Building a house: new construction technologies and materials. Modern heating systems Creation of cells for concrete pouring

All modern heating systems for private houses and other residential buildings can be divided into 2 groups. The first includes traditional heating methods, which use a single heat source - a boiler operating on one or more energy carriers. In this case, thermal energy is distributed throughout the premises through a coolant - water or air. Here, innovative solutions are aimed at improving heating equipment by increasing its heat output, as well as introducing modern automation equipment.

The second group should include all systems that use new heating technologies with energy-saving equipment. They do not involve the combustion of hydrocarbons; only electricity is used in heating the house. These are various solar systems, solar collectors and the latest types of electric heating. Despite all the attractiveness of these systems, most homeowners prefer heating private houses using traditional methods, and why is described in our article.

Evolution of traditional systems and boilers

In Soviet times, when no one was concerned about the cost of energy, heating equipment and systems were quite primitive, although they were made very reliably and lasted for many years. Now priorities have changed, modern energy-saving technologies have become relevant, allowing us to save constantly rising energy prices.

Thanks to this, traditional systems have become more perfect through the introduction of such solutions:

  • increasing the efficiency of all boiler systems, excluding electric ones, since their efficiency is already very high (98-99%);
  • the use of new materials and technologies for the manufacture of heating radiators;
  • introduction of modern automation equipment that controls the operation of systems depending on weather conditions and time of day, including remotely;
  • the use of low-temperature heating networks - water-heated floors with automatic heating control;
  • implementation of heat recovery from exhaust air during air heating of buildings (recovery).

A striking example of energy-saving gas equipment are condensing boilers, where the most modern heat exchangers are installed. The fact is that when methane burns, water is formed, which immediately evaporates in the burner flame and thus takes away part of the heat generated. The heat exchanger of a condensing boiler is designed to cause vapor to condense and release this energy back. Due to this innovative solution, the efficiency of the heat generator reaches 96%.

Burner devices have also undergone changes; now they can independently dose the amount of fuel and air, as well as automatically change the combustion intensity. This also applies to solid fuel boilers that burn wood pellets. Thanks to the purity of this type of solid fuel, complete automation of the process and developed heat exchange surface, a modern pellet boiler can operate with an efficiency of up to 85%.

Increasing the efficiency of conventional wood-burning boilers for heating private houses can only be achieved by extracting heat from flue gases; the average figure for these units is 70-75%.

Modern heating devices are made from the best heat-conducting materials - aluminum alloy and steel, although retro-style cast iron batteries still have many fans. A real novelty in the field of heating are water baseboard convectors, made of copper plates and very efficiently transferring heat to the premises of a private home.

About warm floors and air heating

Widely used underfloor heating systems cannot be called all that new. But they have proven themselves to be very economical in practice, and here’s why:

  • the coolant in the heated floor circuits heats up to no more than 45 °C;
  • heating of the room occurs over the entire surface of the floor;
  • the system is well controlled by modern automation tools;
  • the heated screed retains heat for a long time after the heating is turned off.

Note. In addition to the fact that a warm floor effectively uses heat, it supplies it to the lower zone of the room, which is very comfortable for the people there.

Modern solutions in terms of air heating of buildings consist in not losing the heat spent on heating the ventilation air. Heat is removed from the exhaust air by special heat exchangers - recuperators. These are truly innovations in heating, since they are able to recover up to 80% of the expended energy and transfer it to the supply air, significantly saving energy.

Latest heating systems

An example of a fairly affordable and at the same time effective system, suitable for both a country house and an apartment, is an electric heated floor. By incurring relatively small expenses for the installation of such heating, you can provide your home with heat and not buy any boilers. There is only one drawback - the cost of electricity. But considering that modern underfloor heating is quite economical, and if you have a multi-tariff meter, this option may be acceptable.

For reference. When installing an electric heated floor, 2 types of heaters are used: a thin polymer film with applied carbon elements or a heating cable.

In southern regions with high solar activity, another modern heating system performs well. These are water-based solar collectors installed on the roof of buildings or other open areas. In them, with minimal losses, water is heated directly from the sun, after which it is supplied to the house. One problem is that collectors are absolutely useless at night, as well as in the northern regions.

Various solar systems that take heat from the ground, water and air and transfer it to a private home are installations that implement the most modern heating technologies. Consuming only 3-5 kW of electricity, these units are capable of “pumping” 5-10 times more heat from outside, hence the name – heat pumps. Then, using this thermal energy, you can heat the coolant or air, at your discretion.

An example of an air heat pump is a conventional air conditioner; their operating principle is the same. Only a solar system heats a country house equally well in winter and cools it in summer.


It is a well-known fact: the more efficient an innovation in a heating system is, the more expensive it is, although it requires lower operating costs. Conversely, high-tech electric heating systems that are cheap to install force us to pay subsequently for the electricity consumed. Heat pumps are so expensive that they are inaccessible to most citizens of the post-Soviet space.

The second reason why homeowners gravitate towards traditional systems is the direct dependence of modern heating equipment on the availability of electricity. For residents of remote areas, this fact plays a big role, which is why they prefer to build brick stoves and heat their houses with wood.

Modern innovative construction technologies, striking the imagination with their originality and fantasticness, use both the achievements of the latest scientific research and the invaluable experience of ancestors.

Let's start with the most common building material - wood. It would seem that what else can be invented here? But here, too, modern innovative technologies come to the rescue.

1. Technology of construction of domed houses without nails, Vladivostok, Russia

Scientists from the Far Eastern Federal University are creating modern wooden domed houses. At the same time, as in the good old days of Russian architects, without a single nail. Their uniqueness lies in the use of new designs of locks between the individual parts of the wooden spherical frame.

A domed house made of wooden parts is created in record time. Literally in a matter of hours, the frame of an unusual house grows. Today they want to try this technology in several Russian cities. The links are connected to each other using a special lock, which absorbs all loads - vertical, lateral, and so on. The parts are made with such precision that it looks like a Lego set. Any person, having such a kit with small assembly instructions, can mount this structure independently.

At one of the recreation centers in the Primorsky Territory there is already a domed express cafe “Snezhok”, built by scientists, which is very popular, attracting visitors with its unusual shape. The second domed house is much larger - it is a two-story twelve-meter structure with an area of ​​195 m2.

2. Multi-storey wooden buildings, London, UK

We are all somehow accustomed to the fact that wood is used to build low houses, one or two floors. But US developers believe it is possible to use wood to construct buildings up to 30 floors high.

The first of the modern residential buildings, built of wood using modern technologies of wooden house construction (from five-layer wooden glued panels), has 9 floors and 30 meters in height. This house is located in London, it has 29 residential apartments and offices on the ground floor.

It is amazing that the entire above-ground part of this house was built in 28 working days by just five people, armed with only one mobile crane and electric screwdrivers.

3. Technology of construction of wooden houses Naturi, Austria

The technology consists of profiled thin tree trunks, called “balance” by specialists, which are cut on a four-sided machine. The fact that a fine gauge is used is clearly demonstrated by the fact that in every element, without exception, there is necessarily a core of wood.

Then from such “puzzles” you can assemble any part of the building. When drying out, individual elements become deformed and jam “tightly” ", creating a very strong and lightweight structure.The purpose of inventing such a technology is the use of low-quality raw materials, which in Russia, for example, are only used for cellulose or simply thrown into waste.

4. Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China

Chinese architects have invented a way to build cheap houses. Their secret is a huge 3D printer that literally prints real estate. And there would be nothing unusual in this - the technologies for “printing” buildings are already known. But the fact is that Chinese houses will be made... from construction waste.

Thus, the specialists of the architectural company Winsun intend to solve two problems at once. In addition to creating inexpensive houses, the project will give a second life to construction waste and industrial waste - this is what houses are made from.

The giant printer has truly impressive dimensions - 150 x 10 x 6 meters. The device is quite powerful and can print up to 10 houses per day. The cost of each of them is no more than 5 thousand dollars.

A huge machine builds the outer structure, and the inner partitions are installed later by hand. With the help of 3D printing technology, the Celestial Empire hopes to solve the pressing problem of affordable housing. In the near future, several hundred factories will appear in the country, where consumables for a giant printer will be produced from construction waste.

5. House printed from bioplastic, Amsterdam, Holland

Dus Architects has developed a project to print a residential building using a 3D printer from bioplastic. Construction is carried out using an industrial 3D printer KarmaMaker, which “prints” plastic walls. The design of the building is very unusual - walls are attached to the three-meter end of the house, like in a Lego set. If redevelopment of the building is required, it can be easily changed by replacing one part with another.

Henkel's bioplastic, a mixture of vegetable oil and microfiber, is used for construction, and the foundation of the house will be made of lightweight concrete. Once completed, the building will consist of thirteen separate rooms. This technology could change the entire construction industry. Old residential buildings and offices could simply be “melted down” and made into something new.

The idea for a similar material was found in ordinary shells. The fact is that shells are enriched with the necessary complex of minerals that give them elasticity. It is these minerals that are added to the concrete composition. The new type of concrete is incredibly elastic, more resistant to cracks, and is also 40-50 percent lighter. Such concrete will not break even with very strong bends. Even earthquakes are not scary for him. An extensive network of cracks after such tests will not affect its strength. Once the load is removed, the concrete will begin the recovery process.

How does this happen? The secret is very simple. Regular rainwater, when reacting with concrete and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, promotes the formation of calcium carbonate in concrete. This substance seals the cracks that have appeared and “heals” the concrete. After removing the load, the restored section of the slab will have the same strength as before. This type of concrete is going to be used in the construction of critical structures, such as bridges.

7. Carbon Dioxide Concrete, Canada

The Canadian company CarbonCure Technologies has developed an innovative technology for producing concrete by sequestering carbon dioxide. This technology will reduce harmful emissions and could revolutionize the construction industry.

The production of concrete blocks uses carbon dioxide emitted by large industries such as oil refineries and fertilizer plants.

The new technology allows us to achieve a triple effect: concrete will be cheaper, stronger and more environmentally friendly. One hundred thousand of these concrete blocks will be able to absorb as much carbon dioxide as one hundred mature trees will absorb in a year.

Thatched houses are being built all over the world using modern technologies. Reliable, warm, cozy, they have stood the test of our climate perfectly. However, until now, the modern technology of construction from pressed straw (in the West it is called strawbale-house) is known to few in our country. It is based on the best properties of this unique natural material. When pressed, it becomes an excellent building material. Pressed straw is considered the best insulation material. The straw stems of plants are tubular and hollow. They and between them contain air, which, as is known, has low thermal conductivity. Due to its porosity, straw has good sound insulation properties.

It seems that the phrase “fire-resistant straw house” sounds paradoxical. But a plastered straw wall is not afraid of fire. Blocks covered with plaster can withstand 2 hours of exposure to an open flame. A straw block that is open on only one side will not support combustion. The bale compaction density is 200–300 kg/cubic. m also prevents combustion.

Straw houses are built in America, Europe, and China. In the USA there is even a project to build a 40-story thatched skyscraper. The tallest straw houses today are five-story buildings that are combined with reinforced concrete and metal frames.

Indeed, everything new is truly a well-forgotten old. Earthen houses are gaining popularity again. This material is still used today for the construction of supporting structures and walls.

The earthener is based on ordinary earthen soil. The earth bit has been tested by time; it was used to build in ancient Rome. The earthen soil mass has high moisture resistance and practically does not shrink. And the thermal characteristics of the earth breaker can be enhanced by adding, for example, straw slices. After a few years, the excavator becomes almost as strong as concrete.

The most famous building built from broken earth can be considered the Priory Palace located in Gatchina.

10. Chameleon brick, Russia

Since 2003, the Kopeysk brick factory has been producing bricks nicknamed “velor” for their ability to literally absorb light with their surface, as a result of which it becomes rich, reminiscent of velvet.

The effect is achieved using vertical grooves applied to the surface of the brick with metal brushes. At the same time, it becomes possible to deepen the main color when the angle of incidence of light changes, which likens a brick to a chameleon - at different times of the day it is able to change color depending on the lighting.

The texture of velor brick works great in tandem with smooth brick in ornamental or figured masonry.

eleven. "Flying houses, Japan

Japan never ceases to amaze with its developments. The idea is simple - in order for a house not to collapse as a result of an earthquake, it simply... should not be on the ground. So they came up with flying houses, and all this is quite real.

Undoubtedly, the word “flying” is a beautiful allegory, reminiscent of childhood dreams of flying in a hot air balloon house. But Japanese design company Air Danshin Systems Inc has developed a system that allows buildings to rise above the ground and “float” above it during an earthquake.

The house is located on a cushion of air and after the sensors are triggered, it will simply hover above the ground, and during such a change the residents of the building will not feel anything. The foundation is not attached to the structure itself. After floating, the house sits on a frame located on top of the foundation. During an earthquake, seismic sensors are activated, which are located around the perimeter of the building. After which they will immediately start the injection compressor located at the base of the house. It will ensure “levitation” of the building at a height of 3-4 cm from the ground. Thus, the house will not be in contact with the ground and will avoid the consequences of tremors. The new product has already been installed in almost 90 homes in Japan.

“Flying houses” have been developed by many Japanese companies; in the near future, the know-how will appear in other regions of Asia, which often suffer from earthquakes.

12. Container house, France

Disused containers have long been used for the construction of budget housing in different cities and countries. Here is one example.

During the construction of the house, eight old shipping containers were used, which created the unusual architectural shape of the building. In addition to containers, wood, polycarbonate and glass were also used. The total area of ​​the house is 208 square meters.

The cost of building such economical “container type” houses is usually half that of building a similar house from conventional building materials. In addition, it is built twice as fast.

13. Exhibition complex made of sea containers, Seoul, South Korea

If residential buildings made from containers have not surprised anyone for a long time, then a completely unusual building has appeared in the center of the business and shopping district of Seoul. It was built from 28 old shipping containers.

The area is 415 sq. m. The complex will host exhibitions, night film screenings, concerts, master classes, lectures and other public events.

14. Student dormitories made from containers, Holland

Each individual container room has all the amenities. In addition, the roof is equipped with an effective drainage system that collects rainwater, which is subsequently used for domestic needs.

In Finland and other northern countries, hotels are being built out of ice. At the same time, a room in an ice hotel costs more than a room in a hotel made from other, more traditional building materials. The ice hotel first opened in Sweden more than 60 years ago.

16. Mobile eco-house, Portugal

A variety of technologies are used in the construction of such mobile structures. The peculiarity of this house is its complete energy independence. Solar panels are attached to the surface of the object to produce energy, which fully supplies the unique house with the required amount. By the way, the house is not only environmentally friendly, but also completely mobile.

The eco-house is divided into two sections - in one there is a sleeping space, and in the other there is a toilet. The outside of the house is covered with environmentally friendly cork.

17. Energy-efficient capsule room, Switzerland

The project was developed by architects from the company NAU (Switzerland), who sought to make the most comfortable and compact housing. The capsule room, called Living Roof, can be placed on almost any surface.

The capsule room is equipped with solar panels, wind turbines and a system for collecting, storing and recycling rainwater.

18. Vertical forest in the city, Milan, Italy

The innovative project of Bosco Verticale is the construction in Milan of two multi-storey buildings with living plants on the facade. The height of the two high-rise buildings is 80 and 112 meters. In total, 480 large and medium-sized trees, 250 small trees, 5,000 various shrubs and 11,000 grass-forming plants were planted on them. Does this number of plants correspond to an area of ​​10,000 m? ordinary forest.

Thanks to almost two years of research work by botany specialists, tree species were successfully selected that are most adapted to such difficult living conditions at altitude. Various plants were specially grown and acclimatized for this construction. Each apartment in the house has its own balcony with trees and bushes.

19. Cactus house, Holland

A luxury 19-storey residential building is under construction in Rotterdam. It received such an original name because of its resemblance to this prickly plant. It contains 98 apartments with increased comfort. Construction is carried out according to the design of the architectural company UCX Architects.

The peculiarity of this house is the use of open terraces-balconies for hanging gardens, located one above the other in a stepped order, screwing upward in a spiral. This arrangement of terraces allows the sun to illuminate the plants from all sides. The depth of each terrace is at least two meters. Not only that, but these balconies will also have small swimming pools built into them.

We are accustomed to the fact that we are usually talking about energy-efficient houses. And in preparation for Expo 2020, an entire energy-efficient city will be built in the United Arab Emirates. It will be a “smart city”, fully self-sufficient in energy and other resources. The project is planned to be implemented near the Al Awir settlement in Dubai.

It will become the first of its kind to be an absolutely self-sufficient city in terms of providing residents with all the necessary resources, transport and energy. To achieve this, the energy-efficient city will be equipped to the maximum with solar panels, which will be placed on the roofs of almost all residential and commercial buildings. In addition, the city will independently process 40,000 cubic meters of wastewater. The area of ​​this super complex will be 14,000 hectares, and the residential area itself will be built in the shape of a desert flower. Surrounded by a belt of green spaces, the smart city will be able to accommodate 160,000 residents.

"Construction Rules", No. 43 /1, May 2014

The copyright holder of all materials on the site is Construction Rules LLC. Full or partial reprinting of materials in any sources is prohibited.

The constant rise in heating prices encourages people to resort to alternative sources. Developments in this area make it possible to utilize natural resources such as sun, water and land. Also, new technologies are introducing entire home heating complexes.

Which heating system to choose? To answer this question, it is necessary to study all the features of the work and determine the conditions for proper functioning. Also an important factor is the profitability and feasibility of the chosen type.


New technologies using alternative coolants are replacing those familiar to all gas and electric heating systems. There are four types of systems depending on the source:

  • hydrothermal;
  • geothermal;
  • solar;
  • infrared.

Let's take a closer look at them.


This method is based on the use of natural water. The necessary thermal energy will be extracted from it. If there is a lake or reservoir within reach of your home, then the task of installing equipment is greatly simplified. But this is rather an exception to the rule; in most cases it is necessary to drill wells to the groundwater level.

Operating principle

The installation can be divided into three components:

  • outer contour;
  • internal wiring;
  • geothermal pump.

The outer loop is a pipe structure laid underground at the groundwater level. Their depth should be below the freezing depth. The external circuit represents the heating communications of the house.

The operating principle of the installation is as follows. The heat of groundwater is transferred to the coolant of the external circuit. Using a pump, it enters the heat exchanger. After which heat is transferred to the internal wiring. All installation difficulties can be avoided if there is a body of water nearby. The heat exchanger is immersed in water and connected to the heating. The area of ​​the reservoir must be at least 200 m².

Advantages of the device

The design has the following advantages:

  • versatility - the system can work not only as heating, but also as cooling;
  • low power consumption - it is only needed to power the pump and is about 1 kW per hour;
  • fire safety is ensured due to the absence of combustion;
  • high efficiency - from 1 kW of electricity the output is 5 kW of heat;
  • ease of operation and maintenance.

The disadvantage is the high cost of the heat pump and equipment installation. For a house with an area of ​​100 m² and a power consumption of 5 kWh, installation of a heating system will cost approximately 440 thousand rubles. This calculation is taken for houses located within a radius of 50 meters from the reservoir into which the heat exchanger will be immersed.

Geothermal installation

Its operating principle is similar to the hydrothermal option. The difference is that the heat of the earth is used, not water.

Equipment Features

Laying the outer contour can be done both vertically and horizontally. The vertical arrangement is due to a number of difficulties during the installation process. For pipes it is necessary to drill wells to great depths. But there are two negative aspects associated with horizontal laying:

  • a large area of ​​private land is required to accommodate the circuit;
  • it is impossible to plant plants because the collector will cool their roots.

In both cases, heat is taken directly from the soil near a private building. The geothermal pump responsible for pumping the coolant is located in the house itself. The shaft with the heat exchanger should be located in close proximity to the building.

Advantages of using earth's heat

This system has the following advantages:

  • The thermal energy of the earth is an inexhaustible source of energy;
  • autonomous operation of the system;
  • absolute fire safety, no risk of fire;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • there is no need for fuel delivery and storage;
  • long service life.

The high cost of the object is the main disadvantage. A geothermal installation for the same square footage as in the previous case will increase to 600 thousand rubles.

Using solar energy for heating is the most inexpensive and accessible way. The main task is to convert sunlight into heat with minimal losses.

System design

The main element of such a system is the solar collector. This is a device consisting of tubes that lead to a coolant reservoir. There are vacuum, air and flat collectors. In addition to them, the composition includes the following units:

  • heat exchanger;
  • storage tank;
  • pipeline;
  • front camera.

A storage tank is a container with heated coolant. From the top of the container, liquid is supplied to the heating devices. After passing through the entire heating circuit, the cooled coolant again enters the tank.

The anterior chamber serves to prevent air retention in the heating pipeline. It is a tank that is located at the highest point of the system. Collectors must be installed at an angle of 35–40°. This slope will ensure maximum efficiency. To minimize heat losses, all pipelines leading from the collector to the heat exchanger must be insulated.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting the main advantages of a solar battery:

  • high efficiency;
  • long service life - more than 25 years;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • independence from low air temperatures.

But it is still better to use batteries as an additional source of heat for private homes. In winter, the sun's energy will not be enough to accumulate the required amount of heat. During periods of increased cloudiness, your home may also remain cold. New technologies make it possible to combine several types of heating into one complex, and solar panels can be combined with a geothermal installation or infrared radiation.

Disadvantages also include very high prices for solar collectors and equipment. To heat a 100 m² house, installing solar panels will cost approximately 900,000 rubles.

Infrared radiation

The essence of this method is to use the properties of infrared rays. The directed flow heats solid objects exposed to radiation, and they, in turn, increase the temperature of the air in the house.

Equipment Features

Infrared radiation can come from point elements or from surfaces. The required number of devices is calculated. Emitters can be of two types:

  • portable;
  • stationary.

Stationary radiators are fixed on the ceiling and walls in those places where heating is necessary. The mobile version on a support can be moved within a private home, it can even be used outdoors.

Infrared radiation can also come from surfaces. For this, a special film is used, which is located under the facing layer on the ceiling, walls and ceiling. This technology is new in the development of heating systems.

Advantages and disadvantages

The operation of infrared emitters is associated with both positive and negative aspects. The advantages include:

  • quick heating of the room;
  • economical energy consumption;
  • possibility of moving the device;
  • automatic adjustment of heating mode;
  • use of a heat source in open areas;
  • low cost of infrared equipment.

The purchase and installation of emitters for houses with an area of ​​100 m² can be limited to 30,000 rubles. If film infrared heating is provided, the starting cost threshold will be 160,000 rubles.

The disadvantages of an infrared heating system are that the devices must be located no lower than 1.5 meters from the floor level. This is necessary to ensure that the flooring of the house is not damaged. Prolonged operation of the emitter can lead to overheating.

Development is a necessary component of the processes taking place around us, without which it becomes impossible to improve the quality of our life. This article will talk about innovations in construction, but only those that are not just an innovation, but rather a necessary component that allows us to bring the process and economics of construction to a higher level, and, simply put, are the engine of industry development. So, let's look at several innovations that, when used in mass production, can significantly simplify, speed up and reduce the cost of building construction.


If we talk about methods for constructing low-rise buildings, the most promising technology with which it becomes possible to revolutionize construction is 3D printing. The method itself is almost universal, since there are 7 3D printing technologies with varying precision. The technology is already used in a variety of fields, including mechanical engineering and medicine.

We are interested in contour construction using a technology similar to FDM - layer-by-layer creation of an object using material fusing - which allows the construction of enclosing and load-bearing walls. And potentially – to automate finishing work and laying utility networks. To date, the most successful and attractive contour construction has been demonstrated by a company from China, ShanghaiWinsun, which is already building houses using this technology. Their brainchild is capable of printing a house approximately 6.4 m high and 9.75 m wide. Initially, the company presented only a few one-story residential buildings, the construction of which took 24 hours. The constructed printer was filled with cement and construction waste, and to eliminate formwork, a hardener was added to the mixture. Soon a printer was built that produced individual solid blocks of future houses, which were reinforced with reinforcement and supplemented with thermal insulation materials, then assembled on site. The walls of such houses are practically hollow, and the strength and stability of the structure is imparted by the zigzag flow of the mixture inside such walls.

It is worth noting that the most interesting objects built by Winsun are a five-story house and a villa with an area of ​​1100 m2 and a cost of $161 thousand. Despite the expensive construction, the company has orders. This is explained by the economic component: the method allows you to save 30-60% of building materials through the use of recycled building materials and waste. The latter undergoes purification and becomes safe for human use. The use of such a mixture of materials significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. The speed of construction of such houses is also surprising - the time for construction work is reduced by up to 70%.

There is no doubt about the rationality of this method.

But it also has disadvantages that require improvement - this is the problem of using technology in high-rise construction and, as a consequence, the problem of reinforcing walls, the impossibility of construction on hilly terrain. Also, the method does not solve the problem of constructing partitions and roofing.

But Andrei Rudenko, a US engineer engaged in a private project for the construction of residential structures, is now busy with this issue. He is already offering his own method of both reinforcing and constructing buildings on an unleveled site. And the castle in Minnesota testifies to how far he has progressed in his endeavors. The material for construction was ordinary concrete, which was reinforced during the construction of the castle.


Introduction into the construction industry is greatly hampered by the bulkiness and inconvenience of operating machines for 3D printing of buildings. American designers Zachary Schoch and Eugene Lee offered their vision of evolution in the construction industry. Zachary printed parts of the house-modules on the Euclid printer he invented. The parts were assembled on site. The advantage of the technology is that the printing material was plastic - lightweight, impact-resistant and wear-resistant. Modules printed on such a printer are unusual in shape and hollow inside. This is done to make it possible to fill the cavities with heat-protective material and to allow the laying of utility networks and communications. The parts are made in the shape of the letter S, which makes them universal. The printing speed of such a house is high and amounts to 18 hours. Assembly of the house does not require special tools.

The downside of this innovation is the use of ABS plastic for printing. When it is heated, toxic acrylonitrile vapors are formed, so it is recommended to refrain from using ABS for 3D printing prototypes, and use PLA, which is safer for humans. But this plastic is not as durable and degrades after a few years, so it cannot be used to print Zachary's house modules. The disadvantage is the small working volume of Euclid, which is only 1.12x1.12x1.12 m.

This technology can be rationally used for retail facilities due to the easy installation and dismantling of the entire structure. But again, it may be more profitable to use elements obtained by profile extrusion rather than 3D printed ones.

Many companies are developing modular production based not only on economic feasibility, but following trends in architecture and ensuring that their product causes less harm to the environment. For example, the Dutch company BeingDevelopment, which announced the launch of production of six houses.

The houses, made from environmentally friendly materials, will be assembled on site. Non-recyclable waste from such construction will not exceed 2%. All houses are designed to be one-story, but different in type and area: XS Villa (62 m2), Patio house (82 m2) and Bungalow (144 m2), Vide house (175 m2), Loft house (220 m2) and Grand Patio (288 m2). The first three have already been put into production, the rest will be presented soon.

Another interesting development was presented by the Chinese corporation Zhoda, which, as part of the resettlement of emergency housing stock, is building houses in our country in the Sakha Republic. Their modular houses not only have an attractive cost price - 15 thousand rubles. for 1 sq.m (excluding the cost of the foundation and engineering infrastructure), but also allow you to combine block modules with the possibility of expanding the space, practically guided only by the limits of your imagination. It is possible to install a communications system operating on the principles of a “smart home”. And, of course, the modules are made of modern and environmentally friendly materials. The design of such houses is interesting and the thoughtfulness of the interior space for the most comfortable living in them is surprising.
Such houses, if necessary, are easy to transport, like all modular buildings.

Modular construction is becoming increasingly popular, but it should be noted that this technology requires the development of regulatory documentation. But it is worth paying tribute that this technology is justified during a crisis, displacing capital construction with regard to the construction of low-rise buildings.

Innovative materials in construction

The emergence of such materials is subject to such factors as: the speed of construction of the building, its strength, sufficient heat and sound insulation properties, environmental friendliness, etc.
Based on the above, the development of the Israeli company KiteBricks deserves attention. Their US patented SmartBrick building block technology is surprisingly reminiscent of Lego pieces. The blocks are made of high-strength concrete. The shape of the blocks makes it easy to connect them together. And the air cavities formed during the connection serve as both heat and sound insulation, and can be used for laying infrastructure elements. The most interesting thing is that this method suggests completely abandoning the cement-sand mortar, because... they are connected through grooves and additionally secured with double-sided adhesive tape type 3M VHB, which is super-resistant. If necessary, it is possible to “reinforce” such blocks by placing reinforcement in special channels. There is no need to finish the surface of a wall made from such blocks.

It is stated that the blocks can be used when constructing foundations and floors, because have a rigidity comparable to reinforced concrete.

The company plans to create construction robots, as in the photo above. They will assemble a building from these bricks.

But the most amazing technology is presented by Dutch scientists Eric Schlangen and Henk Jonkers, who developed a special type of bioconcrete. It is capable of “self-healing”, solving the problem of moisture getting inside the material and its further destruction.

It's all about spore-forming bacteria of the genus Bacillus, which are part of the concrete structure. To maintain the number of bacteria, microcapsules with calcium lactate were added to the concrete, which have a long shelf life. But such concrete cannot be used with certain types of paints, coatings and building mixtures. Bacteria do not tolerate extreme weather conditions well, so scientists will monitor the condition of concrete in real conditions for two years. During this time, it is planned to solve the existing deficiencies of concrete.
Other researchers from Korney University (Holland), SabinDesignLab, and JennySabinStudio, relied on printing PolyBricks high-resolution ceramic bricks using the familiar 3D printer. Bricks are similar to cinder concrete and do not require special solutions to connect to each other. The fastening of adjacent parts occurs through conical grooves, called “dovetail”. Bricks go through several stages of firing to reduce warping and deformation.

Of course, this technology is cost-effective, because budget materials are used and the use of physical labor is minimal, but, like all new products, it requires improvement.

As for Russian developments, there are many of them. For example, the KhTTM SB RAS proposed replacing the base in cement binders with a silicate one. It will improve the quality of the material used: heating at a lower temperature during manufacturing, higher compressive strength, no swelling when heated. Another technology is a revolution in concrete reinforcement by replacing conventional reinforcement to basalt-plastic. Basalt fiber with a protective coating is introduced into the cement matrix. Compared to conventional fittings, such fittings are lighter, radio-transparent and resistant to corrosion. The impact-resistant characteristics of such reinforcement increase by 4.5 times, and durability by 5 times. It is perfect for the construction of special-purpose facilities.

Scientists from the Institute of Chemical Materials Science and Coal Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences presented the nanostructured material Kemerit. It is added to concrete. Only 0.1% of the total cement mass of such an additive will increase the strength of structures by 25%. It can be used both in housing construction and in the construction of roads, bridges and even water utilities. And the first implemented projects using this additive can be seen in a couple of years.

Undoubtedly, almost every day new materials and methods of constructing buildings are invented, but the most interesting innovations in construction were discussed here. It is worth remembering that progress does not stand still. Production technologies and construction methods are changing. All this happens thanks to innovations such as those described in the article. So don't neglect them. After all, any mass production of such materials will lead to their widespread use in construction, and they will quickly become traditional.

Innovative technologies are means and methods designed for the consistent implementation of innovation. In other words, innovation is the engine of progress. Not a single reform or important production decision can be done without them, because to bring a new idea to life, unique developments and modified equipment are needed. It is especially important to introduce modern systems during periods of economic growth, when enterprises are expanding production and need high-quality equipment.

Today, innovation is widespread in both heavy industry and goods and services. The latter is popular among all segments of the population: the demand for commonly used goods is stable, and for services is constantly growing. Thus, innovative technologies in construction - an area that is relevant at all times - play one of the leading roles in the entire economic field.

Innovation in construction

Modern construction technologies are actively developing and pursuing certain goals and objectives. These include saving resources, environmental friendliness, external compliance with the time period, durability and many others. They determine the quality of the product being created and increase the prestige of the customer. In addition to the above, there is another, no less important factor that helps to introduce innovative technologies. In construction, this is an increase in the speed of construction of a building.

What is needed for construction?

No type of construction can exist without building materials. They come in several types:

  1. Binders – gypsum, cement, lime.
  2. Enclosing structures – panels and blocks of various materials.
  3. Finishing materials.
  4. Waterproofing and roofing, which are created on the basis of polymer or bitumen binders.
  5. Sealing - mastics, plaits, gaskets for better insulation.
  6. Concrete aggregates of natural and artificial origin.
  7. Sanitary products made of metals, asbestos cement, reinforced concrete, etc.

Innovative technologies in construction or building materials are used as widely as in other scientific fields. For example, a new material has been created - fiber cement, which makes it possible to make facade slabs large-sized and self-cleaning. In addition, walls made of this material will insulate the room and create a relief surface, thereby providing a modern appearance.

Types of construction work

It is impossible to define construction as the performance of specific types of work. This concept is widespread and includes various types of activities - from drilling wells to constructing residential buildings. Each area is in demand and is developing everywhere, which pushes manufacturers to create more and more new technologies.

Private houses and low-rise buildings

Low-rise buildings are houses 1-2 floors high. Most often, such structures are erected for their own needs - such a house is called a cottage, dacha or simply country property. The popularity of such buildings is increasing every year: city residents get tired of constant noise and strive for silence and privacy. However, this does not mean that the house should not be comfortable, so innovative technologies in the construction of private houses come in handy.

The main goal of constructing a private residential building is the comfort and well-being of the owners. Innovative building materials can provide it. The choice in this area is practically unlimited: there are many types of unique materials from which blocks with completely new qualities are created. Many of them are lightweight, so now a person can build a house without outside help.

Types of concrete blocks

Innovative technologies in low-rise construction have reached certain heights, and old concrete slabs have faded into the background. There are two types of concrete blocks:

  1. Foam concrete is made by mixing mortar and foaming agent. The result is a lightweight and inexpensive material that provides good thermal insulation and allows the walls to “breathe.”
  2. Aerated concrete has the same composition, but with the addition of quartz sand. Thus, the strength of the material significantly exceeds concrete blocks produced using outdated technology.

Both are of high quality and easy to use, therefore they play a leading role in the construction services market.

Innovative technologies in the construction of houses should ensure energy saving and sound insulation, the ability to quickly erect a building, light weight of the structure and a comfortable microclimate inside. Reducing construction costs and environmental safety play an important role in the introduction of innovations, because it is these qualities that distinguish modern technologies from previous ones.

Road construction

The construction of roads in any state is a matter of strategic importance. The quality of the canvas can be used to judge the security and responsibility of the local administration. In addition, cost reduction eliminates further costs for the maintenance and reconstruction of a broken road. Innovative technologies in road construction are really important: they improve the quality of the road surface and reduce its cost.

The government has long been trying to solve at least one of two Russian problems. Roads began to be built according to the methods of more developed countries in this regard. However, unstable weather conditions and operating conditions reduce foreign developments to nothing. This fact has a double meaning: on the one hand, the impossibility of applying foreign principles entails wasted expenditure on the study of technologies and specialists. On the other hand, this pushes Russian scientists to create their own technologies, and therefore introduce innovations.

Stages of highway construction

All roads consist of pavement and subgrade. The latter is the basis for new layers that are applied on top. Road pavement is a multi-layer structure consisting of a covering - a durable top layer, and a base - the load-bearing part of the road, which consists of layers of stone material or treated soil.


One of the main reasons for the poor quality of the road is the unreliability of its foundation - the roadbed. In order to ensure long-term service of the route, it must have a high load-bearing capacity. Otherwise, pits and other serious damage cannot be avoided. Innovative technologies in roadbed construction are aimed at increasing the speed of the process and the durability of the result, as well as eliminating factors that have a negative impact on the quality of construction.

There are many innovative materials that provide the roadbed with all the qualities of an ideal base for a future road. An example of modification is the development of a unique geoenvelope. It is made from soils that are chemically resistant and environmentally safe. In addition, the soil is not exposed to biological factors, which means that the destructive influence of microorganisms does not affect it.

The geoshell is a vivid example of how much innovative materials can change the quality of the final product. The flexible base prevents soil subsidence. The three-dimensional geometric shape ensures optimal humidity. The ability of drainage, uniform distribution of large loads and resistance to soil shear casts aside doubts about the reliability of the modification, and its use no longer raises questions.

Features of highway construction

The subgrade is universal: it is used both in the construction of railways and in laying an ordinary rural road. Specialized road complexes are built according to a special algorithm. Innovative technologies in the construction of highways play an important role: they reduce the costs of both the construction process and its future operation.

Innovations in highway construction

Scientists and engineers are involved in the development of innovations. Today, there are many new technologies that have already found wide application in road construction throughout the country. These include the technology of bitumen foaming during the production of asphalt concrete mixtures. Especially for these purposes, asphalt distributors or asphalt distributors with a mixer built into the body have been introduced into the usual set of equipment.

The construction of wear layers using new technologies and cationic bitumen emulsions can extend the life of high-quality operation of highways by one and a half times. Equipment such as improved pavers, asphalt distributors and compactors streamline the asphalt paving process, saving on labor costs, inefficient materials and the costs of quickly deteriorating asphalt.

Innovative technologies for road design and construction significantly improve the quality of road work and push scientists to create modified building materials. The movement towards the ideals of Western production gives hope that someday Russia will be able to boast of high-quality roads.

Innovative technologies in construction: benefit or harm?

The opinions of knowledgeable people on this matter differ. Some argue that the costs of development, commissioning and training of workers in new construction principles do not justify the end result. In addition, innovative technologies require long and careful testing for quality, ease of use and subtleties of operation. It takes time. There is some truth in the words of skeptics: the costs of designing modifications and their comprehensive study do exist, but they are negligible compared to the benefits that the state receives by saving on the monthly repair of a broken road.

The importance of introducing innovative technologies in construction is great. They significantly reduce the costs and time for constructing a building, increase the service life of the structure, and ensure external compliance with the times. Modified materials intended for home construction improve the quality of life of owners. All innovative technologies are developed taking into account the negative influence of external factors; they become environmentally friendly and safe.

Is innovation the engine of progress?

Innovative technologies in construction have become widespread due to the growing demand for real estate. Both private and public enterprises strive to improve the quality of facilities in order to increase their prestige in the eyes of society. At the state level, it must rise in the eyes of other countries - this is necessary for competent relations with representatives of foreign countries. For an ordinary person, society can be friends, acquaintances or just passers-by who stopped to take a good look at the architectural masterpiece.

Innovative technologies in construction or building materials are needed not only to move science forward and improve the quality of buildings, but also to increase the pace of social development, because an important characteristic of progress is modern technical equipment.