Marigolds in the garden. Details about plum

We are accustomed to planting flowers only to enjoy their beauty and aroma. And we never think that some of them bring not only aesthetic satisfaction, but also benefits. For example, marigolds (Chernobrivtsi). Such flowers are more often planted in flowerbeds in the city than in their country houses. The first is due to the fact that the flowers are not whimsical and bloom all summer, although they are annual plants. Second, i.e. The dislike of summer residents for this plant is due to the not very pleasant smell of such flowers. But this smell repels not only people, but also harmful worms, which cause significant damage to the crop.

And this is so easy to avoid. Plant around the perimeter of the area where you grow cultivated plants; you will not have flowers and worms. In addition, the plant is not at all whimsical - it grows both in the shade and in the sun, and does not require frequent watering. Such flowers practically do not get sick and grow very quickly. You don’t have to worry about seedlings either – these flowers grow well from seeds. It is necessary to sow sometime in May. But only the plant loves warmth, so if shoots appear during cold weather, it is necessary to cover the shoots. In addition, the flowers of this plant will decorate any area, so the beauty and benefits of flowers are combined in the best possible way in marigolds.

A significant advantage of these wonderful flowers is their increased resistance to various pests and diseases. The phytoncides contained in marigold leaves perfectly repel harmful insects; planting marigolds is especially useful against nematode diseases of other plants. They are often planted in the trunks of fruit trees and shrubs. However, very rarely plants are still affected by black leg, gray rot, root rot, bacterial diseases - in this case, it is necessary to take prompt measures to combat pests.

On my site, marigolds grow on every free patch - under the trees and at the ends of the beds, and along the fence. When I was still growing eggplants, I sowed them right around each bush. As a result - not a single pest (and the Colorado potato loves eggplants). I watered it very rarely - the soil under such thickets did not dry out. The last harvest was harvested after frost - October 15th. Nearby there was black pepper, dry, and the eggplant bushes were green, not frozen.

Marigolds are very useful in the garden: secretions from their roots reduce the damage to other plants by fungal diseases, especially fusarium, and protect against certain types of nematodes. In addition, dried leaves and flowers of marigolds are used to prepare seasoning for salads, soups and sauces. So this plant, like no other, is suitable for an ornamental garden.

Marigolds have almost 100% germination and seedling survival rates. “Black leg” is a big problem for seedlings of the Asteraceae family, but marigolds are not affected by it. The seedlings grow amicably and easily tolerate various pickings and transplants, including during flowering. The soil can be any, but since the root system of marigolds is fibrous, flowering will be more magnificent in loose, moderately fertile and moderately moist soil.
They grew well in the shade.

An infusion of marigolds is made for spraying asters and cucumbers, and gladioli and onion sets are soaked in it before planting.

In the fall, marigold stems are embedded in the soil to repel soil-borne insect pests and prevent wintering beetles (for example, the Colorado potato beetle) from entering the soil.
The wireworm does not tolerate the smell of marigolds, less than the Colorado one, and gets rid of the nematode. All crops whose beds are surrounded by marigold bushes have no aphids or other pests. Marigolds also prevent or reduce many fungal diseases of neighboring plants, especially strawberry rot.

And what colors! And orange, and brown with yellow stripes, and yellow with brown... Tall and low, regular and terry. And how long they bloom!

Still, there are restrictions on planting - do not plant next to legumes, because beans, beans, peas and soybeans do not like them.

In Ukraine, marigolds are lovingly called Chernobrivtsy. They decorate homes, and not a single bouquet prepared for consecration in a church is complete without them. However, these are not just beautiful flowers, but also an excellent remedy for many diseases.

First of all, they are known for their choleretic and diuretic effects. 1 tbsp. dry flower baskets pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. three to four times a day.

But their main area of ​​influence is the pancreas. At the initial stage of diabetes, marigolds can lower blood sugar levels. Nature itself took care of the necessary dosage of this medicine.

Grind one flower along with seeds, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and drink 1/4 tbsp. four times a day. This is a daily dose for treating the pancreas, diabetes, calming the nervous system, and treating blood vessels. In the same way, you can drink the infusion for prevention, and for pancreatitis - 1 tbsp. every hour or two during the day.

There are many recipes in folk medicine to improve metabolism and liver function using marigolds.

Eight flowers pour 4 tbsp. boiling water, simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes. Pour the broth into another container, and re-fill the flowers with 3 tbsp. boiling water Boil again for five to seven minutes, strain and combine with the first portion of the broth. Drink 200 ml before meals in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is a month, then a week break, and repeat the appointment. Tincture. 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials, pour 100 ml of vodka. Leave for two weeks. Drink five drops four times a day.

E Marigold essential oil (can be bought at a pharmacy) promotes rapid resorption of bruises. For bleeding 1 tbsp. flowers pour 1 tbsp. leave boiling water for 30 minutes, strain, drink 2 tbsp. three to four times a day.

For pinworms 2 tbsp. flowers pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for twenty minutes, strain and take one tablespoon every hour.

Medicinal restorative tea. Pour two tablespoons of marigold flower baskets, one teaspoon of meadowsweet flowers (meadowsweet) into two glasses of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for twenty minutes. Take one glass three times a day before meals.

After undergoing a course of treatment with marigolds, You can forget about joint pain for a long time. Pour 26-25 fresh flowers with a liter of slightly cooled boiling water (about 80 degrees), wrap and leave until cool. If you use dried flowers, the infusion should be prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. flowers for 1 tbsp. boiling water Strain the medicine and squeeze it out. Drink from one to 2.5 liters per day instead of tea and water. The course is one and a half to three months. After treatment, you will be able to walk painlessly even over long distances. This was promised by the old Russian healers.

Marigolds can be added to compotes and jelly, which then acquire not only a special aroma, but also medicinal properties, increase the body's resistance to colds, various microbes and viruses, and strengthen the immune system.

For medicinal purposes Most often, rejected marigold heads are used. Preparations prepared from this plant have anthelmintic, diaphoretic, bactericidal, diuretic, and vitamin effects.

Remedy 1. For acute respiratory infections with fever, as well as flu and colds, take this remedy. Pour eight to ten small marigold flower heads with a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for an hour.

Issue 2. If, due to the nature of your work, you are forced to constantly work at a computer, as well as other constant strain on your eyes, when vision deteriorates, It is recommended to eat two or three small heads of orange marigolds before meals. You can add the plant to a salad.

Edition 3. If you have irritation on your skin, prickly heat, then such a remedy will come to the rescue. To prepare it, you will need to pour one tablespoon of crushed marigold inflorescences into a glass of boiling water, keep the product on low heat for three to five minutes, then steep the broth for an hour, and after this time, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Wash problem areas with the resulting infusion twice a day.

Remedy 4. For pinworms and roundworms adults should eat five heads of small marigolds at night, and children, depending on age, two or three heads. The course of treatment with this method is a week.

Edition 5. For pustular rashes, bedsores, as well as rough skin on the heels, elbows and knees, use this tool.

Fill a half-liter jar with crushed flower heads of small marigolds, then fill the flowers to the top with refined sunflower oil. The product should be infused for a week in a dark place, and after this time, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. The product must be stored in the refrigerator. The resulting infusion should be applied to problem areas once or twice a day.

In addition, marigold spices are usually added to snacks made from beans and vegetables, as well as to dishes that contain walnuts. Marigold spice is an essential element of the mixture for various soups of Caucasian cuisine. In France, marigolds are grown on an industrial scale to satisfy the needs of French gourmets.

The second courses of Georgian cuisine go very well with marigolds: beef fillet in nut-tomato sauce, boiled suckling pig, fried tripe with tomatoes. Some hot fish dishes are also flavored with them. But the marigold spice gives a special aroma and taste to hot poultry dishes: chicken with nuts, chicken on a spit, fried chicken. These dishes are an integral part of world cuisine, which Georgians are very proud of.

There is one more benefit from marigold flowers, which is worth mentioning at the end. When you add them to your food, you will probably notice that it turns orange. It’s easy to guess that you can use them to paint not only food, but also other materials and objects. Traditionally, this plant was used, for example, as a natural dye for fabrics. Of course, it’s hardly worth experimenting with your favorite blouse, but in children’s creativity or handicrafts, you can also remember this property of “kind flowers.”

Over many centuries of growing vegetables, people have noticed that some vegetables grow well together, while others, on the contrary, interfere with each other's growth. Vegetables, herbs, and flowers help each other grow by improving the soil or keeping pests away from each other. Smart planting will provide you with a large harvest.

Choice of garden neighbors.

Choosing garden neighbors is the true art of garden planning. Each vegetable is planted in the garden not alone, but in the vicinity of another companion plant. These tactics help minimize the harmful effects of insects and diseases.

Garden neighbor rules. When choosing garden neighbors, pay attention to the families of vegetables. Vegetables from the cabbage family, for example, do well planted next to beets and green leafy crops. Some herbs will help repel pests from cabbage. Planted in the same bed as cabbage, mint will improve its taste.

Vegetables can experience not only sympathy, but also antipathy towards each other: some vegetables retard growth and reduce each other's yield. The simple sign below will help you choose a good neighborhood.

What vegetables grow well in one bed?

I offer you a short table of vegetable compatibility. More detailed information is provided later in the article.

Vegetables Good neighborhood Bad neighborhood
Asparagus Tomatoes No
Beans Corn, celery, garden savory, cucumbers, radishes, strawberries Onion and garlic
Beet Cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, onion, garlic Beans
White cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts Beets, chard, potatoes, celery, dill, lettuce, onions, spinach beans
Carrot Legumes, tomatoes No
Celery Beans, tomatoes, cabbage No
Corn Cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkin, peas, beans, pumpkin Tomatoes
cucumbers Beans, corn, peas, cabbage No
Eggplant Beans, pepper No
Melon Corn, pumpkin, radish, zucchini No
Onion Beets, carrots, chard, lettuce, peppers Legumes
Peas Beans, cucumbers, turnips, carrots, corn, radishes. Onion garlic
Potato Beans, corn, peas Tomatoes
Zucchini Corn, melons, pumpkins No
Tomatoes Carrots, celery, cucumbers, onions, peppers Corn, kohlrabi, potatoes

Other useful neighbors for vegetables

In addition to the neighborhood of one vegetable crop with another, it is good to consider other possible neighborhoods - vegetables and flowers, vegetables and herbs. Such combinations in garden beds are not only beautiful, but also useful.

Flowers next to vegetables.

Good advice: plant a few marigolds in the tomato bed; they repel pests. You can even decorate the entire perimeter of the garden with marigolds - this will help keep pests at a distance.

Some flowers act as pest traps, luring insects to them. Nasturtiums, for example, are very popular with aphids. These pests will prefer to feast on nasturtium and will not pay attention to nearby vegetables.

Vegetables and herbs.

Planting herbs nearby will give your vegetables a more refined taste. They also repel harmful insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans. Thyme repels cabbage pests. Onions and garlic repel aphids. Oregano, like marigolds, is a good all-purpose barrier against most insect pests.

When deciding which vegetables to plant nearby in the garden, you need to be guided not only by scientific data, but also by common sense. Lettuce, radishes and other fast-growing plants can be planted between melons or pumpkins. Lettuce and radishes will ripen before the pumpkin grows. Shade-loving green leafy vegetables such as spinach and chard are grown in the shade of corn. Sunflowers also grow well next to corn because their roots occupy different levels in the soil and do not compete for water and nutrients.

Well, let's move from the particular to the whole, and consider the successful and unsuccessful neighbors for each vegetable.

Plant compatibility.

Neighbors for carrots.

What can I plant carrots next to? The optimal neighborhood for carrots will be:

  • beans;
  • sage;
  • radish;
  • salad;
  • rosemary;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes.

And here is a negative neighborhood for carrots:

  • dill;
  • parsley.

Optimal conditions for pepper.

  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • onions;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes.

Do not plant peppers near beans.

Potatoes and their neighbors.

What can I plant potatoes next to? Potatoes will bring a good harvest if planted next to:

  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • corn;
  • eggplants;
  • garlic;
  • lettuce;
  • onions;
  • peas;
  • radish.

You can’t plant potatoes if they grow nearby:

  • cucumbers;
  • melons;
  • zucchini;
  • sunflowers;
  • tomatoes;
  • turnip.

Neighbors of tomatoes.

  • asparagus;
  • basil;
  • beans;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrots;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • salad;
  • melons;
  • onions;
  • parsley;
  • pepper;
  • radishes;
  • spinach;
  • thyme;

Do not place tomato beds and any types of cabbage, potatoes and corn next to each other.

Neighbors for asparagus.

What can you plant asparagus next to? An excellent neighborhood for asparagus would be:

  • basil;
  • beet;
  • salad;
  • parsley;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes.

What should you not plant asparagus with?

Fortunately, there are no plants that negatively affect the growth of asparagus.

Neighbors for beans.

What can you plant beans next to? Optimal neighborhood for beans:

  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • celery;
  • cauliflower;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplant;
  • peas;
  • potato;
  • radish;
  • zucchini;
  • strawberry;
  • tomatoes.

Undesirable neighborhood for beans:

  • garlic;
  • sunflowers;
  • pepper.

Neighbors in the beet bed.

What can you plant beets next to? Beets will give a greater yield next to:

  • broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • cauliflower;
  • salad;
  • onions

Undesirable neighbors in the beet bed:

  • mustard;
  • beans.

Broccoli and neighbors in the garden.

What should I plant broccoli next to? Optimal neighborhood for broccoli:

  • beans;
  • beet;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • potato;
  • sage.

Unwanted neighbors for broccoli:

  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • salad;
  • green beans;
  • tomatoes.

Brussels sprouts bed neighbors.

What is the best place to plant Brussels sprouts next to? Best neighbors:

  • dill;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • sage;
  • spinach;
  • turnip.

Brussels sprouts have one unwanted neighbor: tomatoes.

Neighbors for cabbage.

What can I plant cabbage next to?

  • beans;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • dill;
  • salad;
  • potato;
  • sage;
  • spinach;
  • thyme.

Undesirable neighbors in the cabbage bed:

  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • strawberry;
  • tomatoes.

Cauliflower and its neighbors.

  • beans;
  • beet;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • sage;
  • thyme.

Bad neighbors for cauliflower:

  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • strawberry;
  • tomatoes.

Companions of celery.

Celery has no unwanted neighbors. But it’s better to grow it next to:

  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • leeks;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes.

What beds to make next to cucumbers?

  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • corn;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • sunflowers;
  • peas;
  • salad;
  • radish.

Cucumbers should not be planted next to herbs, melons and potatoes.

Corn and its neighborhood.

  • beans;
  • cucumbers;
  • salad;
  • melons;
  • peas;
  • potato;
  • zucchini;
  • sunflowers.

But you can’t plant corn next to tomato beds!

Recommendations for eggplants.

Eggplants do not have unwanted neighbors in the garden, but they feel great next to:

  • basil;
  • beans;
  • salad;
  • peas;
  • potatoes;
  • spinach.


Optimal bed companions for lettuce:

  • asparagus;
  • beet;
  • cabbage;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • peas;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • radish;
  • spinach;
  • strawberry;
  • sunflowers;
  • tomatoes.

But broccoli is the worst companion for lettuce.

What should I plant onions next to?

The best location for onions will be:

  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • pepper.


  • beans;
  • peas;
  • sage.

Peas and their neighbors in the garden.

What vegetables should I place next to the pea beds? Peas feel great next to:

  • beans;
  • carrots;
  • corn;
  • cucumbers;
  • eggplants;
  • salad;
  • melons;
  • parsnip;
  • potatoes;
  • radishes;
  • spinach;
  • turnip.

Do not plant peas near beds with onions and garlic.

Useful weeds in the garden.

Sometimes plants can only be beneficial to each other at a certain stage of growth. This is true for some weeds as well. How can weeds in the garden be useful? Some weeds pull nutrients from deeper layers of soil and bring them to the surface. As weeds die and decompose, nutrients become available at the soil surface for shallow-rooted vegetables. This is why some vegetables grow very well next to nettles.

Irina Solovyova


Spring sowing has begun in the fields and gardens. Gardeners plant cabbage, onions, eggplants and other vegetables and berries. However, when planting, it is necessary to take into account many factors that at first glance seem insignificant. For example, some crops absolutely cannot be planted nearby. Also, the same vegetables cannot be grown in the same bed for several years. But you also need to change the location of plants according to the rules. How exactly, the experienced one told gardener from Krasnodar Lyudmila Taranova.

Helpful and not so helpful neighbors

Plant compatibility must be taken into account. Some of them “help” each other, others, on the contrary, harm. It's all about the special chemicals that plants release during their life - they have different effects on their neighbors. See our infographic for details.

Making a plan for the beds

Judging by the experience of gardeners, the plant should not have a permanent place in the garden bed. If you plant a crop from year to year without changing its location, problems will arise with both the harvest and the soil. Proper planning of the garden area can correct the situation.


You cannot plant cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables (radishes, radishes) in the same place earlier than after 2-3 years. It is better to place white cabbage after potatoes, tomatoes, and onions; It is permissible to plant after beans, peas, carrots and beets.


The best predecessors for potatoes are cabbage and various root vegetables. A bad predecessor for potatoes is tomato, since these crops have common pests and pathogens. Potatoes should be grown in the same place for no more than 3 years.


For cucumbers, you should look for a new place every year. They grow best after cauliflower and early white cabbage. You can also plant them after tomatoes, potatoes, peas and beets.


Accordingly, you cannot grow tomatoes after potatoes. Since, we repeat, the diseases and pests of these crops are the same. Good predecessors for tomatoes are cauliflower and early white cabbage, pumpkin and legumes, root vegetables and onions are acceptable.

By the way, if you plant tomatoes in the same place every year, the soil in that area becomes acidic. Therefore, every autumn, when deep digging the soil, you need to add fluff lime in small quantities (from 50 to 100 g per 1 sq. m), since tomatoes grow better in soils with neutral acidity (pH 6.5-7).


Growing beets in one place should be done no more than once every three to four years. Beets grow well after cucumbers, zucchini, squash, early cabbage, tomatoes, early potatoes, and legumes. It is not advisable to plant beets after vegetables from the goosefoot family (chard, spinach).


Onions should not be planted in one place for more than three or four years in a row. The best predecessors of onions are crops that received large doses of organic fertilizers, as well as cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes. Onions will not produce a good harvest on heavy clay soils; they prefer light, loose, fertile soils and good light.


You can grow garlic in one place for no more than two years, otherwise contamination of the soil with stem nematode cannot be avoided. It is better to plant garlic after cucumbers, early potatoes, early cabbage and other early-harvested crops (except onions).


Sown after early potatoes, cabbage, green crops (excluding lettuce), placement after tomatoes and peas is allowed.


The best predecessors for eggplants are cucumber, onion, early ripening cabbage, and perennial herbs. You cannot plant eggplants where potatoes, tomatoes, physalis, as well as peppers and eggplants grew last year.


The best predecessors for strawberries are radishes, lettuce, spinach, dill, peas, beans, mustard, radish, parsley, turnips, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, as well as flowers (tulips, daffodils, marigolds). On poor soil, the best predecessors of strawberries are mustard and phacelia (they are also honey plants). Potatoes, tomatoes and other nightshades, as well as cucumbers, are unsuitable as predecessors. After them, the plots can be occupied with strawberries only after three to four years.


It is good to plant strawberries after radishes, beans, mustard, radishes, peas, parsley, and garlic. Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are of little use as predecessors. Strawberries should not be placed after all species of the Asteraceae family (sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke) and all types of ranunculaceae.

In addition, if space allows, allocate a small area for growing green manure herbs: clover, lupine, alfalfa and others. This will give the earth rest, the soil will gain strength for growing vegetable crops.

Savior flowers

It turns out that the crop can be saved from diseases and pests not only with chemicals, but also with flowers, which should be planted next to the vegetables. Both beautiful and practical.

Will provide good protection against pests marigold. It is good to plant them not only in flower beds next to the window, but also along the perimeter of the garden and between the rows. Marigolds, thanks to their properties, repel nematodes from tomatoes and potatoes, save strawberries from weevils, and also drive away onion flies, cutworms and cabbage whites.

Marigolds protect flax, clover and wheat from fusarium.

To improve the soil in the area and scare off mole crickets in the meantime, before plowing the ground, you can scatter finely chopped marigold stems.

Marigold infusion protects peas, cabbage, apple trees, cherries, plums, currants and gooseberries from aphids

To prepare the infusion, take the above-ground part of the plants, chop them with pruning shears and fill the bucket halfway. Fill with warm (about 40-60 degrees) water and leave for two days. Then filter, add 40 g of liquid soap (so that the infusion does not drain, but remains on the plants) and pour the mixture into the sprayer. Treatment rates: for the garden - 2 liters per 10 square meters; for one bush or tree under 6 years old - also 2 liters; for fruit trees and shrubs older than 6 years - 6-8 liters.

Helps against whitefly and whitefly nasturtium. Flowers can be planted next to tomatoes and cabbage. Nasturtium is also useful for fruit trees. Plant two or three bushes under a cherry, peach or apple tree. In autumn, flowers can be crushed and buried in the tree trunk. This is an excellent green fertilizer.

Chamomile-pyrethrium called a natural insecticide. If planted next to cabbage, the vegetables will not be afraid of cabbage cutworm and white moth caterpillars, as well as aphids. Try planting pyrethrum near the trunks of an apple tree in the spring. The apple tree will be reliably protected from the codling moth, aphids and other pests. Phlox's proximity to chamomile will save you from nematodes. Rodents also do not like pyrethrum.

There is another beautiful defender of vegetables. The Colorado potato beetle, for example, does not tolerate smell calendula. Experienced gardeners advise planting calendula next to potatoes. Some people do this - in the spring they plant a row of potatoes, a row of calendula seeds, and so on. If potatoes are already planted, plant calendula somewhere nearby. In the fall, plow it into the ground where you plan to plant potatoes next year. Calendula is a good green manure. The flower will also save asters from fusarium, and rose bushes from nematodes.

Lavender will protect the area from ants and aphids, and the house from real moths.

You shouldn’t completely abandon chemical means of protection, but try to focus on natural protectors.

Spring comes, the sun warms the earth, and it’s a busy time for the gardener. These days, it is very important to plan the usable area of ​​your plot and distribute it under beds occupied by various crops. Today we will try to optimize your plantings together by talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Some plants, as it turns out, are friends, help each other and protect from various pests, while others, on the contrary, cause mutual inhibition of growth and even death. But we are interested, first of all, in getting an excellent harvest. This means that the compatibility of vegetables in garden beds is a very important and relevant issue.

Is spring site planning necessary?

Indeed, why re-draw your garden every year if you can build and plant cucumbers on one, tomatoes on another, and so on, once and for all? This is convenient, but somewhat irrational. Each plant requires its own set of microelements, and it turns out that a garden bed, used for many years for planting the same crop, is oversaturated with unclaimed elements. Or, on the contrary, she is devastated by the most important things to her. Therefore, crop rotation is necessary. However, in a small plot it is sometimes difficult to ensure a complete replacement; mixed plantings are forced to be used, and therefore, to organize them correctly, you need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds.

What kind of beds can there be?

We are used to our land being divided into neat rectangles, each of which grows one crop. However, there are a lot of options, and in order for your garden to be as productive as possible, you need to know the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. These can be narrow beds according to Mittlider, which require the application of large amounts of mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as high and multi-tiered beds. The latter are quite difficult to arrange, but they are ideally suited for growing several crops. In this case, you should also be concerned about the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in the same bed, because the close proximity of plants allows them to influence each other.

Compacted beds

Sowing several crops in one bed allows you to significantly save space and still get good results. At the same time, we must remember: maintaining the compatibility of vegetables and flowers in one bed is a little easier than planting several fruit crops at the same time. Here it is already necessary to take into account the difference in growing seasons. However, let’s return to the bright flower and fruit beds. Why do they use this technique, is it just for beauty? It turns out not. For example, marigolds planted near tomatoes perfectly protect the bushes from various pests. Other flowers serve as tasty traps for insects. Plant nasturtiums around the garden - all the aphids will concentrate on it, not paying attention to the garden vegetables.

and fragrant herbs

And the greenery in the beds has long been proven, they do not compete, do not interfere with each other, but at the same time you significantly save space and get a pleasant variety for your table. Herbs planted next to the fruit bed will give the vegetables a refined taste and will protect them from insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans, cabbage pests really don’t like thyme, and aphids are afraid of onions and garlic. Oregano, like marigolds, is a reliable protection for the entire fruit plot from uninvited guests.

Every gardener, even if he does not have professional knowledge, should have an idea of ​​​​the compatibility of vegetables and herbs in the garden beds. This doesn't require much. So, fast-growing lettuce, radishes and other spring vegetables and greens can be planted between pumpkins and melons. By the time the powerful stems of the pumpkin grow, the radish crop will already be harvested. If you plan to plant shade-loving greens such as spinach, choose tall plants that will provide good protection. For example, it could be corn. Sunflowers also grow well next to corn; the plants do not compete with each other.

We have discussed general issues a little, now we will move directly to the types of garden plants. We will look at the compatibility of different vegetables in the garden beds. How to plant this or that species, what its proximity to will bring it more benefit than harm, and much more.

Favorite peas: what to plant next to them

This is a plant that gardeners do not like because of its creeping nature. However, it is worth considering the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds - and the disadvantage turns into an advantage. The fact is that it gets along well with corn, and its powerful trunks will be an excellent support. This way, you will harvest two crops from one bed and save yourself the trouble of tying up tender peas. But you can go even further and unify the garden bed by planting beans or carrots, lettuce, radishes, parsnips or turnips around its perimeter.

What else is pea compatible with? It can be planted among cucumbers; such proximity will benefit both crops. Eggplants and melons love peas; in addition, if you have potatoes growing in your garden, be sure to scatter peas throughout the planting; their roots will enrich the soil with essential microelements. But onions and garlic need to be planted away from peas; such proximity is completely useless.

Beauty Carrot

We continue to consider the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. Leading agrotechnical companies give advice to gardeners, recommending planting carrots along the edge of a bed with tomatoes and peas. Goes very well with various herbs. This is sage and rosemary. Therefore, you can make prefabricated beds with fragrant leafy greens and plant them with carrots. Or vice versa. But dill and parsley need to be moved away from carrots; such proximity leads to a deterioration in the growth and development of the root crop.

Green onion

This is the first spring source of vitamins, which is loved and grown in every garden plot. However, today we are talking about the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. The list of plants with which onions are “friends” is quite large. These are almost all the most important garden crops: beets and bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots, lettuce and broccoli. Onions combine very well with spinach, potatoes and cabbage. However, to make your planting enjoyable, avoid its proximity to beans, sage and peas.

bell pepper

A capricious crop that does not grow as well in our climate zone as in more southern regions. However, this can be slightly improved if you choose the right neighbors. First of all, you need to remember that it cannot be planted in the same bed with beans. But the proximity to tomatoes, on the contrary, is tolerated very well. Do not forget to plant greens and fragrant herbs to make full use of the compatibility of vegetables in the beds. About ten different herbs can grow in a garden at the same time. Basil and coriander, onions and spinach go well with peppers.

Lettuce, a precious source of vitamins

Another plant that eloquently shows the compatibility of vegetables; you can count a dozen fruit crops, which will only grow even more magnificent from such proximity. These are asparagus and beets, sunflowers and tomatoes. Experienced gardeners recommend planting lettuce along with white and Brussels sprouts, carrots and corn, and cucumbers. Considering that lettuce grows in a short, curly carpet, it helps conserve moisture by preventing the liquid from evaporating as quickly. Cucumbers love this kind of neighborhood very much.

There are many ways to plant different plants in one bed. If this is a regular bed on a plane, and not a multi-tiered structure, then, in addition to interspecific competition, you need to take into account the size of the plants. The central part of the bed can be occupied by sunflowers or tall tomatoes, cucumbers, then onions and peas, and eggplants can be placed. Or plant peas over the corn and plant lettuce around it. All these plants complement each other well.


Often this particular crop occupies a significant part of the garden, which means you need to carefully consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. Photos of garden plots of professional gardeners very often show the classic combination of potatoes and legumes. Indeed, beans and peas grow well in potato plantings, bringing benefits primarily by enriching the soil. Although the legume harvest will also not be superfluous. Potatoes go well with white cabbage and broccoli, corn and eggplant, garlic, lettuce and onions.

The Friendliest Neighbor - Eggplant

Indeed, its compatibility with other vegetables in the garden is simply fantastic. He has no enemies, he complements almost any culture well. However, if we talk about the health and quality of growth of the eggplant itself, experts advise planting it next to potatoes and legumes, in particular beans and peas. Leafy vegetables are excellent neighbors for eggplants. Experienced gardeners recommend planting basil, lettuce, and spinach next to blueberries.

This begs the question: “In what order should I plant vegetables to make the garden bed as efficient as possible?” We propose a scheme that is used by German farmers. They make a very wide bed for planting root crops, about 1 meter. In this case, the potatoes are located in the center (early varieties can be planted in two rows, and late varieties in one). On one side, eggplant is planted in a row, and on the other, lettuce, kohlrabi and cauliflower. All these vegetables can be alternated in one row. Two rows of spinach are sown along the edge of the bed, and the space between them and the rest of the crops is sown with lettuce and radishes.

It will pass as the crops mature. The green umbrella of lettuce appears first; it shades other, slowly growing crops and saves them from the scorching sun. Lettuce ripens first, then spinach, then it’s the turn of radishes. After about a month, it’s time for lettuce and cauliflower. Thus, the bed gradually becomes empty, leaving room for the growth and development of eggplants and potatoes. Now it’s clear how to use the compatibility of different vegetables in the beds. Personal experience will tell you how to plant correctly, but for the first time, use a ready-made diagram.

Peanuts - exotic in our beds

Indeed, this crop is very rarely grown in the garden, but in vain. After all, agricultural technology is no more complicated than growing cucumbers, and you get a valuable and nutritious product. The compatibility of peanuts in the garden with vegetables is due to their high nutrient requirements. It gets along well with cucumbers, which also love high, warm and fertilized beds. In addition, any legumes can be planted with it.


A useful culture that is often undeservedly forgotten. However, it can serve as a natural support for climbing cucumbers; in addition, aphids do not like corn, which means your cucumbers will be under natural protection. Climbing legumes are also perfectly compatible with corn and can be planted around the entire perimeter of the bed. These are beans and peas. She gets along well with melons and potatoes, zucchini and sunflowers. But it’s better to plant tomatoes further away.


A bed of tomatoes is not so conducive to the neighborhood, since voluminous bushes tend to take over all the free space. But you can use different planting methods, for example, create a high mound in the center of the bed, on which you plant asparagus and basil, dill, lettuce, onions, parsley, spinach and thyme. Tomatoes love the proximity of legumes, so beans can be planted between the rows. An excellent option for planting in the nearest garden bed would be carrots and melons. But cabbage and corn should occupy another part of the garden.


As you already know, there are a lot of varieties of this plant, and at least white cabbage and cauliflower grow in every garden. It would seem that they can easily be planted in one bed, since you will remove the colored one much earlier than its neighbor ripens. But in fact, they do not tolerate each other well, so when planning a common garden bed, it is better to give preference to beans and celery, and cucumbers. Aromatic herbs also get along well with cabbage; they help repel insects. These are sage and spinach, thyme, dill, onions. If the planting of white cabbage is not done too thickly, then in the inter-rows you can grow enough greenery, as well as radishes.


It does not grow well next to its closest relative, but it perfectly complements beds with beans and beets, celery and cucumbers, sage and thyme. Doesn't like tomatoes or strawberries. Broccoli goes well with all of the listed plants, but does not tolerate cauliflower at all, so you will have to create several beds for different types of cabbage. Brussels sprouts are one of the most tolerant sprouts; they combine better with other species in garden beds. The only enemy is tomatoes, so tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables cannot be planted side by side under any circumstances. But dill and lettuce - please, you can add radishes and sage, spinach and turnips to the garden.


When planting this crop, make sure that there are no potatoes, melons or aromatic herbs nearby; it is better to plant all the greens along with cabbage. The cucumber loves a high, warm bed, where peas and beans, corn and lettuce, and radishes will grow well with it. As with the previous example of a universal bed, we allocate the central strip for corn. It will become a support for cucumbers, beans and peas, which can be sown not only mixed, but also together, in one hole. The edge of the bed can be lined with lettuce and radishes, which will be harvested fairly quickly.

How to combine incompatible things

This question is especially relevant if you have a greenhouse. All vegetables love comfortable conditions, but a large greenhouse should not be empty, and it is occupied by a variety of fruit plants. To separate poorly compatible plant species, film canopies are used to divide the greenhouse into certain sections. This helps create a kind of microclimate.

To summarize all that has been said, I would like to note that planning mixed beds greatly helps save space and significantly improves the quality of the harvest. Soil resources are used more evenly, and the plants themselves serve as natural protection for each other from diseases and pests. It should be taken into account that the planting scheme can be changed to suit the needs of your garden; we have given only general templates. But be sure to observe the compatibility of vegetables. This simple rule always gives excellent results and does not require any additional costs or investments. Experienced gardeners harvest 11-15 kg of a wide variety of vegetables from one bed. The correct arrangement of plants in the garden also helps to save resources, as less water and fertilizers are required. That, perhaps, is all about what the compatibility of vegetables in the beds is. A list of plants that are “friends” and “not friends” with each other is given at the beginning of our review in the form of a table. Use it - and you are guaranteed a good harvest!