Born on September 18 characteristic of a woman.

You are practical, insightful, analytical and imaginative. Sometimes, when you are interested in the matter, you are very determined, purposeful and hardworking, but at times you are inert and quite happy doing nothing.

You were born on September 18, the zodiac sign is Virgo. As you strive for peace, harmonious surroundings and comfort, love, affection and home play a large role in your life.

Despite the ability to pay attention to detail and meticulousness, you should avoid excessive criticality and anxiety due to the habit of weighing and thinking everything over. You are distinguished by a love of knowledge and a desire to share information with others.

Despite some nervousness, your clear thinking and practical approach make you a good strategist.

When you combine this quality with a highly developed intuition, you can achieve excellent results.

You may not be too hasty in making commitments, but once you make a decision, you become very responsible and serious.

From an early age, you show friendliness and sociability. At the age of 4, a period begins during which relationships and diplomatic abilities acquire special significance.

At age 34, there is a turning point that highlights a deeper emotional need for change, strength, and personal power.

PERSONAL FORECAST FOR 2020 - calculated based on your PERSONAL birth data. Plus, you will receive a calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for the whole year.

After the age of 64, you show great entrepreneurial spirit, and also discover in yourself a desire to explore life through travel or higher education. Possible acquaintances with foreigners or trips abroad.

Personal qualities of those born on September 18

Given your exactingness and striving for excellence, you should avoid excessive rigor and pickiness. However, you have the inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve the recognition you need.

In leadership positions, you need to maintain fairness, honesty and impartiality.

Despite the ability to achieve excellent results, achieving a certain goal, you know that you cannot do without interaction with others. Fortunately, Virgos born on September 18 know how to communicate with people and make the right connections.

However, unreasonable fear about the lack of financial savings should be overcome. Partnerships and joint projects can bring you exceptional benefits.

Work and vocation of those born on September 18

Pedantry and exactingness help to succeed in the professions of a researcher, statistician, economist, or accountant. Since working together can help you move forward, you may decide to work in a business partnership or in a group.

Thanks to organizational skills, you can succeed in leadership positions.

Born on September 18, professions that feed a sharp analytical mind are suitable: psychology, lecturing or writing. You might as well choose to work in publishing, advertising, or the media.

You might do well in treatment. You also have the ability to collect money for good deeds.

Love and partnership born on September 18

You are charming and friendly and usually enjoy socializing. Despite the need for love and affection, stability and security play an important role in your relationship.

You are attracted to smart people and often seek to share your need for self-expression with like-minded people.

Although passionate, romantic and sensual, beware of manifestations of excessive emotionality or exactingness if events do not unfold the way you would like.

Ideal partner for those born on September 18

You can find emotional satisfaction and an ideal partner among those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 8, 18, 22; February 6, 16, 20; March 14, 18, 28; April 12, 16, 26; May 10, 14, 24; June 8, 12, 22; 6, 10, 20, 29 July; August 4, 8, 18, 27, 30; September 2, 6, 16, 25, 28; 4, 14, 23, 26, 30 October; November 2, 12, 21, 24, 28; December 10, 19, 22, 26, 28.
  • favorable contacts : January 6, 10, 25, 30; 4, 8, 23, 28 February; March 2, 6, 21, 26; April 4, 19, 24; May 2, 17, 22; June 15, 20, 30; July 13, 18, 28; August 11, 16, 26; September 9, 14, 24; October 7, 12, 22; November 5, 10, 20; 3, 8, 18 December.
  • Kindred soul : January 6, 25; February 4, 23; March 2, 21; April 19; May 17; June 15; July 13; 11th August; 9th of September; November 7; 5th of December.
  • fatal attraction : March 13, 14, 15, 16, 17; May 29; 27th of June; July 25; August 23; September 21; October 19; November 17; December 15th.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 13, 29, 31; February 11, 27, 29; March 9, 25, 27; April 7, 23, 25; May 5, 21, 23; 3, 19, 21 June; July 1, 17, 19; August 15, 17; September 15th; October 11, 13; November 9, 11; 7, 9 December.

You are very energetic, emotional, firm in your decisions and endowed with a very decisive character. You also have a great sense of humor.

Anyone whose birthday is September 18, the zodiac sign Virgo, should know that in order to achieve harmony with your inner “I”, you need to work for a long time, strain your strength, be persistent and confident in your abilities, because you are assertive and not deprived of willpower. Learn to control emotions, be more tolerant and softer towards others.

Representatives born on September 18, the zodiac sign Virgo, are still those “dark horses”, you can expect various unusual surprises and unpredictable actions from them. No one knows exactly what Virgo will do at one time or another. There are also situations in the lives of these people where they quite often find themselves in the center of everyone's attention.

Virgos are distinguished by their suspiciousness, sometimes their mania prevents them from building relationships with people. This is because the representatives of this sign are secretive and do not want to let anyone into their space, erecting a high fence.

And if you intend to earn their trust, you need to prove your benevolence. Even from those who are very dear to Virgos and on whom their lives sometimes depend, they separate themselves and keep their distance.

Those born on September 18, the zodiac sign Virgo, are endowed with thoughtfulness and responsibility. They tend to analyze, get to the truth, study the facts and identify cause and effect relationships. They need to know everything about the world around them.

Life throws people of this sign from one extreme to another. On their way, either one hundred percent luck and luck arise (then they manifest themselves as very successful individuals), or difficulties and obstacles (then they are forced to throw all their strength into overcoming them, forgetting about personal self-development). Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for people born under this zodiac sign to find a compromise in this regard.

Often, Virgos do not live near their native walls, their native city. Often they are far away both in their location in space and in their spiritual and moral personal state.

Many of them do not tolerate the reminder of the past. Everything that remains behind, Virgos simply cross out of life (this also applies to love relationships).

Men and women born on September 18 zodiac sign Virgo, alas, do not have the ability to think outside the box in difficult situations. Sometimes circumstances make you nervous, panic, and then the Virgos lose control.

It is very important for such people to develop resistance to stress.

Many famous people were born on September 18: Greta Garbo (actress), Lance Armstrong (famous cyclist), Keely Hazel (famous model), Michael Landis (actor), Andrea Leon (actress) and others.

Here are some tips for men and women born on September 18 zodiac sign Virgo: be more consistent in your decisions and actions; listen to yourself and the voice of your body more often, do not deprive physiological symptoms of attention; do not be afraid to enter into conflicts if the situation requires it (sometimes conflict is a great outlet for emotions). You have a great sense of humor, often joke and relate with irony to what is happening. Do not worry about trifles, everything will definitely work out!

Persons born on September 9, 18 and 27 are influenced by the number 9. If your birthday falls on September 9, 18 or 27, then according to the laws of zodiacal astrology and a system based on Chaldean numerology, you are under the sign of Virgo, the second house of the earth trine and are ruled by Mars and Mercury (negative). At the same time, persons born on September 27 acquire the qualities determined by the sign of Libra, the second House of the air trine, which is coming into force, which will be discussed later.

The main traits and features of your character are described in the general section on people born in September.

People born on September 9 and 18 can be characterized in much the same way as those born on the same dates in June, when Mercury positive rules; the main difference is that the September version involves a little more diplomacy in presenting one's views and a little more flexibility and "tact" in carrying out the plan.

The planets Mars and Mercury are friendly, while Mars gives Mercury some of its ardor, energy and determination. This combination will provide you with a very lively mind, a passion for risk and adventure.

Just like people born on June 9 and 18, you run the risk of making enemies with the frankness of your speeches, the habit of "cutting the truth in the eyes."

You will be very observant, critical, somewhat snide and prone to getting irritated over trifles. You will have the ability to design and engineering work, entrepreneurship and organization of production. You will try to mechanize and automate the production processes in your enterprise, both for the purpose of increasing efficiency and for the love of invention.

You will also have an aptitude for the professions of surgeon, dentist and other occupations that require working with precision instruments. You will be interested in all new scientific directions, you can become a philosopher or a writer.

On the other hand, there will be a predisposition in your character for such occupations as the development of new lands for the purpose of organizing agricultural work on them and introducing mechanization and automation into them.

Like people born on the same days of June, you are threatened by numerous accidents, mainly associated with various kinds of mechanical devices, the danger also comes from animals and aircraft (in general, air travel is not safe for you).

If you were born on September 27, then the threat of accidents becomes even more serious, the dangers associated with fires and accidents are added. However, in spite of everything, persons born on September 9, 18 and 27, as a rule, succeed in all endeavors.

Most important to you numbers and dates are associated with the influence of the numbers "5" and "9" and make up a series of 9, 18, 27, as well as 5, 14, 23, so try to time your most important business and meetings to these dates of each month.

For people born on September 27, the series of numbers "6" and "9" is of the greatest importance, that is, 6, 15, 24, 9, 18, 27.

To enhance your magnetic influence, you should, at least in some detail, wear clothes with pink, red and crimson elements on a light background.

Your lucky stones- rubies, garnets, all kinds of stones of red and pink shades, as well as diamonds and bloodstones.

Most important years your life - 9th, 18th, 27th, 36th, 45th, 54th, 63rd, 72nd and 81st.

You will most likely be interested and attracted to people whose dates of birth fall on the series of numbers "3, 6, 9", that is, on 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30th date of each month.

Financial position

People born on September 9, 18 and 27 are usually lucky in money matters and, thanks to their original ideas, can achieve financial prosperity in any chosen field.


You are far more likely to suffer from accidents than to suffer from a common illness. Those born on September 27 may find themselves on the operating table more than once.

The zodiac sign of people born on September 18 is Virgo. The sun on this day is usually at 26° Virgo. Behavior type: mutable. Astrological element: earth. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope of those born on September 18

Character according to the horoscope

They are distinguished by restraint and closeness, despite this, often their work is connected with people. Painfully relate to various conflicts, violence or open confrontation. They don't handle stress well.

They have an attractive appearance, but do not really believe in themselves. Many develop a special relationship with everything related to religion and faith: such an attitude can be both the result of some personal experience, and the expression of an artistic nature or social work.

They often live far from where they were born, both geographically and emotionally. Many of them prefer not to be remembered for past cases.

Rarely open a closed door or return to a long finished one.

love according to the horoscope

Their world belongs only to them, and getting there is really not easy. You can rely on them, but we must remember that this is not forever: at any moment they can end their friendship or love relationship.

Therefore, it is quite dangerous to deal with them, unless those around them are prepared in advance for the changeability of the nature of those born on this day.

Career by horoscope

They can succeed, but at the same time they will be haunted by failures and misfortunes.

September 18th Tarot Card: Moon

Name of the figure: Moon, Twilight.

Image of the figure: in the foreground are two dogs that sit with their muzzles turned to the sky, to the full moon, and howl mournfully. Cancer lurks in stagnant water. In the distance are two towers.

Symbol: you wander in the twilight of your soul, not finding a way, and not knowing, in fact, where you are wandering.

Meanings: dangers, slander, secrets, lies, ambiguity, indecision, fears.

Analogies: Astrology: Moon in the sign of Cancer; Health: neuroses, rheumatism; Professions: ballerina, actor, singer, prostitute.

Planet born September 18

Mars (1 + 8 = 9): corresponds to the will, the desire to assert one's own Self through actions and strength. Instinctive and primitive. Symbolizes sexuality.

Birthday number September 18

Number 1: a symbol of the higher self, activity, desire, authority, but sometimes also self-centeredness and superiority. A symbol of success and fame.

Number 8: a symbol of capable administrators and economists. The number 8 requires time and space to devote to their own conquests. People of this number are self-confident, powerful and courageous. Never give up and never give up.


Obesity, cardiopathy.


Employee, actor, courier.


Depth of nature, diligence, elegance.


Unsociableness, closeness, negativity.

Virgos who celebrate their birthday on September 18 are self-sufficient, serious and secretive. Being extremely suspicious of human motives, you give access to your private life to only a small number of people you can trust. Ironically, the main obstacles to the seclusion you want are your outstanding talents and ability to achieve the success that celebrity status inevitably entails. The more you seek to hide from everyone's attention, the more interest you arouse. You are much more emotional than other Virgos, and when feelings come into play, your reactions begin to obey intuition, and not reason.

Those born on September 18 may be prone to chronic illnesses, sometimes resulting from accidents or surgeries. Vulnerable areas are the abdomen, reproductive organs, kidneys and adrenal glands. When those born on this day have serious health problems, they can endure them quite stoically and learn to live with them. They should, however, more actively deal with the manifestations of the disease in the usual therapeutic ways. Appetite (both for food and for sex) should not become an expression of neurosis, whether it means its absence or, on the contrary, its excess. Born on September 18th can cause especially noticeable harm to their body when their energy is not balanced, and therefore acupuncture, chiropractic and yoga are especially useful for them.

Born September 18th are extremely private, even secretive people who, for one reason or another, often have a public career. Their world is very private and not easily accessible to outsiders. They can be completely dependent on their partners, but at the same time, many of them are able to decisively and unexpectedly end friendships or love relationships if something does not suit them. Thus, they are dangerous to deal with, unless their environment is ready for such changes.

Sign of the Zodiac September 18 -

Sign Element: . Your zodiac sign belongs to the earth signs, which are distinguished by the following qualities: diligence, dedication, decency, cleanliness, reasoned conclusions, legibility, sacrifice.

Planet Ruler: . Predetermines criticality, pedantry. The planet is favorable for analysts, doctors, those who work in the service sector. The planet in exile is Neptune. Her Virgos can thank for the dislike of the abstract, as well as the lack of a flight of fancy.

September 18, Virgos are born. They are cold-blooded, practical, principled. Also, representatives of the sign are known as staunch materialists. At the same time, Virgos born on September 18 are more emotional than others. They tend to trust intuition rather than reason. Actions on impulse are not uncommon for Virgos. Many of them they may later regret. But at the moment of impulsive action, they get real pleasure from life. Virgos born on September 18 are difficult to converge with people. They check potential friends for a long time, to be sure about future spouses. This is not to everyone's liking. Alas, Virgos are often lonely.

Those born on this day often achieve great success, but in the same way, sheer bad luck can haunt them. Beauty is the main theme of their life. They are very sensitive to any strife, violence, or fierce competition that they would gladly avoid. The fact is that those born on September 18 do not know how to cope with severe stress, moreover, despite their imposing and attractive appearance, if they do not suffer from an inferiority complex, then at least they do not have a high degree of self-confidence. However, when those born on September 18 are directly faced with really difficult problems, they are ready for a decent answer, because they are used to comprehending everything with their own minds. These people really like to understand everything to the subtleties, and in order to achieve this, they often retire or isolate themselves from the world in order to be able to privately conduct a deep study of the subject that interests them. Thoughtful, thoughtful and deep, they take life very seriously, maybe even too seriously sometimes.

Most of those born on September 18 have a special relationship with a cult or faith, which is reflected either in their personal development or in artistic expression when trying to convert other people. Thanks to their perseverance, they do an excellent job with their studies, no matter how difficult it may be. Those born on this day are quite suitable for a lifestyle that requires the utmost concentration of attention, as well as the suppression of one's own "I". This can lead to significant emotional difficulties, but more often creates an aura of mystery around them, making them very attractive.

Friends and loved ones should know when to contact those born on September 18 with any question, and when it is better to leave them alone. If the partner can feel this, success in the relationship will be ensured. Those born on September 18th can often be found far from their home - whether geographically or emotionally - and many of them do not like to be reminded of the past. In general, they leave the past behind them and rarely return to a closed topic or long-silent feelings.

Virgo man - born on September 18

Men with a date of birth of September 18 are distinguished by the following qualities: such a gentleman is technical, useful, reasonable, analyst, caring. Only an ideal woman in every sense can please a Virgo man - modest, well-mannered, educated, with an impeccable appearance, inaccessible and mysterious. You should not expect surprises or explosive emotions from the Virgo man. It is stable, constant and very predictable. He performs all his actions according to a clear plan, having understood the logic of which, one can understand the man himself.

Virgo woman - born on September 18

Women who celebrate their birthday on September 18 are distinguished by special features: such a lady is dependent, capable, independent. Virgos strive for perfection in everything - in their careers, in relationships, and in appearance. Coquetry is alien to them, but false modesty is also an atypical feature of Virgos. They accept well-deserved compliments and courtship with dignity, but are not seduced by them. Virgo women are well versed in people, it is difficult to deceive or mislead them.

Birthday 18 September

If September 18 is the day and month of your birth, then your zodiac sign is Virgo. You are very energetic, emotional, firm in your decisions and endowed with a very decisive character. You also have a great sense of humor. Anyone whose birthday is September 18, the zodiac sign Virgo, should know that in order to achieve harmony with your inner “I”, you need to work for a long time, strain your strength, be persistent and confident in your abilities, because you are assertive and not deprived of willpower. Learn to control emotions, be more tolerant and softer towards others.

Representatives born on September 18, the zodiac sign Virgo, are still those “dark horses”, you can expect various unusual surprises and unpredictable actions from them. No one knows exactly what Virgo will do at one time or another. There are also situations in the lives of these people where they quite often find themselves in the center of everyone's attention. Virgos are distinguished by their suspiciousness, sometimes their mania prevents them from building relationships with people. This is because the representatives of this sign are secretive and do not want to let anyone into their space, erecting a high fence. And if you intend to earn their trust, you need to prove your benevolence. Even from those who are very dear to Virgos and on whom their lives sometimes depend, they separate themselves and keep their distance.

Those born on September 18, the zodiac sign Virgo, are endowed with thoughtfulness and responsibility. They tend to analyze, get to the truth, study the facts and identify cause and effect relationships. They need to know everything about the world around them. Life throws people of this sign from one extreme to another. On their way, either one hundred percent luck and luck arise (then they manifest themselves as very successful individuals), or difficulties and obstacles (then they are forced to throw all their strength into overcoming them, forgetting about personal self-development). Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for people born under this zodiac sign to find a compromise in this regard.

Often, Virgos do not live near their native walls, their native city. Often they are far away both in their location in space and in their spiritual and moral personal state. Many of them do not tolerate the reminder of the past. Everything that remains behind, Virgos simply cross out of life (this also applies to love relationships). Men and women born on September 18 zodiac sign Virgo, alas, do not have the ability to think outside the box in difficult situations. Sometimes circumstances make you nervous, panic, and then the Virgos lose control. It is very important for such people to develop resistance to stress.

Here are some tips for men and women born on September 18 zodiac sign Virgo: be more consistent in your decisions and actions, listen to yourself and the voice of your body more often, do not deprive physiological symptoms of attention. Do not be afraid to enter into conflicts if the situation requires it (sometimes conflict is a great outlet for emotions). You have a great sense of humor, often joke and relate with irony to what is happening. Do not worry about trifles, everything will definitely work out!

Love and Compatibility

You seem bright, unusual and mysterious, but deep down you are shy and not too confident. Your public image is a mask that hides internal doubts. It will take a lot of tenderness, understanding and support of another person to win your love and devotion.

The most likely to make an ideal pair with Virgo are representatives of other earth signs of the zodiac - Taurus and Capricorn. They, like Virgos, expect constancy and stability rather than a hurricane of passions from relationships. Taurus will help Virgos become more sensual and emotional, and Capricorns will easily understand the desire for order and organization, also possessing analytical thinking. With representatives of the signs of Scorpio or Leo, Virgos also have good prospects in family life. In this case, they will play the role of a slave, completely yielding leadership to a partner. At the same time, neither Lions nor Scorpios will suppress Virgos, highly appreciating their intelligence, organization and consistency. The most unsuccessful alliances for Virgos are formed with Pisces and Aries. Pisces, like Virgos, never take the first step, are passive and withdrawn. As a result, the relationship between the representatives of these signs fades before it even starts. Aries, on the other hand, suppress Virgos with their pressure, frighten them with perseverance and unpredictability.

Work and Career

Serious, secretive, self-sufficient. So you can characterize a person born on September 18th. He is also extremely suspicious. Born on September 18 does not trust others, doubts the sincerity of their words and actions. This makes a person somewhat unsociable. Those born on September 18 may have various talents. They, combined with the ability to achieve success, attract attention to such people. From those born on September 18, many would like to take an example. But it's not that easy. Distrustful by nature people do not give lessons of success, doubting the sincerity of the “students”.