Violation of the menstrual cycle by type of metrroria. Metrragia - What is it? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Everyone has healthy women Children's age passes monthly menstruation. Blood discharge from the vagina during a certain period are the norm. Menarche (first monthly) should occur at the age of 12-15 years. A full-fledged menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days, and directly highlighting 3-6 days. This is medical menstruation parameters. How to understand what is the allocations that appear not on time when the metrragia is diagnosed?

Metrragia or dysfunctional uterine bleeding - highlighting between menstruation. Such bleeding are not rare, but remain dangerous. The emergence of metrragia is often an alarming signal of a serious illness, so you need to immediately contact the gynecologist.

Metrragia itself does not affect the threat, but with untimely treatment, the disease caused by the reason, in any case will give complications. Iron deficiency anemia can also develop from the loss of blood, there will be problems with sex, the woman will feel discomfort and weakness.

To understand why Metrragia is pathology, you should study the menstrual cycle and all changes that occur during this period.

Menstruation is the first phase of the menstrual cycle. It is called follicular, because during this period it begins to ripe the follicle with an egg inside. At this time, the level of different hormones increases, especially estrogen.

The best prevention of metrrhragia in women over 35 years old is the intrauterine hormonal release system of the Peace (taking into account the abandonment of pregnancy). It is placed in the uterus, where the levonorgestrel will be allocated from the special reservoir and accumulate in endometrials, but in a minimum is contained in the blood.

Removal of the uterus (histnomicomy) at meterragia in reproductive age is rarely recommended. An indication for histnoscillion will be a combination of uterine bleeding with endometriosis or moma. Also, an operation to remove the uterus is preferable if the patient has contraindications to hormonal treatment.


Since Metrragia may appear in children, in early age It is necessary to carry out health and strengthening activities. It is important to treat all the diseases, especially the genitals, as well as prevent abortion.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to begin prevention in the first trimester. In general, a woman should lead an active lifestyle, to rest fully rest and establish labor regime.

To restore the menstrual cycle, therapy is prescribed by oral estrogen-gestagenic contraceptives. Treatment diagram Next:

  • 5-25 days the first three cycles;
  • 16-25 days three more cycles;
  • gestagenic drugs on days from 16 to 25 for 4-6 months.

Homronal therapy with contraceptives helps not only get rid of metrragia, but also prevent unplanned pregnancy. Converse will become excellent prevention of hormonal failure, infertility (an inhibitory), breast cancer and adenocarcers.

Blooding from sex tract during the period of extinction of fertile functions should alert a woman and make them immediately consult a gynecologist. Postmenopausus metrragia may arise for several reasons, it is important to diagnose correctly in order to ensure successful treatment.

Since it is known that the menstrual cycle is a phenomenon flowing on a specific algorithm, a woman of childbearing and reproductive age gets used to regular uterine bleeding - menstruation. They indicate that with the individual cyclicality, the uterus is preparing to take a fertilized egg in its prepared mucous membrane.

In the absence of pregnancy, the entire accumulated mass of the intrauterine epithelium - endometrial - is torn out through natural paths. This is a menstruation, in the next cycle everything happens in the same way. As age-related data adds, the fertile function begins to fade, the pauses between menstruation are lengthened, the bleeding becomes irregular, after all are stopped. The period of menopause or climax occurs.

In the menopacteric period, the ripening period of the follicle, its growth, is extended.

May not step ovulation - the ripening of the egg, which leads to insufficiently complete formation of the lutein body. Accordingly, there is insufficient progesterone products with simultaneous excess estrogen concentration.

All these processes lead to a hyperplastic increasing layer of intrauterine endometrial. It should be noted that the excess formation of cells of the intrauterine mucous membrane in the menopausal period is far more often occurred than in reproductive age.

Bleedings are at first regular character, they are taken for premature menstruation or the continuation of this. Over time, more and more manifests themselves, associated with the increase in hyperplastic processes in endometrials, defeat deeper layers.

Causes of metrragia

The endometrial proliferation of the endometrium during age-related fatery abilities is exacerbated by the accompanying diseases corresponding to age. This can be attributed, above all, immune depression. It develops regardless of living conditions, but the depth of the suppressive phenomena depends on the degree of impact of negative factors.

The weakening of the body's ability to withstand the phenomena leading to the formation of malignant mutations in cells, negatively affects the anomalous processes of the endometrium proliferation. Promotes the emergence of oncological diseases of the genital sphere of a woman. It turns out a vicious circle.

It should be remembered that the metrragia in the period of fading the child function may indicate pathological processes not only in the mucous membrane of the uterine layer, but muscular layer - myiometry, as well as in the hypothalamus structure of the brain responsible for the central regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of metroragia

Unlike menstruation, uterine bleeding can manifest itself more pronounced common symptoms of indisposition. To speak precisely about the menopausal period, it must be remembered that with age the woman acquires a mass of somatic diseases. Their symptoms can exacerbate the patient's condition:

  • tachycardia;
  • headache of various location and intensity;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness.

Of the objective phenomena, the lowest values \u200b\u200bof blood pressure indicators are most common, signs of anemia. The decrease in blood pressure is observed for a long time, the woman does not tolerate it, it feels weakness, sweating, complains of the feeling of cold in his hands and legs.

Anemia is detected in the study of blood test: low hemoglobin, color indicator, reducing the level of erythrocytes with their simultaneous change - all this indicates iron deficiency anemia. From subjective signs, it is possible to note the change in taste, olfactory preferences.

Danger of bleeding in the menopacteric period

The emergence of irregular bleeding with the phenomena of general ailment in the period after forty-five-fifty years against the background of termination of the childbearing function is an indisputable reason to consult a gynecologist.

The danger of such states is not only in the blood loss, the development of the phenomena of anemia or the general weakening of the body. This reports the presence of processes of hyperplasia, excessive formation of the intrauterine or muscle layer of the organ. We will not know the reminder of the most complex device of the menstrual cycle, which has not only local, but also central control.

The emergence of metrragia in the absence of ripening eggs can talk about malignant proliferative processes of the uterus, ovaries, cervix, possibly hypothalamus.


The diagnosis is made by the totality of data: a gynecological examination, anamnesis collection, ultrasound examination, if necessary, appointed diagnostic scraping. It is necessary to hand over a general blood test to establish signs of anemia.

Ultrasound examination is carried out through the vagina, this method allows you to most accurately determine the degree of hypervascularization of endometrial or myometrium, to establish the presence and localization of foci of hyperplasia or pathological activity.

Diagnostic scraping is carried out in order to carry out a complete histological study of the material obtained. According to its results, they judge the degree of development of hyperplastic processes, establish their character. What kind of diagnostic measures are needed, their order will install a gynecologist strictly individually.


At the moment of the absence of a fertile function, the preservation of the life and health of the woman comes to the fore. It is necessary to stop the bleeding conservative method. For this purpose, direct and indirect coagulants are prescribed, myostimulators.

From surgical methods, scraping is used - removal of the excess endometrium layer, thereby stops bleeding. If such events do not lead to a resistant result, then resort to the supreme removal of the uterus. In parallel, it is necessary to assign means for treating anemia containing iron. If necessary, the transfusion of blood products is carried out. The use of vitamins for the treatment of the consequences of metrragia is required.

The menstrual cycle plays an important role in the life of every woman to Klimaks himself, the health and ability to give birth to a child depends on it. Usually in the middle of the cycle it happens - an egg from the follicle comes out, after it, if no fertilization occurred, periods occur. Sometimes cyclicity is broken, anxulatory metrragia appears. What is it, and why does she arise, and also how to treat it?

For menstruation in the cycle, special time is allocated - they start for 20-25 days and last about a week. There are monthly due to the fact that an uninterpreted egg must be derived from the body, as well as clear the uterus from the separated endometrium. The change in the structure of this layer is necessary to attach the cell into which the spermatozoa penetrates, to the wall of the uterus, but if fertilization was not, the endometrium is expelled. Such an event is accompanied by bleeding, because the capillary grid is damaged.

Women who have a clear menstrual cycle sometimes notice that menstruation has come too early - this condition is called metrragia. At the same time, a woman may experience the same weakness and, but the selection is often different in color -.

Anguulatory metrorrhagia

Annevulatory metrrhragia is a kind of metrroria, which is characterized by a single-phase hormonal course and lack of ovulation - the exit of the egg from the follicle. Simply put, during ovulation, the hormonal background is controlled by two factors: ovaries and a yellow body, which remains after the exit of the egg from the follicle. Hormones of the yellow body regulate the movement of the genital cell in the uterine pipes and the uterus, and the ovaries allocate active substancescausing endometrial seal.

In the case of annevulatory metrorality, hormones are not separated from the yellow body, because it is simply not formed due to the lack of ovulation, but the ovaries provoke the thickening of the mucous membrane. When the number of hormones begins to decline, the endometrium exfoliates and comes out.

Causes of annotulatory metroragia

Why can a woman may not be ovulation during the menstrual cycle? There are several reasons due to which an inhibular uterine bleeding occurs. There are several:

  • unstable hormonal background;
  • reception of oral contraceptives;
  • neoplasms in the uterus or ovaries;
  • sharp races in weight, intense physical exerciseStresses (these factors rarely cause bleeding without ovulation).

The unstable hormonal background is characteristic in most cases for adolescent girls and women during Klimaks. During this period, the operation of the ovaries is not debugged, therefore angulation can occur at regular menstruation. In this case, two bleeding will take place for one cycle, but only one with the removal of the outward egg cell.

Hormonal failures causing metrragia are possible in adult girls against the background of stress, diets, intense physical exertion.

Oral contraceptives help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but they have a hormonal basis, so their influence applies to the entire sexual system. Competently selected capable even to establish a menstrual cycle. If a woman buys them on their own, and they are not suitable for her, then the hormonal background is violated. This can cause anointing uterine bleeding, and other malfunction in the menstrual cycle.

The neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries are another reason for annevulatory metrroria, due to which it is impossible to ignore this state. If a woman has an uterine myoma, a cyst in the ovary, cervical cancer, then bleeding may occur due to hormonal disorders or due to the destruction of the tissues of the genital organs in which bleeding begins. Then the metroralragia will be accompanied by strong pains, and the selection will be not brown, but red.

Symptoms of annotulatory metroragia

The symptoms of anointing metrroria are difficult to describe, because it is largely similar to the monthly:

  • pains appear at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • weakness, impaired appetite;
  • from the vagina is distinguished browning or;
  • there is discomfort in the lower back area.

Anguulatory bleeding can be distinguished only by the date of the offensive, so for each woman it is very important to keep records of menstruation using the usual pocket calendar or programs on the phone. They should write information about previous menstruation and outline the approximate date of the onset of the following. If menstruation came earlier than a week, you can talk about metrragia.

Complications of anoint meterragia

Annovulatory metroragia that happens constantly has its negative consequences, especially if after it is soon occurring monthly. First, the woman loses more blood, so it decreases immunity and hemoglobin falls.

Secondly, if the endometrium is constantly separated twice per cycle, the mucous membrane of the uterus is inflamed.

Thirdly, the annotulatory bleeding breaks the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs with the delay or is absent at all, so it becomes much more difficult to get pregnant. Even if the fertilization occurs, the risk of miscarriage will be high, because the endometrium is constantly peeling, and the egg cell does not have something to attach.

Treatment of anoint meterragia

Anguulant treatment uterine bleeding Must carry out a specialist, so if this problem happens more than two times in a row, you need to contact the gynecologist. The doctor will spend step-by-step diagnosis:

  1. Visual inspection.
  2. Blood test for the maintenance of different hormones.
  3. Screening of small pelvis organs by ultrasound.

These three stages will allow you to find a source of impairment of the menstrual cycle. If everything is marked incorrectly chosen oral contraceptives, the doctor will help to choose suitable drugs. Treatment of annevulatory metrragia in adolescents or women after menopause is rare, because most often hormonal background stabilizes himself, and sudden monthly ceases. In the event of the appearance of neoplasms in the uterus or ovary, they are removed surgically and conduct hormonal therapy.

In no case should you try to stop metrragia with the help of drum doses of vitamin C, ragger nettle, cold compresses and other popular homework. They will only help temporarily, but the problem will not disappear from this, but only aggravate.

Annovulatory metrroria was in the life of every girl, sometimes it occurs at once or accompanying sexual maturation. But if this problem becomes regular after the normalization of the menstrual cycle and brings strong discomfort, you need to consult a doctor, because sometimes it may not be in overwork or contraceptive, but in the health of neoplasms inside the uterus or ovaries.

In women, when reached the childbearing age, there is a two-way elevation of a bloody nature from the vagina, they are called menstruation. The first menstruation appears aged 11-15 years. After that, over the next two years, the cycle is installed. Its duration is usually varied from 20 to 35 days through which menstruation occurs. Their duration may in most cases are 3-7 days. Such discharge is considered the norm.

The appearance of bleeding between menstruation is considered a violation, it is he who is called the metrragia.

Metrragia is called uterine bleeding arising from women and have no relation to menstruation. This phenomenon is not rare, many women suffer from them. It is worth noting that Metrragia is considered one of the most common causes of appeal to gynecologists.

With timely visits to the doctor and the beginning of the treatment of uterine bleeding, do not pose a danger to the patient's life. But they can lead to deterioration of well-being and development of anemia. In addition, Metrragia deliver a lot of inconveniences and interfere with normal sex life.

Metrragia: Causes

The reasons for the occurrence of metrragia can be different. Depending on them, uterine bleeding is divided into several varieties.

Anguulatory metrorrhagia

With annevulatory meterragia, the causes of bleeding lies in changes occurring in the ovaries of a woman. At the same time, it does not have ovulation and the formation of a yellow body does not occur. The reasons for this can be in long or short-term persistence of the follicle. In this case, the metrragia occurs against the background of the absence or delay of menstruation. The period on which periods disappear can be from 1 to 6 months and more.

Reproductive metrorgia

Reproductive metrragia can be a consequence of the following violations:

  • endometriosis;
  • hyperplasia;
  • hormonal failures;
  • polyps and Mioma of the uterus;
  • high pressure;
  • inflammatory I. infectious diseases Sex system and so on.

In addition, the appearance of uterine bleeding can be given: a shortage of vitamins, strong nervous and physical overloads, poisoning, mental and nervous diseases and other reasons.

Metrragia in postmenopausal

In women, the age of which overcame the mark of 45-50 years, there is gradually the extinction of the ovarian work and the childbearing function is lost. In this period, menstruation usually cease to be regular, and over time and completely disappear. The period when menstruation is completely stopped and the ovary ceases to function, is called postmenopausal. Metrragia in such women may be a dangerous symptom, indicating such pathologies as oncological diseases ovarian or cervix. Therefore, when any bleeding in postmenopausage should be immediately visited by a doctor and undergo a course of the survey.

Dysfunctional metroralragia

To the emergence of dysfunctional metrragia, more slopes of women having understated self-esteem, are too susceptible to someone else's opinion and worried about any occasion. All this leads to stress and depression, and such states contribute to greater adrenal intensity. They begin to produce hormones intensively, which, in turn, cause violation of the normal operation of the ovaries. The result of this is the disadvantage in the body of progesterone, which is manifested by the delays of menstruation and bleeding that do not have visible cyclicity.

Metrragia: Symptoms

The main symptom of metrrhragia is incorrect bleeding, not related to the natural female cycle. At the same time, the following signs may be observed:

  • general wealth;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • tachycardia;
  • reduction of pressure;
  • irritability;
  • pallitude of the skin;
  • stomach ache.

Diagnosis: Metrragia

Diagnose Metrragia Specialist-Gynecologist may, based on information obtained when collecting anamnesis, complaints of acyclic bleeding and irregularity of the women's monthly cycle. Additionally, the doctor conducts a gynecological and general inspection of the patient.

In diagnostic purposes, scattering of the uterus and histological examination of the material obtained may be made. An integrated examination usually includes: conducting blood test, ultrasound of uterus and ovaries, determination of a hormonal background. In some cases, diagnostic laparoscopy can be carried out.

Metrragia: Treatment

The method of treating metrragia largely depends on the reasons that caused this violation. It pursues three goals. The first of them is the cessation of bleeding. For this, a woman can be assigned various drugs. In extreme, especially severe cases, a surgical operation can be carried out, in the process of which scraping or even complete removal of the uterus can be made. The second purpose of treatment is to prevent repeated cases of bleeding. In its framework, the doctors try to establish the normal operation of the female reproductive system. The target is the restoration of the body after blood loss. Bleedings may have different intensity, so in their course the woman can lose quite a lot of blood. The result of this is often the anemia. To prevent its development, the patient prescribe vitamins and gland preparations.

Treatment of reproductive bleeding often consists in conducting scraping. If there is no reading for this, then for their termination they are prescribed hormonal agents For hemostasis.

With dysfunctional metrragia, special attention is paid to the emotional and mental state of the woman. In addition to drugs to adjust the adrenal functions, sedatives can be prescribed. Also, the complex therapy includes adherence to the diet to restore the body after the loss of blood and the student of therapeutic physical education.

Anguulatory forms of bleeding require scraping and subsequent study of mucous membranes. According to the results of such a survey, treatment is prescribed, which can be directed to improving blood clotting, strengthening the vascular wall and reduce the level of hemoglobin.

Metrragia is a violation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle by type of hyperpolymenorius, that is, abundant bloody seals from the genital tract. It can meet in different age categories - in the juvenile, reproductive period, menopause and postmenopausal period. However, the causes of metrragia in these periods of life women differ from each other.

The reasons

The causes of metrragia in the juvenile period look like this:

  • hormonal imbalance (NMC often develops due to the imperfection of the hormonal regulation in girls);
  • disorders of the coagulation system of blood (congenital and acquired hemostasis defects);
  • the cysts of ovarian with hormonal activity.

Metrragia in the reproductive period develops as a result of the following causal factors:

  • mioma of the uterus, especially with the submembrance location of myomatous node;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • hormonal shifts;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • increased bleeding.

The reasons for metrragia, which develops in premopause, is usually associated with the presence of uterine or arterial hypertension. They can also be explained by the hyperplastic processes of endometrial, including the dysplasia.

Metrragia observed in menopause and postmenopausal should always be considered as a clinical manifestation of a precancerous process or malignant destruction of endometrial. Of course, there may be other reasons for metrragia in these age categories, but it is necessary to exclude the most serious. Only after that the diagnosis of other possible pathological processes is carried out, which are manifested by bleeding outlets from the genital tract, while their intensity may be different (from blood blood to strong bleeding).

Thus, the causal factors of the NMC on the type of hyperpolymenira can be not only pure gynecological, but also may be extragenital (disorders of coagulation, arterial hypertension, etc.).


Symptoms of metrragia include signs of the underlying disease, which served as a reason for the appearance of bloody seals from the genital paths of a woman. However, some pathological processes can flow asymptomatic. In such cases, additional diagnostic methods must be applied to verify the diagnosis. The most informative and often used are the following:

  • general blood test (first of all it is necessary to determine the level of hemoglobin and platelet levels);
  • Ultrasound in order to evaluate the size of the uterus and the thickness of the endometrium;
  • separate diagnostic scraping of the uterus and cervical canal with a mandatory histological examination (this manipulation is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic nature).

In addition, it is necessary to calculate the pulse and arterial pressure To eliminate the extragnenitial causes of metrrhology. Also, in mandatory, all women with this syndrome showed a bimanual inspection, which evaluates the size of the uterus, studies the state of the cervix and appendages.

Medical tactic

Metrragia implies a conservative and operational hemostasis. In the first case, both hormonal preparations and hemostatic with uterotonic can be used. In the second case, we are talking about the scanning of the uterus.

The treatment of metrragia depends on the general state of the patient, its age and anamnesis (The period between the scraping of the uterus of the uterus should be at least 6 months). So, in the juvenile period, the main place in the treatment occupies a conservative hemostasis. In reproductive age, premenopause, menopause and postmenopausal, surgical hemostasis is in the first place.

NMC in girls need to be treated with the appointment of hormonal drugs. In the first place in efficiency there are combined oral contraceptives. They are accepted according to a specific scheme. On the first day you can take up to 5 tablets with intervals in half an hour - hour between receptions. Every day it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug on one tablet. The total duration of the first cycle of hormonal treatment should be 21 days. To prevent the re-episode of bleeding, the reception of hormonal drugs continues for 3-6 menstrual cycles, making a break between each cycle for the week.

Metrragia in women in all other age categories requires the scraping of the uterus of the uterus with therapeutic and diagnostic purpose. The preparations for symptomatic treatment are prescribed - uterotonic and hemostatic treatment. Further therapy depends on the result of histological research. In some cases, operational treatment is required - removal of the uterus or myomatous node. The volume of the operation depends on the desire of a woman to realize the reproductive function in the subsequent.

If the cause of the bloody secretions from the genital paths of a woman is arterial hypertension, then hypotensive therapy is carried out. From scraping to normalization of the pressure level should be abstained.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Metrragia is an indication for immediate conversion for help to the akuster-gynecologist. This is due to the fact that it can be one of the manifestations of serious diseases of the female reproductive system, especially if it is found in menopause and postmenopausal. Therefore, it is required differential diagnosis In order to determine the specific reason for this pathological condition. The main place in the diagnostic search for NMCs by type of hyperpolymenira is given to the separate diagnostic scattering of the uterine cavity and the cervical canal followed by histological examination. After that, it is made up individual program Treatment.