Shoot immediately robbery then achieve. How best to aim and shoot? Scene line Argus

Beginner players are often indignant that they are well kiss, but still do not fall into the enemy. If you manage to get, then only in the body, and how we know the most effective shot is considered to mind. We want to say that learn how to shoot is not so simple, and it requires a lot of time and workouts, so you gain patience and learn. This article will help you quickly master all the techniques, and you will be able to apply them in the near future.

We always advise you to shoot at the same time for 2-3 cartridges, and the scope to lift or mind or on the chest, so the probability of killing the enemy, or hurt significantly increases. If your opponent is close, then using the stretch on the run, too, a chance to destroy it. Plus, if you manage to turn this trick, it will look very effective, and other players will appreciate you as an experienced gamer, despite the fact that you just learn. You do not advise you to immediately shoot 10 rounds, so you just spend all your reserves and lose much time on recharge, which is very bad, because every second is important to you. Understand that the enemy watches you, and as soon as it sees that you were in a hopeless position, it immediately attacks, so you risk instantly die. Also while you will shoot all the time, you can also shoot at that time, so save time. There is no guarantee that using so many bullets you will kill the enemy first, and not he you, so be rational in this matter. Try to immediately weigh the situation and always be one step ahead.

An excellent video lesson is prepared for you, where professionals from showing excellent game. Now we will summarize the results of everything heard, and spread to items so that you correctly understand the entire scheme of the sight and shooting:

  • It is necessary to aim only in the head or in the chest, in independence, even what accuracy of your weapon. This is the main rule that you should apply to any murder tool in Counter Strike.
  • Use at the same time many cartridges can only be in one case when the enemy is near you. In other situations, it will be a useless spending of their stocks, and you lose the time for which you could already destroy the opponent and change the position.
  • If you have a fight near the enemy, then a shotgun or semi-automatic shutdown is fine here, it is natural that you can still try to use a knife, but see themselves in terms of the situation. You need to save your life, so it is not worth risking.
  • Accuracy increases if you shoot sitting or standing, so try to aim only in such positions.
  • Do not forget to follow the number of cartridges in the cage to face the opponent face to face, you start shooting, and not recharge, then he will kill you during this time.
  • A quick response to the situation is the first pledge of victory.
  • Remember that the first shot is the most accurate, so melt very well, and apply as much effort as possible to kill the enemy from the first time.
  • Try not to shoot until you fly or go down from the stairs. All these shots will be not effective, and useless.

This is the basic information you need to know to make a fellow on rivals in Counter Strike 1.6. If you digest these simple rules, then you will be much easier to quickly learn how to shoot, and you will spend on training not as much time as other gamers. We wish you good luck and victories in the fascinating virtual world of this shooter.

06.06.2015 © All materials belong to site site

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Shooter - Type computer gameswhich can be briefly described with the words "weapons" and "cartridges". Over time, shooters have become a fairly flexible type of games, and their virtual worlds immersed the players more stronger. The genre managed to give rise to several podzhanrov, in which not only shooting items began to be present, but also many other interesting features, for example, driving various transport. As a rule, at all shooters often appear at least two key features: 1) Actually, shooting from various weapons; 2) A certain type of movement. On behalf of a player or an object for which shooting is conducted. Gameplay shooters often linear and predictable, levels of something like each other. But for a variety, developers sometimes add some new items. For example, opponents can behave in different ways or maybe you will have to use any completely different weapons. And in order for you to pass the shooters not once, various secrets and easter eggs add to the game.

Sugaarters shooters

In the first-person shooters, you watch the character with the eyes of the character and therefore focusing in such games goes to your shooting skill. In shooters, from a third party, you completely see your character from the back. Here you usually see more surroundings and in addition to shooting you every way you need to interact with it. An example of such games can be called.

History shooters

Maze (1973) is one of the first shooters who identified the main features of the genre, but at the same time still had a very limited functionality. But over time, the genre develops, developers use more complex graphics and therefore such a series of games like doom (1993) and Half-Life (1998) are born. These shooters did not just become legendary, but also secured the main features that we used to see in shooters today.

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Hello everyone. Today I will tell you how to find all the hidden treasures with treasures on Argus to get the achievement shoot immediately, robbery. In addition to achieving them, you can get about 1,000 smoky arguine, the strength of artifact, epic equipment and things for transmograph. First prepare for your search. To do this, I recommend installing Tom Tom and Paste addons. Tom Tom shows the location of the point with the specified coordinates and Paste allows you to insert several points at once. In each location you need to insert only the points of this location, and not all at once. Otherwise, addons work incorrectly. And inserting the coordinates in Paest you must be directly on the surface of the location, and not on Windows. References to addons and coordinates in the description of the video.

Total chests 22. Chests are not displayed on the map (if special addons are not installed), and those that are displayed are conventional funks, they are not needed to achieve achievement. Part of the chests is hidden in caves with covered inputs. The entrance to them can be cleared using the ability of Windikar "Justice of Light" (if the crystal is on the oiled of yellow color). Other chests are mined either with the help of magical cover (purple crystal above the chest) or an exoskeleton of illuminated (blue crystal at a diluted entrance). All abilities are taken on Windikar. Virtually all inquired passages can be reached by a pancalk magician or similar abilities of other classes, which significantly speeds up the search. In addition, I recommend capturing with you a set for assembling a goblin glider to get to the three hard-to-reach chests.

Map with colors of abilities:
Set for assembling Goblin Plider (auction):\u003d109076
Achievement "Shoot Immediately, Robbery Then":\u003d12074


/ Way 55.9 74.1 priceless souvenirs Avgari
/ WAY 75.07 69.84 Long Lost Treasures Avgari
/ WAY 51.3 76.2 Inspected Crook Reserves
/ WAY 48.5 58.9 Lost Crocoule Chest
/ WAY 62.8 37.6 Chest from the Legion Tower

Empty Anthroas
/ WAY 65.9 39.8 Ancient Military Coin Legion
/ WAY 58.9 61.4 Forgotten Sups of the Legion
/ WAY 57.4 63.6 Missing Chest Avgarary
/ WAY 52.1 27.2 Casted Sound Chest
/ Way 49.0 59.3 Collected Treasure Legion
/ WAY 75.7 52.6 Chest Sunnut From Ancient Shore

MAC "Ari.
/ WAY 40.2 51.4 Seared Bless Chest
/ WAY 40.8 69.8 Warehouse Avgari
/ WAY 45.1 53.1 Treasures of the seeker of death (point for jumping)
/ WAY 30.2 44.0 Slug from a split house (point for jumping)
/ WAY 50.6 38.4 Chest stolen treasures
/ WAY 68.07 57.23 Cache Avgarary (Point for Jump)
/ WAY 56.80 74.66 Cache of Desperate Eredra (hence to climb)
/ WAY 70.6 27.3 Chest with runes Avgari
/ WAY 62.2 71.2 Amazing student catch
/ WAY 42.9 5.5 Eredar Treasure Chest

Prepared full Hyde According to Argus in the patch Wow Legion 7.3. We will tell about all aspects of the game on argus: locations, materials, dungeons and raids, points of invasion, rainniks, pets, treasures and much more.

  • Content opening schedule
  • What did we forget on Argus?
  • Landscape of Argus
    • New materials
    • Moving on the planet
    • Dungeons and raids
  • Base on Argus - Windicar
    • Matrix kernel of Windikara
    • Crue light void
  • Points of invasion
  • New fractions
  • Currency and equipment
  • Orikov Ovsoudovy
  • Rarniki Argus
  • hidden treasures
  • Pets
  • Achievements

Content opening schedule at 7.3

As it was once with split islands, in Patch 7.3 there is its schedule for opening access to locations. This time, all non-represented content will be unlocked for 3 weeks:

Week 1.

  • New locations will open - Crocüun and the empty of the Antorus
  • Access to the offensive has begun, the first chapter of the storyline of Argus
  • Unlock local tasks In Crocoune, Anteorus and Petrified Forest Petrified
  • Tasks will be available, unlocking messengers of the Army of Light and defenders of Argus
  • Access to new missions in the class malt, new equipment and troops

Week 2.

  • The location of McAari opens
  • Access to the dark awakening, the second chapter of the storyline of Argus
  • Access to local tasks in the Nat'RAX and Mak'ari fortress will open
  • Unlock invasion points and great invasion points (new collar bosses)

Week 3.

  • Access to the War of Light and Darkness, 3 chapter of the plot of Argus
  • Local tasks on Kil'Jeden terrace and in Western McAri will open
  • Unlocked all the remaining non-submitted content 7.3 (for example, the throne of the triumvirate and the light crucible)

Late Content

The remaining content will be added in the following patches:

  • Antorrus raid, flaming throne and associated achievements and items:
  • The ideal of Argus and the premium title of light-base
  • Achieving the fame of the Argus raider and the reward for it - the twilight race from the Antorus
  • ASPACE CREAM - a unique subject for transmograph
  • New Riding Pets: Tamped Ur'Zul, Furgeted Hound from Antorus and Cyrin Torah Cristicle

Scene line Argus

… or not.

Blizzard confirmed that immediately after the launch of the patch 7.3, players will need to go through the opening scenario on the split islands to gain access to the plot of Argus. This script is tied to the account, so it will be enough to pass it by one character.

This decision is due to the fact that the journey to Argus is plotically connected with the events on the split islands and in the tomb of Sargeras. As soon as you complete the script on the split islands, Cadgar will offer you a task of the hand of fate (alliance) / the hand of fate (Horde), which will lead you to Argus.

This is a fairly unusual solution, since the players who missed the contents already released, will not be able to access Argus - first they will have to pass the storyline of the split islands. So it is possible that in the future BLIZZARD will make changes to their plans.

Now as for the plot of Argus:

The crown of the triumvirate consists of three parts: one of them is stored in the prophet ordered, and the other two, the print of the awakening and the crown of knowledge will have to find players in the process of passing the plot.

After recovering the crown, Windows will start working at full capacity, which will break through the wall of the Antorus, a flaming throne and start a full-fledged attack together with the combined forces of the army of light. At the end of the Antorus, Argus The Unmaker is waiting for you, the leader of the local demons.

Side quests

Improvement of the clock of the class

The update 7.3 will appear several improvements in the class of class available after passing the side storyline in Crocoune. As the main storyline, these side tasks are divided into time for 3 weeks.

While unlocking tasks, you will get access to the improvement of your championship equipment up to 950 levels and hiring special types of troops in exchange for the resources of the class of the class.

To simplify the management of the distribution of the class, a tactical card in Winecar has been added to the game.

Dexterous heart of Argus

In addition, there is a small chain of tasks with a unique reward - the deserved heart of the Argus, the power of the kernel of the Matrix of Windikar. Getting this ability is necessary to perform achievement to battle is ready! .

Landscape of Argus

Argus, being, in fact, the territory of the Legion, looks quite apocalyptic - the demons guard their bases throughout Crocouun, Mak'ari and the empty of Antorus. In Argus, you can see many not quite familiar phenomena - a tornado, periodically spewing volcanoes and so on.

Instead of the healer of the shower on the cemetery, the first Naaru carries his service, and the legion warship called Parakius periodically shoots enemies on the surface of Argus.

Locations map of Argus

New materials

  • Empireit - To simplify his prey, Kirk Croculus was added to the game. Sketch was introduced to accelerate sieving: mass sifting empire
  • Astral Binds - Equipment was added to accelerate the grinding: the mass grinding of the Astral Bind
  • The initial Sargerite is the blood version of Sargeras in the world of Argus. Used in various professions, and also exchanges at the Kelena Merchant in Dalaran (split islands). You can get this ingredient using local tasks, producing professions, alchemical transmutation and passing the mission of the class of class.

A number of new recipes have also been added for all existing professions, most of which can be purchased from merchants in Winecar. For fishermen, a new driving animal was introduced - the pond wretched.

You can find information about changes in each profession in the review of professions in Patch 7.3.

Moving around Argus.

To speed up travels between new locations of the Argus, a teleports network (lighthouses) controlled from Windows is used. As the main storyline passes, you will open new teleportation capabilities. In addition, you can use the croculian flute or glorious generator: Argus.

In the patch 7.3 you will be brought away from the split islands, and there is no direct connection between them and Argus. If all your ability to return home to the CD, and you need to move to the split islands very much, try the following option: Treaten to the nearest lighthouse on Argus\u003e Teleport to Windows\u003e Use the portal to Dalaran\u003e you are in place. The portal in Dalaran is located at the lower level of Windows.

Dungeons and Raid Argus

In Argus, there are 1 dungeon for 5 people (throne of triumvirate) and Raid Antorrus, a flaming throne.

  • The throne of triumvirate is available only in the "heroic +" mode.
    • It has 4 boss with a level 865+ level in the "Heroic +" and 885+ mode in the "Epochal" mode.
    • The entrance to the dungeon is located far in the west of Mak'ari.
    • To access the throne of the triumvirata, you will need to go through chapter 3: War of Light and Darkness.
    • The dungeon will be available for passing during week number 3.
  • In Antorus, the burning throne will be 11 bosses.
    • Level level: 915+ (Search for raids), 930+ (normal), 945+ (heroic) and 960+ (Epochal).
    • For the achievement of the Epoch Mode: Argus enslave you will be given the title "Throwing Titan." Awarded for the achievement of Glory to the Argus raider will be the twilight race from Antorus.
    • The entrance to Antorrus is located in the south-west of Antorus's empty.
    • Note that Antorrus will closedafter updating the update 7.3 - opening it is planned for patch 7.3.5.

Base on Argus: Windicar

The only ones safe place In all Argus - the Drasev ship called Windicar, built specifically for such a mission. On his board you can find everything you need - teachers of professions, merchants, teleports, etc.

It is from Windows that you can quickly move between the locations of the Argus (as the main plot pass). As soon as you fully pass the storyline, the ship will become golden - this means that it works at full capacity, helping you in your mission on Argus.

With a more detailed description of the ship and its capabilities can be found in the guide in Windows at 7.3.

Core matrix

On board Windows there is a unique mechanism - the core of the matrix, which allows using a number of abilities that are very helping in battles, on the surface of Argus.

A complete list of these abilities and their unfolded description can be found in the article about Windows (reference just above).

Crue light void

Another unique creation of Drasev - a crucible light of emptiness, allowing you to improve your artifact. The crucible will be available for interactions after passing An Offering Of Shadow, which will open in the week 3 patch 7.3.

Unlocking the Tigel of the light of emptiness applies to the entire account, so you do not have to repeat the same tasks by each character.

Invasion points on Argus

Patch 7.3 brings a new type of scenarios - the invasion points. In the plot, the invasion points are a network of portals used by the Legion to penetrate other worlds.

There are 6 invasion points throughout Argus, each such point has characteristic features and appearance. Important moment - Only one invasion point can be active at one time. The active point will be marked on the map, so players are unlikely to miss it.

The battle scenario at each point is designed for 2-3 players, although there are no hard restrictions - you can pass it both solo and as part of a group of 2-10 people. In addition, you can join other players at the moment when they have already passed part of the script.

After the destruction of the local boss, you have a chance to serve a number of useful items for pumping artifact, gold and other values. In addition, you get a traveling stone of Argus, which can be used to pass weekly tasks like Invasion Point Offensive. There is also a separate achievement, the receipt of which requires the murder of all mini-bosses of the invasion points - the foresight of the collapse of the invasion.

To access the invasion points, you need to go through chapter 2: Dark Awakening. The points will open in the second week of updates.

WORD Bosses Argus

On Argus, you can find 6 new worms of bosses. As in the split islands, such bosses appear once a week, only one of them will be spawned at the same time. These bosses are available only within the points of massive invasion. Loove level - 930+. Naturally, there is an achievement that requires the destruction of all WORLD bosses - the collapse of the invasion.

To access the points of massive invasion, you need to first unlock conventional invasion points, accumulate 15 travel stones of Argus, and then go through the Invasion Point Offensive job, which is a continuation.

So the invasion point looks like

New fractions

The game will appear 2 new factions with its unique stories, interns and excellent awards.

Army of Light

The Great Army of Light, which is also known as the Army of Light, united in their ranks of the best fighters who devoted their lives to the fight against the flaming legion and wishing to destroy it once and for all.

Defenders of Argus

New currency and execution

Smoky Argunit

Important note: The character cannot have more than 1500 pieces of smoky arguine in stock.

Travel stones Argus

As mentioned earlier, the best way Get travel stones of Argus - the passage of invasion points. Sometimes travel stones are issued as a reward for local tasks. The upper threshold of argus travel stones is available at the character - 40.


2 new types of equipment appeared in the game:

The first type is the discharged equipment already mentioned earlier. Sold By the wonderworker, Verina for 650s smoky arguanite / part. For the first time it will be possible to purchase discharged tokens separately for each type of relics.

  • As a rule, the discharged tokens are converted to the epic level 910+ levels for your current specialization.
  • Elevated tokens can also be converted to items from the tomb of Sargeras or PVP equipment 5 of the season (Legion).
  • And finally, the thrown tokens can become legendary equipment (including legendary subjects From the update 7.2.5).
  • / Way 6 48.0- in the center of the cave with spiders
  • / Way 84.3 21.3 - Cave of Psar Kerracs
  • / Way 9 66.8- at the end of the weapon hello flame

Location of altars

When you click on the altar, you will have a Buff of the Messenger of Ovsoud, and you will also instantly lose 90% of the maximum level of health. Thus, if you have less than 90% of health at the time of using the altar, you will die.

While the Buff is active on you, you can collect uncurable demons' eyes from any mob marked as "demon." The probability of falling is still not defined - you can kill a dozen mobs and not knock out a single eye, and may fall out 10 eyes from two demons.

As long as you are under the effect of the "Messenger of Ovsoud," you are considered the enemy of the Army of Light, so you cannot use teleports and other services of this fraction.

The very chief of the all-leading orchways can be found in a small cave under the bridge leading to the "Penal Penal" zone. Accurate coordinates - / Way 59.56 44.98. Orix offers several tasks for converting collected eyes:

How much eye is required

Treasure chests

In Patch 7.3, a new type of treasure chests appeared - Eredar military supplies. They can be found throughout the territory of Argus, and they work as well as the hidden caches of the serpent with a split islands.

Normal LUT for the chest: objects that increase the strength of the artifact, several units