Progesterone norms in a healthy woman. The norm of progesterone in women, disadvantage, the norm is overestimated: what to do when changing? Converter NG ML in MME L

Length converter and distance converter mass converter bulk products and food converter square converter volume and units of measurement in culinary recipes Temperature Converter Pressure Converter, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Flat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency Converter and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Request Systems Converter Measurement Currency Currency Currency Sizes Sizes and Shoes Men's Clothing and Shoes Converter Corner Speed \u200b\u200band Rotation Rotation Converter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Volume Moment Moment Converter Moment Mount Rotation Converter Converter Converter specific warmth combustion (by weight) energy density converter and specific heat combustion converter (by volume) temperature difference converter thermal expansion converter thermal resistance converter Specific thermal conductivity Converter Specific capacity Converter Energy exposure converter and heat density converter Heat transfer coefficient converter Mass Consumption Converter Molar Consumption Converter Mass Density Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration In Solution Dynamic Converter (Absolute) Viscosity Converter Kinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Water Pair Density Converter Sound Level Converter Microphones Converter Sound Pressure Converter Sound Pressure Converter Sound Pressure Converter Sound Pressure Converter Sound Pressure Converter Sound pressure level converter with the ability to select the reference pressure Converter of the power converter Lights Light Converter Converter Resolution in Computer Graph Frequency Converter and Wave Length Optical Power In Diopters and Focus Distance Optical Power In Diopters and Increase Lens (×) Converter electric charge Linear density converter Converter surface density Charge Browse Density Converter Electric Current Converter Linear Current Density Converter Current Surface Density Converter Voltage electric field Converter electrostatic potential and voltage converter electrical resistance Specific electrical resistance converter electrical conductivity converter Converter specific electrical conductivity Electrical capacity Inductance Converter American Wiring Calle Caliber Converter Levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), Watts, etc. Units Converter Magnetotive Force Converter Tension magnetic field Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Converter Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units measuring timber volume calculation molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 micrograms per liter [μg / l] \u003d 1000 nanograms per liter [ng / l]

Source value

Transformed value

kilogram on a cubic meter kilogram on a cubic centimeter grams on a cubic meter of grams on a cubic centimeter of grams into a cubic millimeter of milligrams on a cubic meter of milligrams on a cubic centimeter of milligrams on a cubic millimeter of exaggamm on a liter of petagram per liter of theragram on a liter of gigagrams per liter of megagrams per liter kilogram per liter hectograms per liter of decaprams per liter gram per liter decigram on liter centigram per liter milligrams per liter micrograms per liter nanograms per liter picograms per liter femtograms per liter athtrame per liter pound on cubic inch pound on cubic foot pound on cubic yard pound per gallon (USA ) Pound on a gallon (Brit.) ounce on a cubic inch ounce on cubic foot ounce on a gallon (USA) ounce on a gallon (Brit.) Grand Per Gallon Grand Prix (Brit.) Grand on cubic foot short ton on cubic Yard long ton on cubic yard moisture on cubic foot Middle earth density moisture on cubic inch moisture on cubic yard plank I am density

Logarithmic units

Read more about density


The density is a property that determines how the amount of substance by mass is per unit volume. In the system, the density is measured in kg / m³, but other units are also used, for example g / cm ³, kg / l and others. In everyday life, two equivalent values \u200b\u200bare most often used: g / cm³ and kg / ml.

Factors affecting the density of the substance

The density of the same substance depends on temperature and pressure. Usually, the higher the pressure, the more tightly till the molecule, which increases the density. In most cases, the increase in temperature, on the contrary, increases the distance between molecules and reduces the density. In some cases, this dependence is reverse. The density of ice, for example, less water density, despite the fact that the ice is colder than water. This can be explained by the molecular structure of ice. Many substances, when moving from liquid to solid aggregate state Change the molecular structure so that the distance between molecules is reduced, and the density, respectively, increases. During the formation of ice, the molecules are built into the crystal structure and the distance between them, on the contrary, increases. At the same time, the attraction between molecules also changes, the density decreases, and the volume increases. In winter, you must not forget about this property of ice - if the water is in water pipes freezes, they can break them.

Density of water

If the density of the material from which the object is made, more water density, then it is completely immersed in water. Materials with a density less than that of the water, on the contrary float to the surface. A good example is ice with less density than water that pops up in a glass to the surface of water and other beverages consisting for the most part of the water. We often use this property of substances in everyday life. For example, when designing vessels, materials are used with a density of water higher than the density of water. Since materials with density are higher than the density of water, drown, in the housing of the vessel are always created by air cavities, as the air density is much lower than the density of water. On the other hand, it is sometimes necessary that the subject is silent in water - for this you choose materials with greater density than in water. For example, to immerse an easy-to-fishing depth during fishing, fishermen tie to the fishing line loaded from materials having a high density, such as lead.

Oil, fat and oil remain on the surface of water, as their density is below the density of water. Thanks to this property, the oil spilled in the ocean is much easier to clean. If she was mixed with water or descended on the seabed, she would have applied an even greater damage to the marine ecosystem. In cooking also use this property, but not oil, of course, but fat. For example, it is very easy to remove excess fat from soup, as it pops up to the surface. If the soup is cooled in the refrigerator, the fat is frozen, and it is even easier to remove it from the surface with a spoon, noise, or even a fork. In the same way, it is removed from the chilly and the fuel. This reduces calorie content and cholesterol content in the product.

Information on the density of liquids is used and during the preparation of beverages. Multilayer cocktails are made from liquids of different density. Usually, liquids with a smaller density are neatly poured on a higher density fluid. You can also use a glass wand for a cocktail or a bar spoon and slowly pour fluid on them. If you do not rush and do everything neatly, you will get a beautiful multi-layer drink. This method can also be used with jelly or bay dishes, though, if time allows, it's easier to cool each layer separately, pouring a new layer only after the lower layer hardened.

In some cases, the smaller density of fat, on the contrary, interferes. High fat products are often poorly mixed with water and form a separate layer, worsening this not only the view, but also the taste of the product. For example, in cold desserts and fruit cocktails, fatty dairy products are sometimes separated from non-large, such as water, ice and fruit.

Salted water density

The density of water depends on the content of impurities in it. In nature and in everyday life, the pure water H 2 O is rare without impurities - most often it contains salts. Good example - marine water. Its density is higher than that of fresh, so fresh water usually "floats" on the surface of salt water. Of course, it is difficult to see this phenomenon in normal conditions, but if fresh water is enclosed in a shell, for example, in a rubber ball, it is clearly visible, since this ball pops up to the surface. Our body is also a kind of shell filled with fresh water. We consist of water from 45% to 75% - this percentage decreases with age and with increasing weight and amount of fat in the body. The fat content is at least 5% of the body weight. In healthy people in the body up to 10% fat, if they are engaged in sports, up to 20%, if they have a normal weight, and from 25% and higher, if they suffer obese.

If we try not to swim, but just keep on the surface of the water, we note that in salt water it is easier to do, as its density is higher than the density of fresh water and fat contained in our body. The concentration of salt in the Dead Sea is 7 times higher than the average concentration of salt in the oceans of the world, and it is known worldwide by the fact that people can easily hold onto the surface of the water and not sink. Although, thinking that it is impossible to die in this sea - erroneously. In fact, people die every year in this sea. The high salt content makes water dangerous if it falls into the mouth, the nose, and in the eyes. If you get tired of such water, then you can get a chemical burn - in severe cases such unfortunate swimmers are hospitalized.

Air density

Also, as in the case of water, the body with a density below the air density has positive buoyancy, that is, they take off. A good example of such a substance is helium. Its density is 0.000178 g / cm³, while the air density is approximately equal to 0.001293 g / cm³. You can see how helium takes off in the air, if you fill them the balloon.

Air density decreases as its temperature increases. This hot air property is used in balloons. Ball in the photo in ancient city Teotiouocan Maya Indians in Mexico is filled with hot air having a density less than the density of the surrounding cold morning air. That is why the ball flies at a fairly high altitude. While the ball flies over the pyramids, the air is cooled in it, and it is heated again with a gas burner.

Calculation of density

Often the density of substances indicate for standard conditions, that is, for a temperature of 0 ° C and pressure of 100 kPa. In training and reference manuals, it is usually possible to find such density for substances that are often found in nature. Some examples are shown in the table below. In some cases, the table is not enough and the density must be calculated manually. In this case, the mass is divided into the volume of the body. Mass is easy to find using scales. To find out the volume of the body of a standard geometric shape, you can use formulas for calculating the volume. The volume of liquids and bulk substances can be found by filling the measuring cup. For more complicated calculations, the method of displacement of the fluid is used.

Method of displacement of fluid

To calculate the volume in this way, first pour a certain amount of water into a measuring vessel and placed until the body is fully immerse, the amount of which must be calculated. The volume of the body is equal to the difference in the volume of water without a body, and with it. It is believed that this rule brought Archimedes. You can measure the volume in this way only if the body does not absorb water and does not deteriorate from water. For example, we will not measure the method of displacing the fluid, the volume of the camera or fabric products.

It is not known how this legend reflects the real events, but it is believed that the king Gieron II gave Archhimeda to determine whether his crown made of pure gold was made. The king suspected that his jeweler stole a piece of gold allocated to the crown, and instead made a crown from a cheaper alloy. Archimedes could easily determine this volume by melting the crown, but the king ordered him to find a way to do this without damaging the crown. It is believed that Archimedes found a solution to this task when he took a bath. Immersed in the water, he noticed that his body had a certain amount of water, and realized that the volume of displaced water was equal to the volume of the body in water.

Hollow bodies

Some natural and artificial materials consist of hollow inside particles, or from particles are so small that these substances behave like liquids. In the second case, there remains an empty space, filled with air, liquid, or another substance between particles. Sometimes it is an empty place, that is, it is filled with vacuum. An example of such substances - sand, salt, grain, snow and gravel. The volume of such materials can be determined by measuring the total volume and deduction from it determined by geometric calculations volume of emptiness. This method is convenient if the form of particles is more or less homogeneous.

For some materials, the amount of empty space depends on how tightly the particles are tight. This complicates the calculations, because it is not always easy to determine how much empty space between the particles.

Table of densities of frequent in nature

SubstanceDensity, g / cm³
Water at a temperature of 20 ° C0,998
Water at 4 ° C1,000
Ice at a temperature of 0 ° C0,917
Gaza at normal temperature and pressure
Carbon monoxide0,00125
Carbon dioxide0,001977

Density and mass

In some industries, such as aviation, it is necessary to use as easier materials as possible. Since low density materials also have a low mass, such situations are trying to use materials with the smallest density. For example, the density of aluminum is only 2.7 g / cm ³, while the density of the steel is from 7.75 to 8.05 g / cm³. It is due to a low density in 80% of the aircraft housing, aluminum and its alloys are used. Of course, it is worth not to forget about the strength - today few people make planes from wood, skin, and other light, but low-all-terrain materials.

Black holes

On the other hand, the higher the mass of the substance for this volume is the higher the density. Black holes are an example of physical bodies with a very small volume and a huge mass, and accordingly - and huge density. Such an astronomical body absorbs light and other bodies that are close enough. The biggest black holes are called supermassive.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measure from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Publish a question in tcterms And within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Progesterone is often referred to as a pregnancy hormone, since it is most actively synthesized after fertilizing the egg. During the battery period, this hormone supports the uterus in a relaxed form, preventing its reduction and, accordingly, miscarriage or premature birth.

In non-remote women, this steroid is produced in smaller quantities, but, nevertheless, his role in maintaining women's health is no less important than during pregnancy.

The norm of progesterone in women directly depends on age, period menstrual cycle And the term of pregnancy. In this topic, we want to suggest to figure out what is progesterone, what is its norm and function in the body, as well as how to show changes in its level. In addition, we will tell in detail how to determine the amount of progesterone in the blood in women and how to prepare for such a study.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone, which in the female body is synthesized mainly by the ovaries and the placenta, as well as in a small amount of the cortical layer of adrenal glands.

In non-remote women, progesterone is responsible for the health of the reproductive function, namely, for the regular offensive of the ovulatory period and menstruation. Pregnant women's progesterone allows you to endure a child.

To better understand how progesterone is produced and when it is better to determine it in the blood, we propose first to figure out what menstrual cycle is.

Menstrual cycle is a sign of puberty in women, which indicates that a woman can perform a reproductive function.

Normal is considered the duration of the menstrual cycle from 25 to 33 days. This period is customary to divide for four phases, namely:

What is the role of progesterone in the female organism?

Progesterone in women performs many tasks, among which are the following:

  • preparation of the reproductive system of a woman to pregnancy;
  • ensuring the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • ensuring wealthy implantation of an egg, fertilized spermatozoa, in the endometrium of the uterus.
  • stopping the rejection of the degidual layer of the uterus, preventing this occurrence of menstruation;
  • adaptation of the nervous system during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • maintaining a relaxed state of the uterus when entering the child in order to prevent miscarriage or premature genera;
  • improving the secretion of the skin;
  • transformation of lipids into energy;
  • participation in the development of the ferrous organ of the breast;
  • preparation of breasts to lactation;
  • reducing the risk of the appearance of a fibrous cyst in lactic glands;
  • participation in maintaining a normal blood glucose level;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • raising blood pressure;
  • providing libido;
  • ensuring the formation of maternal instinct, etc.

The test indicator in the results of blood analysis is reflected in the form of the NANGPAM NA Millilitr (NG / ml) or not on the liter (nmoil / l). To recount NG / ml in nmol / l, you need to multiply by 3.18.

As we mentioned, progesterone norms in women are directly dependent on the age and day of the menstrual cycle, and during pregnancy - from the term. Also, the amount of progesterone in the blood is influenced by the reception of oral contraceptives, so it is necessary to take into account when deciphering the results.

Progesterone level of non-remote women

As you can see, a fairly demonstrates a tendency as the level of progesterone depends on the cycle phase, and the maximum hormone indicator corresponds to. Therefore, the most accurate will be the analysis conducted from 19 to 23 day of the menstrual cycle.

In postmenopausal (climax), the indicator is less than 0.6 nmol / l.

Progesterone level in pregnant women

The second table also shows us that the level of progesterone increases with a period of pregnancy. The highest hormone indicator in the last trimester, as it is necessary to prevent preversion of childbirth, as well as the preparation of the generic paths to the delivery and infantry to lactation.

Interpretation of blood test to progesterone should be exclusively a specialist doctor obstetrician-gynecologist, which will definitely take into account the features of the course and the term of pregnancy.

Analysis for progesterone: how to prepare and when should I take?

Blood test for determining the level of progesterone appointed women in the following situations:

Analysis on progesterone does not require any special preparatory eventsYou should only not eat food 8 hours before blood intake.

In cases where the duration of the cycle is a bit longer (32-35 days), the analysis is carried out on the 28th or 29th day of the cycle.

An important role in choosing the time of blood analysis to progesterone plays the regularity of menstruation. Therefore, the nurse during the blood fence will definitely clarify when the last monthly periods began and what is the duration of your cycle.

Blood test for progesterone with regular menstruation is carried out in the morning hours of strictly on-line on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, if its duration is 28 days. You can also make this study on the 22nd day or even on the 23rd day, but the most objective will still be the results on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, since at this time the hormone level reaches its peak.

With an irregular menstrual cycle, the analysis of progesterone is carried out several times. When choosing a duty of blood delivery, it is necessary to focus on ovulation, which is determined by express tests or measurement method of basal temperature. In this case, the study is carried out on the 6-7th day after ovulation.

When climax or during pregnancy, blood test for progesterone gives up any day.

At prior consultation, the doctor who sends you to this study is necessary to report anyone medicinesSince this may affect the objectivity of the results.

The results of the blood test to progesterone may be lower or higher.

Progesterone above the norm: What are the reasons?

When progesterone is above normal indicators, then experts designate such a state of hyperprogestoremia.

The causes of the elevated level in the blood of this hormone non-poor women in childbearing can be the following state:

If progesterone in the blood is too high, then the woman appears such symptoms as:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • unspotica gradation in weight;
  • increased sweating;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • acne;
  • flatulence;
  • increased sensitivity and disease soreness;
  • emotional lability.

Lack of progesterone: What are the reasons?

Reducing the number of this hormone in the blood is customary to be called hypoprogestoremia.

The reasons for such a hormonal failure can be the following state:

Symptoms of hypoprgeesteronemia:

  • infertility;
  • frequent miscarriages in the first trimester;
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • unfortunate abortion or premature childbirth;
  • migration of pregnancy;
  • placental insufficiency.

An obstetrician gynecologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of excess or deficit of progesterone.

Regardless of whether the blood hormone is elevated or lowered, initially need to know why a hormonal failure occurred. For this, a woman must pass a comprehensive examination, the volume of which appoints the doctor.

Almost always assumes the analysis, which simultaneously defines the level of estrogen and blood progesterone, since such an examination is more informative.

When the cause of hypo-or hyperprogestronemia, the attending doctor will prescribe treatment. For example, during cysts or tumors, surgical treatment is carried out, and the operation of the kidneys is normalized in renal failure, etc.

With an excess of progesterone, the basis of treatment is the elimination of the cause, because it is possible to normalize the level of this hormone.

With progesterone failure, including during pregnancy, drugs are prescribed from a group of progestins (Utrezhastan, Ingesta, Duphaston, progesterone and others), which contain progesterone and are produced in the form of injection solutions or tablets. Doses of preparations are selected strictly individually, depending on the results of the analysis.

  • tumors of the dairy glands of any quality;
  • liver pathology;
  • metrragia.

Also progestins are used with caution, under the control of the attending doctor, in patients with diabetes, deficiency of the kidneys, epilepsy, bronchial asthma and migraine.

In addition to drug treatment, regardless of blood hormone level, all patients need to adhere to some principles, namely:

  • exclusion of stress;
  • restriction of physical exertion;
  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Thus, it can be concluded that progesterone is one of the most important female hormoneswhich are responsible for the reproductive function, the normal course of pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. But, despite the importance of this hormone, in no case cannot be independently taken by drugs whose composition is incurred, as it threatens dangerous to female health consequences.

Length Converter Length Converter Mass Converter Volume Resume Products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement In Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Converter Pressure, Mechanical Voltage, Module Jung Converter Energy and Operation Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Linear Speed \u200b\u200bFlat Angle Converter Heat Efficiency and Fuel Engineering Converter Numbers in Different Systems Systems Converter Units Measurement Quantity Currency Currency Dimensions Women's Clothing Sizes Men's Clothing And Shoe Corner Speed \u200b\u200bConverter and Rotation Converter Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Corner Acceleration Converter Density Converter Specific Specification Converter Moment Inertia Moment Moment Converter Rotary Converter Converter Specific heat combustion (by weight) Energy density converter and specific heat combustion (by volume) Temperature converter Converter coefficient Heat expansion Converter thermal resistance Converter specific thermal conductivity Converter specific heat converter Energy exposure and thermal radiation power converter Heat flux density converter Masse consumption converter Converter Mass flow converter Mass density converter Mass converter Mass converter Mass converter Converter Mass concentration converter Dynamic converter Absolute) Viscosity Cinematic Viscosity Converter Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Water Steam Flow Converter Sound Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Resolution Converter Light Converter Frequency converter and wavelength optical power in diopters and focal Distance Optical Power in Dioptia and Increasing Lenza (×) Converter Electrical Charge Converter Linear Density Charge Surface Density Converter Charge Survection Density Converter Electrical Current Converter Linear Current Converter Surface Current Converter Electrical Fields Converter Electrostatic Potential and Voltage Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Converter Specific electrical resistance Converter Electrical conductivity Specific electrical conduction converter Electrical capacity Inductivity converter Converter American wire wire valve levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), watts, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Magnetic Field Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Flow Converter Magnetic Induction Radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units of measurements of the volume of timber calculation of the molar mass Periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

1 nanograms [ng] \u003d 1e-06 milligram [mg]

Source value

Transformed value

kilogram Gram Gram Exaggamm Petagram Teragram Gigagram MegaGrams Hechotograms Decigrammes Santigram Milligigram Mulms Mulograms Nanograms Picograms Fectograms Attograms Dalton, Atomic Unit Mass Kilogram-Power KV. sec. / meter Kilofunt Kilofunt (KIP) Hall Pound Power sq. sec. / foot pound Troy Pound Once Troyan oz metric ounce short ton long (English) ton tonna ton (USA) Tonna ton (Brit.) Ton (metric) Kilotonna (metric) centner (metric) centner American centner British quarters (USA) Quarter (Brit.) Stone (USA) Stone (Brit.) Ton Pennyweight Skrew Karat Gamma Gamma Talent (Dr. Israel) Mina (DR. Israel) Shekel (Dr. Israel) Beckan (Dr. Israel) Gera (Dr. Israel) Talent (dr. Greece) Mina (DR. Greece) Tetradrakhma (dr. Greece) Dydrahma (Dr. Greece) Drachma (dr. Greece) Denarium (Dr. Rome) Ass (Dr. Rome) Codelant (Dr. Rome) Lepton ( Dr. Rome) Planked Mass Atomic Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Mighty Miaon Mass Proton Mass Mass Mass Tatron Mass Earth Mass Mass Berkrot Pood Pound Lot Spool Share Quintal Livr

More about mass


The mass is the property of physical bodies to resist acceleration. Mass, in contrast to weight, does not change depending on ambient And it does not depend on the strength of the attraction of the planet, on which this body is located. Mass m. Determine using the second law of Newton, according to the formula: F. = m.a.where F. - this is power, and a. - Acceleration.

Mass and weight

In everyday life, the word "weight" is often used, the code speaks of the mass. In physics, the same weight, in contrast to the masses, is the force acting on the body due to the attraction between the bodies and the planets. Weight can also be calculated on the second law of Newton: P.= m.g.where m. - this is the mass, and g. - acceleration of gravity. This acceleration arises due to the strength of the attraction of the planet, close to which the body is located, and its value also depends on this force. Acceleration of the free fall on Earth is 9,80665 meters per second, and on the moon - about six times less - 1.63 meters per second. So, the body weighs one kilogram weighs 9.8 Newton on Earth and 1.63 Newton on the moon.

Gravitational mass

The gravitational mass shows which gravitational force acts on the body (passive mass) and with which gravitational power body acts on other bodies (active weight). With increasing active gravitational mass Bodies His force attraction also increases. It is this force that controls the movement and arrangement of stars, planets and other astronomical objects in the universe. Flips and flows are also caused by the gravitational forces of the Earth and the Moon.

With increasing passive gravitational mass The force with which the gravitational fields of other bodies act on this body is increasing.

Inert mass

The inert mass is the body property to resist the movement. It is due to the fact that the body has a lot, you need to apply a certain force to move the body from the place or change the direction or the speed of its movement. The greater the inert mass, the greater the power you need to attach for this. The mass in the second law of Newton is an inert mass. Largely gravitational and inert mass are equal.

Mass and theory of relativity

According to the theory of relativity, the gravitating mass changes the curvature of the space-time continuum. The greater the body of the body, the stronger it is curvature around this body, so near the bodies of a large mass, such as stars, the trajectory of light rays is twisted. This effect in astronomy is called gravitational lenses. On the contrary, away from large astronomical objects (massive stars or their clusters, called galaxies) The movement of light rays is straightforward.

The main postulate of the theory of relativity is the postulate of the limb of the speed of light propagation. From this there are several curious consequences. First, you can imagine the existence of objects with such a large mass that the second cosmic velocity of such a body will be equal to the speed of light, i.e. No information from this facility can get into the outside world. Such space objects in general Theory Relativity is called "black holes" and their existence was experimentally proven by scientists. Secondly, with the movement of an object with a near-light speed, its inert mass increases so much that, local time inside the object slows down compared with time. Measured stationary clock on Earth. This paradox is known as the "Paradox of Gemini": one of them is sent to the cosmic flight with a chain speed, the other remains on the ground. Upon returning from the flight in twenty years, it turns out that the cosmonaut-twin is biologically younger than his brother!



In the system, the mass varies in kilograms. Kilogram is determined based on the exact numerical value of the constant bar h.equal to 6,62607015 × 10 ³⁴, expressed in J C, which is equal to kg m² С⁻⁻, and second and meter are determined by exact values c. and Δ. ν CS. Mass of one liter of water can be approximately considered to be equal to one kilogram. A kilogram derivatives, grams (1/1000 kilograms) and tons (1000 kilograms) are not units of C, but are widely used.


Electronic content - unit for energy measurement. It is usually used in the theory of relativity, and the energy is calculated by the formula E.=mC.², where E. - this is energy, m. - mass, and c. - The speed of light. According to the principle of the equivalence of mass and energy, electron-absolute - also the unit of mass in the system of natural units, where c. equal to one, and therefore the mass is equal to energy. Basically electronologists are used in nuclear and nuclear physics.

Atomic unit of mass

Atomic unit of mass ( but. eat.) It is intended for masses of molecules, atoms, and other particles. One a. e. m. equal to 1/12 masses of carbon nuclide atom, ¹²c. This is approximately 1.66 × 10 ⁻² ⁷ kilogram.


Slogia are used mainly in the British imperial system of measures in the UK and some other countries. One moisture is equal to the mass of the body, which moves with the acceleration of one foot per second per second, when the power is applied to one pound-power. This is about 14.59 kilograms.

Solar mass

The solar mass is a measure of mass taken in astronomy for measuring stars, planets and galaxies. One solar mass is equal to the mass of the Sun, that is, 2 × 10³⁰ kilograms. Earth weight is about 333,000 times less.


In carats measure the mass of precious stones and metals in jewelry. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. The name and the very magnitude are associated with the seeds of the horn tree (in English: carob, pronounced Karob). One carat used to be equal to the weight of the seed of this tree, and buyers wore their seeds with them to check if their precious metals and stones were deceived. Golden coin weight in Ancient Rome There were 24 seeds of the horn tree, and therefore the carats began to be used to designate the amount of gold in the alloy. 24 carats - pure gold, 12 carats - alloy half of gold, and so on.


The Grand Prix was used as a weight measure in many countries to the Renaissance. It was based on grains, mainly barley, and other cultures at that time. One Gran is about 65 milligrams. It is a little more than a quarter of a carat. While the karats were not widespread, grants were used in jewelry. This weight measure is used to this day to measure the mass of powder, bullets, arrows, and gold foils in dentistry.

Other units of mass

In countries where the metric system is not adopted, the measures of the mass of the British imperial system use. For example, in the UK, USA and Canada, pounds, stones and oz are widely used. One pound is 453.6 grams. Stone are used mainly only for measuring the mass of human body. One Stone is about 6.35 kilograms or exactly 14 pounds. Ounces are mainly used in culinary recipes, especially for products in small portions. One oz is 1/16 pound, or approximately 28.35 grams. In Canada, which formally switched to the metric system in the 1970s, many products are sold in the package designed for rounded British units, for example, one pound or 14 liquid ounces, but they are specified weight or volume in metric units. In English, such a system is called "soft metric" (eng. soft Metric.), unlike the "hard metric" system (eng. hard Metric), in which the package indicates a rounded weight in metric units. This picture shows the "soft metric" packaging of food products with weight indicating only in metric units and volumes both in metric and imperial units.

Do you find it difficult to translate units of measure from one language to another? Colleagues are ready to help you. Publish a question in tcterms And within a few minutes you will receive an answer.

Progesterone and how to sing ng / ml in nmol / ml?

Nowhere can I find how much it will be 39.4 ng / ml in nmol. Who knows, tell me, pliz.

The value in ng / ml multiply by 3.18 and get nmol.

That's what I found on Bebiplane:
Progesterone - Dimensions: nmol / l.

Alternative units: ng / ml.
Translation of units: ng / ml x 3.03 \u003d\u003d\u003e nmol / l.

progesterone molecular weight - 314,47g / mol.
39.4 ng / ml \u003d 39400ng / l \u003d 39.4 * 10 (1-6) g / l.
go from grams to milestones -
39.4 * 10 (-6) g / l / 314,47g / mol \u003d 0.125 * 10 (-6) mole / l \u003d 12.5 * 10 (-4) mole / l \u003d 1250000Nmol / l \u003d 1250 nm / ml
You are welcome!

Methods of recalculation are given on the Invitro website on the "Interpretation of Results" tab for analysis, for example:
http: //www.invitro.r. CTORS / 508/2334 /

After transfer - mode, well-being, selection, etc.
Lovesanna, very - very sorry (I hug you, it's good that the crumbs are waiting for, this is an excellent motivation de.

Officon depletion syndrome. Eco with Sia
mirabella79, how many pills per day? 2 pcs.?

Ovulation stimulation
Well. I decided to measure BT today, 36.2. Therefore, it was not, and the injection was on Sunday morning.

Is it expected or not?
Look here please. Who has more experience. Is there an ovulation or not? I think that.

8-9 DPO
i see stripes on tests. 8-9 DPOs on 10 DPO repeated in the morning, it was simply confident that she crashes.

Inkjet test with sensitivity 10, presumably 16 DPOs, yesterday on tests with feelings.

"I want to warn you"
For future moms, many articles are written in print publications and the Internet, thousands of specialists have been created.

Gynecological strokes on the flora and the degree of purity
A visit to the gynecologist is not without taking smears from the vagina and the urethra to the degree of purity and FL.

Hormonian strategy
Not all women know that hormones that are in the body and the monthly cycle-related, manual.


Progesterone, natural steroid hormone of yellow body, placenta and adrenal cortex. During the period of sexual maturity at normal ovarian function, progesterone enters the body of a woman in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (ovarily cycle) when the yellow body is formed after ovulation.

As the functional activity of the yellow body is raised, the production of progesterone increases, and by the end of the menstrual cycle due to the reverse development of the yellow body decreases. This contributes to the periodic rejection of the uterine mucosa (endometrial).

The onset of pregnancy, accompanied by the preservation of the functional activity of the yellow body, is characterized by gradually increasing progesterone. Since the 4th month of pregnancy, the place of education of progesterone becomes a placenta, from which it enters the body of a pregnant woman in increasing concentrations and only shortly before childbirth is reduced. Progesterone translates the mucous membrane in the uterine cavity from the state of proliferation into the state of secretion, contributes to its rejection or translation into a preserved state, stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone in small doses and oppression in large.

The main physiological effect of progesterone in the female body is manifested only in half-plant.

Progesterone ensures pregnancy preservation (violates excitation from one muscular fiber to another and inhibits the contractile activity of the uterus), the necessary conditions For the development of a fetal egg, stimulates the development of the end elements of dairy glasses.

It is used in the treatment of familiar and spontaneous miscarriage (see abortion) (if their cause is the insufficiency of the function of the yellow body), with non-delicate, but long-term dysfunctional uterine bleeding, To reduce lactation in chiari - frommel syndrome, reducing the proliferative processes and their elimination in the mucous membrane and muscle layers of the uterus, for the treatment of endometriosis, amenorrhea, algodismenores, premenstrual syndrome, moma of the uterus, etc.

Progesterone: Symptoms

When in the body is not enough or in excess produced this hormone, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • soreness of the chest;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • bloating;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;

Progesterone: When to pass the analysis?

Any analysis must be handed over to the "right" time. This also applies to this hormone. Since in the second half of the menstrual cycle, its concentration is growing, then the appropriate time for analysis is the period after ovulation.

If you want to know what concentration in your blood is progesterone when you take it, tells the test for ovulation. Typically, the analysis is passed on day 22-23 after the start of menstruation - with a 28-day cycle. If the cycle is longer (for example, it is 35 days), then it is passed on the day 28-29th.

In any case, consult your doctor: it will appoint analysis on progesterone And for what day the cycle is better to pass it.

With a regular cycle, the analysis of this hormone is spent seven days before the start of menstruation. When the cycle is irregular, the measurements make several times. If a woman leads a graph of basal temperature, then blood is handed over to 6 or 7th day after its increase.

Blood on progesterone, as well as other hormones, it is necessary to take no earlier than 6-8 hours after the last meal. It is best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach.

Progesterone: Norm for women

Units in which the laboratories measure the hormone level - ng / ml or nmol / l. Their full name - nanograms per milliliter or nanone per liter. In order to translate ng / ml to nmol / l, the value in NG / ml is multiplied by 3.18.

If the organism of the childbearing age in sufficient quantities produces this hormone, the norm of women fluctuates within:

  • follicular phase - 0.32-2.23 nmol / l;
  • ovulatory phase - 0.48-9.41 nmol / l;
  • lutein phase - 6.99-56.63 nmol / l.

After menopause, the hormone level does not rise above 0.64 nmol / l. In much larger quantities, this hormone is produced when entering a child, its norm is:

  • I trimester - 8.9-468.4 nmol / l;
  • II trimester - 71.5-303,1 nmol / l;
  • III trimester - 88.7-771.5 nmol / l.

If you take some medicines during the baby tooling, with the analysis of progesterone, be sure to inform the laboratory assistant. It will make the necessary marks to correctly decipher the indicators.

Progesterone on weeks Pregnancy is produced with different intensity. Accordingly, the concentration of hormone in the blood fluctuates. In addition, in various medical sources, the hormone standards for weeks of pregnancy differ significantly. If the results of your blood test differ from the above, do not worry.

Progesterone: Norm in men

In men, the level of this hormone is low, it varies in the range of 0.32-0.64 nmol / l.

Progesterone is low

If the conception occurred, and in the body the lack of this hormone, the body of the future mother does not "know" what you need to prepare for pregnancy. There is a new monthly cycle, and the body turns into a fruit egg in the uterus. So lack of progesterone It may be the cause of miscarriage in the first trimester.

The lack of hormone can also be observed with a short lutein phase, when from ovulation and before the beginning of the following menstruation takes less than 10 days. The duration of the lutein phase can be calculated using the graphic temperature graph.

If after ovulation, the hormone level is lowered, this indicates a hormonal failure. Its reasons can be:

  • insufficient function of the yellow body and placenta;
  • uterine bleeding, not related to menstruation;
  • miscarriage;
  • transferred pregnancy;
  • chronic inflammation of the sexual system;
  • delay of the intrauterine development of the kid;
  • receive some medicines.

In such cases, among other things, prescribe treatment progesterone in medicinal form.

Progesterone raised

In women, the level of this hormone in the blood begins to grow in the middle of the menstrual cycle. During this period, the body is preparing for possible pregnancy. When the level is raised, the body temperature is rising, including basal.

Increased level can be with:

  • pregnancy;
  • renal failure;
  • uterine bleeding (non-menstruation);
  • deviations in the development of the placenta;
  • yellow Body Kist;
  • lack of menstruation more than 6 months;
  • development of insufficient or excessive amounts of hormones in adrenal glands;
  • taking some medicines.

When in the blood is a low concentration of this hormone, prescribe drugs. Receive progesterone may cause side effects: high blood pressure, nausea, swelling.

Do not prescribe drugs, if a woman is:

  • vaginal bleeding;
  • violated liver work;
  • breast tumor.

Caution prescribed reception in cases:

  • diabetes;
  • impaired kidney work;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart failure;
  • migraine attacks;
  • depression;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • breastfeeding;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

A specialist can prescribe treatment can only after the analysis. The dosage form in which the patient will take the drug - injections or pills, - chooses a doctor.

Types of injection solutions: progesterone 2.5%, progesterone 2% and progesterone 1%. In these preparations, the hormone is in a solution of olive or almond oil. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Progesterone 1%, 2% and 2.5%, which is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously, faster and more efficiently affects the body than pills.

The form in which most often prescribed progesterone - injections. The doctor may write a drug when a monthly delay to correct the hormonal balance. If you have a violated hormonal background, then this hormone during the delay of menstruation renews the normal cycle. If you are pregnant and there is a threat of miscarriage, it will help keep the fruit.

Oh-progesterone (Other names - 17-per-progesterone, 17th, 17-alpha-hydroseprogesterone, 17-OHG), contrary to popular opinion, not a hormone. This is a product of metabolism of steroid hormones, which is distinguished by the ovaries and the bark of adrenal glands. This is a kind of "semi-finished product" from which important hormones are formed. If during pregnancy Oh progesterone increased Or lowered, this is not a reason for concern. Blood test during this period does not give any useful information to the doctor. It is important which level of progesterone in the baby after childbirth.

He progesterone: normal

Analysis on the concentration of hormone is taken on the 4-5th day of the cycle. It is necessary to do it 8 hours after the last meal or more. If adrenal glands are healthy and in sufficient quantities, it is distinted, the norm in women of childbearing age should be within:

  • 1.24-8.24 nmol / l - follicular phase;
  • 0.91-4.24 nmol / l - ovulatory phase;
  • 0.99-11.51 NMOL / L - Lutein phase.

During the climax period, the hormone level decreases to 0.39-1.55 nmol / l. It can be elevated in women during pregnancy:

  • I trimester - 3.55-17.03 nmol / l;
  • II trimester - 3.55-20 nmol / l;
  • III trimester - 3.75-33.33 nmol / l.

Lack of he-progesterone

With a low level of hormone in the body can be observed:

  • improper development of external genital organs in boys (pseudohermafroditism);
  • chronic insufficiency of adrenal cortex (Addison disease).

Increased he-progesterone

For increased level may develop:

  • adrenal tumors;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • congenital disorders in the work of the adrenal cortex.

Violations in the work of the adrenal cortex can manifest themselves:

  • increased amount of hair in women on face, chest;
  • snare;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • polycystic ovarian;
  • birth of a dead child;
  • miscarriages;
  • early child mortality.

Congenital dysfunction of adrenal cortex (VDKN) in a woman can also lead to infertility, but sometimes the symptoms do not manifest itself, and the child's hatching passes without complications. If you have a decrease or increase in the level of hormone, contact a specialist. With the right and timely analysis, you will be prescribed treatment, which will help to avoid unpleasant consequences of the disease.

Medical Encyclopedia: Use knowledge to health

Testosterone - hormone performing a crucial role in the sexual development of men And regulate their ability to produce viable offspring. A violation of the quantitative indication is usually indicated about the development of all sorts of pathologies, especially an endocrine nature, in the semenniks (for example, with the tumor of the above glands).

The value of the term

Initially, it should be noted, this indicator is calculated. Get it from the percentage comparison of data on the total testosterone and globuline, which binds sex hormones, in the blood (GSPG).

The total testosterone is distinguished by a set of three states.. One fraction is associated with albumin (23-63%), the second - with globulin (33-73%) and the third, the smallest (1-2%), so-called free testosterone or active androgen, which is produced in men's seeds and not Reaches a reaction with proteins.

Free androgen although staying in minor quantity, but the role of his in the body of a man is very important, he:

  • affects the ripening and production of pedberries;
  • regulates spermatogenesis;
  • affects sexual deposition;
  • promotes muscle tissue
  • prevents the accumulation of fat deposits;
  • normalizes phosphorus and nitrogen exchange.

Separately, the free testosterone is not dedicated. It is determined as the difference between the indicators of the total amount of androgen and the hormone associated with proteins. It is this balance that is called the "index of free testosterone".

It is calculated in percentage. But for this, a study is first conducted for the number of the above hormones. As a result of their comparison, this index is determined.

IMPORTANT! Transforming testosterone to the corresponding view occurs under the influence of certain chemical influences in which various enzymes take part. In the absence of at least one of them, there is incomplete maturation of breeding organs.

Methods of calculating index

So, from the above, it is already known that the free testosterone index is determined in percentage. Such calculation is shown in connection with the explicit clinical signs of the degree of glucocorticoids produced by the glands of sexual secretion, in one or the other side. Moreover, the amount of hormone may remain in the normal state in this case.

The index is calculated: General Indicator Androgen sharing to the number of GSPGs, and the resulting result is multiplied by 100. The calculator for calculating the active hormones is widely used in medical institutions, find it easy and on the relevant Internet sites.

How is the analysis?

Diagnostics are carried out under certain testimony:

The analysis is done in special centers or laboratories. First, with the help of centrifuges, the blood serum is obtained, which is then studied.

Prerequisite for such a study is required:

  1. before analysis, it is impossible to eat (the last meal is allowed 8 hours before taking it), only drinking water is allowed;
  2. since it is impossible to take medicines before the blood fence, and this procedure should be carried out 1-2 weeks after their cancellation, this question implies coordination with the attending doctor;
  3. during the day before the study, it is necessary to abandon greasy, fried, alcohol, to abandon exorbitant physical activity;
  4. the reason for refusing to analyze may be the on the eve of the radiological, fluorographic research, ultrasound, physiotherapeutic effects.

IMPORTANT! In order for the results of the analyzes to be accurate and reflected a true picture, it is all responsible to prepare for their surrender. You should not rely on your own interpretation of the results, only an endocrinologist can accurately decipher them and determine the accurate diagnosis.

Blood from Vienna Patient takes a knowledgeable health worker. Usually this procedure is moved wellAfter all, the amount of material is insignificant.

IMPORTANT AND TIME OF RESULTS OF ANALYSIS. Usually it should be morning, up to 11 hours. Violation of all these recommendations may affect the results of the study. Naturally, the indicators may be incorrect.

The surrender assumes the mandatory registration of the patient. Therefore, we should take a passport with you.

A day when the result is usually ready, Laboratory employee will produce its description, where the identified deviations from standard indicators clarify.

Representatives of strong sex should be monitored by the level of free testosterone in each period of its sexual development. Yunows who have undergone full Pubertata, it is important for the definition of true and false hermaphroditism. Men this type of study is shown in the manifestation of symptoms of a certain illness.

Normal indicators in nmol / l, ng / ml, pg / ml

Recognition of research results always involves a comparison of the results obtained with the established indicators. Immediately, the units of research in medical institutions and laboratories can be unequal: nmol / l, ng / ml, pg / ml. It is not scary, because in forms with final indices, the regulatory indicators in units that were used are also indicated. Based on this, it is not difficult to determine the results of the inspection.

but with deviations from normal indicators, the patient should not make sustainable conclusions. After all, such numbers may not always indicate pathological changes in the body. For example, the maximum amount of testosterone is usually observed in the morning. Then the level of it gradually begins to decline and in the evening reaches a minimum indicator.

If Androgen deviates from acceptable values, then it can be corrected. At the same time, the doctor does not eliminate this imbalance, but conducts the therapy causes its occurrence. For this, it is used mainly to treat drugs.

This hormone is synthesized and depending on the time of year. So, in the spring it is the greatest, and in the winter - the smallest. Androgen's jumps, carrying short-term, depend on depression, stressful states, etc.

Testosterone in blood serum in accordance with age development Defined in the following shares (nmol / l):

  • boys and men up to 18 years old - 0.2-37.67;
  • men from 18 to 50 years - 5.76-30.43;
  • men over 50 years old - 5,41-19,54.

The rate of free androgen among representatives of a strong floor is 4.5-42 pg / ml. It depends on the age, and, as already mentioned above, the time of day. Its highest level is observed until 30 years.

But with the rejection of this indicator towards the increase, one can judge the lesions of the liver, prostate cancer, an excessive and rapid increase in tissues of adrenal cells, pituitary tumors and other indispositions.

Reducing the amount of testosterone may indicate the aging of the body, it is justified. With the decrease in this indicator for a certain century, one may assume that there are such ailments, as;

  1. liver cirrhosis, diabetes;
  2. hormonal disorders;
  3. failures of the functional development of men's sex glands, etc.

Usually lack of androgen is characteristic of patients:

  • with Down syndrome;
  • in obesity;
  • disorders of the functions of the thyroid gland.

Lower this indicator and bad habits.

Exactly blood analysis on testosterone level is an exact diagnostic method.allowing the doctor to determine the problem and assign appropriate treatment.

About the norm of free testosterone can be found in this video:


In the human body, as in nature as a whole, everything is balanced. Therefore, the change in this balance is the main sign of health problems. In addition, the lack or excess of such an important hormone, like testosterone, can also seriously spoil it.

If this state is not diagnosed, then the diseases will turn into an active formWhat will entail many other complications. Therefore, at the first signs listed in this material, hurry to receive an endocrinologist. Self-medication in hormonal illnesses is unacceptable, for it is fraught with serious consequences.