Radiator balancing. Water heating system for a country house: reasons and need for balancing it

Heating systems of almost all configurations require balancing, with the only exception being wiring along the Tichelman loop. We will look at three possible ways to carry out balancing, talk about the advantages, disadvantages and appropriateness of each method, and give practical recommendations.

What is the essence of balancing?

Hydraulic heating systems are rightfully considered the most complex. Their effective operation is possible only if there is a deep understanding of physical processes hidden from visual observation. The joint operation of all devices should ensure that the maximum amount of heat is absorbed by the coolant and distributed evenly across all heating devices of each circuit.

The operating mode of each hydraulic system is based on the relationship of two inversely proportional quantities: hydraulic resistance and throughput. It is they who determine the coolant flow in each node and part of the system, and therefore the amount of thermal energy supplied to the radiators. In general, the calculation of flow rate for each individual radiator reflects a high degree of unevenness: the further the heating device is removed from the heating unit, the higher the influence of the hydrodynamic resistance of pipes and branches; accordingly, the coolant circulates at a lower speed.

The task of balancing a heating system is to ensure that the flow in each part of the system will have approximately the same intensity, even with temporary changes in operating modes. Careful balancing allows us to achieve a state where individual adjustment of the thermostatic heads does not significantly affect other elements of the system. At the same time, the very possibility of balancing should be provided for at the design and installation stage, because to set up the system, both special fittings and technical data for the boiler room equipment are required. In particular, it is mandatory to install shut-off valves, commonly called throttles, on each radiator.

Features of working with different types of wiring

Single-pipe heating systems lend themselves to balancing adjustment most easily. This is all thanks to the fact that the total flow through the radiator and the connecting bypass is always the same and does not depend on the throughput of the installed fittings. Therefore, in systems like “Leningradka” the work is carried out not so much on balancing the flow, but on the equation of the amount of heat released by the coolant in the radiators. Simply put, the main goal of balancing in this case is to ensure that water flows to the most distant radiator at a sufficiently high temperature.

In two-pipe dead-end systems, a slightly different principle applies. Each radiator of the system is a kind of shunt, the hydraulic resistance of which is lower than that of the rest of the group located further along the flow direction. Because of this, a significant part of the coolant flows through the shunt back to the thermal unit, while circulation further through the system has a much lower intensity. In such heating systems, it is necessary to work on equalizing the flow in each radiator by changing the throughput of the fittings.

Two-pipe associated heating systems do not require balancing at all, but at the same time they have a relatively high material consumption. This is the beauty of the Tichelman loop: the path that the coolant takes in the circuit of each radiator is approximately the same, due to which the equivalence of the flow at each point of the system is automatically maintained. The situation is similar with radiant heating systems and water heated floors: the flow alignment is carried out on a common manifold using float flow meters.

Computational modeling

The most constructive and correct adjustment method is by constructing a calculation model of the hydraulic heating system. This can be done in software such as Danfoss CO and Valtec.PRG, or in paid products such as AutoSnab 3D. You should not be afraid of paid software: as you will see later, its cost cannot be compared with the costs of special automatic balancing devices, while the design design of the hydraulic system will provide a complete picture of the system, its operating modes and the physical processes occurring at each point .

Balancing using software calculations is carried out by constructing an exact virtual copy of the heating system. In different working environments, the modeling mechanism proceeds with some differences, however, all programs of this kind have a friendly and user-friendly interface. It is very important that the construction is carried out truly accurately: indicating each fitting, fitting element, turns and branches present in the real system. Here are the initial data you will need:

  • Boiler specifications: power, efficiency, pressure-flow curve, operating pressure.
  • information about the circulation pump: flow rate and pressure;
  • coolant type;
  • material and nominal diameter of pipes, ambient temperature;
  • technical information about all shut-off and control valves, local resistance coefficients (KMR) of each element;
  • passport data for shut-off valves, the dependence of their capacity on pressure drop and degree of opening.

After building a system model, all work comes down to ensuring equal coolant flow on each radiator. To do this, artificially reduce the throughput of shut-off valves on those radiators and circuits where there is a significant increase in flow compared to others. When virtual balancing is completed, Kvs - throughput coefficients - are written out for each radiator. Using a table or graph from the valve data sheet, the required number of revolutions of the adjusting rod is determined, after which this data is used to balance the real system in situ.

Empirical method

Of course, it is possible to adjust the heating system with up to ten radiators without preliminary calculations. However, this method is quite labor intensive and takes a lot of time. Among other things, with such balancing it is not possible to provide for changes in flow rate during operation of the thermostatic heads, which greatly reduces the accuracy of balancing.

The manual balancing algorithm is simple; first you need to shut off absolutely all radiators in the system. This is done in order to equalize the temperature of the coolant at the inlet and outlet of the heating unit as closely as possible. This whole process takes about an hour, and it is necessary to set the circulation pump to maximum speed and make sure that there are no air pockets in the system.

The next step is to fully open the shut-off valve on the most distant radiator (often this valve is not installed on the last radiator at all). After 10-15 minutes, the heating temperature of the outer radiator is measured; it will be used as a reference during further balancing.

Next, you need to slightly open the shut-off valve on the penultimate radiator. The degree of opening should be such that heating occurs to the reference temperature and at the same time the heating temperature on the last radiator does not decrease. The line is very thin, and the work is greatly complicated by the inertia of the radiators: after each change in the position of the valve stem on an aluminum radiator, you must wait at least 15 minutes, on a cast iron one - about 30-40 minutes. This is the whole point of manual balancing: moving from the most distant radiator to the very first in the chain, it is necessary to reduce the throughput, ensuring that the same temperature is maintained on each heating device. The adjustment must be carried out very subtly and carefully, because a sharp increase in the flow in the middle of the circuit will lead to a drop in temperature in its remote part, so it will be necessary to spend another 15-20 minutes to return the system to its original state.

Automatic debugging

There is a kind of golden mean between the two methods described above. Special equipment for automatic balancing of hydraulic heating systems allows adjustments to be made with very high accuracy and in a fairly short time. Currently, the main technical solution for such purposes is the Grundfos ALPHA 3 “smart” pump, equipped with a removable transmitter, as well as a proprietary application for mobile devices. The average price of a set of equipment is about $300.

What is the essence of the idea? The pump has a built-in flow meter and can exchange data with a smartphone or tablet, where all information is processed. The application works as a guide: it guides the user step by step and indicates what manipulations need to be carried out on different parts of the heating system. At the same time, individual rooms with a specified number of heating devices are saved in the application database; it is possible to select different types of radiators, indicate their power, required heating standards and other data.

The process is extremely simple and fully demonstrates the algorithm of the program. After pairing with the transmitter and preparing for operation, all radiators are disconnected from the system; this is necessary to measure zero flow. After this, the shut-off valves on each radiator are opened completely in turn. In this case, the flow meter in the pump notes changes in the flow and determines the maximum throughput of each heating device. After all radiators are entered into the program database, they are individually adjusted.

The shut-off valve on radiators is adjusted in real time. The application has a sound indication for the ability to work in hard-to-reach places. Balancing requires fine adjustment of the shut-off rod to a position at which the current flow rate in the system is equal to the value recommended by the program. Upon completion of work with each radiator, the application generates a report that includes all heating devices in the system and the coolant consumption in them. After balancing, the ALPHA 3 pump can be removed and replaced with another with similar performance parameters.

In winter, it was so hot in the nursery that we had to open the windows wide open and ventilate them. But in the living room, they watched TV, wrapped in a blanket. No, is this normal? – asks an indignant friend. There is sympathy in my voice. I say that there is a disorder and make a hypothesis. – Maybe the heating system designers got something wrong? – There was no project. The builders did everything themselves,” the housewife continues to fume. – Did they balance the system? You should invite the guys from a specialized balancing company,” the friend fell silent, puzzled. - We somehow encountered this. They called specialists, and they fixed all the problems within a day. Now the house is heated evenly.

Our houses are next door. After a long renovation, a friend and her family finally moved in last year. Judging by the results of the first winter, she no longer wants to tolerate temperature imbalance in the rooms. By the way, not only owners of private houses and townhouses face a similar problem. With the beginning of the heating season, no, no, and apartment owners complain about cold or, on the contrary, too hot radiators and terrible stuffiness. This suggests that in an apartment building it is necessary to hydraulically balance the heating system. But the management company is responsible for this. In a private household, the owner is responsible for the uniform supply of heat. And here it is important that one of the most important life support systems at home is correctly designed and correctly installed. But more on that below.

What is hydraulic balancing and why is it important to carry out? The heating system in a private house implies the presence of a boiler that heats the coolant, pipes, radiators, and even a “warm floor” system, if available. In a properly designed and installed system, hot water is evenly distributed across all radiators and underfloor heating circuits, regardless of how far they are from the heat source.

It is important to clarify that there are three types of wiring in heating systems - radial, one-pipe and two-pipe. But in private houses with a height of two or more floors, as a rule, a two-pipe model is designed. It is this model that makes it possible to regulate the temperature in a separate room. Typically, in such systems, elements for balancing radiators or “warm floor” circuits are installed. They may be different. This is pre-setting of thermal heads on radiators or balancing valves.

Trying to save money, future owners of private houses often refuse to order a well-designed heating system design. They rely on friends or acquaintances recommending the trusted “Uncle Vanya”. At the same time, forgetting that only professional calculations will guarantee uniform distribution of heat in the house and save your money. What does a homeowner do when the radiators are barely warm in winter? It makes the boiler work at full capacity.

At the same time, opening windows in rooms where it is too hot to ventilate the room. As a result, the homeowner significantly overpays instead of eliminating the cause of the problem. Experts have calculated. At current gas tariffs, an average private house with an area of ​​about 200 square meters consumes about 30,000 kilowatt-hours just to heat water for heating. This is about 21,767.84 rubles per year. If the system is balanced, the savings can be up to 20% or 3,700 rubles.

In addition to saving heat, there is another important point that is worth paying attention to. In systems where hydraulic balancing has not been carried out, in winter, quite often, you can hear unpleasant noise in the radiators. When it occurs, household members experience severe discomfort. It is very difficult to sleep with such noise. And it can even scare small children. The reason is simple. Since the boiler pump does not operate in optimal mode, but at full power in order to drive hot water to distant rooms, a large pressure is created in the system. Hot water circulates through the pipes at high speed and affects the operation of thermostats, which can become noisy. The problem is solved after balancing the heating system.

The same hydraulic balancing mentioned above is the process of redistributing the coolant (water) in radiators (batteries) or “warm floor” circuits so that the temperature in each room corresponds to comfortable values. Since hot water always follows the path of least resistance, in an unbalanced system some radiators are hot (those closest to the boiler), while others, on the contrary, are barely warm. But how can they be adjusted so that they provide exactly as much heat as necessary?

There are many ways to balance the system. The simplest one is tactile. Simply put, tightening the balancing valve on the radiators. It is difficult to talk about specific meanings here. The method requires a lot of time because... the temperature is constantly changing. And the adjustment itself takes place solely based on the subjective feelings of the owner of the house.

Accurate and professional hydraulic balancing will require the involvement of specialists. For example, using the balancing method based on the calculated coolant flow. In this case, a mini-computer, also known as a flow meter, is installed on the balancing valve of each heating branch. With its help, you can calculate the amount of heat required for a specific room. All this is done by calculations. The results obtained are needed so that you can then manually tighten the radiator by several notches using a balancing valve. Complete balancing of the heating system in an average-sized private home can take up to 8 hours.


You can also purchase a thermal imager or a device that allows you to measure the flow rate in the radiator using ultrasound. But for ordinary citizens all this is difficult. You need to be able to use such devices and calculate data correctly. In addition, hydraulic balancing is not carried out very often, so there is no point in buying them. There is also an alternative and more profitable option - to use one device for pumping and balancing. For example, multifunctional pump series ALPHA2 or ALPHA3.

In January 2016, the Russian company Grundfos offered the market a new product that is capable of brilliantly completing the task of hydraulically balancing the heating system in any private home. At that moment it was the ALPHA3 circulation pump - the same as the ALPHA2, with the exception of one important feature - for the first time it had functionality that allows hydraulic balancing using the ALPHA Reader device and a specially developed Grundfos Go Balance smartphone application. Later, the same functionality was introduced into the ALPHA2 series pumps, so now they are completely identical.
Thanks to the new functionality, the user can independently hydraulically balance the heating system of a private home without special skills. It sounds fantastic, but it is true. APLHA2 and ALPHA3 allow you to measure coolant flow through all radiators and even underfloor heating circuits in real time. This makes it possible to practically reduce to zero possible errors that usually occur in theoretical calculations. The pumps are equipped with an advanced electronic unit that reads a large number of parameters (pump shaft rotation speed, supplied current, pressure, power consumption) and is able to calculate the exact coolant flow. Moreover, it communicates wirelessly using ALPHA Reader.
In practice, hydraulic balancing of the system looks like this. The pump (ALPHA2 or ALPHA3) is installed in the heating system. After which the free Grundfos Go Balance application is installed on your smartphone. After launching, the application itself will tell the user what he needs to do and will guide the entire balancing procedure step by step. You need to install the wireless ALPHA Reader on the pump itself and turn it on.

The first step is to close all thermostats on the heating radiators, including the underfloor heating circuits. Yes, yes, with ALPHA2 and ALPHA3 it can carry out hydraulic balancing of heated floors. Having completed this part of the work, the system will analyze the data and show the coolant flow on the closed valve. All data will be displayed on your smartphone. After this, the second stage begins. In Grundfos Go Balance, the user only needs to enter the most necessary data. For example, what kind of heating system (radiator, combined, “warm floor” in combination or separately), how many rooms in the house, the area of ​​each of them, how many radiators in each room and underfloor heating circuits, what temperature in the room is needed, etc.

After this, the “smart pump” will analyze the flow rate in the heating system with the thermostat already fully open for each individual radiator and circuit. Well, after that the actual balancing process begins. After the data has been entered and the calculation has been made, you should adjust the preset of the thermostatic valve, tightening or opening the flow rate, to the values ​​​​indicated on the smartphone screen. For user convenience, this graphically looks like a speedometer needle in a car. When work with radiators in the first room is completed, you can move on to the next. After all radiators and circuits have been adjusted, the system will notify you that the balancing process is complete and offer an electronic report on the work performed. It displays all indicators from consumption to temperature. You can sign the report and send it to yourself by email.

Balancing with the ALPHA series pumps takes about one hour, and once the job is completed you can forget about it for many years. As they say, feel the difference. It can be repeated in case of maintenance of the heating system (for example, when it is time to clean the radiators from scale or scale) or by adding an additional (or removing an excess) radiator from the system.
Balancing using ALPHA2 or ALPHA3 and ALPHA Reader will allow you to get quick and high-quality results. And in addition, save time and reduce costs for fuel (up to 20%) and electricity (10%).

Of course, five years ago, when we moved into our house, pumps with similar functionality were not yet on sale. In those days, it was necessary to call in specialists and pay them a very significant remuneration. And the process itself was much longer. But the neighbor seems to be lucky. We should tell her about the new capabilities of ALPHA pumps in conjunction with ALPHA Reader.

Balancing the heating system carried out before starting the module, after flushing pipes or repairing components. This procedure is also carried out if the coolant consumption exceeds the permissible norm, that is, much more resources are spent on heating the room than planned. This often happens because sludge and rust accumulate in pipes and moving parts. As a result, throughput decreases, which leads to increased media consumption. Also, the cause of the imbalance may be the connection of new consumers or improper maintenance. In any case, you need to act quickly and plan everything in advance.

How to understand that balancing is needed

Any system, or rather its components, needs fixed amount of carrier. For example, radiators in the bedroom and kitchen receive different volumes of hot water. This is primarily due to the settings and general requirements for the system. When hydraulic balance is broken, then the boiler transfers almost all the heat to the nearest battery, the rest remain cold. So it turns out that one room is hot and the other is cool.

It should also be taken into account that in such conditions the heat generator operates in enhanced mode. Increased loads negatively affect the components. This can lead to a breakdown, which will cost you thousands of rubles to fix. You can avoid problems by using hydraulic separators and balancing manifolds. It is their purchase that all owners of country houses, cottages and other premises with autonomous multi-circuit heating should think about.

Products in this category

Methods and sequence of heating balancing

First of all, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis, and only then start doing something. If you decide to balance the heating system yourself, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with two methods available at home.

The first assumes adjustment based on coolant flow. You will need an electronic flow meter and control valves for the appropriate purpose. On the return branch it is installed balancing valve with built-in fittings, needed to turn on electronics. Using a flow meter, we determine the current flow rate on each circuit, having previously installed the necessary fittings on the supply line. The analyzing device is connected to the valve and adjusted according to the diagram.

Some homeowners believe that ball valves can be used instead of control devices, forgetting that they are intended exclusively for blocking pipes. They have only two positions - open and closed, there are no intermediate ones. For these purposes there are valves with different operating ranges. Some models are equipped with a setting scale for manual adjustment.

Second method requires more time, but is no less accurate, although labor-intensive. Quite often, balancing was not carried out systematically. Everything was installed by a familiar master, and he did not give you any documents or diagrams. Here you will have to focus on the temperature of each consumer. Radiators are equipped with a control valve, placed at the outlet.

In addition, you need a surface thermometer. It is enough to apply one to any material, it will instantly show the number of degrees.

The whole process consists of three stages. Open first valves on powerful batteries, the weak also participate, but only partially. The fact is that the most accurate calculation is obtained with sequential connection.

Let's say one branch contains 5 batteries, then the valve unwinds 4 turns, from smallest to largest. We open the last one completely. The temperature at the outlets should not differ. The most accurate results can be achieved by measuring the temperature at the valve itself. Increased, we reduce the gap, decreased, open. The interval between measurements should be at least 10 minutes.


The considered methods do not provide a complete guarantee of balancing, since they are based on general recommendations. However, as we all know, each system is individual, although it is equipped based on generally accepted rules. It all depends on the basic settings. If everything was done wisely from the very beginning, then maintenance will not cause difficulties. As practice shows, fast balancing never happens, so be patient and consistent. And don't forget about specialized designs designed to speed up adjustments.

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After installation is complete, the heating system needs to be adjusted or balanced. This allows you to identify, correct, and eliminate inconsistencies in the operation of the boiler unit and other devices, ensuring high efficiency of operation and heat transfer. Contrary to popular belief, the heating system of not only a large multi-storey building, but also a small private house, up to a small-sized country house, needs balancing. Imbalance is the cause of improper heat distribution, when some rooms are very hot and others are not warm enough. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out balancing before the start of each heating season.

Balancing the heating system

What is balancing a heating system?

In a situation where the last battery does not warm up enough, the method of increasing the power of the pump or the system as a whole is not effective. Balancing will help to correctly distribute the energy of the heat generator, taking into account the heat demand of each room.

Balancing the heating system, first of all, is needed to adjust the shut-off and control valves, which are responsible for the intensity of coolant movement through the pipeline. The presence of these devices facilitates the operation of the system, because the devices automatically maintain the specified parameters. But they are not able to perform balancing on their own and, moreover, they themselves need periodic checks.

The fittings consist of flow and pressure regulators, bypass and. They regulate pressure, eliminating excessive differences (the cause of malfunctions of automation and thermostats). They also help identify and eliminate system defects in local areas.

Balancing a two-pipe heating system in a private house

The main criterion for choosing shut-off and control valves is the composition of the heating system of private houses:

  • In single-pipe systems, it is better to install manual balancing valves.
  • In two-pipe ones equipped with automatic thermostats - automatic type.

Hydraulic balancing

Hydraulic adjustment (balancing) of the heating system of private houses solves two main problems:

  • Increasing comfort by ensuring optimal temperature conditions.
  • Reduced energy costs as a result of efficient use of resources.

During the work:

  • Radiators are assessed, heat loss through windows, doors, walls, and ceilings is measured.
  • The balancing valve is selected, installed (changed), and adjusted.

Hydraulic balancing - a method for optimizing a heating system

It is important to debug the system before starting balancing. For this purpose, all taps and valves installed on the pipeline and near heating devices are opened, and a test run of the heating system is carried out. This way you will make sure that the heating equipment (circulation pump, batteries) is in order or that the filters need to be cleaned. Then it is done - deaerated water is poured in and heated to operating temperature. When air pockets appear, air is removed.

Methods and procedures for balancing

There are two main methods to balance heating devices:

  • Simple. It is also the most labor-intensive. When adjusting the position of the balancing valves, their readings are taken multiple times.
  • Difficult. It is reliable because it involves dividing the system into modules (individual heating devices or a group of them). Each module is equipped with a balancing valve, ensuring its autonomy. The total power of the heating system is taken as 100%, and the readings of individual parts are converted into fractions (20%, 40%, and so on). Next, each module is adjusted separately until the indicator corresponds to the desired value.

Balancing valve readings

This is also convenient in terms of operation, when the temperature range can be easily changed if necessary. The number of balancing valves can be increased gradually, starting with one device in the area of ​​the circulation pump.

Balancing Tools

These include a balancing valve and a special measuring device.

A balancing valve is a type of shut-off valve for adjusting hydraulic resistance in heating systems. The device solves the problem by changing the cross-sectional diameter of the pipe.

Modern Y-type models are distinguished by the possibility of presetting, which limits the flow rate marked on the handle with a scale. The design provides for the presence of two nipples for measuring pressure, temperature, and coolant flow differential. The name is due to the shape of the body, where the cones are placed at an optimal angle to each other. This minimizes the influence of coolant flow on measurements and increases the accuracy of adjustment.

When to install:

  • The maximum load on the system does not provide a comfortable temperature.
  • Under constant load, significant temperature changes are observed in the room.
  • Normal heating power cannot be achieved.

The advantages of installing this device are as follows::

  • Reducing fuel consumption and heating costs.
  • Increasing the efficiency of the heating system and increasing comfort due to the ability to regulate the air temperature in each individual room.
  • Makes it easier to start.

Modern balancing crane

Installation of a balancing valve involves the use of special fittings and adapters. It is important to pay attention to the presence of an arrow stamped on the body of the device and its direction. Some devices are mounted strictly in a certain direction of water circulation. Violating this manufacturer's recommendation will cause valve failure and system failure. Once installation is complete, measurements should be taken to determine the level of adjustment.

Pressure and temperature differences, as well as coolant flow at the balancing valve can be measured using a special device.

The multifunctional computer device is equipped with precise sensors, and in addition to the measurement function, it is capable of eliminating detected errors and performing balancing. This device greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of fine-tuning the heating system.

Manufacturers of modern devices provide the ability to connect them to a computer. Installing a special program allows you to transfer data to a PC for further work with them.

It is important not only to buy modern equipment, but also to know how to use it. Otherwise, the setup process will be ineffective, which will lead to improper heating operation, lack of a comfortable microclimate, and excessive consumption of thermal and electrical energy.


  • Using partner valves, the hydraulic system is divided into modules.
  • Next, all parts are balanced, from risers and collectors to heating points. This makes it possible to achieve the design flow rates of all modules and valves with minimal pressure losses on the devices themselves.
  • After balancing, the pump switches to the power that provides the calculated rate of water circulation in the system. This will allow you to adjust the flow rate on the main module located at the pump.

The result of adjusting the balancing valves is the data obtained about what values ​​are required and achieved. This information allows you to check the quality of the work performed and is its guarantee.

Regulator with temperature control sensor for heating balancing

As a result of correctly performed balancing, the pumping equipment begins to consume a minimum of electricity, and the consumption of thermal energy is carried out rationally.

Another problem that one has to face in the absence of special devices is the inability to determine the quality of the heat supply when it is in operation. Y-type balancing valves with measuring nipples have a system self-diagnosis function, which consists of the following::

  • Determining the malfunction while the heating system continues to operate.
  • Checking the technical condition and operating parameters of equipment.
  • Making decisions when identifying faults.

Thus, errors are found and quickly eliminated.


Technological progress and improvements in heating technology have made it possible for owners of private houses to check and configure the heating system correctly and receive timely information about errors that have occurred.

Modern devices for balancing heating

Regular balancing of the heating system is a prerequisite for its normal operation. This allows for uniform heating of the building while maintaining the desired temperature in each room.

The correct functioning of the system can be easily monitored and adjusted using a balancing valve.

With balanced heating operation, you don’t have to worry about the durability of shut-off valves and pipelines, the economy and efficiency of the boiler unit and other devices.

Properly selected balancing equipment allows you to minimize the risk of completely replacing the heating (in the case of an old system), saving material resources.

If you think that by installing the boiler, additional equipment and pipelines, connecting radiators to them and filling the system with coolant, you can consider that the work is done, this is not so. Although the main array has been completed, an important stage remains - setting up the heating system or balancing it. The main task of the process is the correct distribution of coolant energy among the rooms.

Today we will tell you how this is done in a private home.

All work can be done with your own hands, following simple recommendations. There is a misconception that balancing should only be done in large buildings, but this premise is not true. It is required for any buildings, and especially residential ones, otherwise heat will flow into some rooms in excess, while in others, on the contrary, there will be a lack of it.

Our task today is to tell you how you can prevent such an imbalance. As a result, the boiler, radiators and other elements of the system will work as one whole and heat a uniform structure.

In the photo - before starting the heating system, it is necessary to configure and adjust it

primary goal

No matter how hard we try to make the heating circuit correctly, it often turns out that the last battery warms up not only longer, but also not enough.

In this case, there is no reason to increase the power of either the system or the pump, since this is not the problem.

  1. Balancing serves to distribute the heat energy supplied from the heat generator through the pipelines, depending on the needs of each room.
  2. This procedure is helped, first of all, by shut-off and control valves. It is an important heating component, which makes it possible to increase or decrease the flow of coolant to a certain section of the heating system.

Tip: installing automatic temperature control equipment does not exclude battery balancing.

  1. In this case, they are only an additional means that allows you to maintain the necessary comfort in the premises.
  2. Setting up radiators and heating equipment is a top priority. Therefore, we recommend that you first carry out balancing and only then install automatic systems, if desired.

Advice: keep in mind that the latter are mainly centralized in nature, being responsible not for regulating the coolant supply, but for its temperature in the heating device.

What is needed for this

Balancing is performed using the following components:

  • flow regulators;
  • bypass valves;
  • balancing valves;
  • pressure regulators.

The installation of certain elements is based on the design of the heating system:

  • in a single-pipe circuit, the instructions only recommend installing manual taps, which will help vary the intensity of the heated water supply to any room;
  • in two-pipe systems, especially where the temperature is controlled by automatic devices, it is impossible to do without installing balancing valves.


There are several methods to perform the procedure. Let's look at their essence using an example:

Simple The most time-consuming option is when you periodically measure the readings of each balancing valve while adjusting their positions. The goal is to adjust the valve positions so that the result satisfies you.
Difficult It is considered more reliable, since the system is divided into separate modules. In this case, its total power is taken as 100%, and the data that comes from individual modules is converted into the corresponding shares, for example, 50 or 20%. Then each module is adjusted separately, achieving the coolant flow intensity to the desired percentage of total power of the heating system.

For example, you chose 20% for the bedroom, but this figure was not enough to reach a comfortable temperature. Therefore, you decide to increase the intensity by another 10%, for which you slightly unscrew the module valve.

Advice: before starting balancing work on the heating system, you must open each shut-off valve and do a test run. You must ensure that the batteries and other circuit components are operating correctly.

Balancing valve

This is a type of shut-off valve, with the help of which hydraulic resistance is regulated by changing the cross-sectional diameter of the pipe in a selected area.

It must be installed when:

  • there is no comfortable temperature even at maximum load;
  • there is a significant change in the temperature in the room with a constant load in the heating system;
  • there is no way to reach the rated heating power.

Equipment advantages

The balancing valve for heating has the following advantages:

  • reduces overall fuel costs, which homeowners will notice after a while;
  • increases indoor comfort, as it is possible to achieve a suitable temperature level for each individual room;
  • removes difficulties when starting the system.