Cast on wax a fright to a child. Prayer for fear with wax


Grade 5

They often talk about fears in a child, and adults, too, because in fact it is a very scary feeling when there is no longer any danger, and a person experiences terrible feelings and cannot do anything about it. It’s even worse, especially for a mother, when her child is afraid of something to tears - she sobs, does not sleep at night ... V ..

Summary 5.0 excellent

They often talk about fears in a child, and adults, too, because in fact it is a very scary feeling when there is no longer any danger, and a person experiences terrible feelings and cannot do anything about it. Even worse, especially for a mother, when her child is afraid of something to tears - she sobs, does not sleep at night ... In this article we will talk about the most effective ways to deal with fear, how to pour out fear in children on our own at home and How to prevent a child from being afraid of something.

What is fear in a child

In order to talk about fear in a child, let's first define what fear means. This is a reflex reaction to a dangerous or terrible surprise (for example, an unexpected sharp sound, light, or other critical moment). Fright is usually also referred to as a state of short-term fear. In young children, fear may not be so short-lived - in the future, they can react with fear for quite a long time to any surrounding situations, because they were afraid. Their body has decided that they have been exposed to a terrible effect and now lives in a state of crisis or emergency, fearing a second encroachment or invasion.

A fairly large number of events can cause fear in a small baby - this is a fall, a loud barking of a dog, a bright flash of light, even a quarrel between parents! (and children at the age of one year already perfectly understand that their parents quarrel). All these events can be regarded by the baby as an extremely serious danger. The difficulty in calming the baby’s fear lies in the fact that so far he does not have sufficient vocabulary and may not understand when the phenomenon is explained to him. As a result of such a situation, the child becomes nervous, frightened of any impact on himself or the environment, cries at every rustle or creak, stutters or has other speech problems, walks with his tail behind his parents or “hangs” on his mother’s chest, sleeps badly at night, periodically shuddering or sobbing. All of these are signs of fear in children.

What is intrauterine fear

In modern traditional medicine, there is no such thing as a fright in a child. This symptom is attributed to childhood neuroses and is not treated separately. Moreover, they don’t even recognize intrauterine fear, and after all, mothers know that a real little man already lived his life inside their body: he was happy with a sweet chocolate bar, kicked when he heard his father’s voice, and, of course, he could be scared of something there - he so Littel!

Of course, there are rare cases when babies get intrauterine fear, because inside the mother they feel completely safe, but it happens that the mother has experienced a strong shock and this will affect the child. Especially often, a child can be frightened at the time of the birth itself, if he had an entanglement or an incorrect position. This moment, if he is barbarously taken away from his mother and not placed on her breast in the first seconds of life, can also become a moment of fear for life - that he will not have a mother, but only a cold couch and some kind of rubber finger in his mouth. Such a baby will be restless from birth, do not let his mother go, cry often, which is why doctors on new technologies still recognize that the natural course of events cannot be disturbed and the child must be immediately handed over to the mother, and only then - to wash, dress and everything else .

All that parents can advise is to give the baby something sweet to increase the level of serotonin (hormone of joy) in the body of the baby, mom and dad to be close to the baby and pay attention to him a little even more than usual, so that he feels protected .

Healers recommend: soothing recipes for a child's fright

At night, doctors of modern medicine can prescribe baths with soothing herbs: valerian, motherwort, hops and other sedative preparations. They adopted this method from the healers. Here are recipes for sedative preparations for children, which can either be drunk in the form of a decoction or poured into a bath so that the child relaxes and calms down before going to bed.

Sedative collection with hops:

  • 50 g hop root
  • 50 g lemon balm
  • 100 g chamomile
  • 50 g heather

Brew 1 teaspoon of this collection with boiling water in the morning in a glass of water. Part of the drink to give the child before breakfast, and the rest before bed at night.

Heather collection from a strong fright in children and even adults:

  • 10 g valerian
  • 30 g motherwort
  • 30 g cudweed
  • 40 g heather

Brew a mixture of herbs with one liter of water, let it brew for two hours in the morning. Drink all day for 4-5 sips every hour.

An effective soothing bath collection

  • 50 g valerian
  • 50 g motherwort

Mix and brew with a liter of water. Then pour into a bath of water, after straining. Now you can bathe the baby as usual, although it is better to do without soap and shampoo at the beginning of the bath.

Needles are useful for swimming

Another good way is a pine needles bath. No, you don't need to poke anyone. You need to take a liter jar of needles and boil them in two liters of water. After that, you can add the infusion to the bath for several days.

Massage with lavender oil

If the child had a fright, then a gentle (not tonic) massage using lavender oil will help. During massage, you should pay attention to stroking, removing kneading and not adding stretch marks and other exercises. You can tell a calm tale, especially one where the hero would overcome his fear. fairy tale therapy in general, a very common method in the treatment of fears and neuroses in children.

How to pour fear on a child yourself

However, if the child has a real fear, then he can hide deep inside and no fees or drugs will simply help. Even the most modern and advanced mothers understand that in this case, the most effective means is to pour out fear.

In different countries and even regions of our country, the ways of pouring out fear are not very different, but still there are some differences. Our method was advised by the sorceress grandmother Valentina from the village of the Vologda region.

Any person, family member, or you can make an appointment with psychics or healers to pour fear into a child. It can also be a mother or father. Even pregnant women can pour out fear, because this effective remedy is a prayer to God.

The only thing that women during menstruation is better to wait or ask someone else.

It does not matter what phase the Moon will be in that day, but the main thing is that there should not be a new moon. It is recommended to pour fear at dawn, morning or evening. You can also pour out fear both in the morning and in the evening. For particularly strong cases, it may take at least three to nine times.

Do not pour wax on fright on Sundays or holidays, as well as on fasts, if there is such an opportunity to wait.

It will take about a hundred grams of wax. To do this, you can take an ordinary church candle, remove the wick from them and melt. You can start melting the candles, and then get the wicks out of the mass, it doesn’t matter. Wax must not be brought to a boil, it must be heated over low, low heat to prevent boiling splashes and blackness in the wax.

Now you need a cup, preferably earthenware, non-drinking water and a chair, which should be placed in the doorway.

Before starting treatment, you should cleanse yourself, prepare yourself mentally by reading prayers. You can read the prayer to God "Our Father", then any other prayers you love.

A chair is placed in the doorway, on which an adult is seated, and a small child is seated on his lap. Or you can put the child in the doorway facing the door.

Now you need to put the wax to warm up, and at this time say over a cup of water 9 times: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen." After that, pour the wax into a cup in a thin stream.

Now you can return to the person seated on a chair or standing in the opening. Above his head, the person who will read the plot holds a cup of water and reads these words:

“Passion, passion, come out, pour out from a servant of God (or from a baby) from a violent head, from thick curls, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from hands, from legs, from veins and lives, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly, I do not pour out passions, fear, but Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos is poured out with all the Angels, Archangels, guardians and patrons.

If an adult or a child yawns while a conspiracy is being read over them, then the evil eye or fear really lies on the child. It’s good then, after a conspiracy to be frightened, also check if there is damage on the child. How to do this, we told in this article.

After the ritual, the water must be poured into the ground. Or, if there is no land nearby, into another container, so that later you can pour it out. In no case should you drink this water, especially give it to a child.

You can leave the wax in the cup, the wax can be taken out of the cup with your hands and examine the form into which it has poured. Often this form takes the form of something or something that frightened the baby. Also, forms in the form of worms or curls may appear on the underside - this is the fright itself. The more of these curls - the more fright. With each new session of pouring fright on the wax, these curls will become smaller, which means just the departure of the fright.

This lump of wax can be used more than once, but you definitely need to get rid of some water with fear poured on it.

Conspiracy to water from fear

If you have a very nimble child. who categorically does not want to stand and wait while you conjure over his crown, then the method of reading the conspiracy to water will help. Also, this method can be used if you want to get rid of the fear of yourself or in conjunction with other conspiracies. After that, you need to give such water to the child to drink and add to baths. It is necessary to prepare a three-liter jar of water, but this does not mean that the baby should drink it all at once, and not even in a day. How much is enough, for so much fear will pour out. This prayer, which is read into the water, is also offered by Grandma Valentina, who believes that any ailment, evil eye or curse can be healed by the word of God.

Put the icon of Jesus Christ on the table, light a candle in front of it and pray. You can read any prayers to be cleansed. Do not forget "Our Father" and a prayer to Jesus Christ.

This is necessary for you to cleanse yourself before God, to cleanse your thoughts. well, if you took communion that day.

Now put a jar of non-drinking water on the table (any: from the tap, bottled, boiled - it doesn’t matter)

Lean over to the jar and, touching the water with your breath so that it ripples, read the following conspiracy prayer from fear:

Jesus Christ walked from Heaven, carrying a life-giving cross.
He was baptized with a cross, dressed in robes, swaddled in swaddling clothes.
The cross is with Him, the cross is before Him.
Jesus Christ in front, Mother of God behind, Angels in the middle.
They went to drive out the sick servant (name)
All passions, fear, all pain.
Come out fright, all passions, all pains, from the sick servant of God (name).
Come out of fear from a sore head, from brown eyes, from blond eyebrows,
From lips, from hands, from legs, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly.
From veins, from lived, from all joints, from hair, from voice.
Get out of fear from the servant of God, sick (name). Amen!

After the prayer for water is read, take a match and light it from the candle. Cross the jar of water on which they read the slander and throw a match into the water. So repeat with two more matches. If the matches float on the water, it's good. If you drowned, a strong fear lives inside.

You can use this water from a jar - you can drink and wash, usually a jar is enough for three days or a week.

How to prevent fear in children

What to do to prevent fear in children. In order for the child not to be frightened, it is always necessary to maintain a calm mental state in him. It is known that those children who grow up in dysfunctional families, without parents or with alcoholic parents, are more often afraid. Psychics about alcoholism wrote in this article.

To make the child less afraid, you need to listen to him a lot, and tell him no less. Always give a warning before you go anywhere with him, never lie. For example, the most common case of getting a fright in a child is a trip to the clinic for a vaccination. The child is not told where and why he is going, moreover, they promise that he will not be hurt. After such stress, the child has a fright, fear of the hospital, a bad reaction to the vaccine ...

In any case, if you notice that the child is frightened, you should respond immediately. It is best to give a glass of sweet water, the sooner the better. Compote, cocoa, juice and other sweet drinks will do. If the mother is breastfeeding, just attach the baby to the breast and this will be the best prevention from fear.

If there is no sweet liquid nearby, candy will do. Psychologists also advise this method, which will help develop hormones of joy in a child. However, you can use another way - show a new toy (which will not scare the child even more!) Or give tasty, not sweet, but still sweet drinks - this is the leading way to change fear into positive emotions.

In the first seconds after fear, the child reads information from his mother, how he should relate to this situation. If the parents look frightened, you will have to pour out the fright for sure. If the mother smiles reassuringly, the child may think that everything is in order. Therefore, NO matter how TERRIBLE YOU YOURSELF WAS, DO NOT SHOW IT! Even if it's a terrible tsunami, just smile, invite the kid to run a race, and run as fast as you can, taking the child! Keep in mind that a frightened child is a very heavy burden, but a child who is sure that they are playing with him runs more willingly and more willingly carries out any commands. When parents get into the apartment and a frightened mother asks the child to be silent and not cry, he will start whining with horror with a 95% probability. But if the mother gathers herself and, with a conspiratorial look, offers to play hide and seek and not show herself to her uncles, it is likely that they will be able to survive and the psyche of the child will not be injured, who, looking at the mother’s reaction, thinks that this is a fun adult game in which they and mothers sit under the table, and adult uncles gut the apartment.

Try to gently introduce the child to his fear. If a dog barks loudly, point to it and say that it is a dog and it barks: bark and invite the baby to bark. Jump in front of him and breathe like a dog, try to make him laugh. You can look fear in the face only if the child does not mind. Do not force him to stroke the dog if the child backs away from her in horror. If he whines in fear, take him away and give him a glass of sweet water, telling him what it was.

Kiss and hug your child more often, sometimes you can scare him so that he gets used to a sudden change of scenery. This should happen gradually. hide behind your palms and open them with a loud “BOO”. Gradually complicate the situation, but do not flirt. Your goal is to teach your baby not to beat in horror from loud noises and sudden movements.

By following these simple rules, you will protect your baby from fright, but if something does happen, you can always pour out the fright yourself or apply for an appointment with psychics.

New article: prayer for waxing from fright on the site site - in all the details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

on Sat Jun 20 2015, 05:32

The blessings of modern life have brought with them many unexpected surprises into our lives.

People get frightened and fall ill with various diseases, from insomnia to seizures. People are in constant fear! Both children and adults are afraid

from unexpected sounds of sirens, loud fireworks, an unexpected car signal, in cases of stuck elevators in high-rise buildings. Recently they brought me

a sick child who was at the height of a Ferris wheel in a park attraction.

The child spent four hours with his sister at a great height, he cried, screamed and even peed himself out of fear, and below the parents and employees of the attraction rushed about.

Now the child has daily seizures from fright, he eats poorly and does not sleep at all. TV news and various unthought-out programs scare people. People live in constant fear, thereby wearing out their hearts and nerves. The list of reasons for fear is huge, and I will not continue it. You need to be able to treat fear with herbs and prayers, as any illness is gaining strength and growing.

Today I'm going to teach you ways to express fear the right way.

Have the sick person sit facing the door. From a mug of melted candle wax, pour the wax into a cup of holy or well water, so that this cup is directly above the patient's head. The first is the prayer “Our Fathers”, and then a conspiracy from any fright and all fears. The water is then poured out, and the wax is buried.

From the servant of God (name).

To holy water.

you in this body

Get out of his sight

With thick curls.

From red ore.

From the brains, the liver of the father-in-law.

You can't be sick here.

He was born by a mother

In the name of the Father and the Son

So pour out the fright

From his lived and semi-lived.

With a zealous heart.

There is no fear here.

To the east is a swamp.

In the swamp - a bump.

She will take this fear,

And (such and such) let go.

And (such and such) to forget.

In the name of the Father and the Son

“Passion you, passion!

From the servant of God (name).

From thick curls.

From his clear eyes.

From a zealous heart.

With red blood

From eyelashes, right hands, from eyebrows.

I'm not flying, I'm not talking

The Mother of God speaks.

She herself will pour out (such and such).

Her angels will fly.

Fright in this body

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

It is impossible to use one poured wax for another time. It is especially dangerous to treat different people with the same wax. Grandmother warned me that in this case, the fear would only intensify. Do not save on wax, the patients will give you all the same for the purchased candles.

Casting on wax - treatment of fear

One of the most effective ways to treat fear is wax casting. We have already talked about casting as a way to recognize and treat damage and the evil eye. Now you will learn how the casting is made precisely from fright.

How to pour out fear

So, fright is poured into the water with the use of melted wax and a conspiracy. Instead of wax, church candles are also used. They are melted down to obtain a mass of 150-200g. You will need dishes where you should pour 2-3 liters of water. It is best to use a large bowl, enameled or aluminum, with a diameter of about 300 mm for this purpose. The water should be cold, not drinkable. It can be water from a clean stream, a well or a water tap, but in no case from a bucket from which you just drank water. So, the wax in the mug was heated, the water was prepared. The patient is seated at the threshold facing the door (if this is an adult, he is seated on a small bench so that he can comfortably hold the cup over his head). Hold the cup over the patient's head, slowly pour wax into it and read:

The Mother of God stood on the mountains of Zion, at the churches of Olivet, expelled fear from the servant of God (name). Fear, fright, go to the meadow, to the mosses, to the swamps, to the crooked aspens. Come out, jump off the wild little head, from the ruddy face, from the zealous heart, from the thin little hands, from the frisky legs, from the thick curls, from the clear eyes, from the inner veins, from the outer veins, from the strong muscle, from the yellow bones, from the red blood , from thoughts, from thoughts. I pour out passions, I pour out fears, I pour out fear. The Mother of God prays to God, the servant of God (name) saves from fear. The angels are with you, the Mother of God is with you, the Lord is with you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is read on the water above the head of the victim nine times.

Before starting the whole procedure, you should turn to God with the prayer “Our Father”. After finishing, as in the first casting, you can immediately see the result of your work - you need to turn the wax over. Then the wax is collected again in a mug (it can be used for a long time), water is poured under a tree in the yard or in the garden.

Sessions are carried out three, six or nine times, depending on the degree of fright. As the wax heals, it immediately becomes as smooth as the top. If after nine times the fright has not passed, you need to take a short break and repeat the sessions.

Two sessions can be carried out per day: in the morning and in the evening, for the morning and evening dawn. Only during the second session you need to read another plot:

I will go to sleep with the angels, with the archangels, I will get up with the morning dawn, I will wash myself with God's dew. I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, through the fields, through the forests, beyond the distance of roads, over thirty rivers, to the ocean-sea. A white stone floats on the Ocean Sea, a stone church is on it, in that stone church there is a golden throne, angels serve on it, they pray to God for a servant of God (name). Help, Lord, send, Lord, deliver, the freedom of the servant of God (name), remove from her all fears, frights, commotion, anxieties, heavy thoughts, important thoughts. The Lord approached, drove away fear, gave prayer. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you are casting a very small (baptized!) Child, then it is better to read the following plot:

Shoot, shoot, get out of your hands, out of your legs, fright, fright, go to a dry meadow, jump out, jump out of your head, from your veins, from your veins, from your veins, from the whole body of the white servant of God (name). I will frighten you, I will bark with a gray dog, I will fly with a black kite, I will grab it with tenacious claws, I will carry it away, I will take it away for dark forests, for deaf swamps, I will throw it under a stump, under a log, under black water. Lie down, don't toss and turn, don't come back to us. Amen, amen, amen.

Treatment of fear accompanies getting rid of other diseases. For example, fear is a common cause of urinary incontinence in children. In this case, try the above method. I know a case when a four-year-old boy had to do three sessions nine times, that is, fright poured out twenty-seven times. The boy is healthy, the intervention of doctors was not required. The patient immediately moves towards improvement. An adult or a child will sleep soundly that night. You can, on the day of treatment, experience severe malaise, which will be the stronger, the stronger the fright. To protect yourself, do not forget about the amulets and try to yawn during the entire ritual.

Orthodox prayer for wax from fear.

Orthodox prayer for wax from fear.

The child may be frightened of the dark, the alarm signal of a car or the thundering movement of trains.

At school or kindergarten, our children play, rage and get scared by their more confident peers.

As for a sudden fright, its origin can be unpredictable.

If you notice that your child is showing all the symptoms of a frightened personality, see a doctor first.

A prayer appeal to the Lord God will be a great addition to traditional therapy.

Go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about the health of the frightened.

Place 3 candles each to the icon of the Blessed Matrona, the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Being at the image of the Savior, say these words to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Save the child from fear, take cares from the soul. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

At the exit, you buy 12 candles for the house, the icons listed above and collect holy water.

At the most appropriate time, close yourself in the room and light candles. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

Gaze into the burning flame and trust in God's protection.

Wait until a puddle of wax forms.

On it, you read the Orthodox prayer many times from the fright of the child.

I beg you, Lord, deliver my child from the fright of an accidental, sent and extraordinary. Take away the trembling of the body and the stiffness of the soul. Clear the fear from someone's hands, from evil eyes, from rude phrases. As wax melts, so all fears will diminish. As soon as fear melts into wax, the fear will immediately disappear. Let it be so. Amen.

Be patient and say a prayer until all the candles go out.

Remove icons. Drink holy water and let the child quench.

Remove the resulting wax from the apartment in the trash.

Periodically repeat the prayer, with faith in your soul, trusting in God's help.

Prayer from fright Matrona of Moscow.

I bring to your attention an Orthodox prayer from fear, addressed to the Matrona of Moscow.

Which helps to cope not with imaginary fear, but with real fear.

This is especially true for those who are experiencing within themselves the consequences of fear associated with a suddenly appeared car, a threat or reprisal.

To stop the symptoms of fright, you need to see a doctor, while at the same time whispering a special prayer to the Blessed Elder.

Time will pass, and you will feel how the instant fright that tormented you at night was destroyed under the onslaught of holy Orthodoxy.

Before you start whispering a prayer many times, visit an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note to yourself about Health.

Place 3 candles to the image of the Blessed Matrona, saying these prayer lines in a barely audible voice:

Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow, help me cope with fear and cleanse my soul from demonic weakness. Amen.

Be baptized and leave the Temple, buying 12 more candles and collecting holy water.

Arriving home, retire to a room and light Orthodox candles. Next, put the icon of the Matrona of Moscow and a cup of holy water.

Try to calm down a bit as you watch the wax melt.

Read the prayer many times from fear, diligently baptized with faith in your soul:

Help me, Blessed Elder, to find peace in a sinful soul. Drive away my occasional fright and bring peace in faith. Protect me from destructive fear and give me strength for a speedy recovery. Ask the Lord God for mercy and righteous fear for his punishment. May your will be done. Amen.

Drink holy water regularly.

It was a very strong prayer from fear, addressed to the Matrona of Moscow.

It will certainly help those who regularly dedicate free minutes to holy Orthodoxy.

A strong conspiracy from fright to holy water.

You can independently get rid of the severe consequences of fright by using the proposed conspiracy for holy water.

Frightened once, you can be afraid of something throughout your life.

There are cases when already adults cannot fall asleep in thick darkness.

Of course, you can live with this disease, but what about those who, fearing a collision or flight, are no longer able to use these modes of transport.

And this is not all the consequences of fear that really exist in people's lives.

To get rid of a strong fright with the help of a conspiracy, you will have to “wash off” it with holy water, bringing it from the Orthodox Church ahead of time.

You also need to buy 13 candles.

Exactly at midnight, close in the room and light candles. Place a vessel with holy water nearby.

Look closely at the burning flame and mentally drive away the fuming fright.

Repeatedly read a magical conspiracy aimed at blocking all types of fear.

I speak water from fright and fear, from nightmares and hostility. I exorcise anxiety, call for courage on the road. Let any fear disappear, now my soul will not suffer. Holy water, help me heal, give me the courage to drink freely. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Throw out the stubs. Drink holy water.

Wet your palms with it and wash your face with life-giving moisture.

Get into bed.

Perform a magical conspiracy until it starts to work properly.

Its strength will directly depend on your internal state, as well as on unbridled faith in the final result.

Let fear leave you forever!

A strong conspiracy from the stuttering of a child.

If your child stutters, and visiting a speech therapist does not give positive results, a strong magical conspiracy is at your service.

Stuttering is a complex problem, which needs to be solved systematically.

It is possible that your child became a stutterer from a sudden fright or due to the peculiarities of the nervous system.

Just please do not be afraid, but seek help from the moonlight.

The child does not need to know what you are going to do.

Go to church and buy 13 candles.

Get some holy water.

Leave God's halls.

When midnight comes, retire to a room.

Light all the candles. Place a vessel with holy water nearby.

Mentally imagine a child in good health, clearly pronouncing difficult words.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper a magical conspiracy from stuttering, addressed to the most powerful elements.

I turn to you night, I beg you, the element of the moon. Like a thought to words, like a word to lips, and stuttering is to hell. The child will not stutter, but will clearly express himself. Let the disease recede faster, and my debt will be redeemed by the elements. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Drink holy water.

Put out the candles. Take out the stubs.

Discreetly add some holy water to your child in any drinks or milk.

Heal him in this way for at least 13 days.

In the event that the disease is started, you will have to perform the midnight ritual again, patiently waiting for the calendar phase of the full moon.

Prayer for the fear of a baby. Only working methods!

Strong fright can happen in the life of every person, starting from infancy. No one is immune from such a life situation, and it is important to know that it can have unpleasant consequences.

That is why, if a person has a fear, you must definitely know what to do and how to correct the situation.

Who is most prone to fear? How to treat it

Young children are most often frightened. This condition is associated with the weak energy of the baby, as they are more susceptible to negativity than adults. Fear can be caused not only by strangers, but also by your own mother. After all, a child under seven years of age has a huge energy connection with the parent.

In frequent cases, the evil eye and fear in a baby occurs synchronously. In addition, it is difficult to recognize this condition, especially in an infant. The first step is to pay attention to his behavior, it can be expressed:

  • restless sleep;
  • frequent shivering;
  • poor appetite.
  • crying for no particular reason;
  • fear of the dark.

Fear in a child may appear along with the usual family scandals, with a sharp change in the volume of the TV or radio, the sounds of pets.

In addition, fear can be hereditary. A pregnant woman could be afraid of something. Sometimes the mother's fears are passed on to the baby.

The fear and evil eye of a child is a real problem that is not always subject to the treatment of modern medicine. In this situation, it is possible to cure a child, both an adult and a small one, with the help of effective prayers and conspiracies from fear.

Prayer for adults and for an adult child

It is much easier and faster to cure an adult baby from a fright. Since the child has already learned to speak, he can thereby tell about the fears that torment and disturb him.

This prayer will help only baptized children. The ritual procedure is quite simple, the only rule for a successful result is unconditional faith in the power of prayer words and the power of the Lord God.

The frightened child should sit on a chair in the middle of the room. The person who will read the prayer must stand behind him. After all the points are completed, say a prayer speech:

“Fright, fear, get out of your head, get out of your arms and legs, get out of your eyes, Shoulders, belly! Get out of the veins, veins, joints! Get out, get out of the whole body of the servant of God (name). Outrage, with dark eyes, you should not be in a slave (name), Do not fool his head, do not cloud his thoughts! Come out prickly, sore, from a black eye, from a bad hour. Pass from (name) baptized, prayerful and communion! Amen!".

The ceremony is held daily, for seven days, only in the morning. Prayer from fear is spoken once. When the speech is delivered, the child should wash himself with water. The liquid will wash away all the negativity and cleanse the energy.

Prayer for fear in a child

Some people, in particular doctors, classify fear as a nervous disorder. But in the people, fear is attributed to mental disorders. Therefore, for the treatment of fear, the mother who gave birth to a child learns a special technique. It also contains a prayer appeal, which sounds like this:

“Come out, enemy, Satan, infantile fear, from the servant of God (name). From her body, from her head, from her legs, from her arms, from her heart, from her stomach, from her seat, half-dead, bones. You don’t stand here, don’t walk on bones, don’t break a bone, don’t sluggish your body and don’t drink blood. Come out, enemy, Satan, infantile fear, from the servant of God (name) to swamps, to low places where the sun does not rise, where people do not walk. I don’t send you out, pour you out, reprimand you, but the Lord Jesus Christ commands you to get out of all diseases from the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

The text is read three times a day for three days, as a fright in a child was noticed. This prayer is suitable for a child at any age, be it infancy or youth. A mother can always protect her child from fear.

Fright in a child is determined by several factors, such as:

For mothers who are too worried about their baby, there is a prayer from the fear of the baby, which helps and protects the child from the very first days of his life on Earth.

“On the Seyan mountain, on the Egyptian land, the Mother of God walked, collected drops of dew, caused a stir in the prayer-born, baptized servant of God (name): dog, cat, fiery, young, like a bull, and every other. All this will not be, do not drink red blood, do not break the white bone, do not torment, do not dry the prayer-born, baptized servant of God (name). I call, drive out fear and send into the abyss. I will burn out all evil spirits with fire, fill the eyes of enemies with water. Amen. Amen. Amen"

There are also different customs with which you can remove the fear of a child. To get rid of children's fear, you need to wash your face with holy water, wipe your face with the hem of your shirt.

Prayer for a small child

This prayer for fear is recommended for small children who have not yet learned to speak. She has tremendous power, which will quickly and effectively relieve the baby of fear and fear. The spell is recited for three days, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Take the baby in your arms and say:

“Come out, enemy, Satan, fear from the servant of God / servant of God (name). From body and head! You can no longer walk on bones, Don’t wander on joints, Don’t sit in your head, Don’t be in your body! Go, childish fear, to swamps, to lowlands, Where the sun does not rise, everything is dark and people do not go. I am not exiling you, expelling you, but the Lord our God! He commands you to go away and not spoil your life. Amen!".

It is very important that magical speeches are spoken by relatives on the female line. It can be a mother, aunt, grandmother or godmother.

A conspiracy from the fear of a baby should be made almost immediately after birth, so that fear and a sense of insecurity do not accompany the child all his life.

You can also free the baby from fear by reading the prayer "Our Father". Take the child in your arms, wipe it with holy water and whisper:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! May thy name be hallowed;

let your kingdom come;

Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth;

give us our daily bread today;

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one;

for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

Water conspiracy for adult children

Without taking any action to get rid of the fright or the evil eye, the child's fear will only intensify. In the future, fear can develop into a serious threat to health. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease at an early age. An effective conspiracy from fear can help with this.

Initially, you need to visit the temple, purchase holy water and thirteen candles there. Arriving home, wait for the phase of the waning moon. After twelve o'clock at night, put lit church candles and a saucer of holy water on the table. After that, gaze intently into the flames, mentally asking the Lord to heal your child. Your motherly heart should feel ready to step forward. When the push occurs, you will immediately realize that you are ready to utter a conspiracy from fright. At that moment, say the spell:

“I say a strong word to the water, from fears and fears, from hostility and nightmares, I conjure it, I call on courage to help myself. May my darling not suffer, and let anxiety disappear from her! Holy water, help me heal, let me drink with courage and courage! Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is necessary to say the spell several times, the more the better. After reading the magic words, put out the candles. Take out the cinders to the crossroads and leave there. Wash the child with charmed water and let's drink. This rite will help not only get rid of fear, but also remove the evil eye.

The strongest conspiracy on wax

One of the most effective ways to treat fear is to conspire against fear with wax. This rite is in most cases applied to newborns. Relatives of the child should conduct the ritual. How to conduct a conspiracy from fear?

Never waxing on religious holidays or on Sundays.

Melt the wax in a suitable iron bowl, and raise the container of water above the baby’s head and read the prayer “Our Father”, then pouring the wax into the liquid, say a conspiracy from fear:

“Oh, you are passions and misfortunes.

From the servant of God (name), pour out and come out,

In a violent head, in thick hair,

In a bold heart, in a white body,

In the legs and arms, in the blood and in the eyes.

Don't sit, go away!

I will not pour out fear, but the Mother of God.

With her are angels and archangels, and holy guardians,

Yes, all the host of heaven. Amen".

The conspiracy from fright and wax manipulation should be repeated at least nine times. After the end of the procedure, the wax will depict intricate figures with various irregularities. This can only mean one thing, the wax material has absorbed the fear, anxiety, fussiness of the child. The baby should not look at the wax, otherwise the ceremony was carried out in vain, and a positive result can not be expected. After reading the spell, wax pictures can be used for their own purposes, but it is recommended to pour the used liquid under any bush or tree.

This conspiracy of fear is carried out several times. When the wax becomes even and smooth without any visible damage, we can assume that fear and the evil eye have disappeared, as a result of which the baby is completely healthy! The ceremony is performed twice a day, at any time of the day.

It is difficult to cure a fear in a child with traditional medicine, despite the modern development of psychology. The most effective healing of fear is represented by our ancestors and their heritage. Prayers and conspiracies from fear have been popular for hundreds of years. It was with these spells that thousands of children were saved and cured. The rituals presented above will help save the baby from misfortunes, fears and the strongest evil eye.

A conspiracy from the fright of a child on an egg

A conspiracy from fright on an egg, or “rolling out” an egg, is done at noon. The phase of the moon must be waning. You need to read the plot as many times as the age of the child who is frightened. Years mean complete.

So, put the child on the threshold so that he faces the west. It must be covered with the mother's head scarf. Of course, in our time, headscarves are no longer worn, but there is something that has replaced them - neckerchiefs, scarves and similar things. Give the child two candles, have one candle in each hand. You need to light them before the egg rolls out.

Start rolling the chicken egg clockwise over the child's head while reading the plot:

Queen in heaven, Mother of God, I ask for your help.

Deliver my child (name), baptized, born, prayerful.

From fear-fright, from illness-ailment.

I roll with an egg, I send all the fright into an unborn chicken.

I drive away from the house, I will bury it in the damp soil.

The child (name) will not be afraid of either night or daytime,

And he will be healthy and brave, to the delight of all people.

Thank you Virgin Mary

Allow me to bow at your feet for your help.

The egg is buried in the ground where no one walks, immediately after the fright rolls out.

A simple rite of passage from the fright of a baby

For treatment, it is necessary to fill a glass with cold (spring or church) water and, baptizing it, we read the words of the conspiracy:

“A thin thought, go into the wind from the servant of God (the name of the child), from his legs, from his little hands, from his head with a violent shawl. From the whole body go to the wind, go to the wind forever with (baby's name) and don't come back. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This ceremony can only be performed if the baby has already been baptized.

A simple ritual with wax

To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to fill a glass with cool water and melt a little wax in a tablespoon. Now we hold a glass over the child’s head, pour wax from a spoon there, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I cast fears, I remove turmoil from small bones, from relics, from veins, and veins, from a zealous heart, from scarlet blood, from a violent head (baby's name). Let it be so. Amen".

Pouring on wax

You need to melt a few church candles to get about 100 grams of wax. Now seat the child on a chair, facing the front door. We hold a cup of cold water over the baby's head and read the plot:

“Pour out the passion from the servant of God (name of the child), from the wild head, from thick curls, from clear eyes, from hands, from legs, from a white body, from a zealous heart. It is not I who pour out, but the Most Holy Theotokos with all the Angels, Archangels and Guardians.

Before reading, you need to say:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

And at this time, pour liquid wax into a bowl. The conspiracy is read 9 times, at this time it is necessary to constantly baptize a vessel with water and wax.

For maximum effect, the session can be performed three times, in the most difficult cases - 9 times.

How to pour fright on wax in a child?

When the baby shows emotional instability, and serious problems associated with fears and phobias begin, parents think about how to cure the child's fear with wax.

How to drain the fear of a child on wax?

A safe option for a ritual based on white magic guarantees a high level of effectiveness. The most important thing is to know the ways and understand how best to act to avoid harm to the defenseless children's nervous system. At home, you can remove the fear of a child with wax.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • dishes for safe melting;
  • a bowl of spring water;
  • wax.

An older kid can participate in the procedure without unnecessary risks. Small children should not be subjected to the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the aura.

Rite preparation. It is recommended to melt 150 grams of wax in a water bath while reciting prayers. Then you should hold a bowl of water over the baby's head, carefully transfusing. During the ceremony, special conspiracies are read aimed at eliminating fear. It is impossible to change words in conspiracies, otherwise the effect is eliminated.

It is recommended to wrap the remains of the used melted wax in an old newspaper and throw it away, bury it in the ground, burn it in nature. Dishes should be washed thoroughly. Used water is poured under a tree.

Wax pouring fright in a child video:

How to conduct a ceremony to drain fear?

When can you pour out a fright in a child? When planning a procedure, you need to understand when it becomes available. Children under two years of age are most susceptible to fright, but there are unpleasant situations at other ages.

How to pour a fright in a child with wax:

  1. Before the beginning of the ceremony, prayers are said to God. It is recommended to read special prayers. As a result, Divine protection can be guaranteed;
  2. you should take a bowl and collect chilled water. It is best to use water from a well or stream;
  3. wax is melted on fire;
  4. the next stage is pouring out with wax from the child's fright by the overflow method. The result should be an ebb;
  5. when pouring, a conspiracy is pronounced or a special prayer is read;
  6. after the ceremony, you can see the ebb and find out the true cause of the fright;
  7. water is poured under a tree;
  8. wax is stored in a bowl until the next plot, taking into account the fact that you need to get a clean ebb without a figure.

Compliance with all stages guarantees an effective and safe ceremony.

Recommendations. It is best to conduct a slow transfusion, concentrating on the spoken words. After a while, you need to look at the back side, where the casting should appear. It becomes possible to see figures or objects, phenomena that led to strong fear. If numerous figures are seen, repeated ritual is recommended. The casting acquires a perfectly clean surface.

The variety of magical rites is surprising. For example, you can perform the following rite:

  1. the glass is filled with cool water with the addition of wax;
  2. now we are holding a low tide with a reading of the plot:

“I cast fears, I remove turmoil from small bones, from relics, from veins, and veins, from a zealous heart, from scarlet blood, from a violent head (baby's name). Let it be so. Amen".

Knowing how to pour out a child’s fear with wax, you need to follow important rules for the ceremony. This affects the effectiveness and efficiency of the event.

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Casting on wax - treatment of fear

One of the most effective ways to treat fear is wax casting. We have already talked about casting as a way to recognize and treat damage and the evil eye. Now you will learn how the casting is made precisely from fright.

How to pour out fear

So, fright is poured into the water with the use of melted wax and a conspiracy. Instead of wax, church candles are also used. They are melted down to obtain a mass of 150-200g. You will need dishes where you should pour 2-3 liters of water. It is best to use a large bowl, enameled or aluminum, with a diameter of about 300 mm for this purpose. The water should be cold, not drinkable. It can be water from a clean stream, a well or a water tap, but in no case from a bucket from which you just drank water. So, the wax in the mug was heated, the water was prepared. The patient is seated at the threshold facing the door (if this is an adult, he is seated on a small bench so that he can comfortably hold the cup over his head). Hold the cup over the patient's head, slowly pour wax into it and read:

The Mother of God stood on the mountains of Zion, at the churches of Olivet, expelled fear from the servant of God (name). Fear, fright, go to the meadow, to the mosses, to the swamps, to the crooked aspens. Come out, jump off the wild little head, from the ruddy face, from the zealous heart, from the thin little hands, from the frisky legs, from the thick curls, from the clear eyes, from the inner veins, from the outer veins, from the strong muscle, from the yellow bones, from the red blood , from thoughts, from thoughts. I pour out passions, I pour out fears, I pour out fear. The Mother of God prays to God, the servant of God (name) saves from fear. The angels are with you, the Mother of God is with you, the Lord is with you. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is read on the water above the head of the victim nine times.

Before starting the whole procedure, you should turn to God with the prayer “Our Father”. After finishing, as in the first casting, you can immediately see the result of your work - you need to turn the wax over. Then the wax is collected again in a mug (it can be used for a long time), water is poured under a tree in the yard or in the garden.

Sessions are carried out three, six or nine times, depending on the degree of fright. As the wax heals, it immediately becomes as smooth as the top. If after nine times the fright has not passed, you need to take a short break and repeat the sessions.

Two sessions can be carried out per day: in the morning and in the evening, for the morning and evening dawn. Only during the second session you need to read another plot:

I will go to sleep with the angels, with the archangels, I will get up with the morning dawn, I will wash myself with God's dew. I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, through the fields, through the forests, beyond the distance of roads, over thirty rivers, to the ocean-sea. A white stone floats on the Ocean Sea, a stone church is on it, in that stone church there is a golden throne, angels serve on it, they pray to God for a servant of God (name). Help, Lord, send, Lord, deliver, the freedom of the servant of God (name), remove from her all fears, frights, commotion, anxieties, heavy thoughts, important thoughts. The Lord approached, drove away fear, gave prayer. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you are casting a very small (baptized!) Child, then it is better to read the following plot:

Shoot, shoot, get out of your hands, out of your legs, fright, fright, go to a dry meadow, jump out, jump out of your head, from your veins, from your veins, from your veins, from the whole body of the white servant of God (name). I will frighten you, I will bark with a gray dog, I will fly with a black kite, I will grab it with tenacious claws, I will carry it away, I will take it away for dark forests, for deaf swamps, I will throw it under a stump, under a log, under black water. Lie down, don't toss and turn, don't come back to us. Amen, amen, amen.

Treatment of fear accompanies getting rid of other diseases. For example, fear is a common cause of urinary incontinence in children. In this case, try the above method. I know a case when a four-year-old boy had to do three sessions nine times, that is, fright poured out twenty-seven times. The boy is healthy, the intervention of doctors was not required. The patient immediately moves towards improvement. An adult or a child will sleep soundly that night. You can, on the day of treatment, experience severe malaise, which will be the stronger, the stronger the fright. To protect yourself, do not forget about the amulets and try to yawn during the entire ritual.

Prayers and conspiracies from fear and evil eye in a child

Along with life situations, very often a person can be afraid of something. In connection with these prevailing circumstances, there is a panic fear. Most magicians and sorcerers are sure that fear is born with the assistance of other worlds. It can appear with the evil eye or when meeting with something inexplicable and unreal.

Conspiracies on their children can be used by anyone who wants to help their child. Parents only need to fulfill the simple conditions of magic.

Who is most prone to fear? How to treat it

Young children are most often frightened. This condition is associated with the weak energy of the baby, as they are more susceptible to negativity than adults. Fear can be caused not only by strangers, but also by your own mother. After all, a child under seven years of age has a huge energy connection with the parent.

In frequent cases, the evil eye and fear in a baby occurs synchronously. In addition, it is difficult to recognize this condition, especially in an infant. The first step is to pay attention to his behavior, it can be expressed:

  • restless sleep;
  • frequent shivering;
  • poor appetite.
  • crying for no particular reason;
  • fear of the dark.

Fear in a child may appear along with the usual family scandals, with a sharp change in the volume of the TV or radio, the sounds of pets.

In addition, fear can be hereditary. A pregnant woman could be afraid of something. Sometimes the mother's fears are passed on to the baby.

The fear and evil eye of a child is a real problem that is not always subject to the treatment of modern medicine. In this situation, it is possible to cure a child, both an adult and a small one, with the help of effective prayers and conspiracies from fear.

Prayer for adults and for an adult child

It is much easier and faster to cure an adult baby from a fright. Since the child has already learned to speak, he can thereby tell about the fears that torment and disturb him. This prayer will help only baptized children. The ritual procedure is quite simple, the only rule for a successful result is unconditional faith in the power of prayer words and the power of the Lord God.

The frightened child should sit on a chair in the middle of the room. The person who will read the prayer must stand behind him. After all the points are completed, say a prayer speech:

“Fright, fear, get out of your head, get out of your arms and legs, get out of your eyes, Shoulders, belly! Get out of the veins, veins, joints! Get out, get out of the whole body of the servant of God (name). Outrage, with dark eyes, you should not be in a slave (name), Do not fool his head, do not cloud his thoughts! Come out prickly, sore, from a black eye, from a bad hour. Pass from (name) baptized, prayerful and communion! Amen!".

The ceremony is held daily, for seven days, only in the morning. Prayer from fear is spoken once. When the speech is delivered, the child should wash himself with water. The liquid will wash away all the negativity and cleanse the energy.

Prayer for a small child

This prayer for fear is recommended for small children who have not yet learned to speak. She has tremendous power, which will quickly and effectively relieve the baby of fear and fear. The spell is recited for three days, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Take the baby in your arms and say:

“Come out, enemy, Satan, fear from the servant of God / servant of God (name). From body and head! You can no longer walk on bones, Don’t wander on joints, Don’t sit in your head, Don’t be in your body! Go, childish fear, to swamps, to lowlands, Where the sun does not rise, everything is dark and people do not go. I am not exiling you, expelling you, but the Lord our God! He commands you to go away and not spoil your life. Amen!".

It is very important that magical speeches are spoken by relatives on the female line. It can be a mother, aunt, grandmother or godmother.

A conspiracy from the fear of a baby should be made almost immediately after birth, so that fear and a sense of insecurity do not accompany the child all his life.

You can also free the baby from fear by reading the prayer "Our Father". Take the child in your arms, wipe it with holy water and whisper:

“Our Father, who art in heaven! May thy name be hallowed;

let your kingdom come;

Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth;

give us our daily bread today;

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one;

for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

Water conspiracy for adult children

Without taking any action to get rid of the fright or the evil eye, the child's fear will only intensify. In the future, fear can develop into a serious threat to health. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease at an early age. An effective conspiracy from fear can help with this.

In the process of slandering, water acquires magical properties, it is completely harmless, does not cause fear and irritation in children, therefore it is often used for speaking.

Initially, you need to visit the temple, purchase holy water and thirteen candles there. Arriving home, wait for the phase of the waning moon. After twelve o'clock at night, put lit church candles and a saucer of holy water on the table. After that, gaze intently into the flames, mentally asking the Lord to heal your child. Your motherly heart should feel ready to step forward. When the push occurs, you will immediately realize that you are ready to utter a conspiracy from fright. At that moment, say the spell:

“I say a strong word to the water, from fears and fears, from hostility and nightmares, I conjure it, I call on courage to help myself. May my darling not suffer, and let anxiety disappear from her! Holy water, help me heal, let me drink with courage and courage! Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is necessary to say the spell several times, the more the better. After reading the magic words, put out the candles. Take out the cinders to the crossroads and leave there. Wash the child with charmed water and let's drink. This rite will help not only get rid of fear, but also remove the evil eye.

The strongest conspiracy on wax

One of the most effective ways to treat fear is to conspire against fear with wax. This rite is in most cases applied to newborns. Relatives of the child should conduct the ritual. How to conduct a conspiracy from fear?

Never waxing on religious holidays or on Sundays.

Initially, you need to purchase wax. If there are problems in acquiring the material, then ordinary church candles will do. After the basic material is purchased, take a deep plate and pour running water into it. The liquid must be cold. Take the baby in your arms, stand near the threshold of a house or apartment. The face of the baby should be towards the exit of the dwelling.

Melt the wax in a suitable iron bowl, and raise the container of water above the baby’s head and read the prayer “Our Father”, then pouring the wax into the liquid, say a conspiracy from fear:

“Oh, you are passions and misfortunes.

From the servant of God (name), pour out and come out,

In a violent head, in thick hair,

In a bold heart, in a white body,

In the legs and arms, in the blood and in the eyes.

Don't sit, go away!

I will not pour out fear, but the Mother of God.

With her are angels and archangels, and holy guardians,

Yes, all the host of heaven. Amen".

The conspiracy from fright and wax manipulation should be repeated at least nine times. After the end of the procedure, the wax will depict intricate figures with various irregularities. This can only mean one thing, the wax material has absorbed the fear, anxiety, fussiness of the child. The baby should not look at the wax, otherwise the ceremony was carried out in vain, and a positive result can not be expected. After reading the spell, wax pictures can be used for their own purposes, but it is recommended to pour the used liquid under any bush or tree.

This conspiracy of fear is carried out several times. When the wax becomes even and smooth without any visible damage, we can assume that fear and the evil eye have disappeared, as a result of which the baby is completely healthy! The ceremony is performed twice a day, at any time of the day.

It is difficult to cure a fear in a child with traditional medicine, despite the modern development of psychology. The most effective healing of fear is represented by our ancestors and their heritage. Prayers and conspiracies from fear have been popular for hundreds of years. It was with these spells that thousands of children were saved and cured. The rituals presented above will help save the baby from misfortunes, fears and the strongest evil eye.

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Adults and children. How to remove fear with a conspiracy?

The fear spell is a proven effective tool to help get rid of a panic state in young children and adults. It is not difficult to treat fear in such a magical way, it is enough to choose the tools necessary for the ritual, write down or memorize simple words. The technique has been known since ancient times, it helps to cleanse the human biofield, rid him of melancholy, depression, inexplicable fear and fear.

Depending on the age and degree of panic, you need to select the appropriate plot for the situation from fear. For children, it is usually read in plain water, after making sure that the child is baptized. When treating adults, it is recommended to use a piece of rye bread, warm candle wax for incantation. The ritual belongs to light healing magic, so the reader should not have any fears of its harm.

Conspiracy from the fear of a baby

With such a simple ritual, a mother can save a baby from constant crying, calm him down before going to bed, and alleviate the baby's condition after a difficult birth. You need to pronounce the words in a quiet, calm voice, gently stroking the child on the crown of the head. Be sure to rewrite the rite on a piece of paper or learn by heart before pronouncing.

Conspiracy for a baptized baby

Conspiracies for water

The mother should say the following words in a calm tone on a bowl of ordinary or holy water:

“John the Baptist, our Savior, stood over the holy water, consecrated this water with the spirit. (Name) I will wash and wipe with holy water, I will take off my fear, I will take it away. Amen".

“Dear God, sanctify my water, put the baby (name) to sleep. Fear and grief take away, calm sleep and joy return to him again. Amen".

Water, spoken in front of the icon at home, you need to give the baby a drink, wash him. The rest is thrown out into the street.

Conspiracy from the fear of a child

The causes of children's fears can be a variety of factors: a loud sound or clap, darkness, barking dogs. So that the child is not capricious, not afraid to fall asleep in the evenings, you need to make a conspiracy rite. Magic phrases will relieve anxiety, save the baby from nervousness, panic fears. Before reading, you should cross the child, stroke him on the head.

For a deep sleep

You can read a longer plot before going to bed:

Dawn-dawn Daryushka, Dawn-dawn Maryushka,

You come to me, look at my child.

He did not sleep at night, did not close his mouth until morning.

Give him sound sleep, rest until the morning.

So that he can sleep peacefully all the week of the Lord.

All nights do not scream, do not sob, sleep soundly until morning.

Lord, bless me, Lord, help the little one.

Let him not be afraid of terrible dreams, do not suffer from colic. Amen".

From intense fear

If a child is very scared of something, afraid of every rustle, the following words will help calm him down:

You can pour holy water into an ordinary glass or a glass jar, christen it with a glass of a baby with the words:

“Bad thoughts, go away from the servant of God (name).

From a bright little head, a hand, a scabbard.

Float in the wind from the servant of God (name),

Fly away thoughts, do not return to (name) again.

After that, you need to give the child a little water to drink from a charmed glass, wipe his hands, stomach, forehead with a small amount of liquid. After that, the baby will calm down, fall asleep soundly.

"Pouring out" fright with wax

A mother or any close relative can wax a fright. It will take about 150 grams of wax, which can be obtained by melting church candles. Pour about 3 liters of cold water into a clean basin or bucket. We put the frightened child at the threshold facing the exit, carefully holding a mug of melted wax over our heads. We put a basin with cold water nearby. We read the prayer “Our Father” by heart, pour a tenth of the hot wax into a container of water.

Then we pronounce a short conspiracy from fear:

Don’t sit in your wild head and thoughts, leave as soon as possible.

I do not pour out fear, but guardian angels control me. Amen".

We repeat the phrase 9 times, each time pouring a little wax into the water. If, when you take it out, the reverse side remains uneven, has a pattern, fears still remain. So the next day we repeat the ceremony. If the bottom of the wax has become smooth, even, then the fears have disappeared.

Conspiracy from fright for adults

If something frightens a woman during pregnancy, it can affect her newborn baby. To get rid of panic, you should perform a simple magical rite.

Conspiracy during pregnancy

We are looking for a dog with light spots under the eyes. Waiting for her to start barking. At this time, we throw her a piece of bread or some food with the words:

"You will bark and howl a lot more,

And my baby will never be scared.

Theotokos in images

Let fear remain in the dog's eyes. Amen".

Triple conspiracy for bread

We take a piece of black or rye bread, move it over the head of a frightened person with the words:

Then the bread must be crushed for the birds, but only the frightened must do this. A friend or relative should read the plot for three days.

Holy water spell

You will need blessed water, 13 thin church candles. Lighted candles should be placed in a semicircle, placing a container of water next to it. You need to read the slander to yourself, watching the smoke of candles. As smoke disperses, so will fears after the following words:

Candle stubs after the ceremony should be thrown away, and water should be used for drinking and washing. You can talk water for the future, using it for daily washing.

All these conspiracies are effective with the correct pronunciation of phrases, the performance of accompanying rites. After reading, fears usually go away, relieving people of fear, anxiety, feeling unwell and panicking.

Remove fear and live without fear

The blessings of modern life have brought with them many unexpected surprises into our lives. People get frightened and fall ill with various diseases, ranging from insomnia to seizures. People are in constant fear! Both children and adults are frightened by the unexpected sounds of sirens, loud fireworks, an unexpected signal from a car, in cases of elevators getting stuck in high-rise buildings. Television news and various unthought-out programs scare people. People live in constant fear, thus wearing out their heart and nerves. The list of reasons for fear is huge, and there is no point in continuing it. You need to be able to treat fear with herbs and prayers, as any illness is gaining strength and growing.
Today we will learn ways to properly “pour out” fear.

Method one.

Melt nine church candles bought on Wednesday and nine candles bought on Friday. Pour "night" water into the cup, that is, water taken at night. The cup should be made of metal, enameled or aluminum, with high edges. Water must be consecrated in the church, that is, holy. If such water is not available, then take water from a well or stream. You cannot take water from a bucket from which you have already taken water for drinking. You need water that has not been drunk. Have the sick person sit facing the door. From a mug of melted candle wax, pour the wax into a cup of holy or well water, so that this cup is directly above the patient's head. First
read the prayer "Our Father", and then a conspiracy from any fright and all fears. The water is then poured out, and the wax is buried. The conspiracy is this:
Ninety nine passions
Ninety-nine Pains
Ninety-nine Ailments,
get out
From the servant of God (name).
pour out, come out
To holy water
you in this body
Don't nest.
Get out of his sight
With thick curls
violent heads,
zealous heart,
From red ore
From the temples
From the brains, the liver of the father-in-law.
You can't be sick here.
He was born by a mother
baptized by Jesus
About two hands
About two legs
In the image
Son of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, right now,
Forever and ever.

Method two.

Melt three church wax candles in a small enamel mug over the fire. Pour water into a basin or bowl, it used to be taken from a stream or melted snow. Have the patient sit facing the door and, holding the bowl over his head, slowly pour the wax into the water.
In doing so, you need to whisper:
How the wax flows
So pour out the fright
From (such and such),
From his eyes
From his speeches
From his blood
From his nails
From his lived and semi-lived,
With a zealous heart
From the liver of the father-in-law
There is no fear here.
Go you fright
On the threshold
Go from the threshold
To the East.
To the east is a swamp
In the swamp - a bump,
On that bump
Damn daughter.
She will take this fear,
Into the swamp
Topkoe will take.
There he should be
live there,
And (such and such) let go,
And (such and such) to forget.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, right now,
Forever and ever.

Method three.

Preparation for removal is done in the same way as in the first variant. The plot is read like this:
Passion, passion!
Get out, pour out
From the servant of God (name),
From his head
From thick curls
From his clear eyes
From a zealous heart
From hands, from feet,
With red blood
From eyelashes, right hands, from eyebrows.
I'm not flying, I'm not talking
The Mother of God speaks.
She herself will become
(such and such) pour out.
Her angels will fly
Fright in this body
Be banned.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever.

It is impossible to use one poured wax for another time. It is especially dangerous to treat one
and the same wax of different people, that in this case the fright will only intensify. Don't skimp on wax.

Another conspiracy from fear.

First, read “Our Father” three times in a row, then three times in a row “Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice ...” and finally, also three times in a row, the prayer “May God arise ...”. Then you can read directly the plot from fear.

Our Father
Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Mother of God Virgin, rejoice Mother of God Virgin, rejoice, Blessed Mary, Lord with
by you. Blessed are You in women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Let God rise...
Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons with power on you
crucified our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady
Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Get out the door.
You are terrible
sore, prickly,
From the family, from the people,
From white eyes
From a flying bullet
From a luminous prayer,
From the roaring thunder
From all items
From the midday demon
From the enemy of the night
Days and nights without sleep
Get out of my head
Servant of God (name),
From hands, from feet,
From the inside, from the heart
From veins, from bones,
From half-bones
From the joints
From semi-joints.
Go to the dense forests,
Shaking on the quagmire,
Where birds don't fly
human eye
Can not be.

If a woman, being pregnant, is very frightened, then the child can then be tormented by empty fears for a long time. In this case, the child, after being born, endlessly
cries, and doctors can not find the cause of this. You can help like this. Look for a dog that has light spots under the eyes that look like another eye. Wait for the moment when she barks, throw her food and say:
You bark and howl
And to my child
Don't be afraid.
Theotokos in images
And fear on the second
Dog eyes.

To cure fetal fright, take a handful of earth from under three trees: oak, maple and aspen. Place the patient with his face to the east, lay a piece of cloth in front of him and pour earth on him. Give the patient a candle in his hands, light it and read the following plot:
They sing a psalm
Prayer is read
Praise the Lord
The candle is lit.
fire fire
Fear of fear
Not afraid.
water water
Won't choke
From the servant of God (name)
Will be pumped out.
As long as this land
People have
Fear of fear
Servants of God
(name) will not eat.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

The earth is mixed and poured out under those trees from under which it was taken.

To remove intrauterine fear from a child, wait until the moon wanes,
take three eggs and boil them. For three nights in a row, put the child on your lap and roll these eggs over his body (from head to toe). After reading the plot, spit over your shoulder three times in a row. It is very important for this ceremony that the child has already been baptized. The conspiracy is this:
On the head bones
By the head
Straight on the back
On the heart muscle
On a white belly
By birth navel,
On frisky scissors,
By grasping hands
I roll a testicle
I remove fear
All the fear
I pick up all the disease.
Roll, testicle,
Who is to blame
Who sent sickness
Return to that
Who tortured the child
Come back to that
Loop, twist the wheel.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

If the pregnant woman is frightened, she should immediately be washed with charmed water. They speak water in such words:

Give me some water
Servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
In His
fertile womb
Carried Jesus Christ
Angel of God
Protected her
In all ways-roads
Save, Lord
Me and my child.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

If the child is shy, afraid to be alone, hides under the bed and screams at night, you need to speak some water and wash the child with it. The conspiracy is this:

Like in the womb
The child sleeps sweetly
Like your own nail
Man is not afraid
So would (such and such)
Wasn't afraid of anything
in vain
Didn't suffer from fear.
I don't heal
Mother of God helps
By your saints
Washes with hands.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now, right now,
Forever and ever.

If the child began to shudder for no reason, let the mother read a special plot over the water, in which she will then bathe the child. Usually one or two baths are enough, and everything passes, but I advise you to perform the ceremony three times in a row.
The spoken words are as follows:
Christ was baptized
In water and water
Through then
The water has become good.
Good water, take off
From the servant of God (name), then
What is suffering
What is the child doing.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Another conspiracy from children's fear. Carefully pour the melted wax over the head of a sick child (the wax is poured into a bowl of cold water prepared in advance), saying:
baby god (name),
Who scared
invisible eye
Fierce beast.
Let this beast
Who interferes with (name)
In a good life
lean back
From his fate.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

If, as a result of fright, a person began to stutter, read over the water at the beginning “Father
ours", and then a special conspiracy:
First time
Good afternoon
Mother of God is coming
Over the golden bridge.
- Where are you going,
Mother of God, are you coming?
- I'm going
To the servant of God (name)
Fear to speak
Speak language.
Mother of God
Help me.
I beg you
I speak with the crown
From the forehead, from the neck,
From the eyes, from the ears
From the tongue, from the sublanguage,
From the lungs, liver, kidneys,
From the chest, from the dewlap,
From the heart, from the stomach
From hands, from feet,
Of the seventy seven
You don't have to stand here
Have no blue veins
Do not burst the yellow bone
red blood
Don't rage.
What kind of fear are you
Please stop
Don't be afraid anymore.
God help me,
Holy Mother.

The most detailed description: a prayer from the fear of a child to pour on wax - for our readers and subscribers.

When the baby shows emotional instability, and serious problems associated with fears and phobias begin, parents think about how to cure the child's fear with wax.

How to drain the fear of a child on wax?

A safe option for a ritual based on white magic guarantees a high level of effectiveness. The most important thing is to know the ways and understand how best to act to avoid harm to the defenseless children's nervous system. At home, you can remove the fear of a child with wax.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • dishes for safe melting;
  • a bowl of spring water;
  • wax.

An older kid can participate in the procedure without unnecessary risks. Small children should not be subjected to the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the aura.

Rite preparation. It is recommended to melt 150 grams of wax in a water bath while reciting prayers. Then you should hold a bowl of water over the baby's head, carefully transfusing. During the ceremony, special conspiracies are read aimed at eliminating fear. It is impossible to change words in conspiracies, otherwise the effect is eliminated.

It is recommended to wrap the remains of the used melted wax in an old newspaper and throw it away, bury it in the ground, burn it in nature. Dishes should be washed thoroughly. Used water is poured under a tree.

Wax pouring fright in a child video:

How to conduct a ceremony to drain fear?

When can you pour out a fright in a child? When planning a procedure, you need to understand when it becomes available. Children under two years of age are most susceptible to fright, but there are unpleasant situations at other ages.

How to pour a fright in a child with wax:

  1. Before the beginning of the ceremony, prayers are said to God. It is recommended to read special prayers. As a result, Divine protection can be guaranteed;
  2. you should take a bowl and collect chilled water. It is best to use water from a well or stream;
  3. wax is melted on fire;
  4. the next stage is pouring out with wax from the child's fright by the overflow method. The result should be an ebb;
  5. when pouring, a conspiracy is pronounced or a special prayer is read;
  6. after the ceremony, you can see the ebb and find out the true cause of the fright;
  7. water is poured under a tree;
  8. wax is stored in a bowl until the next plot, taking into account the fact that you need to get a clean ebb without a figure.

Compliance with all stages guarantees an effective and safe ceremony.

Recommendations. It is best to conduct a slow transfusion, concentrating on the spoken words. After a while, you need to look at the back side, where the casting should appear. It becomes possible to see figures or objects, phenomena that led to strong fear. If numerous figures are seen, repeated ritual is recommended. The casting acquires a perfectly clean surface.

The variety of magical rites is surprising. For example, you can perform the following rite:

  1. the glass is filled with cool water with the addition of wax;
  2. now we are holding a low tide with a reading of the plot:

“I cast fears, I remove turmoil from small bones, from relics, from veins, and veins, from a zealous heart, from scarlet blood, from a violent head (baby's name). Let it be so. Amen".

Knowing how to pour out a child’s fear with wax, you need to follow important rules for the ceremony. This affects the effectiveness and efficiency of the event.

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Orthodox prayer for wax from fear.

Orthodox prayer for wax from fear.

The child may be frightened of the dark, the alarm signal of a car or the thundering movement of trains.

At school or kindergarten, our children play, rage and get scared by their more confident peers.

As for a sudden fright, its origin can be unpredictable.

If you notice that your child is showing all the symptoms of a frightened personality, see a doctor first.

A prayer appeal to the Lord God will be a great addition to traditional therapy.

Go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about the health of the frightened.

Place 3 candles each to the icon of the Blessed Matrona, the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Being at the image of the Savior, say these words to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Save the child from fear, take cares from the soul. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

At the exit, you buy 12 candles for the house, the icons listed above and collect holy water.

At the most appropriate time, close yourself in the room and light candles. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

Gaze into the burning flame and trust in God's protection.

Wait until a puddle of wax forms.

On it, you read the Orthodox prayer many times from the fright of the child.

I beg you, Lord, deliver my child from the fright of an accidental, sent and extraordinary. Take away the trembling of the body and the stiffness of the soul. Clear the fear from someone's hands, from evil eyes, from rude phrases. As wax melts, so all fears will diminish. As soon as fear melts into wax, the fear will immediately disappear. Let it be so. Amen.

Be patient and say a prayer until all the candles go out.

Remove icons. Drink holy water and let the child quench.

Remove the resulting wax from the apartment in the trash.

Periodically repeat the prayer, with faith in your soul, trusting in God's help.

Prayer from fright Matrona of Moscow.

I bring to your attention an Orthodox prayer from fear, addressed to the Matrona of Moscow.

Which helps to cope not with imaginary fear, but with real fear.

This is especially true for those who are experiencing within themselves the consequences of fear associated with a suddenly appeared car, a threat or reprisal.

To stop the symptoms of fright, you need to see a doctor, while at the same time whispering a special prayer to the Blessed Elder.

Time will pass, and you will feel how the instant fright that tormented you at night was destroyed under the onslaught of holy Orthodoxy.

Before you start whispering a prayer many times, visit an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note to yourself about Health.

Place 3 candles to the image of the Blessed Matrona, saying these prayer lines in a barely audible voice:

Blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow, help me cope with fear and cleanse my soul from demonic weakness. Amen.

Be baptized and leave the Temple, buying 12 more candles and collecting holy water.

Arriving home, retire to a room and light Orthodox candles. Next, put the icon of the Matrona of Moscow and a cup of holy water.

Try to calm down a bit as you watch the wax melt.

Read the prayer many times from fear, diligently baptized with faith in your soul:

Help me, Blessed Elder, to find peace in a sinful soul. Drive away my occasional fright and bring peace in faith. Protect me from destructive fear and give me strength for a speedy recovery. Ask the Lord God for mercy and righteous fear for his punishment. May your will be done. Amen.

Drink holy water regularly.

It was a very strong prayer from fear, addressed to the Matrona of Moscow.

It will certainly help those who regularly dedicate free minutes to holy Orthodoxy.

A strong conspiracy from fright to holy water.

You can independently get rid of the severe consequences of fright by using the proposed conspiracy for holy water.

Frightened once, you can be afraid of something throughout your life.

There are cases when already adults cannot fall asleep in thick darkness.

Of course, you can live with this disease, but what about those who, fearing a collision or flight, are no longer able to use these modes of transport.

And this is not all the consequences of fear that really exist in people's lives.

To get rid of a strong fright with the help of a conspiracy, you will have to “wash off” it with holy water, bringing it from the Orthodox Church ahead of time.

You also need to buy 13 candles.

Exactly at midnight, close in the room and light candles. Place a vessel with holy water nearby.

Look closely at the burning flame and mentally drive away the fuming fright.

Repeatedly read a magical conspiracy aimed at blocking all types of fear.

I speak water from fright and fear, from nightmares and hostility. I exorcise anxiety, call for courage on the road. Let any fear disappear, now my soul will not suffer. Holy water, help me heal, give me the courage to drink freely. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Throw out the stubs. Drink holy water.

Wet your palms with it and wash your face with life-giving moisture.

Get into bed.

Perform a magical conspiracy until it starts to work properly.

Its strength will directly depend on your internal state, as well as on unbridled faith in the final result.

Let fear leave you forever!

A strong conspiracy from the stuttering of a child.

If your child stutters, and visiting a speech therapist does not give positive results, a strong magical conspiracy is at your service.

Stuttering is a complex problem, which needs to be solved systematically.

It is possible that your child became a stutterer from a sudden fright or due to the peculiarities of the nervous system.

Just please do not be afraid, but seek help from the moonlight.

The child does not need to know what you are going to do.

Go to church and buy 13 candles.

Get some holy water.

Leave God's halls.

When midnight comes, retire to a room.

Light all the candles. Place a vessel with holy water nearby.

Mentally imagine a child in good health, clearly pronouncing difficult words.

Proceed to repeatedly whisper a magical conspiracy from stuttering, addressed to the most powerful elements.

I turn to you night, I beg you, the element of the moon. Like a thought to words, like a word to lips, and stuttering is to hell. The child will not stutter, but will clearly express himself. Let the disease recede faster, and my debt will be redeemed by the elements. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Drink holy water.

Put out the candles. Take out the stubs.

Discreetly add some holy water to your child in any drinks or milk.

Heal him in this way for at least 13 days.

In the event that the disease is started, you will have to perform the midnight ritual again, patiently waiting for the calendar phase of the full moon.

Adults and children. How to remove fear with a conspiracy?

The fear spell is a proven effective tool to help get rid of a panic state in young children and adults. It is not difficult to treat fear in such a magical way, it is enough to choose the tools necessary for the ritual, write down or memorize simple words. The technique has been known since ancient times, it helps to cleanse the human biofield, rid him of melancholy, depression, inexplicable fear and fear.

Depending on the age and degree of panic, you need to select the appropriate plot for the situation from fear. For children, it is usually read in plain water, after making sure that the child is baptized. When treating adults, it is recommended to use a piece of rye bread, warm candle wax for incantation. The ritual belongs to light healing magic, so the reader should not have any fears of its harm.

Conspiracy from the fear of a baby

With such a simple ritual, a mother can save a baby from constant crying, calm him down before going to bed, and alleviate the baby's condition after a difficult birth. You need to pronounce the words in a quiet, calm voice, gently stroking the child on the crown of the head. Be sure to rewrite the rite on a piece of paper or learn by heart before pronouncing.

Conspiracy for a baptized baby

Conspiracies for water

The mother should say the following words in a calm tone on a bowl of ordinary or holy water:

“John the Baptist, our Savior, stood over the holy water, consecrated this water with the spirit. (Name) I will wash and wipe with holy water, I will take off my fear, I will take it away. Amen".

“Dear God, sanctify my water, put the baby (name) to sleep. Fear and grief take away, calm sleep and joy return to him again. Amen".

Water, spoken in front of the icon at home, you need to give the baby a drink, wash him. The rest is thrown out into the street.

Conspiracy from the fear of a child

The causes of children's fears can be a variety of factors: a loud sound or clap, darkness, barking dogs. So that the child is not capricious, not afraid to fall asleep in the evenings, you need to make a conspiracy rite. Magic phrases will relieve anxiety, save the baby from nervousness, panic fears. Before reading, you should cross the child, stroke him on the head.

For a deep sleep

You can read a longer plot before going to bed:

Dawn-dawn Daryushka, Dawn-dawn Maryushka,

You come to me, look at my child.

He did not sleep at night, did not close his mouth until morning.

Give him sound sleep, rest until the morning.

So that he can sleep peacefully all the week of the Lord.

All nights do not scream, do not sob, sleep soundly until morning.

Lord, bless me, Lord, help the little one.

Let him not be afraid of terrible dreams, do not suffer from colic. Amen".

From intense fear

If a child is very scared of something, afraid of every rustle, the following words will help calm him down:

You can pour holy water into an ordinary glass or a glass jar, christen it with a glass of a baby with the words:

“Bad thoughts, go away from the servant of God (name).

From a bright little head, a hand, a scabbard.

Float in the wind from the servant of God (name),

Fly away thoughts, do not return to (name) again.

After that, you need to give the child a little water to drink from a charmed glass, wipe his hands, stomach, forehead with a small amount of liquid. After that, the baby will calm down, fall asleep soundly.

"Pouring out" fright with wax

A mother or any close relative can wax a fright. It will take about 150 grams of wax, which can be obtained by melting church candles. Pour about 3 liters of cold water into a clean basin or bucket. We put the frightened child at the threshold facing the exit, carefully holding a mug of melted wax over our heads. We put a basin with cold water nearby. We read the prayer “Our Father” by heart, pour a tenth of the hot wax into a container of water.

Then we pronounce a short conspiracy from fear:

Don’t sit in your wild head and thoughts, leave as soon as possible.

I do not pour out fear, but guardian angels control me. Amen".

We repeat the phrase 9 times, each time pouring a little wax into the water. If, when you take it out, the reverse side remains uneven, has a pattern, fears still remain. So the next day we repeat the ceremony. If the bottom of the wax has become smooth, even, then the fears have disappeared.

Conspiracy from fright for adults

If something frightens a woman during pregnancy, it can affect her newborn baby. To get rid of panic, you should perform a simple magical rite.

Conspiracy during pregnancy

We are looking for a dog with light spots under the eyes. Waiting for her to start barking. At this time, we throw her a piece of bread or some food with the words:

"You will bark and howl a lot more,

And my baby will never be scared.

Theotokos in images

Let fear remain in the dog's eyes. Amen".

Triple conspiracy for bread

We take a piece of black or rye bread, move it over the head of a frightened person with the words:

Then the bread must be crushed for the birds, but only the frightened must do this. A friend or relative should read the plot for three days.

Holy water spell

You will need blessed water, 13 thin church candles. Lighted candles should be placed in a semicircle, placing a container of water next to it. You need to read the slander to yourself, watching the smoke of candles. As smoke disperses, so will fears after the following words:

Candle stubs after the ceremony should be thrown away, and water should be used for drinking and washing. You can talk water for the future, using it for daily washing.

All these conspiracies are effective with the correct pronunciation of phrases, the performance of accompanying rites. After reading, fears usually go away, relieving people of fear, anxiety, feeling unwell and panicking.

How to remove a fright in a child by pouring on wax?

If the child's fear is strong enough, it is necessary to perform a cycle of rites of pouring fear onto wax. In this situation, the first rite in turn will also serve as a reliable diagnosis - the cast wax figurine, with its shape and relief, will indicate the origin of fears and the need for further action. You should not turn to numerous "witches" for help: instead of removing the child's fear, you can even more scare him with a stranger and an unfamiliar environment.

The rite of relieving a child's fear by pouring it on wax is on a par with such ancient rituals as rolling out a fright with an egg, treating with salt or casting tin.

You can independently understand that the ritual is necessary when:

  • the child begins to be afraid of sharp gestures, sounds, strangers;
  • the child does not sleep well, cries out, cries in a dream;
  • there is a problem of urinary incontinence.

If you do not pour out fear, this state after a while turns into an obsessive horror, called a commotion. At this stage, severe neurological signs occur: convulsive phenomena, loss of sensation in the limbs (numbness of the fingers or toes), blanching of the skin.

Before proceeding with the action at home, you should pay attention to a number of conditions, the failure to comply with which can reduce the effectiveness of the ritual or nullify all the efforts made:

  • It is necessary for a baptized person to pour on wax, since the prayer uttered by him must have power. A child who will be proofread also cannot be unbaptized.
  • It is allowed to perform the ceremony without taking into account the phase of the moon, and choose the time of day in the evening or morning dawn. With big problems and the inability to delay the treatment, it is allowed to perform the ritual twice a day, for both dawns.
  • Mothers, when reading the words of the rite for children, must definitely cover their heads with a scarf. When planning the ritual in advance, it is necessary to calculate that neither the mother nor the other woman, whose help may be needed in the ceremony, has no menstruation for this period. It happens that you have to turn a blind eye to this when the baby needs urgent help, but then the ban on kissing icons or frequently touching them comes into force.
  • Important dates of the Orthodox calendar should not be ignored: rituals cannot be performed on great church holidays or on Sundays! During the fasts, treatment is allowed, but not on the first day and not on holidays.
  • In the room where the ceremony will take place with water and a candle at the ebb of fright, there should be icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus and Panteleimon the Healer.

The exact number of sessions required cannot be determined in advance. It will be possible to remove the “young” fear the first time, although experienced people recommend fixing the result with three rites. "Old", accumulated fears pour out heavily, in several cycles of 9 sessions. It is very simple to check the need to prolong the procedures for removing a fright in a child: the poured wax should have the shape of a rounded plaque without a pronounced relief and with smooth edges. If on the ninth rite the wax plate is still a figured pattern and has bulges on the back, you need to take a three-day break and repeat the whole circle.

Church candles are made from high quality wax, so it is better to use them, rather than a solid wax mass bought in a store. Candles are melted, breaking them into small pieces, in a water bath, stirring so that no solid pieces remain. After letting the melted wax go off a little with heat, you need to pour the candle mass into a regular bag and form a rounded lump with your hands. You should get a piece of at least 100 g and no more than 200 g of weight.

If it is possible to use well or stream water, the rite will receive additional power, but it will take more time to prepare for it. It is necessary for the performer of the ceremony herself to collect “living” water from the well before sunrise, when there is confidence that no one disturbed the water surface that had rested during the night. It is necessary to stand with your back to the west, and when the vessel with water appears on the surface of the log house, say the words: “Abraham’s well, let me draw water from all evil spirits, from all witchcraft, from all creatures, from all pains, for the good health of the servant of God (say your child's name). Amen".

From the stream, since it is constantly in motion, you can take water even after sunrise, but the container for the liquid must be led against the current, having managed to pronounce the same words. Leaving a stream or a well with filled containers, you can’t look behind your back.

The main condition for water, which will be used to relieve a child's fear, is its integrity. You can not drink from the source from where the healing liquid is collected. The exception is tap water - after the necessary 3 liters for the ceremony are collected early in the morning, you can drain the next water a little into the sink and use it further for domestic purposes.

Over tap water, while it is being drawn into a container in a thin stream, the following words are read: “The Lord goes forward, the Mother of God is in the middle, the angels are on the sides, and I, baptized, behind, the saint, take water. Good evening to you, Ulyana water, Tatiana land and Maryana night, give me holy water from a dashing misfortune.

Having brought water to the house where the sacrament will take place, you should read the conspiracy to “charge” the liquid: “The first day is Monday, the second day is Tuesday, the third is Wednesday, water will help you. You, the water of Ulyana, cleansed the roots and flints, cleanse the heart of the servant of God (name) from blood, from bones, from the inside of the stomach "

During the ceremony, the child should not sleep or act up. It is worth waking up the baby in advance, preparing him for what is happening. If the child is still small, it is enough to feed and calm him. It is better to use the help of another relative: if the child shows restlessness, let the assistant take him in his arms, take him with a toy.

The already prepared wax lump must be quickly melted in a water bath, and the prepared water (from 2 to 3 liters) should be poured into a glass or enameled bowl. The child is seated facing the front door of the house (apartment).

Before the start of the whole action, the mother reads the prayer “Our Father”, then takes a bowl of water in her left hand, brings it over the baby’s head (above the crown of the head) and with her right hand, from the ladle, begins to thinly pour wax into the container, uttering the phrase: “In the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen". The plot must be read 9 times without straying.

Wax should pour out completely. After that, the ladle is set aside, and with the freed right hand, without moving the bowl from the crown of the baby, you need to start laying unhurried crosses along the edge of the container, while clearly pronouncing a conspiracy from fear: “Passion, passion, come out, pour out from the servant of God, baby (name) from a wild head, from thick curls, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart, from hands, from legs, from veins and lived, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly. It is not I who pour out passions, fear, but Mother Mother of God pours out with all the angels, archangels, guardians and patrons.

There is another version of the same conspiracy. If the rites are grouped into several cycles, you can read the first plot in one cycle, and another in the second. The principle is the same - they baptize and read: “As wax pours, so pour out fear from the servant of God, the baby (name), come out of his eyes, from his head, from his heart, from scarlet blood, from his hands, from his stomach, from his feet. No longer live in this body fears, fears. I’m not flying, I’m talking, but Mother Mother of God. She herself pours out fear, forbids the fear of being with the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen."

When the reading is over, you need to get the wax out of the bowl and carefully examine the reverse side of the flat plaque. After the ceremony, you can again melt it into a lump and use it further. One piece is enough for an unlimited number of times.

It is not recommended for a child to look at a bowl, while there is charmed water, or at a wax figurine. Water must be removed as soon as possible. You shouldn’t keep it in the house, but you shouldn’t pour it into the sink either - only on the street, on the ground, under a growing plant. Pouring water, you need to hastily (until the bowl is empty) utter a short conspiracy: “Mother Voditsa, take away from the Child of God (child's name), all illnesses, sorrows, all superficial and cross. Amen".

A preliminary understanding of whether there is a fright and whether the diagnosis was erroneous can be made even before the casting is turned over. The edges of the "disturbing" casting will be ribbed, torn or tuberculate. Other signs are read on the back:

  • the wax plate is filled with bubbles - the child is experiencing a deep internal conflict that seems unsolvable to him;
  • the entire bottom of the casting is plastered with balls, rounded bumps - over the baby someone's strong envy and someone else's will;
  • a drawing resembling a “comma” is visible - intrauterine fright;
  • there is a bulge in the middle of the plate, from which circular waves diverge - a strong fright at the level of the central chakra;
  • densely spaced stripes or a lot of curls, “curls” - a formed fright with an indication of its intensity; the more curls or stripes, the stronger and “older” the fear;
  • waves crowned with one small or several rounded bumps - another 1-2 sessions are enough to cure;
  • the wax plaque is smooth from below or has small, inexpressive waves - the treatment is over.

The Church unequivocally states that any rituals with wax cast from church candles are a sin, while not separating the rituals performed for evil and for good. You can also remove the fear from a child bypassing the violation of an immutable ban - using a piece of wax purchased separately. However, for the purity of the ceremony of pouring on wax, traditional healers insist on high-quality material from which temple candles are smelted.

When the child's well-being goes far beyond the norm and fear reduces the quality of his life, slows down or reverses development, it is permissible for the mother to move away from the strict conventions of the church and cure the baby on her own.

And some secrets.

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So I chose a different way for myself.

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