How to fertilize cabbage for growth using folk remedies. Means for cabbage growth

To get a good harvest, you need to regularly fertilize vegetable crops. To feed cabbage after planting in the ground, mineral and organic fertilizers are used.

Feeding cabbage with minerals after planting in the ground

Mineral fertilizers allow you to saturate cabbage with useful substances. Fertilizing is done by watering the plants after planting in the ground. For work, choose the morning or evening time, when there is no direct sunlight.

When working with mineral fertilizers, precautions are taken. Contact of minerals with the skin, mucous membrane of the eyes, and respiratory system should not be allowed. To feed cabbage, you must strictly follow the dosage to avoid burning the leaves and roots.

  • Urea

The first feeding of cabbage is carried out 14 days after the plant is moved into the ground. At this stage, plants require nitrogen, which allows them to grow green mass. The source of this element for plants is urea. This is a universal fertilizer containing up to 46% nitrogen.

For 10 liters of water, 15 g of urea is required.

Urea is highly soluble in water and easily absorbed by plants. The resulting solution is treated with 10 square meters. m landings.

  • Ammonium nitrate

Another option for feeding after planting cabbage in the ground is the use of ammonium nitrate. It contains sulfur, which helps plants obtain nitrogen and produce protein.

An additional property of sulfur is to repel pests and prevent the development of harmful fungi. Therefore, with the help of ammonium nitrate you can not only feed cabbage, but also protect it from diseases.

The norm of ammonium nitrate is 15 g per 10 liters of water.

When working with this fertilizer, you must follow the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, the cabbage will begin to accumulate nitrates. For this reason, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

  • Nitrophoska

A universal way to feed cabbage is nitrophoska. Its composition includes potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, which are necessary for the growth of any plant. Nitrophoska sulfate is used for feeding.

Nitrophoska (50 g) is diluted with water (10 l) and applied to the soil.

Fertilizer is applied by irrigation. The soil is first moistened, then the solution is used. This will allow the beneficial components to be evenly distributed in the soil.

Feeding cabbage with organic matter after planting in the ground

Organic fertilizers serve as another source of nutrients for cabbage. They are used 14 days after using minerals. This comprehensive feeding will provide the seedlings with a full range of microelements necessary for active growth.

Mullein solution

The second time the cabbage is fertilized with a solution of mullein (cow manure). First, 0.5 kg of organic fertilizer is diluted with 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for 3 days, then the open ground is treated by watering.

Mullein contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium. These elements contribute to the formation of the head of cabbage and improve its taste.

Manure-based fertilizer can be replaced with yeast fertilizer. Yeast is rich in proteins, amino acids, and microelements.

Yeast processing has the following advantages:

  • the endurance of the crop increases;
  • green mass grows faster;
  • Yeast bacteria displace harmful microorganisms.

Brewer's yeast has the greatest benefits, but you can also feed cabbage with other varieties. To prepare the solution, you need 100 g of yeast, 30 g of sugar and 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is placed in a warm place for 3 days.

The irrigation solution is prepared based on yeast starter and water in a ratio of 1:10.

Yeast feeding works only in warm weather, when the soil warms up and the air temperature reaches 20°C. The seedlings must be treated three times with an interval of 10 days.

Ash includes a whole range of useful substances necessary for plant development. If you feed them with ash, they will get calcium, magnesium, sodium

Cabbage begins to grow actively with a constant supply of calcium. This element affects the passage of metabolic processes, the gluing of plant cells to each other and the absorption of vitamins. Magnesium helps cells produce energy, and sodium helps activate enzymes.

Wood ash can be placed in open ground before planting.

You can start fertilizing with ash 15 days after planting. To do this, prepare a solution containing a glass of ash per 10 liters of water. The product is left to infuse for 5 days, then filtered and used for watering.

2 weeks after the first treatment, a second feeding with ash is carried out. Additionally, you can spray ash on the bed between the rows of seedlings. This will give the cabbage protection from slugs and other pests.

Foliar feeding allows plants to absorb nutrients faster. Cabbage is processed by spraying. A solution of useful components is first prepared, which is then applied to the leaves.

Seedlings need to be treated in cloudy weather so that the leaves do not get burned under the sun's rays.

You can feed the plants with boric acid. To obtain a solution you need to place 1 tsp. substances into a glass of hot water. The resulting mixture is added to 10 liters of cold water and used for spraying.


A good harvest depends on the nutrients that cabbage received during its development. Fertilizing of plants after transfer to open ground is carried out every 10-14 days. First you need to provide them with access to nitrogen in order to increase green mass, then add fertilizers based on phosphorus, calcium, and potassium.

After using minerals, the plantings are fertilized with organic substances. Another treatment method is foliar feeding. The use of fertilizers stimulates plant growth and protects seedlings from pests and diseases.

04.01.2018 6 111

How to feed cabbage seedlings - the best fertilizers and folk remedies

Not every gardener knows how to feed cabbage seedlings in order to reap a rich harvest of vegetables in the fall, but doing this at home will not be difficult if you fertilize the young sprouts not only after planting in the ground, so that they are plump, with saltpeter, iodine, yeast and others effective folk remedies...

How to feed cabbage seedlings to make them plump

The size and density of heads of cabbage, as well as the taste of cabbage, directly depend on how the crop grew at the initial stage.

In order not to worry about how to feed young cabbage for growth, the seeds should be sown in nutritious soil rich in microelements and minerals - a good substrate for any type of crop is considered to be a mixture of equal parts of humus and garden soil with the addition of a teaspoon of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons spoons of ash onto a bucket of soil. It will contain enough nutrients for the seedlings to start growing.

If the soil consists exclusively of garden soil, gardeners will have to select a fertilizer for seedlings at home that is suitable in composition after the appearance of real leaves. Half of gardeners prefer mineral mixtures, or prepare a nutrient solution from three main elements, and the concentration and composition of the solution depends on the age of the plants:

  • When 4-6 true leaves appear, for watering use a solution prepared from 1 liter of water, 1 gram of potassium salt, 2.5 grams of ammonium nitrate and 4 grams of superphosphate;
  • 10 days after the first, watering with saltpeter is carried out - the solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 3-4 grams of saltpeter;
  • Shortly before planting in the ground, the sprouts are fed with a solution of 1 liter of water, 2 grams of potassium salt, 3 grams of ammonium nitrate and 8 grams of phosphorus fertilizer.

cabbage seedlings - pictured

These three feedings will provide young plants with nutrients and will serve to strengthen their immunity before moving to the beds, and in order not to prepare the mixtures yourself, use ready-made fertilizers, which are sold in stores for summer residents.

Fertilizer with folk remedies

When faced with the question of how to feed cabbage seedlings, gardeners do not always resort to the use of mineral fertilizers - about 50% of gardeners with a small plot practice organic farming, and therefore prefer nutrient solutions prepared at home. A variety of organic matter is used for this:

  • Humus and compost;
  • Weeds (nettle, dandelion and woodlice are especially rich in minerals);
  • Mullein and bird droppings;
  • Banana peel.

The quantity and frequency of fertilizing with folk remedies is the same as when using store-bought products. To stimulate growth, young sprouts are fertilized with an infusion of humus or compost - to prepare it, take a linen bag that holds about a liter of soil, pour humus or compost into it, tie it tightly, then lower the bag into a bucket of warm water and leave it overnight. The consumption of such fertilizing is 10 l/m2.

You can replace the humus infusion with a green infusion made from weeds - fill a bucket halfway with grass, add water and cover the container with film, and if desired, add a glass of mullein or bird droppings to the mixture. The mixture should ferment for at least a day, then the liquid is filtered, diluted with water 1 to 10 and watered at the roots of the plants.

If a gardener is looking for a way to prevent plants from stretching out, he should be careful with nitrogen-rich herbal infusions. Banana infusion will help normalize the growth of the crop - it contains a lot of potassium, and bone meal will help compensate for the lack of phosphorus.

Another good remedy is boric acid and iodine. These pharmaceutical products compensate for the lack of microelements, the absence of which often leads to sprouts stretching and weakening. A mixture for young cabbage is prepared from 10 liters of water, a teaspoon of boric acid and 10 drops of iodine, and the solution is used to spray young plants when 6 true leaves appear.

Feeding cabbage after planting in the ground

After moving to the beds, concern about fertilizing young vegetables does not disappear, because the plants require even more nutrients. On the eve of transplanting the plant, add a basic mixture of humus to the hole with the addition of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (40 g and 25 g, respectively, per bucket of humus). A handful of the mixture is enough to provide cabbage with nutrients for the first time.

A month after planting, when the vegetable is actively growing green mass, it is recommended to apply one of the nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Mullein diluted 0.5 to 10;
  • Foliar feeding with ammonium nitrate;
  • A solution of superphosphate and ash;
  • A solution of potassium or sodium humate.

2 weeks after applying nitrogen and complex fertilizers, it is recommended to feed the cabbage with yeast - the nutrient mixture is prepared from ordinary baker's yeast (200 g), which is diluted in a liter of water with a spoon of sugar. The composition is left to ferment for several hours, and then the resulting tincture is diluted in a bucket of water, and no more than half a liter of the mixture is poured under one plant.

Another useful mixture is a fermented mullein infusion with the addition of 50 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of the resulting slurry. This solution is recommended to be used before the formation of heads of cabbage, when the inner leaves begin to curl - the working solution is diluted 10 times with water and used 500 ml per plant.

When taking care of cabbage, it is important not to overfeed it, so gardeners are advised to strictly follow the instructions for using the products - exceeding the dosage leads to increased growth of the stem and leaves without the formation of a head, which can result in loss of the harvest.

Feeding cabbage is a necessary and important stage of agricultural technology. To obtain large and dense heads of white cabbage, we must provide the plants with sufficient nitrogen during the leaf growth phase. And at the stage of head formation, phosphorus and potassium are needed. Then in the fall the cabbage will not skimp on the harvest.

When and what to feed white cabbage? How much feeding is needed? What fertilizers should I use: organic or mineral? We offer you 20 options for feeding white cabbage. And the choice, as always, is yours.

Fertilizers for cabbage are applied “from a young age,” that is, they begin with feeding the seedlings. In addition, some gardeners also fill the holes in which they plan to plant future cabbage with nutrient mixtures. After planting in the ground, early varieties of cabbage are usually fed twice during the season, and mid-season and late varieties are fed 3-4 times from the moment of planting until harvesting.

First feeding of cabbage seedlings

It is carried out ten days after the pick. To prepare fertilizer for 1 liter of water, we need 1 gram of potassium chloride, 2.5 grams of ammonium nitrate and 4 grams of superphosphate.

Second feeding of cabbage seedlings

10-12 days after the first feeding, you can safely prepare the second. This time, 1 liter of water requires approximately 3-4 grams of ammonium nitrate.

We feed the seedlings for the third time

Shortly before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, we feed them for the third time. To do this, dissolve 2 grams of potassium chloride, 3 grams of ammonium nitrate and 8 grams of superphosphate in a liter of water.

Applying fertilizers to holes

If the bed for cabbage was not specially prepared in the fall and filled with organic matter or mineral fertilizers, the situation can be easily corrected. It is enough to add the “nutrient mixture” directly into the hole before planting the plant. What fertilizers does cabbage like?

Organo-mineral option. Mix well with garden soil half a kilogram of humus or compost, one teaspoon of superphosphate or nitrophoska and one or two tablespoons of wood ash. Then fill the hole with this mixture.

Organic option. Mix a large handful of humus or compost and two matchboxes of wood ash with the soil directly in the hole before planting.

Feeding cabbage after planting in the ground

If you filled the holes before planting the seedlings, then you can skip this feeding. If not, then we fertilize the cabbage for the first time 15-20 days after planting it in the garden. In the first fertilizing, nitrogen compounds usually predominate, promoting the growth of green mass of plants. Nitrogen can be in the form of mineral fertilizers or organic matter. Pour half a liter of one of the following liquid fertilizers under each plant. The choice is large, there are many options.

  • We dilute half a liter of liquid mullein in 10 liters of water;
  • For 10 liters of water we take 30 grams of urea (urea);
  • Dissolve 1 matchbox of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water. True, it is better not to water this solution, but to spray the cabbage on the leaves;
  • We take 20 grams of fertilizer based on potassium humate per 10 liters of water;
  • For the same 10 liters of water we will need 60 grams of superphosphate and 200 grams of ash;
  • Take 10 grams of urea and potassium chloride, add 20 grams of superphosphate and dissolve it all in 10 liters of water;
  • A 10 liter bucket of water requires 20 grams of ammonium nitrate.

Second feeding

10-15 days after the first time, it’s time to feed the cabbage a second time. This time we will pour a liter of nutrient mash into each hole. What fertilizers should I use at this stage? Mostly complex with the addition of microelements. Here are some proven recipes:

  • To half a liter of liquid mullein or half a kilogram of chicken manure add 30 grams of azofoska and 15 grams of fertilizers with microelements. For example, Mortar, Crystalon, Kemira, etc. We dilute all this with water (10 liters);
  • We feed the cabbage with nitrophoska. For 10 liters of water you need two tablespoons of this fertilizer;
  • We infuse bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1:15;
  • First, prepare the ash infusion. That is, pour 1 glass of ash with a liter of water and leave for 3-4 days. After which we filter the infusion and add to it 0.5 kilograms of chicken manure or compost and 10 liters of water;
  • You can feed with mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:10.

Third feeding

The third and subsequent feedings are carried out only for medium and late varieties of cabbage. You can feed no earlier than 10 days after the second feeding. Fertilizer consumption in this case is 6-8 liters per 1 square meter. At this stage of development, phosphorus should predominate in nutrient mixtures. Thanks to it, a dense and large head of cabbage is formed. So what options do we have?

  • Option 1. Pour 30 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of microfertilizers into liquid mullein (0.5 liters). We dilute all this with ten liters of water. By the way, mullein can be replaced with half a kilogram of chicken droppings;
  • Option 2. In 10 liters of water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 15 grams of fertilizers with microelements;
  • Option 3. We infuse mullein in a ratio of 1:10 and add a tablespoon of superphosphate and a teaspoon of any.

Fourth feeding

The fourth feeding is carried out exclusively for late varieties 20 days before harvesting. It is aimed at ensuring that the heads of cabbage are stored better.

  • The first option involves fertilizing cabbage with potassium. For 10 liters of water we take 40 grams of potassium sulfate;
  • The second option is organic fertilizing with ash. Prepare the ash infusion as described above. And we dilute it like this: 0.5 liters of infusion for every ten liters of water.

In fact, ash can serve not only as a feed for cabbage, but also help in pest control. For simultaneous prevention and feeding, cabbage leaves are dusted with ash once a week. It is better to do this after rain, watering or in the morning. When the leaves are wet, the ash adheres better to each leaf.

In conclusion, we remind you how to properly feed cabbage, and other crops too. The ideal weather for fertilizing is cloudy. But if the sun does not want to hide behind the clouds, you can feed the cabbage at night after abundant watering.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Cabbage is a very healthy and tasty vegetable, suitable for consumption both fresh and as part of various dishes. Almost every gardener plants one or another type of cabbage in his garden plot or dacha - cauliflower, blue, savoy, kohlrabi, or the most common and beloved by many - white cabbage, but not everyone knows that in order to obtain a dense and beautiful head of this vegetable in the fall, need to be carefully looked after and fed regularly. Let's consider several options for feeding cabbage for growth using folk remedies.

Basic rules for fertilizing cabbage

You should start preparing the soil for planting white cabbage in the fall. It is useful to apply organic fertilizers for cabbage when planting in the ground. Cabbage does not react well to “acidic” soil, so regular coal ash or lime will be a good help. They need to be scattered on the ground during digging, this will help reduce acidity. If preliminary preparation was not possible, you can fertilize the bed about a week before planting the vegetable crop. Compost is used for this, which is scattered around the perimeter and sprinkled with earth on top.

Feeding cabbage with soda

Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in 10 liters. water and pour moderately over the tops from a watering can. This treatment must be done as soon as the dry period ends and the September rains begin. Soda water will help the gardener solve such problems both in the garden and in the cabbage beds.

Feeding cabbage with ash

Wood ash is a good potassium and phosphorus fertilizer for acidic and neutral soils. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, which are in the ash in a form easily accessible to cabbage, the ash contains calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur and zinc, as well as many trace elements necessary for vegetables.

Wood ash is also used for dusting and spraying plants against pests and diseases. Dust the plants with ash early in the morning, following the dew, or after spraying them with clean water. The solution for processing cabbage is prepared as follows. Pour boiling water over 300 g of sifted ash and boil for 20-30 minutes. The broth is settled, filtered, diluted with water to 10 liters and 40-50 g of soap are added. Cabbage is sprayed in the evening in dry weather. To repel slugs and snails, sprinkle dry ash near the stems and around the cabbage.

Feeding cabbage with yeast

Both cauliflower and regular cabbage experience increased nutritional requirements during growth and the formation of heads/florets.

One of the excellent means that provides the soil with useful minerals and trace elements and “quenches” the hunger of cabbage is yeast.

To water them with a solution, use a number of tips:

  • use only fresh "live" or dry yeast
  • For fertilizing, choose a warm time when the earth is well warmed up. Therefore, 2 times a summer is enough to feed cabbage,
  • after 2 days, be sure to apply potassium fertilizer, for example, wood ash between the holes. Yeast absorbs this trace element and causes “hunger” in vegetables.

To feed cabbage use:

  • dry yeast
  • alive
  • live beer

In the first case:

  • mix 10 g of yeast, 2 tbsp. l sugar and 10 l. warm water
  • leave it to brew for 2 hours
  • dilute the resulting solution with clean water in a ratio of 1:5
  • water the cabbage root
  • give the rest to fruit trees, flower beds or berry bushes

In the second case:

  • 0.5 kg. Dissolve fresh yeast in 5 liters. warm water
  • dilute the solution again with water in a ratio of 1:10

The third option is the most expensive and not every gardener will easily part with aromatic beer, giving it to cabbage for growth.

Feeding cabbage with ammonia

If you prepare the fertilizer correctly and treat the plants with it, you will definitely eliminate the pale color of the leaves. They will become vibrant, rich green. Many plants begin to fade before our eyes, their leaves become limp and pale. And all this happens due to a lack of nitrogen.

Ammonia will help eliminate this problem.

The application is as follows:

  1. Take a bucket of water and dilute no more than 3 tablespoons of the substance in it.
  2. Watering with the resulting mixture must be done very carefully right at the root so that the solution does not get on the above-ground part of the plant.

Many gardeners wonder what is the secret of such feeding. After all, you don’t need to do anything special, and the result can amaze even an experienced specialist. The whole point is that the solution in which ammonia is used has excellent digestibility, incomparable to any other form of nitrogen.

In order for fruiting to be good, and most importantly of high quality, you do not need to overdo it. It is necessary to strictly monitor the dosage.

Feeding cabbage with boric acid

Boron plays an important role in the formation of cabbage - it normalizes nitrogen synthesis, accelerates metabolism, and increases the chlorophyll content in its green parts. Sufficient microelement content in the soil leads to increased productivity. The most accessible, simple microelement compound is boric acid. The procedure for preparing the solution is simple - 1 liter. dissolve 0.1 g of the drug in water. During the entire period of crop growth, it is necessary to fertilize 3 times. The first time is sprayed during the bud period, the second time when the flowers bloom well, the third time when the fruits ripen. If the procedure is carried out in conjunction with other drugs, the dosage of acid is reduced. At 10 l. 5 g of the substance are diluted with water.

Feeding cabbage with potato peelings

A week before planting vegetable crops, the potato mixture is infused according to the same recipe as for strawberries (but not further diluted). Seedling holes or sowing trenches are dug approximately 12–13 cm deeper than usual. A glass of potato grounds is poured into the bottom of each hole, then 5 cm of soil is poured, a glass of grounds is poured again - again a 5 cm layer of soil, and the plant is planted on it. This feeding is especially useful for cabbage, onions, cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins.

When sowing carrots, beets or radishes, pour a layer of potato grounds 0.5–1 cm thick into the grooves, cover with a 5 cm thick layer of soil, then pour the grounds again, add 5 cm of soil and sow the root crops.

Feeding cabbage with eggshells

Shell fertilizer can be applied at any time and in a variety of ways.

  • During the spring or autumn digging of the garden, eggshell powder is scattered over the plowed land, after which it is covered with soil at a depth of 10–15 cm. There is no specific application rate, it all depends on the amount of powder. The main advantage of this fertilizer is that if there is an excess of it, it will not harm the plants.
  • The next method is to feed the plants with the prepared solution. Its preparation is very simple, you just need to fill the shells with water and leave for 5-7 days to infuse. The resulting mixture, if it is concentrated, must be diluted with water approximately 1 to 2.

  • Sprinkling shells in any form (both powder and pieces) directly into the plant holes - this way you not only fertilize the plants, but also protect them from pests such as mole crickets or moles.
  • Not too crushed powder can be sprinkled in the spring and summer as mulch and to protect cabbage or other crops from slugs.

Feeding cabbage with banana peels

There are several ways to use skins for this purpose.

  1. When transplanting. Fresh peel is cut and placed on top of the drainage. The same method can also be used in gardening - it gives simply amazing results when planting tomatoes and peppers.
  2. Drying from the peel. As the fruits are consumed, their skins are cut and dried. In the spring, you can simply mulch the surface of the soil with it, stepping back about five centimeters from the trunk of the flower.
  3. Infusion. It is made from both fresh and dried peels. Fresh fruit is passed through a blender and mixed with water - you can use this fertilizer for indoor plants from banana peels immediately. The dried skin will have to be infused: a “clothing” of four bananas is taken per liter of water and left under the lid. Infusion time is a subject of debate. Some gardeners claim that 4-5 days should pass, after which the liquid is filtered and diluted. Others believe that a day is enough: after 24 hours the peel turns sour and at least begins to smell unpleasant. You will have to decide who to join based on your own experience.

If you intend to use bananas for gardening, it is better to pass them through a compost pit.

There is another secret: when using fresh banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants, not dried, you can sprinkle it with a layer of soil from the pot. It then decomposes faster and attracts less unwanted insects. And when watering, beneficial substances are evenly distributed throughout the soil.

Fertilizing cabbage from seedlings to heading. Care tips and formula recipes.

Cabbage has occupied its rightful place on our table since ancient times. It is useful in fresh, boiled and fermented states.

That’s why gardeners regularly grow different varieties of cabbage on their plots.

What are the subtleties of caring for it, applying fertilizing at all stages of maturation - we will consider in more detail.

First feeding of cabbage

Depending on the quality of the soil, perform the first fertilizing for cabbage seedlings either:

  • by applying fertilizer to the hole before planting
  • 1.5 weeks after the pick

In the first case, mix the soil with:

  • cow humus 0.5 kg
  • superphosphate 1 tsp
  • wood ash - 2 tbsp

Place the mixture in the bottom of each well.

In the second case, prepare a solution from:

  • water 1 l
  • ammonium nitrate 2.5 g
  • potassium chloride 1 g
  • superphosphate 4 g

Pour 0.5 liters of the genus root nutrient mixture into each plant.

Or 3 weeks after planting the seedlings in soil that has not been fertilized, water the cabbage with an aqueous solution of mullein.

  • For a bucket of water you need 1 kg of fresh manure.
  • It is optimal to prepare a solution for feeding in a barrel. To do this, fill 1 bucket of mullein with water and let it sit for a day.
    Give the rest of the nutrient liquid to other crops in the garden or fruit trees.
  • Pour 0.5 liters under each cabbage bush.

Fertilizing cabbage seedlings with urea

Feed cabbage seedlings 2 weeks after planting with a mixed solution of:

  • urea and potash fertilizers - 10 g each
  • superphosphate - 20 g
  • water - 10 l

How to feed cabbage immediately after planting in the ground?

If you organized the application of organic fertilizers into the holes before planting the cabbage seedlings, then you do not need to feed them with anything afterwards. It is enough to water with clean water.

And after 15-16 days, prepare an aqueous solution of organic substances for the cabbage, for example, chicken manure, compost, mullein, weed stems and water it.

Fertilizer for white cabbage

White cabbage respects organic matter, potassium and phosphorus liquid compounds.
Therefore, choose for it what is optimal depending on its growth phase and soil type.

For example, for early varieties of white cabbage, 2-3 feeding procedures are sufficient. And later ones need up to 5 before cutting the heads of cabbage.

The following are suitable fertilizers for white cabbage:

  • mullein and its humus
  • bird droppings
  • compost
  • infusion of grass stems for the first feeding
  • superphosphate and double superphosphate
  • nitrophoska
  • potassium chloride
  • urea
  • wood ash
  • potassium sulfate
  • dolomite flour
  • boric acid
  • ammonium nitrate

Phosphorus fertilizers for cabbage

Phosphorus fertilizers are responsible for the sugar content in cabbage and its taste.

On average, for a harvest of 10 kg, she needs 15 g of phosphorus, most of which she “absorbs” in July and August.

Still, be careful when using mineral fertilizers. Their excess will negatively affect the harvest, its appearance, taste and benefits of cabbage. And the deficiency will appear on the vegetable during the ripening period of the head of cabbage.

For example, a lack of phosphorus is expressed in a change in the color of the leaves - they darken to a rich emerald hue, their ends curl up and acquire a bright purple color.

You should know that during the second and subsequent fertilizing it is more rational to apply phosphorus-containing substances not at the root, but between the rows of cabbage.

  • To do this, make a recess up to 15 cm and add superphosphate in the amount according to the instructions.
  • Then water the cabbage beds well and loosen the soil after a couple of hours.

Depending on the type of soil for cabbage, use superphosphate and double superphosphate. Remember that in the regular version of the fertilizer the percentage of phosphorus is up to 22%, and in the double version it is 2 times more.

How to feed cabbage for growth using folk remedies?

A gardener prepares green tea from nettle stems as a fertilizer for cabbage.

Not all gardeners use chemical fertilizers to increase crop yields. They found alternative methods - folk remedies, or in other words, what they use in everyday life.

So, to activate the growth of cabbage, use:

  • aqueous solution of boric acid.
    Combine a teaspoon of it with a glass of boiling water, stir and pour into a bucket of water. Spray the leaves in early July for their quality development and growth,
  • Dissolve brewer's yeast in the amount of 1 pack in a bucket of warm water.
    Water 2 times during the summer at intervals of a month on a warm sunny day in the late afternoon.
    After a couple of days, feed the cabbage with wood ash, as the yeast pulls calcium from the soil.
    Yeast is allowed to water seedlings, only its solution must be of a lower concentration,
  • baking soda diluted in a bucket of water.
    You need 20 g of its powder per container.
    Pour this solution over the cabbage from a watering can.
    It helps maintain the integrity of the heads of cabbage, the absence of cracks during ripening and further storage,
  • green tea from young nettle stems. In terms of the amount of useful substances, it is on the same level as manure. Collect fresh raw materials and place them in a container, filling it halfway.
    Fill with warm water and close the lid tightly. Place in a dark place for 3-4 days, then strain. Dissolve a liter of the prepared infusion in a bucket of water and pour over the cabbage.
    There is an opinion that in terms of the level of useful substances, nettle infusion is quite capable of replacing all other vegetable supplements,
  • ammonia, diluting it with 3 tablespoons in a bucket of water. Water the cabbage under the root during the first feeding,
  • banana peel, which is rich in potassium.
    Collect it and dry it, chop it and fill it with warm water at the rate of 1 peel per liter.
    Let it brew for 3-4 days. Strain and water the cabbage beds.
    There are gardeners who simply place fresh banana peels at the bottom of the hole when planting seedlings,
  • fresh fish.
    Drop one small fish, such as sprat, into the hole before planting the seedlings.
    Although fish is rich in phosphorus, be prepared for a specific aroma in your garden,
  • yeast and spoiled jam.
    Fill a 10-liter container with water, sour jam and compressed yeast in the amount of 9 liters, 500 g and 300 g respectively.
    If you are using dry yeast in packets, use 3 pieces.
    Place the batch in a dark place for a week and a half. Next, pour a glass of the mixture into a bucket of water and either water the cabbage or spray it.
    Repeat the procedure once a week, provided there is no rain.
    Yeast with jam contributes to the healthy development of leaves and the strength of cabbage heads,
  • eggshells, grinding them into powder.
    Collect it, for example, in winter, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder.
    Store in paper bags until you plant the cabbage in the ground. Before doing this, pour a handful of powder into the hole. Eggshells enrich the soil with calcium and eliminate the need to add lime for soils that are too acidic,
  • whole potatoes or their skins.
    Grind the material to a porridge state, and drop a handful into the hole before planting the cabbage.
    Be prepared for attacks from pests - wireworms and slugs, as they “love” the substances formed during the decomposition of potatoes,
  • solution of iodine, vinegar, toothpaste, potassium permanganate, salt. Use a weak concentrate of any of the listed substances to spray or water cabbage.

Fertilizing cauliflower and regular cabbage in open ground with yeast

Both cauliflower and regular cabbage experience increased nutritional needs during growth and the formation of heads/florets.

One of the excellent means that provides the soil with useful minerals and trace elements and “quenches” the hunger of cabbage is yeast.

To water them with a solution, use a number of tips:

  • use only fresh "live" or dry yeast
  • For fertilizing, choose a warm time when the earth is well warmed up. Therefore, 2 times a summer is enough to feed cabbage,
  • after 2 days, be sure to apply potassium fertilizer, for example, wood ash between the holes. Yeast absorbs this trace element and causes “hunger” in vegetables.

To feed cabbage use:

  • dry yeast
  • alive
  • live beer

In the first case:

  • mix 10 g yeast, 2 tbsp sugar and 10 l warm water
  • leave it to brew for 2 hours
  • dilute the resulting solution with clean water in a ratio of 1:5
  • water the cabbage root
  • give the rest to fruit trees, flower beds or berry bushes

In the second case:

  • Dissolve 0.5 kg of fresh yeast in 5 liters of warm water
  • dilute the solution again with water in a ratio of 1:10

The third option is the most expensive and not every gardener will easily part with aromatic beer, giving it to cabbage for growth.

Feeding cabbage seedlings after picking

Cabbage, like many other vegetable crops, is grown through seedlings. It is sown in early spring either in greenhouses or in boxes with soil. In the second case, grown plants are picked into plastic cups.

For good development and growth of leaves, cabbage seedlings are fed:

  • the first time with an aqueous solution of bird droppings. Dilute the fertilizer in a ratio of 1:20 and water it at the root of each young plant.
    After a couple of days, take it out into the open air to harden the cabbage. It must withstand temperatures up to +3℃,
  • the second time with a mixture of wood ash and superphosphate, taken in a 2:1 ratio.
    Pour the resulting mass with a liter of water.
    After such feeding, each young plant should have 3-4 healthy leaves, which means it’s time to transplant the seedlings into open ground.

How to feed cabbage to form a head of cabbage?

For all varieties of cabbage, except early ones, prepare a third dressing from an aqueous solution of mullein and superphosphate.

Fertilizer preparation:

  • Mix fresh cow dung with water in a ratio of 1:5
  • dilute the resulting liquid with clean water at the rate of one glass per bucket
  • add 30 g of the second ingredient

Water at the root in an amount of 1-1.5 liters.

How to feed late cabbage in August?

To extend the shelf life and quality of heads of late varieties of cabbage, feed them in the last summer month:

  • potassium at the rate of 10 g per 1 sq.m., if the soil type in your region is not black soil,
  • nitrogen at the rate of 10 g per similar area. It will promote healthy development of the cabbage head,
  • infusion of mullein or chicken droppings,
  • boric acid at the rate of 0.1 g per 1 sq.m., if you live in the southern regions.

So, we looked at the stages of fertilizing seedlings and adult cabbage at different stages of its growth, and learned how to properly prepare nutrient mixtures.

Let your cabbage grow large and healthy, and let your harvest delight you with its taste and shelf life!

Video: how to properly feed cabbage seedlings?