrap the grid.

In the spring or autumn, buy strong seedlings with cereal roots, with an earthen room or in containers. No need to buy seedlings of cherries with numerous leaves and weak roots (such copies are easily taken from the container). Place chosen solar. Decorative cherries bloom well, and also please the eyes with bright leaves in the fall in sunny places. The soil should be a water permeable, rich in humus. Optimally suggests a slightly referee soil, it is not suitable for heavy and raw. The branches cut on December 4 and weathered 12 hours in warm (35 degrees) water, blooming before Christmas. It should not be radically changing the shape of the crown of your decorative cherry, which has a wonderful natural appearance. Decorative cherries can be amazed by caterpillars of various butterflies (cystic, gold rods, mountainous moles, leaflerting, and so on). Caterpillars sprayed by the preparation containing bacillus thuringiensis, the web is destroyed.

A favorable time for landing is spring. Under adult trees we introduce organic fertilizers and compost. We remove the dead, growing inside and crossed down shoots. All this we do in spring. In the summer, in a period of long drought, we regularly pour trees. Related circle Cover the layer of mulch from the cortex or plant plants in it. In the autumn, old trees are subjected to radical rejuvenating procedures that stimulate the formation of new shoots. For the winter, the rolling circle is covered with a compost.

Summing up, you can say the following: Flowers from April to June, the autumn color of the leaves, the flowers of some varieties are smelled and an unpretentious plant. Prefers solar places and water-permeable and lime soil. When creating the composition, we observe the distance between the landings of 2-4 meters, also a height of a plant reaches 3-12 meters, which also needs to be considered. Decorative cherries can safely plant when creating gardens in Japanese or Chinese style. Good luck to you.