Child development from 1 5 to 2. What should a child be able to do in a year and a half

Your baby is already a year and a half old. At this age, every month, what's the month, every day brings something new!

Physical development of a child at 1.5 years. The weight of boys at 18 months is 10.2-13.0 kg. The weight of girls at this age is 9.8-12.2 kg. The growth of boys is 78.4-85.9 cm. The height of girls is 77.1-84.5 cm.

Skills. What can a child at 1.5 years old do? At this age, your baby already says about 40 words - this is his active vocabulary. Of course, the words are still short. But he pronounces them correctly! Can link words into short sentences: “Mom, give!”

The baby is already asking questions in case of special interest. Remember, before he just pointed his finger in the direction of the object of interest? The child is already answering the questions: “Who (what) is this?” (for example, in those moments when he is shown pictures).
At 1.5 years old, children easily imitate frequently heard words, phrases of an adult. Toddlers actively accompany their speech with facial expressions, gestures, and movements. I can catch your eye to make something clear. All this has the meaning of an additional word.
At the age of 18 months, children are interested in books - they look at pictures, turn pages.

And here are the actions that have already been mastered at this age:

  • The kid distinguishes objects by shape, size, color.
  • Understands in forms, for example, a ball-square, a cube-brick.
  • Can show and bring at the request of an adult.
  • The baby is already picking up an object of the same shape as on the sample. At this age, kids actively play sorters - they begin to pick up geometric objects to the corresponding hole on the edge of the manual. At first, the ability to throw an object into the hole is not enough, so the children just apply it.

At the age of 1.5 years, children already know how to navigate in two dimensions - large and small. A pyramid is assembled from two contrasting rings in size. In order for the baby to understand the task, he must first be shown how it is done. The child is oriented in 2-3 colors. Start with blue, yellow, green. Red and green children usually confuse, but then they remember them too.

At this age, children show interest in drawing - they “draw” zigzags, dashes, ovals, straight lines. You can show the baby finger paints.

The baby is already showing intelligence, for example, it can use substitute items in the game (instead of children's dishes, real kitchen utensils). To get to what he wants, he can use an additional object - to attach or substitute something.

At this age, children do not yet know how to play together, even if they are in the same, say, sandbox. But the baby will begin to imitate two or three play actions of peers.

Skills in 1.5 years. Your child has already learned to throw the ball down, forward and up. After being shown to adults, he will be able to step over obstacles on the floor with a side step. He already knows how to walk up the stairs with alternating steps. Previously, it was only attached. The baby will walk along a slightly inclined board without fear. The kid loves to dance - he repeats familiar movements with pleasure to the music. Therefore, dance with him more often!

How do you feed your baby? From a spoon and yourself? Try to trust this baby. By the age of one and a half years, the child is already mastering the spoon and cup. Your baby prefers to eat on his own, although he does not always cope. He still spills liquid food, but he can handle mashed potatoes perfectly.

What else can your baby do by the age of one and a half years. There is an active social and emotional development of the child. At 1.5 years old, your baby is already mastering socially significant gestures and facial expressions. For example, he may feel sorry for his mother. The child reacts to the emotional tone of the adult's voice, for example, when everyone is having fun or rejoices, he also starts to laugh. The kid easily switches (passes) from one emotional state to another (gets upset, calms down).


You still have very little time for yourself. And since the child learned to run, walks have become very active.
When a child reaches 1.5 years old, many mothers (who breastfed) decide. If you share this opinion, approach the process as responsibly as possible so that the baby does not have stress.

Are you planning the birth of a second child so that the age difference between the children is not very big? Then we recommend not to hesitate with a health check at the gynecologist.
What condition is your hair in? If the hair is noticeably thinned, start treating it. Try vitamins, special shampoos, folk remedies.

Joint weekdays

Read nursery rhymes and jokes to your child. Children like them very much. They describe the world around them, comment on various natural phenomena, children's games, funny stories. While reading, maintain a clear rhythm and melody of nursery rhymes. This is important as it helps the child learn new concepts and remember words better.

Let the child play with cereals (of course, under your supervision). Play with cubes, rings, water toys.

Children really like finger paints - they are both interesting and funny.

At this age, kids love to be helpful. Therefore, more often address the child with various simple requests. He will be very happy to help you.

Parents of babies who are one and a half years old do not have to rest. Children at this age are very curious, they need to know everything. And mom and dad, of course, explain everything. So the main advice is communicate with your baby! What is the child interested in? - tell him about the car, the bird, the dog, the tree, the cloud... Feel free to speak out loud anytime and anywhere. On the street, it is very important for your baby to hear from you what is happening: why the water is seething, why it suddenly became light or dark, why the lights are on, the dog is barking, cars are driving ...

Pay attention to reinforcing your words with something that you can feel. A child will remember the word “tree” better if he touches the rough bark with his palm, and “bell” if he rings.

  • Always voice your actions: “mom cooks porridge”, “mom takes off your shoes”, “mom changes you for bed”. This is how you help build your child's passive vocabulary.
  • Consider and discuss objects, pictures, books. At the age of 1.5 years, children identify objects and their images quite well. Compare real things with pictures. What do they have in common, how do they differ? For example - the boy in the picture has a red hat, and yours is green. Or the car in the picture is white, and yours is blue.

Moms and dads, give your baby as much attention as possible! And don't forget about patience! Your child is now much more mature, his character begins to actively manifest, the baby knows how to analyze and remembers well what is happening to him. And the more time you spend in joint activities, the better it will affect the further development of the child.

More about child development. At the age of one and a half years, babies begin to actively show negative emotions. What it looks like: Children scream, wave their arms and kick their legs. You need to listen to the child's emotions. Well, if you can see what caused this change in mood. A very important point - if the baby understands that adults pay attention to him only during a tantrum, then very quickly this behavior will become the norm.

  • Walk outdoors! It strengthens the immune system and the nervous system of the child. Young children need to move a lot - so do not stop the crumbs from actively playing. The child has learned to control his body. He likes it! Let him run, jump, squat, play ball!
  • The child is very attached to the mother. Therefore, every time she leaves home - stress for the child. Try to involve dad in child care as often as possible. And if possible, then grandparents. In the meantime, they will be messing with the child, the mother will be able to go about her business.

To-do list

Your baby is already a "nibbler". Did you know that it is recommended to visit a pediatric dentist 4 times a year - quarterly? The fact is that milk teeth are subject to destruction much faster than the teeth of adults. And if you visit a doctor every six months, you can miss the development of caries at the initial stage.
Did you manage to go through all the doctors at the age of one year? If not, here's the list:

  • Ophthalmologist- check children's eyes. When the baby turns one year old, a visit to the optometrist is necessary according to the rules. The doctor knows what the norm of vision of a one-year-old child is, and will be able to identify deviations in a timely manner. Very often, at the age of 7-9 months, farsightedness is found in babies. Parents will be able to notice this violation on their own: the baby does not see small things on the floor, inactively follows moving objects. But usually by 1 year, farsightedness disappears, and vision returns to normal. If, by the onset of this age, the ophthalmologist reveals a deviation in the child, he will prescribe the wearing of glasses. At the age of 1 year old, it is possible to return vision to normal so that in the future you do not have to resort to the use of glasses. Myopia is seen in only 5% of babies, but it also requires timely treatment.  Pediatrician - will conduct general preventive examinations and, if necessary, refer him for an additional examination;
  • Neurologist- check motor functions, the state of mental and mental development;
  • Orthopedist- assess the condition of the musculoskeletal system, check the gait, the presence of clubfoot or torticollis.
  • Cardiologist- check the work of the heart and blood vessels using an ECG;
  • Otolaryngologist- examines nasal breathing and hearing of the child;
  • Dentist(we have already written about this above) - will check the first teeth, bite and the presence of caries.

And write down on your to-do list the choice of a developmental center for your baby. At a year and a half, it's time to socialize the baby.

At 18 months your baby (according to the National Vaccination Schedule) will have a second polio booster at 20 months.

Tiny peanuts are not only the love and joy of our whole life, but also those who need our constant attention. Paying attention means dealing with kids, developing them and educating them. Children of the first year of life are often offered classes for physical development. As children grow up, games for the development of thinking, attention and creativity become more and more useful and relevant.

What activities to choose for kids who have already celebrated their first big birthday? This difficult but interesting period the baby meets with wide eyes and readiness for new knowledge and discoveries. Finding good and educational games for children aged 1-2 is very easy. Many of the games are passed down from generation to generation and are sometimes felt at the level of intuition.

At 1-2 years old, any bright material, cereals, paints - everything that any mother has at hand can become the object of the game!

Main directions for development

It is important for preschool children to develop the following skills:

The early preschool period can be divided into three main stages: 1-1.5 years, 1.5-2 years and 2-3 years. Each of them has its own characteristics, but it is very important for parents to constantly develop the baby, not letting his upbringing take its course. Let's analyze the basic skills inherent in each individual stage.

1-1.5 years

Children learn:

  • walk and jump (with mother's help);
  • throw the ball;
  • name things;
  • imitate the sounds of animals, objects;
  • distinguish colors;
  • listen, understand and comply with requests;
  • distinguish objects by size;
  • keep count up to 5;
  • manipulate toys (feed the doll, cook dinner, roll the car, rock the bunny, etc.);
  • sing along to simple songs, repeat nursery rhymes, rhymes;
  • engage in manual labor (glue cut parts, paint with a brush on paper).

Small details should not be trusted to such a small child - for now, he is interested in playing with volumes, shapes and colors - a ball, large colored cubes, pyramids

1.5-2 years

Children are learning:

  • to distinguish not only primary colors, but also their shades;
  • understand and fulfill polysyllabic requests (“Take a bear, put it in a stroller and sing a song”);
  • distinguish not only the size, but also the shape of objects;
  • keep score 1-10;
  • call objects with a full word (“spoon” instead of “ka”);
  • imitate the sounds of animals, birds, objects;
  • manipulate with toys (carry sand in the car, feed the bunny with a spoon, build a tower of cubes);
  • throw the ball;
  • sing songs and repeat rhymes and nursery rhymes;
  • distinguish between numbers and letters (a small part);
  • engage in manual labor (with the help of an adult, glue the application, use pencils and felt-tip pens, draw with a brush).

More information can be found in the article

A child under two years of age loves building from cubes and a large designer, a plot can already be introduced into games, they have their own characters and stories

2-3 years

It's time to learn:

  • to distinguish between primary colors, their shades, and also be able to mix paints to get the desired color (we recommend reading:);
  • keep count up to 10;
  • to distinguish between the relative size (higher-lower, farther-closer, large-smaller), as well as the shape of objects (triangular, round, square);
  • add and subtract prime numbers using available examples (another girl came to two girls, now there are three girls);
  • describe events in simple sentences;
  • understand the content of the tale and answer questions about what they have read;
  • manipulate with toys (build simple objects from the constructor, play role-playing games);
  • memorize poems and songs;
  • know how letters and numbers are written;
  • engage in manual labor (make applications, sculpt from dough, plasticine, draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, make crafts from natural material).

When the child's age approaches the three-year milestone, you can actively include creative skills in his development program - drawing, music (xylophones, children's musical instruments), modeling

Lessons per year

Finger painting

Drawing with children is a new and exciting process that allows you to explore the unusual and develop your imagination. Children are more interested in the process of creativity than the result.

For comfortable work, prepare a working area: cover the table with oilcloth, prepare paints, water, a brush (if desired), napkins. Kids at this age are extremely restless, so you should not plan to color more than one picture at a time. Give your child no more than three colors to choose from.

Before the baby begins to try his hand, show how to properly dip your finger in the paint. Do this with your hand, holding the baby's finger, then start carefully coloring the picture. Encourage and praise the baby for success, so you will stimulate in him the desire to create.

Finger paints are great fun for kids who are kinesthetic by nature, that is, they love to touch and try everything with their hands.

Maybe it's too early to use this material for one-year-old babies? Of course, complex adult crafts are not yet available for children of this age, but plasticine is an excellent tool for developing fine motor skills, so you can start now. Modeling opens up a huge scope for creativity in front of the child. Modern plasticine differs from old samples, it is more elastic and does not stick to hands at all. Working with such material is a real pleasure. The child will be interested in adding details to an already finished picture, which you can draw yourself or buy a blank.

At first, sculpt small balls that the baby will have to press with his finger at the selected place in the picture. Drawings should be with simple plots: add sweets to a vase, feed a dog or depict rain from a cloud. Having learned to press the ball to flatten it, the child can try to smear the plasticine in different directions to get a new interesting picture. You should start with a simple action - pressure. Important Tips:

  • It is recommended to stick balls in advance so that the child does not wait for a “new portion” of work, because it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing for a long time.
  • Do not leave the baby unattended, otherwise he may try to taste the plasticine.
  • After class, remove the plasticine in a place inaccessible to the child.
  • As an alternative to plasticine, take the dough, which you can make yourself from water and flour.

Plasticine modeling is a very interesting activity that can unite toddlers and older kids. The latter will be happy to show their brother or sister how to mold something beautiful

Reading of books

Choose simple and bright books, where there are a lot of beautiful pictures that attract attention. Accompany your reading with games and voice acting. For example, act out the story with your favorite toys, or pretend a frog croaks or a bunny jumps. Children love to read the same book over and over - even though you're already tired of it, read it over and over again as long as it is interesting to the baby.

"School of the Seven Dwarfs" is an excellent didactic complex for the development of children of different ages. All sets are divided by age (from birth to the school itself). Each annual complex contains 12 books, where you will find a large number of interesting tasks that have been developed by specialists in child psychology and education, which means they will be useful to your baby.

Games with cubes, pyramids and sorters

After 1 year, children are happy to play with blocks. Offer the child the simplest actions: make a tower of two or three cubes, gradually increasing the number of cubes.

Use developing sorters (cubes with holes of different shapes and figures corresponding to the shape of these holes). A seemingly simple task is very difficult for a child, but it develops his brain very well.

Pyramid is one of the most favorite activities for a 1 year old baby. With the help of a pyramid, a child will master such concepts as “more-less” and learn how to make a whole structure from separate parts.

Active games with objects

Such games in 1-2 years are the best solution. For classes, choose large bright objects. Tasks can be simple and active: collect items in a basket, throw a ball, take the doll to kindergarten. Classes can be with a developing bias: mom asks to take and bring any item. All kids love to touch, crush and taste objects - give him the opportunity to realize his desires. Offer your child objects with different textures, surfaces and shapes. When giving the next thing to a child, name its characteristics (big, hard, warm, fluffy, etc.).

Finger games are not only interesting for the child, but also very useful. They are great for developing fine motor skills and imagination.

Continue to develop fine motor skills with simple and interesting movements, accompanied by voice acting. Do not forget - the more you knead the children's fingers, the more likely it is that the child will speak soon. If the child does not want to play such games, you can simply give him a useful massage of the fingers and palms or offer a rubber ball with spikes to play with.

Games with household items: clothes, dishes

A large number of toys in the house does not exclude the craving of small children for everyday things. They tend to repeat adult actions and do everything like a mother. Playing with dishes is a favorite pastime for children. There is a lot of room for imagination here: put trays into each other, hide something in a saucepan, transfer vegetables from a bowl to a saucepan.

Bulk material games

One year olds love this activity. Such exercises stimulate the development of sensory perception. Fingers will become more and more dexterous and obedient. For classes, choose any bulk materials and cereals: rice, buckwheat, semolina, millet. Then mom needs to pour a thin layer of cereal on a tray and show how you can draw with this material. For work, it is advisable to choose a tray with high sides, although it does not guarantee the absence of scattered cereals on the floor. The kid will probably want to first study the cereal - do not interfere with such an acquaintance.

Cereals and legumes can be dyed with hypoallergenic food coloring, especially rice. You can also buy ready-made colored materials for the development of fine motor skills.

Everything new for children under 2 years old is very important. They need to deal with new material, try it by touch and taste, sort out each type of cereal in their palm. Perhaps the baby will be interested in just such actions, and not in the process of drawing - do not rush things, let the baby just get acquainted with unusual material in the first lesson.

Next time you can try to show the implementation of simple drawings (circles, squares). Over and over again, the child will try to draw more and more new drawings (zigzags, waves, stripes). Such activities with cereals are great for developing fine motor skills in babies aged 1,2 and 3 years.

Outdoor games

Outdoor games develop not only the large motor skills of the baby, but in general have a beneficial effect on all body systems. Particular attention should be paid to the speech accompaniment of classes: “on”, “sat down”, “got up”, etc. - this helps to regulate the pace and breathing of the baby and, in general, activates it. Movement exercises can be done both at home and while walking in the fresh air, combining them with jumps, squats, running and simple walking. Each game is repeated about 3 times a week. We offer several options.

With toys

We collect balls

  • You will need two types of balls - small and larger, and two boxes of similar sizes. Saying the value, first we help the crumbs: “a big ball goes into a big box, and a small one goes into a small one.” Then we give the child the opportunity to do it on his own.
  • Starting from 1 year 10 months, you can also start pronouncing the colors of the balls.

Ball sorting is suitable for both one-year-olds and three-year-olds - classes become more difficult with age

Looking for a toy

  • We place the toy in a conspicuous place, and together with the little one we go in search, supporting him under the armpits or by the arms.
  • You can put 3-4 toys in the corner of the room and ask the baby to take exactly the thing that you name.
  • We hide the toy under the cover so that only part of it is visible: the cat's tail, the doll's hair.

We crawl to the rattle

  • We put the rattle at a distance of 1 meter and ask the baby to crawl to it, then help him get up, pick up the rattle and ring it.
  • We complicate the task - the child must perform all the actions on his own. Next time, put 2 rattles on the floor, take both of them.
  • Depending on age, we increase the distance: 1-1.5 years - up to 2 meters; 1.5-2 years - up to 2-3 meters; 2-3 years - up to 3-4 meters.

Without items

  • locomotive(from 1.5 to 3 years). We stand in front of the baby, he is behind, holding on to you. We begin to move forward, imitating the whistle of a locomotive. We complicate the task - we change places; Alternately “adjust” the volume of the beep - sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly.
  • Train ride. Together with the baby, we sit on chairs, perform circular movements with our hands, imitate the beep “Tu-tu”, stamp our feet. At the signal “Arrived!”, “Stop - forest / village” - we run around the room and collect “mushrooms / flowers”.

The total duration of active training in the table.

A child in a family is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. Each period of growing up a baby has its own characteristics. In a new way, one should treat his personality when the child is already 1.5 years old. His character development is just beginning. Therefore, it is important that parents explain to the child from early childhood how to conduct with loved ones and in society as a whole.

Child (1.5 years): development. How is the development of the baby at this age?

The kid begins to actively demand the fulfillment of his desires. But he cannot distinguish, due to his physical and emotional characteristics, what is good and what is bad. How does a child develop at this age? 1.5-2 years is the period when the baby is improving very quickly. When he was a baby, he did not know how to do anything, except that he ate and slept by the clock. And now he is beginning to master independent actions, trying not only to speak articulately, but to formulate his thoughts. During this period, everything happens for the first time for the child and his parents. All the discoveries of the baby are made thanks to the development of the motor function of the child, his speech, memory, thinking.

The development of a child at 1.5 years is a very important stage in the formation of the psyche. While she has the opportunity to form surrounded by parents, since the baby does not see other people next to him, except for mom and dad. The next stage will take place at school, and will end only in adolescence.

How is the child's psyche formed at this age?

So, the child turned 1.5 years old. Its development should be considered in more detail in order to know how to properly assist the baby in comprehending many truths and rules of human society. Up to a year and a half, the child was breastfed. Then he was dependent on his mother for everything: changing diapers, feeding by the hour several times a day. When he comes off his chest, he learns for the first time that there is something else in this world, besides what he saw around him before. But there are a lot of new and interesting things! For the first time he realizes that he can decide for himself: I want - I do not want.

The kid becomes capricious when he does not get what he asks for. It doesn't matter, he's already out of it, he should be able to think. It is necessary to explain in an accessible language that it is not always possible to get everything you want. But the important thing here is completely different: you need to be with a child in any situation, to experience with him all his little tragedies and joys. You have to repeat the same thing day after day. Only through repetition and regular practice does the process of forming the child's psyche take place. Only by the age of two or three will the baby begin to be able to wait, it will be easier to negotiate with him. If parents have enough patience during this period, they will be able to raise a tolerant personality.

The Importance of the Mother in Development

What should I pay attention to if the child is 1 year and 6 months old? The development of a child of this age should take place in front of the mother. Potty training, accuracy will be painless if there is a loving person nearby. If the mother who sends the baby to kindergarten is lucky and the child falls into caring hands, the process of adaptation and getting used to cleanliness and accuracy will go unnoticed and without excesses.

Features of the development of the baby at the age of one and a half years

I would like to talk in more detail about what are the features of the development of the child. 1.5 years is the age when the baby can do a lot on his own. Now he is constantly discovering new possibilities for his body. She walks more confidently and loves to run. It fascinates him so much that he can forget all the acquired skills. It is necessary to direct the energy of the baby, play with him more often, and at the same time set tasks with complications. You can’t stop a child if he wants to wash the dishes with his mother or stick pies. Let's try it for sure! After all, this is the comprehension of new actions, one's own capabilities. The development of a child at 1.5 years requires a lot of strength from him. The kid gets tired quickly. Therefore, he needs rest and good sleep. Why did great-grandmothers sing lullabies to their children? With this singing, the mother is able to give a calm emotional mood to the baby, who learned so much in a day, spent so much of his energy.

We teach the independence of our child using the example of a button

The desire to dress and undress comes when the child is 1.5 years old. Development is proceeding as it should ideally. The kid wants to learn everything on his own. This is not always possible, not everything works out. The button does not fasten, the lace does not want to be tied. How do adults do it? How do they do it? The child may even begin to get nervous and act up. It is important to be there, to observe what is happening, you should definitely offer your help. You can playfully teach your baby to place a naughty button in her little house. An affectionate word, an encouraging attitude will do their job and, of course, give a positive result. Only patience and love can achieve the desired effect.

Little child skills

If a child is already 1.5 years old, his development should include the following skills: he moves well, begins to speak separate words, is interested in new objects, the habit of taking everything in his mouth gradually disappears, begins to eat without outside help. He becomes a person every day.

Communication with the baby is a necessary event

The child undergoes a big change. 1.5 years is a transitional period in the life of the crumbs. A child at this age is already prepared to communicate with the outside world. Only constant interaction with adults, with their peers helps in the development of the baby. the emotions of the baby, his speech and perception testify to his mental development.

Physical development of a child at the age of one and a half years

Outwardly, a child at 1.5 years old also changes very much. noticeable in an increase in height by almost one and a half times, the child now weighs three times more from the moment of his birth. Is your toddler extremely active and inquisitive? The development process is proceeding normally.

In order for the joy of movements to come in time, you should not constrain this desire with a tight one. This may later affect the mental and motor development of the child. The kid already falls less, loves to climb stairs, conquers slides on the playground. Let him try his hand, when he masters this movement, he will start jumping, running. Every step he takes will give him confidence and independence. He will learn to throw a ball, turn pages in a book. He can already be instructed to put toys in a box, put his things in a locker. It's time to teach your baby how to use cutlery. That's how physically developed the child is.

1 year 6 months: development, nutrition of the baby

The nutrition of a child at 1 year 6 months has its own characteristics.

It must be remembered that during this period, changes in the digestive system occur in children. Their stomach expands.

You need to gradually move from thick food to solid food. You should start giving salads from grated vegetables as complementary foods. Food that stimulates the nervous system should be served in the morning. Do not forget that the child needs to sleep during the day. The evening should be reserved for cereals and dairy dishes. Hot food must be present at every feeding. You can already switch to four meals a day. A hearty breakfast and lunch, the presence of vegetables and fruits, milk or kefir at night will provide good nutrition and the habit of proper eating.

Skills that a baby already owns at the age of one and a half years

A child experiences a difficult period at 1.5 years. The development of his organs takes on a new format. Now this is not a baby who cannot do without outside help. He can do a lot on his own. His skills acquired during this period will serve him well in the future. He has mastered a spoon and a cup, he is already big and eats and drinks by himself. He is interested. Great pleasure gives the ability to use a comb. Let it be clumsy so far, but the child will learn the opportunity to try to perform simple and complex actions on his own. He will ask for help himself. Then there will be no need to run after the baby around the house and beg him not to spin, to sit quietly. He already tried it himself, nothing happened, but he really wants to go for a walk. Here there is no conflict. Everyone is happy, everyone has fulfilled their function. The task of parents at the stage of comprehension and the first steps of independence is to always be there, to create conditions for the safety of the child, to improve all his skills and abilities. Let the kid think that he does everything himself, you need to direct his actions imperceptibly so that interest in knowledge, discoveries and research is not lost.

Walks and physical activities with a one and a half year old baby. Tips for new moms

The child should never be in the room for a long time. Walking at any time of the year, gymnastics and hardening procedures will help the baby grow up healthy, hardy and physically strong. From the first days of life, mother and baby took walks in the fresh air. The child is growing, his stay on the street should not be reduced in time. Lack of oxygen can lead to negative consequences.

Health of a child at the age of one and a half years

Visits to the pediatrician continue, only now they take place once every three months. All the necessary tests are taken to draw the right conclusions about the physical and neuropsychic state of the baby. At 1 year 6 months, vaccinations are given against polio, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.

How can you help your child develop? What is better to do, and what should be abandoned?

During the period of formation and development of a child at the age of one and a half years, cognitive toys can be used to develop speech. It is useful to memorize short poems and nursery rhymes with the child. Books should have bright beautiful pictures that correspond to reality. There is no need to show the baby non-existent monsters, various monsters or images of alien creatures. Let him learn to see and distinguish between the objects of the living and non-living world that surround him: animals, fruits, vegetables, vehicles. You can buy baby sets of children's toy furniture and utensils. This will be useful to him for story games. Pyramids, cubes, constructors will help to expand knowledge about the shapes of objects. In the arsenal of a home supply of toys, a child should have those that develop hearing and musical abilities.

A small conclusion

Now you know what the development of a child should be like at 1 year 6 months. As you can see, at this time the child knows a lot, and also learns a lot. We hope that the information presented in the article will help you understand what to look for in the process of teaching a one and a half year old baby, how to properly feed him and how to care for a healthy and sociable child (1.5 years old). Its development is a very important task for every mother. We wish you good luck in this difficult task!


At 1.5 years old, the baby becomes a real explorer, because more and more interest in him wakes up to the environment. It takes him a lot of time to do this, there is no time to sit in one place, because he needs to see what and where lies, check all the lockers and bedside tables, and also play with animals, if there are any in the house, see what they eat. At this age, the physical abilities of the child have increased significantly, the parents are not keeping up, it seems that they have only recently got on their feet, but they are already running, you can’t catch up. At 1.5 years old, the child is already a little man, independent and having his own desires, needs, and tastes.


Most of the children during this period can not only get up on their own, but also walk, run, as well as squat and jump. They easily turn and bend, change direction when walking, there are those who, with the help of their parents, already master the stairs.

They easily understand requests and appeals, for example, to bring, serve or show something. The child already knows how to drink from a cup or use a straw, eats food on his own with a spoon.

At his age, the baby is in no way inferior to slightly older children, because he also runs quickly around the apartment, tries to climb onto a sofa or chair, climb a hill, examines the children's town with great curiosity. It is especially fun to spend time with mom when she rides a child on a bike or while playing in the sandbox, time flies by unnoticed. But, despite this, the baby is still very small, so at any moment it can lose balance, parents should follow him and not leave himself.

Every day the child copies adults more and more, helps his mother around the house, sings along with her when she sings. The main thing in this matter is not to interfere with the development of the baby, even if he does not succeed well, everything falls from his hands, but in this way he tries to do the work on his own. Otherwise, even now it is possible to discourage the child from helping elders around the house, let him try to fulfill his duties.

Speech development

At this age, many children can pronounce 10 words, and there are also such little ones who easily put together a phrase, this indicates excellent speech development. Of course, not all kids achieve such a result, someone pronounces the long-awaited first words, some children, already fully designate animals, can express their desire to eat. As a rule, at 1.5 years old, words are illegible, they are more like baby talk, something like a sound, but over time they will make sense and become real speech.

At this age, the child knows more than he can say, and parents should not stop him on his laurels, let the baby continue to develop speech, replenishing his vocabulary. As before, the mother can show the child objects and name them clearly, without distorting the words, so he will get acquainted with new things.

Experts recommend using modeling for the development of speech, as well as drawing with crayons or finger paints. If at the age of one year a child was introduced to modeling, then at 1.5 years old he will independently not only sculpt Easter cakes, but also make snowballs in winter. During this period, the baby can distinguish between different colors and shapes, learns to distinguish between large and small objects, as well as cold and hot things.


Most babies at this age continue to eat breast milk, and most often, before bedtime. In some cases, the child may refuse to breastfeed on his own, but if he continues to drink mother's milk, you can leave him to breastfeed for a few more months.

As for the food from the adult table, the mother no longer needs to beat the food too finely with a blender, the child himself can chop small pieces of fruits or vegetables, but the meat should continue to grind. The baby is not yet able to chew meat and fish products on its own, in addition, foods such as mushrooms, canned food or sausages, as well as carbonated drinks that will not be useful for the child's body, remain banned. At the age of 1.5 years, the baby can be pampered with a small amount of pancakes or bakery products.


At this age, the baby sleeps an average of 13 hours, during the day he should rest once after lunch, a maximum of three hours, at night, children sleep 11 hours.

In addition, the mother should already try to brush the baby's teeth, he will not be able to cope with this task on his own, but he must be slowly taught and accustomed to personal hygiene, along with morning water procedures. Now is such a period when the baby is just learning everything, therefore, if, for example, every morning you brush him in front of the mirror, then soon the little one will perform this task himself.

Many parents experience difficulties when putting their baby to bed, to facilitate the process, you can create a kind of ritual. For example, before going to bed, take a walk with the baby, then bathe and change into pajamas, put to bed. You can take the initiative, and for example, tell a fairy tale, read a verse, sing a lullaby. Follow this algorithm every day, and over time, the baby will get ready for bed at the right time.

Teeth continue to erupt, by the year, as a rule, the child should already have 8, and at 1.5 half more, each child is individual, so they will erupt up to 2.5 years inclusive. This is a difficult period for many babies, they begin to act up, cry and sleep poorly, parents need to be patient and help the child overcome unpleasant moments, otherwise they will develop into mental disorders that will remain forever.


At the age of 1.5 years, the baby needs to continue to develop fine motor skills, for this you can use cereals. For example, pour not too small porridge into a deep container, and dip multi-colored small beads into it, hide them, after which the child needs to be shown how to search. Be sure, the little one will be very happy that he finds the ball.

In addition, at this age, you can start learning to build pyramids, a tower, using cubes. The child will prefer to destroy buildings, so mom will have to be patient and teach him how to build. This will happen quickly, if in a year the baby was able to put one cube on another, in 1.5 years he will learn to build a tower from more objects, in the future, with the help of his parents, he will build not only houses, but also fences and other buildings .

Classes where you need to sort the figures are considered very useful, you can buy toys, or you can make it yourself, for example, from cardboard. This game will teach the child to pick up the same parts, given the shape, size, a more complex process when the kid sorts objects and also by color.

Many pediatricians recommend walking with children as much as possible, preferably at least 6 hours, this is not only maintaining the immune system, thanks to fresh air, but also a positive effect on the nerves. In addition, at this age the child is actively moving, so an apartment or a house is a restriction of his movement, on the street he is less likely to get injured.

At 1.5 years old, parents should also show great patience with the child, because he grows, develops, does not sit still, is able to analyze, react, make decisions and remember a lot, he even shows character. And at this age, parental indifference hurts children very much, affects their future development, so you need to spend as much time with them as possible, do everything together.

In addition to physical development, the baby grows up with his mind, he absorbs all the surrounding information like a sponge, and this is exactly the moment when he should be introduced to the outside world, by simple methods or in games. Not only cubes are suitable for this, but also designers, multi-colored objects, the simplest puzzles, pyramids, now the child will try to connect the surrounding details into a single whole. Thus, thinking, motor skills, and memory will develop, you can already give dolls and soft toys if it is a girl. Many children like to repeat various exercises many times, parents should not be afraid, but it is better to patiently observe.

The motor, speech and mental abilities of the child are getting better and better. If the intelligence of adults developed at such a pace, in six months we could get a doctorate and learn a couple of languages.

What does a baby learn at the age of 1.5 to 2 years

He runs quickly and deftly, understands even complex sentences well, can explain what he needs. He imitates his parents, shows a desire to help his mother: he can run around the house with a mop or rag. Supports rather long dialogues, listens with pleasure to poems and fairy tales, completing sentences from well-known people.

What should a 2 year old be able to do?

  • run and play catch-up;
  • jump on two legs;
  • kick the ball;
  • independently climb the stairs;
  • open and close doors;
  • eat from a plate and drink from a cup without spilling;
  • use several dozen words in speech;
  • make simple sentences: “Sasha is thirsty”;
  • fulfill complex requests: “Take a cube and put it in a bucket”;
  • leafing through books and looking at pictures;
  • potty train.
Some children at the age of 2 are already fluently chatting, others are just mastering speech activity. If the baby understands speech well, fulfills requests, shows objects, there is no reason for concern. But if the child does not respond to the words of adults, does not use at least a few meaningful words, you should contact a specialist.

Physical skills of the baby from 1.5 to 2 years

Physical growth slows down a little: there is no need to buy a new blouse or panties every two months, because the baby has grown out of the previous ones. But the skills are improving. The kid easily builds a high tower of objects, inserts buckets into each other, arranges toys, draws lines with pencils and paints. He is well oriented in space: he hides in a house or a toy tent, jumps, masters a tricycle or a balance bike, he gets out of the crib. Be careful with high chairs: straps should not allow the child to stand up.

At this age, many children begin to go to the potty. To speed up the process, keep your baby at home without disposable diapers and watch him, catching the moment when he is nervous, worried and clearly wants to use the potty. Praise the child for the result. You can accustom him to a new unit by planting a doll or toy on the pot. It is important that the pot is comfortable - light and warm to the touch, for example, like pots from Plastishka.

Pot "Plastishka"

from 1.5 to 4 years


High back. Removable part. Splash protection.


Musical potty The plate with a convenient anatomic seat provides the maximum comfort for the kid. The pot plays a melody when liquid enters the tank. The musical potty will make it quicker and easier to teach your baby to use the potty on his own.

Boys can be offered a urinal.

Urinal "Plastishka"

from 1.5 to 6 years


Detachable panda ear clip.


The children's urinal is securely attached to the bathroom wall with self-tapping screws, double-sided tape or glue. Depending on the height of the child, the urinal can be set to the desired height, and for the smallest, simply put on the floor.

Psycho-emotional development of a child from 1.5 to 2 years

Children gradually master behavioral reactions: they may regret, stroke the crying hero in the picture or the same crying baby on the street. Show your child how to behave in certain situations. Teach to understand emotions: the bear is angry, stomps his foot; the bunny rejoices, jumps; the mouse is grieving, sad.

The child's speech is actively developing, vocabulary is expanding. Many children speak in sentences, and about themselves - in the third person: "Dasha wants to eat."

The child begins to explore the boundaries of what is permitted: what will happen if you throw a stone at your mother? Disobey? Pour porridge on the floor? Often the baby tries to achieve what he wants with tantrums, a loud roar. The task of parents is to demonstrate firmness and consistency, then over time the child will understand what is possible and what is not. Otherwise, he will continue to test adults for strength, achieving his goal.

Clear boundaries and reasonable prohibitions have a positive effect on the child, give him a sense of stability, security. And permissiveness, on the contrary, is unnerving: after all, it is not clear by what rules to live in this complex world.

Communication baby from 1.5 to 2 years