Hanging gardens of semiramides were on the territory. Hanging gardens of Semiramides: Where are the ruins of an ancient creation

The term "Hanging Gardens of Semiramides" is familiar with any student, mainly as the second building from seven wonders of the world. According to the legends and mention of ancient historians, they built them for his wife, the ruler of Babylon Nebuchadnezzor II in the VI century BC. Nowadays, the gardens and the palace are completely destroyed as a person and elements. Due to the lack of direct evidence of the existence, there is no official version of their location and the date of construction.

Description and presumptive history of hanging gardens of seminimides

A detailed description is found in the ancient Greek historians of diodeor and stabon, clear details presented the Babylonian historian Beros (III century BC. E.). According to their data in 614 BC. e. Nebuchadnezzar II concludes peace with mussels and marries their Princess Amitis. Growing in the mountains, full of greens, she took dusty and stone Babylon with horror. To prove his love and console her, the king orders the construction of a grand palace with terraces for trees and flowers. Simultaneously with the start of construction, seedlings and seeds of merchants and warriors began to deliver to the capital.

A four-tier structure was located at an altitude of 40 m, so it was visible far beyond the walls of the city. The area specified by the historian dioiodor is striking: according to its data, the length of one side was about 1300 m, the second is slightly smaller. The height of each terrace was 27.5 m, the walls were maintained by stone columns. The architecture was not remarkable, the main interest was greenery at each level. To care, the water flowing down in the form of waterfalls to the lower terraces. The irrigation process was continuous, otherwise the gardens would not have survived in that climate.

It is still incomprehensible why they were named with the name of Queen Semiramids, not Amitis. Semiramid - the legendary government of Assyria lived in two centuries earlier, its image was practically deified. Perhaps this was reflected in the works of historians. Despite many contradictions, the fact of the existence of gardens is no doubt. Mention of this place is found from contemporaries Alexander Macedonian. It is believed that he died in this place, which struck his imagination and remind him of his native country. After his death, the gardens and the city itself came into decay.

Where are the gardens now?

Nowadays, there are no significant traces from this unique construction. The ruins indicated by R. Koldoyem (researcher of ancient Babylon) differ from other ruins only by stone slabs in the basement and are of interest except for archaeologists. To visit this place you need to go to Iraq. Travel agencies organizes excursions to the ancient ruins, located 90 km from Baghdad near the modern G. Hill. Only clay hills covered with brown fragments are visible to the photo of this day.

The alternative version offers Oxford Researcher S. Dalya. She claims that the hanging gardens of the Semiramides were built in Ninevei (modern G. Mosul in the north of Iraq) and shifts the date of construction for two centuries before. Currently, the version is based only on decoding clinbow tables. To find out, in which country there were gardens - the Babylonian kingdom or Assyria, additional excavations and research of Mosul Kurgans are required.

Interesting Facts about hanging gardens of seminimides

  • According to the descriptions of ancient historians, the stone, which is not available in the vicinity of Babylon, was used for the construction of bases of terraces and columns. Its and fertile land for trees brought from afar.
  • It is reliably unknown by whom the gardens were created. Historians meet mention of the joint work of hundreds of scientists and architects. In any case, the irrigation system exceeded all the time of technology known.
  • The plants were brought from all over the world, but planted with their growth in natural conditions: on the lower terraces - ground, on the upper - mountain. The plants of her homeland were planted on the beloved queen queen.
  • The location and time of creation is constantly disputed, in particular archaeologists find pictures on the walls with images of gardens, dated to the VIII century BC. e. To this day, the hanging gardens of semi -ramides belong to the uncooked to the end of the secrets of Babylon.

For a long time, historians and archaeologists were skeptical about the enthusiastic descriptions of this complex. Such an attitude was explained by the lack of their mention in the decoded clinopyings of the Sumerians. In a detailed description of Babylonia, left by Herodot, formerly there during this period, nothing is said about Hanging Park.

But Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bmentions about them, referring to the "Babylonian story", written by the priest Beross. In addition, in the testimony of ancient historians about Alexander Macedonsky's place, he died, under the arches of his beloved park, who resembled him his native Macedonia.

The archaeological find of the German scientist R. Koldoyeva bowed a bowl of scales in favor of the version of the reality of man-made landscapes. Expedition Koldoya, for 18 years (1899 -1917) conducted excavations in Hill (90 km from Baghdad), proved that Babylonian miracles actually existed. Found residues of stone masonry of pillars and a mining well next to brick masonry The ruins of the palace, according to the archaeologist, served as a confirmation of the words of ancient authors. Babylonians used the burned brick in their buildings. The stone was very expensive. Only during the construction of gardens and part of the defensive wall, a stone was applied.

The fate of hanging gardens of seminimis

Babylon existed about 26 centuries. The greatest heyday was reached with Tsar Nebuchadneosor II in the 6th century BC. There was no city equal to him in size, beauty, power and degree of debauchery. From the depths of the centuries, the expressions about the Babylonian tower, a porcitution, damnitz, etc. reached and preserved.

The kings of Babylonia were permanent wars with neighboring states. One of them, Assyria, annoyed Babylonians more than all, compare him with the capital twice twice. Combining the efforts with the king of mussels Kiasar, they broke the Assyrians from the head.

To strengthen the Union, Nebuchadnezzar II married the daughter of Tsar Midyan.

Growing in the coolness of the mountains covered by the forests (the northern part of the modern Iran), the queen suffered from heat, Sukhovyev and sandy storms. The vain ruler ordered to build a corner for chosen, similar to her a mussel.

The riverbed the city into two districts: Western and East. Three rows of powerful walls with strengthening washing his perimeter. On one shore, the tower was treated, on the other - an unsurpassed luxury Palace of the ruler with 172 rooms, an area of \u200b\u200b52,000 m2.

Near the palace, a four-tier pyramid with a height of 40 m was erected. Massive supports kept the plates folded on them.

Waterproofing, soil layer, good lighting and watering made this building evergreen oasis.
The lower hitch of hanging gardens was the biggest. He looked like a quadricle with maximum length 42 m and minimal 34 m. Subsequent rows of plates were folded by terraces, so as not to obscure the sun's rays, narrowing to the top.

The soil layer allowed not only shrubs, herbs and flowers, but also trees.

Saplings and seeds on the orders of the ruler were brought from all edges of the world. Walking plants arrived in the man-made grief, amazing with their beauty and aroma.

For irrigation, a special irrigation system was built, according to water from Euphrates. In supporting pillars, channels were broken, according to which hundreds of slaves were injured on the top of the structure. From there, water streams flowed down, cooling the scorching breath of the Arabian desert and filling moisture area.

Several rows of cickens, resins, stone, basalt, gypsum and lead slabs were not given water to leak onto the lower tier.

Bright white and coral staircases led to the top, and it was opened with a view of a huge city, dust and loud. And here, in the cool shadow, the trees reigned silence, which was disturbed only by a quiet whisper of water and birds singing.

The 200 years of the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis pleased the eyes and caused the admiration of contemporaries.

But "nothing is eternally under the moon." The kingdom has declined. New rulers had no desire and means to contain an artificial park. Earthquakes and floods gradually destroyed it. After 6 centuries, Babylon disappeared. The biblical prediction came true that it would be destroyed and never settled more than ever.

Legend of seminimide

Gardens were called the name of the semiramides. But the name of the wife of Nebuchadnezzar Amitis is preserved in history. Who was semiramid? Why did the miracle of the light created by the Mixers of Me Me Mezzles tied up with her name?

Stories are known for the names of several semenide, and they all lived in a few centuries to the gardens. The poetic speculation intervened in chronography. By connecting real events and myths, he created a myth about seminimide, the government of Babylon.

Greek writer diodor came up with a legend of seminimide, taking the basis of a completely historical person: Shamumuram, Assyrian government.

The daughter of the goddess Dreado and the mortal boys was thrown by the mother on the mercy of fate.

A flock of the pigeons saved the baby, foaming and heated it. Shepherds, surprised by their strange behavior, followed their flight and discovered the child.

She took her to upbringing the Cardic Stud. He even called Semiramide's girl, that in translated from Syrian means a dove.

The extraordinary attraction of the admission of the shepherd of the shepherd conquered Onnes, the first adviser Nina. She married him and became his main adviser. Husband in everything was subordinate to the adorable wife.

Ning took a semiramide in his wife. Later she gave birth to him the Son by name.

With the death of the king, an ambitious woman became the government of Assyria. Marriage her no longer interested. She wanted power and power.

On the shores of Euphrates, the queen was built by the city of Babylon, decoring his temples, statues of gods and artificial hill ascended by unprecedented plants.

Semiramid 30 years old led conquering war and conquered a mussel, Persia, Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia. Only the war with India was unsuccessful for her. In a dream she was a vision, so that she stops the invasion of this country.

In this article, I will tell you about the legendary hanging gardens of seminimides. What is interesting, so they are called only in our country, while in the west they are referred to as hanging gardens of Babylon, which is logical, since the attitude of the Tsaritsa Semiramid to the gardens is very doubtful. About this, and about many other things you will learn below

If we turn to the history of the construction of hanging gardens, it becomes clear that the cause of their erection, as many other architectural pearls of antiquity (for example, Taj Mahal) was love. The king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II concluded a military union with the king of the Mussels, marrying his daughter named Amitis. Babylon was a shopping cents in the midst of the sandy desert, there was always dusty and noisy. Amitis began to raise at home, evergreen and fresh mussels. To please your favorite, I decided to build a hanging gardens in Babylon

The gardens were arranged in the form of a pyramid with four platforms-tiers based on 20-meter columns. The lowest tier was the form of an irregular quadrangle, the length of which in different parts ranged from 30 to 40 meters

From the Babylonian kingdom of the last period of existence, the remains of the architectural structures, including the Palaces of Nebuchadnezzar II and the famous "hanging gardens", have reached the recent period of existence. According to legend, at the beginning of the VI century BC. King Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the creation of hanging gardens for one of his wives gave to the plain Babylonia in his homeland in the mountainous part of Iran. And, although in reality, the "hanging gardens" appeared only during the days of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, the Greek legend transferred to Herodotus and Ktyesia was related to the creation of the "hanging gardens" in Babylon, the name of the seminy.

According to the legend, the king of Babylon Shamshiadat V loved the Assyrian Queen-Amazon Semiramid. In her honor, he built a huge construction consisting of arcade - a number of arches set on each other. On each floor of such an arcade, the Earth was poured and the garden was broken with a lot of rarest trees. Among the amazing plants on the beauty of the plants were murasting the fountains, bright birds sank. The gardens of the semiramides were through and high-rise. It gave them ease and fabulous look.

So that the water does not flip through the tiers, each of the platforms was covered with a dense layer of associated cane, then fertile land with seeds of wondrous plants - colors, shrubs, trees were filled with a thick layer.

Gardens of Semiramids were located on the territory of the current Arab Republic of Iraq. Archaeological excavations are conducted near the southern part of Baghdad. Found the temple of fertility, gate and stone lion. As a result of the excavation, the archaeologist Robert Colladews in 1999-1917 discovered urban fortifications, the royal palace, the temple complex of God Marduk, a number of other temples and residential quarters.

One of the parts of the tsarist palace can be identified with the "hanging gardens" described with the Herodotus "hanging gardens" with their terraced engineering structures over arrow and artificial irrigation plants. Only the cellars of this structure preserved, which represented the wrong quadrangle, the walls of which were the severity of the hanging gardens, which were at the height of the walls of the palace. The ground part of the building, apparently, consisted of a number of powerful pillars or walls, overlapped by vaults, judging by the preserved underground part, consisting of fourteen vaulted internal chambers. The garden irrigated with a water-lifting wheel.

From afar, the pyramid looked like an evergreen and blooming hill, bathing in the coolness of fountains and streams. Pipes were located in the cavities of the columns, and hundreds of slaves constantly rotated a special wheel supplying water to each of the platforms of hanging gardens. Luxurious gardens in hot and arid Babylon really were a real miracle, for which they were recognized as one of the seven ancient wonders of the world

Semiramid - (Greek Semiraramis)According to Assyrian legends, the name of Tsaritsa Shamumuramat (end of the 9th century BC), originally from Babylonia, the wives of Tsar Shamshiadad V. After his death, Adadneri III (809-782 BC) was rentheated at its minor son (809-782 BC).

The heyday of the semi -ramide gardens lasted about 200 years, after which the Palace came to launch during the hegemony of Persians. It only occasionally stopped the kings of Persia during rare trips on the Empire. In the 4th century, the palace was loved by Alexander Macedon as a residence, becoming the last place for his stay on earth. After his death, 172, furnished with the luxury of the Palace's room, finally came to decline - they finally ceased to care for the garden, and the strong floods damaged the foundation, and the construction collapsed. Many are interested, where were the Gardens of Semiramids? It was a miracle of 80 kilometers south-west of modern Baghdad, in Iraq

The creation of famous legendic gardens is associated with the name of the Assyrian Queen of Semiramides. Diiodor and other Greek historians tell that she was built by "hanging gardens" in Babylon. True, until the beginning of our century, the "hanging gardens" was considered a clear fiction, and their descriptions are simply excesses the flewing poetic fantasy. The first contributed to this semiramide itself, or rather, her biography. Semiramid (Shammuramat) is a historical person, but her life is legendary. Keesia has its detailed life-in-law, which then almost literally repeated diodert.

ejectar Semiramid.

"In ancient times, the city of Askalon was in Syria, and next to him deep lake, where and stood the temple of the goddess Dreado. " Externally, this temple was like fish with a human head. Aphrodite's goddess for something became angry at Dreado and made that fall in love with a simple mortal young man. Then Dreado gave him a daughter and in anger, annoyed by this unequal marriage, killed a young man, and herself disappeared into the lake. The girl was saved by pigeons: they warmed her wings, wear milk in the beaks, and when the girl had grown, brought her cheese. The shepherds noticed in the cheese jumped holes, went along the trail of the pigeons and found an adorable child. They took the girl and attributed her to the caretaker of the royal herds simmas. "He made a girl with his daughter, gave her the name of the seven, that the inhabitants of Syria means" dove ", and it raised it. She was superior to his beauty. " This has become the key to her future career.

During the trip to these edges, Semiramid saw ones, the first royal adviser, and immediately fell in love with her. He asked her hands from Simmas and, taking into Ninevia, made his wife. She gave him two sons. "Since, besides beauty, she possessed all the advantages, he had complete power over her husband: he did nothing without it, and he succeeded."

Then the war began with the neighboring Bactray, and with her dizzying career of semiramides ... Tsar Ning went to war with a large army: "With 1,700,000 hiking, 210,000 riders and 10,600 combat chariots." But with such great forces, the capital of Bactria Warriors Ninevei could not conquer. The enemy heroically reflected all attacks of Ninevian, and onnes, unable to undertake anything, began to have the situation. Then he invited his beautiful wife on the battlefield.

"Going down," Diodorus writes, "she commanded to sew a new dress," which is quite natural for a woman. However, the dress was not quite usual: first, it was so elegant that it determined the fashion among the secular lats of that time; Secondly, it was sewn in such a way that it was impossible to establish who in it - a man or a woman.

Having arrived at her husband, Semiramid studied the fighting atmosphere and found that the king leads the attack always on the weakest of the fortifications according to military tactics and common sense. But Semiramid was a woman, which means that was not burdened by military knowledge. She called on volunteers and attacked the strongest part of the fortifications, where, according to her assumptions, there were fewer defenders. With ease of hiding victory, she used the moment of surprise and made the city of capitulate. "The king, admired by her courage, gave it up and began to persuade Onnes to give way to the semiramium voluntarily, promising for it to give him his daughter to Sosan. When Onnes did not want to agree, the king threatened his eyes to whip him, for he was blind to the orders of his Mr. Onnes, suffering from the threats of the king and love for his wife, eventually came crazy and hanged himself. In this way, Semiramid acquired the royal title. "

Leaving the obedient governor to the Bactric, Ning returned to Ninevia, married Semiramide, and she gave him the son of the Son. After the death of the king, it became a semicircle, although the king had a son-heir.

Semiramid no longer married, although many of her hands were sought. And, enterprising in nature, she decided to surpass his deceased royal spouse. She founded the new city in Eufrat - Babylon, with powerful walls and towers, a magnificent bridge through the Euphrates - "All this in one year." Then he dried around the city of swamps, and in the city built the amazing temple to God Balu from the tower, "which was unusually high, and Haldey was watching the sunrise and sunset, for this construction was the most appropriate." She commanded to build a statue of Bal, weighing 1000 Babylonian talents (equal to about 800 Greek), erected many other temples and cities. With its board, after seven, a convenient road to Lidia, the state in the west of Malaya Asia was laid after seven. In Lydia, she built the capital to Ekbataan with an excellent tsarist palace, and spent the water to the capital through the tunnel from the distant mountain lakes.

Then Semiramid began a war - the first thirty-year war. She invaded the Midiy kingdom, from there went to Persia, then to Egypt, Libya and, finally, to Ethiopia. Everywhere Semiramid tried glorious victories and acquired new slaves for her kingdom. Only in India she was not lucky: after the first success, she lost three quarters of the army. True, it did not affect her solid intention to win by anything, but one day she was easily wounded in the arm's shoulder. On his fast horse, Semiramide returned to Babylon. There was a heavenly sign that she should not continue the war, and therefore a powerful government, doubting the rage caused by the bold messages of the Indian king (he called her an amateur love of love adventures, but used a coarsest expression), the rules on the world and harmony.

Meanwhile, an inglorious life was bored. He decided that the mother rules the country for too long, and organized a conspiracy against her: "With the help of one Eunch, I decided to kill it." The Queen voluntarily handed the son of his son, "then he went to the balcony, turned into a dove and flew away ... directly to immortality."

It has been preserved, however, and a more realistic version of the life method of seminiramis. According to the Greek writer, Athenae from Ravkaratis (II century), Semiramid first was the "insignificant court lady at the courtyard of one of the Assyrian kings", but she was "so beautiful that royal love won with her beauty." And he soon persuaded the king, who took her wife, give her the power of just five days ...

Having received a rod and having to go to the royal dress, she immediately arranged a great feast, at which he bowed to his side of the warlords and all the dignitaries; On the second day, she had already ordered the people and noble people to repay her the royal honors, and her husband threw in the dungeon. So this decisive woman captured the throne and kept him to old age, making many great acts ... "These are controversial messages of historians about Semiramide," the dioiodor concludes skeptically.

And yet, Semieramide was a real historical person, how little is known to us about it. In addition to the famous shammuram, we know several more "semiramides." The Herodotus wrote about one of them that "she lived in five human centuries to another Babylonian queen, Nitocris" (i.e. about 750 BC. Er). Other historians call the Semiramine Atosts, the daughter and coar of Tsar Beloha, who ruled in the late VIII century to N. e.

However, the famous "hanging gardens" were not created by a semicircuit and not even at the time of her reign, but later, in honor of another, nonlegoredar, women.

Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II (605 - 562 BC) for the struggle against the main enemy - Assyria, whose troops destroyed the capital of the State Babylon twice, concluded a military union with Knaksar, the king of the Musi. Winches, they divided the territory of Assyria among themselves. The Military Union was harmonized by Navudokosor II on the daughter of the Midy King Semiramide.

Dusty and noisy Babylon, located on a bare sandy plain, did not please the queen that grew up in a mountainous and green mussel. To console her, Nebuchadnezzar ordered to build "hanging gardens." This king, which destroyed the city outside the city and even whole states, built a lot in Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar turned the capital into an impregnable stronghold and surrounded himself with luxury, unparalleled even in those times. His Palace Nebuchadnezzar built on an artificially created platform raised to the height of a four-tier structure.

So far, the most accurate information about the gardens come from Greek historians, for example, from the vicestation and diodorus, but the gardens description is quite scanty. This is how the gardens are described in their testimony: "The garden is a quadrangular, and each side of it is four pletters long. It consists of arcuate storage facilities, which are located in a checker manner like cubic grounds. The climbing to the upper terrace is possible on the stairs ... "The manuscripts of the time of the Navudkhodonosor do not have a single link to the" hanging gardens ", although there are descriptions of the Palace of the city of Babylon. Even historians who give detailed descriptions of the hanging gardens, have never been visiting them.

Modern historians prove that when the soldiers of Alexander Macedonsky reached the fertile land of messenis and have seen Babylon, they were amazed. After returning to his homeland, they reported amazing gardens and trees in the messenpotamia, about the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar, about the Babylonian tower and zikkurats. This gave food to the imagination of poets and ancient historians who mixed all these stories to one thing to produce one of the seven wonders of the world.

In the architectural plan, the hanging gardens were a pyramid consisting of four tiers - platforms, they were supported by the columns with a height of up to 25 m. The lower tier had the shape of the wrong quadrangle, the highest side of which was 42 m, the smallest - 34 m. To prevent irrigation water, surface Each platform was first covered with a layer of cane mixed with asphalt, then two layers of bricks bonded by a gypsum solution, lead slabs were laid on top of all. On them, a thick carpet lay fertile land, where seeds of various herbs, colors, shrubs, trees were planted. The pyramid resembled the forever flowering green hill.

The floors of the gardens were raised by the ledges and combined with wide gentle stairs covered with pink and white stone. The height of the floors reached almost 28 meters and gave enough light for plants. "In the carts harvested by bulls, the trees wrapped in a wet roerage, seeds of rare flowers and bushes" brought into Babylon. And bloomed in extraordinary gardens the trees of the most amazing breeds and beautiful flowers. In the cavity of one of the columns, the pipes were placed, on them the water from the Euphrates, the pumps day and night were served on the top tier of the gardens, from where she, staining with streams and small waterfalls, irrigated the plants of the lower tiers. Day and night Hundreds of slaves rotated a lifting wheel with leather buckets, feeding water from Euphrates in the gardens. We miraculously seemed the murmur of water, shadow and coolness among trees exported from distant mussels.

Magnificent gardens with rare trees, fragrant flowers and cool in sultry Babylonia were truly miraculously light. But during the Persian domination, the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar came to the launch. It had 172 rooms (with a total area of \u200b\u200b52,000 square meters), decorated and furnished with truly eastern luxury. Now, in it occasionally, Persian kings stayed during the "inspector" trips on their enormous empire. In 331 BC e. Alexander Macedonian troops captured Babylon. The famous commander made the city with the capital of his huge empire. It was here, in the shadow of the hanging gardes, he died in 339 BC. e. Palace's throne hall and chambers of the lower tier of hanging gardens were the last place of stay on the Earth of the Great Commissioner, who spent 16 years in continuous wars and campaigns and not losing a single battle.

After the death of Alexander Babylon gradually comes in decline. Gardens were in the started state. Powerful floods destroyed the brick foundation of the columns, the platforms collapsed to the ground. So one of the wonders of the world died ...

A man who excavated the "Hanging Gardens" was a German scientist Robert Colladew. He was born in 1855 in Germany, studied in Berlin, Munich and Vienna, studied there architecture, archeology and history of arts. Up to thirty years, he managed to take part in excavations in the Assocos and on the island of Lesbos. In 1887, he was engaged in excavations in Babylonia, later in Syria, southern Italy, in Sicily, then again in Syria. Colladia was an extraordinary person, and compared with colleagues by profession - and unusual scientists. Love for archeology - science, which, according to the publications of some specialists, may seem boring, did not interfere with it to study countries, observe people, to see everything, all to notice, to react to everything. Among other things, the Koldoi architect had one addiction: his favorite occupation was the history of sewage. Architect, poet, archaeologist and historian engaged in sewage issues - such a rare combination! And it is this person that the Berlin Museum sent to the excavation to Babylon. And it was he who found the famous "hanging gardens"!

Once when excavations, Koldochi stumbled upon some arches. They were under the five-meter layer of clay and rubble on the Kasr Hill, hiding the ruins of the South Fortress and the Tsarist Palace. He continued excavations, counting under the arches to find a basement, although he seemed strange that the basement would be under the roofs of neighboring buildings. But he did not find any side walls: the shovels of the workers took off only the pillars to which these arches were leaning. The pillars were stone, and the stone in the Mesopotamian architecture was greatly rare. And finally, Koldyevy found traces of a deep stone well, but a well with a strange three-stage spiral mine. The arch was laid out not only by brick, but also a stone.

The totality of all parts allowed to see in this constructing for a rarity successful for that time design (both from the point of view of technology and in terms of architecture). Apparently, the construction was intended for quite special purposes.

And suddenly Koldyevoy dawned on! In all the literature on Babylon, starting with ancient authors (Joseph Flavia, Diodorus, Ktesia, Strabo and others) and ending with clinox signs, - wherever it was about the "sinful city", contained only two references to the use of stone in Babylon, and This was particularly emphasized: when building the northern wall of the CASS region and during the construction of "hanging gardens", Semiramids.

Colladia re-read the ancient sources again. He weighed every phrase, every line, every word, he even dared to join him the region of comparative linguistics. In the end, he came to the conviction that the foundation found could not be anything else, as the arch of the basement floor of the evergreen "hanging gardens" of Semiramides, within which the water supply system was amazing for those times.

But the miracle was no longer: the hanging gardens were destroyed by the floods of Euphrates, which during floods rises by 3-4 meters. And now we can only submit them according to the descriptions of ancient authors and with the help of your own imagination. Even in the last century, the German traveler, a member of many honorary scientific societies I. Pfeife in his travel notes described that he saw one forgotten tree from the collision-like family, completely unknown in these parts. Arabs call him "Ataly" and honor the sacred. This tree tells the most amazing stories (as if it remained from the "hanging gardens") and assure that they heard sad, complaint sounds in his branches, when strong wind blows "...

Here is a short documentary, where it is clearly described how everything was arranged in this miracle complex:

Hanging gardens of Babylon - This is an antique creation, which entered the famous list as the second miracle of the world. Unfortunately, now, there is no opportunity to enjoy all the beauty of this magnificence, because there are no longer on earth, but there are many legends, scientific evidence and facts on which one can judge their occurrence and superiority. In the photo, the hanging gardens of semiramides are shown from different sides, thanks to which you can consider all the beauty of this masterpiece.

Opening of the Second World Miracle

In the distance of 1899, the expedition at the head of the German scientist and researcher Robert Koldoyevoye, excavations and the study of culture in ancient Babylon. One day, archaeologists came across an extraordinary structure that there was not a drop of not typically for the desert terrain. A strange design was laid out of a stone, and not from the burned brick, as usual, there were many underground buildings and the most amazing find became -3 underground mines with water supply systems.

The scientist found out that water constantly circulated in a giant building, it remained only to understand for which purposes or tasks it was necessary. And he helped him in this works of the ancient thinkers mentioning that the stone in ancient Babylon was used only in two buildings:

  • north Wall CASS;
  • Hanging gardens of Babylon.

He worked a lot on the disclosure of the mystery and Greek Ktesi, he led many facts reliable and not very, which was talked about the causes of this masterpiece. But his fantasy sometimes did not always coincide with the reality, so it is better not to learn to learn only on his arguments to find out the truth.

Legends of the occurrence of gardens of seminimides

There are many assumptions and hypotheses of the origin of the title of hanging Babel gardens.

  1. Semiramid is a brave government, which built an excellent construction, argued the ancient chronicles. One of the legends says - her mother was Mermaid Atargatis, and the other that was brought up with the Semiramide of Pigeons, thanks to which she had such a refined taste.
  2. In another legend, Semiramid was really, but the Greeks called it the Assyrian queen Shammuramat. When her husband died Shamshi-Adand V, the throne moved to her. During his reign, the queen won the mussel and strengthened his borders, for which he had a great honor and respect for their people.
  3. Modern historians and researchers of this creation still came to the other conclusion, more reliable and plausible. During the reign of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, an agreement was concluded with the ruler of the mussel to conquer Assyria. Having won, Nebuchadnezzar II, so that the alliance became even stronger, took the daughter of the king of the mussel's daughter the beautiful Amitis. The princess was very good for her native mussel, according to her mountain sorts and green gardens. And the king ordered to build a hanging gardens in Babylon, who had to console and please his beloved. Initially, such an idea seemed to something fantastic and completely impracticable. But still, the wonderful structure was built, which was subsequently recognized as the second miracle of the world.

For us unknown to the reasons, Queen Amitis, the descendants were given the name of the seminary. That is why we now call the work that was built in her honor - the hanging gardens of seminimides. What evidence did not make men for the sake of love and their favorite women - the hanging gardens of Babylon, another confirmation that love creates true wonders.

Creating a second miracle design

As evidenced by archaeological excavations and the chronicles of the paradise gardens - it was a giant building in the form of a four-tier pyramid. If you carefully look at the photo of the hanging gardens of seminimides, you can see that they contained many cool rooms, balconies, terraces and underground rooms. On each of the tiers, a variety of diverse plants were planted: flowers, shrubs, herbs and even trees, which in the aggregate created an incredibly beautiful composition. The tiers themselves were keen on high collens, which pinned a huge structure. Plants arrived in Babylon from all over our world, and the building itself was reminded the green in the colors of the hill.

In order to circulate water constantly throughout the building, a special water supply system was installed. Top water was served in leather buckets, from the river with a wheel, which were forced around the clock to twist hundreds of slaves. Due to constant water supply, a variety of exotic plants grown in sufficient dry climatic conditions.

Later, the magnificence of the paradise gardens conquered the most Alexander Macedon, which was in ancient city. Alexander loved spending time in shady gardens and enjoy the cool and flavors of flowering plants. It is in the blooming palace he spent his the last daysHere Macedonian recalled her childhood, native expanses, victories and defeats.

Over time, the city began to empty, people became less and less, so watering plants stopped. Under the hot sun, plant dried quickly. In addition, strong earthquakes completely destroyed the city and together with him a great structure.

And video about how to found a unique building

Today, you can admire the beauty of one of the seven miracles of the world, you can in various publications looking at the fabulous photos of hanging gardens of seminimides. Considering the drawings involuntarily plunge into an ancient era, knitting spirit and superiority of that time.

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The creation of the lists of the "most-most" people are addicted to no one thousand years. The most famous of the ancient tops that came to us is a list of seven wonders of the world. There are different variations of this list, but without exception, the antique authors considered their duty to mention the hanging gardens of Semiramid.

This is the legendary Queen of Assyria, reliable facts about which has been preserved a bit, but in Akkadian mythology, it plays a rather prominent role. Some antique authors are attributed to the semiconduct the base of Babylon and dominion over all Asia.

Despite the abundance of legends associated with the name of the legendary queen, historians managed to establish its historical prototype. They are considered to be the Queen Shammuramat, solely the ruled Assyria at the beginning of the 9th century BC. Nevertheless, most researchers are confident that the named government had nothing to do with the hanging gardens wearing her name.

Who initiated the creation of hanging gardens?

Until recently, it was believed that the hanging gardens of the semi -ramides were built by Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC). Many Towers and Babylon's gardens really erected. According to a common hypothesis, unprecedented beauty, the Babylonian Tsar ordered to create an Amitius for his wife, the daughter of the Midy king of Kaasar. A grand presentation should help the queen will cope with longing in the mountainous homeland.

There is another version. So, according to Dr. Oxford University, Stephanie Deli, the famous miracle of the world was built in Ninevia by order of the Assyrian king Sinaiherib (705-680 BC). Indirect proof of this version is the lack of mention of wonderful gardens in the sources of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar.

Where were the hanging gardens of semiramides?

Scientists have repeatedly made attempts to determine the location of this miracle of light. The first who seriously engaged in this task was the German historian Robert Koldoyevi. The studies conducted by him at the end of the 19th century have made it possible to obtain a very extensive idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Babylon was represented in the 6th century BC. e.

And most importantly, north of the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar Koldyevy found a very atypical structure for this locality, equipped with a water supply system of three mines. The scientist found that this is the famous hanging gardens. I agree with him were not all. Some researchers believed that the location was on the banks of the Euphrates, others argued that they were created on a wide bridge, perished through the river.

In the 1990s of the last century, Stephanie Deli mentioned above proposed a version of the location of the gardens in Ninevei. One of the evidence testifying to its theory is a bas-relief from the Sinaiherib Palace with an image similar to the hanging gardens of seminimides. Stephanie Deli suggests that the ruins of buildings are located in a massive mound near Mosul (Northern Iraq). It was here that Ninevia was once located.

In addition, the text was found, which said that the Palace of Sinacheriba, together with the garden, was a "miracle for all people." It is worth noting that in many ancient sources Ninevia is often referred to as "ancient Babylon", which could well lead to an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the light miracle.

What they looked

The description of the hanging gardens of Babylonus reached us thanks to the efforts of ancient authors who described various woundings in their works with great pleasure. According to their evidence, wonderful gardens were broken down on the 4-tier tower. The structure resembled a blooming hill. Its construction required an engineering approach.

Massive stone platforms were maintained by strong array of columns. The terraces were laid out with tiles and poured asphalt. Lead plates protected the lower tiers from water penetration. The fat layer of the Earth allowed to grow a variety of plants, from colors to large trees.

Taruses were combined with broad ladders. The water was applied to the top, and then by numerous channels flowed to the lower tiers. The terraces also had small ponds and waterfalls. In the sources it is mentioned that gardens were published as if they were batted in the air.

  • According to legend, the hanging gardens of the Semiramides were a favorite place of rest of Alexander Macedonsky. According to some contemporary, the death of the Great Communication came exactly here.
  • A number of researchers believe that the buildings actually should be called "speakers." The Greek word Kremastos used by antique authors can be translated not only as "hanging", but also how "acts beyond".
  • Researchers suggest that wonderful gardens extended no more than two centuries in ancient Babylon. At first they ceased to take care of them, and then gradual destruction accelerated the floods.
  • What is the value of the phraseology "Gardens of Semiramids"? The meaning of the expression indicates something wonderful, beautiful, magnificent.

January 19, 2018.