Cheap antimicrobial agent. The strongest natural antibiotics

Characteristics of Fluoroquinolone


Unique for antimicrobial means mechanism of action.

High degree of antibacterial activity.

Wide spectrumantimicrobial action.

Low frequency resistanceto them microorganisms.

An important advantage of fluoroquinolones is their high bioavailabilitywhen receiving insidewhich allows the use of drugs orally with severe, including generalized, infections (ciprofloxacin, peffersacin, offloxacin, enocusacin, moxifloxacin).

With particularly severe diseases, infections of the central nervous system, sepsis and if it is impossible to apply drugs inside injection Medicinal forms of fluoroquinolones, which are designed for some drugs (ciprofloxacin, offloxacin, peffloxacin).

Effective and convenient is the so-called "stepped therapy" of heavy infections: At the beginning of treatment, drugs are prescribed parenterally, after improving the patient's condition, they are transferred to the oral administration of this (or similar) drug.

Forintravenous administration prepareeX. tempore. (Possible photodegraving in solution)

When administered, provide protection against light.

Tablets can not break, chew, drink milk,

Take simultaneously with antacids, sucalafate and iron preparations,

since it reduces the absorption of the drug.

There are preparations for localapplications.

well penetrate inside the cells.

Norfloxacin - an exception - is in therapeutic concentrations only in the intestines, urinary tracts and prostate gland.

Good penetration in tissue and cells of macroorganism,

where concentrations close to serum, or even exceed them.

-A long periodsemi-exploration and availability potantibioticeffect

what determines convenient dosing - 1-2 times a day.

High efficiencyduring the treatment of community and hospital infections, practically

any location

(upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary system, skin and soft tissues,

bones and joints, intraabdomominal, liver and yellow paths, food tract,

gynecological, eye, central nervous system, sexually transmitted infections)

Low toxicity (do not show nephro-, hepato and outotoxicity

Good portabilityincluding With long-term courses of treatment

High efficiency monotherapy infections caused by a wide range of aerobic gram-negative bacteria and causative agents with intracellular localization.

-With mycobacteriosis must be used only in schemes combined therapy.

The same applies to aerobic-anaerobic and streptococcal infections.

Possibility combined application With other groups of antibacterial agents (β-lactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides, glycipeptides, lincoosamides, nitroimidazoles).

Despite the formation of microbial resistance, press pathogens resistant to aminoglycosides

Possibility effective empirical therapy with severe forms of generalized infection to the formulation of microbiological diagnosis.

Well absorbed when taking inside all drugs.

Drugs of quinolones when taking inside you should drink with a full glass of water.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibacterial is preparations created on the basis of natural antibacterial substances or semi-synthetic. They suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, do not affect viruses. Drugs of this group are used to treat infectious diseases. In the chemical structure, they are divided into many subgroups. According to the mechanism of action, they are divided into bactericidal (destructive effect on microorganisms) and bacteriostatic (inhibit their growth).

Preparations of Penicillin Group

BenzylPenicillin sodium salt

Active substance:benzylpenicillin sodium salt.

Pharmachologic effect:inhibits the growth and reproduction of gram-positive (streptococci, pneumococci, Corinbacteria) and gram-negative bacteria (gonococci, meningococci, treponama). Does not affect the types of staphylococci producing penicillinase.

Indications:pneumonia, septic endocarditis, pleurisy, peritonitis, cystitis, syphilis, urinary infections.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, heart rate disorders, increase in blood potassium.

Side effects:nausea, arrhythmias, allergic reactions.

Mode of application:enter intramuscularly, intravenously at a dose of 250,000-500 000 cells 6 times a day.

For infectious endocarditis - 30,000,000-40,000,000 units per day. For children - 50 000-100 000 URS / kg body weight / day.

Release form:in the form of a powder for the preparation of an injection solution in bottles of 250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 units.


Active substance:oxacillin.

Pharmachologic effect:bactericidal - on gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative cocci, some types of actinomycetes. It has resistance to penicillinase.

Indications:sepsis, pneumonia, endocarditis, pericarditis, empya pleura, osteomyelitis, cystitis, cholecystitis, syphilis, extensive burns.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to preparations of a group of penicillins, cephalosporins.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired liver functions, kidneys, the jaggility of the skin and mucous membranes, the inhibition of the bone marrow function, vaginal candidiasis, allergic reactions in the form of urticaria and skin itch.

Mode of application:inside, intravenously, intramuscularly 0.25-0.5 g 4-6 times a day for 7-10 days (the duration of treatment depends on the shape and severity of the disease, the course of treatment can be extended to 2-3 weeks and even more) . Maximum dose - 3 g per day, but can be increased to 6-8 g with severe pathologies. With parenteral administration, the maximum dosage is 2-4 g per day.

Release form:powder for the preparation of an injection solution of 0.25, 0.5 g in a bottle.

Special instructions:combined with benzylpenicillin, ampicillin. Bacteriostatic drugs greatly suppress oxacillin effects. Cannot be taken simultaneously with methotrexate.


Active substance:ampicillin.

Pharmachologic effect:bactericide - on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, unstable to the effects of penicillinase.

Indications:complete-headed pneumonia, otitis, angina, bronchitis, aggravation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystitis, pyelonephritis, colitis, enterocolitis, salpingooforit, etc.

Contraindications:allergy to the drug, liver failure.

Side effects:skin rashes and other allergic reactions, with long-term treatment, due to the violation of the microflora composition, another infection may occur caused by microbes that are not sensitive to the preparation, or fungi.

Mode of application:tablets inside 30-60 minutes before meals. The dose of the drug may be different. Patients over 10 years old are recommended to take 250-500 mg 4 times a day. The maximum per day is allowed to receive 2-3 g of the drug. For young children, the medicine is prescribed based on 100 mg / kg body weight per day. The general course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Release form:tablets of 0.25 g - 20 pieces per pack; Capsules of 0.25, 0.5 g - 20 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:carefully appoint with allergies, bronchial asthma, as well as in pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Active substance:amoxicillin trihydrate.

Pharmachologic effect:it has a detrimental effect on a large spectrum of microorganisms, affects the cell wall of bacteria, contributing to its destruction. It acts on staphylococcus (except those that produce penicillinase enzyme), streptococci, gonococci, meningococci, intestinal wand, Shigella and Salmonella.

Indications:bacterial diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (tracheit, bronchitis, lung inflammation), frontitis, sinusitis, inflammatory processes in the throat and almonds, inflammation of the middle ear). The drug is also active against kidney diseases and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis) is effective in gonor, female genital infections (colpit, adexitis). It can be used with inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract, in the complex treatment of peritonitis, with purulent infections of the skin and soft tissues (silent inflammation, mercury diseases). Used in intestinal infections: salmonellosis, shgelles (dysentery), for the prevention of endocarditis after surgical interventions on the heart and large vessels or medical manipulations. In addition, amoxin can be taken with inflammation of cerebral shells (meningitis) and bacterial infectious blood.

Contraindications:allergic reactions (including the intolerance of antibiotics of the cephalosporins group, carbapenes).

Side effects:allergies of varying severity, pain in the joints, an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, stool disorders, pain in the liver area. With long-term treatment courses, violation of the composition of intestinal microflora is possible. Rarely when receiving amoxin, sleep disorder is observed, changes in behavior, headache, convulsions. Sometimes there is a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood.

Mode of application:inside, drinking water, before or after eating. In case of infections of the respiratory, kidney and urinary tract, skin and soft tissues with a weight with weight of more than 40 kg, 500 mg of the drug are prescribed 3 times a day with a slight course of the disease and 0.75-1 g during severe. For children under 10 years old, it is desirable to give a drug in the form of a suspension (dissolved in 0.5 glasses of water): up to 2 years - at 20-60 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, from 2 to 5 years - 125 mg, and from 5 up to 10 years - 250 mg 3 times a day. The general course of admission, depending on the severity of the infection ranges from 5 to 14 days.

With a gonductance infection, amoxin is prescribed at a dose of 3 g once; In women in connection with the high frequency of hidden infection, the reception of such a dose is carried out twice.

In intestinal infections, cholecystitis and cholangitis, genital disease diseases in women (cervicitis, colpit, inflammation of appendages) preparations take 1.5-2 g 3 times a day or 1-1.5 g four times. The duration of the course of treatment is also determined by the severity of the disease. With the carrier of Salmonelle Amoxin take up to 1 month.

In order to prevent endocarditis, we need to use 3 g of amoxicillin in adults (1.5 g in children) per 1 hour before medical manipulation or operation and after 8 hours after large surgical interventions.

Release form:250 or 500 mg capsules - 20 pieces per pack; Tablets of 500 mg or 1 g - 10 and 24 pieces per pack, granulate to prepare a suspension in a bottle (250 mg or 500 mg in 5 ml of suspension).

Special instructions:amoxicillin with caution is prescribed by patients with a colitis transferred against the background of taking antibiotics, with deficiency of the kidney function (during glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus reduce the dose of the drug and reduce the multiplicity of reception), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With simultaneous treatment with amoxin and antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, the effect decreases from both drugs. Parallel reception of vitamin C increases the absorption of medication. When prescribing treatment in patients taking oral contraceptives, it should be remembered that the latter becomes less effective when using amoxin.


Active substance:phenoxymethylpenicillin.

Pharmachologic effect:the antibiotic of a wide range of action from a group of penicillins, destroys bacteria, preventing the formation of the components of their cell wall. Effective in relation to infections caused by staphylococci and streptococci, microorganisms of the genus of neusseria (Gonokokk, Meningokok). Does not act on microbes capable of producing penicillinase.

Indications:treatment and prevention of non-heavy infections. Effective for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (pharyngitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs), diseases of the ENT organs (inflammation of the middle ear, sinuses of the nose, agnus), leather and soft tissues (wenged infections, face).

As a prophylactic agent, it is used with the danger of complications of streptococcal infections: re-rheumatic fever, endocarditis, jade.

Contraindications:allergies, severe bacterial infections.

Side effects:as a rule, they rarely develop. Light stool disorders, allergies, transient pains in joints and muscles, changes in blood.

Mode of application:inside, regardless of food intake, powered by sufficient water.

Children in the infections of the dose are prescribed at the rate of 30-60 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day (the multiplicity of reception 3-4 times), adults 500 mg - 1.5 g per day, are also 3-4 times a day. Course treatment - 7-10 days.

For the prevention of repeated rheumatic fever, the OSPEN is prescribed 500 mg 2 times a day, to prevent endocarditis to children - 1 g, adults - 2 g to operational intervention (the removal of the tooth, the introduction of an intravenous catheter, etc.) and 250 mg through 6- Time gaps in the next two days.

Release form:250 mg tablets and tablets covered with film shell, 500 mg, 1 or 1.5 g - 12 pieces per pack; Granulate for the preparation of suspension in the bottle (250 mg in 5 ml of suspension), syrup in a bottle of 60 ml (250 mg in 5 ml).

Special instructions:in isolated cases, a false increase in the level of glucose in the urine is possible during the reception; Analysis must be repeated after the end of the course of treatment.


Active substance:amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

Pharmachologic effect:amoxicilline affects the set of causative agents of diseases, which does not apply to microbes that excrete penicillinase enzyme capable of destroying the drug. Clawulanic acid contained in the augmentine prevents the destructive action of penicillinase, resulting in this complex drug acts on a greater number of pathogens than amoxicillin. Augmentin is active in relation to chlamydia, treponia, enterococci, sheets, streptococci, staphylococcal, clostrid, intestinal sticks, helicobacteria, cholera vibrion, etc.

Indications:infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), angina, inflammation of the sinus and middle ear, kidneys and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, including under urolithiasis, cystitis), dental infectious diseases, soft tissue infections and Bones (phlegmon, pyodermia, mug, osteomyelitis, bursitis, branched wounds), blood infection, urological and gynecological infections. The drug can be used to prevent purulent complications during various operations and other medical interventions, as well as to get rid of helicobacteria during gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Contraindications:individual intolerance to the drug, violation of the liver function in the past associated with the use of penicillins.

Side effects:allergies, candidiasis, reduction of the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and blood platelets, headache, stool disorder, nausea, colitis, abdominal pain, increase the activity of liver enzymes in the blood, jaundice, jade.

Mode of application:the tableted form of the drug is best taken at the beginning of a meal. 625 mg of the drug is shown during non-heavy infections 2 times a day. Medical and severe diseases require a reception of 1 g of medication up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-14 days.

Under a number of diseases (severe pneumonia, peritonitis, phlegmon, sepsis), Augmentin is first prescribed in the form of intravenous injections, and then with stabilization of the patient's condition goes to tablets.

Suspension is taken inward: 25 mg of amoxicillin and 3,6 mg of clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight per day with non-heavy infections; 45 mg of amoxicillin and 6.4 mg of clavulanic acid per 1 kg of body weight in more serious cases. It is used in the treatment of infectious diseases in children.

For the preparation of an injection solution, 600 mg of powder is divorced in 10 ml of water for injections, in a dose of 1.2 g in 20 ml of the solvent, intravenously injected or drip (in the latter case it is administered in 100 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution). Multiplicity of application 2-3 times a day.

Release form:tablets 625 mg (500 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulanic acid) - 20 pieces per pack and 1 g (875 mg of amoxicillin and 125 mg of clavulanic acid) - 14 pieces per pack; powder for the preparation of suspension in the bottle (228.5 mg in 5 ml of suspension); Powder for the preparation of an injection solution of 600 mg (500 mg of amoxicillin and 100 MGKlavulanic acid) and 1.2 g (1 g of amoxicilline mg and 200 MHKlavulanic acid) in the bottle.

Special instructions:in renal failure, the dose and the multiplicity of drug intake are reduced. When hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure of various origins, treatment is carried out under the control of the functions of the liver (determination in the blood level of hepatic enzymes). Augmentin in high dosage (1 g or more) should not be prescribed to children under 12 years old. With caution, it is used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.



Active substance:cefalotin.

Pharmachologic effect:cephalosporin I generation. Bactericidal - on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, as well as leptospira and spirochetes.

Indications:infections of respiratory tract, skin, bones, joints, endocarditis, peritonitis.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, renal failure, pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

Side effects:allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, renal impairment.

Mode of application:intramuscularly or intravenously 0.5-2 g 4 times a day. Maximum dose - 12 g per day. Children - at 20-40 mg / kg body weight per day.

Release form:powder for the preparation of an injection solution - in bottles of 0.5 and 1 g.


Active substance:cefasoline.

Pharmachologic effect:the antibiotic prevents the formation of the components of the cell wall of bacteria, causing their destruction and death. Effective against a large spectrum of causative agents of diseases: streptococci, staphylococci, gonococcus, meningococcus, treponam, intestinal wand, etc.

Indications:sinusitis, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), kidney and urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis), gallbladder (cholecystitis, cholangitis), soft tissues and bones (phlegmon, abscesses, osteomyelitis, mastitis) , gynecological and urological infections (gonorrhea, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, syphilis). The drug can be used in severe infections: Bacterial infection of blood, bacterial endocarditis, peritonitis, as well as for the prevention of purulent complications after surgery.

Contraindications:allergies, age up to 1 month.

Side effects:allergies of various gravity, an increase in body temperature, muscle pain and joints, headache, epileptiform reactions (crashes), nausea, diarrhea, jaundice. It rarely develops medicinal hepatitis, inhibition of blood formation. With prolonged courses of treatment, the emergence of disorders from the composition of the intestinal microflora and the vagina in women are likely to infect microbes resistant to cefazoline (superinfection).

Mode of application:intramuscularly and intravenously, including drip. Depending on the severity of infection, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose from 1 to 4 g, the multiplicity of administration is 3-4 times a day at equal intervals. The greatest permissible dose is 6 g Orizolina per day. Course of treatment - 7-14 days.

If the drug is used as a prophylactic agent, it is administered in an amount of 1 g intravenously to surgery and 500 mg - 1 g after it every 8 hours within 24 hours.

Release form:powder for the preparation of an injection solution of 125 mg, 500 mg and 1 g in a bottle.

Special instructions:preparation with caution is prescribed with severe kidney diseases with deficiency of their function. Observations require patients who have previously developed colitis when taking antibiotics. With the introduction of the drug in the muscle can be occurring soreness for a long time; With too fast intravenous administration, inflammation of veins is possible - phlebit.

Orizolin treatment should not be carried out in parallel with the reception of some diuretic preparations (furosemid) and anticoagulants. With the introduction of the Orizolina in one syringe with the antibiotic of the Aminoglycoside group, both drugs cease to be active.


Active substance:ceftriaxone.

Pharmachologic effect:disrupts the processes of formation of the shell bacteria, which contributes to its destruction and death of microbes. Acts a lot of pathogens of diseases, including active in relation to bacteria that are capable of producing? -Laktamazu. It can be used to combat an intestinal stick, klebsiellas, gonocons, protemat, salmonella, etc.

Indications:infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract (pharyngitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc.), ENT organs (sinusitis, front), kidneys and bladder (pyelonephritis, cystitis), sex sphere, brain shells, soft tissues, joints and bones (osteomyelitis, purulent processes). Prevention of postoperative complications, surgical diseases (peritonitis, cholecystitis), intestinal infections, extensive wounds, including burn and bust, treatment of sepsis.

Contraindications:allergies, including other cephalosporins, antibiotics of penicillin group and carbapenes.

Side effects:allergies, nausea, stool disorders, abdominal pain, inflammation of the oral mucosa, jaundice, disorders of the composition of intestinal microflora, depression of blood cells, deterioration of blood coagulation, changes in the urine (the appearance of cylinders, glucose), headache, candidiasis. In the field of administration, irritation and soreness are possible.

Mode of application:powder is dissolved in water for injections, the resulting solution is introduced into the muscle or vein. For patients over 12 years old, dosage on average 1-2 g per day, the drug is introduced once a day. With severe infectious diseases, the amount of injected drug can reach 4 g per day.

Children from a 2-week to 12 years of age, the dose of the drug is calculated by weight - from 20 to 80 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, and if the amount of the drug is more than 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight, then it must be introduced slowly, t e. Preferably all intravenously drip. For children under 2 weeks, no more than 20-50 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight per day are introduced. The course of treatment on average ranges from 7 to 14 days.

In children under 5 years of age, with inflammation of brain shells, the ceftriaxone is prescribed at a dose of 100 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Maximum allowable dose - 4 g per day. If the infection is caused by meningococcus, the course of treatment is 4 days, pneumococcus - a week.

Gonococcal infection is treated with intramuscular administration of the drug - 250 mg of ceftriaxone once. If the medicine is used to prevent postoperative purulent complications, it is administered by 1-2 g once in 30-90 minutes before surgery.

For intramuscular injection, the preparation is dissolved in 3.6 ml of water for injection, for intravenous administration - in 10 ml of solvent. If the medicine is injected into the muscle, the solution can be prepared in a mixture with lidocaine to reduce soreness. To prevent irritation, the intravenous administration of the drug is carried out slowly, for 2-3 minutes. If the ceftriaxone is planned to be administered drip, the solution is prepared in 50 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Release form:powder for the preparation of an injection solution - 1 g in a bottle.

Special instructions:renal failure in the patient requires a decrease in the dose of ceftriaxone. If you use a medicine in parallel with drugs that reduce blood clotting (acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, warfarin), it is necessary to foresee an increase in the risk of bleeding. Ceftriaxone treatment is not recommended while using some diuretics (furosemide), as the antibiotic removal from the body is disturbed. During the treatment period, alcohol use is prohibited. Apply with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.



Active substance:meropenem.

Pharmachologic effect:bactericidal - on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms - both aerobic and anaerobic.

Indications:pneumonia, including intrabathic, infectious diseases of the urinary system, skin, female genital organs, peritonitis. Apply under septicemia and meningitis.


Side effects:disorders of digestion, changes in the cellular composition of blood, skin allergic reactions, headache, increase the level of hepatic enzymes in the blood, soreness at the place of administration.

Mode of application:intravenously. Adults - 500 mg after 8 hours, with severe infections of 1 g every 8 hours. With meningitis - 2 g every 8 hours. Children are prescribed by 10-20 mg / kg of body weight after 8 hours. When meningitis, the daily dose increases up to 40 mg / kg body weight.

Release form:powder for making a solution for injection in a bottle of 500 mg - 1 g.

Special instructions:there is no data on the safety of the drug during pregnancy.



Active substance:amikacin.

Pharmachologic effect:bacteriostatic semi-synthetic antibacterial preparation of a wide range of action.

Indications:infections of respiratory, leather, urogenital system, gastrointestinal tract, burns, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, peritonitis, meningitis.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the preparation, decompensated renal failure, accompanied by uremia, liver dysfunction, neuritis auditory nerve, pregnancy.

Side effects:defeats of hearing and kidney organ.

Mode of application:intravenously, inside the muscular. The dosage is established individually taking into account the form of the disease, the severity of the clinical picture, as well as the sensitivity of microflora to the drug.

Dose for adults and adolescents - 5 mg / kg body weight 3 times a day or 7.5 mg / kg body weight 2 times a day. Usually, the dose for children is 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight by 2-3 administration. In case of kidney disease, the dose is selected strictly taking into account the laboratory indicators. Course treatment - 7-10 days.

Release form:the injection solution in 2 ml ampoules containing 100, 500 mg of the drug, 5 ampoules in the package.

Special instructions:it is impossible to use simultaneously with heparin, erythromycin, amphotericin B, group vitamins B and C, polymyxin in vitamin, vancomycin, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, sulfonamides, polymixines, opioid analgesics.


Active substance:tobramycin sulfate.

Pharmachologic effect:it has a detrimental effect on a large spectrum of causative agents of diseases, effective in relation to many intestinal and glorodular bacteria, staphylococci.

Indications:infectilation of the lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, including the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia), infected wounds of any origin, osteomyelitis, phlegmons, pyodermia, arthritis. The drug is active in kidney diseases (pyelonephritis), organs of the sexual system (prostatitis, inflammation of ovaries, etc.), surgical infections (peritonitis). Tobramycin is used in a complex of treatment of bacterial infection of blood, with inflammation of brain shells, bacterial endocarditis.

Contraindications:individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects:allergies, headache, unmotivated increase in body temperature, inhibition of blood formation, worsening hearing, weakness, changes in the urine (the appearance of protein and a small amount of erythrocytes), decrease in blood levels of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium with appropriate symptoms. Most often, unwanted effects are developing when taking high doses of the drug and long courses of treatment.

Mode of application:intramuscularly or intravenously (drip). The solution for intramuscular administration is prepared in 5 ml of water for injection, for intravenous administration, the drug is bred in 100-200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or a 5% glucose solution.

The dose of the drug is calculated by the weight of the patient and divided into 3 receptions. The amount of injected drug differs depending on the severity of the disease. Lightweight and moderately severe infections require the use of 2-3 mg of Tobramycin per 1 kg of body weight per day, with severe diseases, the introduction of 4-5 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight per day is required. For infants, the dose of the drug should not exceed 3 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

The course of treatment on average is 7-14 days depending on the severity of the disease. In particularly severe cases (sepsis, endocarditis), treatment can be continued to 1.5 months.

Release form:the solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration is 1 and 2 ml (1 ml contains 10 or 40 mg) in ampoules, 10 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:a preparation with caution is prescribed to patients with renal failure and premature children (in the latter due to the immaturity of the kidney, the elimination of an antibiotic from the body can slow down).

Toppramycin treatment is carried out under the control of the doctor with objection of the patient's hearing (especially important in children), since the antibiotics of its group can have an adverse effect on the hearing nerve. Most often, hearing disorders are noted with simultaneous treatment with diuretic products: furosemide, etcrinic acid.


Active substance:gentamicin sulfate.

Pharmachologic effect:it has the ability to influence the exchange of protein exchange in the bacterial cell, slows down the formation of the structural components of microorganisms, which causes their death. The spectrum of activity is similar to that of Tobramycin.

Indications:mostly for the treatment of severe infectious diseases. The drug refers to toxic, however, under conditions, when other antibiotics are not effective enough, its use is justified.

Prescribed in a bacterial infection of blood, including during intrauterine infection of the fetus, extensive burn wounds, large phlegmons, osteomyelitis, extensive pnegumonia, inflammation of brain shells.

Gentamicin can also be used with complicated kidney diseases and urinary tract, with infections in patients with reduced immunity (suffering from HIV infection, diabetes mellitus receiving hormone and antitumor drugs).

Contraindications:allergies, pregnancy.

Side effects:the deterioration of hearing and kidney functions, soreness in the field of liver and an increase in the blood of hepatic enzymes, changes in urine (the appearance of protein, single erythrocytes), a decrease in the volume of urine isolated, inhibition of blood formation, an increase in body temperature, allergies, sleep disorders, nausea.

Mode of application:as a solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections; Sometimes the drug is drunk.

The average dose of the drug for adult patients and children over 2 years is 3 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day (the specified amount is divided into two and administered in the morning and in the evening), in particularly serious cases, up to 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight in Day, multiplicity of reception 3-4 times. In the treatment of complicated infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder, 120-160 mg of the drug is used 1 time per day. Course of treatment on average 7-14 days.

Children up to 2 years of age, a daose dose is determined at the rate of 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight, the drug is administered 2-3 times a day.

In infectious diseases of the eye, the drug is administered 1-2 drops after 1-4 hours.

Release form:40 and 80 mg mortar in ampoules - 10 pieces per pack; Eye drops in the vial of 5 ml vial (1 ml contained 3 mg).

Special instructions:with caution, apply the drug in patients with renal failure and hearing impairment, relevant control is needed during treatment. Careful observation for the period of use of gentamicin also needed to people over 60 years and patients suffering from disorders of the water-electrolyte balance, myasthenia.

Tetracycline group preparations


Active substance:doxycycline hydrochloride.

Pharmachologic effect:semi-synthetic antibacterial preparation of a wide range of action. Bacteriostatically affects aerobic gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Indications:inflammatory infectious diseases of the respiratory organs, digestive system, leather and soft tissues, ear. Used in infectious diseases transmitted by sexually, osteomyelitis, trach.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to tetracycline drugs, miastic (for intravenous administration), children's age up to 8 years, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects:disorders of the functions of digestive organs, various allergic manifestations, dysbacteriosis, hemolytic anemia.

Mode of application:inside or intravenously 1-2 times a day. Adults - 200 mg in the first day, then 100-200 mg per day. Children over 8 years old with a mass mass of more than 50 kg - 2-4 mg / kg body weight per day.

Release form:100 mg capsules - 8 pieces per pack; lyophilisate (100 mg) for the preparation of an injection solution in 5 ml bottles.

Special instructions:a solution for intravenous administration is permissible to store up to 72 hours in the refrigerator.



Active substance:clarithromycin.

Pharmachologic effect:he suppresses the reproduction of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria - both aerobic and anaerobic.

Indications:infectious diseases caused by microbes sensitive to clarithromycin, inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, pharyngitis, angina, face and other skin infections, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Contraindications:children's age, intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, taste perversion, diarrhea, headache, allergies - more often in the form of rashes on the skin; There may be the appearance of sleep disorders, noise in the ears; very rarely - disorders of consciousness, decrease in the ability to concentrate attention, hallucinations; Infrequently - heart rate disorders, acceleration of the pulse.

Mode of application:tablets inside, regardless of meals, 250 mg 2 times a day at approximately equal intervals. Children up to 12 years old - 7.5 mg / kg body weight per day, but not more than 500 mg. Treatment lasts 7-10 days.

Release form:tablets in the shell of 250, 500 mg - 10 pieces per pack; Capsules at 250, 500 mg - 10 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:the use of the drug is limited to people over 60, with severe liver and kidney diseases, fungal infections.


Active substance:spiramizin.

Pharmachologic effect:bacteriostatic - on streptococci, corenebacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia, treponam, toxoplasm, clostridia.

Indications:diseases caused by microbes sensitive to spiramycin - ear disease, throat, nose and respiratory tract (otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, tracheitis); Atypical pneumonia, periodontitis, skin infection, the genitourinary system - except those that have a hymealic origin. Spiramizin is a means of preventing meningitis caused by meningococcus, as well as re-rheumatic fever.

Contraindications:individual intolerance to the drug, some types of enzyme deficiency (possibly destruction of errit rocytes), liver disease (biliary tract stones, severe hepatitis, cirrhosis), pregnancy (some restrictions), breastfeeding.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, occasionally pronounced colitis, change sensitivity (feeling of "crawling of flies", numbness), disorders of the liver, the destruction of red blood cells and a decrease in blood platelet levels are possible, with a certain predisposition, provoke blockades of the conductive heart system, allergic reactions in The form of skin rashes.

Mode of application:tablets inside. Adults - 2,000,000-3 000 000 meters per day for 2 receptions. Maximum daily dose - 4,000,000-5 000 000 IU per day. Children - 50-100 me / kg body weight per day for 2 receptions. The solution is administered intravenously with adults and adolescents at a dose of 500,000 meters to 1,000,000 meters 3 times a day.

Release form:pills in the shell of 1,500,000, 3 000 000 IU, Powder in vials (1,500,000 IU).


Active substance:azithromycin.

Pharmachologic effect:bactericidal preparation of the group of a wide range of a wide range of action.

Indications:diseases, pathogens of which are sensitive to the drug (skin infections, scarletin, atypical pneumonia, gonorrhea, chlamydia, otitis, acute respiratory viral infections complicated by bacterial infection), as well as ulcerative illness of the stomach (to combat Helicobacter Pilori).

Contraindications:intolerance to the drug, liver and kidney disease with a decrease in their function, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased gas formation in the intestines, jaundice with a violation of the patency of biliary tract, unpleasant sensations in the chest and stomach, lethargy, it is possible to change the number of blood leukocytes, increased sensitivity to the sun rays, colitis.

Mode of application:inside 1 time a day, isolated from food (an hour before it either 2 hours after). On the first day, 2 capsules are prescribed, and then - one. Children - 5-10 mg / kg body weight in a day once. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. The scheme of use of 2 capsules per day for 3 days is possible.

Release form:250 mg capsules and tablets - 6 pieces per pack, 500 mg - 3 pieces per pack.


Active substance:erythromycin.

Pharmachologic effect:it affects biochemical processes and prevents the reproduction of microorganisms, disrupts the metabolism in the bacterial cell. Active in relation to staphylococci, streptococcal, clostrils, diphtheria sticks, gonducts, meningococci, causative agent, spirochete. In terms of intestinal infections is ineffective.

Indications:in a tablet form, the drug can be used to treat children's infections (cough), respiratory diseases (pharyngitis, pneumonia), diphtheria, inflammation of almonds, middle ear, nasal sinuses, chronic cholecystitis exacerbations. It is used in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonococcal infection), with purulent processes (phlegmon, abscesses, burn, bust wounds, etc.).

In the form of ointments, erythromycin is used to treat pyodermias and other external infectious processes. Specially designed eye ointment Suitable for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the hair follicles of eyelashes, conjunctivations and cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, as well as trachomas (caused by chlamydia).

Contraindications:allergies, disorders of the liver function due to taking antibiotics in the past, severe kidney diseases with deficiency of their function.

Side effects:allergies, nausea, discomfort in the abdomen, soreness in the field of liver, very rarely medicinal hepatitis. In addition, when external use it is possible to redness of the skin, the formation of scales, the unpleasant sensation at the place of application of ointment. When using eye ointments, there is a tear, redness of the conjunctiva, transient light-free and impairment of vision immediately after its laying.

Mode of application:tablets take inside, drinking water, per hour before or 2 hours after meals. Depending on the severity of infection, 250-500 mg of the drug is 4-6 times a day (at equal intervals). The maximum allowable one-time dose is 500 mg, it is not recommended to take over 4 per day.

For children under 3 months of age, the dose of the drug ranges from 20 to 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day into several techniques (every 4-6 h). The patient aged from 4 months to 18 years is given by 30-50 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight per day. Treatment continues from 7 to 14 days.

Erythromycin in the form of Mazi is applied to the skin 2-3 times a day. Burning wounds are treated every other day. For outdoor use, the antibiotic is assigned to long-term courses to the complete disappearance of signs of infection. The eye ointment is laid in the eyelid 2-3 times a day, the treatment continues from 2 to 8 weeks, with a trachier - 4 months.

Release form:tablets in the shell at 100, 250 and 500 mg - 16 pieces in the package; Ointment in tubes of 10, 15 and 30 g (in 1 g contained 10,000 jery erythromycin); Eye ointment in tubes of 7, 10 and 15 g (in 1 g contained 10,000 ur erythromycin).

Special instructions:erythromycin can be used as an alternative to penicillin antibiotics, if the patient developed an allergy to the last. With great care, it is prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. With parallel treatment with diuretic drugs, erythromycin eliminates from the body, which can increase its toxic effect on the liver and kidneys. The simultaneous reception of this antibiotic with anticoagulants causes a slowdown in blood coagulation. The drug is able to reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, so during the treatment period should be resorted to additional methods of contraception.

Preparations of groups of chloramphenicol


Active substance:chloramphenic.

Pharmachologic effect:bacteriostatic antibiotic. It has an impact on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, its resistance to it is produced slowly.

Indications:salmonellosis, abdominal typhoid, dysentery; Brucellosis, paratif, meningitis, tularemia, chlamydia, gonorrhea, pneumonia, cough and other infectious diseases.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, eczema, psoriasis, fungal lesion of the skin, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding, newborn, depression of blood formation.

Side effects:skin rash, irritation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and zoom, diarrhea, changes in the cellular composition of blood, disturbances of consciousness, auditory and visual hallucinations, reducing visual acuity and hearing.

Mode of application:inside 30 minutes before meals. Daily doses: adults -250-500 mg (maximum daily dose - 4 g), children under 3 years old - 10-15 mg / per kg of body weight, for 3-8 years old - 150-200 mg, children over 8 years old - 200-300 mg. Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times a day. Course treatment - 2 weeks.

Release form:in the form of tablets at 250 and 500 mg - 10 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:the drug is incompatible with barbiturates, sulfonamides, cytostatics.



Active substance:clindamycin.

Pharmachologic effect:bacteriostatic antibiotic group of lincoosamide. Affects anaerobic and aerobic gram-positive microorganisms, anaerobic gram-negative microorganisms. The stability of microflora to the drug is formed slowly.

Indications:ryzh, Scarlatina, Sepsis, otita, bacterial endocarditis, angina, aspiration pneumonia, inflammation of the sinuses of the nose, the ulcers of various localization, infectious damage to bones and joints, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, colpit, wound infection, etc.

Contraindications:individual intolerance to the drug, myasthenia.

Side effects:abdominal pain, nausea, reducing the number of leukocytes in the blood, colitis, rashes on the skin; With too fast the introduction of the drug in Vienna, a sharp drop in blood pressure may occur.

Mode of application:inside, intramuscularly and intravenously. In tablets - 150-450 mg 3-4 times a day. Children dosage is calculated based on the norm of 8-25 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. For introducing into the muscle and vena, adults - 1.2-2.7 g per day, children up to 1 month - 15-20 mg / kg body weight per day, children aged from 1 month - 20-40 mg / kg body weight per day. The multiplicity of administration is 3-4 times a day.

Release form:a solution for injection in 4 ml ampoules (150 mg - in 1 ml) - 5 ampoules per pack; 150 mg capsules, 300 mg - 8 pieces per pack; Vaginal cream in a tuba at 100 g.

Special instructions:the use of the drug in pregnant women, lactating women, as well as in patients with renal and liver failure, early age children.



Active substance:pipe emidic acid.

Pharmachologic effect:affects the metabolic processes, contributing to the destruction of bacteria. Effective in the fight against intestinal stick, gonococci, meningococci, a blue rod, staphylococci.

Indications:infections of kidneys and urinary tract (inflammation of kidney pelvis, urinary bubble, urethra, including gonorrheal nature), prostatitis.

Contraindications:the drug cannot be applied for diseases accompanied by convulsions, renal and liver failure, individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in patients under the age of 14.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, stool impairment, abdominal pain, disorders from the composition of intestinal microflora, allergies, changes in behavior, convulsive seizures, insomnia, changes in skin sensitivity, depression of blood formation. Since Palin acts on a limited spectrum of microbes, it is possible to develop superinfection - infection with bacteria, sustainable quinolon.

Mode of application:inside, before taking food, drinking water. The average dosage of the drug is 200 mg 2 times a day. If the disease is caused by some of the species of staphylococcus, the multiplicity of drug intake should be increased to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days, however, with severe pyelonephritis, Palaine can last up to 1.5 months, and with prostatitis - up to 2 months. With uncomplicated cystitis in women, the drug is used in the form of candles on 1 piece before bedtime.

Release form:capsules of 200 mg - 20 pieces per pack, tablets with a shell of 400 mg - 20 pieces per pack, vaginal candles of 200 mg - 10 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:if there was previously a patient suffered a stroke, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of the doctor. When taking PALINA you need to use more fluid. During the treatment period, a false increase in glucose level in the urine is possible.



Active substance:norfloxacin.

Pharmachologic effect:the synthetic preparation of the fluoroquinolone group, which has a bactericidal effect of a wide spectrum.

Indications:acute, as well as chronic infectious diseases of urinary tract, prevention of recurrence of infectious diseases of urinary tract, gonorrhea, bacterial gastroenteritis, diarrhea prevention during travel.

Contraindications:children's and adolescence, high sensitivity to the active agent of the drug, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding periods.

Side effects:allergic reactions, disorders of the functions of the stomach and intestines, dizziness, headache; In old age - drowsiness, fatigue, weakness, irritability, anxiety, confusion of consciousness, hallucinations, fear, noise in the ears, depression.

Mode of application:inside 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating, drinking water, 1 tablet 2 times a day. Course treatment - 1-2 weeks.

With acute uncomplicated cystitis - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3-5 days. With gonor - 1 time (0.8-1.2 g) or 2 times (0.4 g) per day for 3-7 days.

In chronic bacterial prostatitis - 1 tablet 2 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

In order to prevent diarrhea during travel, take 0.4 g per day before departure, and then throughout the time the path is 1 tablet per day.

Release form:in the form of tablets of 0.4 g - 10 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:carefully apply in patients with kidney diseases, central nervous system, inflammation of tendons. During the reception, the means should be abandoned from activities requiring a high concentration of attention.


Active substance:offloxacin.

Pharmachologic effect:the preparation of a wide range of action with bactericidal properties.

Indications:urinary tract infections (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis); gynecological infectious diseases (adnexitis, colpit); respiratory tract infections (pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis); infections of ENT organs (sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis); infections of the skin and soft tissues (face infected wounds); infections of the organs of vision (keratitis, blepharitis); infections of the gastrointestinal tract (cholangitis, cholecystitis, intestinal infections); Infections of joints and bones (osteomyelitis).

Contraindications:children's and adolescent age, epilepsy, high sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, weakness, insomnia, rash, itching, swelling, fever.

Mode of application:the dosage is selected individually to the doctor. Usually inside 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. With uncomplicated urinary tract infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day. In severe infections and the impossibility of receiving inside, an intravenous infusion of a solution of 1-2 bottles is prescribed 2 times a day drip. If the kidney function is violated on the first day - 1 bottle, then 0.5 bottles per day.

Release form:200 mg tablets - 10 and 20 pieces per pack; The solution for the injection of 100 ml in the bottle (in 1 ml - 2 mg).

Special instructions:treatment with the drug cannot be combined with ultraviolet irradiation.


Active substance:sparfloxacin.

Pharmachologic effect:it has an adverse effect on the genetic apparatus of the bacterial cell and destroys her shell, resulting in its death. Fights with a large number of causative agents of diseases: intestinal bacteria, cinema stick, chlamydia, streptococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.

Indications:diseases of respiratory (bronchitis, in-hospital pneumonia), sinusitis, otitis, infectious conjunctivitis, keratitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation of uterine appendages, wound infection, blood infection, chlamydial infection, intestinal infections, lung tuberculosis.

Contraindications:allergies, diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by convulsions, age under 18 years of age, heart rate disorders and conductivity, period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, the drug is not recommended to be used for kidney diseases with deficiency of their function.

Side effects:nausea, stool disorders, increased gas formation in the intestines, headache, sleep disorders, skin sensitivity changes. Sometimes increased sweating, changing behavior, development of heart rate disorders associated with slowing conductivity in ventricles, depression of blood formation, loss of consciousness. It is possible to increase body temperature, allergic reactions, increased bleeding, pain in muscles and joints, enhancing sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Mode of application:inside, the dose of the drug may vary from 100 to 400 mg per day depending on the localization and severity of the infectious process. With respiratory infections, the first dose is 400 mg, then for 10-14 days prescribe 200 mg 1 time per day. When pyelonephritis, cystitis, the drug is received first in the amount of 200 mg, and then until the end of treatment is 100 mg 1 time per day. Gonor is required to receive 200 mg sparflo 1 time.

Release form:shell-covered tablets, 200 mg - 6 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:during treatment, Sparflo must try to avoid long staying in the sun and drink more fluid. The drug may cause drowsiness, which is why at the time of its reception should be abandoned from performing work that requires increased attention and rapid response. Simultaneous reception of iron preparations slows down the absorption of the antibiotic.



Active substance:sulfametreol, trimethopris.

Pharmachologic effect:combined preparation of a wide range of action that has a bactericidal effect.

Indications:acute and chronic infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillites, otitis, pneumonia), urinary tract and kidneys (pylits, pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis), gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, nuts, enteritis), genital organs, skin infections (abscesses , furuncules, piederma), etc.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, severe disorders of kidney and liver functions, heart failure, children's age up to 6 weeks, periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding periods.

Side effects:nausea, vomiting, impaired appetite, dry mouth, allergic reactions.

Mode of application:inside after meals. Children aged from 6 weeks to 5 months - 2.5 ml of suspension 2 times a day, from 6 months to 5 years - 5 ml of suspension 2 times a day, from 6 to 12 years - 10 ml of suspension or 4 Tablets 2 times a day, older than 12 years and adults - 2 tablets 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days and more.

Release form:tablets (80 mg of trimethopris and 400 mg of sulfamemarol) - 20 pieces per pack; Tablets for children (20 mg of trimethopril and 100 mg of sulfamemarol) - 20 pieces per pack; Children's suspension in 100 ml bottles for intake (in 5 ml - 40 mg of trimethopril and 200 mg of sulfametreol).

Special instructions:carefully apply lidaprim in combination with drugs reduced blood sugar levels.



Active substance:vancomycin.

Pharmachologic effect:bactericidal antibiotic group of glycopeptides, affects gram-positive microorganisms.

Indications:sepsis, infectious endocarditis, lung abscess, infectious skin diseases, meningitis.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, the defeat of the auditory nerve, pregnancy.

Side effects:dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, kidney damage, thrombophlebitis, fever.

Mode of application:intravenously or intramuscularly 500 mg 4 times a day or 1000 mg 2 times a day. Children - 40 mg / kg body weight per day at 2 or 4 administration. Duration 1 intravenous administration - 60 min.

Release form:in the form of a powder for the preparation of an injection solution in bottles of 0.5, 1 g

Special instructions:not used in conjunction with aminoglycosides, loop diuretics, cyclosporin, common anesthetics.

Phosphonic acid derivatives


Active substance:phosphomycin thrometamol.

Pharmachologic effect:antibacterial preparation of a wide range of action that has a bactericidal effect on most gram-positive bacteria.

Indications:acute and chronic cystitis, nonspecific bacterial urethritis, massive asymptomatic bacteriuria (in pregnant women), prevention of urinary infections during operational and diagnostic transuretral interventions, urinary system infections in the postoperative period.

Contraindications:children's age up to 5 years, increased sensitivity to drug components, pronounced renal failure.

Side effects:nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

Mode of application:before taking the contents of 1 package to dissolve in 0.3 glasses of water. Take inside 2 hours before meals 1 time per day, pre-emptying bladder. Adults once - 3 g per day, children once - 2 g per day. With severe and recurrent infections, re-use of the drug is allowed in the same dosage.

Release form:in the form of granules for the preparation of a solution for intake in bags of 2 and 3 g.

Special instructions:during pregnancy, apply taking into account the potential benefits for the mother and possible risk for the fetus. During therapy, it is necessary to abandon breastfeeding.


Active substance:sulfadiazine silver.

Pharmachologic effect:antimicrobial effect of a wide spectrum. Affects bacteria and some fungi.

Indications:infectious skin diseases, breakdowns, deep wounds, burns.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, period of pregnancy, age up to 1 month.

Side effects:local skin reactions - itching, burning. With long-term reception of the drug may develop leukopenia.

Mode of application:externally. A layer of cream is applied to the treated wound or affected and the skin and covered with sterile dressing material. Change the dressing 2 times a day. It is possible to use the drug up to 3 weeks.

Release form:1% cream in tubes of 50 g or banks for 250 g.

Antiviral drugs

Medicinal preparations of this group are used in the treatment of diseases caused by viruses. Also prescribe them preventive goal.

Antiviral drugs are divided into several groups: interferons and their analogues, interferonogens, purine derivatives, pyrimidine, adamantane. There are also preparations with antiviral action created on the basis of vegetable raw materials.

Interferon group preparations are obtained from biological material by genetic engineering.

These include Ophthalmferon, Interferon Human Leicoccal, Herpferon, Viferon.

Interferons are active with any sharp respiratory viral infections. The use of them from the beginning of the disease (in the hidden period) within 1-3 days helps to significantly alleviate further symptoms. Interferonogens are reinforced in the human body to generate their own interferon and belong to immunomodulators (see ch. 10). They are used with a preventive purpose.

Chemical methods are obtained by antiviral drugs like Ribavirin, Arbidol, Remantadin, Tamiflu. The last drug is the most famous. It is currently less used, as it has an activity only against influenza viruses. Many more modern drugs are used with greater diseases. Remantadine has a good effect as a prophylactic agent against influenza in the cold season.

Ribavirin is similar to remantine, but is used in respiratory and syntial infection. This disease often proceeds in the form of pneumonia in children under 1 year.

Arbidol is also effective only with influenza, it slows down the reproduction of viruses in the body.

Tamiflu is used to treat influenza. This is more effective drugHe is prescribed both at the beginning of the disease and as much as its development. The drug significantly reduces the number of complications from influenza, but has many side effects. He is prescribed only to adults and children over 12 years old.

Chemical antiviral drugs include Oxolin, Bonafton, Florenal, Tabrofen. Most of them are used locally with different viral diseases (herpes, adenoviral infection).


Active substance:acyclovir.

Pharmachologic effect:the drug refers to the acyclic counterparts of guanin. It is a natural component of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Effective in diseases caused by herpes viruses simple (1st, 2nd types), windshield viruses, Epstein - Barr, cytomegalovirus.

Indications:inside or intravenously, the drug is prescribed during herpes, wind pump, as well as for their prevention. In the eye practice, the drug is used in herpetic keratitis. The drug is used in the treatment of herpes and chickenpox.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, renal failure.

Side effects:with the internal use of the drug, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the abdomen are noted. There may be dizziness and headache, an increase in body temperature. More rarely marked hair loss and rash on the skin, impaired kidney and liver function.

Intravenous administration of the drug can lead to the defeat of the central nervous system (cramps, impairment of psyche and consciousness). maybe acute violation kidney functions.

Local use of the drug in the eye practice can cause inflammation of the conjunctiva, eyelids, cornea. When applied to the skin there may be burning, redness and peeling of the skin, itching.

Mode of application:inside are prescribed to adults and children from 2 years - 200-400 mg 3-5 times a day. In severe cases, it is possible to increase the one-time dose of up to 800 mg and take it 4 times a day. Children up to 2 years old dose are reduced by 2 times. The duration of treatment is 5-10 days.

Intravenously drip the drug is administered to adults and children from 12 years in a dose of 5-10 mg / kg body weight 3 times a day. Maximum daily dose for adults - 30 mg / kg body weight per day. Children from 3 months to 12 years, the drug is introduced 3 times a day at a dose of 250-500 mg / m body surface.

Outwardly, the drug is used 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

Release form:tablets of 200, 400 mg - 20 pieces per pack, 5% ointment - in a tube of 5 g (in 1 g 50 mg), 5% cream - in a tub of 2, 5, 20 g (in 1 g 50 mg), powder for the preparation of an injection solution - in a bottle of 250, 500 mg.

Special instructions:preparation with caution is prescribed for kidney diseases, elderly persons. During treatment, it is necessary to consume more fluid. Appoint the drug during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding is undesirable. Cream and ointment are not used to apply to mucous eye, oral cavity, vagina.


Active substance:valacyclovir.

Pharmachologic effect:brekes the reproduction of herpes viruses. In the human body, the drug is transformed into acyclovir and valine.

Indications:treatment and prevention of exacerbations of diseases caused by the herpes of herpes simple, listened.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the preparation and acyclovir.

Side effects:in rare cases, headache and nausea are noted. With severe immunodeficiency states, the use of the drug in large doses and can long cause a violation of the kidney function, hemolytic anemia.

Mode of application:inside. With a lisp, the drug is prescribed 1 g 3 times a day for 7 days. In the case of a simple herpes, the drug is recommended to take 2 times a day at 500 mg. The duration of treatment is 5-10 days. If the kidney function is violated, the dose of the drug is selected individually depending on the clearance of creatinine (1 g 1-2 times a day).

Release form:500 mg tablets - 10 or 42 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:there is no needle for the safety of treating the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. People of elderly during the treatment period is recommended to use more fluid. Children do not prescribe the drug.


Active substance:abakavir Sulfat, Lamivudin, Zidovudine.

Pharmachologic effect:the effectiveness of human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) of the 1st and 2nd types. Revealed reduced sensitivity to abacaviru in HIV-and-humannel strains.

Indications:treatment of HIV infection.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, age up to 12 years, a significant violation of the liver function, a decrease in hemoglobin level of less than 75 g / l, the number of neutrophils is less than 0.75? 10 / l in the blood, breastfeeding period.

Side effects:the defeat of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), pronounced anemia, a decrease in the number of leukocytes, including neutrophils, blood platelets. In the treatment of high doses of the drug, the oppression of the function of the red bone marrow is possible. There may be disorders of the function of the stomach and intestines (no appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain in the top of the abdomen, diarrhea, increased gas formation in the intestine). The appearance of pigment spots on the oral mucosa is possible. The violation of the liver and pancreas function is determined in the blood levels of bilirubin, aspartatenotransferase, alanine substransferase, ornaic acid. Sometimes it is revealed to increase the size of the liver. Pain pain in muscles and joints. In the treatment of the drug, there may be mental and neurological disorders (sleep disorders, dizziness and headache, convulsions, slowing down the processes of thinking, depression, sensitivity disorders). From the side of the respiration by side effects there may be shortness of breath, cough. Pigmentation, redness, toxic ulcery bubbles, etc. are possible on the skin. Breaking, itching and high sweating. Weakness, increasing body temperature, chills, increase the mammary glands in men, taste perversions are more rarely.

Mode of application:inside, regardless of meals. Adults and children from 12 years old with a body mass of more than 40 kg are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. Tablets can not be broken!

When the kidney function is reduced, reduced hemoglobin levels of less than 90 g / l and neutrophil numbers less than 1000 in 1 μl It is recommended to assign the components of the drug separately. In case of appearance side Effects From the side of the blood reduce the dose of Zidovudine.

Release form:tablets in the shell (300 mg of abacavir sulfate, 150 mg of lamivudine, 300 mg of zidovudine) - 60 pieces in the bottle.

Special instructions:there is no data on the safety of the use of the drug during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the child is transferred to artificial or donor feeding. Pregnant pregnant prescribed the drug only in extreme cases when the benefit of it for the mother is more significant risk for the fetus. With a significant increase in the level of lactic acid in the body and signs of toxic liver damage, the inflammation of the pancreas is canceled. In the process of treatment, the first 3 months explore blood 2 times a week, then - 1 time per month.

Side effects can lead to a decrease in the driving ability of a car and other activities that require increased concentrations. There is no information about the effect of the drug on the ability of women to conceive.


Active substance:neusarepine anhydrate.

Pharmachologic effect:it has antiviral effect on HIV-1. The drug is quickly absorbed after internal use and is excreted through the kidneys.

Indications:infection caused by HIV-1, in adults and children. Prevention of infection of newborns in mothers that are carriers of HIV-1.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects:various rashes on the skin (reddened spots, tubercles, spilled redness) and itching. As allergic reactions there may be pain in muscles and joints, fever, an increase in lymph nodes, hepatitis, an increase in the number of eosi nofyls in the blood. In rare cases, allergies is accompanied by a violation of the kidney function, the development of quinque swelling, toxic bubble lesions of the skin. Disturbance of the function of the stomach and intestines is possible, an increase in the level of enzymes (? -HlutamylTranspendase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine substransferase, aspartataminotransferase), hepatitis, abdominal pain. The decrease in the number of granulocytes is noted mainly in children. There may be violations of the central nervous system (headache, increased fatigue, drowsiness).

Mode of application:inside. Adult preparations are prescribed 200 mg 1 time per day for 2 weeks. Next, the drug is accepted in the same dose 2 times a day. Children from 2 months to 8 years old are prescribed 4 mg / kg body weight 1 time per day in the first 2 weeks, then 3.5 mg / kg body weight 2 times a day. Elderly children are prescribed 4 mg / kg body weight 2 times a day. Maximum daily dose, regardless of age, - 400 mg. The total duration of treatment is determined individually.

For the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to a child during childbirth, a woman is given inside 200 mg of the drug once. Then for 3 days after birth, the child is given inside the drug once in a dose of 2 mg / kg body weight.

Release form:tablets of 200 mg - 60 and 100 pieces per pack, suspension - in a bottle of 240 ml (in 5 ml of 50 mg).

Special instructions:reception of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is undesirable, allowed in extreme cases. At the same time it is necessary to translate the child to donor or artificial feeding. The drug is prescribed in combination with 2-3 other antiretroviral drugs, as stability develops to it in viruses. When allergic reactions appear, the drug is canceled. If a break took place in the treatment for more than 7 days, then the drug is then started with introductory dosages (smaller). The drug does not reduce the risk of sexual partner infection. It reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. Communicable control over the condition of the liver. There are no information about the safety and efficiency of the use of Viramun. The drug reduces the ability to manage motor vehicles.

Antifungal drugs

Antifungal drugs are used to treat the fungal diseases of the skin and hair, nails, mucous membranes and internal organs. They are used locally and externally used inside, intravaginally, administered intravenously. Antifungal drugs suppress the reproduction of fungi, cause their death. The main importance in the treatment of fungal diseases has azole, allylamins and polyenic antibiotics.


Azoles - drugs related to derivatives of triazole and imidazole. They are obtained by synthetic. Azoles of system use (inside, intravenously) include fluconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole. Locally used from azoles Isaconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, bifonazole, oxyconazole, ketoconazole. The most famous of them (ketoconazole) is currently used inside less due to large toxicity. It is most often prescribed.

Azolic preparations damage the shell of fungal cells, which leads mainly to slowing down and stopping their reproduction. Preparations of this group are effective in diseases caused by candidate candidates Albikans, cryptococci, histopomism, blastomitzets, coccidoids, paracoccidoids. Resistance to Azoles is available in Gribkov Candida Charasta, Candida Cruise, Sigomycetes and Aspergill.

Azoles for internal use are well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Among the side effects are most often marked nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach, headache, chair disorders, allergic rash. Azole local applications accumulate in the skin.


Active substance:fluconazole.

Pharmachologic effect:triazole derivative. Slows the formation of ergosterol and disrupts the transport of substances through the fungal cell shell. It affects cryptococci, candidate fungi, mushrooms, causing microsporeium, trico.

Indications:candidal diseases, systemic and local (stomatitis, vaginites), cryptococcosis (including cryptococcal meningitis). Applied with fungal lesions of the skin in the groin area, nails, seven-party, paracoccidomyomykosis, histoplasmosis, spytyrchosis. Prescribed with a prophylactic target in immunodeficiency states, including the syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS).

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the preparation and other triazoles, a period of pregnancy. Do not prescribe the drug for children up to 1 year.

Side effects:from the digestive organs, abdominal pain, increased gas formation in the intestines, nausea, diarrhea. There may be dizziness and headache. Sometimes there are allergic reactions from rash on the skin to anaphylactic shock.

Mode of application:inside or intravenously. The drug is prescribed 50-400 mg 1 time per day. The multiplicity of reception and the duration of treatment is determined individually. In renal failure, the dose of the drug is reduced.

Release form:capsules of 50 mg - 7 pieces per pack, or 150 mg - 1 piece in the package.

Special instructions:when prescribing the drug during breastfeeding period, the child is transferred to donor or artificial feeding. The intake of flukonazole together with oral hypoglycemic drugs can lead to an excessive decrease in blood glucose levels.


Active substance:itraconazole.

Pharmachologic effect:triazole derivative. The drug leads to a violation of Ergosterol formation in a mushroom cell sheath. Affects Aspergillas, Blastoomycetes, cryptococci, histoplasm, paraxcidoids, microsphaus and trico mushrooms, candidate fungi.

Indications:fungal skin diseases, including genital organs, nails, mucous membranes (oral cavity, eye, vagina).

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug, the internal use of asthymizola, midazolam, cisapride, triazolam, terphyentine, ne riode pregnancy.

Side effects:disorders of the function of the stomach and intestines, liver, mechanical jaundice. There may be dizziness and headache. Allergic manifestations are more often noted in the form of a skin rash, itching, swelling quinque. Long-term treatment leads to a violation of menstruation, a decrease in the level of potassium in the blood and hair loss.

Mode of application:inside, after meals, 100 mg 1 time per day or 200 mg 1-2 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined individually (from one week to 12 months).

Release form:capsules of 100 mg - 7 pieces in the package.

Special instructions:the drug causes malformations of the fetus, so at the time of treatment for women of childbearing age, you need to use contraceptives. When prescribing the drug during breastfeeding period, the child is transferred to donor or artificial feeding. With caution prescribe the drug for diseases of the liver and kidney. With signs of hepatic failure, the drug is canceled. Fluconazole absorption decreases against the background of taking drugs lowering the acidity of gastric juice.


Active substance:clotrimazole.

Pharmachologic effect:antifungal drug of the imidazole group. It violates the formation of ergosterol in the shell of the fungal cell, leads to exchange disorders in it and further death. Affects mold and yeast fungi, dermatophytes, fungi, causing erytress and multicolored deprived. In addition, the drug has an antibacterial effect on staphylococci and streptococcal, bacteroids, Gardnerell, Corinbacteria, and Trichomonad.

Indications:erytrazm, multicolored deprived, fungal lesions of the skin, including feet.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects:in the place of applying the drug there may be redness, itching, burning sensation.

Mode of application:externally. A thin layer of cream 2-3 times a day is applied to clean dry skin, which is pre-washed with a neutral reaction soap. The duration of treatment is set individually for 4 weeks or more. With fungal defeat, the stop is recommended to carry out treatment after the disappearance of the illness of the disease for another 2 weeks. Treatment of multicolored losing usually lasts 1-3 weeks.

Release form:1% cream - in a tube of 20 g (in 1 g of 10 mg).

Special instructions:during the pregnancy and breastfeeding period, the drug is prescribed in extreme cases. In the eye practice, the drug is not used. The simultaneous purpose of Nistatin reduces the effectiveness of clotrimazole.


Active substance:betamethazone dipropionate, clotrimazole, gentamicin.

Pharmachologic effect:outdoor combined drug. Betamethasone reduces the manifestations of inflammation and allergies, swelling and itching of the skin. Clotrimazole has antifungal effect on trudodoes, epidermofites, microsporests, candidate fungi. Gentamicin acts on gram-negative (pseudomonads, aerobacteria, intestinal wand, protea, klebseyella) and gram-positive (golden staphylococcus, streptococci) bacteria. It slows down their growth and development.

Indications:dermatophytium, including in the groin area, the epidermochetium stop, fungal lesions of the skin in combination with bacterial infection.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, breastfeeding period.

Side effects:at the place of application of the drug, redness may occur, swelling, burning, itching, changing pigmentation.

Mode of application:locally. The thin layer of the drug is applied to the affected skin and healthy around 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Release form:cream or ointment - 15 g in tube (in 1 g of 640 μg of betamethazone dipropionate, 10 μg of clotrimazole, 1 mg of gentamicin).

Special instructions:it is not recommended to prescribe a drug during pregnancy. The drug is not used in eye practice. It should be avoided to fall into wounds and damaged skin. It is possible to form the formation of microflora to the drug. In this case, it is canceled. The use of the drug in children is possible only under the supervision of the doctor.


Allylamines are antifungal drugs obtained by synthetic. They affect many fungi and cause their death. Basically, drugs of this group are used to treat fungal skin diseases and its derivatives. Apply inside and externally.


Active substance:terbinefin hydrochloride.

Pharmachologic effect:antifungal drug from the group of allylamines of a wide range of action. Affects fungi, affecting the skin, nails and hair: different types of trudodoes, microspory, candidate fungi, phytosporee, epidermofitis. With respect to yeast fungi, the drug can have a different action - to suppress the growth of cells or cause their death. A specific action depends on the type of yeast fungus. When using the drug inside it accumulates in the skin, hair and nails in sufficient concentration fungi.

Indications:onychomicoses (dermatophytosis), fungal lesions of the scalp, fungal lesions of the skin on the body and limbs. With a multi-colored delay, the drug is effective only under local application.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug. Children up to 2 years or with a mass of body less than 12 kg, the drug is not prescribed.

Side effects:disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, a significant decrease in appetite, nausea, abdominal pain, chair disorders). There may be a rash on the skin by the type of urticaria, pain in the muscles and joints. Sometimes flavored sensitivity. In rare cases, the work of the liver is disturbed, jaundice develops. It is very rarely noted a decrease in the number of neutrophils, granulocytes, platelets. In general, the drug is moved well, and side effects are rarely manifested and weakly expressed.

Mode of application:inside, adults are prescribed 250 mg 1 time per day. Children with a body weight up to 20 kg are prescribed 62.5 mg, children with a body weight of 20-40 kg - 125 mg, and in more than 40 kg for children with a body weight of a body. The drug takes 1 time per day. The duration of treatment with fungal defeat of the stop - 2-6 weeks, and when lesion of the skin in other places - 2-4 weeks. Treatment with onchomicosis is longer - 6-12 weeks.

Release form:tablets at 125, 250 mg - 14 and 28 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:it is not recommended to prescribe a drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the latter case, it is necessary to translate the child to donor or artificial feeding. The overdose of the drug is manifested by dizziness, nausea and pain in the opposite region. With chronic diseases of the liver and disruption of the kidney function, a drug is prescribed in a half-dose.


Active substance:naphtyphine hydrochloride.

Pharmachologic effect:the outer antifungal drug belonging to the allylamine group. Determinently affects mold fungi, dermatophytes, pathogens of sporerichoz. Effective relative to trudodoes, microspory, aspergill, epidermofitis. The impact on yeast fungi can be destructive or expressed in braking their growth and development. The drug has antimicrobial effect on gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory activity and reduces itching. It has a long action (up to 24 hours).

Indications:fungal diseases of the skin, including candidiasis, decenual deprived, onchomicoses, fungal lesions of interfallated skin folds. Apply the drug with a combination of fungal and bacterial infection.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects:rarely observed redness and dry skin, burning. In these cases, the drug continues to apply.

Mode of application:externally. The cream is applied to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat 1 time per day. Pre-skin is cleaned and dried. The duration of treatment during candidias is 4 weeks, during dermatomycosis - 2-4 weeks. For the treatment of onychomicosis, the drug is prescribed 2 times a day for up to 6 months. After the disappearance of signs of the disease, the treatment continues for another 2 weeks.

Release form:1% solution for external use is 10 ml in a bottle of 10 ml (in 1 ml of 10 mg), 1% cream - in tubes of 15 and 30 g (in 1 g of 10 mg).

Special instructions:under the compliance of the treatment rules, the drug does not have a negative impact on the fruit and the newborn. You should avoid getting medicine into the eyes or wounds.

Antifungal antibiotics

Some antibiotics, such as polyenov, have antifungal action. They have natural origins - are produced by microorganisms. Medicinal preparations of this group affect the encycle cell shell, violate the exchange processes in it and thus cause death. They have the widest range of action.

Almost all drugs of this group are not absorbed in the intestines when used inside and from the surface of the skin with external use.


Active substance:natamicin.

Pharmachologic effect:polyenic antibacterial drug of a group of macrolides that has antifungal action. He destructively affects fungi. To the drug is stable candida fungi. Reduced sensitivity to the preparation of dermatophytes. Complete resistance to pimafucine does not develop.

Indications:fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, including intestines, genital organs, nails, as well as sprinkled against the background of treatment with glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, cytostatics.

Contraindications:increased sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects:when used inside, there may be nausea, stool disorders. Local use of pimafucine, especially vaginal, can cause irritation and burning sensation.

Mode of application:inside, locally. With fungal defeat of the intestine, adults are prescribed the drug inside 100 mg 4 times a day, and children are 100 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. With fungal skin diseases and nails, the drug is applied 1 time per day on affected places. The duration of treatment is determined individually.

Vaginal drug is used for 3-6 days - 100 mg per day. Candles are introduced into the vagina before bedtime, being in the lying position, deeply. If necessary, it is additionally prescribed pimafucine inside - 100 mg 4 times a day for 10-20 days.

Release form:tablets of 100 mg - 20 pieces per pack, 2% cream - in a tube of 30 g (in 1 g of 20 mg), 100 mg candles - 3 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed. Treatment is interrupted for menstruation period. At the time of treatment, sex contacts exclude.


Antiseptics are a group of preparations widely used in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. They prevent or slow the development of microbial flora, which makes them indispensable in many medical specialties. In addition, antiseptics are used to disinfect surgical instruments and processing hospital rooms.

Septolet Plus

Active substance:benzocaine + cetylpyridine chloride.

Pharmachologic effect:it has an anesthetic and antiseptic effect. Cetylpyridine refers to the antiseptic group, is active in relation to bacteria, some viruses and fungi. Benzocaine has pain relief properties, reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx, removes soreness when swallowing, eliminates the burning mucosa and other unpleasant sensations caused by the infectious inflammatory process.

Indications:inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, gum, pharynx, larynx (acute respiratory viral infections, angina). With an angina, the drug can be applied only in the first 2-3 days, otherwise the degree of infection becomes too strong in order for the drug to provide its effect.

Contraindications:allergy to the drug, child age under 6 years, a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. With surface injuries of the mucous membrane, the sepollet plus is undesirable, since Cetylpyridine, having an antimicrobial effect, simultaneously slows down the recovery processes. In addition, the contraindication is the intolerance to fructose, which is contained in the preparation.

Side effects:allergic reactions, nausea, stool disorders. Unwanted effects manifest themselves very rarely, but when they occur with the use of the means it should be refused.

Mode of application:for children under 12 years old, take 1 pastel up to 4 times a day, resolving it in the mouth until complete dissolution. Reception of medication is desirable to spend after identical intervals. Patients over 12 years old drug can be used up to 8 times a day also 1 pastel.

Release form:pastili (contains 5 mg of benzocaine and 1 mg of cetylpyridine chloride) - 10 pieces per pack.

Special instructions:the drug should not be taken during or shortly before meals or drink. The use of the drug in small doses is safe for patients with diabetes, as the plus contains sugar in the sepollet.


Active substance:plicoxidine hydrochloride.

Pharmachologic effect:it has a disinfecting effect, fights against bacteria, viruses and fungi, found its use in ophthalmological practice.

Indications:prevention and treatment of keratitis, conjunctivitis (including allergic to prevent the development of purulent complications), blufarites, trachomas. It can be used to prevent infection after eye operations. Not applied with iris, iridocyclites.

Contraindications:individual intolerance to the drug.

Side effects:allergies, redness of conjunctiva, temporary tears and a decrease in visual acuity.

Mode of application:the solution is buried 1 drop into each eye, carefully pulling away the lower eyelid. The procedure is carried out 2-6 times a day, preferably at equal intervals. Course treatment - 3-10 days.

Release form:0.05% eye drops - in a 10 ml bottle.

Special instructions:when using the drug, along with other eye-eye facilities (drops, ointments), there should be at least 15 minutes between processing them. If after the patient's injection, the patient notes a decrease in visual acuity, then for half an hour, work should not be performed for which elevated attentiveness and reaction rate is necessary.


Active substance:hexamidine.

Pharmachologic effect:it has antiseptic properties, used externally. Typically, hexamidine is used in complex preparations.

Indications:for the prevention of bacterial, viral or fungal skin infection, mouth cavities and nose, genital organs; Processing wounds during dressings; Light forms of bacterial skin infection (pyodermia, youthful acne).

Contraindications:individual intolerance to the drug. Hexamidine is not suitable for the prevention and treatment of eye infections due to the too strong irritating effect on the conjunctival. In addition, it is impossible to use it for the treatment of infectious-inflammatory ear processes. The antiseptic has relatively weak properties of disinfection, so it is impossible to use it for skin treatment before injections, it is impossible to use it.

Side effects:allergic reactions (itching, redness of the skin and mucous membranes in the place of application of the drug), when processing skin with rays and abrasions, irritation is possible, the appearance of eczema, allergic dermatitis.

Mode of application:the solution is applied to a cotton or gauze tampon, processed by the necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membranes. In the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, rinsing with a solution of 10-15 s is carried out. Antiseptic processing is carried out 2-6 times a day.

Release form:the solution for outdoor use is 250 ml in a bottle.

Special instructions:hexamidine loses its effectiveness if you handle the skin simultaneously with soap.

The term "antibacterial drugs" shows the principle of action directed against bacteria. They are prescribed only in infectious processes; Use them with allergies and viruses is useless.

Antibacterial chemicals were originally synthetic preparations, which were created artificially, but the effects of bacterial suppression are similar to antibiotics.

They were then only sulfonamides. With the creation of antibiotics in this class included them.

With the creation of the strongest antibacterial drugs similar to antibiotics and even superior to them, the concept of an antibiotic has expanded and today is used as a synonym for antibacterial agents, which includes everything.

It is not right; Antibacterial drugs and antibiotics are different things. Antibiotics are only an integral part of antibacterial.

Antibiotics are essentially substances that alone microorganisms are produced against others to destroy them. These natural substances initially.

Antibiotics, antiseptics, antimicrobial and antibacterial are included in antibacterial agents. Their destination is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms (microbes).

These smallest forms of life have arisen long before the emergence of a person and prosperously prosper and so on. All environment It is populated by billions of bacteria that live outside, and inside the human body.

Microbes include bacteria (kernels do not have), some fungi, protists (have a kernel and familiar with everyone else from the school program - for example, infusories), archaei. They are not necessarily unicellular, but they are all alive.

In contrast to viruses and prions (protein structures in tissues that have the ability to multiply), which can develop only in living host cells. That is why antibiotics for viruses cannot affect. Only antiviral drugs and some antiseptics can affect them. In turn, antiviral drugs are useless in a bacterial infection.

Antiseptics - act on all microorganisms, but apply only externally. This includes iodine, alcohol, potassium permanganate. They disinfect wounds and warn decomposition processes.

Antimicrobial agents - it is possible to apply both externally and inside (orally, injectable, in candles, etc.). Sulfonilamides can be attributed to them.

Antibiotics are a narrower group of means effective against bacteria and protozoa (for example, malaria plasmodium, chlamydia, etc.). They are so divided: antibacterial and antiprotozoic.

According to the method of use among them, there are also antiseptics and antimicrobials; For example, Levomycetin, Amoxicillin.

Those antimicrobial and antiseptic, which affect fungi - antifungal or antimicotic drugs.

All antibacterial drugs include 6 groups:

  • quinolone;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • nitrofurans;
  • oxychinolines;
  • hinoxalyna;
  • sulfanimamides.

Their action will be disassembled below.

A bit of history

In 1928, Penicillin A. Belling was opened, who discovered him by chance on the bread mold and gave him such a name. Mold of this fungus destroyed the colonies of staphylococcus in Petri dishes. But the delight did not cause anyone, because the drug turned out to be very unstable and quickly destroyed.

But after 10 years, in 1938, a preparation was created, where Penicillin was maintained in an active form. This was done by the British from Oxford Howardflory and Ernst Chain; They highlighted it in its pure form.

The production of this drug began from 1943, and saved the lives of millions of people in the war, turning the course of history. And in 1945 These three scientists received the Nobel Prize.

In the USSR in 1942, Krustosin was created, which was one and a half times more effective than foreign penicillin. Created his microbiologist Zinaida Yermoliev.


Antibiotics today have created a mass and classification of them on the principle of operation and the chemical structure.

In its effect, all antibiotic drugs are divided into bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Bacteriostatics - stop the reproduction of bacteria, but do not destroy them.

In the second group - bacteria die and derived from the kidneys and feces. Bactericidity is manifested in the suppression of all types of synthesis: proteins, DNA, membranes of bacteria cells.

Concept of antibacterial drugs

So, antibacterial agents can be divided as follows:

  1. Hinolona - antibacterial agents, and fustoquinolones are also included. Apply successfully with various system infectious pathologies.
  2. Fluoroquinolones have a wide range of action. They are not pure antibiotics, although close to them in action. But they have a different origin and structure. Many antibiotics - natural origin or approximate to natural analogues. Fluorochinolone has no.
  3. There are 2 generations of these drugs. Some of them are included in the List of Zhv: it is Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, LEFLOXACIN, OPLAKLSACIN.
  4. Nitrofurans are also not antibiotic drugs, although they have a bacteriostatic effect. Applied for chlamydiosis, trichomonas, giardias, some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In high doses of bactericidna. A resistance to them is rare.
  5. Sulfanimamides - have a bacteriostatic action; Antibiotics are not often assigned to enhance their action.
  6. Oxychinolines - suppress gram-negative bacteria, suppressing the activity of their enzymes. Apply with intestinal and renal infections, lepreing.
  7. Hinoxalyna - bactericidal substances with poorly studied action.

The classification by the chemical structure used now looks like this:

  1. Beta-lactam antibiotics; They combine 3 subgroups - penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenes.
  2. Macrolids are a large group of antibiotics-bacteriostatics; The most secure in terms of side properties.
  3. Tetracyclines are also bacteriostatics; Still remain in the first rows in the treatment of Siberian ulcers, Tularemia, choleracellosis, brucellosis.
  4. Aminoglycosides - possess bactericidal properties. Prescribed during sepsis, peritonitis. Highly toxic.
  5. Levomycetins - bacteriostatics; They are toxic for bone marrow, therefore apply limited.
  6. Glycopeptide antibiotics - allowance; But only bacteriostatically apply to famous coks.
  7. Lincoosamids are bacteriostatics in the therapeutic dose. In high doses, a bactericidal action is shown.
  8. Anti-tuberculosis drugs are effective when Koch's wand. The strength of the action is divided into most, moderately and low efficient.
  9. Antibiotics of different groups - fusidin-sodium, polymixinm, gramscidine, rifamycin, etc. are used quite infrequently, therefore remain effective in the treatment of intestinal infections, throat infections, etc.
  10. Antifungal antibiotics - a spectrum of action is limited to fungi, destroy the membrane of fungal cells. On other pathogens do not work.
  11. Anti-collect drugs are rarely used, only for the treatment of leprosy - diucifon, solidfone, etc.

Methods of reception

Antibiotics are available in tablets, ampoules, ointments, sprays, drops, candles and syrup. Accordingly, I. different methods Applications.

Multiplicity of reception and duration are assigned by a doctor. Syrups, mainly prescribe to small children. Methods of reception: oral; injection; local.

Local use can be outdoor, intranasally, intravaginal, rectally. Injection forms are used in infections with an average and heavy flow. In these cases, the antibiotic enters the blood quickly, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

All details are stipulated by a doctor, and do not depend on the awareness of the patient. For example, Abacttal is divorced before the introduction of glucose; Phys. The antibiotic solution destroys, and, consequently, the treatment will not give effect.

Otherwise, it is unacceptable to engage in self-medication, although there are detailed instructions to their application.

The duration of treatment is at least 7-10 days, even despite improved well-being.

Sensitivity to antibiotics

The uncontrolled antibiotics led today to the fact that they often turn out to be ineffective. This happens because bacteria become resistant to the means.

Therefore, in order to get immediately in the "top ten", it is necessary to identify the type of pathogen and the sensitivity of the pathogen to one or another antibiotic.

For this purpose, the culture method of diagnosis is applied by the Tank.posyev method. This is ideal. But often it happens that the help is needed quickly, and sowing will reveal the result in a few days.

In such cases, the doctor empirically, assuming the possible pathogen, appoints that antibiotic, which in the region has proven to be the most efficient.

Most often for this apply the antibiotics of a wide range of action. If by that time the analysis will be ready, it is possible to replace the antibiotic to the desired, if the appointed did not give effect for 3 days.

Possible mechanisms of resistance

The resistance mechanism may be as follows:

  1. Microorganisms may with illiterate treatment to mutate and reactions that block the antibiotic becomes indifferent for the pathogen.
  2. The causative agent may surround himself with a protective capsule and become impenetrable for antibiotics.
  3. The bacteria does not vulnerable to the antibiotic structure.
  4. The bacteria can have a destructive antibiotic enzyme at a chemical formula level that translates medicine In the latent shape (staphylococci, for example, contain lactamase, destroying penicillins).

Antibiotics are always effective

Antibiotics are able to destroy only bacteria, fungi and simplest; When viruses - their use is impractical. That is why, when ORVI antibiotics are not allowed, since 99% of the ARVI have viral origin.

And therefore, antibiotics are effective in angina, since they are caused by strepto and staphylococci. The same picture is observed with pneumonia. 80% of them are caused by bacteria. With viral pneumonia, a doctor may assign antibiotics to prevent the addition of a secondary infection at the end of antiviral therapy.

Antibiotics and alcohol

If a person applies alcoholic and antibiotics together, he, first of all, strikes his liver, because all antibacterial agents are decomposed with liver, as well as alcohol.

In addition, some drugs themselves can connect with alcohol with chemical reactions and reduce its effectiveness. Among such funds, trichopol, cefapancerone, levomycetyin, etc. can be noted.

Antibiotics during pregnancy

Treatment of pregnant antibiotics is always difficult, since the teratogenicity of the prescribed drug is taken into account. In 1 trimester, their purpose is completely excluded; In 2 and 3 trimesters, it is possible to assign them, but with a light-up and in exceptional cases. In these weeks, the main bodies of the baby are already formed, but there is always the risk of adverse effects.

Do not apply the antibiotics of the future mom is impossible if diagnosed: angina, pyelonephritis, infected wound, sepsis, pneumonia, STIs; Specific infections: Borellosis, brucellosis, TB, etc.

Can be prescribed during pregnancy

No teratogenic action of penicillin, cephalosporins, josamamicin and erythromycin, azithromycin, gentamicin (the last 2 drugs can be applied on life indications). Cephalosporins are very slightly penetrated through the placenta to harm the fetus.

Not prescribed during pregnancy:

  • aminoglycosides (can cause congenital deafness);
  • clarithromycin and roxitromycin (toxic for the fetus);
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • metronidazole (Teratogenene);
  • amphotericin (causes a delay in the development of the fetus and miscarriage);
  • tetracyclines (violates the formation of the bone fetus system);
  • levomycetin (inhibits bone fruit brain).

Why so little information about the effect of antibiotics on the fruit? Because these experiments are prohibited. And the metabolism of man and laboratory animals does not coincide 100%, so the results may vary.

What are the consequences?

In addition to the antibacterial effect, antibiotics have a systematic impact on the body, therefore there are always side effects.

These include:

  • hepatotoxicity;
  • toxico-allergic reactions; dysbacteriosis;
  • reducing immunity (this is especially important in the baby);
  • impact on the kidneys;
  • development of the resistance of the pathogen, especially with illiterate treatment;
  • superinfection - when, in response to the introduction of the antibiotic, those microorganisms that were resistant to it are activated and they cause a new disease in addition to the existing one.

Also, during antibacterial therapy, the exchange of vitamins is disturbed due to the oppression of the microflora of the large intestine, where some vitamins are synthesized.

A more rare, but complex and dangerous reaction - bacteriolism Yarisha-Gersheimer - reaction. It may occur with the massive death of bacteria from a bactericidal antibiotic with the same massive emission of their toxins into the blood. The reaction by flow resembles ISS.

Allergic reactions can lead to anaphylactic shock; That is why prick antibiotics at home is dangerous, here you will not be able to provide emergency care for the patient.

The reception of antobacterial drugs affects the gastrointestinal tract and most often this is manifested in the oppression of the intestinal microflora, which is expressed by the diarine syndrome and violates the metabolism in general. These are dysbacteriosis whose scientific name is antibiotic diarrhea. Therefore, along with antibacterial therapy, it should always be prescribed pre- and probiotics.

Antibiotics with prophylactic purposes

Many young mothers advanced on the Internet at the slightest signs of the cold immediately begin to drink antibiotics themselves and give them to children. This is a gross mistake.

Antibiotics do not have preventive action. If there is no pathogen, except for side effects you will not get anything. Antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs for children in the treatment of infections are used today is definitely, but only in identifying its bacterial origin.

Preventive antibiotics can be assigned in hospital only with surgical operations to prevent the development of secondary infection; Maximum dose is introduced half an hour before the operation once. Without purulent complications after surgery, antibacterial therapy is not appointed.

The second case is the introduction of an antibiotic in the presence of an infected wound. The purpose of this is to crush the infection before its manifestation.

And the third moment - for emergency prevention (unprotected sex - for the prevention of syphilis and gonorrhea).

Rules for treatment with antibiotics:

  1. Treatment is appointed only by a doctor.
  2. With viral infections, antibiotics are not shown.
  3. Fully comply with the course of treatment; Do not stop independently. Take at one time.
  4. Do not adjust the dose of reception.
  5. Drink antibiotics tablets only with water; Milk, tea, soda - not apply.
  6. There should be the same interval in time between the receptions of the drug.
  7. During treatment, exercise and workouts are excluded.
  8. Antibacterial drugs for the child are prescribed only with its body weight and age. This is the prerogative of a pediatrician.

Treatment of Helicobacter infection

It is carried out only when identifying the specified bacteria on the gastric mucosa:

  1. Powerful LS against this type of bacteria are: Clarithromycin - a macrolide with high antihelicobacter activity; It dissolves in the stomach medium and blocks the synthesis processes of the bacterium. Also has an anti-inflammatory effect. He has a minimum of side effects, is moved well. His analogues - macropen, fromylide, binoclar, etc.
  2. Amoxicillin is a bactericidal preparation. When Helicobacter is combined with the metronidazole. Analogs - Augmentin, Amoxyl.
  3. Azithromycin - 3 generation of macrolides. It has solubility in the acidic area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and is well tolerated. Analogs - Azamax, Brillide, Sumamed, etc.
  4. Levofloxacin - refers to fluoroquinolones; Bactericidal preparation for Helicobacter. Analogs - Glewo, Lebel, Ivacin, Levoxin. It is sufficient toxic, so require caution in application.
  5. Metronidazole - antimicrobial agent, not an antibiotic. Bactericiden is prescribed together with other antibiotics.
  6. PILITACT - Combined preparation for the treatment of pylori. It consists of clarithromycin, tinidazole and omens (antacid). Each component suppresses the activity of Helicobactherpylori.

Antibiotics in gynecology

Use exclusively antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action. They are applied taking into account the reception of other drugs to eliminate side effects. For example, the use of antibiotics and OK leads to unplanned pregnancy.

To combat pathogeful microorganisms - bacteria, simplest, fungi - antimicrobial and antifungal agents are used. Their action is based on the destruction of microbes or blocking their reproduction.

Next, the immune system of a person copes with the stopping infection. It is not always possible to accurately determine the type of microorganism that caused the disease. In these cases, antimicrobial preparations of widespread action become medicine, capable of cope with various species infections.

According to activities in terms of types of microorganisms, antibiotics are divided into:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiprotozoic;
  • anti-grib.

By latitude of coverage for funds:

  • wide;
  • and narrow spectrum.

By the mechanism of impact on pathogenic microorganisms:

  • bactericidal, causing damage bacteria;
  • bacteriostatic - stopping their reproduction.

Most antimicrobial drugs have toxicity for the patient's body, negatively acts on the tract microflora and some other organs. This imposes certain rules for taking antimicrobial funds. Doses are assigned to kill microbes as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to interrupt the course, even if an improvement in the patient's condition has come.

Antibacterial medicines are effective in relation to many types of infection. This is the main advantage - the ability to use when the causative agent of the disease is not exactly installed, or there is a polyinfection. The disadvantages of universal drugs include the fact that they can destroy the beneficial intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis.

Whatever the breadth of the reach of the antimicrobial agent, it is not able to destroy all types of pathogens of microorganisms. Some are intended mainly to treat respiratory diseases, others better cope with the infections of the genitourinary system. Therefore, in the treatment, those funds that are most effective in relation to certain systems and human bodies are used.

With bronchitis and pneumonia

Characteristic signs of bronchitis and pneumonia is:

  • increased temperature;
  • heaviness of breathing;
  • cough.

The use of antibiotics with bronchitis has its own characteristics. In the initial stage, the infection is usually caused by viruses against which antibacterial drugs are not effective. With acute bronchitis, antimicrobial medicines are usually not prescribed.

When moving bronchitis in a chronic form to viral infections, bacterial is joined. In these cases, universal antibiotics are prescribed, capable of destroying many types of pathogenic bacteria.

What exactly the antibacterial agent for bronchitis and pneumonia will be most effective in each particular case, the doctor defines. The ideal option is to determine the causative agent of the disease. But it is not always possible to make sputum analysis for various reasons.

Therefore, antibacterial drugs are most often prescribed, effective in relation to most infections causing bronchitis and pneumonia. These are usually medicines from the group of macrolides and penicillins.

First of all:

  • spiramycin;
  • erythromycin;
  • azithromycin;
  • rovamicin.

From the penicillin group:

  • amoxicillin;
  • flemoclav;
  • augmentin;
  • artilet;
  • amoxiclav.

There is a reception of various drugs in different forms, for example, augmentin tablets and an azithromycin injection.

In urology

Infection, all organs of the urinary system - kidney, bladder, urinary paths, urethra can be exposed to infection. The most common diseases that the urinary system is subjected is urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

When taking urological antibiotics, it is important to maintain a constant drug concentration in the blood. This is achieved by taking an antibiotic with a certain interval. During treatment it is impossible to take alcohol.

The most frequently used antibacterial medicines in urology:

  • kanefron. - prescribed when glomerulonephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • nolitsin - It is used for the prevention and treatment of gonorrhea, bacterial gastroenteritis and prostatitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis and other infections of the genitourinary system;
  • palin. - shown in pyelonephritis, urethritis, peelitis, cystitis.

Attention! Old drugs, such as 5-Nok, to which bacteria gained resistance, take not only useless, but also harmful because precious time is lost.


The use of antibacterial ointments is convenient and efficient to local infections developed on the skin or mucous membranes. Suction in the bloodstream of their active substances is minimally, therefore resorbative (coming drugs in blood) The effect is minimized.

Unlike systemic drugs, ointments practically do not have a negative effect on the body and do not cause the resistance of bacteria to the active substance. In addition, the therapeutic effect after their single application is saved for about 10 hours. This allows you to maintain the desired concentration of the medicine in the hearth of the disease with two and three dosting per day, unlike most tablets that you have to take 3-5 times a day.

Antibacterial preparations of a wide range - ointments (tetracycline, erythromycinic, etc.) are used with preventive and therapeutic purposes in the following cases.

  • With various infectious diseases of the organs of vision - blufarite, keratitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, fucked, infection of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes or lacrimal channels.
  • With rotten skin lesions - acne, carbuncoules, furunculaes.
  • In trophic erosions.
  • Prolesidery and eczema.
  • Baked or frostbed skin covers.
  • In the face of inflammation.
  • Insect and animal bite.
  • Acute outdoor otitis.
  • In case of bacterial complications caused by eye injuries or ophthalmic operations.

List of antimicrobial drugs

Universal preparations are convenient because they can be taken in starting therapy with an unspecified pathoge. They are shown with complicated heavy infections, when there is no time to expect sowing results on the causative agent.

Depending on the purpose, antimicrobial means are divided into the following groups.

Directly antibacterial agents - the largest group of drugs for systemic use. By method of production, they are natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic. Actions are the destruction of bacteria or violation of their breeding mechanism.

Antisepticsintended mainly for local use with focal infectious damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Antimicotics. Formulas designed to combat fungi. Produced in forms for system and local (outdoor) application.

Antiviral Preparations are designed to destroy or block reproduction of viruses. Presented in the form of tablets, injections and ointments.

Anti-tuberculosis facilities. Their object is the pathogen of tuberculosis - Koch wand.

The main classification of antibiotics is a unit of a chemical structure that determines its role in treatment. For this factor, all antibacterial agents are divided into groups.

Penicillin. The first of the detected groups of antibiotics is effective for many infectious diseases.

Cephalosporins. Bactericidal action is provided, similar to penicillin, but have high resistance in relation to beta lactamas produced by bacteria. It is used to treat NDP infections and an DPI (lower and upper respiratory tract) MVP (urinary tract) and others.

On a note!Bacteria produces beta-lactamase enzymes (β-lactamases), which make them more resistant to some species of antibiotics - penicillin, cephalosporins. Inhibitors of beta lactamase are taken to combat β-lactamases together with antibiotics.

Aminoglycosides. E.flectively destroy aerobic and gram-negative bacteria, but relate to the most toxic antibacterial agents.

Tetracyclines Made or modified from natural substances. The greatest distribution was obtained in the form of ointments.

Fluoroquinolones Have a powerful bactericidal action. Used in the treatment of diseases of the system respiration and LOR-Diseases.

Sulfanimamides. Used in the treatment of infections of the respiratory tract, LOR-and urinary organs, the tract, and others are used.

The most commonly appointed drugs

Preparations are effective against most pathogenic microorganisms. Their use allows us to cope with diseases whose pathogen is not exactly installed, as well as with polyinfections. The list of antimicrobial means of the wide spectrum, most frequently appointed by doctors, is as follows:

  • azithromycin;
  • amoxicillin;
  • augmentin;
  • cefodox;
  • flexin Soluteab;
  • amosin.

Attention! Antimicrobial agents often cause allergic reactions manifested by redness, rash, itching of skin. Antihistamines are prescribed antibiotics to combat them at the same time. It is necessary to carefully read the instructions for drugs in terms of contraindications and side effects, and upon all doubts, to inform the doctor.

Ideally, antibacterial chemotherapy should be directed to concrete pathogen. However, the determination of the etiology of infection in most hospitals on the day of receipt of the patient is impossible. Therefore, most often the primary purpose of universal antibiotics is made empirically.


Antimicrobial means are powerful universal medicines, effective against infectious diseases of various organs and systems. In many cases, they are a medication of choice.

However, abuse of antibiotics can harm the body, lead to the resistance of the bacterium, make it difficult or even impossible to treat bacterial infections in the future. Therefore, self-treatment with antibiotics is extremely undesirable, consultation with a specialist should be preceded by each consultation.

Treatment of bacterial infections is impossible today without the use of antibiotics. Microorganisms are typical over time to acquire resistance to chemical compounds, and old drugs are often ineffective. Therefore, pharmaceutical laboratories are constantly looking for new formulas. In many cases, infectious diseases prefer to apply the wide range of a wide range of new generation, the list of which includes drugs with different active substances.

Antibiotics act only on bacterial cells and are not able to kill viral particles.

According to the spectrum of action, these drugs are divided into two large groups:

  • narrow-controlled, core with a limited number of pathogens;
  • a wide range of action fighting with different groups of pathogens.

In the event that the pathogen is known for sure, antibiotics of the first group can be used. If the infection is complex combined, or the pathogen is not detected by the laboratory way, the preparations of the second group are used.

According to the principle of action, antibiotics can also be divided into two groups:

  • bactericides are drugs that kill bacterial cells;
  • bacteriostatics - preparations, stopping the reproduction of microorganisms, but not able to kill them.

Bacteriostatics are safe for the body, therefore, with light forms of infections, preference is given to this particular group of antibiotics. They allow you to temporarily keep the growth of bacteria and wait for their independent death. Heavy infections are treated with bactericidal drugs.

List of new generation of a wide range of action

The division of antibiotics for generation is inhomogeneously. For example, drugs of cephalosporin rows and fluoroquinolones are divided into 4 generations, macrolides and aminoglycosides - by 3:

Group of drugsGenerations of drugsTitles of drugs
FluoroquinolonesI.Oxolinic acid

Unlike older drugs, the new generation antibiotics affect the beneficial flora much less, it is absorbed faster, there is less toxic effect on the liver. They are able to quickly accumulate the active substance in the tissues, due to which the multiplicity of the receptions is reduced, and the gaps between them increase.

What drugs to make depending on the disease?

Often the same drug of a wide range of action is prescribed with different diseases. But this does not mean that you can do without prior diagnosis. Only the correct diagnosis makes it necessary to adequately select an antibiotic.

Treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis is a common infectious inflammatory disease that can lead to severe complications. The following drugs can be appointed for the treatment of bronchitis:

Name of the drugContraindicationsDosage
age up to 6 months;

Children over 3 years old - 2 tablets 125 mg per day.
Children up to 3 years - 2.5 to 5 ml of suspension per day.
"Aveloks"A group of fluoroquinolones, an active substance - Moxifloxacin. pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rate disorders;
Heavy liver diseases.
1 tablet 400 mg per day
"Gatispan"A group of fluoroquinolones, a valid substance - Gatifloxacin. pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rate disorders;
1 tablet 400 mg per day
"Flexin Soluteab" lympholoicosis;
Pathology gasts;
pregnancy and lactation;
Infectious mononucleosis.

Simultaneously with antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis, the musolitic and anti-inflammatory agents are used.

With pneumonia

The pneumonia will in no case be treated independently at home. This disease requires a mandatory room in hospital and serious therapy with intramuscular or intravenous administration of antibiotics.

For the treatment of pneumonia in the hospital, the following drugs for injection can be applied:

  • "Tikartillain";
  • "Carbenicillin";
  • "Cefepim";
  • "Meropemy".

In some cases, antibiotics are also prescribed in tablets. These can be preparations:

  • "Tigeron";
  • "Gatispan";
  • "Sumamed";
  • "Aveloks".

Dosage and multiplicity of receptions in this case are determined individually, based on the patient's condition and therapeutic strategy.

Antibiotics at Gaimorite

The decision on the appointment of antibiotics for the treatment of hymoritis takes the ENT doctor. Therapy with these drugs is carried out necessarily if the purulent separated from the sinuses and intensive headaches are observed:

Name of the drugGroup and existing substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Azitrus"A group of macrolides, active ingredient - azithromycin. severe liver function disorders;
age up to 3 years;
Individual intolerance.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 capsule or 500 mg tablet per day.
Children over 3 years old - 10 mg per 1 kg of weight per day.
FathestThe fluoroquinolone group, the active ingredient - hemifloxacin. pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
heart rate disorders;
Heavy liver diseases.
1 Tablet 320 mg per day
"Flemoclav Solutab"Penicillin group, active ingredient - amoxicillin. lympholoicosis;
Pathology gasts;
pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 3 years;
Infectious mononucleosis.
Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tablet 500 mg 3 times a day.
Children up to 12 years old - 25 mg per 1 kg of weight per day.

Before appointing the ENT antibiotics, the Lor Physician usually gives the direction to bacterial sowing and the antibioticogram to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular actual substance.

With angina

Angina to everyday life called acute tonsillitis - inflammation of almonds caused by viruses or bacteria. The bacterial shape of angina cause streptococci or staphylococcus, and it is possible to treat this disease only with antibiotics:

Name of the drugGroup and existing substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Macropen"A group of macrolides, active ingredient - Midekamycin. liver disease;
age up to 3 years;
Individual intolerance.
Adults and children weighing over 30 kg - 1 tablet 400 mg 3 times a day.
"RULID"A group of macrolides, active ingredient - roxitromycin. age up to 2 months;
Pregnancy and lactation.
Adults and children weighing over 40 kg - 2 tablets 150 mg 1-2 times a day.
In other cases, the dosage is calculated individually.
"Flexin Soluteab"Penicillin group, active ingredient - amoxicillin. lympholoicosis;
Pathology gasts;
pregnancy and lactation;
Infectious mononucleosis.
Adults - 1 tablet 500 mg 2 times a day.
Children over 10 years old - 2 tablets 250 mg 2 times a day.
Children over 3 years old - 1 tablet 250 mg 3 times a day.
Children up to 3 years old - 1 tablet 125 mg 3 times a day.

It is important to understand that if acute tonsillitis has no bacterial, but a viral nature, to treat it with antibiotics is useless. Only a doctor can distinguish these two forms of the disease, so therefore, without his consultation, you should not take any drugs.

Walled diseases and flu

Respiratory infections that are called colds in everyday life, as well as influenza are caused by viruses. Therefore, antibiotics are used in their treatment only in one case: if the disease is complicated and bacterial is attached to a viral infection.

In such situations, therapy is usually started with antibiotics of a penicillin row:

  • "Flemoclav Soluteab".

If after 72 hours after the start of the reception of these drugs, there is no improvement, the macrolides of the new generation are connected to therapy:

  • "Sumamed";
  • "RULID";
  • "Aziterrus".

The diagram of receiving antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory infections is standard, but medical control is necessary in this case.

Infectilation of the urogenital system

The urinary infections can be caused by pathogens of different nature - viruses, fungi, bacteria, simplest. Therefore, it makes sense only after careful laboratory diagnostics and the determination of the pathogen type.

In easy cases, remove infection from urinary tracts using the following drugs:

  • "Furadonin" - 2 mg per 1 kg of weight 3 times a day;
  • "Furazolidon" - 2 tablets 0.05 g 4 times a day;
  • "Palin" - 1 capsule 2 times a day.

In more complex situations, when the pathogens have high resistance (resistance) to chemical impacts, the antibiotics of a wide range of action can be appointed:

Name of the drugGroup and existing substanceContraindicationsDosage
"Abaktal"The fluoroquinolone group, the active substance - peffloxacin. pregnancy and lactation;
age up to 18 years;
hemolytic anemia;
Individual intolerance.
1 tablet 400 mg 1-2 times a day.
"MONURAL"Phosphonic acid derivative, active ingredient - phosphomycin. age up to 5 years;
Individual intolerance;
Heavy renal failure.
A single reception - 3 g of powder dissolve in 50 g of water and take an empty stomach before bedtime.
"Zefisim"The Cephalosporins group, the active substance - Zefisim. Individual intolerance.Adults and children from 12 years old - 1 tablet 400 mg 1 time per day.
Children up to 12 years old - 8 mg per 1 kg of weight 1 time per day.

Simultaneously with antibiotics in the treatment of urinary infections, abundant drinking and diuretics preparations are appointed. In severe cases, the injection of the drug "Amicacin" is appropriate.

Antifungal drugs

For the treatment of fungal infections, drugs with fungistatic or fungicidal action are used. They differ from the above preparations and stand out in a separate class, within which there are three groups:

As in the treatment of bacterial infections, the therapy of fungal diseases requires accurate diagnosis of pathogen and strict control of the specialist.

With eye disease

Antibiotics for the treatment of eye diseases are produced in the form of ointments or drops. Assign them if the oculist diagnosed conjunctivitis, blepharitis, meibomit, keratitis and a number of other infections.

Most often therapy is carried out using the following drugs:

  • "CIPROMED" - drops containing ciprofloxacin;
  • "Albucid" - drops with sulfacetamide;
  • Dilaterol - Drops based on Tobramycin;
  • "Tobraks" - analogue of "dilaterol" in the form of ointments;
  • "Kolbiocin" is a multicomponent ointment containing tetracycline, chloramphenicol and sodium chloride.

The specific drug is prescribed, based on the diagnosis, the severity of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Inexpensive new generation antibiotics

The cost of new generation antibiotics is not low, so you can save only by buying inexpensive analogues. They are produced on the basis of the same active ingredients, but the degree of chemical purification of such drugs may be lower, and the auxiliary substances for their production take the cheapest.

Replace some expensive antibiotics, based on the following table:

Another way to save is to buy older antibiotics, not the most recent generation.

For example, in many cases such proven antibacterial drugs can help:

  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Ceftriakson";
  • "Bicyllin";
  • "Cefazolin";
  • "Ampicillin".

If, after the start of treatment, inexpensive antibiotics passed more than 72 hours, and the improvements of the state is not observed, it is necessary to urgently consult the doctor and change the drug.

Can I use during pregnancy?

Antibiotics during pregnancy are prescribed by doctors only in emergency cases and after careful analysis of possible risks.

But also in such situations do not apply drugs of the following groups:

  • all fluoroquinolones;
  • macrolids based on Roxitromycin, Clarithromycin, Midekamycin;
  • all aminoglycosides.
  • To make a decision on the feasibility of the appointment of antibiotics during pregnancy can only the attending physician. An independent technique of any drugs, even relatively safe and related to the new generation, is strictly prohibited.