Log baths. Projects of log houses for baths: layout and features of wooden baths Write a message projects of log baths

In Rus', traditionally, the bathhouse was built from solid logs. Most often, coniferous species were used for this. Over the centuries of this design's existence, builders have improved it down to the smallest details. And nowadays there is nothing better than a log bathhouse, in which it is easy to breathe and steam.


A seemingly simple and uncomplicated wooden frame is reliable and well thought out.

It is this material that has the ability to create a unique microclimate in the building. The main requirements for the type of wood from which it was planned to build a bathhouse were water resistance and the ability to breathe easily.

Pine and cedar give a resinous atmosphere. Larch logs are practically not subject to rotting and are extremely durable. Aspen is the most “airy” species – in a bathhouse its logs are the easiest to breathe.

The main feature of wood is that it does not interfere with the movement of air, while the steam remains where it should be - in the steam room. Excess moisture is removed on its own. At the same time, wood is an excellent natural heat insulator. In addition, it has a positive effect on human energy and destroys pathogenic flora.

A real “Russian bathhouse” cannot be built from plastic or sandwich panels. Only wood is suitable for it.

Today, you can build a bathhouse from a log in hundreds of different variations: two-story, with an attic, with a garage, with a swimming pool, with a veranda - it all depends on the owner’s imagination and, of course, on the time and money he is willing to invest in construction.

Advantages and disadvantages

The first and main advantage of a bathhouse made from a solid log is its naturalness, organicity, and environmental friendliness (there may be many names, but the essence is the same). Wood is the best material for constructing a sauna complex, this is especially true for people with respiratory diseases - they are actually recommended to visit such a sauna. It is difficult to overestimate the special atmosphere that is created and maintained in a wood steam room.

When building a bathhouse from a log, the most common method is cutting “into a bowl”. Its essence is that a semicircular hole is made in the upper log. It should be the same size as half the height of the log underneath it. When using this construction method, the structure has minimal heat loss properties.

The ends of the logs, protruding 25-30 cm beyond the boundaries of the walls, protect the building from winds and rains. Construction time is minimal because the logs fit together easily. The bathhouse turns out to be very durable: the parts do not move and are tightly fixed due to the “bowl”.

A log building is easy and quick to heat, it warms up well. Properly treated wood will last a long time without losing its attractive appearance.

It is impossible not to note the disadvantages of such buildings. They are few, but they can become very significant.

  • Price. Well-dried whole logs can cost the owner a large sum.
  • As a result of cutting “into the bowl”, a large waste of material is formed due to the protruding parts. This, in turn, will further increase the final price of the building.
  • Mandatory impregnation with an antiseptic against rotting, burning, and fungus. Not any composition is suitable for this, because a bathhouse is a building in which, due to the release of steam, any chemical substance will enter the air and be inhaled by a person. Therefore, the composition should be as natural and harmless as possible, which is also not cheap.

Types of logs

The material necessary for construction is prepared in advance, as it needs to be well dried. It is best to choose a pine log for a log house. If you prepare the material in winter, it will have high moisture resistance.

The diameter of the logs that are planned to be used for the construction of the bath complex should be in the range of 18-25 cm. The difference in the diameters of each log should not exceed 3 cm. Otherwise they will not fit tightly together.

The wood should not only be of the same species, but also preferably grown in the same climatic zone. It is preferable to choose trees grown in forests of northern latitude, since they are least susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity.

Logs can be divided into several types:

  • Rounded (calibrated). Processed on a special machine. Therefore, they are given the same perfectly round shape and equal diameter. This makes them very easy to install. But during rounding, not only the bark is removed from the log, but also the top layer - the bast, which protects the tree from environmental influences. That is, a calibrated log, although more affordable in cost and easy to build a structure from, is however susceptible to rotting, cracking and even deformation. Therefore, it is better to choose a different material for the construction of a bathhouse.
  • Planed– these logs are processed not by a machine, like calibrated ones, but by an electric planer. As a result, the loss of the top layer is not so significant. A planed log is not as smooth as a rounded one, but the difference in diameters is insignificant. However, when constructing a log house, manual adjustment is necessary.

  • Carriage (Norwegian cabin). This type of log is obtained by sharpening and sawing from opposite ends. In terms of its properties, the carriage is close to both a log and timber. It is susceptible to cracking, but less so than calibrated and planed logs. If you treat the carriage well with an antiseptic and other compounds, its service life is quite long. Its cost is higher, but building from a carriage does not require interior finishing, which means you can save on it.
  • scraped- These are the most durable logs. They are processed as follows: first, debarked logs are made, then the bast is removed manually by scraping. Then they cut down the frame and polish it rough. They assemble it in the desired area and polish it again - the last time. If you follow this technology, then only the top layer of bark will be removed from the log, and all the properties of the tree species, including resin, will be preserved. Even a scraped log house not treated with antiseptics will last a very long time. If you impregnate the bathhouse, it will last a hundred years. However, fitting log to log will take a long time, since each of them retains its knots, shape, bends and everything else.

  • Square beam. This is the most budget option. A bathhouse made from it will have even and smooth walls. But constructing such a structure is not easy - it will require very careful adjustment of the log house elements to each other.
  • Plain sanded. The most commonly used type of material. Due to the fact that the top layer is not disturbed, it is little susceptible to rotting and destruction. However, it requires impregnation with appropriate compounds.

When choosing lumber, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • the lowest air temperatures in winter at the construction site;
  • frequency of planned operation of the bath;
  • building area;
  • technology used in drying.

If you plan to use the bathhouse only in the summer, logs with a diameter of 18 to 20 cm are quite suitable. Such a structure does not require a strong foundation.

In the case of constructing a bathhouse for use throughout the year, larger diameter logs are needed - from 24 cm. The foundation will also need to be more powerful: a monolithic or strip foundation will work well.

The moisture content of the wood depends on how the wood is dried. In turn, humidity affects the degree of shrinkage of the structure:

  • material obtained by hand cutting shrinks by 15 cm or more;
  • thick logs grown in the forest, cut down in winter and dried naturally are subject to shrinkage of at least 4-6 cm;
  • rounded logs dried in a chamber shrink 3 cm.

These indicators must be taken into account when developing a bathhouse project to calculate the correct height and the required amount of lumber.

When purchasing and harvesting logs, you must follow a number of rules:

  • No element should be affected by insects.
  • The trunks must be straight, without bending. The permissible difference in the diameters of the ends is 3 cm.
  • There should be no damage of any kind on any log.
  • The thicker the logs, the more difficult it is to build with them, and the higher their cost.
  • You should harvest lumber yourself in winter.
  • When choosing a tree, 1 cm should be added to the calculated diameter for subsequent processing.

  • If the cutting was done with a gas or electric saw, the cut of the log becomes “disheveled” and is more susceptible to rotting. To avoid this, you need to cleanly cut the wood with an ax. It is first cut down between the transverse cuts.
  • Construction is carried out from freshly sawn material. It is easier to process and is less susceptible to cracking and deformation when the frame is folded.
  • Barked logs must be stacked with bars to ensure air movement. The stack is protected from above with a canopy or thick cellophane to avoid both exposure to precipitation and direct rays of the sun. The logs need to be dried for two weeks. After this, you need to start cutting the log house. If lumber is overdried, it is difficult to process.
  • To make the logs less likely to crack from the facade of the structure, cuts are made on each of them with a depth of approximately a quarter of its diameter. This is done in order to compensate for internal stress and avoid the appearance of cracks in the future. It is important to know that cuts should be made only from the side opposite to the longitudinal groove.


Before you start construction, you need to think about and decide what the bathhouse will look like and what tasks the owner assigns to it. Currently, the design of a 5x5 m bathhouse with a log terrace and an attic is very popular. This is a small building, but it can comfortably accommodate a company of 5-7 people.

A 6x6 m bathhouse is no less popular. It can be a one-story building or a two-story building. It can be equipped with an outside (summer) seating area, in which there will be a grill or barbecue.

Depending on the capabilities and wishes of the owner, a swimming pool can be made inside the bathhouse. It is equipped both in a separate room and in a steam room - under a removable floor.

A bathhouse can be either part of a house or an independent structure. You need to make sure that it is convenient to connect communications to it. It is better if the bathhouse is not too far from the house.

In addition to the desires of the owner, many natural factors must be taken into account: the nature of the soil, the level of groundwater, the evenness of the landscape. This determines what kind of foundation is required for the bathhouse.

After all the calculations, you need to draw a sketch that will contain the plan of the bathhouse. It is important to immediately decide where the oven will be located.

How to build?

It is not easy to build a log bathhouse from scratch with your own hands, but it is possible if you have certain skills and abilities. And you also need to understand that it is unrealistic to do this alone, since even to lift a log, you need at least two, and preferably three. Therefore, it is better to find smart helpers.

The construction of a bathhouse begins with the foundation. It can be of three types:

  • tape;
  • shallow;
  • columnar.

The type of foundation depends on the soil on the site.

If the ground is heaving, a shallow option would be best. If the construction is planned to be small, then it is advisable to choose a columnar foundation. For a large bathhouse (this includes a two-story bathhouse), you can only consider a strip version with a depth below the freezing level of the ground.

After the selected type of foundation is constructed, a waterproofing layer is placed on it. It could be roofing felt.

After this, they proceed to the construction of the log house itself. The first crown is called the frame crown. It is made from the thickest log, preferably oak.. It is laid on a layer of roofing material. Before laying, the bottom is cut off and the cut is treated with antiseptic impregnation.

The log house is placed using the “in the bowl”, “in the cloud” or “in the paw” methods (this is the most labor-intensive of them). Before installing each element, it is adjusted (only calibrated logs are not adjusted; they can be immediately formed into a log house).

During construction, a layer of insulation is immediately laid - moss, hemp, tow or other material.

The upper crown of the log house is called the mauerlat. It provides a support for the rafters, so its choice must be taken no less carefully than the choice of a frame crown.

After the log house is assembled, it needs to be caulked. Moss, flax tow, and felt are used for this.. You need to start caulking from the bottom crown and go around. If you caulk on one wall, the bathhouse will warp.

The finished log house is assembled from calibrated logs according to the instructions attached to it. It indicates step by step not only the sequence of actions, but also the rules that must be followed during assembly.

It is important to accurately fulfill all the requirements to ensure a high-quality and tight fit of the elements to each other and to avoid distortions of the structure.

After the construction of the log house is completed, it is necessary to bring it under the roof this year. It doesn’t matter whether the roofing is temporary or permanent. For the bath complex most often they use a simple gable roof with a cold attic underneath. To do this, the rafter pitch is taken to be 1-1.5 m. If the attic is warm, the width of the rafter pitch is calculated based on the size of the insulating material slab.

The legs of the rafters are cut into the mauerlat. The upper parts of the legs are fastened. After this, the rafters are covered with lathing, and a layer of waterproofing is placed on it, this can be roofing felt. As for the roof covering, it is better to choose it according to your wishes: make the roof from slate, metal tiles, corrugated sheets or ondulin.

Window and door openings are cut in an already erected and insulated log house. They are reinforced with a jamb, and window frames and door frames are secured to it.

It is important to remember that, in accordance with fire safety regulations, the front door must open outward. These requirements apply to any door in the building.

The inside of the steam room and dressing room can be lined with clapboard or boards. When covering, be sure to follow the rules of thermal insulation and not disturb the movement of air.

How to insulate?

Correctly insulating a sauna log house is one of the most important stages of construction. Otherwise, taking water procedures will become uncomfortable. Heat should not leave the room either through the walls or through the ceiling. Ensuring proper air circulation is very important to maintain a healthy microclimate inside a building.

It is not easy to choose the optimal type of insulation. There are several ways to protect walls.

To insulate a timber bath, it is better to choose a natural material, for example, mineral wool. There are few options for insulating a log bathhouse, since the unevenness and roughness of the surface are not suitable for most insulation materials. However, it is important to treat the joints of the logs in such a way that heat does not escape through them.

Different materials are used for this:

  • Tow- the most commonly used insulation. Available in rolls. With its help you can avoid drafts, it retains heat and noise insulates the room. But like any organic matter, it is short-lived: it attracts both birds and rodents. Therefore, to ensure good insulation, the bathhouse will have to be re-caulked every 2-3 years.
  • Another natural material is moss.. You don’t have to buy it, but assemble it yourself. Moss retains heat well, is moisture resistant, and dense. But it is susceptible to moths even with appropriate treatment. Over time, the moss deteriorates and will have to be renewed.
  • Fiber from flax and jute– also a natural rolled material. It is more expensive, but its service life is much longer. The fiber is not subject to rotting and is not of interest to rodents and birds. This material is the best way to insulate a log bathhouse.

Does the building need to be insulated from the inside or is only external caulking sufficient? Everyone has their own answer to this question. There are different opinions on this matter.

In the case of internal insulation, the usable area will decrease. Natural material, be it tow or moss, needs additional protection with a waterproof film.

This cannot prevent the formation of condensation between the wall and the insulation layer. This will cause damage to the wood and the process of rotting will begin. That's why Insulation from the inside is rarely used.

The instructions for insulating a log house are simple. Work begins simultaneously with the assembly of the log house. Then pushing the insulation into the seams will be very inconvenient. Before starting this work, all logs must be treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant: against rotting and fire.

The stages of insulation are as follows:

  • laying material between the crowns of the log house;
  • Caulking of cracks can be done no earlier than six months later, when the wood and insulation have finally settled.

The steam room is first covered with a waterproofing film. Basalt insulation, produced in rolls, is attached to it. It is covered with foil film. A wooden sheathing is placed on top of it, and then the entire structure is covered with either clapboard or other material.


The construction of a bathhouse involves many different activities. Not least among them is the ventilation device. Oddly enough, even experienced specialists often dissuade owners from using exhaust hoods, vents and openings, because “steam will be lost”; natural air circulation is sufficient.

However, forced ventilation is required in most cases, otherwise the bathhouse will simply be dangerous to operate. After all, in a hot steam room or sauna, the higher a person sits, he inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. At temperatures above 60 C, if there is no normal circulation, it is easy to get burned.

It is in order to ensure a constant flow of air (and oxygen) that forced ventilation must be installed.

In a classic Russian bath there is always a vent - a hole for air movement. Ventilation can be arranged in a natural way - in the lower crowns the filling occurs freely, and gaps are left in the door along the entire perimeter.

However, for a large family or group of friends this may not be enough. It is better to take care of full forced ventilation. Especially if the bathhouse is planned to be used year-round.

In the absence of normal air circulation in the bathhouse, a number of unpleasant consequences are possible:

  • The service life of the building is reduced because the wood does not dry out well. This is fraught with the rapid development of rotting of logs.
  • Due to temperature changes and high humidity inside the bathhouse, and especially the steam room, bacteria and microbes can multiply. This leads to “stale” odors of various kinds, and to mold, bugs, cockroaches, as well as rapid rotting of the logs. As a result, it will become impossible to go to the bathhouse, not to mention taking water procedures, because it is impossible to influence all these things with chemicals, and there is no other way to get rid of them.
  • It is very easy to “catch” a disease: both a fungus and various kinds of allergic reactions. People with respiratory diseases are especially susceptible to this.

Let's try to figure it out which ventilation device will be correct. The basic rule is this: within an hour, the air in the bathhouse should be completely renewed three times. How this will be achieved is up to the owner to decide.

The hood should not interfere and disturb the temperature regime, that is, the air should not be cooled due to ventilation. Only exhaust air saturated with carbon dioxide can be removed from the bath.. All oxygen should be retained in the bath. The appearance of drafts is unacceptable - neither in the steam room nor in the sink.

The hottest, hottest air should be near the ceiling.

Experts distinguish three types of ventilation, each of which can provide adequate air circulation:

  • Natural– the movement of air masses occurs due to temperature changes, different pressures and other physical phenomena.
  • Mechanical– air moves thanks to fans and hoods.
  • Combined– combines elements of the first and second types.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to ventilate not only the steam room, but also all rooms.

It is unacceptable to place vents on the ceiling. This is fraught with the risk of the heat dissipating in two to three minutes, and then it will take a long time to warm up the bathhouse.

Floor ventilation is also necessary; it needs to be thought through at the construction stage. Otherwise, the ceilings and floors will rot within a few years. Ventilation holes can be installed near the foundation, and metal grilles can be installed on them to prevent mice and rats from entering.

The gate valve can be installed under the ceiling, but it must be closed the lion's share of the time.

When installing the stove, you need to take into account that the finished floor should be slightly higher than the vent.

You can also install a special exhaust duct opposite the door under the ceiling or directly on it. This will require certain skills.


Traditionally, a Russian bathhouse is built in the form of a hut. Inside it is divided into a dressing room and a steam room.

The interior of a Russian-type bathhouse has a minimal number of decorative items. It contains only the essentials.

  • In the steam room- a stove, bench or other surface for sitting, a container for water, a large deep wooden tub for ablution and brooms.
  • In the dressing room– table and chairs (or benches), it is better if they are made of solid wood, perhaps deliberately roughly processed.

The main design decoration can be carved window frames. Traditionally, the window (or windows) face southwest to allow views of the sunset.

Another decorative element that can diversify the design of a bathhouse is lighting fixtures. It is better to choose lamps in a traditional style: carved wooden frames or lampshades will harmoniously fit into the decor of a Russian hut. Forged fittings will look good, especially if it is supported by other decorative elements.

It should be remembered that metal parts are acceptable everywhere except in a steam room or sauna - there they are subject to strong heat and can cause burns.

It is not necessary to limit the layout of the bathhouse to a waiting room and steam room. It contains a swimming pool, a shower room, and a relaxation room with billiards or a card table. An interesting design solution could be a steam room or sauna with a removable floor, under which a swimming pool is hidden.

Inside, the walls of the bathhouse have a different texture, as they are upholstered with clapboard or other material. On the outside, due to the log masonry, the walls are semicircular or, in the case of square-section timber used for construction, straight.

The inside of the boards is not coated with varnish or any other chemical composition; they are thoroughly sanded.

For the construction of a wooden bathhouse, it is best to use coniferous species. You only need to take prepared material. If these are rounded logs, they must be the same size and diameter. If there is curvature or unevenness on the log, it is rejected. And also specimens that have dark spots, have an excessively large core, are knotty, or have cavities where the knots are located cannot be used for construction.

  • The cut of the log should be neat, not “disheveled”. Its surface should be yellow (light or dark shade). If the material is not overdried, then when it is hit with the butt of an ax, it rings.
  • In order for the building to be strictly horizontal, the first crown must be pulled apart. This means that it needs to be made perfectly even in height.
  • In the southern regions, it is better to use oak wood for the construction of baths.
  • Traditionally, logs are laid on the foundation with their growth rings facing outward. Because it is this part of them that withstands temperature changes and negative environmental influences.

  • When moving to insulating a bathhouse, you do not need to allow one wall to be completely caulked. Otherwise the log house will warp.
  • When erecting a structure from rounded logs, they must be treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant, since they do not have an outer layer.
  • Between each layer of logs, a layer of thermal insulation must be laid - tow, moss or flax-jute fiber. The insulation is secured to brackets.
  • Each subsequent crown is controlled by the level. This is necessary to avoid distortion of the structure.
  • To prevent door and window frames from being damaged during the period of shrinkage of the log house, the openings are framed with casing. Its gap is 3 percent of the height of the entire opening. The gap is filled with insulation.

Beautiful examples

Here is a small photo gallery of beautiful bathhouse design options.

  • The bathhouse with an attic, made of rounded logs, is installed on a concrete foundation.

Natural wood has long been considered the most popular material for construction. Baths were also made from it. Now buildings made of timber are still popular. There are many interesting projects for steam rooms made of timber, which have a place both on a rural plot and next to a luxurious cottage.


Log bathhouse projects have many advantages and disadvantages.


First of all, it is worth noting the advantages of log buildings:

  • Structures made from natural wood delight with their environmental friendliness. This is a material that is completely safe for health, thanks to the use of which an ideal microclimate is created in the room. Even the products used to impregnate and protect the facade are non-toxic.
  • Wood is an excellent basis for walls also because this material retains heat well in the room. Thanks to this, a fairly comfortable microclimate is created inside the bathhouse.

  • Wooden walls not only retain heat inside, but also have good soundproofing properties. But natural wood allows air to pass through, so it’s easy to breathe in such a room.
  • Also pleasing is the fact that the construction is strong and durable. Especially if you additionally coat the material with protective agents such as varnish and special impregnations.
  • The last plus is the ability to create truly unique and original buildings. Wood is easy to process and sand. In addition, it can be decorated with exquisite carvings. You can even do this yourself, without turning to professionals for help.


As for the disadvantages of log baths, there are plenty of them too:

In general, despite all the existing disadvantages, wood is a very good material for building a bathhouse. If you follow all safety rules and listen to the advice of professionals, you can get a reliable and luxurious building that will delight you with its appearance and quality for a long time.

Types of buildings

There are many ideas that can be used when building baths. Home steam rooms differ not only in their design, but also in size. Before building the bathhouse itself, you need to calculate everything on paper and make the necessary drawings.


The standard option is a 6x8 bathhouse. This building is large enough, so there is enough space not only for the steam room itself, but also for a dressing room in which you can place a locker room or a place to relax. Single-story baths of this type are a true Russian classic. They have enough space for both family gatherings and relaxation in the company of friends.

Building with an attic

If there is not much space in the yard, then you can build a two-story building or at least add an attic to the room. This solution is suitable if you are planning a very small bathhouse, measuring 3x3, 3x5 or 3x4. As a rule, if a building with an attic is being built, there is a steam room on the first floor, and a relaxation room on the second floor, which can comfortably accommodate several people.

In some cases, the attic can be equipped as a billiards room or, for example, a place to watch your favorite sports programs on a big screen. This is very convenient, since the relaxation room will be located separately from the stuffy steam room. In some cases, you can even make a separate entrance to the attic by attaching a convenient staircase to the side.

With terrace

A bathhouse with an additional terrace is just as good as a house with a veranda. Such a room can be built from scratch, and a terrace can be added to it when the bathhouse is already ready. This option is suitable both for very small buildings measuring 3x6 or 3x5, and for more spacious ones, for example, 6x6.

On the terrace you can place sun loungers, folding chairs or a table surrounded by log benches.

By the way, the terrace itself also serves a decorative function. Especially if it is surrounded by a decorative fence.

Large building

If there is a lot of free space in the yard, then you can build a truly luxurious building of large size from calibrated timber. Designing such a building will take a lot of time, because you don’t want to waste free meters.

A bathhouse measuring 8 by 8 or more allows for the use of many different design ideas. There is enough space for a steam room, a dressing room with space for storing firewood, a shower room with a toilet, and even a guest room. In this case, you don’t even need to make 2 floors - there will be enough space for everything.

A swimming pool can be located next to such a building, as well as near buildings measuring 4x4, 4x6 or 5x5. Even a small pond is enough to cool down a little after a bath and relax. There are both round pools and rectangular or even corner ones.

From logs you can make both standard buildings measuring 4 by 6, 6x4, or 4x5, as well as more original buildings. Even the best ready-made ideas can always be supplemented with something of your own, adding a twist to a standard project. When designing a room, you definitely need to take into account all the features of the landscape, as well as how many people will relax in this room.


To build bathhouses in a suburban area, you can use different materials. For those who do not understand the topic of construction at all, it is better to entrust this process to professionals. Builders will select the ideal material that will withstand both weather conditions and high humidity.


Before choosing the material that is used to build walls, it is worth choosing a high-quality foundation. This is a very important stage, since the wood can shrink, and to prevent this from happening, you need to strengthen the base.

A strip foundation is best suited for classic baths. It is both easy to implement and inexpensive. Therefore, the construction of a bathhouse when choosing such a foundation is much cheaper, and even non-professionals can cope with its pouring.


To build the base of the bathhouse, you need to choose very high-quality wood. This is one of the most important stages, because the appearance of the building depends on the selected logs. Wood for a bath should be chosen of very high quality and free from any defects. There should be no cracks or damage, or any colored spots.

Before starting the construction process, you need to thoroughly dry the material.. This is very simple to do - just put the logs in the yard and keep them in the open air. After this, their surface of the cylindrical beam must be treated with special means that protect the wood from fire, rot and pests. Without this, the construction will not last long.

To build a bathhouse from rounded timber, you need to choose the right type of wood. Experts say that aromatic pine logs are best suited for log houses. In this case, preference should be given to trees cut down in cold winter. This is what makes wood resistant to moisture. Chopped larches, spruces or cedars are also suitable.


There are many interesting ideas for decorating the interior of a bathhouse and its exterior decoration. To begin with, you should pay attention to the characteristics of each style direction, and then decide which of them is most suitable for your bathhouse.


One of the most popular finishing options is a traditional Russian-style bathhouse. On the one hand, the interior of such a room can be truly simple, but on the other, truly luxurious. It all depends on the choice of materials and decorative details.

The log walls and wooden floors look very good on their own. Therefore, no additional finishing is needed. Furniture will decorate the room. There is a place for it both in the rest room and in the dressing room. Furniture in the Russian style consists of wooden benches, tables and chairs, decorated with exquisite carvings, or simply made from boards.

In the washing room there is also a place for decor in the Russian style - a watering can used instead of a classic shower, or an original wicker rug. You can experiment with decor in a recreation room or guest room. Here you can put a large table covered with an embroidered tablecloth, display luxurious sets or antique samovars on the shelves.

All kinds of lamps can be used as decoration. Metal or bronze lamps look best in a Russian-style bathhouse. A source of living fire like a real Russian stove would also be appropriate. It can be additionally painted with bright colors or painting in a traditional style.

In such a building there is also room for an original swimming pool. The pond described in old Russian fairy tales is a combination of contrasts. Two round mini-pools are filled with water: one is warm and the other is ice-cold. It’s not a fact that swimming in it will have a rejuvenating effect, but it will definitely improve your health and lift your spirits.


This interior decoration option is similar to the previous one. But here everything is much simpler. There is no artificial gilding or luxurious decor. Everything is done as simply as possible - the wooden base is complemented by handmade decorations.

Anything can serve as decor here - from a simple birch broom to a wooden tub or mugs. All kinds of wicker napkins, rugs and other textile products that will fill the room with comfort will also be useful. And here all sorts of delights will obviously be superfluous. This applies to both forged decorative parts and modern jewelry.


If the option of a traditional Russian or simple village bathhouse seems too boring, then you can choose something more modern to decorate the room. For example, a light bathhouse made of high-quality logs, decorated with LEDs around the entire perimeter of the room.

In a modern steam room, it is worth installing not a huge heater, but a metal stove, for example. Furniture can be chosen to be multifunctional and practical. In modern-style log baths, you can experiment a little with the layout, trying new unusual ideas. The dressing room, for example, can be set aside as a stylish locker room, and the washing room can be supplemented with a bathroom.

To decorate the rest room, you can choose all sorts of little things that evoke associations with the sea: shells, starfish, pebbles covering the floor.

In general, the interior decoration of a bathhouse is, of course, less luxurious than the design of a residential building. But nothing prevents you from decorating this place to relax at your own discretion, changing the style and atmosphere.


Exterior finishing

There is no need to be particularly sophisticated with the exterior decoration of a log bathhouse. The rounded log house itself looks very laconic. Therefore, all you need to do is cover the logs with a protective layer of varnish or antiseptic agents. This will slightly decorate the wood, making its texture more expressive and, of course, extend the life of the building.

In some cases, the room is also additionally insulated so that you can steam even in severe frosts.

It is recommended to begin the exterior finishing of the bathhouse not immediately after the construction of the bathhouse. It is worth waiting a certain time for the tree to settle well. When a couple of weeks have passed, you can already install the windows. A Wall decoration and insulation should only be started a year or even two after construction. This way you can be sure that the tree will not “float”, and the structure will remain beautiful for many years.

The façade made of timber must be covered with a high-quality composition, which will subsequently prevent the reproduction of all kinds of insects or any other microorganisms inside the tree. Properly selected products, by the way, also decorate the base of the bathhouse, emphasizing the wood fibers. To protect the log house from rapid aging and rotting, methods of working with wood such as sanding and caulking are also used.

Projects of log baths, both standard and original, are the most popular, and this is no coincidence. Log walls are warm, windproof, retain their appearance for a long time and successfully resist both external and internal negative influences: precipitation, high and low temperatures, humidity, winds, solar radiation. Log houses are beautiful, elegant and neat, creating a special rustic coziness.

To make a chopped log house, you only need three things: logs, an electric planer and the skillful hands of a craftsman. Each log is hewn by hand, and it is necessary to leave the top layer as intact as possible, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the wood structure and not to reduce its protective properties. The logs have approximately the same diameter and size; their surface is not polished and therefore is not uniform. Consequently, interior finishing of the building cannot be avoided, although the appearance of the log after processing with an electric planer or scraper is quite aesthetic.

A bathhouse made from planed logs is durable and very strong.

Projects of bathhouses made of rounded logs

Do you want something more modern? Order a sauna made from rounded logs. To appreciate the benefits of projects made from rounded logs, it is worth knowing about the production technology of the material.

The log house is assembled from logs of equal diameter and size. Each has a profile, which greatly facilitates and speeds up subsequent installation. The workpieces are polished to obtain a perfectly smooth, shiny surface and treated with protective agents.

A log house made from rounded logs is reliable in operation and durable, as it has a number of advantages.

  • The integrity of the product and its structure are not compromised, so the wood continues to “breathe” and is an excellent natural air conditioner for rooms.
  • Smooth profiled logs are assembled into a log house neatly, tightly and precisely using the tongue-and-groove technology, so the thermal insulation characteristics of the log house are very high.
  • Making a log house and building a bathhouse takes a minimum of time, since there is no need to “adjust” geometrically equal blanks to the required dimensions.
  • External and internal decoration of the walls is not required, since the structure made of rounded logs has a finished harmonious appearance.
  • Any standard or individual project can be implemented, even with the most complex architectural solutions.

Construction of bathhouses from logs

When constructing bathhouses from hewn logs, predominantly coniferous wood such as pine, spruce, and, less commonly, cedar and larch is used.

The harvesting of logs takes place in two stages. The first is felling, which occurs only in winter in order to obtain high-quality wood, then the second stage begins - processing.

Rounding is the last, final stage of processing, during which the master strives to process the log with the highest quality and beauty, while preserving all its natural properties.

As for the construction time, the determining time criterion here is the method of processing the material. Thus, projects made from rounded profiled logs will be implemented in a shorter time, since most of the work (cutting of interlocking joints, profiles) has already been done at the enterprise. While log houses made of chopped logs, which require special dexterity and skill, take longer to build.

There are enough ways to make cuts (corners) for the developer to have a choice. The most popular is Russian felling, as well as Canadian (used for large-diameter logs) and Norwegian (used for gun carriages).

Baths occupy a special place in our traditions. They will help lift your mood and bring your body into a certain tone. The relaxation properties of baths have long been known and proven, as well as the fact that the best material for their construction is wood, in particular logs. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Log saunas do not lose their popularity

One cannot but agree with this. Virtually all companies involved in the construction of wooden buildings have in their catalog projects for log baths in dozens of various configurations. The secret, among other things, is that wood is very useful for humans. On the other hand, working with him is always pleasant and convenient.

In the corner of the question is a rounded log. But the material will differ depending on the type of wood. If we take a quick look at these or those positions, we can easily see that coniferous trees remain the most in demand. Pine, larch and Siberian cedar can give a special aroma to the premises. This is what we call a special “spirit” that can cleanse our body while in the bathhouse. The use of one or another type of wood, the size of the bathhouse, and other features determine the prices for turnkey log bathhouse projects.

The main advantages of a log bath

If you decide to buy a log sauna inexpensively in Moscow, then you are definitely in luck, because their construction is carried out in the shortest possible time. For wooden steam rooms, as a rule, a lightweight version of the foundation is used. Therefore, there is no need to waste time waiting for the eventual shrinkage of the structure.

Now let’s note the originality of the structures: logs of various diameters are used – within the range of 18-32 cm. And in addition, there are two cutting technologies, known as “to the paw” and “to the bowl”. The client is actually always given the right to dream a little and choose the material that he likes. That is, specialists must bring everything together, but the client can “dictate” his vision of his own future bathhouse.

You can also choose the microclimate, because the client must decide on which wood he prefers. In any case, the walls will turn out to be “breathable”, and depending on the type of wood, they will contain essential resins in one or another volume.

The next important criterion is durability. If you are at the stage of choosing a company from which to order the construction of not just a steam room, but an inexpensive log bathhouse, then pay attention to how durable and reliable the materials are used in a particular project. You should be mainly interested in such parameters as additional protection against:

  • humidity;
  • mold;
  • dampness.

Next is the obligatory low thermal conductivity. The bathhouse is still used more actively in the winter season, and therefore it is important for you that its premises retain heat well. At the same time, in the hot summer the bath should not overheat.

If you contact our company, you can be sure that we will offer you a log sauna that can provide you with excellent relaxation both in winter and in summer. Stay healthy and full of strength!

In terms of quality, practicality, and aesthetic characteristics, a bathhouse made from wood beams is practically no different from one built from rounded logs, but the construction process is much simpler and does not require special skill.

A wooden bathhouse is considered truly Russian, since once upon a time in Rus' every building was erected without the use of nails, but as efficiently as possible.

So, let's talk about building a bathhouse from natural timber.

What are the criteria for selecting timber for a steam room?

One of the significant stages in the construction of a bathhouse is, of course, the choice of massif. After all, the characteristics of the bath directly depend on this.

First of all, pay special attention to the absence of any cracks in the logs, which, when expanded in the future, will become the cause of defects and rotting of the massif during shrinkage.

In addition, the wood should not have blue highlights, indicating internal rotting, which is associated with the presence of fungi.

It is not recommended to build a building from such material. In addition, the timber is defective if there is a wormhole on it.

At the same time, a good timber is absolutely smooth. If there are defects, as well as various distortions, this will not have the best effect on the arrangement of the crowns; accordingly, the construction of the steam room may take a long period of time.

There are several types of timber: solid and profiled. The second option is equipped with tenons and grooves that can be ground. Such parts are easier to connect to each other.

The most important advantage is that such walls are not susceptible to the adverse effects of moisture. As for the disadvantages, the material has a low degree of fire resistance, which means it must be subjected to additional processing with propylene.

Solid timber is also used in construction. However, it does not look attractive in appearance, so it is covered with siding.

Types of modern baths

Today there are a variety of types of modern baths, namely:

With attic

This is one of the common options for a steam room with an attic roof and a veranda. At the top of the structure there is a bedroom where you can relax comfortably after taking a bath.

And the veranda is a great place where you can drink a cup of aromatic tea.

With terrace

Are you planning to build a barbecue in your country house? Then build a steam room with a terrace where you can install a stove directly. After time, you can create a pond in front of the steam room.

With veranda

A bathhouse with a spacious veranda is considered one of the simplest structures.

In this case, it is preferable to glaze the veranda and use it as a summer recreation area or kitchen space.

With porch

Are you a fan of the true Russian bathhouse? Then build it with a spacious porch, which is not just beautiful, but also as practical as possible.

A small table, a traditional samovar and the splendor of the surrounding nature.

With a veranda and a spacious roof

Such a steam room has great advantages - a covered veranda, as well as a wide attic area. This option will create a small foundation.


A long-lasting bathhouse, created from timber, can be erected on a strip or columnar foundation.

To construct a strip foundation, formwork is built and filled with concrete mixture. Inside the foundation there will be a strip of sand or crushed stone.

A couple of weeks after the concrete has completely hardened, you can begin laying the frame.

To create a columnar foundation, it is necessary to place brick pillars, under each of which a concrete cushion is placed to prevent subsidence.

However, no matter what type of foundation you choose, it is important to strengthen it with reinforcement for durability.

You also cannot do without practical waterproofing created between the original crown and the base. For these purposes, bitumen is applied to the foundation surface in molten form, which is laid with an even layer of roofing material. As soon as it hardens, the procedure must be repeated.

If you have decided to build a reliable and beautiful bathhouse, then be sure to get a project and, based on our recommendations, make your dreams come true.

Photo of a bathhouse made of timber