Sample of PPR on metal structures. Work execution project (WPP) for installation of metal structures

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Installation of a free-standing anchor-corner support on the foundation for a 500 kV overhead line,

type U2 (rotation method)

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I General part

This work project (PPR) was carried out on the basis of order No. 1154 dated December 28, 2015 “On the assembly and installation of overhead line supports on the territory of the training ground of the personnel training center”

II Project composition

The PPR includes a technological map for the production of work using jib-type truck cranes, jib-type manipulator cranes, manipulator cranes and PS-1 hoists.

III Explanatory Note

In order to improve the qualifications of personnel in linear sections, gain practical experience in assembling and installing supports, increase readiness for performing ATS, as well as equipping a training ground, a Work Project for the installation of a metal free-standing anchor-corner support (type U-2) has been drawn up for further implementation of this project.

The weight of the anchor-corner support type U2 is 5.712 kg.

PPR includes the following stages of work:

Preparatory work. Preparation of the installation site (clearing snow);

Fastening the metal post of the anchor-corner support U2 to the foundation with mounting hinges;

Lifting and securing the support.

Completion of work.


Sequence of operations

Job title


according to EB



Preparatory work. Preparing the installation site (clearing snow)

Assess the installation site where it is necessary to clear snow (relief, swampiness, soil condition, presence of uncleaned forest, large stones, fresh stumps).

At the installation site, determine the direction of the bulldozer's route moves.



Conduct targeted briefing to the brigade with registration in the work permit. The briefing must indicate safety measures during the work, the order of operations, the technology for performing the work, indicate the directions of the route moves of the bulldozer, and, upon completion of the work, indicate the parking place of the bulldozer. The brigade is allowed to work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Complete the work to prepare the installation site and place the bulldozer in its parking area. Clear the foundations of snow manually (with shovels).

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Bulldozer driver- crew member

Complete the work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Fastening the metal rack of the anchor-corner support U2 to the foundation with mounting hinges

Check the compliance of the dimensions at the centers of the reinforced concrete footings (foundations) with the dimensions of the support, as well as the vertical marks of the foundations.

If deviations exceeding the established tolerances are detected, the support may be lifted only after the detected defects have been eliminated.

Inspect the structure of the support post being installed and make sure that there is no possibility of it falling. The presence of all bolted connections and structural elements of the support. Check tools, devices, protective equipment and materials.

Protect the danger area with tape.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Conduct targeted briefing to the brigade with registration in the work permit. The briefing must indicate safety measures during work, the order of operations, technology for performing work, and the danger zone. The brigade is allowed to work.

Master -responsible work manager;

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);


Install the truck crane at the workplace in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

Truck crane operator- crew member



Install the hinges onto the support leg foundations (using wood blocks to align the hinge after installing the support) and on the support shoes.

Truck crane operator- crew member

Sling the support post. Using a truck crane, bring the support stand and shoes to the foundations. Secure the support shoes to the hinges. At the place where the cable support is attached, install wooden spacers to prevent the support from touching the ground and to level the support horizontally.

Truck crane operator- crew member

Electrician (slinger) - team member

Attach two loop slings to the support post (at a distance of 17 m from the base of the support) and insert a Ø 23 mm mounting rope to the traction mechanism (in accordance with Appendix No. 2). Similarly, from the opposite side of the support, lead the cable to the brake mechanism.

Electrician - team member

Install a sling for lifting the support column with a release device, securing it to the crane hook. Install wooden pads under the sling (or inventory pads under the sling). (in accordance with Appendix No. 2).

Truck crane operator- crew member

Electrician (slinger)- crew member

Lifting and securing the support.

Arrange the vehicles in accordance with Appendix 1. Before starting to lift the support, remove uninvolved personnel from the danger zone (during the process of installing the stand, before moving the mechanisms, it is also necessary to remove uninvolved personnel from the danger zone).

Master -responsible work manager

(responsible for safe performance of work using PS)

Bulldozer driver- team member;

The truck crane smoothly lifts the support. The traction machine smoothly begins to move from the support column, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to prevent the creation of slack. Raise the support post to a height of 200-300 mm.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- team member;

Truck crane operator- crew member

Check the serviceability of traction mechanisms, rigging devices, installation of braces, as well as the correctness and reliability of fastening of all rigging under load.

Master -responsible work manager

(responsible for safe performance of work using PS)

The truck crane smoothly lifts the support. The traction machine smoothly begins to move from the support column, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to prevent the creation of slack. Raise the support post to an angle of 35-40 degrees from ground level. Remove the load from the truck crane and transfer it to the traction mechanism.

Master -responsible work manager(responsible for the safe performance of work using PS)

Bulldozer driver- team member;

Truck crane operator- crew member

Pull out the release device, releasing the hook of the truck crane. Move the truck crane to the transport position and remove it from the danger zone.

Truck crane operator- crew member

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

The traction machine smoothly begins to move from the support column, the brake machine moves towards the traction machine so as to prevent the creation of slack. Install the support stand on the foundations.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- team member;

Install square washers on the rack shoes and screw nuts onto the anchor bolts. In this case, the nuts should not reach close to the surface of the rack shoes.

Electrician - team member

Use a traction machine to apply tension to the cable to slightly tilt the support post. Remove the hinges. Move the traction machine back smoothly to place the support stand on the foundations.

Master -responsible work manager

Bulldozer driver- team member;

Align the support post according to tolerances. If necessary, to level the support post, install shims between the fifth support and the foundation.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Tighten the nuts and locknuts of the anchor bolts. Weld the pads to the heel of the rack. Weld the washers of the anchor bolts on three sides.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician - team member

Electric and gas welder- crew member

Completion of work.

The electrician climbs onto the support post with the endless rope block to the place where the rigging is attached, stands on the lanyard, securing the safety harness lines to the support structure, and secures the endless rope block to the support post.

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Electrician - team member

Electricians on the ground should lift the installation tool along an endless rope in a cotton bag.

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Electrician - team member

Electricians on the ground must hold the endless rope to prevent sudden lowering of the rigging. Lower the rigging and tools to the ground one by one.

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Electrician - team member

The electrician, located on the support, lowers the endless rope block to the ground.

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Electrician - team member

Remove the workplace, rigging, tools, equipment.

The whole brigade

Remove the team from the workplace

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

Complete the work.

Master -responsible work manager

Electrician -performer of the work (permitting);

PPR and technological maps for the installation of metal structures of buildings and structures are developed without fail during the construction, repair or reconstruction of buildings (warehouses, production bases, hangars, factory workshops, offices, gas stations, car dealerships, ...) and structures (tanks, overpasses, sports facilities, ...). Carrying out work in the absence of these documents is prohibited. This may entail a stop of work from the authorities of Rostekhnadzor, the Customer, if work is being carried out on its territory, or other interested parties. It is also important that such a violation is subject to fines and other administrative measures.

At the stage of organizational preparation for the construction project, the Contractor, under an agreement with a specialized organization or on its own, is obliged to develop and agree with the Customer a PPR, PPRk and technological maps for the installation of metal structures. All decisions provided for therein are binding.

We develop PPR, PPRk and technological maps for the installation of metal structures of any objects. We take into account all customer requirements and bring all approvals to completion. We eliminate the identified comments during the verification stages and add additional missing data free of charge within the framework of the signed agreement. The price of preparation is determined based on the provided initial data.

Project for the installation of metal structures

When performing work on the installation of building frames, warehouses (beams, trusses, rafters, braces, columns, braces, ...), metal structures of tanks (bottom, racks, wall, roof, fences, stairs, stiffening rings ...) and trestles for pipes and cables (racks, connections, beams, stairs, supports and consoles of pipelines and cable lines, ...), etc. it is necessary to develop a work plan for the installation of metal structures.

The complete work permit, with reference to local conditions, distribution of installation work into stages and taking into account the work being carried out in parallel, is issued to the responsible contractor. In turn, he familiarizes all working personnel with it against signature.

Schemes for installation of metal structures consist of a plan of the building and structure, locations of installation equipment. The boundary of the dangerous zone of collapse from mounted structures is indicated on the construction plan in the form of a red line with flags. The PPR includes technological maps for individual methods of work performed.

Technological maps for the installation of metal structures

Technological maps for the installation of metal structures must include methods for performing work with fastening methods. In the case of fastening structural elements to bolted connections, the technical documentation indicates the sequence of stages for preparation and lifting to the installation site. The tension forces of the bolts are indicated if there are requirements for bolting with controlled tension or without it if there is none. When fastening to welded joints, it is additionally necessary to develop welding flow charts.

Installation of vertically standing elements before their final design fastening, the technological maps describe the method of temporarily fastening them with braces to existing structures. Thereby excluding their possible collapse of loose elements of buildings and structures. After final fastening, the metal structures are aligned and straightened. Maximum deviations are contained in the “Quality Control” section of each technological map.

The technical specification is not drawn up for the entire facility as a whole, but specifically for operations. For example: a technical map for the enlarged assembly of metal structures at the installation site, a technical map for the installation of beams and vertical braces by welding, a technical map for fastening horizontal braces with bolts with controlled tension. Fastening structures at height can be done both from lifts and from scaffolding and scaffolding. Technological maps are also being developed for these works.

PPRk for installation of metal structures

In addition to the project for carrying out work on the installation of metal structures, the development of PPRk is also being carried out. It involves the selection and placement of lifting mechanisms at the construction site. The selection of truck cranes for installation is carried out according to the load-height characteristics of the crane, the parameters of the object under construction and the weight of the elements being lifted.

The PPRk contains diagrams for slinging mounted elements, horizontal and vertical connections of cranes, safety requirements, diagrams of the location of slingers and the person in charge at the time of slinging, slinging and lifting, diagrams of the joint operation of the crane and lifts for people (if they are used at the site).





This work project was developed for the installation of metal structures using a quickly erected tower crane LIEBHERR 26K.1 at the site: "..." at the address: ...

According to SNiP 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production" paragraph 3.3, before the start of construction of the facility, the general contractor must carry out preparatory work on organizing the construction site necessary to ensure construction safety, including:

- clearing the territory;

- installation of construction site fencing;

- installation of a pedestrian protective gallery and walkway;

- installation of stands with fire-fighting equipment, information boards with entrances, entrances, locations of water sources, fire extinguishing equipment;

- laying temporary power supply and lighting networks;

- delivery and placement on the territory or outside of it of inventory sanitary, industrial and administrative buildings and structures;

- re-arrange communications (if necessary);

- cleaning the work site.

The completion of the preparatory work must be accepted according to the act on the implementation of occupational safety measures, drawn up in accordance with SNiP 12-03-2001 "Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements."

Basic standards and guidelines used during development:

- SP 48.13330.2011 "Construction organization" SNiP 01/12/2004;

- SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction”, part 1;

- SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction”, part 2;

- Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for carrying out work using lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations. RD 11-06-2007;

- PP-390 “Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on the fire safety regime”;

- SP 70.13330.2012 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures". Updated edition of SNiP 3.03.01-87;

- SP 126.13330.2012. "Geodetic work in construction. Updated edition of SNiP 3.01.03-84" ;

- SP 16.13330.2011 "Steel structures". Updated edition of SNiP II-23-81 *;

- PB 10-382-00* “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes”;
* PB 10-382-00 do not apply. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures” have been approved. - Database manufacturer's note.

- OST 36-28-78 "SSBT. Production processes. Rigging work. General safety requirements";

- OST 36-100.3.04-85 "SSBT. Installation of metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures. Safety requirements";

- GOST 24258-88 "Means of scaffolding. General technical conditions";

- GOST 12.1.004-91 "SSBT. Fire safety. General requirements";

- GOST R 12.4.026-2001* "SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings";

- GOST 12.4.087-84 "SSBT. Construction. Construction helmets. Technical conditions";

- GOST 12.4.107-82* "Safety ropes. General technical requirements";
* GOST 12.4.107-82 was canceled on the territory of the Russian Federation from 07/01/2013 with the introduction of GOST 12.4.107-2012. - Database manufacturer's note.

- GOST 25573-82 * "Cargo rope slings for construction. Technical conditions";

- GOST R 50849-96 "Construction safety belts. General technical conditions. Test methods."

Only trained and certified personnel are allowed to install structures. Installation teams must have appropriate qualifications.

A log of the assembly of installation connections must be kept at the construction site, indicating the names of the installers, the date of installation of the connections and installation methods.


2.1 Previous work

By the time the construction of the metal frame of the showroom begins, the following work must be completed at the site:

- installation of bored piles;

- cutting out trenches for grillages;

- arrangement of grillages;

- backfilling;

- construction of an inspection hole.

All work must be carried out in accordance with the working design and documented in Certificates.

2.2 Preparatory work

Before starting work on the installation of metal structures, you should:

- clean the grillages from dirt, sediment and concrete deposits;

- incoming quality control of metal structures entering installation;

- use a pencil or marker to mark the marks of the installation, longitudinal axes on the side faces of the structures.

2.3 Installation work

Installation of structures should be carried out using grips in accordance with sheets of graphic part 2-5. It is preferable to install elements “from wheels”. If necessary, use an area in the northern part of the construction site for storing elements (see Stroygenplan).

As the columns and half-timbers are installed, sections of load-bearing reinforced concrete walls (elevator unit) should be erected.

Before installing the load-bearing beams of the coating at elevation. +6,800 (top of the column, bottom of the beam) within grips 1 and 2, it is necessary to mount the beams of the mezzanine floor at elevation. +3.585 (top of the beam) and erect a section of monolithic flooring.

2.3.1 General sequence of work on installing a metal frame:

1. At the storage site, prepare columns, beams and connections for installation.

2. Install the columns in the design position. Install each column in the following technological sequence:

- Perform slinging of the column.

- Raise the column above ground level by 300 mm, make sure that the slings are securely fastened.

- Perform tilting of the column by lifting and simultaneously turning the boom (or changing the reach) to the stop so that the vertical position of the crane's cargo ropes is maintained.

- Use a LIEBHERR 26K.1 crane (can be replaced with one of similar characteristics) to move the column to the installation site. The column should be delivered to the installation site at a height above 2300 mm away from obstacles encountered along the way.

- When installing a column on a foundation, clean the threads of the anchor bolts from rust and concrete residues with steel brushes, run them with a drill with the appropriate diameter and thread pitch, and check for axial marks.

- Install the column on temporary mounting pads, ensure temporary fastening and alignment of the column on the anchor bolts with paired nuts that fix the position of the base plate.

- Carry out design fastening of the column to the foundation. If necessary, brace the column in two mutually perpendicular directions using struts.

- After installation, unstrap the columns.

3. Install the beams in the design position. Install each beam in the following technological sequence:

- Installers must install a scaffold at the location where the beam is to be installed.

- Sling the beam.

- Use a LIEBHERR 26K.1 crane (can be replaced with one of similar characteristics) to move the beam to the installation site. Bring the beam to the installation site at a height of 500 mm from any obstacles encountered along the way.

- The installer should approach the place where the beam is connected to the column from the scaffold and perform their design fastening. Upon completion of work on securing the beam, the slinger unfastens the elements.

4. Mount the connections in the designed position. Install each connection in the following technological sequence:

- Installers should install a scaffold at the communication installation site.

- Perform slinging connection.

- Use the LIEBHERR 26K.1 crane (can be replaced with one of similar characteristics) to connect the connection to the installation site. The connection should be delivered to the installation site at a height above 500 mm away from obstacles encountered along the way.

- The installer from the scaffolding should approach the place where the connection is connected to the beam and column and carry out their design fastening. Upon completion of work on securing the beam, the slinger unfastens the elements.

5. Mount the purlins in the designed position in the following technological sequence:

- Installers should lay temporary flooring from boards 40 mm thick (in two mutually perpendicular layers) along the load-bearing beams.

- Perform slinging of the purlin.

- Using a Liebherr 26 K.1 crane (can be replaced with one of similar characteristics), move the run to the installation site at a height above 500 mm from obstacles encountered along the way.

- The installer should approach the place where the purlin is attached to the beams from the scaffold and carry out the design fastening. Upon completion of work on securing the girder, the slinger unslings the elements.

6. Carry out a visual inspection and draw up a report on the work performed.

Loads must be slinged in accordance with slinging diagrams. For work, slings should be used that correspond to the weight and nature of the load being lifted, taking into account the number of branches and the angle of their inclination; the slings should be selected so that the angle between their branches does not exceed 90°.

Loads must not be moved while there are people underneath them. The slinger can be near the load while it is being lifted or lowered if the load is at a height of no more than 1000 mm from the platform level.

2.3.2 Crane operation

The work is carried out using a quickly erected tower crane LIEBHERR 26K.1 (can be replaced with one of similar characteristics).

Preparation of the workplace

Before starting work with a crane, you must complete the following:

- install stands with sling diagrams and a table of load weights in the crane operating area and at the storage area;

- install safety signs, sign No. 3 along the boundary of the dangerous zone, sign No. 2 along the line limiting the crane service area.

Crane operation when installing columns:

The crane operates with a hook lift height limit of 11.05 m, with a maximum reach of 24 m and a danger zone of 8.3 m when installing elements, as well as with a reach of 23 m and a danger zone of 1.7 m during operations at the storage site and when unloading from motor transport.

Crane operation when installing beams and ties:

The crane operates with a hook height limit of 11.4 m, with a maximum reach of 24 m and a danger zone of 3.6 m, as well as with a reach of 23 m and a danger zone of 1.6 m during operations at the storage site and when unloading from vehicles.

Crane operation when installing purlins:

The crane operates with a hook height limit of 9.2 m, with a maximum reach of 24 m and a danger zone of 3.5 m, as well as with a reach of 23 m and a danger zone of 1.3 m during operations at the storage site and when unloading from vehicles.

During unloading and installation, loads should be moved parallel to the boundary of the danger zone and prevented from accidentally turning around using flexible guy ropes. The lifting height of the hook should be limited to 6.0 m.

Prohibit the presence of people and the storage of cargo in the danger zone. Measures for the safe operation of cranes should be issued as a supplement to production and job descriptions for personnel operating load-lifting cranes and engineering and technical workers.

Close access to the work area for unauthorized persons not directly related to the work, for which purpose, before starting the crane operation, place a signal fence along the border of the dangerous zone.

Loading and unloading operations

General requirements

At the construction site, reinforcement and formwork elements are unloaded with simultaneous placement on the storage and edging site, individually or in stacks. Dragging loads is prohibited. When storing formwork elements in stacks, lay them in rows in a horizontal position no higher than four rows in height. Spacers with a width of at least 5 cm are laid between horizontal rows.

Before starting work:

- appoint the required number of slingers and signalmen;

Methodological documentation in construction



MDS 12-60.2011

Moscow 2011

The document provides a standard design for the installation of steel structures.

In accordance with the structure and content of the work project according to MDS 12-46.2008, decisions on the organization and technology of installation work, rules and techniques for performing technological operations, norms and procedures for assessing the quality of work, and the need for mechanization are provided.

Developed by employees of the “Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction” (principal executor - Yu.A. Korytov).

The standard project can be used directly or serve as the basis for drawing up individual installation projects taking into account local conditions.

The document is intended for design organizations developing work projects, and construction and installation organizations performing work on the installation of steel structures.


The work plan is the main organizational and technological document for the installation of metal structures, the typical elements of which are columns, beams and purlins (trusses).

The project contains measures to organize work using modern technology and information. The project provides for advanced technologies for installation work using high-performance mechanization tools that help improve quality, reduce the time and cost of work. The project ensures the safe execution of work and contains measures to comply with safety requirements in construction.

The presence and use of work projects largely determine the competitiveness of a construction organization.

Projects are used when licensing a construction organization as documents confirming the organization’s readiness to carry out work, and when certifying the organization’s quality system and construction products - in the status of regulatory documents of the enterprise.

Projects are developed, as a rule, by design and design-technological organizations. Having qualified personnel, a construction organization can develop a work project on its own. This document is intended to assist design, engineering and construction organizations in drawing up a project for the installation of steel structures.

This document has been developed taking into account the recommendations of MDS 12-46.2008 on the preparation of work projects, on the composition and content of their sections, as well as on presentation and design.

This work project is typical for rural, industrial and civil construction projects; it can be used for new construction, as well as for the reconstruction and repair of existing buildings and structures. After adjustment, the project can be used directly or serve as the basis for drawing up an individual project, taking into account local conditions.

The document takes into account the results of work and the experience of TsNIIOMTP and other design and technological institutes in the field of installation of steel structures.


The project for the installation of metal structures is developed on the basis of the initial data provided by the customer and the technical specifications attached to the contract.

In this project, the installation of metal structures is carried out mainly using manual arc welding.

The project provides a brief description of the metal structures being erected. Thus, according to this project, a building is being erected in an L-shaped plan with overall dimensions of 64x29 m. The building is two-story with a mezzanine and an underground floor under part of the building. The total area of ​​the building is 4 thousand m2, the construction volume is 22 thousand m3, including the underground floor - 3 thousand m3. The upper elevation of the roof relative to ground level is 8 m.

The frame of the building is metal, made of rolled steel, I-beam with parallel flange edges: columns from I-beams No. 25 and No. 35, beams from I-beams No. 60, No. 55, No. 35 and No. 20. Floors - monolithic reinforced concrete on metal girders.

Welds are made using electric arc welding, electrodes E42A, E50A, E55A.

The work project should be used together with working drawings for the metal structures of the building.

Schemes for linking the assembly crane are developed separately from the general plan of the facility in the part necessary for the installation of steel structures.

When developing the project, regulatory and technical documents were used, the main ones of which are indicated in the section.


Picture 1. Scheme of horizontal attachment of an assembly crane (fragment)

The diagram shows how the installation work area should be organized and equipped. The site has a temporary fence that prevents strangers from entering the work area. A temporary road has been laid along the perimeter of the building under construction to move the installation crane clockwise from the parking lot of St. 1 to parking lot St.7. The crane's coverage areas at these seven sites support the erection of the building's steel structures.

At the work site, danger zones are marked with lines: from moving the load by an installation crane - at a distance of 4.0 m from the hook and from the possible fall of objects from the height of the building - at a distance of 3 m from the building wall. Calculation of the distances of dangerous zones is given in the section.

According to the diagram, the site includes: a storage area for removable load-handling devices, a storage area for control loads, a stand with slinging diagrams and a table of load weights, spotlights for illuminating work places, and a crane wheel washing station.

The diagram of the vertical connection of the installation crane to the building under construction is shown in cross-section N - N in the parking lot of St. 2 (Figure). Distance from the crane axis to the building wall A= 4 m is not less than the largest radius of the turning part of the crane R n and the standard approach clearance is 1 m. The minimum distances from the boom to the metal structures of the building and to the signal fence correspond to the standard - 0.5 m. The danger zone from the movement of moving parts of the crane is accepted at a distance of 5 m.

Figure 2. Vertical attachment of an assembly crane

3.4 Installation work begins after delivery and acceptance of the foundations - supports of the building columns, if there is an act for hidden work. During the acceptance process, an instrumental quality check of previously completed work must be performed. When checking, the position of the transverse and longitudinal axes of the foundations - supports in plan and the elevation marks of the supporting surfaces of the foundations must be determined.

3.5 Installation work using a crane consists of the following operations: preparation of installation sites and fastening of columns and beams; slinging of columns and beams; lifting, aiming and installing them at the mounting location; reconciliation and temporary fixation (if required); unfastening of columns and beams.

In a separate process, using the mounted frame, the installation of purlins (trusses) and built-in steel structures is carried out.

3.6 One of the common methods of column installation is shown in Figure. Before installation, the column is laid on wooden pads ( 1 ). The column is moved by an assembly crane from a horizontal ( 2 ) to vertical ( 3 ), and then to the design position ( 4 ).

Figure 3. Column installation

The column is moved to the design position at a minimum speed. The position of the column is verified relative to the alignment axes, its verticality and elevation are checked. Basic tolerances for column installation are given in section.

Temporary fastening of the installed column is carried out using mounting equipment (struts, ties, conductors, etc.), the size of which depends on the design of the column. One of the options for temporarily securing a column with braces is shown in the figure. Inventory brace with tension device ( 1 ) attached to the column ( 2 ) and to a previously installed element of a metal structure (or, for example, to an inventory reinforced concrete block) ( 3 ).

Figure 4. Temporarily securing a column

Permanent fastening of columns, beams and purlins is carried out by welding according to the project.

Slings can be removed from a column, beam, or purlin after they are temporarily secured. The mounting equipment is removed after the steel structure is permanently secured according to the design.

3.7 Before starting the installation of the beam, the columns must be mounted and the supporting platforms for installing the beam must be prepared.

Scaffolding equipment with platforms (installation ladders, mobile scaffolding, towers, etc.) are attached to the columns. With the help of guys, the beam is lifted and brought to a position close to the design one. After this, the installers climb to the scaffolding platforms and install the beam in the design position. In this case, the beam sling can be lowered by 5 - 10 cm. The structures are welded according to the design, after which the beam is unslinged.

3.8 Methods and means of slinging must ensure that beams and columns are installed in the design position the first time. Slinging is done using slings with locking devices on hooks. Unused branches of the sling are hung on the connecting link. The angle between the branches of the sling should not exceed 90°. The hooks of the sling should be directed away from the center of gravity of beams and columns. When slinging beams, inventory spacers are used to prevent chafing of the rope.

Slinging diagrams are shown in the figure.

Figure 5. Slinging of columns and beams

Column slinging ( 1 ) is produced by a sling ( 2 ) type 1SK-4.0/2000 according to GOST 25573 and a pincer gripper with remote control of the sling KZ-3.2 (Figure , a).

Slinging beams ( 1 ) is produced by a sling ( 2 ) type 4SK1-2/2000 according to GOST 25573 (Figure , b).

When slinging, various removable load-handling devices are used, the sizes of which depend on the design and weight of columns and beams. Grips for columns and beams are shown in the figure. For columns, in addition to the pincer grip (see figure, a), friction grips (see figure and figure, a), finger grips with a sling hole in the column (figure, b), eccentric and other grips can be used. For beams, in addition to the loop grip (see Figure , b), for example, lever grips (Figure , c), pin grips (Figure , d) and other grips can be used.

Figure 6. Grips for columns and beams

Slinging diagrams must be placed on a stand, the location of which on the work site is indicated in the figure.

3.9 When slinging columns and beams, they are guided by information about their mass, slinging schemes and corresponding removable load-handling devices. This information in relation to this project is given in the table.

A table of load masses, slinging diagrams and data on removable load-handling devices must be placed on the stand mentioned above.

The storage location for removable lifting devices is shown in the crane horizontal tie-down diagram (see figure).

Before starting installation work, the crane operator and slingers must be familiarized with the sling diagrams, the table of load weights and removable lifting devices.

3.10 Installation of steel structures is carried out “from the bottom up”, using grips, using the “crane” method. The installation sequence must ensure stability and geometric immutability of structures. The breakdown into sections and the sequence of installation of columns and beams are indicated in the project on the breakdown plan at marks 0.0; +4.0; +8.0; +10.0 on A3 sheets (the entire breakdown plan at different marks is not given here).

A fragment of the breakdown plan in axes A - D and 1 - 5 into grips and the installation sequence, for example at the + 4.0 m mark, is shown in the figure.

Figure 7. Sequence of installation of columns and beams at the 4 m mark (fragment)

Installation on the first grip is carried out in axes A - B and 1 - 5, on the second - in axes B - D and 1 - 5. On the structure grid in plan, the sequence of installation of standard sizes of columns (K1, K2, K3, etc.) and beams (B1, B2, B3, etc.) are indicated by numbers. The installation sequence, for example on the first grip of the first seven columns and beams, is as follows: K1-1, K1-2, B4-3 (in axes B and 1 - 2), K1-4, B2-5 (in axes 1 and B - B), K1-6, B3-7 (in axes B and 2 - 3). In the same way, the installation sequence on the second and other grips is established.

3.11 Welding work is carried out after checking the correct installation of structures.

Welding is carried out - manual arc, covered with electrodes of types E-42A, E-50A and E-55A. Dimensions of seams and edges - according to working drawings for welding joints, with beads with a cross-section of at least 20 - 35 mm 2. Welding areas should be cleaned: the edges of the welded parts at the seam locations and adjacent surfaces with a width of at least 20 mm must be cleaned to remove rust, grease, paint, dirt and moisture. Welding is carried out in a stable mode: deviations from the specified values ​​of welding current and arc voltage should not exceed 5% - 7%.

The electrodes are dried (calcined) in drying ovens. The number of calcined electrodes at the welder’s workplace should not exceed three to four hour requirements. Electrodes should be protected from moisture - stored in sealed cases.

Welds of joints of parts with a thickness of more than 20 mm are made using methods that reduce the cooling rate of the welded joint: sectional reverse-stage, sectional double layer, cascade, sectional cascade.

When double-sided welding of butt, T-joints and corner joints with full penetration, it is necessary to remove its root to bare metal before making the seam on the reverse side.

The use of starting and leading strips should be provided according to the working drawings of welded joints. It is not allowed to excite the arc and bring the crater onto the base metal beyond the weld.

Each subsequent layer of a multilayer weld should be performed after cleaning the previous layer from slag and metal splashes. The cracked area of ​​the seam should be corrected before applying the next layer.

After completion of welding, the surfaces of the welds are cleaned of slag, splashes, beads and metal deposits.

Welded mounting fixtures are removed (by gas cutting with an allowance) without damaging the base metal or impact. Their welding areas are cleaned mechanically flush with the base metal.

Welding work for this project is carried out at an outside air temperature of at least -20 °C. The strength of the welding current must be increased in proportion to the temperature decrease: when decreasing from 0 °C to -10 °C - by 10%, when decreasing from -10 °C to -20 °C - by another 10%. At negative temperatures, welding work is performed in compliance with the following rules:

The closing sections of the seams are welded especially carefully;

remove moisture and snow at a distance of at least 1 m from the welding site;

dry the welding area, for example using a torch flame.

Near the seam of the welded joint, at a distance of 40 mm from the border of the seam, the number of the welder’s mark must be affixed.


4.1 Quality control of installation work

4.1.1 Quality control of installation work includes:

incoming inspection of structures and products according to working documentation;

control of technological operations;

acceptance control.

4.1.2 Incoming inspection involves checking the availability and completeness of working design and technological documentation, and the compliance of designs and products with this documentation.

For control, working drawings, a construction organization project, a work execution project, technical passports, certificates for metal products and structures and other documents specified in the working drawings must be submitted.

4.1.3 Control of technological operations is carried out during their implementation and provides for timely measurement of parameters, identification of their deviations (defects) and measures to eliminate and prevent them.

The maximum deviations of the parameters of the mounted steel structure are given in the table.

Welds with identified defects must be corrected. Correction of welds is carried out by manual arc welding, using electrodes of the same type with a diameter of 3 or 4 mm.

Lifting height up to 10 m

6.5 The construction site must have a fence, work areas (locations) must be marked with safety signs and inscriptions of the established form in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026..

6.6 Installation work should be carried out, as a rule, during daylight hours.

The construction site, work areas, workplaces, passages and approaches to them in the dark must be illuminated in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046.

6.7 When performing installation work using a crane, the following safety requirements must be observed:

work according to the slinger's signal;

lifting, lowering, moving mounting elements (columns, beams, etc.), braking during all movements should be performed smoothly, without jerking;

During movement, mounting elements must be raised at least 0.5 m above objects encountered along the way;

It is necessary to lower the mounting elements into places designated and prepared for them, ensuring their stable position and ease of removal of the slings.

6.8 When performing welding work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the mentioned SNiP, GOST 12.3.003 and GOST 12.3.036, as well as sanitary rules for welding, surfacing and cutting of metals.

Each properly organized construction must have well-written construction documentation, which, as a rule, includes the development of documents such as a traffic management project (abbreviated as POD), construction organization project (abbreviated as POS) and work production project (abbreviated as PPR). All these documents are capable of ensuring the safety of employees during construction and installation work, ensuring the correct organization of the actual construction of the facility itself, as well as improving the quality of construction work performed.

Today, due to the fact that construction work has become characterized by the highest degree of severity, there is a need for the creation and more responsible development of technological and technical solutions that are used in the production of work. That is why the main and most significant document in the system of organizational and technological training becomes the PPR document in construction - download for free, which can be found at the end of this article.

This document contains a list of technological rules, requirements for labor protection and safety and environmental safety, among other things. Based on the work project, construction work is organized, the necessary materials and resources are determined, the deadlines for completing the work are determined, and possible risks are worked out.

Who develops the PPR?

Work projects for the construction of new structures or for the reconstruction or expansion of any facility are developed by general contracting construction and installation enterprises. If PPRs are ordered by a general contracting or subcontracting construction and installation organization, then they can be developed by design and technology institutes or design and engineering organizations.

It should also be noted that sometimes, when carrying out large volumes of work, PPRs are drawn up not for the object as a whole, but for a specific type of work, for example, for the installation of prefabricated structures, for excavation work, for roofing work, etc. Previously, such documents were called work organization projects (abbreviated POR), but in the current standards SNiP 12-01-2004 instead of SNiP 3.01.01-85, they are also called WPR with the proviso that these are projects for the production of specific works. When carrying out certain types of work related to general construction, special or installation work, PPRs are developed by companies that are directly involved in this.

Composition of PPR

  • Work schedule;
  • Technological maps;
  • Construction master plan;
  • Schedules for receipt of construction materials, products and equipment at the site;
  • Lists of technological equipment and installation equipment;
  • Worker movement schedules around the facility;
  • Solutions for geodetic work;
  • Safety solutions;
  • Explanatory note, which should contain:
    • justification of decisions on the implementation of certain types of work, including those performed in winter;
    • calculations of temporary utility networks;
    • measures that would ensure the safety of materials, products and structures, as well as equipment at the construction site;
    • a list of mobile structures with calculation of the need and justification of the conditions for their location on the construction site;
    • measures to protect these structures from damage, as well as environmental protection measures.

But it is worth noting that only 4 documents remain the main ones in the PPR: construction plan, work schedule, explanatory note and technical map. Let's look at them in more detail.

The key PPR document in construction is, of course, the work schedule. The success of the entire project largely depends on the literacy of its development. In short, the calendar plan is a model of construction production, in which the sequence and timing of construction work at the site are clearly and accurately established.

The second most important PPR document remains the construction master plan (or abbreviated construction plan). The quality of its preparation primarily determines the reduction of costs for organizing a construction site, which at the same time allows for the creation of safe working conditions for workers. When developing a construction plan, specialists take into account various methods of organizing a construction site, from which the most rational one is subsequently selected.

The next no less important PPR document is the technological map, which determines the most optimal methods and sequence of performing a particular type of work. In addition, labor costs are calculated here, the necessary resources are determined and the organization of labor is described. Technological maps, as a rule, include graphic and text documents, which may include workplace diagrams, which indicate the scope of work and the boundaries of the areas into which the object is divided. In principle, technological maps can be of three types:

  • typical without reference to specific objects;
  • typical with reference to standard objects;
  • individual with reference to a specific project

And the last important element of the PPR can be called an explanatory note, in which, as mentioned above, all kinds of labor protection measures are indicated, the conditions and complexity of construction are determined, the presence of warehouses and temporary structures is justified, etc. In addition, the explanatory note provides technical and economic indicators of construction.

You can download the PPR for construction.