The Pope pushed Trump's hand away. The Pope did not take Trump's hand, and everyone is surprised that this is a fake

Donald Trump is determined to fight for world peace. He made such a statement after meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican. The face-to-face conversation lasted less than half an hour. However, the Pontifex and the President of the United States, even in such a short time, managed to discuss many important topics. The head of the White House continues his first foreign tour. Now he and his wife are already in Brussels, where the NATO summit will be held.

Against the background of the more than warm Middle Eastern reception given to Donald Trump in Saudi Arabia and Israel, the European reception seems not just cold, but icy. Reports about it. At the plane, the American leader was met only by a few ministers and representatives of the Vatican of an average hand. On the territory of the enclave, where the president goes first, his cortege passes through the side entrance of Perugino. This is the decision of the pontiff, who considered the visit of the distinguished guest as an occasion insufficient to disturb the faithful in St. Peter's Square. Trump is greeted in the backyard by the Prefect of the Pontifical House.

The wife accompanying the president is all in black, with her head covered. That's what the protocol requires. The liberties in the dress code that Melania was forgiven in Riyadh would clearly not be tolerated here. Pope Francis is already not too happy about the meeting. Judging by his serious, almost gloomy expression during the photo shoot. Trump in front of the cameras, on the contrary, puts on a wide smile.

The conversation in the library of the Apostolic Palace lasts just over 20 minutes. For comparison: Vladimir Putin, during his last visit to the Vatican, spoke with the Pope in private for an hour. There are few details of Donald Trump's conversation with the pontiff. It is known that Francis urged the President of the United States to take on the role of peacemaker. He didn't mind.

"A lifetime honor for me is this meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis. I am now even more determined to bring peace into our lives," Trump later tweeted.

Initially, there were not many hopes for this meeting. The scenario in which Trump and Pope Francis could find at least some common ground would be considered a great success. Previously, they exchanged only caustic comments. The US president accused the pontiff of supporting illegal immigration from Mexico. The pontiff, in turn, questioned the religious beliefs of the then presidential candidate.

Smoothing out contradictions was especially important for the White House, because the pontiff is the spiritual leader for 50 million American Catholics. Plus, the support of the Pope is extremely important for foreign policy. Much, judging by the official commentary of the Holy See, turned out.

"The discussion turned out to be cordial. We discussed the fact that good bilateral relations existed between the Holy See and the United States for a long time. We also discussed further cooperation," Vatican spokesman Greg Burke said.

And now, after a conversation with Trump, Pope Francis looks much more relaxed and benevolent.

"What did you feed your husband last night? Potiza?" the Pope asked Melinia Trump.

"Potice? Oh, yes!" she answered after a pause, apparently thinking that Francis was talking about pizza. (Potica - traditional Slovenian roll with walnut filling, - approx. editions).

After a visit to the Vatican, Trump briefly met with the President and Prime Minister of Italy. We discussed the upcoming G7 summit in Sicily. There, the focus, according to the Italian media, will be the fight against terrorism.

But the American media is focused on something else. All the newspapers wrote: the first lady of the United States during a trip to Rome again refused to take her husband by the hand. Instead, she began fixing her hair. The same thing happened a few days ago in Tel Aviv. There, Melania Trump completely dismissed her husband. Not otherwise than a black cat ran, journalists say. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the spouses do not live together. Trump, as befits a president, is in Washington, and Melania is in New York.

Olga Oksenich, Georgy Mogunov. TV Center.


President Trump's meeting with the Pope was symbolic. And although the meeting lasted only 30 minutes, it was supposed to confirm the unity of the strategic goals of Washington and the Vatican, their agreement on key issues of world politics.

If in the new world order that is being built, Washington is “responsible” for financial, economic and military-political globalization, then the Vatican fulfills a spiritual mission - not only provides a religious justification for the new order, but also tries to create a “universal” syncretic religion. A vivid expression of such attempts was performance Pope Francis in January 2016, when he equated all religions, stating that in any of them people seek and meet God in different ways and in this variety of religions "there is only one certainty that is true for all - we are all children of God" .

The main factor in uniting the “children of God”, as the pontiff likes to repeat, is the solution of the global problems of mankind. The Permanent Representative of the Vatican to the UN, Archbishop Mernardito Ausa, speaking on March 1, 2017, called the activities of the pope "spiritual and pastoral diplomacy" and identified six areas in papal diplomacy: achieving peace in areas of military conflicts, which the pontiff calls the "Third World War", and also the protection of Christians and other religious-ethnic minorities in the Middle East and other parts of the world; disarmament, destruction of nuclear weapons; resolving the refugee and migrant crisis; fight against human trafficking and other forms of slavery, against corruption and injustice; helping those in extreme poverty; protection and affirmation of the dignity of the individual and the family.

However, the crowning achievement of the pope's "pastoral diplomacy" expressing the Vatican's claims to global spiritual leadership was his 2015 environmental encyclical. "Laudato si'", in which the pontiff outlined the program for the life of mankind in the new conditions. At the same time, the Roman high priest switched to a language far from the Christian worldview. Highlighting the concern for Mother Earth as "our common home", Pope Francis called for "environmental conversion" and for a new universal solidarity - for a universal dialogue in order to achieve "integral ecology", "universal brotherhood", "one world and one project”, to the development of “new beliefs and a new lifestyle”.

These ambitions of the papacy, extending not only to the world of religion, but to the whole life of mankind, were well expressed by the former head of the press service of the Vatican, Pietro Lombardi, who said in one of his interviews: “It seems to me that the influence of the pope as a teacher of humanity, the Church and humanity is growing. , in a global perspective… He is present on the global horizon and today enjoys authority in considering issues of humanity and the Church… Mankind looks at Pope Francis as a person who helps him navigate, get recommendations in a situation that is very difficult. That is, this is a leader who inspires confidence, a reliable teacher ... thinking about the path of humanity into tomorrow.

On these global issues, President Trump and Pope Francis held their 30-minute "cordial talks", demonstrating their desire to achieve peace through political negotiations and interfaith dialogue, with special attention to the situation in the Middle East and to the protection of Christian communities.

The Vatican's brief communiqué expressed "satisfaction with the good relations" with the United States, as well as "commitment to peace, religious freedom and freedom of conscience." The pontiff gave Trump the text of his environmental encyclical, which the president promised to read. Trump also promised not to forget what his dad told him.

The meeting in the Vatican opened up the distribution of the main role functions in the construction of a new world order. If we accept that US President Donald Trump embodies the course of consolidating big finance and innovative business in order to implement the so-called fourth industrial revolution, then Pope Francis provides social support for this course, lulling impoverished humanity with speeches about "integral ecology" and "universal brotherhood" , taking on "care" not only for the hungry and suffering, but also for the persecuted (migrants and refugees), for the unemployed (primarily young people), for all minorities (ethnic, sexual and others).

It can also be noted that, speaking of cooperation between the Vatican and Washington, the parties singled out such areas as health care and education, in which Catholic orders play a special role in the United States - the Order of the Jesuits and the Order of Malta; we should also not forget that the bulk of Catholic organizations in the US presidential election last year supported Trump.

Finally, the journalists also noted the presence at the meeting in the Vatican of Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and senior adviser to the president, an Orthodox Jew (“grey eminence”?), Accompanying Donald Trump on his foreign tour. The choice of the first stages of the US President's trip route (Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican) is intended to create a demonstration effect - to symbolize, so to speak, the unity of Judaism, Islam and Catholicism within the framework of "one world and one project." And given that the pope sees the Jews as "big brothers," Kushner's presence at the meeting between the pope and the president may be an indication of who actually provides spiritual leadership "in a global perspective."

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US President Donald Trump, during a visit to the Vatican, tried to take the Pope by the hand, but he pushed his hand away. American TV presenter Jimmy Kimmel showed such a video in his entertainment program, and many immediately noticed that it was a fake. But users agreed that if this really happened, they would hardly be shocked.

US President Donald Trump has again managed to become a star of the Internet. This time he tried to take the Pope by the hand, but he was clearly not happy with such a gesture. The video with this moment has spread all over the Internet and scored a bunch of likes.

The catch is that this recording was shown in the entertainment program of the famous American TV presenter Jimmy Kimmel and turned out to be fake. It is not difficult to notice this if you look closely at the sleeve of the president in the general plan and in a close-up. In the general view, a white cuff is visible, protruding too much from the sleeve. Another American TV presenter, Jimmy Fallon, managed to make a more realistic video: there is no close-up in it, so it’s not so easy to notice that the video is a fake.

And many users really believed. Just read the comments on Reddit.

“And I believed until I read the comments. Nothing surprises me anymore with Trump.”

"The ending where Trump smiles and dad pulls away makes this fake very believable."

"So it's fake? This is the quality!”

And all because Trump in real life makes everyone laugh better than any comedy show. He has already twice gotten into awkward situations due to, and in Saudi Arabia he has generally become a meme.

Laughed at the President of the United States and now. Jimmy Kimmel himself said that "poor" Trump "just wants to be loved, just wants to be touched." Moreover, before that, Trump’s hand had already been rejected twice by his wife, and this was no longer a fake.

"The Pope pushing away Trump's hand is my favorite moment of 2017."

"That moment when the teacher puts you at the desk with this weirdest kid in the class."

“The very moment when you realized that you need to meet with dad, but he doesn’t want to meet with you at all.”

“Well, how can you blame dad, it’s enough that he stood next to him.”

“Or maybe dad was jealous of Trump for Melania? Dad may have some strange tendencies.”

And, true, some drew attention to a strange object in the rooms of the pope.