Alsace and Lorraine on the map of France. Watch what is "Alsace Lorraine" in other dictionaries

Alsace and Lorraine - the France area, where the national question is rather acute. And although the official French circles do not recognize the existence of national minorities in the country, French statistics make an exception for Alsace and Lorraine, given the language of their population in census. A peculiar ethnic appearance of the population of these regions, occupying the border position between France and Germany, is generated by the complexity of their historical past.

The population of these lands at the turn of our era was Celtic tribes: rauraks, seklans, Tulins and Mediomatrics. During the invasion of the German tribes (second half of the IV century.) The territory of Lorraine was occupied by Ripoard Franks, and Alsace - Aleakans. The local population was conquered and subjected to language assimilation.

After the collapse of the Empire of Karl Great in 843, the extensive strip of land from the mouth of the Rhone to the mouth of the Rhine was politically connected to Italy under the rule of Lothar I. After his death, these owners were again subjected to the section and the northern part of them passed to his son Lotary II, why land To the west of the Rhine began to call Lorraine. Later, in 870, these lands switched to Louis German, and Lorraine (in its modern sizes) with Alsace entered the East Frank Kingdom. Lorraine and Alsace were associated with Germany with dynastic uzami, but economically, to more advanced France and Switzerland. From 1542, the Duchy of Lorraine was declared independent and from this period focused mainly on France.

Alsace in 1648, after the thirty-year war, was attached to France. A hundred more years later, in 1766, Lorraine entered France.

In the IX - XII centuries, when the boundary between French and German was determined, it passed through the territory of Alsace and Lorraine.

In Alsace, the linguistic border almost corresponded to the political border established under the Merzen's frontier of 870. Westerns were then represented by the Western border of Germany, although there were foci of the romance language in their mountain valleys. The special character of the Language of Alsace was noted in the first quarter of the IX century, but I finally took this language in the XII - XIV centuries. During this period, first appeared concepts « alsacien. » and « elsasser. sPROCH » in Alsace and " thioise. "In Lorraine. The Larring dialect is one of the dialects of the Swabian-Alean group of languages, Alsatian - a kind of Frankish dialect.

Throughout the XII - XIV centuries. Latin language in the documents was replaced by French Lorraine, and in Alsace - German. However, the language of the documents sharply differed from the conversational. The bulk of the Alsatian population used the local German dialect in a conversation and school. Schools had resisted the introduction of German language and fought for the preservation of Alsatian adverb. During the entire XVI century. German played a secondary role in the public life of Alsace and Lorraine. Only in 1524, after the reform of Luther, the service was introduced in Strasbourg on german language.

French has spread to these areas after the emigration of Huguenots here. In some schools, Strasbourg began to teach this language, French books appeared, however, the majority of the population continued to speak at local dialects.

Accession to France little has changed in the lives of these regions. Most of the old institutions were preserved, the culture of the time was still imprinting German traditions.

A radical fracture in the history of Alsace and Lorraine, in the formation of the national identity of their population occurred during the Great French Revolution. The population of Alsace and Lorraine took an active part in it. On August 4, 1789, the cancellation of feudal privileges was announced. On December 14, 1789, the municipal reform was bold by customs barriers that separated Alsace and Lorraine from France; The market for the Alsace and Lorraine industry was even significantly expanded. Thus, the masses were released from feudal pass, and the bourgeoisie is the possibility of wider development of industry and trade.

When in 1791, the counter-revolutionary Prussian and Austrian troops invaded Alsace and Lorraine, they met stubborn resistance there. During this period, the national self-consciousness of Alsatians and Larringians was most clearly manifested, their national sirring with the Germans was finally determined. Then, according to Engels, "German French, despite the tongue and past, on the fields of hundreds of battles in the struggle for the revolution, merged into a single people with the original French" *.

After the victorious of the war of war 1870-1871. Alsace and the North-Eastern part of Lorraine were despite the protests of the population were transferred to Germany as the "Imperial Earth Elsas-Lorraine." In annexed lands, German imperialism conducted a policy of violent assimilation.

At the same time, it began to persecute everything that France could be reminded to any extent. The press began to be published only in German. A combination of colors was pursued - the National French Banner (Red, White and Blue). Special persecution has been subjected french. It was forbidden to enter into metric evidence of French names. The locality whose names sounded in French were renamed. Persected signs in French and even French inscriptions on the graves of officers and soldiers who fell during the war of 1870-1871. French has become expelled from school learning. German has become an official language used in all administrative institutions and all employees.

The population dissatisfaction with violent numbers was resulted in the first elections to German Reichstag on February 16, 1874. All 15 deputies were chosen from opposition parties that protested against annexation. For a number of years (1877, 1881 and 1887), Alzatsey was sent to Reichstag only deputies - opponents of annexation.

The national identity of the Alsatian and Larring population was not eradicated during Prussian mode; On the contrary, this regime caused opposition among the population brought up on the ideas of the French revolution.

Although staying in the composition Hermann Empire It was painful for the population of Alsace and Lorraine, the return to France after the First World War was not much improved by the position of Alsatsev and Larringse: they became part of the country entered into the stage of imperialism, and again were subjected to national oppression. Began, albeit in a more veiled form, the return process: for admission to civil service, for example, it became a mandatory knowledge of French. Most of the posts, especially the highest, turned out to be engaged in French officials. Moreover, the French and Alsas employees occupying the same positions began to be paid differently. Thus, the salary of the school director - Elzassa was only half of the teacher's wages arrived from France.

Teaching at school was translated into French, the German language was left only as one of the items, and then from the third year of study and when learning Catechism.

The policy conducted by the French bourgeois government caused the growth of the autonomist movement, the participants of which were required by the autonomy of Alsace within France, the termination of the discrimination of Alsassians and Lotaries, Equality of French and German. After 1925, this movement was massive.

The national question in Alsace and Lorraine was inextricably linked with class struggle. All the severity of the national oppression of the imperialist tip fell on the wide workers of the masses of the city and the village, on the proletariat, the peasantry and the urban petty bourgeoisie. Alsatian bourgeoisie and bourgeois intelligentsia went to the union with the French bourgeoisie, recognized her hegemony.

France's Communist Party, supporting a democratic direction in the autonomist movement and linking the struggle for national independence with the struggle for democratic transformations, at the same time resolutely opposed attempts to use the national movement in Alsace and Lorraine in the interests of panthermanism.

During World War II, when Alsace and Lorin

gia were occupied by the Hitler's troops, the population of Alsace led by the Communists fought for liberation. Currently, the Communist Party of France is invariably fighting against the policy of the violent assimilation of Alsace, conducted by the French government. The KPF puts forward the requirement to introduce a German language in primary schools, teaching it in special educational institutions, recognizing his rights in legal proceedings and administration.

The collaborative language of most Elsassians and currently the local German dialect remains. Literary language here German. Exceptionally in German and its dialects in Alsace, 32% of the population is expressed. The rest of the population, except for the dialect and German, uses French. Most magazines and newspapers, including all political, are published in Alsace in German, only some reference magazines in French and German. Circulation of German magazines and newspapers 350 thousand, French - about 65 thousand. French authors believe that these figures quite accurately reflect the ratio of German and French in Alsace.

In Lorraine, the population is mixed. In the upper Lorraine, the population speaks French, in the northeast of Lorraine on the dialect of the Swab-Gko-Alean language group. Literary language here is French.

In Alsace, in comparison with other areas of France, the highest population density. Before the beginning of the XX century. Here was the highest birth rate. Due to favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, crafts and trade in Alsace, there was almost no popular population. The special ethnic position of Elsassians also constrained the mobility of the population. The population of Alsace is distributed approximately equally in industry, agriculture, in trade and transport.

Traditional industry of Alsatian industry - textile; It employs 25% of the entire Alsatian industrial population. Alsace is also developed in Alsace, the machine-building, metalworking, food and other industries.

In agriculture, petty land tenure and land use prevail. Large capitalist farms are very rare. A significant part of the village owners of Alsace combines the possession of the tiny put on the work at a factory or factory. The main branches of agriculture of Alzatsev are field breeding (wheat, barley, various technical crops), viticulture, vegetable growing, gardening, and dairy animal husbandry and pig breeding.

In the material culture of Alzassians, especially in the people's home, many common features with German culture. For Alsace, the Franconian type of a residential building common in Germans is characterized. The traditional Alsatian costume came out of use, became the property of folklore groups. The folk suit of Alzatok consists of a white sweater, a black velvet corsage, a black skirt with the same apron, and a characteristic head of a big bow of black silk ribbons.

In Alsatian folklore, German elements intertwined with French.

Very great in Alsace influence catholic church. This is one of the fields of France, where religious training is still maintained. Many in Alsace and Protestants.


Alsace Lorraine (it. Elsaß-Lothringen, FR. Alsace-Lorraine.) - "Imperial Province" of the German Empire, now in the territory of East France, consisting of Alsace and Eastern Lorraine, associated with the general history from 1871 to 1944.

1. General

On the territory of Alsace Lorraine, the Departments of the Rhine Upper, Rhine Lower and Moselle are located. The area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 14496 km².

2. in Germany

After the Franco-Prussian War, a significant part of Lorraine and almost all of Alsace were transferred to Germany. The names of the provinces were left for the same, but the German authorities immediately began to oppress French and French culture. The French resisted, and the French spirit failed to suppress the French spirit. At the same time, in France, the revengery movement was active in support of the treated provinces, in honor of Alsace and Lorraine in many cities of the country, the streets were called, in Nancy - the ancient capital of Lorraine, the remaining part of France - an allegorical monument to two provinces was opened.

In the first world war, Elzassans and Larring people refused to fight in german armyTheir motto had a concise expression: "Without us!". In November 1918, the Alsatian Soviet Republic was proclaimed, but by the end of the war the allies took a significant part of Alsace and Lorraine. Under the conditions of the Versailles peace treaty, France returned these lands.

3. Further History

After the defeat of France in 1940, Germany again annexed Alsace and Lorraine. A significant part of the French population was angled into the concentration camps, many died there. In 1944, Alsace and Lorraine were liberated by the Allied Forces, and after the war, France officially returned.

4. Cities

    Strasbburg (FR. Strasbourg., it. Straßburg.).

    Metz (Fr. Metz., it. Metz.).

    Colmar (Fr. Colmar., it. Kolmar.).


On August 4, 1879, controversial Alsace and Lorraine were annexed by Germany, and imperial land was created on their territory Alsace Lorarden . Thus, Berlin deepened the territorial dispute between France and the newly formed German Empire.

Two provinces whose historical belonging is ambiguous, during the Middle Ages passed from hand to hand. The French kingdom of Alsace entered at the end of the 17th century, Lorraine was part of the kingdom with a thirty-year-old war (1608-1648).

However, a significant part of the population of these regions, especially Elsassse, retained local dialects.

Now linguists stand out alsatian which is close to Swiss German variants.

In the course of the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871, active battles unfolded on the territory of Lorraine. The capital of the region is the fortress of Metz - was besieged by the Prussian army, after 52 days of defense, the city surrendered, and with it - 200 thousand French soldiers.

Following the results of the Paris world, both areas have moved to Germany. Thus, the German Empire formed in January 1871 strengthened its frontiers.

On the territory of Alsace there are vents of the mountains that covered the southern regions of the newly minted empire - Hesse and Bavaria. With an accession to Berlin Lorraine, France could not feel safe, as Germany controlled the plain path to Paris - "Western hole" between the Ardennes mountains in the north and Vogenes in the south.

Local residents in 1872 were able to choose their citizenship: most preferred to remain the French. But Germany did not consider the acquisition of these territories as temporary - on the contrary, they had to firmly enter the empire. A significant part of the French contribution was spent on the restoration of the provinces affected by the war. In 1872, the University of University was restored in Strasbourg.

The ancient castle was located on the territory of Alsace. The Upper Koenigsburg was in 1899 transferred to Wilhelm I, who began to reconstruct him to emphasize the ownership of Germany and the Germans.

Advanced measures for Germanization of disputed regions were administrative: out of 1700 communes of Alsace and Lorraine only in 310 were allowed to use French in office work. Repressive print laws and administrative expulsion remained. However, the separatist and professional moods in the Alsace Lorraine Lorraine declared in 1879 were preserved. So, in August 1873, the bishop of the city of Nancy, who remained French, called on his flock to pray for the return of Alsace and Lorraine in Lono France. In response, the German Chancellor Bismarck demanded from the French government repression towards the Separatistist's clergyman.

This story led to a diplomatic crisis. The position of France in it was unquestless: the country has not yet recovered from the catastrophe of two years ago. But Austria-Hungary, the United Kingdom and Russia did not intend to look at it.

how wrote English Ambassador to Paris Lord Lyons, "It would be not difficult to provoke and crush France, but will it be possible to do this without causing a storm in other countries?"

As a result, in 1873, the war managed to avoid, but in 1875 the countries were on the verge of again. The French announced the expansion of the current army by 144 thousand people, and the Germans banned the sale of horses, which looked like a pre-male measure. As a result, only with the mediation of St. Petersburg, namely Chancellor Mikhail Gorchakov, managed to achieve a refusal of Germany from a preventive war with France.

He wrote that Annexia Alsace and Lorraine - "A faithful way to turn this war to the European Institution". Indeed, in France, I remembered the humiliation of 1871 and entered the war in 1914, including with revengery slogans.

The problem of Alsace Lorraine has become a key, but not the only similar kind on the European map. In 1878, following the results of the Berlin Congress, Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina, who were previously part of the Ottoman Empire. In 1908, Vienna announced their annexation, which almost caused a global crisis and collisions with Belgrade. Despite the policy of pacification (so, Bosnia and Herzegovina did not list the taxes collected by them in the center, but they spent them in place), the Serbian population of the edge of Annexia did not accept. "The people hardly closes in front of them (that is, by the Austrians. -" Gazeta.Ru ") his heart," Charles Diel's traveler wrote about Sarajevo.

As a result, it was the unresolved territorial conflicts that became one of the reasons for the beginning of the First World War. On the street in Sarajevo, the heir was killed by the Habsburg Crown Franz Ferdinand, which was the reason for the Austro-Serbian conflict, grew into United States.

Based on the results of Great War Alsace and Lorraine again became French. Then in 1940, Germany occupied them again - now Nazi. After the end of the world's fate of long-suffering regions was definitively solved - they became part of France. Moreover, it was Strasbourg that became one of the centers of pan-European institutions: there is a residence and other organizations. The city became a symbol of Europe, flushing national borders.

But the expression of "Alsace-Lorraine" became nominable: so, already in the 1920s and 1930s, "Alsace Lorraine on the Dniester" called Bessarabia (the current Moldova), the dispute for which he walked between Romania and the Soviet Union.

When preparing the publication, the following materials were used:
History of diplomacy. In 3 tt. T.2. M.: Mammatzdat, 1945.

Share A., Shimov Ya. Roots and Crown. Essays about Austria-Hungary: the fate of the Empire. M.: Hummingbird, 2011.

Alsace Lorraine on the map of the German Empire Capital Strasbourg Languages) German, French Currency unit Mark, Frank Square 14522 km² To: appeared in 1871 to: disappeared in 1918

Imperial Earth Alsace Lorraine (it. Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen, FR. Alsace-Lorraine.) - "Imperial Earth" of the German Empire, located on the territory of today's Eastern France, consisting of Alsace and Eastern Lorraine, related to the overall history.

State device


  • Strasbourg (FR. Strasbourg., it. Straßburg.).
  • Metz (Fr. Metz., it. Metz.).
  • Colmar (Fr. Colmar., it. Kolmar.).

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  • Vodovozov V.V. . // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • Zvyaginsev E. A. ,. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Vodovozov V.V. . // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing Alsace Lorraine

- Nothing. Fend a book, "said passing. The servant filed a book that seemed to Pierre spiritual, and passing deepened in reading. Pierre looked at him. Suddenly, passing postponed the book, laid off her and, again, closing his eyes and climbing his back, sat down in his previous position. Pierre looked at him and did not have time to turn away, as the old man opened his eyes and stated his firm and strict look right in the face of Pierra.
Pierre felt embarrassed and wanted to deviate from this glance, but brilliant, senile eyes irresistibly attracted him to themselves.

"I am a pleasure to speak with the Count of Duzuhim, if I'm not mistaken," said leisurely and loudly. Pierre Silently, looked questioningly through glasses on his interlocutor.
- I heard about you, - continued passing, - and about you, my sovereign, misfortune. "He as if he stressed the last word, as if he said," Yes, the misfortune, as you call, I know that what happened to you in Moscow was misfortune. " - I am very sorry about my sovereign.
Pierre blushed and, hastily knocking his legs from bed, bent down the old man, smiling unnaturally and timidly.
- I did not mention it out of curiosity about it, my sovereign, but at more important reasons. - He paused, not releaseing Pierre from his gaze, and moved on the couch, inviting this Pierre gesture to sit beside himself. Pierre was unpleasant to join the conversation with this old man, but he involuntarily conquering him, approached and sat down beside him.
"You are unhappy, my sovereign," he continued. - You are young, I am old. I would want to help you with my strength.
"Oh, yes," said Pierre with an unnatural smile. - Thank you very much ... Do you please learn from? - The face of passing was not affectionately, even cold and strictly, but despite the fact, and the face of the new acquaintance of the new acquaintance was attractively acted on Pierre.
"But if for some reasons you have a unpleasant conversation with me," said the old man, "then you say, my sovereign." "And he suddenly smiled unexpectedly, a delicate smile."
"Oh no, no, there is no, on the contrary, I am very happy to meet you," said Pierre, and, looking once again on the hands of a new acquaintance, he looked closer to the ring. He saw on him Adam's head, sign of Masonry.
"Let me ask," he said. - Are you a Mason?
"Yes, I belong to the fraternity of free landing people, said Perezzhiy, getting deeper and deeper into the eyes of Pjar. - And from myself and from their name I stretch you with a fraternal hand.
"I'm afraid," said Pierre, smiling and hesitating between the confidence, inspired by the personality of the Mason, and the habit of mockery over the beliefs of the Masons, - I am afraid that I am very far from understanding, how to say, I am afraid of my way of thinking about everything. The universe is the opposite of your way that we will not understand each other.
- I know your image of thoughts, "said Mason," and the same image of the thoughts you are talking about, and which seems to you the work of your mental work, there is an image of the thoughts of most people, there is a single fruit of pride, laziness and ignorance. Sorry me, my sovereign, if I would not know him, I would not speak with you. Your image of thoughts is a sad misconception.
"In the same way, as I can assume that you are in delusion," said Pierre, smiling weakly.
"I will never dare to say that I know the truth," the Mason said, more and more hitting Pierre's own certainty and hardness of speech. - no one can reach the truth; Only a stone behind a stone, with the participation of all, millions of generations, from the plaque of Adam to our time, the temple, which should be a decent housing of the Great God, - said Mason and closed his eyes.
"I have to tell you, I don't believe, I believe in God," Pierre said with regret and effort, feeling the need to express the whole truth.
The Mason looked attentively on Pierre and smiled, as the rich-holding rich, who kept millions in his hands, the poor man, who would tell him that he had no, had a poor man, five rubles that could make his happiness.
"Yes, you do not know him, my sovereign," said Mason. - You can't know him. You do not know him, because you are unhappy.
- Yes, yes, I am unhappy, I confirmed Pierre; - But what should I do?
- You do not know him, my sovereign, and because you are very unhappy. You do not know him, and he is here, he is in me. He is in my words, he is in you, and even in those blasphemest speeches that you said now! - A strict trembling voice said Mason.
He paused and sighed, apparently trying to calm down.
"If it was not," he said quietly, "we wouldn't talk about him with you, my sovereign." What are we talking about? Who did you deny? He suddenly said with enthusiastic rigor and power in his voice. - Who invented him, if it was not? Why was the assumption that there is such an incomprehensible creature? Why did you and the whole world suggested the existence of such an incomprehensible being, the creatures of the Almighty, eternal and endless in all of their properties? ... - He stopped and was silent for a long time.
Pierre could not and did not want to interrupt this silence.
"He is, it's hard to understand it," the Mason spoke again, looking at the face of Pierre, but before him, with his senile hands, who could not remain calm from the inner excitement, turning out the books of the book. - If it was a man, in the existence of which you would doubt, I would lend to you that man would take him by the hand and showed you. But as I, an insignificant mortal, I will show all the omnipotence, all the eternity, all the goodness of him who is blind, or who closes his eyes, so as not to see, do not understand him, and not see, and not understand all your abomination and viciousness? - He paused. - Who are you? What are you? You dream of yourself that you are a sage, because you could pronounce these blasphemes, "he said with a gloomy and contemptuous grin, - and you are more stupid and increhensive than a small child who, playing parts skillfully made hours, would dare to say that Because he does not understand the appointment of these watches, he does not believe in the master who did them. It is difficult to know it ... We are centuries, from the plaque of Adam and to this day, we work for this knowledge and indefinitely far from achieving our goal; But in misunderstanding, we see only our weakness and his greatness ... - Pierre, with a fading of the heart, looking with brilliantly eyes in the face of the Mason, he listened to him, did not interrupted him, and he did not ask him, and with all his heart he believed that he had told this someone else. Whether he believed in the Speech of Mason, or believed how they believe the children of intonations, conviction and heartiness, which were in the speech of Mason, trembling a voice, which was sometimes almost interrupted by Mason, or this brilliant, senile eyes, and The same conviction, or the calm, hardness and knowledge of his destination, which glowed from the entire creature of the Mason, and which were particularly struck him in comparison with their omitting and hopelessness; "But he wanted to believe with all his soul, and believed, and felt the joyful feeling of calm, updates and return to life.

A) iron ore and coal; B) gold plates; C) oil.

The President of the Third Republic was elected in France

A) ministers; B) all voters who had the right to vote; C) two-challenging parliament.

3.This Metallurgical Concern, located in Austria-Hungary, has become one of the leading enterprises of the European Military Industry:

A) Siemens; B) "Skoda"; C) kruppa firms; D) Schneider-Krezo.

Leader of the conservative part of England

1) y. Gladstone 2) b. Dizraeli 3) Ch. Parnell 4) J. McDonald

For economic Development The south of the United States was characteristic

1) Application of hired labor 2) the domination of family farms

3) widespread use of technical means 4) mass use of slave labor

As a result of "opium wars"

1) Foreign subjects were released from taxes 2) Modernization was carried out in China

3) Capitalism 4 began to develop in China 4) reforms on China's Europeanization

7. The reason for the uprising of Sipaev served (-A)

1) discontent with the princes restriction of their power 2) reduction of material support of families soldiers

3) Introduction to the army new system Ruzhi 4) Fleet Modernization

8. The extreme aggressive form of nationalism is:

A) racism; B) socialism; C) chauvinism; D) revisionism.

The consequences of India's entry into the global market

1) Foreign Trade Development 2) Construction of new port facilities

3) Construction of Telegraph 4) Destruction of Individual Home Industry

10. The law on electoral reform, which destroyed the constituency in the "rotten places" was adopted in 1) 1832 2) 1867. 3) 1884 4) 1885

Task B.

IN 1. Chronology (): 1906 (in England), 1867 (USA), 1824 (Mexico),

AT 2. Write down the missed term:The power of the monarch in Italy was limited _________-

a) W. Gladstone b) J. Crofeller C) A. Draifus

B4. Let us define the concept: monopoly, abolitionism,

Sipyev's uprising (causes, move, results).

In the UK Parliament, two main political parties were presented.

a) Vigov and radicals b) Tori and Liberalov c) Republicans and Democratov) conservatives and liberals

Doctrine Monroe - "America for Americans" - was put forward in

1) 1820 2) 1830 3) 1823 4) 1848

6. Forced the Japanese emperor "Open" the country ina) 1848 b) 1849 c) 1854 g) 1861

The peculiarities of the colonial regime in India do not apply

1) the domination of the East India Company 2) government monopoly on salt and opium

3) control of England internal and foreign policy of local princes 4) self-financing of officials

8. Greece received independence from the Ottoman Empire in:a) 1829 b) 1830 c) 1832 g) 1834 9. The Military Political Block of the Entente amounted to the state:

A) england, france, Russia; B) england, germany, italy;

C) France, Russia, Austria-Hungary; D) Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary.

10. USA bought Louisiana from France in1) 1800 2) 1801 3) 1803 4) 1810

Task B.

IN 1. Chronology (write what event happened ): 1868 (Japan), 1862 (USA), 1850 (China),

AT 2. Write down the missed termThe political program of charters was called ______

AT 3. Which country includes a historical figure:a) Theodoros II b) Joseph II c) A. Lincoln

B4. Let us define the concept: industrialization, oriental question

Task S. Give a detailed answer to the question:The essence of the Eastern Question. Why are the Balkans become a "powder barrel"?

The generalization lesson "The World at the end of 19 V." Option iv.

1. Individualization of ItalyA) export of capital abroad; B) creation of cartels;

C) State intervention in economic life.

In the form of the Board, France was at the end of the XIX century

A) parliamentary republic; B) absolute monarchy; C) Parliamentary monarchy.

3. One of the forms of the unification of enterprises, in which enterprises included in it completely lose their commercial independence and are subject to unified management - this is:

A) cartel; B) syndicate; C) trust; D) concern.