What vitamins are in carrots? What vitamin do carrots contain in large quantities?

Carrots have long become one of the indispensable products in our diet. This is a very important element in baby food, and for adults it is an important source of keratin and nutrients. What vitamins are contained in carrots, as well as the basic rules for consuming this unique root vegetable are described in our article.

It is to him that we owe the protective properties of the body, as well as the ability to stabilize the state after stressful situations. The table will clearly demonstrate the main functions of other components contained in this healthy vegetable, as well as which vitamin carrots contain the most.

Table of vitamins and microelements contained in 100 grams of carrots:

Name of vitamin: Quantity: Ensuring the daily requirement: Beneficial features:
Beta-carotene. 1.1 mg. 22%. Strengthens the body's protective properties.
Vitamin A. 183.3 mcg. 20,4%. Improve vision, promote growth, ensure healthy hair, skin and nails. Relieves migraines, soothes and promotes normal sleep and relaxation.
. 0.1 mg. 6,7%.
. 0.02 mg. 1,1%.
Vitamin B5. 0.3 mg. 6%.
. 0.1 mg. 5%.
. 9 mcg. 2,3%.
. 5 mg. 5,6%. Provides collagen production, increases the body's defenses.
. 0.6 mg. 4%. A powerful antioxidant that has a positive effect on skin condition.
. 0.06 mcg. 0,1%. Regulates the process of carbohydrate metabolism, controls the fat balance of the skin.
. 1.2 mg. 6,1%. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases, helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
. 13.2 mcg. 11%. Restores the skeletal system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Molybdenum. 20 mcg. 28,6%. Very important for the normal functioning of the body.
. 46 mg. 20%.
Bor. 200 mcg. 10%.
Manganese. 0.2 mg. 10%.
. 234 mg. 9,4%.
. 36 mg. 9%.
Copper. 80 mcg. 8%.
. 1.4 mg. 7,8%.
Phosphorus. 60 mg. 7,5%.
Fluorine. 55 mcg. 6%.
Sodium. 65 mg. 5%.

An important factor will be the low calorie content of carrots: per 100 grams of vegetable there are only 35 - 40 kcal. This makes carrots one of the most appropriate components of dietary dishes. Thanks to fasting “carrot” days, you can significantly reduce your weight without harm to your health.

How carrots are good for the body

We have heard about the beneficial properties of carrots and their juice literally from the cradle. This familiar vegetable is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Once in the body, they have a positive effect on vital processes.

Benefits of carrots for the body:

  • Helps eliminate toxins.
  • Prevention of cancer.
  • Normalizes metabolism.
  • Stimulates the digestive system.
  • Improves vision.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Cleanses the liver.
  • Removes sand from the kidneys.
  • Reduces blood pressure levels;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Improves the condition of skin and hair.
  • Increases immunity.

Contraindications to eating carrots may be exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidneys. A symptom of overeating carrots is yellowing of the skin (usually on the face and hands). This means that keratin is not completely absorbed, so it is necessary to exclude this product from your diet for a while. Too sweet varieties of carrots should be used with caution for diabetes.

Interesting fact: carrots are not grown or used as food in Georgia.

What's the best way to eat carrots?

Carrots can be consumed raw or boiled. It is often added to salad or soup; there are recipes for sweet baked goods based on carrots. In order for a vegetable to bring maximum benefit, it is also necessary to take into account the basic rules for its use.

Important rules for eating carrots:

The carrots we are used to are not so simple. Its unique vitamin composition provides a significant part of the daily diet. Regular consumption can relieve many ailments and is an excellent prevention of certain diseases.

Despite the fact that this long-familiar vegetable is used almost daily for food, few people actually know that it is one of the 10 most economically important vegetable crops around the world. The homeland of carrots is currently unknown, but there is an assumption that it is Afghanistan. These days, a variety of carrots are grown there, from yellow-white to almost red. Previously, this vegetable crop was planted and nurtured for the sake of consuming its leaves and seeds as a spice, but now, for almost 4000 years, the root vegetable has been used as food and is even an important part of the diet for medical reasons. What minerals and vitamins in carrots make them so healthy? Let's figure it out together.

The peculiarity of the “sunny” vegetable is its high yield with unpretentiousness, which allows you to grow it even at home, a long shelf life without any preservatives and processing for up to several months in the refrigerator and, most importantly, without the breakdown of nutrients in the carrot itself. First, let's look at what vitamins carrots contain.


What vitamins can be found in carrots?

100 grams of root vegetables contain:

  • – 183.3 mcg.
  • Beta-carotene (proto-vitamin A) – 1.1 mg.
  • – 0.1 mg.
  • – 0.02 mg.
  • – 0.3 mg.
  • – 0.1 mg.
  • – 9 mcg.
  • – 5 mg.
  • – 0.6 mg.
  • – 0.06 mcg.
  • – 1.2 mg.
  • – 13.2 mcg.

Which vitamin from this table is primarily associated with carrots? This is vitamin A, which, as many people know, is good for vision. Carrots contain the most carotene; it is provitamin A; in other words, retinol is synthesized from it in the body. It is carotene that gives carrots this bright color and it is from vitamin A retinal protein is synthesized . In addition, this substance is antioxidant- protects the body from the harmful effects of the environment at the cellular level.

Mostly responsible for metabolism. In particular, vitamin B1, or thiamine, breaks down fats and proteins for further absorption.

Vitamin K helps strengthen and repair bones, which is most beneficial for middle-aged women.


It's not just the vitamins, but also the minerals contained in the colorful root vegetable that make it so healthy.

What microelements and how much can be found in carrots:

  • Potassium– 200 mg.
  • Calcium– 45 mg.
  • Magnesium– 38 mg.
  • Phosphorus– 57 mg.
  • Gland– 1.4 mg.
  • Sodium– 20 mg.
  • Chlorine– 64 mg.
  • Yoda– 5 mcg.
  • Copper– 82 mcg.

Calcium strengthens bones, iron helps improve the production of red blood cells, magnesium and potassium strengthen blood vessels and the heart. With a lack of iodine, incomplete absorption of food and even deposition of fats occurs; mental retardation may develop in young children, so it is more necessary for humans than all other microelements in carrots.

There are so many useful substances in a small fresh 100 gram carrot. An amazing fact: the content of nutrients in raw and cooked form does not change.

Due to the high concentration of nutrients and carotene, this vegetable can sometimes cause heaviness in the stomach, tooth pain and even allergies. In such cases, it is better to process it or mix it with other products. If an allergy occurs, it is better to stop using it.

How and with what to eat carrots?

It is best, of course, to eat it raw. The vitamins in carrots are best absorbed with oil. Olive is recommended, as it is healthier than sunflower, but any other to your taste will not be a particular obstacle in the process of assimilation of nutrients.

It is impossible not to note the presence of a “sunny” vegetable in almost every national cuisine of Europe and Asia. It is this that smells nothing at first and gives flavor to many dishes when fried or boiled.

Carrot juice is known for its beneficial properties. A freshly squeezed product in the morning will help the body wake up and fill with energy. It also helps people with stomach diseases.

As with everything, there should be moderation in eating carrots. In rare cases, it may be possible to develop carotene jaundice (yellowing of some areas of the skin), which disappears when the root vegetable is excluded from the diet.

So, both children and adults need to include a sunny vegetable in their diet. And not the least role in this is played by the high content of vitamin A in carrots, or more precisely, beta-carotene.

Carrots are a healthy vegetable that is valued for its pleasant taste with sweet and spicy notes. The root vegetable is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and plant fiber. It can be eaten raw, added to salads, canned, and used in preparing main courses. Carrots are not only a food product, but also a healing agent used in folk medicine. What vitamins are contained in carrots and what is their role for the body.

Composition and calorie content

Carrots are a low-calorie vegetable. There are only 35 calories in 100 g of product. The root vegetable is 89% water. It contains 6% carbohydrates, 1.2% proteins, 0.2% fats. The remaining percentage composition is plant fibers, organic acids and ash elements.

Carrots contain many vitamins. They are well absorbed and have a beneficial effect on metabolism and the functioning of the digestive tract. One of the main elements of root vegetables is carotene. It is considered the main source of vitamin A, which is very important for visual acuity.

Table of vitamins and minerals contained in carrots
Name Contents per 100 g of vegetable
Retinol (A) 0.02 mg
Thiamine (B 1) 0.1 mg
Riboflavin (B 2) 0.1 mg
Niacin (B 3) 1.3 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.3 mg
Pyridoxine (B6) 0.1 mg
Folic acid (B9) 9 mcg
Ascorbic acid (C) 5 mg
Tocopherol (E) 1 mg
Beta carotene 12 mg
Vitamin K 13 mcg
A nicotinic acid 1.2 mg
Biotin 0.1 mcg
Iron 1.5 mg
Calcium 45 mg
Potassium 200 mg
Magnesium 38 mg
Sodium 20 mg
Phosphorus 57 mg
Chlorine 64 mg

In addition to the listed substances, the root vegetable contains zinc, manganese, sulfur, iodine, copper, fluorine, molybdenum, boron and other minerals. Just 200 g of carrots is enough to replenish the daily requirement of minerals.


The rich vitamin and mineral composition gives carrots many beneficial properties. It normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the blood and gives energy. The vitamin A contained in the root vegetable is useful not only for vision. It protects the body from the effects of pathogens, slows down skin aging, strengthens and heals hair and nails. Retinol has a great influence on growth processes. Therefore, carrots are useful for children, whose bodies require a large amount of micro- and macroelements.

The B vitamins contained in the vegetable ensure proper functioning of the nervous system, relieve headaches, insomnia and feelings of fatigue. They affect the level of cholesterol in the blood, act as a preventative against hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases, charge the body with vigor and increase stress resistance.

Beta-carotene from boiled carrots is absorbed better than raw carrots.

Vitamin C has no less beneficial effects on health. It ensures the production of collagen, which allows you to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, removes dangerous cholesterol, toxins and waste.

Carrots contain a strong antioxidant - tocopherol (vitamin E). Vitamin K restores cartilage, ligaments and disorders of the skeletal system (which is especially important for osteoporosis). Thanks to its composition, the root vegetable helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and muscle tissue.

Beta-carotene in raw carrots is less absorbed than in boiled carrots. But to preserve its beneficial properties, the vegetable must be properly prepared: put in water only after it boils. For better absorption of vitamin A, it is advisable to season salads with root vegetables with sour cream or vegetable oil. Boiled vegetables will be especially useful for ulcers, colitis, gastritis, diabetes, enteritis and intestinal disorders.

Fresh carrots contain phytoncides that effectively fight infections affecting the mucous membrane. With its regular use, you can forget about diseases of the oral cavity.

carrot juice

Sometimes doctors prescribe carrot juice for skin diseases. Just 1 glass of drink a day will soften dry skin, restore alkaline balance and help cope with dermatitis. The microelements contained in the juice restore damaged liver cells and help remove toxins from the body. The combination of these actions has a cleansing effect.

Carrot juice is especially important for women. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, promotes conception and bearing a child. The drink is no less useful during lactation. Vitamins and minerals enter the baby's body through mother's milk and have a calming effect on the baby. They stabilize the functioning of his stomach, add strength and strengthen the immune system.

Carrots are a “universal” vegetable that can be eaten raw, added to salads, hot and cold dishes. It is rich in fiber and carbohydrates, contains vitamins and microelements, which, if properly stored and prepared, do not change their quantity. It is known how many benefits this valuable vegetable brings, thanks to the vitamins and minerals included in its composition. This root vegetable is a very valuable find, so if you know what vitamins are contained in carrots, you can use it to benefit the body.

Useful properties of carrots

Carrots contain large quantities of vitamins, which makes them a healthy and indispensable vegetable. The beta-carotene content in carrots is a preventative against cancer. The brighter the color, the more of this substance is included in the composition. There is an opinion that regular consumption of this vegetable increases life expectancy. Even a small carrot provides the body's daily requirement of vitamin A. Beta-carotene deficiency leads to cataracts, the formation of stones in the urinary tract and many other diseases.

  • Promotes activation of intracellular redox processes;
  • Regulates carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Improves emotional background;
  • Recommended as a mild laxative.
  1. Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is responsible for growth processes, so it is very useful for a growing child's body. It also helps improve vision and protects the body from various infectious diseases. And how much benefit this element brings to the appearance: it slows down the aging of the skin, helps strengthen hair and nails, gives the skin a healthy appearance, is necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. The content of B vitamins contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, helps fight migraines, insomnia and fatigue. Also, substances in this group affect the level of cholesterol in the blood and serve as a preventive measure for hypertension, thrombosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. What other vitamins can give more optimism, energy and vitality;
  3. It is known what valuable properties vitamin C has, which produces collagen in the body, preserving the youth and beauty of the skin. This element also strengthens the human immune system;
  4. Carrots contain the strongest antioxidant E, which protects the body from carcinogens and also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin;
  5. Carrots are enriched with vitamin K, which affects the restoration of the skeletal system, which is important for patients with osteoporosis. This element also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a positive effect on the muscular system and neutralizes the effects of toxic substances on the body.

Boiled carrots contain more vitamins than fried or raw vegetables. When preparing, it is recommended to use sour cream and vegetable oil for better absorption of vitamin A. To preserve nutrients in larger quantities, it is necessary to clean and cut it before cooking and it is advisable to immerse it only in boiling water.

During an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, with diabetes mellitus, enterocolitis and enteritis, it is better to eat boiled carrots. The antioxidants contained in this vegetable increase significantly during cooking.

Composition of carrots, per 100 g:

  • Fat – 0.1 g;
  • Protein – 1.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 7.2 g;
  • Dietary fiber – 0.8 g.

Carrot juice is an endless source of vitamins and is as beneficial for humans as carrots themselves. The amount of juice consumed depends on your well-being and health status. It has a beneficial effect on the function of the pancreas, endocrine glands and respiratory organs. This juice helps strengthen nails and hair, and also increases a person’s resistance to colds.

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How many vitamins and minerals are contained in 100 g of carrots?


Vitamin A 0,018 mg
Vitamin B1 0,01 mg
Vitamin B2 0,02 mg
Vitamin B3 1,1 mg
Vitamin B6 0,1 mg
Vitamin B9 9 mcg
Vitamin C 5 mg
Vitamin E 0,6 mg
Vitamin H 0,06 mcg
Vitamin K 13,2 mcg

The body's daily need for vitamins and microelements is met by eating 100 - 200 g of carrots. For people with impaired liver function, these products should be consumed in larger quantities, since the absorption of nutrients in this pathology is reduced several times.


Despite all the usefulness of carrots, there are a number of contraindications and restrictions for eating them. This root vegetable is contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach, and it should not be eaten in the presence of inflammatory processes in the small intestine. How much of this product can be consumed per day for such diseases should be found out from nutritionists. Large amounts of carrots eaten or juice drunk can cause a yellowish tint to the skin, especially on the palms and soles. This suggests that the body cannot cope with excess carotene without having time to process it. Abuse of this vegetable can lead to headaches, general lethargy, vomiting and drowsiness.


In order to be convinced of the usefulness of this product, it would be nice to know the content of what nutrients contribute to this, what vitamins are in carrots and why they are useful:

  1. . More than other vegetables, carrots are rich in vitamin A - this is its main component. It is responsible for the growth process, therefore it is especially recommended for children. It helps improve vision, puts a barrier to various infections, slows down the aging of organs, strengthens bones, hair, and nails.
  2. All varieties influence stable cholesterol levels in the blood, eliminate migraine headaches, and stabilize blood pressure. To relieve symptoms of fatigue and insomnia, vitamin B is needed more than ever.
  3. produces collagen, which helps give the skin an elastic state, and is also indispensable for improving immunity.
  4. - protector of the body from carcinogens.
  5. Vitamin K helps strengthen the skeletal system, vessel walls, stomach, intestines, and removes toxins.
  6. Carbohydrates.
  7. Fats.
  8. Squirrels.

A logical question arises: in what type of carrots are vitamins better preserved, since an impressive list makes you want to get the most of them? Oddly enough, nutritionists claim that the vitamin content of boiled carrots is higher than that of raw or fried carrots.

Carrot juice is an inexhaustible source of nutrients. It will help the pancreas and respiratory organs function, and will become a reliable preventive measure in the winter when there is a threat of colds.

All of the listed beneficial qualities of carrots are fully applicable to women expecting the birth of a child. What vitamins in carrots are most suitable for pregnant women? They need a large complex of vitamins, since their consumption not only benefits the expectant mother, but also helps the full development of the fetus:

  1. The high water content in carrots makes it a low-calorie dietary product, which is beneficial during pregnancy. It cleanses the body of toxins.
  2. The antibacterial properties of carrots are achieved thanks to vitamin C. It will allow mother and child to avoid infections.
  3. Carotene nourishes the retina of the eyes.
  4. For the full development of the fetus, the entire complex of vitamins contained in carrots is necessary.

Despite all its versatility, there are some restrictions for the use of carrots by pregnant women:

  • if you have diabetes, since carrots contain a large amount of glucose;
  • for pathologies of the pancreas, intestines or stomach.

Content of nutrients in fresh carrots

The lack of calories in carrots is one of the main reasons to start eating them. This property of the red-haired beauty is suitable for those who dream of losing weight, and for everyone who cares about the absence of toxins in the body. Carrots are 70% water, this creates a kind of barrier to the formation of toxins.

Fresh and boiled carrots contain a large complex of vitamins, which disappear during frying and stewing. But without a doubt, it is the fresh vegetable that has the entire list of all nutrients, including minerals:

  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • nickel.

The chemical composition of carrots, rich in useful minerals, allows us to classify it as one of the most essential vegetables in the diet and answer the question: what vitamins are in fresh carrots? Carrots have no contraindications for use, in particular, for children when eating them without fanaticism. Plus, it's delicious too!

What's the best way to eat carrots?

Options for fresh carrot dishes include a variety of salads and freshly squeezed carrot juice. At least one carrot or glass of juice daily will improve your general condition and help activate internal processes:

  • removing sand from the kidneys;
  • liver cleansing;
  • metabolic processes;
  • stabilization of the digestive tract.

For better absorption of carotene, doctors advise seasoning salads with fresh carrots with vegetable oils or sour cream. Boiled carrots are suitable for any salad and hot dish; after cooking, their nutritional qualities remain unchanged.

Daily inclusion of carrots in salads or carrot juice in your diet will diversify your table, and most importantly, will fill the mandatory daily need for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

But do not forget that there are many other healthy products that should definitely be present in the daily menu. You will learn how to balance your diet and learn how to choose the right products for this from the video course "Healthy eating: how to turn food into a source of longevity."

Watch this video from Elena Malysheva’s program about the benefits of carrots. You will be surprised how many useful things there are in this most common vegetable.

Remember that nature gives us wonderful fruits that we can use to benefit our health!

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