Went of the Cathedral of Eternal Night. World of Warcraft - Eternal Night Cathedral

Here I found my last refuge of Avatar Sargeras. When it happened, the guards who previously protected this was once sacred, succumbed to spill and began to distribute it themselves - led by Mephistrot. The mighty lord of horror considers his duty to destroy everyone who wants to return the Agigraram to the place.

Any encroachment to the Council of Eternal Night Mephistot considers personal insult. And all because your allies of the Winelocks killed his best general - Jaggano. And then put on the universal review of his corpse and the heart of the class of class and the heart, which became a new source of power and the formidable warning of enemies. The rest will also not be mercy: Mephistrot is eager for retaliation for recent audacious attacks on a split bank. These events are alive in his memory, so the revenge will be especially sweet.

Commentary developers

We are pleased to present a new dungeon for 5 players! It will be the basis of the next major update along with the new zone and raid. On the split bank, the main mission of Legion comes up to its final stage: players must accommodate every pillar of creation at a certain point of the tomb of Sargeras to put an end to the invasion of demons and save Azeroth. In the Cathedral of the Eternal Night, the action of the first chapter of this story is unfolding.

If we descend into the depths of the tomb in the raid, gradually opening its secrets and entering into confrontation with her nightmares, in this dungeon, on the contrary, you have to rise upstairs to the spleen. It is upstairs that the magnificent statue of the Goddess Eluna is towers, which was once worshiped in this temple. First, players should be reached to the balcony, which overlooks the main hall of the Cathedral (there is a battle with the first raid boss). Next, they begin to climb, bypassing the gardens illuminated by the lunar light, to the top of the tower where the aegid needs to be installed. Of course, the dungeon is teeming by demons, however, we intentionally placed the infected bad zone from those parts of the building, which is closest to the source of the storms of the badge. This allows not only to strengthen the contrast, but also to show the non-affected elements of the elven architecture.

Bats and bosses


This ancient once served a priest of the Temple of Elune and cared for beautiful Hanging gardens. But when the leggings of the Legion penetrated into the cathedral, the guard absorbed the energy of the firm. Now the defiled agronox sows damage to the sanctuary, which he once defended, in confidence that only now it has gained the perfect appearance.

Agronox desets the garden, which once looked after, and draws its inhabitants against players. Disappear with Weeks as soon as possible! Do not give a suffocating Lianam to idle you! Beware of poisonous dispute - they apply growing periodic damage!

Dolbogroke joyful

Dolbogrozu, a disgusting brother of the chmurodroba, is instructed to destroy all mortals trying to penetrate the library of the cathedral. Solid MO "ARG does not show the slightest respect for knowledge and with primitive delight squeezed ancient relics and bolt invaluable books.

Dolbogroke squeezing mainly relies on powerful sweeping attacks, not paying attention to their surroundings. Try to deceive to make him go with an even more hard enemy, and it may remove it from equilibrium. Be careful - there are many ancient foliants in this ancient library, and their spells can be unpredictable!


When Agida Aggramar returns to his rightful place, the House of Domatrax leads to the attack of the hordes of demons to destroy it.

When the level of health of the lord of the lord of the firm reaches 90% and 50%, it opens up additional portals, calling for a demonic reinforcement into the tomb. Agada Aggramar is able to protect the players from the Legion attacks, but if its energy runs out, the protective aura will cease to act.


Mephistrot led the invasion of the Legion from the split coast. When Azeroth's army pushed his troops, Mephistrot retreated to the Cathedral of Eternal Night. He will do everything in his power, so as not to allow the heroes to establish Agigraram Agid.

Mephistrot attacks the participants in the group of dark magic until 100% of energy will accumulate. Accuming full stock energy, Mephistrot goes into the shadow and attack players from there. During this time, the players need to protect Illidan aneg of Aggramar until he pulled out the lord of horror of light.

Ready to battle?

Time on the outcome, heroes - you need to rush! Return aegid to the place and fight Mephystrot. For Azero!

Within the framework of BlizzCon 2016, the head of the World of Warcraft development ion Gatikostas has spent a presentation of content that will be added in addition to Legion in updates. We learned first-hand details of updates 7.1.5 and 7.2, as well as hints about what could wait for us after that.

New philosophy of updates

With the release of Legion, the developers changed approach to the release of updates. Now the main goal of BLIZZARD is the release of a stable stream of content. In this case, the stable stream in their representation means not only a lot of content, but also properly distributed: for example, you should not produce a new raid when most guilds have not yet coped with the previous one.

Thanks to the stable stream of content, the developers want to increase the bet on what is the unique quality of MMORPG - the ability to create a living world in which something is constantly happening. Blizzard strive for this purpose both in the help of special content formats, such as local tasks, and through constant changes.

Finally, in Legion, developers are experimenting with the update structure. Lately All updates were divided into small with systemic changes (for example, 6.2.3) and large with new raids and other content (for example, 6.2). Although 6.2.3 did not differ in a large scale, it had a significantly influence on the game and serve as a template for future "small" updates.

In Legion, the creators of the game want to return the format of medium-sized updates, which was used during the classic version of WORLD OF WARCRAFT. An example of such an update is 7.1: Return to Karazhan, which is large-scale 6.2.3, but does not reach 6.2.

Update 7.1.5.

7.1.5 - the first "small" update of Legion. It will include system changes, new awards and "evergreen" content, which will always be relevant, regardless of the current update or addition. The developers will start installing the update on the PTR immediately after the end of Blizzcon.

Travel in time: Mists of Pandaria

Time travel - a vivid example of "evergreen" content. In 7.1.5, the dungeons of Mists of Pandaria add-ons will be available for this mode. In the future, the developers plan to adhere to the principle "current addition of minus two" to add new dungeons for travel travel. No one burns back to Dratenor, right now?

The following dungeons will be available for time travel in updating 7.1.5:

  • Temple of jade snake
  • Khmelevary Brown Porterov
  • Monastery Shado-Pan
  • Gate of the setting sun
  • Palace I can''Shan
  • Siege of the temple of Nyutsao

Halls of the Scarlet Order and the neostery will not be available for time travel mode.

Return of the Fight Guild

The fighter guild returns after the break. Unlike Warlords of Draenor, this time it was subjected to significant refinement. First, dozens of new bosses have been added. Secondly, a new battle type will appear - a fight (RUMBLE). Periodically, the Raid boss will appear in the Fight Guild, which tightens all the players in line on the battle of battle.

Updated version of the Fight Guild

In addition, a completely new currency will be added, which you can earn money for participation in Battles - Bolt Gold (Brawler's Gold). Players will be able to spend a new currency on various advantages extending to all players in the guild. Did not forget the developers and refresh the awards: we are waiting for new shirts and riding Vasilisk.


Micrinalized - a new type of content that will appear in updating 7.1.5. It is like ordinary holidays, only small. The developers consider microfrants not as a full content, but the ability to make the world of the game is more alive and interesting. At 7.1.5 will be added 4 microfrants:

  • AHN'QIRAJ REMEMBERANCE DAY). In memory of the opening of the gate of An'Kaja every year, January 21, the heroes of the Alliance and Horde will return to Silitus to participate in the donation of resources. The faction that will collect most of the resources throughout the region on this day, will establish his banner over the gates of An'Kija until the next day of the memory of An'Kaja.
  • VOLUNTEER GUARD DAY (Volunteer Guard Day). On this day, players will be able to take on the role of the guard and do the patrols of the streets where they have to cope with various problems and threats to the residents of the city.
  • Hatching of the hippogryphs). This is the day when all hippogrifs are hatching. At this holiday, players will be able to get a young hypogriff for a day, which closes to the character like a bird pepe from Warlords of Draenor.
  • Boat Day. On the day of the boat, the heroes of Azeroth will be able to forget about all their concerns about the need to save the world and simply relax on the boat somewhere away from civilization.

Developers do not plan to introduce any achievements, pets and other awards for participating in microdders. They are made simply for Azeroth to be more like a real place.

Update Arena Ostrogina

The update of the Nagrata Arena in Update 7.1 was successful, so the developers continue to activities in this direction. In 7.1.5 overhaul, Arena Ostrogin will be subjected to.

Updated version of Arena Ostrogin

A distinctive feature of the Arena Ostrogin will be the presence of a commentator, which is observing the battles of players and voicing what is happening. If players like it this featureShe will be transferred to other arena.

Changes classes

In the update 7.1.5, the developers will continue to work on classes, many of which were significantly redone with update output 7.0.

First, the developers seek to achieve the equivalence of talents in each row. They will go to this purpose both by changes in numbers and complete processing of some talents.

Secondly, the command is currently not satisfied with the current situation when additional characteristics affect the character's power much more basic. Awards in World of Warcraft are structured in such a way that the passage of more complex raids should give an ecipment of a higher level, which should be better than the current one. The Magician of Specialization "Fire" must rejoice at the presence of a rating of a critical strike on equipment, and not count the objects without it.

Thirdly, Blizzard finalize the "sensation" from the game for some specializations. This is a very subjective question and his decision will mainly relate to the smoothness of the rotations of some classes.

Fourthly, the developers recognize that they got excited about the removal of class abilities from the game and retur with some of them. For example, hunters "Lord of the Beasts" and "Shooting" will be able to use a trap again, and the opportunity to make the entire group invisible to the robbers will come back.

Update 7.2: Sargeras Tomb

Update 7.2: Sargeras Tomb is the following major update World of Warcraft. As follows from the name, we have to return to the split bank and close the portal of the blazing Legion in the Sargeras tomb. The update will be set to the test server immediately after exit 7.1.5.

Sargeras tomb

Return to split shore

The game will appear a new fraction, Armies of Legionfall, which will consist of a players united together classic. We have to create a base of operations against the Burning Legion based on the ancient elven ruins on the split bank. It will remind the process of opening the Kel'danas Island from The Burning Crusade, but with more participation of the players.

Children's shore in Update 7.2

Each player will be able to choose, over the restoration of which of the three parts of the ruins (Nether Disruptor, Command Center or Mage Tower), he wants to work. When the restoration of any part of the ruins is completed, all players get access to new local tasks, bosses in open world and other content.

Selection of part ruins for recovery

Also during the return to the split bank, the players will have the opportunity to continue passing by their class plot campaign.

Legion attacks

So far, we collected the pillars of creation and fought with an emerald nightmare, the demons did not sit back too: they safely recovered their strength after the brave trick of Kadgar with the express teleportation of Dalaran and are ready to continue the onslaught of game zones. Only this time they will attack not the habitat of newcomers, and the split islands themselves.

Legion's invasion is returned, and now they are called the Legion attacks. Periodically, the skies will be closed with darkness, and the flaming legion is to begin its offensive. At the time of the Legion attack all local tasks Cancel as long as the players do not find the attack. By the way, you should not worry: participation in this process will be counted on the number of local tasks performed in location, so there should be no problems with the tasks of the messengers.

But on the shit with the forces of the Legion on Earth now it will not be possible to end. After the successful reflection of the attack on Earth, players will be able to join the scenario on the 3-people in the style of Mists of Pandaria and end the Legion aircraft itself, which is the source of invasion forces.

Flights and class transport

How to get to the legion ships that soak in the air? Developers will help us with this by opening the opportunity to fly on split islands with updating 7.2. However, to get available to this feature will have to work: you need to perform both the first part of the traccling of the split islands and its continuation, for which it will be necessary to thoroughly master the content of the split coast. As in Warlords of Draenor, after performing the achievement, the flight will be available at once all the characters on the account.

Together with the flight, the developers prepared a small surprise. Each class in the game will receive its unique class vehicle, from the next faithful bucking for the paladin to the riding elemental for shamans. All new vehicles can be used for flights.

Class vehicles

New raid: Sargeras Tomb

Sargeras's tomb is a new raid in which 9 new battles are waiting for us. Players will go down to the most subsoil of this place and use the pillars of the creation to close the Legion portal. In ancient times, this place was the temple of Elune and not yet all of its parts reached demons, so the raid promises to be quite diverse. Sargeras tomb can be divided into 4 sections.

Sarageras tomb circuit

The first section is a dark cathedral. This is a kind of reflection of how the tomb now looks from the side. Here we will face most of the bosses of the demonic origin of this raid. Further, players will have to remove a little from the foundation of the Temple of Elune and visit the nearby underground caves located nearby, where the servants of Queen Azshara are now. After that, we will come to the very depth of the tomb of Sargeras, which millennia were sealed and the great evil in themselves. In the end, we will get to the very foundation of the construction, the very place where hundreds of years ago, Magna Egwinn struck Avatar Sargeras.

Bosses of the tomb of Sargeras

Among the battles of the dungeons will light such bosses as the defeated Avatar Sargeras, in which there are still a little strength of the Dark Titan, and the Commander of the Burning Legion Kil'Jeden the tempter, this time with his legs. It is he who will become the final boss of the raid, and the total of battle with him, according to the developers, is a huge spoiler.

New Dungeon: Eternal Night Cathedral

For the first time since the Cataclysm add-on, a full-fledged new dungeon in the content update. They will be the Council of Eternal Night: 4 Boss, we have to do not descend, and to climb to the top of the Tomb of Sargeras to take advantage of one of the pillar of creation, the auspices of Aggramar.

Scheme of the Cathedral of the Eternal Night

The dungeon begins on the balcony, from which the very beginning of the raid part of the tomb of Sargeras is seen. The Cathedral of the eternal night will be available both in an epochal and heroic complexity.

Bosses of the Cathedral of the Eternal Night


Inspired by the experience of other Games Blizzard, World of Warcraft developers decided to add a scuffling system for the WORLD OF WARCRAFT PVP component. These will be weekly game events, the purpose of which are experiments with the classical game modes for creating diversity and fun.

Within the framework of the presentation, we were presented with 6 examples of PVP scuffers:

  • Southshore vs. Tarren Mill: Return of bloody battles for the foothills of Hillsbrad.
  • Instant-Cap Warsong: At the Gorge of the War Song, you can donate the enemy flag even if your own flag is in the hands of the opponent.
  • Packed House: Arena 15 to 15.
  • GRAVITY LAPSE: Eye storm with periodic gravity distortions.
  • Winter Aratis Basin: Winter version of the Niza Arati with poor visibility and frozen water, by which you can
  • Eye of the Horn: Eague storms in which each player is located on the Riding Bane with the possibility of Bodania from Stormham.

In the future, developers plan to expand the system and add new scuffle.

Changes artifacts

Artifacts are one of the main systems. additions Legion.And it will be expanded and improved as part of the update 7.2.

First, new directions for the development of the artifact will appear. Developers will add a continuation scene line For each artifact, after the completion of which heroes will be able to open the true potential of their weapons and access the new features of artifacts, including the ability to improve old small features up to 4 rank. In the extended branch, each artifact will receive, among other golden features, which will affect the mechanics of specialization.

Secondly, new levels of knowledge about artifact will appear to compensate for new features with a constantly increasing value. Together with this, it will be possible to buy knowledge about the artifact for the resource of the class of the class, which will allow the beginners to catch up with experienced players.

Thirdly, a new type of relic will appear, which increases the rank of two features of the artifact at once. The developers hope that it will make the process of choosing relics more thoughtful.

In addition, in the update 7.2, each artifact will appear on a new appearance. To unlock this appearance, players have to go through a complex individual class test in the style of class tasks Hunter and priests from the classic version of World of Warcraft.

New look artifacts

Within the framework of this series of inspections of the artifacts of Druids, "Guardian" will receive a blown-up bear form with a new set of animations, and paladins and warriors - a chain that has become possible thanks to the support of weapon physics added to Legion. Otherwise, these are simply the first of the artifacts that are in the files of the game since the release of the supplement, but which cannot be obtained at the moment.

Changes in dungeons

In connection with the appearance of new content in the game dungeons Legion. will be overloaded in Update 7.2. The complexity of passing in the epochal and heroic modes will be increased together with the minimum level of equipment, which can be obtained in them. Thus, all dungeons will be derived to the level of complexity of the eternal night cathedral, which will avoid the loss of the relevance of the old content.

Return to the caragan will be divided into two dungeons: lower caragan and upper caragan. This will make the dungeon affordable in heroic and epochal + complexity. In addition, the Suramar catacombs and the stars quarter will acquire heroic complexity, which will allow players to visit them through the system of automatic searching for the group.

Example of a new epochal property

The developers will not forget and about the system of epochal keys. Low levels of epochal keys will be overloaded in accordance with the new basic complexity of the dungeons. New random properties of epochal keys will be added.


Although the portal closure in the tomb of Sargeras may seem like the logical final of the plot line of the supplement, we will not stop here. Even if we manage to win a little victory, the legion will still be sooner or later, and it is impossible to leave it.

Destination: Argus

The players will lead the expedition and go to the native planet Eredarov and the central world of the Burning Legion, Argus, to stop the flaming crusade of Sargeras forever.

Here I found my last refuge of Avatar Sargeras. When it happened, the guards who previously protected this was once sacred, succumbed to spill and began to distribute it themselves - led by Mephistrot. The mighty lord of horror considers his duty to destroy everyone who wants to return the Agigraram to the place.

Dungeon Review: Eternal Night Cathedral

Any encroachment to the Council of Eternal Night Mephistot considers personal insult. And all because your allies of the Winelocks killed his best general - Jaggano. And then put on the universal review of his corpse and the heart of the class of class and the heart, which became a new source of power and the formidable warning of enemies. The rest will also not be mercy: Mephistrot is eager for retaliation for recent audacious attacks on a split bank. These events are alive in his memory, so the revenge will be especially sweet.

Commentary developers

We are pleased to present a new dungeon for 5 players! It will be the basis of the next major update along with the new zone and raid. On the split bank, the main mission of Legion comes up to its final stage: players must accommodate every pillar of creation at a certain point of the tomb of Sargeras to put an end to the invasion of demons and save Azeroth. In the Cathedral of the Eternal Night, the action of the first chapter of this story is unfolding.

If we descend into the depths of the tomb in the raid, gradually opening its secrets and entering into confrontation with her nightmares, in this dungeon, on the contrary, you have to rise upstairs to the spleen. It is upstairs that the magnificent statue of the Goddess Eluna is towers, which was once worshiped in this temple. First, players should be reached to the balcony, which overlooks the main hall of the Cathedral (there is a battle with the first raid boss). Next, they begin to climb, bypassing the gardens illuminated by the lunar light, to the top of the tower where the aegid needs to be installed. Of course, the dungeon is teeming by demons, however, we intentionally placed the infected bad zone from those parts of the building, which is closest to the source of the storms of the badge. This allows not only to strengthen the contrast, but also to show the non-affected elements of the elven architecture.

Bats and bosses

This ancient once served a priest of the Temple of Elune and cared for beautiful hanging gardens. But when the leggings of the Legion penetrated into the cathedral, the guard absorbed the energy of the firm. Now the defiled agronox sows damage to the sanctuary, which he once defended, in confidence that only now it has gained the perfect appearance.

Agronox desets the garden, which once looked after, and draws its inhabitants against players. Disappear with Weeks as soon as possible! Do not give a suffocating Lianam to idle you! Beware of poisonous dispute - they apply growing periodic damage!

Gnevenkus convened

Gnevkusu, a disgusting brother of the chmurodroba, is instructed to destroy all mortals trying to penetrate the library of the cathedral. Solid MO "ARG does not show the slightest respect for knowledge and with primitive delight squeezed ancient relics and bolt invaluable books.

Gnevkus despicable mainly relies on powerful sweeping attacks, not paying attention to their surroundings. Try to deceive to make him go with an even more hard enemy, and it may remove it from equilibrium. Be careful - there are many ancient foliants in this ancient library, and their spells can be unpredictable!


When Agida Aggramar returns to his rightful place, the House of Domatrax leads to the attack of the hordes of demons to destroy it.

When the level of health of the lord of the lord of the firm reaches 90% and 50%, it opens up additional portals, calling for a demonic reinforcement into the tomb. Agada Aggramar is able to protect the players from the Legion attacks, but if its energy runs out, the protective aura will cease to act.


Mephistrot led the invasion of the Legion from the split coast. When Azeroth's army pushed his troops, Mephistrot retreated to the Cathedral of Eternal Night. He will do everything in his power, so as not to allow the heroes to establish Agigraram Agid.

Mephistrot attacks the participants in the group of dark magic until 100% of energy will accumulate. Accuming full stock energy, Mephistrot goes into the shadow and attack players from there. During this time, the players need to protect Illidan aneg of Aggramar until he pulled out the lord of horror of light.

Ready to battle?

Time on the outcome, heroes - you need to rush! Return aegid to the place and fight Mephystrot. For Azero!

The developers of MMORPG World of Warcraft told us about the bosses that you will definitely meet in the new dungeon "Cathedral of Eternal Night." It will appear in the game after the release of the next patch. In addition to the nun, you will be able to enjoy a colorful zone and a dangerous raid. Well, now let's get closer to the new dance.

Cathedral of eternal night

Having traveled to the raid, you and your team should get to the depths of Tartar, in parallel, destroying the evil. In the new dungeon, everything else. Ready to climb on top of the tower and install aegid? Then get ready to resist the bloodthirsty demons and four bosses. To intrigue gamers, the developers have placed rivals as close as possible to the firm. Thanks to this, you will have a chance to enjoy chic elven structures, as well as participate in bloody battles with extremely deadly rivals. Well, now let's talk about bosses:

  • Agronox: Not so long ago, this giant was obeyed by the priests of Elune, but since the sacred temple was penetrated, everything changed. If before the agronox followed the order, then now sowed chaos. Ready to challenge for webcists, disputes and lianams?
  • Gnevkus: Once in the library, you will face the brother of the chmurodroba. Despite the fact that he ordered the ancient foliants, he gladly destroys relics and precious books. Approaching the boss, be careful, his attacks are able to apply a colossal damage. To overcome it, attract the attention of another bloodthirsty mob. Faced with each other, you will have time to finish both. Improving your plan into reality, beware of foliants, hooking them, you will free ancient magic;
  • Domatrax: Faced with this weighing hell, be ready to resist the powerful army of demons. When the boss remains half of health, portals will begin to appear. To overcome evil, Aegis will help you. She is able to protect you from deadly attacks, but if its energy runs out, you will remain defenseless;
  • Mephistrot: He is ready for everything, just to not give you to Egid. Black magic will help him to be divided with you. When the boss accumulates 100% energy, the daemon will disappear, but will continue to damage. To return it to the world of living, concentrate on the protection of Illidan, because only he can do it.


It seemed to be thrown away the strength of the Legion with a split islands. The glow of the flame was badly dull, the demons began to be crowned, but before the final victory far. The split bank is still sisite creatures from inclusive voids, thirsting to devour our world! To arms, Heroes of Azeroth! It's time to donate with the enemy times and forever!

War with the Legion

Upon arrival at the split bank, you will have to fight with hordes of demons and, gradually moving deep into the territory, entrenched and organize an externalpost. In order to do this, you need to have a level 110 character that Cadgar will give a task to pass a single scenario.

Further, continuing the invasion of the split shore, you have to fight Mephystrot, a powerful lord of horror, located on the Helega's aircraft. Most likely, you defeat it, but ... This is the lords of horror, who knows, in what kind of guy will he return back?

After the scenario is completed, you will fall on top of the deliverance. From now on, this is your base on the split shore, from where the combined forces of the Ollotov will make ribs and large-scale attacks on the occupiers. There is also a new faction, the army of the death of the Legion.

Top of deliverance and continuation of the slaughterhouse

Everything around is impregnated with bad. Earth, water, air. The fragments of the former elven civilization, the ruins of growing on the split bank, were the inadequate of dark creatures and non-adhesive spirits. The army of the flaming legion, which should be less, only increases.

AT new location You can perform new local tasks. Awards for them will be ordinary, kind of resources, gold, artifact forces. But not only! You will also receive the seizures of the army of the death of the Legion, as well as a reputation with this fraction. In addition to LANs for these purposes, rare monsters are available, as well as other ways. The supplies will be needed in order to build certain buildings on the split bank.

Not one step back!

After performing the script, the initial chains and having broken with the supplies, you will be able to start building the buildings necessary to combat the enemy. Three buildings will be available to the selection. Each of which gives certain bonuses and unique tasks. In the construction of buildings not fractions and not even servers, but regions! Yes, one buildings on the whole region. But the contribution of each hero will be valuable and necessary, so think is pretty, before passing the supplies.

After the building is built, players will be able to use his bonuses and benefits for three days. After that, the shock forces of the blazing legion will destroy the building, and the detuning will have to begin again. However, there should be a day between the destruction and the new construction.

And now more about the available buildings:

Tower Made

  • The building gives the effect of "Treasures of the Spruce". It allows you to pass the tests of artifacts, find treasures on the split bank, as well as using portals in the city.
  • One of the effects of the building is "aware". Thanks to this effect, players will be able to find an additional force of the artifact in the dungeons and raids. Not bad!

Command rate

  • The building gives the effect of "Order forces". It allows you to make unique local tasks in the instach, to cause the Fresh Legion forces to fight, as well as perform complex and heavy quests.
  • One of the effects of the building is a "military campaign". Thanks to this effect, players will be able to find additional. Prips for a new fraction.
  • At the rate it is possible to use a strategic map from the squat, sending to the tasks of comrades.

Destroyer emptiness

  • The building gives the effect of "Epic Hunter". It allows you to call for strong bosses, fight them and receive certain awards.
  • One of the effects of the building is "fortified reins." Players will be able to use various objects and items, without transporting transport.

We continue the company

On the split bank, you can continue the company's company and improve your artifact. Those players who managed to reach 25 levels of knowledge will be able to raise knowledge further. Those who have not yet had time to do is be able to pass accelerated training in Dalaran and get 25 levels.

Those players who opened all the talents of the artifact, will be able to get a new task, after which will be able to continue to improve their weapons due to the fact that 4 additional talent will open. And players who did not have time to reach 35 levels of artifacts and open all talents, will be able to perform a special task, which allows you to swing the artifact further.

The campaign of the unfold on the split bank is part of the main plot. After a few weeks you can get a new companion, as well as unique LANs for your class! With this, to perform some of them you will need to interact with other classes.

Flying ship

The awesome ship of the Legion, Czeberex, hangs in heaven over the split islands. By destroying the troops sent from the ship, you can get an item that opens portals to Czeberex. Of these, even stronger creatures will appear. And with them you will receive an item that will call the demons more powerful than previous! In the end, a huge demon will appear on the call, equal to the raid boss.

All this is necessary in order to farm the fragments of the void, the unique currency of the split coast. Among other things available to buy on shards, there are tops on high-level things that will help you start in updating 7.2. And buying a token and making it an object from it, with the help of fragments you can improve it! These are the manapirogs.

Cathedral of eternal night

When starting tasks on the shore are completed, players will have the opportunity to get to the eternal night cathedral. It is not mandatory, but to see a new dungeon, get things, and also to kill meals again - it is worth it! What do you think the ugly demon will soon appear again, eh?

So, gradually and methodically fighting all new and new opponents, the heroes will move up to the tomb of Sargeras, will turn the guard and enter inside. There they are waiting for monstrous creatures whose power does not know borders. But you and the heroes, to fight with such evil spirits, right?