What to do to make picked peppers turn red. What will help speed up the ripening of peppers?

First, it’s worth checking which type of pepper is chosen. Maybe ripe fruits should not be reddish at all, but greenish or lilac. Therefore, if the peppers have acquired not a reddish color, but a yellowish, orange or green color, there is no need to be surprised, maybe this is a natural stage of development.

Pepper - features of care, planting and growing


Lenya NOTES OF AN AGRONOMIST writes: the girl in the avatar is beautiful😀 the video is also beautiful

gil ivanov writes: Yes, and they also say I went to the dacha!! And not TO THE Cottage!!! Hohlopitek Go burn the tires!!

IN THE GARDEN AND AT HOME writes: Useful video from experts. I have already planted the peppers and made a video - come in

Maria Mazur writes: why did they start to bend whole pepper bushes?

Nina Aleksandrovna Kommersant writes: Dear bloggers of a useful video, thank you for the consultation, I gave you a like for your work, and for comments to users, basically a thumbs down, what are people thinking about, not about pepper, obviously, sorry

To get an early harvest when growing peppers in a greenhouse, you need to choose the right variety. Residents of the middle zone and northern latitudes need to choose only early and very early varieties of hot and sweet peppers, and for those who live in a milder climate, mid-season varieties are suitable. The best harvest comes from modifications: they are resistant to frost and disease, and have beautiful taste properties. There are a huge variety of types of reddish hot and sweet peppers on the market, so it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable one, and growing peppers in a greenhouse will give excellent results.



Valentina Bashmakova writes: Hello

Galina Kondratyuk writes: Interesting and useful video! Good luck! LIKE! I wait to visit.

Svetlana Grebenyukova writes: Hello, please advise, I planted tomatoes and peppers in this tent and there is a fly infestation, what should I do?

reell GM writes: kkk

Natalya Ermakova writes: Marinochka, hello, I watch all your programs and want to ask whether you tie up the pepper or not

It is advisable to have two doors on different sides, equipped with small vestibules. A drip irrigation system is convenient for plants. Such a system can be used to equip a polycarbonate pepper greenhouse. The northern wall of the greenhouse can be lined with cinder blocks or timber; a permanent covering will protect the plants from wind and frost.

For closed ground, indeterminate type bushes are suitable, which do not take root well in open beds. To secure them you need strong stakes or trellises. If you want to save scarce space, then tall peppers are not suitable for a greenhouse; it is better to pay attention to compact standard bushes.




DiSi writes: Cool, keep up the good work :))

In this case, it is best to install special lamps with UV radiation. In addition, it does not hurt to pluck the ovaries that are superfluous. They may consume too many substances for development, so that the plant simply cannot fully provide a large number of ovaries and flowers at once. If you pick them, the plant will immediately begin to spend less energy, so that those ovaries that remain will begin to quickly turn into a full-fledged fruit and turn red.

If the fruits cannot ripen, then you can simply pick them and wait until they turn red. This home method works too. By the way, experienced experts do not advise keeping bell pepper fruits on the plant so that they are fully ripe.

What varieties of tomatoes are the sweetest? How to deal with late blight? - Plant super early ones to remove them before mid-August. You can pick the green ones, they will ripen in boxes at home. Bull's heart. Spray with Bordeaux mixture during flowering, protect from moisture. I liked the Honey Drop - small, yellow,...

Dear landowners, what is more beneficial for the body at our age: dreaming about a new partner or a fancy greenhouse? - Dreaming about everything is NOT HARMFUL, BUT USEFUL! I dream that my “old” partner will build me a greenhouse as soon as possible!!! Then there will be enough happiness for two!!! Good luck! The greenhouse is already old. About the helipad, most likely, so that it’s quick and convenient...

Planting peppers in a greenhouse in 2016.


Olga Makarova writes: Thank you very much! Simply amazing seedlings. Have your seedlings been under lamps? Do you grow eggplants?

Yulia's place was in bloom writes: Thank you very much for the useful and detailed video!!!

Vitalij K. writes: Instead of superphosphate I put 1-2 herrings. You can use any other cheap sea fish or fish heads. It’s somehow more natural.

MalikaF Sal writes: the peppers are gorgeous! do you form them in a greenhouse? please answer! good luck and like.

Experience over the years writes: The pepper seedlings look so great!!! How do you care for her?

Kira Stoletova

The climatic conditions of our region do not always contribute to the full ripening of fruits. At the end of summer, when the nights are short and cool, this problem becomes very urgent. Experienced gardeners recommend speeding up the ripening of peppers on their own.

Correct fit

To get a large harvest of ripened paprika, lay down the conditions for this at the very initial stages of crop development. Its further development and the timing of fruit ripening depend on the planting of the plant.

  1. Temperature. You can use the rule, the sooner you plant, the sooner you will get the harvest, with extreme caution. This will work in regions with warm climates. In other cases, the crop can only be planted in well-warmed soil.
  2. Plant the plant in a permanent place during a period when a stable, comfortable temperature has established. The thermometer readings should not fall below 180C during the day and 140C at night.
  3. Lighting. Paprika bushes love light. Lay out the area for beds for this crop in well-lit areas. When planting plants of different varieties, place them correctly. For tall crops, allocate a plot in the center of the bed; low-growing crops will feel great at the edges of the bed.
  4. Thickness. Follow the planting pattern for sweet peppers. During the growing season, the plant becomes powerful and spreading. Neighboring bushes will interfere with each other. Lack of light and nutrients will negatively affect the timing of fruit ripening.
  5. Priming. The culture loves fertile and light soil. Before planting, be sure to fertilize the soil in the beds with organic fertilizers. Apply dolomite flour to reduce soil acidity. To make the soil lighter, periodically loosen the beds.
  6. Fertilizers. Don't neglect feeding. For each period of crop development, certain nutrients are needed. You should not fertilize the plant with nitrogen during flowering or fruiting. A properly organized diet helps reduce the ripening time of fruits.
  7. Watering. Water the peppers rarely but generously. Creating high humidity for the crop will result in the development of fungal and bacterial diseases.


For normal development of the culture, two or three shoots are enough. Pinching the bushes will force the plant to save its energy and speed up the ripening of the peppers. Experienced gardeners do the following:

  • on a still small bush, the crown bud is removed;
  • during the period of active flowering, barren flowers are picked off;
  • throughout the entire growth period, they get rid of excess shoots;
  • at the end of summer, absolutely all the flowers are picked;
  • During the period of approaching cold weather, small peppercorns are collected that will not reach maturity.

These simple manipulations allow the culture to direct all its resources to the ripening of the set fruits.

Gardeners have learned in practice that it is possible to speed up the ripening of paprika fruits by resorting to little tricks. These include:

  • creation of additional shelters;
  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions;
  • watering the crop with hot water;
  • foliar feeding of plants;
  • removal of deciduous mass.


After planting the seedlings in a permanent place, maintain a constant favorable temperature regime. For peppers, the comfort zone ranges from 200C to 250C during the day and from 150C to 180C at night.

To ensure this, build a shelter for the plants. Use non-woven material, agrofibre. Cover crop beds as needed.

Continue to use such shelters during the first autumn colds. This way you can harvest before frost sets in.


At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, condensation forms in greenhouses due to differences in day and night temperatures. This leads to the proliferation of pathogenic fungi and pathogenic bacteria. The plant stops developing.

To get rid of this problem, ventilate the greenhouse. Leave the room open during the day and close it at night.

For those bushes that grow in open ground, take care of film coverings at night.

Warm water

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes and peppers, gardeners advise using fairly hot water for watering crops in cold weather. Its temperature can be from 40 to 600C. Water the plant at the root, try not to pour water on the leaves.

Foliar feeding

During the period of mass formation of ovaries, spray the crop once every ten days. Use weak solutions of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or an infusion of wood ash.

Drugs that stimulate fruit formation have appeared in specialized stores. Such compositions are not recommended for use at the end of August and autumn. They will provoke the formation of new peppercorns, and existing fruits will stop ripening.

When growing peppers, some, even experienced gardeners, encounter one problem - the pepper does not turn red. What is the reason and what to do if the pepper grows in a greenhouse and in open ground? In most situations, steps can be taken to ensure that vegetables still reach ripeness.

But it happens that nothing can be done, and you have to pick the green pods. To find out the reason for the lack of characteristic color, you need to understand the technology of growing the crop.

Conventionally, there are two stages of maturity in growing pepper:

  1. Technical.
  2. Biological.

At both stages, the fruits can be picked and eaten. However, the main difference is that when they reach technical maturity, the pods are still green. They have a normal size, juicy skin. In most regions, the fruits reach the stage of technical maturity by mid-summer.

Biological maturity always occurs several weeks later than technical maturity, usually after 21-28 days. With it, the fruit is painted in a color that corresponds to the planted variety. Peppers come in bright colors: yellow, burgundy, red, brown.

Reasons why peppers don't turn red

There are not many reasons why pepper does not reach the stage of biological maturity. Most often this is explained:

  1. Inattention of the gardener himself (incorrectly selected variety).
  2. Incorrect information provided by the manufacturer on the seed package (incorrect ripening period).
  3. Errors in care.

You can try to correct the situation only if there were errors in care. In other cases, most likely the crop will remain green.


Due to the wide variety of crop varieties, out of ignorance and lack of experience, novice gardeners can purchase a variety that remains green, regardless of the stage of ripening. These include the varieties Atlantic, Titan, Green Miracle, Gift of Altai, Zephyr, Viking.

The most common varieties of red and yellow peppers are Agapovsky, Belladonna, Bogatyr, Star of the East, Isabella, Lastochka.

Before you buy a bag of seeds, be sure to read the description of the variety and pay attention to the final color of the pepper. The manufacturer always indicates this information.

Incorrect expiration date indicated on the package

If it is mid-August, and there is not even a hint of redness on the peppers, then the manufacturer could have made a mistake. Unfortunately, this happens, but it doesn't happen that often. Seed procurement occurs on a production scale. The human factor and incorrect operation of equipment sometimes have dire consequences - by mistake, the information on the packaging turns out to be completely different from what it should be. The situation cannot be improved in any way; we will have to be content with a green harvest.

To avoid getting into such unpleasant situations, you need to buy seeds from trusted companies and in specialized stores. It is not recommended to purchase planting material in unfamiliar places. You should be especially wary if the packaging has already been opened or torn, has an untidy appearance or unreadable inscriptions on the labels.

Important! When purchasing seeds, you should not choose the product with the lowest price; it may be of very low quality. You need to buy seeds from the middle price range.

Incorrect growing conditions

In bad weather conditions, peppers grow very poorly. The culture is very heat-loving; for the fruit to ripen, the ambient temperature must be at least 22 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, especially during winter frosts, the fruits simply do not have enough heat to fully ripen. You can install a heater or heat fan in the greenhouse to raise the temperature slightly. Under no circumstances should heating devices be left unattended or the temperature raised above 25 degrees.

When grown outdoors, if the temperature drops below 15 degrees Celsius, the peppers are covered with film or wrapped in windproof material overnight.

Sunlight is important for culture, but not in such large quantities as everyone thinks. It is mistakenly believed that the more sun a vegetable receives, the faster its ripening will be. This is wrong.

The normal length of daylight for pepper is 8-10 hours. This time is enough for him to keep up. If the fruits are constantly exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, then their development is inhibited, and the quality itself only worsens.

The reason for the weak color of the peppers may be the poor mineral composition in the soil. Lack of potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus affects the ripening of the crop. Fertilizing can be used starting from the moment when the fruits have already reached a large size and are no longer growing. Dilute in 10 liters of water:

  • tbsp potassium sulfate;
  • tbsp superphosphate.

The mixture is mixed well and watered each plant for 2-3 weeks every 5-7 days. If other conditions for agricultural cultivation are carried out correctly and regularly, the results from fertilizing will be immediate. Already from the second time of applying fertilizer, color will begin to appear on the fruits.

Attention! Peppers need to be fed only in the morning.

What to do to make the pepper turn red

If you pick green fruits, but varieties of red or yellow peppers, they will turn red at home in just a couple of weeks. The peppers are laid out in a warm room, but not on the sunny side, the fruits are left to ripen, and they are turned over periodically. Soon the color begins to gain intensity, and the pepper finally becomes biologically mature. If you add one red fruit or a ripe apple to the peppers, they will turn red faster.

If desired, you can help the peppers ripen directly on the bushes. To do this, banana peels are laid out under the bushes of plants. It is a valuable source of potassium, which helps initiate the ripening process. Potassium penetrates through the soil to the roots of the plant, as a result of which the fruits turn red. However, banana peels are very attractive to insects and pests. This method can turn out to be very dangerous, because as the peppers mature, insects begin to attack them.

There is one radical, but very effective method that experienced summer residents use. It consists in stopping the growth of the bush, due to this the peppers have enough strength to ripen. They retreat 3-4 centimeters from the base of the stem and make a through hole in it. A wood chip is inserted into the hole and as a result the stem no longer grows. The fruits turn red in just a few days, and then the bush dies.

Peppers will definitely reach maturity if the right variety for planting is selected and agricultural cultivation technology is followed. Do not worry about the green harvest - it will turn red in any case, you need to give it a little time to ripen.

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When peppers don't turn red for a long time, this is a fairly common problem. If the variety matches, you need to look into a number of other reasons.

Pepper ripening stages

If some peppers in the garden do not turn red, you should find out what color the fruits of this variety are (orange, yellow, green or red). Next, what variety is early or mid-season. In colder regions, farmers recommend cultivating early varieties. In hot climatic conditions in the south of the country, gardeners grow mid-season peppers.

Hybrid varieties are best suited for greenhouses. They tolerate temperature changes well and have strong immunity to pests and diseases. In addition, hybrids have a distinctive tasty taste.


Not all summer residents know that this crop has two periods of maturity:

Sweet peppers are almost always harvested at the first stage of ripeness. Such fruits can be stored for a whole month, they do not spoil or wrinkle. Then, when ripe vegetables do not last long. If the sweet pepper is not red, it is collected from the garden and placed in shallow boxes in two layers. The bottom and sides of the boxes should be wrapped with newsprint. Place the container with fruits in a warm and shaded place. Such a crop must be looked after with great responsibility. Otherwise, when he doesn’t like something, he will easily discard the still unripe ovary.

Growing conditions for peppers to fully ripen

If the pepper fruits are already quite large, but still not red, it may be this variety. Their biological time has not yet come and we need to wait a little longer. It is very important to comply with all growing conditions. This fastidious culture is too demanding of itself. and if the bell pepper has not yet turned red, it may simply not have enough potassium fertilizer or sun. To do this, add commercial mineral bait or simply water the bush with wood ash diluted in water. The ratio of the solution per 10 liters of water is 1 cup of ash.

For proper and timely ripening of fruits, the plant needs 12 hours of daylight. Daytime the temperature should not exceed +30 degrees and not lower than +25. At night, the thermometer should not fall below 15 degrees. Otherwise, the culture will freeze and stop developing. It is also necessary to remove all unnecessary ovaries from the bush so that they do not take away excess strength for the ripening of the fruit.

Timely watering is very important, especially during the ripening period of peppers. Irrigation is carried out only with warm water heated to +25 degrees. Many gardeners fill containers with liquid, and by evening it warms up in the sun and is ready for watering. If there are no such containers, then the water must be heated. It is extremely necessary to maintain the watering temperature so that the plant does not stop developing. When hot peppers do not turn red for a long time, the peppercorns must be kept on the bushes until fully ripe and not picked like sweet fruits. It is under such conditions that they accumulate their burning substances.

Therefore, bushes of burning varieties are kept in the garden, covered and wrapped at night so that they do not freeze. If climatic conditions no longer allow keeping the plant in open ground, you need to carefully transplant it into a pot and take it indoors. Those crops that are cultivated in greenhouses must be provided with the correct temperature and lighting.

Some tricks for making peppers turn red faster

You should put a couple of red fruits in the boxes with folded and unripe sweet peppers. It could be a couple of tomatoes, red apples or the same, but only red peppers. The top is covered tightly with newspaper.

The ruddy sides of the peppers will begin to appear after just one week. The accumulated ethylene in scarlet fruits will spread throughout all vegetables and promotes rapid ripening. It is very important that the vegetables lie in bulk all together. If each of them is wrapped separately in newspaper, nothing will happen. The best stimulants for ripening are red apples, so they are not recommended to be placed next to already ripe vegetables. Such proximity will lead to rapid overripening and rotting.

Some summer residents have adapted, and the picked unripe peppercorns are placed on food foil. The foil is then placed on the eastern or western window sills. The sun will be pushed away from the foil, this promotes rapid ripening.

You can artificially stop the development of the bush and stimulate ripening. At a height of 3-4 cm from the ground, use a sharp knife to punch a through hole and insert a sliver of wood into it. The bush will stop growing, the peppers will ripen sooner.

Pepper is a popular garden crop that is successfully grown today by summer residents and gardeners. In this article we will look at how the ripening of the crop occurs and how to properly store the harvested pepper fruits.

Pepper, if provided with proper care, can bear fruit throughout the summer season, thereby ensuring the best yield when growing this vegetable in greenhouses and open ground. Experienced gardeners know very well that it is not necessary to wait for the vegetable to fully ripen; you can pick unripe fruits and then keep them for several days on the sunny side of the windowsill. Thus, productivity indicators are significantly improved, and plants can bear fruit again and again, allowing you to obtain tasty and juicy vegetables.

Unripe pepper fruits removed from the plant are considered technically ripe. They can be easily transported over long distances, and fresh vegetables can be stored for as long as possible. The gardener only needs to correctly determine the time when unripe fruits have stopped growing and can be plucked from the branches. This can be determined by the appearance of a color characteristic of a particular variety of pepper.

When ripening peppers on a windowsill, you should not wait for the vegetable to acquire its characteristic color. 2-3 days of ripening in the sun will be enough to ripen, fill with juiciness and get a characteristic taste.

During this ripening, do not forget to constantly turn the pepper from one side to the other. If you neglect this, the vegetables may begin to rot and the crop will be completely destroyed.

First of all, the gardener needs to carry out ripening, and for this the vegetable must be properly prepared. Ripening is when an unripe vegetable that is removed, when properly stored under certain conditions, becomes suitable for consumption. If you plan to store the crop fresh, it needs to be washed and dried.

To store fresh peppers, we recommend using a wooden box with thick paper or newspapers placed at the bottom. The peppers in such a box must be laid out in layers, sprinkling the vegetables with dry sand. This storage technology will allow vegetables to retain their taste for a long time.

It is also possible to store peppers, in which each fruit is wrapped in thick paper. If you provide suitable conditions, you can keep technically ripe peppers fresh for up to six months.

If we talk about the possible safety of biologically ripe pepper, that is, one that has ripened completely in the beds, the maximum possible shelf life of a vegetable usually does not exceed two weeks. In this case, he may recommend that you store the harvested crop in special fruit boxes in the refrigerator or dried, wrapped in paper.

It must be remembered that picking hot peppers ahead of time is prohibited. Unlike sweet varieties, it does not ripen in the sun, so if you pick the fruits while they are still green, the harvest will not ripen and will spoil. That is why a properly ripened bitter vegetable should have a yellow, orange or bright red color, depending on the variety.

The chemical composition of these varieties of this vegetable contains a special substance that gives red pepper its hotness and pungency. This alkaloid is a natural preservative, which allows the harvested crop to be stored fresh for a long time. The amount of this burning substance is directly proportional to the ripeness of the vegetable. This is why unripe green hot peppers rot literally a few days after harvest. Properly ripened fruits can be stored for six months or more.

Hot peppers can be stored in various ways. So, for example, you can dry the collected fruits and transfer them to a cool, dark place. You can also dry the vegetable, grind it and store the resulting mass in a plastic bag or glass container. In this processed form, the vegetable retains all its excellent taste and can be used for dressing salads and in preparing all kinds of dishes.

In the homeland of the vegetable in Latin America, the following storage method is popular. Each pepper is tied by the tail with a strong thread and tied into a bun. This bundle should be stored in a cool, dark place. Vegetables will retain their original appearance for a long time, and their taste will not change.

It is also possible to store the harvested crop and hot peppers in vegetable oil. You will need to wash the collected fruits, peel them and remove all the seeds. Just remember that by removing the seeds, the vegetable will lose some of its pungency. However, many people like such a mild taste, which allows them to use vegetables soaked in vegetable oil when preparing various salads and hot dishes.

If you want to maintain all the pungency characteristics, then you should not cut out the seeds. You just need to trim the stalks. You will need to place the washed, trimmed peppercorns in a pre-sterilized jar into which warm vegetable oil is poured. The jar is closed with a lid or seal. It is recommended to infuse hot peppers in vegetable oil for at least two weeks.


We told you about the concept of technical and biological ripeness. Depending on when the crop was harvested, not only the taste of the vegetable depends, but also the shelf life of the harvested vegetable. There are different ways to store sweet and bitter peppers. When fresh, a technically ripened vegetable can be stored for up to six months. Whereas if a vegetable is fully ripened in the garden beds, then it can retain its freshness for one to two weeks.

Hot pepper has better shelf life, which allows it to be stored for a long time. When optimal conditions are created for such a bitter variety, the vegetable can retain its taste and appearance for up to six months.