Lesson on the world around "Why does a person eat. Composition of food"

Almost constantly, from the first to the last day of his life, a person eats. The process of eating and digesting food allows him to continue his physical existence. From food, he receives those necessary nutrients, as well as vitamins and mineral supplements, without which his internal organs will not be able to function.

The process of continuous need for nutrition is due to the fact that metabolic processes are constantly going on in the human body. Part of the cells of the body is formed, part is destroyed. For new cells, building material is constantly needed, which the body receives with food. An example is red blood cells - erythrocytes. Every second, 7 million red blood cells die in the process of metabolism, and the same number of blood cells must appear.

If we consider food as chemicals, then it consists of organic and inorganic compounds. Their components, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, are hydrolyzed and digested. Some of them are absorbed into the body, and some are excreted from it. Restoration and preservation of the cells of the human body, obtaining energy so that a person can live and move, is possible only under the condition of nutrition and obtaining everything necessary for the life of the body through the blood, into which the necessary substances enter.

In addition, there are essential components necessary for the functioning of the human body, which he can get only through food. These are some amino acids and fatty acids, adaptogens, vitamins and mineral supplements. As part of organic compounds, they perform certain functions that other elements cannot perform instead of them.

But a person does not care what is. For him, the correct selection of nutrition is important so that he receives the amount of food necessary and sufficient for the normal functioning of the body. Overeating leads to obesity and premature aging. At the same time, the body of each person, which is a unique combination of cells and atoms that form the physical shell, needs a unique diet. It is important that the food meets exactly your needs.

The quality of food determines the quality of human life. Therefore, satisfying your physiological needs for food, you should adhere to the rule "less is better." This will be the key to your health and longevity.

Healthy eating habits help a person stay strong and healthy. Save energy for the rest of the day. Help with sleep and mood problems. In order to eat right, you need to think about three questions: “what do I eat?”, “How do I eat?” and “how often do I eat?”.

Interest in healthy eating arose at the beginning of the 20th century, when the chemical industry and the agricultural industry began to actively cooperate. Nutritious or tasty, but very harmful products appeared on the food market: chips, soda, chocolate on palm oil, jelly on gelatin. Unhealthy foods provoked the cardiovascular system. The problem of obesity has become acute.

Healthy eating is important

Our body is not an oven. It’s not enough to throw “something in the furnace”. With proper nutrition, it is important to replenish not only the energy balance. The body consists of "bricks" of varying complexity. Under the influence of the external environment and time, these "bricks" are destroyed. Our task is to replenish the stocks of materials in time so that the body can properly distribute them between systems.

The most important components are fats, proteins and carbohydrates. They must be consumed every day. All of these components are found in food. Their ratio during the day can be distributed as 1:1:4, respectively.

  1. Proteins in the body are responsible for protecting the body from the external environment, in other words, for immunity. Proteins make up muscle tissue and internal organs. Skin, hair, nails - all this has a protein structure.
  2. Fats are the source of energy in the body. They also help with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to fats, heat exchange occurs in the body.
  3. Carbohydrates are involved in the process of DNA synthesis, that is, they are involved in the "renewal" of tissues.

Vitamins are also important for the body. They are involved in the process of tissue replenishment, help nerve impulses pass through the body. Vitamins also boost the immune system. With the help of vitamins, many diseases can be prevented.

Unhealthy diet can lead to negative consequences. The most minor is discomfort and indigestion. Apathy, excessive fatigue, absent-mindedness - all this is the result of malnutrition.

The most dangerous consequences of malnutrition include obesity, heart failure.

What gives us proper nutrition?

Eating right is often hard. This requires self-discipline. But your body will thank you.

  1. Immunity with proper nutrition increases markedly. Less colds, sores and snot - more life and optimism.
  2. Stress resistance and iron nerves. The nervous system as a whole will work better.
  3. Strengthening bones and muscles. And also whole, beautiful, white teeth.
  4. Absence of excess weight. You will not experience hunger. And you will eat enough, then all the food will go to the "case", and will not be deposited on the stomach, sides and legs.
  5. Body cleansing. All toxins and toxins will gradually leave the body, cleansing and renewing it.
  6. Growth of hair and nails.

It is great if, in addition to proper nutrition, you lead an active lifestyle. Sports and healthy food will make you younger, stronger, smarter.

Desirable and undesirable products

There are many "nutrition pyramids" and tables of proper nutrition on the Internet. It is compiled depending on the needs: lose weight, get rid of diabetes and hypertension, cope with heavy physical exertion, etc. Here will be a pyramid of products that are responsible for the healthy development of a healthy body. The list of products is compiled according to the following principle: at the top are those products in which you should not limit yourself, and at the bottom are those that should be consumed at a minimum, or completely abandoned:

  • cereals, pasta, rice, vegetable oils;
  • berries, fruits, vegetables;
  • nuts and beans;
  • white meat (poultry, fish) and eggs;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • pork, beef, red fish meat, spicy sausages, cheeses, sweets.

It should be noted that alcohol is not mentioned at all in the pyramid - it must either be excluded or consumed no more than once a week. We are talking about red wine, which thins the blood and promotes digestion.

How to learn to eat right?

It is known that any useful habit is developed in about 21 days. That is three weeks. This is exactly the period that the body will need to present you with the fruits of your proper nutrition. It is important to remember that proper nutrition is a systematic exercise. It does not require excuses from the category of "I'm a little bit" and "at night, while no one sees - you can." Be patient. After three weeks of a systematic approach, it will be much easier.

Here are some tips to make the transition to healthy eating easier.

  1. Using the table and the pyramid, distribute the diet for several days in advance. Go grocery shopping full so you don't overbuy. It is advisable to mark calories so that the result is more visual.
  2. A healthy diet involves drinking 1-2 liters of water daily. Buy a beautiful jug of the appropriate size and fill it every morning. In the evening it should be empty. Water should not be drunk while eating. It is drunk either 20 minutes before taking, or an hour after.
  3. Sweets can be eaten in the morning. Replace cakes and sweets with honey and dried fruits. A pleasant delicacy is a pastille of apples and berries.
  4. Try to use less salt. Replace it with a sauce of berries and vegetables.
  5. Do not eat in cafes and restaurants. Instead, carry a few apples with you.

Laws for proper nutrition

Proper nutrition has a number of rules that cannot be violated. Below are the most common tips for proper nutrition.

  • everything fried and spicy should be excluded from the diet;
  • you need to eat food every 4 hours in small portions;
  • we drink tea without sugar, with honey if you want;
  • give up coffee;
  • eat slowly, chewing food;
  • carbohydrates before noon - proteins after;
  • get enough sleep.

Our body is a very complex structure, where many processes take place every second. To maintain all systems and processes in the body, energy, building material, and nutrients are needed. We get all this from the food we eat throughout the day. But for everything to work properly and smoothly, it is very important to eat right.

Why is it important to eat right?

Proper nutrition should be considered as a way of life, not a diet for weight loss. Healthy food maintains youth and beauty, prolongs life, because the body receives the required amount of energy, nutrients, vitamins and trace elements necessary to ensure processes in all structures. The lack or excess of any elements leads first to temporary problems, then to the development of diseases and premature aging.

A healthy diet will help to normalize weight, get rid of diseases and prevent their development, restore intellectual and physical energy. In other words, proper nutrition is the road to a healthy, fulfilling life.

Proper nutrition for the week

To begin with, let's clarify what proper nutrition for a day is. This is considered a set of products consumed during the day and containing a total of approximately 1/2 carbohydrates, 1/3 proteins and 1/5 fats. The total calorie content should be from 2200 for men and from 1900 kcal for women - depending on daily activity and the characteristics of each organism. Also, a healthy diet should contain all the vitamins and minerals that a person needs.

To conveniently plan your menu of proper nutrition for the week, below we offer several options for each of the meals. Try to make different combinations of dishes, do not repeat one name more than twice a week.


Breakfast is the main meal of the day, energizing for the whole day. Food should contain a lot of calories and give strength to start a new day. Porridge with low-fat milk, muesli. Add fruit, a little cheese, green tea or fresh juice. You can cross out or replace foods that you don't like instead of porridge, such as scrambled eggs or boiled eggs.

It is necessary to have breakfast, otherwise a strong feeling of hunger will appear, which cannot be satisfied with a snack, and the mood will deteriorate. If you are not used to eating in the morning and a piece does not fit into your throat, get up early and do exercises, it will wake up your appetite.


At about 10 am. You can eat one or two bananas. They are high in calories and will easily satisfy a slight feeling of hunger.


Fish or meat, boiled, sometimes fried. As a side dish, you can use cereals, vegetables or pasta. You can eat soup. The main thing is not to use the first - second - compote system, otherwise the stomach is overloaded and the metabolism slows down.

afternoon tea

At four o'clock, you might want to have a bite to eat. Eat fruits, drink low-fat yogurt or kefir. You can eat dried fruits or nuts.


There is no need to eat heavy food for dinner, so meat will not work. Fish with porridge. If the porridge no longer climbs, you can make a vegetable salad by seasoning it with olive oil. You need to have dinner three hours before bedtime, no later!

Before bedtime

A fermented milk drink is best: fermented baked milk or "Snowball".

It is not necessary to strictly follow what is stated above. You can change your menu the way you want. The main thing to remember is that ideally there should be six meals, and in small portions; you can not skip breakfast; dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime; heavy and fatty foods should be as small as possible; you need to drink plenty of fluids. And to make it easier to make your menu, here is a list of necessary and useful products:

Porridge - supply with fiber.

Vegetables - eat raw or steamed, you can cook in the oven, but there will be less vitamins.

Fruits - you can eat them as much as you like, but do not lean on bananas.

Fish: you need to buy only fresh, not frozen. Steam, bake in the oven, do not fry. Fish should be eaten at least four times a week.

In addition to fish, other seafood is also needed - shrimp, squid, seaweed, etc.

Meat is best red, such as beef or lamb, a little liver. Cook in the oven or steam, you can boil.

Poultry meat: chicken breast and skinless turkey. Cook like anything else, don't fry.

Nuts are only fresh, otherwise they lose their benefits. Seeds are also not salted and not fried.

Dried fruits are a good substitute for the usual sweets or cookies for tea.

Dairy products help digestion and assimilation of food. Cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream and kefir, yogurt, etc.

Cheese should also be low-fat. Only you need to buy cheese, not a cheese product.

Such products contain everything necessary for the proper functioning of the body. But if there is a strong desire to eat something harmful, it can be done. Small amounts won't hurt.

Here is a list of harmful foods that you need to exclude or eat rarely and little:

White bread;

canned juices and fruits;

milk chocolate and all kinds of bars with fillers;

mayonnaise - it should be completely removed from the diet;

butter - its consumption should be minimized and bought either from farmers or GOST;

sausage and sausages: their composition is a mystery, it is better to eat normal meat;


Sugar: If you can't eliminate it entirely, then reduce your intake to 3-4 teaspoons per day, including the sugar found in your menu products.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

Proper nutrition is the key to success on the way to a beautiful figure. If you eat healthy food every day, the body will normalize, the work of all organs will improve and, of course, extra pounds will disappear. The diet will help in a short time to get rid of excess weight, but as soon as it ends and the usual way of eating returns, all the kilograms will return at the same speed with which they disappeared. But if you start eating right and make it a habit, the extra weight will go away slowly but surely and will not come back.

In fact, the menu of proper nutrition for weight loss is no different from the principles of a healthy diet described above. To increase efficiency, it is better to exclude all products from the list of harmful products altogether. It will also be good to do fitness or sports. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid salt. The main thing is to make proper nutrition your way of life and not deviate from it as soon as the result of weight loss is achieved.

In order to look beautiful and not gain extra pounds, it is not necessary to starve yourself and diet. You can eat delicious and varied food and be in a good mood. The main thing is to make proper nutrition your way of life and sometimes indulge yourself with something harmful, but very tasty.

Every person experiences hunger every day. But everyone approaches it differently. Obvious gluttons sometimes eat even more than the body requires, and get pleasure from food, and some ascetics eat only as they feel hungry and a small portion is enough for them. Many people have a question, why do people eat? Let's look at how food affects the body, what it gives and why nutrition is so important for a living organism.

Construction material

Our body is constantly being updated. Some cells die and are replaced by new ones. The rate of their recovery directly depends on the type of cells and the intensity of metabolic processes. In this case, heredity, lifestyle, the state of the environment and the nature of a person’s thoughts play an important role.

Our body is completely renewed, excluding nerve cells, on average in 4-5 years. Some fabrics are slower, others are faster. Utilization of dead cells gives energy to some part of the material for the construction of new cells, but the main building material is the substances that come with food. That's why a person needs to eat.


The organic matter of the foods we eat releases chemical energy when oxidized. Thanks to it, we move, maintain the necessary body temperature, so to speak, we live.

But this energy did not come out of nowhere. Green plants receive it from the Sun (photosynthesis reaction). Animals, eating them or other animals for food, "grew meat." It turns out that all our food is a gift from the Sun, and people are solar by nature.

Influence on the psyche

You may have noticed that food brings joy. So nature took care of self-regulation to ensure the preservation of life. If the stomach is empty, then you feel discomfort and start looking for food, having satisfied your hunger, you feel pleasure. The "carrot and stick" method is a classic option, that's why a person eats.

Research scientists have shown that animals receive the bulk of positive emotions through food. The "hunger-saturation" scheme also works well for a person, but people still have many joys that are unknown to four-legged ones.

But the effect of food on the psyche is not only about pleasure. Eaten foods carry various subtle energies. They cannot be measured with ordinary instruments or seen by an untrained person, but their existence cannot be doubted. Psychic people, yogis and some children can feel and even see these fields. These vibrations are similar to human energy centers and interact with them. These centers are called chakras, and there are quite a few of them.

Each chakra under normal conditions performs its highly specialized function like internal organs. All emotional states of a person are associated with oppression or excitation of the corresponding chakras.

Any food necessarily carries a certain energy. It affects the chakras, and this directly affects our psyche. The human body is built from food, and his mind and feelings also depend on it.

So you have learned why a person eats.

The main task of food intake is not an aesthetic purpose and satisfaction of taste preferences, but the need to maintain physical fitness. In the presence of any diseases, first of all, change the diet in order to improve overall well-being. This is due to the fact that the diet and selected diet is a successful recovery.

Food consumption includes the process of exchange and energy (for movement, breathing, thinking, sleep). The more energy a person spends during the day, the higher the calorie content of meals eaten daily should be. Food is the "fuel" for the human body. Also, energy consumption depends on the age of the person.

It should be noted that the amount of food consumed should correspond to physical characteristics (age, gender, weight category, health status, etc.). Lack of food leads to exhaustion of the body, and overeating negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, the digestion process is disturbed, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, and body weight increases.

It is very important for a person to chew food thoroughly, otherwise insufficient saliva is secreted. This leads to an increase in the load on the stomach, a deterioration in the digestion process and possible overeating. It is advisable to chew food slowly so that a gradual feeling of fullness sets in. Better digestion is facilitated by the use of fluids, which soften food and allow you to easily pass through the digestive tract.

It is also very important to eat at the same time, as the body, as a rule, focuses on rhythmic work. Eating at different times forces him to rebuild and constantly adapt to the new regimen.

Tip 2: Proper nutrition is not as difficult as you think

Many people wish or plan to start eating healthy, but few of us actually do so. If you want to develop healthy eating habits and learn as much as you can about proper nutrition, here are a few tips that can get you started on a positive note.

There is a "sneaky" but successful way to improve nutrition. Nutrient-rich foods can be added to meals. If you have kids who are picky eaters, you can do it on the sly without them knowing. For example, add 1/2 cup white beans for baking cookies. Your whole family will eat healthy food and not notice the difference.

  • Like meat, but want to reduce the amount of meat you eat? Then just eat meat in very small portions. You can use red meat to add texture and flavor to cereals or vegetable dishes. Chinese and Mediterranean cultures have long done this and have lower chances of experiencing heart disease.
  • Are you a chocolate lover? And you can't refuse it? Then this tip is for you. Choose dark chocolate instead of white or milk chocolate. Dark chocolate has been proven to help lower blood pressure. Buy chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa. But do not abuse chocolate, as it also contains a lot of calories.
  • A cocktail is a drink that is also easy to make. Consider the ingredients that will add nutrients to the shake. Try mixing ingredients like omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids or cocoa powder to get a good measure of antioxidants. These two components will give the shake a good taste and provide more nutrients, the presence of which is beneficial for the immune system.

There are many healthy recipes just waiting to be tried. By being creative and experimenting in the cooking process, you can make protein bars, dried, dried fruits and other healthy snacks. You can also make delicious, healthy oatmeal pancakes quickly and easily.