Countries of the southern part of Europe. Southern European countries

Southern Europe belongs to 8 countries and one dependent territory - Gibraltar (British possession) (Table). Feature The region is the location here the smallest of the Vatican State Square, the territory of which is 44 hectares, and the ancient Republic of Peace - San Marino

Table 5 - Countries of Southern Europe

Country Capital Square, thousand km
Andorra Andorra La Velia 0,467 0,07
Vatican Vatican 0,00044 0,001 -
Greece Athens 132,0 10,4
Gibraltar (Brit.) Gibraltar 0,006 0,03
Spain Madrid 504,7 39,2
Italy Rome 301,3 57,2
Malta Valletta. 0,3 0,37
Portugal Lisbon 92,3 10,8
San Marino. San Marino. 0,061 0,027
Total 1031,1 118,1 Average - 115. Middle - 175000.

Important feature of the economic and geographical location of the countries of Southern Europelocated on the Peninsulas and Islands of the Mediterranean Sea, is that they are all located on the main seaways from Europe to Asia, Africa and Australia, and Spain and Portugal - also in Central and South America. All this since the times of great geographical discoveries affected the development of the region, the life of the countries of which is closely related to the sea. No less significant is the fact that the region is between Central Europe and arab countries North Africa, which have multilateral connections with Europe. Former Metropolis of Portugal, Italy and Spain still retain the impact on some countries in Africa. All countries (except for the Vatican) are included in the UN, OECD, and the greatest member of NATO and the European Union. Malta - a member of the Commonwealth of Nations headed by Great Britain.

Natural conditions and resources. The region is located on the Mediterranean Peninsula - Pyrenean, Apennine and Balkan. Only Italy is part of mainland Europe. The Mediterranean Sea largely determined the similarity of the natural conditions of the region. In the region there is a sharp lack of fuel usefulfossils. There are almost no oil, very little natural gas and coal. However, rich are deposits of a variety of metals, especially non-ferrous: boxitov (Greece belongs to the top three of European leaders), mercury, copper, polymetals (Spain, Italy), wolframa(Portugal). Huge stocks building materialsmarble, tuff, granite, cement raw materials, clay.In South European countries is not developed enough river network.Large arrays forestspreserved only in the Pyrenees and Alps. The average forest area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 32%. Natural and recreational resources are extremely rich. These are warm seas, multi-kilometer sandy beaches, magnificent vegetation, picturesque landscapes, numerous sea, mountain resorts, and terrain, favorable for mountaineering and skiing, etc. The region has 14 national parks. The unique natural resource potential of the region has assisted to the considerable development of the agrarian sector and tourist recreational activities in its countries.

Population. Traditionally, Southern Europe is characterized by a high birth rate, but the natural population growth is low: from 0.1% per year in Italy to 0.4-0.5% in Greece, Portugal and 0.8% in Malta. Women account for 51% of the population of the region. Most of the population belongs to the South (Mediterranean) branch evercrowded race. In the era of the Roman Empire, most of them were nominated, and now peoples belonging to the Romance group are dominated here. indo-European language family (Portuguese, Spaniards, Galicians, Catalans, Italians, Sardinians, Retoromans). An exceptionmake up: greek (Greek Group of Indo-European Family); albanians (Albanian Group of Indo-European Family), presented in Italy; Gibraltar (German Group of Indo-European Family); maltese (Semitic group of seven-khamita language family). It is believed that Maltese is a dialectful form of Arabic; turks (Turkic group of the Altai language family) - there are many of them in Greece; basque (in the rank of a separate family) - live in the historic region of the Basque Country in the north of Spain. Composition of the population In the countries of the region mainly uniform. High mononationality indicators Characteristic for Portugal (99.5% - Portuguese), Italy and Greece (98% of Italians and Greeks, respectively), and only in Spain, considerable weight (almost 30%) of national minorities: Catalans (18%), Galicians (8%) , Basic (2.5%) and others. Most of the population - christians. Christianity is represented by two branches: catholicism (West and Center of the Region); orthodoxy (East of the region, Greece). In Southern Europe there is a spiritual and administrative center of the Roman Catholic Church - the Vatican, which exists IV Art. Part of the Turks, Albanians, Greeks - muslims.

Population postedunevenly. The greatest density - In fertile valleys and seaside lowlands, the smallest - in the mountains (Alps, Pyrenees), is in some territories up to 1 person / km 2. Urbanization levelthe region is much lower than in other parts of Europe: only in Spain and in Malta in cities live to 90% of the population, and, for example, in Greece and Italy - more than 60%, in Portugal - 36%. Labor resources Make up about 51 million people. In total, 30% of the active population is employed in industry, 15% - in agriculture, 53% - in services services. IN lately In southern Europe, there are many employees from Eastern and Southeast Europe for the collection of harvesting fruits and vegetables, which cannot find work in their own countries.

Features of economic development and general characteristics farms.The countries of the region still lagging behind economically from highly developed states of Europe. Although Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy are included in the EU, but they are all except for Italy, in many socio-economic indicators lagging behind leaders. Italyit is the economic leader of the region, belongs to highly developed industrial-agrarian countries, with a clear tendency to form a post-industrial type of economy. At the same time in the country and still significant contrasts are in the development of many industries and production, in the social sphere, on the socio-economic conditions of the North and South. Italy lags behind from many highly developed countries in terms of scientific and technical development. Ahead of some Western European countries in terms of net profit from tourism, it is inferior to them on the scale and intensity of international trade and financial transactions. Spain.This is the second in terms of socio-economic development Country in the region. In the Spanish economy, the state sector plays a prominent role, which accounts for up to 30% GDP Countries. The state carries out economic programming, controls railways, coal industry, a significant part of shipbuilding and ferrous metallurgy. In the second half of the 80s. XX st. Portugal experienced a significant economic rise. The average GDP growth during this period was one of the highest in the EU and amounted to 4.5-4.8% per year, in 2000 GNP was 159 billion dollars. Greeceit has a greater than in Portugal, GNP (181.9 billion in 2000). The country's industry is significantly monopolized by large local and foreign capital (mainly the United States, Germany, France and Switzerland). Up to 200 companies receive over 50% of all profits. Greece has rather high inflation indicators (3.4% per year). Government measures of its reduction (reduction of government subsidies, salary freezing, etc.) predetermine social instability.

IN MGRT The countries of the region are represented by individual sectors of engineering (production of cars, household appliances, technological equipment for branches of the light and food industry), furniture industry, construction of construction products and equipment, light industry branches (fruits-chosen, oilseed - production of olive oil, wine-making, pasta, etc. P.). In agriculture, agriculture branches are dominated - growing a variety of subtropical crops: citrus, wooden oils, grapes, vegetables, fruits, essential oil plants, etc. Due to the insufficient feed base in animal husbandry, sheep-flows predominate and in small amounts meat cattle breeding. The countries of the region are actively developing trade shipping and ship repair. They are undisputed leaders in the development of international tourism. Warm sea, Mediterranean climate, rich subtropical vegetation, numerous monuments of ancient culture and architecture are the main factors, thanks to which Southern Europe is a favorite place of recreation and entertainment of many recreants of the world, the largest tourist center.

5. General characteristics of the countries of Eastern (Central) Europe

The countries of Eastern (Central) Europe as socio-political and economic integrity began to allocate in the 90s of the XX century. It is connected with the collapse former USSR and the socialist system, the formation of independent states. The region covers 10 countries (Table 6). The economic and geographical position of Eastern Europe is characterized by the following features : surveying in the West with highly developed countries, and in the East and Southeast - with Russia and Southeast European countries - potential sales markets for Eastern Europe; Passing through the region of trans European transport highways of meridional and latitudinal directions. Over the past 10 years in EGP (economic and geographical position) of the region took place the following change : collapse of the USSR, the formation of the CIS and new countries; combining Germany; The collapse of Czechoslovakia, as a result of which two independent states were formed: Czech Republic and Slovakia; The emergence of "unstable" in the southern borders in relation to the military-political state of neighbors - Balkan countries, Yugoslavia.

Table 6 - Countries of Eastern Europe

Country Capital Square, thousand km Population, million people / km 2 Population population / km 2 GNP per capita, US dollars (2000)
Belarus Minsk 207,6 10,0
Estonia Tallinn 45,1 1,4
Latvia Riga 64,5 2,4
Lithuania Vilnius 65,2 3,7
Poland Warsaw 312,6 38,6
Russia (European part) Moscow 4309,5 115,5
Slovakia Bratislava 49,0 5,4
Hungary Budapest 93,0 10,0
Ukraine Kiev 603,7 49,1
Czech Republic Prague 78,8 10,3
Total 5829,0 246,4 Average - 89. Average - 8600.

Political and socio-economic changes affected the formation of a modern political map of Eastern Europe. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, independent states were formed: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. A new political and economic association emerged - the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The Baltic countries did not enter it. In the process of deep revolutionary changes, the country of Eastern Europe entered into a period of political and economic reforms, actively asserting the principles of real democracy, political pluralism, market economy. All countries of the region are included in the UN. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - in the CIS, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary - to NATO. Natural conditions and resources.The length of the coastal strip (excluding Russia) is 4682 km. Belarus, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic do not have access to the world Ocean. Climate on the prevailing part of the territory - moderately continental. Natural resources. The region has significant mineral resources , according to their wealth and diversity, it takes one of the first places in Europe. He fully satisfies his needs for stone coal , brought coal . On the oil and gas Russia is rich in Russia, there are minor reserves in Ukraine and Hungary, as well as in the south of Belarus. Peat It lies in Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, in the north of Ukraine, the greatest stocks of flammable shale - in Estonia and Russia. A significant part of fuel and energy resources, in particular oil and gas, countries forced to import. Ore Minerals are presented: iron ores. , manganese , copper ores , bowxitis , mercury nickel . Among nerders Minerals are reserves stone Soloi. , potash salt , sulfur , amber , phosphorites, apatitis . The average forest area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 33%. To the main thing recreational Resources believe the sea coast, mountain air, rivers, forests, mineral springs, karst caves. The region has the most famous seaside resorts.

Population size.At the territory of Eastern Europe, 132.1 million people live without taking into account Russia, taking into account the European part of Russia - 246.4 million. The greatest population is falling on Ukraine and Poland. In other countries, it fluctuates from 1.5 to 10.5 million people. Demographic situation It is quite difficult, due to the consequences of the Second World War, an increase in urbanization and related industrial development of states. As in most other European countries, the natural population increase in recent decades has significantly decreased, primarily due to a sharp decline in the birth rate, and in Ukraine, Rossi, Belarus and Slovakia became negative. The population is reduced - the fertility indicators are lower from the mortality rate, which caused the process of aging population. In the course of the population, women prevail (53%). Among the inhabitants of the region, representatives of the transitional (Middle Eastern) group prevail Economic race . Countries have a major inhomogeneous ethnic composition . The population belongs mainly to the two-language family: indo-European and ural . In the region dominates christianity , represented by all directions: catholicism We are confessing in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, a significant number of Hungarians and Latvians; orthodoxy - in Ukraine, Rossi, Belarus; protestantism (lutheranism ) - in Estonia, most of the Latvians and part of the Hungarians; to uniate (greco Catholic ) The churches will put Western Ukrainians and Western Belarusians.

Population posted relatively uniform. The average density is almost 89 persons / km a. Urbanization level is low - on average 68 %. The number of urban population is constantly increasing. Labor resources Approximately 145 million people (56%). In industry employs 40-50 % the working population, in agriculture - 20-50%, in the non-productive sphere - 15-20%. From the mid-90s. XX Art. In the countries of Eastern Europe, economic emigration of the population in search of work and permanent earnings has increased significantly. Tangible and intraregional migration from the eastern regions (Ukraine, Rossi, Belarus) to the economically developed Western countries of the same region - Poland, Czech Republic. In terms of GDP and its level per capita, the UN region shares the countries of the region to 3 groups : 1) Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia (20-50% per capita GDP from the US level); 2) Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia (10-20%); 3) Ukraine, Belarus, Russia (less than 10%). All states of the region belong to countries with an average level of socio-economic development.

IN MGPP Countries are represented by regions Tack (coal, petroleum, gas), metallurgy, Chemical Industry (mostly branches of main chemistry and carbon), separate industries mechanical Engineering , timber industry complex easy (textile, knitted, shoe, etc.) and foodie (meat and fish processing, sugar, oil and flometer, etc.) industry. Agricultural specialization of countries is determined by cultivation grain (wheat, rye, barley, corn), technical (sugar beet, sunflower, flax, hops) and feed crops , potatoes, vegetables etc.. Livestock breeding Presented mainly by milky-meat cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry. In the countries of the coast of the Baltic Sea, fisheries has long been traditional. Industry.The leading industry economy of the countries of the region is industry, mainly processing (Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Complex, Chemical, Easy and Food, etc.). Transport.Eastern Europe has all kinds of transport. An important task for the countries of the region is to bring the transport system to EU standards. Foreign economic relations Eastern Europe countries are still formed and do not have a clear orientation. Foreign trade mostly serves the needs of its own region, since the products of many countries are non-competitive in the global market. IN export which is $ 227 billion, the products of mechanical engineering, chemical and light industry prevailing, some products of non-ferrous metallurgy. Foreign economic relations Ukraine With the countries of the region: significant exports of Ukrainian goods enter Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, and the greatest amount of imports to Ukraine - of Russia, Poland, Belarus, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania. Eastern Europe is rich in resources for development recreational industry and tourism.

6. General characteristics of the countries of South-Eastern Europe

Southeast Europe covers 9 countries of a former socialist camp located in the southeastern part of Europe, not included in the Eastern European Region (Table 6).

Table 6 - Countries of Southeast Europe

Country Capital Area, thousand KM Population, million people / m 2 Population population / km 2 GNP per capita, US dollars (2000)
Albania Tirana 28,7 3,4
Bulgaria Sophia 110,9 8,1
Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo. 51,1 3,4
Macedonia Skop'є. 25,7 2,0
Moldova Kishinev 33,7 4,3
Romania Bucharest 237,5 22,4
Serbia and Montenegro Belgrade 102,2 10,7
Slovenia Ljubljana 20,3 2,0
Croatia Zagreb. 56,6 4,7
Total 666,7 Average-95 Middle - 4800.

The region has a rather favorable economic and geographical position due to the location on the paths from South-West Asia to Central Europe. The states of the region borders with the countries of Eastern, South and Western Europe, as well as South-West Asia, are washed by the seas of the Atlantic (black, adriatic), and through the Mediterranean Sea have access to the transport routes in the Atlantic Ocean. On the peculiarities of the political and geographical position of the district, religious-ethnic conflicts (Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro) are negatively influenced. All countries of the region have a transition economy. Participated in the UN, Moldova is a member of the CIS.

Natural conditions. The countries of the region are rich in a variety of landscapes. Climate on most territories, the refined continental, only in the south and south-west subtropical Mediterranean. To obtain persistent crops, large areas are irrigated here. Natural resources. Hydropower resources the region is among the most powerful in Europe. Mineral resources a varied, but the security of the countries of the region of Nativeinakov. Most reserves coal - In Transylvania (Romania), minor - west of Sofia in Bulgaria. Brown coal Locals in Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia. The only country of the region, which is fully provided with its own oil and gas - Romania. All others depend on their imports. C. ernozhem It is occupied by the Large Territories of Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova. The woods covering Over 35% of the territories are the national wealth of the countries of the region. There are significant in the region recreational resources. Favorable agroclimatic resources the development of a rather significant agricultural sector of most countries in the region was determined. Population. Demographic situation Characterized by the same trends as in most other European countries. It is inherent with a sharp decline in fertility and natural growth, which is due to socio-economic factors. In the Women's region, more than a man (51 and 49%). Most countries of the region prevail representatives southern Group E. spontaneous races.In the northern regions most of the population belongs to middle Eastern Romatic Types . Southeast Europe - national and religious inhomogeneous region that predetermines numerous conflicts. Permanent military conflicts generated significant population migrations. In the countries of the region, a big percentage national minorities , and in some of them there was territorial mixing ethnos (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro). Residents of the region belong to indo-European language family, Altai and Urals families . Religious composition Also quite diverse. The overwhelming majority of the population professes christianity (Orthodox - Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Serbs, Chernogores, a significant part of the Macedonians, Catholics - Slovaks, Croats, part of Romanians and Hungarians) and islam (Albanians, Albanian Kosovoi, Bosnians, Turks). In Albania, the entire population is Muslim. Posted population evenly. Increasingly affects population urbanization associated primarily with the movement of rural residents in the city. Labor resources There are more than 35 million people. It is very big to employment in agriculture - 24%, and in Albania - 55%, the highest figure for Europe, 38% of the population, is employed in industry, construction and transport, 38% in the service sector. One of important problems The region is overcoming the socio-demographic and religious and ethnic crisis, which arose in the countries of the former Yugoslavia.

Features of economic development and general characteristics of the economy. Bythe level of socio-economic development of the country of the region belongs to the medium-breeding. Only Albania meets the criteria of a developing country. In the structure of the economy, industrial-agricultural countries are dominated. Each country characterize specific features of the transition period .

IN MGRT the countries of the region are represented by non-ferrous metallurgy, individual sectors of the chemical industry (production of fertilizers, soda, perfumery and cosmetic products), vectors of transport, agricultural engineering, machine-tooling, furniture, easy (clothing, shoes, leather products) and food (sugar, oil, fruit and complex , tobacco, winemaking) industry. IN agriculture Traditionally dominate agriculture with cultivation grain (wheat, barley, corn) and technical cultures (sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco, essential oil). Significant development have vegetable growing, gardening, viticulture . In the countries of the Black Sea and Adriatic coast developed tourist recreational complex .

Foreign economic relations.There are close economic ties between the countries of the region. They are export Products by $ 33.9 billion: petroleum products, agricultural products, etc. Import (45.0 billion dollars) fuel, industrial goods, equipment, etc. Main trade partners There are EU countries, CIS, Austria, Germany, Italy, Turkey, etc. Ukraine Exports many goods to Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria, imports - mainly from Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Slovenia.

Southern Europe (area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1696 thousand km2, 180 million people) is the second region in Europe in terms of the size of the territory (after Eastern Europe) and in the number of population.

Most of the countries of Southern Europe, with the exception of Spain, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Yugoslavia, belong to the small countries of Europe, which occupy the area, each particular, smaller than 100 thousand km2.

The territory of the region is quite clearly dismembered by three large subregions in the form of peninsulas - the Pyrenean, Apennine, Balkan.

In Southern Europe, the islands of the northern part of the Mediterranean area are also owned - Crete, Sicily, Sardinia, Balearic Islands, and others.

Southern Europe is very elongated along the parallel - at a distance exceeding 4000 km., And compressed by a meridial, barely overweight for 1000 km.

In general, economically - the geographical position of Southern Europe is characterized by the following features: 1) the proximity of the region to North Africa. Such a neighborhood has a decisive effect of not only natural features, but also the ethnogenesis of peoples, here, living, 2) approximately to the countries of South-West Asia, rich fuel and energy resources, which are not enough in Southern Europe, 3) a wide length of marine borders with Atlantic OceanWith the seas of the Mediterranean basin, in particular the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean, as well as the western part of the Black Sea, the versatile influenced and affects the economic activities and profitable economic ties of the North-European countries with all continents of the world, 4.) Mediterranean - the ancient area of \u200b\u200bhuman civilization , it is also called the "cradle of European civilization", because Antique Greece, Ancient Rome There were decisive influence on the historical fate of neighboring countries and all of Europe.

So, Macroregion of Southern Europe is a special generality due not only to typical features of the Mediterranean climate, but also the similarity of historical fate, culture, traditions, and even the level of socio-economic development.

Economy - geographical assessment of natural conditions and resources. Southern Europe, although it is not geographically compact, but for morphostructural and climatic signs is quite homogeneous.

Southern Europe is the most mountainous among European macroregions, occupying more than three quarters of its territory. The highest mountains are predominantly in the north of the region, on the borders with Western and Central Eastern Europe. Thus, Pyrenees are separated by Spain from France, the high Alps are a natural border between Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria, and the southern Carpathians northern slopes are separated by the southern region from Central and Eastern Europe.

The internal areas of Southern Europe are occupied by the average Mountain Ridges - Iberian Mountains, Apennine Mountain System, Balkan Mountains and Plateau, as well as plains.

The mountain system of southern Europe is located in the Alpine Folding Zone. The relative youth of these structures indicate geological processes that last to this day. This resemble frequent and strong earthquakes, as well as volcanic activities.

Mountain arrays, coated with mesozoic limestone, are often exposed, forming bizarre form of relief in the form of steep vertices, gear ridges like that. Karst phenomena are common here. Where sedimentary breeds (Flish) are on the surface, the soft forms of the mountains are formed, mainly with rich vegetation.

One of the main natural resources The south of Europe is a mild climate, very favorable for human vital activity. Here it is typically Mediterranean for most of the region - a dry hot summer, a soft rainy winter, early spring and long warm autumn. The growing season in the region lasts 200-220 days. And in the south of the Pyrenean Peninsula and in Sicily - even longer. Here, the temperature regime contributes to the vegetation of plants throughout the year.

All this is a good prerequisite for the cultivation of two harvests: in the winter season - low-meplute cultures (grain, vegetable), and in the summer - late varieties of rice, tea, figs, olive, citrus.

Climate aridness is most expressed in summer - in the internal subregions, in particular in Central and East Spain, even in moderate climatic belt Middle and Nizhnyland lowland, in the east of the macroregion.

In winter, sea air masses of moderate latitudes dominate. They bring warm heavy rains from the Atlantic.

In general, precipitation is a bit. The level of moisturizing the surface of the macro-region has a tendency to decrease in the eastern and southern directions. This confirms the growth of climate continentality.

The territory of Southern Europe belongs to the weakly demanding water resources. The greatest shortage is felt in Greece, Italy, Spain. For the latter, this problem has become priority. Despite this, some mining areas having full-breeding rapid rivers have significant hydroresours. These include the Rivers of Northern Spain - Ebro with her tributaries, Duero, Tahoe, as well as Dinar Highlands, in the Balkans, and more ..

Southern Europe's land resources are focused mainly in the valleys of rivers or in intermountable basins. An exception is the Pyrenean Peninsula, a significant part of which is covered by an extensive plain, but it requires intensive irrigation.

In the south-European macroregion, brown (Mediterranean) soils are dominated by brown mineral reserves and are characterized by a significant content of humus. More moisturized northern regions, for example, Portugal, North of Italy, have brown soils, but are depleted by carbonates, so to obtain high yields they should be fertilized. Forest resources of southern Europe are insignificant. Only some arrays are industrial importance. So, the Pyrenean Peninsula rich in the forest of cork oak, which allows Spain and Portugal to be the main exporters of products from it in the world. Forests are well preserved on the Balkan Peninsula, especially in Dinar Highlands, in the South Carpathians. But in general, the south is very low. In some countries, it does not exceed 15-20%, in Greece - 16%. In addition, the forests of the south often devastated fires.

Very valuable and promising for use are the recreational resources of the south of Europe. Natural conditions, as well as a variety of vegetation cover, relief forms, the presence of sea beaches, unique historical monuments create favorable conditions for development different species tourism and recreation.

Among the mineral resources the greatest wealth of the south-European countries of the ore of ferrous, non-ferrous metals and non-metallic materials. The main deposits of iron ores are located in Spain with its own iron ore base. Spain ores contain 48-51% of metal, while rich ores of Sweden and Ukraine - 57-70% of the metal.

Boxites of Greece, copper - Spain, mercury - Spain, Italy, Potash salts are highlighted by considerable reserves of aluminum raw materials.

Energy resources of South European countries are represented by stone, brown coal (Spain, Italy), oil (Romania, Slovenia), uranium (Spain, Portugal), but not all of them are industrial importance.

South Europe is famous for the whole world by construction materials, in particular marble, tuff, granite, clay, raw materials for the cement industry and more.

Population. About 180 million people live in southern Europe, which is more than 27.0% of the total population of Europe. By the number of population, she ranks second in Europe. Among the South European countries, three countries are allocated for the largest population: Italy (57.2 million people), Spain (39.6 million people) and Romania (22.4 million people), in which two thirds of the population live, or 66.3% of the total number of residents in the region.

According to the population density (106.0 Osib / km2), South Europe exceeds the Middle Equipical Indicators by 74%, but is inferior among the internal European regions of industrialized Western Europe, where the population density is 173 individuals / km2, in the countries of Central-Eastern Europe, this indicator is significantly less - More than 94 individuals / km2. Among the largest population density of the population, it is allocated to the industrialized long-ranking of Italy (190 Osib / km2), Albania (119.0 Osib / km2). Less density are distinguished by the Balkan Peninsula countries such as Croatia (85.3 individuals / km2), Bosnia and Herzegovina (86.5 Osib / km2), Macedonia (80.2 individuals / km2) and Spain (77.5 Osib / km2) . So, the center of Southern Europe is the Apennine Peninsula is the most densely populated, in particular the fertile Padan Plain and most seaside lowlands. The least tightly populated by the highland areas of Spain, where one km2 accounts for less than 10 people.

In the south-European macroregion, the birth rate is almost the same with the Western European Macro Region - 11 children per 1000 inhabitants and is inferior only to Northern Europe, where this figure in 1999 amounted to almost 12%. Among the individual countries in this indicator, Albania occupies the first place, where the birth rate reaches 23 people per 1 thousand inhabitants per year, and the natural increase is 18 people. On the second - Macedonia, where these indicators, respectively, 16 and 8 and the third - fourth - Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In industrialized countries, the birth rate is significantly less. So, in Italy - 9% with a minus increase (-1), in Slovenia - 10 people with a zero natural increase. Pediatric mortality is somewhat higher in South European countries compared to Western and Northern EuropeBut less than four mortal events per 1000 newborns compared to Eastern Europe. Among the individual countries, she is in the Adriatic-Black Sea subregion, in particular in Albania, Macedonia, Romania and the former Yugoslavia, respectively, 33, 24, 23, 22 and 18 children's deaths per 1000 born. So, mortality is the most in post-socialist countries with low vital levels.

Per last years The average life expectancy of the population in the region has increased to 70 years among men and 76 years old - among women. Men live longer in Greece (75 years old) and in Italy, Andorra, Malta, respectively, 74 years old, and women in Italy, Spain and Andorra, respectively, 81 years old. According to UN forecasts, in the next ten years, the average life expectancy of men and women in southern Europe should grow respectively to 73 and 79 years.

Southern Europe is the least urbanized on the European continent. Here in the cities there are 56.1% of the population. The largest cities of the Athens region (3662 thousand), Madrid (3030), Rome (2791), Belgrade, Saragoza, Milan, Naples, Bucharest and others. Most southern cities are based for a very long time, even in the pre-Christian era. Many of them have preserved monuments of an ancient period and later eras (Rome, Athens and dozens of other no less well-known southern cities).

Southern Europe is quite homogeneous in a racial attitude. The population of the region refers to the Mediterranean or southern branch of the European-like large race (white). Its characteristic signs are small growth, dark wavy hair and brown eyes. Almost all of the population of the south of Europe speaks in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European language family. The population of Italy, Spain, Romania, Portugal belongs to the Romanesque peoples speaking in languages \u200b\u200bthat are formed from the ancient Latin. Their largest groups are Italians, Spaniards, Romanians. In the high mountain alpine regions of Italy, Ladino, Friela, who speak the Retoromian language, in Spain - Catalans and Galicians. Portugal is populated by the Portuguese. South Slavs live on the Balkan Peninsula. These include Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenians and Macedonians. South Slavic nations belong to the Mediterranean race. In addition to the Slavs, Albanians and Greeks live here. In the language and culture of Albanians Silen South Slavic influence. Ethnic Greeks are descendants of the ancient Greeks - Ellinov, which were exposed to the strong influence of the Slavs. The anthropological type of modern Greeks differs from the ancient Greek, the question has changed.

With Narrunsk peoples on the Pyrenean Peninsula, they live a bask who populate a small area of \u200b\u200bNorthern Spain. These are descendants of the Iberians - the ancient population, which retained their tongue and elements of culture. Most of the population of Romania make up the Romanians, which were formed in a single nation from two close peoples - Valahov and Moldovan.

The article contains geographic characteristics Region. Talks about the economic features of the countries of Southern Europe. Contains interesting historical facts.

Briefly about the countries of Southern Europe

Southern Europe is the cradle of the greatest ancient civilizations, as well as the birthplace of the revognition of Christianity throughout Europe. This region gave the world of the greatest researchers and conquerors. Southern Europe has a grand history. Evidence of this can be architectural structures and monuments of art.

The economy of the region is based on:

  • mining industries;
  • animal husbandry;
  • agriculture;
  • manufacturing machines and appliances;
  • skin;
  • textiles;
  • growing agrarian and garden crops.

The main industry of specialization is agriculture. In addition, tourist infrastructure is actively developed on the territory of Southern Europe.

Fig. 1. San Marino.

In the northern regions of the region, the largest industrial centers are posted.

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Fig. 2. Italy on the map.

The state formation of the Maltix Order also owns, the current territory of which is only one mansion in Rome and the residence in Malta.

In the territory of the region, as a rule, the climate of subtropical Mediterranean orientation prevails.

List of countries in Southern Europe and their capital

Southern Europe - Area globewhich is localized in southern European latitudes.

Fig. 3. Maltese representation in Rome.

States that constitute the content of the region are largely located on the Mediterranean coast.

Belgrade received the status of the city in the second century. This happened during the existence of the Roman Empire. At about 520, Slavic began to populate the city.

The total population is close to the value of 160 million people.

States of Southern Europe and their capital:

  • Albania - Tirana;
  • Greece - Athens;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo;
  • Vatican - Vatican;
  • Italy Rome;
  • Spain Madrid;
  • Macedonia - Skopje;
  • Malta - Valletta;
  • San Marino - San Marino;
  • Portugal - Lisbon;
  • Slovenia - Ljubljana;
  • Serbia - Belgrade;
  • Croatia - Zagreb;
  • Montenegro - Podgorica.

The geographical specifics of the countries of Southern Europe, which are located on the peninsula and island sections of the Mediterranean, is that they are placed on the main seaways from Europe to Asia, Africa, as well as Australia. All states of the region and historically, and are economically tightly related to the sea.

What did we know?

They found out which of the states of the region, is the smallest, as well as which countries are included in South Europe. Find out the reason for the economic stability of some states of southern Europe. We received an idea of \u200b\u200bthe geographical location of the region.

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In South Europe, as a rule, include countries on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea - the countries of the Pyrenean Peninsula (Portugal, Spain, Andorra), Monaco, the states located on the Apennine Peninsula (Italy, Vatican, San Marino), Greece, as well as island states of Malta and Cyprus.

Sometimes in Southern Europe also includes Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the southern regions of Ukraine such as Odessa, Kherson and Nikolaev, as well as the European part of Turkey.

Southern Europe also includes quasi-state education Maltese Order (today's territory is just one mansion in Rome and Residence in Malta).

List of countries and their capitals:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo
  • Albania - Tirana
  • Cyprus - Nicosia
  • Macedonia - Skopje
  • San Marino - San Marino
  • Serbia - Belgrade
  • Slovenia - Ljubljana
  • Croatia - Zagreb.
  • Montenegro - Podgorica
  • Portugal - Lisbon
  • Spain Madrid
  • Andorra - Andorra La Vella
  • Monaco - Monaco
  • Italy Rome
  • Vatican - Vatican.
  • Greece - Athens
  • Malta - Valletta.

Geographical position

The basis is the Cenozoic (Apennine, Balkan Persh) and the Gersinskaya (Pyrenean Person) of folding. Relief countries sublime, there are many minerals: aluminum, polymetallic, copper, mercury (Spain is one of the leaders in the extraction of pyrite and mercury), uranium, iron ores, sulfur, mica, gas.


South Europe is known for its hot climate, rich history and warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Southern Europe countries border with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria. Turkey in the East with Syria, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Armenia, Iran, Georgia. In all countries of Southern Europe, the subtropical Mediterranean climate prevails, so in the summer the warm temperatures are dominated by about +24 ° C, and in winter enough cool, about + 8 ° C, precipitation falls enough, about 1000-1500 mm per year.


Southern Europe is almost entirely in the zone of severe evergreen forests and shrubs, which has survived only on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (he walked the glacier, and the mountains detained him, and the trees moved behind the mountains). Fauna: roofing, servals, sludge goats, foxes, wrains, wolves, badgers, raccoons. Flora: strawberry trees, stone oaks, mirates, olives, grapes, citrus, magnolia, cypresses, chestnuts, juniper.


High population density, from 100 or more people at km². The prevailing religion is Christianity (Catholicism).

Urbanization level of Southern Europe countries: Greece - 59%, Spain - 91%, Italy - 72%, Malta - 89%, Portugal - 48%, San Marino - 48%. Natural growth in these countries is also low: Greece - 0.1 Spain - 0 Italy - (-0.1) Malta - 0.4 Portugal - 0.1 San Marino - 0.4 of what we can conclude that in These countries also have "aging nation".

Specialization in MGRT

Most countries are common to mining, agriculture, horn and animal husbandry, production of machinery and instruments, fabrics, leather, growing grapes and citrus. Tourism is very common. Spain ranks second in the world of tourism (France ranks first). The main branch of specialization, in addition to international tourism, is agriculture, in particular, this area is rich in grapes, olives, rather high rates in the cultivation of grain and grainbobov (Spain - 22.6 million tons, Italy - 20.8 million tons), and Also vegetables and fruits (Spain - 11.5 million tons, Italy - 14.5 million tons.). Despite the predominance of agriculture, there are also industrial zones, in particular, Genoa city, Turin and Milan are the main industrial cities in Italy. It should be noted that they are located mainly in the north, closer to the countries of Western Europe.

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The video tutorial allows you to get interesting and detailed information about the countries of Southern Europe. From the lesson you will learn about the composition of southern Europe, the characteristics of the countries of the region, their geographical position, nature, climate, place in this subregion. The teacher will tell you about the main country of Southern Europe - Italy. In addition, an interesting information about a tiny country is given in the lesson - Vatican.

Topic: Regional characteristic of the world. Foreign Europe

Lesson:Southern Europe

Fig. 1. Map of subregions of Europe. Southern Europe is highlighted in green ()

Southern Europe- The cultural and geographical region, including states located on the southern peninsula and island parts of the region.


1. Spain.

2. Andorra.

3. Portugal.

4. Italy.

5. Vatican.

6. San Marino.

7. Greece.

8. Croatia.

9. Montenegro.

10. Serbia.

11. Albania.

12. Slovenia.

13. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

14. Macedonia.

15. Malta.

16. Sometimes South Europe include Cyprus

South Europe washed by the Water of the Mediterranean Sea.

Climate for most southern subtropical Mediterranean subtropical southern Europe.

Almost all of the territory of Southern Europe is located within the limits of severe evergreen forests and shrubs.

The population of the region exceeds 160 million people.

Southern Europe countries with the greatest population:

1. Italy (61 million people).

2. Spain (47 million people).

3. Portugal and Greece (11 million people).

At the same time, the population of the Vatican is less than 1000 people, and the population density is almost 2000 people. on square. km.

The most numerous peoples of Southern Europe:

1. Italians.

2. Spaniards.

3. Portuguese.

The religious composition of the region is diverse. In general, the southwestern countries of the region profess Catholicism, southeastern - Orthodoxy, Albania and partly in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Islam.

Fig. 2. Map of religious religions in Europe (blue color - Catholicism, purple - Protestantism, Pink - Orthodoxy, Yellow - Islam). ()

In the form of the board of Spain, Andorra, the Vatican - monarchy.

Italy and Spain possesses the most powerful economies in the region.

For all countries of Southern Europe, a modern type of population reproduction is characterized.

The highest level of urbanization in Spain (91%) and Malta (89%).

Most countries are distributed mining, agriculture, horn and animal husbandry, production of machinery and instruments, fabrics, leather, grape growing and citrus. Tourism is very common. Spain and Italy occupy leading places in the world by tourism. The main branch of specialization, in addition to international tourism, is agriculture, in particular, this area is rich in grapes, olives, rather high rates in the cultivation of grain and grainbobes (Spain - 22.6 million tons, Italy - 20.8 million tons), and Vegetables and fruits (Spain - 11.5 million tons, Italy - 14.5 million tons). Despite the predominance of agriculture, there are also industrial zones, in particular, Genoa city, Turin and Milan are the main industrial cities in Italy. It should be noted that they are located mainly in the north, closer to the countries of Western Europe.

Italy. The population is 61 million people (4th place in foreign Europe). Capital - Rome.

Full name - Italian Republic. It borders with France in the north-west, with Switzerland and Austria - in the north and with Slovenia - in the northeast. Also has internal borders with the Vatican and San Marino. The country is occupied by the Apennine Peninsula, Padan Plain, the southern slopes of the Alps, Islands of Sicily, Sardinia and a number of small islands.

Italy has a variety of minerals, but their deposits are mostly small, sprayed around the territory, often run uncomfortable for development. Italy is a developed industrial-agrarian country. It is characterized by a combination of highly developed industrial in the north and backward agriculture in southern areas. In the economy, power-based industrial and bank monopolies dominate. In the village farm, especially in the south, strongly learn-ki feudalism and prevail backward forms of land. Many land still belongs to major landowners. The peasants are rented by tiny areas and pay for it to half the harvest. Italy is poor coal and iron ore, but in its depths there are many mercury, pyrite, gas, marble, sulfur. About 40% of electricity consumed by the Italian industry give hydrostating. Will the most powerful ones are built on the northern rivers. Italy has become the world's first country, which for the production of electricity is widely used by the heat of groundwater. There are several nuclear power plants. The leading place in the industry is occupied by Ma-Shinogenia. Italian plants produce av-tomobyl, motorcycles, aircraft, sea ships.

Over the past twenty years, 6 million Italians managed to find work in other countries. The unemployed army is constantly updated with the ruining peasants. In the agriculture of Italy, the leading place is due to agriculture. Dairy and meat belly-Noviva is developed only in the northern regions. Sre-di grain is the most common wheat and corn.

Grapes are bred everywhere. The area occupied by vineyards is more here than in any country of the world. Italy exports a lot of wine, as well as oranges, lemons, vegetables. In the north, a lot of large industrial mountains. The most significant one is Milan. This is the eco-nomic capital of Italy. Industrial area solid ring surround the city. Milan factories and factories belong to several trusts that control a significant part of the country's industrial.

On the shores of the Ligurian Sea, in Northern Italy, the largest marine port in the country was spread - Genoa. Genoa is a large industrial city. Here are the largest shipbuilding shipyards, oil-cleaning, metallurgical and ma-shinthroitative plants.

Of all the developed countries of Italy, the most sharp territorial contrasts in the level of industrialization are inherent. In southern Italy, less than 15% of the economically active population is employed in the industry, and in the North-West - about 40%. Here is also concentrated and the overwhelming part of the most advanced high-tech industries.

The regional policy held by the Italian government and the EU is aimed at eliminating the economic backwardness of a number of central and southern regions of the country. Industrialization in these areas involves the construction of small enterprises of the light and food industry in small and medium cities of the Central and Southern Italy. There is an accelerated development of seaside industrial centers (Ravenna, Taranto, Cagliari in Sardinia, etc.) on the basis of the use of imported raw materials, in particular, oil.

In the structure of the Italian industry, there is a constant increase in the share of the manufacturing industry - the foundations of the Italian industry. The leading place in the manufacturing industry is occupied by a machine-building complex, whose share exceeds 35%. These include: general mechanical engineering; production of vehicles; production of electrical and electronic equipment; Metalworking and production of metal products.

There is some lag of Italy from other industrial countries in terms of scientific potential, so the country in the IHRT specializes in the production of machinery and equipment of medium and low high-tech, supplying a rather wide range of machine-building products to the world market. In particular, it is one of the largest producers of agricultural machinery, electrical, packaging and food equipment, machine tools, textile equipment, rolling stock and other vehicles.

Italy is one of the world's largest manufacturers and exporters of consumer goods, distinguished by high quality and exquisite design.

Fuel and energy complex. Italy is extremely poor sources of energy, has an unfavorable energy balance. On average, only 17% of needs is covered at the expense of its own resources. Almost 70% in the energy balance falls on oil. According to this indicator, Italy is comparable among post-industrial countries only with Japan: about 15% - on natural gas, 7 - 8% - for coal, hydro and geothermal energy. Own oil mining is small - 1.5 million tons per year. Outside Italy purchases 98% of all the oil consumed (over 75 million tons). Oil comes from Saudi Arabia, Libya, Russia. Italy has the largest in Western Europe for the established facilities of the oil refining industry (200 million tons), but its use is very low. Gas is imported from Russia, Algeria, the Netherlands. Italy purchases about 80% solid fuel. Stone coal is imported from the USA and South Africa.

Over 3/4 of electricity produced on TPPs using mainly fuel oil. Therefore, electricity is expensive, grown electricity from France. After the Chernobyl accident, the work of the operating NPPs stopped and not to build new ones was decided. The main objectives of the State Energy Program - Energy Consumption Saving and Reducing Oil Imports.

Black metallurgy Italy works on imported raw materials. Own extraction is insignificant - 185 thousand tons per year. Coking coal is entirely imported from abroad, mostly from the USA. Italy is a major exporter of scrap metal, as well as ores of alloying metals.

Import of raw materials for the industry predetermined the placement of largest metallurgical plants on the sea coast in Genoa, Naples, Pyombino, Taranto (the last, largest in the EU, with a capacity of 10 million tons of steel per year).

In the global market, Italy specializes in the production of fine, cold-rolled steel and steel pipes. Home Production of non-ferrous metallurgy: aluminum, zinc, lead and mercury.

The country ranks second in the EU and the sixth in the world for the rental of metals, its share accounts for 40% of the production of ferrous metals in the EU.

Italy's chemical industry specializes in the production of petrochemistry products, polymers (especially polyethylene, polypropylene) and synthetic fibers.

The industry is highly monopolized, major firms dominate. The company "Eni" ranks first in Europe for the production of acrylic fibers, the second - for the production of plastics, the third - for the production of fertilizers. Montadison provides 1/4 of the production of the country's chemical fertilizers. "Decision" specializes in the production of chemical fibers, plastics, dyes, plant protection products, drugs.

Italy ranks fifth in the world of drugs.

The oldest and most important area of \u200b\u200bthe chemical industry is North-West. Due to the exacerbation of the ecological situation, the lack of free space, the difficulties with the power supply, this region specializes in the production of fine chemistry products. Large centers are: Milan, Turin, Mantua, Savona, Novara, Genoa.

Northeast Italy specializes in the production of mass petrochemical products, fertilizers, synthetic rubber (Venice, Porto Margera, equal to).

Central Italy profile is inorganic chemistry (Rosignano, Follonica, Pyombino, Ternni and others).

Southern Italy specializes in the production of organic synthesis products, mineral fertilizers (Brenzy, Augusta, Jel, Torres and others).

Mechanical engineering is the leading industry of the Italian industry. It employs 2/5 of all industrial workers, 1/3 of the total value of industrial products and 1/3 of the country's exports are created.

The industry is characterized by a high proportion of transport engineering in manufacturing and exporting. In the production of cars, Italy occupies one of the leading places in the world. The largest automotive company is Fiat (Factory of Italian cars in Turin). It is multidisciplinary and produces locomotives and cars, tractors, ship and aircraft engines, road transport machines, machines, robots. The capital of "FIATA" is Turin, where the headquarters and the largest plant "Miraphory" are located; Automotive plants are also built in Milan, Naples, Bolzano, Modena. The company has its branches in many countries of the world. In the 1960s Participated in the construction of the Giant Plant VAZ in Tolyatti. Fiat is among the top ten largest car manufacturers, which takes 5.3% of world production.

Fig. 4. Car "FIAT" 1899. ()

Ferrari is known for the production of racing machines.

The international specialization of Italy is the production of not only cars, but also motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and bicycles.

Shipbuilding - the crisis industry of transport engineering; The tonnage of vessels descended annually on the water does not exceed 250 - 350 thousand BR. Reg. t. Shipbuilding Centers: Monobalcone, Genoa, Trieste, Taranto.

Diverse products manufactured by the electrical industry - refrigerators, washing machines, TVs. The industry is characterized by a high territorial concentration in Milan, its suburbs and in neighboring cities - Varese, Como and Bergamo.

Production of products in electronics is growing. Italy produces personal computers, electronic components.

Received a light industry in Italy. The country is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of cotton and woolen fabrics, clothing and shoes, furniture, jewelry and faience and others. According to the release of shoes, Italy ranks second in the world after China. Italy is famous for its designer houses.

Fig. 5. George Armani - Italian Clothing Designer ()

Services sector. Tourism and banking are playing a leading role in the industry. The most important source of income is tourism. Italy is visited annually over 50 million tourists. More than 3/4 of the total turnover of Italian tourist business falls on three cities: Rome, Venice and Florence. Almost all tourists arriving in Rome visited the unique state of the Vatican. The so-called shopping tourism develops, which attracts wholesale merchants with the products of Italian small and medium enterprises, as well as individual consumers of Italian clothing and shoes.

In Italy, all types of transport are well developed. More than 90% of passengers and 80% of goods are transported by cars. The main transport artery of the country is the Sunway, connecting Turin and Milan through Bologna and Florence with Rome. In external transport of goods prevails sea transport; 80 - 90% of imported goods is delivered by sea. The largest ports: Genoa (freight turnover of 50 million tons per year) and Trieste (35 million tons per year). The chief coaster of the country is Naples.

Freeding predominates in agriculture. The main cultures are wheat, corn, rice (1st place to collect in Europe; over 1 million tons per year), sugar beet. Italy is one of the world's largest and leading producer of citrus producer (over 3.3 million tons per year), tomatoes (over 5.5 million tons), grapes (about 10 million tons per year; over 90% is processed in wine) , olives. Developed flower growing and poultry farming.

Vatican Located on the Vatican Hill in the northwestern part of Rome, a few hundred meters from Tiber. From all sides, the Vatican is surrounded by the territory of Italy. The Vatican has a non-profit planned economy. The sources of income are primarily donations to the Catholics of the whole world. Part of the funds is tourism (selling postage stamps, vatican coins euros, souvenirs, fee for visiting museums). Most of the labor force (service personnel of museums, gardeners, wipers and so on) make up citizens of Italy.

Virtually the entire population of the Vatican - the Sacredness of the Holy See (the issues of the Vatican does not exist).

Vatican status B. international Law - Auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. The sovereignty of the Vatican is not an independent (national), but soverees from the sovereignty of the Holy See. In other words, its source is not the population of the Vatican, but the papal throne.


Topic 6, P. 3

1. What are the features of the geographical position of Southern Europe?

2. Tell about the economy of Italy.



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 CL: Textbook for general education institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic I. social geography World: studies. for 10 cl. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of contour cards for the 10th grade. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Martographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drag. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Thematic control of geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambarcumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 s.

2. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. Optimal assignment bank to prepare students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial / Sost. EM. Ambarcumova, S.E. Dukov. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of EGE 2011. - M.: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. EGE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: Grade 10: to the textbook V.P. Maksakovsky "Economic and Social Geography of the World. Grade 10 "/ E.V. Branches. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Textbook on geography. Tests and practical tasks in geography / I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

9. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2009. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 s.

10. Single State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 s.

11. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

12. EGE 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

13. EGE 2012. Geography: typical examination options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

14. EGE 2011. Geography: standard exam options: 31 option / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Federal portal Russian education ().