Multifaceted parsley root: application features, its benefits and harms. Parsley root, planting and care Parsley root system

Parsley is classified into annual and biennial, and by species, into root and leaf. The culture is extremely moisture-loving, normally tolerates frosts, and even slight frosts. Growing parsley is possible in the open field and on the windowsill, for example, in winter. The plant contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, due to which it has the widest range of applications in medicine.

Root parsley is usually biennial. In the first year of growth, it forms a root crop, in the second year it forms a seed cushion. And in the first and second season shoots appear in the form of green foliage. The tops are juicy, saturated green color, suitable for consumption. The root crop, which looks like a white carrot, is also suitable for consumption. Parsley root is often used medicinally and as a spice. It is rich in trace elements and vitamins.

The leaf species is distinguished by the absence of a root crop, but the plant has its own root system. Green tops are used as a spice for food. These herbs can be frozen. This type is most popular among gardeners.

Each type of parsley has its own unique value. Therefore, several varieties can be placed on the site, in order to be able to compare and choose the best one.

Site selection

The soil is preferably loose, fertile; crops can be placed on a site with a high occurrence of groundwater. It is not recommended to use a shaded area. The best predecessor is , acceptable predecessors are , . You definitely shouldn't sow parsley in the place where or grew.

It is recommended to prepare the site for planting any crop in the fall. Parsley can be sown in the winter, with such a planting, the soil is cultivated a couple of weeks before it.

To grow a crop of fodder varieties, organic fertilizers are required. It is advisable to do this for the predecessor as well.

During winter planting, mineral fertilizers are also applied along with organic matter. Agronomists recommend such crops.

spring planting

It is pointless to grow parsley in seedlings, since when planting seeds in open ground, the result will be approximately the same. The second half of April is a good time for planting. To make the greens delight all summer, you can sow parsley several times a season with a difference of two to three weeks. So, greens sown in April are ready for use in early June, and May - in July - August. Before planting, you need to carry out the procedure for dressing the seeds, and after soaking them in warm water. Like seeds, parsley seeds have a large amount of essential oils in their composition. This prevents rapid germination; to speed up the process, there is a method of soaking in an alcohol solution. A weak solution of 1: 4 water with alcohol is made, planting material is immersed there for a couple of hours. The seeds are then washed and dried.

Sowing takes place in grooves made with a chopper, their depth is not more than ten centimeters. After the landing pits are sprinkled with soil and watered.


There are no special tricks. Care consists of regular watering, top dressing, weed removal and thinning - if we are talking about root varieties, leaf species do not need this.

Leaf parsley is much more demanding on watering. Root - you can water even once a month, when the first requires moisture at least once a week. Before watering, water must be given time to heat up to air temperature, otherwise ice water can provoke the appearance of fungal diseases.

In matters of complementary foods, leaf parsley is also more demanding. Several times during the growing season it is recommended to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, saltpeter - at the rate of 5 g per 1 square meter.

Root parsley is fed with phosphate fertilizers once, during the period of intensive growth, immediately after germination.

It is not recommended to place dill or celery on the site after parsley. Umbrellas can be placed on the same bed, not earlier than after four seasons. Potatoes, tomatoes, garlic grow well after culture.

It will be possible to pluck fresh greens from the site no earlier than after six weeks. When the length of the branch reaches ten centimeters - it's time to eat. Early maturing varieties can ripen up to two weeks earlier.

Residents of high-rise buildings also have the opportunity to feast on fresh herbs, here boxes filled with biohumus and drainage will come to the rescue. Seeds are sown in such containers according to the scheme of planting in open ground. Care is no different from that described above. There are recommendations for accelerating the emergence of seedlings - you can cover it with a film or glass on top. Containers are placed on window sills to maximize sunlight. The optimum temperature in the room is +20, parsley is able to grow at lower temperatures, but much more slowly.

If root parsley grew on the site in the summer, then for the winter its roots can be transplanted into containers with a substrate and sent to the windowsills. So, you do not need to wait until the first shoots appear, the plant will quickly begin to produce greens. It is recommended to keep the temperature in the room at the level of twenty degrees, and watering should be done as the soil dries out.

Diseases and pests

The culture is susceptible to many diseases, and fungal and viral diseases can also affect.

Often the plant is affected by powdery mildew. Then it manifests itself in the same way on all plants - a characteristic white coating on the foliage. The causative agent is a fungus, therefore, it provokes the development of excessive humidity or a sharp temperature drop when watering in the heat with ice water. As control measures, they are treated with special preparations, but basically, the fungus can be defeated only by completely removing the plant. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to regulate watering, and in rainy summers, to abandon it altogether.

If the edges of the leaves turn red, and the bush itself slows down in growth compared to the rest, most likely it is Stolbur. The disease is spread by leafhoppers, the lower parts of the shoots are the first to be affected. They fight the disease with herbicides, to prevent - regular weeding is carried out, the removal of weeds on which the peddlers are located.

Blackened shoots at the base indicate the presence of black rot. It can occur at any stage of growth or storage of the harvested crop. There are no methods of struggle, as such. This plant is not to be consumed. To prevent, if there were already precedents in the past vegetation periods, treatment with Barrier and Hom preparations is carried out.

Among pests, the main threats to crop loss are psyllid, nematodes, carrot fly, melon aphid and others. As measures to combat each pest, chemicals are provided, they can be purchased in specialized stores.

Unknown properties of parsley

Without juicy greens, it is already difficult to imagine salads, canapes and many culinary delights. But it's not just about taste, spice has many useful properties. The range of application is incredibly wide, including cooking, medicine, and even cosmetology. The benefits of eating parsley for food are great, for example, only there is as much keratin in it as in. All B vitamins are present, and trace elements simply cannot be counted.

Traditional medicine has long recognized parsley as an important ingredient in all special diets. Regular use contributes to:

  • Improving the functioning of the glands;
  • Stimulation of metabolism;
  • Strengthening of blood vessels;
  • Removal of inflammation, including in the oral cavity;
  • Stimulation of oxygen metabolism of the brain;
  • Improvement of appetite;
  • Overcoming depression.

The plant is used as a medicine in various forms. There may be infusion, juices, decoctions. Cardiac, ophthalmic and respiratory ailments are treated with freshly squeezed parsley juice. In ophthalmology, it is recommended to use mixes of parsley, carrot and blueberry juices.

Fresh parsley juice

Freshly squeezed parsley juice with garlic is an excellent diuretic. Indicated for people suffering from hypertension, high blood pressure. Juice is an excellent antiviral agent.

A mask of crushed leaves can serve as a whitening agent for the face, reduce the brightness of age spots.

Facial (parsley)

Essential oils are used to prepare douching liquid, parsley helps restore the cycle, relieve severe dysmenorrhea.

For men, the use of juices is shown to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland.

Parsley roots have special properties. Various decoctions and infusions are prepared from them. If you prepare a potion from two tablespoons of crushed roots, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for a couple of minutes, cool and take 2 tablespoons three times a day, an hour before meals, you can restore the level of hemoglobin in the blood with anemia, relieve inflammation of the prostate.

With such an abundance of useful properties, it will be fair to note that there are also contraindications to the use of parsley. First of all, this applies to pregnant and lactating women. Due to the high concentration of spicy essential oils, a large amount of greens consumed can cause allergic reactions. The use of highly concentrated juices is generally contraindicated.

Those who use juices as diuretics need to understand that everything is good in moderation. The use of any diuretic can threaten inflammation of the genitourinary system.

It is rational to approach the use of such a stimulant and patients with bile stone disease.

In general, there are much more pluses than minuses, the main thing is to treat the culture and your body correctly.

There are two types of parsley - root and leaf.. For those who want to know all the intricacies of using parsley root, this is the most important information, since:

  • In root parsley, the root is a root crop. More commonly used for medicinal purposes, but has also found its place in cooking.
  • Leaf parsley does not have a root crop, the root itself is branched. Almost never used.

What it looks like - plant photo

And so that no more confusion arises, let's go through the appearance of each root system:

  • Root parsley has a cylindrical shape, pointed at the end. The shape strongly resembles a carrot, the color varies from whitish to light yellow. The pulp is light.

    Reference! You can not cut off the leaves of the growing root parsley too often, this will greatly harm the development of the root.

  • The root of leaf parsley is thickened at the beginning and strongly branched. The roots are thick and powerful.

What varieties can be used for different purposes?

As already mentioned, only the root of the root species of the plant is of practical importance, therefore, those who wish to grow this healing ingredient with their own hands should pay attention to the following varieties of parsley:

  1. Olomuntsk.
  2. Eastern.
  3. Alba.
  4. The final.
  5. Harvest.
  6. Good morning.
  7. Bubka.
  8. Lyubasha.
  9. Doctor.

Chemical composition and nutritional value (BJU) of the plant

Per 100 grams of root:

  • Calorie content - 51 Kcal.
  • 1.6 grams of protein, 0.8 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 84 grams of water, 0.6 grams of ash.
  • Vitamins: group B, vitamin A, C, E, PP, niacin and carotene.
  • Macronutrients: 340 mg Potassium, 58 mg Calcium, 20 mg Magnesium, 8 mg Sodium, 70 mg Phosphorus.
  • Trace elements: 0.7 mg Iron.
  • Essential oils.

Benefit and harm

Each age and gender will find something for themselves in the beneficial properties of parsley root, so it is not only possible, but also necessary for the whole family to use it:

Men can use parsley root for:

  • Prevention and control of prostatitis. Thanks to the parsley root, the blood supply to the genitourinary organs improves, and the hormonal background normalizes.
  • Increase libido and improve potency. This is especially important with reduced potency, as it allows you to avoid stagnation in the prostate gland, which in the future could lead to prostatitis.
  • Increasing the amount of apigenin. This element will contribute to the recruitment of muscle mass, so the root is indispensable for those who have set themselves the goal of becoming stronger.

Parsley root is primarily valued by women for:

  • Restorative effect on the urinary system.
  • Teas and decoctions based on this ingredient will greatly ease painful menstruation and help in the fight against dysmenorrhea.
  • The decoction will stimulate milk production and improve lactation in nursing mothers.

    Important! Do not use parsley root during pregnancy! The root stimulates the activity of the muscles of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage.

  • Finally, it helps to shed those extra pounds.

The properties of parsley root are no less useful for children and adolescents.:

  • It will help to cope with youthful acne, blackheads and age spots.
  • Increases immunity, helps fight allergic rhinitis, removes toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Treatment of wounds at the sites of insect bites.
  • Eliminates bad breath.

Parsley root helps in different ways, but harms everyone the same way.

Do not forget about the possible harm:

  • The daily norm of the root is 50 grams, if it is exceeded, then weakness, headaches, nausea, and overexcitation are possible.
  • Parsley root can cause the movement of stones in the urinary tract.
  • One of the properties of the root is a slight laxative effect, which may not always be useful.


There are such conditions when it is necessary to use parsley root and make the most of its beneficial properties, and there are those in which there are many contraindications.

The use of parsley root is prohibited:

  1. During pregnancy. There is a threat of miscarriage.
  2. Children up to 8 months.
  3. Suffering from severe kidney disease (nephritis and glomerulonephritis).
  4. epileptics.
  5. Suffering from disorders of calcium metabolism.
  6. With allergies and intolerance to parsley.


In total, there are three areas of application of parsley root:

  • treatment of diseases;
  • cosmetology;
  • cooking.

These areas are vast, so each should be given attention:

For medicinal purposes

What heals:

  1. cystitis.
  2. Kidney spasms.
  3. Inflammation of the prostate.
  4. Gastritis with high acidity.
  5. Allergies.
  6. Inflammation of the oral cavity and mucous membranes.
  7. Malaria.
  8. Edema.
  9. Problems with the nervous system.
  10. Colitis.

In cosmetology

  1. Fight acne, blackheads, age spots.
  2. Strengthening hair.
  3. Removal of puffiness.
  4. Improvement in skin color.
  5. Fight against loss of skin elasticity.

In cooking

  1. Add to salads.
  2. They make soups.
  3. Add to broth.
  4. Used as a garnish.
  5. They make snacks.

Current GOST and TU

The state ensures that people receive only high-quality parsley root. For the root crop, as well as for the greenery itself, there is GOST 34212-2017, adopted on July 1, 2018. It describes the technical conditions, as well as the technical requirements that will determine the quality of the root. What to do with TU? TU is no longer valid.

The use of medicinal properties in traditional medicine

The healing properties of the root have been known for so long that during this time hundreds and hundreds of traditional medicine recipes using parsley root have appeared. Here are the most famous of them:

For cystitis and kidney spasms

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  • 1 large or 4 small roots.
  • 500 ml of water.


  1. Cut the skin off the roots.
  2. Finely chop them.
  3. Throw in water and boil.
  4. After boiling, keep on low heat for another third of an hour.
  5. The resulting broth insist for 10 hours.
  6. Strain after this time.

Application: The decoction is taken once daily, 200 ml on an empty stomach, continue to take for 3-4 days.

Attention! The use of a decoction can cause sand to come out.

We offer you to watch an informative video with another recipe for cystitis using parsley root:

From prostatitis


  • A small root of parsley.
  • 100 ml of water.


  1. Finely chop the root, filling one teaspoon with it.
  2. Boil water, add finely chopped root to it.
  3. Strain in the morning.

Application: 15 ml of infusion are taken 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Continue taking until you feel better.

From gastritis with high acidity


  • A few roots, depending on size, or 1 tablespoon dried roots.
  • 300 ml of water.


  1. If fresh roots are taken, grind them and fill with 2 tablespoons.
  2. Boil water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the roots.
  4. Keep on low heat for about two minutes.
  5. Leave to infuse overnight.
  6. Strain in the morning.

Application: Take a decoction of 1 tablespoon before each meal. Continue using until you feel better.

It is difficult to find something more versatile than parsley root. Suitable for use in such a huge list of directions, it can become a support for the stomach, and for appearance, and for health.

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Petroselinum, Parsley. A spicy biennial plant with pinnate leaves. In the first year, a rosette of leaves with root crops is formed (in root varieties), in the second year the plant blooms.

Parsley includes two varieties - leaf and root. In the first year, a rosette of fragrant leaves grows from parsley seeds, and the root varieties additionally develop a fleshy yellow-white root crop. Parsley leaves are double-, triple-cut, glossy and tender, the surface is even or curly, the leaves of the latter are more rigid.

In the second year, a small leaf rosette is formed from the wintering root system, and then a flower-bearing shoot, on which seeds ripen by the end of summer.

Types and varieties of parsley

In the outlet of root parsley from 15 to 40 leaves, in leaf parsley - from 10 to 100.

The shape of root crops in root varieties is spindle-shaped or cone-shaped, the color is yellow-white, the smell is spicy.

Parsley varieties:

Alba - root variety, late-ripening variety, leaves of medium size, the taste of the root crop is good;

Aster - leaf curly variety, early ripening variety, leaves are large, dark green, tender;

Breeze - leaf variety, mid-season variety, upright leaf rosette, tender, juicy greens;

Best of all - mid-early, the taste of the root crop is good.

At home, parsley can be grown for greens and in the autumn-winter period.

sandwich shop - Mid-season leaf variety (period from germination to cutting leaves 65-75 days). The rosette is semi-vertical, with a large number of dark green leaves. The leaf is strongly dissected, smooth. The mass of greenery from one plant is 60-70 g. Greenery grows well after cutting, it is excellent for creating a conveyor of fresh greenery and for winter harvesting.

ANDTalyan Giant - Mid-early leaf variety (the period from germination to technical ripeness is 90 days). The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, 67 cm high. The leaf is large, smooth, dark green. The mass of greenery of one plant is 75 g. The variety is distinguished by high aromaticity, tenderness of leaves, and rapid growth after cutting.

Kucheryavets - Mid-season variety of leaf curly parsley (period from germination to cutting leaves 55-60 days). The socket is semi-raised, dense, of medium height. The leaves are green, strongly corrugated and fragrant. The mass of greens from one plant is 50-60 g. After cutting, the greens retain freshness and turgor for a long time. The grade is suitable for cultivation in the open and protected ground.

station wagon - A universal late-ripening variety (the period from germination to technical ripeness is 90-140 days), which forms both a root crop and a rosette of leaves at the same time. The leaf is large, dark green, triangular in shape. The mass of greens from one plant is 60-80 g. Greens grow well after cutting, they are distinguished by increased aromaticity.

spicy - An early ripening root variety with excellent taste qualities of the root crop (the period from full germination to technical ripeness is 95-105 days). The root crop is conical, pointed, up to 30 cm long, 3.5-6 cm in diameter. The surface color is whitish-gray, the core is white. The weight of the root crop is 45-60 g. The rosette of leaves is sprawling. A wonderful combination of fragrant greens and a large root crop.

parsley care

The culture of a long day, therefore, the largest increase in green mass and the formation of a peduncle is observed in the summer. When grown in winter at home, parsley plants need additional lighting for 3-5 hours.

Parsley is photophilous, but grows well even with short shading.

Parsley is a cold-resistant plant, but if it is sown too early in the open field, a transition to stalking is possible. Seedlings withstand frosts down to -8°C. Leaves withstand light spring and autumn frosts. Root crops are relatively frost-resistant and easily overwinter in the soil in the conditions of the Middle Belt.

The optimum temperature for the growth and development of parsley is +16...+18°C.

Parsley prefers fertile soils. On light soils, it also gives a high yield. Likes fertilized, loose, loamy and sandy soils with a deep arable layer. Root varieties are especially demanding on the composition of the soil. Moisture requirements are moderate.

Root varieties do not tolerate fresh organic fertilizers well.

Parsley does not tolerate repeated crops in the same place of cultivation. It is also undesirable to allocate a site for her after representatives of the Celery family. It is better to return parsley to the same site after 4 years.

Care is simple, consists in thinning and timely weeding. If necessary, thickened crops are thinned out. The first time between plants leave 2 cm, the second time - 4-5 cm.

Planting parsley

Seeds germinate at +2...+3 degrees. To obtain root crops, seeds are sown in late April-early May.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm, in rows, with a row spacing of 20-25 cm, in moist soil. Seedlings appear on the 10-14th day.

parsley care

Leaf parsley is ready for selective harvesting 40-50 days after germination and is cut off throughout the summer season. Full-fledged root crops usually grow in 60-80 days, harvest them before frost and store in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of parsley

Parsley is very beneficial for health. For example, by eating 50 g of parsley, you can get the daily intake of vitamin C. The inulin contained in the leaves improves metabolic processes in the body, in particular blood glucose. Essential oils and flavanoids of parsley are powerful natural antioxidants and anti-cancer components.

Young tender leaves and root crops are eaten fresh from parsley as a spice or seasoning for salads, and are also added in the preparation of various first and second courses.

Parsley is also used for the preparation of cosmetics: creams, lotions, nourishing masks.

Diseases and pests of parsley

Of the diseases on parsley, the most common alternariosis, rhizoctoniosis and wet bacterial rot.

Most often, crops are damaged by various types aphids, whiteflies, thrips, mites.

Control measures can be agrotechnical - maintaining the correct crop rotation, burning plant residues, timely weeding, as well as deep digging of the site. Plants affected by pests are best removed. With minor damage, crops can be treated with soapy water, or infusion of tobacco dust. Biological insecticides, such as Fitoverm, can also be used on root parsley if necessary.

Parsley is out of the LAW!

In 2011, Rospotrebnadzor expanded the list of plants containing narcotic and poisonous substances, the new "black" list also included curly parsley (Petroselinum crispuma) or rather, its fruits. According to Rospotrebnadzor experts, dangerous drugs can be isolated from it. However, "raids" on summer residents growing parsley are not planned yet ...

Parsley, as a garden crop, does not require large investments and complex care to produce products; a good harvest can be obtained even in a small area by properly preparing and sowing the seeds.

But, nevertheless, it is required to adhere to a certain growing regime and harvest on time.

Growing parsley: choosing seeds for tops and roots

Many gardeners opt for root parsley - this plant is universal. Varieties of leaf parsley allow you to use only greens for food, its roots are not served at the table. The root, dense and thick root crop, it is used for making sauces and for flavoring pickles. At the same time, the leaves of this variety are also used for food. But it cannot be cut before the root crop has grown, and the taste of this green is coarser than that of the leaf.

When choosing a variety for your garden, consider the following characteristics:

It is necessary to plant a variety zoned in your region;

It is desirable that it can be planted in greenhouses;

It is necessary that the variety be resistant to the most common crop diseases;

It is advised to select varieties with maximum yield.

leaf parsley

This variety comes with simple leaves and curly (leaf surface with outwardly attractive curves). The bush grows up to 30 cm in diameter, its growth reaches 60 cm.

.Breeze. Mid-season variety, does not fade for a long time after cutting the greens, you can get the first harvest in 2.5 months;

. Moskrauch. An early maturing variety, used both fresh and dried, popular for its attractive appearance;

.Esmeralda. Mid-season variety, plant weight reaches 50 grams. Up to 30 leaves are formed on the outlet. After collecting greens, quickly restores the vegetative mass;

.Bravo. The variety was bred in Russia, stands out for its vertical growth of leaves and strong aroma.

root parsley

The most common varieties:

.Harvest. Early maturing variety, well suited for use in winter;

. Bordovicskaya. Late, high-yielding and maturing variety, root weight up to 170 g;

. Root Berlin. Early maturing variety, pleasant to the taste with a strong aroma of root crops;

. sheet. It is good because in addition to the root, about 60 leaves can be cut from the plant at a time.

Growing parsley: sowing

The plot for sowing parsley begins to be prepared from the autumn digging of the soil, at this time the beds are seasoned with organic fertilizers in a bucket per 1 m2. A crop sown in rows with row spacing of 25-30 cm gives more production. Before sowing, in the spring, mineral fertilizers are applied to the garden and loosened with a rake. The plant needs a lot of potassium and nitrogen.

For the root variety of parsley, 10-20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20-25 g of superphosphate, 15-29 g of potassium sulfate are added per 1 m2.

For the rapid formation of the parsley leaf apparatus, you need to use a different amount of fertilizer - 35 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium sulfate.

Seeds are sown in pre-prepared grooves 1 cm deep, after sowing they are sprinkled with soil, rolled and the beds are watered. In order for the seeds to sprout quickly and amicably, the site is covered with agrofiber or film.

To get greens all summer, leaf parsley is sown several times, seeds can be sown in the summer until July 10.

Early spring sowing of parsley is optimal for plant development, during this period the plant consumes moisture reserves formed as a result of snow melting. It is possible to sow root parsley only in early spring. For 1 m2, 1 g of root parsley seeds and 2 g of leaf parsley are consumed. Before sowing, the seeds are germinated in moistened gauze for 5 days, after 10 days the first seedlings will appear.

Parsley greens can be obtained with the help of distillation, first the roots are kept covered with wet sand until the roots appear. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 2 degrees, after which the roots are planted on a garden bed in previously prepared furrows.

It is necessary to use root crops weighing about 60 grams. They need to be planted to a depth of 15 cm, placing the root at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving a space of 10 cm between the rows, and 5 cm in the row between plants. You can not cover the parsley head and neck with soil.

For both methods, loamy or sod-podzolic soil is considered the most suitable. In dense soils, root parsley forms ugly roots. Usually, root parsley is planted in the garden after the crop under which manure was applied, and the leaf variety develops well when planted on fresh manure. The best predecessors for this plant are onion, cucumber and cabbage. The bed should be seasoned with a complex mineral composition.

Growing parsley: care, feeding

Parsley, unlike carrots, can be thinned all summer, this crop can be used for food at any age. You can leave parsley for the winter in the open field, such plants with the onset of spring will provide fresh herbs to your table, and will give a quality root crop. If there is little snow on the site or there is no snow cover at all, then the beds with parsley are covered with a layer of humus or peat with a layer within 7-10 cm.

You can not plant parsley in a separate bed, it grows well in the aisles of other vegetables, you can even plant it along the edge of the plot with potatoes. Only in the vicinity of carrots can not be planted this crop.

Parsley looks attractive and spectacular, placed as a border or border, near annual flowers. This plant is one of the common herbs in container gardening, planting it with other fragrant plants in flowerpots or containers, you can create a kind of "kitchen garden" that will provide you with fresh greens in winter. Parsley can be grown all year round. The plant is unpretentious to the conditions, the main thing in this business is the timely removal of weeds and the organization of a suitable microclimate.

It is better to water plantings in the evening, root varieties respond well to abundant watering in August, during this period, root crops accumulate many useful elements, do not forget to thin out crops, loosen the soil, free the beds from weeds.

If you often pull plants out of the garden for greenery (it can be used at any time during the growth of parsley), the crops are thinned out as the bushes grow. Root parsley, it is necessary to thin out without fail, no matter if you need greens for the table or not.

During the first thinning, a space of about 3 cm is left between the plants, after 12-16 days have passed, this operation is repeated. For the last time, extra bushes are pulled out, leaving 5-10 cm of free space between them.

From time to time, check the plants, their leaves should be free of traces of insect activity and no signs of disease, this is necessary in order to take timely security measures and not destroy the crop of greens and root crops.

Parsley crops are weeded several times during the season. With the mass appearance of seedlings, the first weeding is carried out, it is desirable to combine it with top dressing. For this, complex mineral compositions in liquid form are used. Even during the season, two top dressings are carried out with a break of two weeks.

Parsley is watered two or three times a year, thirty liters of water per 1 m2, taking into account weather conditions. The lack of moisture has a bad effect on the quality of greenery, for this reason, during the dry period, plants need to be watered more.

Collection and storage of parsley

Two 50-60 days after the appearance of seedlings, with a height of parsley bushes of 20-25 cm, you can collect greens for the first time. After that, during the season it is cut 2-3 more times, the highest quality greens from the harvest of the first cut. It is advisable to keep a gap of 40 days between green cuts. When harvesting parsley leaves, one must not forget to leave petioles at least 5 cm long in order not to delay their subsequent growth.

Parsley root crops are harvested in the autumn, before the first frosts, the greens are cut, and the roots in a cool place are covered with sand (just like carrots). For storage in winter, root crops are carefully dug up, the leaves are carefully cut off and stored for storage. In order for the roots to be large and of high quality, it is undesirable to remove the leaves during the growth of the plant.

Root parsley, you can not clean in the fall. Then, after the snow melts, you can collect the first fresh herbs in your garden. It is convenient to use parsley roots in the winter for forcing greens on the windowsill.

Leaf parsley is harvested at any convenient time and then dried in the shade or, if possible, frozen. You can cut greens at a bush height of 10-15 cm, starting from mid-June.

Parsley on the windowsill

Fresh leaves of this plant are easy to grow on the windowsill in the apartment all year round. This technology does not require special knowledge, it is only important to find high-quality root crops.

You can grow greens on the windowsill from root crops like this:

In late autumn, before the soil in the garden freezes, carefully dig up large root vegetables;

Prepare a pot of a suitable size or a box (with a volume of at least 3 liters), a drainage hole is required in the container;

Pour the universal soil for plants into the pot and moisten it. Make indentations in them and plant root crops; their tops cannot be covered with soil;

Parsley growing on the windowsill should be watered sparingly. Be sure to turn the container with the plant once a week around the axis by 10 degrees, the temperature must be maintained at about 20 degrees.

In this way, you can get the first fresh greens after two weeks have passed.

1. Plants planted around the perimeter of the area where other vegetables are planted will save them from the invasion of slugs;

2. Thanks to its beautiful leaves, parsley can look great in garden flowerpots or boxes on the balcony with flowers growing in them;

4. Although parsley is not a moisture-loving crop, in a very dry and hot summer, the growth of its leaves is delayed, and they coarsen. But at the same time, the leaves accumulate more essential oils, become much more fragrant;

5. At the end of the season, dig up a few bushes, plant them in pots, take them to the apartment, so you can please your family with fresh greenery in winter.

Growing parsley: the main pests and how to deal with them

white rot

A white mycelium appears on root crops, subsequently, sclerotia of the fungus can be seen on it. The tissues of the plant become soft, they turn brown, then the root crop rots.


Signs of the disease are noticeable on the leaves of the plant, spots of chlorosis first appear on the upper surface, then they become larger and acquire a yellowish tint, subsequently turn brown, and a plaque with a faint purple tint appears on the bottom of the leaf.


This disease of parsley develops in early summer, brownish-yellow pads appear on the petioles and under the leaf.

white spotting

Basically, the disease is visible on the petioles and from the bottom of the leaf, spots of a yellow-ocher shade and a dark rim, 1-5 mm wide, appear. After a while, they spread over the entire width of the leaf surface. On the tissues affected by the disease, many dotted pincnidia appear, immersed in the plant tissue.

Leaf cercosporosis

The disease is noticeable on leaves, umbels with seeds and petioles. Externally, they look like dirty brown angular, rounded, elongated or irregularly shaped spots, no larger than 6 mm in size. After a while, they turn pale in the middle, and a dark strip is noticeable on the edge.

stem nematode

Larvae and adult insects suck the juice from the plant, parsley begins to lag behind in development, their petioles are bent.

Carrot blotch

The insect is small in size, light green in color, both adults and larvae suck the juice from the leaves.

melon aphid

Lives in colonies that are on the shoots and the lower surface of the leaves. Aphids feed on sap from all parts of the plant, causing yellowing, shriveling and death.

carrot fly

Parsley develops poorly, the leaves become purple-red, dry out after a while. Pest larvae live in root crops, where they make many winding passages of small diameter.

Let's talk about root parsley first. In order to grow parsley roots, you need to choose the right variety. The root sugar is best suited for these purposes.

Root parsley is very demanding on soil and fertilizers, and therefore it is contraindicated for it: fresh manure, too dense, carelessly or finely cultivated soil, a large number of soil pests, dense planting. If you neglected these wishes (or did not know about them!), then instead of the long-awaited yellow-white root crop with a smooth surface, something multi-legged, dirty in color with numerous brown spots in places damaged by insects will appear from the soil.

Parsley leaves - green, shiny, double or thrice pinnatisected - may be of the usual form, or may be curly. Root varieties differ from leaf varieties in a smaller number of leaves per plant. In the outlet of root varieties, there are from 15 to 40 pieces (more - rarely), and in leafy ones - 80 is not the limit!

At first glance, the leaves of both varieties of parsley - that of the root, that of the leaf - are exactly the same. In fact, the leaves of root varieties are somewhat tougher in taste - they are better used for cooking hot dishes: under the influence of temperature, they become tender. And for fresh consumption, it is better to use leafy greens.

There is another reason why it is impossible to pluck leaves from plants of root varieties until the harvest itself - this leads to the formation of smaller root crops. But after harvesting, part of the leaves can be prepared for the winter (dry, salt, freeze).

Experience suggests that in this case, harvesting should be carried out in such a way as to first collect all the most suitable leaves for harvesting. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the lower, old leaves become too hard (and very dirty) for harvesting; young leaves are tender, but not spicy enough. That is why for harvesting it is better to take leaves from the middle part of the outlet ...

And in order for you to enjoy fresh tender parsley all summer long, first of all, you need to choose the appropriate variety.

Some plants can be grown through seedlings, and some can be sown with seeds. Approximately 60 days after the emergence of seedlings, it will already be possible to harvest the first crop of delicate fragrant greens.

If leaf parsley can be grown both by sowing seeds into the ground and by seedlings, then root parsley can only be grown by sowing seeds into the ground. Because transplanted plants will definitely form a branched root crop.

So seeds. Moreover, they are sown quite rarely. In this case, thinning can be kept to a minimum so that the remaining plants are not damaged during this operation.

Agrotechnics of root parsley practically does not differ from that of carrots:

  • For the cultivation of root crops, as mentioned above, heavy, floating soils with a close standing of groundwater are completely unsuitable. The largest, smoothest, most tender root crops grow in breathable, fertile sandy or loamy soils. The site in the spring must (!) Dig up to a depth of at least 20 cm.
  • For root parsley, it is better to choose a predecessor, under which organic fertilizers were applied (early cabbage and cauliflower, early potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes). As a rule, only mineral fertilizers are applied directly under parsley: ammonium nitrate (15-20 g / sq.m), superphosphate (40-50 g / sq.m), and potassium salt (20-30 g / sq.m. ).
  • Parsley can and should be sown at the earliest possible time, as soon as the soil ripens and it can be processed (dig up and loosen to a depth of 12-15 cm). This is due to several biological features of parsley: its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of only 3-5 degrees, and germinate for a long time (2-3 weeks), they need a lot of moisture to swell.
  • The first 4-6 weeks after germination, plants develop very slowly and can be drowned out by weeds. Therefore, after sprouting, parsley is especially carefully monitored for the purity of its crops; Row spacing, weeding will help get rid of weeds that are very oppressive for small parsley plants. Weeds not only take away some of their moisture and nutrients, but also shade them, and thereby retard growth.
  • It is very important to carry out thinning of seedlings in time. The sooner the desired plant density is established in the garden (about 80 pcs / sq. M), the more likely it is that they will form large, even tubers.
  • It is important to provide parsley plants with sufficient moisture. Even short-term drying of the soil provokes the formation of small dry root crops. At the slightest drying of the soil, the plants should be watered without delay, while the soil is shed to a depth of about 15 cm.