What vitamins are in onions and garlic? Vitamins in onions: varieties of onions, how they are useful and harmful for humans Content of vitamins in onions

When growing green onions in our garden, we least of all think about their usefulness, but in vain. What beneficial components in green onions provide the most benefits? Who should not eat onions? Find out about this from our note.

Benefits of green onions

Vitamins in onions: from the garden to the table

Green onions are a storehouse of useful vitamins, microelements and essential oils. All of them are extremely beneficial for human health.

Beta-carotene (vitamin A): ensures good vision and excellent condition of the skin, nails and hair;

B1 (thiamine): plays an important role in the regulation of fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the body;

B2 (riboflavin): promotes normal hematopoiesis, affects the reproductive function of the body;

B3 (nicotinic acid): necessary to maintain immunity, to combat the formation of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, to dilate blood vessels;

B9 (folic acid): participates in regulating the activity of the nervous system;

Onions contain a lot of vitamin C; 100 g contains a third of the daily requirement of an adult; onions increase the human body’s resistance to infections and colds;

Vitamin E, also called the vitamin of youth, helps slow down aging.

The complex of these vitamins is balanced and therefore recommended for daily use.

Despite having miraculous beneficial properties, some people should not eat onions. The presence of acids in this vegetable increases the acidity of gastric juice, and therefore is not recommended for people with gastritis with increased acidity or ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). It is also prohibited in patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and hepatitis.

Onions can increase blood pressure, so people with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension should reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Added to enhance the taste of a particular dish and to give it certain aroma, but onions have a large amount substances beneficial to health.

Onions belong to the same biological family, to which includes chives and leeks. For centuries, people all over the world have used the beneficial properties of onions.

Find out, how useful is it? and what diseases does he have? can protect.

The benefits of onions

1. Onions prevent the development of cancer.

Scientists have proven that onions help reduce the risk of cancer, particularly ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and laryngeal cancer. It can be consumed even in small doses, about 1-2 times a week.

2. Onions help control blood sugar levels.

One of the lesser-known facts about onions is that they contain sulfur and flavonoids, which are known to lower blood sugar levels. It has been proven that just 50 grams of onions per day significantly reduced blood sugar levels in diabetics.

While scientists continue to explore how great the influence of onions is in the treatment of diabetes.

3. Onions help cope with asthma.

Onions contain the antioxidant quercetin, which plays the role of an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine.

Quercetin has been shown in studies to slow down the production of histamine (a chemical that is one of the culprits in allergies) by cells. Scientists believe that quercetin helps those who suffer from asthma. Simply put, onions help people breathe easier.

4. Onions help with caries.

Eating onions, of course, guarantees you short-term bad breath, but on the other hand, it helps get rid of dangerous bacteria that can lead to the development of tooth decay.

It has been proven that just 2-3 minutes of chewing onions is enough to kill most bacteria in the mouth.

5. Onions help with vitamin deficiency and strengthen the immune system.

Since onions contain many vitamins (A, B, C, PP), they should be consumed if you have vitamin deficiency. In addition, onions contain enough vitamin C to replenish the body's reserves. This vitamin can strengthen the immune system.

6. Onions help in the fight against viral diseases.

If you use onion essential oils, you can prevent colds or flu or speed up your recovery. You can not only eat onions, but also sniff chopped onion rings several times a day.

7. Antibacterial properties of onions.

8. Onions contain a lot of iron.

This element can be obtained from both raw and fried onions, and even stewed onions. It is worth noting that we need iron for life - it helps form hemoglobin (red blood cells), myoglobin (red pigment in muscles), as well as several enzymes.

In addition, iron is the main conductor of oxygen to cells. This element is the main one when it comes to hematopoiesis and affects the functioning of our immune system.

The benefits and harm of onions

9. Onions help the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to their high potassium concentration, onions help our cardiovascular system. This chemical plays an important role in intracellular metabolism, as well as the regulation of heart contractions.

In addition, potassium is an important regulator of metabolism. It is indispensable when it comes to the functioning of the nervous system. With its help, nerve impulses are transmitted between neurons.

Important: When eating onions, be careful because... Onions can irritate the nervous system, which in turn can have a negative effect on the heart and lead to high blood pressure.

10. Onions to help the digestive process.

Thanks to the chemicals contained in onions, this vegetable activates metabolism and also helps in cleansing the blood.

Onions play an important role in stimulating digestive processes and helping to get rid of long-term constipation.

Important: In some people, onions can irritate the digestive organs and also increase the acidity of the gastric juice. It is contraindicated for those who suffer from kidney disease, liver disease, gastritis and hypersensitivity. Onions are also contraindicated for those with stomach ulcers.


* Onion as a sleeping pill.

This vegetable acts as a sleeping pill, which means it will be easier for you to fall asleep if you suffer from insomnia.

What is grown in garden beds on the largest scale? Perhaps, onions are planted most of all, because the area of ​​​​its use has no boundaries. In the kitchen, without fragrant heads, you cannot prepare a soup, a main course, or a salad. It is indispensable for preservation; in addition, due to its beneficial properties, it is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. What vitamins in onions make them such a versatile food?

First of all, it is worth noting that absolutely all parts of a bow are useful. In addition to juicy and fragrant root vegetables, many vitamins and microelements are contained in their husks, as well as in the green mass (feathers).

Useful composition of onion feathers

Even the thin feathers of shallots, better known as shallots or family ones, contain a lot of vitamins. What can we say about the thick fibrous stem and thick fan of large leek feathers. This is where the real vitamin pantry is. Feathers contain the most B vitamins. Among them, vitamin B9 is the leader (up to 9 mg). In addition, it contains even more “acidic” vitamin C (up to 15 mg per 100 g). The predominant minerals are:

  • potassium – up to 145 mg;
  • sulfur – up to 64 mg;
  • phosphorus – up to 52 mg.

If you store leeks without cutting the stem and roots, the amount of vitamin during storage can double.

What vitamins are in onions?

Onion heads also contain many vitamins. So, they contain the same amount of vitamin B9 as feathers, but slightly less vitamin C, 10 mg. The heads are also superior to green feathers in potassium content: 175 mg versus 145 mg. There is more of them in sulfur and phosphorus, as well as calcium (31 versus 21 mg) and chlorine (25 versus 24 mg). But there is slightly less magnesium in onions than in onions - 14 versus 16 mg.

Onion peels - even kitchen waste is useful

What do you do with the husks after cleaning the heads? Most housewives throw it away, and only during the Easter holidays is it used in the form of a decoction for coloring eggs. However, vitamins and microelements are found in all parts of onions of any variety, including in the outer shells.
Golden onion peel has many beneficial properties, which is why it is used for a number of diseases. Thus, infusions of husks are used as a mild laxative to reduce blood pressure, increase immunity and improve heart function. It is also an excellent antiseptic, antispasmodic and good anticonvulsant.

Video about the benefits of onions

Onions contain 8 types of vitamins and 7 minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human immune, nervous and circulatory systems, water-salt metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract. Both the bulb itself and its leaves are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

When assessing the beneficial properties of a product, you need to pay attention to what vitamins are contained in onions and how they affect the condition of the body.

Thiamine (B1)

100 g of fresh vegetable contains 0.05 mg. thiamine. It is necessary to nourish skeletal muscles and regulate growth processes. The human body cannot synthesize it on its own, so the only way to get vitamin B1 is to eat foods rich in it.

Riboflavin (B2)

Onions contain a small amount of this organic compound - only 0.02 mg per 100 g of fresh product. Riboflavin significantly accelerates the processes of regeneration and metabolism in the body, but since its share in onions and green onions is small, acute vitamin deficiency cannot be corrected only with the help of this product.

Nicotinic acid (B3) and folic acid (B9)

For people who are prone to thrombosis, it is important to know which vitamins in onions have an anticoagulant effect. This is nicotinic acid (0.5 mg per 100 g) and (9 mcg per 100 g). Both organic compounds have a positive effect on the processes of cell division and the walls of blood vessels.

Pantothenic acid (B5)

The substance can accelerate water-salt metabolism and ensure the absorption of other B vitamins in the body. 100 g of onion contains 0.5 mg. pantothenic acid – this is enough for daily consumption of the product in such quantities to replenish a person’s daily need for vitamin B5.

Ascorbic acid (C)

100 g of the plant contains 10 mg of the substance - this is approximately 3 times higher than the proportion of all B vitamins combined that are present in this vegetable. This ratio clearly indicates which vitamin the onion contains the most. Ascorbic acid is involved in blood clotting processes and helps the body develop resistance to infectious diseases.

Minerals in the product

In addition to vitamins, onions contain macro- and microelements that support the functioning of internal organs, the circulatory system and affect the state of a person’s appearance.


100 g of plant contains 175 mg of macronutrients. This is 3 times more than the amount of each of the six other minerals that are present in this product. Potassium is responsible for the normal functioning of the posterior and anterior parts of the brain and maintaining the acid-base balance. But the daily requirement of an adult body for this macronutrient ranges from 1800 to 4500 mg, so onions cannot sufficiently replenish it.


The substance strengthens bones and teeth, participates in the processes of blood coagulation, hormone secretion and normalization of the endocrine system. The content of 100 g of onion is 31 mg. Its absorption depends on what vitamins the onion contains. The main condition for good absorption is the presence of vitamins D, but they are not included in this product, so the calcium obtained from consuming onions is not able to sufficiently strengthen the skeletal system.


100 g of fresh product contains 62 mg. sulfur. Since the substance contains melanin and keratin, onions can have a positive effect on the condition of the hair: masks made from onion pulp make it smooth and shiny.



The substance takes part in creating a favorable environment for the production of gastric juice enzymes and is found in muscle and bone tissue. In addition, chlorine is involved in the production of hydrochloric acid, so when consuming onions, food digestion processes improve.


100 g of fresh product contains 14 mg. magnesium, but the degree of its absorption by the body depends on what B vitamins are in the onion. Since the vegetable contains riboflavin, it slows down the absorption of this macronutrient. helps improve blood circulation, regulates protein synthesis processes and helps normalize intestinal motility.


The plant contains very small amounts of this mineral: only 14 mg. per 100 g of product. It is practically not absorbed by the body due to the fact that the vegetable contains a large amount of potassium, which suppresses the absorption of sodium by the small intestine and stomach walls.

What can interfere with the absorption of useful elements?

  • Thiamine and riboflavin will not be absorbed if you consume onions while intoxicated or if a tincture of this vegetable is prepared with alcohol. Both substances do not dissolve in alcohol. Alcohol will also slow down the absorption of potassium.
  • All and a significant part of ascorbic acid will evaporate during heat treatment of green and onions.
  • If you eat a vegetable along with fatty foods, the minerals included in its composition will be poorly absorbed by the intestinal walls. This is especially true for magnesium.

Information about which vitamins and minerals are present in onions more than in other vegetables will help when using the product as a medicinal and cosmetic product.

Unlike other vegetables, onions are added to almost every first and second course - the food acquires a richer taste and appetizing aroma. In addition, the healing properties of onions have a beneficial effect on the body, protecting against viral and infectious diseases and helping to cope with a wide variety of diseases.

Everyone knows about the benefits of onions, because ancient healers prescribed this vegetable crop to treat ailments four thousand years ago, and now onion infusions, compresses, mixtures and juice are successfully used in folk medicine. However, not everyone knows what vitamins are contained in onions, otherwise this unique vegetable would be present on every table every day as a preventive measure for the general health of the body.

Not everyone knows what vitamins onions contain.

Onions contain the following nutrients and vitamins:

  • sugars (polysaccharide inulin, fructose, glucose),
  • flavonoids,
  • saponins,
  • pectins,
  • quercetin,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron,
  • fluorine,
  • zinc,
  • essential oils,
  • organic acids,
  • vitamins E, C (more than in oranges), group B.

Video about the beneficial properties of onions

The pungent smell and taste of onions is due to essential oils (allicins) with a high sulfur content. The volatile part of essential oils, called phytoncides, has powerful antiseptic properties. It is enough to place a cut onion in the room so that the phytoncides destroy most of the protozoa, bacteria, microscopic fungi and infections in the room.

The iron contained in onions helps treat anemia; mineral salts normalize water-salt metabolism in the body; potassium has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, zinc strengthens nails and hair, quercetin prevents the development of cancerous tumors. The vitamins in onions have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, increase immunity and keep the body in good shape.

What are the benefits of onions and how to use them

Onions have the following healing properties: antibacterial, anthelmintic, diuretic, anti-burn, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, expectorant and tonic.

Besides, eating onions daily:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • in the autumn-winter and winter-spring period it will protect against colds, flu and other viral diseases;
  • will naturally lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • reduce the likelihood of heart attacks;
  • normalizes sexual desire;
  • will lower the percentage of blood sugar;
  • enhance the secretory function of the digestive glands;
  • will increase the tone of the gastrointestinal tract muscles;
  • will significantly reduce the harmful effects of radiation on the body;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • improves metabolism;
  • calms the nervous system.

Onion juice, obtained from white onions, effectively helps relieve pain from rheumatism.

You can make a paste from white onions, which is often used in cosmetology as a mask for the scalp. Thanks to this mask, hair loss slows down and hair growth is restored. Onion masks are also used to cleanse and improve facial skin. Onion pulp can be applied to the cracked, rough skin of the heels, then removed after a couple of hours and lubricate the heels with sunflower oil to make the skin softer. Onion gruel heals skin ulcers and wounds, softens burns, and relieves suppuration.

Onion juice, obtained from white onions, effectively helps relieve pain from rheumatism. It is taken orally and rubbed on the lower back. Douching and lotions made from onion juice are used for various female gynecological diseases (erosion, inflammation of the appendages, etc.). Onion juice is also drunk as an anthelmintic.

Chopped onions can be used as an inhalation for sore throat. And for the flu, it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose and oral cavity with an onion-honey mixture (1:1).

It is worth noting that heat treatment does not reduce the benefits of onions - all of its healing properties are preserved when frying, boiling, etc. Include green onions or spring onions in your daily diet and the results will be immediately noticeable. Your health will improve significantly, your body will become stronger, and you won’t be afraid of any flu epidemics!