Catholic church in the XII-XIII centuries. Catholic Church in the XI XIII centuries Catholic Church in 11 13th centuries

In the XI-XIII centuries, the Christian church in Europe reached great power. Without her participation or impact, no major event was performed.

§ 15. The power of the papal authorities. Catholic church and heretics

1. First estate. Medieval religions-Ovart thinkers argued that the world created by God, intelligence and harmonious. There are three layers in society, or classes1, and each person from birth belongs to one of them. All three estates are needed to each other. The first estate is "those who pray" (monks and junkys) - stand up for people before God. The second is "those who are fighting" (secular feud-lies) - protect Christians from enemies. The third is "those who work" - that is not included in the first two classes, and above all the peasants, but the same citizens who mined everything they need for life. The presence of various rights and prestige class is an important feature of a medieval society. The clergy was attributed to the first, the most important class. After all, the church was considered in the middle mannient between people and God and taught how to achieve a person after the death of Eternal Blessed. Christian morals required to fulfill the moral rules listed in the Bible, including those believing to people as you want to treat you. The church softened the cruel morals and improved the behavior of people. The church taught never to lose hope. It was believed that the sinner and even a criminal can save his soul to Raskiyania and confession, that is, sincerely thorough about his sins a priest who will pray to God to forgive the repentant sinner. The sample, who should be equal, was considered to be a holy person who renounced earthly worries and temptations. The saint was represented by the poor, even the poor, who abandoned property - after all, the property distracts from concerns about the spa soul, it is associated with greed and enemy. "The desiccation of the richness of the earth," said one church figure, "so that you can do the ocelness of the wealth of heaven." The church called on good deceases to save their soul and earn a place in paradise. Kings know, merchants and even poor people tried to help begging, poor, cripples, arrestants, handed out small money, fed. The official Christian Morals did not approve of the richness of the official Christian Morality, because it was said in the Gospel: "It is more convenient to pass through the needle ear, rather than rich to get to heaven." Part of their income church was obliged to targe on the rescue, poor and sick: once-giving products during hunger contained hospitals for poor people, shelters for orphans and elderly, at homelessness. 2. The richness of the church. But at the same time the church was the largest landowner and possessful of huge wealth. She owned about a third of the ruled lands. Bishops and monasteries had hundreds, and sometimes thousands of per-witted peasants. From the entire population of Western Europe, Cercés charged tenth - a special tax on the content of the clergy and temples. Believers paid priests as early as wedding and for other church rites. Many bequeathed and gave the church of the land, money and other IMU-"On Pomin's Soul." Sacred relics were exhibited in the temples: the hair of Christ, the cross of the cross, on which he was crucified, nails that were nailed to the cross, as well as the power - the remains of the bodies of the holy martyrs. Believers were convinced that patients and injuries are cured of touches to shrines. Pope Romans assigned themselves the right to proceed the crimes and sins of believers for the day. The monks sold diplomas about the forgiveness of sins - indulgence (in translation from Latin means "mercy"), promising salvation from hellish torment. Production of indulgences The force of the Pappa is huge income and caused him to the dignity of truly believers. Following the Bible, condemning usurism, the church, however, herself was engaged in this profitable business, giving a grain and other products on the security of land and property, which was then assigned. The Church of Preaching-La Christian Love and Poverty, but herself increased its wealth, with not always honest ways. 3. Separation of churches. Until the middle of the XI century, the Christian church was considered one. But in Western Europe, the head of the church was Papa Rome-sky, and in Byzantium - Constantinople Patriarch, who submitted to the emperor. You know that from Byzantium, the Christian faith adopted some nations of Eastern Ev-Ropes and the Balkan Peninsula. But Pope Rome-sky wanted to subordinate the church in these countries of his power. The Byzantine Church faced the intervention of the Pope in her affairs. Because of the domination of the Christian church between the Pope, Roman and Constantinople Patri Arch was an acute struggle. There were also differences in rites and teachings between churches in the West and East. In a fragmented Western Europe, the church co-kept a single divine language - Latin-sky. The eastern church led worship in Greek, but allowed church service in local languages. In the West, it was prohibited, but marry all the spiritual persons, on the East - only monks, and the priests were married. Even the externally eastern typns differed from Western: did not shake bifo, they did not cut their hair on the tremepek. In 1054, during the next conflict, Pope Patriars betrayed each other. There was a final division of the Christian church to Western and East. Since then, the Western Church has become known as Catholic (which means "world-noy"), and the Eastern - Orthodox (that is, "the right famous God"). After the section, both churches became completely independent. 4. Path to Kanosce. From the middle of the 9th century, Pope's authorities extremely weakened, its decline was about two centuries. This is the disintegration of the Frankish Empire, the rulers of which supported dad. After the formation of the Holy Roman Empire, the prone of German emperors were erected on the papal throne. The church lost his influence on faith, fell its authority. In the Catholic Church began the movement for strengthening the papal authorities. Pope was elected Gregory VII (1073-1085). Non-good in appearance, but warlike, capable and volitional, he was a man of indomitable energy and frantic fanaticism. Grigory VII wanted a subordinate intolerant-thread of all secular sovereigns of Pope Roman. Between Gregory VII and the German Coro-Leum Heinrich IV, who became the emperor of the Supervised Roman Empire, was broken by the Eeezno struggle due to the one who should belong to the right to appoint bishops. The king announced that Papa Gregory VII from now on is deprived of power. He graduated from his letter to Pope: "We, Henry, King of God Milos-Tew, telling you with all our bishops: go out!" In response to this message, Gri-Gori VII released Henry's subjects from the oath to the faithfulness of the king and announced that it dense him from the throne. Taking advantage of this, large feudals of Germany raised the rebellion against Heinrich IV. The king was forced to seek reconciliation with dad. In 1077, he went through the Alps in Italy. Dad hovers in Kosńns Castle in the north of the country. For three days, Heinrich IV came to the walls of the castle in the clothing of the chungy sinner - in Ruba hebe and barefoot. Finally, he was allowed to dad and squeezed his forgiveness. But, coping with the insurgency of the feudalists, Henry IV resumed the war against the Pope and moved with the army in Ita-Liu. The streets of the eternal city took place fierce fights of Romans with the troops of the gerian king. To the rescue, the precipitance in the Castle of the Holy Angel, came from the south of Italy Norman, but the "assistants" ruzzle-lee city. Grigory VII was forced to leave along with Normans south of Italy, where he soon died. The struggle of dads with emperors with change has lasted more than 200 years. The feudals and the city of Germany and Italy, who become one or another were drawn into it. 5. Governor of God on Earth. In Western Europe, crushed into many feudal possessions, the Catholic Church was the only solid organization. This allowed dads to fight for the domination of secular sovereigns. The main support of the PAP was bishops and monasteries. The highest power of the power of Pope Dos Tagull with Innokentia III (1198-1216), from the dad at 37 years. He was endowed with Tver-Doye Will, great mind and abilities. Innokenty argued that Dad is not only the successor of the apostle Peter, but also the governor of the Sao God on Earth, called "domination, to put over all the peoples and kingdoms." In torusters, everyone should have stopped the knees before dad and kiss his shuffle. Such signs of honor did not enjoy any king in Europe. Innocent III expanded the borders of the papal region. He interfere with the relationship between states and in the internal affairs of European countries. At one time, Dad erected to the pre-table and shifted emperors. He was considered the highest judge in the Catholic world. Vassals Pope recognized themselves the kings of England, Poland, some of the states of the Pyrenean Penasy Row. 6. Against that heretics performed. At the course of the early Middle Ages, the main dogmas (immutable truths) of the Christian faith (the doctrine of the Trinity (God is one, but essentially in three persons: God Father, God, were strongly developed and approved by church councils. Son, Holy Spirit), about the immaculate conception of Christ (from the Spirit of God), about the role of the Church as the only mediator between God and People. Many applications entered Christianity from folk, pagan beliefs, for example, the celebration of the carnival or the day of Ivan Klapala, a memorial feast (triscory for Slavs). Under the influence of ordinary people who have been afraid of a harsh court, along with light paradise and terrible hell in church doctrine, entered purification as a service station, where the man's soul can still clean and avoid hell. Not all believers Christians understood the dog-mats. And those who could read the Bible did not always take some church dogmas, as they saw the discrepancy between them and the text of the Holy Scriptures. Many people were not on the soul of the Church, its comprehension, the corruption of the clergy. Among the citizens, knights, simple sacred-nicks and monks from time to time people appeared, openly criticized the church. Such people clergy called heretics1. Heretics argued that the church is ruffled. Pope they called the governor of the devil, not God. Heretics rejected dear church rituals, lush worship. They treated the clergy to abandon ten Tina, from their land possessions and wealth. The only source of faith for them was the gospel. In his sermons, heretics were convicted-gave priests and monks for the oblivion of "apotic poverty." They themselves showed an example of righteous life: handed out their IMO-society, they fed on the alignment. Some heretics demanded a refusal of any property or dreamed of equality in property or predicted that in the near future the "millennial kingdom of spra-madness" will come, or the "kingdom of God on Earth". 7. How the church fought with heretics. The lips of the church in all countries chased heretics and severely straightened with them. A terrible punishment was considered excommunication from the church. Outfilled from the church was out-of-Kon: believers did not have the right to help him and give shelter. Pooring for disobedience, dad could have fallen to the area or even a whole country ban performing rites and worship (interdict). Then the temples were closed, the babies were left unprecedented, the dead could not be relieved. So, those and others were doomed to hellish flour, which were afraid of all believers Christians. In the area where there were many heretics, Cercé organized military campaigns, promising the forgiveness of sins. At the beginning of the XIII century, Feeodala went to Karah Yeretics-Albigoyans in the rich areas of the Southern France; Their center was the city of Albi. Albigians believed that the entire earthly world (and therefore, the Cercé led by the dad) - the creation of Satan, and a person can save his soul, only if completely breaks with the sinful world. In the campaign, the North-French knights, which were attended by god-prey. For 20 years of war, many blooming cities of southern France were plundered and destroyed, and their population is interrupted. In one of the cities, according to Chronic, the warriors destroyed up to 20 thousand people. When the papal-th ambition asked how to distinguish heretics from "Good Catholics," he replied: "Kill everyone in a row. God in the sky recognizes his! " 8. Inquisition. In order to strengthen his power and the struggle against heretics, PAPA created a special church court in the XIII century - the Inquisition (translated from Latin means "investigative"). In this struggle, the Inquisition used surveillance and denunciations. The defendants were imprisoned and subjected to cruel torture, Stara, I dirty with their confession of their guilt. They burned their legs on slow fire, crushed bones in special vice. Many, not withstanding torment, stipulated themselves and other innocent people. Received in the heresy received different punishments, up to prison or death. Transferred to the convict on the execution of the authorities, the servants of the church asked to show with mercy to him - to kill "without shedding blood." It meant that he should have burned alive on the fire. 9. Beething orders of monks. Seeing how the people honor people living in poor, Pope Romans formed at the beginning of the XIII century orders1 of the begging monks-propo-gnits. The founder of one of the orders of Itan-Yani Francis Assisi (1181-1226), the son of rich parents, who became a monk, preaching the love of people not only to each other, but also to all living things: animals, trees, Cees, and even sunlight . Wearing in Italy, he offered people to repent in Grehah, to live at the expense of alms. And here Innoken-Tiy III established the Order of Franciscans, and Francis himself church later declared saints. The son of Spanish Nobleman, a monk-fanatic Dominic Gusman (1170-1221) founded the Order of Dominicans. Dominicans called themselves "Psas Lord" (Latin - Domini Kanes). Considering the main purpose of the fight against heretic kami, Dominicans made up the majority of judges and ministers of the Inquisition. There was a dog with a torch in grazing as a symbol of the search and persecution of heretics.

§ 16. Cross trips

1. "So God wants!" In 1095, on the Vasta Plain, the French city of Clermont, in front of a huge crowd of the people, made a drop-owned Pope Urban II. He called on the gathering "sly by the sword" and move in PA-Testin. According to Christians, Palestine is the Holy Land: Jesus Christ was crucified here, and Jesus Christ was crucified, in Jerusalem there is the main tyry of Christians - the coffin of the Lord. People believe that Palestine "Fertilous Earth, there rivers flow milk and honey" and that Jesus himself was given to "his people" - Christians. Back in the 6th century, this country was selected by Byzantia by Arabs, from the middle of the XI century it was owned by the Selzhuki Turks. Dad coming to free the holy land and the coffin of the gentleman-day from "incorrect" and save the "Christ-en brothers, languishing under the game of the Gentiles." Pares of the hike dad promised the full forgiveness of sins. The chronicle reports that the Speech of the Pope was inexorably painted by the exclamations of students: "God wants so much!" Many immediately called their clothes on their clothes from red matter. Therefore, the participants in the campaigns to the east were nazi-to give the crusaders, and they themselves are in terms of cross. Crusaders, people of different classes, were sure that they were going to fight for the holy case and that they were waiting for a reward in heaven. But there were also a purely "earth", which prompted the masses of people to move to the east. At the end of the XI century, Europe survived the "seven years" - a whole strip of non-versa, the case in France cattle, mass epidemics. Began to talk about the end of the world. Despair and hunger led to the movement of the masses of people. In the campaign to the east, the poor-ki saw the opportunity to get rid of messengers, break out of poverty, get land and freedom. Feudals were heard from merchants and pa-breaks about the irrelevant treasures of the eastern countries. They hoped to capture there with rich prey and create new ownership. The main strength of the crusades were knights. In the XI century, many landless knights appeared in Western Europe. Mostly it was the younger sons of the feudalists, not half-having inherited anything but a horse and dos-pecomers. War and robbery were their main occupation. Get rich on a robbery and buy land was for them with a welcome dream. 2. The crusade of the poor. Previously, everyone moved to Jerusalem peasants. In the spring of 1096, upstream of the Rhine, and then the unstrozed crowds of the poor were stretched down the Danube. They were connected to 5-6 detachments, counted -wising 60-70 thousand people. They walked badly on arms and without supplies to the unknown connection of that land, doing on the road robbery. Under-going to each city, they asked: "Is it not Jerusalem? "The population of Hungary and Bol-Garia gave the aliens to repulse, destroyed and persecuted. With big losses, the poor reached Constantinople. Many of them behaved there to be unfastened there: they destroyed and set fire to the palaces at the outskirts, houses of citizens. The Byzantine Emperor hurried to smuggle Cre-Shatyan's squads into small Asia. Seljuky Turks in Per-in the same battle slammed so many people that those who were stopped in one pile of the bodies of the dead, according to the contemporary, "they have formed something like a high mountain." Only a little managed to escape. Not freedom, and death found the peasants not in the east. 3. The crusade of the feud deud. In the fall of 1096, from France, Germany and Italy, the detachments of the knights were moved to the east of the knights under the leadership of large feudal feudals. They got stuck with money and were Ho-Rosho armed. Meeting in the capital of Byzantium, the crusaders crossed into small Asia. The transition through the mountains, anhydrous terrain was very difficult, but in the decisive battle of the knights, there are still breakdown of Seljuk. On the path of the Crusaders, the capture of cities, robbed and killed whether local residents. More than once between the leaders of the collision detachments by the collisions due to up to say. After a long, heavy siege crusaders of the collapse of whether antioch. Here, he founded his princess one of the leaders of the Crusaders; Another leader was moved in the rich Armenian city of Edess. After a three-year-old hike, only the fifth of the kre-stonsets went to Jerusalem. Many died in the way or stayed in the captured lands, a lot returned to their homeland. In 1099, the Crusaders of the Oka were in the walls of Jerusalem. Siege delayed for a month. Having taught the UK-rep-minute city after the restraint, the Knights of the learning is a terrible massacre of Muslims. The participant of the campaign wrote about the capture of Jerusalem: "Neither women nor the baby spared. Crusaders dispersed the houses of Go-Rozhan, capturing everything they found in them. " The robbery and murders were interrupted only with their pray, after which the bloodshed was resumes. On a narrow lane of the Earth along the marine congestion-cutting of Syria and Palestine, Crusaders create their own states. The main one was considered the Jerusalem kingdom. The rulers of the remaining holdings of the Crusaders were vassals of the Jerusalem King. Local residents - Muslims and Christ-en - the conquerors forcibly turned into personal-dependent. The new gentlemen were charged from the Castyan from one third to half the yield of Zez-on, the same part of the collection with fruit trees-ev, olive and grapes. In addition, the conquered population was to pay taxes to the king and the tithe of the Catholic Church. 4. Spiritual-Knight Orda. For defense and expanding the holdings of the Crusaders, soon after the first crusade, Du-Hovno-Knight's Orders were created in Palestine: Tep-Liza (Tempevniki), Hospital-Eros, and the Tev-Televar Order aroused the German Knights. The members of the Or-Dennes were simultaneously both Mo-Nahami, and knights. The Order of the Templar was the basis of the French Rynya-Rey group, his main residence was on the site of the destroyed Jewish temple ("Tampl" in French means "Temple"). Hospitallers, mostly Italians, care about the pilgrims arriving in Palley-well: provided them with food and overnight, treat whether patients. To this end, they opened in the Middle East, in Western Europe and Byzan-Tii at home for the wanderers - hospitals (from La Tinsky "Hospalis" - Guest). The orders obeyed only dad and did not depend on local authorities. They were headed by the great masters. So that nothing distracts the Rent-Rey from the execution of the debt, they were prohibited marriage and secular entertainment: falcon hunting, the game in the bone, unnecessary conversations and loud laughter. The orders received privileges: they were released from paying tithes, they were subject to only the Papal Court. From all sides to them, the generous donations. The orders have accumulated huge boggles, owned extensive earthlings in the East, and then in Europe, participated in trade and cash transactions. They were the most cohesive of the knights. 5. Fighting the peoples of the East against the Cross-Women. The holdings of the Crusaders were scattered along the entire coast. The influx of fresh forces from Europe was small: for distribution, knights of the feudows lacked the land here. Local live - whether they rebelled against the knights, who were anxious in a stranger, a hostile country. Exactly huge rocks among the desert, we excised-shawl erected on the hills of the fortress. Of these, the knights made raids on Musul-Man, they were sitting here during the uprisings. The states of the Crusaders were entrusted between themselves. From the east and the south they were tested by Muslim Principles. Muslims captured Edez-Soy. In response to this, Dad urged Europeans to a new campaign to the East. The second crusade in the middle of the XII century, which was headed by the kings of France and Germany, suffered a complete failure. 6. Third Crusade. At the end of the XII, Muslims created a strong state in which Egypt was entered, part of Mesopotamia and Syria. At the head of this state, the Egyptian governor of the Gardens of Ad-Dean was stood ("Protector Ve-ry"), who had large or-genisor and military societies. In European chronov, he was called Sala Dean. Salah Ad-Dean surrounded and once-bulked in the battle of the crusaders. Only a few hundred warriors were flee. Many noble feudalists led by the Jerusalem King and the Grand Master of the Order of the Tamp-Lius were captured. In 1187, after the six-day siege, Jerusalem surrendered. Salah Ad-Dean cost gently with a resident of Mi-Christians. Within 40 days, they were cut, paying the ransom, leave the city. Tamp-Liera and Hospitallers bought not only themselves, but also part of the poor. Yet about 15 thousand Christians sold in slavery. Trying to return Jerusalem, the Western Fe-Ollas organized the third crusade (1189-1192). German knights performed first. They were headed by the 60-year-old Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa (redhead) - a warrior sovereign who spent most of his life in the wars in Europe. But the event intervened in the events: when crossing the mountain river in Malaya Asia Barbarossa drowned; Part of the German troops returned home, the other moved to Palestine. The British and French knights were writing on a campaign only a year after the Germans. They arrived in Sicily, and from there were sent to Syria. On the way, the British captured the island of Cyprus, since that time he became the supporting base of the Crusader. The French king of Fi-Lipp II August, cutting up with his English ally, in the midst of the military action returned to France. King England Richard I Lion Heart, a bold knight, "everyone wanted to surpass the Slap." After the siege, he assigned a port acre, which became from now on the capital of the Jerusalem Kingdom. Richard The lion's heart pro-revealed himself not only brave, but also inexorably cruel: in the acre crusaders, 2 thousand Muslims were killed on his order. Three times Richard approached Jerusalem, but I never managed to win the city. After receiving bad news from England, Richard hurried home, but there he was captured to his enemies and he spent two years in imprisonment among the German emperor. He was liberated only by Tog-yes, when he brought a vassal oath by impe-raster and paid a big redemption. 7. Fourth crusade. At the end of the XII century, Dad Innokenti III was taken for organizing a new campaign to the runoff. At first, Cre-Stonves intended to head the sea through Egypt. They hired ships from the "king-you seas" - Venice, gathering at one of her islands. The Venetian ruler (he nazu-fell free) Enkiko Dandolo was already a blind old man, but retained the amazing clarity of the mind and calcality. He demanded a huge amount for transport-ku knights - 85 thousand brands (more than 20 tons) silver. But the participants of the campaign could not collect such an amount. Crusaders were poorly supplied with products, they languished from idleness. Venice at the time led the fierce structures with the Byzantine Empire for the Championship in trade with the eastern countries. Venetian merchants have long dreamed of applying Byzantine-Tsam, a blow from which they could not fix it. They decided to use the military forces of the Crusaders for this. The ruler of Venice persuaded the knights to intervene in the internal affairs of Byzantium, where at that time she was acute struggle for the imperial throne. In 1204, the "liberation of the Holy Sepulcher" assault was mastered by the Byzantine capital. Bringing into Christian Constantinople, they began to rob and destroy the palaces and stories, houses and warehouses. In the fire of fires killed the storage facilities of ancient manuscripts, the most valuable works of art were destroyed. Cre-brand plundered the temple of Saint Sophia. The priests with the crusaders, the clergymen were taken to European churches and monasteries many relics. According to the participant of the campaign, the prey was so great that it could not be counted. The huge number of Christian citizens died. Reputing the richest city of Europe, the knight-ri did not go to Jerusalem, and settled on the territory of Byzantium. They created a state with the capital in Constantinople - the Latin Empire. For over 50 years, the local population of Boro-Elk against the conquerors. In 1261, Latin-Skye empire fell. Byzantium was restrained, but it has never reached the same power. 8. Crusades of children. At the end of the XII century, many stray preachers - and among them Francis Assisi - began to say that not strong and proud, and weak and without sinners will be able to free Jerusalem. The crowds of children were gathered in Moro-Dah to go to the jury and free her with the power of weapons, but only with God's help. In 1212, thousands of children from the Rhine Region in Germany, the crowds rushed to the south, switched through the Alps and got to Ge Nui. From here they scattered in different directions: some moved to the south of Italy, others went to Marseille, and the third tried to return home. On the way, many died from hunger and thirst. In Genoa and Marseille, merchants immersed children to ships to deliver them to Palestine. Some ships, hitting the storm, sunk, and the rest stuck to the shores of Northern Afr Rica. Here the surviving children were sold in slavery. A similar movement of the poor worked in Northern France, where the 12-year-old shepherd declared himself to God's Messenger. To him, Tol-Pami was flown by the poor, including children. With the singing of church hymns, holding flags, crosses and candles in the hands, they headed for Para. But the king of Philip II Augustus, considered this at least a senseless, ordered them to disperse at home. 9. The end of the crusades to the East and their consequences. Crusaders gradually lost their possessions in Syria and Palestine. Pope and co-role organized new trips, but I wanted to participate in them even less. Wars with Muslims were too hard and dangerous. With the strengthening of the royal authorities for the knights, a business has appeared at home - a profitable service in hired army. Almost all of the following crushes were directed not to the Holy Earth, but in the CE-faithful Africa - Egypt or Tunisia. They most often ended in failure and large loss. The French poet wrote: "We had an hour at a time - for Rainting, the holy land to give-give". Shortly after the eighth, the last kits-stupid way to east Western knights lost all their possessions in Muslim countries: in 1291 they fell their last stronghold in the East - the fortress of the Acre. Both the peoples of Eastern countries, and the European crusades were treated with huge victims, but their goal is to conquer the countries of the East - they have not reached. Nevertheless, the crusades did not pass the devout for Europe. The torch was even more revived on the Mediterranean Sea. The championship in this trading passed to the cities of Northern Italy. After the defeat in 1204, Byzantium could no longer compete with Venice and Genoa. Italian merchants seized whole quarters in the port cities of Syria and Palestine. Their tormenting settlements appeared on the Black Sea coast - in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. Living in Eastern countries, Europeans got acquainted with new agricultural crops. In Europe began to grow rice, buckwheat, lemons, apricots, watermelons, entered the food cane sugar. Windmills that appeared at this time in Europe were also borrowed in the East. Europeans on-learned to produce silk fabrics and stacking mirrors, better processing metals. There were changes in everyday life: in the West began to wash their hands before eating, swim in hot baths. Crusades from blessing or on direct instructions of Dad Romans were performed in Europe almost until the end of the Middle Ages. So, during the northern crusades (XII-XIV century), in which the Swedes and Germans participated most of the territory of Finns and Karel joined Sweden, the inhabitants were in-great. Hiking against heretics in Europe is usually also proclaimed by the cross, they did not give way to East to their cruelty.

History lesson in grade 6

using critical thinking technology

ICT and research technology

on the topic "The power of the Catholic Church in the XI-XIII centuries"

Objectives lesson: to form students an idea about the sources of power of the Catholic Church in Europe.

Tasks lesson:

    To acquaint students with the main sources of wealth of the Catholic Church, the peculiarities of the relationship between the secular and papal authorities.

    Intensify the cognitive activities of students through the use of critical thinking technology, ICT and research technology.

    Rise up tolerant attitude towards people of another religion.

Equipment lesson: screen, computer, projector,distribution material for working with documents (see Appendix 1,2).

Type of lesson: Message lesson new knowledge

During the classes.


1 min.

Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello guys. Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the main sources of the power of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.

Message to students theme lesson, his goals

Slide 1.

Slide 2.

II. .

4 min.

Actualization of existing knowledge of students.

Conversation on issues.

When studying the topic "Birth of medieval Europe", we found out that many European peoples accepted Christianity in the first millennium. Let's remember the guys:

Who are called Christians? (People confessing Christian religion).

When did Christianity arise? (Two thousand years ago).

What is the name of the Holy Book of Christians? (Bible).

What is the church? (This is an organization who is eating a religious life or uniting followers of a particular religion).

Who led the Christian church in Western Europe? (Pope Roman).

Who entered the clergy?(monks and priests).

Slide 3.


3 min.

4 min.

2 minutes.

4 min.

4 min.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

2 minutes.

1 min.

5 minutes.

Studying a new material.

Teacher: Medieval religious thinkers argued that the world was created by God, intelligence and harmonious. There are three layers in society, or classes, and each person from birth belongs to one of them.

What estate ? (Large groups of people with the same rights and duties transmitted by inheritance)

How many estations existed in the Middle Ages?(Three.)

Working with text Tutorial §16 (clause 1)

The guys independently make up a cluster on the theme "class of a medieval society". After completing the task with schoolchildren, the finished cluster appears on the slide.

Teacher: What do you think, what position in society did the clergy occupied? To answer this question you need to exploredocument 1. (Attachment 1).

So, the church did not pay taxes, she was a major landowner. But besides this, the church had otherssources of wealth.

1) Church tint

Work with the document 2. (Attachment 1).

2) Fee for rituals - Baptism, weddings, funerals.

3) Indulgence sales

Indulgence - Papal grades about the release of sins.

Work with the document 3. (Appendix 2).

Teacher: Can I deserve forgiveness from God for money?

Interesting the fact of drawing up a list of the cost of various sins under the papal courtyard: one fee was established for the killing of the Father, the other - for the murder of his wife, the third - for the violation of the oath, etc.

4) Sale of church posts. Pope Rimsky

at a high price sold church positions. It brought the church and dad huge income. Those who bought a duty have repaired him at the expense of church property - sold jewels and jewelry of temples, even tiles from the roofs of church buildings.

5) Fee for touching holy relics.

Believers were convinced that diseases and injury diseases are cured from touching shrines. But it often turned out that the "bodies" of the same holy martyrs were kept simultaneously in different places: in St. Andrei was at least 5 tel, 6 heads, 17 hands and feet; in St. Sebastian - 4 bodies, 5 heads and 13 hands; in St. George is at least 30 tel.

Teacher's story.

By top XI century Most European countries were Christian. Some of them submitted to Pope, who lived in Rome, part of the Byzantine Patriarch, whose residence was Constantinople. (Flomaster on the map emphasizes the location of Pope and Patriarch). From Byzantium, Christianity adopted many nations of Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula.

Until the middle of the XI century, the Christian church was considered one. But in Western Europe, the head of the church was Pope, and in Byzantium, Constantinople Patriarch, who submitted to the emperor. Pope wanted to subordinate the church in these countries of his power. The Byzantine Church resisted the intervention of the Pope in her case. Because of the domination of the Christian church between the Pope, Roman and Constantinople Patriarch was an acute struggle.

Teacher: B. 1054 year, during the next conflict, Dad and Patriarch betrayed each other. There was a final division of the Christian church to Western and Eastern. Since then, the Western Church began to be calledcatholic (which means "worldwide"), and East -orthodox (that is, "the right famous God"). After separation, both churches became completely independent.

Fizminutka. Exercises for the shoulder belt, to remove the total fatigue.

From the middle of the 9th century, Pope's authorities extremely weakened, its decline lasted about two centuries. This was facilitated by the decay of the Frankish Empire, the rulers of which supported dad. After the formation of the Sacred Roman Empire, the priests of German emperors were erected on the papal throne. The church lost influence on believers, fell its authority.
In the Catholic Church began the movement for strengthening the papal authorities. Pope was chosenGregory VII. (1073-1085). Non-good in appearance, but warlike, capable and volitional, he was a man of indomitable energy and frantic fanaticism. Gregory VII wished the complete subordination of all the secular sovereigns of Pope Roman.
Between Gregory VII and the German king
Heinrich IV. who became the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, a fierce struggle broke out due to the one who should belong to the right to appoint bishops. The king announced that Papa Grigory VII from now on is deprived of power. He graduated from his letter to Pope: "We, Heinrich, King of God's grace, telling you with all our bishops: go out!" In response to this message, Grigory VII released Henry's subjects from the oath to the faithfulness of the king and announced that it dense him from the throne. Taking advantage of this, large feudals of Germany raised the rebellion against Heinrich IV.

The king was forced to seek reconciliation with dad. In 1077, he went through the Alps in Italy. Dad hovers in Kosńns Castle in the north of the country. For three days, Heinrich IV came to the walls of the castle in the clothes of the swinging sinner - in a shirt and barefoot. Finally, he was allowed to dad and squeezed his forgiveness. But, coping with the insurgency of the feudalists, Henry IV resumed the war against the father and moved with the army in Italy. On the streets of the eternal city there were fierce fights of Romans with the troops of the German king. For helping Pape, besieged in the Castle of the Holy Angel, came from the south of Italy Norman, but "assistants" plundered the city. Grigory VII was forced to leave along with Normans south of Italy, where he soon died.

Fight of dads with emperors with varying success lasted for more than 200 years. The feudalists and the city of Germany and Italy were drawn into it, which became one or another. In Western Europe, crushed into many feudal possessions, the Catholic Church was the only solid organization.
The highest power of the Pope power reached at Innokentia III (1198-1216), elected dad at 37 years. It was endowed with solid will, great intelligence and abilities. Innokenty argued that Dad is not only the successor of the Apostle Peter, but also the governor of God himself on Earth, called "dominant over all the peoples and kingdoms." At the solemn receptions, everyone shoulded before dad knees and kiss his shoes. Such signs of honor did not enjoy any king in Europe.

Innocent III expanded the borders of the papal region. He intervened in relations between states and in the internal affairs of European countries. At one time, Papa was erected to the throne and shifted emperors. He was considered the highest judge in the Catholic world. Vassals Pope recognized themselves the kings of England, Poland, some states of the Pyrenean Peninsula. InnocentIII He was a powerful, cruel, ambitious person.

Slide 4.

Slide 4.

Slide 5.

Slide 6.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.





Slide 14.

IV .

6 min.

Fixing the material studied

Work in test notebooks. Test 18, tasks 3-6.

Teacher: What conclusions can we do about the role of the Church in the life of a medieval society?

Slide 15.

Slide 16.

V. .

2 minutes.

Homework: §16 (p.1-4).


Slides 17,18.

Attachment 1.

Appendix 2.

3. Text of typical indulgence sold to everyone in church square

"Yes, the Lord Our Jesus Christ is complicated above you (the name of the rivers) of His Holiness and Pious Mercy; yes free you; and the authorities of His and and the Blessed Peter and Paul, the Apostles of His, and the Apostolic Power, I am given to you and you are common, I cut you off all sins of destroyed, confessional and forgotten; Also from all falls, crimes, misconducts and any heavy provinces ... and also from any exclusions, suspensions *, interdictic * and other church sentences, condemns and punishments imposed by the forensic and human power, if you have undergone it; We give you a utter forgiveness and the abuse of all your sins, how far extending the powers of the Holy Mother of the Church. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

* Suspension - temporary suspension from office; * Interdict - temporary ban, without excommunication from the church, to perform in the territory of punishment, worship and religious rites.

Is it possible to deserve forgiveness from God for money?

In the XI-XIII centuries, the Christian church in Europe reached great power. Without her participation or impact, no major event was performed.

Medieval religious thinkers argued that the world was created by God, the opponent and harmonious. There are three layers in society, or classes, and each person from birth belongs to one of them. All three estates are necessary to a friend those who pray those who fight those who work class - large groups of people with some rights and duties transmitted by inheritance.

The first class: the first class was the clergy, because the church was a mediator between a man and God. Christian moral demanded to fulfill the moral rules listed in the Bible. There was a rule: believing to people as you want to treat you.

The first class: "Presidate the richness of earth," said one church figure, "so that you could find the wealth of heaven."

The richness of the Church Q But at the same time the church had tremendous wealth and was the largest landowner. Land Distribution in Medieval Europe Church Rest Earth

The riches of the Church Sacred Relics: the hair of Christ, the crushes of the Cross, nails, etc. Powers - the remains of the bodies of the Holy Martyrs

The richness of the Church is that one day it was given to the church, forever belongs to Christ and in no way can be alienated from the ownership of the church ... What the church is given, as everyone knows, gives her to ... To God serve to live and, being Contemporary by the contemplation of the Divine and incessant praise, could always, beyond the alarm of this world to serve the Lord. " From the book "On the Church of the Church" Monk Placia Nonantolansky (xi century)

Pope Romans assigned themselves the right to forgive crimes and sins of believers for money Indulgence - this is a special diploma, an outstanding church for money, about the forgiveness of sins.

1054 - Split of the Christian Church of Schism Western (Catholic) Causes of the split: The struggle of the Roman Pope and Patriarch for the domination of the Christian Church Eastern (Orthodox) World Roman Pope Lion IX Constantinople Patriarch Mikhail

Find the differences between the churches of the Catholic Church of the Orthodox Church-Roman - Pope Roman-mail was carried out in the Latin language -Prils to marry all the clergy-owners of Brill Beard, drew the hair on the Patriake - Patriarch - Milf Only monks-not to shake beard, did not cut the hair on the pattern

From the middle of the 9th century, the power of Dad weakened, the church lost his influence on believers, fell its authority. After the formation of the Sacred Roman Empire, Gregory VII Innokenty III was erected on the papal throne III of the Germans of German emperors. The struggle for strengthening the papal authorities, which reached its apogee at the Roman dads of Grigory VII and Innokentia III.

The path to KanosSu Pope Gregory VII (1073 -1085) decided that the head of the church had the right to judge and shift not only bishops, but also the secular kings, as their vassals. The outrageous Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Heinrich IV (1056 -1106) announced Pope: "You dare to rebel against the worst of the royal authority given to us from God. . . Therefore, leave the apostolic throne ... Saw away from him, go! " Heinrich IV.

Path to Kosnice in response Pope Gregory VII said: "I forbid the King Henrikh, who with a unheard of Highly, attacked your church, rule Germany and all Italy and forbid everyone, whoever serve him as a king. I ... I take it from the church so that the peoples knew. . . The gates of hell do not have over the Church of Power. " Heinrich IV.

The German prince displeased by Heinrich, the German princes promised to overthrow the emperor if he did not for forgiveness from the Roman dad during the year. In January 1077, with a handful of close, he switched through the Alps. The humiliated emperor and the triumpa dad met in a small Caunos Castle in Northern Italy. Grigory VII was walked, invited him to Sebo and freed him from the curse. Heinrich IV at the gate of Kozo Castle

The path to Kosnos "And so the king appeared, as was ordered, and since the castle was acquired by a triple wall, he was taken inside the second ring of the walls, while his whole retinue was left outside. There, removing royal robes, without the signs of royal dignity, without any magnificence, he stood, without going from the place, with bare feet, without taking food from morning to evening, in anticipation of the sentence of the Roman Pope. So it was both on the second, and on the third day "Lambert Gersfeld about the meeting of Heinrich IV Heinrich IV and Grigory VII and Grigory VII in Kosnice Castle in Kanoscoise in 1077

The struggle of dads with emperors with varying success lasted for more than 200 years of reform Grigory VII: forbade marriages for clergy; forbidden to buy church positions; introduced a new procedure for selecting Pap Roman Pope Gregory VII

"Dictate Pope" - the program of the rule of spiritual power over the secular, developed by Gregory VII 1. The Roman Church is created by a single God. 2. Only Roman bishop is rightfully called universal. 3. Only he can alone be bishops and restore them ... 8. He one has the right to dispose of the signs of imperial dignity. 9. To one dad, all the princes lie feet. 10. Only his name comes with churches. 11. He is named Pope in the world. 12. He can navigate emperors ... 18. No one dares to cancel his decisions, and he himself cancels whose widespread. 19. Nobody judge him ... 27. He can free the subjects from the oath of bad lords

The governor of God on the Earth of the highest power of Pope's power reached in Innokentia III (1198 -1216), elected dad at 37 years. It was endowed with solid will, great intelligence and abilities. Innokenty argued that dad governor of God himself on Earth, designed to "dominate all the peoples and kingdoms." At the solemn receptions, everyone shoulded before dad knees and kiss his shoes. Such signs of honor did not enjoy any king in Europe. Innocent III.

The governor of God on Earth Innokenti III intervened in the policy of European states, during his reign, some countries recognized the vassal dependence on the Pope: (England, Aragon, Portugal). Innocent III was a powerful, ambitious, cruel man - what was the head of the Catholic Church of the Times of Her Highest Power and Flource. Dad and Cardinals

Heretics - (from Greek. "Entimate") People criticizing the church, opposing her teachings condemned expensive church rites, lush worship; Required the abolition of church tithing, refusal of the clergy from land possessions and wealth.

As the church fought with heretics, the church began struggle against the heresy "We we take and betray anatheme all heresy speaking against the holy faith, orthodox and catholic. . . We condemn all heretics, for no matter how sects they belong; Different in kind, they are all connected with each other, because the vanity of all unites them. All convicted heretics should be betrayed by secular authorities or their representatives to incur decent punishment. "From Resolution of the IV of the Lateran Cathedral about the Lateran Cathedral of the fight against Heriemi (1215 g)

As the church fought with heretics, excommunication from the Church interdict - excommunication from the church of individual areas or countries

As the church fought with heretics military campaigns against heretics (Albigo wars) at the beginning of the XIII century, Albigians believed that the whole earthly world (and therefore the church led by dad) - the deportation of Satan, a person can save his soul, only if completely breaks with sinful world. Military campaigns were committed against heretics.

How the church fought with heretics to rush over heretics. Miniature XIII century. Within 20 years, several tens of thousands of people were killed. When the papal ambassador asked how to distinguish heretics from "Good Catholics," he replied: "Kill everyone in a row. God in the sky recognizes his! "

How the church fought with heretics inquisition - the church court, the tribunal of the Catholic Church, which carried out judicial, random, punitive functions

As the church fought with heretics of heretics was subjected to cruel torture, forcing themselves to confess that they serve the devil. Audate in Spain Inquisitors said: "It is not trouble, if we burn the hundred innocents, if only among them there was one guilty" torture of the Inquisition

The accused had two ways: the recognition of their guilt-importing with the church, his vacation of sins - a denying conclusion or painless killing the denial of his guilt - burning at the fire "without shedding blood"

Creating begging orders of the Order of the Franciscan Founder: Francis Assisian preached: the love of all the living offered a refusal of property; repentance in sins; Called to live in a virtuous poverty at the expense of alms. Order of Dominicans Home Goal: Fighting Heretics. Dominicans were judges and ministers of the Inquisition. Functions: wanted and pursuit of heretics. Founder: Dominic Gusman When Francis saw many colors, he began to preach them and called for the praise of the Lord, as if they had a mind. With the most sincere simplicity, he invited to love and read the Lord Niva and Vi Nogramnniki, stones and forests, the beauty of the fields, the greens of gardens and water streams, the earth and fire, the air and the wind. . . Even to the worms, Francis Putal love. . . And he collected them from the road and attributed to safe! Place so that the travelers do not dispel them.

Lesson in grade 6 on the textbook General history. History of the Middle Ages. Grade 6: studies. For general education. Institutions / E.V. Agibalova, G.M. Don. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2013

Chapter: "Catholic church in 11-13 centuries. Crusades"

Type of lesson: Generalization of the material.

Lesson technology: Interactive, activity, cooperation.

Forms of students: individually group (answers to questions, working with text, working with pictures, historical concepts, fulfilling a creative task)

Purpose: check, summarize and consolidate knowledge on this chapter; Contribute to expand the horizon.

Training task:

Systematize the knowledge gained on changes in the Christian Church in 11-13 centuries and crusades.To show the role of church in curbing freedom-lodging in a medieval society.Give definition;

Educational task:

Awaken interest in the independent solution of tasks

Contribute to the education of the culture of business communication

Promote the creation of a favorable psychological and emotional climate in class

Developing task:

Develop mental operations of students: comparison, analysis, synthesis;

the formation of the ability to use additional, comparative literature;

Develop the ability to make independent conclusions;

Develop common educational skills and skills: work according to plan, with a textbook;

Develop the ability to analyze;

Develop attention, various types of memory, the ability to concentrate attention.

During the classes: Guys in teams of 4 people. We work with cards. We work shoulder to shoulder, face to face. The result reads 1 person.

Teacher: Recall the history of the Middle Ages

Flourishing and decay, and the growth of cities,

Crusades sad sunset,

Story books leafy back.

Recall 1 team, which estates appeared during this period of time in Western Europe


1. The clergy is those who pray.

2. The nobility is those who fight.

3. Third estate - peasants and all the rest of the population, those who work.

Remember 2 team sources of wealth of the Catholic Church.


1 . Fee for rituals.

2. Church tithing.

3. Sale of indulgence.

4. Sale of church posts.

5. Payment for touches to church relics.

Recall 3 team On the division of the Church (pay attention to the document in the textbook page 130 Emperor Heinrich IV was forced to beg for forgiveness Grigory 7).


The division of the Christian church to the Western and East occurred in 1054. Roman dad and the Constantinople Patriarch swore because of domination over the Christian Church. Prayer in the Western Church was read on Latin.

Remember 4 team Definitions of words and expressions:


- conclave (Council of Cardinals, choosing Pope);

- christian morality (rules of behavior that prescribed to abide by the believing church);

- dogma (the position taken blindly, for faith, not subject to criticism);

- "Go to Kosnos ..." ("To go with the obey to your enemy, to undergo a terrible humiliation").

Teacher: Oh, people! The church was mired in vices, she is spoiled, the clergy should abandon earthly owners and wealth. Roman dad governor of the devil, not God: the only source of faith is the Gospel, and not the doctrine of the official church, the church did the words of Christ and the Apostles and do not follow their teachings: Earth wealth interferes with escape, for salvation need poverty. Guys, who could write it? (Hehetics).

1 team Tell me - Who are heretics?


The heretic is an opponent of the dominant creed of the Church. Heretics argued that the church was spoiled, they rejected the expensive church rites, condemned the priests and monks, the dad was called the governor of the devil, not God. They demanded that the clergy refuses the tithe from their wealth and possessions. Their teachings were recognized by heretical, i.e. Harmful and dangerous. Heretics did not think to keep secretly in secret. They performed openly, looking for an understanding of people. And it was the most dangerous from the point of view of the church, as it could undermine the authority of the church, to turn away from her believers. The number of heretics grew.

Name the methods of struggle of the church with heretics 2 team .


1. Excommunication. Otsed was completely unpensible.

2. Overlaying the ban on worship, on the country, region, city. In such places, babes were not baptized, they were not crowned with newlyweds, did not harbor the dead.

3. Military trips to those areas where there were especially many heretics.

4. Inquisition.

3 team - Tell us about the inquisition?(help illustrate on the topic "Inquisition")


Inquisition - the tribunal of the Catholic Church, who carried out random, judicial and punitive functions; has a centuries-old history. The emergence of it is associated with the struggle against heretics - those who preached religious views that do not meet the church by the church. The first famous heretic burned at the fire for his beliefs in 1124, was Peter from Brasses, demanding the abolition of the church hierarchy. For this act, no "legal" basis has not yet been listed. It began to develop at the end of the XII - the first third of the XIII centuries. The sentence of the secret court of the Inquisition could be public renunciation, a fine, imprisonment and, finally, burning at the fire - the church was used for 7 centuries. The latter execution took place in Valencia in 1826. Burning is usually associated with Autodafa - the solemn announcement of the sentence of the Inquisition, as well as the execution of it. Such an analogy is quite legitimate, since all other forms of punishment were tested by the Inquisition more everyday.

4 Team - To talk about the begging orders of monks.


The papacy was able to drag to his side of many people, oscillating between heresy and Catholicism. With heretics, they brought them closer to find their way to God. But they did not criticize the church and therefore did not cause her hate. Two such people managed to evaluate Innocent III. He approved the charters of new monastic orders - Franciscans and Dominicans. The orders were called on the names of their founders - Francis of Assisi and Dominica de Gusman.

Francis is passionately prayed, and in vision he began to be Jesus and the Virgin. When Francis began to preach, his naive interpretations of the Gospel caused mockery from scientists of theologians. But the humility of Francis disarmed even enemies, and in his sermons there was such a deep and sincere faith in God, the love of him and all his creatures, that soon the followers began to gather around Francis. Then Francis went to Rome, where Dad approved the charter for his brotherhood.Franciscans differed from other monastic orders. First, it was a bench order; Its members should have lived by laying. Secondly, Franciscans did not get closed in the walls of the monasteries, but we were wandered with the preaching of the Gospel. Thirdly, they themselves led the way of life to which others called on, and therefore their speech sounded convincing. They sought to help the laity, cared for sick and injury.

Spaniard Dominica de Gusman, known as the Holy Dominic (1170-1221), has long preached against Albigians, and then decided to create an order to combat the heales. In 1216, the Charter of the Dominicans was approved by the dad.Dominicans were diligently engaged in sciences to successfully conduct theological disputes with heretics. They taught at universities and played a major role in the Inquisition. Dominicans wandered around the world with the preaching of the Gospel.


How many facts and names.

Stores the history of the abode

One of them sounds "Clermont"

Since then, there have been no little anniversary,

But at the 11th century

A huge crowd standing

Here in 40 thousand people.

And before us Roman dad

Urban the second performed here.

He called on to leave the West

He appeared to the east.

That's how the crusaders arose

Soldiers of the army of Christ.

All hiking was eight

And everything under the banner of the cross.

In hiking walked in good kind,

Striving wealth to seize

And everyone wanted the best share

In Europe there is nothing to catch.

Here are many beggars and hungry,

And the poor knights do not read.

And even children went hiking

Everybody wanted to eat.

Everybody wanted to burn and rob,

Everybody wanted to kill.

Incorrect to send

Jerusalem conquer.

And laid states

Mosque, temples, cities.

And again, leaving the West

They went east then.

There were Friedrich Barbarossa

German old ruler.

King french philip Augustus

And the king of England Sir Richard.

In fire fires died,

But everything went east then.

So in Syria and Palestine

There were crusaders of the state

The main thing was considered to be Jerusalem

The times of tragedy and slavery come.

What are the approaches of those consequences

What went without a small three hundred years.

They carried the peoples only disasters

East and West, there is no difference here.

And yet they did not pass without a trace

Science and trade revived.

In Europe, new products and services

Rice, buckwheat, even baths appeared.

In the distant past, those crusades,

But from the history of them is impossible.

And forever will be in the memory of the people

Urban II, Crosses, Clermont and France!

1 Team - name the goals of the participants in crusades.


1. Liberation of the main Christian shrine from Muslims.

2. Dissemination of the power of Roman dads and receiving new income from the eastern countries.

3. Capture of new lands.

4. Enrichment by robbery of other countries and peoples.

5. Exemption from debt, getting rid of hunger and poverty,

b. Care of peasants from serf addiction.

2 team - Explain what members of spiritual and knight orders do, list them?


1. Franciscans. 2. Dominicans. 3. Templars. 4. Hospitallers. 5. Teutonic Order

1. With weapons in the hands fought with the "enemies of the Christian faith."

2. Expanded the ownership of the crusaders and defended them.

3. Take care of pilgrims.

4. He treated patients and wounded.

5. Engaged by trade.

6. owned by marine ships and cakes.

3 Team - List the main reasons for the cessation of crusades by the end of the XIII century .


1. Wars in the East, many lives were carried out, the holdings of the Crusaders were reduced, and permanent revenues were brought in agriculture to feud.

2. Strengthening its power, the kings hired knights to their army to solve public affairs in Europe.

3. Good crops saved the peasants from hunger, and they no longer looking for happiness on a foreign land.

4 Team - List the consequences of crusades for Western Europe.


1 . In the Crusades, Western Europe suffered huge human losses.

2. Venice and Genoa received the championship in trade in the Mediterranean.

3. Expanded the submission of Europeans about the life of the eastern neighbors.

4. Europeans began to grow useful and newfor themplants: watermelons, lemons, apricots, rice, buckwheat.

5. began to eat sugar and spices.

6. There were many windmills borrowed in the East.

7. Residents of Western Europe began to produce silk fabrics, glass mirrors, improved metal processing.

8. Feudals began to comply with personal hygiene rules: wash in the baths and wash their hands before meals, replace the underwear and upper clothes.

9. The luxury of the East fell in love with Europeans, and they strove to expensive clothes, exquisite tools, carpets, high-quality weapons. This contributed to the development of trade.

Let's make conclusions together - I start the proposal, and you finish -

So Christianity was divided into (Orthodox and Catholic)

the Catholic Church sought to expand its influence. She emanates with the (kings), fights (with heretics)

organizes what? (Crusades).

during this period, the Catholic Church became a very influential force, since (the borders of the Christian world as a result of crusades expanded).

Task for the house:

Actualization of homework:

Create a crossword puzzle using concepts

Soch the story about what you crusader or heretic.

Draw a picture about the Crusaders

TO 1000christianity spread almost across Europe. The church paid the peoples in their faith not only by sermia, but also with fire and sword. The church acquired great political importance. She stama strive to subjugate secular power. Ros is riches of the church. There were bishoprics and monasteries that land, income and troops were larger than in any county.

Klyonia reform

The enrichment of the church was accompanied by its internal decomposition, loss of church discipline. The servants of the Church and even the Pope arranged the peers and were pre-given secular entertainment. Such an UPA-Dock of the Church caused indignation of the Mijan and those representatives of the Church, which remained the faithful evangelical covenants. At the beginning of the X century. The fight for the cleansing of the church began the monastery of Klyoni in France. Klii Also desired the liberation of monasteries from the vlas-seniors and local bishops. In an effort to break the robbery morals of the feudalists, the key nitsi introduced God's world": They sought the cessation of wars and establish order. The reforming endeavors of Klyony People were she who followed hundreds of monasteries in Europe.

In the middle of the XI century The papal throne, who supported the key reform,, in turn, made efforts to the deeper refinement of the Church. He also sought independence from the secular authorities when electing dad, bishops and abbots. The right to elect dad began to belong solely by the Cardinals - Conglava.

Dad and emperor

Dad Gregory VII.(1073-1085) installed in the church a tough undiscound of his power. He wanted to realize the idea papal theocraty - the absolute power of the popus over the world. Grigory VII Eville-drank in fighting the German Emperor HerrichIV. Formally it was about who should commit a rite of appointing bishops - dad or emperor. In fact, Dad intended to subordinate the emperor-whiten power of the papal throne. In the fight against dad, Henry IV declared Gregory VII lowled. Behind this, the Pope followed excommunication Heinrich IV. The people recoiled from the pro-jot dad of the emperor, and large feudal feudals were opposed to him, which excommunication freed from the vassal blister. The emperor was forced to repent. In winter, he, for three days, barely asked for forgiveness from Pope, looking at him from the height of the castle in Kanosse.

Separation of churches

"Governor of Christ"

In the XII-XIII centuries. The papacy has reached the top of its power. It inspired and organized crusades. Pope intervened in the internal affairs of state-darishes and even in the personal life of the emperor and kings. For a short period, install theo-krai in the Catholic world managed to dad Innocent III (1198-1216). Three monarchs - the German Emperor, Fran-Tsuzsky and English Coro Lei - he excluded from the church.

They were imposed on their countries interdict- Temporary forgiveness to make worship and church rituals. Since the church regulated many sides of the life of a person and society, such a prohibition, essentially, paralyzed-lo in the country. Innocent III in-put the secular rulers of Western Europe to recognize the primacy of the papal authorities. He made many monarchs by the vassals of the papal prestra-la and forced to pay regular tax. Innocent III has expanded the limits of the papal state. Dad exposed everyone to his court, and he himself was out of court. In rejoicing with his power of Innocent III, proclaiming themselves by the "governor of Christ."

Fighting Yeriemi

Vse the dad, the enhancement of the pressure of the church to society has generated approximation. Part of the Mijan began to look for ways to God without the mediation of the Church. The people were in-the interpretation of Christianity, far from church. Various heresses gained strength. Heretics declared the Catholic Church of the "Two Devil". "Dirty" church, they proto-crust "clean". Supporters "Clean" churches called katharam. (clean). Specially, wide heresses spread in the south of France and in Northern Italy. The center of heretic movement in the south of France was the city of Albi. By the title of this city, heretics were called albigoisa. Innokenty III Or-lowered a crusade against albigians. The runtar of Northern France, Albi-Goya Yerelesa was suppressed. Heletics burned-whether on fires, killed and pursued. The south of France came to the launch.

Dad Innokenti III


Inquisition (from the Latin-Sword "Inquisizio" - investigation) was created to combat the Hergeles papal throne. Inquisition courts (tribunals) were organized throughout Western Europe. They used a secret consequence, junk and torture to identify heretics. The highest punishment for heretics was burned at the fire. Since it was believed that the Inquisition, which represented the church could not deprive people of life, to fulfill the deaths of her victims to be transferred to the secular authorities. The Inquisition operated in some European countries until the XIX century. Material from site.

Beething orders of monks

At the end of the XII century. In a kind of worship, worship Holy lady poverty.This was expressed by the public outrage to the accumulation of tremendous wealth and its indifference to poor and disadvantaged people. There were pro-behaviors of voluntary poverty as a way of approaching God. The most wonderful of them was Francis Assisi.In his youth, he, the son of a rich merchant, refused home and wealth, became a poor wanderer. Initially, they laughed and condemned him. But Faran Francis was so sincere, and the sermons were filled with such deep love for God that he soon had after-doors, "smaller brothers." Dad Innoquen-Tiy III did not pursue Francis, but, on the contrary, decided that such a popular ceremony preacher would be useful to church-see. From papal approval was subsequently established a bench ordinary franciscanians.Francis of Assisi Kato-Lesic Church of Protection-Personal Saints.

Saint Francis, Assisi, I turned to the sermons not only to people, but also to flowers, animals, birds, sea. In his words sounded admiration for all God's creatures, conviction in the unity of God's world. He appealed to Christian love in a cruel warring world.

To combat the hairs, another begging order was created - dominican Tsev.His founder was Dominica de Gusman,spanish monk. Patty of the instructions of this Order to lead the Inquisition. With preaching, Dominicans penetrated remote corners of the world. Back in the XIII century. They reached China. Dominicans were also engaged in in-depth study theology(Bog Shatter). The largest Catholic Theologian came out of their environment Thomas Akvinsky.

The emblem of the Dominicans was a soba with a lit torch in the teeth. Sharing his devotion to churches, they called themselves "psya state-lifting."

On this page, material on the themes:

  • Why Pope Roman wrestled monarchs

  • History of the Catholic Church 11-13 centuries

  • Reforms of the Catholic Church 11-13 centuries

  • Report on the topic of Dad Innokentius briefly

  • Report on the topic of struggle with heretics in the 13th century

Questions about this material: