TRACKs instructions for use in tablets. Trachesam with uterine bleeding - what do you need to know a woman? Release form, composition and packaging

Tranxam (transcamic acid) is a hemostatic drug. Used to treat and prevent blood loss due to reduced blood coagulation. The use of components and blood products is associated with an increased risk of development of certain complications: bacterial contamination, allergies, so-called. "Syndrome of massive transfusions." In this regard, the issue of finding more secure and reliable blood-based technologies is relevant. The hemostasis process starts immediately since the traumatic lesion of the vessel, and ends with the formation of a hemostatic plug in the form of a platelet-fibrin mesh. The latter acts as a mechanical barrier on the way to further blood loss. The imbalance of the hemostatic mechanism has two extremes as a consequence: excess blood loss and increased thrombosis. To date, in the arsenal of doctors there are a number of hemostatic drugs - direct and indirect action coagulants, synthetic and animal fibrinolysis inhibitors - each of which, however, has its own restrictions on use. Of particular interest in the part of the hemostatic and heaving and raising technology is the transcems - a preparation based on transcamic acid. This is an antifibrinolitic, overwhelming the activation of the predecessor-precursor plasmin - plasminogen. In the medical literature, there was evidence that the transcems in their antifibrinolytic activity are two orders of magnitude exceeding aminocaproic acid under in vitro and an order of magnitude in vivo.

The antifibrinolytic properties of the transcamic acid were discovered in 1962 by the Japanese scientist Okamoto. Then, clinical studies were carried out, which proved that pharmacotherapy with the transcama reliably reduces the volume of blood loss and significantly reduces the need for drugs of donor blood - freshly frozen plasma and erythrocyte mass. In addition, the decoding of the coagulogram indicators confirmed the decrease in the severity of excess fibrinolysis. Today, the transcases are a hemostatic agent of the first line, which has a high security profile, effective in the treatment and prevention of massive blood loss. Reduces the volume of bleeding after surgery by 30-40%. Reduces the need for hemotransphus twice. Does not increase the risk of thromboembolic complications. It has a systemic anti-inflammatory effect. It has higher efficiency and safety than aminocaproic acid preparations and apricin. It has half-century experience of applying and a solid evidence base in various directions of medicine, including hematology, cardiolasthesiology, traumatology, obstetrics and gynecology, urology, gastroenterology, oncology, otorinolaryngology. In case of massive uterine bleeding, there has been proven advantages in comparison with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and ethasilate.


Antifibrinolitic agent. Inhibits the action of the plasmin activator and plasminogen, has a hemostatic effect in bleeding, associated with the increase in fibrinolysis, as well as antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect by suppressing the formation of kinines and other active peptides involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions.

Form release

Tablets covered with shell (film) white, double-screwed.

Auxiliary substances: microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, sodium starch glycolat, talc, calcium stearate, silicon colloid dioxide (aerosil).

The composition of the shell: hypimosellos, titanium dioxide, talc, polyethylene glycol 6000.

10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (2) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (3) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (5) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
20 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
30 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
50 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.


Individual, depending on the clinical situation. One-time dose for intake is 1-1.5 g, the multiplicity of application is 2-4 times / day, the duration of treatment is 3-15 days. A single dose for in / in administration is 10-15 mg / kg. If you need to re-use the interval between each administration should be 6-8 hours. In case of violation of the excretory function of the kidney, the dosing regime is required: at the level of serum creatinine in the blood, 120-250 μmol / l are prescribed inside 15 mg / kg, in / in - 10 mg / kg 2 times / day; at the level of serum creatinine 250-500 μmol / l - inside and in / in in the same single dose, multiplicity - 1 time / day; At the level of serum creatinine, more than 500 μmol / l - inside 7.5 mg / kg, V / in 5 mg / kg, multiplicity - 1 time / day.


With simultaneous use with hemostatic preparations and hemokoagulase, a thrombosis is possible.

The solution cannot be added to blood preparations and penicillin solutions.

Side effects

From side digestive system: Reducing appetite, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn.

From the CNS side: drowsiness, violation of color vision.

Allergic reactions: incl. Skin rash, itching.


Treatment and prevention of bleeding due to increasing general fibrinolysis (malignant neoplasms of the pancreas, prostate gland; operations on the organs of the chest; postpartum bleeding, manual separation of the lane; leukemia; liver disease; complications of streptocinase therapy) and local fibrinolysis (uterine, nasal, gastrointestinal Bleeding, hematuria, bleeding after prostatectomy, caution of the cervix for carcinoma, tooth extraction in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis).

Hereditary angioedema swelling, allergic diseases (eczema, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, medicinal and toxic rash).

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, affects of the mucous membrane, pharynx (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis).


Increased sensitivity to transcamic acid.

Features of application

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Additional and strictly controlled clinical safety studies of the use of transcamic acid during pregnancy was not carried out, so when prescribed, the intended benefits should be carefully evaluated and the potential risk of therapy.

Application with violations of the kidney function

In case of violation of the excretory kidney function, the dosing mode correction is required.

special instructions

Caution should be used in combination with heparin and anticoagulants in patients with violations of the coagulation system and at thrombosis (brain vessel thrombosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis) or the threat of their development.

Before starting and in the process of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a consultation of an ophthalmologist (determination of visual acuity, color vision, the condition of the eye dN).

The bulk of people, addressing medical help, does not even understand what they are prescribed, why and from what. Some experts kindly explain what they appoint and why, explaining the need for the drug, however, most of the doctors are not engaged. Nowadays it will be useful to have minimum set Medical knowledge of medications and treatment. A wide distribution in the market of pharmacological products received a drug transcems, we will talk about it.

In contact with

Composition, form of release

The medication tool is presented in the pharmacological product market with two species: ampoules and tablets.

  • the ampoules contain 50 ml of solution for intravenous injections (water diluted). Packed in cardboard boxes, each unit contains 1-2 contour cells, each of which accommodates 5 ampoules;
  • tablets are distinguished by the dosage of the main substance (500 mg, 250 mg). 10 units are packed in contour cells, and those in an amount of from 1 to 3 and 5 pieces in cardboard packaging.

Created tablets with tractions based ontranscamic acid, hence the name itself. Additional components of steel: calcium stearate, hypolosis, talc, carboxymethyl stroke sodium, macrogol, hypimosellos, silicon dioxide.

Action on the body

Given the wide range of actions of the main components, the drug has a variety of influence on the body:

  • anti-allergic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-infectious
  • hemostatic
  • antifibrinolytic.

This causes the nature of the use of the means. It is often prescribed with strong bleeding caused by gynecological pathologies, diseases of the teeth, the digestive system, during edema, severe allergies, the development of the oncological tumor.

The medicine is capable of providing local, at the same time, systemic hemostatic effect that helps stop bleeding, Rising blood clotting.

The analgesic properties of the main operating component and activation of opiates allow to reduce pain. Antitumor property allows you to suppress the production of kinines, other active peptides, which sharply slows down allergic, inflammatory processes.

The absorption of the drug is average, when taking a slight connection with the plasma protein. The distribution in the tissues is uniform, the main components are easily penetrated through the placenta, are determined when lactation in breast milk, seed fluid in men. A certain concentration of substance in the treatment is preserved in the blood to 8 hours, in the tissues - about 17 hours. The kidney corresponds to the removal of therapeutic agents, the process takes about half a day.

Important! Transcamic acid has an effective impact on the body only under the condition of proper reception of the drug. The movement of spermatozoa does not affect.


  • women's diseases, gynecological nature;
  • pathologies of the nasal, oral cavity, respiratory organs (laryngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, lung diseases);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers);
  • poor blood coagulation, blood system pathologies;
  • operational interventions (on bladder bubble, chest, female, peritonitis);
  • postpartum complications;
  • liver diseases.

Prescribe a medicine to tractions with abundant monthly, bleeding in dental pathologies. It is used as part of complex treatment oncological diseasesSuch a malignant bleeding growth in the prostate gland, in the organs of the digestive system, on the pancreas.

The main intake of the drug is possible with the appearance of urticaria, angioedema edema, dermatitis, strange rashes on the body.

Specialists note the widespread use of tablets by tractions during pregnancy, when the threat of miscarriages is observed, opened strong bleeding.


The main active ingredient of the transcamic acid, according to the instructions for use, has a mass of contraindications that spread to its derivatives. Absolutely forbidden The use of traction or its analogues, in the treatment of patients with:

  • individual intolerance to the basic substances;
  • renal failure;
  • hematuria;
  • subarachnoid hemorrhage;
  • threat to the occurrence of thrombosis;
  • the presence of thrombohemorgic pathologies;
  • improper color of vision.

Attention! The reception of such hazardous drugs without the recommendations of the attending physician is strictly prohibited. If, after taking the patient complains of deterioration of well-being, the tablets from the course of therapy are excluded urgently put the doctors in fame. Especially carefully take transcases during pregnancy, carefully determining a number of contraindications.


Long-term reception of tractions, the dosage of which increases without the knowledge of specialists, not compliance with the reception rules in the treatment of drug, provoke side effects. It may immediately seem that signs of poisoning appear:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • diarrhea.

Additionally, itching, irritation appears on the body, the appetite is reduced. The patient ceases to correctly distinguish between the color gamut, constantly wants to sleep, the heartbeat is expensive. Sometimes it comes to the appearance of thrombosis, thromboembolism.

Overdose drug

The manufacturer nothing about overdose says.

However, doctors do not exclude possible overdose by the drug, which is why it is important to clearly distribute the dose, the reception frequency.

Take into account compatibility with already accepted drugs.

Presumably an overdose is characterized by symptoms similar to side effectsbut in more hard forms. Without the help of doctors here, it is not possible to handle the patient as early as possible to take into doctors.

How to use

Given the danger of an overdose of the drug to the transcases, as you need to take this drug, only the attending physician can solve. but general recommendations In the treatment, there are still:

  • receiving pill tablets;
  • dosage mainly 1,000 - 1 500 mg, for 3-4 receptions;
  • reception Daily, the number of times, the duration of the course during treatment is determined individually.

Very often prescribed Trancamam With abundant monthly, accompanied by severe pain, cycle impairment. The need for treatment is determined by the fact that without hemostatic impact, there is a risk of the development of myoma, cysts, strong uterine inflammation, infectious pathologies. This unpleasant phenomenon is eliminated by only four days, if you take a remedy for one tablet four times every day.

The manufacturer, speaking of the treatment of pregnant women, women of the postpartum period (which feed the baby breasts) does not foreshadow anything bad.

According to clinical trials, the instructions for the use of tablets by TREKSAM assumes their use in such a responsible for the body. On the fruit, a weakened female organism, the drug does not affect negatively.

Regardless of what and how the drug is accepted, the course of treatment is still should not exceed 14 days. Any treatment should be monitored by doctors that do not simply monitor the patient's condition, but also observed the individual response to the tablets.

Important! Before treatment, it is necessary to test vision for color perception, sharpness, examine the eye bottom.

Compatibility with other substances

Using transcases during bleeding, it is important to take into account the possible incompatibility and compatibility of the main active ingredients with other drugs that are at the moment are likely to be accepted already not one day. Thus, simultaneous reception with hemostatic, hemokoagulase will easily trigger the formation of thromboms. The solution actively interacts with penicillins, tetracycles, other substances.

Attention!Following the course of treatment, remember that the transcases and alcohol are fully compatible. The main property of the drug is to change the composition of the blood - may affect the unexpected negative reaction. Trackersam and alcohol jointly take it categorically prohibited!


Modern analogues of the traction, possessing similar actions on the body:

  • Trenaksa
  • Aminocaproic acid
  • Taggy
  • Apricin.

Each drug is peculiar to the permissible dosage, a course of treatment. Decide on the replacement and administration of one of the analogues can only the attending physician. Independently replace the course of analogit is strictly prohibited, because with its accounting general medication therapy is being built.

Cost how to buy where to store

You can purchase a highly efficient pharmacological product with tractions only by the doctor's prescription. The market offers pills quite expensive, their cost varies from 220 to 700 rubles. Engage in self-treatment, borrowing a medicine among friends, acquaintances, is strictly prohibited, as well as Buy without appointing a doctor. The medicine is stored at room temperature. Closed packaging allows you to increase the shelf life of up to three years. Accidentally opened medicine is not recommended.

The use of transcama with different diseases - hemorrhoids


The product of pharmaceuticals called transcases is considered widespread. The effectiveness of the drug is flawless. Proper use allows you to eliminate bleeding in a few hours, fully suppressing an unpleasant phenomenon. In addition, demand increases due to the permissibility of such treatment for the period of lactation, pregnancy.

In contact with


With overpressure of blood in the uterus, doctors are prescribed to patients with transcases - instructions for use of the drug also includes indications when using other bleeding. The drug stops the process of excessive blood generation, helps to cope with blood formation diseases. Check out the instructions for use.

Preparation Tranksam

According to clinical and pharmacological classification, the transcases refers to means with hemostatic and antitumor effect. This is a fibrinolysis inhibitor - plasminogen substance transition process in plasmin, which are involved in blood formation. The active in the medication is the transcamic acid. It helps to stop the production of blood, prevent uterine bleeding. According to the testimony, doctors are prescribed by tractions - the instructions for the use of the drug said this.

Composition and form of release

There are two forms of release of the transkama - oral tablets and a solution for parenteral administration. Detailed composition of each type:


Solution for intravenous injections

Concentration of transcamic acid, mg

250 or 500 per 1 pc.

50 per 1 ml, 250 per 1 ampoule

Additional components

Hypoloza, macrogol, calcium stearate, talc, carboxymethyl starch, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide


Covered with film shell, white, double-screwed, on a cream or gray environment

Transparent colorless solution with light brown tint


10 or 30 pcs.

5 ml in ampoule, 5 or 10 ampoules with instructions for use

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Mechanism of action active substance The transkama is that the acid specifically affects the activation of plasminogen, inactivates it, not allowing to turn into plasmin. Locally systemically hemostatically acts on bleeding associated with an increase in fibrinolysis concentration (platelet pathology, menorriage). Due to the suppression of the production of kinines and active proteins involved in allergic reactions, has an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

When taking inside, up to 50% of the drug is absorbed, maximum concentration is achieved in three hours. It binds to plasma proteins, penetrates the placental barriers, it is released with breast milk at a concentration of 1%. Acts for 17 hours in tissues, 7-8 hours in plasma. If the kidney is impaired, there is a risk of accumulation of the active substance. When intravenous administration, the analgesic activity of the drug is confirmed.

Indications for use

According to the instructions of the application, the readings for use differ depending on the form of release. Under medical control uses the drug under the following factors:

  • brain vessel thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis deep veins;
  • thromboembolic syndrome;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • threat to the development of thrombosis;
  • thrombohemorrhagic complications;
  • violation of color vision;
  • hematuria urinary tract;
  • renal failure.

Tablets Trancamam

According to the instructions for use, the hemostatic tablets of the transcases have the following testimony to use:

  • uterine, postpartum, nasal, gastric bleeding, after removal of prostate, tooth extraction with hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • risk of bleeding against the background of reinforced local fibrinolysis, against the background of Willebrand disease or other coagulopathies;
  • hematuria;
  • malignant tumors;
  • angioedema swelling of hereditary type;
  • allergic reactions (eczema, urticaria, drug rash, dermatitis);
  • tonnsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, laryngitis.

Tranxam in ampoules

According to the instructions for use, the transcases can be used in the following testimony:

  • bleeding during or after operations;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • pancreatic cancer or prostate;
  • hemophilia;
  • hemorrhagic complication;
  • leukemia;
  • streptokinase therapy;
  • operation on the bladder;
  • surgical intervention during sepsis, peritonitis, prestosis, shock, pancreaticosis.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions for use, the transcase solution is administered intravenously, drip, string. The dosage and the rate of administration of the hemostatic drug depends on the disease:

Dose, MK / kg

Mode every x hours


Generalized fibrinolysis

One-time 15.

Speed \u200b\u200b1 ml / min

Local fibrinolysis

2-3 times / day

Prostatectomy or Urinary Bubble Operation

1 g during surgery, 1 g

Duration of three days, translation to tablets

High risk of bleeding, systemic inflammatory diseases

Half an hour before surgery

Coagulopathy before the tooth extraction

In disruption of the excretory renal function, the dose is adjusted and is 5-10 mg / kg 1-2 times / day

Oral pills with transcases are prescribed inside. Dosage, course and regime depend on the type of disease:


Dosage, G.

Once / day

Course, days

Profudious uterine bleeding

Bleeding with coagulopathy

After extracting the tooth, patients with coagulopathy

Healthy angioedema edema

Allergies and inflammation

Generalized fibrinolysis

Local fibrinolysis

After the conization of the cervix

Nose bleed

Bleeding during pregnancy

In case of violation of the kidney function, the dose is adjusted and ranges from 500 mg to 1 g 1-2 times / day

Purchases for uterine bleeding

In gynecological practice, the transcases are used to stop bleeding from the uterus. Blood discharges of pregnant, threat of miscarriage, the duration of bleeding for more than a week, are found in blood, large bunches were found in blood. The dosage is 1-1.5 g of tablets 2-4 times / day for a maximum of 14 days. Therapy is repeated for no more than three menstrual cycles. The duration of treatment with a solution is a maximum of three days.

With menstruation

Violation of menstruation problems requires a reason to consult a doctor. The transcases during menstruation can be used if too abundant bleeding are observed. Standard method Reception - 3-4 tablets / day from the first day of the cycle. Sometimes doctors prescribe another scheme - on the first day 4 tablets, in the remaining one. The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

If you want to delay the arrival of the menstruation, you can use this medication. It is allowed to make rarely, otherwise the hormonal background can be hampered, the composition of the blood will change in the negative side. If you drink on one tablet every 8 hours per 1-2 before menstruation, it will stay for 3-4 days. To stop long-term monthly (over the week), the medication is accepted by 1 tablet every 6-8 hours a maximum of 8 days. Normally running menstruation should not be stopped, it will lead to inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

If there is a testimony (threat of miscarriage, blood discharge) during pregnancy, gynecologists are prescribed by transcases according to the instructions. Be sure to consider contraindications, because the transcamic acid overcomes the placenta barrier and may affect the development of the fetus. For breastfeeding The active ingredient enters breast milk.

special instructions

Before starting therapy, the patient's traxam should examine the oculist to estimate the visual sharpness, the color perception, the condition of the eye dove. This is necessary because the medication affects these indicators. Animal research did not reveal the teratogenic and embryotoxic effect on the development of the fetus. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Medicinal interaction

According to the instructions, the use of the transcama may influence other drugs:

  • incompatible with blood preparations, penicillin solutions, urchinase, hypertension, tetracycles, dipyrdamol, norepinephrine, diazepam;
  • hemostatic agents and hemokougalase activate the process of thrombosis.

Side effects

The instructions for use says side effectswhich can manifest themselves when taking medication:

  • violation of appetite, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, disruption of clarity of view and color perception;
  • thrombosis, thromboembolism;
  • skin rash, urticaria, itching, allergic reactions;
  • anorexia, weakness, tachycardia;
  • heart pain;
  • hypotension.


For application drug There are certain contraindications in which its admission is strictly prohibited:

  • subarachnoid hemorrhage (between cerebral shells, spontaneously arise);
  • increased sensitivity to drugs;
  • thrombosis;
  • renal failure;
  • hematuria urinary system;
  • problems with color perception.

Terms for sale and storage

For recipe from pharmacies, 250 mg tablets and a solution, 500 mg tablets can be bought without it. The drug is stored at a temperature not higher than 30 degrees for tablets and 25 - for a solution. Shelf life is equal to three years.

Analog Treexama

The structural analogues of the transkama and similar to pharmacological action are the following preparations in the form of tablets and a solution produced in Russia and other countries:

  • Stagemine;
  • Trapper;
  • Timcasaminate;
  • Transamcha;
  • Ingitril;
  • Exam;
  • Amben;
  • Vikasol;
  • Aprpecial;
  • Polycapran;
  • Apricin;
  • Humbix;
  • Conficilla;
  • Ditinon;
  • Trasolana.

Price of Trachesama

Buy the drug can be used via the Internet or the usual pharmacy departments. The cost will depend on the chosen medication format and the amount of tablets in the package. Approximate prices are below.

Transcam - updated description of the drug, you can read the pharmacological effect, side effects, Treexam. Reviews about trance -

Hemostatic preparation.
Preparation: Trancam
The active substance of the drug: Tranexamic Acid.
ATH encoding: B02AA02
KFG: Hemostatic preparation. Fibrinolysis inhibitor - plasminogen transition inhibitor in plasmin
Reg. Number: LSR-001709/07
Registration date: 02.04.08
Owner reg. UDOST: Moscow Endocrine FGUP (Russia)

Release form of tractions, packaging of the drug and composition.

Tablets covered with white shell, double bobble.

1 tab.
Transcamic acid
250 mg

Auxiliary substances: microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl stroke (sodium glycol starch), talc, calcium stearate, silicon colloid dioxide (aerosil).

The composition of the shell: hypimosellos, titanium dioxide, talc, polyethylene glycol 6000.

10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (2) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (3) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (5) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
20 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
30 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.
50 pcs. - Polymeric banks (1) - packs cardboard.

The solution for in / in the introduction is transparent or almost transparent, colorless or with a light brown tint.

1 ml
1 AMP.
Transcamic acid
50 mg
250 mg

Auxiliary substances: water d / and.

5 ml - ampoules (5) - Packaging Cell contour (1) - Putures cardboard.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - Packaging Cell contour (2) - Cardboard packs.

Description of the drug is based on officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action of trackers

Hemostatic preparation. Fibrinolysis inhibitor. It specifically inhibits the activation of plasminogen and its transformation into plasmin. It has local and systemic hemostatic effects during bleeding related to the increase in fibrinolysis (platelet pathology, menorrhagia).

Due to the suppression of the formation of kinines and other active peptides involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions, has an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The experimental studies confirmed its own analgesic activity of transcamic acid, as well as the potential effect on the analgesic activity of opioid analgesics.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.


When taking inside in a dose of 0.5-2 g, 30-50% of the drug is absorbed. When taking inside in doses of 0.5, 1 and 2 g, the achievement of Cmax - 3 h, and is 5, 8 and 15 μg / ml, respectively.


Bonding with plasma proteins (processed) is less than 3%.

It is distributed in tissues relatively uniformly (with the exception of the spinal fluid, where the concentration is 1/10 from the plasma). Penetrates the placental barrier and the BC, it is distinguished with breast milk (reaching approximately 1% of the concentration in the plasma of the mother). It is found in the seed fluid, where reduces fibrinolytic activity, but does not affect the migration of spermatozoa. The initial VD is 9-12 liters. The antifibrinolytic concentration in various tissues is preserved for 17 hours, in plasma - up to 7-8 hours.

Metabolism and elimination

Metabolized to a slight degree. Identified 2 metabolite of transcamic acid: N-acetylated and deaminated derivatives. The AUC curve has a three-phase form with T1 / 2 in the final phase - 3 h. The overall kidney clearance is plasma (7 l / h). Excreted by the kidneys (the main path - glomeric filtering), more than 95% unchanged for the first 12 hours.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

in special clinical cases:

In case of violations of the kidney function, there is a risk of cumulation of transcamic acid.

Indications for use:

Bleeding or risk of bleeding against the background of a generalized increase in fibrinolysis (bleeding during operations and in the postoperative period, postpartum bleeding, manual separation of the last, chorion detachment, bleeding during pregnancy, malignant neoplasms of the pancreas and prostate glands, hemophilia, hemorrhagic complications of fibrinolytic therapy, thrombocytopenic purpura , leukemia, liver disease preceding streptocinase therapy);

Bleeding or risk of bleeding against the top of the local enhancement of fibrinolysis (uterine, nasal, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, bleeding after prostatectomy, caution of the cervix over carcinoma, tooth extraction in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis);

Hereditary angioedema edema (for tablets);

Allergic diseases, incl. eczema, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, medicinal and toxic rash (for tablets);

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, including Tonzillit, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, affects of the oral mucosa (for tablets);

Operational interventions on the bladder (for solution);

Surgical manipulations with a systemic inflammatory reaction, incl. Sepsis, peritonitis, pancreaticosis, severe and medium severity of gestosis, shock of various etiology (for solution).

Dosage and method of use of the drug.

In generalized fibrinolysis, the drug is introduced in / in drip in a single dose of 15 mg / kg of body weight every 6 to 8 hours, the rate of administration of 1 ml / min.

Under the prostatectomy or operation on the bladder, it is introduced into / in during operation 1 g, then 1 g every 8 hours for 3 days, after which they are moving to the reception to the disappearance of macrohematuria.

For high risk The development of bleeding, with a systemic inflammatory reaction, introduced in / in a dose of 10-11 mg / kg 20-30 minutes before intervention.

Patients with coagulopathy before the extraction of the tooth are introduced in / c at a dose of 10 mg / kg of body weight, after the end of the tooth is prescribed in a dose of 25 mg / kg 3-4 times / day for 6-8 days.

With local fibrinolysis, the drug is administered in a single dose of 250-500 mg or inward in a dose of 1.0-1.5 g 2-3 times / day.

In profuse uterine bleeding, they are prescribed inside in a dose of 1.0-1.5 g 3-4 times / day for 3-4 days.

With repeated nasal bleeding, the drug is prescribed inside at a dose of 1 g 3 times / day for 7 days.

After the operation of the conization of the cervical cervix is \u200b\u200bprescribed in a dose of 1.5 g 3 times / day for 12-14 days.

In the hereditary angioedema edema, they are prescribed inside 1-1.5 g 2-3 times / day constantly or with interruptions depending on the presence of prudent symptoms.

Patients with impaired kidney function requires the correction of the dosing mode.
Creatinine concentration in blood
Dose of Transcama for Ingestion
Dosexam dose for in / in administration
120-250 μmol / l
15 mg / kg 2 times / day
10 mg / kg 2 times / day
250-500 μmol / l
15 mg / kg 1 time / day
10 mg / kg 1 time / day
\u003e 500 μmol / l
7.5 mg / kg 1 time / day
5 mg / kg 1 time / day

Side effects of tractions:

From the digestive system: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea.

From the CNS side: dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, violation of color, fuzziness.

From the rolling system of blood: rarely thrombosis, thromboembolism.

From side of cardio-vascular system: Tachycardia, chest pain, arterial hypotension (with fast / in administration).

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, urticaria.

Contraindications for the drug:

Subarachnoid hemorrhage;

Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Caution should be prescribed a drug during thrombosis (incl. Under the thrombosis of the brain vessels, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis of deep veins, thromboembolic syndrome) or in the threat of their development, thrombohemorrhagic complications (in combination therapy with heparin and indirect anticoagulants), color violations Vision, hematuria from the upper departments of urinary tract (it is possible to obstruct blood clots), renal failure (due to an increase in the risk of cumulation).

Application during pregnancy and lactation.

It is used in pregnancy according to indications with an obligatory consideration of contraindications, the transcamic acid penetrates through the placental barrier and stands out with breast milk (reaching approximately 1% of the concentration in the plasma of the mother).

Special guidance on the use of tractions.

Before starting and in the treatment process, it is necessary to conduct an inspection of the eyepiece for acuity of vision, color perception, the state of the fundus.

Overdose by the drug:

Data on the overdose of the drug is not provided.

Interaction of transcems with other drugs.

With co-use with hemostatic preparations and hemokoagulase, thrombosis is possible.

The solution for B / in administration is pharmaceutically incompatible with blood preparations, solutions containing penicillin, urchinase, hypertension (norepinephrine, deoxyiperin hydrochloride, metamine batter of), tetracyclines, dipyridamol, diazepam.

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is released by the prescription.

Terms in the condition of keeping the drug transcems.

List B. The drug should be stored in a dry, inaccessible place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not apply after the expiration date indicated on the package.


Trenexam (Tranexam)


Transcamic acid - antifibrinolytic, specifically inhibitory activation of funds (plasminogen) and this is converting fibrinolysin (plasmin).
It has a local and systemic hemostatic effect during bleeding, associated with the increase in fibrinolysis, as well as anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, anti-infectious and antitumor actions by suppressing the formation of kinines and other active peptides involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions.
The experiment confirmed its own analgesic activity of transkamic acid, as well as a supermummary potentive effect on the analgesic activity of opiates.

It is distributed in tissues relatively evenly (the exclusion is the spinal fluid, where the concentration is 1/10 from the plasma); penetrates the placental and blood-brain barrier, in breast milk (about 1% of the concentration in the plasma of the mother).
It is found in the seed fluid, where reduces fibrinolytic activity, but does not affect the migration of spermatozoa.
The initial distribution volume is 9-12 liters. Communication with plasma proteins (profibrinolese) is less than 3%.
In the blood, about 3% is associated with protein (plasminogen).
The concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid is 1/10 from the plasma. The overall kidney clearance is plasma.
Antifibrinolytic concentration in various tissues is preserved 17 hours, plasma is up to 7-8 hours.
Metabolized insignificant part.
The "concentration-time" curve has a three-phase form with a half-life in the terminal phase - 2 h. General renal clearance is plasma (7 l / h).
Excreted by the kidneys (The main path is glomerular filtration) - more than 95% unchanged for the first 12 hours.
The two metabolites of transcamic acid are identified: N-aietylated and disaminated derivatives. When the kidney function is impaired, there is a risk of cumulation of transcamic acid.

Indications K.

As a hemostatic tool - when bleeding or risk of bleeding development due to increasing the amount of fibrinolysin (operations and postoperative period, postpartum bleeding, manual separation of the last, chorion delaying, malignant tumors of the pancreas and prostate glands, hemophilia, leukemia, liver disease, bleeding during pregnancy).

When bleeding or risk of bleeding during local fibrinolysin enhancement - uterine, nasal bleeding, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, hematuria, tooth extraction in patients with hemorrhagic diathesis.
As an antiallergic - with eczema, urticaria, allergic dermatitis, skin rash caused by medicinal preparations and toxins.
As an anti-inflammatory agent - with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, stomatitis.
The drug is used in the therapy of the hereditary angioity edema.

Mode of application:

- with a local strengthening of fibrinolysin - 1-1,5 g 3-4 times a day;
- when repeated nasal bleeding - 1 g 3 times a day for 7 days;
- after the extraction of the tooth - 25mg / kg 3-4 times the day for 6-8 days;
- with profuse uterine bleeding - 1-1.5g 3-4 times a day for 3-4 days;
- after the operation on the cervix - 1.5g 3 times a day for 12-14 days;
- in the hereditary angioedema edema - 1-1,5g 2-3 times a day permanently or courses under the supervision of the doctor.

Solution for in / in administration (drip, inkjino):
- with a general increase in the amount of fibrinolysin - administered in a single dose of 15mg / kg every 6-8 hours, the rate of administration - 1ml / min;
- with a local strengthening of fibrinolysin - input 250-500mg 2-3 times a day;
- with prostatectomy and operations on the bladder - administered during operation 1g, then 1g every 8 hours for 3 days, after which the tableted form transitions to therapy;
- Before extraction of the tooth, patients with impaired blood coagulation - are administered at a dose of 10 mg / kg, after extraction, a tableted shape is prescribed.
In case of violation of the kidney function, a dose recalculation is needed taking into account the concentration of creatinine in the blood.

Side effects:

From the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, decline in appetite.
From the CNS: dizziness, weakness, violation of vision and color perception, drowsiness.
From the cardiovascular system: Tachycardia, Pain in the chest, the development of thrombosis, thromboembolism, with a rapid / in the introduction of hypotension possible.
Allergic reactions: Skin rash, itching, urticaria.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- Subarachnoid bleeding.
Carefully Apply:
- with thrombosis or the threat of their development, including myocardial infarction, brain vessel thrombosis, deep vessel thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic syndrome;
- in violation of color vision;
- Renal failure.

Caution should be used In combination with heparin and anticoagulants in patients with violations of the coagulation system and with thrombosis (brain vessel thrombosis, myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis) or the threat of their development.
Before starting and in the process of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a consultation of an ophthalmologist (determination of visual acuity, color vision, the condition of the eye dN).

other medicinal

Pharmacologically incompatible with blood preparations, p-rams containing penicillin, hypertensive means (norepinephrine, deoxyepinephrine hydrochloride), tetracycles, dipyridamol, diazepam.
When combined with hemostatic preparations and hemokoagulase, thrombosis is possible.
It does not apply in combination with the urchinase, except for applications as an antidote after the latter overdose.