The best material for foundation waterproofing. Materials for waterproofing the foundation: types, classification, characteristics Waterproofing fabric for the foundation

Groundwater containing salts and acids, rain, melting snow - these are the worst destroyers of the foundation of any building. Moisture on the surface of brick or concrete promotes the spread of microorganisms and the formation of fungus. Water penetrating into the structure of the stone, freezing, expands and weakens the base, while melting washes out the filler from the concrete. Hence, subsidence, distortions, cracks, which can ultimately lead to the collapse of the house. Properly arranged roll waterproofing for the foundation, it is also called pasting, allows you to avoid such consequences.

Two types of insulation protection are used to protect a building from water penetration.


It is arranged on the surface of the foundation for brickwork, wall panels or timber and runs along the entire perimeter of the building. Its main function is to cut off moisture from the walls. If there is no basement or the presence of dampness is insignificant, then it is enough to make only horizontal waterproofing of the foundation.


This view is used with a high base or a basement, when the foundation is at the same time walls. In this case, the main task is to separate concrete from groundwater and precipitation.

The outer (street) side of the concrete base, and not only its above-ground, but also its underground part, is subject to protection from moisture. Therefore, waterproofing the foundation with rolled materials is done even before backfilling the pit and to the full height. If the basement is made in the underground version, then it is necessary to use both types of protection. Vertical waterproofing is done along the walls, and horizontal - at floor level in the basement and on the surface of the basement (120 mm above the blind area).

Material requirements

To isolate the concrete base, various types of rolled waterproofing are used, but all of them must meet certain requirements and have the following properties:

  • tensile strength;
  • elasticity;
  • flexibility;
  • low water absorption (except glassine);
  • resistance to chemical influences;
  • bursting resistance;
  • elongation at break;
  • durability.

Rolled waterproofing materials are by far the most convenient type of protection against water. To work with them, special skills or a team of workers are not required, everything can be done by hand.

The most popular for this type of work is a waterproofing material based on fiberglass impregnated with bitumen-polymer mastic. One of the first places is occupied by the TechnoNIKOL trademark, which produces roofing felt, technoelast, hydroisol and stekloizol. The products produced by it fully meet all the requirements, are simple and easy to use, and are of good quality.

The structure of rolled waterproofing is multi-layered: a fiberglass or polymer base is located between two layers of bituminous mastic. The outer one is additionally protected with mineral chips, and the inner one is covered with a special film to prevent sticking of the strips in the roll. Insulation is produced in rolls with a width of 1 and a length of 10-12 meters. It is so popular and in demand that you can buy TechnoNIKOL at any hardware store at an affordable price.

Step by step installation method

The tools needed for the job are simple and do not require any special skills. To waterproof the foundation with gluing materials, you will need:

  • gas-burner; it is needed for heating and welding joints between strips of material;
  • a wooden float or a heavy roller for smoothing the surface of the insulation in order to adhere more tightly and expel air bubbles from under the roll.

Surface preparation

The base for roll insulation must be cleaned of dirt and dust, knock down the bulges and cover the recesses. The seams between the blocks or panels must be caulked with a mortar, and the expansion joints must be filled with a special elastic mastic in order to avoid tearing of the coating in these places during the shrinkage of the house.

If a partial repair does not level the base, then it is necessary to make a cement screed (plaster) over its entire surface with a thickness of 10–30 mm. After the solution has dried, it is recommended to prime the entire surface with a primer (liquid bituminous mastic) for dust removal and better adhesion of the rolled material to concrete.

Horizontal cover device

The next step in the foundation waterproofing device is to stick the canvas on the prepared surface. To isolate the ground part of the concrete base with a minimum presence of dampness, you can take glassine or roofing felt. These materials are not as hardy, but if they are subsequently protected from the weather, they will last a long time.

For a part underground or exposed to strong moisture, it is necessary to take waterproofing of the TechnoNIKOL type (for example, Stekloizol). Strips are cut from the roll 100 mm wider than the foundation and glued onto bituminous mastic with an overlap of 100-150 mm at the joints around the entire perimeter of the house.

Vertical waterproofing device

This work is quite laborious, one cannot cope, but this method is the most reliable.

1. The roll is rolled out for "curing", this will reduce the number of waves and air bubbles under the strip.

2. When using the waterproofing of the TechnoNIKOL foundation, the rolls can be rolled from top to bottom with an overlap of 150 mm strips, or they can be glued along the wall, starting from the bottom. Here, the overlap of the upper strip on the lower one is made at least 100 mm.

3. The mastic must be applied immediately before gluing the roll of waterproofing material and in small areas (so that it does not have time to dry). Immediately iron the glued part with a roller or trowel for tighter pressing and forcing out the remaining air.

4. Upon completion of work, the joints between the strips of pasted waterproofing must be well heated with a gas burner until the strips are completely welded. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the seam when laying the TechnoNIKOL roll vertically. Water flowing down will easily find any flaw in the welding and penetrate under the canvas.

5. The next layer (the number can be any, but not less than two) is glued after the previous one has completely dried with a seam shift of at least 250 mm.

Some nuances

  • Waterproofing should be applied continuously and evenly over the entire surface and at the joints of structures.
  • Do not use materials that destroy each other at the same time (for example, bituminous mastic and PVC film).
  • In the lower part of the foundation, a transitional fillet (low tide) is made at an angle of 45 ° to the wall, TechnoNIKOL is glued on it in two layers, and the upper one should be 100–150 mm longer than the lower one.
  • After the device of waterproofing protection, the foundation of an already built house can be strengthened with polymer membranes.

Comparative prices for roll materials of the TechnoNIKOL brand

The cost of waterproofing materials in different stores is not the same, but still it is much lower than the prices for rolled similar products from other manufacturers.

And one more important tip: you can’t save on foundation waterproofing. If it is not possible to do it on your own, then it is worth inviting specialists. The price of the work is negligible compared to the damage that can be caused by the lack of protection of the base of the house from water.

Deciding on the choice of a suitable material for waterproofing can sometimes be difficult, especially when it comes to protecting the foundation. Today, on the building materials market, you can find many offers, in this article the most profitable and effective ones will be studied.

Today, waterproofing is carried out using:

  • rolls;
  • liquid rubber;
  • coating materials.

This is the most affordable and easiest method to protect foundations from excess moisture, whether it is precipitation or groundwater. It is a canvas that is impregnated with polymer or bituminous compounds. Roll materials are of two types:

  • Built-up. The materials contain mastic on the surface of the roll, which must be melted before gluing to the foundation. This job requires a torch and special skills.
  • Pasting. Mastic with various additives can be applied to the surface without additional treatments. The process begins with heating the material, after which it is applied to the foundation. The rolls are carefully glued with the help of special compounds, and then smoothed.

Roll materials, regardless of their type, are applied from the outside, that is, from the side of exposure to moisture. Apply rolls in 2-4 layers, depending on the quality and type of material. Rolls glued from the inside will not perform their function, as they will immediately peel off.

Waterproofing with rolls is carried out on the outer covering of the foundation. It is worth taking care that the height of the waterproofing is at least 50 cm higher than the liquid level in the soil. In the case when the level of liquid in the soil is too high, the masters drain the foundation to remove excess water. Protective materials are covered over the rolls so that the soil does not affect the waterproofing. Plywood or wooden shields can be used as protection.

Waterproofing with liquid rubber

At the level with TechnoNIKOL coating materials, the method with liquid rubber is considered effective. Its disadvantage is the high price and the need to have special equipment. The basis of such compositions is a rubber-bitumen emulsion. But due to its properties, waterproofing using liquid rubber is gaining popularity among homeowners. Application takes place in the same way as with TechnoNIKOL mastics.

Liquid rubber has many advantages:

  • high level of resistance to groundwater pressure;
  • has a high adhesion to brick, concrete and iron;
  • retains its properties when applied to old layers of liquid rubber;
  • provides a waterproof base without seams;
  • immune to ultraviolet rays.

Penetrating waterproofing for the foundation

Penetrating waterproofing is a great way to strengthen the foundation on your own. For this operation, special compounds are used that penetrate through the capillaries into the thickness of the material and create crystals inside it that do not allow water to pass through. With the help of penetrating solutions, it becomes possible to add water resistance to concrete.

Initially, moisture is required for crystals: for trace elements, the growth rate increases significantly when in contact with water. This is a great solution for outdoor structures. If we are talking about the foundation, then applying penetrating compounds from the inside will be enough for complete waterproofing. After analyzing the vulnerabilities, the compositions can be applied from the inside or outside.

These materials for reliable waterproofing of the foundation are applied with a conventional brush. The process resembles ordinary staining, so minimal skills are enough for this work. In addition to foundations, penetrating waterproofing is used for basements, boxes, and also for pools.

The penetrating solution was used to create foundations with a monolithic base. Penetrating mixtures have the following properties:

  • increase in the level of water resistance;
  • increasing the brand of concrete mix.

The only negative side of penetrating mixtures is the high price when compared with other waterproofing materials. But the small investment of time and effort compensates for the cost.

Coating waterproofing

Another material for protection against water is coating waterproofing. It is a single-layer or multi-layer coating of 10-50 millimeters. To date, the TechnoNIKOL company is popular on the Russian market, engaged in the production of mastic based on bitumen. Waterproofing is applied with a brush or other painting tools. The main advantages of the TechnoNIKOL material are its low price and excellent adhesion to the foundation coating.

Waterproofing with TechnoNIKOL mastic can be performed by one person without the use of special tools. Depending on the company and subtype of mastic, one composition must be heated before application, the second can be used in a cold state. If groundwater exerts strong pressure on the foundation, then “hot” compounds are used, since they have greater endurance than cold materials. Accordingly, at low pressure, the presence of waterproofing with TechnoNIKOL cold compositions will be sufficient. Regardless of the type of mastic, a fiberglass mesh is used to increase the strength index.

The process goes as follows:

  1. Masters first warm up the composition (if it is “hot”).
  2. Next, the first layer of TechnoNIKOL mastic is applied.
  3. A fiberglass mesh is rolled over the entire surface of the first layer.
  4. After complete drying of the material, a second layer is applied.

Before deciding which material will be better, it is recommended to consult a specialist, because many of the nuances depend on the amount of groundwater, the quality of concrete, etc. In one case, it will be beneficial to use TechnoNIKOL coating materials, in the other, liquid rubber cannot be dispensed with.

The best material for foundation waterproofing updated: February 26, 2018 by: zoomfund

Foundation waterproofing in modern low-rise construction is an almost integral part of the zero-cycle construction process. This is due to the presence of moisture in the soil in the vast majority of the territories of our country. By itself, water is not particularly terrible for concrete, on the contrary, in a slightly moistened state, concrete continues to gain its strength over the years. However, there are three big BUTs.

Firstly, concrete has such a property as capillarity. This is the rise of water up the smallest pores inside the material. The simplest example of this phenomenon is the wetting of a piece of sugar slightly lowered into a glass of tea. In construction, the capillary rise of water leads (unless, of course, waterproofing is done) to the penetration of moisture, first from the outer layers of concrete to the inner ones, and then from the foundation to the walls that stand on it. And damp walls mean an increase in heat loss, the appearance of fungi and mold, damage to interior finishing materials.

Secondly, the modern foundation is still not concrete. This is reinforced concrete, i.e. it contains reinforcement, which, upon contact with moisture, begins to corrode. At the same time, the iron in the reinforcement turns into iron hydroxide (into rust), increasing in its volume by almost 3 times. This leads to the formation of the strongest internal pressure, which, when a certain limit is reached, also destroys the concrete from the inside.

Thirdly, we do not live in the tropics, and sub-zero temperatures for our climate in winter are the norm. As everyone knows, when water freezes, it turns into ice, increasing in volume. And if this water is in the thickness of the concrete, the resulting ice crystals begin to destroy the foundation from the inside.

In addition to the above, there is another danger. It is not uncommon for groundwater to contain chemical elements (salts, sulfates, acids ...) that have an aggressive effect on concrete. In this case, the so-called "concrete corrosion" occurs, leading to its gradual destruction.

High-quality waterproofing of the foundation allows you to prevent all these negative processes. And how it can be done, and will be discussed in this article.

By and large, protecting the foundation from moisture can be done in two ways:

1) use the so-called bridge concrete with a high water resistance coefficient when pouring (different grades of concrete and their characteristics will be discussed in a separate article);

2) cover the foundation with a layer of some kind of waterproofing material.

Ordinary developers most often now go the second way. What is it connected with? At first glance, it would seem that it could be simpler - I ordered waterproof concrete at the factory, poured it and that's it, sit back and rejoice. But in reality, not everything is so easy, because:

  • an increase in the price of a concrete mixture with an increase in the coefficient of water resistance can reach 30% or more;
  • not every plant (especially a small one) can produce a brand of concrete with the required water resistance coefficient, and attempts to make such concrete on their own can lead to unpredictable consequences;
  • and most importantly, there are problems with the delivery and placement of such concrete (it has a very low mobility and sets quite quickly, which in most cases limits its use).

The use of a waterproofing coating is available to everyone and, with certain skills, you can even do it yourself.

Foundation waterproofing materials.

All materials used to protect foundations from moisture can be divided into the following groups:

  • coating;
  • sprayed;
  • roll;
  • penetrating;
  • plastering;
  • screen waterproofing.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

I) Coating waterproofing is a material based on bitumen, which is applied to the surface (often in 2-3 layers) with a brush, roller or spatula. Such coatings are commonly referred to as bituminous mastics. They can be made independently or purchased ready-made poured into buckets.

Recipe for homemade bitumen mastic: buy a briquette of bitumen, split it into small pieces (the smaller, the faster it melts), pour it into a metal container and put it on fire until completely melted. Then remove the bucket from the fire and add used oil to it, and preferably diesel fuel (20-30% of the mastic volume), mix everything thoroughly with a wooden stick. How this is done is shown in the following video:

Ready-made bituminous mastic is sold in buckets. Before use, for more convenient application, it is usually mixed with the addition of some solvent, for example, solvent, white spirit, etc. This is always reported in the instructions on the label. There are several manufacturers of such mastics with different prices and different characteristics of the finished coating. The main thing when buying them is not to make a mistake and not to take material, for example, for roofing or something else.

Before applying bituminous mastic, it is recommended that the concrete surface be cleaned of dirt and primed. The primer is made with a special composition, the so-called bituminous primer. It is also sold in stores and has a more liquid consistency than mastic. Coating waterproofing is applied in several layers, each of which - after solidification of the previous one. The total thickness of the coating reaches 5 mm.

This technology is one of the cheapest compared to those that will be described below. But it also has its drawbacks, such as a short durability of the coating (especially prepared on its own), a long duration of work and high labor costs. The process of applying mastic with a brush is shown in the following video:

II) Spray waterproofing or the so-called "liquid rubber" is a bitumen-latex emulsion that can be applied to the foundation with a special sprayer. This technology is more progressive than the previous one, because. allows you to perform work more efficiently and in a fairly short period of time. Unfortunately, the mechanization of work significantly affects its cost.

The characteristics of liquid rubber and the process of spraying it are shown in the following video:

III) Roll waterproofing is a bituminous or polymer modified material, previously applied to any base. The simplest example is the well-known roofing material with a paper base. In the production of more modern materials, fiberglass, fiberglass, polyester are used as the basis.

Such materials are more expensive, but also much better and more durable. There are two ways to work with rolled waterproofing - gluing and fusing. Gluing is carried out on a surface previously primed with a bituminous primer using various bituminous mastics. Welding is carried out by heating the material with a gas or gasoline burner and then gluing it. How this is done is shown in the following video:

The use of rolled materials significantly increases the durability of the foundation waterproofing compared, for example, with coating materials. They are also quite affordable and affordable. The disadvantages include the complexity of the work. It is quite difficult for an inexperienced person to do everything qualitatively. Also, do not cope with the work alone.

The appearance of self-adhesive materials on the markets a few years ago made it much easier to work with rolled waterproofing. How to protect the foundation with their help is shown in the following video:

IV) Penetrating waterproofing- this is a coating of concrete with special compounds that penetrate through the pores into its thickness by 10-20 cm and crystallize inside, thereby clogging the passages for moisture. In addition, the frost resistance of concrete and its protection from chemically aggressive groundwater are increased.

These compositions (Penetron, Hydrotex, Aquatron, etc.) are quite expensive and have not been widely used for complete waterproofing of the foundation in a circle. They are more often used to eliminate leaks in already built and operated basements from the inside, when it is no longer possible to repair the waterproofing from the outside in other ways.

For more information about the properties of penetrating materials and their correct application, see the following video:

V) Plaster waterproofing by and large, it is a kind of coating insulation, only here it is not bituminous materials that are used, but special dry mixes with the addition of waterproof components. Prepared plasters are applied with a spatula, trowel or brush. For greater strength and to prevent cracking, a plaster mesh can be used.

The advantage of this technology is the simplicity and speed of applying materials. The downside is the low durability of the waterproofing layer and less water resistance compared to the materials described above. The use of waterproofing plasters is more appropriate for leveling the surfaces of foundations or, for example, for sealing joints in foundations made of FBS blocks, before their subsequent coating with bituminous or rolled waterproofing.

VI) Screen waterproofing- this is sometimes called the protection of foundations from moisture with the help of special swelling bentonite mats. This technology, which is essentially a replacement for the traditional clay castle, has appeared relatively recently. The mats are attached to the foundation with dowels overlapping each other. For more information about what this material is and its properties, see the following video:

How to choose waterproofing for the foundation?

As you can see, there are currently a huge number of all kinds of waterproofing materials for protecting foundations. How not to get confused in this variety and choose exactly what is suitable for your specific conditions?

First, let's look at what you need to pay attention to when choosing waterproofing:

  • the presence or absence of a basement;
  • ground water level;
  • type of foundation and method of its construction

A different combination of these three factors determines which waterproofing should be preferred in this case. Consider the most common options:

1) Column foundations.

can only be protected with rolled waterproofing. To do this, cylinders of the required diameter are pre-rolled from it, fixed with adhesive tape, lowered into drilled wells, reinforcing cages are installed and concrete is poured.

The cheapest option is to use a regular roofing material. If it is sprinkled, it is better to roll it with the smooth side outward, so that in winter, when it freezes, less soil sticks to it. It is advisable to make sure that the thickness of the waterproofing around the entire circumference is at least two layers.

When using asbestos or metal pipes for a columnar foundation, they can be pre-coated with any coated bitumen waterproofing in at least 2 layers.

If you are going to build on poles, before pouring it, for greater reliability, the tops of the poles must also be covered with coated waterproofing (even better not as in the figure below, but directly from the ground). This will prevent a possible capillary rise of water from the soil into the grillage.

2) Shallow strip foundations (MZLF).

inherently should always be above the groundwater level. Therefore, for its waterproofing, ordinary roofing material and bituminous mastic are quite enough to prevent capillary suction of moisture from the soil.

The figure shows one of the working options. Before mounting the formwork, a roofing material folded in half with a small outlet is spread on a sand cushion. Then, after pouring and setting the concrete, the side surfaces of the tape are covered with coating waterproofing. Above the level of the blind area, regardless of what kind of plinth you have (concrete or brick, as in the figure), cut-off waterproofing is done by gluing 2 layers of roofing material onto the bituminous mastic.

3) Recessed strip foundations (a house without a basement).

Waterproofing of a buried strip foundation, regardless of whether it is monolithic or from FBS blocks, when a basement is not provided for in the house, can be done according to the scheme shown above for MZLF, i.e. the bottom is rolled material, and the side surfaces are coated with coated insulation.

The only exception is the option when the foundation is not poured into the formwork, but directly into the excavated trench (as you understand, it will not be possible to make a coating). In this case, before installing the reinforcing cage and pouring concrete, the walls and bottom of the trenches are covered with rolled waterproofing with gluing or fusing joints. The work, of course, is not very convenient (especially in a narrow trench), but there is nowhere to go. This was discussed in the article.

Also, do not forget about the cut-off waterproofing layer above the level of the blind area.

4) Recessed strip foundations, which are the walls of the basement.

The use of coating and sprayed materials for waterproofing basement walls outside is permissible only in dry sandy soils, when groundwater is far away, and the top water quickly leaves through the sand. In all other cases, especially with a possible seasonal rise in groundwater, it is necessary to make roll waterproofing in 2 layers using modern materials based on fiberglass or polyester.

If the foundation is made up of FBS blocks, before waterproofing it, it is advisable to cover the seams between the individual blocks with a plaster waterproofing mixture, at the same time leveling the surface.

5) Slab foundations.

Foundation slabs (basement floors) are traditionally protected from moisture from below by gluing two layers of rolled waterproofing onto a pre-poured concrete preparation. The second layer is spread perpendicular to the first. This was discussed in more detail in the article.

In order not to damage the waterproofing layer during subsequent work, try to walk on it as little as possible, and immediately after installation, close it with extruded polystyrene foam.

At the end of the article, we pay attention to two more points. Firstly, when the groundwater level rises above the level of the basement floor, drainage must be done (a system of drainage pipes laid around the perimeter of the house and wells for revision and pumping out water). This is a big topic, which will be discussed in a separate article.

Secondly, the foundation's vertical waterproofing layer needs to be protected from damage that can occur during backfilling and compaction of the soil, as well as frost heaving of the soil in winter, when it sticks to the waterproofing and drags it up. This protection can be provided in two ways:

  • the foundation is covered with a layer of extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mount special protective membranes that are now commercially available.

Most builders prefer the first method, because. it allows you to immediately "kill two birds with one stone." EPPS and protects the waterproofing and insulates the foundation. Read more about insulation of foundations

Waterproofing the strip foundation of a residential building is necessary to prevent moisture from concrete and reinforcing elements included in the foundation structure from sedimentary and groundwater. Wet concrete provokes the destruction of the foundation when the frozen water expands in the capillaries of the concrete tape and leads to corrosion of steel reinforcement, reducing the strength properties of the base of the house. The owners of individual buildings are able to independently correctly perform the work on arranging the waterproofing of the foundation of their home, having certain knowledge in this area.

The destructive effect of moisture on the foundation of a building occurs when water interacts with the materials of the foundation structure. The porous structure of concrete, saturated with capillaries, contributes to the constant absorption of moisture from the environment and groundwater. In order to make the tape base of a residential building as protected as possible from a humid environment, it is necessary, in accordance with (formerly SNiP 2.03.11-85), to ensure its hydroprotection by methods of primary and secondary corrosion protection (clauses 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7). Foundation waterproofing belongs to the category of secondary protection, based on the use of protective coatings or treatment with special compounds.

Scheme of waterproofing strip foundation.

Builders with their own hands or with the involvement of specialized organizations carry out measures to apply waterproofing materials to the foundation, taking into account external factors affecting the foundation of the house:

  • Atmospheric precipitation and melt water;
  • groundwater.

To guarantee the protection of the foundation from the penetration of sedimentary and melt water, it is enough to make a high-quality blind area around the perimeter of the entire building. To implement hydroprotection from ground moisture, it is necessary to take into account a set of initial data, among which the main ones are:

  1. Type of groundwater near the building;
  2. The depth of occurrence of groundwater passing near the construction;
  3. Heterogeneity of soils in the construction area;
  4. Purpose and planned operation of the house.

Let us consider how these factors influence the choice of the foundation waterproofing method.

groundwater type

Groundwater has a direct impact on the formation of the groundwater level (GWL) in the area of ​​the construction site and on the degree of soil moisture near the foundation. The diagram below shows the distribution pattern of the two main types of groundwater in soil:

  • Verkhovodki are local foci of water formation that have a seasonal nature of existence. Verkhovodka lies near the earth's surface, is formed and exists only during high humidity of the environment, disappearing during dry periods;
  • Groundwater lying near the surface of the earth and having a territorial regional distribution. The groundwater level is characterized by susceptibility to seasonal fluctuations.

As mentioned above, to protect against perched water, it is enough to make a good blind area and storm water. Protection from groundwater will depend on the depth of their occurrence. This dependency is discussed below.

Groundwater depth

“Recommendations for the design of waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures” of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings, M., 1996 (amended in 2009), determined that waterproofing of structures must be carried out above the maximum GWL by at least 0.5 m (p. 1.8 and 1.9). Since the average value of fluctuations in the level of HW in many regions of the Russian Federation, according to the results of geological surveys, is taken to be within 1.0 m, then in order to guarantee the protection of the foundation from ground moisture, it is recommended to adhere to this indicator as a base reference point when choosing a waterproofing of the base of a building, depending on the depth of HW . In particular:

  • At the groundwater level, less than 1 m below the base of the foundation, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation;
  • If the GWL is deeper than the foundation by more than 1 m, the hydroprotection can be omitted.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of increasing GWL as a result of infrastructure development in the region. As well as the maximum GWL for past seasons.

With a high level of GW exceeding the lower level of the foundation sole, in addition to waterproofing, it is necessary to additionally make local drainage to remove moisture from the foundation, as prescribed by "Design and installation of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures" (Chapter 11).

Soil heterogeneity

The heterogeneity of soils with different chemical composition leads to chemical aggression of groundwater in relation to concrete in the foundation, up to its destruction (concrete corrosion). The use of special corrosion-resistant concrete of the W4 grade is required when pouring the foundation and high-reliability hydraulic protection from materials resistant to aggressive environments.

Purpose and planned operation of the house

In the presence of basements equipped with their own hands for functional purposes such as a gym, workshop, etc. increased requirements are imposed on the reliability of waterproofing in order to prevent the deterioration of the microclimate in these rooms.

Properly equipped waterproofing of the strip foundation of a residential building requires compliance with three basic principles for constructing a waterproofing system for the foundations of buildings of any purpose:

  1. Continuity of each waterproofing layer along the entire perimeter of the waterproofing;
  2. Installation of a waterproofing layer only on the side exposed to moisture, i.e. foundation waterproofing should be carried out outside, but in no case inside the basement;
  3. Preliminary special preparation of the outer surface of the foundation for the subsequent application of waterproofing material.

Types of waterproofing strip foundation

According to clause 5.1.2 of the set of rules (formerly SNiP 2.03.11-85), waterproofing of the concrete structure is provided by:

  • Lacquer and mastic coatings;
  • Coating and plaster coatings;
  • adhesive insulation;
  • Impregnation of the surface layer of the structure or other surface treatment methods.

With regard to strip foundations, taking into account modern technologies for applying waterproofing, vertical waterproofing is divided according to the method of installation into the following types:

  • Coating (painting);
  • built-up;
  • Plastering;
  • Stick-on;
  • injection;
  • impregnating;
  • Sprayable.

Coating (painting) waterproofing

Coating technology waterproofing is based on the use of bitumen and bitumen-polymer emulsions and mastics with the formation of waterproof films on the foundation surface.

Coating waterproofing protects the foundation from the penetration of capillary ground moisture in soils of low humidity when groundwater is removed 1.5-2 meters below the basement floor level. In the presence of hydrostatic pressure, it is allowed to use coating technology in the following versions:

  • Bituminous mastic is used for pressure not higher than 2 m;
  • Bitumen-polymer mastic - for a pressure of not more than 5 m.

Mastics are applied in 2-4 layers. The thickness of the coating hydroprotection depends on the depth of the strip base and is:

  • 2 mm - for a base with a laying depth of up to 3 meters;
  • 2-4 mm - for a foundation with a laying depth of 3 to 5 meters.

The advantages of coated bitumen protection are as follows:

  • Relatively low cost;
  • Lack of special requirements for the qualification of performers;
  • High elasticity;
  • Excellent adhesion.

Among the shortcomings, a short service life should be noted - already 6 years after the insulation loses its elasticity. The waterproofing layer is covered with cracks, which reduces the overall level of waterproofing. To increase the shelf life of the insulation, polymeric additives are added to provide improved performance of the waterproofing coating.

The technology for applying mastic is simple. A special primer is applied to the previously prepared surface with a roller or brush, which ensures deep penetration into the foundation material. After the primer dries, bituminous mastic is applied in layers.

Fused and glued waterproofing

These technologies refer to the methods of waterproofing with rolled materials. They are used as independent measures for waterproofing, and as an addition to the do-it-yourself coating method. When using glued waterproofing, a traditional roofing material is used, which is fixed on the foundation surface treated with a bituminous primer.

With glued waterproofing, the thickness of the waterproofing layer reaches 5 mm. 2-3 layers are allowed.

Roofing felt can be fixed with special adhesive mastics in several layers with an overlap of 15-20 cm. Of the modern materials, instead of roofing felt, rolled waterproofers are used - TechnoNIKOL, Technoelast and other materials for fusing on a polymer-based polyester, which increases the wear resistance of the coating. The service life of such waterproofing is 50 years.

Plaster waterproofing

Laying waterproofing with a plaster method is identical to do-it-yourself plastering of walls along lighthouses. For insulation, mixtures of moisture-resistant components such as polymer concrete and hydro concrete are used. The minimum thickness of the applied layer must be 20 mm.

The advantages of the plaster method include the cheapness of materials and ease of implementation.

Of the shortcomings, it should be noted:

  • Average level of moisture resistance;
  • Short service life, after 5 years cracks appear through which water can seep.

Injection waterproofing

The injection method of hydroprotection is based on pumping under pressure special polymer mixtures-injectors into the pores of the foundation. For injection technology, materials are produced on a mineral or polyurethane basis, which are close in density to ordinary water. If you use polyurethane-based compounds, then at least 1.5 liters will be required for waterproofing each square meter, while acrylic-based mixtures will require much less. Injection perforation is performed with conventional perforators or drills, the hole sizes (from 25 to 32 mm) are determined by the diameters of the injection packers and capsules. Upon completion of the injection process, the perforation is sealed with a cement-sand mixture of the usual composition.

Impregnation waterproofing

This technique is based on the impregnation of concrete with special organic binders that fill the concrete capillaries and form an antihygroscopic layer up to 30-40 mm deep in the concrete.

The technology of spraying a waterproofing material requires the use of a special spray gun. So far, the cost of materials is high, but their use is economically justified for waterproofing foundations of complex configuration, which are difficult to process in other ways.

Drainage as an auxiliary measure

The arrangement of drainage systems is designed to remove excess moisture from the foundation system of the building at a high level of groundwater. According to paragraph 11.1.15 of the set of rules, drainages are divided into general and local. Their use in combination with waterproofing allows you to protect the foundation from the penetrating effects of ground moisture.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation is a complex technological process that requires a clear understanding of each stage of the entire event. Only in this case, a long period of trouble-free operation of the house will be ensured.

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One of the most important stages of building a house is waterproofing the foundation. After all, no one wants to live in dampness and constantly fight against emerging mold, therefore, the waterproofing process must be taken very responsibly, because after building a house it will be very expensive, and often impossible.

In this article, we will look at what materials used for waterproofing the foundation, their advantages and uses.

Roll waterproofing

This is the most common material for protecting the foundation from ground moisture. It is a canvas impregnated with bitumen or polymer compounds.

There are two types - glued and built-up.

Foundation waterproofing, mounted with bituminous mastic, which is heated for better adhesion, applied to the foundation walls and waterproofing, after which it is glued, pressed and smoothed. The whole process is similar to gluing wallpaper.

Fused waterproofing contains a special mastic on the surface of the canvas, which is melted with a burner and immediately glued to the foundation. This process is more time consuming and requires experience.

Pasting and built-up protection is glued in 2-4 layers from the outside of the foundation i.e. from the impact of water and works on the clamp. It cannot be glued from the inside, because with this method of installation it will simply peel off and will not perform its functions.

The waterproofing must run along the entire outer surface of the foundation and rise to a height above the groundwater level by at least 0.5 m.

In the case of a high level of groundwater, it is necessary to lower this level and arrange foundation drainage.

To protect the rolled waterproofing from the mechanical impact of the soil, it is covered with wooden shields, plywood or other similar material.

Coating waterproofing of the foundation

This is another popular material for protecting the foundation from moisture. Bitumen-based mastic is used to provide waterproofing.

It has excellent adhesion to concrete and is easy to apply with a roller or brush. Coating waterproofing of the foundation can be done by one person, on their own, without outside help.

They produce formulations that are used cold, and some must be heated before use.

As a rule, coating waterproofing applied cold withstands low water pressure, so it is used at low groundwater levels.

At a high water level and strong hydrostatic pressure, hot formulations are used. Fiberglass is used to add strength.

The whole process looks like this:

  • Coating bituminous waterproofing is heated;
  • The first layer is applied;
  • A fiberglass mesh is laid and rolled out over the entire surface of the foundation;
  • Wait for complete drying and apply a second layer of waterproofing.

Foundation waterproofing with liquid rubber

These are one of the most effective ways to protect the foundation, which includes bitumen emulsion and various catalysts.

Less popular material due to its high cost and the inability to waterproof the foundation without the use of special equipment.

However, due to their unique properties, foundation waterproofing with liquid rubber is gaining more and more popularity every year.

Advantages of liquid rubber:

  • Creates a monolithic waterproof coating without seams
  • High adhesion to steel, concrete, brick
  • Does not break down when exposed to ultraviolet rays
  • Can be applied over old similar coatings
  • Has high elasticity
  • Withstands high hydrostatic pressure

Based on all of the above, we can say that waterproofing with liquid rubber is a worthy alternative to rolled and coated types of foundation protection, and in some moments it becomes simply irreplaceable.

Penetrating waterproofing for the foundation

In the article " Penetrating foundation waterproofing"We talked about this method of protecting concrete surfaces and how to do it yourself.

We only recall that these are unique compositions of their kind, which penetrate through the capillaries into the thickness of the concrete and form waterproof crystals in it. Thus, the concrete itself becomes waterproofing.

For the growth of these crystals, water is needed, because when moisture interacts with penetrating compounds, the crystals begin to grow more intensively. So if moisture penetrates into the thickness of concrete, then it is enough to apply this composition from the inside on your own and the foundation will become completely waterproof.

Thus, penetrating waterproofing can be applied both outside and inside the foundation.

Penetrating compounds are easily applied with a brush. For such work, minimal knowledge is enough, and the whole process is similar to painting a wall with ordinary paint.

Penetrating mixtures are used not only for the foundation, they are widely used in the construction of pools, garages, basements.

This mixture is often added when pouring monolithic foundations into concrete, thus increasing the water resistance and grade of concrete.

The downside of this material is the price, but given the ease of application, time spent on work, low labor costs, penetrating compounds compete with other types of waterproofing materials.

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video on the topic "Foundation waterproofing":