The first symptoms of liver problems that should not be ignored. The first signs of the liver cirrhosis, which symptoms are characteristic of the early stage of the disease. Which feces in cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious progressive disease. In a healthy state, this organ has a red-brown color. During the disease, it acquires a yellowish tint. With cirrhosis, the liver is rebuilt. As a result, healthy cells are affected and replaced with a scar tissue. As a result, the work of this body is violated, liver failure and portal hypertension develops.

Types of liver cirrhosis

The classification of cirrhosis occurs in etiology (causes of the disease) and morphology (external signs). Depending on the size of the nodes, it happens:

  • small-sized (diameter up to 3 mm);
  • large (over 3 mm);
  • mixed (with nodes of different diameter).

Depending on the etiology and morphology of cirrhosis is divided into:

  • alcoholic;
  • biliary (with a stitching bile);
  • compensated;
  • postnote;
  • decompensated;
  • portal;
  • pigmentary.

General signs of liver cirrhosis

Symptoms of cirrhosis depends on the stage of the disease. On the initial (class A) there are no complications. it perfect time To eliminate the cause of the disease. During this period, you can save the liver and continue to lead a normal life, since this body has great regeneration capabilities.

With progressive cirrhosis, complications begin (classes in and c). Belly increases in volume, changes in behavior and consciousness appear. The gums and nose begin to bleed. Symptoms of cirrhosis in women - an increase in the mammary glands (gossomy) and stopping menstruation.

Increased fatigue, weight loss, attention scattering, daylight sleepiness, insomnia. The appetite disappears. A feeling of bloating appears in the stomach. Jaundice develops. Cal and urine change normal color. Sweep the shin and begins pain.

IN abdominal cavity Copy liquid. Bacterial infections appear. Frequent headaches are tormented. The symptoms of the cirrhosis in men: partially or completely disappears sexual attraction and increase breast glands. They begin to fall out in the axillary zone and on the pubis.

With cirrhosis, the liver increases or, on the contrary, decreases. With any option, it becomes more dense. Increases the size of the spleen. Signs of jaundice and portal hypertension appear. Often there is a stupid and still pain in the liver area. It becomes stronger after physical work or with a diet violation.

Itching skin, nausea and vomiting appear. Chair (constipation or diarrhea) is broken. External signs are vascular "stars", redness of the palms. Language acquires raspberry color.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis

Cyrosis is completely impossible to cure, but it can be slowed down in the early stages of the disease. With the progressive and neglected case, the efforts of the physicians are aimed at removing unpleasant symptoms and complications.

The treatment of cirrhosis includes therapeutic measures:

  • diet;
  • diuretic drugs;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • glucocorticoid hormones;
  • preparations that reduce the pressure in the carrier zone ("Nitrosorbide", "Anaprilin");
  • hepatoprotectors protecting liver cells ("adhemethionine", "Silimarin");
  • plasmferres;
  • with cirrhosis exacerbations, hospitalization is needed.

In case of surgical treatment, punctured the abdominal area to remove the accumulated liquid. Shunt operations are made (the creation of new blood streams). Or produce liver transplant.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis leeches

Treatment of cirrhosis with leeches is recommended, but applies only under the supervision of the doctor. Since it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the blood of the patient and symptoms of the cirrhosis. The earlier such treatment started, the more effective there will be a result.

For one procedure, 4 to 8 leeches are required. Basically they are divided into several consoles. As soon as leeches begin free sucking, they are removed. Such procedures are carried out twice a week. Then one session once every 7 days. A total of 12 procedures are appointed.

The re-course is carried out at intervals in 2-3 months. The overall treatment rate is quite long. Therefore, in the diet of the patient, it is necessary to include products with a high content of iron (except meat).

Portal cirrhosis

Portal cirrhosis is the most common form of the disease. The reasons may be hepatitis, circulatory disruption, alcohol and poor digestion. Almost the whole liver is affected. Most often, men after 40 years are subject to this disease.

The first symptoms of the cirrhosis are weakness, nausea. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, an unpleasant feeling arise. Popps or diarrhea can begin. If cirrhosis arose due to alcoholism, sexual attraction decreases. Some yellow mucous membranes and skin covers.

The most characteristic symptom is the appearance in the upper part of the body and on the stomach of vascular meshes, red painting of fingers and palms. Simultaneously in the abdominal cavity begins to accumulate liquid. Gastritis often develops.

The symptoms of the liver cirrhosis at the initial stage are the severity and pain in the right hypochondrium, the loss of appetite, the constant of nausea. There is insomnia, an increased fatigue and a stool violation. Gradually, the liver is compacted, increases in size. Feet swell, cracks and white flare may appear in the language.

There are three stages of the liver cirrhosis. Symptoms at the first - this is its increase. On the second, it, on the contrary, decreases. And on the third it becomes very small and tight to the touch.

Treatment of portal cirrhosis

In the treatment of portal cirrhosis, the patient needs a bed mode. Any physical exertion must be excluded. Treatment of liver cirrhosis is aimed primarily to eliminate the causes of the disease. And also on preventing complications that may appear.

In the treatment of portal cirrhosis, it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol. This is one of the main causes of the development of the disease. You need to clean the liver.

If portal cirrhosis arose due to hepatitis, treatment should be directed primarily to combating it. Must be excluded drug preparations giving complications to the liver.

It is necessary to comply with a strict diet. Outragia, oily and fried food is excluded from the diet. The quantity of seasonings must be minimized. It is forbidden to use canned food, smoked products and sausages. From the diet it is necessary to exclude chocolate, garlic, tomatoes and their juice, mushrooms. Salt consumption is desirable to minimize.

Recommended for the use of various vegetable soups without roasted. Any cereal, legumes and cereal cultures. Dairy non-fat foods, boiled poultry meat, turkey and rabbit. It is necessary to eat apples and crackers.

Power should be 5-6 times a day. But in small portions. At the same time during the diet you need to drink brazers from herbs, liver fees. When treating medicines, hepatoprotectors of plant origin are prescribed. They protect the liver tissue and restore its functions.

In addition, diuretic drugs, removing swelling and removing excessive accumulated fluid from the body are prescribed. As well as drugs that shoot symptoms of cirrhosis.

If it does not help, surgical intervention is applied. And the liver transplantation is performed. For the treatment of portal cirrhosis, methods are being developed using stem cells.

Postnocultic cirrhosis

Postnotic cirrhosis is also a fairly common form of the disease. Most often appears after viral hepatitis and alcohol abuse. Less likely - after poisoning poisons, reception of some drugs, sharp infectious diseases. With a post-crude cirrhosis, the fusion of liver tissues begins. There are internal scars that violate the work and the form of the body.

The symptoms of the liver cirrhosis at the initial stage appear sharply. Suddenly, the belly begins to hurt, diarrhea and vomiting appears. The mucous and skin are yellow. The liver is incremented in size. When feeling, pain appears. Nausea appears, loss of appetite and weight.

In exacerbation begins the skin itching, the temperature is strongly rising. Cal becomes pale, and urine dark. Ascites appears, anemia, heart failure. Disability drops sharply. This is a very dangerous form of cirrhosis, as it causes liver cancer. Female outcome can occur at any stage of the disease.

Treatment of postnoteral cirrhosis

The treatment of postnurotic cirrhosis is directed to complications arising from portal hypertension. First of all ascites. The diet decreases the protein content. Avoid drugs provoking liver to whom. If there is a need - antimicrobial therapy is carried out.

If complications are not observed, then enough periodic surveys and observations of the patient. If cirrhosis develops from the disease, it is treated with it (if it is amenable to therapy).

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver

Another very common form of the disease is alcoholic cirrhosis. Its symptoms can be pronounced, and sometimes there are no long time. They appear depending on the degree of liver damage. There are three stages:

  • Compensation. There are almost no signs of cirrhosis, except for an enlarged liver. Sometimes weak nausea may appear. There is a general weakness in the body and fast fatigue.
  • Subcompensation. The appetite worsens, the weight of the body is sharply reduced, nausea and vomiting appears.
  • Decompensation. Full exhaustion of the body, begins liver failure and jaundice. All complications in cirrhosis and portal hypertension appear. In the abdominal cavity, liquid accumulates (ascites). He is difficult to treat. There is an increased bleeding. Consciousness disorder can occur. Often additionally a bacterial infection occurs. All patients appear hepatomegaly, a quarter is splenomegaly.

When alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver progresses, signs and symptoms are pronounced and externally. There is an expansion of the nose vessels. Equity glands increase significantly in size. Face features become thought-out.

Due to the effects of ethanol, internal damage to organs begins. Neuritis, pancreatitis, mastopathy, encephalopathy and other diseases may appear. There is muscle atrophy, in particular in the shoulder belt.

Treatment of liver alcoholic cirrhosis

The symptoms of the liver cirrhosis in men are detected more often than in women. Since alcohol consumes more "severe half". With alcohol cirrhosis, there are primarily conversations, during which the patient is tune in to get rid of harmful dependence.

Then a special diet is assigned. Destroyed liver cells, which have already been replaced on fibrous fabric, not subject to recovery. Therefore, treatment is directed to those that still function to one degree or another. If necessary, antiviral treatment is applied.

If there is a cancel syndrome, sedatives are used and the water and electrolyte balance is restored. With complication of alcoholic cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy is prescribed glucocortisuisyids with a course of 30 days. And ursodeoxycholic acid, preventing cell death and having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Killy acids and vitamin E. are used as antioxidants. They are needed to dispose of ethanol, which in the rebupping accumulates in the liver with alcoholic cirrhosis.

Biliary cirrhosis of the liver

Bilyary cirrhosis of the liver is less common than the above-described forms. This disease in which its functions and structure are disturbed. The consequence of the cessation of gall outflow, and the change in the structure of its ducts.

In the disease, such a form, as biliary cirrhosis of the liver, symptoms and causes to the end have not yet been studied. It is assumed that it can begin due to genetic predisposition. And also in violation of immunity or infection. Bilyary cirrhosis is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary biliary cirrhosis

With this form, as primary biliary cirrhosis, symptoms and signs grow gradually. A man often does not even suspect the disease for a long time. And his condition does not even deteriorate for a long time. There are two stages.

It starts the skin of the skin. Moreover, this feature appears long before the jaundice. This symptom is ahead of it from half a year to 1.5 years. But sometimes itching and jaundice arise at the same time. Troy, strong weakness, depression, drowsiness appear.

In the late stage of such a disease, such as primary liver cirrhosis, symptoms are clearly manifested. Ascites occurs. And this is the first sign of hepatic insufficiency. Vascular "stars", encephalopathy appear. In some - xanthomas and xantellasma (plaques around the eyes). In a quarter of patients, skin hyperpigmentation is manifested.

Treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis

The treatment of biliary cirrhosis is based on a decrease in the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms and slowing the development of the disease. Therapy of the complications that appeared and the prevention of their occurrence are made.

First of all, the patient should abandon all the bad habits and the reception of medicines that destroy the liver. A strict diet is needed and physical exertion is prohibited. During the treatment of cirrhosis, all concomitant infectious chronic diseases are treated at the same time.

If instrumental intervention is performed (dental manipulations, etc.), antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infection. Primary biliary cirrhosis, the symptoms of which signals the transition to the decompensation stage, requires a beddown and inpatient treatment. Physiotherapy, studies with load tests and balneological procedures are contraindicated.

During the compensation period, rational nutrition and diet No. 5 are needed. When the encephalopathy occurred, the protein level should be reduced. If ascites appeared - exclude salt from the diet. Execute exercise and work at low temperature are excluded. Walking and a number of physical exercises are recommended.

Some of the drugs are excluded: some types of antibiotics, aminoglycosides and non-steroidal agents having an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply:

  • immunosuppressors;
  • glucocorticoids (in minimum doses);
  • ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • D-penicillamine;
  • antihistamines.

If the patient began the last stage, which reaches cirrhosis of the liver, signs and symptoms clearly indicate the need for surgical intervention. For example, a sharp increase in liver failure. In this case, the patient can save only liver transplantation. Most people after such an operation can live for almost 10 years. After transplantation, the relapse is observed only in 15% of patients.

Secondary biliary cirrhosis

Secondary billion cirrhosis develops with partial or complete obstruction of ways with bile. Women sick them twice as many men. Usually the secondary form occurs after surgery to remove the gallbladder, long chronic pancreatitis or with a tumor.

With such a disease, like secondary biliary cirrhosis of the liver, the symptoms are primarily associated with the cause of obstruction. And then appear the same as during primary form.

Treatment of secondary biliary liver cirrhosis

In the treatment of secondary biliary cirrhosis, the cause of the disease is initially eliminated. With the help of surgical manipulations (bodging, the extraction of the accretions, the expansion of the ducts, etc.). After the end of the operation, it is possible to extend the sick life.

If surgery is impossible, then therapy is carried out, similar to that applied with primary biliary cirrhosis. Treatment in this case depends on the degree of obstruction, its causes and the possibility of their elimination.

Compensated cirrhosis of the liver

With compensated cirrhosis, a person may not know about the disease, since there are no special symptoms. The liver is working as usual. The patient does not bother anything. And the diagnosis can only be made on a planned examination. Or suddenly - with surgery.

The only symptoms of cirrhosis that may occur during compensated cirrhosis is an increase in temperature, redness of palms and bleeding from the nose. But with such a form of the disease, people can live dozens of years. Moreover, without any complications.

Treatment of compensated liver cirrhosis

Treatment of compensated cirrhosis depends on the stage of the disease. If it is in the "sleeping" state and does not progress, only vitamin-mineral complexes and a strict diet number 5 are prescribed. 5. It is necessary to completely abandon cigarettes and alcohol. Do not take hepatotoxic drugs.

If compensated cirrhosis is progressing, then diet No. 5a is assigned until the aggravation will appear. Vitamins in, folic acid and cocarboxylase. The use of distillation helps to remove toxins from the body. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effect and relieves muscle spasms.

Decompensated cirrhosis: symptoms and treatment

With decompensated cirrhosis, the liver is in the worst state than when compensated. The process of fibrosis begins. There are all signs of cirrhosis. The most visible is the deterioration of the overall state, jaundice and ascites.

In the treatment of decompensated cirrhosis, the emphasis is on eliminating local manifestations (ascites, etc.) and existing pathologies. In case of acute disease flow, apparatuses that support liver functions are used. But for this patient, it is necessary to transport special medical centers where appliances are installed.

With decompensulated cirrhosis with the presence of active hepatitis, the therapy "Lamivudine" is used. It significantly improves the patient's condition and positively affects the liver. At the first manifestations of decompensation, the optimal option will be liver transplantation.

Pigment cirrhosis of the liver: symptoms and treatment

Pigment cirrhosis of the liver is manifested by externally spots on the skin and the presence of sugar in the urine. Another name of the disease is bronze diabetes. Most often, it is inherited in the form of an infallible range of enzymes. As a result, lipofuscin and hemosidererine are postponed in many organs (including liver).

Then the inflammatory processes and sclerotic changes in small capillaries begin. This leads to deformation of the organs. The liver increases and becomes more dense. But her work is not broken. Periodically arise symptoms of diabetes: thirst, elevated appetite. Sugar appears in the urine and its level in the blood increases.

Forecast for pigment cirrhosis is unfavorable. Death comes from hepatic insufficiency, diabetic coma or bleeding. In the treatment of bloodletting, injection courses are prescribed. Diabetes and complications are stopped by symptomatic therapy.

Following medical decoding, cirrhosis of the liver means the gradual death of the sections of its fabrics, the appearance of scars in its place. The occurrence of fibrous formations leads to organ dysfunction. The liver is no longer involved in the full mode of the process of digestion, purification from toxic substances, protein synthesis, carbohydrates, fats. Decommissioning of the bodies of the body leads to death. More often occurs in men for 40. What are the early signs of the liver cirrhosis? The causes of the disease are different, but the symptoms are always similar to each other. Read on how to learn the liver cirrhosis on external signs.

First signs of liver cirrhosis

Early signs of this disease should serve as anxious signal, given that with the disease, about 40% of cases is asymptomatic. If you or your attending doctor drew attention to some signs that spelling inflammatory processes occurring in the liver - be sure to go through the additional examination rate. The disease identified at an early stage is still possible to cure. The organ has a rare property of self-healing damaged cells if it is created to create favorable conditions. Little details on signs indicating problems.

In men:

  • loss of body weight;
  • apathy, depressed state;
  • day drowsiness;
  • fast fatigue, poor performance;
  • redness of the skin on the palms and footsteps;
  • reducing the erectile function, complete impotence;
  • atrophing of the testicles;
  • external changes in female sign, including an increase in the chest;
  • abdominal pain;
  • changing urine and feces;
  • yellow skin color.

Among women:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • sleepiness during the daytime, night insomnia;
  • reduced arterial pressure (hypotension);
  • formation of bruises on the skin;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • capillary mesh in the face and all body;
  • white stripes on nail plates;
  • changing the color of feces and urine;
  • abdominal pain;
  • acquisition of the skin of a yellow shade.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver is determined by visual symptoms and clinical features after laboratory research. Different stages of liver cirrhosis impose their mark on appearance The patient, but especially on the testimony of analyzes and the results of the surveys. Are symptoms different with different cirrhosis forms? Learn more about this, how to identify signs of a patient liver.


The most common view of the disease, about 50%, when there is an increase in the liver and spleen, is alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Passing alcohol-containing substances through itself, it performs blood purification functions. But permanent, in large quantities, intoxication leads to a failure of the body. Signs of liver cirrhosis in alcoholics are more pronounced than others from the sick. They are especially noticeable at the last stage of the decomposition of this important "filter" of the whole organism. Alcohol hepatitis is determined by symptoms:

  • full absence of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • big drowsiness;
  • the skin is dry, covered with "stars" of vessels, sometimes night itching;
  • increased salivary glands, bags of near-ears;
  • lack of sexual entry;
  • violation of genital functions;
  • bloating;
  • frequent pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium and abdominal cavity.


Signs of primary biliary cirrhosis are often found in women aged 40-50 years. Inflammation and change in the work of bile ducts inside the liver lead to stagnation of harmful substances. Why does this happen? An autoimmune disease, the flow of which passes slowly and is not always noticeable, it is based on the fact that the immune system destroys the cells of its body by taking them for "pests". As a result of the study on the ultrasound, the knots are noticeable on the liver, the scars that are formed when the death of a healthy body tissue occurs. Externally primary biliary cirrhosis looks like this:

  • skin itching at night;
  • damage to the skin on the back and fiba of the limbs - "Pseudo Zan";
  • flat benign education;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • long-term low temperature;
  • pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

For men, 30-50 years is characterized by secondary biliary cirrhosis. Signs of male liver cirrhosis in more than The same as in the case of primary biliary cirrhosis, but brighter expressed. Water becomes brown, feces, on the contrary, discolored, the skin acquires a jaundice shade with dark spots at an early stage. Strong pain in the abdominal cavity and an increase in body temperature Over 38 degrees C.


Infection with viral hepatitis has several forms. A more common form leading to liver cirrhosis is hepatitis C. Infection occurs through blood during transfusion, operations, in a large risk area Addict and donors. Chronic hepatitis B and D disrupts the functions of the liver, leads to inflammation. If you have been treated in a timely manner, it is possible to prevent the cirrhosis. The first and basic signs of infection with viral hepatitis, entailing cirrhosis:

  • a sharp increase in the abdomen can signaling the bleeding into the abdominal cavity;
  • bright yellow skin and proteins of eyeballs;
  • strong pain in the right side;
  • bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting;
  • dark urine;
  • white feces;
  • increase liver;
  • increased temperature.


To start conducting an extensive comprehensive examination appointed by the doctor, it is necessary with a biochemical analysis of blood. With cirrhosis, hemoglobin is an important indicator, which can be lowered by a blood coagulation disorder. The delivery of the analysis to identify the hepatitis A, B, C, D, G is included in the list of mandatory, as it is an infectious disease.

Signs of ascites during the liver cirrhosis will be noticeable, if there is an accumulation of foreign fluid in the abdominal cavity. If the doctor has doubts about the setting of the correct diagnosis, prescribe the passage of MRI or MRI with the contrast, which will allow to see the more correct and clear picture of inflammatory foci and processes in the liver, with a printing photo.

Video: What symptoms in cirrhosis of the liver

Information video on signs of liver cirrhosis will help to make attention to the problem that many people do not even know. The duration of the disease can be calculated for years, without bringing anxiety, and it is beginning to be treated when inflammation is included in the stage that brings complication. The forecast of the massability of people with problems with the liver, regardless of the cause of the occurrence - is not consolation. Prevention and early examination is the most common tool in the struggle for health, as stated in the proposed video.

The discolored feces of physicians are called aholic. When bleaching, the consistency of the feces change - feces become shapeless, clay, similar to the window dressing.

What does such a symptom mean and what should urgently do if the feces of a child or an adult became discolored?

The formation of discolored Cala

Coloring Kalu attaches mainly a pigment bilirubin. Together with bile acids, he splits the proteins, which contains hemoglobin and other hemes.

Bilirubin brown, so paints feces in the appropriate color. In the feet masses of pure bilirubin, because in the intestine it turns into another brown pigment - sterkobilin.

If there is little bile in the intestines, the feces are not painted. Food residues are outlined and unoccupied, that is, the feces becomes aholic.

Little children (before two months of age), feed on only with milk mixtures or breast milk, due to insufficient generation of enzymes can be highlighted with light yellow or whims.

This should not be disturbed by parents, since discolored feces at this age are considered a physiological norm.

Aholic chair is not always associated with the absence of bilirubin. On the coloration of feces can affect food.

The discolored feces appear after consuming home sour cream, oil, animal fats.

Such products due to their high fatty can not be completely digested and enter in a thick intestine in an unchanged state, partially bleaching steels.

Such a phenomenon is not dangerous to health. A few days later, the color of the bleached feces will be restored. The person does not feel unpleasant symptoms and feels completely healthy.

To determine what exactly made the feces in adult discolored - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the characteristics of the diet, it is necessary to follow the fact that there is a connection between the coloration of the feces with nutrition and how often discolored feces appear.

Single cases of the appearance of the discolored feces in an adult are rather talking about excess in the diet of fatty products, chocolate or alcohol than about health problems.

To callers stop being discolored, it is enough to correct food addiction. It is useful to exclude alcohol and dishes made by the frying method - it will facilitate the work of the liver and the pancreas, and the production of bile will restore.

Some medicines can be the cause of the discolored chair.

These include:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • aspirin;
  • anti-grab pills;
  • preparations to get rid of tuberculosis.

The listed groups of medicines do not discolor the carte masses directly - they affect the liver operation.

If against the background of the treatment with the above preparations, discolored feces appeared, then it is necessary to inform you to inform your attending physician. Perhaps immediately check the liver condition and adjust treatment.

Diseases of digestive organs

A common reason for which discolored feces appears - inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

Fekalya with pancreatitute liquid, caskets, there are a large number of non-translated fats in them, since there are not enough enzymes in the body for their processing.

Cala color can be described as pearl or dirty gray. Simultaneously with the change in the color of the feces, the temperature rises, pain in the hypochondrium, dizziness, vomiting begin.

Pain can wear a hazing character. Reception of painkillers does not make it easier.

Pancreatitis in acute form is a severe disease with the possibility of fatal outcome. The chronic form is less hard.

Fekalia in chronic pancreatitis have a characteristic smell and gray color, poorly washed off in the toilet. There is a stupid pain in the hypochondrium, the temperature can rise.

Another reason why feces can be discolored - cholecystitis. This is the name of the inflammation of the gallbladder - the organ in which the bile-produced in the liver accumulates before pouring into the intestines.

When cholecystitis in feces, a large amount of fat and nitrogen products are found, leading to a change in its color to light, sometimes whiten.

Symptoms of gallbladder inflammation:

  • discoloration feces;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium arising after the use of acute or fatty food, alcohol intake;
  • constant nausea;
  • bitter or metal taste in the mouth;
  • irritability, insomnia;
  • white bloom in the language, drying the mucous membrane.

Cholecystitis can occur in acute and chronic form - the color of the feces is changing in both cases. With acute cholecystitis, the patient needs an urgent operation. Chronic form is treated conservatively: medicines and a diet.

Decoration of Cala at the Board

Another common illness of the gallbladder can lead to the appearance of the discolored feces - a gall-eyed disease.

With this disease in the coprogram, undigested fat, giving feces light yellow color.

The light color of the feces means that due to the blockage of the bile duct the bile does not enter the intestines in sufficient quantity.

A typical symptom of gallstone disease - bile colic. In the patient (usually in the evening or at night), the temperature is slightly rising, yellowing skin and mucous membranes, diarrhea and vomiting begins.

After the spasmolytic injure, spasm ends, well-being improved. With a slight form of the board, the bouts of bile colic are observed 1 - 5 times a year, with a moderate - once a month. With severe, the stomach hurts constantly, calming liquid and discolored.

To diagnose boards, it is necessary to make a feces and blood analysis, to carry out an ultrasound study or tomography of the liver and bile. HCB - ailment, at which it is very important to be able to warn colic.

For the prevention of attacks, a special diet and medicines dissolving cholesterol stones are used.

People with stones in the bustling bubble are very important to monitor the color of the chair. Noticing the discoloration of feces (usually this phenomenon is accompanied by soreness under the ribs on the right side), you need to immediately sit on a strict diet. Nutritionists are recommended for the prevention of exacerbations of the LCD to use diet number 5.

Inflammatory diseases of the liver

Called masses have become discolored, and urine dark? Most likely, these are symptoms of hepatitis - a dangerous viral disease.

Depending on the type of virus, hepatitis A, B and C is distinguished. In recent years, other varieties of the virus have been revealed.

Calate lightening is observed with any type of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis A can be infected through water and products. Hepatitis B is transmitted only through blood.

Its the most dangerous complication is cirrhosis of the liver, which develops in 10% of patients. Hepatitis C flows the same as the previous form, but is minimized much easier.

The form of hepatitis Delta is the most dangerous, appears only simultaneously with the form of B. due to double viral load, the liver quickly fails.

With any type of viral hepatitis, three typical features are observed:

  • discolored feces;
  • dark urine;
  • yellowing skin, mucous membranes and eyeballs.

With viral hepatitis in feces, viruses are found - causative agents of the disease. Cal is not only discolored, but also acquires a characteristic smell, which is an additional symptom.

Chronic viral hepatitis is dangerous in that it may not manifest pronounced symptoms, such as high temperature, pain in the stomach or liquid chair.

The bleeding of the discolored fender often becomes the first, and sometimes the only signal forcing to suspect the inflammation of the liver and start treatment in time. Timely taken measures will help to avoid cirrhosis, and sometimes cancer.

So, the discoloration of the carts can be a symptom of diseases of the liver, pancreas or gallbladder.

If the tests did not reveal any pathologies, then you just need to change the diet, and the color of the feces will restore.

Secondary biliary cirrhosis (FPC) is a chronic diffuse, common liver disease. It is characterized by the formation of nodules from dense connective tissue in the parenchyma - the working tissue of the organ, and the blockage of extrahepatic biliary tract.

When replacing hepatocytes - liver cells, on the connecting tissue, the organ loses the ability to perform its functions, to release bile acids, purify blood from toxins, etc. This leads to the development of hepatic cellular failure, followed by the total impossibility of the body.

The disease is more often found in men aged from 25 to 50 years, as well as in children suffering to congenital underdevelopment of biliary tract - atresia and hypoplasia.

Causes of the emergence of secondary biliary liver cirrhosis

WBC arises against the background of another disease associated with a hoped outflow of bile

WBC is a secondary liver disease, i.e., there is under the influence of any other disease, for example:

All pathologies are characterized by a hipged outflow of bile on intra-and extrahepatic moves, as well as the recurrences of the stagnation of bile. With the full blocking of biliary tract and the absence of timely surgical treatment, death may occur without the development of cirrhosis.

Symptoms of the PCC

Symptom of the WCC - pain in the right hypochondrium

Clinical manifestations depend on the underlying disease, but some signs are always found at WBC:

  • jaundice - coloring of the skin and visible mucous membranes in a characteristic color;
  • skin itching - arises due to a large number of bile acids in the blood and irritation of nervous endings. In the initial stages it can be periodic, as the jaundice increases in a permanent form;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea with fence decolling - dyspeptic syndrome;
  • a change in urine color on dark brown;
  • weight loss up to anorexia;
  • fevering states - chills, sweating, rise of temperatures up to 40 degrees;
  • liver pain in the right hypochondrium, sometimes livers colic may occur;
  • occasionally redness of palms and stop;
  • vascular "asterisks" on the skin;
  • an increase in abdomen because of the accumulated fluid - ascites, in the late stages of the disease;
  • hepatic hypertension in the terminal (last) stage of the FGC. It occurs when the liver is transmitted, a large vessel, which carries purified blood to light, stone, tumor or already the most modified liver.

Diagnosis of secondary biliary cirrhosis

With the help of ultrasound, you can diagnose the WBC

Modern medicine allows you to diagnose FLC in many paths - from the most simple to the most modern using contrast substances. So, the survey is carried out as follows:

Methionine - the drug that is prescribed at the WWC

Currently, secondary biliary cirrhosis is treated with two basic paths - conservative and surgical path.

Conservative includes a diet table No. 5, involving refusal of greasy and acute food, alcohol, dairy products and all types of honey, as well as fractional food. Portions of not more than 350 gr and abundant drinking - up to two liters of water per day.

Medical therapy is also prescribed to the patient to maintain the liver and the relief of symptoms. Preparation groups are used, such as:

  • hepatoprotectors (methionine, heptral, etc.);
  • diuretic or diuretic products (Veroshpirius, diakarb, furosemide, etc.) when the ascites and the prevention of hepatic hypertension are detected;
  • steroid preparations of a group of glucocorticosteroids (prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone) for inflammation;
  • enzymage group drugs to facilitate liver;
  • the use of antihistamine preparations for the treatment of itch;
  • vitamins in 1, 2, at 12, s and k;
  • amino acids and vitamin-like substances - at the discretion of the doctor.

Heptral - hepatoprotector, restoring liver cells

Surgical treatment is the most effective in the struggle for bile outflow. It is often combined with conservative therapy. In their work, surgeons use many methods:

  1. Removing a stone with the dissemination of the wall of the biliary duct (ZVP) - choledochotomy.
  2. Drainage of the abdominal wall with the removal of the duct contents outward.
  3. Extraction of stones from the main bile duct.
  4. Endoscopic bunning (extension) when stricture is detected.
  5. A shining is the establishment of a special frame - stent - to expand the duct, Kolado (the main gallstone).
  6. Balon dilatation - expansion with an inflounted apparatus.
  7. Liver transplantation as the last way to save life to the patient. It is used in the ineffectiveness of other methods of treatment.

Folk Medicine with secondary biliary liver cirrhosis

In the treatment of FCC, it is necessary to consult the doctors

It is impossible not directly treatment, but rather addition to the main therapy and the prevention of the disease.

Tactics of such treatment offers to combine different kinds herbs and their parts (leaves, rhizomes, fruits).

For example: Take 10 pieces of the Course, the fruits of cumin, the Grass of the Curly Curly, Hypericum, Yarrow, brew hot water And drink 2-3 glasses per day.

Either: the root of the chicory, the grass of the horsetail of the field, the grass of the yarrow, the grass of the Hyperician - all take 20 pieces, brew and drink 2-3 cups per day.

With a bricken disease: Melissa leaves, peppermint leaves, daisy flowers pharmaceutical, take 30 parts, brew and use 1-2 glasses of ragum per day.

Also popular with infusion from the terminastic - on its basis one of the most famous hepatoprotectors in Russia is made. Boiling water takes 1 tsp. Seeds and insist about half an hour. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. The course lasts two weeks.

In the treatment of drugs from traditional medicine should not be abandoned by the treatment proposed by the doctor.

Possible complications from the WBC

FLC - a severe disease that must be treated in a timely manner

The liver is an important body that affects the work of the whole organism, so the consequences after its disease are the most diverse.

  • portal hypertension;
  • varicose veins of internal organs;
  • gastrointestinal and other types of bleeding;
  • ascites;
  • peritonitis;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • hepatocellular carcinoma - malignant neoplasms of liver cells;
  • system infections;
  • liver abscesses;
  • severe renal failure;
  • loading and pulmonary syndrome;
  • hepatic gastropathy or colosol - diseases of the stomach or thick division of the intestines;
  • infertility.

Forecasts and prevention

The forecast is favorable with timely treatment. With an already diagnosed disease, a diet, observation of the doctor and the fulfillment of its recommendations, is strongly recommended.

Prevention includes a regulated lifestyle: a refusal of alcohol and smoking, diet compliance, refusal to use hepatotoxic medications, diagnostics and treatment of the main disease.

About the diagnosis and methods of treatment of the liver cirrhosis can be found from the video.

Currently a large number of people do not healthy image Life, abusing alcohol. Statistics says that about 40% of the world's population drink alcoholic beverages regularly. Most of these people suffers from alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. This term is "alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver" - was introduced by medical workers after a number of studies. They determined that almost every person beloved with alcoholic beverages necessarily faces such a lesion of the liver.

  • Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver
  • Causes of liver alcohol cirrhosis
  • Symptoms of liver cirrhosis in alcoholics
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Forms of manifestation of alcoholic liver cirrhosis
  • Prevention of liver alcoholic cirrhosis

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver

This disease is chronic. When using a large amount of alcohol, a person in the body is formed by an adequate of ethanol, which leads to a toxic damage to liver cells and their further die.

Mare most often, men are subjected to this disease, because they are mostly use of alcohol, more than women. In most alcoholics, sick cirrhosis of the liver are dying.

Causes of liver alcohol cirrhosis

Such a disease is diagnosed in a person, which more than 10-15 years drinks alcoholic drinks in considerable doses almost every day. The disease in the alcoholic develops gradually. Initially, you can help a person if he can change his lifestyle. First of all, the liver cells begin to exhaust, which leads to their dystrophy. Then the alcoholic acquires and hepatitis. And as a result of all these damage to the liver, alcoholic cirrhosis is formed.

The course of the disease passes in different ways. It depends on the duration of alcoholic beverages, on their quantity and quality. Great influence has poor nutrition and heredity. One disease has been manifested after a couple of years of alcoholism, others do not have any discomfort for several decades.

In abuse of alcoholic beverages, all organs of the human body suffer, but it is the liver who is susceptible to special danger. This body tries to protect a person from the harmful effect of alcohol and takes the whole blow to herself. The liver produces special alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes. They contribute to the splitting of alcoholic compounds and try to bring them out of the body as soon as possible in order to apply as many negative influence of man. In the course of such a decay in the liver, acetaldehydes are formed, which destroy the liver cells. She begins to acquire a loose structure. The more often the person uses alcohol in large quantities, the more difficult the liver to produce the desired enzyme.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis in alcoholics

Their quite large number. But if the disease occurs, not all appear. Some may arise in the process of exacerbation of the disease. At the very beginning of the disease, no symptoms would notice, since the manifestation of the disease is observed when the liver cells are already decomposed in large quantities. From the beginning of the disease, approximately five years can pass.

Most often, in the event of symptoms of alcoholic liver cirrhosis, no one suspects of this terrible disease. After all, most of the manifestations of alcohol cirrhosis are similar to the symptoms of other diseases. It is very important here in time to diagnose the disease and take care of it. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. And, most likely, relatives should pay attention to the health of the sick, as the alcoholic is unlikely to run to a specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease

To identify this disease, the doctor conducts a number of studies. First, he listens to the patient to learn about all the symptoms of the disease. Secondly, he conducts a man inspection. Then there are laboratory tests for the study of blood and urine patient. Hepatic samples are analyzed. Studies are conducted to determine blood coagulation, cholesterol in it. Already on the basis of part of these analyzes, the doctor can confirm the diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis, but should determine the damage to the liver and consider treatment. The liver ultrasound is carried out and the biopsy of this organ is being done. At what stage there is a disease, determines MRI.

For the diagnosis and appointment of the treatment of the liver cirrhosis requires a consultation of not one specialist. Here will have to use the therapist, and the surgeon, and the gastroenterologist, and the proctologist. Consultations often recommend hepatologist, narcologist and psychiatrist.

Forms of manifestation of alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Compensated cirrhosis.

In this case, the liver cells begin to change, but the patient still does not experience any symptoms and considers itself absolutely healthy. At this stage, the disease can only determine the specialist, after palpation of the liver with hands. Already at the beginning of the disease, the body becomes increased in the amount. The diagnosis of cirrhosis at this stage is difficult, but the treatment helps to restore the damaged organ very quickly. During this period, doctors try not to even appoint any medicines yet. The patient must completely reconsider his lifestyle and start watching his health and take vitamins. The liver is restored independently.

Subcompensated cirrhosis.

The disease is already evolving enough. The victim begins to experience a number of symptoms. His general state worsens, he often gets tired, all the time wants to sleep, often his sick.

Decompensated cirrhosis.

The liver begins to decompose, so it can not work in the right rhythm. It does not cope with their functions. At this stage, the most severe symptoms are already manifested. There may hardly be a favorable outcome of the disease.

When the liver alcoholic cirrhosis disease is detected, the victim must first completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. Only a small part of patients (about 20%), sick cirrhosis, can fully cure and restore the damaged organ.

After abandoning alcohol, the patient must begin to comply with a special diet. To do this, it is recommended not to include fried, fatty and sharp foods. You can not eat a lot of fiber. It should be limited in the use of salt, and if the cirrhosis of the liver is complicated by ascites (the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity), then and completely eliminate it from its diet. There should be a lot of protein in food, but only if the disease is not complicated by encephalopathy. Do not recommend drinking yeast baking.

Factors helping to get rid of the disease in a short time.

  • Inappropriate condition of the disease.
  • Full rejection of alcoholic beverages.
  • Young age.
  • An irresistible desire to defeat the disease.
  • Normal weight.
  • Male gender. Studies show that women cope with alcoholic cirrhosis are much more complicated than men.

After all necessary research, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drug treatment, liver transplantation is carried out in severe cases.

During the treatment of cirrhosis, it is recommended to exclude all physical exertion. The patient needs to ensure complete peace. All sorts of stress should be avoided. Favorable influence is rendered walking in the fresh air. If the patient's condition allows, the doctor can prescribe a special medical gymnastics and walking.

With drug treatment, drugs are prescribed that restore the health of the liver, help her begin to develop useful enzymes again. Medicines are also prescribed, which remove all unpleasant symptoms, accompanying liver cirrhosis. Along the way, with the treatment of this disease, the treatment of other diseases that were acquired due to improper work of the liver are carried out.

Must be assigned antibiotics, since when the liver is decaying, an infection may occur. It is very important to take diuretic drugs to bring harmful substances And clean the body. Patient suffering from cirrhosis is prescribed drugs that restore the intestinal flora, inhabit it with useful bacteria. The doctor necessarily controls the weight of the patient to prevent the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Prevention of liver alcoholic cirrhosis

After proper treatment, the patient is recommended:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • not to return to alcoholic beverages;
  • more often located in the fresh air;
  • restore your immune system, taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Every person wants to live a long life. To do this, you must keep track of your health and lead the right way of life. If you are abusing alcohol drinks, then you are purposefully reduced your life. Alcoholism will soon lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and this is a direct path to death.

Urine color with liver cirrhosis

In color I. chemical composition urine can identify violations in the work of a particular internal organ or system of the body and with a high probability of probability to assume which disease caused by pathology. In pathology, the appearance of the discharge is also radically changing.

What happens during cirrhosis

As you know, urine is formed in kidneys when filtering blood and then it falls into bladder and excreted from the body. The human liver produces several liters of bile per day, which takes an active part in digestive processes. If the outflow of bile is broken, then it, instead of the intestine, begins to flow into the blood, poisoning the body. The pigment of bilirubin in this case begins to manifest itself jaundice skin and mucous membranes, and also falls into the urine. As a result, the amount of pigment in the urine significantly exceeds the norm, it becomes a dark brown shade.

With pathology, the liver tissue is replaced by connecting, the fat accumulates, which also falls into the selection and is well noticeable by the naked eye.

Characteristic changes

In addition to changing the shade, there are a number of other characteristic features:

  • urine becomes opaque and muddy;
  • flakes and precipitate appear, which are well noticeable visually;
  • foam, which in a healthy person is practically white, becomes yellow with small bubbles;
  • sharp and unpleasant odor.

What affects the color of the selection:

  • the volume of drilled liquid. It directly depends on the number of pigments and color;
  • in the morning, there is always a big richness of pigments;
  • age of man. Than he is less, the little urine;
  • products. Many of them have a property to change the color of the selection;
  • accepted medicines.

Urine color under cirrhosis and its complications

For this pathology, a number of complications and concomitant diseases are characteristic. They are diagnosed practically in all patients and also affect the urine and its color.

Hepatosis. Urine has a pronounced whipish shade, which appears from fat accumulating in the liver due to the fact that liver cells are reborn and replaced with connecting tissue and the organ can no longer perform their functions. Changes are clearly visible in the photo when ultrasound.

GCB. With a tyranny disease, the outflow of bile from the liver is disturbed and its excess, together with the bilirubin pigment, falls into blood systemAnd then, through the kidneys in the urine, giving her a dark brown tint. In this case, if the disease is not in the sharp shape of bile outflow and, accordingly, urine color is restored to normal indicators. But with the next exacerbation, she again becomes dark brown.

The elevated level of bilirubin in the blood can be caused by a number of other pathologies, so the final output, without analyzes and the surveys cannot be done.

Hepatitis. A frequent satellite of the disease, in which the discharge becomes a brown shade. This is due to intoxication and excess hemoglobin.

Diffuse changes. Internal bleeding with disease and inflammatory process make urine color red-brown.

Changes its color not only urine, but also feces in cirrhosis. The color of the feces in cirrhosis depends on the degree and stage of the pathological process. Since the arrival of bile, and with it and bilirubin, in the intestine is broken, then the absence of pigment makes cavalous masses with colorless.

If there are internal bleeding that occur with a high probability, blood appears in feces, the chair becomes almost black. Blood ingress in the stomach is well noticeable not only on cali, but also by the lots of mass, resembling coffee thick.

Void analysis

Changing the appearance of urine and feces, disorder of digestion, nausea and vomiting - any of these symptoms or they all together are a reason for the immediate appeal to the doctor.

The urine analysis on cirrhosis is one of the main ways to estimate the condition of the liver and the presence of pathological changes in it, which may or have already led to pathology. The changed color of urine and the black feces in cirrhosis is important, but not the only indicator of the disease, so the patient is prescribed a blood test and instrumental examination on the ultrasound apparatus, where the liver tissue is investigated in detail and the doctor is determined with the answers to what diagnosis to put the patient.

How the color of urine changes in the treatment of cirrhosis

If the liver damage is moderate, the appearance of urine is quickly restored to normal. One of the key components of the cirrhosis treatment of the liver is a strict diet, which is prescribed to comply with the patient. All products that have an excessive load on the liver should be excluded from the diet, and cause fat in it. This is reflected in the appearance of the discharge, approaching it to normal. An analysis of the appearance of the discharge is one of the markers, according to which the dynamics of the treatment of the disease and the effectiveness of the selected therapy are tracked.


How the urine is formed. Types and diseases.

The symptoms of liver diseases often occur when serious changes have already occurred in the body, and the disease requires a long and serious treatment.

Therefore, each person needs to know what signs can talk about the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Signs of illness

I probably had one of those lucky ones who had to survive almost all the symptoms of the patient liver. For me it was possible to compile a description of the disease in all details and with all the nuances!

There are such signs of liver disease:

  • Regularly disturbing heartburn, nausea.
  • Change the smell of sweat.
  • Headaches.
  • Dark urine color.
  • Gorky taste in the mouth.
  • Stool violations.
  • Changing the color of the feces.
  • Strong thirst.
  • Acne.

With one or another liver disease, symptoms may differ. So, to suspect hepatopathy in discomfort and feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium. When hepatitis, a decrease in appetite is possible, and cirrhosis is manifested by weakness, increased fatigue and meteorism.

It should be remembered that an integrated examination in a medical facility is required to form an accurate diagnosis, since many diseases have similar symptoms.

Clinical manifestations

Do not ruin the body with tablets! The liver is treated without expensive drugs at the junction of scientific and traditional medicine

There are the following clinical symptoms of liver disease:

  • The organ increases in size.
  • Leather and sclera have a yellow shade.
  • Hyovitaminosis.
  • A flare appears on the surface of the language.
  • Temperature increase.
  • With a launched disease, it is possible to weaken the thought
  • activities.


For the treatment and cleaning of the liver, our readers successfully use the Elena Malysheva method. Carefully having studied this method, we decided to offer him and to your attention.

Pains as signs of liver disease may differ in their nature and manifestations.

  • The presence of insignificant pains of the sawing or minor harather in the region of the hypochondrium can be a sign of a fiber inflammation provoked by toxic lesion. The cause of a low-rise pain is often an increase in the body, but, as a rule, a sick person finds it difficult to specify a specific painful point.
  • The expressed propagating pain is often caused by strong inflammation, as well as the presence of traumatic damage or the invested pus.
  • With intensive point pain in the body it is necessary to suspect the inflammation of the bile or its ducts.


Elena Nikolaeva, to. M., Hepatologist, Associate Professor: "There are herbs that act quickly and affect the liver, reducing no disease. [...] Personally, I know the only drug that contains all the necessary extracts .... "

The emergence of a wide variety of skin problems is also symptoms of liver disease. So, to suspect the presence of the inflammatory process in such changes in the skin:

  • Pale color.
  • Pronounced sweating.
  • The emergence of edema of the limbs or face.
  • Dry, peeling, cracking.
  • Allergic rash, eczema, dermatitis.
  • Justice.
  • Next to the formation of stretch marks.
  • Furunculese, follicles and other minecraft education.
  • The tendency to the occurrence of hematomas for the most minor damage.
  • Vascular "stars".

Other signs

In addition to the listed features, there are such symptoms of liver disease, like leather mass caused by a strong itching. Its occurrence is due to bile stagnation inside the liver, which often happens with primary biliary cirrhosis and other diseases.

As a rule, itching accompanies all skin rashes, but most of all is manifested in combination with yellowing. The cause of itching in the late stage of the disease can be accumulated bilirubin, which is not able to neutralize a weakened liver. The same applies to other toxic substances concentrated in the skin.

The most common itch occurs on the skin of the forearm and sides.

Diseases of the body in women

Signs of liver disease in women are following:

  • Too abundant and long periods.
  • Weakness and fragility of vessels.
  • Downtry stretching in unborn girls.

In the hepatic pathology, hormonal disorders occur in representatives of the weaker sex, and, accordingly, violations of the cycle of menstruation.

Such signs of the patient of the liver in a woman, as a weakness of vessels, can with provoke the development of hemophilia, which is characterized by the weakening of the ability of blood to roll.

In recent years, statistics indicates a steady increase in the number of liver diseases in various age groups. Provocate these ailments can have a variety of reasons. Violation of metabolism (for example, obesity), intoxication by chemical or drug substances, bad habits, infections, injuries, growth of malignant or benign tumors - all these factors are able to affect the structure of the liver and cause a violation of its functions, whose value for normal life is difficult to overestimate.

Signs of the pathology of this vital body are very diverse, and often it is precisely for them a doctor on time to suspect the development of the disease, to conduct the necessary examination of the patient and appoint him a course of therapy. At the same time, the danger of some liver diseases is that in the early stages they proceed almost asymptomaticly, and the disease is revealed already at those stages when a specialist must make a maximum effort to correct the changes that occurred.

That is why the early diagnosis of liver pathologies is so important to preserve health and requires close attention, both from the patient and from the doctor. In this article we will introduce you to the basic first symptoms of the pathologies of this body. These knowledge will help you in time to suspect the beginning of the development of the alend, and you, contacting the doctor, do not allow its progression.

16 symptoms of liver problems that should not ignore

The feeling of discomfort or pain in the right hypochondrium is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

In the pathologies of the liver (cirrhosis and hepatitis), it may be observed as a symptom as "liver palms": red spots are formed on the skin of the palms and stops, located on elevations or edges. Such redness is pale when pressing and quickly become red, if the pressure on the skin stops.

In the pathologies of the liver, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of bile and increasing the level of fats in the blood, on centuries, brushes and elbows, knees, footsteps, buttocks, xanthomas may appear. These formations are plaques of yellowish color, which are located intracudino.

Liver lesions are often accompanied. The lack of vitamins causes the appearance on the skin of the dryness and peeling sites, cracks in the corners of the mouth and staining the language into the crimson color.

  • Changes in hormonal background. Chronic liver diseases can lead to the development of hormonal imbalance, which is accompanied by hair loss in armpits and on the pubis. Men decreases the level of androgens and signs of feminization appear -, the atrophy of the testicles, agriculture on the female type, a decrease in sexual entry and impotence. Increasing the level of estrogen in women can provoke the appearance of rash, aggravating the signs of PMS, cause the development of hormone-dependent tumors and.
  • Leaning to bleeding. Long disorders in the functioning of the liver (for example, during hepatitis) can lead to a decrease in the synthesis of many blood coagulation factors. In such cases, a patient may have various types of spontaneous internal bleeding (gastric, intestinal, etc.) and are observed, abundant menstruation, a tendency to bleeding the gums and others.
  • Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus. In the cirrhosis of the liver, there is an increase in pressure in a carrier vein (portal hypertension), which can lead to bleeding from the veins of the esophagus. Dark blood begins in the patient from the mouth (sometimes in the form of clots). Such a symptom is often taken by some patients for signs of bleeding from stomach or respiratory organs.
  • Symptom "Head of Jellyfish". The appearance of this symptom is associated with the development of portal hypertension, accompanying liver cirrhosis. As a result, extended and well-visible veins appear on the front abdominal wall.
  • Violations in the work of the nervous system. Acute and chronic liver pathologies are accompanied by a slowdown in the processes of deactivation and bringing ammonia from the body. The flow of this substance in the blood leads to the development of various neurological disorders: pronounced fatigue, drowsiness, sleep disorders, excessive concern or inhibition, memory disturbances, personal changes and.
  • Intoxication. Violations of the liver, caused by infectious, immune and tumor processes, lead to the development of intoxication. Patients appear such complaints and symptoms: a breaking, deterioration of appetite, pain in the joints and muscles, fever, flare in the language and loss of weight.

All of the above symptoms may indicate the presence of liver pathologies and are a reason to appeal to a gastroenterologist or hepatologist. After inspection and patient survey, the specialist will be able to draw up the most effective plan for further examination, allowing you to diagnose with accuracy. For this, the patient can be recommended to conduct such laboratory and instrumental research methods.

Diarrhea is a liquid unformed chair in an adult. If the delicate intestine is affected, then diarrhea is repeated up to six times a day with food particles, with lumps, and when there are changes in the colon, the chair is up to 12 times, and sometimes more. With diarrhea, there is a soreness of the abdomen as colic, there may be false calls for defecation (tenesmas).

Allocate acute diarrhea, which lasts two weeks and chronic continued more than three weeks. If defecation occurs involuntarily and false urges appear, this indicates the serious course of the disease. In this case, dehydration is developing, electrolyte imbalance develops, and when vomiting appears, the patient may die. When a liquid chair in an adult is more than 20 times, it is already necessary not only to eliminate it, but also begin to fill the lost fluid. If an adult is in consciousness and he can drink, then take it by salt solutions, and if he cannot drink, then drugs are injected intravenously drip.

When diarrhea begins, fermentation processes develop in the intestines. Because of which the color is changed, the smell of the chair. If the color has become green, then fermentation is carbohydrates when white diarrhea - lipids are poorly digested.

Table of contents:

Liver diseases

All liver diseases appear with a change in its structures that do not go beyond the anatomical structure of the organ. Hepatocytes, hepatic slices, arterial and venous vessels, as well as bile docks. The most common liver disease in an adult belongs:

Almost all pathological processes in the liver (the largest digestive gland) ends with cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis of the liver

This is a chronic, rapidly developing change in the structure of hepatic tissue and vessels. There is a decrease in the function of hepatocytes and their quantity, and the connecting tissue on the contrary grows. Regeneration nodes are formed, which lead to liver failure. Such a disease in an adult is one of the most common causes of mortality. The reason for the development of such pathology cannot be alone and find out why it all started only after a full survey.

At first, clinical manifestation may not be, they are only 10% of patients. Over time, pain appear in the right hypochondrium, which increase in an adult person after exercise, or when taking oily and acute food, alcohol. It is often developing nausea and vomiting with blood due to the expansion of the veins of the esophagus, the temperature rises.

When using fatty food, light diarrhea appears. There is a general discomplication, weakness, the patient is losing weight, the belly is blown away, skin itching, the menstrual cycle is broken. The skin becomes dry, peeling, gradually developing jaundice staining of the skin. Iron itself is enlarged, tight to the touch, buggy, the edge is sharp. Sustaines suffer, limiting the movement of the patient.

Cyrhrosis color

In the stage of decompensation, diarrhea often happens white color. It happens because the coloring pigment does not enter the intestine. When the liver works correctly, hemoglobin with enzymes is divided into substances and forms an intermediate product-biliverdin. It is transformed into bilirubin, which is free of time, it is harmful, but there is little in the blood. It is converted to the largest digestive gland and becomes connected and with bile enters the intestines and becomes urobiline, it enters the blood and is excreted by the kidneys from the body, while staining the urine in yellow. And in the intestines, sterkobilin is formed, which provides a definite color to the calves. And with cirrhosis, bilirubin remains free and excreted through the kidneys, that is, it does not fall into the intestines and does not paint steels, it remains light. White diarrhea indicates functional disorders. Also from cirrhosis in white feces can be blood clot, they are with the expansion of hemorrhoids. Blood in feces becomes black with internal bleeding, and vomiting will be the colors of "coffee grounds". Such changes occur in varicose veins due to the disease.

When calming becomes light

  1. Hepatitis - disease has chronic flow and inflammatory character. Hepatitis is manifested in the right hypochondrium, the pain is of a good character, the skin becomes yellow, the feces becomes light yellow. If not to use adequate treatment, cirrhosis develops.
  2. Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, often becomes a complication of hepatitis. There is a pain in the abdomen, namely pain is localized in the right hypochondrium. There is no appetite, nausea appears, diarrhea, the body temperature rises. Diarrhea is with pieces of untapped food and even with white mucus. When cholecystit, stones in the gallbladder are often developing.
  3. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease in the pancreas, which occurs in disruption of nutrition, alcohol abuse, from drugs and infections of other organs. The acute process is accompanied by a strong sliding pain in the stomach, nausea, increasing temperature, frequent chair, light.
  4. Crohn's disease is the inflammation of the entire digestive system, characterized by various manifestations. The chair will be white or with an admixture of blood. In the same way, it may be at the oncology.

Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor conducts a survey of the patient, finds out when the white chair began, after which, how many times a day, there was a nausea, abdominal pain, in which place. Conducts a palpation of the abdomen to determine the location of pain, and also listens and closes it. Laboratory research is needed. Calcrem is prescribed, it is investigated under the microscope, it is determined by its appearance, structure, composition. Another bacteriological analysis of the carte masses is made. And, as usual, the general and biochemical blood tests are prescribed, which make it possible to find out what diarrhea.

Cirrhosis of the liver is treated only in the hospital under the constant supervision of medical workers. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed to improve the work of hepatocytes, it is also necessary to eliminate provoking factors (for example, to stop drinking alcohol or medical drugs). The routine of the day should be painted, a gentle diet is assigned, bedding. Use means of improving metabolism in the cells of the gland, during bleeding - blood-blowing solutions, hormonal preparations, disinfecting therapy. With increasing temperature - antipyretic. Liver transplantation under cirrhosis is done as a last resort.

Treatment of diarrhea at home

At home, the diarrhea is treated only to an adult person when there is no complications and dehydration. It is necessary to replenish the volume of the lost liquid and the necessary trace elements. To do this, use water with the addition of minerals, you can take a rigdron or a solution of ringer, but you cannot use carbonated drinks, juices, sweet compotes. The liquid should be drunk in a volume of 300 ml after each act of defecation, if it suddenly occurs nausea after consuming solutions, then it is necessary to contact the hospital. The diet includes products that are fixed (boiled rice, crumbs and the like). Natural kissel is also well suitable, starch in which not only contains a large number of useful vitamins and acids, but also easily puts the work of the intestine.

The color of the urine of dark color under the cirrhosis of the liver indicates an excess in the bilirubin - a bile pigment, which, not splitting in the liver, is displayed with urine through the kidneys.

The first sign in cirrhosis is the darkening of urine, the discoloration of the feces. Noticing such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Hepatologist is engaged in the liver problems, and complications treat a gastroenterologist.

A healthy human liver processes hemoglobin, a derivative product of the process is the bilirubin enzyme, which is produced in soluble and insoluble form. The remains of the enzyme are derived from the body in feces, giving it dark color. In cirrhosis, the established process is frustrated, and insoluble bilirubin is distributed throughout the body through blood, poisoning it. In the end, the substance is displayed through the kidneys, staining the urine in the dark color. When shaking the vessel with a urinous liquid forms a rich yellow foam - a characteristic sign of hepatic lesion.

The function of the liver in the human body is the protection of other organs from toxic influence, splitting of the incoming substances necessary for normal life. A malfunction failure in cirrhosis is difficult on the normal functioning of the other parts of the body. Therefore, the changed color of Urin and Kala should alert a person, especially if the chair is broken, alternates constipation or diarrhea.

It is necessary to immediately continue the diagnosis of the body, to donate blood to biochemical analysis, according to which it will be finally clear, why the feces are discolored and darkening urin. It should be remembered: a dangerous disease can be cured only at the initial stage.

In 40% of cases of liver cirrhosis, chronic alcoholism is caused. The lesion of the organ for a long time flows without symptoms, especially since the frequent state of intoxication prevents the manifestation of signs of the disease.

How the disease is developing

Distinguish 3 stages of illness:

Compensated cirrhosis has very few symptoms that only a person who appreciates his health can notice:

  • The modified color of urins to the color of the dark beer;
  • The bleeding blood from the gums when cleaning the teeth, bleeding from the nose - signs of the circulature of blood taurus;
  • Discoloration or black color of feces, blood, alternation of diarrhea and constipation - the consequence of insufficient production of biliary enzymes involved in digestion of food;
  • Fast fatigue, drowsiness, reduced performance.

In subcompensator cirrhosis, it is still possible to return to normal life if you turn to the doctor in time, noting the following signs:

  • Nausea, deterioration of appetite, disorder of digestion, alternate constipation and liquid stools;
  • Decay of forces, severe weight loss;
  • Ringing pain on the right, an increase in the abdomen is associated with the stretching of the liver due to the inflammatory process.

Decompensated liver cirrhosis is characterized by symptoms:

  • Skin itching, which manifests itself mostly at night, dry skin;
  • Accumulation of fluid in peritoneum;
  • Reducing sexual entry, men's figure becomes familiar;
  • Discarded blood provokes subcutaneous hemorrhages at the slightest pressure on the body;
  • Palm and feet change color - coated with red spots;
  • Swimming skin of the body, eye proteins.


Hearing the diagnosis of cirrhosis, the patient worries what awaits him whether there was chances of recovery.

In the third stage of the disease in the liver, irreversible consequences occur: the body of the organ is replaced by the connecting and scar, the liver cannot perform their functions. Scars affecting the body are clearly visible in the photo.

The lifespan of 1-2 stages is 5-7 years old, subject to alcohol, compliance with the diet, fulfill all the recommendations of the attending physician. Only 10-35% of patients with the lesion of the liver of the third stage can live over three years. The main causes of death - bleeding, hepatic coma, cancer.


With an alcoholic cirrhosis of the third stage, complications of other organs exacerbating the overall condition of the body are developing:

  • Bleeding: hemorrhoidal, gastric, intestinal occur due to increased permeability of varicose vessels. The black color of Cala testifies to internal bleeding;
  • Inflammation of the abdominal wall, peritonitis provokes a stomach watering;
  • Violation of the functionality of the brain caused by hepatic insufficiency;
  • Problems in the cardiovascular system;
  • Malignant liver rebirth;
  • Lack of work of the kidneys;
  • Hemorrhoids, constipation or liquid chair , it often distinguishes blood in feces;
  • Bone fragility.

Most complications for cirrhosis are scary, if the disease is to put on a sample.

How to identify cirrhosis

To diagnose the development of the disease, you should pass a full examination, pass tests. The blood test shows the amount of hemoglobin, which under cirrhosis is significantly reduced. Blood coagulation is also reduced, which contributes to bleeding from various organs: stomach, esophagus, intestines. It often flows blood from the nose, gum. Analysis is required for hepatitis, viral and venereal diseases.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is recommended to stop the use of alcohol and move to a special nonsense diet, which is a prerequisite for treatment. The patient must remember that his life expectancy directly depends on the implementation of the doctor's recommendations. Treatment is appointed in a strictly individual order.

Should be considered:

  • The age of the patient is the older the person, the more oldly long the disease. Older people have a worst cirrhosis forecast, in comparison with young;
  • Sexuality - women are quickly cutting, and the defeat of the female organism is stronger in cirrhosis;
  • Related diseases - hepatitis, AIDS - much complicate the unfavorable treatment prediction.

Patient with cirrhosis man should understand that the disease is taiting a fatal threat. To prolong life as much as possible, you should inform the doctor about all the changes in the body. It is necessary to take care of infections affecting the breathing organs - influenza, ORVI, lung inflammation, which weaken the body.

In case of severe form of a disease characterized by bleeding, hospital treatment is recommended, compliance with beddown.

Refusal of drinking alcohol reduces the ability to get cirrhosis of the liver.