Growing garlic in a greenhouse. Business plan: Growing garlic in a greenhouse How much garlic grows in a greenhouse

Garlic is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family, the Asparagus family and the monocot class. The popularity of this vegetable crop among people around the world is easily explained by the presence of a specific pungent taste and characteristic smell. These parameters are associated with the presence of thioethers or organic sulfides in garlic. The seed material is high-quality bulbs or “cloves”.

Requirements for soil in a greenhouse

  • Growing main crops in protected soil conditions is characterized by the use of natural soils, different types of peat, compositions of peat and sandy or loamy soils, peat manure composts, a mixture of peat and sawdust, sawdust, tree bark, and artificial mineral substrates.
  • Before planting seeds in a greenhouse, it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers or manure the planting area.

The soil must meet basic criteria and be distinguished by the inclusion of a large amount of active organic matter.

Planting and care

  • Growing garlic in greenhouse conditions is important not only for health, but also for the protection of garden crops. The technological process of cultivating garlic is quite simple, but differs in a number of specific requirements. This garden crop is very sensitive to soil fertility.
  • Caring for garlic is not difficult and requires watering in hot and dry weather, as well as the application of complex mineral fertilizers. Instant preparations are ideal. This fertilizer dissolves well in water and is ideally absorbed by garlic.
  • The first feeding is carried out during the formation of 3 - 4 leaves. One tablespoon of urea is consumed per ten liters of water. The next feeding is carried out no later than two weeks after the first. For ten liters of water, two tablespoons of nitrophoska or nitroammophoska should be used.

The use of liquid fertilizers “Agricola” or “Fertility” has a positive effect.

Mid-season and bolting garlic. The growing season in a greenhouse takes 87-98 days. The variety is characterized by the presence of a long arrow and large aerial bulbs.


A cold-resistant variety of garlic that is easily cultivated in a greenhouse. It is distinguished by a grayish-purple shell.


It is resistant to low temperatures. The garlic bulb is quite dense and large. The number of cloves does not exceed 12. The husk of the garlic bulb has a pinkish tint.


A mid-season and spicy variety, which is distinguished by large bulbs. The growing season does not exceed three months. This variety is easy to grow in a greenhouse and has a long shelf life and excellent keeping quality.

Diseases and pests

Root or onion mites cause maximum damage to garlic during storage. It can be introduced into greenhouse soil and infect garlic during the growing season. This pest feels comfortable in high humidity and is very thermophilic. The female is capable of laying 500 eggs, from which very voracious larvae emerge after ten days. The development of one generation takes a month.

The disease is manifested by damage to the bottom of the garlic with the appearance of brown and depressed spots, which have different shapes and a tendency to blacken. The garlic cloves begin to gradually rot.

White-scaled varieties of garlic are especially susceptible to helminthosporium.

  • Shooting garlic forms a flower stem at the top in the form of a ball, on which small bulbs that fit tightly together can develop. Spring garlic cannot form shoots.
  • Planting of spring varieties of garlic in the greenhouse is planned for early spring. Later planting may affect the growing season of the plant, and the garlic bulbs will not be able to form properly.
  • The optimal planting depth is no more than three centimeters from the top of the garlic clove to the ground surface. If you bury the garlic more deeply, you may not get a good harvest. This type of garlic ripens slowly and has very small heads. Winter varieties of garlic should be planted in the fall, before the onset of frost. This will allow the planting material to take root well and successfully form in the greenhouse. With such planting, the depth depends on the condition and composition of the soil, as well as the size of the planting material.
  • To obtain a high-quality harvest, increased watering must be done during the period of active growth. Basic care consists of regular and shallow loosening and thorough weeding. The main conditions for the formation of large heads are the presence of sufficient lighting, correct temperature conditions and the absence of watering during the ripening period.

  • When the arrows appear, it is necessary not to miss the moment of their curling. This period is optimal for breaking off. If you miss this important point, then all the nutrients will be spent not on the formation of a large garlic head, but on the formation of seeds.
  • Removed arrows are a very effective means of making an infusion that can be used to process tomatoes. Such treatments prevent tomatoes from developing late blight. The hilling method contributes to a more correct formation of the garlic head. This method is especially effective when applied shortly before ripening.

Garlic harvesting is carried out depending on weather conditions and occurs at the stage of yellowing of garlic leaves. Immediately after harvesting, the garlic is cleaned of soil residues and dried for a week.

After drying, it is necessary to cut off the roots and tops, leaving the neck no more than two centimeters above the shoulders. Winter varieties of garlic are stored worse than spring varieties and are most often used in the autumn. For longer storage, the correct temperature and optimal humidity levels must be observed.

Growing winter garlic (video)

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Garlic is a herbaceous perennial crop, a plant of the amaryllis family. In the Russian Empire, they began to use it more than 10 centuries ago, calling the plant “combed onion.” Garlic is mentioned in inscriptions on the pyramids of Cheops and in Tibetan monasteries. It is curious that in China, India, Korea, and Italy, the average spice consumption per person is 8-12 cloves per day. The inhabitants of these states use garlic in culinary and healing recipes.

Sowing and growing garlic. Time-tested method


Eateroff writes: The larger the clove, the larger the onion will be.

Irina Gomilko- e-commerce with Infinii- business with Infinii writes: it will be convenient to nail the limit bar - then it will be very easy to plant

Tatyana Gulieva writes: How long and tedious everything is shown... but is it really impossible to disassemble garlic without a camera?

Kseniya Cherkasova writes: bullshit, the cultivator got up, marked out the beds, pushed it deeper with his fingers and that’s it. and rotten garbage

Oleg Med writes: I have 11-12 heads in one kilogram!

There are spring and winter varieties. The titles indicate the best time to sow garlic. Spring varieties are planted in greenhouses in early spring. Otherwise, the onion will not have time to form. Winter varieties are designed for planting in greenhouses and open ground; they can overwinter under snow and germinate after the last frost.

After drying, you need to cut off the roots and tops, leaving the neck less than 2 cm above the shoulders. Winter varieties of garlic store worse than spring varieties and in most cases are consumed in the autumn. For longer storage, the correct temperature conditions and rational humidity characteristics must be observed.

According to reviews from experienced gardeners, in order to prevent infection of the crop with fungal, bacterial and viral infections, it is better to disinfect cloves and single-claws before sowing for a quarter of an hour, using the method of soaking in a solution of copper sulfate (15 g per standard bucket of water) or a medium pink solution of potassium permanganate, after This means we can immediately begin planting work.

Proper cultivation of winter garlic, agricultural technology


Volodymyr Tkachuk

Vasya Pupkin

Volodymyr Tkachuk writes: hello! Is it possible to plant winter chasnok in the spring?

Vasya Pupkin writes: please tell me, is it possible to plant garlic in virgin lands?

After sowing the garlic, the beds are leveled. Experienced gardeners mulch the soil for the winter with a layer of humus, compost, peat, shavings or straw (3 cm), which allows for additional insulation of the beds. In the spring, there is no need to remove mulch - it decomposes under the influence of soil microorganisms, enriching the soil with biologically active compounds.

You can’t use organic fertilizers with all this. Sweet in the oven in moderate furna until it turns pink. Onion feathers are in second place in popularity of use. I very much doubted that I could grow strawberries on my windowsill. As green manure when growing strawberries, they mainly use oilseeds radish, mustard, rapeseed and buckwheat. The first harvest occurs at the beginning of June, the berry has an irregular shape. Regular watering will make the berries more juicy. The pulp is orange-red, aromatic, wine-sweet taste.

There are usually 510 seeds in a bag, so the tablets will not take up much space. The cost of the line is 350 thousand. In early spring, when all the snow has already melted, all dry leaves are removed from the bushes, the plants are sprayed with pesticides. They have dense pulp and a wonderful dessert taste. From of the resulting bushes, you will have to choose the best ones and spread them with a mustache or by dividing the bush, depending on what variety you have. Flower buds form on plants only if the night is long enough. And those who took care of its preservation and froze a couple of kilograms or tens of kilograms in the freezer will be able to enjoy its taste even on cold winter days, when you can only be content with semi-finished products from stores. In order to formalize the industrial cultivation of garlic for sale according to all the rules and obtain permission from the supervisory authorities to conduct the business, it will take more than 1 month. Plant remontant varieties of strawberries, and you will be provided with berries throughout the summer and early autumn. The best way out, without neglecting the advice of friends, is to gain your own experience by regularly buying and testing several copies of different varieties.

Growing garlic in a garden bed, greenhouse or greenhouse is not an easy task. The process of growing a crop requires special attention and good care. Following the correct technology for growing this crop in a greenhouse will provide your family with greens for the whole year, and a good harvest of garlic is truly a great achievement for any gardener.

Garlic can be found in food markets, as well as in many supermarkets. Many culinary dishes cannot do without the smell and taste of garlic, so it is considered an always in demand product in the kitchen of every housewife. The business of growing garlic fruits is quite profitable, at least in terms of the fact that there is always a high level of demand for rare, frost-resistant varieties.

Rent of land for growing garlic.

To set up a business for growing this vegetable, you will need an area of ​​land of approximately 20 acres. This is exactly the area needed to produce a product on a business scale. It is worth giving preference to soil such as chernozem, because any plants require large amounts of vitamins, minerals, salts and acids, which are vital for proper development and rapid growth.

The average cost of renting land for agricultural needs in the Moscow District is approximately 2,500 rubles per hundred square meters, that is, 20 x 3,500 = 70,000 rubles per year. 20 acres is a plot of at least 10 x 20 meters. When renting, a big advantage is the connection to a water supply or the presence of a nearby water source, since very often it is necessary to add water to the bushes with garlic.

Equipment purchase costs.

Growing any vegetables forces the owner to work hard on his land, as well as purchase the necessary agricultural equipment, without which it is sometimes quite difficult to achieve the desired success.

Basic agricultural and technical equipment:

Tools for cultivating land – 10,000 rubles;
- walk-behind tractor with plow and cultivator – 30,000 rubles;
- container for watering beds – 400 rubles;
- containers for storing water – 1000 rubles;
- sprayer for the garden – 2200 rubles;

You don’t need a lot of technical equipment to process a plot of land. Total costs: 10,000 + 30,000 + 400 + 1,000 + 2,200 = 43,600 rubles. All you need to grow garlic is: a couple of shovels, a cultivator, a sprayer and a walk-behind tractor for plowing the land.

Working personnel and purchase of raw materials for production.

The size of the territory does not provide for the presence of a large number of working personnel; one or two people who know and understand the field of agronomy are enough to carry out agricultural work, plant seedlings, cultivate the land and harvest.

These could be amateur gardeners or individual workers who know a lot about their work. The average salary for workers in the Moscow District is approximately 30,000 rubles per month, respectively, for the year 30,000 x 12 (months) = 360,000 rubles.

At first, when the crop is planted for the first time, you will need seedlings and seeds of different types of garlic. It is worth noting that business requires expensive, high-quality and frost-resistant varieties of vegetables. The most popular varieties are “Lyubasha”, “Spas” or “Sofievsky” - the yield of which reaches about 10 tons from 1 hectare of land, respectively, from 20 acres you can collect at least 500 - 700 kilograms.

The bulb of these varieties weighs about 70 - 140 grams, this is quite a large garlic that has excellent taste and an attractive appearance. The cost of seedlings is at least 2,000 rubles.

Technology of planting and processing beds with garlic.

Garlic is planted in rows in beds, which are prepared 1.5 - 2 weeks in advance before planting. Only healthy and large bulbs are often selected for planting. Plant the vegetable by pressing the cloves into the soil, previously moistened with water. The bulb is peeled and disassembled into slices immediately before the planting process itself.

Garlic is planted approximately in the third ten days (western regions) of October or the second ten days (east and north) of September, respectively, the central ones in the third ten days of September or early October. The planting dates coincide with a drop in soil temperature to 12 - 10 degrees.

The depth depends on the specific variety, clove size and soil type. It is necessary to ensure that there is at least 4-5 cm from the clove to the top of the soil. If planted too high, the seedlings will freeze, and if deep enough, they will simply rot. During the planting process, fertilizers in the form of urea or potassium nitrate can be used. After planting, the beds are weeded every week to give the soil a softer state. Garlic should never be planted in places where water accumulation or, conversely, dryness may occur.

Advertising for business is a technique of broken telephone or word of mouth, when people, having heard information from other people, pass it on to the next ones, already embellished. This method of advertising works very effectively. Also, as an advertisement, you can place your own ad in a well-known popular newspaper on general topics or on gardening matters. If a product is positively different from others in its characteristics, then you won’t have to wait long for an increase in customer turnover. Your own website can be of great help, and specifically on it there is the opportunity to organize an online catalog for the sale of certain products. The cost for creating a professional project is approximately 200,000 rubles with promotion.

Product sales plan and possible payback periods.

As you know, the main sales area for vegetables is the food market. This is where the purchase and sale of all thematic goods takes place. Beautifully lying, large garlic really attracts the attention of customers. The cost for 1 kg of homemade garlic is approximately 150 rubles.

It is worth noting that you can sell not only products for household needs, but also sell new, disease-resistant varieties to other farmers and gardening enthusiasts. Large restaurants and establishments with their own kitchens that prepare dishes for visitors and therefore need vegetables, in particular garlic, can become frequent buyers.

The payback period for a business growing garlic on 20 acres of land depends on the quantity and quality of the crop, as well as the presence of demand. Total costs are: 675,000 rubles, profit from the sale of 500 kg of goods at a cost of 150 rubles per kg = 500 x 150 = 75,000 per month, respectively, for a year of active sales it will be possible to earn 75,000 x 12 (months) = 900,000 rubles, with taking into account that the harvest will be stocked as the business develops. Deduction of expenses from total annual profit = 900,000 – 675,000 = 225,000 rubles.

The business will pay off in no less than 8 - 12 months after the capital investment. The amount of profit may change significantly in the future, since in the first year it was necessary to purchase basic tools and materials, in particular seedlings of different types of garlic.

Address: Tovarnaya, 57-V, 121135, Moscow,

Phone: +7 971-129-61-42, Email: [email protected]

#farming@actual_idea #production@actual_idea #investments_500@actual_ideainitial investment: 675 rubles monthly profit: 75 rubles payback period: 6 months garlic can be found in food markets, as well as in

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starting capital – 300 thousand rubles. profit per month – 200 thousand rubles. payback period – 1 season. In Russia, tens of thousands of hectares of land have been allocated for growing cucumbers. but demand for domestic

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An insulated room in the garden is useful all year round. Such a building provides vegetables constantly. Planting and growing does not depend on the arrival of spring. Is it possible to plant garlic in a greenhouse in winter? Or would it be better to plant in the fall? The result of the experiment will depend on proper care and the conditions created.

Garlic in a greenhouse in winter is an interesting business idea. Is it possible to sell fresh heads throughout the year and receive a stable income? The culture is not whimsical, so with proper care a rich harvest is possible.

If the seedling room is not insulated, cloves of the winter variety are planted just before frost. Due to the fact that in a greenhouse you do not need to wait for the snow to melt, and the temperature is slightly higher than in open ground, seedlings can be expected several weeks earlier than in open ground.

The benefits of growing garlic in greenhouse conditions

The vegetable crop is unpretentious and resistant to various extreme conditions. Despite this fact, many summer residents plant all year round.

Breeding in greenhouse conditions has a number of advantages:

  • Thanks to cultivation in artificial conditions, the harvest can be obtained much earlier than in open ground.
  • There is no risk from the influence of weather conditions. Too dry or rainy summers can destroy the bulbs. Indoors it is easier to control watering of plants.
  • The bulb grows longer before the leaves dry out compared to open ground.
  • The culture benefits other plants by repelling pests.

Is it possible to grow winter and spring forms of the vegetable in greenhouse conditions? The difference between them is the planting and harvesting period. Winter crops are planted in the fall before winter, and spring crops in spring.

What should the soil be like?

Growing garlic in a greenhouse depends on many factors. An important factor is properly prepared soil. A month before planting, the soil should be loosened and then fertilized. To grow healthy plants, peat, loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable. The following fertilizers are used: manure, composts, humus, sawdust.


Properly selected and maintained temperature allows you to grow garlic in a greenhouse. In winter, you should control the temperature in the room where the plant grows. There should be no sudden jumps, much less a drop to sub-zero temperatures. For this purpose, during the winter period the room is not only insulated, but also heated in the form of pipes with water.

In summer, when the weather outside is hot, the room must be ventilated to avoid the death of the crop. The plant can withstand light frosts, especially its winter varieties.

Important! In winter, additional lighting should be provided to provide the sprouts with sufficient light.


Winter garlic is planted in a greenhouse in the fall in September-October and left to overwinter. With the first rays of the sun and after the greenhouse begins to warm up, sprouts will appear. The crop is planted with cloves or seeds.

The spring form is planted in April-May in well-warmed soil, which can be doused with boiling water in advance. It is advisable that there is heating in the room, then the seedlings will not have to wait long.


When 3 or 4 sprouts appear on the soil surface, the plant must be fertilized. For this purpose, various fertilizers that are sold in stores, as well as self-prepared fertilizers, are suitable. Solutions should not be too concentrated - there is a high risk of burning the roots.

Gardeners who have chosen plant cultivation as an idea for business, you should know that growth does not require abundant watering. Excess water leads to rotting of the root system. It is enough to maintain soil moisture by watering once every 2 weeks. After the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, they stop watering the plant, and after a month they harvest. If you are late with digging, the crop may fall into pieces.

Loosening and weeding should be carried out once a month between the rows, without touching the roots. During the growth period, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of arrows. They should not be allowed to outgrow. They must be removed immediately. Otherwise, the crop head will grow small, since all the nutrients will go into seed growth.

Harvest dates

The approximate ripening period is 100 days. Collection time depends on the variety and conditions. The heads can ripen after harvesting, so many gardeners do this - they remove slightly unripe garlic.

There are certain signs by which the maturation of a culture is determined:

  • distinct shape of the head and lobes;
  • dry leaves at the bottom of the stem;
  • yellowing of the upper leaves;
  • strong husk of the head.

Approximate collection time: end of July, beginning of August. Instructions on how to assemble and dry properly are presented in the video.

Storage rules

The dug up crop is dried in the fresh air for a week. You cannot throw heads and knock them together. Careless handling causes premature rotting of the cloves.

It is advisable to sort the crop. Small heads have a shorter shelf life than large ones. They will not be able to be stored all year round. . The first shoots will appear with the onset of spring .

It is also important when collecting not to damage the roots and stem, which is in contact with the head. A damaged root system causes pests to eat the crop. Cutting a stem that has not dried out promotes rotting. It does not need to be completely removed. There should be a tail measuring 1 cm from the head.

If everything is done correctly and on time, you can grow a rich harvest without waiting for autumn. Having an insulated greenhouse in your garden, you can get fresh heads of vegetables all year round. To make a profit in business, you need to learn how to properly care for a plant and have sales points to sell goods.

Growing garlic in a greenhouse is a productive way to make a profit from your garden plot and the opportunity to build your own business from it. This is the most common fruit that grows in any garden bed. Both its above-ground part - the stems - and the underground part - the head itself - are suitable for consumption. Therefore, it is advisable to use the cultivation of garlic in a greenhouse and plant this herbaceous plant not only for your own needs, but also to build your own business on it.

This early young member of the onion family is valuable and sought after for its natural healing properties. The profitability of growing it for sale on a large scale is quite justified.

At the beginning of spring, when the body is weakened, green garlic feathers do an excellent job of replenishing vitamins and minerals in the body. In winter, during an increased incidence of colds, its antibacterial properties generate considerable interest in this vegetable.

The special taste characteristics are also not without demand among the population, who treat this tasty seasoning with trepidation.

How to decide on the type?

Depending on the time of cultivation and method of planting, this herb is divided into 2 types: spring and winter garlic. Before growing a particular species, you should familiarize yourself with a number of properties that provide the opportunity to obtain high yields.

There are three main ways to propagate a plant:

  1. With teeth. Such cloves or segments are separated from the head, and then they can be planted in the soil.
  2. Bulbs. During bolting, heads are formed on the leaf, which consist of small seeds. They are called bulbs. Reproduction in this way prevents infection by various diseases, since the seeds grow not in the ground, but outside on the arrow.
  3. Single-toothed. They are obtained during the germination of bulbs and are used as additional material that can be planted next autumn.

Advantages of greenhouse cultivation

To grow garlic planted in open ground, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions, susceptibility to disease and other external factors that negatively affect the quality of the product.

Is it possible to build a good business under such conditions? Not quite, because the growth of vegetables in open ground is accompanied by the risk of losing part of the harvest.

Winter garlic can be damaged by severe frosts, go dead in the fall, and its selling price during harvest is low. The winter variety matures in the summer, and a rainy summer can lead to the development of rot. A lot of garlic dies in this case. Therefore, it is more rational to use the greenhouse method.


  • shooting is reduced to a minimum;
  • there is climate and humidity control, which reduces the risk of disease (humidity should not exceed 70%);
  • the ability to plant any species in accordance with the technical condition of the greenhouse. A greenhouse for winter garlic should be unheated, as it will not stimulate germination, and therefore suitable for sowing a winter variety. The heated area is more suitable for the spring variety.

Proper soil preparation for planting

To obtain a stable harvest, the soil inside the greenhouse must meet certain requirements.

This representative of the onion family is unpretentious during the growing season, but it will not be possible to prepare it for sale and build a successful business when grown in ordinary soil.

So, the earth must correspond to a certain composition:

  1. structure enriched with oxygen: for this it is thoroughly loosened;
  2. properly supplied with mineral and organic fertilizers;
  3. has neutral acidity (possibly slightly acidic);
  4. is saturated with systematic feeding;
  5. properly hydrated.

About a month before sowing, the soil is prepared, loosened, and fertilizers are applied per 1 m²: 5-6 kg of humus (garden peat) + phosphorus and potassium additives (30 g superphosphate and 25 g potassium salt). Nitrogen fertilizers are best avoided.

Fertilizing should be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks after planting. The following are suitable as an additional growth stimulator: urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), humate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

Excessive watering leads to rotting of the plant, so moistening the soil is done as necessary.

Sowing technology

Before sowing, greenhouse material should be prepared in advance. You can purchase plant heads in the summer and, after thoroughly drying them, prepare them for sowing.

For winter garlic, sowing is suitable with three types of material that must be prepared for planting:

  • the bulbs only need to be dried;
  • cloves and single-claws need to be sorted out, leaving only high-quality material, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes (or copper sulfate at the rate of 3 teaspoons per bucket of water) and planted on the same day.

For a spring plant, reproduction is possible only by cloves, which:

  • peeled;
  • hardened at a temperature of 8-10 ºС for at least a month;
  • are being processed.

In order to grow large garlic, planting must be technologically correct and follow the pattern: 8-10 cm between seeds, 20-25 cm between rows. The recess is no more than 5-6 cm.


The plant does not need special care during the growth period; in this regard, it is quite unpretentious. Watering should be observed at intervals of once every 2-3 weeks as it dries. Constantly break off the shoots of the plant, loosen the soil no more than once a month.

To understand how many days the vegetable will be ready for harvest after germination, it is necessary to track the phase of appearance of yellowed leaves.

The main factors indicating the end of the growing season are:

  • lower yellow leaves;
  • formed distinct lobes of the head;
  • feathers laid on the ground.

Arrows with bulbs are broken off, dried and prepared for planting next year. The spring variety can be collected together with the stem, and the plant is not so susceptible to rotting. It is best to store in a cool, dry place at a temperature of -1 to 2 ºС.

Growing this natural antibiotic is one of the easiest ways to start a business without minimal experience in agriculture. The construction of a greenhouse and the requirements for the growing process itself are not that great, and the starting experience is good. This method can also be used as an additional, but not the only type of income, which takes the least amount of cost and effort among the cultivation of all vegetables.