Went of the abstract. Lesson on the topic: Great Patriotic War

The lesson on the topic "Start of War" grade 9.

Purpose: To form students an idea of \u200b\u200bthe initial period of the Great Patriotic War, to form an understanding of what the features of this period were manifested.


  • Introduce students with the basic events and battles of the initial period of war; form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of this period in the history of the whole war;
  • Contribute to the development of respect and love for their homeland on the example of the heroes of the war; understanding the need to protect your fatherland;
  • Develop the ability to work with textbook text:

Independently extract knowledge, allocate the main thing, draw conclusions;

  • form temporary and spatial representations;
  • analyze the material of documentary sources;
  • develop creative imagination;
  • understand and explain historical terms.

Basic concepts: Barbarossa Plan, Blitzkrieg, Blockade, Universal Mobilization, Typhoon Plan.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Equipment: tutorial, Support, Presentation, Multimedia Projector, Computer


Danilov A.A. History of Russia, XX - early XXI century: studies. For 9 cl. general education. Institutions / A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kososulina, M.Yu.Brandt .- / m: Education, 2009


I. Problem-motivational block.

Against the background of the increasing music "Sacred War", the teacher reads the poem of S.Schpachev.

It seemed to be cold in colors,

And from the dew, they were slightly blocked, I'll drop, which was walking on herbs and bushes,

They were shaking German binoculars.

Flower in Rosinki, all to flower a trick,

And the border guard held hands to them.

And the Germans, king coffee to drink, that moment

Close in tanks, closed hands.

So all breathe silence

That the whole earth still slept, it seemed.

Who knew that between the world and the war

Just some five minutes left!

Teacher: What guys will you talk about today in the lesson?

Pupils: On the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Teacher: True. (opens the topic of lessonslide 1. ). Suppose, please, what questions should we consider?

Pupils: When did the war begun? How did it start? What battles occur?

Teacher: Your assumptions most faithful (opens the lesson plan- slide2)

Lesson plan.

  1. "June. The border. Sunday.

Country on the edge: not to be ... "

  1. "The clock of retreats, as you are not easy!

After all, everyone considered it - he is guilty ... "

  1. "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow."
  2. "I'm talking to you under the sheep of shells"

At the end of the lesson, we must answer the question:

(Slide 3)

II. Information block

1. Reader:

In a second, the world will blow up
Death will behave parade-alle
And forever goes out the sun
For millions on Earth.
June. The border. Sunday.
Country on the edge: not to be ...
And this is a terrible moment
We never forget ...

Browse a Barbarossa Plan. Work with a reference abstract on issues:

What was the attack plan for the USSR?

Who was his developer? When accepted?

What character should have wearing war in accordance with the plan?

When did the war begun?

Analyze the forces of the parties. Make a conclusion. (Slide 4)

On the contour map, note the directions of the main blows of German troops and the front line. (Slide 6)

Working with the text of the speech V.M. Molotov. Answer the questions:

Who turns the Molotov?

Which war calls VM Molotov? Why?

What an emotional attitude to the speech?

Working with textbook text. Filling a circuit in the reference abstract (students). The teacher highlights the chart on the board with portraits of the commander, focusing on the Marshal of Shaposhnikov's native of Zlatoust Chelyabinsk region.

Events in the USSR at the beginning of the war

2. Reader:

The missing powder rushed,
sruiling lead from the sky.
"Neither step back ... and no lands ..."
- It concerns each platoon.

But Kiev is captured, in the Ring of Leningrad,
fights - on the threshold of the capital:
sleepless nights, bloody sunset,
severe, sorrowful faces.

Teacher: From the first minutes of war, fascist troops faced the unprecedented resistance of the Soviet people.

Speak the dead heroes (personification)

Defenders of the Brest Fortress

"We were three Muscovites - Ivanov, Stepanchikov, Roundaev who defended this church, and we gave an oath - we will not leave here. 1941. July."
"I stayed alone, Rowes and Stepanchikov died. Germans in the church itself. The last grenade remained, but I will not give alive.
Comrades, revenge for us. 1941 "

"We were five: Sedov, Gertov I., Bogolyub, Mikhailov, Selivanov V.
We took the first fight 22.VI.1941 - 3.15.
Let's die, but do not leave! "

"1941. June 26th. We were three.
It was hard for us, but we did not fell in spirit.
And die as heroes. "

"1941 June.
We were five.
We will die for Stalin. "
"I will die, but from the fortress we will not leave."

"Artillery calculation 131-224.
He died, did not surrender to the enemy. Our motto
"Victory or death".
Lieutenant Zybin.
Private: Zakharov and Kudryavtsev ".

Popup and letter of guerriana V. Piston Mother

Tomorrow I die, mom.

You lived 50 years old, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live to loud the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I said nothing. I know: for my death my friends will be distorted - partisans. They will destroy the invaders.

Do not cry, mom. I'm dying, knowing that everyone gave victory. It's not scary for the people. Pass the girls: let them go to partition, boldly row the invaders. Our victory is not near!

Letter Yury Krymova Writer

This afternoon I came to my division. I have no two day. Displayed a spoiled car. On the way, leaving the village, in which the German joined, I took the ammunition that did not have time to remove confused figs. I took two seriously edged, took them from the front edge. All night I drove in the car boxes with grenades and two moaning, frowning people. Frightened militaryorm workers refused to accept them. I threatened them to Nagan, but it was even more scared. Then I threw these features, I found the maternity hospital on the village and passed the wounded there. Ordered to disguise them in case of the arrival of the Germans. When I left, one of them pulled me out of the gate of the gymnasters and kissed her lips. He said: "Comrade Major, you are more expensive to my father." And at that moment he was more expensive to my future.

What are they dreaming about?

What appeal sounds in all letters?

3. Teacher:

Divisions that defended
Moscow from Haling Iga Evil,
Stood tightly without making a step
Back to Moscow. It is impossible!

Panfilovtsy and Katukovtsy,
Siberians and Cossacks,
Workers from the Urals, Volga
And militia Muscovites.

Teacher : In September 1941, the German command begins to prepare for the seizure of the Soviet capital, the Typhoon plan

Student's story about the defense of Moscow. (Under the song in the dugout-theatricalization)


"We are 28. And Moscow for us,
Fields, snow ... Russia is great!
But it is impossible to retreat in front of the enemies.
Neither on the appearance And not to the caster. "
Let five steps all - under the tank with a grenade
Let five steps, but five steps forward.
And here on an unknown gestand,
Not in a fabulous legend - in reality
They undermined tanks
Behind the heart of mankind - Moscow.
And they became the feat of the song and the epic,
Although not in favor of a song
Their life went into the streets of Berlin
Arrow of the Volokolamsk highway.

(Panfilovtsy. D. Holendro.)

1 Presenter: In October 1941, the Germans came close to Moscow. To finally block the capital, they remained to take Mozhaisk and Kalinin (Tver). Just there and headed 316th rifle division Under the command of General Panfilov.

2 Host: But on the road it became known that these cities fell, and they were thrown into the Volokolamsk direction in a matter of hours. On November 16, the Panfilovs had the opportunity to accept the world's legendary fight at Dubosekovo.

3 Host: For a long time it was believed that all 28 participants in the battle at the Dubosek's travel, but it is not. Six survived. In many ways, thanks to their stories, the feet of fearless defenders of the Motherland became known in details.

1st fighter: "The plot of defense Height 241 - the village of Peshinino - Dubosekovo Track is occupied by our regiment ...
In the morning the trenches were digging, suddenly we see, General Panfilov goes. I looked and says: "You are here at the enemy, like on the palm". Ordered to attribute a position 80 meters closer to the drive. "Now," says, "well, disguise," and left.
2nd fighter: We 28 and we accepted the blow of 50 enemy tanks. Already in the morning, on November 16, bombs fell on our position from the air. The explosions rumbled one by one. I did not have time to dispel the smoke, as we see, rose the chains of enemy machine gunners. And here the gym is vikhrit over the field. There are fascists in full growth with closer ranks. They just came up on meters 100, as a whistle rang. On this signal opened fire ...
3rd fighter : Beat off an attack. Then the enemy threw 20 tanks on us and under their cover an even large group of automatic gunners. From the dark strip of forest goes to our tanks tanks. We hear the calm voice of Klochkov:
- Twenty tanks. Less than one for a brother. It's not so much.
4th fighter: One tank went on my cell. It remains 20 meters left, I raised and threw a grenade. The explosive wave swung snow. I see, it is aptive throwing bottles with a combustible mixture and my comrades ... so destroyed 14 tanks, the survivors turned back.
Four hours lasted this fight. Our ranks were kept ... And 30 enemy tanks moved to us.

Klochekov: "Brothers, great Russia, and nowhere to retreat. Behind Moscow! "

Everything: We then beat 18 tanks, destroyed a lot of German car gunners. Break through the defense enemy failed. "]

1 Presenter: By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 21, 1942, the Heroes-Panfilovts were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union.

Teacher : Despite the strength and suddenness of the Hitler's attack on the USSR, the Red Army at the initial stage of war was able not only to stand, but also to collect forces for the transition to counteroffensive in the Strategic Military Moscow direction.

On November 7, 1941, a significant event was held on Red Square - a parade from which the troops went to protect the capital. (Slide)

On December 5-6, 1941, the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Moscow began.

Working with a textbook and map. (Working with a textbook, students on the contour map marked the liberated cities flags, line up the front line and conclusion).

What were the results of this counteroffensive?

4. Teacher:

Over Leningrad - mortal threat ...

Sleeping nights, bruises day any.

But we forgot what tears are,

what was called fear and prayer.

I say: us, citizens of Leningrad,

Not a shakebel ringing cannon

and if tomorrow there will be barricades -

we do not leave our barricades.

(Olga Bergolts)

Teacher: In the Northern direction, the German command attached particular importance to the seizure of Leningrad - the symbol of the 1917 revolution. On September 8, 1941, Leningrad blocade began.

Virtual excursion to the Museum of Defense and the Blockade of Leningrad (guides - children). (Against the background of the music "Ava, Maria")

Discussion excursion

What are the exhibits of the museum tell?

What feelings do these exhibits cause you?

What did you see the inhabitants of the Blood Leningrad?

Teacher: Guys, we come back to our question:

: "Why in the history of the Great Patriotic War 1941 is simultaneously called tragic and heroic?"

Student responses.

Work with dates.

IY. Reflective-valued block. (Kids read poems under the sound of metronome)

All grade God, pray you now
About those who have not returned from the battlefield,
In whom the light spirit has long been going out
And those whom we remember standing.

I ask, keep the peace of the saints of sons,
Who fell in the battles of big and even small
Who for grazing blood shed ready
And those who were worthy of a pedestal.

Keep the peace of all those who died
Among bombing and massacre of a bloody,
Among the seas, fields, meadows and rocks
And who covered themselves with a nonplus glorious.

Keep the peace of all those who failed
See the battle of Grozny ending.
Only the memory is the eternal lot of them,
Stores peace in the night and in the morning.

Keep their god environment of golden fields
In the blessing paradise where the place is from now,
All those who did not gem
And in the comium hearts are not cooled.

Keep peace fighters who took the battle
With an innumerable evil enemy force,
You are opening your arms for them,
For those soldiers, whose glory kept us.

Keep the peace of all those who died
In battles for Brest, in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Keep all those whose feat perpetual became
And those who forgot too early.

Minute silence.


Signatures for slides:

1. "June. The border. Sunday. Country on the edge: not to be ... "2" Retreat hours, as you are not easy! After all, everyone considered it is guilty ... "3." Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow. " 4. "I'm talking to you under the sheep of shells" What was the name of the attack plan for the USSR? Who was his developer? When accepted? What character should have wearing war in accordance with the plan? When did the war begun?

The relationship of the Armed Forces of the USSR and Germany by June 1941. Armament of the USSR Germany Personalizer is 5.7 million people. 7.3 million people. Tanks, sau 23.2 thousand 6.0 thousand aircraft 22.0 thousand 6.0 thousand guns 115.9 thousand. 8.2 thousand machine guns 250.2 thousand 203.2 thousand cars 90.3 thousands of 166.7 thousand cars 272.2 thousand 340.8 thousand. On the contour map, note the directions of the main blows of German troops and the front line.

"Now, when the attack on the Soviet Union has already done, the Soviet government is given by our troops order - to beat off the robbery attack and expel the German troops from our homeland. This war is imposed on us by the German people, not German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, the suffering of which we understand well, but by clicking the bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany, enslaved French, Chekhov, Polyakov, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other nations . The Government of the Soviet Union expresses unshakable confidence that our valiant army and fleet and bold falcons of Soviet aviation will fulfill the debt to the homeland, before the Soviet people, and will apply a crushing strike by the aggressor. Not the first time, our people have to deal with the attacking of the accusatory enemy. At one time, on the campaign of Napoleon to Russia, our people responded to the Patriotic War and Napoleon suffered a defeat, came to his collapse. The same will be with the acculable Hitler, the new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all of our people will again behave for a victorious Patriotic War for their homeland, for honor, for freedom. The Government of the Soviet Union expresses firm confidence that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intelligentsia, men and women will take appreciates to their duties, to their work. All our people now have to be solid and one, more than ever. Each of us must demand from themselves and from other disciplines, organizations, dedication worthy of this Soviet Patriot to ensure all the needs of the Red Army, Fleet and Aviation to provide victory over the enemy. The government encourages you, citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union, even more closely to rally their rows around our glorious Bolshevik party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Tov. Stalin. Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours. V.M. Molotov - who draws Molotov? Which war calls VM Molotov? Why? What an emotional attitude to the speech?

Events in the USSR At the beginning of the war "We were three Muscovites - Ivanov, Stepanchikov, Roundaev who defended this church, and we gave an oath - we will not leave here. 1941 July." "I stayed alone, Roundaev and Stepanchikov died. Germans in the church itself. The last grenade remained, but I will not give alive. Comrades, revenge for us. 1941" November 29, 1941 Tomorrow I will die, Mom. You lived 50 years old, and I only 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live to loud the hated fascists. They mocked me, but I said nothing. I know: for my death my friends will be distorted - partisans. They will destroy the invaders. Do not cry, mom. I'm dying, knowing that everyone gave victory. It's not scary for the people. Pass the girls: let them go to partition, boldly row the invaders. Our victory is not near! Letter and note of the Red Armyman-in-law of M. A. Blumin, October 22, 1941, a letter to his native hellish, my dear. I am writing in the same apartment, in one city, where our part ranked defense. I am writing this letter under the accompaniment of our artillery, which sends the Gadam "Hotels". Today, four months, as a war goes ... While well alive, I feel good, I am sure that the victory for us. The Germans have already sat for the Military Spirit, they have already become coming to us and give up. It can be seen, they have something awesome. What you can hear? Write something about dad. Where is he? Where do you work and what helps the front? And we, fighters-Frontoviki, promise to defeat the hated fascists, and on the great holiday of victory together (if I live) we will triumph. A letter of writer Yuri Krymova Wife Today I came to my division. I have no two day. Displayed a spoiled car. On the way, leaving the village, in which the German joined, I took the ammunition that did not have time to remove confused figs. I took two seriously edged, took them from the front edge. All night I drove in the car boxes with grenades and two moaning, frowning people. Frightened militaryorm workers refused to accept them. I threatened them to Nagan, but it was even more scared. Then I threw these features, I found the maternity hospital on the village and passed the wounded there. Ordered to disguise them in case of the arrival of the Germans. When I left, one of them pulled me out of the gate of the gymnasters and kissed her lips. He said: "Comrade Major, you are more expensive to my father." And at that moment he was more expensive to my future.

The relationship of the Armed Forces of the USSR and Germany by June 1941. Armament of the USSR Germany Personalizer is 5.7 million people. 7.3 million people. Tanks, sau 23.2 thousand 6.0 thousand aircraft 22.0 thousand 6.0 thousand guns 115.9 thousand. 8.2 thousand machine guns 250.2 thousand 203.2 thousand cars 90.3 thousands of 166.7 thousand cars of 272.2 thousand 340.8 thousand.

Theme lesson: Great Patriotic War

Purpose: The formation of students in a holistic understanding of the Great Patriotic War.


    promote the formation of knowledge of the Second World War, heroism and courage of Kazakhstanis;

    educating the feelings of patriotism and devotion to their homeland;

    develop interest in the real and future of their country, the formation of historical memory, as well as develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions in the learning process.

Equipment: tutorial, map, distribution material, reflection poster, stickers, illustrated material, laptop, presentation, board design,

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Teaching methods: Londer, illustrative-visual, problem-search, work in groups.

Move: 1. Org. moment.

Acquaintance with the goal and objectives and content of this lesson.

So all breathe silence

That the whole earth still slept seemed

Who knew that between the world and the war

Total five minutes left.

2. Call stage.

Systematization of the studied material. Individually. Written using distribution material. Mutual task execution. Criterial estimation.

Establish events in chronological sequence:

Potsdam Conference

Removing the blockade of Leningrad

Kursk battle

Victory parade

Start of magnitude

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

Beginning of World War II

Stalingrad battle


5. Current battle (spring 1943)

6.New of the blockade of Leningrad (1944)

7.Parad Victory (May 1945)

8.Potsdam conference (August 1945)

3. Stage of Comprehension:


    What is the difference between the words "World War" and the Patriotic War "?

    What ended earlier the Great Patriotic War or the Second World War? (Speech of students)

June 22, 1941 at 4.00 am In accordance with Developed in December 1940, Barbarossa plan, Hitler treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. At noon, the People's Commissar Foreign Affairs of Molotov spoke to the people. He finished his appeal with words : "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours".

And in order not to be in fascist slavery, for the sake of salvation of the Motherland, the people entered into death with a cunning, cruel, merciless enemy. The Great Patriotic War began.

June 23, 1941. Fronts were created: North, North-West, Western, Southwest and South. The Supreme Commander from August 8, 1941 was appointed I.V.Stalin, he also headed the state defense committee. On the same day, a plan was adopted, which provided for the transfer of the entire industry to the production of military products.

Barbarossa plan Provided the main blows in three areas:

    North - Leningrad;

    Center - Moscow;

    South - Kiev.

Germany plans for Kazakhstan :

    include Kazakhstan in "Unified German Ethno-Territorial Space";

    destroy Slavic and Turko-Mongolian nations;

    create state structures Volga-Ural, "Big Turkestan".

    Karaganda region must serve fascist Germany.

During the BBI, the Soviet army held the six largest battles and about 40 large offensive operations:

Battle for Dnipro - August-December 1943

During the war, Kazakhstan has turned into a powerful military camp, where the best parts and compounds of the Red Army were formed:

Military connections:

14 rifle and cavalry divisions

50 shelves and battalions different species Forces

Specialcol created for the Red Army Mountains.

316 Rifle Division

38th Division (73rd Guards Stalingrad)

29th Division (72nd Krasnogvardeyskaya)

238th Division (30th Guards)

75th Rifle Brigade (3rd Guards Brigade)

The practical application of the studied material:

Work in groups. Groups are formed by numbering: 1-2-3.

Group 1. "Statists"

Fill out a comparative table "The main indicators of the first and second world wars".

Main factors

World War I

The Second World War

    start of war

2195 days (6 years old), 1939 (WFA)

    the duration of war

    the number of countries involved in the war

    number of neutral countries

    the number of those who died in the war, of them are Kazakhstanis.

Total 10 million people

Only 50 million people, Kazakhstanis from 350 - 410 thousand people

Group 2. "Researchers".

Give in line with: Military plans - Characteristics


1. The Hitler's Capture Plan of Moscow;


2. The plan of the Soviet counterattack under Stalingrad;


3. Hitler's plan of a lightning war against the USSR;


4. Soviet plan for the liberation of Belarus;


5. Hitler's environmental plan of Soviet troops near Kurk;

6. Soviet Plan for the liberation of Agor;


Barbarossa - 3

"Bagration" - 4

"Typhoon" - 1

"Citadel" - 5

"Uranus" - 2

"Kutuzov" - 6

Group 3. "Historians".

Answer the questions:

    The years of World War II - ... .. 1939-1945

    The years of the Great Patriotic War - ... .. 1941-45

    Holiday "With Sedna on Whiska"? Lunch Day

    What song has become the main song of the Second World War, the anthem of the Soviet people in the fight against the fascist invaders? "Holy war".

    "Since it's no one to send to the front (from the family), there is neither brother nor sisters, so I myself will be!" Who owns the lines of this letter? M.Mametova

    How many poets and writers fought on the fronts of the Second World War? about 90.

    A large role in the battle for Moscow played formed in Kazakhstan ... .. 316 Rifle division

    What kind of military detachment commanded B.Momyshulu in the battle near Moscow? Battalion

    When placed in Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War, evacuated and overpacated enterprises, first of all, was required: the superior issuance of the front of military products.

Mutual work performed. Groups exchange performed by the task, receive answers to check.

To secure the studied material, students perform an individual task.

Task "Continue deals".

    Hero of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov was ... pilot

    The pilot-attack aircraft twice the Hero of the Soviet Union, during the war years made more than 200 combat departures - ....... T.Bieldinov

    Kazakhstanis awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - ... .. 97 people.

    Kazakhstanis twice Heroes of the Soviet Union - ... Pilots-attack aircraft - T. Begeldinov L. Bed, I. Pavlov, pilot fighter - S. Lugansky.

    The star of the hero is assigned to Kazakhstani - ... .. B.Momyshulu

    In the battle, Kazakhstanis took part in Moscow - ... I.Panfilov, Tulegen Tukhtarov, B.Momyshulu, Malik Gabdulin,

    In the Battle of Leningrad, Kazakhstanis - A. Moldagulova, M.Mametova, S. Bayimagambetov, D.Synybekov, S. Gilkishev participated.

    The number of Kazakhstanis awards of the Heroes of the Soviet Union was - ... .. 497 people

    Reichstag attack aircraft: ... .. R. Kotashkarbav, Captain B.Huprette, Milometer A. Baktyger, Marthercher P.E.Vitko, television of K.M.Volochev.

    The title "Halyk Kaharmana" in 1998 was awarded ... B. Besecbaev.

Using image data, find out the events.

Tehran, 1943: Meeting "Big Troika") Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill.

Victory Parade on Red Square

Taking Berlin

Battle for Moscow

Nuremberg process

Soviet sappers pass on the destroyed snow-covered Stalingrad. 1943

4. Stradia reflection. Poster "Today at the lesson."

Using stickers. Students comment.

5.Anotes. D / s: §

The lesson of the surrounding world in 4 "a" class.

Topic: Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Purpose: to expand knowledge of students about the struggle of the Soviet people with fascist invaders; Brief interest in the history of your fatherland through the stories of children about their great-grandfathers, to bring up a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: Tutorial Vinogradov N.F. and Workbook, portraits of heroes pioneers, historical card, Multimedia proctor.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

What is the holiday approaching?

What will we talk about today in the lesson?

For decades, Victory Day on May 9 remained the most soulful holiday of the country. No other holidays can compare with it. Veteran in orders leading the hand of the grandson is the symbol of the Force of the Fatherland, this day is holy for each of us a holiday.

How many years have passed after the end of V.O.Vany?

Why don't we have the right to forget the war? (History teaches to remember the past to choose the right road in the present and the future, as a lot of people died in this war, almost every family lost someone in the war).

2. Introduction to the topic. What do you know about war? When did she start? How old has lasted?

Stories of children about their great-grandfathers (Oshmarin Glory, Thychov Vadim, Shiverykina Lisa)

3. Formation of new knowledge. (The story is accompanied by a display of historical military photos with music)

In the summer of 1941, fascist Germany attacked our country. Fascists wanted to conquer the whole world and set their orders. By the time of attacking our country, the fascists managed to conquer the peoples of many European countries. The army of which were not resistant to the strikes of the fascists. Almost all of Europe was under the power of Germans ( map)

Everywhere they set cruel orders, not sparing no women or children. (Song of A. Aleksandrov, the words of V.Lebedeva-Kumach "Get up, a huge country".

At dawn on the morning of June 22, 1941, hundreds of fascist aircraft and tanks switched to the border of our country. Thousands of artillery guns opened fire in our territory. Hung around the city and villages. Many soldiers and civilians were killed in the first days of the fascist offensive. The troops of our army were not ready for the sudden attack of the fascists. The enemies were calculated to deal with us quickly, one rapid blow. But they calculated. The people arose to protect their homeland. Even children.

Reports of students on the pioneers heroes are accompanied by a show of their portraits. (Dyadkov Lena, Neverov Sasha, Stentsova Light talk about hero pioneers).

Forever in the history of the Patriotic War will be the feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress. She stood on the border. On the first day of the war, the fascist invaders attacked her defenders. Border guards had violent resistance. I could not take the fortress with a sudden assault, the fascists went around and moved further. The fortress and her valiant defenders were in the deep rear of the fascist army. For a whole month, our border guards fought. The fascists bombed the fortress from the air, from the ground it was tremended by the shells of an enemy army. But the glorious border guards stood to death to the last soldier. "Dying, but I do not give up. Goodbye, homeland! " - Posted on the wall of the fortress the bayonet one of its last defenders. So did not conquer the fascists border guards. They fought to the last soldier, to the last cartridge. For a long time, the fascists with caught bypassed the ruins of the Brest Fortress, and did not surrendered to the enemy.

Very difficult for our army and the whole people were summer and autumn of the first year of war. Despite the heroic resistance, the enemy was still moving further and further deep into our country, approaching its capital - Moscow. Fascists wanted to capture Moscow and gray her face. They believed that this would allow them to successfully win the war. At the head of the defense of the capital, a talented commander General Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was delivered. As Feldmarshal Kutuzov during the Patriotic War against Napoleon, and General Zhukov respected and loved all the soldiers and officers of our army.

All his strength has thrown the enemy to capture the capital. Our Moscow beat the fascist bombers from the air, so it was decided to make the most important historical and cultural monuments of Moscow. Walls were painted by the Moscow Kremlin, who made it unrecognizable. Appeared on the Red Square of the incomplete from plywood at home, which changed so the usual appearance of the central square of the capital. The gilded domes of churches and temples painted dark paint. It is very difficult now was the fascist pilots to find the Kremlin to bomb it.

In the hardest days of the Defense of Moscow on November 7, 1941, a military parade took place on Red Square. Immediately after the parade of troops and combat equipment went to the front to protect the capital. All the defenders of Moscow are known for the feat of 28 heroes, who stopped the cost of their own life, fascist tanks that rushed to Moscow. Many baked cars remained on the battlefield. The rest turned back. More and still tried fascist tanks to break through the defense of the defenders of Moscow. "Great Motherland, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!" - shouted with blood expired commander. Non-successful attacks of fascist tanks. They did not break through to Moscow. Already in December of the first year of the war, the fascists were thrown on hundreds of kilometers from the capital of our Motherland. So there was a myth of the invincible of the fascist invaders.

Having rebuffed in Moscow, the fascist troops in the summer of 1942 moved to the Volga, to Stalingrad. ( map) So at the time was called the city of Volgograd. If they managed to capture the city, then over the entire Soviet Union would have hung the threat of defeat. Behind the River Volga were the main reserves of our army. They fall into the hands of the fascists - and she would have lost tanks, and airplanes, and shells - a word, all reserves accumulated for further strikes on the enemy. "Volzhskaya stronghold" called our people the city of Stalingrad. Fascist troops managed to break into the city. There were fierce battles for each house, for each street. But our soldiers managed to stop fascists. Soviet generals decided to surround the German troops rushing to the Volga. By the beginning of the winter cold1942, a huge number of fascists was surrounded and captured. A lot of tanks, airplanes, artillery tools was broken by the misses of our troops. This defeat of the fascists was so terrible for them that in all Germany was declared mourning for those killed in the Stalingrad battle. The fascists of such a reproach from our army did not expect.

Gradually, our troops began to strengthen their blows on the enemy. And soon, by the hot summer of 1943, the fascist invaders received one more, now the deadly blow for them. Near the city of Kursk ( map) The biggest battle of all past wars occurred - the famous tank battle at the village of Prokhorovka. In this, the battle collided and fight two avalanches of tanks. The whole day continued the battle in which thousands of terrible cars participated. Black smoke and ominous Garoy tightened a blue summer sky. Soviet soldiers broke the invaders in this battle. Tank battle near Prokhorovka, fascists lost cheaply. Kursk battle became the decisive battle of the whole of the Great Patriotic War. After this battle, the fascists could no longer come to themselves, losing a huge number of soldiers, officers, most of the military equipment. In honor of this victory in Moscow, a solemn artillery salute was performed for the first time. This beautiful and memorable tradition has survived to this day, when during the holidays of the sky, the capital and cities of heroes is cleaned with bright color fireworks.

Freeing our homeland, Soviet troops liberated Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, Czechoslavaki ( map). On the night of May 8 to 9, the act of the unconditional surrender of the Armed Forces of Germany was signed. 9th Maywe celebrate Victory Day.

This war took 30 million lives of Soviet people. We should not forget about it. And to date, in our country, the search for missing soldiers continues. (Acquaintance with Articles of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", where the address of the found dead soldiers is given). In our class, Khudova Vadim Praded was missing in this war.

Through the century

After years, -

Whoever never comes - remember!

Do not Cry! In the throat, take the moans, bitter moans.

Memory of the fallen be decent! Always worthy!

Bread and song, dream and verses,

Life spacious

Each second, every breath be decent!

People! As long as the heart is knocking, - Remember!

What a price is conquered by happiness, -Please, remember!

I send my song to the flight, - Remember! About those who will never succeed -

For children, tell them about them, so that I remember!

Children children tell about them, so that they also remember!

At all times of the immortal land remember!

To the shimmering stars by driving ships, - about the dead remember!

Meet the trembling spring, the people of the earth.

Kill the war, curse the war, the people of the earth!


But about those who will never come, I'll get it, - remember!

4. Fastening a new material.

What happened to these historical dates?

July 1941?

December 1941

December 1942

Summer 1943

Objectives lesson:

1. expand the horizons of students;

2. Check students' knowledge of the Great Patriotic War.

3. Repeat, summarize and consolidate educational material on the history of the Great Patriotic War.

4. Check the skill of students to work with the card and with additional literature.

Equipment: Map "Second World War. Military actions from 1.IX.1939 to 22.VI.1941 ", Map" The beginning of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Military actions from 22.VI.1941 to 18.XII.1942 ", Map" The defeat of fascist aggressors in Europe and North Africa (19.xi.1942 - 9.V.1945), map " The total course of the Second World War (1.IX.1939 - 2.IX.1945). Military actions in the Pacific Ocean and in Asia. "

Portraits of Soviet military leaders, prominent partisans, students of underground movement, cultural figures, science, churches, political and statesmen; Reproduction of paintings.

Time: Two academic hours.

Students of the older (9 - 11) classes are involved.

During the classes

I. Introductory part.

II. The main stage (competition).

Iii, the final part (summing up the competition).

The chambers are attached to the names of sections and numbers of questions dedicated to the topic of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. Total sections 14. This is: "Feats", "Dates", "Military Operations", "Terms", "Figures", "Names", "Quotes", "The Geography of War", "Everything for the Front! Everything for victory! "," Culture, science, church "," crimes of the occupiers "," resistance "," allies and opponents "," under the ban ".

In each section 14 questions, but of them 1 question does not apply to the section, but has a special mark "Cat in a bag." That is, this is a question that can relate to any topic from the history of the Second World War.

Three teams participate in the competition. Initially, the draw is held between the teams for the right to begin the game. The draw is as follows. The presenter sets the overall issue of the entire team. The team that the first answer the question and begins the contest.

Question: Which of the leaders of our country, the patriarchs of all Russia and Nobel laureates were the participants of the war?

Answer: L.I.Bezhnev, Patriarch Pimen (S.M.TSVekov), A.I. Solzhenitsyn - writer, laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature.

After the draw, the contest begins. The team that the first comes into the competition selects the section and number of the question (for example, the section "Feats", number 1), after which the master reads the question, and the command should give the correct answer. Only 20 seconds are given on meditation. In the event that the team cannot answer the question, the lead can give the right to answer to other teams. But, if other commands are not able to give the correct answer, then the right to answer goes to the audience. The viewer who was correctly answered by the question receives a prize pool, which he has the right to convey to that team for which he is sick. If the audience can not answer the question, then the lead relieves the question. Each team receives one prize point for the correct answer. Answers must be correct. Supplements to the responses can also be taken into account, but only half of the score is given.

A preliminary preparation is carried out to the competition. Questions are given in advance (except those who have a note "cat in a bag"), but the number of questions are not called. Many questions suggest the work of students with additional literature, with sources and documents. Students must show erudition, the resourcefulness of the smell.

The jury observes the jury over the course of the competition (this may be teachers, veterans of the Second World War, students) in the amount of 3 - 5 people. The Accounting Commission calculates points and announces the final result of the competition (some members of the jury can also be performed.

It should be noted that this event cannot be entertainment.

1. Questions to the section "Feats"

(What kind of exploits are said here).

1. During the Great Patriotic War, such feathers were committed about 300. Among those who committed such a feat, there are Names of Alexander Pankratov, Alexander Matrosov, Rimma Cherginova, Peter Gowvin and many other heroes. For this feat, 152 people were posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. What feat did they do?

2. During the Great Patriotic War, such fets were made by 220 Soviet pilots, 94 of them were the heroes of the Soviet Union. Among them are the names of the women of the flyer Zelenko, the pilots G.A. Chrapia, I.I. Ivanova, N.F. Gastello, S.I.Dezovtseva, M.P.Zhukova, P.T. Kharitonova, P. Schirkin, V. V. Talaliahina and many other heroes. What feat did they do?

3. ("Cat in a bag"). What city was the spare capital of the USSR, in the case of seizure by the Germans of Moscow?

4. These Soviet soldiers showed miracles of courage and heroism, during the battle for Moscow. They performed his feat from the Dubosekovo road, in the Volokolamsk highway.

5. This feat during the war of war made thousands of Soviet people. Symbols of these features were the names of Alexandra Socialist, Shakhmed Shamakhmudova, Fatima Casimova.

6. What feat is the name of Sergeant Yakova Fedotovich Pavlova?

7. The exploits that these Soviet soldiers committed are coming to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The names A.V.Lopatina, P.M. Gavrilova, E.M.Fomin, I.N. Zubacheva, N.I. Dementeva, N.Dedaeva, E.M. Monina, A.K. Bonstantinova, V.F.Mikhalkov, I.D. Busitskova, N.G.Mikushev and many thousands of other heroes.

8. What feat did Leningrad scholars-agronomas during the blockade of the city?

9. What kind of feat is the name of Ferrapont Gavrilovich headed?

10. During the Great Patriotic War, such feats made 154 people. Of these, 93 were awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Among those who have made such a feat name of the hero of the defense of Sevastopol Nikolai Filchenkova, the hero of the Stalingrad battle of Panici.

11. What an unprecedented person in the history of the war did Mikhail Ninatayev made a plated Soviet pilot?

12. What feat during the Great Patriotic War committed 84-year-old peasant Matvey Kuzmin?

13. What kind of feat is the name of Yuri Vasilyevich Smirnov?

14. What feat is the name of Natalia Kacuvskaya?

2. Questions to the section "Dates"

(What events are behind these dates).

  1. June 22, 1941
  2. January 27, 1944
  3. March 26, 1944
  4. May 8, 1945
  5. ("Cat in a bag"). Showing care for children whose parents died during the war years, the USSR leadership decided to organize special educational institutions that would prepare personnel officers for the Soviet Armed Forces and Navy. What educational institutions are we talking about?
  6. August 5, 1943
  7. December 5, 1941
  8. July 17, 1944
  9. February 2, 1943
  10. July 10 ,5 - August 23, 1943
  11. 11. May 9, 1945
  12. 12. April 30, 1945
  13. 13. June 26, 1945
  14. 14. June 6, 1941

3. Questions to the section "Military operations"

(What is the name of the data of military operations)

  1. The code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops on the liberation of Germans of Belarus.
  2. Code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops on the liberation of Germans Donbass Southwestern front and southern fronts.
  3. Code name of the military operation of German troops to seize Stalingrad.
  4. The code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops by defeating the Orympics group of the enemy by the troops of the Western, Bryansky and Central Fronts.
  5. The code name of the secret German plan of the armed invasion in the USSR.
  6. The code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops in the defeat of the Belgorod-Kharkov grouping of the enemy, the troops of the Voronezh, Steppe and South-Western Fronts.
  7. ("Cat in a bag"). How the issuance of vodka was normalized by Soviet soldiers during the Great Patriotic War.
  8. The code name of the offensive military operation of German troops in the Kursk Arc area.
  9. Code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad.
  10. The code name of the offensive military operation of German troops on the seizure of Moscow.
  11. The code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops on the liberation of the Germans of the Kharkov industrial area and the main railway line by the forces of the Voronezh and Bryansky fronts.
  12. The code name of the offensive military operation of the Soviet troops on the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad by the forces of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts.
  13. The code name of the military operation of the Soviet troops on the surroundings of German troops in the region of Stalingrad.
  14. What military operations completed the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people.

4. Questions to the section "Terms"

(What the terms indicate these)

  1. Evacuation.
  2. Collabarieri.
  3. Holocaust.
  4. Aggression.
  5. Repair.
  6. Repatriation.
  7. Genocide.
  8. Partisan traffic.
  9. Mobilization.
  10. Ghetto.
  11. Molotov-ribbentrop pact.
  12. GKO USSR.
  13. ("Cat in a bag"). Whom the fascists during the war called "night witches"?
  14. Capitulation, unconditional surrender.

5. Questions to the section "Figures"

(What data are behind these figures)

  1. 11 thousand 635 people.
  2. 1 million 995 thousand square meters. km, and 80 million people.
  3. 190 divisions.
  4. 900 days.
  5. 91 thousand people.
  6. 34 million 476 thousand 700 people.
  7. 250 days and nights.
  8. 27 million people.
  9. 10 million people.
  10. 9 billion venture. rubles, 11 kg of platinum, about 85kg. Gold, 6700kg. Silver.
  11. ("Cat in a bag"). What orders were established in the USSR during the war years?
  12. 47 months 18 days.
  13. 679 billion rubles.
  14. 200 days and nights.

6. Questions to the section "Quotes and statements".

(What do you know about these statements to whom do they belong to your opinion?).

  1. "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours!". These words were told by one of the leaders of our state during the performance on the radio on June 22, 1941.
  2. ("Cat in a bag"). What innovations in the field of school education appeared in the USSR during the war years.
  3. "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!". These words belong to one of their heroes of Panfilovtsev, during the period of the battle for Moscow.
  4. "I know that we will win, and the death and curse of all nations are waiting for you!", "Above the head, comrades! Victory is close! ". These words said the Soviet scientist, military engineer, General - Lieutenant, Professor. At the beginning of the war fell into German captivity. Was in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Refused to go to the service for the Nazis. Fascists executed him in 1945 for underground activities. He was put on the sneaky in the cold and began to water the water from the fire hose.
  5. "The pathetic descendants of the enemies of Orthodox Christianity want to once again put the people on their knees before untruling, bare violence, to force him to sacrifice the benefit and integrity of the Motherland, the blood covenants of love for their fatherland." Words from the appeal of the Patriarcharchy Throne in Russia, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomensky, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  6. "I'm dying, but I do not give up! Goodbye homeland! "," Die, but from the fortress we will not leave! ". These and other inscriptions on the walls were made by border guards of one of the fortresses during heroic defense.
  7. "There is no land for us for us!" Words belong to one of their heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad, a wonderful Snayper, who personally destroyed 242 fascists, and his studies snipers destroyed 1106 German soldiers and officers. These words became the slogan of defenders of the city.
  8. "The danger to Russia is our danger and danger of the United States, as well as the case of every Russian fighting for his land and the house, is the case of free people and free peoples in any part globe". Words belong to one of the leaders of the anti-Hitler coalition, an army "anti-communist", he was the first of the leaders of the West on the unconditional support of the USSR.
  9. "Let the fascist leaders remember that it is impossible to conquer the Russian people, as it is impossible to repay the sun ...". These words belong to the legendary Soviet intelligence, the hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Leting himself for the German officer in Rivne, mined valuable information. Died in with. Bratin, Brodovsky District, Lviv region from Bandera bullets.
  10. "Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! I appeal to you my friends. " With such unusual words, he turned to the people, the head of our state 11 days after the start of the war.
  11. "We are barbarians, and we want to be barbarians. This is the honorable title. " Words belong to a person who has become a symbol of the most of the people alienitary teaching in the world, the main instigator of the Second World War and the attack on the USSR.
  12. "When they ask me that I remember most of the past war, I always answer: the battle for Moscow." From the memories of an outstanding Soviet commander, Marshal USSR.
  13. "The other people could tell the government:" You did not meet our expectations, go away, we will put another government, which will make peace with Germany and provide us with peace. " But the Russian people did not go for it, for he believed in the correct policies of his government and went to the victims to ensure the defeat of Germany. " From the speech of the head of our country about the end of the war.
  14. "Your name is unknown. The feat of your is immortal. " The inscription on the grave, near which post number is 1.

7. Questions to the section "Geography of the Great Patriotic War"

(where these geographic objects are located, show them on the map).

  1. Small land.
  2. European countries released by the Soviet Army from the fascist invaders.
  3. Zeelian heights.
  4. Fire arc.
  5. Cities where meetings of the heads of states, participants of the antihytler coalition.
  6. Adzhimushki quarry.
  7. Eastern shaft.
  8. Lyudnikova Island, Mamaev Kurgan, Stalingrad Field.
  9. ("Cat in a bag"). Where for the first time, Soviet and American troops were met at the final stage of war in Europe.
  10. Cities that have received honorary titles "Hero City".
  11. Blue line.
  12. The road of life.
  13. The city where the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people ended.
  14. Mannerheim Line.

8. Questions to the section "Everything for the front! All for victory! "

(What do you know about labor exploits of the Soviet workers of the rear).

  1. What initiative was made by Tambov collective farmers in December 1942.
  2. With which labor initiatives during the war, Tortanist Daria Harmash, Metallurgists of Kuznetsk, the collective farmers of the villagers of the Peasantine, the North-Armed District, the Novosibirsk Region were performed.
  3. How were the conditions for the work of enterprises as a result of the publication of the decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 26, 1941 and December 26, 1941?
  4. As you think, what words completed the appeal of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) to the workers of the rear: "workers and workers, engineers and techniques of enterprises manufacturing weapons and ammunition for the front! Work with double energy! ... ".
  5. Usually on the evacuation of plants, 3 to 4 months left for the installation of equipment in a new place. About the month went on the release of the first products. What a company during the war years, after evacuation, after 20 days, the field of equipment arrival at a new place has become producing products.
  6. Thanks to what a labor fee, the work of Vladimir Pozdnyak became known for the whole country.
  7. What movement emerged in the first years of the war in Gorky enterprises, and was supported at many enterprises of the country.
  8. ("Cat in a bag"). What kind of musical work was first performed on the All-Union Radio on the night of January 1, 1944
  9. What kind of work brigade the first in the country began to be called "Front"?
  10. Which slogan put forward by the front team of the Slicers of Uralmash, under the leadership of Nikolai Khabarin, was picked up by the workers' teams of the country?
  11. During the war years, many workers showed a creative approach to the case, initiative, were instigators of many movements. Name the most famous initiators of labor movements.
  12. What was famous during the war mill milling driver DF Bosy?
  13. What company During the war years called Tankograd?
  14. What a grand event was carried out by rear workers in the USSR on August 17, 1941?

9. Questions to the section "Culture, Science, Church"

  1. The musical and poetic work from the first days of the war has become its symbol.
  2. What kind of symphony of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky began to sound often on the radio, starting from 1941. Before that, she was banned 24 years old, due to the fact that it has the music of the royal hymn "Kohl Sovlin our Lord ...".
  3. What a significant event in the history of Russian orthodox church, It happened in 1943, after the meeting I.V. Stalin with the highest leadership of the Orthodox clergy of the USSR.
  4. ("Cat in a bag"). The author of these two monuments is the same sculptor. One monument is located in Volgograd, the other is located in Berlin. In both monuments there are swords. In one sword raised, in another sword omitted. What are these monuments. Who is their author?
  5. Name the most famous works of painting about the war created by Soviet artists.
  6. Where and when was formed during the war the first front artist brigade.
  7. Name the most famous works of Soviet filmmakers about the war created by them in 1941-1945.
  8. What was called a tank division and aviation squadron, created on the funds of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  9. Name the most famous songs about the war, created in 1941-1945.
  10. Name the names of the Soviet-inventors who worked during the War of Industry.
  11. Name the most famous works of war created by Soviet poets and writers in 1941-1945.
  12. What Orthodox icon, the shrine of the Russian Orthodox Church, most often during the war years, was used during the congestion, worship services to grant the victory of the Soviet Army.
  13. Outstanding Soviet scientist in the field of welding and bridge construction. During the war, he worked in the Urals, where he invented an electric welding machine, which helped speed up the production of tanks.
  14. What discovery of the Soviet Medica N.N.Burdenko helped to reduce mortality among the wounded?

10.Inks to the section "Names"

(oh comes here)

1. Soviet military commander, commander of the 62nd army near Stalingrad, Marshal of the USSR, twice the hero of the Soviet Union.

2. Soviet, the Tatar poet, who died in the bunches of the German prison of Moabit. The author of the "Moabita diary" - a collection of poems. He was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union and was awarded the Lenin Prize.

3. The participant in the defense of two cities-heroes - Odessa and Sevastopol, Hero of the Soviet Union, Sniper, personally destroyed 309 fascists.

4. An outstanding Soviet commander, Marshal of the USSR, four times the hero of the Soviet Union, showed himself as a talented warlord in all major military operations, combat actions, the battles of the Great Patriotic War. Accepted the capitulation of Germany. He took the Victory Parade in Moscow.

5. Soviet intelligence officer, worked under the guise of a German journalist in Germany, Japan. Pered the exact date of the German attack on the USSR, the number of divisions and the general scheme of the German Military Plan. He was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

6. An outstanding Russian composer, survived the blockade of Leningrad, the author of the world-famous 7th symphony (dedicated to the blockade city).

7. General - Traitor, headed the Russian Liberation Army (ROA).

8. Leningrad schoolgirl, who led the famous diary of a blockade city.

9. The clergyman, who was also called the "Great Prayerman" during his lifetime. He spent a thousand days and nights in a continuous prayer for granting a victory over Germany.

10. ("Cat in a bag"). What did the English king of George VI presented the city of Stalingrad, as a sign of gratitude for the heroism and courage of the defenders of the unoccupied city?

11. Soviet actor, director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, during the war of war headed the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.

12. The announcer of the All-Union Radio, the People's Artist of the USSR, whose voice became a symbol of military years.

13. Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. His image is captured in the book Boris Polevoy "Tale of a true man." Despite the injury and amputation of legs, mastered the prostheses, he achieved a return to the aviation regiment and hit another 7 aircraft.

14. The most productive Soviet pilot, hit 134 opponent aircraft (during the Great Patriotic War - 95, during the war in Spain - 28, to the Finnish company - 5, in China - 2, in Korea - 4), made 6 Taranov and spent 6 Tests 297 types of domestic and foreign aircraft.

11. Questions to the section "Crimes of the occupiers"

(What do you know about the crimes of the German-fascist occupiers in the territory of the USSR)

  1. The concentration camp in Latvia, where the fascist punishers suffered and destroyed hundreds of thousands of people. One of the symbols of the crime of fascists against humanity.
  2. What implied under the "labor service", which was often conducted by the fascist authorities in the occupied Soviet territory?
  3. Until now, this masterpiece of world artistic, decorative art The XVIII century, abducted by the Germans from the Tsarskoye Palace (not far from Leningrad) and not found. Since 2003, visitors to the royal village can admire only a well-performed copy of this work.
  4. Place near Kiev, where fascist punishers destroyed 100 thousand people of Jewish nationality. One of the symbols of the crime of fascists against humanity.
  5. A place in the Crimea, where fascist punishers destroyed about 7 thousand civilians. One of the symbols of the crime of fascists against humanity.
  6. When the Soviet troops freed the Novgorod from the fascists, they discovered the fragments of the famous monument on the territory of the Kremlin, which the Germans did not have time to take out. What is this monument?
  7. Concentration camp in Western Ukraine, where fascist punishers
  8. Destroyed hundreds of thousands of people. One of the symbols of the crime of fascists against humanity.
  9. What, Reikomissariats were divided by the Soviet Territory occupied by the Germans?
  10. Two Belarusian villages who have become a symbol of crimes of fascists against humanity. In one in 1943, the fascists burned down 149 local residents, including 75 children. In another village, in the same 1943, the fascists shot 1500 people.
  11. The fascist plan for challenging and the destruction of the peoples of Eastern Europe, developed in 1940
  12. House Museum P.I. Tchaikovsky in Klin, Manor L.N. Tolstoy, Manor A.S. Pushkin in Mikhailovsky, Assumption Cathedral of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Novo-Jerusalem Monastery, Pulkovskaya Observatory, Dneproges. What unites these and thousands of other objects of culture, science, industry, which found themselves in the German occupation zone?
  13. ("Cat in a bag"). This invention was first used Finns during the Soviet-Finnish War, and is a bottle with a combustible mixture. It is a formidest weapon of Soviet soldiers and partisans caused a big damage to the enemy. What did this bottle with a combustible mixture of fascist invaders called?
  14. For what purposes was the CSR Sonderkanda led by the Baron Background Künsterberg?
  15. In 1979, the USSR was sentenced to shooting, the only woman in the entire post-war history. During the war years she worked in the Germans by the Palach in the territory of the Lochotsky district, the Bryansk region. The former Soviet prisoner of war began not only to cooperate with the fascists, but also to serve them. She personally shot 168 people.

12. Questions to the section "Resistance"

(What you know about the underground and partisan movement, both on the territory of the USSR and beyond)

  1. The famous Soviet guerrilla, known under the pseudonym "Tanya". Were struggle with invaders in the Moscow region. It was executed by the fascists in the village of Petrishchevo. Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).
  2. Soviet soldierwho fled from the concentration camper to the Italian partisans. For courage and valor, the Italian gold medal "National Hero Italy" was awarded.
  3. In which territories of the USSR occupied by the Germans, the partisan detachments functioned most?
  4. The famous Soviet intelligence officer, worked during the war years in Ukraine, personally shot the main judge of Ukraine, the imperial adviser and delivered the German general to the partisan detachment, who commanded punitive troops.
  5. What operation was spent by Soviet partisans in September-October 1943 by the conclusion of the enemy railway communications in the occupied territories of Belarus, Karelia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Crimea, Leningrad and Kalinin regions?
  6. ("Cat in a bag"). In his memoirs, Marshal A.I.EREENKO wrote: "We experienced new weapons under the oretles ... On July 25, in the afternoon, the unusual roar of jet mines shocked air like red-minded comets, mines rushed up. Frequent and powerful gaps struck the rumble and dazzling glitter. " What guns are we talking about and where were they first used?
  7. Name the most famous leaders of the partisan movement.
  8. Russian poets, a nun, lived in France. During the war years, he was an active member of French resistance. He helped many of the Jews to escape from the fascist terror. It was executed by the fascists in the Ravensbrück concentration camp in 1945
  9. Soviet soldiers, former prisoners of war, commander of a large partisan squad in Poland. He was awarded the Higher Polish Order and became an officer of the Polish People's Army. He died in battle with fascists. No one knew his real name for a long time. His poles called simply "Sasha".
  10. What a major operation conducted Soviet partisans in August-September 1943 by the conclusion of the opponent's railway communications in the occupied territories of the Leningrad, Kalininskaya, Smolensk and Oryol regions, Belarus and part of Ukraine?
  11. Name the surnames of the most famous heroic pioneers, active fighters with an occupying fascist regime.
  12. Name the heads of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard", which operated in Krasnodon, Lugansk region.
  13. The famous Soviet partisan, led an anti-fascist struggle in the Penovsky district, Kalinin region. He participated in the formation of the partisan detachment, fired well, was a scout and a fighter agitator. It was captured by the fascists and executed. Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).
  14. Who led and coordinated the partisan movement in the territory occupied by the Germans.

13. Questions to the section "Allies and opponents".

  1. ("Cat in a bag"). What national diaspora abroad had the most active assistance to the USSR during the Great Patriotic War?
  2. Who was the ally of the USSR on the anti-Hitler coalition?
  3. The troops, what allies of Germany participated in aggression against the USSR, and what allies of the Germans did not send their troops to the Soviet-German Front?
  4. What was the name of the support document on the support of the USSR, signed in August 1941 between the United States and the United Kingdom?
  5. Which of the allied Germany in Europe, the first interrupted with her any relations and the first declared her war?
  6. What document was signed in New York on January 1, 1942 by representatives of 26 states, including the USSR, which was directed against Germany, Japan and Italy?
  7. What a European state, the Ally of Germany, had the most stubborn resistance to the Soviet troops. She turned out to be the last of the Allies of Germany, who interrupted with her all sorts of relationship and declared her war?
  8. What national military units were formed in the USSR, to combat fascist Germany?
  9. What military national formations were created with the participation of Germany to combat the Soviet army?
  10. What organization was dissolved in 1943 by the leadership of the USSR in order to strengthen the military union with the United States and the United Kingdom, due to the changed foreign policy conditions?
  11. How did the US and the United Kingdom deliver weapons in the USSR, ammunition, food, medicines?
  12. What is "Land - Lens"?
  13. Who are German invaders called "hii"?
  14. Which of the former leaders of the White Guard Movement, being in emigration, openly supported the USSR in the fight against German aggression and only won the victories in every way, and who not only supported the fascists, but even headed the military formation created by the fascists?

14. Questions to the section "Under the prohibition"

(What do you know about these events and facts that were in the USSR for a long time under the ban).

  1. Which tragedy occurred on September 11, 1941 in the Medvedev Forest 10 km, from the city of Eagle.
  2. What the peoples of the USSR during the war years were repressions. What they were imputed to the guilt.
  3. What a major process took place in Moscow on June 22, 1941, exactly a month after the start of the war.
  4. Why Stalin ordered to stop the offensive on Warsaw in August 1944, while the city flashed a powerful anti-fascist uprising.
  5. In which city in 1941, riots broke out as a result of a panic that had arisen, about the approach of the German troops to Moscow.
  6. What was discussed in orders of the Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 270 dated August 16, 1941 and No. 227 of July 28, 1942
  7. What was charged in the guilt by the Soviet military commander V.Ya.Kalovov, N.K. Kyrillov, P.G.Ponedelin, mentioned in the orders of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 270 dated August 16, 1941
  8. Hitler's personal enemy, his name was for a long time banned in the USSR. The commander of the legendary submarine "C - 13", which caused a great damage to the German fleet.
  9. What are barrier troops. What function did they perform in the Soviet army?
  10. What fate awaited former Soviet prisoners of war, after their return to their homeland?
  11. What are the penalty battalions? How were they formed?
  12. What a central newspaper was subjected to persecution only for the fact that Mixed a month before the start of the war, put an anti-grand article on its pages.
  13. October 18, 1941, when the Germans stood at the Moscow walls, a group of political prisoners from 20 people was shot in Kuibyshev. Am many prominent Soviet military leaders turned out to be among the executed executions? Name them.
  14. ("Cat in a bag"). What medals were established during the Great Patriotic War?

From the experience of the Great Patriotic War, it is possible to extract lessons, useful when solving pressing problems in various spheres of life of our society, what are the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War?

Firstly, this is a lawless faith in his people, in their fatherland, is a support for their own strength, the skillful use of their own opportunities. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is the most important of the lessons of the war, for this approach predetermined our victory.

But this does not mean that the Soviet leadership refused to help the allies. On the contrary, it has repeatedly put the question of the fulfillment of the promises that have repeatedly given by them about the opening of the second front. This position proceeded not from the weakness of the Soviet Union, but dictated by the desire to speed up the end of the war and reduce human losses. However, the second front was opened with a three-year delay only in the summer of 1944. By this time, the Soviet Union has made a fundamental fracture in the war. West political and military figures believed that the Soviet Union and without the second front was able to defeat the fascist Germany.

Shortly before the Tehran Conference (1943) US President F. Roosevelt in a conversation with his son noticed: After all, if things in Russia go further, as now, then it is possible that the future in the spring is not needed and will not need. " In an even more definite form, the German historian Ricker argues that during the allied landing in Northern France (June 1944) "... The outcome of the Second World War was already prone to the defeat of Germany in Russia. Germany lost the second world War In militarily before the invasion of the West. "

As for the opening of the second front, it, as events showed, created more favorable conditions for the onset of the Red Army, reduced her losses. Since the summer of 1944, Germany turned out to be in the vice of two fronts. The countries of the Anti-Hitler Coalition were closely interacting, provided each other support.

This lesson is to use support, but to rely, first of all, on your own forces, skillfully use your own opportunities - this lesson is very relevant and now.

In fact, in front of our country there is a challenge: to get out of the hardest protracted comprehensive crisis, find a solution to hard economic and social problems. Indeed, in the 1990s (over the years of reforms), the volume of the inner gross product decreased almost twice. According to the total GDP size, we are currently inferior to the United States ten times, China five times.

Meanwhile, the governments of Russia, replacing each other, since 1991, the least took care of the searches and mobilizing internal opportunities in order to exit this complex situation. At the same time, immense hopes for the help of the West were restarted, to receive the next trenches from international financial organizations. As a result, the overall foreign debt reached $ 165 billion. In the 90s, the country received 50 billion dollars, and paid 80 billion.

At the same time, governments followed the conditions and prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund. As a result, the country was in debt dependence on the West, from the IMF. It turned from an industrial-agrarian country in the supplier of raw materials. This is understandable - the West does not need powerful and prosperous Russia.

In the article "Russia at the turn of the Millennium" ("Independent Gazeta", 12/30/1999) President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin wrote that Russia now for the first time in the last 200-300 years stands in the face of the real danger to be in the second, and even The third echelon of the states of the world. The danger is essentially commensurate with the one we experienced during the Great Patriotic War.

It suggests a conclusion: you can hope for the rescue, but to help without humiliating and bible conditions. Received loans are reasonably and brewer. We are now in such a difficult position when we simply cannot do without foreign capital. The country will rise long and difficult. And we have no time for slow revival. Still, most importantly - rationally use primarily your own capabilities. Life requires adjustments to the course of the ongoing reforms. The key to revival and the rise of Russia is today in the state-political sphere. Russia needs strong state power. In the implementation of transformations, it is not necessary to move to the touch, not at random, as was the whole decade in the 90s. Needed, especially in the economy, well-thought-out and reasoned development strategy designed for 15-20 years. A holistic system of state regulation of the economy and social sphere is required. It is about to ensure the growth of its own industrial and agricultural production in order to improve the standard of living of the population.

In the presidential article of the President of the Russian Federation, V. V. Putin formulates tasks to exit crisis. They are consonant with that atmosphere, which reigned in the country in the years of combating the fascist aggressor. The article states: "... It is necessary to have a huge tension of all intellectual, physical and moral forces of the nation. Need well-coordinated creative work. For us, no one will fulfill her. Everything now depends only on our ability to realize the degree of danger, rally, tune in to a long and hard work. "

Secondly, the experience of the war teaches that success at the front and in the rear were possible due to the cohesion of society, the unity of the people and the army. The people believed in the correctness of the policies and practical activities of the country's leadership, supported him. The authority of state power in the eyes of the population was huge. And this should be emphasized, because then, contrary to different kind of fabrications, the interests and objectives of the people and leadership in the main thing, mostly coincided. There was a moral and political unity of the people. This is an irrefuting historical truth.

The main thing that united and inspired people is the defense and salvation of the Fatherland. All the life and activity of the country, Soviet people submitted to the call: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" The goal was clear and obvious. The people rose to the Fair Patriotic War.

Unfortunately, now, just on the eve of the anniversary of our victory, someone (let's say, Professor Yu. Afanasyev) comes to absurd malicious statements, as if the war was not domestic, and not at all fair. She was stranger. Soviet people allegedly fought and died for Stalinism. The reasoning of this kind is unworthy speculation of people who removed to rewrite the story, to blacken the memory of the war and the feat of the people in the name of the Fatherland. The truth is that the war was truly folk. It is enough to say that over the years of war through the armed forces, more than 34 million people have passed. And they all united them and inspired the unconditionally clear and understandable goal: to save the homeland, overthrow the enemy.

Whether in our society is made in the light of this instructive lesson. To be objective, it should be recognized that we carefully consider the story. Our society is now, more than ever, is in a state of split, disunity. For example, in the presidential elections on March 26, this year For this post fought eleven candidates. Each of them represented, however, in varying degrees, certain social sections and groups that adhere to various basic values. Many people do not have a clear idea: what society we are building, what is the goal before us, where are you going? Further. It would seem that reforms are designed to improve the lives of people. But over the years of their life, the vital level of the population has decreased in three or four times. The promises of the government to stabilize the economy, about the timely payment of salaries, pensions, and the monetary content of the servicemen are often not performed. A lot of serious problems in the field interethnic relationships. This, and much more creates a well-known tension of the political situation in the country, causes dissatisfaction of the population, gives rise to distrust of the authorities, including the first persons of the state.

It is absolutely clear that without civil consent, public consolidation, without the national support of the policies and practical activities of the state leadership, it is impossible to calculate. This is one of the reasons why reforms go slowly and inefficiently. Putin's election by V. V. The President of the Russian Federation in the first round of elections, held on March 26, this is evidenced by the tendency of the consolidation of our society still there was still aware of. Nowadays, life requires a clear and clear definition of goals, strategic objectives, spiritual values, crude development of society. As in the years of the Great Patriotic War, in the interests of the achievement of social and political and national consent, it is necessary to fully use such original, traditional values \u200b\u200bas patriotism, keeping, social solidarity and justice.

Thirdly, one of the instructive lessons of the war is that issues of strengthening the defense of the country, increasing the combat readiness of the armed forces should be the focus of attention of the people and the leadership of the state. Appealing to the times of the Great Patriotic War is a good opportunity to recall that in order to reflect any possible aggression and reliable security of the country, quite powerful and efficient army and fleet are needed. We need high vigilance regarding insidious plans of probable opponents. Invalid grace and carelessness. It is necessary to improve the military-patriotic education of the population, especially youth.

Of course, with the end of the Cold War, the situation in the world has changed in many ways to the better. But military danger nevertheless did not disappear. And its manifestations became even more diverse.

Recall in connection with this that in January of this year In Russia, the concept of national security of the country was adopted in Russia. This is the second most important thing after the constitution state document. It is written clearly and definitely: "The level and scale of threats in the military sphere increase." This is characterized by the modern military-political position of the Russian Federation.

The level and nature of Russian-American relations affect military safety of Russia. It must be recognized that they are currently distinguished by complexity and inconsistency. This is primarily due to the fact that the United States, remaining the only superpower, persistently seek to build a one-pole world. We are talking about the establishment of American leadership, essentially world domination. It gives rise to numerous challenges and threats. In words, American leaders often declare partnership in relations with Russia. But their real policy is significantly different from declarative. Numerous facts suggest that the United States seeks to displace Russia from everywhere, where she showed or could manifest their strength and influence (post-Soviet space, Iran, Iraq, Balkans, etc.). Sometimes attempts are being made to put pressure on Russia, force it to unjustified concessions.

Recently, the special sharpness has gained problems in the disarmament sphere. They are primarily connected with the difficulties of the ratification process by Russia of the START-2 Treaty, signed in January 1993. For a number of years, the ratification was contained, because a significant part of the deputies State Duma I believed that the contract infringe on the interests of Russia. The fact is that Russia under the contract must rebuild the structure of its missile-nuclear complex, adapting it to American. Reducing funds, including heavy rockets, Russia must physically destroy. And the USA is sent to the warehouse and at any time can restore their potential. In addition, the United States clearly assimary to hack an agreement on missile defense (1972).

However, in the current State Duma, there was a firm majority, which recognizes the profitability and for Russia the START-2 treaty. In this regard, the State Duma on April 14, 2000 has ratified it. What did the Duma guided? First of all, an agreement with the Americans that immediately after the entry into force of the START-2 Treaty will begin formal negotiations (not consultations, namely, negotiations on the further reduction of rocket and nuclear forces. Established by the START-2 Treaty 2-3.5 thousand nuclear The warhead clearly exceeds the possibilities of Russia, but the US nuclear warheads is significantly reduced. The new START-3 Agreement provides for a reduction of up to 2-2.5 thousand warheads, which roughly complies with the possibilities of Russia. Moreover, there is a preliminary consent of the parties in the future to reduce offensive nuclear weapons to 1-1.5 thousand nuclear warheads. Such a level, the same for the Russian Federation and the United States, ensures reliable nuclear deterrence and significantly reduces funds to its content.

But it is impossible not to take into account the organic relationship between strategic offensive and strategic defensive arms. The reduction in START when creating a pro system leads to undermining strategic stability. And the United States just intends to create a system of missile defense, which is contrary to the agreement on the limitation of 1972. For the creation of a Pro System to be expressed in the United States as a democratic and especially the Republican Party. The decision-making of both parties associate with ratification or non-pecratification of the START-2 Agreement. Now, when the State Duma has ratified a contract, the Americans have an extra argument in favor of creating a system of national missile defense. At the same time, our chances of negotiations on strategic stability and other states interested in the conservation of the contract are intensified.

When ratifying the START-2 Agreement, the State Duma calculated the most negative option when the United States, in spite of everything, will go to the creation of a missile defense system. Therefore, 6 amendments were made to the ratification documents. Something sets the question of their legality, since the START-2 Agreement has long been ratified by the United States. Recall that the resolution of the American Senate on its ratification takes 15 pages, of which 14 is a different kind of reservation, amendments, conditions. Therefore, our amendments and conditions are completely logical. One of these amendments is the entry into force of the START-2 Treaty is due to non-separation by the United States of the missile defense system. In case of violation of this and other conditions for Russia, the contract loses strength. Russia takes an adequate response, strengthens the offensive weapons, does not allow infringement of his national security.

Speaking of Russian-American relations, we can not be disturbed and such their aspect. If in open statements sometimes refers to partnership, then in the documents of Pentagon, Russia is invariably referred to as an opponent. It is recognized - and not without reason - that Russia is the only country in the world, which has rocket and nuclear potential capable of destroying the United States. Therefore, in America, as a national goal, the task of depriving Russia "nuclear stying" is proclaimed. This problem is actively discussed during the leading election campaign.

One of the threats to the national, primarily military, the country's safety comes from the North Atlantic bloc. Once his leaders have relied on the so-called "Soviet military threat". But there was no Soviet Union, nor the Warsaw Treaty, and the NATO block exists, strengthens and expands. In April 1999, his new strategic concept was adopted, which was based on dictates and arbitrariness, the calculation on the impunity of their treacherous, aggressive shares. The block is all visually and obviously acting as a tool for achieving the United States of world leadership.

NATO was assigned to themselves and proclaimed the right to lead military actions anywhere and without the Sanctions of the UN Security Council. The right not to reckon with the sovereignty of other states. And this concept is implemented. The proof of this is aggression against Yugoslavia is the only country in Europe that does not recognize the dictate of NATS. In its cruelty and tragic consequences, she surpassed the aggression of the German fascism, which he carried out against Yugoslavia in the spring of 1941. But both before and now the objectives of the aggressors are common: the establishment of a new world order.

NATO block, possessing a huge military machine, expands its borders to the East, brings them to the turns of Russia. NATO activity is intensified in the territory of the CIS countries. Georgia and Azerbaijan are knocking in the block. The leadership of Ukraine is more actively cooperating with NATO. The North Atlantic bloc wears a pronounced anti-Russian, and with the adoption of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary and Anti-Russian character.

Of course, Russia is forced to reckon with reality. Economic and military superiority on the side of the NATO block. Therefore, Russia restored contacts with him, interrupted by the robberies of NATOVTSE in Yugoslavia. These contacts within the framework of a fundamental act signed in May 1997 in Paris are designed to at least weaken the growing threat from NATO.

Of course, it is not about joining this aggressive military-political organization, although some spoke and supported such proposals (for example, deputies of the State Duma Lukin, Rogozin, Yushchenkov, Generally Vorobiev, Poppovich, etc.). There is nothing to prove that this would contradict the interests of Russia. Yes, no one was going and is not going to take Russia to the NATO organization. She was originally created against the Soviet Union, whose successor is Russia. The anti-Russian essence and focus of the block has not changed much since then. NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, the approach of NATO military Armada to the Russian turns convincingly confirms this. Under these conditions, an important strategic importance acquires an agreement on the establishment of an allied Russian-Belarusian state.

IN last years There were a lot of real and potential local military conflicts near Russian borders. This does not exclude the possibility of drawing in them our country. Moreover, even on the territory of Russia itself failed to avoid hostilities. Chechen militants terrorists, with the support and active participation of international terrorists, have taken an adventurous attempt to violate the territorial integrity of Russia, to turn from it the North Caucasus. In connection with these events, some Western countries are trying to interfere in our internal affairs, threaten to isolate Russia in the international arena. There are facts of arrogant territorial claims to Russia both in the West and East. In Russia, the subversive spyware activities of the special services of a number of Western countries have been significantly intensified and acquired a large scale.

All this indicates the presence of diverse sources of military danger, the complexity and controversivity of the modern military-political situation. The experience of the Great Patriotic War teaches carefully and deeply analyze the situation in the world and changes in it in it, it is properly evaluated and made from this necessary practical conclusions to increase vigilance and combat readiness.

In this light, the actual importance of measures to further implement military reform, revival of the defense and industrial complex is acquired. The need to improve the military-patriotic education of young people, preparation for military service increases. Only with the full and active support of the entire people, the army and fleet can reliably ensure the safety of the Fatherland.

And further. During the war, all nations of the Soviet Union performed a single combat family, having uniform powerful armed forces. Friendship of peoples, soldered by the overall idea and common interests, withstood the test of war. She allowed to stand and defeat a strong and cunning enemy. Victory Anniversary is a common holiday of all the peoples of the former USSR. He reminds that friendship and mutual assistance of peoples and now is the source of their strength and well-being. The current complex situation in the world strongly requires within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States actively and effectively carry out in-depth integration in all areas, including in the defense. It is that in close cooperation to search and find decent answers to common threats and challenges. Only so you can achieve a solid collective security of the Commonwealth.

Such, in our opinion, the main lessons of the Great Patriotic War. Their relevance is indisputable. Their knowledge and accounting in practical activity acquires greater importance. The experience of the war orients in search of consent in the name of common goals, to achieve the unity and cohesion of society, the political and economic stability of the country. This is the faithful and effective way to revive the Russian state, the growth of its economic and military power, strengthening prestige and positions in the international arena.